Rep. Jon Runyan (NJ-03) Notable Headlines................................2 Editorials.......................................2 Budget Issues....................................3 Business and Consumer Issues.....................7 Campaign Finance Issues..........................7 Crime & Public Safety Issues.....................8 Economic and Financial Issues....................8 Education Issues.................................9 Energy Issues....................................9 Environmental Issues............................10 Ethics Issues...................................11 Foreign Policy Issues – Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea.....................................12 Gay and Lesbian Issues..........................13 Gun Issues......................................13 Health Care Issues..............................14 Immigration and Border Issues...................15 Israel..........................................15 Labor and Working Family Issues.................16 Other Social Issues.............................17 Stem Cells......................................18 Tax Issues......................................18 Tea Party.......................................19 Transportation Issues...........................19

Brian Walsworth · Web viewIn addition, Runyan defended Jon Bon Jovi and Bruce Springsteen for taking the tax break and said, “They're probably in the same boat. My guess is they're

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Page 1: Brian Walsworth · Web viewIn addition, Runyan defended Jon Bon Jovi and Bruce Springsteen for taking the tax break and said, “They're probably in the same boat. My guess is they're

Rep. Jon Runyan (NJ-03)

Notable Headlines...............................................................2Editorials.............................................................................2Budget Issues......................................................................3Business and Consumer Issues...........................................7Campaign Finance Issues....................................................7Crime & Public Safety Issues...............................................8Economic and Financial Issues............................................8Education Issues..................................................................9Energy Issues......................................................................9Environmental Issues........................................................10Ethics Issues......................................................................11Foreign Policy Issues – Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea..........................................................................................12Gay and Lesbian Issues.....................................................13Gun Issues.........................................................................13Health Care Issues.............................................................14Immigration and Border Issues..........................................15Israel.................................................................................15Labor and Working Family Issues......................................16Other Social Issues............................................................17Stem Cells.........................................................................18Tax Issues..........................................................................18Tea Party...........................................................................19Transportation Issues........................................................19Women’s Issues.................................................................19Miscellaneous....................................................................202012 Campaign.................................................................22

Page 2: Brian Walsworth · Web viewIn addition, Runyan defended Jon Bon Jovi and Bruce Springsteen for taking the tax break and said, “They're probably in the same boat. My guess is they're

Notable Headlines

Runyan Backs Boehner [Courier-Post, 7/29/11]

LoBiondo, Runyan support drilling off Atlantic Coast [Courier-Post, 5/10/11]

Dems bash Runyan over special interest fundraiser [Courier-Post, 1/04/11]


Inquirer: Calling Your Yard a Farm Doesn’t Make it One

In December 2011, an editorial from the Philadelphia Inquirer criticized a New Jersey program that provided a 98 percent property tax-break for farmland, and cited abuses of the program.

Runyan’s property taxes on the three acres surrounding his Mount Laurel mansion should be $62,000 but because he chopped wood and raised donkeys on his other 20 acres, his property tax bill was $123.80.

The paper opined, “As a congressman, Runyan votes on tax policy. He knows he holds the public's trust, not a football, in his hands. Accordingly, he should take a pass on accepting a tax break that wasn't meant for homeowners playacting as farmers.” [Philadelphia Inquirer, Editorial 12/06/11]

Press of Atlantic City: Farmland Assessments Ripe for Reform

In December 2011, an editorial from the Press of Atlantic City criticized a farmland assessment program in New Jersey that provided a 98 percent tax break on land used for agricultural programs due to loose definitions on the word “farmers”.

The editorial mentioned that “farmers” only needed to earn at least $500 a year for two years from agricultural uses to get the tax break on the portion of land that produced income. The editorial said that the program needed an overhaul and criticized it for making it easier for the wealthy to maintain their estates. The head of the New Jersey Sierra Club said, “If the primary use of a property isn't agriculture, then the farmland assessment shouldn't apply.” [Press of Atlantic City, Editorial, 12/06/11]

Courier-Post: Runyan Should Lead Charge For Veterans’ Issues

In October 2011, a Courier-Post editorial called on Runyan to make veterans’ issues a priority given his seat on the Veterans’ Affairs Committee, and called for improvements in medical care for wounded or disabled veterans that must come from the federal government.

The editorial pointed to the following statement from Runyan’s website: “The current backlog of claims in the Department of Veterans’ Affairs is a disgrace. The backlog is forcing our veterans to deal with too much bureaucratic red-tape to obtain the benefits they earned with their service to our country.” The


Page 3: Brian Walsworth · Web viewIn addition, Runyan defended Jon Bon Jovi and Bruce Springsteen for taking the tax break and said, “They're probably in the same boat. My guess is they're

board said Runyan needed to do more on the issue than merely issuing statements. [Courier-Post, Editorial, 10/14/11]

Budget Issues

Signed Letter Requesting Special Earmarks, Despite GOP Ban

In April 2012, Runyan joined 65 freshman House Republicans in signing a letter requesting that party leadership consider a miscellaneous tariff bill “jampacked with special provisions to suspend duties on various foreign goods, even though it runs counter to the earmark ban Republicans campaigned on in 2010 and instituted when they took power.” [House Ways and Means Committee, Letter, 4/20/12; Politico, 4/24/12]

Supported Legislation Which Prevents Defense Cuts by Cutting Federal Workforce In January 2012, Runyan asked Obama to “reverse damaging sequestration cuts on the horizon by joining [him] in supporting H.R. 3662, the Down Payment to Protect National Security Act.” “The Down Payment to Protect National Security Act would prevent a further round of cuts, beyond the $465 billion already announced by the President, from hitting our military as a result of sequestration and is fully offset. H.R. 3662 achieves the first year of savings required in sequestration through attrition in the federal workforce by 10% over ten years.”  [YouTube, uploaded 1/24/12]

Runyan: Obama’s Defense Cuts Are ‘Scary’

In January 2012, Runyan said President’ Obama’s defense cuts of $487 billion over 10 years were “scary.”

“I can tell you it’s scary because I do sit on the (House) Readiness Subcommittee,” he said. “In dealing with the threats out there nationwide, there’s a lot of questions of, ‘Are we prepared to deal with Iran? And help our allies in Israel defend themselves against Iran? Are we prepared to deal with the Japanese and the threat that China poses to them?’ Those are a lot of questions and I don’t think a lot of people can give you a straight answer on them. Because I don’t think we are prepared for it.”

Despite the cuts, Runyan said that Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst was positioned to endure budget cuts and would continue to thrive.

“I think that base is going to continue to grow. I can tell you, the more we grow it, the further down that BRAC (Base Closure and Realignment Commission) list it comes,” Runyan said. [Asbury Park Press, 1/11/12]

Hosted Armed Services Discussion with Area Defense Contractors

In December 2011, Runyan hosted a meeting of Area defense contractors centered on Defense Department procurement policies and other regulations impacting contracting with the Pentagon. Runyan said the meeting brought to light several issues small businesses faced when working with the Defense Department.


Page 4: Brian Walsworth · Web viewIn addition, Runyan defended Jon Bon Jovi and Bruce Springsteen for taking the tax break and said, “They're probably in the same boat. My guess is they're

“It’s all about jobs,” he said. “Small businesses are the ones that create most of them, and our discussions centered on what Congress can do to make that easier. Sometimes it can take years. There are some frustrations about how the process continues to work…People don’t think about defense, but it’s really the last manufacturing base this country has.” [phillyburbs.com, 12/11/11]   

Said Federal Cuts to the DOD Budget Would Be Devastating

In November 2011, Runyan criticized automatic defense cuts that would come with the failure of the Super Committee and said that they would cost over a million potential US jobs and would harm national defense.

Runyan said, “I don’t think that the world, as we sit here, is getting any safer, whether you’re talking Iran and their nuclear capabilities or you’re talk about the rest of the Middle East. Again, we look at our ability to defend this country and I think it’s in question.” [wobmam.com, 11/23/11]

Earmarked $3 Million for Airborne Reconnaissance Systems

In February 2011, Runyan earmarked $9.311 million in the FY2012 National Defense Authorization Act to improve airborne reconnaissance capabilities.

The funds provided for the development and integration and operational assessment of components for the EP-3E and P-3 Special Projects Aircraft, maintained and manufactured by Lockheed Martin, which has a facility in Moorestown in Runyan’s district. [mccaskill.senate.gov, H.R.1540, Amdt. 15]

Earmarked $20 Million for Maintenance and Production Facilities

In February 2011, Runyan earmarked $20 million in the FY2012 National Defense Authorization Act for maintenance and production facilities at Fort Dix, located in his district. [mccaskill.senate.gov, H.R.1540, Amdt. 120]

Earmarked $5 Million for Munitions Account

In February 2011, Runyan earmarked $5 million in the FY2012 National Defense Authorization Act to an Army munitions account for “enhanced survivability and lethality systems deployment”.

The project received $5,000 in funding in FY10 but was not on the budget for FY12. [mccaskill.senate.gov, H.R.1540, Amdt. 143]

Opposed Cantor’s Efforts to Tie Disaster Relief With Budget Cuts

In September 2011, Runyan spoke out against Rep. Eric Cantor’s efforts to tie disaster relief with budget cuts.

In a statement, Runyan said that “now is not the time for a budget debate when so many people and communities are still under water and many without power. While I respect Majority Leader Cantor and


Page 5: Brian Walsworth · Web viewIn addition, Runyan defended Jon Bon Jovi and Bruce Springsteen for taking the tax break and said, “They're probably in the same boat. My guess is they're

share his commitment to spending discipline, my focus right now is making sure hard-hit areas in New Jersey receive the necessary federal resources they need in order to recover.”  [rollcall.com, 09/02/11]

Voted for Final Debt Ceiling Compromise Legislation

In August 2011, Runyan voted for the final debt ceiling compromise legislation, the Budget Control Act of 2011.

The framework would cut $917 billion in spending over a decade, raise the debt limit initially by $900 billion and assign a special congressional committee, with members from the House and the Senate and appointed by congressional leadership, to find another $1.5 trillion in deficit savings by late November.

If Congress met that deadline and deficit target, or voted to send a balanced budget amendment to the states, the debt ceiling would be raised an additional $1.5 trillion. The plan guaranteed a vote on the balanced budget amendment between October and the end of 2011.

If Congress failed to take either step, or debt savings of at least $1.2 trillion were not produced, the plan allows the president to obtain a $1.2 trillion debt ceiling increase. That would trigger automatic spending cuts across the government – including in defense and Medicare – to take effect starting in 2013. The Medicare cuts would only affect Provider reimbursements. The legislation included no revenue increases.

The bill was passed by the full House, 269-161. [Bloomberg, 8/01/11; S 356, 8/01/11]

Voted Against Reid’s Debt Ceiling Plan

In July 2011, Runyan voted against Sen. Harry Reid’s plan to raise the debt ceiling.

Reid’s plan called for raising the debt limit by $2.4 trillion, requiring no additional debt ceiling vote until after the 2012 election. 

The plan included $1.2 trillion in discretionary spending cuts over 10 years, mandatory spending cuts of $100 billion, $1 trillion in savings from winding down combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, and $400 billion in interest savings. The legislation included no revenue increases.

The CBO score of Reid’s plan said it would reduce the deficit by $2.2 trillion. The bill was rejected by the full House, 173-246. [New York Times, 7/25/11; HR 2693, 7/30/11]

Voted in Favor of Boehner’s Debt Ceiling Plan

In July 2011, Runyan voted in favor of Speaker John Boehner’s plan to raise the debt ceiling.

Boehner’s plan called for an immediate debt ceiling raise of $900 billion, spending cuts of $917 billion over 10 years, and an additional debt ceiling vote in six months.  The legislation contained no revenue increases.


Page 6: Brian Walsworth · Web viewIn addition, Runyan defended Jon Bon Jovi and Bruce Springsteen for taking the tax break and said, “They're probably in the same boat. My guess is they're

Under Boehner’s plan, the second debt ceiling raise was conditional on the passage of a balanced budget amendment by both Houses of Congress and the creation of a select joint committee on deficit reduction.

The CBO score of Boehner’s plan said it would reduce the deficit by $850 billion. The bill was approved by the full house, 218-210. [ABC News, 7/29/11; S 627, 7/29/11]

Supported Boehner in Debt Ceiling Debate

In July 2011, Runyan told Speaker Boehner “I’ve got your back,” referring to the debt ceiling debate, during a closed-door caucus meeting. [cnn.com, 7/26/11]

Urged President to Pay Military Salaries and Medicare and Social Security Recipients in the Case of a Debt Default

In July 2011, Runyan was one of 60 lawmakers that sent a letter to President Obama urging him to continue paying military salaries and Social Security and Medicare recipients in the event the nation’s debt ceiling is not raised.

Runyan said, “No one wants to see the U.S. default on its debt, but telling Americans that the government will be unable to make these payments is a scare tactic by this administration and shows a lack of leadership…regardless of whether a final agreement is reached by Aug. 2, CBO figures indicate that revenues will continue to come into federal coffers.” [phillyburbs.com, 7/17/11]

Voted to Restore Funding to ACE Flood Controls and Coastal Emergencies Program

In July 2011, Runyan voted for HR 2354, the FY 2012 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bill, which among other things, restores the funding level for the Army Corps of Engineers Flood Control and Coastal Emergencies (FCCE) account to $27 million for fiscal year 2012.

Runyan said, “I am thrilled that I was able to help pass a bill that cuts spending and reduces the deficit while also restoring funding for emergency coastal repair projects. This funding has been critical in helping coastal towns rebuild their beaches and infrastructure after they have been decimated by coastal storms, especially those on Long Beach Island.” [Toms River News, 7/19/11]

Voted in Favor of Cut, Cap and Balance Plan

In July 2011, Runyan voted in favor of the Cut, Cap and Balance Act, legislation requiring deep spending cuts, a federal spending cap and a balanced budget amendment in order to raise the federal debt ceiling.

Under Cut, Cap and Balance, discretionary spending in fiscal year 2012 would be reduced below fiscal year 2008 levels except for Defense, Homeland Security and Veterans affairs. The plan provided a universal spending cap after 2012. The legislation contained no revenue increases.

The bill was approved by the full House, 234-190. [New York Times, 7/21/11; HR 2560, 7/19/11]

Voted Against Clean Debt Ceiling Raise


Page 7: Brian Walsworth · Web viewIn addition, Runyan defended Jon Bon Jovi and Bruce Springsteen for taking the tax break and said, “They're probably in the same boat. My guess is they're

In May 2011, Runyan voted against HR 1954, a clean federal debt ceiling raise of $2.4 trillion. The bill was rejected by the full House, 97-318.

Runyan said, “Today I voted with a majority of my House colleagues on both sides of the aisle against unconditionally raising the nation's debt ceiling,” Runyan said. “To take on any more debt without a meaningful, long-term plan to substantially reduce federal spending, grow our economy and create jobs is simply irresponsible. We must stop saddling our children and grandchildren for generations to come with debt they will never be able to repay.” [HR 1954, 5/31/11; Runyan Press Release, 5/31/11]

Claimed that not Passing a Budget in 2011 Was a Political Move by Democrats

In March 2011, Runyan claimed that the failure of the House Democrats to pass, or even propose a budget for FY 2011 was a calculated move to ensure that incumbent Democrats running for re-election wouldn’t take any tough votes on spending. [The State Column, 3/28/11]

Supported the Continued Use of the V-22 Osprey

In 2011, Runyan supported the continued use of the V-22 Osprey by the military.

“The V-22 aircraft is a crucial program in our nation’s military arsenal,” said Runyan.

“In addition, the Boeing facility plays an important economic role in the surrounding communities of the Delaware Valley... The plant’s success remains intertwined with the future of our region and our nation.” [Runyan Press Release, 3/22/11]

Business and Consumer Issues

Runyan Named to Three Committees

In January 2011, Runyan was tapped to chair the subcommittee on Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs in the Veterans Affairs committee. He also was named to the Health subcommittee. Runyan will also serve on two House Armed Services subcommittees: Tactical Air & Land and Readiness, and he will sit on the Natural Resources committee. [Asbury Park Press, 1/21/11]

Campaign Finance Issues

Raised $244,800 in 2011 Q3

In October 2011, Runyan reported raising $244,800 in Q3, making his fundraising total a little under $600,000.

Runyan still does not have a Democratic opponent and does not yet know the new boundaries of his district. He was recently selected for the NRCC Patriot Program, about which he said, “I am grateful for all of the donations made to my campaign, especially for the contributions from individual New


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Jerseyans. My main focus, however, remains doing the job voters sent me to Washington to do: reducing out-of-control spending, growing our economy, and fostering a climate that allows businesses to create the jobs New Jerseyans need.” [phillyburbs.com, 10/17/11]

Reported Campaign Contributions from Koch Industries, Boehner, and Local Industry

In July 2011, Runyan reported $2,500 in campaign contributions from Koch Industries, $5,000 from Boehner’s The Freedom Project, and $2,000 from Exelon PAC. Exelon owns and operated a local Nuclear General Station scheduled to close in 2019. Runyan has advocated for construction of a new plant. [Jon Runyan for Congress, 2011 July Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 7/14/11]

Took $500 from Goldman Sachs

In February 2011, Politico Reported that Runyan had taken $500 from the Goldman Sachs Political Action Committee. [Politico – Huddle, 2/22/11]

Runyan’s First D.C. Fundraiser Cost $80,000

In January 2011, Runyan was part of a group of freshman Republicans who held a swanky fundraiser at the W Hotel in Downtown Washington, DC. The fundraiser cost $80,000, which included $25,000 to have LeAnn Rimes perform, $22,000 for catering and lighting and $10,000 for “floral expense and event design.” [Politico, 1/31/11]

Runyan Hosted Lavish GOP Fundraiser Immediately Upon Arriving in Washington

Before being sworn in as a Congressman, Runyan hosted a GOP fundraiser at the posh W Hotel in Washington, DC, immediately undermining the Republican message of fiscal responsibility. The event was paid for the PAC America’s New Majority, of which Runyan was a member. The event cost $2,500 a plate, offered a $50,000 VIP package and featured music star LeAnn Rimes as the night’s entertainment. [Fox News, 1/04/11]

Crime & Public Safety Issues

Economic and Financial Issues

Supported Legislation Which Prevents Defense Cuts by Cutting Federal Workforce In January 2012, Runyan asked Obama to “reverse damaging sequestration cuts on the horizon by joining [him] in supporting H.R. 3662, the Down Payment to Protect National Security Act.” “The Down Payment to Protect National Security Act would prevent a further round of cuts, beyond the $465 billion already announced by the President, from hitting our military as a result of sequestration and is fully offset. H.R. 3662 achieves the first year of savings required in sequestration through attrition in the federal workforce by 10% over ten years.”  [YouTube, uploaded 1/24/12]


Page 9: Brian Walsworth · Web viewIn addition, Runyan defended Jon Bon Jovi and Bruce Springsteen for taking the tax break and said, “They're probably in the same boat. My guess is they're

Said American Jobs Act Did Not Create Long Term Jobs

In November 2011, Runyan criticized the American Jobs Act and said it included too many unfunded programs and did not create long term jobs.

Runyan said, “Ultimately, it comes down to deficit spending and that’s why that jobs bill hasn’t went anywhere. There’s only been two people in the House of Representatives to sign on to the President’s Jobs Bill. It is that toxic because it does look like stimulus two.” [wobmam.com, 11/23/11]

Education Issues

Voted to Support School-Voucher System in Washington D.C.

In 2011, Runyan voted to revive the District of Columbia's school-voucher system at a cost of $100 million over five years in deficit spending. [philly.com, 4/03/11]

Energy Issues

Supported States’ Rights Stance on Offshore Drilling

In 2011, Runyan stated that states should decide for themselves their stance on offshore drilling.

Regarding offshore drilling, Runyan stated, “There is a safe way to do it, and as long as the rules and regulations are followed, it's going to be fine. You can never guarantee that, but there is a huge need for energy here." [courierpostonline.com, 08/16/11]

Runyan: Need to Develop Nuclear Energy “Safely and Responsibly”

In June 2011, Runyan wrote to the Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and said he was a strong supporter of nuclear energy and of the nuclear power plant at Oyster Creek, but that the energy must be developed “safely and responsibly with respect for public health and the environment.” Runyan said that the NRC must do a better job of monitoring pipe corrosion and that it “needs to act and implement serious reforms to safeguard the health of the people of South Jersey.” [Asbury Park Press, 6/24/11]

Supported Construction of New Power Plant in Oyster Creek

In June 2011, Runyan supported the construction of a new power plant in Oyster Creek after the current nuclear power plant is decommissioned in 2019. “A new power plant, regardless of the source of power, will go a long way to easing the economic and tax burden the people of Lacey Township and Ocean County will undoubtedly face in 2019.” [Press of Atlantic City, 6/07/11]

Runyan Voted Against The “Reversing President Obama’s Offshore Moratorium Act”


Page 10: Brian Walsworth · Web viewIn addition, Runyan defended Jon Bon Jovi and Bruce Springsteen for taking the tax break and said, “They're probably in the same boat. My guess is they're

In May 2011, Runyan was one of nine Republicans to vote against the “Reversing President Obama’s Offshore Moratorium Act.” According to the Herald News, Runyan voted against the bill after voting for it in committee in April. After voting against the bill, Runyan issued a statement explaining that he opposed it because, “On Tuesday I offered an amendment to H.R. 1231 that would allow states to "opt-out" of proposed leasing off its shores if a popular referendum is passed by a state's voters opposing it. Unfortunately, my amendment was not allowed by the House Committee on Rules, and therefore prevented from consideration on the House floor. […] Today's legislation failed to give New  Jersey its voice in the process, and for that reason it failed to earn my vote.” Runyan offered the same amendment in committee and it failed there on a 28-15 vote. [HR 1231, vote no. 320, 5/12/11; Office of Congressman Runyan, 5/12/11; Herald News, 5/11/11]

Wrote to Governor Christies Supporting Oyster Creek Nuclear Energy PlantIn 2011, Runyan wrote to Governor Chris Christie encouraging the governor to include the nuclear plant in Oyster Creek in the state energy master plan."A statement of support for a new power generation facility from the governor will bring a level of economic certainty to Lacey Township and Ocean County so that companies that call this region home can continue to operate with confidence and grow their businesses," Runyan wrote in a letter to Christie. [Asbury Park Press, 3/26/11]

Environmental Issues

Sought Changes in Fishing Laws

In December 2011, Runyan said that a law designed to prevent over-fishing and re-grow fish stocks was hurting commercial and recreational fishing industries in New Jersey.

Runyan accused the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of using “outdated” science in setting catch limits. He said, “Top-down, flawed fishery management plans have conspired to drive many of our struggling fishermen out of business and have damaged our coastal communities.” Runyan’s proposal would call for outside groups to review the science behind federal proposals to alter quota sizes and would call for speedy federal help for coastal communities hurt by catch limits. Runyan said in 2009, over 46,000 New Jersey jobs were linked to fishing. [app.com, 12/1/11]

Received an ‘F’ From the Sierra Club

In October 2011, The Sierra Club of New Jersey gave Runyan an ‘F’ rating for his voting record on clean water legislation. [Asbury Park Press, 10/14/11]

Voted to Delay Toxic Pollution Controls

In October 2011, Runyan voted for a bill that would make the EPA rewrite regulations created to reduce pollution at 150 cement plants worldwide.


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In addition, the bill also increases the number of years that companies have to comply with the new regulations. The bill is the first of two to delay rules to cut toxic air pollution and mercury from cement plants, solid-waste incinerators, and industrial boilers. [philly.com, 10/7/11]

Co-sponsored Delaware Watershed Conservation Act

In June 2011, Runyan cosponsored the Delaware River Basin Conservation Act, which “would require the director of the US Fish and Wildlife Service to create and adopt a regionwide plan that would guide restoration and conservation efforts in the 13,600-square-mile watershed.” The legislation won the support of environmental groups and advocates.

Runyan commented: “Not only does this bipartisan, deficit-neutral legislation protect one of our region’s largest sources of drinking water, it also helps preserve recreation and other jobs dependent on a health Delaware River Basin.” [Phillyburbs.com, 6/24/11]

Runyan: Need to Develop Nuclear Energy “Safely and Responsibly”

In June 2011, Runyan wrote to the Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and said he was a strong supporter of nuclear energy and of the nuclear power plant at Oyster Creek, but that the energy must be developed “safely and responsibly with respect for public health and the environment.” Runyan said that the NRC must do a better job of monitoring pipe corrosion and that it “needs to act and implement serious reforms to safeguard the health of the people of South Jersey.” [Asbury Park Press, 6/24/11]

Voted to Ban the EPA from Regulating Greenhouse Gas Emissions

In 2011, Runyan voted for a bill that would bar the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide. [philly.com, 4/08/11]

Ethics Issues

Received 98 Tax Break On Farm Land For Keeping Donkeys and Selling Firewood

In December 2011, Runyan, who had an estimated net worth of $7 million, was criticized for taking advantage of a farm program to receive a 98 percent tax break on his land.

Senator Coburn said programs were created to “encourage individuals in agricultural pursuits. Farmers that are millionaires no longer need this encouragement. Further, a millionaire landowner should not be paid by the government to preserve their land.” Runyan said he paid his fair share of property taxes and followed the law to keep his farmland assessment.

Runyan almost lost the tax break in 2009 after being informed that keeping a single donkey was not sufficient to qualify his acreage as farmland, but a year later he reported keeping 4 donkeys and kept the tax break. In addition, Runyan defended Jon Bon Jovi and Bruce Springsteen for taking the tax break and said, “They're probably in the same boat. My guess is they're probably paying more because they have


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bigger homes than I have and the area they live in is an area that's more expensive than it is down here.” [The Philadelphia Inquirer, 12/6/11]

Inquirer: Calling Your Yard a Farm Doesn’t Make it One

In December 2011, an editorial from the Philadelphia Inquirer criticized a New Jersey program that provided a 98 percent property tax-break for farmland, and cited abuses of the program.

Runyan’s property taxes on the three acres surrounding his Mount Laurel mansion should be $62,000 but because he chopped wood and raised donkeys on his other 20 acres, his property tax bill was $123.80.

The paper opined, “As a congressman, Runyan votes on tax policy. He knows he holds the public's trust, not a football, in his hands. Accordingly, he should take a pass on accepting a tax break that wasn't meant for homeowners playacting as farmers.” [Philadelphia Inquirer, Editorial 12/06/11]

Press of Atlantic City: Farmland Assessments Ripe for Reform

In December 2011, an editorial from the Press of Atlantic City criticized a farmland assessment program in New Jersey that provided a 98 percent tax break on land used for agricultural programs due to loose definitions on the word “farmers”.

The editorial mentioned that “farmers” only needed to earn at least $500 a year for two years from agricultural uses to get the tax break on the portion of land that produced income. The editorial said that the program needed an overhaul and criticized it for making it easier for the wealthy to maintain their estates. The head of the New Jersey Sierra Club said, “If the primary use of a property isn't agriculture, then the farmland assessment shouldn't apply.” [Press of Atlantic City, Editorial, 12/06/11]

DCCC Drilled Runyan on Koch Connection

In October 2011, the DCCC pointed out that Runyan benefitted from $7,500 in donations from Koch Industries after a Bloomberg report called out the Koch Brothers for selling millions of dollars of petrochemical equipment to Iran. [politickernj.com, 10/3/11]

Foreign Policy Issues – Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea

Runyan Voted for Resolution Against US Intervention in Libya

In June 2011, Runyan voted for the House resolution “declaring that Obama ‘failed to provide Congress with a compelling rationale based on United States national security interests for current United States military activity in Libya.” The resolution included a directive that no US ground troops could be used in the intervention. [Herald News, 6/04/11]

Runyan Viewed Bin Laden Photos, Agreed With Ban


Page 13: Brian Walsworth · Web viewIn addition, Runyan defended Jon Bon Jovi and Bruce Springsteen for taking the tax break and said, “They're probably in the same boat. My guess is they're

In May 2011, the Courier-Post reported that after viewing images of a deceased Osama bin Laden, Runyan said the White House was correct not to make the photographs public. Runyan said, “You don't know what something like that would stir up overseas, especially with our men and women over there.” [Courier-Post, 5/16/11]

Runyan Continued To Support Afghanistan War After Bin Laden’s Death

In May 2011, the Courier-Post reported that while some members of Congress said bin Laden's death weakened  the rationale for the nearly decade-long war in Afghanistan, Runyan  reaffirmed his opposition to a pullout. Runyan said of the US troops: “They're trying to teach these groups of people how to police  themselves and protect their villages," and continued to say, “There's not really any rule of law there.” When asked to define the U.S. mission, Runyan said, “It's having our troops in  there to build relationships and gain the trust of the elders.” [Courier-Post, 5/03/11]

Questioned the United States Military Involvement in Libya

In March, 2011, Runyan questioned the strategic mission of the United States military in Libya.

“Even with the Administration’s announcement regarding the increased responsibilities of NATO in enforcing the no-fly zone, the role and strategic mission of the United States military remains unclear and inadequately defined,” he stated.

“I am eager to gain clarity regarding how this mission is in our national interest.” [The State Column, 3/28/11]

Gay and Lesbian Issues

Took Part in “It Gets Better” Video Despite Anti-LGBT Record

In October 2011, Runyan appeared in a video for the “It Gets Better” campaign, despite previous votes for legislation opposing gay rights.

Runyan in the video said, “The things that make us different are the things that make our country strong”. Runyan opposes gay marriage but supports civil unions. In a statement, Runyan said, “There is no place in our society for bullying, especially when continued bullying leads to young adults taking their own lives. This issue goes beyond political affiliations.  An individual’s teenage years can be very difficult and it is important for our nation’s youth to understand that it gets better.” [Washington Post, 10/27/11]  

Featured in “It Gets Better” Video Despite Record Opposing Gay RightsRunyan opposed repealing DOMA, and has not expressed support for the Student Non-Discrimination Act or the Safe Schools Improvement Act. [thinkprogress.org, 10/25/11]

Gun Issues


Page 14: Brian Walsworth · Web viewIn addition, Runyan defended Jon Bon Jovi and Bruce Springsteen for taking the tax break and said, “They're probably in the same boat. My guess is they're

Voted for Loose Gun Laws

In December 2011, Runyan voted in favor of H.R. 822, also known as the “National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act of 2011.” This legislation would force states to allow out-of-state visitors to carry loaded, hidden guns, even if those persons are not trained to the standards of the state they are visiting. [njtoday.net, 12/22/11]

Supported Bill To Grant Recognition of Concealed Carry of Firearms Across State Lines

In November 2011, Runyan supported a bill that would grant recognition of concealed carry permits of firearms across state lines. New Jersey had very strict laws about who could carry concealed weapons. [northjersey.com, 11/17/11]

Supported Bill To Grant Recognition of Concealed Weapons

In November 2011, Runyan supported an NRA-backed bill that would allow the right to carry concealed weapons in any state.

The bill would supersede state laws on gun control. [Star-Ledger, 11/20/11 ]

Health Care Issues

Honored by RetireSafe for Efforts to Protect Health Benefits to Seniors

In November 2011, RetireSafe honored Runyan for his efforts to protect health benefits of New Jersey senior and disabled citizens.

RetireSafe honored a bipartisan group of Members of Congress who worked to protect senior health care benefits by ensuring access to affordable medications through Medicare Part D and by opposing proposals that would limit health care access and would increase premiums for seniors in Medicare. A representative from RetireSafe said, “It seems Medicare is being attacked from all directions. Seniors need champions in Washington who are on their side, who aren’t afraid to stand up and preserve the benefits that our older Americans have earned.” [digitaljournal.com, 11/01/11]

Retiresafe.org Supported Privatizing Social Security.

Retirsafe.org has claimed “Personal retirement accounts (PRAs) are good for individuals and good for the economy […] PRA is an account you own and control made up of a portion of your existing payroll taxes invested in stocks, bonds, mutual funds or simple government T-bills.” [Human Events, 05/16/03]

RetireSafe Created “Artificial Grassroots Campaign” in Support of Republican Backed Medicare Policy.

Faced with an unenthusiastic response to the Republican Prescription Drug Law, RetireSafe attempted to manufacture paid, artificial praise for the program. RetireSafe paid “healthcare


Page 15: Brian Walsworth · Web viewIn addition, Runyan defended Jon Bon Jovi and Bruce Springsteen for taking the tax break and said, “They're probably in the same boat. My guess is they're

consultants $3,750 plus expenses over six weeks to generate positive news stories about the drug card and offer support to Congress for voting for the Medicare drug law.” This effort was widely recognized as a right-wing organized sham to create the appearance of public support for what in reality, was little more than a handout to drug companies. Larry Noble, executive director of the Center for Responsive Politics, noted that this “artificial grassroots campaign” was to end a couple of days before the election. He described the initiative as “particularly underhanded.” [The Hill, 9/22/04]

Criticized Democratic Attempts to “Scare Seniors” on Medicare

In July 2011, Runyan said that the DCCC had called constituents in his district “attempting to scare seniors” about the House-passed Medicare plan. He said the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania called the attacks “false and misleading.” [Asbury Park Press, 7/12/11]

Runyan Condemned “Misleading” Medicare Robocalls

In June 2012, Runyan condemned Medicare robocalls saying, “In the past few weeks, seniors in my district have been subject to phone calls regarding the House Republican’s recently passed Medicare legislation. Instead of these calls furthering facts about this crucial issue, the messages communicated false and misleading claims, causing unnecessary fears among many seniors.” [Office of Congressman Runyan, 6/16/11]

Voted Against Ensuring that No Funds Be Cut From Social Security or Medicare

In 2011, Runyan voted against an amendment that would ensure that no funds in HJ Res 48, the House resolution to keep the government funded through April 8, could be used to cut Social Security or Medicare benefits, privatize Social Security, or switch Medicare to a voucher plan. [philly.com, 3/20/11]

Received Healthcare Coverage from the National Football League

In 2011, the Daily Record reported that Jon Runyan received his family health care coverage from a National Football League Retiree plan. [dailyrecord.com, 2/18/11]

Public Campaign Action Fund Criticized Runyan for Health Care Vote

In January 2011, the Public Campaign Action Fund launched an ad criticizing Runyan for his vote to repeal the health care bill. “Spanking-new Congressman Jon Runyan -- who took $54,000 from health and insurance interests -- just voted to put big insurance companies back in charge of your health care,” the ad said. [Asbury Park Press, 1/21/11]

Immigration and Border Issues



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Labor and Working Family Issues

Pleaded With Pharmacy to Keep Plant Open

In January 2012, Runyan sent a letter to Express Scripts, which recently acquired New Jersey-based Medco Health Solutions, to confirm the acquisition would not result in the closure of Medco’s automated processing center in Willingboro.

In his letter, Runyan noted the facility’s status as Medco’s largest automated mail-service pharmacy on the East Coast and its ability to dispense more than 1 million prescriptions a week. Runyan also noted that the facility is one of the few immunology/HIV resource centers in the area.

“New Jersey is known as the medicine chest of America because of the impact of New Jersey’s health care industry on America’s health and well-being,” Runyan wrote. “Medco’s Willingboro pharmacy is part and parcel of that industry, and it is my hope that should your merger with Medco occur, you retain and grow this important facility.” [phillyburbs.com, 1/09/12]

Received $41,450 in Labor Campaign Contributions

In November 2011, Runyan received $41,450 in labor contributions.

The Sheet Metal Workers’ PAC gave $50,000 to Republicans in 2011, about 6 percent of total contributions. The PAC donated to Runyan after he cast pro-union votes. [Politico, 11/17/11]

Voted to Repeal the Home Affordable Modification Program

In 2011, Runyan voted to repeal a program that used federal subsidies to induce banks to ease the terms of mortgages before they reach foreclosure. Under the banks either reduce mortgage payments to 31 percent or less of monthly gross income or facilitate a property sale before foreclosure occurs. [philly.com, 4/03/11]

The program has produced about 600,000 loan modifications toward a goal of three million. [philly.com, 4/03/11]

Voted Against Home Loan Modification Program for Active-Duty Military

In 2011, Runyan voted against continuing the Home Affordable Modification Program for active-duty military personnel and Gold Star families. [philly.com, 4/03/11]

Voted to Repeal the Neighborhood Stabilization Program

In 2011, Runyan voted to repeal the Neighborhood Stabilization Program. The program provides cities and nonprofits with funds for buying, repairing and selling foreclosed and abandoned homes in order to keep neighborhoods intact. [philly.com, 3/20/11]


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Other Social Issues

Courier-Post: Runyan Should Lead Charge For Veterans’ Issues

In October 2011, a Courier-Post editorial called on Runyan to make veterans’ issues a priority given his seat on the Veterans’ Affairs Committee, and called for improvements in medical care for wounded or disabled veterans that must come from the federal government.

The editorial pointed to the following statement from Runyan’s website: “The current backlog of claims in the Department of Veterans’ Affairs is a disgrace. The backlog is forcing our veterans to deal with too much bureaucratic red-tape to obtain the benefits they earned with their service to our country.” The board said Runyan needed to do more on the issue than merely issuing statements. [Courier-Post, Editorial, 10/14/11]

Veteran’s Suicide Prevention Amendment Co-Authored by Runyan Passes House

In June 2011, an amendment “setting aside an additional $20 million for preventing suicide among military veterans” and co-authored by Runyan passed the house. Runyan commented that the funds “seek to increase awareness through outreach.” [Asbury Park Press, 6/03/11]

Two Requests from Runyan are Included on the Appropriations Bill

Two of Runyan’s projects were included on the Military Construction-Veterans Affairs Appropriations bill. The projects included the suicide prevention amendment and “$49 million in military construction funding for a New Jersey National Guard Army Aviation Support Facility.” [Office of Congressman Runyan, 6/14/11]

Runyan Criticized “Underperforming” VA Regional Offices

In June 2011, Runyan criticized VA Regional Offices for inefficiency in dealing with disability claims. “The failures of these offices to process claims in a timely manner is unacceptable…We continue to throw money and employees at this problem to solve the claims backlog and yet the problems are getting worse. We need to change the culture of the regional offices to better serve our veterans.” [Subcommittee on Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs, 6/03/11]

Runyan Lauded Veterans Bill Intended to “Streamline” Claims and Appeals Process

In June 2011, Runyan lauded the passage of the Veterans Appeals Improvement Act of 2011, intended to “streamline the claims and appeals process for disabled veterans at the Department of Veterans Affairs.”

Runyan commented, “We must do right by our veterans by continually improving the claims process and continuing to make changes to help those veterans who are currently stuck in a failed paper-based system.” [Office of Congressman Runyan, 6/01/11]

Runyan Sponsored Legislation To Provide Cost Of Living Adjustments To Veterans Disability Benefits.


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In May 2011, the House passed HR 1407, The Veterans' Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 2011 by a voice vote. The legislation was Runyan’s first sponsored legislation, and provided cost of living adjustment in veterans’ disability benefits equal to the cost of living adjustments that social security benefits are subject to. Runyan said, “It increases the amount provided for disabled veterans compensation, veterans' clothing allowance, and dependency and indemnity compensation for veterans' survivors by the amount of the social security cost of living adjustment.” [HR 1407; Office of Congressman Runyan, 5/23/11]

Opposed Legislation to Redirect Airplanes Away from New Jersey Residents’ Homes

In 2011, Runyan opposed legislation that would prevent the Federal Aviation Administration from rerouting air traffic into and out of the New Jersey region's airports.

“Looking at this, we realize this is a very real and negative impact on the region, including a potential for a decrease in home values…The new flight patterns, which would be considered here over the region, should not be implemented until a thorough study of alternatives is presented to Congress,” said Rep. Scott Garrett, one of the sponsors.

Homeowners and officials in places such as the Pascack Valley and New York's Rockland County have been fighting for years to stop the redesign, which the FAA began to implement in 2008.

Garrett's measure, an amendment to a bill authorizing the FAA's operations, was defeated 303-120 on Thursday night. [northjersey.com, 4/02/11]

Stem Cells

Tax Issues

Voted Against Payroll Tax Cut

In December 2011, Runyan was one of six New Jersey GOP House members who voted against legislation that would have extended a payroll tax cut for two months on 160 million Americans. The bill would have also provided benefits to over 2 million laid-off workers. [courierpostonline.com, 12/22/11]

Runyan: Payroll Tax Standoff Had Nothing to with Inability to Compromise

In January 2012, Runyan claimed that the December standoff over the payroll tax cut extension had nothing to do with Congress’ inability to compromise.

With regards to his constituents’ concerns, Runyan said, “People have to plan for this. It’s what we’re really trying to avoid, so, I understand their frustration, I see their frustration, I feel their frustration. We live it everyday and I see that type of stuff, but I think at the end of the day, you can count on us to get it done.” [http://wobmam.com, 1/18/12]


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Acknowledged Possible Need to Raise Taxes

In November 2011, Runyan acknowledged the potential need to raise taxes.

Runyan said, “I still maintain that increasing taxes on individuals or businesses during an economic downturn is not the way to go. Having said that, we are facing unprecedented economic challenges.” [philly.com, 11/15/11]

Spoke Out Against Tax Increases at Town Hall

In 2011, Runyan spoke out against tax increases at a recent town hall, especially those that could impact small businesses.

Runyan cited tax reform as a necessary component to fix the economy and get people working. He said, “You have companies out there ready to hire people; they want to hire more people; but they're afraid. The reason is that they don't know what their tax rate will be and what their health care costs will be.” [phillyburbs.com, 08/31/11]

Tea Party

Transportation Issues

Sought Accountability Over Interstate 295 Road Work

In December 2011, Runyan wanted to seek accountability for road work on Interstate 295 that was over budget by $22 million.

Runyan said, “It is important that all federally funded projects be carefully monitored to ensure that these projects are being completed on time and on budget. It is vital to ensure our nation’s taxpayers money is being used in an efficient and fiscally responsible manner.” [Courier Post Online, 12/15/11]

Women’s Issues


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Runyan Spent $91,500 on Mass Mailings in 2011

From October to December 2011, Runyan spent $41,828.92 on mass mailings. That figure brings Runyan’s total to $91,563.10 on mass mailings in 2011, more than 68 percent of his House colleagues. [2011 4th Quarter Statements of Disbursement, 2/29/12]  Runyan Spent $14,500 on Printing & Reproduction

From October to December 2011, Runyan spent $14,598.65 on printing and reproduction, including $13,088 on two orders from Capital Constituent Communication, LLC.  [2011 4th Quarter Statements of Disbursement, 2/29/12] 

Missed Event for WWII POWs

In November 2011, Runyan had an aide fill in for him at an event to honor WWII POWs because he was attending to other matters.

Runyan has supported veterans’ causes in the past. [phillyburbs.com, 11/06/11]

Spent $266.55 on Bottled Water

From July-September 2011, Lance spent $266.55 on bottled water from Deer Park. [2011 3nd Quarter Statements of Disbursement, 10/5/11]

Selected to Serve on New Defense Industry Panel

In 2011, Runyan was one of 7 members selected to serve on a new House Armed Services Subcommittee that would examine the defense industry.

The panel will examine regulatory issues facing the defense industry, of which Runyan said, “In the current economic climate, the federal government should be looking for ways to ease regulatory burdens on businesses”.

Runyan’s district includes defense contractor Lockheed Martin, the largest employer in Burlington County, in addition to several other defense contractors. He said, “I look forward to working with this panel on ways we can improve New Jersey’s economy by helping these businesses thrive so they can create the jobs New Jersey workers need.” [phillyburbs.com, 09/14/11]

Runyan Received $2,660 in Travel Reinbursements

From April-June 2011, Runyan personally received $2,660.19 in reimbursements for travel costs, including private auto mileage and commercial transportation. Runyan spent $10,127.22 on travel expenses overall during the same time period.  [2011 2nd Quarter Statements of Disbursement, 7/5/11] 


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Runyan Spent $1,754 on a Single “Habitation Expense”

On April 11, 2011, Runyan spent $1,754.11 on a single “habitation expense” from Impact Signs & Graphics, Inc. – a sign shop that specializes in “interior signage (ADA, directional signs, lobby sings, posters), exterior signage (monument signs, banners, channel letters, vehicle graphics), help with exhibits/trade shows (popup booths, reactable banners, exhibit graphics), promotional items (mugs, pens, etc), or branded clothing.” [2011 2nd Quarter Statements of Disbursement, 7/5/11; Impact Signs & Graphics website, accessed 9/1/11] Runyan Spent $3,364 on Office Supplies

 From April-June 2011, Runyan spent $3,364.18 on office supplies from various firms. [2011 2nd Quarter Statements of Disbursement, 7/5/11]

Received 44% Score From Heritage Action for America

Runyan received 44 percent score from Heritage Action for America in 2011. [Heritage Action for America, accessed 8/29/11]

Runyan Did Not Hold Town Hall in First 7 Months

According to a July 2011 report by the Courier-Post, Runyan had not hosted a public town hall event since taking office.

“Tellingly, Runyan has yet to host a pre-announced town hall or “coffee with your congressman” event. His office has said he will host a town hall meeting in August. The smart money is it will be in Ocean County, not Burlington or Cherry Hill.” [Courier-Post, 7/13/11]

Headlined Fundraiser for Candidate with a History of Back Taxes

In July 2011, Runyan headlined a fundraiser for Cherry Hill mayoral candidate Stephen Buividas, a candidate with back taxes and sewer bill issues.

Runyan’s office said, “Jon attending this event is a thank you to what (Cherry Hill Republicans) did for him last November…It will be up to the people of Cherry Hill to decide if this is a disqualifier for Buividas.” [Courier Post Online, 7/01/11]

Wrote Letter Expressing Concern On Pay Parity at Joint Base

In June 2011, Runyan sent a joint letter with Senator Menendez to the Director of the Office of Personnel Management expressing “concern about the problem of pay disparity for wage grade employees at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst (JB MDL), and requested the department to correct it.”

Runyan commented, “The wage disparity at the Joint Base is a problem created by the government, and these workers should not have to wait additional years for government to remedy it.” [Office of Congressman Runyan, 6/08/11]


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Runyan Invited to Watch Super Bowl on Navy Aircraft Carrier

In January 2011, Runyan was invited by the U.S. Navy to watch the Super Bowl on an aircraft carrier embarkation. Runyan was a member of the House Armed Services Committee. [Politico, 1/31/11]

2012 Campaign

Endorsed Romney for President

In February 2012, Runyan endorsed Mitt Romney in his race for the White House.

“He has had success and he has the leadership skills that are needed,’’ Runyan said. [Asbury Park Press, 2/24/12]

Received $1,000 from American Bankers Association

On December 28, 2011, Runyan received $1,000 from the American Bankers Association PAC. This contribution brings Runyan’s total from the American Bankers Association to $8,000 year-to-date.  [Jon Runyan for Congress, 2011 Year-End FEC Report, Filed 1/31/12].

Received $1,000 from Wells Fargo

On October 31, 2011, Runyan received $1,000 from the Wells Fargo & Co Employee PAC.  [Jon Runyan for Congress, 2011 Year-End FEC Report, Filed 1/31/12]

Spent $24,000 on Fundraising Costs & Meeting Expenses

In October and December 2011, Runyan spent $24,296 on fundraising costs and meeting expenses from The Gula Graham Group. [Jon Runyan for Congress, 2011 Year-End FEC Report, Filed 1/31/12]

Contributed $10,000 to Ocean County GOP

On October 13, 2011, Runyan made a $10,000 contribution to the Ocean County Republican Committee.  [Jon Runyan for Congress, 2011 Year-End FEC Report, Filed 1/31/12]

Loaned $25,000 to Burlington County GOP

On November 2, 2011, Runyan made a $25,000 loan to the Burlington County Republican Committee.  [Jon Runyan for Congress, 2011 Year-End FEC Report, Filed 1/31/12]

Carrying $250,000 in Debt to Himself

As of fourth quarter 2011, Runyan’s campaign is carrying $250,000 in debt, comprised entirely of loans from the candidate.  [Jon Runyan for Congress, 2011 Year-End FEC Report, Filed 1/31/12]

Received $115,450 in PAC Contributions


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From October to December 2011, Bass received $115,450 from PACs. These contributions made up 51 percent of the committee’s total receipts.  [Bass Victory Committee, 2011 Year-End FEC Report, Filed 1/31/12]

Announced Decision to Seek Second Term

In November 2011, Runyan announced that he would run for re-election to a second term and said that flexibility was an important part of being a member of Congress.

Runyan said, “Because you never know what’s going to pop its ugly head the day you’re actually there to do it. So, you can’t really set that time away and that is part of it, is that flexibility of being able to stop what you’re doing and run to a vote, or stop what you’re doing because you have a constituent with an issue that you have to deal with or stop what you’re doing because another member of Congress wants to sit down and talk to you about a piece of legislation.” [wobmam.com, 11/23/11]