Brief History of the Iranian Hebrew Alliance

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  • 8/2/2019 Brief History of the Iranian Hebrew Alliance


  • 8/2/2019 Brief History of the Iranian Hebrew Alliance


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    In the days of the Judges, the only King of Israel was Yahovah, the Creator Almighty: the Priests

    were His counselors, and the Judges, His administrators.

    The Israeli society that existed under the watchful eyes of the tacticians created a societal model ofwhat may be considered as one of the first true examples of a separation of church and state: Even

    in the highly religious Hebrew theocracy the prophet-tacticians independence from the religious

    hierarchy directed social governance at public, rather than at political, levels. This system benefited

    the tacticians well, for it developed various governmental methodologies that equally and

    simultaneously impacted the entire population without consideration for social rank. A consistently

    humbled populace eventually tired of the tacticians low-key representation, and elected a

    monarchy to lead the nation. The consequences of that move affected the tacticians purpose

    twofold. Upon election of an earthly king, the Judges officiate saw the end of social governorship

    while its societal underpinnings were reborn. The true King of Israel was seemingly demoted by

    His children but in essence became the ultimate Judge.

    The tradition of a low-profile approach to government ensured the survival of the intelligence

    network. Rejected as official leaders, the tacticians drew closer to the Levites (a tribe dedicated

    entirely to religious service.) The tacticians subsequent roles cultivated a unique duty as sentinels

    and administrators of four pillars of the Israeli theocracy: Yahovah, the One Creator; the lineage of

    the tribes of Israel; Jerusalem, the Holy City; and the Temple (containing the Ark of the Covenant.)

    This proposal was warmly accepted by all sectors in the new hierarchy. The treatment of these holy

    pillars was the ultimate standard before which the identity of all entities (foreign and domestic)

    was drawn. In addition, the enforcement of certain rituals and religious laws played an important

    role in slowing separatist gears that plagued the delicate union. A populace skillfully subdued

    through preoccupation with those rites were prevented from engaging in a revolt. The Priests

    extensive laws also gained the tacticians time to strategize during periods of difficult adversity.Still, there were serious drawbacks to the phophet tacticians' occupation. The impression of a free

    and advanced Hebrew civilization began to erode with the tedious rites. But it was a clear

    punishment for the rebellion of Israel. The Holy One lamented:

    The children [of Israel] rebelledtherefore I gave them

    also statutes that were not good, and judgments whereby

    they should not live. Ezekiel 20

    As for the tacticians, their own independent and freethinking character was not always loved nor

    their safety guaranteed among their own people (1 Kings 21:20). Part of their oath resulted in high

    risk of assassination , for they unconditionally protect the sacredness of their people would not armthemselves against fellow Hebrews. Now that the prophets had little (if any) influence over the

    mobility of the army, they lived under constant threat from disgruntled kings. Even the most

    beloved prophets met brutal deaths at the hands of their own brethren and many more were

    massacred in great numbers. Nevertheless, the tacticians maintained the outwardly ceremonialvocation while lending and sharing intelligence among themselves and to those politicians (of

    Israel and others) who served the purpose of their oath.

    Since Israels original spiritual values were so important to Israels cultural base, tactical loyalty

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    could be temporarily transferred to foreign elements. This was the most severe way for the

    prophet-tacticians to punish leaders of Israel for violating the Standard. The bail out defended the

    intelligence organization in this manner when it would otherwise have been obliterated. In such

    times, even old foes were enlisted as anointed servants of Yahovah in order to return the center

    of influence to the prophet-tacticians. (Jeremiah 25:9, Isaiah 44:28)

    The league with the Babylonians was among the later attempts by the tacticians to establish a

    permanent strategic foreign alliance. With the bidding of the Hebrew prophets, the Babylonians

    aided in drawing the line between the two factors of Israel: those who pledged allegiance to foreign

    gods were expelled from those who remained under the guidance of Yahovahs prophets. As a

    result, the entire kingdom of Yahuda and city of Jerusalem, with its royal and sacred houses, were

    completely sacked. Meanwhile, Israel was offered a very trying test of loyalty: they who favored

    the guidance of the prophets would agree to be taken as Babylonian slaves. The reward for their

    loyalty would come to them in Babylon. By B.C. 620, members of the royal house of Yahuda held

    executive offices over the entire kingdom. (see Istanbul Prism of Nebuchadnezzar)

    While in Babylon, the prophet-tacticians secretly held the Four Pillar standard up to theBabylonians, watching its progress. The first was raised in the preservation of the lineage, but the

    pillars of the City and Temple remained to be sealed. Yet, in a defining moment, just before

    Babylon sealed the first Pillar (Yahovah), the pact was undone. The personal indiscretions of one

    King Belshazzar led him to abuse the holy vessels of the Hebrew Temple in drunken revelry. A

    withdrawal from the confederacy was immediately announced, citing the vengeance of Yahovah,

    the vengeance of His Temple Although the vessels pertained to the Temple, the items were

    dedicated to (or, inhabited by) the Creator of the Hebrews. Therefore, such an alliance could not

    stand, since it constituted an injury against Yahovah, the first and most vital of the Four Pillars. The

    writing on the wall immortalized that fateful event in the third, and last recorded instance, where

    Yahovah extended His finger to Earth to inscribe words in stone:


    MENE: the Creator (Eloh) has numbered your

    kingdom, and finished it;

    TEKEL: you are weighed in the balances, and are

    found wanting;

    PERES (PHARSI, PARSI): your kingdom is divided,

    and given to the Medes and the Persians.

    Israels loss of faith in the Chaldeans caused it to seek a more suitable ally elsewhere. The prophetJeremiah proclaimed:

    Set up a banner in the land; blow a trumpet among the

    nations; Consecrate nations against Babylon

    Consecrate nations against her, with the Kings of the Medes

    The call was heeded. The Hebrew tacticians turned their attention to their long lost brothers of the

    far East: they were now the prosperous Elamite kingdom of Medo-Persia and their king, Cyrus the

    Great. Sights were then trained on the impenetrable fortress of the metropolis that was the city

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    Babylon and its gate:

    Thus says Yahovah to His anointed, to Cyrus, whose

    right hand I have held, to subdue nations before himI

    willopen before him the two leaved gates, and the

    gates shall not be shut

    Previous invading armies had made futile attempts to besiege the impenetrable walls of the great

    city. The Hebrews knew of the Euphrates importance to the moat encompassing Babylons

    magnificent Ishtar gate. On the eve of grand festivities and in the middle of the night, the Medo-

    Persian army diverted the river, drained the moat, and-without resistance-conquered the city by


    The Iranians were quick to recognize the value of the Hebrews tactical skills. From then on,

    sharing intelligence as well as objectives reciprocated between the two peoples. Cyrus was so

    moved by the overture in Babylon that he felt indebted to the Sentry of Israel, and immediately

    sent an order for His Temple at Jerusalem to be rebuilt. He also released Israel from the lowercastes and gave them equal citizenship. He retained the Hebrew prophet Daniel as Chief Governor

    of all 120 provinces of the entire Medo-Persian kingdom. By 450 B.C., a young Jewess namedHadassah had secured the rank of Queen of Medo-Persia.

    Newly vindicated Israel encountered fierce opposition to their celebrity status from jealous tribes,

    most of them former regional rivals whose lands had been annexed, as Israels, into the Medo-Persian Empire. Some, knowing the kings reverence for the Hebrews, repeatedly sought to stage

    their mass extermination without his knowledge. The only response the king had was to give

    charge of all the lieutenants, officers, and guards to Hebrew noblemen. In crushing one suchrevolt, some 75,000 Medo Persians, including some within the royal court, fell to the sword. The

    stability of the Iranian empire and the survival of the Hebrew civilization were already becominginextricable raisons dtre. Nearly five hundred years later, that kindness was returned when threeIranian Magi protected the Christ child (the King of the Jews) from assassination by the Romans.

    During the reign of King Artaxerxes, the Hebrews prevented an assassination attempt against him.

    The first and second pillars of the alliance were sealed by restoring the vessels to the Temple,promoting the worship of the One Creator, and protecting the Hebrew tacticians and their

    multitude. The third and fourth pillars were established by rebuilding the Temple and the city

    Jerusalem. Thus Iran cunningly secured its commitment to the four pillars of Israels cultural baseand immortalized the alliance.

    4. A Monumental ChallengeHelped by circumstances, Iranians and Hebrews grew to recognize that they shared key factors of

    any alliance- common enemies, and common allies. The Hebrews themselves had made plenty of

    enemies by annihilating cities in the notorious wake of the Exodus from Egypt. Any nation that had

    dared to stand ground had no chance before meager yet terrible Hebrew armies: mighty city-states

    of Jericho, the Hittites, and Og, among countless others, fell nearly effortlessly. Certain genocides

    were also guided by Divine commands that, if disobeyed, or even partially carried out, were

    severely punished by Yahovah.

    Besides the obvious benefit of purging immoral tribes, conflicts were prime opportunities for Israel

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    to proselytize those who survived that Yahovah may be glorified [in the enemy]. The crossing of

    the Red Sea at the Gulf of Aqaba and receiving the two stone tablets (the Covenant Law) at Mt.

    Sinai (Jebel el-Awz) in the Arabian peninsula were events ingrained not only the minds of Israel.

    Natural phenomenon, as fire, lightning, loud thunder, and even mysterious clouds clothed

    supernatural occurrences that defied explanation and petrified bewildered observers. Great and

    highly educated nations became subtle parts of the Israeli institution (converted to monotheism)after witnessing the fantastical signs accompanying Israels feats.

    Some groups were successful in escaping the path of the advancing nomadic Israelites by hiding in

    remote areas or outsmarting the Hebrews with clever trickery. Others avoided annihilation purely

    because the Hebrews, tired of seemingly pointless destruction or simply terrified by the apparent

    superiority of their foes, disobeyed the Divine ordinance. Israel would suffer the consequences of

    that disobedience for a long time afterwards. Those that escaped would come again, grieved and

    return [with] indignation against the Holy Covenant. Israels plundering and quarreling near the

    center of the civilized world scattered tribes into remote areas that in turn formed their own

    civilizations on new frontiers. Even so, the nations of the post-Diluvian period for the most part

    consisted of close-knit and well-familiarized kingdoms that could trace their origins to one or morefamilies of the sons of Noah-a fact that exists to this day:

    Now these are the sons of Yapheth (the Eldest); Gomer

    (Gimirri), Magog (Gog-I-hisn), and Madai (Media), Yavan

    (Ionian), Tubal, Meschech, and Tiras (Tyre).

    And the sons of Gomer; Aschenaz, Ripthat, and Togarmah.

    And the sons of Yavan; Elishah, and Tarshish, Kittim

    (Cyprus), and Dadanim (Dodona).

    And the sons of Ham; Cush (Geez), Miziraim (Egypt),

    Phut, and Cannan.

    And the sons of Cush; Seba (Sheba) Havilah, Sabtah,

    Raamah, Sabtecha

    And the children of Shem; Elam (Iran), Asshur (Syria),

    Arphaxad, Lud, Aram (Armenia)

    Genesis 10:1-23

    There were also a few reported survivors of the Flood upon Mount Alborz (Elbrus) (5,642 m) whohad little or no relation to any of the sons of Noah (Genesis 6:4). The Nephilim (the violent,

    fallen ones), Rephaim (they that are deceased), and Anakim (the long-necked) were a race of

    giants, men of extreme large stature understood to be the children of fallen angels and human

    women. Israel boasted of war-trophies taken of this race-the most famous of whom was Goliath,

    slain by David. Those giants found themselves to be common targets- though not only of Israel.

    They wandered singly or in small bands among inhospitable peaks on the edges of civilization,

    ravaging and scavenging counterclockwise around the rim of the Black Sea. Descending from the

    Caucasus mountains (Gog-I-hisn) into the favorable lands below proved a nearly impossible task.

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    Rebels (defectors) and rivals that fled from both Israel and Medo-Persia found it profitable to tame

    and mingle with those beastly men as the Philistines had done with Goliath. Far away from the

    reaches of their enemies, the Makednoi (the tall ones), as they were known, began to plan their

    descent. Finally, this ingenuity led to a pact between the giants and the refugees to circumvent both

    their unfortunate fates. The complimentary union of singly deprived factions built a brutal force

    that combined the giants physically superior traits with the clever ingenuity of the humancompanions. Foes would be overpowerd in exchange for assimilating the giants into populated

    regions below. Erasing the memory of Israels legacy and the Hebrew account of history was prime

    on their agenda, but only an equal reward for what Israel and His Creator had wanted to do to


    It was already greatly troubling to the Makednoi that Egypt, Babylon, and now Medo-Persia, had

    already converted to the worship of One Creator. Knowledge of the Hebrew account of human

    history led nations to seek destruction of the giants and those that leagued with them, for it taught

    that such were an evil and inferior race. Therefore, overcoming political gravitation toward

    Jerusalem was the most urgent task toward repressing the tide of humanity. Like Israel, the

    Makednoi went to work on a meticulous cultural offensive. The religious base formed an elitepriesthood that presided over incessant mourning rites for deceased gods (who perished in the

    Flood). The Makednoi's entire alternative account of human history began with Uranus Sky and

    Gaia Earth (alternatively, Aether (Lucifer) Light and Hemera Night) the original pair from

    which all other of their gods came. By enslaving vanquished human tribes to build tomb-temples

    to deceased gods, they would be able to mass-produce the popularity of their beliefs. After much

    planning, they set sail upon the Black Sea with intricate tales in hand and eyes on their first targets-

    the children of Yapheth in the Yavanite (Ionian) peninsula. As soon as they arrived upon the shores,

    the priests presented their lofty companions to the natives as the descendants of the[ir] gods.

    Nevertheless, most of Yapheth were hard to convince. Yavan especially was already

    culturally ostracized (as are most men of the sea) and hidden by the mysterious waters thatencompassed him. Nestled among the white rocks of the Aegean Sea, far from Mesopotamia, they

    were spared from much of the lingual confusion at the tower of Babel. They retained a living

    knowledge of their post-diluvian history as they learned to subsist on the element once pitted

    against humanity.

    But every reminder of the Great Flood of Noah repulsed the mystic priests and god-men of

    Dodona. The priests insisted on banning all native folklore. In its place were volumes and volumes

    of skilled literary works, all tales of mystical beings, places, and things, mainly never known to

    exist, nor of which any corroborative evidence remained. The rather foreign dogma brought other

    disturbing customs, such as the homosexual practice of pederasty. In addition, it taught that the

    mountain-dwelling gods were mortal beings! Certain notable Yavanite spiritual leaders, such as the

    famous Epimenides, dissented from the death-cult, asserting:

    They fashioned a tomb for you, O holy and high one

    The Cretans, always liars, evil beasts, idle bellies!

    But thou art not dead; thou livest and abidest forever,

    For in thee we live and move and have our being.

    (This quote was used extensively by the Christian Apostle Paul nearly 700 years later.)

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    Nevertheless, the giants convincing brutality finally allowed the priests to capture

    Dodona (Dadan) and establish themselves there. From there, the new Dorians

    continued conquering the entire Yavanite (Ionian) peninsula with every isle of the Aegean

    Sea. The Dodonan (Dorian) religious influence spread until centers were planted at the

    highest point of every major town. The franchise took on local identities, such of Corinth,

    of Thessalonika, and of Sparta to conceal the esoteric priesthood under various placenames and ethnicities. The blackout of factual chronology and ethnic history that ensued

    was the first Dark Age to affect the civilized world. The indoctrination campaigns

    emanating from the Doric Temples would then on be known as Hellenization: a project

    to carefully rewrite, then replicate an extensive reformulation of their own origins, of mankind, and

    of heaven-kind as a whole.

    Survivors of the Makednoian raids rapidly retreated to their original settlements in the

    valleys around Ararat or fled even farther north. The ships of Chittim (Cyprus) carried

    boatloads of informants ready to fight against the strange newcomers who had driven

    them from their lands. The Medo-Persians quickly welcomed any aid to expand their

    borders. As for their Hebrew associates, the threat from across the Seas was far moresignificant than a geopolitical wrestling match. The Hebrews were familiar with the

    organization that transplanted itself into the homelands of Yapheth. It was a plot to

    reverse the Creators purpose for the Flood and more specifically, the promise to

    Abraham. The earth had begun to heave with battles between the Repha fallen and faithful

    angels (spirit beings.)

    Aware that the ideological assault being waged against Yapheth was soon to come to

    Jerusalem, the Hebrews spared no effort in communicating this to their Medo-Persian

    sponsors. The prophet Daniel was visited by a high-ranking angelic informant, who warned:

    Now I will return to fight with the ruler of Persia. And

    when I have gone out, then lo, the ruler of Greece shall

    come -Daniel 10:20

    The alarm elicited a move very unlike Persias ordinarily pacifistic Emperor Xerxes. In 337 BC, he

    sacked the Hellenists religious center at Athens and burned every one of the Dodonan tomb-

    temples, an act that stirred up all the kingdom of Greece (Daniel 11:2). Within a few months, the

    Dodonan Council of Corinth responded by issuing an edict of monumental proportions: the

    declaration of incessant war against their rivals cultural base and their every descendant (also

    privy to the destruction of their sacred sites.) A rushed guide to fulfillment of the edict proceeded

    from the Council.

    This was the confrontation that the Makednoi had been waiting for all along, but not at this time,

    and definitely not with the temples destroyed. No other than Phillip of Macedon, an original

    Makednoi, was ordained with the mission--but he died without reaching any significant hurdle in

    that direction. His son Alexander was quite different. Alexander had been tutored in his fathers

    commission at very young age and, by the time Phillip died, he was engulfed by a burning zeal to

    fulfill the Corinthian edict. Convinced of his own rank among the god-men, he drove a perfect

    military rally, and the explosive spread of the Greek Empire was seen as nothing less than meted

    by the gods of Dodona-- a mental signature that soon spelled defeat.

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    The Hebrews Creator, Yahovah, was no mortal, and the power of His Arm was amply

    corroborated by Israelis and non-Israelis alike. Most importantly, the very pillar of cloud and fire,

    the Shekenah (Holy (or Great) Spirit) that led them across the Egyptian peninsula, had not left

    Israel. During the reign of King Solomon, the Shekenah permanently transferred Himself into the

    first Temple of precious stones, wood, and metals at the dedication ceremony upon Mount Moriah

    (1 Kings 8.)

    There He resided in the innermost chamber (the Holy of Holies), attended once a year by a Levite

    priest to receive instruction and to offer atonement for Israels sins. The approaching confrontation

    was clearly going to be a battle of universal magnitudes, and Israel did not expect to witness

    anything short of more heavenly interventions on their behalf. The Hebrew tacticians intended to

    use the entire situation to their advantage. The Hellenic retaliation would be yet another excellent

    opportunity to proselytize en masse. The current situation called for the Ancient of Days to cast

    down thrones [with]His wheels of burning fire Daniel 7:9 (see also Ezekiel 1:16-22, 13, and

    20) In this, disappointment was not Israel's fate.

    Celestial beings, as the faithful archangels Gabriel, Michael and their host, were already involved

    in preventing an early conquest of the Medo-Persian Empire. Gabriel said to Daniel:

    The ruler of Persia withstood me twenty one days: but, lo,

    Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained

    there with the kings of PersiaAnd I, in the first year of Darius the

    Mede, was standing for a supporter and a fortress for him.

    Sure enough, as Macedonias army tore its way eastward, it encountered phenomenal resistance.

    During several major battles, blinding lights and fiery silver disks dived upon them from the skies.

    Transformed by an apparent reversal of the gods favor, Alexanders men organized numerous

    mutinies against their leader in the hope to free themselves from a maligned mission. After several

    attempts, the armies and borders of the Dodonan Empire were dissolved as quickly as they had

    been formed. The Beas River mutiny was the last straw. Alexander was immediately stricken by

    terrible disillusionment that quickly led to the end of his career and, with the Corinthian mission

    unaccomplished, came to a premature death without so much as an heir. (A few of his writings,

    wherein in he and his men spoke of this account, survived to be passed to the Vatican library.) In

    the days that followed Alexanders death, the struggle against the Macedonians became as pivotal

    for the Persians as it was for the Hebrews.

    The struggle against Alexander was hardly the main engagement. The campaign of Hellenization

    had only begun. The holy war of the Council of Corinth still presented a serious threat, as all the

    leaders of Greece had been sworn to execute it (Daniel 11:4). The lifeblood of the Iranian-Hebrew

    alliance is preserved by the timelines in which the role of every entity in its worldview is

    delineated. Daniels timelines were confided to Persian wise men, or Magis. The first, consisting of

    70 weeks (or 490 years), memorialized Medo-Persias patronage of the Pillars of Israel,

    culminating with the coming of Messiah the Prince: a clear message that that coming Messiah was

    to be Savior, or Champion, of the Hebrew Temple, of Jerusalem, and of Israel as well as Champion

    of Israels patrons. The second, a protracted timeline of 2,300 years, superimposed upon the first,

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    focuses on the opposition. The 2300-year timeline is initiated by the degenerate Macedonian

    transgression that reached unto Heaven. Its completion brings about the last end of the

    indignation: that is, a reversal of the violation and termination of the wrathful legacy of the

    Corinthian Council. The timelines jointly cover these events:

    B.C 454 Temple at Jerusalem rebuilt (Book of Ezra)

    336 Athens burned by Xerxes

    337 Edict of the Council of Corinth

    330 Alexander conquers Persia; Greek army disoriented with the lack, and general Persian

    disinterest in, polytheistic temples; and are shocked to find that the great cities lack the religious

    monuments of Greece; Magi writings are burned

    323 Alexander dead; generals divide empire; Greek generals return focus to the military campaign

    for lack of detail in Corinths specifications; Selucius claims Judea

    301 Ptolemy I, Half-Brother of Alexander (by Phillip II Macedon), conquers Judea from Selucius

    and desecrates the Temple; Ptolemy is declared Soter (savior) for fulfilling his fathers duty

    164 Hebrew Maccabees revolt against Ptolomaic rule, retake Judea; Maccabees consider it the 137 th

    year of the Greeks rule because it was the 137 th year of the rule of the Corinthian Council over

    Jerusalem-1 Maccabees 1

    A.D. 1 Christ born according to Isaiah 9:6; Three Persian Magi (wisemen) visit

    33 Mariah anoints Christ, according to Daniel 9:24; Yahshuah is killed on a Roman Cross

    63 Romans overthrow Judean independence

    68 John (Yahanan Yah is grace) the Revelator publishes the Apocalypse, reflecting on the similar

    takeover of Judea by Ptolemy I (Soter), invokes the I-H alliance by the order of Yahovah

    -Revelations 9:14 and 16:12

    306 Constantine (of Nis, Serbia) is crowned Roman Emperor in York, England

    301 Constantine begins to use his mother, Helena to change the times, laws, and places of

    Christianity to confuse the world as to the date of the Yahshuahs birth; the alliances calendar isthrown off by 6-8 years; in Ethiopia, one of the provinces of the Medo-Persian Empire the count

    remains seven (7) years earlier (so that the current year, 2007, is actually the year 2000), which the

    new year celebrated around the Jewish Feast of Trumpets (Modern Rosh Hashanah) on September11th.

    2000-Return of world influence to Hebrews; Medes and Persians overtake Greco-Roman dominion

    To overcome the Hebrews well-planned defense, the Greeks enlisted spies to secure intelligence

    with them that forsake the Holy covenant in order to unseat the sanctuary of strength (strategic

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    intelligence) from within the Temple. However, it was no simple task. The cultural struggle they

    were undertaking would span far into the future. Worst of all, their foes were well experienced in

    using cultural clashes to showcase the veracity of their persuasion.

    5. Cultural Bonds

    In Medo-Persia, profound changes came to Israel as well as to their hosts, for the bonds establishedon the battlefield set the foundation for a spiritual brotherhood. Israel was freed from Babylonian

    slavery, given preference, and protected. Hebrew prophets in Medo-Persia again enjoyed freedom

    to publish their revelations and their writings were again highly revered by a faithful following.

    The Hebrew spiritual revolution highlighted its growing influence within its host. As a result,

    Israels every move became the center of attention. Thanks to the groundwork by the Hebrew

    prophet-tacticians, Medo-Persias only relevant domestic opposition was repeatedly lured into

    uniting under efforts to crush Hebrew influence (and the rebuilding of their power base at

    Jerusalem.) Such sores were promptly cured. The oppositions intentions were pre-fabricated (by

    Israel) and had a reverse effect on their campaign. As such struggles wore on, Medo-Persia was

    gradually transformed into a very Hebrew-oriented nation. The Emperors continued to guide the

    loyalty and respect of their subjects to the organization of Hebrew prophet-tacticians that washonorably serving the rapidly expanding empire.

    Medo-Persias greatest religious turning point arrived during the reign of the Emperor Xerxes. In

    B.C. 510, Xerxes chief vizier (lawmaker) Haman, a Persian of Amalekitic decent, took the bitter

    resentments of his fathers into the Emperors court. Under Hamans leadership, all remaining rivals

    of Israel within Medo-Persia were brought to a single head. The Hebrews led Haman to seal his

    own fate and that of his allies by scripting an Empire-wide decree to destroy the followers of an

    ideology that fit a description similar to the Hebrews. Haman and his allies were given ample time

    to plan an assault as the promulgation reached the entire territory of Medo-Persia then

    encompassing all the lands from Ethiopia in the west to India in the east. The borders of the

    Arabian, Persian, Red, Mediterranean, Black, Caspian, and Aral Seas- the seven great seas ofcivilization- were surrounded on one or more of their northern, southern, western, or eastern

    borders by Xerxes dominion. Within days before its execution, the Hebrews secured a rival decree

    from Xerxes under direction of the Hebrew Queen of Persia and her uncle Mordecai. By that time,

    Xerxes replaced Haman with Mordecai and all 127 provinces were well under a Hebrew

    prosyletization campaign led by Xerxes own royal army. From then on, the dedication with which

    a convert served the Hebrew Creator and kept His statues gauged loyalty to Hebrew interests

    which also gauged loyalty to the interests of the Empire and of her kings. Hebrew traditions

    formed an integral part of Iranian culture.

    Even today, traditions highly important to ancient Hebrews are preserved in Iran while being long

    forgotten by Jews who settled in other parts of the world. Moses, Israels most famous prophet-tactician, led the organization of the Hebrew timelines according to the ordinances of the sun and

    the moon. Yahovah ordained the beginning of the yearly count as the first new moon at the time of

    the spring equinox. The month was named Abib (sprouting, budding) and was the first month of

    spring (Exodus 12:1, 13: 1-4). To this day, all Iranians celebrate the beginning of their New Year

    (Norooz) on the day of the spring equinox.

    Powerful symbolism in the rebuilding and subsequent destruction of Hebrew monuments

    exemplifies profound cultural aspects of the alliance. The simultaneous desecration of the Temple

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    and vanquishing of Medo-Persia closed any remaining cultural gaps. The keeping of the Hebrew

    traditions and timelines-both prophetic and actual-became a means of Iranian defiance in the face

    of Greco-Roman occupiers (who were repulsed by all Hebrew things.) Long after Hellenization

    had engulfed the world and even after Roman conquests, Irans Judaic converts continued to fulfill

    duties of loyalty to Israel by making yearly pilgrimage to Jerusalem on Hebrew holy days.

    And when the day of Pentecost was fully comethere

    were dwelling at Jerusalem devout men out of every nation

    under heaven[dwellers of] Parthia, Media, Elam,

    Mesopotamia [and of] Judea, Cappadocia, Pontus, Asia,

    Phyrgia, Pamphylia, Egypt, Lybia, SyriaRome, Cretes,

    Arabians, [all] Jews [by lineage] and proselytes.-Acts 2

    When Jews from the former provinces kept the pilgrimage to Jerusalem on Pentecost, they were

    educated as to the purpose of Yahshuah Christ as King of the Jews (thus, King of the prophet-tacticians, Matthew 21-25, etc & 23:34) in order to prolong the endurance of this religious and

    cultural affiliation. The fervor of the proselytes gives testimony to an allegiance that surpasses thepolitical allegiances other nations have made. Thus Israel and Iran remained militarily committed

    to each other in their times of rise, fall and prophetic reemergence as regional powers.

    6. Roles of the Iranian-Hebrew Alliance

    Indeed, the character of the Iranian-Hebrew league is a study in contrasts. In it, two influential

    world powers form a partnership against a common rival to achieve their own objectives for world

    dominion. The partnership divides the roles of each party into pairs of unique (and complimentary)

    modus operandi: time and nature of engagement. This strategy attempts to unite strengths of

    separate military networks so that temporal objectives and tangible functions work in tandem withlong-term objectives and symbolic functions. Harmony in the alliance is guaranteed by coinciding

    highly symbolic events during pivotal times in both civilizations history. For example, the

    desecration of the Hebrew Temple, a sanctuary of strength for both Hebrews and Iranians, was

    desecrated at the same time that the Medo-Persian Empire (Iranians greatest political

    establishment) was vanquished. Exchanging strategic and tactical support in such crucial times

    reinforced loyalty and the feasibility of the partnership. Finally, the successes of seemingly

    competing parties is inextricably tied on all fronts. Several points highlight the functions of this

    peculiar team.

    Israel, as the more dominant member of the alliance (because of its everlasting and all

    encompassing goals), balances its weight by taking on lesser roles. Israel focuses on building alarger cultural force while temporarily abandoning geopolitical ambitions. Using the Medo-

    Persians very public struggle with Hellenization, Hebrew tacticians were able to tap into the world

    conscience. Medo-Persias battle provided a forum where Israel could preoccupy, and thus focus,

    the worlds perception of the present relative to protagonists and places in the Biblical account.

    Keeping Israels account of world history alive defeats Hellenist campaigns to erase it, leading a

    victory that resounds to this day. The Hebrews tasks includes creating contingency plans for its

    allies. The most notable of these plans were handed to Iranian wise men or Magi during the

    Achmaemid dynasty of Medo-Persia. The timelines include a return of Iranian geo-political

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    influence on the global scene as payment for Medo-Persias sponsorship of Israels cultural base

    (the Four Pillars of Israel.)

    Iranians perform other tangible functions in the alliance with the type of political support that

    Hebrew tacticians were unable to retain within the Israeli nation. They set alarms on impostors

    who cannot fulfill the original standard of Israels true identity and commemorate milestones in theHebrew timelines. The Hebrews trust in Iran grew until Iran(ian) nations were designated as the

    official (earthly) avengers of Israel. Irans temporal objectives toward world influence safeguards

    Israel in vulnerable times. This was all in Israel's own plan for an eventual triumph over all the

    other Kingdoms that had ruled it.

    Cooperation in the military and political spheres between Israel and Elam had eventually resulted

    in a very pro-Semitic and pro-Hebrew Medo-Persian civilization. In return, Israel then granted

    trusteeship of secret charts to the wise men of Medo-Persia. Iranians, as keepers of Israels

    timelines for the reestablishment of an (eternal) theocratic Kingdom, are the key to the cipher for

    the confederacy. In the last phases of the Hebrew timelines, the Kings of the East are employed to

    conquer the lands of Israels foes, and secure important global influence for themselves. Thetreatment of the enemies of the alliance also entails strict procedure. As in any post-bellum

    scenario, enemies are primarily de-capacitated and their wealth redistributed (however in this case

    the latter is considered to be a return of stolen goods) to Israel (which at this point is defined as all

    Israel and its allies.)

    The joint objective of the alliance toward its allies continues in the tradition of its popular culture

    and symbolism. Its intrinsic function seeks to reconcile all the descendants of Noah (Shem, Ham,

    and Yapheth) by reigning in every son of Noah into a single Kingdom (or dominion) under the

    rulership of the original King of Israel, Yahovah. (Isaiah 9:6, Daniel 2, 7:26) This function

    ultimately upholds the Four Pillars of the Hebrew nation (Creator, Temple, City, and (now

    spiritual) Lineage):

    And I will set a sign among them, and I will send those that

    escape of them unto the nations, to Tarshish, Pul, and Lud, that

    draw the bow, to Tubal, to Yavan, to the isles afar off, that have not

    heard my fame, neither have they seen my glory; and they shall

    declare my glory among the Gentiles.

    And they shall bring all your brethren for an offering unto Yahovah

    out of all nations upon horses, and in chariots and in liters, and upon

    mules, and upon swift beasts, to my holy mountain Jerusalem,

    says Yahova, as the children of Israel bring an offering in a clean

    vessel into the house of Yahovah. And I will also take of them for

    priests and Levites, says Yahovah.-Isaiah 66:19-20

    Ethnic pluralism (minus the god-men) was a founding principle of both the Hebrew and Medo-

    Persian civilizations. From the start, Israel was instructed to assimilate the stranger as one of their

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    own. After taking so many different nationalities into its fold, the Israeli nation was a speckled

    bird. Likewise, the Medo-Persian Empire enveloped the majority of the civilized world, melding

    thousands of ethnic groups into an undivided nation.

    Although the objectives of the Iranian-Hebrew alliance may seem to be too unreal to project in

    todays world, secular political and sociological science supports the viability of its agenda. Forthose allies of Israel who have seen the Arm of Yahovah their Creator, it is not difficult to choose

    what side to be on. However, it is still important to consider further implications of this scheme and

    that of its main rival. The entire process follows a set sequence. First, Israel uses Irans struggle

    against its Hellenic rivals as a public forum to air cultural messages. As this is accomplished,

    Iranians help to defend against foes of the alliance. After a shared victory, a subdued world is

    handed over, given to the saints of the Most High. In the final stage, the Hebrew Creator Himself

    again rules over all His Creation.

    By now, cultural and historical elements should be understood as equally important to the Iranian-

    Hebrew strategy as it is to the Hellenistic one. The Hellenists model for global dominion andinteraction offers a concretely opposite guide for its consortium. Since the Hellenists spiritual and

    ideological base is derived from the worship of (multiple) deceased gods, there is no single concept

    of, or long-term objective for, perfection (to be applied in any human or even non-human

    achievement.) The world it aims to create is one that surrenders to short-lived stabilities (or

    development) levied by a governing body of imperfect (unsustainable) mortals.

    7. Iranians and Hebrews in the Modern World

    Today, one cannot help to wonder if it is still possible for the alliance to be alive today. Besides the

    fact that people in the modern world are overwhelmed by personal (political) concerns,

    thousands years of drastic world reshaping have gone by. The condition of modern Hebrew andIranian peoples, their identity, and their friendship are of greatest concern. On the other hand,

    foreign factions have impeded recognition of the alliance.

    The subversion, domination, and competition of the Greco-Romans (Kings of the West) aim to

    prevent the reemergence of the alliance because it annuls the Hellenist campaign. The execution of

    the King of the Jews and the censorship of the writings of the Hebrew prophets (the European Dark

    Ages; until 1559) were all efforts to censor its fame. Yahshuah, King of the Yahudim (leader of the

    prophet-tacticians) was the greatest nightmare of the foes of the Iranian-Hebrew alliance. Yahshuah

    invited the Hebrew nation to extend the vocation of prophet-tactician not only to every one of their

    own, but to all peoples of the Earth (Acts 2).

    He was also multiplying the numbers of prophet-tacticians camouflaged in the tradition of physical

    pacifism. Rome faced a serious dilemma, as it would no longer be able to identify its rapidly

    increasing -and challenging-foes. Yahshuah, as King of the Yahudim, was on a steady campaign to

    de-Hellenize Rome and stood in resistance and defiance of the Greco-Roman ways of life,

    including its religious institution: a battle of will and mind rather than of sword and shield:

    For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty

    through Yahovah to the pulling down of strongholds.

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    of the Hebrew Messiah (Yahshuah) as Savior and King remains a strong feature in its hope for

    return to regional influence despite the adoption of Islam. The enviable position of protector and

    avenger of the people of Creator can thus only be enjoyed by Medo-Persians and their supporters.

    During the time of the Roman Empire, the Hebrew institution was very popular with most people

    disillusioned with Roman immorality and tyranny. The spread of what became known asChristianity a term coined in Rome-became a great threat to the leadership pledged to the

    standard of the Council of Corinth. The severe persecution of (Hebrew) Christians drew a quickinvocation of the Medo-Persian role in the alliance against their Greco-Roman oppressors. The

    Hebrew-Christians reference of to the Kings of the East and the Medes and Persian in the Book

    of John (Yahanan) the Revelator around 64 A.D. is the most recent official designation of the

    Iranian-Hebrew alliance since the hand of Creator wrote Mene mene tekel pharsin on the wall inBabylon.

    8. The Future of the Iranian-Hebrew Alliance

    Yahovah shall destroy them who destroy the Earth. -Revelations 11:18

    Interestingly, the only surviving models for world order relevant to the modern world is either a

    Greco-Roman model or an Iranian-Hebrew model. The object of both the Greco-Roman (G-R)

    and the Iranian-Hebrew (I-H) alliances is to fashion the political and territorial world after their

    own liking, then assimilate (annex) the vanquished (world) to themselves. Any human campaign

    that attempts to affect global state(s) of affairs must take two fields of engagement into

    consideration: a Primary Field and a Secondary Field. The Primary Field represents the factor of

    human populations, or the people to whom the campaign is directed. Obviously, since the general

    population is the majority, the Primary Field as an opposing force makes the campaign ineffective.

    Therefore, Primary campaigns must be geared toward molding the Primary Field to agree with the

    campaign. The Secondary Field represents engagements with (or interactions among) centers of

    power or influence. Other fields do exist, such as the spiritual field or the universal field (acombination of all fields); however, in comparing the I-H and G-R campaigns, we will only

    consider two basic and conventional fields which are the basis of interaction on earthly and

    political levels. These two fields are simple to understand, and, with rare exceptions, have been the

    only tangible fields in human political and military history. As per the entities in the fields, there

    are four in each field: western centers of influence, central centers of influence, eastern centers of

    influence, and the Earth -the most tangible factor and the one that makes the others possible. Over

    time, and mainly thanks to the Hebrew cultural campaigns, global centers of influence have boiled

    down to be strictly represented by only the most prominent denominators in each field. Today,

    there exist exactly three common denominators: the Greco-Roman powerhouse, the Hebrew

    powerhouse, and the Medo-Persian (M-P) powerhouse. The Hebrew powerhouse is a peculiar

    denominator, because it retains its tangible-ness only through association with the Earth itself.Israel, and even Jerusalem, exist mainly as a geographic feature(s): physical points of reference

    that test the orientation of the world until the fulfillment of the timelines. This purpose is true to the

    Iranian-Hebrew alliance because Hebrew tacticians surrendered the role of physical engagement to

    the allied denominator.

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    It is already helpful that the importance of geographical locations is highly regarded in both the G-

    R and I-H campaigns. Therefore, the use of visual models as applied to a general spatial graph (of

    Earth) to accurately describe the implications of either campaign is valid. It is also extremely

    helpful that authorities of both campaigns have already acknowledged the stated position (terms

    and intentions) of the other. Now, denominators on both representations of the Primary and

    Secondary models are located in the same places. It is important to note that location of the

    denominators themselves do not establish their relationship (as friends or foes): they are simply

    reacting, as materials in an experiment, to show the direction (or movement) of the campaigns.

    The G-R Primary campaign aims to provide alternative tactical and ideological center(s)

    (capital(s)) for the entire field. This move is completely normal for any campaign that engages a

    Primary field. However, the G-R automatically encounters trouble dividing the Primary field. This

    happens because the G-R Primary campaign claims ownership of an ideological leadership

    position that has already been assigned by the other two denominations in the field.


    'City of Peace'

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    The strategy directs the eastern denominator to reorient itself as the G-R campaign flows eastward-

    a proposition asking for enormous (really, insurmountable) concessions on the part of the I-H

    alliance. In order to succeed, the G-R campaign must first undo the I-H pact to allow for

    repositioning of the I-H cultural (leadership) base. Undoing the pact creates strife between the

    Iranian and Hebrew parties (an unfavorable condition for all in the Primary field.) Then, to achieve

    Primary field dominance, the G-Rs must draw on human physiological responses (terror) tosubjugate the masses. Any and every change in the field renews that same vicious cycle. The G-R

    Primary process accomplishes circumnavigation only after every possible subject is touched by it.

    Therefore, it is not feasible for the majority either in the field or to the few in the centers of

    influence, as both will eventually be exhausted (become extinct.) This type of campaign is

    unacceptable on a global scale by any standard.

    Contrastingly, the H-I campaign is distributed between the Primary and Secondary fields, so as to

    separately engage separate fields. The Hebrew cultural base commands the Primary field while the

    Secondary field is governed by Medes and Persians. In this scheme, the entire Primary field is

    curved into the centers culturalinfluence. This way, the opposing sides of the field do not interact

    except through and for the Center.

    This model is very similar in appearance to currents of magnetism that surround the Earth itself, or,

    on a smaller scale, a bar magnet. It is hardly a wonder, then, that the geographical orientation of

    this campaign is called the City of Peace (Yeru-salem.)

    Models of Secondary fields represent scenarios in which physical engagement may be called into

    play. In the I-H campaign, command of (physical) military maneuvers is handed to the Iranians at

    this point. This makes for two denominators as allied with each other: the center (which does not

    engage physically) and the eastern centers of influence (which are oriented westward).


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    This scheme provides support at the back of the centerline. The Center as a DMZ (or buffer zone),

    prevents unnecessary physical engagement between eastern and western powerhouses.

    The G-R Secondary campaign is an extreme contrast to the I-H. In the G-R scheme, no leeway is

    provided for a wait and see, since its physical warfare never has an end. In the Secondary field,

    the last and most crucial stage of warfare, G-R is already engaged in bloody conflict carried over

    from the Primary campaign, and the G-R is therefore forced to exceed its ordinary force while

    maneuvering the difficult arena (preemptively) swamped with collateral damages. The only option

    for G-R to supercede I-H in the Secondary arena is to pit East against West at the centerline. This is

    a very plausible choice for the G-R campaign since it completely disregards the centerline as a

    meaningful global orientation. Firstly, the G-R was founded (and determined) to destroy the

    centerline; by this means, G-R would successfully erase the meaning and purpose for at least one

    of the Four Pillars, and dissolve and divide the I-H (which it attempted to do in the Primary field.)

    To that end, the Hebrew denominator is G-R campaigns prime battleground for a global


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    Curiously, since the sentries of the Centerline and of the East are confederate, the success of either

    alliance still depends on the probability of victory in a battle of two against one (in both the I-H

    and G-R Secondary scenarios.) As long as the Center denominator occupies a place in the focus of

    world events, I-H campaign objectives automatically gain the upperhand at the culmination of any

    Secondary campaign since the center denominator (as party to the I-H alliance) has achieved a

    consensus in the Primary field.

    After all historical records are considered, a few lingering questions still want an answer. The most

    pressing concern is whether Medes and Persians can fulfill the vocation allotted to them millennia

    ago. This question is self-explanatory given the historical base and the extreme relevance of history

    in current international relations. The Hebrew timelines that name the Medes and Persians do not

    provide a religious base for the Medo-Persian people or nation(s), but instead offer a means of

    check and balance for both parties in the I-H alliance to gauge the progress of their joint objectives.

    A level of trust is in place that is in fact sealed by time past and future since the upholding of the

    Four Pillars during the rule of the founding dynasties. The cultural (and religious) burden is carried

    by the Hebrew party so that temporal Medo-Persian alienations from the original spiritual doctrine

    are not taken into account.

    Most nations or world influences that doubt their ties to Medo-Persia may be interested to know

    whether a foreign force can use Medo-Persian tactical resources for their own benefit. The position

    of Medo-Persians in the fulfillment of the Hebrew campaigns has been carefully reiterated in the

    Hebrew (includes early Christian, who were also Hebrew) prophetic works. Securing Medo-

    Persian loyalty was a difficult and highly sacrificial endeavor for the Hebrew nation. The only way

    for a foreign force to make useful advantage of Medes and Persians is to be a direct ally of those

    who operate independently from the alternative alliance (the Greco-Roman powerhouse). Anyone

    will be struck with further curiosity as to the actual fulfillment of the (so far) faithful projections of

    the Hebrew tacticians and ask whether a force from the Greco-Roman denomination within the

    Secondary field may indeed lead the cause of the I-H alliance. Up to a certain point, there isleeway to allow the G-R powerhouse to surrender. However, drawing on the G-R dedication to

    historical symbolisms, that is highly unlikely. It is more likely that minute elements within either

    campaign will change sides, but changing sides in no way annuls the commitments nor the aims of

    either the I-H or G-R alliances.

    As for the Primary field, can (traditionally) Western civilizations participate in the Iranian-Hebrew

    plan for world dominion? The future world situation will be mediated by world powers that will

    use the cumulative progress of every human civilization toward the goals of its campaign. In this

    light, any contribution to the I-H alliance will be viewed as those of the alliance itself, just as it has

    from its inception. Could Iran pursue a military strike on Hellenistic Israel? There is no doubt that

    the I-H campaign aims to unseat Hellenist influence in the Holy Land. The actual inquiry touchesonto what physical means could be used to wrest the Middle East from those who seek to erase the

    memory, and importance, of Jerusalem. The use of contaminants in the Holy Land that would

    render it uninhabitable for any amount of time are entirely out of the question for the Medo-Persian

    faction, for everyone, including the G-R themselves, knows those means to be a means of

    desecration and blasphemy. In fact, the very concept of uninhabitable-ization (depopulation)

    incited the Makednoi to use the means that they did to rid the sanctuary of strength (the Temples

    inner chamber) of its Inhabitant.

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    Who can answer to the validity of todays prime world influences? Have they remained true to the

    legacy of the Iranian-Hebrew alliance? Re-plundering of Medo-Persia will only result in the

    distribution of Iranians and Hebrew tacticians themselves who will search out the modern

    equivalent of the Hellenists sanctuary of strengthnow serving a purpose similar to that of the

    Euphrates in the moat that surrounded old Babylon. Some sociologists have asserted that the East

    had identified a few major Western cities as such a sanctuary; but that is an erroneousassumption, again, biased toward irrelevant Hellenist assignments of tactical purpose.

    The Mid-East and its peace processes are associated with terms and concepts such as mediator,

    guide, dialogue, and cease-fire. Then, there is a subconscious insistence that the parties

    involved in those processes embody foreign role-plays. In the end, peace becomes the ultimate

    casualty of the peace process. The majority of world powers regrettably follow suit, themselves

    succumbing to artificial and fruitless designations of roles and assignments wholly irrelevant to

    their cumulative history. To add insult to fatal injury, these misshapen political strategies or road

    maps are marketed as beacons of hope toward which certain key entities such as Iran are to

    navigate ultra pasifist positions on the world scene. Most unfortunately, the scheme of these

    modern road maps lend to the erasing of history in the assumption that it is history itself (or

    perhaps more precisely, the knowledge of it) that is the source of all existing conflicts. A note of

    caution should be taken to account since the peoples of the Middle East posses a very tangible

    sense of history. Alternatively, those nations are not cut-and-dry institutionalized militias as those

    that led Greece and Rome.

    A few more moments remain before the completion of the Hebrew-Iranian timelines. Eyes will rest

    on both the Greco-Roman and Iranian-Hebrew campaigns to see who will win the coveted globe. It

    is a prize worth fighting for: an opportunity of millennia that will be decided by alliances of

    millennia. Meanwhile, awareness of Irans ancient and contemporary ties to Hebrew people the

    world over renews its ancient strength. The reciprocal benevolence of the Iranians and Hebrews

    throughout their most difficult trials proves that the same fervor continues today. In this way, the

    international community can be guaranteed of Irans true intentions while more and more nations

    seek to enjoy the realization of the Hebrew-Medo-Persian timelines that are soon to be fulfilled.

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