Brining Healing To The World Only America Can And Must Conservative Action Plan

Brining Healing To The World Only America Can And Must

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Brining Healing To The World Only America Can And Must

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Brining Healing To The World Only America Can And Must

Conservative Action Plan

Security and Peace (No War)2 Kings 20:19 “The word of the Lord you have spoken is good,” Hezekiah

replied. For he thought, “Will there not be peace and security in my lifetime?”

• Energy Independence for the United States of America • More American Energy Production investments in Natural Gas,

Nuclear Energy, Clean Coal Technology, Oil, Bio-Diesel, Solar Power, Wind and Hydro-Energy.

• Make Western Europe be realiant on the US for Energy and not Russia nor the Middle East.

• US and Europe Partnership to decrease oil imports from the Middle East, the biggest state sponsor of terrorism Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait and Bahrain will take notice, their economies will shumble

• Approve the Keystone Pipeline create American Jobs higher than Minimum wage lift people up that is the American way

we are shooting ourselves in the foot?

Healthcare for America's poor and the World Luke 5:31 Jesus answered them, “It is not the healthy who

need a doctor, but the sick.

• Domestically fund Catholic Hospitals and Christian Hospitals in inner cities providing services for $35 or free with volunteer Physcians

• Cut US Defense spending by closing bases in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Doha and Qatar and use the money saved to invest in health clinics, relief aid stations and schools in third world countries this is a new generation we still need peace through strength but also peace through common sense.

• More Regular Deployment of the Navy's Hospital Ship to spread the healing of body, mind and soul.

• Fund Women's Health Centres in America's inner city by defunding Planned Parenthood and invest in real women's health, breast cancer screening, mammograms, and also vaccines and cures for cervical cancer and dieases that are common among Women.

American Leadership We know what it means?

Fighting Human Trackffying Luke 11:34 Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are healthy, your whole body also is full of light. But when they are unhealthy, your body

also is full of darkness• Criminalize Internet Pornography and all sorts of pornography

for this only elavates and encourages rape culture and sexual violence and most women in the pornographic industry are women trackfficked by evil men.

• Make Brothels illegal in the US and work with the UN to make them illegal world-wide.

• Reduce the number of conflicts for women suffer the most in this conflicts of rape and sexual violence, monitor US Mosques some are radical and raise funds for terrorism, stop all military and foreign Aid to Egypt, Iraq, Pakistan, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Turkey and Bahrain.

• Work with the Russians and Assad if it need be in Syria to bring about peace in Syria, Do not overthrow Assad.

• Arm the Kurds, Support the Kurds, Fly Missions for the Kurds and give them Humvee's, MRAPS, Tanks and Weapons to fight ISIS in Iraq because women are suffering in this conflicts of sexual violence and abuse.

Evil Ends Now Only if the good are not afraid

We must confront Evil and never bow or appease it.

For Mariam of Iraq

Ending Extreme Poverty Proverbs 11:24 One person gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty.

• Micro-financing small bussiness in Africa and Middle East through our international aid works.

• Support Agriculture and Farmers • Support Fishing communities around the world

by providing them with fishing boats and anything there need.

• Help fight droughts in Africa and elsewhere by building water convey systems and dams.

• Deploy The military to build schools in Africa, South America and elsewhere.

President Bush saved 10 Million Lifes in Africa America you're Great you just

have to believe it