BRD - Synopses of Consulting Projects and Training Workshops

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  • 8/4/2019 BRD - Synopses of Consulting Projects and Training Workshops


    Synopses of Consulting Projects

    And Training Workshops

    Division of

    We believe that the best promise of prosperity for a

    community rests on the desire and the ability of each of its

    members to learn, to take responsibility, to embrace

    accountability and to adapt to an ever-changing environment.

    International Key Building2nd floorHazmieh, Baabda2901 3215 Lebanon+961 5 950 952+961 71 950 [email protected]

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    Who we are ...................................................................................................... 2

    Our Beliefs ........................................................................................................ 3

    Our Services ..................................................................................................... 4

    Synopses of a Sample of Consulting Projects .................................................. 5

    With Public Institutions and Civil Society Organizations

    With the Private sectorOur Most Popular Workshops ......................................................................... 9

    I- Leadership and Management Skills Workshop SeriesII- Communication and Interpersonal Skills Workshop SeriesIII- Citizenship and Participation Workshop SeriesIV- NGOs Capacity Building SeriesV- Finance Skills Workshop Series

    Methodology and Learning Approach .............................................................. 10

    Partial Clients List ............................................................................................. 13

  • 8/4/2019 BRD - Synopses of Consulting Projects and Training Workshops


    Synopses of Consulting Projects And Training Workshops

    CopyrightBeyond Consulting and Training 2009-20101


    Beyond Consulting & Training and Effiqual Management Consultants Canada

    are an innovative team of consultants committed to serve you with authenticityand compassion. Our interventions embrace an integrated holistic approach,

    which enables you to develop your people, establish harmony in your systems,

    and achieve sustainable organizational success.

    Beyond Reform & Development (BRD), a division of Beyond Consulting &

    Training specializes in public sector reform programs and civil society

    development in Lebanon and the Arab World. We are driven by the commitment

    towards contributing to more participatory inclusive and responsive governance

    systems in the Arab World.

    BRD has served public institutions across the region through designing and

    implementing reform projects in education, youth and local governance. We

    have also built the capacity of hundreds of NGOs, in partnership with UN

    agencies and international organizations to enhance internal management,governance, advocacy and campaigning skills.

    Beyonds core team of consultants and those of its sister company (Effiqual

    Designed Learning Canada) along with its strategic allies have contributed to thegrowth and development of a myriad of organizations in the public and private

    sectors in Lebanon, the Middle East, Europe, Asia, and the Americas.

    We have worked in partnership with client organizations, teams, and people to

    initiate change, provide support, and foster a culture that empowers people,

    encourages innovation, rewards success, and values honesty and feedback.

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    Synopses of Consulting Projects And Training Workshops

    CopyrightBeyond Consulting and Training 2009-20102


    Beyond Reform & Developmentoffers services in the following areas:

    Reform Interventions: BRD has extensive experience offering tailored

    reforms and public sector interventions across the Arab World

    particularly in the areas of education, youth, media, entrepreneurship,external relations and diplomacy, social affairs, women empowerment,

    community development, local governance, prisons, and socio-economic


    Institutional Development: BRD serves public institutions throughout

    the Arab World with a specialization in leadership and organizationaldevelopment; bringing to the work-place a culture of engagement,

    participation and higher performance. We facilitate restructuring

    processes, reengineering, human resources reform, operating procedures,

    management change processes.

    Capacity Building: BRD offers a holistic approach to capacity

    assessment and capacity building that serves the development needs and

    priorities of senior management and staff, in the fields of public service,

    leadership, management, interpersonal skills; with the aim of improving

    quality and public sector responsiveness.

    Learning Design: BRD consultants possess expertise in designing

    academic modules, training curricula, best practices manuals and

    customized toolkits to serve the needs of public and private sector

    individuals and organizations, in the fields of governance, accountability,

    public service, participation, leadership, advocacy and policy development.

    Policy Development: BRD employs evidence-based research to develop

    and advocate policies at the level of central and local government. BRDoffers policy solutions tailored for public institutions that can improvecitizens lives and contribute to socio-economic growth. We have extensive

    experience in designing policies for youth empowerment, electoral systems,

    judiciary, education, local economic development, and good governance.

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    Synopses of Consulting Projects And Training Workshops

    CopyrightBeyond Consulting and Training 2009-20103


    We at Beyond Consulting and Training believe that the development of people is

    the golden key to building organizational capacity and to sustain organizationalprosperity. The latter requires a real engagement of the person in consulting,

    training and development activities, where the whole person becomes immersed in

    the learning. We achieve this by:

    Being fully conscious of the adult learning cycle and reflecting that byapplying a deep experiential approach to our workshops.

    Balancing the technical and human dimensions, with heavy emphasis onsoft skills development and a solid integration of both sides in our

    methodologies and practices. Engaging both heart and mind into the learning, inviting participants tofully invest themselves in the workshops.

    Being consultants and trainers, we endeavor to bring the realities of theparticipants into the room to make their experiences very tangible, thus

    preparing them to start applying the learning upon their return to their

    jobs. Ensuring that follow-up and coaching activities take place to maximize

    the integration of the learning into the work environment and the day-to-

    day practices.

    Staying in tune with the evolution of the management science and theglobal economic and corporate trends to adapt what we do to real client

    requirements. Designing our consulting interventions and learning activities with a high

    degree of flexibility to permit ourselves to adapt to participant

    requirements on the spot while at the same time preserving the integrity

    of the experience. Being biased towards Partnership as a business strategy, Self-

    empowerment as the path to nurturing human potential, and Systems

    Thinking and Decentralization as the journey to maximize the value ofthe investment in the human element towards organizational success and


    We are proud of the above principles, strategies and practices that we embrace in

    the way we serve our clients. The feedback we get from our clients and the impact

    that we have been grateful to have are our reassurance that we have made the right

    choices in the journey of fulfilling our mission as management consultants and


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    Synopses of Consulting Projects And Training Workshops

    CopyrightBeyond Consulting and Training 2009-20104


    Following is a brief description of a sample of our integrated consulting/training

    projects with North American, Gulf and Middle East Companies, publicinstitutions and civil society organizations:

    With Public Institutions and Civil Society OrganizationsSocio-economic development for a city governorate in Syria: we assisted a major

    international organization in facilitating stakeholders meeting and dialogue sessions

    between sectors associations and the governorate of Aleppo. We also helped in

    designing pilot projects to enhance cooperation between them.

    Capacity-building program for NGOs in Lebanon: Between 2005 and 2010, over

    200 Lebanese NGOs from all regions participated in training workshops that we have

    designed and implemented. In collaboration with a Lebanese Ministry and a UN

    program, Beyond has developed customized workshops for NGOs on Leadership and

    Good Governance, Human Resources and Volunteer Management, Planning and

    Organization Skills, Fundraising and Proposal Writing Skills, Project and Team

    Management, Finance and Accounting Skills, Community Development, Advocacy


    Local Economic Development: In collaboration with a major international

    organization, Beyond is implementing a local economic development project targeting

    137 municipalities across three regional clusters in Lebanon. The project aims at

    recommending national policies that emanate from local priorities, needs and

    economically viable clusters.

    Social Entrepreneurship: In collaboration with an international organization,

    Beyond is facilitating the inception of two social enterprises within two community

    centers in Georgia. The project aims at building the capacity of community centers

    staff and local leaders by enhancing their ability to transform social challenges into

    opportunity for growth and community engagement.

    Prisons Management Reform: In collaboration with the Lebanese Ministry of Social

    Affairs, the Ministry of Interior and the Italian Cooperation for Development, Beyond

    built the capacity of Internal Security Forces in 11 peripheral prisons across Lebanon.

    The project culminated in a Management Reform Proposal that is currently under

    consideration for future prisons policies in Lebanon.

    Capacity Building and Train the Trainer Programs in the Arab World: Since

    2003 Beyond has worked with Injaz (Junior Achievement) to support new staff and

    volunteers in Palestine, Oman, Bahrain, UAE, Algeria, Morocco, Kuwait, Iraq

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    Synopses of Consulting Projects And Training Workshops

    CopyrightBeyond Consulting and Training 2009-20105

    Political Development for Political Parties in Jordan: In partnership with a major

    international organization, we designed a training workshop and customized manual

    focusing on Developing Consensus and Building Alliances for five political parties.

    Developing Lebanons First Career Counseling Unit: In collaboration with the

    Ministry of Education, we helped design and develop a career counseling curriculumand capacity building program for two years that resulted in establishing career

    counseling services for public schools.

    Public Water Corporation in Lebanon: We designed and implemented a capacity

    assessment mechanism for this semi-autonomous public agency. Based on the

    assessment, Beyond developed a capacity building program for 7 months that resulted

    in enhancing the human resources practices at the level of leadership, management

    and relationships within the corporation.

    Entrepreneurship Development Program with National Ministry in Kuwait: We

    built the capacity of youth counselors by training them on an entrepreneurshipprogram. This program was then transferred by the counselors to youth centers across


    Foreign Affairs and Diplomacy: We have worked closely with a Kuwaiti Ministry

    to strengthen Negotiation Skills and Media Relations Strategy. We implemented a

    needs-assessment for junior diplomats and accordingly development a program and

    training manual on negotiation and media relations.

    Women Political Empowerment in Lebanon: We worked with a major UN agency

    in collaboration with a Lebanese government entity, to develop a three-month

    capacity building program for 67 women candidates in the 2010 municipal elections.

    The program was comprised of a campaign tool-kit customized to the Lebanese

    culture and supporting the cause of women representation. We also developed training

    workshops and personalized coaching sessions to cater to the needs of women. The

    project culminated in a Best Practices Manual.

    Prisons Reform and Capacity Building for Security Forces in Lebanon: We

    developed a training series on human rights for security forces within prisons all over

    Lebanon. The project culminated in policy implications that will be presented to the

    Lebanese government, and partner international organizations and embassies.

    Curriculum Development Local Governance & Active Participation inLebanon: Beyond designed this curriculum comprised of twelve learning modules

    and compiling over 67 references collected from over 27 local and international,

    governmental and non-governmental entities in Lebanon. We trained a group of 30

    lead trainers who currently implement the curriculum within their organizations and


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    Synopses of Consulting Projects And Training Workshops

    CopyrightBeyond Consulting and Training 2009-20106

    With the private sectorMultinational bank based in Lebanon: we supported this bank in the

    implementation of a new management strategy across the head office and all its

    branches. Training workshops included Choices for Sustainable Prosperity, Change

    Management, Dealing with Responsibility and Accountability, ReformingManagement Practices

    Diversified manufacturing group - Lebanon: we have been working with this

    group since 1997. Our initial mandate was to help them formalize their training

    process and to institutionalize their training department. The project evolved into

    supporting the anchoring and dissemination of a group-wide culture and management

    philosophy. This consulting project has been complemented by a wide range of

    workshops and sessions for a cross-organizational and cross-functional representation

    of hundreds of participants, from Senior Management to Shop-floor employees.

    Topics include Business Ethics, Behavioral Choices for Success, Empowering

    Leadership, Managing Change, Consulting Skills, Selling Skills, Train-the-trainer,

    Coaching, various modules in Management and Supervisory Skills, Interpersonal

    Skills, Personal Development, Relationship Building

    Diversified industrial group - KSA: have worked with this group on an overall

    restructuring effort aiming at embracing distributive management systems, with a

    choice for empowerment and partnership. A systematic and systemic approach was

    undertaken to reform the Human Resources management practices, including,

    compensation and remuneration system, salary scales, hiring process, training and

    development. This effort was as well support by a variety of training workshops.

    Food industry group Lebanon and KSA: we have been working with this group

    on a complete restructuring process, including reform of various functional

    departments, change of management, human resources, information and financial

    management practices. The full cycle of hiring and engaging employees was

    reformed, and it included a complete rethinking of the way people are integrated,

    motivated and retained. The latter was actualized through employee and salary

    surveys, new compensation systems, redistribution of roles and responsibilities,

    adjustments of job descriptions and performance appraisal tools, and re-engineering

    of training and development processes.

    Once again, this project was supported by various training interventions in Change

    Management, Human Resources Management, Empowering Leadership, SupervisorySkills, Coaching, Time and Priority Management

    Hospitality industry group Lebanon and KSA: have been working with this

    group on setting up new hotel, restaurant, conference centers and travel operations

    throughout the Middle East and Gulf region. Our interventions have included the set

    up of Human Resources Management Systems and Practices. These systems have

    included: Strategic HR planning, Operational HR Planning, Job Analysis & Design,

    Personnel Management, Recruitment, Employee Testing & Selection, Motivation &

    Retention, Orientation, Training & Development, Appraising Performance, Job

    Enrichment, Managing Careers, Establishing Salary Scales, Compensation and

    Reward plans. HR Analysis Tools and Reporting

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    Synopses of Consulting Projects And Training Workshops

    CopyrightBeyond Consulting and Training 2009-20107

    General insurance and reinsurance company - Lebanon: we were involved with

    this company for more than one year in a consulting and training process to hone

    skills and nurture a spirit of entrepreneurship. Workshops covered training in

    Empowerment, Leadership, Commitment, Living out your Values, Active Listening,

    Active Dialogue, Giving Support

    Medical trade group Lebanon, Middle East and North Africa: we have been

    supporting this group in developing and implementing their growth and market

    penetration plans and have conducted for them training in Leadership, Management,

    Finance, Marketing and Sales Skills. We are currently working with them on

    establishing a training process aimed at linking individual and team performance to

    company strategic and operational objectives to job and personal development


    Paper converting company - Canada: Supporting Change, Modernization and

    Quality initiatives. Improvement processes with clients towards building management

    systems and practices to ensure sustainable prosperity using a systemic approach concurrently improving productivity, client and market adaptability through employee

    involvement and commitment. Interventions have also focused on working with some

    clients to transition from a Family-owned business mindset to an Institutional


    Apparel industry group USA and Canada: we have been consulting for this

    group for more than ten years. We have helped in the set-up of a new company, in the

    acquisition and cultural integration of two additional companies, and in the set-up of a

    group structure covering all functional aspects. Various training workshops and the

    set-up of a learning organization model were also part of this process.

    Fully integrated furniture company Lebanon: We have supported this client in

    their expansion plans and to transition to a new organizational structure and to new

    facilities. This project is still on-going with consulting, recruiting and training


    IT solutions development, integration and consulting company Lebanon:Supported the complete start-up of this company and helped them in developing their

    strategic, business and operational plans. We continue to help them in their business

    evolution process through consulting, recruitment and training.

    GSM group multinational: We have been the sounding board for this group in

    their expansion across a number of countries in Asia, Europe and Africa. Recruitment

    and training services have also been provided to this client.

    Fine papers manufacturing company USA and Canada: helped this client

    implement a company-wide "Integral Quality" Continuous Improvement process,

    across head office, five manufacturing plants, and ten trade operations. The latter

    included the reform of the human resources function, and the definition of policies,

    strategies, and plans for the change process. We supported this company as well in the

    complete life cycle project for the building of a new paper mill, a two billion dollar

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    Synopses of Consulting Projects And Training Workshops

    CopyrightBeyond Consulting and Training 2009-20108

    project. We have worked with this client for more than twenty years and have trained

    more than three thousands of its employees over the years in a myriad of topics.

    Other consulting projects: we have also served other clients in the same industries

    as the above clients, and in the automotive, metal, cosmetic, retail, education, hotel,

    pharmaceutical, and healthcare industries. Our consulting services have also beenwidely used in the public sector and with NGOs.

    For a large number of multinational companies: we have worked with these

    various companies in a variety of industries on training needs analyses, delivery of a

    multitude of standardized workshops, and the development and conduct of

    customized or tailor designed workshops in the areas of management, leadership,

    consulting skills, team development, and other soft skills development and

    organizational capacity building.

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    Synopses of Consulting Projects And Training Workshops

    CopyrightBeyond Consulting and Training 2009-20109


    Below is an overview of a partial list of workshops that we believe will contributenicely to the employees training and development plans and will nurture the

    learning within organizations towards the fulfillment of their short term and long

    term operational and strategic goals and aspirations.

    All these workshops are subject to adaptation and customization based on

    the participants qualifications, managerial level and organizational needs.

    I- Leadership and Management Skills Workshop SeriesFlawless Consulting Skills

    Empowering Leadership: Personal and Organizational Requirements

    Leadership Traits and Management SkillsLeading High Performance Teams

    Diversity and Cultural SynergyChange Management

    Leading Board Effectively

    Coaching: Depth, Clarity and Responsibility

    Conflict Management

    Corporate Governance

    Business Ethics

    Strategic Thinking and PlanningBusiness Planning

    Mini MBA Program

    HR Management

    The Train The Trainer

    Supervisory Skills

    II- Communication and Interpersonal Skills Workshop SeriesEffective Communication Skills

    Team Building and Management Skills

    English Business Writing

    Presenting with Impact

    Negotiating wants and agreements

    Dealing with Others Assertively

    Solving Problems with Creative Minds

    The Lateral and Analytical Thinking

    Creativity Workshop

    Influencing Others

    Self Management

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    Synopses of Consulting Projects And Training Workshops

    CopyrightBeyond Consulting and Training 2009-201010

    Stress Management and Self Empowerment

    Applying Emotional Intelligence into the Business

    Mind Mapping and Brain Training

    Managing Time and Prioritizing Tasks

    C.A.R.E. Mindset A Customer ServiceNurturing Collaborative and Partnership Selling

    Account Management and Trust-Based Relationships

    III- Civic Participation Workshop SeriesCitizenship Education

    Electoral Systems

    Local Governance and Youth Participation

    Advocacy and Campaigning Skills

    Monitoring MethodologiesWomen Participation and Political SkillsNegotiation and Building Alliances

    IV- Civic Education SeriesLocal Governance and Active Participation (Curriculum)

    Active Citizenship (Curriculum)Youth Participation

    Political Participation and Influencing Strategies

    V- NGOs Capacity Building SeriesLeadership and Management Skills

    Internal Governance and Accountability

    Planning and Organization Skills

    Social Entrepreneurship (Curriculum)Community Development

    Volunteer Mobilization and Management

    Project Management

    Fundraising and Proposal Writing

    VI- Finance Skills Workshop SeriesAccounting and Budgeting Principles

    Finance for Non Financial People

    Investor Relations

    VII- Local Governance SeriesCommunity Development

    Relationship with the MediaMunicipal Code Workshop

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    Synopses of Consulting Projects And Training Workshops

    CopyrightBeyond Consulting and Training 2009-201011

    Electoral Law and Required Reforms

    Local Development Policy

    VIII-Advocacy & Campaigning SeriesStrategy and PlanningResearch Methods

    Research and Advocacy

    Advocacy and Lobbying Workshop

    Developing Campaign Messages Series

    IX- Political Development SeriesPolitical Party Development Workshop

    Policy Development Workshop

    Electoral Campaigning Workshop

    Building Coalitions Workshop

    Negotiation and Building Alliances WorkshopWomens Empowerment and Political Participation Workshop

    Assertiveness and Strategy Development Workshop

    Conflict Resolution Workshop

    Consensus Building Workshop

    X-Monitoring Methodologies SeriesElectoral MonitoringLegislative Monitoring

    Candidates Monitoring

    Municipalities and Local Government MonitoringMonitoring Policy Reform

    XI- Stakeholders Relations SeriesNGO-Constituency Relations

    International Organizations & Local Partners: Building Trust and

    Creating ImpactGovernment-Civil Society Relations : Moving towards CollaborativePartnerships

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    Synopses of Consulting Projects And Training Workshops

    CopyrightBeyond Consulting and Training 2009-201012


    The methodologies and learning approach that we employ are highly

    experiential. When we are engaged in consulting and training services, we makesure that we partner with our clients by involving client employees throughout

    the interventions to warrant that knowledge is being transferred into the clientorganization, and thus we reduce long-term dependence on external consultants

    and trainers, and we nourish and build the internal capabilities.

    All our consulting interventions and learning and development activities apply

    as well this experiential approach, with heavy emphasis on practice,simulations, role-plays and cases drawn from the real work environment, and

    job realities and situations.

    Furthermore, we use videotaping and debriefing to allow the participants to

    experience themselves in action and assess their own readiness for the desired


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    Synopses of Consulting Projects And Training Workshops

    CopyrightBeyond Consulting and Training 2009-2010


    Here are some of the organizations that have been served by our team. The list is testimony to

    our talent to help craft and implement successful change management programs supported by

    resourceful and innovative training styles and methods.

    Private Sector:

    Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank

    Algorithm - Lebanon

    AlicoLebanonAl Othman GroupSaudi Arabia

    Al Shaya Group - Kuwait

    Amex - Canada

    AXA Middle East

    Azadea Retail Group

    Azadea Hospitality, Food & BeverageBankers Assurance - Lebanon

    Bank of Beirut and Arab Countries - Lebanon

    Bank of Khartoum

    Bell Canada

    Bell MobilityCanadaBooz & Co.

    Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce

    Carlton Al Moaibed HotelSaudi ArabiaCiticorp

    Coca-Cola - International

    Daher GroupLebanon

    Domtar Pulp and Paper - CanadaFarra Design Center - Lebanon

    Freescale - Worldwide

    Hewlett Packard - Worldwide

    Hydro-Quebec - Canada

    Indevco GroupLebanonIntercontinental Bank - Lebanon

    Johnson & JohnsonInternationalKuwait Petroleum Corporation

    Lebanon and Gulf Bank

    Medicals InternationalMiddle EastManulife Financial - Canada

    Microcell - Canada


    National Bank of KuwaitNational Commercial BankSaudi ArabiaNapco GroupSaudi Arabia

    Nortel - Canada


    Pratt & Whitney Canada

    Price Waterhouse Coopers - Canada

    Royal Bank - Canada

    Sabis Educational ServicesMiddle EastSony of Canada

    Sultan Center - Kuwait

    Syncrude - Canada

    Update GarmentLebanonVia RailCanadaWalaa InsuranceSaudi Arabia

    KPCKuwaitZain - Kuwait

    Public Sector:Banque du Liban

    Iraqi Ministry of Human Rights

    Kuwaiti Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Kuwaiti Authority for Youth and Sports

    Lebanese Ministry of EducationLebanese Ministry of Social Affairs

    Lebanese Ministry of Environment

    Lebanese Ministry of Interior

    Office of the Minister of State for Administrative


    Myah El Bekaa Corporation - Lebanon

    Ontario Ministry of Industry

    National Council for Women

    Various Lebanese Municipalities

    Non-Governmental Organizations:United Nations Agencies

    European Union & Commission


    Lebanese Red Cross

    Save the ChildrenRelief International

    Catholic Relief Services

    Young Entrepreneurs Association

    Friedrich Ebert Foundation Projects

    Center for Research & Training for Development

    Injaz Lebanon

    Mercy Corps

    Catholic Relief Services

    National Democratic Institute