BRIDGE - Amazon S3s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/ebumagazine/1971-02.pdf · Work baa condoued oa brllllina to fruition the abon ICheme. M.r. G. C. H. Poa baa been appointed chlel tiaining

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Page 1: BRIDGE - Amazon S3s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/ebumagazine/1971-02.pdf · Work baa condoued oa brllllina to fruition the abon ICheme. M.r. G. C. H. Poa baa been appointed chlel tiaining
Page 2: BRIDGE - Amazon S3s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/ebumagazine/1971-02.pdf · Work baa condoued oa brllllina to fruition the abon ICheme. M.r. G. C. H. Poa baa been appointed chlel tiaining

BRIDGE: Standard Bidding G. C. H. Fox

In his handbook the fundamental principles of b1ddmg at bridge are explained by one of the best-known writers and teachers in the f1eld, himself a successful tournament player and w1nner of many trophies. Originally published as Sound Bidding at Contract and now revised, this book offers a thorough guide to beginners and plenty of interest for the experienced player. 35p

BRIDGE STATIONERY All Bridge Stationery available /rom



.... ~ '' .0~ 'R~.:~:0 6:"1•~ open to ell players under -'0

#J,. • "und«•y.. Oth un . I 71 For detetls wri te s • e to W Ptlch, Hot I Ed n 27 Herrtnglon Gardens.

London, S W 7 or rtng 01·370-3157

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• Edited by HAROLD R KLI



u 10

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T••• T Interest lD tbll project cootiDu• to IDOWbd ..... ...-diD~ beJoDd the u.u. M.r. Keith SCUiey, the IDOYiq tplrtt lD the -.-tun, WM naady IDYited to disc:UI tbe ICbeiDe lD a PI'OIJ'IIIIIDI OD Radio 4 8Dd did ., lD a maaoer whlda wU1 baft impreaed a larp public with tbJa feature of our actiYitiea. M.r. StaaJeTa latat report on the E.B.U. Teacbert' 1'raiDlDa Sdleme foDowa :

Work baa condoued oa brllllina to fruition the abon ICheme. M.r. G. C. H. Poa baa been appointed chlel tiaining of&cer and Mn. Rhoda Barrow the eecretu)< of the ac:beme.

DetaiJa abould have reached all those who have applied for them and entry forma are now available from Mrs. Barrow at S Ellis .Avenue, Chalfont St. Peter, Bucb. Telephone 02-813-84141 (please send S.A.E.).

At present it Ia hoped to bold to the published time table as follows : lit "'0" level uamination-24th April, 1971.

Closing date for entries-1st March, 1971. 2nd "'0" level examination-2nd October, 1971.

Clo ing date for entries-1st August, 1971. lit "'A" level examination-2nd October, 1971.

Closing date for entries- 1st August, 1971. Feea are £5 for each examination sat. It Ia planned to start courses in the summer under E.B.U. appointed training

of&c:ers. There will be separate " 0 " and " A " level courses and the fee for each course taken will be £15 for at least twenty hours' tuition.

Those who wish to do so are entitled to attempt the examinations without 6nt attending a course.

The above plans have been complicated by the present postal strike and if tbJa continues beyond the 12th February, al terations will be made to the time table.

It Ia most encouraging to be able to report that almost 400 applications for details have been met and in the short time available before the postal strike started enough entries came in to suggest that the scheme will be well sup­ported. It seems therefore that it will become a useful supplement to the many facilities already offered by the E.B.U.

It will assist the committee considerably if all those interested in the scheme wUl remember that although every effort will be made to make arrangements auiting the majority, it is certain that with a scheme co erin2 the whole country eome individuals will find that the plan do not suit their persooaJ preferences exactly. It would be of particular istance if tho wishi.n& to enter for examinations or courses could do so as soon as postal services are resumed. Such entries should be sent to Mrs. Barrow .

• • • • Earopea.a Brld Ch mpionsh.lps. A doubt h been t to the venue

and indeed the holding of this year's European Bridge. Championships. Barcelona wu to have taged the e ent in the cond half of September. At the end of ranuary the Span! h Federation w obU ed to withdraw from this commitment, although the arrangements were already well in band. The European Bridge League has invited offers for a r cue act and e ery effort will be made to maintain th continuity of the event. eanwhlle Open

lection trials proc d ln th" country with the followln& pain being exempted to the second sta e : J. Cansino and M. J. Flint, J. T. R e and I Ro e, R. A. Priday and C. Rodri ue, W. Coyle and V. Sil erstone.

The fotlowin& pairs will be competin in the first ta&e : D. Rimin ton and R. J. Rowl n • F. orth and I. Panto, A. M. Hlron and J. H. L ter, M. t n nd D. dwin, C. Di on and R. . Sh han, J. Moskal and M. Wlodar k , . . Tedd and J. H . Gr nbal&h, A. J. Bam d P. Jourdain, H. W. e y and T. . Culbe n, R. Swimer and J. bury •

Dall potal

• • • Cup. In pit of the peel I problems ca d by th e · ry indication of a record entry for this year's event.

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first of the qu lifyln round begin in early February. H are bei held at: Buc hu t Hill, E x; Burr.e Hill. Su ; W t Ken Club, Tunbridge ells· \\ool tone Hall Schoo, lp lch; Cheltenham Bridge Club; Southport Brld e Club ; t. Paul's School, London~ Bi bop V y's School, Sutton Cold·

ld : Bri to! Brldg Club ; c:YO t -on· Tyn : I.C.I.. elwyn Garden Cuy : A.E.I., Lelc er; King's School, Ely; We x Club, Bournemoutb; Eton Coli e, ind r; manuel School, London; R' hworth School. Halifax.

To provide for he increased entry, emi-final round will be p ed ear at the followtnst three centre on the 13th March, 1971 : Central Road Bridge Club, Manchester ; Cheltenham Brid e Club ; Daily ail Office, London.

The final will be played at the 'ational Liberal Club, London, on tb 17th-1 tb April, 1971.

• • • E.B. • Soathera harlty Con As a counter-balance to the popular

orthem Charity Congress held in Harrogate in o ember, the first E.B.U. Southern Charity Congress i to be held during the first weekend in December, 1971. either the venue nor the programme has yet been finalised. but full detail will be published in the next issue of the Quarterly. The cong will be held over three days. The figure for last year' charity effort current] tands at about £2.000, derived in the main from the orth rn Con r and

the Simultaneou Pairs tournament. • • • •

R LES D ETHIC With effect from the publication of this i ue

a to the method of advisin opponents of one· y tern and con enti The partner of a player who had mad a conventional bid

opponen and offer an e planation if one i requir d. The tandard continental practice for alerting i to t p on the table. Th•

would be acceptable. as would be the imple _tatement "Con\ention 1". Th opponen • if they do not wi h to be so alerted. hould tate thi a oon hey or their opponents come to the table.

It is further emph ised th t th convention card mu t compl t d in full . It i not ufficient to ·re ay Acol or Blue Club t th p f the c rd nd th n put a line through all the other ite

Con ·entions in play are not regarded in im li it in ny tem biddin and mu t be par tely tated in the ppropri te place on th con ntion card.

It i recosni d that there m y be orne t m but th e hould not of ton durati

th Rul and Ethi Committe i influen d by the prolif ra ' on of n te and con ention which make it unre nabh to e t pi t tud

in depth their opponen ' conv ntion card fore each r 1 tl\ 1 f a tourn m nt. It i hoped that thl n w

prot ct their Inter without the nee of con id rmst ch convention card In a tourn m nt •

• • •

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is publi bed in pamphlet uuuoarY form and in book form and · available &a. the E.B. . Quarterly, c/o Bendle Ltd., 16 GeorJe Street, Torquay at )/fd. for the pamphlet and £1 for the book. .

odera lenu. Application from G. M. Peake of Yorbh1re. Full licace granted. Unlike the earlier Vienna this is ~d on the tan~d Milton Oil point count. A multi-purpose One Club open1ng, weak two b1ds and ~ over One o Trump how influence of other more modem systemS. 5.-:e does not permit a resum6 of the tern. Members who may be interested a ummary should apply to : G. M. Peake, 39 Blackburn Lane, BamsleJ, Y

epd e redouble. Application from E. C. Milnes (Yorks.). After dae double of partner's opening bid, a redouble i obligatory with a s1naletoa or doubleton tn partner's suit. Permi ion granted to u this method proviclecl it be indicated on the convention card.

S.A. V.E.. A.G.R.O., F.I.L.M. On application from C. Evans (MidclJaa), full licence granted to all three con entions .

• V.E. An extension of Stayman whereby after the sequence: s

1 .T. 2 C1 2 Anything 1

Three Clubs by South asks for fourther information, which is shown u foOows : 3 0=4-3-3-3 with four card minor. 3 H=five card club suit. 3 Sp=fi e card diamond suit. 3 .T.=4-4 in minors.

Over 3 D. 3 H is a relay bid asking which four card minor to wbicb tbe response 3 Sp shows clubs and 3 .T. diamonds. After the sequence :

• 5. 1 N.T. 2Cl 2H 3Cl

3 D==4 clubs. 3 H=4 diamonds, 3 Sp=4 spades, 3 .T.=3-4-3-3 After the sequence :

. s. 1 .T. 2Cl 2 Sp 3 C1

3 D=4 clubs, 3 H=4 diamonds, 3 Sp=4-3-3-3 and minimum. 3 .T.=4-3-3-3 and maximum.

With two four card majors in the opening o Trumps, beam are wn before pada.

. .G.Jl.O. This. is a convention for dealing with a Blue Club 1 .T. opeaiaa btd. The bids are tn the tyle of Aspro and Astro with one important difference. H nds strona. enouah for action but containlnJ a club suit are passed. T1le r nlng behind t~Is is that the 1 .T. bid is etther trong (16-17), or COD a five card ~lub su1t. I~ you hold clubs, you either have to cope witb a no-trump W!th clubs ltttna over declarer, or with a trong no-trump. It there­for 1eem1 w t to t back and defend on uch a hand and to avo d a club lead-

an o ercall of a 1 .T. bid (Blue Club) : 2 Cl= de and a red ult · 2 0 =diamonds and heart ; '

0 er both th bid 3 clubs i the only forcina bid 0 er 2 clu , 2 0 deni pade upport, and 2 H 'natural. Oh r ~D. 2 pad I natural, and ther · no problem with a denial bid t 1 are defined.

. J. . For d hn with 3-level pre-emp Th coD entioD co ol Ftshbetn nd Lower Mtnor pi ed imultaneou Jy (a) Over 3 Cl, 3D i for t e-out 3 H 3 Sp i T =natural !b) 0 er 3 p 4 Cl .i for tak -out.' 3 .T. 4 D Ji.;.natural • (c) 0 er 3 D 3 H • for ke-out, but auarant at t 4 'hearta. 3 and

3 .T. are natural.

(d) 0 •r

3 H 4 Cl : for take-out but denies a heart suit.

.. ~ Sp for t e-out but guarant at t 4 11 natural. 4 C1 I for take-out but cleni a 4-c:ard ll*le t or

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Thi th t t lc: -out bid m p d 'flith a holdtn of 3 cu in th it bid, n dvanta e in a number of If one hould ha e a good natural bid which cotncid with a take out bid.

on mak th bid anywa and either rebid one' uit or p partner' bid if a fit · found. The 4 I ke-out o\·er a red it pre-emp thu pr m.i a t o- uiter. whi h liminat me gu work.

J.O. n integrated tem of Jump Overcall , Cue·b d and au u I o Trump , application by D. F. Griffith of Leic ter, wa i en a full licence until Dec mber 31st, 1972.

The jump overcalls are already licen d CRoman) and the cue-bid ar Jar ely covered by Michael cue-bid Oicen ed). ew poin are that 2 .T. over a major how a tron hand in the other major. A jump cue·bld (l H-3 H) how a solid minor and an out ide control and • therefore an invitation to Thr o Trumps.

D. • .H., to be u d in conjunction with weak two bid in the majo . Opening bid of Two Diamond how Acol Two bid in hearts or spades or a powerful two uiter in the maJors. ThL convention. also ubmitted by D. F. Griffith , was granted full licence until December 31 t, 1972.

Fi e ac Blackwood, a well known method whereby the king of trum i tr at d a fifth ace and the queen of trump - a fifth king, w fully lice d on the initiative of the committee.


Scotland, the defending champion , had a light edge after the f1rst fi ture when they beat orthern Ir land 14-4 while England won 13-5 against Wal . For what likely to pro e the deciding match the team wer :

EaJiand. J. Sharples and R. Sharpie , C. Rodri ue and L. Tarlo, A. • Bowen and M. S. Buclc.l E. C. Miln (non-playing captain).

cotland. W. Coyle and V. Silver tone, R. S. Brock and S. Leckie, G. Math n and J. MacLaren. A. L. Benjamin (non-playing capt in).

In the fir t match England led by 28 after 20 boards only to be over n at on point in the final ten.

+ A K \)A 7 4 0 J 9 8 7 3 6 10 9 3 R. Sharp! opened One Club and Br One Diamond with the abo e h nd. In each e partner r ponded One Spade and jumped to Thre p d after a rebid of One o Trump. Sharpie rai ed to Four pad - Broc too th

i w that partner, missing the top pade , w likely to ha e entri and hat nin tric might be ier than ten. He rai ed to Thr o Trum and proved to be right.

On the next board : Q 8 6 S \) A 10 S 0 J 6

G me all. One Diamond on your left and On

City of York 1900th Anniversary Cele rations BRIDGE CONGRESS

Licensed by the E B.U at THE ROYAL STATION HOTEL

Friday, May 21at, 1971 - Sunday, May 23rd, 1971 CHAMPIONSHIP PAIRS - TEAMS OF FOUR

MIXED PAIRS - OPEN PAIRS at all S on A MASTER POINTS CO GRESS A. T. HIGSO , Ch Spec! I Hot I Rat for Congr All Hotel Boo mg d reet w1 h the

( rly boo lng Ia ad I ble n this C bration Y r) Entrl and Enquir to the Congr Seer ry : MrL A. T. Chec:tt eld, TM Willow., UPI* Poppl on, Yorlc. Tel. U.P. 4318

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d on a hand which w likely to prove mor u ful in defence. Broc doubled, partn r bid Thre H art ith :

.3 «;:;JKJ7 3 OQI074 6 7 3 and Sco land made Four Hea in one room and Two Spad in the other. Bo h game were a trifle fortuna e, but Scotland' po ition called for a r ive tacti and Brock and Leckie had re ponded admirably to the call. Two board later they pu hed home another thin game and Scotland were in front. With two board remaining, Buckley found a better lead than MacLaren mst Three 'o Trump to give En land a game wing and a 4-2 win.

Scotland made the running in the ond match and with three board to play they led by 22 J.M.P' and needed a furth r three point to win S-1. En land held on and the final margin w 20 and 4-2 for Scotland. And so to he third match, with all to play for. The top four-the Sharpie , Rodrigue nd Tarlo-were se en poin down after the first ten. The captain introduced

Bowen and Buckley who helped the Sh rples to turn the tide. With ten to play England Jed by 14 and maintained the tatu quo in the final ten to win -2. England were effective in competitive biddin._ situ tions in the final boards and mi&ht have profited even more handsomely had they found the be t defence on the following hand.

orth-South game. Dealer W t.

West + K6S43 (,'?4 OKQ 6 K9862

orth • Q 10 7 2 «;:;! 9 8 3 0 9876 6 AS

South + A9 (,'?A K J 10 6 2 0 A543 6 0

t + J8 (,'? Q7 s 0 J 10 2 • J 10 7 4 3

Jim Sharp! was permitted to play in Four Hearts after W t had open d On Club. rai d to Two Club by E t and Thr e pad by t after uth'

id of Three Hearts. W t led a club : declarer won in dummy and ruffed a club. ext the ac of heart and th n the ace and another diamond, throwin in We t who had be n marked with t n black card on the biddin . t exited with. pade : declarer won in dummy with th queen and fin th heart for ele en ttlc .

At the other table Rodrigue and Tarlo bid up to Fi e Clu and c i b came d I r r in Fiv He rt aft r thi uction :

w t t 1 Sp 2Cl 5CI

ut Double 4H


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This i a problem in defence which involves a problem in play­ibly two problems in play, technical and psychological.

uth ~ P Pass 1 Cl. 1 N.T. 2 Sp. 3 Sp. 3 .T. P Pass

w t KQ10654 K8

0 J 763 4

orth 72 AQJ 10 AQ10 KQJ6

Pass Pass Pass

West lead the king of spades, ortb plays the two, East the nine and declarer the eight. The players are of top international quality and East may therefore be assumed to be showing a doubleton spade. The r ponse of One o Trump shows about eight points. How should West plan the defence 1

Solution on page 1 1.

CO PETITIO The re ults of the third round Hubert Phillips Bowl matches, th

second round Crockford's Cup matches and the fourth round Gold Cup matches have in some cases been held up from reaching the Honorary Tournament Secretary and in som cases have been notified by tele­phone without the scores, owing to the po tal strike.

Portland lub Pair aad The Field Cup. The Honorary Tournam nt Secretary request that anyone wi bing to ent r for these two en and who had not done o befor the po tal trike hould do ithin two day of the end of the trik .

Hubert PhRIIps BowL Draw for the fourth round.

G. Wil n v. G. S. K. Rednall. D. J. Jon v. J. D. Beattie. f. M. Hargr v v. winn r of Mr . J. Mark . D. . Griffith . R. G. de Leeuw v. Mr . S. E. Ellam. P. G. Ma n v. J. Buc . B. G. Smith v. K. Bott m. A. Ha Joe v. H. tl . Mi D. Shanahan v. Mr . . Bott ne. Mr. L. Hay v. D. F. Hu gett. Mrs. A. S. Everett v. . L. J. D 1 •

G. Curti v. Mrs. J. Durran. Mr . L. zlo v. . Kember. R. Banerjee v. A. Mar hall. Winne of . Sch nand R. . . R. J. R land .

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Gold up. The dra for th fifth round w made at the Camrose Cup match

at Manch ter. G. B. Di on v. D. I h-Horowicz or A. H. Blo ham M. Harst v. f. H. Hill or G. C. Davi . E. F. Briscoe or C. M. Oborski v. E. M. Perry or G. D. Sharpe. D. I. Betts v. J. R. Atkin or G. Howard. Mrs. S. E. Ellam or D. A. Robson v. R. Myer orR. W. Wilkin. D. J. Jon or Mrs. M. Oldroyd v. J. D. Beattie or Dr. V. P. McDonagh. W. L. Wilkinson v. W. W. L. Fearn. M. Brett v. T. E. D. Quibell. B. Posner orR. Morrish v. D. H. Seddon or . J. Barlow. Mrs. M. Edwards or E. Senk v. J. T. Reese or Mrs. E. M. Blake. D. F. Huggett v. R. A. Priday. J. F. Lodge v. E. Martin. M. G. D. Williams or Dr. J. F. Gibson v. A. J. alkd n. C. P. Lester v. K. E. Stanley or W. W. Brown.

The draw for the si th round will be completely open, though of course it remains seeded.


0 AQJ 10 AQ10 KQJ6 utb A J8 753

0 K94 10 9 s 3

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L 11Dtaer (lloiJaad aDd Prallce)

o. Sbarlf (lt.J.J .... Egpt)

loa-llr ad H. SYUC (Pruc:e) A. llcaa (Palud) ... .. Scbapilo (Bnrncf) a.-..- A. ....., (Bqland)

C. ad L Tulo (Enpncf) ... J, 8Dd J, D. R. (Witnp (Switzerland and Eqland) ... J, aDd L Yalloue (Praace)

• c.o,t. ... v. (Scotland) J, T. aDd L (Egpnd) P. a...coai aDd J, Ortiz (Switzerland) C. aDd P. (France) ... J. IJndqYist aDd P. 0. SundeUn (Sweden) J. Callao aDd A. MiUord (Egpnd) ... R. P. Jorda Del A. G. Robinson (U.S.A.) ... D. llenla ad R. Roaipol (Venezuela) H. ad R. De Leeuw (HoiJand)


Orpnilecl under the auspices of the Britiab Bridae Leque tbia eftDt. for ... NPrdecl u one of the IDOR pre~tiJious of toumamen produced

aen8raJ17 reprded u ita biabeat ever quality field. In all, Yenteen CJl nine bOuda were played. With two rounds to play no fewer than

lilbt ~ ltOod a aood c:baac:e of winDina. In the end there ..-nl ~ for Benito Garozzo and Omar Sharif who took the lead in the fourda rOwid Dd did not surrender it until the penultimate. Slavenbura and

tolltber U.. a remarkable record for consistency in this eftllt. ttm. rannen-up, cllaolved their partnenbip for th year' e.,..t

and took ant and ... place&.

Guoao' table play wu a aood deal more elepnt than the bkldina on llad:

ID 2 4

lSp ]Sp

the openlq lead of the kina of c:lu and led a diamond for the continued c:lu ancf declarer ruffed and led the ten of

tb the ace and IWitc:bed to the two of pa Garozzo line in a ftalll-.,erha you would 11 e to try and find It for

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Team, und feat d world ch mpio from 19 7 until their r ' rem nt Ia t r. paid th ir fir t vi it to Eng] nd hen t h Y pi yed. an exhabition match under the pon r hip of • artell' Co n c. ~11 four 10 pia ed to a capa ity ho in th May Faar theatre and th anter creat d can have don nothing but good for duplicate bndge.

The Ju T m. P. Forquet and B. Garozzo. G. Belladonna and W. A arelli, . D'Aielio and C. Pabi Ticci, Omar Sharif Cnon-pl ying captam).

artell' Briti h T am. J. T. Re . J. flint, J. Can ino. J. D. R. olhn • J. R .

The matche proved to be one- ided but though the reater ill f the ltalia evident they were the first to cone de that they had had ub-t ntially the better of the luck.

Four match of 20 board were played. Victory Point corin . ith th \'ictory point total giving the final re ult.

1 t match. Blue te m won 20-0 (70-3 ). 2nd match. Blue team won 17-3 (70-50). 3rd match. Blue team won 12-8 (47-40). 4th match. Blue team won 20-minu 2 (75-19).

Th performance of the Itali n was o uniformly excellent that th int r t came from their ery occa ional igns of human frailty. Th the two mo t trilc.in

+ K8532 + 097 ~AK93 ~ 5 OK4 O AQJ72 . K4 . J 107

With neither ide vulnerable, orth (Collin ) opened T o Heart , Rom n two, which showed at least five hearts and a club uit. South con erted to Three Club and We t, Avaretli, found him elf embarrassed when faced b hi own method . He merged from hi problem with a bid of Thr e Spade which w ra· d to Four Spade . The opening lead was a mall heart to ·he jack from South. We t won and led a low pade, taken by ortb with the c and the queen of hear continued, South folio ing. How would ou proc d ?

ore of that later- meanwhile a pectacular idding failure .

Eat + A 109 8 ~ 87 6 AQJ6 .Q92

Dealer We t. Ea t-W t arne. ortb

+ 63 ~ 9 65 0 74 3 . K T4 3

outh 4 QJ43 2

0 952 . AlO 5

t (flint) 2 .T. l p 5 0 p

w t KQJ752 A 10

OKlO . 87

Page 19: BRIDGE - Amazon S3s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/ebumagazine/1971-02.pdf · Work baa condoued oa brllllina to fruition the abon ICheme. M.r. G. C. H. Poa baa been appointed chlel tiaining


delighted to ha e an al.ternati .e to bidding the I&IJ! and 1300 w a tisfyjn penalty, the more mce It 1 by no meaM certatn that Forquet would not have found the club lead.

Altbou h th Y di~ not know thi • the only real chance for A arelll and a lladonna was to b1d and make the lam. With no opposition they bid • w t •

lb 2D 3 p 4 .T. 5 D 6Sp p

Ca ino did well to find the club lead and the British team gained the Jar t in le wing of the match, 16 I.M.P's.

And to revert to the earlier hand, this was the full set-up :

w t . K8532 (JAK93 OK4 6 K4

Dealer ortb. Love all. ortll .A

0 Q 10 7 4 2 0 85 3 6 AQ82

Soath • Jl064 0 J6 0 109 6 6 965 3

Eut Q97 85

OAOJ72 6 J 10 7

Again t Four Spades, orth lead a low heart. We t won and pi yed a lo pade. ortb continued with the queen of hearts, taken by W t. The rama pectator ug ted that it was obvious that orth bad a ingleton pade

Cit wa , to them), and that declarer should immediately turn hi attention to diamonds. That of course would have been a winning line, but there w n certainty that ortb was not 2·5·2·4 with • A J.

The e line, which few w at the time, was to play off tb kin of p d before turning one's attention to diamond . South had nee nly at le t three diamond and West would therefore be able to di card h. o n clu on the third and fourth diamonds, nd when South ruffed. decl rer would be able to re-enter dummy with the queen of pade • at the arne time drawin the out tanding trump.

In practice, Avarelli l d a mall trump to the queen at tric four nd then played on diamonds. He di carded a club on th third diamond and uth ruff~ d the fourth diamond and was over-ruffed by declar r to I ve thi po iti n:

ortll one

0107 0 on 6 AQ2

Wt t 8S 9

0 93 0 on 0 on 07

• J107 outh .J

Page 20: BRIDGE - Amazon S3s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/ebumagazine/1971-02.pdf · Work baa condoued oa brllllina to fruition the abon ICheme. M.r. G. C. H. Poa baa been appointed chlel tiaining
Page 21: BRIDGE - Amazon S3s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/ebumagazine/1971-02.pdf · Work baa condoued oa brllllina to fruition the abon ICheme. M.r. G. C. H. Poa baa been appointed chlel tiaining


Page 22: BRIDGE - Amazon S3s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/ebumagazine/1971-02.pdf · Work baa condoued oa brllllina to fruition the abon ICheme. M.r. G. C. H. Poa baa been appointed chlel tiaining
Page 23: BRIDGE - Amazon S3s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/ebumagazine/1971-02.pdf · Work baa condoued oa brllllina to fruition the abon ICheme. M.r. G. C. H. Poa baa been appointed chlel tiaining
Page 24: BRIDGE - Amazon S3s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/ebumagazine/1971-02.pdf · Work baa condoued oa brllllina to fruition the abon ICheme. M.r. G. C. H. Poa baa been appointed chlel tiaining