Brain Like Computer

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  • 8/8/2019 Brain Like Computer



    By Joyeeta Sarkar


  • 8/8/2019 Brain Like Computer




    A Report

    Submitted to

    Prof. Prithwis Mukherjee

    In partial fulfillment of the requirements of the course


    On 7/11/2010


    Joyeeta Sarkar

    Roll number: B10009

    Batch: 2010-12

  • 8/8/2019 Brain Like Computer




    This paper outlines the concept of Brain like computer evolves by learning the relationship

    between sensory input and behavioral output. The idea is developed by using hypothesis based on the

    established features of brain function. After commercializing the new memristor technology successfully,

    it is the time to think forward, It is the time to build a computer that replicates the more complex working of

    a human brain. With electroencephalography technology, it is expected that it would be possible to placesensors inside the brain and in the long run computer could read our thoughts.

    The future success of this study will depend on multidisciplinary collaboration and advances in allied

    research areas.

    Introduction and why it is so important?

    y In 1970, scientists experimented on monkeys, determining that it was possible to control

    the firing of neurons in the brain.

    y Scientists in 1999 embedded electrodes into the thalamus of cats.

    y In the year 2005 experimentally it was implemented on 16 blind patients for controlling

    artificial arms.

    y In 2008 HP developed memristor technology.

    y In 2009 I.B.M announced a development that could one day lead to a new kind of

    computer that uses specially designed hardware and software to mimic whats inside

    our heads.

    Why is it?

    The brain is like computer. The brain simply receives information, processes it, and then carries

    out the proper function just like computer. The mind has an amazing quality to integrate ambiguous

    information across the senses, and it can effortlessly create the categories of time, space, object, and

    interrelationship from the sensory data .But there are no computers that can even remotely approach the

    remarkable feats the mind performs. There is a need for a new kind of intelligence that can sort through,

    prioritize and extract the most important information, much like how the brain deals with sight, sounds,

    tastes, touch and smell. Scientists are thinking that they would make a system which has intelligence like

    a brain. It would not be invent for single function. With its versatility, robustness and plasticity it would

    work just like brain. Also continuously would rearrange its internal state. This new computer could solve

    complex problem similar to neurons. Like the human brain- and unlike any existing computer, it would

    heal itself if there is a defect. In case of human similar work has been done by our brain. If one neuron

    dies, another neuron takes over its function. Brain can work more efficiently than super computer and

    also some emotions cant be created by computer, which is expected to be done by this brain like


    We assume that after its successful invention we will not require to carry mobile charger for

    journey, our personal computer will be booted automatically in proper time by using this new technology.

    Technology required for this invention:

    Before discussing the new invention I would like to discuss the way of this invention .It has

    passed 40 years, Scientists started to think about this topic. Some technology like MEMRISTOR has

    already been invented and commercialized. To move forward we need to know about this technology.

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    Memristors are basically a fourth class of electrical circuit, joining resistor, capacitor, and

    the inductor, that exhibit their unique properties primarily at the nano scale. It is a type of passive circuit

    elements that maintain a relationship between the time integrals of current and voltage across a two

    terminal element.

    HP first demonstrated its Memristor technology back in 2006 and has now announced the

    commercial development of the technology through collaboration with memory manufacturer Hynix

    Semiconductor. Memristors could eventually replace memory chips and hard drives. The technology

    claims to be 100 times as fast as flash storage and use about a 10th of the energy than existing solid-

    state memory technologies. That means some gadgets, such as MP3 players, might only need to be

    powered up once in their lifetime. Unlike conventional computer memory, which stores data with

    electronic on and off switches, Hewlett-Packards memristor technology works on the atomic level. As

    electrons move across a titanium dioxide memristor chip, they nudge atoms ever so slightly, sometimes

    no more than a nanometer. Its kind of like an atomic switch.


    Supercomputing, can simulate brains up to the complexity of small mammals. But, Scientists

    last year used the Blue Gene supercomputer to simulate a mouse's brain, comprising 55m neurons and

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    some half a trillion synapses. Technology has only recently reached a stage in which structures can be

    produced that match the density of neurons and synapses from real brains - around 10 billion in each

    square centimeter. IBM is investigating core micro- and macro-circuits of the brain that can be used for a

    wide variety of functionalities.

    The adaptability of brains lies in their ability to tune synapses. Synapses connect the

    neurons. Synaptic connections form, break, and are strengthened or weakened depending on the signalsthat pass through them. Making a nano-scale material that can fit that description is one of the major

    goals of the project. Scientists are hopeful that this computer could gather together disparate information,

    weigh it based on experience, form memory independently and arguably begin to solve problems in a way

    that has so far been the preserve of what we call "thinking".


    A team of researchers has built a molecular computer using lessons learned from the human

    brain. Modern computers are quite fast, capable of executing trillions of instructions a second, but they

    cant match the intelligent performance of our brain. We can see, recognize, talk and hear someone

    walking by in the hallway almost instantaneously, what is a Herculean task for even the fastest computer.

    That happens because information processing is done sequentially in digital computers. Once a currentpath is established along a circuit, it does not change. By contrast, the electrical impulses that travel

    through our brains follow vast, dynamic, evolving networks of neurons that operate collectively.

    The researchers made their different kind of computer with DDQ, a hexagonal molecule made of

    nitrogen, oxygen, chlorine and carbon that self-assembles in two layers on a gold substrate. The DDQ

    molecule can switch among four conducting states 0, 1, 2 and 3 unlike the binary switches 0 and 1

    used by computers. The researchers have demonstrated an assembly of molecular switches that

    simultaneously interact to perform a

    variety of computational tasks including conventional digital logic, calculating Verona diagrams, and

    simulating natural phenomena such as heat diffusion and cancer growth As well as they also

    demonstrated a conceptual shift from serial-processing with static architectures. Approximately 300

    molecules talk with each other at a time during information processing. It can mimic how neurons behave

    in the brain. Through this evolving neuron-like circuit network allows to address many problems on the

    same grid, which gives the device intelligence. As a result, the tiny processor can solve problems for

    which algorithms on computers are unknown. The molecular processor heals itself if there is a defect.

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    This property comes from the self-organizing ability of the molecular layer. No existing man-made

    computer has this property, but in human if a neuron dies, another neuron takes over its function.

    Researchers from IBM and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have developed an

    algorithm for mapping the human brain at new levels of detail. Eventually, scientists hope that detailed

    knowledge will help them build a computer that replicates the more complex working of a human brain.

    Actually they tried to mimic the cats brain, but it did not get complete success. For example, it did not

    exactly mimic what a real cat does in catching a mouse. But i t surpassed earlier efforts that simulated themuch simpler brain structure of a creature the size of a mouse. Researchers used an IBM supercomputer

    at the Lawrence Livermore Lab to model the movement of data through a structure with 1 billion neurons

    and 10 trillion synapses, which allowed them to see how information percolates through a system thats

    comparable to a feline cerebral cortex. A key difference between human brains and traditional computers

    is that current computers are designed on a model that differentiates between processing and storing

    data, which can lead to a lag in updating information. The brain works on a more complex physical

    structure that can integrate and react to a constant stream of sights, sounds and other sensory

    information. The data can be very ambiguous. When we see a friends face in a crowd, she could be

    wearing a red sweater or a blue dress, or her hair could be styled differently, but were able to get to the

    fundamental essence of the pattern and recognize this is our friend. It is imagined that a cognitive

    computer that could analyze a flood of constantly updated data from trading floors, banking institutions

    and even real estate markets around the world. The problem is there are a huge number of data, there is

    a need for a new kind of intelligence that can sort through, prioritize and extract the most important

    information, much like how the brain deals with sight, sounds, tastes, touch and smell.

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    A team of University of Maryland researchers developed a technology, which could allow

    people with disabilities or paralysis to operate a robotic arm, motorized wheelchair or other prosthetic

    device using a headset with scalp sensors that send signals from the brain to the device. They

    reconstructed 3-D hand motions from brain signals recorded in a non-invasive way. In time of experiment

    researchers placed an order of 34 sensors on the scalps of five participants to record their brains'electrical activity, using a process called electroencephalography, or EEG. Volunteers were asked to

    reach from a center button and touch eight other buttons in random order 10 times, while the scientists

    recorded their brain signals and hand motions. Afterward, the researchers attempted to decode the

    signals and reconstruct the 3-D hand movements. Researchers have used non-portable and invasive

    methods that place sensors inside the brain when reconstructing hand motions. They found that one

    sensor in particular provided the most accurate information. The sensor was located over a part of the

    brain called the primary sensor motor cortex, a region associated with voluntary movement. Useful

    signals were also recorded from another region called the inferior parietal lobule, which is known to help

    guide limb movement. From this experiment researchers came to the conclusion that electrical brain

    activity acquired from the scalp surface carries enough information to reconstruct continuous,

    unconstrained hand movements. By this EEG technology it may eventually be possible for people with

    severe neuromuscular disorders, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), stroke, or spinal cord injury,

    to regain control of complex tasks without needing to have electrodes implanted in their brains.

    Economic potential of brain like computer:

    The worlds first commercially available brain computer interface just arrived at CeBIT

    ("Centre of Office and Information technology") on 2010. By $12,000 per unit, the Intendix has an easily

    usable interface which can be learnt in under 10 minutes of training. To use the Intendix, a cap with EEG

    sensors has to be worn by the patient. Then concentrating on a grid of letters that flashes on the screen

    the user can type the word he wants. Getting used to the system, the patients will be able to type 1 letter

    per second, the seed the interface can manage. Besides typing, it can also trigger alarms, convert text to

    speech, print, copy, or email. It costs 9000 (~$12,250). This is the steps towards making it more

    common all over the world. Intendix is not commercially very much available. Theyve just entered the

    marketing phase where their advertisements dont actually explain what the product does. Researchers

    said it will take time to capture the market. Where EEG can control computers, tag images, or even

    command robots, Intendix can simply type. GUGER TECHNOLOGIES has been working on a Second

    Life control scheme using the EEG. EEG allows Intendix to quickly pick up which letter are being focused

    on in a grid by flashing different rows and columns of letters and measures brain response. EEGs are

    limited in their applications. They have great temporal resolution, but spatially they lack the precision

    needed to really translate human thoughts into computer actions in a way that exceeds our current

    keyboard and mouse system. For this scientists need to know about neocortical columns or even

    individual neurons. Researchers get success in that arena already, (both with speech and motor

    controls).Now they are thinking better sensing technology that allows precise spatial and temporal

    resolution without sticking wires in human head. New Projects are aiming to develop them soon. If it isapplied, controlling the digital world will become much more intuitive and we could simply think

    commands to our devices. Well also be able to talk with each other through our thoughts to some

    degree. The next generations Twitter could be broadcasting what were thinking. Literally that level of

    brain like computer technology is fairly far off on the horizon, however. Right Intendix came; the ability to

    go to a store, buy a device, and start typing with thoughts is enough to keep people happy for a while.

    Finally, what will be the impact on society of animal-like machines? First, family robots may be

    permanently connected to wireless family intranets, sharing information with those who want to know

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    where their close person is. Person may never need to worry if his/her loved ones are alright when he/she

    is late or far away, because they will be permanently connected to whom they want. Crime may get

    difficult if all family homes are full of half-aware, loyal family machines. In the future, we may never be

    entirely alone, and if the controls are in the hands of our loved ones rather than the state, that may not be

    such a bad thing. Slightly further ahead, if some of the intelligence of the horse can be put back into the

    automobile, thousands of lives could be saved, as cars become nervous of their drunk owners, and

    refuse to get into positions where they would crash at high speed. We may look back in amazement at

    the carnage tolerated in this age, when every western country had road deaths equivalent to a long, slow-

    burning war. In the future, drunks will be able to use cars, which will take them home like loyal horses.

    And not just drunks, but children, the old and infirm, the blind, all will be empowered. Eventually, if cars

    were all (wireless) networked, and humans stopped driving altogether, we might scrap the vast amount of

    clutter all over our road system - signposts, markings, traffic lights, roundabouts, central reservations -

    and return our roads to a soft, sparse, eighteenth-century look. All the information - negotiation with other

    cars, traffic and route updates - would come over the network invisibly. And our towns and countryside

    would look so much sparser and more peaceful.

    Current Players Working On Brain likeComputer:

    IBM is working on a project to mimic the human brain. Company has teamed up with five

    universities to simulate and emulate the brain's abilities for sensation, perception, action, interaction and

    cognition. The $4.9 million project, funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

    (DARPA), uses nanoscale devices for synapses and neurons to make the computer draw as much

    energy as the human brain. IBM Fellow and vice president of IBM's Alma den Research Center in San

    Jose said "We believe that our cognitive computing initiative will help shape the future of computing in a

    significant way, bringing to bear new technologies that we haven't even begun to imagine. The initiative

    underscores IBM's capabilities in bold, exploratory research and interest in powerful collaborations to

    understand the way the world works. IBM team recently managed to demonstrate a near-time simulation

    of a small mammal brain using cognitive computing algorithms with the power of IBM's Blue Gene

    supercomputer. It is hoped that this experiment will pave the way to come up with mathematical

    hypotheses of brain function and structure as they work toward discovering the brain's core computationalmicro and macro circuits. It is hoped that the results of the project will enable large scale roll-outs of

    intelligent computers that could deal with problems in much the same way as a human would and

    hopefully not lead to a scenario, where an Arnold Schwarzenegger-like robot comes back from the

    future0 to assassinate the mother of the human resistance against their cybernetic masters.

    Key Player (IBM):

    IBM, who has been granted $4.9m (3.27m) from US defense agency Darpa for researching

    this project, is the second largest (by market capitalization) technology company.

    International Business Machines (IBM) was founded in 1896 as the Tabulating Machine Companyby Herman Hollerith, in New York.

    IBM is an American multinational computer, technology and IT consulting corporation

    headquartered in Armonk, New York, United States.

    It is the world's fourth largest technology company and the second most valuable global brand

    (after Coca-Cola).

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    IBM is one of the few information technology companies with a continuous history dating back to

    the 19th century.

    It manufactures and sells computer hardware and software and offers infrastructure services,

    hosting services, and consulting services in areas ranging from mainframe computers to nanotechnology.

    With almost 400,000 employees worldwide, IBM is the second most profitable informationtechnology and services employer in the world (according to the Forbes list) with sales of greater than

    100 billion US dollars.

    IBM holds more patents than any other U.S. based Technology Company and has eight research

    laboratories worldwide.

    The company has scientists, engineers, consultants, and sales professionals in over 200

    countries. IBM employees have earned five Nobel Prizes, four Turing Awards, nine National Medals of

    Technology, and five National Medals of Science. As a chip maker, it has been among the Worldwide Top

    20 Semiconductor Sales Leaders in past years.

    But I feel another really interesting thing to look at is how large their workforce is. Just as with

    revenues and profits, these numbers can be quite surprising (and impressive).

    Same group of 15 well-known tech companies: Adobe, Amazon, Apple, Baidu, Cisco, Dell, eBay,

    Google, HP, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Oracle, Sun and Yahoo has been taken.

    From this it is observed that IBM has almost 400k employees!

    To put the size of the IBM workforce in perspective: IBM has more employees than Microsoft, Intel, Dell,Cisco,

    IBM has almost 20 times as many employees as Google (or Amazon).

    Biggest Challenge:

    Invasive and non-invasive brain machine interface research is a fast growing field, but a series

    of important challenges will have to be met to bring.

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    The first challenge is in the realm of socio-economics. It is essential to have a worldwide network

    of collaborations and information exchange between all disciplines, including allocation of much

    larger resources for the task. Mankind needs to learn how to combine the natural tendencies of

    individuals for personal achievements with the fact that we humans are social animals that made

    the best by synergistic social interactions and associations to larger teams, tribes and nations.

    The challenge is to create a worldwide feeling of a united mission.

    Second challenge is to understand the complexity of brain. Scientists observed that they could

    not make advancement in their understanding of the brain before understanding its intentions

    from reading its electrical activity. At present they are thinking that using the brain they cannot

    understand the brain. Some of them are still thinking that the brain is too complex to understand.

    Now scientists have lots of data about the brain, but no single person knows it all. They have

    different ideas and theories, but no true testable global theory about the brain. Without such

    theory, they can only keep measuring things, like recordings of the EEG; Here, actually they try

    to understand a supercomputer with millions and billions of interacting integrated circuits, by

    recording currents from a very small sample of these circuits, not even knowing the accurate

    connectivity, while measuring devices shortcut other parts.

    To overcome these challenges

    First: a good theory required which can clearly clarify that how brain works. If one wishes to reveal,

    for example, if the brain intends to move an arm, at the very least one must predict the brain activity

    expected for each movement. For more general predictions, there is a need of deeper and more global


    Second: Data acquisition and interpretation: To better listen to the brain, need good ears and better

    system that know how to listen. The first steps in theories, regarding the principles of brain function that

    are most relevant to neuroprosthetics, come from computational sensor motor control (Kawato, 1999;

    Shadmehr and Krakauer, 2008; Todorov, 2004; Wolpert and Ghahramani 2000). In a recent review,

    Lalazar and Vaadia presented the wider view suggesting that all brain functions are not based on a serial

    machine that reads sensory inputs and respond to them; rather, the brain is a memory based prediction

    machine in which experiences of relations between actions and their results build in the brain internal

    models. In the case of sensor motor associations, these models predict the expected sensory inputs and

    the results of its own actions, and bring about perception. In the words of Noe (giving the example of

    visual perception) The experience of seeing occurs when the organism masters what we call the

    governing laws of sensor motor contingency. This is a debatable approach that can still be adopted when

    scientists try to construct a machine that interprets brain activity. Naturally, the challenge is to test such

    theory and pursue other theories.

    Third challenge is our relatively poor ability to extract the relevant information from the monitored

    brain activity. At present researchers use various methods to monitor brain activity at different

    levels, from highly invasive to non-invasive ones. The activity, in all cases, provides only partial

    and noisy information about the subject's intentions. Moreover, the activity changescontinuously, either due to technical problems such as unstable recordings or due to the inherent

    adaptive nature of the brain itself, which modifies its activity to the subject's experience.

    Furthermore, the coding scheme by which the brain actually uses to encode information is still

    highly debated. Approaches to address this challenge are demonstrated in several publications of

    recent years .While facing this challenge; one has to keep in mind the dynamics of behavior and

    the predictive nature of the sensor motor internal models. Consequently, scientists learn the

    relevant dynamics of neural processing. It is therefore essential to improve the understanding of

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    the adaptive nature of the brain. Interestingly, it is found that this may be an easier task than

    scientists might think, since the brain is quite good at this task. Cortical maps are highly dynamic,

    even at adulthood, and firing rates of single cells as well as neuronal interactions modify quite

    rapidly during sensor motor learning.

    To facilitate the development of brain-driven artificial devices that produce natural-like

    movements, this line of studies should be continued, with special emphasis on developing optimal

    learning schemes, adapted to the constraints of human motor learning and performance under

    variable conditions and using classical and instrumental conditioning to teach the brain how to

    interact with the machine. One line of research in Vaadia lab uses the theory of sensor motor

    predictive loops and implements it in showing that Brain like computer is dramatically improved

    by adopting this principle. The algorithm is not only monitoring the brain activity, but also adapting

    continuously in the background to its changes, while it controls behavior at the same time. Using

    this principle, monkeys and machines learned to work together in tens of seconds even when

    the model is started from scratch during every recording day. Thus, these results suggest that

    even totally paralyzed patients will be able to train themselves (in 12 min) and even if the brain

    activity changes from minute to minute and day to day. The idea of adaptation also serves the

    basic concept of bio-feedback which is the basis for the use of neuro feedback in animals and

    humans. It has already proven successful in human subjects when used to train people to changea particular brain activity through feedback and reward (instrumental learning). For both types of

    strategies, some proof-of-principle demonstrations of their clinical effectiveness exist but lack

    larger controlled trials. Neuro feedback of slow cortical potentials and sensor motor EEG-rhythm

    (SMR) has produced improvements of attention and school performance in children with attention

    deficit disorder and hyperactivity (ADHD) compared to different control conditions such as

    placebo training and stimulant medication. In drug resistant focal epilepsy, not only were

    substantial reduction in seizures reported, but also large gains in IQ and cognitive functioning

    were also demonstrated. After training of slow cortical potential control, it is indicating that

    neurofeedback is a promising tool to improve cognitive functioning in some brain disorders.

    The situation is similar in clinical brain-computer-interface research. Animal experiments using

    implanted microelectrodes in non-human primates have demonstrated perfect brain control of artificialhands or paralyzed limbs from ensembles of firing neurons in motor cortices after training, only one study

    with eight chronic stroke patients without residual movement capacity using a non-invasive

    magnetoencephalographically controlled prosthetic hand brain like computer technology, which is

    available. Most patients were able to open and close their paralyzed hands fixed on the orthosis with

    sensor motor oscillations from their motor cortices. EEG or MEG have to be combined with intelligent

    peripheries and robots; in motor control only four-dimensions of control are possible (i.e., right-left, front-

    back). Even with sophisticated algorithms, EEG cannot provide better classification solutions due to its

    biophysical limitations. Verbal communication with completely paralyzed locked-in patients mostly

    suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) with non-invasive technology using different brain

    signals from the EEG for selecting letters or yes and no answers in a computer menu was described in

    several reports. However, in completely-locked-in patients without any remaining eye-movement control,

    this brain like computer was not successful.

    In future for direct brain communication this technology should rely on strategies requiring no or

    minimal cognitive-attention effort and use mainly implicit learning. Locked-in, vegetative state (VS) and

    advanced Alzheimer patients should be trained to produce reflexive or automatic brain responses to

    questions or cues which can then be used as affirmative answers or rejections. Implantation of electrodes

    epidural will improve signal to noise ratio and help the patient to regulate his/her Electrocardiogram.

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    Classical conditioning of brain potentials and oscillations using clearly differentiable conditioned and

    unconditioned auditory or somatosensory stimuli (vision is often compromised) may overcome the

    problem of voluntary, effortful conscious processing that is not possible in these patient groups. In chronic

    stroke, spinal cord injury and other forms of motor paralysis, a recent demonstration in reversibly

    paralyzed monkeys should be translated into human application. Here, the monkey was trained to

    produce spike sequences with operant conditioning from a few cells in the motor cortex to activate

    functional electric stimulation (FES) electrodes fixed to the paralyzed fingers. Invasive BMIs using

    implanted micro-or macro electrodes in human patients need to be tested experimentally as tested with

    non-invasive EEG/MEG, near-infrared-spectroscopy and magnetic resonance imaging BCIs. Most

    paralyzed patients refuse neurosurgical procedures as they are too risky; even if less flexible and error-

    prone, non-invasive measures will complement invasive BCIs. In neuro feedback the situation is less

    complicated because some first controlled demonstrations are already available and only large controlled

    trials are missing.

    Yet, there is a lot to improve in ability to read brain activity. The noninvasive studies, thus far suffer

    several problems; at present some have low spatial resolution (including EEG and FMRI) and low

    temporal resolution (FMRI). In addition many of the devices are not always practical for daily use.

    Likewise, invasive technologies are not too useful for clinical applications at the current state. At present

    one can implant micro-arrays of many electrodes, but most are still damaging the tissue to some extent

    and do not last for many years. One example of efforts in the right direction is described by Kennedy and

    colleagues who developed Neurotrophic electrodes (2008). Telemetry techniques are still limited and do

    not allow transmission of full wave signals or even just the action potentials from hundreds of electrodes

    at sufficient speed. Yet, an example of the right steps were recently made by developing a 96-channel

    implantable data acquisition system that performs spike detection and extraction and wirelessly transmits

    data to an external unit (2009). It may argue that we are almost there. Yet, most scientists believe that it

    takes better technologies to get to the desired devices that will provide samples of large number of single

    neurons using telemetry and stable recordings, for many years and with no damage to the brain tissue.

    One important light at the end of the tunnel may be provided in the future by the subfield of

    nanotechnologies, which will develop nano-detectors which may be implanted inertly in the brain and

    measure local electrical activity. When that day comes, we will able to implant thousands of inertdetectors that can transmit the compressed version of the information outside of the brain it will

    represent a significant revolution in the field of brain like computer. Likewise, the technological challenge

    for using noninvasive techniques involves increasing of spatial and temporal resolution and

    miniaturization of the devices. This poses engineering challenges that may look sometime trivial, yet

    important like for example, miniaturization of power supply to the some electronic components that must

    be implanted. These developments will be used not only for motor prosthesis but also other treatments

    like closed loop deep brain stimulation. This must be improved to include recording of brain activity, which

    would allow for dynamic, adaptive stimulation that will condition the brain activity to restore normal activity

    when it goes astray (like in Parkinson's disease). Finally, while all these smart detectors and algorithms

    will be interfaced to the brain on one side, one can't forget or neglect the other side: interfacing the output

    of these devices to effectors. The ultimate solution in neuroprosthetics will be control of the natural limb;

    an intermediate solution may range from controlling a computer or robotic devices (arm, wheel-chair,

    hand etc).

    Furthermore, the long-term challenge may bring these field too much broader clinical applications, in

    improvements of not only paralysis but also other brain functions. This would include cognitive function

    and psychiatric conditions, like psychopath, obsessive compulsive disorder, depression and

    schizophrenia that have been already attempted using deep brain stimulation and behavioral treatments,

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    but require extensive work to achieve fine-tuned, closed-loop recording-stimulation that will allow

    conditioning of brain activity to switch from the disease patterns of electrical activity to normal patterns.

    First reports of operant conditioning of sub cortical and cortical nuclei with real-time functional magnetic

    resonance imaging this is promising. Bearing in mind the theory that the brain deals with coordinating its

    internal models with the incoming inputs and results of its actions, it is clear that these tasks are not

    impossible. Expansion of clinical use will bring about serious ethical issues, which will pose yet another

    grand challenge to mankind, and scientists must push this ethical challenge aside. So over the next thirty

    years is will see new types of animal-inspired machines that are more `messy' and unpredictable than any

    we have seen before. These machines will change over time as a result of their interactions with us and

    with the world. These silent, pre-linguistic, animal-like machines will be nothing like humans but they will

    gradually come to seem like a strange sort of animal. Machines that learn, familiar to researchers in labs

    for many years, will finally become main stream and enter the public consciousness. The kinds of

    problems we are going to see are somewhat noise and error resistant and that do not demand abstract

    reasoning. A special focus will be behavior that is easier to learn than to articulate - most of us know how

    to walk but we couldn't possibly tell anyone how we do it. Similarly with grasping objects and other such

    skills these things involve building neural networks, filling in state-spaces and so on, and cannot be

    captured as a set of rules that we speak in language. We, people are experienced the dynamics of our

    body in infancy and thrash about until the changing internal numbers and weights start to converge on thecorrect behavior. Different bodies mean different dynamics. And robots that can learn to walk can learn

    other sensor motor skills that we can neither articulate nor perform ourselves. For example, there are

    already autonomous lawnmowers that will wander around gardens all afternoon. The next step might be

    autonomous vacuum cleaners inside the house (though clutter and stairs present immediate problems for

    wheeled robots). These are all sorts of other uses for artificial animals in areas where people find jobs

    dangerous or tedious - land-mine clearance, toxic waste clearance, farming, mining, demolition, finding

    objects and robotic exploration, for example. Any jobs done currently or traditionally by animals would be

    a focus. We are familiar already from the Mars Pathfinder and other examples that we can send

    autonomous robots not only to inhospitable places, but also send them there on cheap one-way `suicide'

    missions. (Of course, no machine ever `dies', since we can restore its mind in a new body on earth after

    the mission.) Whether these types of machines may have a future in the home is an interesting question.

    If it ever happens, it will be because the robot is treated as a kind of pet, so that a machine roaming thehouse is regarded as cute rather than creepy. Machines that learn tend to develop an individual,

    unrepeatable character which humans can find quite attractive. There are already a few games in

    software - such as the Windows-based game Creatures, and the little Tamagotchi toys - whose

    personalitys people can get much attached to. A major part of the appeal is the unique, fragile and

    unrepeatable nature of the software beings you interact with. If Creature dies, it may never be possible to

    raise another one like it again. Machines in the future will be similar, and the family robot will after a few

    years be, like a pet, literally irreplaceable.

    There are many things that could hold up progress but hardware is the one that is staring us in the

    face at the moment. Nobody is going to buy a robotic vacuum cleaner that costs 5000 no matter how

    many big cute eyes are painted on it. Many conceptual breakthroughs will be needed to create artificial

    animals. The major theoretical issue to be solved is probably representation: what is language and how

    do we classify the world. We say `That's a table' and so on for different objects, but what does an insect

    do, what is going on in an insect's head when it distinguishes objects in the world, what information is

    being passed around inside, what kind of data structures are they using. Each robot will have to learn an

    internal language customized for its sensor motor system and the particular environmental niche in which

    it finds itself. It will have to learn this internal language on its own, since any representations are

    attempted to impose on it, coming from a different sensor motor world, will probably not work.

  • 8/8/2019 Brain Like Computer




    I've been trying to give an idea of how artificial brain could be useful. But this is not going to

    happen in our lifetime. In the coming decades, we shouldn't expect that the human race will become

    extinct and be replaced by robots. We can expect that classical brain like computer will go on producing

    more and more sophisticated applications in restricted domains - expert systems, chess programs,

    Internet agents. At vulnerable points these will continue to be exposed as `blind automata'. Whereasanimal-based AI will go on producing stranger and stranger machines, less rationally intelligent but more

    rounded and whole, in which we will start to feel that there is somebody at home, in a strange animal kind

    of way. In conclusion, we won't see full brain like computer in our lifetime, but in the long run it could

    come in reality.



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