BRIDEface Beauty Guide

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FACEing Lessons

FACEing and Parties

A part of our business that is just exploding is our “makeup coaching” division. I meet so many women who look in the mirror after I do their makeup and they say, “I love it! Can you do my makeup every day?”

Well, no. Unless you’re Beyonce.

But I CAN teach you how to do it yourself. The one on one lesson is great if you really need a comprehensive how-to. If your goal is to learn and have a GNO, the duo class or 3-6 person party is the way to go.

How it works:

You bring all your own makeup in and I show you how to use it. What to pitch, what to purchase. How to stop making expensive makeup shopping mistakes .

You choose what you want to work on. Contouring and highlighting like a Kartrashian? Done. 5 minute Pretty Mommy face? Got it. Interview look? Boom. Date Night eyes? Please.

And if you want to tack on a field trip to Ulta afterwards, I’m your wingman.

Beauty Prep

Beauty Prep

Brows:I am a complete Brow Freak, and a fan of nicely sculpted brows that enhance your facial features. I do believe that many women overtweeze and I ask many of my brides to grow their brows out for the wedding. (and if you wonder if you might fit into that category, snap a selfie and email it to me) We recommend Jenny Simon (www.jennysimonface.com) in Hyde Park for waxing. She is amaaaaaazing. She can also tint your brows. Try to time it out that you getting your last wax at least a week before the wedding. Freshly waxed skin hates makeup!

For preview, engagement sessions and the wedding day, we utilize a sculpting technique that involves meticulous trimming and pruning only (because who wants to have redness and pain when they’re gettin’ their pretty on?)


Yes, we airbrush and we are fabulous at what we do, but when your skin is in great shape, your makeup looks 1000 times better. We are huge fans of Peaches in Montgomery (www.peachesskincare.com) and their all-natural technique and products are a very unique approach. I can attest that my skin has never looked better and continues to improve in clarity, smoothness,glow, and elasticity.

Some simple things you can incorporate into your skincare routine:

-Wash your makeup off before bed! Sounds painfully obvious, but I’m amazed at how many people don’t do that. Makeup marinating in your pores overnight clogs the, stretches them out, makes your skin textured and dull…you get the picture. We adore the Clarisonics; it’s like having a Sonicare for your face. It gets all the stuff you would definitely miss with just your hands or a washcloth. It will change your life! Worth every single penny.

-Mask with Milk of Magnesia. Seriously. You will not believe the difference this will make in your skin. Literally overnight. I put it on top of my nightly regime and sleep in it.

-Drink more water! It’s the most basic thing you can do for your skin.

-Throw an exfoliant in the shower and use it daily. I know, it sounds like a no brainer, but so many people don’t do this. I actually just use baking soda.

-Monistat 7. No, that’s not a typo. It’s an antifungal, which means it will wipe out so many things going on with your skin; acne, ruddiness, blackheads, large pores.

-No tanning! We can point you in the direction of Gow (www.glowsunfree.com) for airbrush tanning, but no sunning or beds!! Brown spots ain’t cute unless they’re on a doggie. So not worth it.



We cannot wait to work with you! Just a few notes so all we have you have to do on the Big Day is bliss out and get prettied up.

-Never had your makeup done before? We don’t bite. We won’t make you look like a drag queen, pinky swear. Check out our work at www.brideface.com

-The rate for the makeup is $75 and includes full makeup with custom blended airbrush foundation, individually applied lash clusters, and waterproofing sealant. If you are paying for your makeup with cash or check, please designate one person to compile all the payments. We would much rather concentrate on your makeup than the money!

-Please have a squeaky clean face! If you can,scrub with a gentle exfoliant in the shower that morning or the night before. We love baking soda for this; you will thank us FOREVER for that tip.

-We are more than happy to cover a bruise ,bad tan lines, or even a tattoo, but we definitely need a heads up so we do not cause the carefully planned timeline to go south. Please contact us ahead of time ([email protected]) to let us know that we should arrive a bit earlier. In the case of tattoos, we find a photo essential so we can give you a ballpark quote. They are an additional fee above and beyond your makeup application.

-We love Pinterest. We love when you show us inspiration pics on your phone. But here’s a hint: choose a pic of a celebrity on the red carpet over a tight extreme closeup of an eye. Those shots are often so unrealistically photoshopped that they only set you up for a womp, womp. It’s also okay if you don’t have the slightest idea of what you want. We can roll with that.

-If you have a low back or strapless dress, you may want to skip the tight bra that morning. Red dents in your skin take forever to go away. Same goes for socks!

-We do bring along our exclusive line of lipsticks and glosses if you would like to purchase for touchups. $21.20 with sales tax; we take cash, check, and credit card.

-You may want to bring blotting papers and/or a compact powder if you tend to get shiny.

-We do makeup lessons, and parties, so if you love, love, love what we do for you, we can teach you how to do it yourself! Check us out at www.brideface.com

Preview Session

I have a small but hopefully fun homework assignment for you so we can make the most of our time at your appointment. I will be wanting to see the following images, and you can link me to a Pinterest board you might have, show them to me on your phone that day, or email them to me ahead of time. You will want to allow about an hour for the appointment, and two if you are seeing our hairstylist as well.

-your gown

-how you plan to wear your hair

-your color palette for the wedding

-examples of makeup looks you like (good resources are :the BRIDEface website, my Pinterest bridal beauty board (http://www.pinterest.com/brideface/bridal-beauty)

I will also want to know about any allergies and/or sensitivities you may have. We will probably go over your current skincare regimen and what you will want to do to get your skin in the best possible condition. (Please see our skincare/tanning/waxing guide for more comprehensive information)

We will do a full makeup including lashes and airbrush. We love when you are doing an engagement session the day of your preview, (so you can see how beautifully it photographs) but please keep in mind that if you want a very natural look for your engagement pictures and a more dramatic look for your wedding, you may find that you require two separate sessions.

Please feel free to bring a guest or two! We love additional feedback and this is most likely one of your more fun vendor meetings; enjoy it! We are happy to do previews on your mom or any other bridal party members as well, at a rate of $75 for the session.

Sessions take place at our beautiful Ft Thomas studio.