GDT Brand Guide | 1

Brand Guide GDT 2014 - GDT Marcom | Marketing ... · GDT Brand Guide | 3 Primary Logo It is vital that GDT presents to our customers, and to the industry a strong visual representation

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Page 1: Brand Guide GDT 2014 - GDT Marcom | Marketing ... · GDT Brand Guide | 3 Primary Logo It is vital that GDT presents to our customers, and to the industry a strong visual representation

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Page 2: Brand Guide GDT 2014 - GDT Marcom | Marketing ... · GDT Brand Guide | 3 Primary Logo It is vital that GDT presents to our customers, and to the industry a strong visual representation

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Welcome to the GDTSM Brand Guide. These guidelines exist to keep a consistent look across all distributed materials in all departments of GDT. Our brand is more than just a logo. It is a design scheme made up of a number of core elements and guiding principles to create a distinctive look and feel that is immediately recognizable as GDT. The GDT Brand Guide will help familiarize you with the core brand elements to assist in designing and producing dynamic and powerful communications. Resources are available at www.gdtmarcom.com Questions or concerns, please contact GDT Marketing at [email protected].

What’s Inside ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

3 Primary Logo

4 Secondary Logos

5 Clear Space

6 Primary Logo Alt Color

7 Positioning is Important

8 Background Images

9 Please Don’t

10 Service Mark to Registration Mark

11 - 12 Typeface

13 - 14 Color Palette

15 Photography

16 - 17 Vector vs Photography

18 Email Signature

19 MARCOM Site

20 - 22 Design Matters

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Primary Logo  It is vital that GDT presents to our customers, and to the industry a strong visual representation of our technology products and services focus. Our graphic identity is that outward expression, and we encourage our partners to use our logos and strong brand identity to communicate that dedication. As a company, we are committed to the consistent use of our logos for our materials, brochures, proposals, websites and related marketing materials. In order to preserve the distinct use of our identity, GDT must always be applied in a consistent manner, and care must be taken to avoid misuse. With this in mind, we are providing you the tools needed to communicate the GDT brand to the world.

Formal Logo Elements: Logo bug + GDT logotype.

Application: Official logo for GDT. To be used on anything that requires authentication: partners, official documents, proprietary publications, memos, business cards, and anything subject to legal guidelines.

Color: gold/grey, gold/white, all white.

Clear Space: Using the height of “GDT” as a unit of measurement, leave half height of “GDT” around all four sides of the logo.

Minimum Size: 0.625 inches tall.

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Secondary Logos  Below are alternate authorized logos that are used in a number of applications. To ensure proper representation, logos must always be suitably sized with correct proportions and positioning. Each logo is detailed with the information needed to properly identify it and how to place it within your brand strategy. For all advertising and print materials, please use the formal logo from the previous page.

Simplified Logo Elements: Logotype isolated.

Application: Any time the full official logo is not required or graphics are not appropriate.

Color: gold/grey, gold/white, all white.

Bug Logo Elements: Logo bug isolated.

Application: The bug should be used often as an identifier or reminder without utilizing the logo. Any time the full official logo is not required or graphics are not appropriate.

Color: gold or white.

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Clear Space  To ensure that the GDT logo is clearly visible in all applications, surround them with sufficient clear space – free of type, graphics, and other elements that might cause visual clutter maximizing the recognition and impact. If you question clear space when layering transparent elements – confirm with GDT Marketing.

Elements: Logo standards.

Application: Clear space required in all applications.

Color: Logo standards.

Clear Space: Using the height of “GDT” as a unit of measurement, leave half height of “GDT” around all four sides of the logo.

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Primary Logo Alt Color  Acceptable dark background logo standards. These alternate color schemes are intended for use when the background colors are near or darker than the logo grey. These alternate color schemes may also be used on graphical overlays when dark elements are found.

Dark Background Logo Elements: Logo bug + GDT logotype.

Application: Only used if background is a dark color.

Color: The color palette must be followed as rendered. Options: Gold Bug/G with White DT All White logo Never: White Bug/DT with Gold G All Gold logo

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Positioning is Important  We want to avoid placing the logo smack dab in the middle off an area. On all formats – landscape or vertical – the preferred logo placement is in any corner position or center aligned at the right or left. The size of the logo should be understate but larger than .625”

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Background Images The GDT logo may also be used on an image background with sufficient contrast. Use an all-white logo for use on dark colored backgrounds, and an all-grey version for light backgrounds. When placing a logo over an image find an uncluttered area to insure clarity. Always make the logo large enough for maximum legibility and visibility. If you are not sure – ask GDT Marketing at [email protected].

Dark or Light contrast over photo Dark overlay provides clarity NEVER use colored logo over photo

Should have used gold/white logo or all white logo

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Please Don’t…  To maintain the integrity of the GDT logo, and to promote the consistency of the brand, it is important to use the logo as described in the guidelines. The examples shown here illustrate possible misuses of the GDT logo that should be avoided.

good logo rearrange logo elements change proportions rotate the logo

stretch proportions create gradients mix colors/change colors use non-approved colors

outline the logo add effects create reflection effect integrate imagery in logo

create pattern lack of contrast with bg use dark on color bg overlay busy image

If you are not sure – ask GDT Marketing at [email protected] 

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Service Mark to Registration Mark  

The new logo for GDT is going through a long registration process with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. When presenting the GDT logo or GDT icon/bug/symbol, you should use the Service Mark the first time the logo is presented. We should use the SM in copy as well when referencing GDT at the beginning of each document.

Once the registration process is finalized, the Services Mark will change to a Registration Mark. GDT will notify you when this process is complete.

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Typeface   Typography is an important aspect of our brand identity. Our typography style contributes to our distractive aesthetic. The preferred typeface family of GDT is Century Gothic – a Microsoft standard. This typeface offers a clean and contemporary look that is readily available to maintain the identity throughout all branded materials. Additionally, the use of All Caps for titles with optional wider kerning is acceptable. Headlines are typically 2 times the size of body copy. Text should always be left aligned. Bold can be used to highlight content.

Sizes & Spacing Font: Century Gothic is used for body and headers.

Size: Sizing of the font should stay consistent.

Spacing: Expanded headers are used as a visual.

Bold: Bolding is not required for headers.

Caps: All Caps is acceptable for emphasis.

Legal Typeface  A second typeface of GDT is Stempel Garamond Roman and should be used for legal documents exclusively.

11 Documents and body copy Details, drawings, specifications 14 Large Body copy based on layout

22 Title size for documents 28 HEADLINE 2 2 A l t W i d e H e a d e r B a s e d o n l a y o u t



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Typeface Use   Typeface font use is not interchangeable and should be strictly adhered to in print, presentation and online use. For creative uses, flexibility exists in font selection for signage, displays, video, clothing, and animation.

Our Typeface used in print Century Gothic is used for all headlines, titles and body copy. Stempel Garamond Roman is used for all legal Headlines, titles and body copy.

CENTURY GOTHIC ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 - !@#$%^&*():;”’<,>.?/_-+= CENTURY GOTHIC BOLD ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 - !@#$%^&*():;”’<,>.?/_-+= __________________________________________________ STEMPELGARAMOND ROMAN ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 - !@#$%^&*():;”’<,>.?/_-+= STEMPELGARAMOND ROMAN BOLD ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 - !@#$%^&*():;”’<,>.?/_-+=


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Color Palette  GDT has defined a simple color palette to follow for presentation content, web content, print and creative applications. Our core colors are what give us our personality. We need consistency with accent colors within our colors scheme.

GDT Colors  A standard orange/gold and gray are the colors of our logo and should be carried throughout headers and accent colors. This orange and gray represents a clean, strong and confident image in the market. Specifications must be followed exactly as listed under the swatches to the right.

Other Colors  Color selection should always relate back to the imagery. It should complement the product shot. Let the tones of the photography be your guide. You may go outside this range in selecting your colors, just as long as it relates to the image you are working with.

Color reproduction must visually match swatch. ORANGE / GOLD PMS 143C | 7C 36M 98Y 0K | 235R 169G 37B | HEX eba925 PANTONE + Solid Coated 143C GRAY PMS 10C | 59C 51M 51Y 20K | 103R 103G 103B | HEX 676767 PANTONE Cool Gray 10C

If you are not sure – ask GDT Marketing at [email protected]

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Alternate Palette  Outside the core GDT Palette, we like accent colors that enhance the messaging, support graphic elements and add emphasis through color.

Secondary Colors  Outside the core Orange/Gold and Gray, is a grouping of secondary colors that fit within the color palette and are acceptable. Only use neutral colors for presentation slide backgrounds and never use secondary colors on their own. They should only be used to complement the core colors.

Accent Colors  These are strong vibrant colors used only as an accent in limited locations based on surrounding color scheme. When printing accent colors always engage GDT Marketing for clarification on PMS details.

CORE COLORS  ALTERNATE MONOCHROME  #fce870 #8db3e2 #17365d #ff0 #c8d700 #9ae0ef #5096f2 #ea0000

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Photography  At GDT we leverage photography and video to tell our story. Our photography captures a slice of our culture, our technology, our people, and our belief – what makes us different. It’s about telling a story through experiences. It has to feel real, honest and rich with technology.

Any photography used should be approved by GDT Marketing with verification of source licensing.

Facilities Events Catering and entertainment Executives

Animation Speakers Vendor events Equipment

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Vector vs Photography  In an effort to create a consistent look-and-feel across all applications, GDT has chosen to move toward a high-tech vector focused layout. Vector elements are generally simple color, outlined elements creating an iconic modern design. An example of vector vs photography.

Iconic symbols are encouraged in vector format within messaging and flow charts.

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Vector vs Photography  Vector formatted layouts offer flexibility to the designer to repurpose elements across different mediums from print, web, large graphics, video, flash animation, etc. GDTMarCom.com will provide libraries of vector elements for your use. Iconic flat vector elements provide flexibility across projects repurposing content.

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Email Signature  The one place where everyone creates an impression is through our email signature.

Equal to our messaging, our email signature represents GDT every day.

Name | Title

xxx.xxx.xxxx office xxx.xxx.xxxx mobile [email protected]

999 Metromedia Place, Dallas, TX 75247


A template for this signature is provided on www.gdtmarcom.com as well as on the GDT Internal Network at \\gdtsrv-fp1\Installs\Marketing\GDT_Signature_Document\ file name gdt_signatue.docx All instructions are provided to modify your signature – please follow these closely.

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MARCOM Site  In an effort to keep you current with all the latest marketing and communications materials, GDT has developed a new site at www.gdtmarcom.com. Check the site for brand standards, logo download, photos, video links, press releases, articles, web links and much more.

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Design Matters  If you’ve just read these guidelines, you have our appreciation. It means you share our belief in details and quality. We know applying these principles takes time and effort, but the stories we tell in all our GDT communications will be stronger for it.

If you ever have additional questions about our visual identity and its applications in design, don’t hesitate to contact [email protected].

Thank you.

Darjon R. Bittner Director of Marketing

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Throughout this document we have provided many design elements that provoke conversations, showcase our successes, and paint a picture of GDT. Every image has a purpose and should be considered as they say a lot about a company no matter how subtle it may seem. – below are more examples of graphics and logo use.

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