Brand Report - Cadbury

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This report contains brand audit of cadbury choclates

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Cadbury dairy milk


brand Audit of Cadbury Dairy Milk

To: Sir. Amir SaeedInstitute of Business ManagementKorangi Creek, Karachi

Submitted by:Amna Saleem Khan (13115)Ahsan Afzal (12970) Maryam Saya (12774)Zainab Lakhani (12971)Zohaib Sohail (13099)

Submission Date: 27th March, 2015

Contents1Letter of Transmittal2Letter of Acknowledgement2Brief History and Introduction of Cadbury and Dairy Milk3Brand Audit5Brands direct competitiors9Brands INdirect competitiors10Cadburys Market SHARE11bRAND AWARENESS13Brand Awareness AND VISIBILITY14BrandS Competitive advantage15Brand Compared with others17Private Labels22

Letter of TransmittalSir. Amir Saeed,Faculty,Institute of Business Management (IoBM),Karachi.

April 28th, 2014

Dear Mr. Saeed:Please accept our Brand Management report on Brand Audit of Cadbury Dairy Milk.The purpose of writing this report is to understand the important concepts which highlight Brand Management. The brand audit of Cadbury Dairy Milk allowed us to understand and learn the efforts required to establish a brand in the market while at the same time make it endearing to the consumers. We would like to acknowledge your guidance and support and would also like to express our heartfelt gratitude for giving us the opportunity to learn which we feel would be greatly helpful in our future endeavors.Your intelligence and good judgment is highly appreciated that has helped us in compiling the information in the form of a report.Sincerely,Amna Saleem Khan Ahsun Afzal Maryam Saya Zainab Lakhani Zohaib Sohail

Letter of AcknowledgementFirst and foremost we'd like to thank Almighty Allah who gave us the strength and knowledge to complete this report. We would also like to thank our course instructor Sir. Saeed, for assigning such an interesting project which has enhanced our analytical skills. We really want to appreciate her efforts for teaching us Brand Management, like we have never been taught before, for making every class interesting and for her valuable support and guidance.We have made our best effort to cover all aspects required to compile this report and hope that all information is relevant and comprehensive.

Brief History and Introduction of Cadbury and Dairy MilkCadburyCadbury is a British multinational confectionery company owned by Mondelz International. It is the second largest confectionery brand in the world after Wrigley's. Cadbury is headquartered in Uxbridge, London, and operates in more than fifty countries worldwide.Cadbury is best known for its confectionery products including the Dairy Milk chocolate, the Creme Egg, and the Roses selection box.Cadbury was established in Birmingham in 1824, by John Cadbury who sold tea, coffee and drinking chocolate. Cadbury developed the business with his brother Benjamin, followed by his sons Richard and George. George developed the Bournville estate, a model village designed to give the company's workers improved living conditions. Dairy Milk chocolate, introduced in 1905, used a higher proportion of milk within the recipe compared with rival products. By 1914, the chocolate was the company's best-selling product.Cadbury merged with J. S. Fry & Sons in 1919 and Schweppes in 1969. Cadbury was a constant constituent of the FTSE 100 from the index's 1984 inception until the company was bought by Kraft Foods in 2010Dairy MilkCadbury Dairy Milk is a brand of milk chocolate currently manufactured by Cadbury, except in the United States where it is made by Mondelz International. It was introduced in the United Kingdom in 1905 and now consists of a number of products. Every product in the Dairy Milk line is made with exclusively milk chocolate.In June 1905 in England, Cadbury made its first Dairy Milk bar, with a higher proportion of milk than previous chocolate bars, and it became the company's best-selling product by 1914. George Cadbury Junior, responsible for the development of the bar, has said "All sorts of names were suggested: Highland Milk, Jersey and Dairy Maid. But when a customers daughter suggested Dairy Milk, the name stuck." Fruit and Nut was introduced as part of the Dairy Milk line in 1928, soon followed by Whole Nut in 1933. By this point, Cadbury's was the brand leader in the United Kingdom. In 1928, Cadbury's introduced the "glass and a half" slogan to accompany the Dairy Milk bar, to advertise the bar's higher milk content. In September 2012, Cadbury made the decision to change the shape of the bar chunks to a more circular shape in order to reduce the weight. The bar had not seen such a significant change in shape since 1905.Cadbury Pakistan has grown consistently since its exception in 1993. It has a manufacturing plant in Hub and enjoys a strong presence in the Pakistani confectionary market with products including Dairy Milk, clairs, Chocki, Bubbly and Perk.Vision and Mission:Cadburys vision statement is Working together to create bonds, people loveand its mission is to commit to long term developmentof the chocolate industry in Pakistan through substantial foreign capital infusion, category management, local infrastructure and talent development. Product Line:

Brand AuditChocolateswhich were considered expensive once have now become affordable by one and all. Most of thechocolate brandsin Pakistan produce chocolates in different sizes that are priced according to their sizes. Dairy Milk in Pakistan has slowly and steadily tried to provide itself as a substitute toMitthaior traditional sweets. Due to the increasing levels of socialconsciousness,people prefer giftingwellwrapped chocolatepackets rather than sweets on occasions and festivals. Taking advantage of thissituation, Dairy Milk in Pakistan has concentrated on changing itspackaging giving the chocolate a premium look for specific occasions.Withsocio-economicchanges rapidly taking place, the young and not so young population led a newlife styleand chocolate eating is definitely expected to be widespread and acceptable. There has been a significant growth in the middle class, with 5.8 million people having upgraded to the quoted middle class which are the potential consumers of the lifestyle confectionery products.Therefore, more than 75per centof chocolate purchases are impulse. Chocolate consumption in India and Pakistan has changed since 2005. The conclusion can be drawn that chocolates are for all and its consumption depends on the perception of the consumers who consume chocolates. Cadbury and Nestle are the leading chocolate companies that are present in the market withgiant percentage share.A project was undertaken in the subcontinent region to understand the perception and behavior of consumers, retail outlet personnel and corporate for thecompeting confectionery companies: Cadbury and Nestle. The project hypothesiswas conceivedas Cadbury brands are perceived better than Nestle brands. Bourneville is considered as a luxury product, Dairy Milk is to enjoy a moment and KitKatis for taking a break to the consumers. The study is based on the primary as well as secondary data. The secondary datawas gatheredto understand and conclude on the perception on the social networks and the factual market analysis. The study depended mainly on the primary data collected through a well-framed and structured questionnaire to elicit the well-considered opinions of the respondents.The sample population includes 60 consumers, 35 retail shops and 35 corporate. The consumers were given 2 sections inquestionnaire; General section and Nestle and Cadbury comparison. Retail shop personnel were not given questionnaire but interviewed to obtain their insights on the brand perception. Questionnaire method for retail personnel was not used because theydid not hadtime, many were not literate but they had market knowledge and Interview method was precise and accurate to obtain the market insights. Corporate opinion and views on the confectionery brands were obtained from their blogs, newsletters and online portals like LinkedIn. The observations and data obtained were analyzed to obtain market insights and strategy of the company to create such perception among the stakeholders.In this study the problem pertains among thevariablei.e.; what isgeneral behaviorof consumer and the extent of brand loyalty and influence of one variable of from thedata. As the study is related to the study of consumer behavior and perception toward chocolates so the research design used was descriptive studywithuseof both qualitative and quantitativedesign. All the respondents were approached on the basis of simple random sampling in convenientmarket placeto ensure the accuracy & precision of results. The corporate opinions and views were collected from online portals LinkedIn and the blogs. The information gathered through the questionnaires was analyzed and inferred to understand the perception ofchocolate industry.The observations from the consumer questionnaire concluded that Cadbury brands are on the top of therespondentsmind. Cadbury iswell known brand and perceived asbetter chocolate brandeven after the worm issue that had negative impacton the brand image forlong period. Nestle brand is known but not on the top of the mind.Kit Katis a well-known brand among other in Nestle.Therespondentsfeed-backprovided the insight that chocolate purchase behavior is impulsive or event-based. The consumers do watch advertisements and get influenced to buy for some time but the impulse purchase is more often than the advertisement trigger for chocolate. The brands known or perceived as better quality are more often bought based on the events. Habitual chocolate consumers do buy same chocolates where the brands play an important role. Cadbury brands have more visibility and advertisements that influence the consumers to buy chocolates. Dairy Milk is the most common brand purchased by the respondents.

Chocolate taste, quality and availability were the major factors influencing the buying behavior of the chocolates. Consumers mostly go for the chocolates that have sweet cocoa taste that is mostly in the Dairy Milk. Bourneville is a dark chocolate and mostly preferred by females during particular occasions. Bourneville is also used to present as gift for some well-achieved occasion in schools and colleges. 50% respondents agreed that flavor do influence their purchase behavior of chocolate. Kit Kat having crunchy wafer inside is also preferred by many respondents as it is perceived as just a treat product that can be consumed for fun.

The important influencers to buy new chocolates apart from impulse were advertisements and personality of the consumer who experiments the features of chocolates. Friends, colleagues or neighbor consumption in peer influence are the most common influencer to buy chocolates. Apart from these shape, color and packaging of chocolates also have impact on the consumption of the chocolates. Consumers perceive the chocolates should be creative but have taste that is familiar. This is one reason for the success of Dairy Milk in the market.The interview from retail outlet personnel was accurate in getting a perfect understanding of the industry. Based on the interview it was inferred that the consumers usually buy chocolates when they see them or in exchange of the unavailable coins. Cadbury and Nestle chocolates were mostly bought by the female adults or students. During festivals the Celebrations pack of Cadbury was mostly purchased, so they say that Cadbury had successfully replaced the mithai during festival. The Cadbury Celebrations pack was mostly used as gifts. Bourneville is said to be perceived as a chocolate that has to be earned and consumed. Many students or children and adults buy Dairy milk on a regular basis. Perk and Kitkat both were purchased by the consumers to consume themselves.

Total 35 blogs and online portals were used to collect data and infer the corporate insights on the chocolate market and the consumer perception. The reviews inferred Cadbury as undoubted market leader in Indian chocolate industry. Nestle is perceived to be as an alternative to Cadbury and not as a separate brand. The consumers were well informed on the Cadbury chocolates and brand that Cadbury is perceived as the only chocolate available. Cadburys Dairy Milk has become acronym for chocolates in Pakistan. The brand communication and image of Cadbury in Pakistan is much stronger than Nestle. Nestle is slowly building its brand presence and communicating by advertisement that has achieved much success but still its a long way for Nestle to truly become a competitor of Cadbury in Pakistan.Consumers perceive that the chocolates should be creative but have taste that is familiar. This was one major reason for the success of Dairy Milk in the market. Cadbury brand Dairy Milk has maximum visibility on the counter that influences the purchase. Loyal consumers in chocolates however are rare as consumers do buy new chocolates but not as frequently as their earlier brands.Cadbury Dairy Milk in Pakistan has different varieties catering to different tastes. Its improved glossy/shiny packaging, extensive distribution system, range of pricing for different sizes and a brand personality of being sincere and competent has contributed towards creating a perception that Dairy Milk is a leader in the confectionary market and therefore a high quality brand.Brands direct competitiorsCadbury Dairy Milk is primarily associated in Pakistan with relationships. Be it husband/wife, brother/sister, fianc/fiance, the chocolate brand is associated with interactions, affiliations and celebrating moments. It is that chocolate which enhances a moment/occasion be it by declaring love or amending relations. Enforcing timeless family values such as being caring, emotional, togetherness and sharing happiness, Dairy Milk is associated with the good times. Other than that a survey conducted in Pakistan amongst university students provided the following words which they though associated with Dairy Milk:

The words that stand out are the color purple which is strongly associated with Dairy Milk alone because of its unique packaging. Milk is another word which stands out along with Dairy, as Dairy Milk is produced with a specific proportion of milk. Other than that the brand proclaims to produce chocolate containing more milk other than any other milk chocolate.

\\Brands INdirect competitiors

Cadburys Market Share

Cadbury Dairy Milk is the market leader in the chocolate category. This brand has been winning the hearts of consumers worldwide for 200 years simply by exceeding their expectations. Cadbury Dairy Milk has been established as the smoothest, creamiest, milk chocolate in Pakistan, with a glass and a half of milk in every half pound. Our consumers get more out of Cadbury Dairy Milk and when that happens, your perspective on life shifts even if it is for a moment everything looks and feels different, better and more positive. That is what Cadbury Dairy Milk is all about; that life is better experienced as a glass and a half full.

The confectionery market in Pakistan had been built around low price points; chocolates and candies were seen as pre-teen products and adult consumption was much lower than it was in the affinity markets. Cadbury has played a significant role in changing these market dynamics and establishing consumption especially that of chocolate in the adult segment and at higher price points like Rs .10 and above. We still have a long way to go but we have taken leaps and bounds in the right direction.Cadbury Dairy Milk in Pakistan is made from the same 200-year-old brand recipe using the highest quality ingredients. The company takes pride in the fact that Pakistani Cadbury Dairy Milk is as good as that made in any other country.

Brand Awareness

Brand awareness is the ability of consumers to recognize a brand when they see your product, packaging or logo. For example when you see that chocolate in purple packaging, you think of Cadbury Dairy Milk. Cadbury Dairy Milk enjoys a high level of brand awareness amongst the masses with unaided recall. Therefore the brand relishes the position of top of mind in the consumers mind.Brand recognition is so important because people buy from brands they know and trust. Given the choice between a Cadburys chocolate bar and an unheard of brand of chocolate, most people would choose Cadburys, as they know the brand and they know what theyll get.While people are cautious with their money nowadays, sometimes they would rather spend more money buying from a brand they trust, rather than spending less on a brand theyve never used before. The brand theyve never used before may not live up to their expectations or provide the results they were after, which would be viewed as a waste of money.When you see that shade of purple, you automatically think of Cadburys, you dont have to think about it, you recognize the color and associate it with Cadburys automatically.Over the past few years weve seen many supermarket own-brands imitating well known and established brands. Similar packaging can fool consumers into purchasing a supermarket brand product rather than the genuine brand product that they actually intended to buy.Whether consumers are genuinely fooled by copycat packaging, or are fully aware that they arent the same brand but choose to buy it because it looks the same yet its cheaper is irrelevant because established brands are losing out on sales. Being able to secure their own shade of purple reduces the chance of Cadburys losing sales to copycat brands.Apart from that consistent logos displayed on all consumer touch points of Cadbury and Dairy Milk has resulted in the consumers being highly aware of the brand.Bottom of FormBrand Awareness AND VISIBILITY

Brand awareness is the ability of consumers to recognize a brand when they see your product, packaging or logo. For example when you see that chocolate in purple packaging, you think of Cadbury Dairy Milk. Cadbury Dairy Milk enjoys a high level of brand awareness amongst the masses with unaided recall. Therefore the brand relishes the position of top of mind in the consumers mind.Brand recognition is so important because people buy from brands they know and trust. Given the choice between a Cadburys chocolate bar and an unheard of brand of chocolate, most people would choose Cadburys, as they know the brand and they know what theyll get.While people are cautious with their money nowadays, sometimes they would rather spend more money buying from a brand they trust, rather than spending less on a brand theyve never used before. The brand theyve never used before may not live up to their expectations or provide the results they were after, which would be viewed as a waste of money.When you see that shade of purple, you automatically think of Cadburys, you dont have to think about it, you recognize the color and associate it with Cadburys automatically.Over the past few years weve seen many supermarket own-brands imitating well known and established brands. Similar packaging can fool consumers into purchasing a supermarket brand product rather than the genuine brand product that they actually intended to buy.Whether consumers are genuinely fooled by copycat packaging, or are fully aware that they arent the same brand but choose to buy it because it looks the same yet its cheaper is irrelevant because established brands are losing out on sales. Being able to secure their own shade of purple reduces the chance of Cadburys losing sales to copycat brands.Apart from that consistent logos displayed on all consumer touch points of Cadbury and Dairy Milk has resulted in the consumers being highly aware of the brand.BrandS COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE

Cadbury Dairy Milk is primarily associated in Pakistan with relationships. Be it husband/wife, brother/sister, fianc/fiance, the chocolate brand is associated with interactions, affiliations and celebrating moments. It is that chocolate which enhances a moment/occasion be it by declaring love or amending relations. Enforcing timeless family values such as being caring, emotional, togetherness and sharing happiness, Dairy Milk is associated with the good times. Brand awareness is the ability of consumers to recognize a brand when they see your product, packaging or logo.

Dairy Milk being the most popular chocolate brand in Pakistan has highly loyal consumers falling firmly in the categories of committed and passively loyal on the brand loyalty hierarchy. Being a market leader in terms of value and volume, Dairy Milk has been able to retain its core customers over the years.Cadbury falls under the class of confectionary items and is one of the leading companies in the confectionary item industry with its reach in more than 50 countries globally. It is widely recognized for its competitive edge in this particular industry and how it differentiates itself from its competitors by using innovative and heart-warming strategies that connect to the consumers.The main essence behind the success story of Cadbury is by providing their customers with functional benefits such as richness and creaminess and emotional elements of joy and happiness. The campaigns revolve around both of these elements that connect to their consumers. Cadbury uses the #FreeTheJoy tagline with Dairy milk to give an idea of the attribute given by the consumption of Cadbury Dairy milk. The consumers can connect to the brand by using both these elements as positive associations.Cadbury uses its quality as its core identity which is also stated in its mission statement. The mission statement focuses on delivering quality with a promise of delivering the required quality. The further extension of the mission statement focuses on the commitment of fulfilling the promise or delivering quality along with price.Cadbury focuses on occasions where Dairy Milk is used as a platform to enhance an occasion. The main perception of the use of Dairy Milk is on special occasions. This is also reflected through their previous campaigns. The Taglines of Kuch Meetha Hojaye & Khaney Walo ko Khaney ka Bahana Chahiye emphasize on this essence. Many of their TVCs including the Eid Homecoming, Valentines and Anniversary are examples of their use occasions.

The visual imagery of Cadbury focuses on slogans and pictures that enhance the creamy, milky aspect of Cadbury. The use of the color Pantone 2685c is also used vastly in its visual imagery.


Dairy Milk being the most popular chocolate brand in Pakistan has highly loyal consumers falling firmly in the categories of committed and passively loyal on the brand loyalty hierarchy. Being a market leader in terms of value and volume, Dairy Milk has been able to retain its core customers over the years.

Brand Compared with othersPrice:Since dairy milk is positioned towards a very large audience from ages 4 50 years, the pricing strategy is extremely affordable and easily accessible to all categories. Hence price range from Rs.10 to Rs.35 in different sizes. The exceptions being Silk, Crackle, Fruit & Nuts and Bubbly (the new variants) are a premium offering and therefore they are priced high. Weight (gm)Price




42 Crackle40


80 Fruit & Nut75


The price of its competitors is high as compared to Cadbury, Dairy milk because no competitor offers such a low price for the high quality they are offering. Examples: Ferrero rocher, Galaxy, Mars, etcProduction Facilities:Mondelez International, Inc. is a global snacking powerhouse, with 2013 revenue of $35 billion. Creating delicious moments of joy in 165 countries, Mondelez International is a world leader in biscuits, chocolate, gum, candy, coffee and powdered beverages, with billion-dollar brands such as Oreo, LU and Nabisco biscuits; Cadbury, Cadbury Dairy Milk and Milka chocolate; Trident gum; Jacobs coffee and Tang powdered beverages.Mondelez International plans to invest $24 Million to Expand Confectionery Plant in Turkey- Investment will support growth of global confectionery business- Part of company's supply-chain reinvention plan- Plant production capacity will increase by 20 percentThese forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond our control, which could cause our actual results to differ materially from those indicated in our forward-looking statements

Life expectancy:More than a third of UK consumers buy chocolate bars or blocks at least once a week, with almost half (48%) purchasing these products on impulse. Chocolate is also assuming increasing significance during social occasions, since up to 70% of consumption is now believed to occur in the company of other people.In terms of segmentation, countlines represent the largest sector within the total market, accounting for almost 40% of sales by volume. Almost 45% of all countlines are purchased on impulse, which highlights their strong position within the snacking market. Boxed chocolates and assortments account for an additional 23% of overall market value, falling to 17% for moulded bars and blocks and 14% for bagged selflines. Milk chocolate has long been the UKs preferred variety, and accounts for over 90% of total market value.Chocolate confectionery sales are falling in the UK as consumers move to lower priced products and take advantage of promotions following price hikes, says an analyst at IRI.Chocolate retail value sales in the UK declined 2.8% in the first half year (28 weeks up to 12 July) to $2.2bm while the overall confectionery market was stagnant. Cadbury Dairy Milk Marvellous Jelly Popping Candy by Mondelez and Mars Maltesers Teasers were two products launched last year that were performing above the market average

Product ScopeThe main purpose of the product scope is to establish a link between the brand and its product class. It helps differentiate the main purpose of the brand strategy where it decides on what category to market and bank on that leads to positive associations and brand equity of the brand. It also defines with what product the brand is actually associated with. Our main focus is on what category Cadbury falls under. Cadbury falls under the class of confectionary items and is one of the leading companies in the confectionary item industry with its reach in more than 50 countries globally. It is widely recognized for its competitive edge in this particular industry and how it differentiates itself from its competitors by using innovative and heart-warming strategies that connect to the consumers.

Product Related AttributesThe main essence behind the success story of Cadbury is by providing their customers with functional benefits such as richness and creaminess and emotional elements of joy and happiness. The campaigns revolve around both of these elements that connect to their consumers. Cadbury uses the #FreeTheJoy tagline with Dairy milk to give an idea of the attribute given by the consumption of Cadbury Dairy milk. The consumers can connect to the brand by using both these elements as positive associations.

Quality/ValueCadbury uses its quality as its core identity which is also stated in its mission statement. The mission statement focuses on delivering quality with a promise of delivering the required quality. The further extension of the mission statement focuses on the commitment of fulfilling the promise or delivering quality along with price. The price dimensions offered by Cadbury also complement this promise of quality and value where quality and value are closely related. Use OccasionsCadbury focuses on occasions where Dairy Milk is used as a platform to enhance an occasion. The main perception of the use of Dairy Milk is on special occasions. This is also reflected through their previous campaigns. The Taglines of KuchMeethaHojaye & KhaneyWalokoKhaneykaBahanaChahiye emphasize on this essence. Many of their TVCs including the Eid Homecoming, Valentines and Anniversary are examples of their use occasions.Association with the UserCadbury includes associations with its users that have done something different and extraordinary. Examples include the widely recognized campaign of PappuPaasHogaya that gained tremendous applause from the target market. The campaigns also focus on children, cricket fans and family orientations.Brand as an OrganizationCadbury was founded almost 200 years ago. The fascinating history along with its rich heritage presents a wealth of interesting facts on subjects including advertising, the Cadbury family, past and present products and philanthropy. Cadbury as an organization focuses on cultures and values that integrate with the elements of joy and happiness. The atmosphere with the organizational cultures and values makes it one of the most comfortable and exciting places to be associated with.Brand as a PersonCadbury falls under a sincere and competent trait on Brand Personality Scale (BPS). The reason for this is that Cadbury has been producing quality Chocolates from 19thCentury and was also endorsed as the Chocolate of the Queen by being approved by Queen Victoria herself in the 1940s. Cadbury has also positioned itself as the sincere makers of chocolates that stand out and deliver what has been promised. Competency against Hersheys Chocolate is a good example of the competence of Cadbury. This element also shows how Cadbury is good at what it does and there is no possible substitute to it with the quality and value it promises to deliver

Brand as a SymbolThe visual imagery of Cadbury focuses on slogans and pictures that enhance the creamy, milky aspect of Cadbury. The use of the color Pantone 2685c is also used vastly in its visual imagery.

The metaphor of Dairy Milk also has a great effect on the symbol aspect of the brand. The metaphors used by Cadbury make it easier for consumers to recognize and easily distinctive.

The Identity StructureCore IdentityThe core identity of Cadbury focuses on: Value Offering: Cadbury provides value as defined by the product elements of joy and happiness. Quality:Consistent quality all over the world. User:Chocolate lovers, families, children, teens and adults.Extended identity Relationships:The fun associations are inclusive and Cadbury is a part of good memories of individuals Brand Personality:Sincere and Competent Product Scope:Confectionery Sub Brands:Eclairs, Silk, Bubbly and Perk Slogan:Free the Joy Endorsements:By famous television actors such as Danish Taimoor and Sanam Jang.Value PropositionFunctional Benefits:Quality chocolates that provide superior customer value for the price paid. Cadbury strives on its promise of quality and value that is reflected through its pricing strategies. Emotional Benefits: Use of Cadbury gives the consumer a positive feeling of happiness and belonging that occurs at special occasions. Cadbury connects to its consumers by enhancing these elements.Self-Expressive Benefits:Cadbury provide a medium and platform for individuals to treasure moments. The valentines and anniversary campaigns show a true reflection of this benefit. A hesitant person can use Cadbury to express themselves in difficult situation

Private LabelsTo the budding teens and young adults of today Dairy Milk is a brand of pure chocolates out of many others that has been proudly providing the purest, smoothest and creamiest chocolate experience for over a hundred years and now promises to do so even better.In the past Dairy Milk prospective customers were kids alone. However, now Dairy Milk has started focusing on Young Adults too. As Narmeen Khan, former Marketing Director Cadbury Pakistan and current Category Manager, Cadbury Chocolate Multi-country Innovation and Equity, EEMEA at Mondelz International formerly Kraft Foodst puts it The core customers of Dairy Millk are teens and young adults.INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT