Bring Your Business to Life with Video Project proposal: Home Page Videos Client: Chiltern Relocation Delivered on: July 19, 2016 Submitted by: Neil Ginger Proposal reference number: VP-ChilternRelocation2906162016NG

Bring Your Business to Life with Video · Proposal reference number: VP-ChilternRelocation2906162016NG. Dear Sharon, Thank you for your call this morning. This proposal covers: 2

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Page 1: Bring Your Business to Life with Video · Proposal reference number: VP-ChilternRelocation2906162016NG. Dear Sharon, Thank you for your call this morning. This proposal covers: 2

Bring Your Business to Lifewith Video

Project proposal: Home Page Videos

Client: Chiltern Relocation

Delivered on: July 19, 2016

Submitted by: Neil Ginger

Proposal reference number: VP-ChilternRelocation2906162016NG

Page 2: Bring Your Business to Life with Video · Proposal reference number: VP-ChilternRelocation2906162016NG. Dear Sharon, Thank you for your call this morning. This proposal covers: 2

Dear Sharon,

Thank you for your call this morning.

This proposal covers:

2 x Home Page Videos: 45-60 seconds long

These will be very effective on the website, and will also be able to be used in other marketing


This proposal will give you information about how we can help you with your specific video

requirements, how we work, and the various steps of the video production process.

Please take a look at the proposal and get back to me if you have any questions. I'm happy to

clarify any points.

I look forward to hearing back from you.

Kind Regards




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Page 3: Bring Your Business to Life with Video · Proposal reference number: VP-ChilternRelocation2906162016NG. Dear Sharon, Thank you for your call this morning. This proposal covers: 2

Here are the goals for the Homepage Videos that we established in our recent discussion:

Video Production Theme

2 x Talking Head Videos filmed in our studios in Lambourn

Video Production Objectives

• To engage prospects and encourage them to click further into the website

• To give the viewer a taste of how you can help them, and take them to another page of the

website where they can view more information about your services

• This video will also help to reduce the bounce rate of your website

Length of Videos

45-60 seconds long

Where You Will Use the Videos

On the Homepage of your website and also in your marketing.

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Page 4: Bring Your Business to Life with Video · Proposal reference number: VP-ChilternRelocation2906162016NG. Dear Sharon, Thank you for your call this morning. This proposal covers: 2

We understand that producing a video project can seem like a daunting experience, but our

unique process takes all the uncertainty away.

Here at Ginger we have a ‘7 Step Video Success Strategy', which is a step-by-step strategy for

the entire video production process. This strategy guarantees you an outstanding video production

every time.

Your project is overseen by a dedicated team member, who is your point of contact, which ensures

excellent communication at every stage of the production process, resulting in a streamlined,

professional production.

The first step of our strategy is research. Before we even get near a camera we start with a

discovery meeting with you. We complete a ‘Video Marketing Discovery Document' together, and

that helps us to fully understand your video requirements.

Among other things we find out about your business, and define the aims and objectives for your


Examples of the questions we ask are: What is the outcome you want to achieve? Who is your

target audience? Where will you be using the video? We also discuss key words to be used in the

scripting, agree deadlines, possible shooting dates and an outline production schedule with

important stages documented.

By the end of this meeting we will both have a clear idea and vision of what we are going to

deliver, how, and by when.

After this meeting we contact you and ask for information that will be required for your production,

such as your company branding guidelines, company colours, logos and house fonts.

We are then ready for scripting the videos.

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Our 7 Step Video Success Strategy

Page 5: Bring Your Business to Life with Video · Proposal reference number: VP-ChilternRelocation2906162016NG. Dear Sharon, Thank you for your call this morning. This proposal covers: 2

Scripting is the starting point of an effective video, and acts as a blueprint for your video. There is

a lot to consider when writing an effective script, which is why we support you through the whole


We hold a scripting meeting, where we work with you, using the information collected at the

research stage to develop a key word driven script, with a strong call to action at the end. The aim

is to develop a script where your target audience is engaged from the start of the video right to the

end, and they get to see the call to action.

Some clients prefer to write their own scripts and pass them to us for approval, before we then we

pass the scripts to you and all stakeholders for final sign off. Either way is fine by us.

After the script has been finalised the next step is creating a storyboard for your video. Creating a

storyboard makes production much easier as it; means we can share the vision with you, and any

stakeholders, sets up a plan for the production, and saves time with revisions.

Depending on your individual video, this may be a visual storyboard, or an overview of how your

video will unfold, shot by shot.

For filmed video this includes, for example, all the filming locations, shots you'll need, the order

that they'll be laid out, and how the visuals will interact with the script.

It takes time for us to put the storyboard together, but it's worth it, and makes the creation process

run more smoothly.

The next step is production, and with all the work completed during the pre-production phase we

are prepared for the production phase.

On a filmed shoot we will have a detailed production schedule in place, the script will have been

finalised, and everyone on the shoot knows what they are doing. The Director keeps the shoot on

track, and to schedule. This is the fun part - where you see the concept come to life. The project is

in safe hands, so you can enjoy the experience!

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Page 6: Bring Your Business to Life with Video · Proposal reference number: VP-ChilternRelocation2906162016NG. Dear Sharon, Thank you for your call this morning. This proposal covers: 2

Now our editing team start to review the footage and edit it together into what will be your video.

They work their magic, and depending on the pre agreed requirements add voiceovers, music,

motion graphics or effects.

We'll let you know when you'll get to see the first edit of the video, but it's usually within a couple

of weeks. When we send you the first edit to review we'll ask you for feedback. It's natural for

there to be some revisions made at this stage, and we simplify this process by sending you a

detailed sheet, which guides you to look at various areas of the video that might need your


The editing team then set to work making those changes, which results in your final completed


Once you are completely happy with the finished video production and it has been signed off as

completed, we can then deliver it to you in your preferred format.

In the main we are asked by clients to upload completed videos to their YouTube channel, but can

upload to any hosting platform. We can also provide your video in other formats, such as .mp4,

.mov, or upload it to Dropbox for you.

The final video will be ready to play on your chosen platform, whether that be a DVD, website,

laptop, phone or tablet.

Using the information gained at the initial meeting, and strategy established, we can now advise

you on how to distribute your video in order to ensure that you get a maximum return on your


Now comes the final, but crucial step in making your videos a success.

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Page 7: Bring Your Business to Life with Video · Proposal reference number: VP-ChilternRelocation2906162016NG. Dear Sharon, Thank you for your call this morning. This proposal covers: 2

Amongst other things, and depending on what's been agreed, we add a searchable title; add

keyword tags, an optimised description, custom thumbnails and synced video transcripts and

captions. Some of the research that we carried out at the beginning of the process is used again

here, such as keywords for SEO.

So, that's it, our ‘7 Step Video Success Strategy' that guarantees you an outstanding video

production each time.

If you'd like to find out more about any stage of the process, or have any questions, please

just give us a call.

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Page 8: Bring Your Business to Life with Video · Proposal reference number: VP-ChilternRelocation2906162016NG. Dear Sharon, Thank you for your call this morning. This proposal covers: 2

For all videos outlined above, we'll need approximately 3-5 weeks from beginning to end,

depending on when we receive feedback from you at each milestone. Upon signing the proposal

we are prepared to start work immediately.

Here is an outline of the timescales for your proposed production:

Phase Time Requirement

Research 2 hours

Scripting 2 hours

Storyboarding 1 hour

Production/Filming 2 hours in the studio

Editing 1 day

Delivery 1 hour

Optimisation 2 hours

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Page 9: Bring Your Business to Life with Video · Proposal reference number: VP-ChilternRelocation2906162016NG. Dear Sharon, Thank you for your call this morning. This proposal covers: 2

What's included

Pre-Production Research Meeting

Conducted face to face, using Skype or by phone.

Keyword Targeted Script

Developed with you at the script meeting.

Professional Storyboard Development

Developed with you at the storyboard meeting- planning what locations will be



Our professional production team, will generate the footage planned.

All Video Editing

Our team professionally edit the videos.

Motion Graphics

Any motion graphics required to emphasise key points.

Video Search Engine Optimisation (VSEO)

We will apply VSEO to your video(s) to get them found in search engines

Page 8

Below is the budget we've estimated based on the scope of services outlined earlier in this


If you have any questions about our pricing or need to increase or decrease the scope of work,

please either give us a call or leave a comment and let us know.


Your Investment

Page 10: Bring Your Business to Life with Video · Proposal reference number: VP-ChilternRelocation2906162016NG. Dear Sharon, Thank you for your call this morning. This proposal covers: 2

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Total Fee Quoted Price

2 x Homepage Video

Filmed in our studio


Subtotal £800

VAT 20% £160

Total £960

Page 11: Bring Your Business to Life with Video · Proposal reference number: VP-ChilternRelocation2906162016NG. Dear Sharon, Thank you for your call this morning. This proposal covers: 2

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Creative Director

With over 30 years experience

in the video and photography

business Neil combines a mix

of video creativity and video

marketing knowledge to help

clients use video to gain more



Senior Videographer/Editor

Dan is senior videographer and

editor here at Ginger. He joined

us in 2011, and as well as his

brilliant filming and editing skills

he also does much of the

drawing and editing of the

animation work


Videographer and Editor

George is videographer and

editor here at Ginger.

He has a lifelong passion for

both photography and video,

which led him to extensively

study creative media



Operations Director

Jo manages client support

here at Ginger. With a

background in project

management she uses her

organisational skills to ensure

that everything runs smoothly

at Ginger


Marketing Assistant

Jenni is part of the marketing

team at Ginger. She has a flair

for design, and a keen eye for

detail. She looks after any

further marketing of your

videos, as well as providing

quality control

Our Production Team

Page 12: Bring Your Business to Life with Video · Proposal reference number: VP-ChilternRelocation2906162016NG. Dear Sharon, Thank you for your call this morning. This proposal covers: 2

Production Agreement

This agreement is made as of this date between Chiltern Relocation (Client) and GingerVideo


GingerVideo hereby agrees to produce and deliver to the production as defined in the proposal

detailed above, reference number: VP-ChilternRelocation2906162016NG and in accordance with

all terms, conditions, and specifications set forth herein.


GingerVideo and Chiltern Relocation agree to the project summary below, project contract price

and the more detailed production outline in the proposal detailed above.

Project Summary:

Two initial talking head videos that will be very effective on the website, and will also be able to be

used in other marketing channels.

2 x Home page videos: 45 - 60 seconds long

Total Project Price: £800 +vat

Deposit: £400 +vat, prior to commencement of the videos.

Final balance: £400 +vat, due on completion of the videos.

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Production AgreementProduction Agreement

Page 13: Bring Your Business to Life with Video · Proposal reference number: VP-ChilternRelocation2906162016NG. Dear Sharon, Thank you for your call this morning. This proposal covers: 2


Us, we or our, refers to Ginger Multimedia Limited.

The term you or your, refers to the client or customer who is using the services provided by

Ginger Multimedia Limited.

Services means any service provided by Ginger Multimedia Limited.

Product means any product provided by Ginger Multimedia Limited.

Buyer means the client or customer of Ginger Multimedia Limited.

Footage refers to the media content captured by the cameras and audio equipment of Ginger

Multimedia Limited during the production of your project.

Formation of Contract

Any goods or services provided by Ginger Multimedia Limited are supplied subject to these

conditions. No representative agent or sales person has Ginger Multimedia Limited's authority to

change any of these conditions on behalf of Ginger Multimedia Limited.

Any goods or services provided by Ginger Multimedia Limited are supplied subject to these

conditions. No representative agent or sales person has Ginger Multimedia Limited's authority to

change any of these conditions on behalf of Ginger Multimedia Limited.

The buyer may not transfer its rights or obligations under this contract to any other person or


1.1 Planning and Quoting for Your Project

1.2 The buyer's requirements are assumed to be as per the productions quote referenced above.

If the client requires any changes to the productions quote agreed above these changes need to

be clearly provided in writing to Ginger Multimedia Limited prior to the commencement of the


1.3 Any subsequent changes must be approved and may incur further costs.

1.4 Expenses will be discussed and agreed and the quote will be given, unless expenses have

been quoted and included in the productions quote referenced above.

1.5 Any contract requiring the need to work to specific deadlines, provided within the written

agreement at the commencement of the project, will be deemed to include a proviso that the client

will ensure that they are reasonably available to communicate with Ginger Multimedia Limited. If

the client does not comply, we cannot be held responsible for failing to meet a deadline.

1.6 Unless otherwise stated by Ginger Multimedia Limited quotes are valid for 30 days.

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Page 14: Bring Your Business to Life with Video · Proposal reference number: VP-ChilternRelocation2906162016NG. Dear Sharon, Thank you for your call this morning. This proposal covers: 2

2.1 Deposit Payment for Services

2.2 To secure the provision of services supplied by Ginger Multimedia Limited, a non-refundable

(except in the circumstances set out in section 3.1) deposit payment as detailed in the quote

reference above must be paid.

2.3 Payment must be made by Electronic Bank Transfer.

3.1 Our Right to Cancel

3.2 Ginger Multimedia Limited reserves the right to terminate our service to the buyer at any time.

In the event of our cancellation, the buyer will be reimbursed any deposit to the full amount.

3.3 In the case of unsafe filming environments relating to the project, or circumstances that put a

significant risk to our health or wellbeing, we reserve the right to cancel the production at any time

and the buyer will be liable for a charge (fee section 6.1).

4.1 Your Right to Cancel

4.2 You reserve the right to cancel the provision of service at any time by written notice of


4.3 In the event of cancellation on your behalf, any payments made as a deposit are


4.4 Cancellations made once the production process has commenced will be liable for 75% of the

total project charge.

4.5 Cancellations made in post-production will be liable for 100% of the total project charge.

5.1 Cancellation Disruption or Delay Due to Organisational Issues

5.2 Any cancellation, disruption or delay to a production, when Ginger Multimedia Limited attend

or travel to a venue, due to the client's disorganisation will be subject to a levy or daily charge of

£250.00 to cover time and expenses.

6.1 Late Payments

6.2 Deposit payments are outlined in section 2.0

6.3 Payment details will be clearly outlined in the invoice.

6.4 If payment is not made within the specified time period, the payment will attract interest at the

rate of 5% above base lending rate of the Bank of England for the period the invoice remains


6.5 Ginger Multimedia Limited also reserve the right to claim back from the client any legal costs

incurred in connection with the recovery of late payments.

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Page 15: Bring Your Business to Life with Video · Proposal reference number: VP-ChilternRelocation2906162016NG. Dear Sharon, Thank you for your call this morning. This proposal covers: 2

7.1 Protection of footage During the Production

7.2 Ginger Multimedia Limited will take reasonable action to protect the footage during the time

we work on your production.

7.3 Ginger Multimedia Limited shall not be held liable if footage files are lost, damaged or stolen

while in our possession. Nor shall we be held liable if the delay or failure is caused by

circumstances out of our reasonable control, or for any failure of any computer system, software

or other equipment used by Ginger Multimedia Limited or any of our suppliers.

7.4 In the circumstances where footage files cannot be recovered, Ginger Multimedia Limited will

decide whether to re-produce the content at no additional cost to the client, or if we will need to

terminate the project with a full refund of the money paid.

7.5 In any circumstances covered in 7.3, Ginger Multimedia Limited shall not be held liable for

any of the client's costs incurred for the project.

8.1 Storage of the Footage Post-Production

8.2 After a production has completed and the client is in possession of the final production files, it

is at our discretion whether the related files and footage are stored on our systems. Ginger

Multimedia Limited shall not be held responsible if project files are lost, damaged or stolen after

the completion of a production.

8.3 If you require any further content after the project has completed, Ginger Multimedia Limited

will advise you regarding the status of the original footage and files.

9.1 Editing Video and Sign Off

9.2 Unless otherwise agreed with Ginger Multimedia Limited two amendments (edits) of the

footage will be produced during the editing process.

9.3 It is advisable to ensure that all stakeholders agree to the changes and subsequent edits at

each editing stage.

9.4 If a client requires any additional edits, they will accrue further costs.

9.5 A video project will only be publicly released once the buyer approves all content as complete

and satisfactory.

9.6 Ginger Multimedia Limited cannot be held liable to any party for any errors on any medium

after the client has agreed, in entirety, that the content is correct, accurate and can be posted,

published or broadcast for the client's use.

9.7 Any claims must be made in writing to Ginger Multimedia Limited within seven days of receipt

of the production. If no claim has been made in this period, the client is deemed to have accepted

the goods at the agreed price.

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Page 16: Bring Your Business to Life with Video · Proposal reference number: VP-ChilternRelocation2906162016NG. Dear Sharon, Thank you for your call this morning. This proposal covers: 2

10.1 Ownership, Intellectual Property Rights and Copyright

10.2 If you provide material to Ginger Multimedia Limited for inclusion in your project, the relevant

permission must firstly have been obtained from the copyright holder. This includes, but is not

limited to, logos, images, trademarks, footage and audio. In Ginger Multimedia Limited's

acceptance of the terms and conditions of the copyright holder, we are indemnified against any

possible claims, disputes, legal expenses or expenses that may arise from breaching copyright

laws relating to the material in question.

10.3 Ginger Multimedia Limited reserves the right to refuse to use, publish or broadcast any

information if considered to be obscene or morally unsuitable or which would breach copyrights, or

which is libellous, defamatory or illegal.

11.1 Additional Costs

11.2 Ginger Multimedia Limited reserves the right to charge additional costs as follows:

11.3 For amendments to the product that have been requested beyond the period when the initial

product specifications were agreed at the outset of the project.

11.4 For any third party liability incurred by us for which a fee is payable to us as a result of

changes to the specifications requested by you.

11.5 If the client fails to meet approval deadlines or sign off stages during the production process

which result in additional costs. The client acknowledges that changes to the product may become

more complex if they are not formally approved and signed off. Failure to do so in accordance with

Ginger Multimedia Limited's requests may result in increased payments and/or a delay in delivery

of the completed production.

11.6 If there are delays in the supply of materials, products, services or personnel organised by

the client or representatives of the client, or if there are problems experienced by Ginger

Multimedia Limited when using any of the above, there may be additional costs payable by the


11.7 Ginger Multimedia Limited will provide written notice of any additional costs payable by the

client and will not incur such costs without the client's prior approval. Charges will not be added to

the final payment that the client will make unless otherwise agreed by all parties.

12.1 Insurance

12.2 Our professional liability cover covers Ginger Multimedia Limited's employees.

12.3 Any goods with significant value that are loaned to us, including in transit, shall be detailed in

writing to us.

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Page 17: Bring Your Business to Life with Video · Proposal reference number: VP-ChilternRelocation2906162016NG. Dear Sharon, Thank you for your call this morning. This proposal covers: 2

13.1 Rights to Use of a Project's Content

13.2 The client's license grants you unlimited right to use the content in the state that we provide

the production to you. There is no automatic permission to alter or copy the production in any way.

This may include your logo and any of the material provided. In line with UK Copyright Law,

Ginger Multimedia Limited retains all copyright over any content that is produced by us for our


13.3 Ginger Multimedia Limited reserves the right to use the product for the purposes of our own

advertising and the client accepts that the product shall form part of our library of works in this

respect. This includes, but is not limited to, our show-reel and other promotional purposes.

14.1 Confidentiality

14.2 Any confidential or personal information given to Ginger Multimedia Limited will not be used

or disclosed to any person or entity, except when required to do so by law.

14.3 Ginger Multimedia Limited will never sell or pass on any of your details to a third party.

15.1 Final Payment and Video Upload

15.2 Delivery of the video in the agreed format will take place only once the final balance payment

has been made to Ginger Multimedia Limited.

Sharon, to accept this contract, click the 'Accept' button and sign at the prompt. You will be

emailed a copy for your records.

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Page 18: Bring Your Business to Life with Video · Proposal reference number: VP-ChilternRelocation2906162016NG. Dear Sharon, Thank you for your call this morning. This proposal covers: 2


1. Please read the contract on the previous pages to make sure you understand all the

details involved with us working together. It’s really important to us that everything is

transparent and understood from the beginning so that we lay a solid foundation for a

great working relationship.

2. If you have any questions at all, please let us know. We’re happy to clarify any points and

there may be some items that we can sort out together. We’re committed to finding the

best way to work together.

3. Once you feel confident about everything and are ready to move forward, please click the

'sign here' button below.

4. Sign in the box that pops up to make the acceptance official.

5. Once we receive notification of your acceptance, we’ll contact you shortly to sort out next

steps and get the project rolling.

6. We’ll email you a separate copy of the signed contract for your records.

7. If you’d like to speak to us by phone, don’t hesitate to call on 01488 670244

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Neil Ginger


Sharon Hewitt

Chiltern Relocation

Next Steps