Bremen is a Hanseatic City in Northwestern Germany

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  • 8/10/2019 Bremen is a Hanseatic City in Northwestern Germany



    This article is about the German city. For other uses, seeBremen (disambiguation).

    The City Municipality of Bremen (German: Stadtge-meinde Bremen,German pronunciation:[bemn] ( )) isa Hanseatic city in northwestern Germany. A commercialand industrial city with a major port on theRiver Weser,Bremen is part of theBremen/Oldenburg MetropolitanRegion(2.4 million people). Bremen is the second mostpopulous city inNorthern Germanyand tenth in Ger-


    Bremen is some 60 km (37 mi) south from the Wesermouth on theNorth Sea. WithBremerhavenright on themouth the two comprise thestateof theFree HanseaticCity of Bremen(official German name: Freie HansestadtBremen).

    1 History

    See also:Timeline of Bremen

    The marshes and moraines near Bremen have been set-tled since about 12,000 BC. Burial places and settlementsin Bremen-Mahndorf and Bremen-Osterholz date backto the 7th century AD. Since the age of Renaissance,some scientists have believed that the entryFabiranumorPhabiranon inPtolemy's Fourth Map of Europe,[3] writ-ten in 150 AD, refers to Bremen. But Ptolemy gives geo-graphic coordinates, and by these dates Phabiranon is sit-uated northeast of the mouth of river Visurgis (Weser).At that time the Chauci lived in the area now called north-westernGermanyor Lower Saxony. By the end of the

    3rd century, they had merged with theSaxons. DuringtheSaxon Wars(772804) the Saxons, led byWidukind,fought against theWest Germanic Franks, the foundersof theCarolingian Empire, and lost the war. Bremenis located 121 km (75 miles) northeast of Osnabrck,442 km (275 miles) north of Frankfurt am Main, 389km (242 miles) west of Berlin, 121 km (75 miles) south-west of Hamburg, 274 km (170 miles) east of Amster-dam, Netherlands, and 298 km (185 miles) northeast ofDsseldorf.

    Charlemagne, theKing of the Franks, made a new law,theLex Saxonum. This law stated thatSaxonswere not

    allowed to worshipOdin (the god of the Saxons), butrather that they had to convert to Christianity on pain ofdeath. This period was called the Christianisation. In

    787 Willehad of Bremenwas the first Bishop of Bre-men. In 848 thearchdioceseof Hamburgmerged withthedioceseof Bremen into Hamburg-Bremen Archdio-cese, seated in Bremen, and in the following centuries thearchbishops of Hamburg-Bremen were the driving forcebehind the Christianisation of Northern Germany. In 888ArchbishopRimbert, managed to get Kaiser Arnulf ofCarinthia, theCarolingian King of East Francia, to grantBremen the right to hold its own markets, to mint its owncoins and make its own customs laws.

    The citys first stone walls were built in 1032. Aroundthis time trade with Norway, England and the northernNetherlands began to grow, thus increasing the impor-tance of the city.

    Germania, in the early 2ndcentury (Harper and Brothers, 1849).

    View from the Bremen Cathedral in the direction of the Stephani-


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    2 1 HISTORY

    In 1186 the BremianPrince-Archbishop Hartwig of Uth-lede and his bailiff in Bremen confirmedwithout gener-ally waiving the prince-archiepiscopal overlordship overthe citytheGelnhausen Privilege, by whichFrederick IBarbarossagranted the city considerable privileges. Thecity was recognised as a political entity with its own laws.

    Property within the municipal boundaries could not besubjected to feudal overlordship; this also applied to serfswho acquired property, if they managed to live in the cityfor a year and a day, after which they were to be regardedas free persons. Property was to be freely inherited with-out feudal claims for reversion to its original owner. Thisprivilege laid the foundation for Bremens later status ofimperial immediacy(Free Imperial City).

    In fact, however, Bremen did not have complete inde-pendence from the Prince-Archbishops, in that there wasnofreedom of religion, and burghers were still forcedto pay taxes to the Prince-Archbishops. Bremen played

    a double role; it participated in the Dietsof the neigh-bouring Prince-Archbishopric of Bremenas part of theBremianEstatesand paid its share of taxes, at least whenit had previously consented to this levy. Since the city wasthe major taxpayer, its consent was generally sought. Inthis way the city wielded fiscal andpolitical powerwithinthe Prince-Archbishopric, while not allowing the Prince-Archbishopric to rule in the city against its consent. In1260 Bremen joined theHanseatic League.

    1.1 Advent of territorial power

    In 1350, the number of inhabitants reached 20,000.Around this time the Hansekogge (cog ship) became aunique product of Bremen.

    In 1362, representatives of Bremen rendered homage toAlbert II,Prince-Archbishop of Bremenin Langwedel.In return Albert confirmed the citys privileges and bro-kered a peace between the city andGerard III, CountofHoya, who since 1358 had held some burghers of Bremenin captivity. The city had to bail them out. In 1365 an ex-tra tax, levied to finance the ransom, caused an uprisingamong the burghers and artisans which was put down by

    thecity councilafter much bloodshed.In 1366, Albert II tried to take advantage of the dis-pute between Bremens council and the guilds, whosemembers had expelled some city councillors from thecity. When these councillors appealed to Albert II forhelp, many artisans and burghers regarded this as treasonagainst the city. This appeal to the princes would onlyprovoke them to abolish autonomy of the city.

    The fortified city maintained its own guards, not allow-ing prince-archiepiscopal soldiers to enter it. The city re-served an extra very narrow gate, the so-called BishopsNeedle (Latin: Acus episcopi, first mentioned in 1274),

    for all clergy including the Prince-Archbishop. The nar-rowness of the gate made it technically impossible to en-ter accompanied by knights.

    14th to 18th century: territories of the Free City of Bremen (red)

    and of the Archbishopric of Bremen (yellow); straits between


    Nevertheless, on the night of 29 May 1366, Albertstroops, helped by some burghers, invaded the city. Afterthis the city had to render him homage again, theBremenRoland, symbol of the citys autonomy, was demolishedand a new city council was appointed. In return the newcouncil granted Albert a credit amounting to the enor-mous sum of 20,000 Bremian Marks.

    But city councillors of the previous council, who had fledto the County of Oldenburg gained the support of theCounts and recaptured the city on June 27, 1366. Themembers of the intermediate council were regarded astraitors and beheaded, and the cityde factoregained its

    autonomy. Thereupon, the city of Bremen, which hadfor a long time held an autonomous status, acted almostin complete independence of the Prince-Archbishop. Al-bert failed to reduce the city of Bremen a second time,since he was always short of money and without the sup-port of his family, the Welfs, who fought theLneburgWar of Succession(137088).

    By the end of the 1360s Bremen had granted creditsto Albert II, to finance his lavish lifestyle, and gainedin return the fortress of Vrdeand the dues levied inthe bailiwick belonging to it as a pawn for the credits.In 1369 Bremen again lent money to Albert II against

    the collateral of his mint and his right to mint coins,which was from then on run by the city council. In 1377Bremen boughtfromFrederick, Duke of Brunswick-,_Duke_of_Brunswick-L%C3%BCneburg,_Holy_Roman_Emperor,_Holy_Roman_Emperor
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    1.3 Thirty Years War 3

    Lneburgmany of the prince-archiepiscopal castles,which Albert had pledged as security for a loan to Fred-ericks predecessor. Thus Bremen gained a powerful po-sition in the Prince-Archbishopric (ecclesiastical princi-pality), pushing its actual ruler aside.

    In 1380 knights of the von Mandelsloh family and oth-ersVerdian and Bremian robber baronsplundered theburghers of Bremen and the people of the entirePrince-Archbishopric of Bremen. In 1381 the citys troops suc-cessfully ended thisbrigandageand captured the castle ofBederkesaand the bailiwick belonging to it, which it wasable to hold until November 1654, when after theSecondBremian WarBremen had to cede Bederkesa and Lehe(a part of present-dayBremerhaven) toBremen-Verden.In 1386 the city of Bremen made vassals of the noblefamilies, which held the estates of Altluneburg (a part ofpresent-daySchiffdorf) andElmlohe.

    1.2 Bremen and the Reformation

    Bremen town hall.

    When the Protestant Reformation swept throughNorthern Germany, St Peters cathedral belonged tothe cathedral immunity district (German: Domfrei-heit), an extraterritorial enclave of the neighbouringPrince-Archbishopric of Bremen. In 1532, thecathedral

    chapter which was still Catholic at that time closed StPeters after a mob consisting of Bremensburghershadforcefully interrupted a Catholic Mass and prompted apastor to hold aLutheranservice.

    In 1547, the chapter, which had in the meantime becomepredominantly Lutheran, appointed the Dutch AlbertRizaeus, called Hardenberg, as the first Cathedral pas-tor of Protestant affiliation. Rizaeus turned out to bea partisan of theZwinglianunderstanding of theLordsSupper, which was rejected by the then Lutheran ma-jority of burghers, the city council, and chapter. Soin 1561after heated disputesRizaeus was dismissedand banned from the city and the cathedral again closedits doors.

    However, as a consequence of that controversy the ma-

    jority of Bremens burghers and city council adoptedCalvinism by the 1590s, while the chapter, whichwas at the same time the body of secular govern-ment in the neighbouring Prince-Archbishopric, clung toLutheranism. This antagonism between a Calvinistic ma-jority and a Lutheran minority, though it had a power-

    ful position in its immunity district (mediatised as partof the city in 1803), remained dominant until in 1873the Calvinist and Lutheran congregations of Bremen werereconciled and founded aunitedadministrative umbrellaBremian Protestant Church, which still exists today, com-prising the bulk of Bremens burghers.

    At the beginning of the 17th century, Bremen contin-ued to play its double role, wielding fiscal and politicalpower within the Prince-Archbishopric, but not allowingthe Prince-Archbishopric to rule in the city without itsconsent.

    1.3 Thirty Years War

    Flag of Bremen.

    Soon after the beginning of theThirty Years WarBre-men declared its neutrality, as did most of the territoriesin the Lower Saxon Circle. John Frederick, LutheranAdministrator of the Prince-Archbishopric of Bremen,desperately tried to keep his Prince-Archbishopric outof the war, with the complete agreement of the Estates

    and the city of Bremen. When in 1623 theRepublicof the Seven United Netherlands, which was fightingin the Eighty Years War for its independence againstHabsburg's Spanish and imperial forces, requested itsCalvinistco-religionist Bremen to join them, the city re-fused, but started to reinforce its fortifications.

    In 1623 the territories comprisingthe Lower Saxon Circledecided to recruit an army in order to maintain anarmedneutrality, since troops of the Catholic League werealready operating in the neighbouring Lower Rhenish-Westphalian Circleand dangerously close to their region.The concomitant effects of the war,debasementof thecurrency and rising prices, had already caused inflationwhich was also felt in Bremen.

    In 1623 the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands,,_Prince-Bishop,_Duke_of_Brunswick-L%C3%BCneburg
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    4 1 HISTORY

    diplomatically supported by KingJames I of England,the brother-in-lawof Christian IV of Denmark, starteda new anti-Habsburg campaign. Thus the troops of theCatholic League were otherwise occupied and Bremenseemed relieved. But soon after this the imperial troopsunderAlbrecht von Wallensteinheaded north in an at-

    tempt to destroy the fadingHanseatic League, in orderto reduce the Hanseatic cities of Bremen, HamburgandtheLbeckand to establish a Baltic trade monopoly, tobe run by some imperial favourites including Spaniardsand Poles. The idea was to winSweden's andDenmark'ssupport, both of which had for a long time sought the de-struction of theHanseatic League.

    In May 1625Christian IV of Denmark, Duke of Hol-stein was elected in the latter of his functions by theLower Saxon Circles member territoriescommander-in-chiefof theLower Saxontroops. In the same year Chris-tian IV joined the Anglo-Dutch military coalition. Chris-

    tian IV ordered his troops to capture all the importanttraffic hubs in the Prince-Archbishopric and commencedtheBattle of Lutter am Barenberge, on 27 August 1626,where he was defeated by the Leaguist troops under Johan't Serclaes, Count of Tilly. Christian IV and his survivingtroops fled to the Prince-Archbishopric and establishedtheir headquarters inStade.

    In 1627 Christian IV withdrew from the Prince-Archbishopric, in order to oppose Wallensteins invasionof hisDuchy of Holstein. Tilly then invaded the Prince-Archbishopric and captured its southern part. Bremenshut its city gates and entrenched itself behind its im-

    proved fortifications. In 1628, Tilly turned on the city,and Bremen paid him a ransom of 10,000rixdollarsinorder to spare it a siege. The city remained unoccupiedthroughout the war.

    The takeover by the Catholic League enabledFerdinandII, Holy Roman Emperor, to implement the Edict ofRestitution, decreed March 6, 1629, within the Prince-Archbishopric of Bremen including the city of Bremen.In September 1629Francis William of Wartenberg, ap-pointed by Ferdinand II as chairman of the imperial resti-tution commission for the Lower Saxon Circle, in car-rying out the provisions of the Edict of Restitution, or-

    dered the Bremian Chapter, seated in Bremen, to renderan account of all the capitular and prince-archiepiscopalestates(not to be confused with theEstates). The Chap-ter refused, arguing first that the order had not been au-thorised and later that due to disputes with Bremens citycouncil, they could not freely travel to render an account,let alone do the necessary research on the estates. Theanti-Catholic attitudes of Bremens burghers and councilwas to make it completely impossible to prepare the resti-tution of estates from the Lutheran Chapter to the RomanCatholic Church. Even Lutheran capitulars were uneasyin Calvinistic Bremen.

    Bremens city council ordered that the capitular andprince-archiepiscopal estates within the boundaries of the


    unoccupied city were not to be restituted to the CatholicChurch. The council argued that the city had long beenProtestant, but the restitution commission replied thatthe city wasde jurea part of the Prince-Archbishopric,soProtestantismhad illegitimately taken over Catholic-owned estates. The city council replied that under thesecircumstances it would rather separate from theHoly Ro-man Empireand join the quasi-independentRepublic ofthe Seven Netherlands.[4] The city was neither to be con-quered nor to be successfully besieged due to its new for-tifications and its access to theNorth Sea.

    In October 1631 an army, newly recruited by John Fred-erick, started to reconquer the Prince-Archbishopric,_Holy_Roman_Emperor,_Holy_Roman_Emperor,_Count_of_Tilly,_Count_of_Tilly
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    1.4 19th century 5

    helped by forces from Sweden and the city of Bremen.John Frederick returned to office, only to implement thesupremacy of Sweden, insisting that it retain supremecommand until the end of the war. With the impendingenforcement of the military Major Power of Sweden overthe Prince-Archbishopric of Bremen, which was under

    negotiation at theTreaty of Westphalia, the city of Bre-men feared it would fall under Swedish rule too. There-fore the city appealed for an imperial confirmation ofits status ofimperial immediacyfrom 1186 (GelnhausenPrivilege). In 1646Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor,granted the requested confirmation (Diploma of Linz) totheFree Imperial City.

    1.3.1 Swedish reaction

    Population History

    1350: 20,0001810: 35,8001830: 43,7001850: 55,1001880: 111,9001900: 161,2001925: 295,0001969: 607,1851995: 549,3571998: 550,0002001: 540,950

    2005: 545,9832006: 546,9002009: 547,685[5]

    Nevertheless, Sweden, represented by its imperialfief Bremen-Verden, which comprised the secularisedprince-bishoprics of Bremen and Verden, did not acceptthe imperial immediacy of the city of Bremen. SwedishBremen-Verden tried to remediatisethe Free ImperialCity of Bremen (i.e., to make it switch its allegiance toSweden). With this in view, Swedish Bremen-Verdentwice waged war on Bremen. In 1381 the city of Bremenhad imposed de facto rule in an area around Bederkesa

    and west of it as far as the lower branch of theWesernearBremerlehe (a part of present-day Bremerhaven). Earlyin 1653, Bremen-Verdens Swedish troops captured Bre-merlehe by force. In February 1654 the city of Bremenmanaged to getFerdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor, togrant it a seat and the vote in the Holy Roman EmpiresDiet, thus accepting the citys status as Free Imperial Cityof Bremen.

    Ferdinand III demanded that Christina of Sweden,Duchess regnant of Bremen-Verden, compensate the cityof Bremen for the damages caused and restitute Bremer-lehe. When in March 1654 the city of Bremen started to

    recruit soldiers in the area of Bederkesa, in order to pre-pare for further arbitrary acts, Swedish Bremen-Verdenenacted theFirst Bremian War(March to July 1654), ar-

    guing that it was acting in self-defence. The Free Im-perial City of Bremen had meanwhile urged FerdinandIII to support it, who in July 1654 askedCharles X Gus-tav of Sweden, Christinas successor as Duke of Bremen-Verden, to cease the conflict, which resulted in the Recessof Stade(November 1654). This treaty left the main is-

    sue, the acceptance of the city of Bremens imperial im-mediacy, unresolved. But the city agreed to pay tributeand levy taxes in favour of Swedish Bremen-Verden andto cede its possessions around Bederkesa and Bremerlehe,which was why it was later called Lehe.

    In December 1660 the city council of Bremen renderedhomage as Free Imperial City of Bremen to Leopold I,Holy Roman Emperor. In 1663 the city gained a seat anda vote in the Imperial Diet, despite sharp protest fromSwedish Bremen-Verden. In March 1664 the SwedishDietcame out in favour of waging war on the Free Impe-rial City of Bremen. Right after Leopold I, who was busy

    with wars against theOttoman Empire, hadenfeoffedtheminor KingCharles XI of Swedenwith Bremen-Verden,while the neighbouringBrunswick and Lunenburg-Cellewas occupied by succession quarrels and France not op-posed, Sweden started theSecond Bremian War(166566) from its Bremen-Verden fief.

    The Swedes underCarl Gustaf Wrangellaid siege to thecity of Bremen. The siege broughtBrandenburg-Prussia,Brunswick and Lunenburg-Celle, Denmark, Leopold Iand the Netherlands onto the scene, who were all infavour of the city, with Brandenburgian, Cellean, Dan-ish, and Dutch troops at Bremen-Verdens borders ready

    to invade. So on 15 November 1666 Sweden had tosign the Treaty of Habenhausen, obliging it to destroythe fortresses built close to Bremen and banning Bremenfrom sending its representative to the Dietof theLowerSaxon Circle. From then on no further Swedish attemptswere made to capture the city.

    In 1700 Bremen introducedlike all Protestant territo-ries ofimperial immediacytheImproved Calendar, asit was called by Protestants, in order not to mention thename ofPope Gregory XIII. So Sunday, 18 February ofOld Style was followed by Monday, 1 MarchNew Style.

    1.4 19th century

    The harbour of Vegesack became part of the city ofBremen in 1803. In 1811, Napoleoninvaded Bremenand integrated it as the capital of the Dpartement deBouches-du-Weser (Department of the Mouths of theWeser) into the French State. In 1813, the Frenchasthey retreatedwithdrew from Bremen. Johann Smidt,Bremens representative at theCongress of Vienna, wassuccessful in achieving the non-mediatisation of Bre-men,HamburgandLbeckby which they were not in-corporated into neighbouring monarchies, but becamesovereign republics.

    The first German steamship was manufactured in 1817 in,_Holy_Roman_Emperor,_Holy_Roman_Emperor,_Holy_Roman_Emperor,_Holy_Roman_Emperor
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    6 2 CLIMATE

    Territory of Bremen as state since 1800.

    the shipyard of Johann Lange.

    In 1827, Bremen, under Johann Smidt, its mayor at thattime, purchased land from theKingdom of Hanover, toestablish the city ofBremerhaven(Port of Bremen) as anoutpost of Bremen because of the increased silting up ofthe riverWeser. Bremen became part of theNorth Ger-man Confederationin 1867 and became an autonomouscomponent state of the new-foundedGerman Empirein1871 and stayed with Germany in its following forms ofgovernment.

    Brauerei Beck & Co KG, a brewery, was founded in 1837and remains in operation today. The shipping companyThe North German Lloyd (NDL)was founded in 1857.Lloyd was a byword for commercial shipping and is nowa part ofHapag-Lloyd. In 1872, theBremen Cotton Ex-changewas founded.

    1.5 20th century

    ASoviet Republic of Bremen existed from January toFebruary 1919 in the aftermath ofWorld War I beforeit was overthrown by Gerstenberg Freikorps.

    Henrich Focke, Georg Wulf and Werner Naumannfounded Focke-Wulf Flugzeugbau AG in Bremen in

    Proclamation of the Revolutionary Republic of Bremen (BremerRterepublik) in front of the town hall, 15 November 1918.

    1923; the aircraft construction company as of 2010 formspart of Airbus, a manufacturer of civil and military

    aircraft. Borgward, an automobile manufacturer, wasfounded in 1929, and is today part of Daimler AG.

    The villages of Grohn, Schnebeck, Aumund, Hammers-beck, Fhr, Lobbendorf, Blumenthal, Farge and Rekumbecame part of the city of Bremen in 1939. The Bremen-Vegesack concentration camp operated during WorldWar II.

    Following thebombing of Bremen in World War II, theBritish 3rd Infantry Division under General Whistler cap-tured Bremen in late April 1945.[6]

    In 1946 Bremens mayor WilhelmKaisen (SPD) travelled

    to the U.S. to re-establish Bremens statehood, as Bremenhad traditionally been acity-state, in order to prevent itsincorporation into the state of LowerSaxony in theBritishzone of occupation. In 1947 the city became an enclave,part of theAmerican occupation zonesurrounded by theBritish zone.

    In 1947,Martin MendefoundedNordmende, a manufac-turer of entertainment electronics. The company existeduntil 1987. OHB-System, a manufacturer of medium-sized space-flightsatellites, was founded in 1958.

    TheUniversity of Bremen, founded in 1971, is one of 11institutions classed as an Elite university in Germany,

    and teaches approximately 23,500 people from 126 coun-tries.

    2 Climate

    Bremen has an oceanic climate (Cfb). Bremens climateis influenced by its proximity to the coast and marine airmasses that originate over the Atlantic Ocean. Nearbywetlands also enjoy a maritime temperate climate. Snow-fall is rare, generally occurring several times a year.

    The warmest months in Bremen are June, July, and Au-gust, with high temperatures of 20.2 to 22.6 C (68.4 to72.7 F). The coldest are December, January, and Febru-
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    PeterandPauland Charlemagne.

    On Katherinenklosterhof to the northwest of thecathedral, a few remaining traces can be found ofStCatherines Monasterydating back to the 13th cen-tury.

    The Liebfrauenkirche (Our Ladys Church) is theoldest church of the town (11th century). Its cryptfeatures several impressive murals from the 14thcentury.

    Off the south side of the Markplatz, the 110 m(120 yd) Bttcherstrae was transformed in 19231931 by the coffee magnateLudwig Roselius, whocommissioned local artists to convert the narrowstreet (in medieval times, the street of the barrelmakers) into an inspired mixture of Gothic andArt Nouveau. It was considered "entartete Kunst"

    (degenerate art) by the Nazis. Today, the street isone of Bremens most popular attractions, with theGlockenspiel House at No. 4 with its carillonofMeissen porcelainbells.[11]

    At the end of Bttcherstrae, by the Weser bank,stands the Martinikirche (St Martins Church), aGothic brick church built in 1229, and rebuilt in1960 after its destruction in World War II.[12]

    Tucked away between the Cathedral and the river isthe Schnoor, a small, well-preserved area of crookedlanes, fishermens and shippers houses from the

    17th and 18th centuries, now occupied by cafs,artisan shops and art galleries. The Convent ofSaint Birgitta(Birgittenkloster) founded in 2002 isa small community of just seven nuns offering guestaccommodation.[13]

    Schlachte, the medievalharbour of Bremen (themodern port is some kilometres downstream) andtoday a riverside boulevard with pubs and barsaligned on one side and the banks of Weser on theother.[14]

    TheVierteldistrict to the east of the old town com-

    bines rows of 19th-century Bremen Houses (Bremer

    Huser) with museums and theatres along the cityscultural mile.[15]

    The Nasir Moschee is the first purpose builtmosque of theAhmadiyyaMuslim Community inBremen.[16]

    More contemporarytourist attractionsinclude:

    Universum Science Center, amodern sciencemu-seum

    TheRhododendron-Park Bremen, a major collec-tion of rhododendronsand azaleas, which also in-cludes abotanical garden

    Botanika, a nature museum within theRhododendron-Park Bremen that attempts beto the same as theUniversum, but for biology

    Becks Brewery, tours are available to the publicwhich includebeer tasting

    TheKunsthalle Bremen, an art museum with paint-ings from the 19th and 20th century, maintained bythe citizens of Bremen

    Focke Museum, People of Bremens Museum forArt and Cultural History

    The bersee Museum Bremen(Overseas (World)Museum) i s a Natural History and Ethnographic mu-seum near by theCentral Station Bremen

    The Kunstsammlungen Bttcherstrae, an art mu-seum inexpressionist architecture from BernhardHoetgerwith paintings from the 20th century fromPaula Modersohn-Becker.

    The Weserburg Museum fr moderne Kunst (We-serburg Modern Art Museum), a modern art mu-seum located in the middle of the Weser River.[17]

    View from the Stephani-Bridge in the direction ofthe Cathedral


    Baumwollbrse (Cotton exchange) The Parkhotel in the Brgerpark (central park)


    Central Park Wallanlagen

    The city hall (Rathaus)

    Swineherd and pigs sculpture in Bremen

    TheWeser Riverin Bremen

    A building on Bttcherstrae

    Bremer Bank

    Central Bremen and the Weser from St. Petri Dom

    Bremen Airport

    The SkyscraperWeser Towerwas built 2007-2009and designed byHelmut Jahn



    Beck & Co

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    5.1 Structures

    Mediumwave transmitter Bremen

    Fallturm Bremen

    Bremen-Walle Telecommunication Tower

    The Freie Waldorfschule in Bremen-Sebaldsbrck wasGermanys first school built to thePassivhauslow-energybuildingstandard.[18]

    TheFallturm(Drop Tower) of the University of Bremen

    6 Economy

    The Bremen site is the second development centre afterHamburg. It forms part of the production network ofAirbus Deutschland GmbH and this is where equippingof the wing units for all widebody Airbus aircraft andthe manufacture of small sheet metal parts takes place.Structural assembly, including that of metal landing flaps,is another focal point. Within the framework ofAirbusA380production, assembly of the landing flaps (high liftsystems) is carried out here. The pre-final assembly of thefuselage section (excluding the cockpit) of theA400Mmilitary transport aircraft takes place before delivery onto Spain.[19]

    More than 3,100 persons are employed at Bremen, thesecond largest Airbus site in Germany. As part of theCentre of Excellence Wing/Pylon, Bremen is respon-sible for the design and manufacture of high-lift systemsfor the wings of Airbus aircraft. The entire process chainfor the high-lift elements is established here, includingthe project office, technology engineering, flight physics,system engineering, structure development, verificationtests, structural assembly, wing equipping and ultimatedelivery to the final assembly line. In addition, Bremenmanufactures sheet metal parts like clips and thrust crestsfor all Airbus aircraft as part of the Centre of Excellence

    Fuselage and Cabin.[20]

    In Bremen there is a plant of EADS Astriumand theheadquarters ofOHB-System, respectively the first andthe third space companies of European Union.

    There is also aMercedes-Benzfactory in Bremen, build-ing theC,CLK,SL,SLK, andGLKseries of cars.[21]

    Beck & Co's headlining brew Becks and St Pauli Girlbeers are brewed in Bremen. In past centuries when Bre-mens port was the key to Europe, the city also had alarge number of wine importers, but the number is downto a precious few. Apart from that there is another link

    between Bremen and wine: about 800 years ago, qualitywines were produced here. The largestwine cellarin theworld is located in Bremen (below the citys main square),which was once said to hold over 1 million bottles, butduring WWII was raided by occupying forces.

    A large number of food producing or trading compa-nies are located in Bremen with their German or Eu-ropean headquarters: Anheuser-Busch InBev (BecksBrewery), Kelloggs, Kraft Foods (Kraft, Jacobs Cof-fee, Milka Chocolate, Milram, Mircoli), Frosta (frostedfood), Nordsee (chain of sea fast food), MelittaKaffee,Eduscho Kaffee, Azul Kaffee, Vitakraft (pet food for

    birds and fishes), Atlanta AG (Chiquita banana), choco-latier Hachez (fine chocolate and confiserie), feodorachocolatier.
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    10 9 SPORTS

    7 Transport

    Bremen Central Station





    HB Mahndorf

    HB Sebaldsbrck



    Bramstedt (b Syke)





    HB Hemelingen



























    HB Walle

    HB Oslebshausen

    HB BurgHBLe










    Osterholz Scharmbeck

    Bremerhaven Lehe

    Bremerhaven Hbf






    Nordenham Bremerhaven Wulsdorf
























    Bremen Hbf

    Regio-S-Bahn Bremen

    Stand: Dezember 2011







    Map of the Bremen S-Bahn

    Bremen has aninternational airportsituated 3 km (2 mi)south of the city centre.

    Bremer Straenbahn AG (translates from German as Bre-men Tramways Corporation), often abbreviated BSAG,is the public transport provider for Bremen, offeringtramwayandbusservices.[22]

    The Bremen S-Bahn covers the Bremen/OldenburgMetropolitan Region, from Bremerhaven in the northto Twistringen in the south and from Oldenburg in

    the west, centred on Bremen Central Station. It hasbeen in operation since 2010.[23] This network unifiedexisting regional transport in Bremen as well as sur-rounding cities, including Bremerhaven, Delmenhorst,Twistringen,Nordenham,Oldenburg, andVerden an derAller. The network lies completely within the area oftheBremen-Lower Saxony Transport Association, whosetariff structure applies.

    8 Events

    Every year since 1036, in the last two weeks of Oc-tober, Bremen has hosted Freimarkt (Free mar-ket), one of the worlds oldest and in Germany

    one of todays biggest continuously celebrated fair-ground festivals.

    Bremen is host to one of the four big annualTechnoparades, theVision Parade.

    Bremen is also host for the Bremer 6 Tage Rennena bicycle race at the Bremen Arena.

    Every year the city plays host to young musiciansfrom across the world, playing in the InternationalYouth Symphony Orchestra of Bremen (IYSOB).

    On March 12, 1999, the rock band Kiss played a liveshow in Bremen. Before the show, they were told bythe fire marshall to not use any fireworks. They didnot use any fireworks until the very end, where theyset off all of the fireworks at once. Because of this,they are now banned from playing in Bremen.

    Bremen was host to the 2006 RoboCup competition.

    Bremen was host to the 32ndDeutscher Evangelis-cher Kirchentagfrom 20 to 24 May 2009.

    Bremen hosted the 50thInternational MathematicalOlympiad(IMO) from 10 to 22 July 2009. [24]

    9 Sports

    The Weserstadion(Football (soccer)stadium)

    Bremen is home to thefootballteamSV Werder Bremenwhich won theGerman Football Championshipfor thefourth time and the German Football Cup for the fifthtime in 2004, making SV Werder Bremen just the fourthteam in German football history to win the double; theclub won the German Football Cup for the sixth time in2009. OnlyBayern Munichhas won more titles. In thefinal match of the 200910 season, Werder Bremen com-peted with Bayern Munich but lost. The home stadium oftheSV Werder Bremenis theWeserstadion, a pure foot-

    ball stadium, almost completely surrounded by solarcells.It is one of the biggest buildings in Europe delivering al-ternative energies.
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    10 Education and sciences

    With 18000 students,[25] theUniversity of Bremenis thelargest university in Bremen, and is also home to theinternationalGoethe-Institut and the Fallturm Bremen.Additionally, Bremen has aUniversity of the Arts andtheBremen University of Applied Sciences. In 2001,the privateJacobs University Bremenwas founded. Allmajor German research foundations maintain institutesin Bremen, with a focus set on marine sciences: TheMax Planck Society with theMax Planck Institute forMarine Microbiology, and theGottfried Wilhelm Leib-niz Scientific Communitywith theCenter for TropicalMarine Ecology (zmt). The Bremerhaven basedAlfred-Wegener-Institute of theHelmholtz Associationcloselycooperates with the aforementioned institutes, especiallywithin theMARUM, a center for marine environmentalsciences, affiliated to the University of Bremen. Further-

    more, TheFraunhofer Societyis present in Bremen withcenters for applied material researchIFAMand medicalimage computingMEVIS.

    11 Miscellanea

    In December 1949, Bremen hosted the lecture cycleEinblick in das, was istby the philosopherMartinHeidegger, in which Heidegger introduced his con-cept of a fourfold of earth and sky, gods and mor-tals. This was also Heideggers first public-speaking

    engagement following his removal from his Freiburgprofessorship by theDenazificationauthorities.

    Bremen is connected with a fairy tale by theBrothersGrimm, the Town Musicians of Bremen, althoughthey never actually reach Bremen in the tale.

    The 1922 film Nosferatu, eine Symphonie desGrauenswas set mostly in Bremen.

    12 Notable people

    Kersten Artus journalist and politician

    Heinrich Averbeck physiotherapist

    Adolf Bastian polymath

    Ben BeckerandMeret Becker actors

    Henry Bohlen American Civil War UnionBrigadier General

    Julian Brandt Professional Soccer Player for BayerLeverkusen

    Karl Carstens politician

    Andr Erkau Film director and screenplay writer

    Henrich Focke aviation pioneer and co-founder ofFocke-Wulf

    Friedemann Friese Designer ofPower Gridandotherboard games.

    Harald Genzmer composer of contemporary clas-sical music

    Eberhard Gildemeister(18971978) architect

    Reinhard Hardegen Member of Bremen Parlia-ment and formerU-boatcommander of submarineU-123.

    Klaus Kleinfeld former chief executive officer(CEO) ofSiemens AG

    Johann Georg Kohltravel writer, historian and ge-ographer

    Louis Kragesracing driverand businessman

    Georg Kulenkampff violinist

    Hans-Joachim Kulenkampff actor and TV host

    Angelique Kerber Professional Tennis Player

    Murat KurnazGuantanamo Bayprisoner for fouryears

    James Last composer and big band leader

    Jos Luis Len Henkle industrial engineer and

    salsa teacher Franz Adolf Eduard Lderitz merchant and


    Joachim Neander hymn song writer

    Charles Henry Nimitz(18261911) Born in Bre-men. In 1852, built the Nimitz Hotel inFredericksburg, Texas, which now houses theNational Museum of the Pacific War. Grandfa-ther ofUnited States Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz.Elected to the Texas Legislature 1890.

    Juergen Nogai Architectural Photographer &Filmmaker

    Wilhelm Olbers physician and astronomer

    Henry Oldenburg Secretary of the Royal Society

    Hans Otte composer

    Ludwig Quidde pacifist politician and Nobel PeacePrize laureate

    Sven Regener musician and writer

    Gottfried Reinhold Treviranus naturalist

    Friedrich Gerhard Rohlfs geographer, explorer,author and adventurer,_Texas
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    12 15 REFERENCES

    Carl Runge mathematician

    Bert Trautmannfootball goalkeeper

    Jrgen Trittin Green politician

    Edward Voigt U.S. Representative fromWisconsin

    Wilhelm Wagenfeld industrial designer of the 20thcentury

    Kai Warnerpop musician

    Frederick Charles Winkler American Civil WarUnion Brigadier General

    Hermann Uhde Wagnerian baritone

    RevolverheldRock Band

    Ludwig Roselius Businessman and patron of thearts

    13 International relations

    See also:List of twin towns and sister cities in Germany

    Bremen istwinnedwith:[26]

    Gdask, Poland,[26][27]

    since 1976

    Riga,[26][28] Latvia, since 1985

    Dalian,[26] Peoples Republic of China, since1985

    Rostock,[26] Germany, since 1987 1

    Haifa,[26] Israel, since 1988

    Bratislava,[26][29] Slovakia, since 1989


    Nicaragua, since 1989

    Lukavac,[26] Bosnia and Herzegovina, since1994

    zmir,[26] Turkey, since 1995

    Durban,[26][30] South Africa

    Pune,[26][31][32][33] India

    Maracaibo,[26] Venezuela



    United Kingdom

    ^1Then the East Germany

    14 See also

    Hanseatic League

    List of mayors of Bremen

    SV Werder Bremen

    15 References

    15.1 Bibliography

    Tristam Carrington-Windo, Katrin M. Kohl (1998).A Dictionary of Contemporary Germany. Routledge(UK). 64.ISBN 1-57958-114-5.

    Claus Christian (2007): A photographic excursion

    through Bremen, Bremen-North, Bremerhaven,Fischerhude and Worpswede, ISBN 978-3-00-015451-5

    Dannenberg, Hans-Eckhard and Heinz-JoachimSchulze (eds.)(19952008). Geschichte des Landes

    zwischen Elbe und Weser (3 vol., vol. 1 Vor- undFrhgeschichte (1995), vol. 2 Mittelalter (einschl.Kunstgeschichte) (1995), vol. 3 Neuzeit (2008),(Schriftenreihedes Landschaftsverbandes der ehem.Herzogtmer Bremen und Verden; vol. 7) ed.).Stade: Landschaftsverband der ehem. HerzogtmerBremen und Verden. ISBN (vol. 1)ISBN 978-3-9801919-7-5, (vol. 2) ISBN 978-3-9801919-8-2,(vol. 3)ISBN 978-3-9801919-9-9.

    Herbert Schwarzwlder (1995), Geschichte derFreien Hansestadt Bremen.Vol. I - V. Bremen: Edi-tion Temmen,ISBN 3-86108-283-7

    15.2 Notes

    [1] Bevlkerungsstand und Bevlkerungsbewegung(monatlich)". Statistisches Landesamt Bremen (in

    German). 30 April 2012.

    [2] The carsign HB with 1 letter and 4 digits is reserved forvehicle registration in Bremerhaven.

    [3] Ptolemy: Germaniae magnae situs

    [4] Dutch independence was finally confirmed by theTreatyof Westphaliain 1648.

    [5] Bremen (Germany)". City Population. Retrieved 7 June2011.

    [6] Sir John Smythe Bolo Whistler: The Life of General SirLashmer WhistlerFrederick Muller Ltd 1967

    [7] Wetterrekorde Deutschland - German). Deutsches Wetterdienst.,_Nicaragua
  • 8/10/2019 Bremen is a Hanseatic City in Northwestern Germany



    [8] Statistisches Jahrbuch. Statistisches Landesamt Bre-men. Retrieved 2014-07-19.

    [9] Ergebnisse der Brgerschaftswahlen in Bremen.


    [11] Bttcherstrae: Welcome. Bttcherstrae GmbH. Re-trieved 27 January 2014.

    [12] St. Martins Church. Retrieved 14January 2014.

    [13] Birgittenkloster(in German). Katholischer Gemeinde-verband in Bremen. Retrieved 7 January 2014.

    [14] Schlachte Embankment. Re-trieved 5 January 2014.

    [15] Das Viertel(in German). Retrieved 20January 2014.

    [16] Nasir Moschee in Stuhr-Brinkum. Retrieved June 10,2014.

    [17] Weserburg Museum fr moderne Kunst

    [18] Passivhaus schools(German), 'Passivhaus Institute. Re-trieved 2007-05-30.

    [19] EADS in Germany.

    [20] Airbus in Germany.

    [21] Mercedes-Benz Bremen Plant.

    [22] BSAG Public transportation in Bremen (in German).[23] Bericht zur Erffnung der S-Bahn bei Radio Bremen

    [24] Message of Greeting. Retrieved 2009-06-18.

    [25] Zahlen und Fakten zur Universitt (german)". Universityof Bremen. 2011-10-16. Retrieved 2011-10-16.

    [26] Frohmader, Andrea.Bremen - Referat 32 Stdtepartner-schaften / Internationale Beziehungen [Bremen - Unit 32Twinning / International Relations]. Das Rathaus BremenSenatskanzlei [Bremen City Hall - Senate Chancellery](inGerman). Archived from the original on 2011-07-18. Re-

    trieved 2013-08-09.

    [27] Gdask Official Website: 'Miasta partnerskie'"(in Polish& English). Urzd Miejski w Gdasku. 2009. Retrieved2009-07-11.

    [28] Twincities of Riga.Riga CityCouncil. Retrieved 2009-07-27.

    [29] Partner (Twin) towns of Bratislava. from the original on 2013-07-28. Retrieved2013-08-05.

    [30] Sister Cities Home Page. eThekwini Online: The Offi-cial Site of the City of Durban

    [31] Sister in progress. Times of India Pune Times. 30August 2001.

    [32] Profile: Mrs. Vandana H. Chavan (Ex Mayor of Pune)".Pune Diary.

    [33] Pune, twin cities to get pollution lab. Times of India Pune Times. 4 September 2001.

    [34] House of Commons Hansard Debates for 2 Dec 1996. Retrieved 12 October 2011.

    16 External links

    Official city website

    Official visitors information (various languages)

    Official site of the city center

    Official site of the Schnoor quarter

    Official site of the shopping quarter Das Viertel Official site of the Weser promenade Schlachte

    Official site of the shopping avenue Sgestrae

    Official site of the shopping mall Lloyd Passage

    Official site of the shopping quarter AnsgariQuartier

    Remnant from World War II in Bremen,62,733.html
  • 8/10/2019 Bremen is a Hanseatic City in Northwestern Germany



    17 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

    17.1 Text

    BremenSource: Manske, Mav, BlckKnght, Scipius, JeLuF,Roadrunner, SimonP, Ben-Zin, Zoe, Mtmsmile, Pit, Rabin, Arpingstone, MichaelJanich, Ahoerstemeier, Docu, Muriel Gottrop, Snoyes,Angela, Den fjttrade ankan, , Nikai, Tkinias, Ruhrjung, BRG, UsagiYojimbo, Schneelocke, Htaccess, Boson, Lfh, N-true,WhisperToMe, Wik, Itai, Nv8200p, Estemle, Morn, Sandman, Eugene van der Pijll, Robbot, Nico, Moriori, PBS, RedWolf, Bald-hur, Der Eberswalder, Flauto Dolce, JackofOz, Seano1, DocWatson42, Folks at 137, Orangemike, Ausir, Everyking, Wikibob, Ezhiki,Yekrats, BigBen212, Solipsist, Cckkab, OwenBlacker, Maximaximax, Jiy, Rich Farmbrough, Guanabot, Deelkar, S.K., Bdk, Kwamik-agami, Markussep, Smalljim, Elipongo, Pearle, Ultra megatron, Hawei, Alansohn, Hektor, Guaca, Civvi, Arthena, Atlant, Geo Swan,Andrew Gray, Echuck215, Pion, Wtmitchell, Raw, VivaEmilyDavies, Amorymeltzer, Sciurin, Ndteegarden, Kusma, Drbreznjev, Ax-eman89, Saxifrage, Fdewaele, Sheynhertz-Unbayg, Stemonitis, Velho, Woohookitty, Miaow Miaow, Ekem, PhHertzog, Kelisi, Muskafa,RicJac, Salocin, Ketiltrout, Koavf, Gryffindor, Oxydo, JohnnoShadbolt, Daderot, Ian Pitchford, SchuminWeb, Eubot, JYOuyang, Trublu,Chobot, Kresspahl, Sherool, Visor, Godewind, Jared Preston, Bgwhite, Daveblack, YurikBot, Wavelength, Vuvar1, Hairy Dude, Russ-Bot, Tresckow, Gaius Cornelius, Neilbeach, Imladros, Pradeepsomani, NawlinWiki, Doclecter, NickBush24, Kingjeff, Gadget850, Nat-maka, Poppy, Theda, Aeon1006, Danallen46, Silverhelm, Arthuc01, Tarawneh, Carabinieri, Marcosw, Thelb4, Curpsbot-unicodify, Sar-danaphalus, Attilios, SmackBot, David Kernow, Notafly, CRKingston, Davewild, Eskimbot, Hmains, Roger2dc, Christhe speller,Jprg1966,Hibernian, Sadads, Calc rulz, Anandt4u, Can't sleep, clown will eat me, Gvjekoslav, Shalom Yechiel, Marvins21, Writtenright, Litany,MJCdetroit, TheKMan, Bolivian Unicyclist, Mr.Z-man, RFD, Localzuk, Tankred, DDima, Ohconfucius, John, Robofish, Jaywubba1887,Frokor, Meco, P199, MTSbot, Saxbryn, Hu12, Hetar, Woodgreener, Axt, Joey80, Mattbr, Drinibot, Mipango, Cydebot, Grahamec,Meno25, Johann31, Nicephorus, JimChampion, ChKa, Wikid77, Gralo, Marek69, Esemono, AgentPeppermint, Nick Number, PaulVIF,

    Escarbot, AntiVandalBot, WinBot, Smith2006, Riffle, Superzohar, Malcolm, Sluzzelin, JAnDbot, MER-C, Hello32020, Struthious Ban-dersnatch, Magioladitis, VoABot II, Ijcek, Websterwebfoot, Ling.Nut, Robby, LeVoyageur, Sf67, Taamu, Tins128, Bobby H. Heffley,HebrewHammerTime, DerHexer, Alisean, Welshleprechaun, ImpossibleXP, MartinBot, Mr WR, 52 Pickup, BetBot, John Millikin, R'n'B,AlexiusHoratius, Net-net, Nono64, Becks, J.delanoy, Weissmann, Barrrf, Chtrede, Maproom, Achnash, Rochelimit, Zoot lives, Victuallers,Ipigott, Belovedfreak, Cometstyles, Packerfansam, Idioma-bot, Snowke, VolkovBot, Maile66, TXiKiBoT, Hqb, Ragemanchoo, Pog451,Motmit, Hughstew, Le Fou, Freiwilliger, Mugs2109, Spreeeumel, Joachim Weckermann, GirasoleDE, Michellecrisp, SieBot, Mohansen11,Purbo T, LibStar, Kcuello, Bigdaddy1981, JSpung, Oxymoron83, Joshuashearn, Ulamm, Wkaemena, Nadal25, Amazonien, ObfuscatePen-guin, MBK004, ClueBot, Ventusa, Imperium Europeum, Tlustulimu, Mr Accountable, Tomeasy, EeepEeep, Audaciter, ChrisHodgesUK,Aitias, DerBorg, Editor2020, Vanished User 1004, Roland Kutzki, Skunkboy74, Lampford, LinkFA-Bot, Numbo3-bot, Ehrenkater, Tiderolls, Lightbot, Wireless friend, Meisam, Luckas-bot, Senator Palpatine, TaBOT-zerem, House1630, KamikazeBot, Quarz, Azcolvin429,MacTire02, Starbois, AnomieBOT, Efa, Tdls, Chinmay26r, ArthurBot, Xqbot, Capricorn42, Ulf Heinsohn, GrouchoBot, Dover82, Ri-botBOT, 78.26, Wrdeichauchsosehen, Brettbig322, Archipelagoing, FrescoBot, Antonbabich, LucienBOT, Nageh, Danielg1987, M2545,MueWi, RaveDog, Textkorrektur, DrilBot, Apple40k, OCFilmsSean, Piandcompany, Bugsguy, Jandalhandler, Jauhienij, FoxBot, Tobe-Bot, GGT, DARTH SIDIOUS 2, TjBot, Riksen05, Peaceworld111, EmausBot, , WikitanvirBot, Dewritech, GoingBatty,Marrante, Alexbraverman, AvicBot, Diego Grez Bot, 8TheSteer, Makecat, Erianna, SpencerHill, ChuispastonBot, Iketsi, Brigade Piron,Hnsjrgnweis, ClueBot NG, Herra660, Jacsam2, Widr, Historynut101, Curb Chain, Foxy1219, BG19bot, LivingInMediocrity, BattyBot,

    Mrt3366, JYBot, Dexbot, Telfordbuck, 123abc321cba5, Froggo32, NearoVenom, Mirjam Behne, Dhalia02, Jedan02, E-JAY, Eutd, Geobee winner, Zlts, SantiLak, Stribog1 and Anonymous: 365

    17.2 Images

    File:Ancient_Germania_-_New_York,_Harper_and_Brothers_1849.jpg Source: domain Contributors:, description:./history_europe.html, map:./ancient_germania.jpgOriginal artist:Alexander G. Findlay

    File:Banner_of_the_Holy_Roman_Emperor_(after_1400).svg Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist:N3MO

    File:Bremen_1_Mitte.svg Source: Li-cense: Public domain Contributors: This vector graphics image was created with Adobe Illustrator. Original artist:TUBS

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    17.2 Images 15

    File:Bremen_Wappen(Mittel).svgSource: domain Contributors:Mittleres_Wappen_Bremen.png on Wikimedia CommonsOriginal artist:David Liuzzo

    File:Bremen_aerial_view_9.JPG Source: License:CC-BY-SA-2.5 Contributors:Own workOriginal artist:Rami Tarawneh

    File:Bremen_fallturm2.jpg Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors:German WikipediaOriginal artist:CuttyP

    File:Bremen_montage.jpg Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0Contributors:File:RathausDomBuergerschaft-01.jpgby Jrgen HowaldtOriginal artist:Foxy1219 (Montage), Jrgen Howaldt, IvanaEbel, Antonch

    File:Bremer_Staatsgebiet_seit_1800.png Source: License:CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors:Own work Original artist:Ulamm(talk)

    File:Commons-logo.svgSource: Contributors:? Originalartist:?

    File:Compass_rose_pale.svg Source: License:CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors:svg version of Image:Compass-rose-pale.png, made to look similar toImage:Reinel compass rose.svg. Original artist:Fibonacci

    File:East.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors:DarkEvil. Original artist:DarkEvil

    File:Flag_of_Bosnia_and_Herzegovina.svg Source: domain Contributors:Own workOriginal artist:Kseferovic

    File:Flag_of_Bremen.svg Source: License:Public domainContributors:? Original artist:?

    File:Flag_of_Bulgaria.svgSource: domainContributors:The flag of Bulgaria. The colors are specified at Original artist:SKopp

    File:Flag_of_France.svgSource:http: // Contributors:? Originalartist:?

    File:Flag_of_Germany.svg Source: License: ? Contributors: ?Original artist:?

    File:Flag_of_India.svg Source: License: ? Contributors: ? Originalartist:?

    File:Flag_of_Israel.svgSource: domain Con-tributors: Origi-nal artist:

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    File:Flag_of_Latvia.svg Source: License: Public domainContributors:Drawn bySKoppOriginal artist:Latvija

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    File:Flag_of_Venezuela.svgSource:ht tp:// do-main Contributors:official websitesOriginal artist:Zscout370

    File:Flag_of_the_People{}s_Republic_of_China.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Own work, artist:Drawn byUser:SKopp, redrawn byUser:Denelson83andUser:Zscout370

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    File:Germany_location_map.svg Source: License:CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors:Own work, using United States National Imagery and Mapping Agency dataOriginal artist:NordNordWest

    File:Haupthandelsroute_Hanse.pngSource: domain Contributors:Own workOriginal artist:Flo Beck

    File:Holy_Roman_Empire_1648_Imperial_cities.png Source: Contributors:? Original artist:?

    File:Landgebiete_der_Freien_Stadt_Bremen.png Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Ulamm(talk) 23:44, 29 December 2013 (UTC)

    File:Locator_Lower_Saxon_Circle.svg Source: Contributors:PERTHES ATLAS GeschichteOriginal artist:Sir Iain

    File:North.svgSource: domain Contributors:DarkEvil.Original artist:DarkEvil

    File:Rathaus_Bremen_116thd.jpg Source: Li-cense:CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors:Own workOriginal artist:Pedelecs

    File:Rathaus_Bremen_15111918.jpg Source: Contributors:Staatsarchiv BremenOriginal artist:Barth

    File:Red_pog.svgSource: Contributors:? Original artist:?

    File:Sbahnbremen102010.svg Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0 Contributors:Own workOriginal artist:Jeremiah21

    File:Schnoor-Viertel_Bremen_639-40-42-fd.jpg Source: Contributors:Own workOriginal artist:Pedelecs

    File:South.svgSource: domain Contributors:DarkEvil.Original artist:DarkEvil

    File:Speaker_Icon.svg Source: License:Public domain Con-tributors:? Original artist:?

    File:Weserstadion(2).jpgSource: Contributors:Own workOriginal artist:Henning Ihmels (Benutzer:Hens)

    File:West.svg Source: License:Public domain Contributors: DarkEvil.Original artist:DarkEvil

    File:Wikibooks-logo.svg Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0Contributors:Own workOriginal artist:User:Bastique,User:Ramacet al.

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    File:Wiktionary-logo-en.svg Source: License:Public do-main Contributors:Vector version of Image:Wiktionary-logo-en.png. Original artist:Vectorized byFvasconcellos(talk contribs), basedon original logo tossed together byBrion Vibber

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