Brightness Map and Definitions - resources.ccc.govt.nzresources.ccc.govt.nz/files/Projectinfo/RMA... · When the screen is set up, a Lux Meter is used to ascertain appropriate brightness

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Page 1: Brightness Map and Definitions - resources.ccc.govt.nzresources.ccc.govt.nz/files/Projectinfo/RMA... · When the screen is set up, a Lux Meter is used to ascertain appropriate brightness
Page 2: Brightness Map and Definitions - resources.ccc.govt.nzresources.ccc.govt.nz/files/Projectinfo/RMA... · When the screen is set up, a Lux Meter is used to ascertain appropriate brightness
Page 3: Brightness Map and Definitions - resources.ccc.govt.nzresources.ccc.govt.nz/files/Projectinfo/RMA... · When the screen is set up, a Lux Meter is used to ascertain appropriate brightness
Page 4: Brightness Map and Definitions - resources.ccc.govt.nzresources.ccc.govt.nz/files/Projectinfo/RMA... · When the screen is set up, a Lux Meter is used to ascertain appropriate brightness

Mike McCaleb TV5 Limited NZ PO Box 33 500 TDG Ref: 12706 Christchurch 23 March 2015 Issued via email: [email protected] Dear Mike

Digital Billboard – Victoria Street

Further to your email of 17th March, we have looked at the changes proposed to the location of the sign. In summary, the sign is now proposed to be located on poles toward the rear of the empty section at 183 Victoria Street as shown on Photograph 1. The size of the sign remains unchanged at 8m long by 4m high, but, in the new location it will 4m lower, and angled slightly toward Victoria Street in order to reduce visibility by residents on Dublin Street.

Photograph 1: Proposed revised sign location.

This revised location does not change the views expressed in our Traffic Assessment report prepared in May 2014. We were of the view then that the effects on traffic safety were virtually non-existent, and if anything the revised proposal reduces those effects.

Please let me know if you need further information.

Page 5: Brightness Map and Definitions - resources.ccc.govt.nzresources.ccc.govt.nz/files/Projectinfo/RMA... · When the screen is set up, a Lux Meter is used to ascertain appropriate brightness

12706 1500323 McCaleb Victoria St Sign ltr.docx Page 2

Yours sincerely Traffic Design Group Ltd

Grant Smith Principal Consultant

[email protected]

Page 6: Brightness Map and Definitions - resources.ccc.govt.nzresources.ccc.govt.nz/files/Projectinfo/RMA... · When the screen is set up, a Lux Meter is used to ascertain appropriate brightness

Mike McCaleb TV5 Limited NZ PO Box 33 500 TDG Ref: 12706 Christchurch 10 April 2015 Issued via email: [email protected] Dear Mike

Digital Billboard – Victoria Street

I have reviewed the Council Planner’s report and the initial report from Mike Calvert, the Council’s Traffic Engineer. Although Mr Calvert initially took a very conservative stance, considering that the sign had the potential to distract drivers travelling south on Papanui Road, he evidently modified that view once he saw the proposed conditions. Mr Calvert comments that the sign could be seen from 370m away. A driver travelling at 50km/hr would see 3 transitions by the time he reached the intersection limit line, and between 0 and 6 more while waiting for the signals to change. I can’t see how a change in a sign some 60m from the limit line would cause a driver to be distracted. In my view, the sign will be no more of a distraction than any other static sign that a driver might see while in motion. The change of picture may initially be a novelty, but is little different than a driver travelling at 50 km/hr seeing a new static sign every 110m. In other respects I agree with Mr Calvert’s final comment that he ’... was reasonably relaxed about the application subject to the questions below…’ questions which had nothing to do with safety.

Please let me know if you need further information.

Yours sincerely Traffic Design Group Ltd

Grant Smith Principal Consultant

[email protected]

Page 7: Brightness Map and Definitions - resources.ccc.govt.nzresources.ccc.govt.nz/files/Projectinfo/RMA... · When the screen is set up, a Lux Meter is used to ascertain appropriate brightness

Etc Media Automatic Brightness Control and Viewable Angle Explanation!!!!The screen is connected to a computer which is also connected to the internet. The photocell receptor is placed on the top corner of the screen to measure ambient brightness levels. The photocell is connected to the computer and the ambient brightness control interface is on the computer that controls the screen.!!Automated and manual adjustments can be made to the brightness of the screen depending on measured and observed ambient light conditions. This insures that the sign conforms with any regulations and is adjusted in real-time to reflect the actual ambient light conditions. As many defined points as necessary can be used to define (reduce or increase) the brightness of the screen for any number of ambient light conditions. Once these parameters are set, the computer automatically adjusts the brightness according to these defined settings according to the real-time ambient light conditions.!!When the screen is set up, a Lux Meter is used to ascertain appropriate brightness levels at dusk and dawn.  The Lux Meter measures the brightness in foot candles from directly in front of the screen at a 90° angle from the face or zero degrees from center. !!When the LED screen is manufactured, different types of bulbs are used. It is at this point that one can choose the bulb type that determines the viewable angle.  The standard bulb choice is for a 110° viewable angle. We have selected a 90° viewable angle to reduce the brightness observed when viewing the screen at an angle. The defining characteristic of 'viewable angle' is that when one views the screen from half of the defined viewable angle the measured brightness is half of the total brightness measured from zero degrees. !!Thus, the brightness of a 90° viewable angle screen is 50% of the total brightness when viewed at an angle of 45° from the center.  At 67.5° from the center of the 90° viewable angle screen the measured brightness will be 25% of the total brightness.!!The conformity of brightness of our screen to regulations is measured at zero degrees.  At 45°, we are essentially conforming to 200% (half brightness) and at 67.5° we are conforming 300% (quarter brightness)!!The attached images show the original placement of the screen parallel to the 'countrywide' wall with the 110° viewable angle screen in red / pink and the new placement angled 12.5° towards Victoria Street with the 90° viewable angle screen in blue/light blue. From the perspective of the residents of ParkBridge, the point of 50% brightness is now nearer to 25% brightness.!!!!!!!!!!!!

Page 8: Brightness Map and Definitions - resources.ccc.govt.nzresources.ccc.govt.nz/files/Projectinfo/RMA... · When the screen is set up, a Lux Meter is used to ascertain appropriate brightness


New positioning and 90° Viewable Angle

Original 110° position parallel to 181 Victoria St.

Page 9: Brightness Map and Definitions - resources.ccc.govt.nzresources.ccc.govt.nz/files/Projectinfo/RMA... · When the screen is set up, a Lux Meter is used to ascertain appropriate brightness
Page 10: Brightness Map and Definitions - resources.ccc.govt.nzresources.ccc.govt.nz/files/Projectinfo/RMA... · When the screen is set up, a Lux Meter is used to ascertain appropriate brightness
