Bradwell News Bradwell News Bradwell News Bradwell News Issue 109 July 2011 HIGH PEAK HEATING SUPPLIES Towngate, Bradwell 01433 620577 For Building and Plumbing DIY and Gardening (incl Bird Seed) Paint and Decorating Goods THE ONE STOP EVERYTHING SHOP The Samuel Fox For that special touch of Class, why not visit your Local Country Inn Call 01433 621562 to make your reservation EVENTS Sat 9: Sports facility opening - 2pm on the Sports Field Wed 13: Rebellion Knoll WI: Methodist Hall, 7:30pm. “Creative Cake Decorations” - Margaret Collier Tue 19: Bradwell Historical Society: Methodist Hall, 8pm. “Pox, Puss and Privies” - Suzanne Bingham Sat 30: BRADWELL CARNIVAL: Beggar’s Plot. Please buy your programme for full details. The following activities are taking place for Well Dressing - Helpers please contact Peter Kobayashi (621459) Sun 24: 9:30am - Putting clay in the frames Wed 27 Onwards: Commence petalling the wells at four locations across the village Sat 30: 7:30am - Erecting the Well Dressings Sun 31: Blessing of the Wells. Procession starts from St Barnabas Church at 7pm. CHURCH FABRIC FUND The Lottery is the one big fund raiser for the Fab- ric Fund at present. Please join if you haven't already. The Garden Party raised £751. Thank you to everyone who helped to make it such a success: this money contributes to the day to day upkeep of the Church. This General Fund is in deficit. The Exhibition will also raise money for the General Fund so do come and enjoy. TEDDY BEARS CLUB Teddy Bears had their annual sponsored walk just before the Easter Holidays. After gearing ourselves up with waterproofs and wellies we all walked down to beggars plot playing field. We had fun on the park and then walked back up to the hall for a Easter egg hunt. A fun morning was had by us all and thank- fully the sun came out! So far we have raised £150 and our thanks go to everyone who sponsored a 'walker'. This money will go towards our summer trip to Chatsworth Farm Park and our end of term party. Teddy Bears meets every Tue & Fri at the Methodist Hall (opposite the White Hart) during term time from 9.30 – 11.30. It is a parent / carer baby and toddler group and everyone is welcome from birth. For the little ones we have toys, books, crafts, jigsaws, dressing up etc and our outdoor play area. For the grown ups we have tea / coffee and chat! It costs £1.50 per family and new people are always very wel- come. For further info please call Esther on 01433 621529 SEND US YOUR NEWS The views expressed in this Newsletter are not necessarily those of the editorial team. Please send news by e-mail to: [email protected] or [email protected] . Or call Paul (623941), Vanessa (623053) or Carol (621425). You can also leave hand written copy at the Post Office. SATURDAY WASTE SKIP DATES 30th July 27th August EDALE PARISH CHURCH Edale Parish Church have great pleasure in inviting Parishion- ers of Bradwell to join in the Licensing Service of Revd Dr Simon Cocksedge who will be licensed as the new Priest-in- Charge of Edale by The Rt. Revd Dr Alastair Redfern, Bishop of Derby, assisted by The Ven. Christine Wilson, Archdeacon of Chesterfield. Thursday 28th July 2011 at 7.30pm in Edale Parish Church. Refreshments available after the service BRADWELL OPEN GARDENS Every year this popular event allows visitors and other residents a chance to “pop round the back” and sample the delights of our village gardens. This year we are in need of more people prepared to show their gardens, and your help would be so much appreciated. All proceeds go to Bradwell churches, and this can be a fun event. As long as the garden is presentable and ‘different’ then it is probably worth sharing. If you think you might be able to help please call Margaret Morley (620577)

Bradwell NewsBradwell Newsbtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site17227/Issue_109.pdfEaster Holidays. After gearing ourselves up with waterproofs and wellies we all walked down to beggars

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Bradwell NewsBradwell NewsBradwell NewsBradwell News

Issue 109 July 2011


Towngate, Bradwell

01433 620577

For Building and Plumbing

DIY and Gardening (incl Bird Seed)

Paint and Decorating Goods


The Samuel Fox

For that special touch of

Class, why not visit your

Local Country Inn

Call 01433 621562

to make your reservation


Sat 9: Sports facility opening - 2pm on the Sports Field

Wed 13: Rebellion Knoll WI: Methodist Hall, 7:30pm. “Creative Cake Decorations” - Margaret Collier

Tue 19: Bradwell Historical Society: Methodist Hall, 8pm. “Pox, Puss and Privies” - Suzanne Bingham

Sat 30: BRADWELL CARNIVAL: Beggar’s Plot. Please buy your programme for full details.

The following activities are taking place for Well Dressing - Helpers please contact Peter Kobayashi (621459)

Sun 24: 9:30am - Putting clay in the frames

Wed 27 Onwards: Commence petalling the wells at four locations across the village

Sat 30: 7:30am - Erecting the Well Dressings

Sun 31: Blessing of the Wells. Procession starts from St Barnabas Church at 7pm.


The Lottery is the one big fund raiser for the Fab-ric Fund at present. Please join if you haven't already. The Garden Party raised £751. Thank you to everyone who helped to make it such a success: this money contributes to the day to day upkeep of the Church. This General Fund is in deficit. The Exhibition will also raise money for the General Fund so do come and enjoy.

TEDDY BEARS CLUB Teddy Bears had their annual sponsored walk just before the Easter Holidays. After gearing ourselves up with waterproofs and wellies we all walked down to beggars plot playing field. We had fun on the park and then walked back up to the hall for a Easter egg hunt. A fun morning was had by us all and thank-fully the sun came out! So far we have raised £150 and our thanks go to everyone who sponsored a 'walker'. This money will go towards our summer trip to Chatsworth Farm Park and our end of term party. Teddy Bears meets every Tue & Fri at the Methodist Hall (opposite the White Hart) during term time from 9.30 – 11.30. It is a parent / carer baby and toddler group and everyone is welcome from birth. For the little ones we have toys, books, crafts, jigsaws, dressing up etc and our outdoor play area. For the grown ups we have tea / coffee and chat! It costs £1.50 per family and new people are always very wel-come. For further info please call Esther on 01433 621529


The views expressed in this Newsletter are not necessarily those of the editorial team. Please send news by e-mail to: [email protected] or [email protected]. Or call Paul (623941), Vanessa (623053) or Carol (621425).

You can also leave hand written copy at the Post Office.


30th July 27th August

EDALE PARISH CHURCH Edale Parish Church have great pleasure in inviting Parishion-ers of Bradwell to join in the Licensing Service of Revd Dr Simon Cocksedge who will be licensed as the new Priest-in-Charge of Edale by The Rt. Revd Dr Alastair Redfern, Bishop of Derby, assisted by The Ven. Christine Wilson, Archdeacon of Chesterfield. Thursday 28th July 2011 at 7.30pm in Edale Parish Church. Refreshments available after the service

BRADWELL OPEN GARDENS Every year this popular event allows visitors and other residents a chance to “pop round the back” and sample the delights of our village gardens. This year we are in need of more people prepared to show their gardens, and your help would be so much appreciated. All proceeds go to Bradwell churches, and this can be a fun event. As long as the garden is presentable and ‘different’ then it is probably worth sharing. If you think you might be able to help please call Margaret Morley (620577)

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Page 2 Bradwell News



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Two new councillors – Richard Harrison (Smalldale) and Peter Higgs (Brookside) were co-opted at the June PC meet-ing. Peter has resigned the chairmanship of BAND to avoid any perceived clash of interests. This brings council member-ship up to nine and leaves just one seat available. Anyone else interested in co-option, which does not involve an elec-tion, should contact the parish clerk. Newburgh – Councillors again met with Newburgh directors to discuss progress and to continue pressure on them for a reduction in scale of the proposed development. We were told that a revised planning application is not now likely before December. Newburgh said at the meeting that they would reduce the number of houses in their plan if a developer came along with a proposal to create a business park on the site or if the number of affordable homes required could be reduced from the current 27. Lafarge – At the June community liaison meeting, works man-ager Ashley Bryan spoke of an upsurge in demand for cement and a 15 month incident free record. He reported Hope pro-duction heading for an increase of 100,000 tons this year. He referred to a report in the Financial Times which suggested that Hope works would be sold to a competitor, for £300million, if the proposed Lafarge merger with Tarmac is approved by the Monopolies Commission. He said there was no basis for the report – which he described as ‘speculative journalism’. The volume of waste at the works was reported to have been reduced by 45%. Segregation of recyclable materials (bricks and coating) in kiln refurbishments has re-sulted in 1800 tons of previous waste being recycled. The Turner transport contract is to be terminated and their work awarded to Wincanton. The decision was based on tenders for price and service. Alternative fuel usage has increased from 16% to 22% of the total and the company is now looking at the possibility of using SRF (solid recyclate fuel), which could include domestic waste. The Lafarge ‘final salary’ pen-sion scheme has been closed to all employees. Public Convenience – District have advised us that they are looking to fund improvements in some conveniences by clos-ing others. We have been asked if the PC would be inter-ested in taking over the toilets in Town Bottom Playing Field. It was decided to decline the offer, but to point out that they are mostly used by visitors to Bradwell, and the surrounding areas, and that its future should be considered in that context. Town Bottom Phone Box – BT Payphones have asked us to consider adopting this Box to ensure that it will not be taken away. It was agreed to decline the offer, but to point out to BT that it is a well-used important facility and should be retained. Bus Shelters – County have asked us if we are considering installing new bus shelters as they can offer a grant of 50% of costs. Town Bottom seems to be the most likely choice – although it would have to be sited on the ‘wrong’ side of the

EDITORIAL COMMENT The Bradwell News has received a letter and separate verbal comment from two residents related to the PC Notes article in the June Newsletter. These comments relate to party politics and raise some interesting questions, but in order to keep your newsletter free from party politics these exchanges have been posted on the village website forum at: http://www.bradda.org/Forum.htm rather than in these pages. The Forum is open to all residents to contribute their own comments and observations to the debate. It would be useful for residents to know that District Councillor Janet Goodison will be attending the next Parish Council meeting on 5th July to respond to a series of questions and requests for clarification which have been asked of her re-lated to possible changes to the waste management scheme, which she presented at the Annual Parish Meeting. Residents are welcome to attend the Parish Council meeting - in the Methodist Hall lounge at 7:30pm on 5th July - to hear the discussion and to ask their own questions.

LUNCHEON FOR ST BARNABAS Helen and Richard Plant will be hosting a luncheon on Thurs-day 7th. July 2011 in their home, Stoney Ridge, Granby Road, proceeds are for the St. Barnabas Church Fabric Fund, in aid of the essential roof repairs to the church. A two course lunch will be served from noon to 1-30pm, and choices are :-

Main Course Salmon Salad and New Potatoes: OR

Sausage and mash with carrots, peas and gravy: OR Vegetarian Lasagne

Dessert Pavlova OR Sherry trifle OR Lemon tart OR Strawberries and ice cream. All with tea or coffee. If required a glass of wine, or lager, or soft drink will be available for a minimum donation of £1:50. Admission by ticket only. Tickets are £ 8:50 each, on sale now from Janet and Peter Kobayashi (621459).

road. We are making further enquiries before deciding, and would be interested to hear your views. S137 grants – We have agreed to the request from Bradwell Bowls Club for a donation of £100 to sponsor their Charity Day on September 11th. Footpaths – Since we handed back responsibility for mainte-nance of Bradwell footpaths to County Highways, last year, they appear to have done nothing. Any complaints about the state of footpaths should be addressed to them. Our thanks go to Peter Higgs for the voluntary strimming he has done on The Yeld and elsewhere. Speeding – We have decided to enquire about the possibility of siting an automatic 30mph limit flashing sign in the village. Chris Furness

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Page 3 Bradwell News


Bradda Dads are sponsoring the women’s netball at the offi-cial opening event of the MUGA on 9th July. DUCK RACE: Tickets will soon be available. It is, as always, on the Monday of Wakes week: 1st Aug before the children’s street fair. Ducks begin racing at 7.00PM. Tickets are for sale in the Post Office, bread shop, Maggie’s hairdressers, from any member, outside the Coop for two Saturdays be-fore the race and on the night from 6.15PM

BRADWELL 100 YEARS AGO June & July 1911

Following its great success playing for the Coronation the Bradwell King George V Coronation Band met and agreed to put the Band on a permanent basis, with Isaac Hall as conduc-tor with Allen Bradwell (tenor horn) as secretary and Mr Craig as treasurer. An attempt had been made to purchase instru-ments from the Castleton Temperance Band, which was ru-moured to be in difficulties, but the Temperance men had de-cided to give it ‘another go’ (but they wished the ‘boys of the Old Brigade’ all the best). At the same time members of the Coronation Band agreed to make a door-to-door collection for their funds. It was later reported that £7 had been collected with ‘much more promised’. Any instruments purchased would belong to the village. Members of all three choirs from the two Chapels and Church had their annual outing to Blackpool where ‘an enjoyable time was spent by the seaside’. Arnold M. Hallam gained a place at New Mills Secondary School. Fred Burnand left the Bull’s Head to take up residence at Fern Bank and he was succeeded by Harry Lee of Smalldale (Harry can not have stayed long because the Bull’s Head was in the hands of Bernard Bellamy by 1914). Archie Wood of Charlotte Lane married Maria Palfreyman at St Barnabas’. Maria, who was the eldest daughter of Albert Pal-freyman grocer of Towngate, wore a white lawn dress trimmed with needlework and a white hat trimmed with roses. The bride’s maids, both of whom wore muslin with hats to match, were Maria’s sister Celia and Archie’s sister Lucy. The best man was Mr G.W. Broadbent, and the service was conducted by the Revd. G. Bird. The bride was given away by her cousin Frank Liversage although her father was listed amongst the guests. Two deaths received prominent coverage. Humphrey John Hallam of Far Hill died at the age of 80 and the funeral was at the Primitive Methodist Chapel on Hugh Lane. The second person to die was much younger. He was 18 year-old Clifford Bradwell, son of Alfred Bradwell tailor of New Church Street. Clifford had worked at A. F. Hancock of Bamford. The service was conducted by Revd. Bird at Hope.

BRADWELL PRE SCHOOL 9th June was a special day for the children of Bradwell Pre-School as it was their annual Summer Trip, which was to Gulliver’s Kingdom at Matlock Bath. This years trip would not have been possible without the generous donation made by Bradda Dads, so a big thank you to them from all the chil-dren who had a very enjoyable day throughout. We will be holding an Open Evening to be held at the Memorial Hall on 5th July from 7.30pm – 8.30pm. The evening is a great op-portunity for parents, current and new to see how the pre-school is set out day to day and how your child's session is structured. Staff, parents and current committee members will be on hand throughout the evening to answer any ques-tions you may have and a short informative talk will be held at 8pm. A glass of wine plus other beverages will be offered on arrival – We hope to see you there! Please look out for the Bradwell Pre-School Stall on carnival day and The Festi-val of Sports. Please support your local Pre-School, your donations are very much needed and appreciated.


The coffee morning held at Hatter’s Cottage on 11th June raised the fabulous total of £1,020 from donations and the sale of cakes, flowers, cards and raffle tickets. Many thanks to everyone who supported this event. Sheena Judge


Monday night is Bowls Night. Why not come along to Bradwell Bowls Club from 6pm every Monday and enjoy and game of bowls. Beginners and experienced bowlers would be very welcome.


I would like to thank everyone for their get well wishes, cards and gifts during my recent stay in hospital. I am now recover-ing well. Lee Ollerenshaw.

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Events for Carnival Week - open for food as normal Sat 30 Jul: Giant Jungle Slide £2 each from 3pm +BBQ Sun 31 Jul: Hot roast sandwiches/chips: 1 to 6pm Mon 1: Country & Western night with local band (7:30) Tue 2: Our popular quiz (9pm) and bingo night with fun and prizes galore. Hosted by Mr. Graham Riley Wed 3: Family Fun Disco with Keith’s Party Magic and Disco - 6:30 to 8:30pm Thu 4: Bradda Treasure Hunt starts and finishes at the “Green” with food from 6pm Fri 5: The landladies’ big 50th Birthday night with Lee Bradbury disco and BBQ 6pm onwards Best wishes to Carnival Committee & hope all goes well

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PROPERTY MAINTENANCE For a fast and reliable service 24 hours a day Contact Jonathon on 0796 702 0604 or0796 702 0604 or0796 702 0604 or0796 702 0604 or 01433 62135001433 62135001433 62135001433 621350

MRS SHIRLEY ELIZABETH ARCHER Shirley Archer died on 6th May at the Whitworth Hospital, Darley Dale aged 76 years. Born at Hathersage, the daughter of Peter and Phyllis Bell she was educated at the Hathersage School and then at New Mills Grammar School. She trained as a teacher, taking positions at Dronfield and New Mills be-fore coming to Bradwell Primary School. She was eventually appointed Head Mistress. Over the past forty years Shirley was involved in many village activities, serving on the Parish Council, some of the time as Chair and the Parochial Church Council. She also started the Historical Society and was a member of the Well Dressing committee. For a period she was the local correspondent for the Derbyshire Times. Shirley enjoyed holidays, both at home and abroad with some of her many friends. Although she had many interests her main con-cern at all times was the welfare of her family. She leaves a daughter Christine, sons Peter and Michael, six grandchildren and one great grandchild, a sister Gillian and brother Ronnie. Her sisters Valerie and Wendy pre-deceased her. Cremation was at Hutcliffe Wood on 23rd May, followed by a celebration of her life at St Barnabas Church.

*********************** MR BRIAN WILLIAM ROWE

Brian Rowe died on 28th April at the Northern General Hospi-tal aged 73 years. Born in Bradwell, the only son of Jack and Florence Rowe he attended the Church of England School before staring work at the cement works. He did his National Service in the army, returning afterwards to the cement fac-tory, but later setting up his own joinery business. He married Rosaline White and they lived at one of the bungalows on Quarters Lane before eventually moving to Hope. He enjoyed caravan holidays in the UK and overseas. He leaves his wife Rosaline, sons Stephen and Mark, daughter-in-law Catherine, grandchildren Nathan, Daniel, Faye and Adam, and sisters Kathleen, Maureen, Doreen and Gillian. His other sister Ei-leen pre-deceased him. Cremation was at Hutcliffe Wood followed by a service of remembrance at St Barnabas Church on 18th May.

*********************** REV. JOHN VAUGHAN

John was born in 1930 and spent most of his adult life as a priest in the Church of England. Ordained in 1956 he served most of his time in the Derbyshire parishes of Riddings, Hasland, Temple Normanton and Dronfield, and after a spell in Australia he came to Bradwell in 1986. During his time here alterations were made to the church, with construction of the balcony, kitchen and toilet. His artistic talents were used in many ways, including the fun days for children during school holidays. John retired in 1995 and went to live in Dronfield, becoming involved in the life of St John’s Church. He continued to use his artistic talents until very recently, and he and Avril enjoyed being involved in many activities. John died on 30th April. A Thanksgiving service for his life was held on 15th May at St John’s and a number of Bradwell pa-rishioners were there. His body was received into the church prior to cremation on 16th May. He leaves a widow Avril, children Tim, Catherine and Helen and four grandchildren.

3rd 10th 17th 24th

ST BARNABAS 0800 Holy Communion 1100 Family Communion 0915 Morning Service 0915 Holy Communion

JULY SERVICES 0915 Morning Prayer


0915 Gala Eucharist

1900 Well Blessings

400 YEARS OF THE KING JAMES BIBLE An exhibition is running in St Barnabas Church from 30th July to 7th August. Open from 10:30am to 5:30pm, this exhibition will be interesting and stimulating for both adults and children. It features:

• Local arts and crafts

• Flower arrangements

• Displays relating to the theme, including a display of unusual King James Bibles

• Displays of children’s work Teas and home made cakes will be served throughout. People come from far afield to see this exhibition and they always comment on the wonderful talent there is in the vil-lage. If you need any help with transportation please speak to anyone on the PCC and we will arrange it.

The blessing of the Wells will be on Sun 31st July at 7pm

The White HartThe White HartThe White HartThe White Hart

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Traditional 17th Century Inn

CARNIVAL WEEK 1Aug: Bradwell street party hosted by Lee Bradbury + Hog Roast after 3 Aug: Join the Bradda Dads in their annual quiz from 9:30pm 5 Aug: Put some whisky in your jar - Junkyard Dog return. Music with bite! The Popular Quiz every Wednesday at 9.30pm.