Happy New Year Deeds and Opportunities Brentwood Community United Methodist Church 809 Second Street Brentwood, CA 94513 E-MAIL: BCUMC_1@YAHOO.COM Office: (925) 634-3093 Fax: (925) 634-0288 Alexis Easton, Pastor Website: Brentwoodumc.org Facebook Group: Brentwood Community United Methodist Church Betty Gaughan, Editor: [email protected] January 2014

Brentwood Community United Methodist Church - …r.b5z.net/i/u/10165014/f/JAN_2014_final.pdf · Brentwood Community United Methodist Church ... yes, less loneliness and ... Horace

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Happy New Year

Deeds and Opportunities Brentwood Community United Methodist Church

809 Second Street Brentwood, CA 94513 E-MAIL: [email protected] Office: (925) 634-3093 Fax: (925) 634-0288

Alexis Easton, Pastor Website: Brentwoodumc.org

Facebook Group: Brentwood Community United Methodist Church Betty Gaughan, Editor: [email protected]

January 2014

Heart to Heart (The Pastor’s Column)

Greetings Friends, Happy New Year. May the ministries of BCUMC flourish in the coming year, and may the presence of Christ deepen within you. I was recently asked what legacy or impact I’d hope to leave with all of you as I retire. The question is puzzling… and humbling. It’s puzzling because there are many hopes pastors have when we’re appointed to serve a congregation, and it often becomes quickly apparent that some of those plans are not most appropriate or useful to the congregation, at least at that time. And then one generates other hopes and plans. It’s also humbling because it reminds me think of that ol’ cliché, Life is what happens while we’re making plans. So there are always unanticipated legacies. Still, it didn’t take lengthy soul-searching to come up with the answer… actually, answers: There are two that I hope will be a part of lasting impact of the nine years I’ve served as your pastor. The first is about God, and the second is about God’s Children… us. The God piece: That God (whichever person of the Trinity and however you name God) has become more real to you than it was a decade ago. That you have “God moments” that delight and challenge you and that you share them with others. That you invest yourself in study, prayer/meditation, worship, and conversation that nurtures these “God moments” – there are opportunities for this in small groups at BCUMC which we’ve worked to develop for several years. Also, that you sense the God within you which we name the Christ. The God’s children/People piece: That you are more willing (intentional, even!) to try to walk in the shoes of the Other. The Other can be groups, ethnicities/races, religions, etc. The Other can be individuals who challenge you. The Other can even be your declared enemy! Trying to see the situation through the eyes of the Other is essential to healthy communities and a more peaceful world. Unwillingness to make this effort breaks my heart. This shift of perspective requires willingness, imagination, and often, information about the group or the person. Actually, this is part of the reason I’m studying Islam. The Golden Rule is a foundational principle; however, it has a clear limitation: If the Other is very different from you in culture or education or race or whatever, then you treating them as you’d like to be treated may not be useful to relationship – it may even be offensive (serving your Jewish or Muslim friend your most delicious pork sandwich as a simple example). Yes, your heart may truly be in the right place, but ignorance of the Other will limit your effectiveness.) The commitment to try to walk in another’s shoes is a humbling discipline, for it means you must live with less knee-jerk certainty that you are right – you may even find yourself apologizing occasionally! However, it is also a discipline of rich blessing, for the intention to shift your perspective to take on the viewpoint of another shapes a life with less negativity, less blaming/complaining and, yes, less loneliness and animosity. I’m convinced that as we practice this shift of perspective or walking in another’s shoes, we will see this wonderful world just a bit more the way that God – who sees our hearts, our minds, and our stuck places -- sees it! And isn’t that a core part of what becoming more Christlike is about? Friends, I thank you for the countless blessings of serving as your pastor, and I look forward to continuing the journey with you for these next six months. I pray – with you – for the next pastor and all the blessings you will share.


Your ideas are needed! All are welcome to join the discussion at 1 pm on Sunday, January 12th, immediately following the Youth Spaghetti Lunch fundraiser, to plan Merry Methodist activities for 2014. We will strive to offer a variety of options, both adult-friendly and family-friendly. And, based on your input, may move toward quarterly events. Please plan to attend and email [email protected] if you have any suggestions prior to the discussion. See you there!


Please join the United Methodist Men the first Saturday morning of every month for breakfast,

fellowship and Bible study. Cooks meet at 7:15 AM and the group gathers promptly at 8:00 AM. Meeting concludes around 9 AM.

Our mission is to Help Men Grow in Christ, So Others May Know Christ.

INTRODUCING HORACE GIPSON Our friend Horace grew up in Bay Area towns, the youngest of six children. Horace began looking around for opportunities at a young age – in his teens he began assisting at a local mortuary chapel, went to mortuary science school and was quickly a funeral director (didn’t take training as an embalmer, though). He also started taking photos in high school, so when a photography job position came up a year into his funeral director job, Horace made a move, and various aspects of school photography have been his work since. Presently, he is co-owner and general manager of the Baird Thompson Photography Co. based in Oakland.

In childhood Horace got experience in both the Pentecostal and Baptist streams of the church. He left church as a young adult upon realizing that not all church leaders were living the lives they were preaching and teaching about. Several years later an elderly woman, in whose in-law unit he was living, invited him to attend Downs UMC with her (well, first she asked him to take her to church… and soon suggested he remain for worship!). Horace was impressed with how much the congregation at Downs was giving back to the Oakland community. He then began taking his son Austin who enjoyed Sunday School. Still a bit skeptical about this church

business, Horace was approached by Pete Taylor – who later became the Cal-Nevada Annual Conference Lay Leader. Pete reached out to Horace and asked him to help with the church Boy Scout troop. After just a few meetings, Pete announced that the troop needed a new leader… guess who! Horace filled the position for several years. It is primarily through service – both local and global -- that Horace senses God’s guidance. He appreciates this aspect of BCUMC greatly. He also affirms the teaching/learning aspect among the adults, e.g., the present “evolution of the word” class that describes the non-chronological sequence of scripture and affirms biblical scholarship. As a Methodist, he is grateful for the teaching that none of us are perfect people, and he tries to become a bit better every day. Accepting our shared imperfections has made Horace less critical and judgmental; he sees everyone as on a path and none of us as a finished product. Horace will experience empty nest syndrome soon when Austin graduates from Liberty High and heads out next summer for basic training and the Navy’s RN program, into which he’s already been accepted. Meanwhile, Horace continues to fulfill God’s call to mentor young men, which he is presently doing through his photography business intern program. We celebrate Horace’s journey of faith and connection with BCUMC.

Horace Gipson (third from right) with other BCUMC new members.

CALLING ALL THIRD GRADERS! Please let Pastor Alexis know if you have children or grandchildren in the third grade in Sunday School. The presentation of gift Bibles to the third graders will be scheduled during worship soon.

INTRODUCING MIKE AND ADELLA LOGAN Mike and Adella met at a party – Adella reports that she won him on a bet! The story goes that Adella and several friends were quite impressed with Mike when he walked in, so they set up a competition. Well, Adella won the competition that evening, and in less than a year she and Mike were married. They lived in several towns of the Bay Area and moved to Oakley in 1988 – looking for country living (which they had for a number of years before Oakley grew to its present size). Children John, Lena and Alivia went to school here, and Mike and Alivia now have four grandchildren. Pastor Alexis officiated at Lena’s wedding several years ago. Most of Mike’s work has been in manufacturing – mostly in management. Presently he has a long daily commute to San Jose. He and Della had two machine shop businesses. Adella also ran Logan International Riding School in Oakland for 10 years. Horses have been a passion for her since third grade when her dad bought home several horses… including one Adella had to break! What a challenging way to become an equine specialist! Adella was raised as a Roman Catholic, and although Mike had no childhood church connection, they both became active at St. Anthony’s where they served as Eucharistic ministers and readers, even becoming marriage counselors for a while at the parish. Along with Alivia, the Logans found their way to the Methodists and hung out for a number of years – sometimes at Byron UMC and other times with us. We are delighted that they’ve become part of the BCUMC congregation. The past 10 years since 9/11 have been challenging with the economic downturn impacting Mike’s employment and the sadness of many of their friends going through divorces. Mike reports that both he and Adella made strong commitments early on to create a stable household and stick together, both having undergone painful upheavals in the families of their childhoods. Mike and Adella both appreciate the shared sense of mission they have observed at BCUMC, the diversity in the congregation, and our ability to work together to make a difference in the community. Both look forward to becoming involved in aspects of service. Adella says that helping others has always filled the empty places in her heart, and Mike looks forward to working fewer hours and being able to go out and spend time helping senior citizens. Meanwhile, Adella sings in the choir conducted by daughter Liv, and Mike attends worship when he is able. Happy New Year to the Logans!


Calvin & Hobbes often asks the question, “Are humans good or bad?”

Starting Sunday, January 5th, Dave Funk will be teaching a 4-week Adult Education Study of: The Theology of Calvin & Hobbes, using the book “The Essential Calvin & Hobbes” by Bill Watterson and a study guide by Richard Beck, Professor & Department Chair of Psychology @ Abilene Christian University. We will meet in the Sunday School classroom (with the projection screen) at 9:00 am.

Looking for motivation to start or continue a healthy lifestyle in 2014? How about joining your friends at BCUMC to walk the 7411 miles from Brentwood to Jerusalem? The Walk to Jerusalem is an imaginary walk that encourages walkers to increase their physical activity, spiritual growth and cultural awareness through a virtual pilgrimage to Jerusalem.

Walking is first mentioned in the Bible in Genesis 3:8, “Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day.” It was while walking in the garden that God typically spoke to Adam and Eve. Walking is mentioned 247 times in the Bible. Our bodies were made for walking. We were built to stand erect. Our organs function best when given room to work. Our joints need movement to maintain good range of motion.

None of this can be accomplished by sitting in a chair or lying on a couch (sorry!). The benefits of walking are numerous. A report from the US Surgeon General states “significant benefits can be obtained by including a moderate amount of physical activity (30 minutes of brisk walking or raking leaves, 15 minutes of running or 45 minutes of playing volleyball) on most days of the week.” The benefits of walking are compelling. “Regular walking can prevent depression, lengthen lifespan, lower stress levels, relieve arthritis and back pain, strengthen muscles, bones and joints, improve sleep.” (aarp.org/health/fitness/walking) I encourage everyone to use a pedometer app on their Smart Phone or a Pedometer to capture the miles you get each day in daily living in addition to your purposeful exercise. Walking/Bike/Swimming riding miles will be recorded 1;1 other exercise will be 20 minutes equals 1 mile. Miles can be turned in each week at church or emailed to [email protected]. We  have  over  7,000  miles  to  go  so  I  encourage  you  to  invite  your  friends/neighbors/co-­workers  to  walk  with  us.   Our first stop will be at the UMCOR* West Depot in Salt Lake city (725 miles). UMCOR relief-supply kits are stored at this material resources depot, which provides increased opportunities for kit ministry to United Methodist churches in the Western Jurisdiction.

Adjacent to the 22,000 sq. ft. warehouse is Crossroads, an ecumenical organization that provides grassroots support to those in need in the community; UMCOR West works closely with Crossroads to provide meaningful volunteer experiences. I am hoping to have a speaker who has done a Mission Trip there come to share her experiences with us.

Non-walkers/exercisers can earn miles by bringing supplies for school kits (see below). Each item you bring will equal two miles or if you bring an entire kit you get 25 miles.

*UMCOR = United Methodist Committee on Relief (www.umcor.org/) School Kits (Value: $11.00 ) 1 pair blunt scissors rounded tip only no plastic scissors please 3 pads of paper spiral or top bound pads 150 sheets or less of loose leaf can be substituted for 1 pad combinations of spiral, top bound, side bound or loose leaf is acceptable 1 hand held pencil sharpener must be at least one inch long - remove from packaging 1 30 centimeter ruler hard or flexible cartoon characters are acceptable no advertisements please 6 unsharpened pencils no advertisements, religious, patriotic, military or camouflage symbols please cartoon characters are acceptable 1 2 inch or larger size eraser no advertisements, religious, patriotic, military or camouflage symbols please cartoon characters are acceptable 1 24-count box of crayons only 24 count boxes please 1 14”x16” cloth bag homemade or purchased bags are both acceptable, heavy duty fabric only-­‐denim, corduroy, drapery fabric etc. no advertisements, religious, patriotic, military or camouflage symbols please closures are optional but must be buttons, snaps or Velcro sewn in middle of opening if used


Date Worship Leaders Ushers/Greeters Acolytes Crucifer

5 Polly Gallagher Barbara Pinkston Michael Ann Honea

12 Julius Lukacs Nancy Veir Marge Walton

19 Edie Tidrick Joyce Sorenson Mel Strong

26 Horace Gibson Dolores Hauan Bob Clarke

Communion Assistants: Diane and Carey Hutchison


4 Mary Bronzan 5 Craig Bronzan 15 Vickey Barriner 16 Pete Cruz 20 Patti Bartlebaugh 21 Jackie Hanel 25 Horace Gipson 22 Scott Bartlebaugh 23 Jacob Lukacs 27 Audrey Dunn 28 Rachel Simas

ANNIVERSARIES 16 Edie & Galen Tidrick

CHURCH FAMILY NEWS JOYS: The BCUMC choir rejoices – Thanks to Choir Director Alivia Logan for her energy and resourcefulness in combining choral and orchestral personnel to make the Cantata performance comforting and joyful! Thanks to Accompanist Greg Paquer for his energetic participation! CONCERNS: Paul Driscoll, Ginny’s husband and Wren’s dad, died Tuesday, December 31. Please keep Ginny and Wren in your prayers. Jay Marks’ mother passed after a battle with melanoma. Prayers for her husband John, sons Jay and Dean and daughter Laura, and grandkids Courtney, Mallory and JohnScott. PLEASE UPDATE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS FOR THE EDITOR. THE NEW EMAIL ADDRESS FOR BETTY GAUGHAN IS: [email protected]

It was Saturday afternoon, December 14, 2013. A big evening for our church and choir. The choir had practiced for many hours, and we were all hoping we were ready. The mail arrived and I noticed a magazine, called The Country, which I hadn’t ordered. Then I noticed: It was a Christmas gift from Billie Fortner. Yes, I’ll admit, it shook me up a bit, especially on the choir’s special day.

Billie, a long time member of our church and choir, had to resign due to poor health. She loved music and would have enjoyed every minute of the Cantata. Maybe she did hear it??

Billie was a very thoughtful and loving person who cared about everyone. We miss you, Billie, and thank you for being you. We could take a few lessons from you. Thanks for the magazine.

Love, Jo Merritt PS: Billie’s return address, I have no doubt, is Heaven.

JUBILEE USA NETWORK Jubilee USA Network is an alliance of more than 75 US organizations, 300 faith communities and 50 Jubilee global partners. Jubilee is building an economy that serves, protects and promotes participation of the most vulnerable. Jubilee has won critical global financial reforms and more than $130 billion in debt relief for the world's poorest people.

One of the UMC’s four goals is to confront global poverty. Supporting JUBILEE is a way to help the poorest in various places around the globe. JUBILEE also models a vision of equity grounded in an interfaith network. It holds up a genuine vision of the Common Good. Check out JUBILEE’s website – www.jubileeusa.org to learn more about their important work. BCUMC is invited to become partners with the Network and its area congregations.


NOMINATIONS & LAY DEVELOPMENT (*indicates person is new to position as of January 1, 2014)

ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL Chair: JoAnn Funk Council Secretary and Recording Secretary: *Carla Marks Pastor: Alexis Easton Lay Member to Annual Conference: Carla Marks Lay Leader and Ministry Teams Council Coordinator: Julius Lukacs

Love God Team: *Mel Strong, Coordinator Love People Team: *Marge Walton and *Barbara Pinkston, Co-Coordinators Serve the World: Coordinator: *Robin Vaughan

Communications Coordinator (Newsletter Editor): Betty Gaughan Sunday School Coordinator: *Marjorie Walton Membership Secretary: *Shirley Gray Finance/Stewardship: John Moore Endowment Fund: Dennis Buckley Staff-Parish Relations: *Rebecca Feldermann Trustees: Dennis Buckley United Methodist Women: Chair: Charlene Dobson; UMWE Coordinator: JoAnn Funk United Methodist Men: Jeff Schults Historian: *Carla Marks (John Scott Marks, Asst.) BOARD OF TRUSTEES Chair: Dennis Buckley Secretary: Dave Funk 2014 2015 2016

Dennis Buckley Joyce Sorenson Blake Kurz Sean Clarke Kevin Gray Dave Funk Randy Fortner

STAFF-PARISH RELATIONS Chair: *Rebecca Feldermann Secretary: Jan Schults Lay Leader: Julius Lukacs 2014 2015 2016 Rick Dunn Jan Schults Nate Ekpemiro Mel Strong Rebecca Feldermann Polly Gallagher

FINANCE-STEWARDSHIP Chair: John Moore *Vice-Chair: Carey Hutchison Treasurer: Debra Urzua Secretary: Joy Kick 2014 2015 2016

John Moore Ezihe Ekpemiro Bob Clarke Joy Kick Carey Hutchison

Judy Gerry Jim Roberts

ENDOWMENT FUND Members: Dolores Hauan, Dennis Buckley NOMINATIONS & LAY DEVELOPMENT 2014 2015 2016 Shirley Gray Rebecca Feldermann Marjorie Walton Paul Slay Jeff Schults MINISTRY TEAMS Coordinator of Ministry Teams: Julius Lukacs Love God Team: Donna Baker, Mel Strong, Paul Slay, Polly Gallagher (Team Coordinator: Mel Strong)

Love People Team (includes Cong’l Care Network – CCN): Pat Balzell, Horace Gibson, Mel Strong, Linda Barnhill, Michael Ann Honea, Dorothy Leonard (Team Coordinators: Marjorie Walton, Barbara Pinkston) Serve the World Team: Jan and Chuck Nixon, Cheryl Breitenbucher, Marcie Lukacs, Jeff Schults (Team Coordinator: Robin Vaughan) Youth: Julius Lukacs, Paul Slay, Rebecca Feldermann, Jennifer Dunn (Team Coordinator: Carla Marks)


MUSIC SUBCOMMITTEE Chair: Edie Tidrick Members: Dennis Buckley, Vernon Noble, Dave Funk WORSHIP STEWARDS Ushers: Martin Tucker, Joyce Sorenson, Randy Fortner Altar Guild: Roxanna Simas, Jo Merritt Acolyte and Crucifer Coordinators: Ginny Driscoll, Vickey Barriner Worship Leader Coordinator: Alexis Easton Communion Steward: Donna Baker Greeters Coordinator: Pat Balzell Social Hour and Flower Coordinator: Betty Gaughan MEMORIAL DINNERS Robin Vaughan, Dolores Hauan MEMBERSHIP TRACKING Shirley Gray MEMORIALS Patti Bartlebaugh, Linda Barnhill, Mary Bronzan, Jo Merritt, Vernon Noble

Lectionary (Scripture Readings)


January 5 Epiphany Sunday

Isaiah 60:1-6 Psalm 72:1-7,

10-14 (UMH 795) Ephesians 3:1-12 Matthew 2:1-12

January 12 Baptism of the Lord First Sunday after

the Epiphany

Isaiah 42:1-9 Psalm 29 (UMH 761) Acts 10:34-43 Mathew 3:13-17

January 19 Second Sunday after

the Epiphany (Human Relations Day)

Isaiah 49:1-7 Psalm 40:1-11 (UMH 774) 1 Corinthians 1:1-9 John 1:29-42

January 26 Third Sunday after

The Epiphany Isaiah 9:1-4

Psalm 27:1, 4-9 (UMH 758) 1 Corinthians 1:10-18 Matthew 4:12-23

Statement o f Inc lus ion:

Because we believe that no one is excluded from God’s love and that all may come who hear the Shepherd’s voice (John 10:1-18), so we affirm:

In keeping wi th the sp ir i t and t eachings o f J esus Chris t and wi th United

Methodis t pr inc ip l es , the Brentwood Community United Methodis t Church we l comes a l l persons into our f e l lowship .

Resident Bishop: Warner H. Brown, Jr.

El Camino Real District Superintendent: Kristie Olah Pastor: Alexis Easton; Lay Leader: Julius Lukacs

Secretary: Debra Urzua  

The  Mission  of  the  United  Methodist  Church  is  to  make  disciples  of  Jesus  Christ  for  the  transformation  of  the  world.  

Brentwood Community United Methodist Church 809 Second Street Brentwood, CA 94513 TIME DATED MATERIAL