Shhh.... What's that? Can you hear it? They're talking about your brand! Your company may already be measuring drivers of satisfaction with, and loyalty to, your brand. If so, it means you’re listening. You’re creating a global view of customer sentiment, and prioritising follow-up actions that move the dial with customers and prospects. You’re driving a spirit of customer obsession throughout the busi- ness. You’re engaging with your loyal customers, acting to recover at-risk customers, and building an excep- tional customer experience in every interaction with your company. But those efforts are based only on self- reported sentiment in surveys. And there is a whole other world of data out there – data that, if neglected, can leave gaping holes in your understanding of how your customers really feel about you. CAPABILITY BRIEF SATMETRIX.COM 1 What about the customers who don’t complete surveys, but instead rant or rave about experiences with your brand on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn? What about the conversations of prospects and competitors? Can you listen to, measure, and act on that feedback? With Satmetrix SparkScore, you can. SparkScore, the world’s only official social Net Promoter Score, helps you understand what the world is saying about your brand on the social web Using Satmetrix SparkScore allows you to pull social media data into your customer experience programme. How does it work? Easy. Just apply the same listen-measure-act approach you’re using now on structured and solicited survey data to a new (social) data stream. Hear what customers, prospects, and even competitors are saying in the unstructured, unsolicitated conversation of the social web, and understand how that sentiment is changing over time. SparkScore was developed in partnership with Metavana, the creators of the leading social sentiment engine designed to capture and analyse meaning from the social web. THE SOCIAL INSIGHT YOU NEED, IN THE RIGHT HANDS BRING SOCIAL SENTIMENT TO YOUR NET PROMOTER PROGRAMME LISTEN TO, MEASURE, AND ACT ON WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT YOUR COMPANY IN THE SOCIAL ARENA

Bring Social Sentiment to Nps

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Page 1: Bring Social Sentiment to Nps

Shhh.... What's that? Can you hear it? They're talking about your brand!

Your company may already be measuring drivers of satisfaction with, and loyalty to, your brand. If so, it means

you’re listening. You’re creating a global view of customer sentiment, and prioritising follow-up actions that

move the dial with customers and prospects. You’re driving a spirit of customer obsession throughout the busi-

ness. You’re engaging with your loyal customers, acting to recover at-risk customers, and building an excep-

tional customer experience in every interaction with your company. But those efforts are based only on self-

reported sentiment in surveys. And there is a whole other world of data out there – data that, if neglected, can

leave gaping holes in your understanding of how your customers really feel about you.



What about the customers who don’t complete surveys, but instead rant or rave about experiences with your brand on Facebook, Twitter, and

LinkedIn? What about the conversations of prospects and competitors? Can you listen to, measure, and act on that feedback?

With Satmetrix SparkScore, you can.

SparkScore, the world’s only official social Net Promoter Score, helps you understand what the world is saying about your brand on the social web

Using Satmetrix SparkScore allows you to pull social media data into your customer experience programme.

How does it work? Easy. Just apply the same listen-measure-act approach you’re using now on structured and solicited survey data to a new

(social) data stream. Hear what customers, prospects, and even competitors are saying in the unstructured, unsolicitated conversation of the

social web, and understand how that sentiment is changing over time. SparkScore was developed in partnership with Metavana, the creators of

the leading social sentiment engine designed to capture and analyse meaning from the social web.







“Our Net Promoter Score is something that the

whole Aggreko team is proud of and as a result

every employee now focuses on continuously

increasing the NPS year on year.”

Simon Lyons, global head of communications &

marketing, Aggreko

Simon Lyons, global head of communications & marketing at Aggreko, comments:

“Satmetrix had the intellectual horsepower to deliver more than just data. Satmetrix had the experience, analysis, user interface, credibility and

comparative data to help us achieve our goals.”

The Satmetrix system was initially piloted in 2009 in North America to trial

the concept and identify the optimum approach for Aggreko, forming the

framework which would see the system deployed to more than 100

countries by 2012. The questionnaire was run for the first time, customer

feedback was gathered and the data presented back to the executive

board. This was an invaluable first step giving the senior team at Aggreko

sight of the value in the data; pivotal in securing their buy-in. This pilot of

the Satmetrix solution also ensured that the executive board had a forum

through which they could voice their opinions and ensure their feedback

was taken into consideration prior to the Satmetrix solution being rolled

out into other global regions.

Additionally, the outputs from this initial pilot scheme were published and presented to executive teams across the globe providing them with

valuable feedback to share with their sales personnel. The details provided by customers were self-evident and the quality of the information

enabled Aggreko to improve the level of interaction with its customers.

THE RESULTSThe key results from Aggreko’s ongoing work with Satmetrix to continually increase the focus on customers has enabled the company to:

In 2011, Aggreko fulfilled almost 43,000 customers’ assignments and when researched, 69% of them gave the company a recommendation of

9 or 10 out of 10 – an incredibly impressive result

Achieve a World Class Net Promoter Score that continues to rise. In 2006 Aggreko had a world class NPS® of +50. With the help of Satmetrix it

continues to increase year on year:

• 2007 – 54%

• 2008 – 58%

• 2009 – 60%

• 2010 – 60%

• 2011 – 60%

To put these figures in context, the global B2B average has hovered at +20. Aggreko has consistently been in the top 5 companies in the B2B




Become a customer-centric organisation, by ensuring the culture of the business is focused on the customers, and impart that to every


Achieve clear visibility into customers’ key loyalty drivers and respond with process and policy changes

Identify and resolve issues quickly

Review existing customer service processes to address exactly what is important to the customer

Build long-term relationships with customers which go beyond a transactional basis

Improve brand reputation

Use the customer data to identify potential revenue building opportunities via the positive feedback received from satisfied customers

Simon Lyons, global head of communications & marketing at Aggreko, comments:

“From the moment we started working with Satmetrix, the company changed our thinking and how we managed our business. Since the success

of our first implementation, the Satmetrix technology and expertise around Net Promoter has allowed us to create the `customer first’ mindset in

every country and at every level in the business. The discipline of listening to the customer has produced a cultural shift in thinking that, ultimately,

has benefited our bottom line.

“The Satmetrix Solution highlights which of these drivers are important to the customer and how we perform against them. We are now aware

that it is possible to over-perform, spending too much where it’s not shown to be important to the customers. With the customer insight we get

from the Satmetrix data, we can now better allocate our investments to where they have the most impact.”

As a result, not only has the Relationship Survey NPS with our customers improved over time but the NPS for all touch points has also increased. In

the most recent analysis the ‘value for money’ driver increased the most – which bodes well for a service organisation working in such a difficult




BEST PRACTICESThe data gathered from customers revealed the drivers of loyalty through customer touch points including sales professionalism, service and

equipment performance, and even invoicing. The survey also asks questions about how the experience varied from expectations and enables the

customer to identify suggested areas of improvement.

Managing the number of languages and cultural nuances across the business was a primary challenge, as Aggreko operates in more than 100

countries, each with its own distinct and subtle differences. Satmetrix was able to help the business overcome these challenges by implementing

an enterprise-wide programme, with survey and user languages and cultural considerations relevant to all of Aggreko’s markets. Aggreko, with

the help of Satmetrix, got around these challenges by:

Engaging with all of its business units and educating them in the Net Promoter methodology

Training relevant staff on what they needed to be aware of and do in their role in conjunction with the Net Promoter programme

Aggreko has been able to use this framework to deliver a consistent world class experience, regardless of region.

Since Aggreko’s data collection is standardised across geographies, functions and drivers, it also provides a credible method of comparing

operational performance and this transparency allows senior management to make comparisons and insights across the business.

The Satmetrix application is intuitive and easy to use; highlighting this to staff and ensuring they understand how to use updates, as well as

inducting new starters, remains an on-going initiative which ensures the entire enterprise is utilising the data. This on-going communication

involves instilling the knowledge required to understand Net Promoter Score, the factors which impact on Aggreko’s score, and the best practice

approaches they can apply, which in turn can be refined and updated as the organisation matures in their region. The Net Promoter Score

provides real-time information, so Aggreko has been able to implement a system that allows staff to regularly check the score and take necessary

action immediately.

Simon Lyons, global head of communications & marketing at Aggreko, comments:

”Our Net Promoter Score is something that the whole Aggreko team is proud of and as a result every employee now focuses on continuously

increasing the NPS year on year.”



Satmetrix also provides Aggreko with on-demand applications to collect customer experience data and drive analysis, insight and customer

feedback directly to the relevant employee. This information can be automatically directed to any level within the organisation, from the CEO to a

supervisor, enabling a quick reaction at a level appropriate to the customer’s level of satisfaction, and while it still matters to the customer. For

example, the system can generate email alerts to a salesperson in order for them to address a mildly displeased customer and to initiate them

into developing an action plan to address the issue. In the case of a customer returning a very negative response, an alert can be sent to not only

the account manager and the regional manager, but the CEO as well.

Alerts are also sent directly to executives if a key customer has flagged that they are extremely happy with the service they have received. This

distributes a better understanding of exactly what the customer felt which made the experience so positive and, if appropriate, reward the

account team accordingly, further motivating employees to continue their good work.

Aggreko also performs an advanced analysis of the customer experience data by combining it with operational and financial data in the

company. Investment and performance improvement opportunities can easily be identified, and acted upon whether strategic or tactical.

Ensuring that staff are aware of the Net Promoter Score at all times enables Aggreko to put customers at the heart of all activity as they can

clearly see what the business priorities are.

Simon Lyons, global head of communications & marketing at Aggreko, comments:

”Because feedback is available to employees in real time they are able to understand the impact that their actions have on the customer experi-

ence. As a result they have really bought into the process. Not only is Net Promoter part of the company language, there is a real hunger for new

customer feedback so that employees can raise the bar.”

Aggreko was also able to address the issue of extracting customer data of suitable quality from its CRM system by undertaking the Satmetrix

programme. The organisation now has the ability to monitor customer feedback in realtime on both a transactional and relationship basis through

the combined functionality of the Satmetrix CEM services.

Simon Lyons, global head of communications & marketing at Aggreko, comments:

”It is not only the volume of data we are receiving that is helping us. Because the data we receive from Satmetrix is fact-based and actionable we

can develop propositions around the preferences of customer sectors. We can then allocate money and manpower to areas that are actually

important to the customer, not where we think the customer wants them.”



Satmetrix had the intellectual horsepower to

deliver more than just data. Satmetrix had

the experience, analysis, user interface,

credibility and comparative data to help us

achieve our goals.

Satmetrix is the leading provider of

cloud software designed to help

you increase revenue by

understanding what really drives

customer retention and

acquisition. Satmetrix’s

applications help companies

recover at-risk accounts, engage

with promoters and brand

evangelists, generate more

powerful insights, and build a

customer-obsessed culture.

Satmetrix’s solutions have been

adopted by leading companies

worldwide as the standard for

driving profits through customer


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Simon Lyons, global head of communications & marketing, Aggreko

Page 2: Bring Social Sentiment to Nps

SparkScore measures customer sentiment about your company on

the web. We calculate it by extracting social conversations and

analysing them on a sentiment continuum, which in turn translates to

a SparkScore, or a social Net Promoter metric. Just as with Net

Promoter, you can use the SparkScore metric to gauge how your

company is performing along many variables, including brand,

product, service, segment, and geography. Behind the scenes,

Satmetrix SparkScore looks at the number of conversations, or

Sparks, and the strength of each sentiment, to analyse, classify,

categorise, and prioritise unstructured social comments. Meanwhile,

a separate diagnostic analysis ensures data validity.

We then present it to you in familiar ways: through dashboards, score-

cards, and custom metrics. You can also drill down into SparkScore

data to view the customer, prospect, and competitor comments

responsible for it. Satmetrix SparkScore extracts and analyses

feedback from anywhere on the social web: Facebook, Twitter,

LinkedIn, as well as from customer forums and communities, both your

own and others’. If the conversation is out there, Satmetrix SparkScore

can monitor and measure it, so you can listen and act accordingly.


Satmetrix SparkScore gives you a unique way to

understand what drives customer recommendation

behavior in social media conversations.



Distill meaning from the social web – capture and analyse the

conversations that you miss with surveys and other feedback


Measure and learn – what makes a social recommender or detrac-

tor, and who are they?

Better customer experiences start with a Spark. SparkScore by


Why SparkScore? SparkScore is:

Unique, the world’s only official (and first ever!)

Net Promoter social media measurement solution

Accurate, built on the leading sentiment analysis engine

Automated, giving you the data and insight you need

from the start; no need to tweak and fiddle to get results

Comprehensive, capturing conversations on social sites

like Facebook and Twitter, as well as in blogs, review and

discussion boards, and your own customer forums

Consumers want a conversation, to dialogue,

to participate, to be more in control.

A.G.Lafley, Former CEO, Procter & Gamble Inc.

Page 3: Bring Social Sentiment to Nps

If we listen on social channels, we can learn what

experiences customers are having. We can take

that knowledge to improve their experience,

which will increase customer loyalty, which will

increase our Net Promoter Score, which will

increase revenue. That cause and effect pyramid

of actions really resonated inside the company.

Tristan Bishop,Senior Manager, Digital Strategy, Symantec















Page 4: Bring Social Sentiment to Nps

Satmetrix SparkScore is a complement to Xperience, our cloud-based customer experience application adopted by hundreds of companies that

create competitive advantage through customer engagement. As the co-creators of Net Promoter, we know better than anyone else that it takes

more than asking the one question – How likely are you to recommend? – to achieve Net Promoter success. Asking is easy. But getting feedback

from customers who don’t respond to surveys? And feedback from the thousands of prospect and competitor conversations that are taking place

every day on the web? Much, much harder. Satmetrix SparkScore helps you to keep your finger on the pulse of the social web, recovering Detrac-

tors you didn’t even know about and discovering Promoters, opportunities, and gaps you didn’t know you had.


If your company wants to get a jump on the competition by being one of the first to tackle and master sentiment on the social web, then you owe

it to yourself to try Satmetrix SparkScore. Call us at one of the numbers presented to access a free demo version of the product. Discover for

yourself how SparkScore can help your company measure dynamic and unstructured comments and opinions using the widely embraced Net

Promoter methodology that drives profitable growth and customer loyalty.

Better customer experiences start with a Spark




© 2013 Satmetrix Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Satmetrix and the Satmetrix logo are registered trademarks of Satmetrix Systems, Inc. Net

Promoter is a registered trademark and Net Promoter Score is a trademark of Satmetrix Systems, Inc., Bain & Company, Inc., and

1100 Park Place, Suite 210

San Mateo, CA 94403 United States

+1 888 800 2313


Lyric House, 4th Floor, 149 Hammersmith Road

London W14 0QL

+44 (0)845 371 1040


1001 Avenue of the Americas, Suite 1103

New York, NY 10018 United States

+1 646 935 3500


1180 W Peachtree Street, Suite 2225

Atlanta, GA 30309 United States

+1 404 793 7390


Ground Floor, Wing B

Vrindavan TechVillage SEZ

Marathalli ORR


Varthur Hobli, Bangalore – 87 India

+91 804 903 0902