The Full hrottle SECCA November 2013 “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6 Have a little fun with this version of an old Christmas tune….You know how to do it.. On the 1st day of Christmas my pit crew gave to me….Some parts for my 4-50.. On the 2nd day of Christmas my pit crew gave to me…..2 brand new tires On the 3rd day of Christmas my pit crew gave to me 3 words of wisdom- ”Twist that throttle” On the 4th day of Christmas my pit crew gave to me… 4 sets of brake pads On the 5th day of Christmas my pit crew gave to me.. 5 gallllllons of gas On the 6th day of Christmas my pit crew gave to me.. 6 energy bars On the 7th day of Christmas my pit crew gave to me..7 jars of Vaseline On the 8th day of Christmas my pit crew gave to me.. 8 pairs of socks On the 9th day of Christmas my pit crew gave to me.. 9 bottles of water On the 10th day of Christmas my pit crew gave to me..10 prepaid entries On the 11th day of Christmas my pit crew gave to me.. 11 rolls of duct tape On the 12th day of Christmas my pit crew gave to me.. 12 metric wrenches… I hope each of you have a very Merry Christmas. Happy Birthday Jesus!! If you missed the race in Sarah, you missed a very good devotion delivered by Red before the adult race began. Our country needs more men to step up and take a stand. I encourage all of you who do go to these events to make an effort to attend the devotional time of the day and then think upon what you have heard and en- courage others to get involved. Remember Cody Phillips and family. His Grandmother passed away this past month. I have not heard of any new injuries to include on our prayer list but continue to remember all of our downed riders and each member of SEC- CA as well. At this time of year, be in prayer for families who have lost touch with relatives that they may rekindle relationships, that Christmas will be celebrated for the true mean- ing of the holiday, a big birthday party for our Savior and what He means to each of us. Continue to remember our Family Fund - spare change is great. And remember to get you a raffle ticket for the bike giveaway that will take place at the banquet.

SECCA · Braxton Donaldson finished 3rd. Gaines Henderson aced the Preteen class followed closely by Ian Bouwens and Caleb Lantrip. Pearce Yeargan was first up the hill in the Tadpoles

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Page 1: SECCA · Braxton Donaldson finished 3rd. Gaines Henderson aced the Preteen class followed closely by Ian Bouwens and Caleb Lantrip. Pearce Yeargan was first up the hill in the Tadpoles

The Full hrottle

SECCA November 2013

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of

Peace.” Isaiah 9:6

Have a little fun with this version of an old Christmas tune….You know how to do it..

On the 1st day of Christmas my pit crew gave

to me….Some parts for my 4-50.. On the 2nd day of Christmas my pit crew gave

to me…..2 brand new tires On the 3rd day of Christmas my pit crew gave

to me 3 words of wisdom- ”Twist that throttle” On the 4th day of Christmas my pit crew gave

to me… 4 sets of brake pads On the 5th day of Christmas my pit crew gave

to me.. 5 gallllllons of gas On the 6th day of Christmas my pit crew gave

to me.. 6 energy bars On the 7th day of Christmas my pit crew gave

to me..7 jars of Vaseline On the 8th day of Christmas my pit crew gave

to me.. 8 pairs of socks On the 9th day of Christmas my pit crew gave

to me.. 9 bottles of water On the 10th day of Christmas my pit crew gave

to me..10 prepaid entries On the 11th day of Christmas my pit crew gave

to me.. 11 rolls of duct tape On the 12th day of Christmas my pit crew gave

to me.. 12 metric wrenches…

I hope each of you have a very Merry Christmas.

Happy Birthday Jesus!!

If you missed the race in Sarah, you missed a very good devotion delivered by Red before the adult race began. Our country needs more men to step up and take a stand. I encourage all of

you who do go to these events to make an effort to attend the devotional time of the day and

then think upon what you have heard and en-courage others to get involved.

Remember Cody Phillips and family. His

Grandmother passed away this past month.

I have not heard of any new injuries to include on our prayer list but continue to remember all of our downed riders and each member of SEC-

CA as well. At this time of year, be in prayer for families who have lost touch with relatives

that they may rekindle relationships, that Christmas will be celebrated for the true mean-ing of the holiday, a big birthday party for our

Savior and what He means to each of us.

Continue to remember our Family Fund - spare change is great. And remember to get you a

raffle ticket for the bike giveaway that will take place at the banquet.

Page 2: SECCA · Braxton Donaldson finished 3rd. Gaines Henderson aced the Preteen class followed closely by Ian Bouwens and Caleb Lantrip. Pearce Yeargan was first up the hill in the Tadpoles

Sarah Kids and Ladies On the Gas, Gettin it Done

When calling to make room reservations for the harescramble recently held in the north-west corner of the state of Mississippi, I asked the lady on the other end of the phone line

if she knew how far it was from their motel to Sarah. She immediately broke out in laughter and asked me if I was sure there was going to be a race there. She was originally from Sarah and was surprised that anyone else had ever even heard of the town. She ex-plained that there was absolutely nothing there but a stop sign and a post office. When

arriving at the campground on Saturday morning after traveling just an hour and a half from Grenada, it didn’t matter that there was nothing in the area at all. All that mattered

was the atmosphere for racing, the perfect dirt, the beautiful landscape of trees and woods, and the hot competition were all there. Upon entering the campground, if you

looked straight ahead there was an overwhelming hill that was rutted out and really nasty looking. There were arrows teasing folks making you think you had to climb it. Thank-fully, it was just that, a tease. The real hill off the start was really cool and the kids had a blast coming around the turn on the start and heading up the first part of the race. The youngest class, the Tadpoles, had Pearce Yeargan up the hill first with Ensign and Trace Payne soon to follow. The ground was covered in freshly fallen leaves that made for some hidden obstacles that these youngsters found to be a little challenging but fun. Once again, the Alexander boys, Walker and Kyle, proved to be the fastest contenders in the first race as they blasted thru the course in record time with only 2 seconds separating them for the

most part of the race. Braxton Donaldson finished 3rd. Gaines Henderson aced the Preteen class followed closely by Ian Bouwens and Caleb Lantrip. Pearce Yeargan was first up the hill in the Tadpoles class and by the end of the day Ensign Payne had taken

the lead and rode very consistent to take with win for the day. Yeargan finished 2nd fol-lowed by Trace Payne. The second set of classes started up the same hill and turned in the opposite direction at the top to add about 2 miles to their course. Austin Anz led the en-

tire race until the last lap when he came upon a downed rider that he stopped to check on. Thankfully, Cassidy Ryan was not injured seriously but it did end her contention for the day. Anz continued on to finish 2nd only 14 seconds behind Mason Schofield. Juddson

Raia turned in a top notch performance to claim the final spot on the podium. Our “Holeshot Halli” didn’t have a very good start at this one as her bike didn’t start on the first kick and then the kick starter popped back in and had to be opened back up. New-

comer to SECCA racing, Mimi Gordon, grabbed the hole shot and led the way until Kallie Donovan made the move and took over the lead. Donovan led til the checkers and fin-ished with nearly a 2 minute window ahead of Melton and Gordon. Check out the web page for complete results. Great showing of good sportsmanship by all the contenders.


Page 3: SECCA · Braxton Donaldson finished 3rd. Gaines Henderson aced the Preteen class followed closely by Ian Bouwens and Caleb Lantrip. Pearce Yeargan was first up the hill in the Tadpoles

One Family Cleans House OUSLEY, CARTER, OUSLEY

No Broom Needed for the Sweep!!!

SDRA did an awe inspiring job of laying out a dynamic course that was filled with all kinds of fun terrain and obstacles that challenged even the bestest of riders. The course was the longest of the season that the contenders had to

tackle and it took the overall guys 1:10:24 to finish the first moto. And I say overall guys, because Cliff Ousley and Tyler Carter, the top 2 at the end of the day, crossed the checkers so close to each other that the transponders were both read with the same time. They were never separated by more

than a few seconds at any time during moto 1. Moto 2 would tell a different story as Ousley stretched out a little and had a fairly commanding lead at

the end of the day ahead of Carter and Neal Ousley, who finished 3rd in each moto. The Endurocross section proved to be a great spectator spot and even some of the fastest guys on the course had difficulties handling some of the

obstacles. The first rider, in Moto 1, to not tackle this section was David Howard, who opted to take the grass track instead. Howard had a great day

finishing on the podium in XC2 in the 2nd place position behind Brandon Jones. Hats off to Wade Umfress who started the endurocross and made it thru the first 5 obstacles just fine. Upon descending off the concrete slabs,

his bike went airborne and he landed flat of his back. Caught his breath and tried to continue on to the culvert pipes section. He decided it was best to re-treat and go around the grass section instead of losing that much more time trying to finish the obstacles. Thank The Lord no major injury occurred in

his fall. The Junior class was stacked with hot competition with Bryce Weaver taking moto 1 only to have trouble in moto 2 and finish 3rd on the day. Mason James rode solid to claim the win on the day by going 3-1 and Chandler Craig was very consistent going 2-2 for the second place finish on the day. Toby Jolly manned up for the Senior C win by being the only rider

in the class to complete 3 laps in each moto. Rob Hanks, Brian Cofield, Scott Cofield and Jesse Davis rounded out the top 5. Just as the leaders were crossing the checkers the rain started to fall and made for a slick last lap for the later classes. Thank you everyone for attending and putting on a great show for all of your fans. For complete results, check out the SECCA web


Page 4: SECCA · Braxton Donaldson finished 3rd. Gaines Henderson aced the Preteen class followed closely by Ian Bouwens and Caleb Lantrip. Pearce Yeargan was first up the hill in the Tadpoles

The Red Zone

Twist the Throttle Not God’s Arm

When you do not understand what it means to come under the law or to come under Grace, you can end up trying to twist God's arm with your ef-forts to convince him that you deserve a breakthrough or miracle from Him. Do you really think that because you fasted for 21 days, or prayed for 12 straight hours, that God has to answer your prayers? Are you trying to twist God's arm with your works? I tried this method for years because I was taught wrong. My friends, the only reason that God answers our prayers to-day is because of the finished work of Jesus. God is a debtor to no man. Our efforts to pray long, hard prayers and our fasting don't impress Him. No man can deserve God's blessings by his self-efforts. It is not about our sacrifices. It is about His sacrifice. All God sees is the work of His Son on the cross; and by the virtue of Je-sus, all His blessings and His miracle working power is yours when you be-lieve on His Son. Galatians 5:3 says... He who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you, does He do it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Look at all the people who received miracles from Jesus during His min-istry on earth. Not a single one of them deserved it. They did nothing to earn their miracles. They simply received their miracles because of His Grace. On the other hand, we don't see anyone who was trying to deserve blessings from God--- The Pharisees--- receive anything from Jesus. Remember, don't try and twist God's arm. Just see His Grace. And when you see His Grace, He will see your faith.

Twist the throttle, not God's arm!!!

Page 5: SECCA · Braxton Donaldson finished 3rd. Gaines Henderson aced the Preteen class followed closely by Ian Bouwens and Caleb Lantrip. Pearce Yeargan was first up the hill in the Tadpoles

Kallie Donovan “Air Time”

Lap One Moto 1—”Who comes out ahead on the other end? Monroe, Barr or Lewis???

Wade Umfress

Cliff Ousley The Way He Rolls

Jordan Pearce Dallas Prescott Justin Crane Jay Campbell Johnny Crane As placed 1-5 250 C Podium

Johnny Crane was a true sportsman here at Sarah as he stopped his forward progress to stop and help downed rider Mike Land when he saw Land’s bike on top of him. Crane still managed to finish in the top 5 and be pictured by Justin.

Page 6: SECCA · Braxton Donaldson finished 3rd. Gaines Henderson aced the Preteen class followed closely by Ian Bouwens and Caleb Lantrip. Pearce Yeargan was first up the hill in the Tadpoles






Do you have a special reason for running the number that you use on your front number plate? If so, please tell us..

It's the number of the road I live on. Rudy Ferguson

My number is very special to me! It has several special life changing events. My engagement to my won-derful husband was on Feb 22, mar-ried that wonder man on May 22, my sweet daughter was born on January 22 and my son Jaden which is a joy to our family is to graduate in the year 22. So when deciding on a num-ber plate 22 was the only number that came to mind. I even chose my favorite supercross racer bc his num-ber was 22 ( Chad Reed). Some think I chose my number bc of Chad Reed but not the case.

Brandi Peters

625 ( June 25th) is my beauti-ful wife's birthday, & our wed-ding anniversary.

Wayne Raia

Yes. I have 307, Patrick has 313...the two roads in front of our house. You gotta repre-sent. haha

Dylan Smith Patrick Smith 313

I, Jason run the #17 be-cause it is my birthday and the number has stuck with me since i was a kid in all the sports i played and also in motocross. Marlena #31 was her sports # in high school. Jason and Marlena Marske

Lance Hoover

Actually I do. Back in 2005 before I ever did my first race I couldn't think of a number to put on my old rm 65. So one day on the way home from school the song "I can't drive 55" came on the radio and I was like that's gunna be my number!

Very good question,I raced The gncc series for three years. My first season I raced 200 C. Going from racing Sera,Setra,and a few Mid South Races this was an eye opener for me. That year at one race we had 72 riders line up in my class. Traveling the whole series all over the east coast was very special to me the very first year.I only had other people join me in 5 races,Okeechobee Fl,Echoconee Ga,Big buck South Carolina and Loretta Lynn's.My dad called me from Tennes-see and asked if I would pick him up on the way to the next race at Sparta Ky.Having my father join me for only the second time out of the whole time of my racing career was very special to me.After that I was solo,being the driver,racer and mechanic.I met and raced with some great people that year. You may have hear of Jimmy or Chuck Woodford, several years later they went on to make a name in GNCC,s.Chuck be-came the mechanic for Suzuki backed factory rider Jimmy Jarret.Once at the John Pen-ton,they were giving out trophies they called my name and I went on stage to receive it.As I came off the trailer a guy stopped me and asked me what part of Alabama I was from. I told him I was from a place he probably never heard of before. I told him Trussville,Al. He then told me that was where he graduated high school from.Small world huh?A lot of the long time riders will know this guy by the name of Terry Cunningham.By the end of the series I earned the 6 th spot in the series in 200 c with the over-all national number 193. doesn't sound like much until you figure that there were 700 to 1200 riders in the motorcycle class on Sun-day.This number to me reminds me of so many good memories,friends and experiences that I had that year.I went on and raced for several more years and earned the national number 81. I chose to stick with 193 and it has followed me ever since.It also makes me proud to see that when my youngest daughter started racing I told her she could choose whatever number she want-ed. She chose 194! That made this father smile! Sorry for being so long but I figured you would enjoy that story.

Aaron Baldwin 193

17 31

Heather and I just moved to Ala-bama from Florida in August. I've raced for almost 20years and I have always used # 411, but it was not available in the SECCA series, so I went with #108. It doesn't have a special meaning like 411. Brian McCall 108