Branding and Marking Manual For Grant Partners Ambassador’s Fund Grant Program (AFGP)

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Branding and Marking


For Grant Partners

Ambassador’s Fund Grant

Program (AFGP)


October 2017

The Ambassador’s Fund Grant Program is being implemented with support from the American People through

the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of this report are the responsibility of

the Trust for Democratic Education and Accountability (TDEA), and do not necessarily reflect the views of

USAID or the U.S. Government.


Grant Partner Branding and Marking Manual

This manual set out the standards and gives guidance to the grant partners of the USAID Ambassador’s

Fund Grant Program. The guidelines set out in this manual are compulsory for all grant partners of

the Ambassador’s Fund Grant Program. These guidelines are in accordance with the USAID

Automated Directive Systems (ADS) 320.

I. Standard Graphic Identity

The following Standard Graphic Identity of USAID is to be used by the grant partners of the

Ambassador’s Fund Grant Program to mark all program / project activities and public communications.

See samples at https://www.usaid.gov/branding/translated-brandmarks/country-brand-region#afgpak.



2. Approvals

All grant partners of the USAID Ambassador’s Fund Grant Program are required to seek prior

approvals from the Ambassador’s Fund Grant Program Communications and Media unit for all

programmatic communications materials, which include but are not limited to, advertisements, press

releases, fact sheets, brochures, backdrops and banners, plaques, flyers, posters, media campaigns, and

any promotional materials, etc.

3. Social Media

The grant partner may use social media as a tool for outreach and promotion of project activities,

including their existing platforms, the USAID/Pakistan platforms, or both. The grant partner may

develop a project page on any social media platform like Facebook and may display the USAID logo.

The presence of the disclaimer on the page in a clearly visible position is necessary. On any such page,

the grant partner must mention that the project being implemented is funded by the United States

Agency for International Development (USAID) under its Ambassador’s Fund Grant Program.


4. Branding and Marking Guidelines

For all materials, printed and electronic matter (such as publications, public project communications,

banners and other signs, plaques, certificates, promotional products, etc.) designed and developed by

the grant partner to be used for the promotion and to increase visibility of the project among its

target audience, the grant partner will use the guidance set forth in this Branding and Marking Manual.

This includes the use of the USAID Identity and the U.S. flag, as well as color scheme, design and

typeface for all project materials.

4.1. Administrative

All administrative materials – which include, but are not limited to business cards, letterheads, official

vehicles, project office premises, employment contracts, job advertisement, fax communications,

administrative forms, procurement documents, sub-grantee administrative correspondence, etc. –

may not be marked with the USAID Identity and/or the USAID Ambassador’s Fund Grant Program

identity in any manner.

The grant partner in all official administrative correspondence may, if necessary, add a brief

introduction stating that the project is funded by the United States Agency for International

Development (USAID) under its Ambassador’s Fund Grant Program.

4.2. Programmatic

4.2.1. Project Deliverables and Public Communications Relevant project deliverables and public communications materials include, but are not limited

to research and promotional materials produced under the project, including studies, reports,

papers, websites, Public Service Announcements (PSAs), audio-visual productions, and other

promotional, informational, media or communications products funded by the USAID

Ambassador’s Fund Grant Program.

Materials produced for events under the project might include banners, press releases,

certificates and printed materials for training sessions, conferences, seminars, workshops,

press conferences, and other public activities.

4.2.2. Program Materials Program materials are communications that target beneficiaries with specific messages, such

as “Protect Pakistan’s diverse languages” or “Be prepared for natural disasters.” They often

use cartoons, illustrations, or other graphic techniques to simplify communications.

All program materials need to be branded and marked with the USAID Identity to

acknowledge the U.S. Government’s support and funding.


4.3. Project Name and Use of Acronyms The Ambassador’s Fund Grant Program should always be referred to as the USAID Ambassador’s

Fund Grant Program. The acronym AFGP may be used in addition to the full name for any project

related materials used by grant partners, including internal and external communication.

The grant partner also may use the full name and acronym for the United States Agency for

International Development (USAID) and its own project / organization name.

4.4. USAID Graphic Identity Guidelines The USAID Standard Graphic Identity (Identity) is an official U.S. Government symbol, and any

alteration, distortion, re-creation, translation (other than the tagline), or misuse is strictly prohibited.

The Identity includes both the logo and brandmark. It is to be used on all Agency communications.

On rare occasions, size, shape, space, or visibility may dictate the use of just the logo or brandmark

on certain visual media.

The USAID Identity is only to be arranged in the two formats – vertical and horizontal – shown on

these pages. It may not appear on the same page of a document or on-screen presentation in any

other arrangement. A number of digital file formats are available at www.usaid.gov/branding.





Circles, Agency name, USAID, Circles, Agency name, USAID, All: 100% Process Black

Stars: USAID Blue Stars: USAID Blue BRANDMARK:

Bars: USAID Red Bars: USAID Red US and tagline: 100%

Handclasp: 100% Black Handclasp: 100% Black Process Black


US and tagline: USAID Blue US, tagline: USAID Blue



A minimum size has been established for the standard Graphic Identity to ensure legibility. This

size is only intended to be used for business cards. For translation of the tagline into local language,

a comparable but legible minimum size must be created.

Minimum height of horizontal Identity = 10 MM

Minimum width of horizontal Identity = 34 MM



An absolute minimum size has been established for the USAID Identity to ensure legibility in all

on-screen applications.

Minimum height of on-screen horizontal

Identity = 70 pixels

Minimum width of on-screen horizontal

Identity = 238 pixels


To accurately reproduce the USAID Identity, the logo and brandmark must be scaled and placed

in relation to each other exactly as shown here.

H = Height of USAID name and tagline

W = Width of USAID in logo


A minimum area within and surrounding the Identity must be kept clear of any other typography

as well as graphic elements such as photographs, illustrations, thematic images and patterns, and

the trim edge of a printed piece. More than the minimum clear space is encouraged if applications

provide the opportunity.

Minimum clear space on all sides is equal to

height of the name, regardless of the

language of the tagline. Within the

rectangle so described, the entire area is

clear space.

H = Height of brand name

W = Width of brand name



An absolute minimum size has been An absolute minimum size has been

established for the logo to ensure established for the logo to ensure legibility

legibility in print applications. in on-screen applications.

Minimum height of printed logo = 12 MM Minimum height of printed logo = 70 pixels

Minimum width of printed logo = 12MM Minimum width of printed logo = 70 pixels

4.5. Identity with Translated Taglines US and tagline: USAID Blue


USAID must remain in English at all times. The tagline may be translated into local

languages. The tagline should be translated into local languages without altering its meaning or

message. For consistency, there should be one standard translation for each language. The local-

language tagline should be set in a typeface that matches the brandmark as closely as possible. The

standard USAID Identity with Urdu tagline which may be used is as follows:

4.6. Correct Identity Usage When used on co-branded materials, program materials, or other items, it may be necessary to print

the USAID Identity on a color background. It is never acceptable to change the colors of the Identity,

but the Identity may be overprinted on light shades of color that do not make it illegible. Below are

some examples of how the Identity may be used correctly, when displayed on a color background.

The reasons the examples below are correct are: The clear space is observed; the color combinations

are correct; the minimum size is observed; and the color background is white.


4.7. Incorrect Identity Usage The only correct use of the USAID Identity is as shown on the previous pages, as horizontal Identity

and vertical Identity. Any other color combination or arrangement is not allowed. The logo and

brandmark may never be broken apart when used on the same page of any printed or on-screen

communication. A few incorrect examples are shown below.


4.8. Placement


Identity must be placed in upper Request lower-left placement on Place Identity where

left area, in a white field, on all co-branded communications appropriate; lower left

Agency-funded communications; placement is preferred.

horizontal grid must be used. Identity must be of equal size Identity must be of equal

and prominence with all others. size and prominence with

all others.

4.9. Color Palette USAID has standards for reproducing colors so they will always look consistent, no matter where

they appear. For example, the brandmark and logo should be reproduced in full color – USAID Blue,

USAID Red, and Solid Black – whenever possible.

These colors should be employed throughout any communications and are equivalent to the

PANTONE® numbers listed in the table below. For four-color process printing, refer to the CMYK

values shown. For desktop publishing, such as Microsoft ® Word or Microsoft PowerPoint ®, refer to

RGB (print/onscreen). For Web applications, refer to the RGB Web values or Hexadecimal Web


The PANTONE and CMYK values provided can be used on both coated and uncoated paper when

printing. Although variations in color will occur, try to match the colors as closely as possible. For

applications in color systems not included here, use the PANTONE values for color matching. (See

the next page.)


4.10. Font One primary font, namely Gill Sans, is to be used for all printed publications:

Arial font may be used when the Gill Sans font family is not available.


4.11. Disclaimer All studies, reports, publications, project related web site/web page, and all information and

promotional products by the grant partner will contain the following provision:

English Disclaimer:

Month Year (e.g., August 2013) [Note: Use the current date for all materials.]

This report was made possible with support from the American people through the U.S. Agency for

International Development (USAID). The contents are the sole responsibility of the (Organization /

Partner Name) and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of U.S. Agency for International

Development or the U.S. Government.

Urdu Disclaimer:

4.12. Brand Applications The Standard Graphic Identity of the USAID Ambassador’s Fund Grant Program should be applied to

a variety of printed or manufactured materials and on-screen communications. Size, shape, or visibility

may necessitate using the logo or brandmark alone. The guidelines shown earlier in this manual must

be followed without exception. Following are some examples of applications that may be branded.

4.12.1. Publications All grant partners must ensure that project publications – and other designed communications

such as newsletters, exhibits, and posters – use the Standard Graphic Identity as well as the

color palette and typography.


4.12.2. Event Materials Events materials may include, but are not limited to banners, folders, invitations, award

certificates, note cards, etc.

Banners should be used to brand an event. Banners may be used to detail the event.

Banners may also be used to acknowledge partners, etc.

Note regarding the samples below that USAID is no longer using the blue strip

with Roshan Pakistan featured below. The new slogan is “Together We Can.”

Additional guidance will be provided to grant partners.

(NOTE: The outline / border on both images above are only to allow separation

of images from the document. Do not use any borders / outlines for any event

materials, including banners, posters, etc.)


4.12.3. Promotional Materials The Standard Graphic Identity, logo or brand mark may be placed on promotional items; size,

shape, space, and visibility will dictate which to use. Color and clear space specifications must

be followed at all times.

4.12.4. DVD and CD Covers DVD and CD covers should contain the USAID Identity in the upper left, contained in a white

field with or one or two bars tall.

4.13. Imagery Imagery is an integral and vital part of USAID communications. Visual Imagery – specifically

photography – conveys the spirit and energy of our efforts. One powerful, relevant photograph might

be used to attract attention on the product, as the examples here show:

(NOTE: The outline / border on both images above are only to allow separation of

images from the document. Do not use any borders / outlines for any promotional

materials, etc.)

Since imagery will be used in applications from print to the web, we must ensure that it consistently

captures the best of our work and showcases our success. Following our guidelines will ensure that

our communications have a recognizable look.

When preparing or selecting imagery, keep in mind these guidelines:

Focus on positive aspects of project efforts.

Demonstrate “aid in action.”

Ensure relevancy to the story.


Include “who, what, when, where, and why” of photos in captions.

Credit the photographer.

Show people looking at the camera, whenever possible, to connect emotionally with the


Select images that are in focus and that are colorful and bright.

Use high resolution photos only.

Although using imagery to support your message is strongly recommended, using an image that is

unclear, both in terms of quality or subject matter, may hamper the clarity of your message and cause

harm to the USAID brand. If no high-quality, clear and powerful image is available, it may be better to

create a design that is built around typographic treatments, rather than a layout that relies on


Correct Image Usage:

Show positive benefits

Focus on success

Establish the quality of assistance

Demonstrate personal impact

Show the brand in context

Incorrect Image Usage:

Avoid stagnant shots of buildings

Avoid duotone photos and images that showcase despair

Avoid photos in which the activity is unclear, no emotion is displayed, or the individuals

pictured are merely standing in front of a sign.

4.14. Video

Branding of project videos by sub-grantees will reflect the updated USAID guidance on videos,

including the usage of a “bumper” at the end, which will be provided by the USAID/Pakistan

Development Outreach and Communication representative. See the USAID Video and Photography

Style Guide for more information at https://www.usaid.gov/branding/resources and



5. Templates

A series of mandatory communications templates is being developed for common items such as press

releases and folders. These and other templates will be available in Microsoft Word file format for

download from the Ambassador’s Fund Grant Program webpage. NOTE: Most of the examples

below are for the USAID Citizens’ Voice Project and will be adapted for the USAID

Ambassador’s Fund Grant Program and for AFGP grant partners.

5.1. Report Cover

(NOTE: The outline / border on the images above are only to allow separation of

images from the document. Do not use any borders / outlines for any report cover,



5.2. Press Release

NOTE: Press Releases sent to the media by a grant partner can only have the

partner organization logo, not the USAID Identity or U.S. flag. The AFGP will amend the sample below and provide additional guidance to grant partners.

(NOTE: The outline / border on the image above is only to allow separation of the

image from the document. Do not use any borders / outlines for any press release,



5.3. Fact Sheet

(NOTE: The outline / border on the image above is only to allow separation of the

image from the document. Do not use any borders / outlines for any fact sheet, etc.)


5.4. Success Story

(NOTE: The outline / border on the image above is only to allow separation of the

image from the document. Do not use any borders / outlines for any success story,



5.5. Certificate

5.6. PowerPoint Presentation

(NOTE: The outline / border on all images above are only to allow separation of the

images from the document. Do not use any borders / outlines for any certificate,

PowerPoint presentation, etc.)


5.7. Folder

(NOTE: The outline / border on the image above is only to allow separation of the

image from the document. Do not use any borders / outlines for any folder, etc.)