EREA1fflTT GOUNTY NEWS I Wlsi 11 AhIt1ditol and ihlhli ahur A rltlrurerlu J1vo T1b 1u Tug ° tKK 01t LASr11x ItexTlroht f i 0x1 lloitAlIe1r 1Iteu IN AutAxos l L T < 4 = = Ii 11 = VOhIlUC Ill Tncsol1 IK Jtucky PlflIiyFcbruary 26 1904 Jf Number 29 > A FEEDING PLANT EtRhll lroitj1t firnr Clilcnffu Wher SIlI anrr Iniutx Are Knttcnrd fllJrty miles west of Chicago on the Hock Island railroad system it Stock dali 111 where nn liiuuciua establish milit equipped with the most modern aplillniicos for dipping shearing heed Ing nail marketing of over holt a mil lion cheep amt lambs In n single season Isbttlnirnpornted Although thoimnndi of nhrcp are pas turcd anti cnml fur there during the cummer niontlm nntl other thousand I stopped over teed and rested In transit IRlUOIC II WKIT2 UANAOKR from the wsttrii feeding ground to s the Chicago market the feeding geaoi proper UgliH In the full and suds In tin Fprlnjr when the rnnuc of fur oft Colo ratio Iilntin New Mexico Oregon Will old Wyoming seed In their quota ti piirlnku of such him ns the tutnhlhdi ohms tixM rt fowler provide which quickly traiufniniA them froth feeder to butcher stock GltlmU II WIItX ling liieii the wan tiger nf the wtabllehmcnt for the last twelve year The barn or this Institution ore hti mrroiiH sod roinmndloiM being 100 bj 130 with nlleya through till renter ol nulllrlvnt width to allow a wagon tc pals throufib Tho ventilation niul lighting ii n > iHrfiit A plentiful supplj of wlndovrs Injures nmplo tight by tiny s niul n perfevt electric nyfttoin fnrnUhc tho MUIIO by iilulit The barn mid yards are kept In n erfcvt tmnltirj iiiitdllhin tint woodwork being wmdHil nn ufiuii DM IN nwswary with n Btront cnrbolfr whflettiiidi The tens are IK It weru tindrniolng n continual clean hill Mtaiklrimil by the niHvusliy of iuiv lug nmlerhil when vlth to keep tin fiTllllrcr mill going with which the plant ha quIpiHd All sheep entcrlnn ths feeding extahlhdumiit are foil on the iiuilrnit plan thnt Is the cuuips ny funilslioH nil grain and roughagi at IHI much n Inn which iv fed by ex pert feeders whose mrvlce are Incliid eel In the cunt met Mod clover hay fa the bulk of the roughage ntutl uml se nomads that nit worthy of the nninc front n fcvdefn standpoint most ol which one from the companys own ele valor tame the train melon Such m nro not from the companys clovntoi nee carefully nolpctiil by expeit tc Insure freedom from Mich tilth ns 1 + tummlliiie fmiiid In the common nrtl do pilt tiH ntlio markettoday All ra thins urn foil In self feeder The feed- ing Aerial varies In dumtlon necord Inc to the l condition of the nnlinnl whet put Into till feed lots or pens UH the caw may lit Iltnn thirty to nlnetj dity5 Is OK limit American Bhwii ltnrdtrTHE GOAT HERD I A new Industry Is offering Itself t o the farmers nnd manufacturers of tin United State The facts that 23000 000 worth < f LIIkl l W n ° i III < nually Into the Uultwf Rlntc and that our cnlerprtlnif manufaclui crt tin now obliged to tend hulfwn around the world for a large share 01 thew suggest that the farmers of thl country hove a great opportunity to pu a large hare of this sum Into thcl Pockets and that the entire sum urn be divided between our producers IIUlI manufacturer The census of 1000 showed tho tott number of goats In the United State to bo lea than 2000000 and when II Is undttttood tlut the of probn hly LOUOO000 Kent were required Ie make thu VSOOOOOO worth Ituporta lust year It can be seen that the suppl from the fulled States could hav formed but a ewtt > oro of the tola coniumptloiK i tact that n larg share of o iJ Hf this Importnr l111YFtNwea fi India Chliu ruuce guts that tiler are large arcas h 1 united State which lulfiht pr goats cuccca fully and to suWcl Marge number to supply the ea0 OWl dewaud Harpers Weekly lllaU Prloci lHA rora At the recent his B City sale till sweepstakes Augur tick IIek Jr sold to Trunk Lnuirun of Texas fo 1350 A carllngldoolllOld to J J Gentry also of Teits for 000 Bevel other nuluiuls sold f r 100 or better most of them prizI winners at th Auiericuu Roynl4 A gums are bccoui lug very popular 1u tl southwest Dune ni ftiUB- Fnrmors of Text Vre niytng plan attention to tieZ 4dnyof drat hontes ulnce the price w rattle declined They are txtumlvilj uwsl In every community Dull sell readily for cash Wagon uiUHt lie puked In all kinds o weather and over uwas which do 110 always claH4 us good ind for thIs an lit her reason the everyday honw till unties to be In uutldlurm nn It ° neb Urilrabl Yasvle OB Inull Ilurri The Polish are a class of poultry very much liked by fancier mid breeder who have iinvll places and can glv thou the proper attention says Amcrl can AgrlculturUt In pn iitliiii the ac companylng cut TherllrutJuhIJ WHITE CIIKSTK1 > IILACK IOLUII CO K- tho handnoinest class of poultry t heir large topknots and brilliant colu In making them very attractive lie White Crested Black aru solid Wad Ii color except tho topknot which U p ur white The fowl arc medium lu sjlz pad lay beautiful white eggs Uveiy Bottle of Ohamberliilnt Coig Remedy Warranted ilir Kiiitrnntee every holies o Cliim boUlii Cough Itemrdy anti wit rrdim the 1I111111J tonnyone who Is 111 satyr tied niter using two thirds of 1ctln tunli Thl ii the ben remedy in tin world fur In grippe cougha cold croup mid whooping cough stud Ii 11tn- allt nnd safe to Take It prayer t anq tendency of n cola to result in pi umn nhiForiiilebj DAY llHi On + A P CKAWFOItD JAMES BROPI1Y A F LYQL WE AUE lOW AT HOME IN TI- IEBuilding Crawford Anti our trade so fur has exceeded our 1 fondest liopoa Vonro doepy grateful for llio generous patronage woliiive receivetl in r tha paste and willtry to merit eveu more in lie future Our stock ia NEW CLEAN AND FRESH And wo 11 eau to maintain our reputation for handling the best goods and Fair and Honorable DealingA- nd the most courteous treatment GALL and SEE US 1 Respectfully A I e CRAWFORD A 00 FEAR WAR IN BALKANS I Chckib Bey Says the Situation Is Very Critical DECLARES TURKEY IS NOT TO BLUE r 1iirklli sinister Vlll Irripnt liupnr taut oniiiiiiiilrulloiu lu rer tllry IlayUlspatehes Fruit ICiiropnun Clilc Krpurt Turkey uml Itulgurlit 1rcpiirlnx Fur Unr- Waahlnfiton Feb 23War In tho Dalkan states Is Impending and the situation at present is extremely crit ical Is tho opinion of Olicklu Dotho Turkish minister at Washington Of tho Balkan situation Chcklh Dey who baa h conslderablo oxperlenco In that Bcctlotl Bald Although my nil I vices are meager the rows I get Indl f sates that tho Bulgarians are assum lag an attitude and pursuing n course which It will be Impossible for tho Imperial government to submit much longer with patience It la reported that they are arming tho Inhabitants stirring up strife In Macedonia and doing everything possible to harrass I tho Imperial government I hopo this Is not true but If thin reports bo cor ¬ rect hostilities In the Ualknns can not much longer ho averted Let me re peat that I hOpe the reports of tho activity of tin Bulgarians aro exag Berated hut It they contain n measure of truth then the situation there Is truly critical Turkey May Fight Bulgarians London Fob 23 Telegrams front Vienna and Balonlca published here give alarming but unconfirmed details of preparations pointing to a war lIe tween Turkey and Bulgaria Tlm Sofia corrcsnomlent of tho Dally Tele I graph says thin Bulgarian government has declared n state of slew over n zone 19 tulles wide nxlenillng nlo tho frontier from Kustendll to the Black sea with a view of preventing tho Incursions of armed hands KAYDItS HAYS NOTK ton it Ciintlnl Siiy ItiiMU Highly 1VIM lrrlciiiMil of Aiurrlcxnii Washington Feb 2Uussia glal ly and vjlllngly favored tho sugges then of Secretary Hay that as far as possible the belligerents in the far I eastern war localize hostilities nail respect the nontrillty of China In the Interest of a continuance of peaceful Intercourse of tlu rest of the world My government expressed tho convic tion that Mr hays suggestion was prompted by motives of tho highest humanity anti was mutually advan tageous to tho belligerents This statement was made by Count Cas situ the HtiMlan ambassador In the course of a conversation with n rep resentative of the press at the em- bassy Tho ambassador spoke In gen oral on tho far eastern situation Sends Note to the Powers Washington Feb 23 Breaches of International agreements In matters of war are charged against Japan by Russia and the latter nation Is ad dressing to tho powers either through their representatives nt St Peters ¬ burg the emperors envoys abroad or probably through both a vigorous communication charging Japan with repeated violations of tho laws of na humus first ns tho note alleges In threatening to attack a neutral port Chemulpo Korea unless the Russian ships within come out to taro nn over whelming force and second It states In attacking Tort Arthur boforo war had been declared nnd while the Jar nnese minister at St Petersburg was still enjoying tho protection and the courtesies of the Russian government to which It Is claimed ho had pre ¬ viously addressed a communication oxpreswlng hula belief thnt the Inter ¬ ruption of diplomatic relations would bo brief The text of tho note Is not yet obtainable Jags Claim Victory Tokyo Feb 18It Is Uo belief of tho navy department that the Rus alan secondclass cruiser Boyarln was torpedoed and sunk by the destroyer I Hcyatory In tho torpedoAttack on the i Russian fleet at Port Arthur last Sun day morning A dispatch from Sr- I I Petersburg dated Feb 1C staikltlal hon yarlll wns blown up wll alotts I Ut l8ii officers and men Felt by a jJJRRio which It accidentally jruej j 1 t4 Near Firing at Sea ivJort Arthur Fob 2SQII1SOt I uttory Ilrlns nt sea are Jist nightly and Monday firing was air beard This Is doubtlessdug tho I1lhmlllll ap s hut nbthiilag sort f1lnasdarIlO Sel Th litarrlllQn tit 1 leo llent anuli s firmly I tell of the nUImato success or fueslanCulsser Destroyed Petersburg Feb t7The flits yeas 13JfIp t nine manner In which <K I r sf t orpoillo transport Venlael was tIe lit itaL Still had on hoard 197 officers i underI u JriJ Boats NafyaeaMI coin pontlent of the Dally Te r j cab I under date of Feb 22 fepure I I that 610 Japanese squadron Iwi e tareour Russian torpedo boats Port Arthur by using Russian signals Rutilas Casualty Lilt Chemulpo Fob 19Seventee offi ¬ cers and 439 men of RuwilaH war IShIPSVarlagnnd Korletz warejfHhet or drowned Avhentho I 1wero rtostroycd = J Oh 9 1 Culp 1 r Cheoo fish 18TI waa B 8Id J tbefOO91bI < < CUIW 7 r to IAlll TO j K8T Final Trlbulri IH to frimtor IJnnn- b TlioiifHtidt Cleveland 0 Fob20ThO sad ruts have ended the body of Son ¬ ator Marcus A Hnnna rests in n crypt in tho memorial chapel nt Lnkevlew the eonowlriK thousands have gono to hirer homes and tho iliiul tribute to a great man has been paid Shortly after the noon hour Fri tiny tho casket was taken from tho Chamber of Commerce auditor lum and the funeral procession took up Its slow march to tho church two miles away At the head of the col umn rode a platoon of 12 mounted police followed by three platoons of Troop A all mounted on black horses and with swords at carry The h nrso camo next and was followed by 100 carriages carrying tho pollbearcw and official guests which include members of President Roosevelts cabinet Governor Herrlcks stair the delegations from the senate nail house of representatives member of the Ohio legislature city ofHclals and delegations from several clvls organizations Immense throngs of people lined both sides of Euclid 1 ve- nue from the downtown section to the church entrance Tho body was met at the door by tho officiating clergymen Rev W A Leonard bishop of Ohio urO II McOrew rector of St Pauls church President W F Pierce of Kenyon college an Institution which has been greatly benefited by Senator Hannas liberality and Rev W H Jones rec- tor of St Johns Episcopal church of which the dead man was a mcmhrr who spoke tho usual sentences ns tho body was homo down the alnlc The members of the family took scats near the casket and other frletnt who had accompanied the remains from Washington wero among tho mourners Immediately following tho family canto Governor Herrlck anti staff Uirertly behind these came the Washington delegation with Senator Foraker IP tho lead After thr services tho body accom ¬ panted by tho family pallbearers and Bishop Leonard pmceeded slowly out Euclid avenue touikovlew cmc tery where a final farewell of the dead was taken In Wade Memorial chapel Tho service consisted simply of a prayer by the bishop The body was deposited In a crypt In the chap el to await burial at tho pleasure of the family To Locate Radium Chicago Feb 23Work to aid miners in locating radium In Ameri ca has been begun In tho Kycr + oii physical laboratory at the University of Chicago A theory that there Is growth In the life of matter In tho physical world has been made n spe- cial study by Professor Mllllkan He says Studies on radiation hav suggested the question whether IhlrI IP any natural process which 1101 among the atoms what tho life pros ess does among the molecules nampI ly which takes the simpler forms an1I builds them up again Into more corn plex forms Tho fact that radium noI exists on the earth taken with the tact that tho life of radium la short in com- parison with tho ages thnt the earth tins been In existence certainly Booms to point to an affirmative answer Wrote Last Letter to Roosevelt Washington Feb 20 President Ilooaevlt was tho recipient of tho last letter written by Senator Hanna It was written on tho Tuesday prloi to his death and was purely a per sonal note acknowledging the presi dents thoughtfulness and cunsldera then In expressing his personal Inter j eel hitbe senators sickness letter now Is in tho hands of the ThoI ators family It Is to to graphed for preservation Tho orlg lnal will ba returned to the president who will preserve it 1 Asked io be Shot He Was FortTiodge la Feb 17Ilarahah shoot me asked three year old Leo II ltsNo Twont replied his four yearold brother who held a revolver In his hand The second request by the younger brother wolf compiled with and the ball lodged at tho basu of tho skull Death wan Instanta neouaE4UE Holts time father leti his between the mattress OlI his bed and tho older boy secured Tho younger child saw hlni get It aMi I playfully asked him to shoot 10 mother Is almost crazed with grief Eleven Millions In Debt and Assets Houston Tex Feb 23Tho reeds ers of the Kirby Lumber company re ¬ turned to the federal court n state ment showing the assets anti liabili ties of tho concern placing both of them at 111103044 It Is stated that the Inventory was not made on per ¬ sonal Inspection In time llabllltloi 7289292 ISJllaced under tlie badlng Investment valucsshllvhigtilnl It Is not a liability r Fortifying the Coast J1 Warsaw Feb 231lelivygunsare being put to position on tho coast about ten miles from Odessa cover approach dolha port Thaw preparations are being made In vlaw- of poselble untoward happenings irpunil time Black sea The effect of War err tlialjar east upon tho Balka topicJ e Jf Hundred of Live Lost TJehfoln Feb 23A telegram from Tslnaa Flf Shantung sayq that lion tired of lives have been lost by prsting ota dam on tho Ihvang were destroyed ClalmlseltDdenles Benjamin Anderson has been indicted on tho charge of murdering his brotherin law Janus Hall He asserts self defense > I f y hGlI0U1n LCSSON IX FIRST QUARTER INTERNA ¬ TIONAL SERIES FEB 28 Text of the Leson Halt vll 2120 Memory Vcriet 21 25 Golden Text Jots I Commentary Irciiitrril by Key II SI Slrarni Copyright 1003 Ljr Amtticin ina Auorlitlon The gospel by ilattlunv Is specially the gospel of the kingdom thnt king- dom of which tho Old Testament Inn BO much to toll us when a ICing shall rulfiii In righteousness and the work of righteousness shall be pence nod the effect of rlKliteoiisncsH quietness mid nssurancc forever The name of the Kins shall be JehovahlHldkenu tlm Ird our ItlKhteouimesa Hu shall reign mid prosiicr and shall execute Judd ment and justice In the earth this throne shall ho the throtio of David at Jrrusnloin and Ho shall be King over- all the earth Isa xxxll 1 17 Ix G 7 Jer Ill 17 xxlll B U Xech xlv 0 If any Otto would be truly thrilled nail lifted above present things and clrcum tlllllC4l t him become ncjuatntct1 with the King and the kingdom with whom ami to which every redeemed demon la a joint heir tho klngilom which shall Include all the kingdoms of this world with n King beforo whom nil kings shall fall down nod 4 whom all nations shall serve Hev xl 15 Ill lull 11 Nothing snore thrilling or Inspiring was overwritten nnd the Cod of Truth Himself wrote this 11finiiii io 17 In Mutt vvll the King lion given ns till laws of the kingdom that kingdom which Is tint meat nod drink but right eouanes and peace and Joy In the Holy Ghost Itoui xiv 17 The opening words assert that iwvurfy of spirit Is a characteristic of those who belong to It Compare Inn Ivll 15 Ixvl 2 lI tin nlso sold tlmt the righteousness neces ¬ nary to enter It must exceed that of llio scribes njid Pharisees v 20 nnr inuNt be such ns meets the require ments of the true spirit of the law not that of mere word but deeds which are righteous before Coil who Fifth lu secret Not every one that Rallh but he that doeth the will of My Father which Is In heaven urn the opening words of our lesson nnd the beginning of tho close of Ills ad dress TJjjjt we may more fully appreciate the words we must remember who tho speaker Is Note Ills oft repented I say unto you corresponding with time Tuna salth tho Iord of the Old Tea tniiKnt for Ho Is the Lord of Hosts thin God of Israel the Creator the only Ilcdwlner the Judge of all mankind Ito is tho one of whom the Father said lit ills bnptUm This Is My Beloved Sun In whom I am well pleased and tit the transfiguration Ho added Hear yu Him Mutt Ill If xvll G Ho Himself said Tho Father Jndgetli ni limit hut hath committed all Judgment the Son John v 22 I seek to imphaslzo this bccauuo there ore so really teachers fluid preachers who pro fessing to be Ills friend not only dis honor tin word which He so honored but dishonor Him tint believing Ills words timid thus dishonor tho Pother too for all Ills words were Just what tho Father told Him to say John xll Is49u lint however much people may pro less to be hits frlends and to do work- lei Ills iinlne hero Is HU own testi mony that He will have to say to thcmvUI never knew you depart from Me ntfTlint work Inliillltv verse TT lie has told us elsewhere that He will lave to say to some Depart from Me ye cursed lido everlasting lire prepar- ed for tho devll and his angels Mutt xxv 411 After the solemn warning that He will have to say to some Do parti speaks again In grace that sill who will may lieu from the wrote to conic >AH who hear the gospel either obey or disobey they either take ref ugo lu Christ tho Truth or turning front Iiim they accept some of tlm many prevailing delusions of the devil aM ecs refuge The latter passage gives the further truth that oven those who lire on sure foundation nnd are therefo eternally safe have need to bo careful of flint which they are building day by tiny lost they may see their work hurried up liutd they themselves saved as by flre The works must bo God working In us the works which He hater before prepared for us Kph II 10 Hill II 13 Col I 20 else nil nua prove wood hay and stubble Returning to the first part of our lesson nndJho matter of doing the will of God we must remember our Iord was talking to disciples chap- ter v 1 21 for He never talks to the unsaved of dolnzr When the un saved naked hut rose day What shall we do that wo might work tho works of God HUreply was to the effect that the only work for them ww to liillevevm Htm 1ioni God had sent Johml2S 29 On salvation by futh nphrt from any works of ours see Runt itl21 Iv G Kph II 8 oTlt III 5 theh on tho works which toast mil will followseoMCpb II 10 Tit Ill 8 Jas IUI2H uMay we ever listen to the words of the Spirit In this Infallible book wheth er they conic toua through prophets npoatlcs or Christ nI llf na won authorityn ofly GUll There ore before us n glorloui morning and an awful night but there Is no morning for those who despise tho word of God Isa JRCI 11 12 vii l 20 revised version No ono Is n of God nnd a Joint heir with 110ChrIst who has not received Christ 10hIs own Saviour putting nil his Ira as a sinner In the precious blood of tho atonement John I 12jJ John v 12s Lev xvII 11i Hcb lx23 > but having thus become a partroJIIHif mid Hn kingdom Ills lutist be m nnnlfcst that wan nays lprlfy Him la Us chapter vIII t 1 + v 1 1 Here We Are 1 I The Celebra- tedHANAN 1 1 S HOE 1The Best 011 Ea- rthPRTCE5OOPRf6 1 For Sale By DAY BROSO 0J- ac soQ leQtLJcly I The Growers of 1Mutton and Wool 1 keel > n few sheep with the dairy for I think they require so little attention says I Ii Stebblns In American Agri culturist My sheep are housed only during haul storms until the lambs be ¬ glut to drug and I seldom have n weak lamb Just year my six ewes dropped eleven lambs and raised them all 1 sold them III August at C cents vex pound alive nnd they weighted Just 100 pounds bringing T 2rO The owes sheared fortynine iiounds of wool which sold for 17 colts pound netting 333 or a total of tk from my six ewes A single lamb get ¬ orally will lie larger then n twin but my heaviest lamb weighted 115 pounds nnd his twlu 111 iKHinds Much de pends on the owe ns n milker ns to size of lambs As I was raised among Merino sheep when a lad I thought there was no IIhlt1 their equal and of course when I went to farming for myself I bough n flock of Merinos I kept them two or three years and sold them and now I would not tithe n bunch of Merinos a s n girt If I were obliged to keep them In the sixties when wool was from 73 cents to 1 pier pound the Merinos Just IInlttl the hill but when It comes t raising lambs they are not lu it w III tho coarse wool breeds Several years ago I bought n floc and picked out six that suited mo ns to build Then I got a Shropshire ran lamb of the same makeup nnd at two years old ho weighed 1100 pounds nnd my lock Is nil his get A year ago ono of the ewes lost part of her udder nnd I feared trouble with It in the future BO 1 sold her She was only four years old and would have been good for sev ¬ sent years yet She dressed ninety poundsI out In the business and bought a registered Shropshire ewe and she dropped n pair of flat ewe lambs My sheep nil dropped lambs except one within n week and four tripletsre lambs My sheep are about ns tame as n house catA Grant Irish Dreed The American Sheep Breeder prints tim accompanying picture of ono of the only native Irish breed of sheep itsy striking cons irutlo attention among the breed ¬ ers of OItntJlrltoln- It These sheep become very large and IiPnvy especially when fed null kept on A llOfOUUON ItAU limestone lands Sown animals recent exhibited weighed as high as 2CS old dressed lambs at ten months old tiara tipped the scale nt 12S pounds The mutton is delicious lend tho flavor excellent Another at tractive feature Is tho een mixing of the lean nUll tat which Is u great ad vantage from the butchers standpoint It1s to tho wool It Is white bright and nnd an expert from the Brad foul wool house when giving evidence before the government department I committee on sheep dipping lu London recently gave its opinion that tho wool of the Roscomuionaheep was tern best lu the whole of Great Britain Sheep Meurf Grler ncea VBc vyccn tie rallroula ami the fS y c e N I I 1 > v t reserves the sheep men of our country ago being subjected to considerable hardship said Thomas J DIckcrsou of Walcott Wyo The railroads are Belling large tracts of land to big stockAt men and theca stockmen will not allow any trespassing Every alternate see f thou is owned by the government and ono moan San na much right to It as any other but wo cant get to It without ti trespassing and so the men who have < bought railroad loud have the use just twice the amount Included In purchase This bars out the rest of otI + 3r The Medicine Bow forest reserve Inl2l0 taken a good deal of our Ia The law limits tho number of sheep be put on tho reserve to 40000 and In t tho past nt least 100000 have found FXai good grazing thereon The matter of trespassing was taken Into court awhile ago and It cost ono big firm in the that8J spectcdV > What BKerp Eat Professor Kennedy of the Iowa ex ¬ periment station says that there aro GOO kinds of weeds and grasses grow tug in the agricultural states and of these sheep eat 550 horses eat 82 and cattle eat BO Ho says sheep relish most weeds hnd do well on them and therefore evSry farm of a quarter see tion should ha vo at least a lock of twentyfive sheep to help keep down the weeds and that susali flocks pay their way on most farms In this way He says Less later Is required In handling sheep than almost any other kind of stock During a large portionk Of the eor will take care of them thems w Ji certaink seasons food carp and attention This la esp i daily so at lambing time Oi HutrulMK the RhubarbY Give the rhubarb plants lu the gar 1ii 6e o s den a heavy dressing of fine old como post If you wish a few early stalks placo kegs or boxes over some of thut plants and heap over them some manure Cotton NuteI Foreign authorities say the 1003 cot- ton crop of li l inn Turkestan Is un h usually large be luautflcleut d r for the Russian cotton wllI 11Uln a nucccss Porto Rico cotton Is said to be of ex ¬ 1 ceptionally tine quality Santo Domingo has a small Insect 1 f called the cotton bug that seems to have put a jiowerf ul dumper on ex ¬ perimental cotton growing there 1tP Farm and stanch says some inventors of boll weevil machines have proved < CtIal chines and the companies thus formed are now selling umcblnea According to advleva iron Jamaica the government ofMhat island intends to make extcnslve xperlulents in got ton growing and to puqh that Industry If jou wont your grboerloj carried to your kltahenPhoneSS < rnr NOTICE 4 We have been engaged for lhetpiastr two years In the mountains of Eastern Kentucky bllW lug Bud mineral t and timber lands for Astern capital Ists We have at this lime completed the larger portion of our work timid we desire to say to the people ot Breslhltt snit adjoining counties that wit are + c now randy to take up all our eases In this Judicial District which has been r lIegllelel on account or our work hi J t tho coal Heidi You will Undone or t both of us In our ofllce In the Old liar gts Building during nil holiness hoursy C Youn very truly r T COII W N OOPS 1 n ff IaT riIfIl L JA S- f 1- JJ 13

Breathitt County news. (Jackson, KY) 1904-02-26 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7z8w381v37/data/0085.pdfeel In the cunt met Mod clover hay fa the bulk of the roughage ntutl uml se nomads that

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EREA1fflTT GOUNTY NEWSI Wlsi 11 AhIt1ditol and ihlhli ahur

A rltlrurerlu J1vo T1b 1u Tug ° tKK 01t LASr11x ItexTlroht f i 0x1 lloitAlIe1r 1Iteu IN AutAxosl L T < 4= = Ii 11 =

VOhIlUC Ill Tncsol1 IK Jtucky PlflIiyFcbruary 26 1904 Jf Number 29>


EtRhll lroitj1t firnr Clilcnffu WherSIlI anrr Iniutx Are Knttcnrd

fllJrty miles west of Chicago on theHock Island railroad system it Stockdali 111 where nn liiuuciua establishmilit equipped with the most modernaplillniicos for dipping shearing heed

Ing nail marketing of over holt a million cheep amt lambs In n single seasonIsbttlnirnpornted

Although thoimnndi of nhrcp are pasturcd anti cnml fur there during thecummer niontlm nntl other thousand

I stopped over teed and rested In transit


from the wsttrii feeding ground to

s the Chicago market the feeding geaoiproper UgliH In the full and suds In tinFprlnjr when the rnnuc of fur oft Coloratio Iilntin New Mexico Oregon Willold Wyoming seed In their quota tipiirlnku of such him ns the tutnhlhdiohms tixM rt fowler provide whichquickly traiufniniA them froth feederto butcher stock

GltlmU II WIItX ling liieii the wantiger nf the wtabllehmcnt for the lasttwelve year

The barn or this Institution ore htimrroiiH sod roinmndloiM being 100 bj130 with nlleya through till renter ol

nulllrlvnt width to allow a wagon tcpals throufib Tho ventilation niullighting ii n> iHrfiit A plentiful suppljof wlndovrs Injures nmplo tight by tiny

s niul n perfevt electric nyfttoin fnrnUhctho MUIIO by iilulit The barn midyards are kept In n erfcvt tmnltirjiiiitdllhin tint woodwork being wmdHilnn ufiuii DM IN nwswary with n Btrontcnrbolfr whflettiiidi The tens are IKIt weru tindrniolng n continual cleanhill Mtaiklrimil by the niHvusliy of iuivlug nmlerhil when vlth to keep tinfiTllllrcr mill going with which theplant ha quIpiHd All sheep entcrlnnths feeding extahlhdumiit are foil onthe iiuilrnit plan thnt Is the cuuipsny funilslioH nil grain and roughagiat IHI much n Inn which iv fed by expert feeders whose mrvlce are Incliideel In the cunt met Mod clover hay fa

the bulk of the roughage ntutl umlse nomads that nit worthy of the nnincfront n fcvdefn standpoint most olwhich one from the companys own elevalor tame the train melon Such mnro not from the companys clovntoinee carefully nolpctiil by expeit tc

Insure freedom from Mich tilth ns 1 +

tummlliiie fmiiid In the common nrtldo pilt tiH ntlio markettoday All rathins urn foil In self feeder The feed-

ing Aerial varies In dumtlon necord

Inc to the lcondition of the nnlinnl whetput Into till feed lots or pens UH the

caw may lit Iltnn thirty to nlnetjdity5 Is OK limit American Bhwii


A new Industry Is offering Itself t o

the farmers nnd manufacturers of tinUnited State The facts that 23000000 worth < f LIIkl l W n° i III

<nually Into the Uultwf Rlntc

and that our cnlerprtlnif manufacluicrt tin now obliged to tend hulfwnaround the world for a large share 01

thew suggest that the farmers of thlcountry hove a great opportunity to pu

a large hare of this sum Into thclPockets and that the entire sum urnbe divided between our producers IIUlI

manufacturerThe census of 1000 showed tho tott

number of goats In the United Stateto bo lea than 2000000 and when II

Is undttttood tlut the of probnhly LOUOO000 Kent were required Ie

make thu VSOOOOOO worth Ituportalust year It can be seen that the supplfrom the fulled States could havformed but a ewtt > oro of the tolaconiumptloiK i tact that n largshare of o iJ Hf this Importnrl111YFtNwea fi India Chliu

ruuce guts that tilerare large arcas h 1 united Statewhich lulfiht pr goats cucccafully and to suWcl Marge numberto supply the ea0 OWl dewaudHarpers Weekly

lllaU Prloci lHA roraAt the recent hisB City sale till

sweepstakes Augur tick IIek Jrsold to Trunk Lnuirun of Texas fo

1350 A carllngldoolllOld to J JGentry also of Teits for 000 Bevelother nuluiuls sold f r 100 or bettermost of them prizI winners at thAuiericuu Roynl4 A gums are bccouilug very popular 1u tl southwest

Dune ni ftiUB-Fnrmors of Text Vre niytng plan

attention to tieZ 4dnyof drathontes ulnce the price w rattle declinedThey are txtumlvilj uwsl In everycommunity Dull sell readily for cash

Wagon uiUHt lie puked In all kinds o

weather and over uwas which do 110

always claH4 us good ind for thIs anlit her reason the everyday honw tillunties to be In uutldlurm nnIt ° neb

Urilrabl Yasvle OB Inull IlurriThe Polish are a class of poultry very

much liked by fancier mid breederwho have iinvll places and can glvthou the proper attention says Amcrlcan AgrlculturUt In pn iitliiii the accompanylng cut TherllrutJuhIJ


tho handnoinest class of poultry t heirlarge topknots and brilliant colu Inmaking them very attractive lieWhite Crested Black aru solid Wad Iicolor except tho topknot which U p urwhite The fowl arc medium lu sjlzpad lay beautiful white eggs

Uveiy Bottle of Ohamberliilnt CoigRemedy Warranted

ilir Kiiitrnntee every holies o CliimboUlii Cough Itemrdy anti wit rrdimthe 1I111111J tonnyone who Is 111 satyrtied niter using two thirds of 1ctlntunli Thl ii the ben remedy in tinworld fur In grippe cougha cold

croup mid whooping cough stud Ii 11tn-allt nnd safe to Take It prayer t anq

tendency of n cola to result in pi umnnhiForiiilebj DAY llHi On




IEBuildingCrawfordAnti our trade so fur has exceeded our

1fondest liopoa Vonro doepy grateful forllio generous patronage woliiive receivetl in

r tha paste and willtry to merit eveu more in

lie future Our stock ia

NEW CLEAN AND FRESHAnd wo 11 eau to maintain our reputationfor handling the best goods and

Fair and Honorable DealingA-

nd the most courteous treatment






Chckib Bey Says the SituationIs Very Critical


1iirklli sinister Vlll Irripnt liupnrtaut oniiiiiiiilrulloiu lu rer tllryIlayUlspatehes Fruit ICiiropnunClilc Krpurt Turkey uml Itulgurlit1rcpiirlnx Fur Unr-

Waahlnfiton Feb 23War In thoDalkan states Is Impending and thesituation at present is extremely critical Is tho opinion of Olicklu DothoTurkish minister at Washington

Of tho Balkan situation Chcklh Deywho baa h conslderablo oxperlencoIn that Bcctlotl Bald Although my nil

I vices are meager the rows I get Indlf sates that tho Bulgarians are assum

lag an attitude and pursuing n coursewhich It will be Impossible for thoImperial government to submit muchlonger with patience It la reportedthat they are arming tho Inhabitantsstirring up strife In Macedonia anddoing everything possible to harrass

I tho Imperial government I hopo thisIs not true but If thin reports bo cor ¬

rect hostilities In the Ualknns can notmuch longer ho averted Let me repeat that I hOpe the reports of thoactivity of tin Bulgarians aro exagBerated hut It they contain n measureof truth then the situation there Istruly critical

Turkey May Fight BulgariansLondon Fob 23 Telegrams front

Vienna and Balonlca published heregive alarming but unconfirmed detailsof preparations pointing to a war lIetween Turkey and Bulgaria TlmSofia corrcsnomlent of tho Dally TeleI graph says thin Bulgarian governmenthas declared n state of slew over nzone 19 tulles wide nxlenillng nlotho frontier from Kustendll to theBlack sea with a view of preventingtho Incursions of armed hands

KAYDItS HAYS NOTKton it Ciintlnl Siiy ItiiMU Highly

1VIM lrrlciiiMil of AiurrlcxniiWashington Feb 2Uussia glal

ly and vjlllngly favored tho suggesthen of Secretary Hay that as far aspossible the belligerents in the far

I eastern war localize hostilities nailrespect the nontrillty of China In theInterest of a continuance of peacefulIntercourse of tlu rest of the worldMy government expressed tho conviction that Mr hays suggestion wasprompted by motives of tho highesthumanity anti was mutually advantageous to tho belligerents Thisstatement was made by Count Cassitu the HtiMlan ambassador In thecourse of a conversation with n representative of the press at the em-

bassy Tho ambassador spoke In genoral on tho far eastern situation

Sends Note to the PowersWashington Feb 23 Breaches of

International agreements In mattersof war are charged against Japan byRussia and the latter nation Is addressing to tho powers either throughtheir representatives nt St Peters ¬

burg the emperors envoys abroad orprobably through both a vigorouscommunication charging Japan withrepeated violations of tho laws of nahumus first ns tho note alleges Inthreatening to attack a neutral portChemulpo Korea unless the Russianships within come out to taro nn overwhelming force and second It statesIn attacking Tort Arthur boforo warhad been declared nnd while the Jarnnese minister at St Petersburg wasstill enjoying tho protection and thecourtesies of the Russian governmentto which It Is claimed ho had pre¬

viously addressed a communicationoxpreswlng hula belief thnt the Inter ¬

ruption of diplomatic relations wouldbo brief The text of tho note Is notyet obtainable

Jags Claim VictoryTokyo Feb 18It Is Uo belief of

tho navy department that the Rusalan secondclass cruiser Boyarln wastorpedoed and sunk by the destroyer

IHcyatory In tho torpedoAttack on the

i Russian fleet at Port Arthur last Sunday morning A dispatch from Sr-

II Petersburg dated Feb 1C staikltlal

hon yarlll wns blown up wll alottsI Ut l8ii officers and men Felt by ajJJRRio which It accidentally jruej j


t4 Near Firing at SeaivJort Arthur Fob 2SQII1SOt

I uttory Ilrlns nt sea areJist nightly and Monday firing was

air beard This Is doubtlessdugtho I1lhmlllll ap

s hut nbthiilag sortf1lnasdarIlO Sel Th litarrlllQn tit

1 leo llent anuli s firmlyI tell of the nUImato success or

fueslanCulsser DestroyedPetersburg Feb t7The flits

yeas13JfIpt nine manner In which <K

Ir sf t orpoillo transport Venlael was tIe

lit itaL Still had on hoard 197 officers

i underIuJriJ BoatsNafyaeaMIcoin pontlent of the Dally Te rj cab I under date of Feb 22 fepureI

I that 610 Japanese squadron Iwi e

tareour Russian torpedo boatsPort Arthur by using Russian signals

Rutilas Casualty LiltChemulpo Fob 19Seventee offi ¬

cers and 439 men of RuwilaH war

IShIPSVarlagnnd Korletz warejfHhetor drowned Avhentho I

1wero rtostroycd = JOh 9 1Culp


Cheoo fish 18TIwaa B 8Id J






IAlll TO j K8TFinal Trlbulri IH to frimtor IJnnn-

b TlioiifHtidtCleveland 0 Fob20ThO sad

ruts have ended the body of Son ¬

ator Marcus A Hnnna rests in ncrypt in tho memorial chapel ntLnkevlew the eonowlriK thousandshave gono to hirer homes and thoiliiul tribute to a great man has beenpaid

Shortly after the noon hour Fritiny tho casket was taken fromtho Chamber of Commerce auditorlum and the funeral procession tookup Its slow march to tho church twomiles away At the head of the column rode a platoon of 12 mountedpolice followed by three platoons ofTroop A all mounted on black horsesand with swords at carry The h nrsocamo next and was followed by 100carriages carrying tho pollbearcwand official guests which includemembers of President Rooseveltscabinet Governor Herrlcks stairthe delegations from the senate nailhouse of representatives memberof the Ohio legislature city ofHclalsand delegations from several clvlsorganizations Immense throngs ofpeople lined both sides of Euclid 1 ve-

nue from the downtown section to thechurch entrance

Tho body was met at the doorby tho officiating clergymen Rev WA Leonard bishop of Ohio urO IIMcOrew rector of St Pauls churchPresident W F Pierce of Kenyoncollege an Institution which has beengreatly benefited by Senator Hannasliberality and Rev W H Jones rec-tor of St Johns Episcopal churchof which the dead man was a mcmhrrwho spoke tho usual sentences ns thobody was homo down the alnlc Themembers of the family took scatsnear the casket and other frletntwho had accompanied the remainsfrom Washington wero among thomourners Immediately following thofamily canto Governor Herrlck antistaff Uirertly behind these came theWashington delegation with SenatorForaker IP tho lead

After thr services tho body accom ¬

panted by tho family pallbearers andBishop Leonard pmceeded slowlyout Euclid avenue touikovlew cmctery where a final farewell of thedead was taken In Wade Memorialchapel Tho service consisted simplyof a prayer by the bishop The bodywas deposited In a crypt In the chapel to await burial at tho pleasure ofthe family

To Locate RadiumChicago Feb 23Work to aid

miners in locating radium In America has been begun In tho Kycr +oiiphysical laboratory at the Universityof Chicago A theory that there Isgrowth In the life of matter In thophysical world has been made n spe-

cial study by Professor Mllllkan Hesays Studies on radiation havsuggested the question whether IhlrIIP any natural process which 1101among the atoms what tho life prosess does among the molecules nampIly which takes the simpler forms an1Ibuilds them up again Into more cornplex forms Tho fact that radium noIexists on the earth taken with the tactthat tho life of radium la short in com-parison with tho ages thnt the earthtins been In existence certainly Boomsto point to an affirmative answer

Wrote Last Letter to RooseveltWashington Feb 20 President

Ilooaevlt was tho recipient of tholast letter written by Senator HannaIt was written on tho Tuesday prloito his death and was purely a personal note acknowledging the presidents thoughtfulness and cunslderathen In expressing his personal Inter j

eel hitbe senators sicknessletter now Is in tho hands of the ThoIators family It Is to tographed for preservation Tho orlglnal will ba returned to the presidentwho will preserve it


Asked io be Shot He WasFortTiodge la Feb 17Ilarahah

shoot me asked three year old LeoII ltsNo Twont replied his fouryearold brother who held a revolverIn his hand The second request bythe younger brother wolf compiledwith and the ball lodged at tho basuof tho skull Death wan InstantaneouaE4UE Holts time father letihis between the mattress OlIhis bed and tho older boy securedTho younger child saw hlni get It aMi


playfully asked him to shoot 10

mother Is almost crazed with grief

Eleven Millions In Debt and AssetsHouston Tex Feb 23Tho reeds

ers of the Kirby Lumber company re ¬

turned to the federal court n statement showing the assets anti liabilities of tho concern placing both ofthem at 111103044 It Is stated thatthe Inventory was not made on per ¬

sonal Inspection In time llabllltloi7289292 ISJllaced under tlie badlngInvestment valucsshllvhigtilnl It

Is not a liabilityr Fortifying the Coast

J1 Warsaw Feb 231lelivygunsarebeing put to position on tho coastabout ten miles from Odessa cover

approach dolha port Thawpreparations are being made In vlaw-of poselble untoward happeningsirpunil time Black sea The effect ofWar err tlialjar east upon tho BalkatopicJe

Jf Hundred of Live LostTJehfoln Feb 23A telegram from

Tslnaa Flf Shantung sayq that liontired of lives have been lost byprsting ota dam on tho Ihvang

were destroyed

ClalmlseltDdenles BenjaminAnderson has been indicted on thocharge of murdering his brotherinlaw Janus Hall He asserts selfdefense



f y



Text of the Leson Halt vll 2120Memory Vcriet 21 25 Golden TextJots I Commentary Irciiitrrilby Key II SI Slrarni

Copyright 1003 Ljr Amtticin ina Auorlitlon

The gospel by ilattlunv Is speciallythe gospel of the kingdom thnt king-

dom of which tho Old Testament InnBO much to toll us when a ICing shallrulfiii In righteousness and the work of

righteousness shall be pence nod theeffect of rlKliteoiisncsH quietness midnssurancc forever The name of theKins shall be JehovahlHldkenu tlmIrd our ItlKhteouimesa Hu shall reignmid prosiicr and shall execute Juddment and justice In the earth thisthrone shall ho the throtio of David atJrrusnloin and Ho shall be King over-all the earth Isa xxxll 1 17 Ix G 7Jer Ill 17 xxlll B U Xech xlv 0 Ifany Otto would be truly thrilled naillifted above present things and clrcumtlllllC4l t him become ncjuatntct1

with the King and the kingdom withwhom ami to which every redeemeddemon la a joint heir tho klngilomwhich shall Include all the kingdomsof this world with n King beforowhom nil kings shall fall down nod


whom all nations shall serve Hev xl15 Ill lull 11

Nothing snore thrilling or Inspiringwas overwritten nnd the Cod of TruthHimself wrote this 11finiiii io 17

In Mutt vvll the King lion given nstill laws of the kingdom that kingdomwhich Is tint meat nod drink but righteouanes and peace and Joy In the HolyGhost Itoui xiv 17 The openingwords assert that iwvurfy of spirit Is acharacteristic of those who belong toIt Compare Inn Ivll 15 Ixvl 2 lItinnlso sold tlmt the righteousness neces ¬

nary to enter It must exceed that of llioscribes njid Pharisees v 20 nnrinuNt be such ns meets the requirements of the true spirit of the lawnot that of mere word but deedswhich are righteous before Coil whoFifth lu secret Not every one thatRallh but he that doeth the willof My Father which Is In heaven urnthe opening words of our lesson nndthe beginning of tho close of Ills address

TJjjjt we may more fully appreciatethe words we must remember who thospeaker Is Note Ills oft repented I

say unto you corresponding with time

Tuna salth tho Iord of the Old Tea

tniiKnt for Ho Is the Lord of Hoststhin God of Israel the Creator the only

Ilcdwlner the Judge of all mankindIto is tho one of whom the Father saidlit ills bnptUm This Is My BelovedSun In whom I am well pleased andtit the transfiguration Ho added Hearyu Him Mutt Ill If xvll G HoHimself said Tho Father Jndgetli nilimit hut hath committed all Judgment

the Son John v 22 I seek toimphaslzo this bccauuo there ore soreally teachers fluid preachers who professing to be Ills friend not only dishonor tin word which He so honoredbut dishonor Him tint believing Illswords timid thus dishonor tho Pothertoo for all Ills words were Just whattho Father told Him to say John xll

Is49ulint however much people may pro

less to be hits frlends and to do work-lei Ills iinlne hero Is HU own testimony that He will have to say tothcmvUI never knew you depart fromMe ntfTlint work Inliillltv verse TT

lie has told us elsewhere that He willlave to say to some Depart from Meye cursed lido everlasting lire prepar-ed for tho devll and his angels Muttxxv 411 After the solemn warningthat He will have to say to some Doparti speaks again In grace thatsill who will may lieu from the wroteto conic >AH who hear the gospel eitherobey or disobey they either take ref ugolu Christ tho Truth or turningfront Iiim they accept some of tlmmany prevailing delusions of the devilaM ecs refuge

The latter passage gives the furthertruth that oven those who lire onsure foundation nnd are therefoeternally safe have need to bo carefulof flint which they are building day bytiny lost they may see their workhurried upliutd they themselves savedas by flre The works must bo Godworking In us the works which Hehater before prepared for us Kph II

10 Hill II 13 Col I 20 else nil nuaprove wood hay and stubble

Returning to the first part of ourlesson nndJho matter of doing thewill of God we must rememberour Iord was talking to disciples chap-

ter v 1 21 for He never talks to theunsaved of dolnzr When the unsaved naked hut rose day What shallwe do that wo might work tho worksof God HUreply was to the effectthat the only work for them ww toliillevevm Htm 1ioni God had sentJohml2S 29 On salvation by futh

nphrt from any works of ours see Runtitl21 Iv G Kph II 8 oTlt III 5theh on tho works which toast milwill followseoMCpb II 10 Tit Ill 8Jas IUI2H

uMay we ever listen to the words ofthe Spirit In this Infallible book whether they conic toua through prophetsnpoatlcs or Christ nI llf na wonauthorityn oflyGUll There ore before us n glorlouimorning and an awful night but thereIs no morning for those who despisetho word of God Isa JRCI 11 12 vii l

20 revised version No ono Is nof God nnd a Joint heir with

110ChrIst who has not received Christ10hIs own Saviour putting nil his Ira

as a sinner In the precious blood of thoatonement John I 12jJ John v 12s

Lev xvII 11i Hcb lx23 > but havingthus become a partroJIIHif mid Hnkingdom Ills lutist be mnnnlfcst that wan nays lprlfy Him la

Us chapter vIIIt

1 +


1 Here We Are1

I The Celebra-tedHANAN


1 SHOE1The Best 011 Ea-rthPRTCE5OOPRf61

For Sale By

DAY BROSO 0J-ac soQ leQtLJcly


The Growers of1Mutton and Wool

1 keel > n few sheep with the dairy forI think they require so little attentionsays I Ii Stebblns In American Agriculturist My sheep are housed onlyduring haul storms until the lambs be¬

glut to drug and I seldom have n weaklamb Just year my six ewes droppedeleven lambs and raised them all 1

sold them III August at C cents vexpound alive nnd they weighted Just100 pounds bringing T 2rO Theowes sheared fortynine iiounds ofwool which sold for 17 coltspound netting 333 or a total of tk

from my six ewes A single lamb get ¬

orally will lie larger then n twin butmy heaviest lamb weighted 115 poundsnnd his twlu 111 iKHinds Much depends on the owe ns n milker ns to size

of lambsAs I was raised among Merino sheep

when a lad I thought there was noIIhlt1 their equal and of course whenI went to farming for myself I boughn flock of Merinos I kept them two orthree years and sold them and now I

would not tithe n bunch of Merinos a s

n girt If I were obliged to keep themIn the sixties when wool was from 73cents to 1 pier pound the Merinos Just

IInlttl the hill but when It comes t

raising lambs they are not lu it w III

tho coarse wool breedsSeveral years ago I bought n floc

and picked out six that suited mo ns tobuild Then I got a Shropshire ranlamb of the same makeup nnd at twoyears old ho weighed 1100 pounds nndmy lock Is nil his get A year ago onoof the ewes lost part of her udder nndI feared trouble with It in the futureBO 1 sold her She was only four yearsold and would have been good for sev ¬

sent years yet She dressed ninety

poundsIout In the business and

bought a registered Shropshire eweand she dropped n pair of flat ewelambs My sheep nil dropped lambsexcept one within n week and fourtripletsrelambs My sheep are about ns tame asn house

catAGrant Irish Dreed

The American Sheep Breeder printstim accompanying picture of ono ofthe only native Irish breed of sheepitsystrikingcons irutlo attention among the breed ¬

ers of OItntJlrltoln-It These sheep become very large and

IiPnvy especially when fed null kept on


limestone lands Sown animals recentexhibited weighed as high as 2CS

old dressed lambs at tenmonths old tiara tipped the scale nt12S pounds The mutton is deliciouslend tho flavor excellent Another attractive feature Is tho een mixing ofthe lean nUll tat which Is u great advantage from the butchers standpoint

It1s to tho wool It Is white bright andnnd an expert from the Brad

foul wool house when giving evidencebefore the government department


committee on sheep dipping lu Londonrecently gave its opinion that tho woolof the Roscomuionaheep was tern bestlu the whole of Great Britain

Sheep Meurf Grler nceaVBc vyccn tie rallroula ami the fSy c




v t

reserves the sheep men of our countryago being subjected to considerablehardship said Thomas J DIckcrsouof Walcott Wyo The railroads areBelling large tracts of land to big stockAtmen and theca stockmen will not allowany trespassing Every alternate see fthou is owned by the government andono moan San na much right to It as anyother but wo cant get to It without titrespassing and so the men who have <bought railroad loud have the usejust twice the amount Included Inpurchase This bars out the rest of otI + 3rThe Medicine Bow forest reserve

Inl2l0 taken a good deal of our IaThe law limits tho number of sheepbe put on tho reserve to 40000 and In ttho past nt least 100000 have found FXaigood grazing thereon The matter oftrespassing was taken Into court awhileago and It cost ono big firm in thethat8JspectcdV >

What BKerp EatProfessor Kennedy of the Iowa ex ¬

periment station says that there aroGOO kinds of weeds and grasses growtug in the agricultural states and ofthese sheep eat 550 horses eat 82 andcattle eat BO Ho says sheep relishmost weeds hnd do well on them andtherefore evSry farm of a quarter seetion should havo at least a lock oftwentyfive sheep to help keep downthe weeds and that susali flocks paytheir way on most farms In this wayHe says Less later Is required Inhandling sheep than almost any otherkind of stock During a large portionkOf the eor will take care of themthemsw Jicertainkseasonsfood carp and attention This la espidaily so at lambing time Oi

HutrulMK the RhubarbYGive the rhubarb plants lu the gar 1ii6e o s

den a heavy dressing of fine old comopost If you wish a few early stalksplaco kegs or boxes over some of thutplants and heap over them somemanure

Cotton NuteIForeign authorities say the 1003 cot-

ton crop of li linn Turkestan Is un husually large be luautflcleut d rfor the Russian cotton wllI11Uln a

nucccssPorto Rico cotton Is said to be of ex¬ 1

ceptionally tine qualitySanto Domingo has a small Insect 1 f

called the cotton bug that seems tohave put a jiowerf ul dumper on ex ¬

perimental cotton growing there 1tP

Farm and stanch says some inventorsof boll weevil machines have proved <CtIalchines and the companies thus formedare now selling umcblnea

According to advleva iron Jamaicathe government ofMhat island intendsto make extcnslve xperlulents in gotton growing and to puqh that Industry

If jou wont your grboerloj carried toyour kltahenPhoneSS <



We have been engaged for lhetpiastrtwo years In the mountains of EasternKentucky bllW lug Bud mineral t

and timber lands for Astern capitalIsts We have at this lime completedthe larger portion of our work timid wedesire to say to the people ot Breslhlttsnit adjoining counties that wit are + c

now randy to take up all our eases Inthis Judicial District which has been r

lIegllelel on account or our work hi J ttho coal Heidi You will Undone or tboth of us In our ofllce In the Old liargts Building during nil holiness hoursy C

Youn very trulyr T COIIW N OOPS 1

n ff IaT

riIfIl L



