IN this, its second quarter- century of independence, Botswana can look back with  pride upon its accomplishments and, at the same time, can look forward with comfidence to further developments. The country's national principles of democracy, unity and self reliance have been successfully implemented to maintain  positive growth and, both in seeking to cope with its disadvantages and in emphasising its advantages, employers and employed are joined together in the effort to make 'Enterprise Botswana' a going concern. In a global economy becoming increasingly inter-dependent, Botswana is looking to active participation. The Okavango Delta - a landscape of flood plains.  Although it is a landlock ed country, its very position gives Botswana a competitive edge for, lying as it does at the centre of the southern African region, it has relatively easy access to all regional markets amd is thus able to draw on regional resources relatively easily. LOCATION AND TOPOGRAPHY  Located in southern Africa, with Namibia (in the west and north), Zambia and Zimbabwe (in the north-east), and South Africa (in the east and south) as neighbours, the Republi c of Botswana is a

Brief Introduction about Botswana

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IN this, its second quarter-

century of independence,

Botswana can look back with

 pride upon its

accomplishments and, at the

same time, can look forward 

with comfidence to further 

developments. The country's

national principles of 

democracy, unity and self 

reliance have been successfully implemented to maintain

 positive growth and, both in seeking to cope with its

disadvantages and in emphasising its advantages, employers

and employed are joined together in the effort to make

'Enterprise Botswana' a going concern. In a global economy 

becoming increasingly inter-dependent, Botswana is looking

to active participation. 

The Okavango Delta - a landscape of flood plains. 

Although it is a landlocked country, its very position gives Botswana a

competitive edge for, lying as it does at the centre of the southern

African region, it has relatively easy access to all regional markets

amd is thus able to draw on regional resources relatively easily.


Located in southern Africa, with Namibia (in the west and north),

Zambia and Zimbabwe (in the north-east), and South Africa (in the

east and south) as neighbours, the Republic of Botswana is a

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relatively flat country approximately 582000 square kilometres in


 The eastern portion contains the highest and lowest points (almost

1500 metres and about 500 metres, respectively), with hills, valley,

and rocky outcrops. The flat, vast western portions is semi-arid with

rocky outcrops. Two -third of the country is characterised by gently

undulating, sandy plains, with the central portion a shallow basin. One

of southern Africa's longest rivers, the Okavango, flows through the

country, fanning out into a delta of some 15000 square kilometres to

form a uniqueenvironment with a myriad of water channels.

 The Kgalagadi (or Kalahari) Desert occupies approximately 80 percent

of the country, with valleys and pans atched across the landscape.

Sowa Pan - spoonbills at the Nata River 



With an average of some 1000 metres

above sea level, the area experiences a

wide range of temperatures, varying from

an acerage daily maximum of 33 C in

 January, to -7 C in the southern part of the country. Winter begins in

May, with July being the coldest month and October and November

sometimes extremely hot.

Rainfall is erratic and sporadic, ranging from 250 milimetres per yearin the south-west to over 600 milimetres in the north-east. (An

interesting point is that the unit of currency, the Pula, takes its name

from a traditional greeting which, approximately fot this land of great

thirst, means 'rain'.) The main rainy season occurs in the summer

months between November and March.

 An elephant herd on the banks of the Kwai River.

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A land of unique

natural beauty, Botswana can be regarding

as one of the great holiday destinations in

the world - strikingly rugged wilderness areas with an immense

variety of wildlife, the fascinating complexity of an unusual mix of bird

species - all these are Botswana's unflaunted riches. Most of the

country is covered by savannah, and indigenous trees include rhe

mopani, camel thorn and baobab.

 Zebra herd standing in long grass. 


Of those treasures that do lie buried, the

mineral wealth of the country is the major

stimulus behind its rapid economic growth, its

extend still to be fully realised, with layers of 

untold thickness still to be laid bare. Igneous activity has occured

throughout the country's geological history, the most economically

significant being the kimberlite pipes with their wealth of diamonds.

 A conveyor at Morupule Colliery carries coal from the mine to the

 power station. 


As early as the 16th century Tswana communities entered the country

and a system of incorporation was begun with absorption of the

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