E QUIPMENT NEWS Rosenbauer's compact Otter pump was designed to be light and powerful. pumped flow of all liquids. Flow rates are from 0.35 to 140 lph at pressures up to 12 bar. Typical applications for the D-Pulse range of pumps include most general water treatment duties for controlling pH, coagulant dosing, Redox and chlorine. Contact: Milton Roy UK Ltd, Oak- lands Park Business Centre, Wo- kingham, Berkshire, RG41 2FD, UK. Tel: +44 118 977 1066; Fax: +44 118 977 1198. Breaking alignment measurement barriers tb-/iftechnik has made what it calls a breakthrough in rapid alignment of severely misa- ligned machines even over distances of 20 m or more, where just slight misalignment causes any laser beam to leave its sensor as the shafts are turned. How about a sensor, then, of infinite size? Pr/iftechnik has now perfected a simple method, known as Infinirange, which effectively eliminates the range limitations that plague less-so phisticated laser alignment sen- sors: the sTstem prompts the user to readjust the beam in mid-measurement. The patented procedure saves time by eliminating un- necessary 'rough alignment' cy- cles of measurement and [] adjustment, so that even users mm with little training can attain 'spot-on' alignment results with minimal machine moves. Contact: PrQftechnik Dieter Busch AG, PO Box 1263, D-85730 Isman- ing, Germany. Tel: + 49 899 96160; Fax: + 49 899 961 6200. I Portable fire pump meets compact design brief Rosenbauer has just launched a new compact pump unit called the Otter. "Compact, light, powerful, and good value" was the design brief, and the result features an 18 hp Briggs & Stratton 4-stroke motor, driving a single-stage Rosenbauer cen- trifugal pump with 3-dimen- sionally curved impeller, diffusor and spiral housing. The shaft is sealed by a zero- maintenance sliding-ring seal that is resistant to dirty water, is safe to run dry and is pressure-hammer-proof. A hand-actuated lightweight pis- ton priming pump is provided, and the protective carrying frame has 4 swing out handles, making the PFP easy to carry. Output at 3 m suction height is up to 1000 lpm. Contact: Rosenbauer International AG, Paschinger StraSe 90, A-4060 Leonding, Austria. Tel: + 43 732 67940; Fax: +43 732 679483. Hygienic pumps designed to protect delicate media Designed primarily for the dairy and pharmaceutical industries, the Waukesha Universal Series 2 range of stainless steel cir cumferential piston pumps now available in the UK from Alpha Technical SetMces is fully inter changeable with the original Universal Series. Features of the design in- clude rotor/shaft connection sealed from the product zone as standard, a cover O ring groove with full radius profile for enhanced cleanability and an optional self draining body. High clamp load on the rotor enhances the strength and tor- que transmission capability of the rotor shaft assembly and increased squeeze on the seat/ shaft O-ring has been engi- neered to provide improved sealing at low pressure. Options include steam in- place capability with special rotor option, aseptic configura- tion and stainless steel bearing frame. Produced ibr outputs up to 68 m:~/h and pressures up to 13.S bar, the Universal 2 Series retains the well established characteristics of the Waukesha Universal design - highly accu- rate, pulsation free flow irre- spective of fluctuations in the viscosity of the pumped media combined with the ability to f Waukesha Universal Series 2 pumps give accurate, pulseless flow. WORLD PUMPS JULY 1997 4

Breaking alignment measurement barriers

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Rosenbauer 's compact Otter pump was des igned to be light and powerful.

p u m p e d flow of all liquids. Flow rates are f r o m 0.35 to 140 lph at pressures up to 12 bar. Typical a p p l i c a t i o n s for the D-Pulse range of pumps include most general water t r ea tmen t dut ies for cont ro l l ing pH, coagulan t dosing, Redox and chlorine.

Contact: Milton Roy UK Ltd, Oak- lands Park Business Centre, Wo- kingham, Berkshire, RG41 2FD, UK. Tel: +44 118 977 1066; Fax: +44 118 977 1198.

Breaking a l ignment m e a s u r e m e n t barriers

tb-/iftechnik has made what it calls a b reak through in rapid a l i g n m e n t of seve re ly misa - l igned mach ines even over d i s t ances of 20 m or more, where jus t slight misa l ignment causes any laser beam to leave its sensor as the shaf ts are turned.

How about a sensor, then, of inf ini te size? Pr/ i f technik has now perfected a s imple method, known as Inf in i range, which effectively e l iminates the range l imi ta t ions tha t p lague less-so phis t ica ted laser a l ignment sen- sors: the sTstem p rompt s the user to readjus t the beam in mid-measurement .

T h e p a t e n t e d p r o c e d u r e saves t ime by e l iminat ing un- necessary ' rough a l ignment ' cy-

c l e s o f m e a s u r e m e n t a n d [ ] adjus tment , so tha t even users

m m

with l i t t le t ra in ing can a t ta in ' spot-on ' a l ignment resul ts with minimal machine moves.

Contact: PrQftechnik Dieter Busch AG, PO Box 1263, D-85730 Isman- ing, Germany. Tel: + 49 899 96160; Fax: + 49 899 961 6200.

I Portable fire pump meet s compact des ign brief

Rosenbauer has jus t launched a new compac t p u m p unit called t h e Ot te r . " C o m p a c t , l ight , powerful, and good value" was the design brief, and the resul t fea tures an 18 hp Briggs & St ra t ton 4-stroke motor, driving a single-stage Rosenbauer cen- t r i fugal p u m p wi th 3-dimen- s i o n a l l y c u r v e d i m p e l l e r , diffusor and spiral housing.

The shaft is sealed by a zero- m a i n t e n a n c e s l iding-r ing seal tha t is res is tant to dirty water, is safe to r u n d ry a n d is p r e s s u r e - h a m m e r - p r o o f . A hand-ac tua ted l ightweight pis- ton pr iming p u m p is provided, and the p r o t e c t i v e ca r ry ing frame has 4 swing out handles, making the PFP easy to carry. Output at 3 m suct ion height is up to 1000 lpm.

Contact: Rosenbauer International AG, Paschinger StraSe 90, A-4060 Leonding, Austria. Tel: + 43 732 67940; Fax: +43 732 679483.

Hygienic p u m p s des igned to protect del icate media

Designed pr imari ly for the dairy and pharmaceu t i ca l industries, the Waukesha Universal Series 2 range of stainless steel cir cumferent ia l p is ton pumps now available in the UK from Alpha Technical SetMces is fully inter changeab le wi th the or iginal Universal Series.

Fea tures of the design in- c lude r o t o r / s h a f t c o n n e c t i o n sealed from the product zone as s t anda rd , a cover O r ing groove with full radius profile for enhanced cleanabil i ty and an opt ional self draining body. High c lamp load on the ro tor enhances the s t rength and tor- que t ransmiss ion capabi l i ty of the ro tor shaft assembly and increased squeeze on the sea t / shaf t O-ring has been engi- n e e r e d to p rov ide i m p r o v e d sealing at low pressure.

Op t ions i nc lude s t e a m in- p lace capab i l i ty with specia l ro tor option, aseptic configura- tion and stainless steel bearing frame. Produced ibr ou tputs up to 68 m:~/h and pressures up to 13.S bar, the Universal 2 Series r e t a i n s t he well e s t a b l i s h e d character is t ics of the Waukesha Universal design - highly accu- rate, pu lsa t ion free flow irre- spective of f luctuat ions in the viscosity of the pumped media combined with the ability to


Waukesha Universal Ser ies 2 pumps give accurate, pulseless flow.