Elderflower Julep Ingredients 1 lemon wedge Handful of mint PO HOGHUҖRZHU FRUGLDO PO DSSOH MXLFH PO %5,7$ ҕOWHUHG ZDWHU (Individual serving) Squeeze the lemon wedge into the julep tin, twist and squeeze the mint and add the leaves in. Add all WKH OLTXLGV DQG FKXUQ ZLWK FUXVKHG LFH PDGH ZLWK %5,7$ ҕOWHUHG water. Garnish with a mint sprig and two straws. www.facebook.com/BRITA.UK | www.brita.co.uk BRITA Boost Challenge Go dry and stay hydrated

BRITA Mocktail Recipes

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Four delicious non-alcoholic, fruity cocktails for #dryjanuary using BRITA filtered water. So if you're looking at ways to cut out alcohol but not the flavour and fun that comes with drinking cocktails, these mocktail recipes are for you!

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Elderflower Julep


1 lemon wedge

Handful of mint



(Individual serving)

Squeeze the lemon wedge into the

julep tin, twist and squeeze the

mint and add the leaves in. Add all

WKH�OLTXLGV�DQG�FKXUQ�ZLWK�FUXVKHG�LFH��PDGH�ZLWK�%5,7$�ҕOWHUHG�water. Garnish with a mint sprig

and two straws.

www.facebook.com/BRITA.UK | www.brita.co.uk

BRITA Boost ChallengeGo dry and stay hydrated

Hot Toddy


1 wedge of lemon

1 star anise

��FORYHV20ml honey

10ml ginger syrup

��FLQQDPRQ�VWLFN���PO�KRW�%5,7$�ҕOWHUHG�ZDWHU(Individual serving)

Squeeze the lemon wedge into a

jam jar and drop the wedge in. Add

all the remaining ingredients and

stir until the syrup and honey has


www.facebook.com/BRITA.UK | www.brita.co.uk

BRITA Boost ChallengeGo dry and stay hydrated

Pink Champagne


125grams of sugar



330ml ginger beer


87.5ml grenadine

$GG�WKH�VXJDU�DQG�%5,7$�ҕOWHUHG�water into a bowl and stir until

dissolved. Then add all the other


www.facebook.com/BRITA.UK | www.brita.co.uk

BRITA Boost ChallengeGo dry and stay hydrated

Lavender Sour




5ml maple syrup


Dash of lavender syrup

(Individual serving)

Add all the ingredients apart

from the lavender syrup into a

%RVWRQ�JODVV�DQG�VKDNH�ZLWK�ORWV�RI�LFH�PDGH�IURP�%5,7$�ҕOWHUHG�water. Strain into a short tumblr

and drizzle lavender syrup on

WRS��7KHQ�DGG�D�VOLFH�RI�OHPRQ�and a lavender sprig.

www.facebook.com/BRITA.UK | www.brita.co.uk

BRITA Boost ChallengeGo dry and stay hydrated