BrickellandKBmoms November - December 2012

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The first and only bilingual go-to guide for moms in Brickell and Key Biscayne

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Happy Holidays &Safe Travels! Dear Brickell and Key Biscayne mom,The holiday season is here, there is so much to do and enjoy before the year is over! But STOP! The ‘holiday created’ sense of urgency is what makes it stressful. I always like to remember that the process is the fun aspect of it all. Getting ready: shopping, planning, travel coordinating, packing should all be enjoyed. Most of us in the area will probably be leaving the cooler Miami to join our extended family and friends abroad. Wherever you spend this holiday season remember what is important: enjoy your loved ones and have a great time, the rest is not that signi!cant!

Cheers,The moms at BrickellandKBmoms

Follow us on twitter and pinterest @BkbmomsLike us on facebook at www.facebook/brickellandkbmoms

App CornerThese are just three of our favorite apps which make our lives that much easier, espe-cially with the holidays just around the corner! Which one is your favorite? Share with us and write the editor at [email protected]

¡Estos son simplemente tres de nuestras aplicaciones favoritas que hacen nuestras vidas más fáciles! ¿Tienes una aplicación favorita? Comparte con nosotros y escribe a la editora a [email protected]

Holiday Decor, mix new, old and handmade this yearThere’s no time like the holidays for get-togethers. If you are planning on entertaining at home this year, your home should be up for the occasion. This holiday season mix new, old and handmade for the perfect holiday home decor! If you do not have time to go out shopping (and who has nowadays?), check your favorite shops online for the perfect items (they are one click away and goodies arrive at your doorstep in no time) We love this year’s ornaments at Anthropologie and we absolutely adore Etsy for hand-made and vintage goodies. Have a blast decorating!

No existe mejor momento para reunirse que durante las !estas. Si estas planeando tener invitados este año, tu casa debe estar pre-parada para la ocasión. Estas !estas, mezcla nuevo, viejo y hecho a mano para lograr la mejor decoración hogareña! Si no tienes tiempo de ir de compras (¿y quién tiene en esta época?), chequea tus tiendas favoritas en la web para encontrar los objetos perfec-tos ( están a solo un click y llegan a tu puerta en un pestañar de ojos) Nos encantan los adornos de Anthropologie y adoramos abso-lutamente el sitio Etsy por sus cositas vintage y las hechas a mano. Diviertete decorando!

I love this app! If you always have a hard time !nding your way through your closet to !nd the perfect out!t-Stylish Girl can help you. You can input the clothes you already own and mix and match it with what’s in stores. You can then go shopping and buy clothes that go with what you have.

If you have read Duermete niño this is- in the form of app-an American version of the book. The application guides you in the pro-cess of helping your child learn to soothe himself/herself while try-ing to fall asleep. If you are a new mom you will probably hate it (at !rst!), if you are an experienced mom you will know it works and can always be used as a refresher when a new baby arrives.

Always !nd yourself embarrassed when splitting a bill with friends? This app helps you !gure out who pays how much and what should be appropriate as a tip. Your girl’s night out can be more enjoyable by whipping out the Tripula-tor when the bill arrives. This handy app splits the check easily between friends, has rounding up functionality, and has a setting for a variety of currencies, in case (at least in your dreams!) you’re on a trip abroad with friends.

¡Felices Fiestas y Buen viaje! Querida mama de Brickell y Key Biscayne,Las !estas están aquí y hay tanto por hacer y disfrutar antes de !n de año. Pero, ESPERA! La sensación de urgencia creada por las !estas es lo que te pone nerviosa. Siempre me gusta recordar que el proceso es lo divertido en sí. Prepararte, comprar, planear, coordinar, empacar, todo debería ser disfrutado. La mayoría de nosotros en la zona estaremos dejando el clima fresquito de Miami para encontrarnos con nuestros familiares y amigos en otros lugares probablemente más cálidos. Sea donde sea que pasemos estas !estas recordemos lo que es importante: disfrutemos de nuestros seres queridos y pasémosla bien, lo demás no es tan signi!cativo!

Saludos,Las mamás en BrickellandKBmoms

Síguenos en twitter y Pinterest @Bkbmoms y Facebook en www.facebook / brickellandkbmoms

,MKWZIVLW�MV�M[\I[�ÅM[\I["�este año mezcla nuevo, viejo y hecho a mano

¡Adoro esta aplicación! Si siempre tienes problemas para encontrar la prenda perfecta en tu closet- Styl-ish Girl puede ayudarte. Puedes ingresar la ropa que ya tienes y combinarla con lo que hay en las tiendas. Luego puedes ir de com-pras y adquirir lo que combina con lo que tienes.

Si leíste el libro Duérmete Niño esta es una versión americana del libro- en forma de aplicación. El app te guia en el proceso de ayudar a tu niño a aprender como calmarse a si mismo mientras se intenta dormir. Si eres madre primeriza probable-mente lo odies- al principio, si eres una mamá experimentada sabrás que funciona y siempre es un buen recordatorio cuando un bebe llega a casa.

¿Te encuentras siempre con pena en el momento de dividir la cuenta cuando sales con amigas?. Las noches que sales con tus amigas puedes disfrutarlas un poco más si utilizas este app cuando llegue la cuenta ya que la divide de forma fácil entre comensales, te indica la propina correcta y tiene funcionali-dad de redondeo hasta en distintas monedas- en caso que estés en un viaje en el exterior con amigas (¡por lo menos en tus sueños!)

Photos: Itunes

Stylish Girl

Ibaby sleep all night


While there is no magic formula that you can calculate that will guarantee you success in achieving your !tness goals, there are certainly a few key eating habits you can incorporate into your daily routine that can make all the di"erence between lean #at abs or a bloated belly. When done habitually, passionately and with patience and dedication, your body will react and respond to your new habits faster than you can say string bikini!

Wellness CornerCreate Effective Diet Habits for LifeWhittle Your Waistline & Lose inches by creating Effective Diet Habits. *a"�)VOMTQY]M�5QTTQ[̉�.Q\VM[[�8ZWNM[[QWVIT

Rincón de Bienestar Crea hábitos de dieta efectivos de por vidaReduce tu cintura y pierde centimetros mediante la creación de PnJQ\W[�LQM\u\QKW[�MÅKIKM[� 8WZ"�)VOMTQY]M�5QTTQ[̉�8ZWNM[QWVIT�LM�.Q\VM[[�

1) Listen to Your BodyI am FASCINATED by the human body! I see my body as something sacred that I nurture each day, like a science experiment. It amazes me how the body responds to what you put into it. Once you listen closely to what your body is telling you, you will notice how it responds to the amount (and type) of food, exercise and rest that you give it. Remem-ber, it is YOUR CHOICE how you care for your body- nobody else’s. You can either give it the best fuel available and !ne-tune it like a Ferrari or let it rot like a 80s junk car waiting to be made into scrap metal. Get to know your body and focus on what it feels like when you are at your very best and just aim to feel that way every day of your life.

2) Know Your Daily Caloric Intake While you don’t need to neurotic about every bite you take throughout the day, it’s always in your favor to have a ball-park !gure of what you need to consume to maintain and/or lose weight.

Average Daily Calories to MAINTAIN Your Weight:Here is a simple formula) courtesy of Discovery Health that can also help you !gure out how to lose a few pounds. Simply take your weight and multiply it by 12 and that is the amount of calories you need to consume daily. For example if you weigh 135 pounds than you should be consuming 1,620 on a daily basis.

3) -I\�5WZM�IVL�5WZM�OftenDon’t starve yourself! Your body will go out of whack and go into survival mode by going after your muscle tone (NOT the fat) and will only leave you feeling weak and “skinny fat”. Eating more often helps maintain a steady level of blood glucose levels which helps give us steady energy levels throughout the day. Steady energy comes from steady intake of foods. By eating 3 meals and 2 snacks per day you will boost your metabo-lism and your body will burn stored fat. Remem-ber, when calories are con-sumed, there is a thermic e"ect that takes place, and your metabolism rises in order to process those calories. It is very simple; the more often you eat, the more ‘thermic’ e"ect the body is getting, thus a higher metabolism overall.

1) Escucha a tu cuerpoEstoy fascinada con el cuerpo humano! Veo mi cuerpo como algo sagrado que hay que alimentar cada día, como un experimento cientí!co. Me sorprende cómo el cuerpo responde a lo que pongo en él. Una vez que escuchas con atención a lo que tu cuerpo te está dic-iendo, te darás cuenta de la forma en que responde a la cantidad (y tipo) de alimentos, el ejercicio y el descanso que le das. Recuerda, es tu elección cómo cuidar de tu cuerpo. Puedes darle el mejor combustible disponible y lo re!narás como una Fer-rari o dejar que se pudra como un coche chatarra de los 80. Conoce tu cu-erpo y concentrate en lo que se siente cuando está en su mejor momento.

2) Conoce tu ingesta calórica diariaNo necesitas estar neurótica sobre cada bocado que comes durante el día, siempre ten en cuenta la cantidad apropiada que necesitas consumir para mantener y/o bajar de peso.

Promedio de calorías diarias para mantener tu peso:He aquí una fórmula sim-ple, cortesía de Discovery Health, que también pu-ede ayudarte a encontrar la manera de perder unos kilos. Simplemente toma tu peso y lo multiplicas por 12 - esa es la cantidad de calorías que necesitas consumir diariamente. Por ejemplo, si pesas 135 libras deberías consumir 1.620 sobre una base diaria.

3) Come más a menudoNo pases hambre! Tu cuer-po estar á fuera de control y en modo de superviven-cia y solo perjudicará a tu tono muscular (no la grasa). Esto sólo te hará sentir débil y “gorda- !aca”. Comer más a menudo ayuda a mantener un nivel constante de los niveles de glucosa en la sangre que ayuda a darnos equilibrio en los niveles de energía durante todo el día. La energía constante proviene de la ingesta regular de alimentos. Al comer 3 comidas y 2 meriendas al día, aumen-tarás tu metabolismo y tu cuerpo quemará la grasa almacenada. Recuerda, cuando las calorías se consumen, se produce un efecto térmico y tu metabolismo se eleva con el !n de procesar esas calorías. Es muy simple: cuanto más a menudo se come, más efecto “tér-mico” el cuerpo recibe, por lo que genera un mayor metabolismo en general.

Si bien no existe una fórmula mágica que te garantiza el éxito en el logro de tus objetivos de !tness, sin duda hay algunos hábitos alimenticios claves que puedes incorporar en tu rutina diaria que puede hacer toda la diferencia entre un abdomen plano o un vientre hinchado. Cuando se hace habitualmente, con pasión, paciencia y dedicación, tu cuerpo reaccionará y responderá a esos nuevos hábitos antes de que puedas decir bikini!

La información anterior es solamente para fines informativos. No tiene intención de diagnosticar problemas de salud ni suplantar un diagnóstico médico.

Disfrute de una mejor salud,  restableciendo la integridad de su sistema nervioso con una atención quiropráctica segura y natural con el Dr. Paul Ruggiano. Enjoy better health with chiropractic care at: Brickell Family Chiropractic 1793 SW 3 rd Ave., Miami, FL 33129. Call: 305.858.5880

The information and reference materials contained here are intended solely for the general information of the reader. The information presented here is not intended to diagnose health problems or to take the place of professional medical care.


Baby bootcamp Patty Porro. Patty is an AFAA certi!ed !tness instructor with specialized training in prenatal and post partum !tness.www.babybootcamp.com 305.310.5232. [email protected] .

BKB Word of mouth Feel like having a little alone time, do something interesting, learn something new? Why not sign up for a local class? WOM classes - you would only know about them through a friend - in this case - US. Now go ahead consider joining a local class who knows maybe it could be part of a New Year’s resolution....

1) Explore your inner self by creating unique pieces of art through drawing and painting. WOM ART suggestion: Contact Laura Villareal at [email protected] 2) Learn and understand among other things people, society, change and how the society we live in came to be. WOM History Suggestion: Call Maria Eugenia at 305.213.9321 3) Feel like taking your first step towards a unique vocal and social experience? WOM Choir Suggestion: Andante vocal group- For more information, please call Florencia Badino at 786.395.0485 or Angeles Padilla at 305.342.4162 4) Have always fantasized about stitching your own buttons? Make it a reality 2013. WOM Sewing Suggestion: Contact Mary Sanz at [email protected].

(The following info is just a suggestion and for informational purposes only. It is subject to confirmation on your part, classes might need to be coordinated separately. If you are interested in letting us know about a class you are teaching in the Brickell and KB area please email us at [email protected])

El BOCA en BOCA en BKB¿Deseas tener un poco de tiempo a solas, hacer algo interesante, aprender algo nuevo? ¿Por qué no inscribirse en una clase local? Clases WOM - sólo te enteras de ellas a través de una amiga - en este caso - NOSOTRAS. Ahora adelante considera comenzar una clase... quien sabe tal vez podría ser parte de las resoluciones de Año Nuevo....

1)Explora tu yo interior mediante la creación de piezas únicas de arte a través del dibujo y la pintura. WOM Sugerencia ARTE: Contacta a Laura Villareal escribiéndole a [email protected] 2)Aprende y comprende entre otras cosas, a la gente, la sociedad, el cambio y la forma en que la sociedad en la que vivimos llegó a ser lo que hoy es. WOM Sugerencia Historia: Llama al 305.213.9321 a María Eugenia. 3)¿Tienes ganas de tomar el primer paso hacia una experiencia vocal y social única? WOM Sugerencia CORO: Andante grupo vocal-Para obtener más información, llama al 786.395.0485 a Florencia Badino o Padilla Ángeles al 305.342.4162 4)¿Siempre haz fantaseado con coser tus propios botones? ¡Qué sea una realidad este 2013! WOM Sugerencia COSTURA: Contacta a María Sanz escribiéndole a [email protected].

(La información anterior es sólo una sugerencia y es para fines informativos. Está sujeta a confirmación, puede que tengas que coordinar las clases por separado. Si tienes interés que publiquemos una clase que estás enseñando en Key Biscyane o Brickell, déjanos saber a [email protected])

Roberto Giordano USA, 1061 Brickell Plaza, Miami, FL 33131. Call for your appointment at: 305.400.6663

Contact Sophie Sebaoun at 786.926.9263 or email her at [email protected]

651 Brickell Key Drive Miami, FL. Call: 305.371.3701

Call: 1800.Groomer or 305.586.6879/www.kbmobilepetgroomers.com or email: [email protected]

Cakes, desserts and mini sweets!

Boutique Location: Mary Brickell Vil-lage. 900 South Miami Avenue - Suite 176 Miami, Florida 33139. Call: 786. 286. 9191

If you would like to share a tip, idea or an interesting article with other moms please contact us at [email protected])T[W��ÅVL�][�WV�facebook, twitter and pinterest!To advertise, speak with a real person at 305.801.4431 or 1800.961.2195 or drop us an email at [email protected]. To contact our Art Department: Lorraine Loaiza at [email protected]

Enrichment Activities for kids 0 to 5 years old.Actividades para niños de 0 a 5 años. Llama a Guadalupe Figueroa al 305.798.0419Contact: Guadalupe Figueroa at 305. 798.0419/ [email protected]/ http://www.thejoyofmusic.com

Dr. Carla Vanessa Ruiz, DDS. Call: 1800.895.1570

Hot Yoga!

If you feel like sweating, feel a need to work every part of your body try Bikram Brickell, 809 SW 1st Ave, 305.416.0251, email: [email protected]/ http://www.miamibikrambrickell.com

Eat Natural, Be Natural, Live NaturalDelivery, Catering, Private Events

180 Crandon Boulevard  Key Biscayne, FL 33149. Call: 305. 365.0455

Best sushi in town right in the center of Brickell. Dine in, Take out and Delivery at 200 SE 15th Road, Miami, 305.856.9016

Free Shuttle servicing the local community. It’s a six passenger cart, battery powered, 100% eco friendly vehicle. Complimentary service for the community, tourist, and visitors.

,MKMUJMZ�����" -- Holiday Festivities--Saturday, December 1st from 10 am to 4 pm: CBeebies Learning through Play @ Miami Chil-dren’s Museum (980 MacArthur Causeway, Miami). Call 305.373.5437. CBeebies, the British preschool channel, BBC Worldwide Channels, is now available in Spanish, exclusively presented by DISH Network, channel 848. Live action! Animated fun! And a chance to experience learning through play and exploration-presenting an interactive event that is open to the entire community. Children between 0-6 years of age.

Saturday, Dec. 1 from 2 pm to 3: 30 pm: Christmas Carol, the Musical at Actors’ Playhouse at the Miracle Theatre (280 Miracle Mile, Coral Gables). Call  305. 444.9293 or visit actorsplayhouse.org. Price: $20.00. Thursday-Sunday, Dec. 6-9 from 12 pm to 8 pm: ArtKids at Art Basel Miami Beach @ArtKids Room – 2nd Floor - Miami Beach Convention Center. While parents enjoy Art Basel, children ages 4 and up can engage in unique interactive arts programming for up to 3 hours at a time. Advanced registration is highly recommended, as space is limited.  To reserve space Call 305.373.KIDS (5437) ext 126. Friday, Dec. 14, from 7 pm to 10 pm: Zoo Lights 2012 @ Zoo Miami (12400 SW 152 St, Miami). Call: 305.251.0400 or visit miamimetrozoo.com. Price: $5.00 Sunday, Dec. 16 at 3 pm: Sunday Afternoons of Music for Children @ UMGusman Hall, University of Miami ( 1314 Miller Dr, Coral Gables) Visit sundaymusi-cals.org/samc.html. Price: $ 12 adults/$ 10 kids.

6W^MUJMZ�����"Thursday, Nov. 15 from 6:30pm - 8:30pm: Tree Lighting @ Village of Merrick Park (358 San Lorenzo Ave, Coral Gables). Call 305.529.0200 or visit villageofmerrickpark.com. Free admission. Bring an unwrapped toy to donate to the Toys for Tot Drive.Saturday, Nov. 17 from 10 am to 11: 30 am: Rainforest Recylcing @ Fairchild Tropical Botanical Garden (10901 Old Cutler Rd, Coral Gables). Call 305.667.1651 ext. 3322 or visit fairchildgarden.org. Ages: Kids (5-9), Tweens, Adults. Fee: Members $12 per person, per ses-sion; Non-members $15 per person, per session.Monday, Nov. 19 from 10 am to 12 pm: Mini Monday Mornings @ MCM (980 Macarthur Cswy, Miami). Call 305.373.5437 or visit miamichildrensmuseum.org. Price: Free with admission /Admission: Adults $12.00; Kids under 1 Free Friday, Nov. 23 from 12 pm to 4 pm: Black Friday @ MCM Miami Children’s Museum (980 Macarthur Cswy, Miami) Call 305.373.5437 or visit miamichild-rensmuseum.org . Price: Free with admission/Admis-sion: Adults $12.00; Kids under 1 Free Wednesday, Nov. 21 at 10am: Baby Story time @ Key Bis-cayne Library (299 Crandon Blvd). Registration required. Call 305.361.6134 or visit /mdpls.org. Free (babies up to 2 years old)Sunday, Nov. 25 from 11 am to 4 pm: Miami Short Film Festival @ MCM ( 980 Macarthur Cswy, Miami) Call 305.373.5437, visit miamichildrensmuseum.org. Free with admission . Ages: Baby (under 2), Prescholer (2-5), Kids (5-9)Monday, Nov. 26 at 6 pm: Max & Ruby’s Treasurer Hunt @ Books & Books Coral Gable (265 Aragon Ave, Coral Gables. Call: 305.442.4408 or visit .booksandbooks.com/coralgables . Price: Free Nov. 28 from 11 am to 3:30 pm: Disney Cruise Line - Save Us A Spot Celebration at Bayside Marina Stage Area. Call   305.577.3344 ext 7021. They’ll choose 100 names from eligible entrants to receive backpacks stu"ed with Disney Cruise Line goodies - and maybe a 5-night Disney Cruise for 4! Plus, play games and join in the Disney Cruise Line festivities! Contest registration: 10am - 1pm!

+WWT�8QKS[���SQL[���Eventos divertidos para niños

BrickellandKBmoms is a free publication that is distributed locally and supported by our advertisers. Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. All news and information provided on this site is for informational purposes only. We make every e!ort to ensure accuracy of information however we cannot be held responsible for consequences that may arise due to omissions or errors. BrickellandKBmoms highly recommends that you confirm times and dates before attending any of the events mentioned in the guide. BrickellandKBmoms is not responsible for schedule changes or events can-cellations. If you see an error or if there is something that you believe isn’t accurate, please send us an email at [email protected] opinions expressed by people providing comments on this newsletter are theirs alone, and they may not reflect the opinions of BrickellandK-Bmoms. Additionally, BrickellandKBmoms editor and publisher are not responsible for third party products or services mentioned or described on the guide as well as the brickellandkbmoms.com website.

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