Flinders University SOCIAL AND BEHAVIOURAL RESEARCH ETHICS COMMITTEE Office Use Only Code: Project Number: Yunggorend i Y N APPLICATION FOR ETHICAL APPROVAL OF SOCIAL OR BEHAVIOURAL RESEARCH INVOLVING HUMAN SUBJECTS IMPORTANT please refer to the Application Submission Guidelines when completing the application form. The Guidelines are available from the SBREC Application Form and Participant Documents web page. New Ethics Application X Response to Deferral Notice Project Number 1 Research Involving Children or Vulnerable Adults If you are intending to conduct research involving children or vulnerable adults you are required to have undergone a Criminal History Check. A set of procedures has been agreed between the University and the Department for Communities and Social Inclusion (DCSI) Screening and Licensing Branch. For specific information about these procedures please refer to the Research Involving Children or Vulnerable Adults webpage and the Criminal History Check Procedures webpage. Accordingly, Section H (Certification and Signatures) asks whether the research will involve children and vulnerable adults and if yes, asks for confirmation that a current Criminal History Check is in place. A. PROJECT TITLE and TIMEFRAME A1. Project Title Body Modification: Scarification & Tattoo Art A2. Plain language, or lay, title How do persons that create bodily modifications such as scarification and apply tattoos, along with their clients, believe they are perceived within society today; are these art forms more readily accepted or merely tolerated by the general populace what do you mean by this concept – the obvious answer is that it depends, and perhaps that is what you are looking at – but please avoid over- Last amended by AF on 23/1/13

Brett Lennox Ethics Application

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Office Use OnlyCode: Project

Number:Yunggorendi Y N


IMPORTANT – please refer to the Application Submission Guidelines when completing the application form. The Guidelines are available from the SBREC Application Form and Participant Documents web page.

New Ethics Application X

Response to Deferral Notice Project Number 1

Research Involving Children or Vulnerable Adults

If you are intending to conduct research involving children or vulnerable adults you are required to have undergone a Criminal History Check. A set of procedures has been agreed between the University and the Department for Communities and Social Inclusion (DCSI) Screening and Licensing Branch. For specific information about these procedures please refer to the Research Involving Children or Vulnerable Adults webpage and the Criminal History Check Procedures webpage.

Accordingly, Section H (Certification and Signatures) asks whether the research will involve children and vulnerable adults and if yes, asks for confirmation that a current Criminal History Check is in place.


A1. Project Title

Body Modification: Scarification & Tattoo Art

A2. Plain language, or lay, title

How do persons that create bodily modifications such as scarification and apply tattoos, along with their clients, believe they are perceived within society today; are these art forms more readily accepted or merely tolerated by the general populace what do you mean by this concept – the obvious answer is that it depends, and perhaps that is what you are looking at – but please avoid over-generalisations? I think the above title is fine and you don’t need this description – which is really your research question

A3. Period for which approval is sought

Projects may not commence until formal written notification of final ethics approval has been provided.

Date data collection is due to commence: 1 / 6 / 2013

Or following approval:

Date data collection is expected to be completed: 30 / 9 / 2013 this will be too late, because the honours

theses are usually submitted in early Nov -- data collection should be

finished by late aug to give

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you plenty of time to analyse the data, write

several drafts etc .

Date project is expected to be completed: 30 / 11 / 2013

B. RESEARCHER/SUPERVISOR INFORMATIONCorrespondence regarding ethics approval will be emailed to the Principal Researcher with copies to all other researchers listed on the application unless otherwise indicated. Please note that is a requirement that all supervisors receive a copy of all correspondence relating to the project.

Principal Researcher (student or staff member)

Title: First Name: Family Name:Mr Brett Lennox

Status: Staff: Flinders Uni Student: X Associate:

Flinders Uni Student No.(Principal researcher only)

2042521Degree enrolled in:(please do not use acronyms) Joint Honours Degree

Supervisor(s)(also list as researcher below)

Prof Sharyn Roach Anleu Dr Christine Nicholls

Flinders Uni School/Department or Organisation: Sociology / Australian Studies

Postal Address: Flinders University GPO Box 2100Adelaide SA 5001

Phone: 8201 2026 –Soc8201 2586 -Aus

Fax: 8201 3350 -Soc8201 2556 -Aus

Email: [email protected]@flinders.edu.au

Researcher 2/SupervisorTitle: First Name: Family Name:Professor Sharyn Roach Anleu

Status: Staff: X Flinders Uni Student: Associate:

Copies of correspondence required Yes

X see comm

ent above


Flinders Uni School/Department or Organisation: School of Social and Policy Studies / Sociology

Postal Address: Flinders University GPO Box 2100Adelaide SA 5001

Phone: 82012122 Fax: 8201 3350 Email: [email protected]

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Researcher 3/SupervisorTitle: First Name: Family Name:Dr Christine Nicholls

Status: Staff: X Flinders Uni Student: Associate:

Copies of correspondence required Yes No XFlinders Uni School/Department or Organisation: School of Humanities / Australian Studies

Postal Address: Flinders University GPO Box 2100Adelaide SA 5001

Phone: 82012855 Fax: 8201 2556 Email: [email protected]

Researcher 4/Supervisor

Title: First Name: Family Name:

Status: Staff: Flinders Uni Student: Associate:

Copies of correspondence required Yes NoFlinders Uni School/Department or Organisation:

Postal Address:

Phone: Fax: Email:

Researcher 5/SupervisorTitle: First Name: Family Name:

Status: Staff: Flinders Uni Student: Associate:

Copies of correspondence required Yes NoFlinders Uni School/Department or Organisation:

Postal Address:

Phone: Fax: Email:

Researcher 6/Supervisor

Title: First Name: Family Name:

Status: Staff: Flinders Uni Student: Associate:

Copies of correspondence required Yes NoFlinders Uni School/Department or Organisation:

Postal Address:

Phone: Fax: Email:

Maybe delete the above text boxes as you don’t need themNOTE - If there are more than six researchers/supervisors involved in the project

please copy and paste the researcher details boxes above.


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C1. Brief outline of:

A the project:

It is intended that by utilising sociological cultural theories and discourse of objective circumstance, that the recent increase in seeking individuality through tattoo and scarified body modification will be deciphered. Respectively, the well-established concepts of front stage, back stage; the civilising process, outsiders and presentation of self in everyday life, et al, will provide a nexus foundation of understanding for this social encroachment of a once subversive display. Discourse as to the complexity of reason regarding the decision to purchase the service of a tattooist proposes to decrypt the connection between the theoretical and the physical. Society constantly bears witnesses to one who seeks differentiation from the other; in its simplest form this may include apparel, over the counter cosmetics or hair style, but all these items may be replicated by any number of other ‘individuals’. Wearable art beyond the (easily) removable, or losabl t

Way too many complex ideas with out references in this paragraph. Something like: The aim of the research is to examine body art, in particular tattoing and scarification, in concemporary social life. Some might argue thatthe practice of body art or body modification has become normalised (REFS) other suggests that it is a marker of indiviudalisation and greater emphasis on individual choice and identity (REFS). The research seeks to explore the different meanings of body art from the point of view of …… (who willl you interview) as a way of gaining insight into.. (whether there is greater acceptance, and from whom, which groups). In particular Becker’s concepts of insiders and outsiders willl be used to frame the questions etc etc

Once seen as the mark of seafarers and criminals, inked skin has become a constant scene within every day societal realm and has been made fashionable by numerous celebrity figures of the current era. There would appear to be wide acceptance of this increased phenomenon within general social valuations of identity, yet there would seem to be just as many conditions where the exposure of a tattoo is deemed unacceptable. There is a clash between realms of the social and professional with regard to an enforced governance of bodily image, dependant on the given placement and circumstance. The question of gender is also brought to bear as to the appropriateness of the permanent image, does the symbol chosen depict masculine or feminine qualities subjective to the bearer, where perception of character is determined beyond that of first appearances. Though tattoos have become increasingly prolific, crossing social, ethnic and gendered planes, this project intends to search for a theoretical explanation to what is seen to be a socially and professionally contentious issue in the expression of individuality. TOO MANY ASSERTIONS, YOU NEED REFERENCES AND EVIDENCE

Methods by which individuals may perform their sense of agency in the public sphere are numerous, yet permanent body modification is contended by many REFS, WHO FOR EXAMPLE??to be at the extreme end of this spectrum. As the number of persons purchasing tattoos has increased [EVIDENCE FOR THIS – DID YOU CHECK ABS DATA ??] nd diversified, so the tattoo parlour had to evolve to accommodate its changing clientele. Once being an underground entity catering to an assumed outcast sub cultural element, these establishments have moved from ‘seedy’ back rooms to emblazon main streets with neon signage. But which occurred first, demand by clients for more comfortable surrounds or tattooist’s necessity to supply a reputable image for a now more discerning clientele. In this the value of normality and normalisation of the previously deviant shall be explored as to what conditions must prevail for such action to come about. The symbolic form markers of a sub cultural element play provide a cultural and social shielding, but when these markers are adopted by the mainstream or are considered a ‘norm’ of society, do they lose their significance to create this division. Not so long ago to bear a tattoo openly in Australian society was a scary and or intimidating image, but now appears to have be a benign symbol of a cashed up suburbanite culture. It is intended that this project will explore both the devisal and binding conditions of this upsurge in social symbolism which aims to increase respective individuality. AGAIN YOU NEED TO SHOW THAT YOU ARE ENGAGING WITH RESEARCH AND EVIDENCE NOT JUST YOUR OWN OBSERVATIONS OR CONCLUSIONS – ESSENTIAL TO ENGAGE WITH THE LITERATURE AND SHOW THAT YOUR PROJECT IS NESTED IN A LARGER SET OF [SOCIOLOGICAL] ISSUES ETC.

B significance:

More often than not society (no, society does not do anything per se, it is individuals in social contexts, in social relationships continues to judge and determine an individual’s worth on the basis of [first] appearance. ( reference needed) Despite an individual stating that they are non-judgemental of persons based in all manner of contexts from the sound of their name to appearance, a mapping of the perceived persons characteristics or personality will be formulated. [not clear what that sentence meant]

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How markedly has society evolved when considering a true broader acceptance of those who do not fit the immediate norm (which is???)when that individual has chosen to modify their body through becoming scarified or tattooed? Through sampling of body modification artists and their clientele, it is to be determined whether the steady homogenisation of sub-cultural elements within society has provided, to a larger extent, a more tolerant society (not clear what this means – but maybe reduce the aims to something less macro and abstract – rather whether people with tattoos perceive greater tolerance? Again this depends on what the question of the thesis is. Currently figures what data is this – need to give a reference allude to 1 in 3 persons of ‘Gen Y’ and 1 in five of Gen X’ having a tattoo, less for scarification {precise data unavailable]; this study seeks to provide content to discourse on the nature of body modification’s influence on societal perceptions that may be transferred to understandings of employability and social administration.. [why do scarification and tattooing together – do they raise identical sets of issues, I would just stick with tattooing.

C research objective(s): I suggest reducing and tightening the number of objectives – 6 is way too many

No. Research objective1. Discover meaning to the understanding ?? Not clear what this meansof owning a scarification and


2. Attest to the awareness of scarified/tattooed persons regarding possible societal objectification.??? What does this mean

3. Provide discourse regarding potential gender bias toward design ownership.

4. Discover whether these art forms are ‘sub’ or full social culture.

5. Learn of influence between body modification and employment opportunity.

6. Learn; does the artist or the client retain ownership, can this art be copyrighted or trademarked.

*Note: tab across to add new rows for additional research objectives.

C2. Medical or Health Research involving the Privacy Act 1988

Is the research related to medical or health matters?

Yes Place letter ‘X’ in the relevant boxNo X

If YES, to question (A) below; if NO, go to item C4.

A Will personal information be sought from the records of a Commonwealth Agency?

YesNo X

If YES, complete Part A of the Appendix ‘Privacy Legislation Matters’ that relates to compliance with the Guidelines under Section 95 of the Privacy Act 1988.

If NO, go to question (b) below.

B Will health information be sought from a Private Sector Organisation or a health service provider funded by the State Department of Health?


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If YES, complete Part B of the Appendix ‘Privacy Legislation Matters’ that relates to compliance with the Guidelines under Section 95 of the Privacy Act 1988.

If you answered ‘NO’ to both (a) and (b) above go to item C4.

C3. Health Research Involving or Impacting Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander PeoplesDoes your project comprise of health research involving Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander peoples?


IMPORTANT - Under a single ethical review model recently mandated by SA Health (effective 2 April 2012) for multi-site research undertaken across the public health system, ethics approvals granted by an SA Health Human Research Ethics Committee (SA Health HREC) will be accepted by Flinders University without further scrutiny.

Proposals to conduct health-related research involving Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander peoples or communities in South Australia must be submitted to the Aboriginal Health Council of South Australia (AHCSA). As AHCSA is an SA Health HREC, Flinders University will accept ethics approval from that Committee without further scrutiny. Please refer to the SBREC Multi-site research web-page for details of information to be submitted to the SBREC.

C4. Project Information and Data TypeProject Type / Publication Y or N

Project TypeResearch X

Publication Intend to publish results?(e.g., article, book, thesis) Y


IF an Evaluation, answer questions below. Y or N

Will participants be identifiable? N

Will a lecturer / topic coordinator be involved in participant recruitment? N

Will a lecturer / topic coordinator know who has participated? N

Data Type

Is DATA to be obtained primarily Quantitative Qualitative X

Is information to be sought by Questionnaire Interview X If OTHER, please state:

Experiment Computer / Online

Focus Group Other

Recording / Observation If YES, outline what will be recorded or observed below

Will participants be video, audio recorded, photographed or observed?


Audio X Voice recording interviewer/interviewee.

If YES, please place a letter ‘x’ in the relevant response box or boxes and outline what will be recorded or observed.


Observed X Body modifiers and clients during application processes.

C5. Research MethodOutline of the research method, including what participants will be asked to do

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Clients will be asked a series of non-identifying questions in order to obtain their personal, individual beliefs and sentiments regarding their reason so this is a key research question for purchasing the services of a tattooist. What kinds of questions Tattooists will be asked the same identical???set of questions, as well as others, relative to their experiences in explaining the nexus to being both a client and tattoo artist. This qualitative research is to be conducted within the premises of a licenced tattoo business, within the area of the tattoo studio as the tattooist’s art is applied to the client. How many interviews will be undertaken ? where ?? will they be tape recorded and transcribed?

C6. Research ObjectivesBriefly describe how the information which will be requested from participants addresses the research objectives outlined in item C1(c)

To open a channel of understanding to the issues surrounding these forms of body modification and discover the potential change in societal values and attitudes toward this method of individualism or acculturating oneself. So are you asking people with tattoos about their perceptions of social change ? So you are only asking them, and the data will be their perceptions – will they have the capacity to report on social change in this way, and over what period of time? I think it might be better to just stay with their reasons for getting tattooed and to investigate what kinds of discourse they use – ie social change, greater individualisation, fitting in with a particular group, set of norms, fashion, rebellion etc etc – and look at their interviews for the ways in which their body modification is interpreted, the decision making process, a sense of being different or conformity. That is I would narrow right down what the aims of the thesis are in order to give you clear parameters and be able to use the information fully.


D1. Brief outline of:

A Identity and Basis for RecruitmentWho will the participants be? What is the basis for their recruitment to the study? What component of the research will each participant group be involved in?

Overtype response here (use table below if useful)

Participant Type Basis for Recruitment Component of Research Involved In(e.g, survey, interview, focus group, observations)

Tattooist/Scarifier Interview/observation

Client Interview/observation

B Participant Numbers Approached and Population PoolPlease specify the number of people that will be approached (or an approximation if the exact number is unknown) AND the size of the population pool from which participants will be drawn.

Overtype response here (use table below if useful)

Participant Type Numbers to be approached Population Pool

Body modifiers (tattooists/scarifiers)

Unknown at this point due to numbers employed in the field and availability/ hours of work. An approximation???

To be accounted for in the southern locale of Adelaide.

Bodily modified approx. 20 I think this is too many

This pool will be taken from a broad spectrum of persons across a variety of employment, region and social circumstances need to be

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Participant Type Numbers to be approached Population Pool

much more precise on how participants will be selected

Non- modified persons this is the first time these people have been mentioned and they don’t feature in the research design or justification – I would just stay with the tattooed people

approx. 20 I think this is too many

This pool will be taken from a broad spectrum of persons across a variety of employment, region and social circumstances

C Source of ParticipantsFrom what source will participants be recruited (e.g., public, department, organisation)?

Overtype response here (use table below if useful)

Participant Type Source of Participants

Body modifier To be sourced identified [sourced sounds like you are locating produce} rom various body modification establishments in the southern Adelaide region. Be more concrete – how many are there in this region, approximately

Bodily modified These persons are to be sourced through current associations to the interviewer and through the clientele base of body modification practices.A limited number of persons already known to the interviewer are to be approached to take part in the study. This group is to be made up of family, friends and former work associates.what about problems of confidentiality and voluntariness, both of which might be compromised by this approach; tThese persons will be approached by the interviewer and business owner at the time of appointment what appointment. As the clients will only be on the premises for the period of time the modification takes to complete, the business owner is to apprise the interviewer of appointment times. Clientele are to be interviewed prior to commencement and during the time of modification procedure.

Non modified persons The persons of this group are to be recruited from various pre existing associations.

D Conflict of InterestPlease specify whether any of the researchers involved in the project have any role, or relation to, the source from which participants will be recruited (e.g., organisation). Please indicate whether there may be a potential for a conflict of interest that may exist (financial or other interest or affiliation).

IF a possible conflict of interest may exist, please explain how this will be managed.

Researcher(s) Name (ALL Researchers)

Possible conflict of interest? If YES, explain how this will be managed.

1. Brett Lennox No

2. Dr Sharyn Roach Anleu No

3. Dr Christine Nicholls No

E Participant AgeWill any participants be less than 18 years of age? IF YES, please indicate the age range or potential participants and confirm whether information has been presented in a manner and format appropriate to the age group of participants.

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YesNo X

Please note: that 17 year old Flinders University students may participate in research without parental consent providing the project is deemed to be low risk by the SBREC. Participants recruited outside of the University under the age of 18-years will require parental consent unless a compelling argument can be made to the Committee.

Age range of each participant type / group Information presented in a manner / format appropriate to age group and participants? Yes/No

F Informed ConsentDo participants have the ability to give informed consent?

If YES, please explain how participants will indicate willingness to be involved (e.g., completion of questionnaire, return of consent form etc).

If NOT, please explain why not. If participants will be aged under 18 indicate whether they will be given the opportunity to assent to research participation (e.g., sign parental consent form).

Yes. Verbal consent recorded at start of interview process. No, They must complete the consent form, that is if they agree with it, which you need to prepare based on the University template. Verbal consent is not appropriate and not in line with the ethics requirements.

D2. Cultural and/or Religious BackgroundIndicate whether the participant group will be comprised of people from a specific cultural or religious background (for example, Indigenous and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples, Greek people etc) OR if any such categories are likely to form a significant proportion of the population to be sampled.


D3. LanguageWill there be any issues with language? If YES, please explain what the issues are and whether information will need to presented in a language other than English.

Please also indicate whether anyone other than the researcher will be involved in translation of participant responses. If YES, explain how anonymity and confidentiality matters will be managed.

YesNo X

If YES, explain what the issues are and whether information will need to be presented in a language other than English


Does any information provided to participants need to be presented in a language other than English?

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YesNo X

WHO will translate information and how will anonymity and confidentiality matters be managed if translation will be conducted by someone other than a researcher?


D4. Participant Contact and Recruitment

A Contact and RecruitmentPlease provide a detailed explanation of how potential participants will be contacted and recruited. For example, if making direct contact (e.g., face-to-face, in class, telephone) HOW will contact details be obtained and how will participants indicate their willingness to be involved in the project?

Not enough detail – will you go to the tattoo businesses and just ask people if they would like to be involved, or ask the business owner to put a flyer out and ask people if they would come and participate in an interview – all interviews will happen in the tattoo business? Face to face: verbal consent from client and body artist prior to commencement of interview. Interview is to be conducted at the current time while on the business premises.What will happen if the business owner does not wish this to happen? More importantly how will you guarantee confidentiality and anonymity – it will be impossible if the business owner knows that clients will be interviews – this is an issue which you must think about and resolve. What about other people who come in at the same time, ie accompanying people??

B Verbal ScriptIf potential participants will be approached directly (e.g., face-to-face, in class, on telephone) please provide a verbal script of what will be said by researchers or a third party who will recruit on the researcher’s behalf.

The Committee recognises that a verbal script cannot predict all the possible responses or questions from potential participants and does not expect that the researcher will read directly from it during interaction with participants as this would impede open and natural communication. The verbal script should be an explanation of the key points that will be communicated to participants during contact and recruitment so that the Committee can be confident that participants will receive a complete picture of what the research entails to ensure that informed consent can be given

NAThis is not N/A see your response just above

C Email TextIf potential participants will be approached via email, provide the text that will be emailed. If participants will be contacted via email please provide the text that will be used in the email sent to potential participants to ensure that informed consent can be given.

Important – email text for student projects should be written by the supervisor to act as a Letter of Introduction for the student.


D5. Information given to participantsWhat information will be given to participants? For example, the letter of introduction, information sheet, consent form, survey, debriefing or feedback information. Please clearly outline when this information will be provided to potential participants.

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Please note that letters of introduction, information sheets and consent forms must be provided before a decision is made on whether or not to participate.

What information will be given to participants and/or recruiting organisations? When will information be given?


D6. Direct Recruitment ApproachesDoes recruitment involve a direct personal approach to potential participants (e.g., face-to-face, classroom, telephone) by the researchers or by other parties/organisations to be involved in contact and recruitment?

Yes XNo

If YES, how will the researchers address any real, or perceived, coercion felt by potential participants?

Subjects approached for the study will have the purpose of the project to them and each participant shall be made aware of the conditions below.

Participation in the study is voluntary, A sound recording will be made of their interview which will be transcribed,Any information that identifies themselves or others will not be transcribed,Participants may withdraw from the interview/study at any time,

Participants may ask for any part of their interview to be omitted from the study.

D7. Confidentiality and AnonymityIndicate any confidentiality and anonymity assurances to be given to potential participants and explain the procedures for obtaining free and informed consent of participants.

Please note that where the sample size is very small, it may be impossible to guarantee participant anonymity and confidentiality. Participants involves in such projects should be clearly advised of this limitation in the Information Sheet.

Participants will be assured of anonymity. No names or other identifying information is to be used subsequent to the interview or in publication. Only age, gender (M/F) and place of residence (suburb/town) are to be used in establishing subject demography. SEE MY POINTS ABOVE

D8. PermissionsIndicate any permissions that may need to be sought to conduct the research, recruit specific people, access existing data sets or post advertising material and attach correspondence requesting permission AND granting permission. If this correspondence is not yet available please respond that a copy will be submitted to SBREC on receipt. For example, permission may need to be sought from parents or guardians, teachers, school principals, DECD, Head of School, organisational Head to recruit employees, Head of a University department or school, data custodians, community organisations etc).

Please note that permissions should be sought, in the first instance, from the Chief Officer or Head of the peak organisation or governing body unless adequate justification can be provided that contextual circumstances require a different approach.

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Please note for class projects where permission letters are required to conduct the research, permission letters will need to be provided for every student.

Permission will be sought from: Permission request attached?

Correspondence granting permission attached?




D9. Incidental PeopleIndicate whether anyone may be incidentally involved in the research (e.g., members of the public, colleagues, family members, children etc). In certain professional studies consideration may need to be given how such people will be informed about the research and how consent may be obtained for their incidental involvement. An oral statement given to a person / group incidentally involved prior to the commencement of the research may be sufficient.

Any person not previously informed of the study or involved in the interview process, upon attempting to join the interview or enter the room, WHICH ROOM, HOW MUCH PRIVACY IS THERE will instigate the following contingencies:

The interview will be halted at this point.

The uninvolved person/s shall be informed of:An interview taking place, already the identity of the interviewer and interviewee will be apparent The nature of the study as to which the interview relates,The potential for divulgence of sensitive information,

Consent from the interviewee will be obtained prior to recommencement of the interview should the incidental person remain in the immediate vicinity.

D10. Time CommitmentIndicate the expected time commitment(s) by participants AND the proposed location(s) for every component of the research (e.g., survey, interview, focus group, observation). This information should be clearly conveyed to potential participants in the Letter of Introduction and/or Information Sheet.

Component of Research (e.g., questionnaire, interview) Expected Time Commitment Proposed Location

1. Interview. Estimated time of each interview 30 minutes. This time may extend dependant on answers presented.

Tattoo studio / private residence.





E1. Recruitment of Overseas ParticipantsWill any participants be recruited from overseas or will the research be conducted outside of Australia?

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Please note that regardless of the physical location of the researcher, if participants recruited will be located overseas the NHMRC considers it to be ‘overseas’ research.

YesNo X

If YES, please ensure you are familiar with the University’s Policy on Travel, Accommodation and Subsistence available from http://www.flinders.edu.au/ppmanual/policySecretariat/travel.html which states that all travel is prohibited to Level 5 regions (see section 7). Please be reminded that all travel to level 4 areas requires approval from the person responsible for authorising travel in your area and the Cost Centre Head.

If ‘YES’, go to item E2. If ‘NO’ go to section F.

E2. Identity of Overseas CountryIf research participants will be recruited from overseas indicate from which country or countries they will be recruited from.


E3. Overseas Ethics Approval ProcessesIndicate whether there any ethics approval processes, relevant to the research, in the country (or countries) where research will be conducted.

YesNo X

If ‘NO’ go to item E4.If ‘YES’, indicate whether the ethics approval processes are mandatory.


Give a brief explanation of how the ethics approval process functions and the values and principles on which they rely.

Overtype response here.

E4. Student SupervisionIf the researcher is a student, explain how their academic supervision will be maintained while they are in the field, with particular reference to the wellbeing of both the applicant and research participants.


E5. Overseas Co-researchersWill co-researchers be recruited in the country, or countries in which the research will be conducted?

YesNo X

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If ‘YES’ continue with item E5. If ‘NO’ go to section F.

If YES, how will their expertise and capacity to conduct the component of the research they will be involved in be determined?

Overtype response here.

No. Co-researcher full name and title Role in research1.2.3.


F1. Project Value and BenefitsOutline the value and benefits of the project to the participants, the discipline, the community etc.

This study intends to contribute discourse to the fields of Sociology and Australian Cultural Theory, as it poses to investigate the increase of persons seeking permanent body modification, so adding another layer to their identity. The nature of this enquiry sits in the milieu of Australia’s cultural identity where collectively we extoll an air of unity, yet strive for a sense of strong individualisms, so ingrained by gender and region. The data sought is expected to create a dialogue of an increasing national sub-cultural enigma and so, chart the direction of Australian social attitudes and cultural evolution.

F2. Burdens and/or RisksNotwithstanding the value and benefits of the project (listed above), outline any possible burdens and/or risks of the project for research participants, researchers and incidental people.

If illegal activities may be disclosed by participants during the course of the research please explain how this will be managed and clarify whether the researcher is a mandated reporter. Please note that even if a researcher is not a mandated reporter that researchers could be held criminally liable if they fail to disclose information to authorities relating to serious indictable offences (e.g., murder, rape child abuse) under S241 of the Criminal Law Consolidation Act of South Australia.

At times, the getting of art in this sense is of a personal nature (a name tattooed in remembrance of a loved one), to which may be exposed deep emotions during the procedure.

Having their comments misinterpreted or misrepresented in published material in a way that reflects poorly on the individual.

F3. Management of Burdens and/or RisksIF any issues were raised in item F2 (above), explain how the researcher will respond to each identified burden and/or risk.

IMPORTANT If there is any possibility that research participation may cause some participants to experience emotional discomfort (e.g.,

anxiety, distress, embarrassment) the Committee recommends that contact details of free support services (e.g., counselling, Life Line) are included in the Information Sheet to be provided to respondents prior to a decision being made about whether or not to participate.

If the researcher(s) are mandated reporters or it is possible that illegal activities could be uncovered or disclosed, participants should be advised in the Information Sheet that although information will be treated with the strictest confidence by the researcher, that disclosure of information either must be reported to relevant authorities or cannot be safe from legal search and seizure.

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Participants will be reminded before and throughout the study that their involvement remains voluntary and that they may stop and or remove themselves from the study at any time.

Participant’s names and any other information that would identify the person will not be used in any published work.

Participants will be given the option to review the material at what point during the interview, after the interview, after the transcriptions etc and retain the right to remove any utterances which may be identifying, or negatively self-implicating.

F4. ConcealmentWill the true purpose of the research be concealed from participants?

YesNo X

If YES, outline the rationale for, and provide details of, the concealment.


F5. Feedback and/or DebriefingDescribe any feedback or debriefing to be provided to participants that may be relevant to the research, including how participants will be informed of any deliberate deception or concealment. Please provide copies of any information to be provided to participants.


F6. QuestionnairesIf participants will be required to complete a questionnaire indicate what the arrangements will be for the secure and confidential return of questionnaires to the researcher (e.g., sealable self-addressed envelope, collection by researcher or someone other than researcher, secure collection box etc).

Please also indicate how participants will be informed of the arrangement (e.g., verbal instruction, information sheet, information listed at end of questionnaire etc).


F7. Participant ReimbursementIs it the intention of the researcher to reimburse participants? Refer to the Application Submission Guidelines available from the SBREC Application Form and Participant Documents web page for guidelines on participant reimbursement.

YesNo X

If YES, how much or what will participants be given as a reimbursement? Please also provide a justification for the amount or item provided as reimbursement.


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F8. Data TranscriptionIndicate whether data may need to be transcribed. If YES, please indicate who will transcribe the data (e.g, researcher(s), secretarial assistance, professional transcription company). If anyone other than the researcher(s) will transcribe data, confirm whether they will be asked to sign a confidentiality agreement, a template for which is available from the SBREC Application and Participant Documents web page.

It is envisaged that the researcher will transcribe the data, so no data transcription issues are foreseen. If for any reason it becomes necessary to employ an assistant or organisation to transcribe data I will inform the Committee via a modification request.

F9. Participant Control of DataIndicate what control participants will have in the immediate reporting and future use of data collected for the purposes of the research. Will participants have the ability to view individual transcripts (if relevant) and/or the final report for comment and/or amendment prior to publication? If YES, explain how participants will be given this access and/or opportunity in the Information Sheet.

Participants will be given the option to view reports and/or have the findings explained to them before publication to check for accuracy and sufficient de-identification of their comments. In addition, the critical reference group will check all reports before they are published.this doesn’t seem to apply to your project


Note that the data should be retained in accordance with the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research and Flinders University policy.

F10(a) Data Transmission ProtocolsDuring the research project:

What protocols will be used for the secure transmission of data (if required) to e.g., transcribers, interpreters or other members of research team?


If transcription or interpreter services will be used will the data received be deleted by transcribers / interpreters on completion of services?


F10(b) Data TypeOn completion of the project, data will be stored:

In writing X On Flinders University computer server

On a Flash Drive X

On audio tape/CD On video tape/DVD

Other (please indicate):

Please note that audio tapes should be retained as they may be required for the verification of results and/or secondary data analysis unless written transcriptions have

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been reviewed and agreed to be participants.

F10(c) Data De-identificationWill data be stored in a de-identified form?

Yes XNo

If YES, please confirm whether this means: ‘X’

1. that the data cannot in any way be linked to an individual or organisation (non-identifiable data); OR X

2. that the data has had all identifying information removed but the means still exists to re-identify an individual and/or organisation (re-identifiable data).

If NO, explain how any relevant anonymity and confidentiality standards will be met for data storage.

I can confirm that the data will not in any way be able to be linked to an individual or organisation as described above. Any information/data will be stored under title known only to the researcher.

F10(d) Data Storage LocationClarify where the data will be stored securely. Wherever possible, research data should be held in the researcher’s department or other appropriate institutional repository, however researchers are permitted to hold copies of research data for their own use, and for data to be stored in locations other than Flinders University.

If data will not be stored at Flinders University, explain why and indicate where and how long it will be stored for in accordance with the retention periods listed below (see Australian Code for Responsible Conduct of Research, paragraph 2.1, 2.2.2 and 2.2.3).

The data will be stored at the researcher’s private residence and will be password protected. What about paper material?

F10(e) Data Retention PeriodData will be stored securely at location listed above for:

XAt least 12-months after the completion of the project if the research project is for assessment purposes only, such as class research projects completed by all students.Note: Applies to research projects which include a whole topic list of students on one application, not for projects that include one or a few student researchers.

At least five years from the date of publication

At least seven years if the research involves a South Australian Government Department from the date of publication

Permanently if data relates to work that has a community or heritage value, preferably within a national collection

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G. OTHER MATTERSG1. Other Ethics Committees

Indicate any other centres involved in this research AND/OR any other Ethics Committee(s) being approached for approval of this project including the approval status of each. If copies of approvals cannot be provided at the time of application submission please confirm that copies of all approvals will be submitted to the Committee on receipt.

IMPORTANTPlease note that Flinders University and the Southern Adelaide Local Health Network (SALHN) have agreed that ethics approvals granted by an SA Health Human Research Ethics Committee will be accepted by Flinders University without further scrutiny. If this applies to your project please refer to the SBREC multi-site research web page for further information.

Other Centres and Ethics Committees to be approached for approval? Ethics Approval Attached?





Please note that if other Ethics Committees request amendments to your project once SBREC has also approved your project, you will need to submit a request to modify your project using the Modification Request Form available for download from the SBREC Modifications and Extensions web page.

G2. FundingHas funding been received / applied for? If YES answer all questions below.

YesNo X

$ Funding received / applied for Funding Body Grant Number – if applicable(e.g. ARC / NHMRC)





If funding has been applied for (or received), please declare any affiliation or financial interest that any researchers listed in the application may have.

Overtype response here.

G3. Attachment ChecklistCopies of the following supporting materials applicable to this research project must be attached to this application. See the SBREC Application Form and Participant Documents web page for template participant documents.

Attached Not applicable

Letter of Introduction (from the principal researcher or, in the X X case of student projects, the supervisor, on University letterhead)

Information Sheets for participants X X

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Consent Form(s) for Participation in Research (standard) by:

- Interview X- Focus Group X- Experiment X- Other (please specify)…… X

Consent Form (parent / guardian) X XConsent Form (observation of professional activity) XQuestionnaire or survey instruments X XInterview questions, or list of topics to be discussed, as appropriate XFocus group questions, or list of topics to be discussed, as appropriate XAdvertisement for recruitment of participants X? XFeedback and/or debriefing material XAppendix: Privacy Legislation Matters XVideo/DVD to be viewed by participants XTranslated copies of all participant documentation (if relevant) X

G4. Research Involving or Impacting on Indigenous AustraliansHas a copy of this ethics application been forwarded to the Executive Officer, of Yunggorendi First Nations Centre for Higher Education and Research , Ms Mandy Price ([email protected])?

YesNo X

If yes, please note that comments from Yunggorendi will be incorporated into the response emailed to the researcher from the SBREC.


The Researcher and/or Supervisor whose signature appears below certifies that they have read the Ethical Guidelines for Social and Behavioural Research available from the SBREC website, and the guidelines of any other relevant authority referred to therein, and accept responsibility for the conduct of this research in respect of those guidelines and any other conditions specified by the Social and Behavioural Research Ethics Committee.

By submitting this application the applicant(s) agree to comply with the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (March 2007) and the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (2007) and are expected to be familiar with their responsibilities under each document.

Research Involving Children or Vulnerable AdultsPlease note that if your research involved children and/or vulnerable adults, and you do not have a current Criminal History Check in place, that your application will be returned to you unassessed and without ethics approval.Please do not submit a copy of your criminal history check with your application documents.

Does your proposed research involve you, or any member of your research team, in undertaking any activities involving children or vulnerable adults?

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Yes Place the letter ‘X’ in the relevant boxX No


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If yes, have you, and/or any member(s) of the research team who will be conducting these activities, applied for and been notified that you and/or they have cleared a criminal history check, and that this clearance is current for the life of the proposed study?

I/we, whose signature(s) appear(s) below, understand that if my research involves children or vulnerable adults that I/we cannot submit this ethics application unless the researchers listed on the project have a current criminal history check for the life of the proposed study. By signing this ethics application I/we certify that the researchers listed on the project have a current criminal history check as required.


Does your proposed research require documentation to be translated into another language?

If YES, I/we, whose signature(s) appear(s) below, certify that copies of all participant documents provided represent an accurate translation of the English versions provided to the Committee.

Conditions Subsequent to Approval

As a condition of subsequent approval of this protocol, I/we, whose signature(s) appear(s) below, undertake to:

(i) inform the Social and Behavioural Research Ethics Committee, giving reasons, if the research project is discontinued before the expected date of completion.

(ii) report anything which might warrant review of ethical approval of the protocol including: serious or unexpected adverse effects on participants; proposed changes in the protocol (method, changes in recruitment processes etc); any changes in the research team; and unforeseen events that might affect continued ethical acceptability of the project.

(iii) provide progress reports annually, and/or a final report on completion of the study, outlining: progress to date, or outcome in the case of completed research; maintenance and security of data; compliance with the approved protocol; compliance with any conditions of approval; and will request an extension of time if required prior to the ethics approval expiry date.

A pro forma is available from the Reports section of the SBREC website.

Principal Researcher’s Signature: ............................................................


Supervisor’s Signature: (for all student projects) ............................................................


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Yes Place the letter ‘X’ in the relevant boxNo


Yes Place the letter ‘X’ in the relevant boxX No


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PLEASE NOTE: notification of the Committee decision cannot be emailed to applicants until a signed electronic copy of the ethics application has been submitted to the SBREC.

SUBMISSION InstructionsPlease email one signed PDF electronic copy of your ethics application (including all relevant attachments) to the Executive Officer at [email protected]. PLEASE NOTE that applications received after the closing dates listed in the Meeting Schedule on the SBREC website will be held over to the following meeting.

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LOW RISK CHECKLISTPlease complete the checklist below to determine whether your research project is low risk research. Whether the research is determined to be low risk, or not, will have no effect on the length of time taken to review the application.

Student researchers must review the completed checklist with their supervisors.

This checklist is to assist in processing applications. Identifying a project as “low risk” will not make any difference to the time taken to process the application.

Definition – “Research is ‘low risk’ where the only foreseeable risk is one of discomfort. Where the risk, even if unlikely, is more serious than discomfort the research is not low risk” (item 2.1.6 under Section 2: Themes in Research Ethics: Risk and Benefit, Consent in the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research).

(a) External RequirementsIs the research being funded by an agency outside the University which requires Human Research Ethics Committee approval?

YesNo X

(b) Risk Assessment

1. This section covers information about the focus of your research, ie whether it involves issues which are sensitive, personal, have potential to cause embarrassment or distress, or potential to reveal illegal activity. Please indicate whether any of the following topics will be covered in part or in whole?

Yes No research about parenting X research investigating sensitive personal issues X research investigating sensitive cultural issues X explorations of grief, death or serious/traumatic loss X depression, mood states, anxiety X gambling X eating disorders X illicit drug taking X substance abuse X self report of criminal behaviour X any other psychological disorder X suicide X gender identity X sexuality X race or ethnic identity X any disease or health problem X fertility X termination of pregnancy X other, please specify……………………. X

2.This section deals with research methods involving deception, potential for risk or harm. Are any of the following procedures to be employed?

Yes No use of data, obtained from Commonwealth or State Government X

Department/Agency, from which individuals can be identified use of data, obtained from any other source, X

from which individuals can be identified deception of participants X concealing the purposes of the research X covert observation X audio or visual recording without consent X recruitment via a third party or agency X

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withholding from one group specific treatments or methods of learning, X from which they may “benefit” (e.g. in medicine or teaching)

any psychological interventions or treatments X administration of physical stimulation X infliction of pain X administration of ionising radiation X collecting body fluid X use of medical records from which participants can be identified X

3. Other RisksAre there any risks to the researcher, (e.g., research undertaken in unsafe environments or trouble spots)? If so, please explain.

Overtype response here.

(c) Participant Vulnerability AssessmentDo any of the participants fall within the following targeted categories?

Yes No suffering a psychological disorder X suffering a physical vulnerability X people highly dependent on medical care X minors X people whose ability to give consent is impaired X resident of a custodial institution X unable to give free informed consent because of difficulties in X

understanding information statement (e.g., language difficulties) members of a socially identifiable group with special cultural or religious X

needs or political vulnerabilities those in dependent relationship with the researchers (e.g., lecturer/ student, X

doctor/patient, teacher/pupil, professional/client, employer/employee, manager/subordinate)

participants able to be identified in any final report when specific X consent for this has not been given

Indigenous Australians X

(d) Research in Overseas Settings AssessmentDoes the research involve any of the following:

Yes No research being undertaken in a politically unstable area X research involving sensitive cultural issues X research in countries where criticism of government and X

institutions might put participants and/or researchers at risk

(e) Opportunity to Comment on ‘Yes’ ResponseIf you have answered ‘YES’ to an item in the checklist but you believe that because of the particular nature of the project and the participants your project may still be considered ‘low risk’ please provide details below.

Overtype response here.

The above checklist is based on that developed by the University of Melbourne, amended for use by Flinders University.