Liz Benham Chair Business Net taskforce NFBPWC-USA President Past International President BPW International BusinessNet Taskforce “Partnerships and Business”

BPW International · Liz Benham Chair Business Net taskforce NFBPWC-USA President Past International President BPW International ... Chair [email protected] ... Business

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Page 1: BPW International · Liz Benham Chair Business Net taskforce NFBPWC-USA President Past International President BPW International ... Chair president.liz.benham@gmail.com ... Business

Liz Benham Chair Business Net taskforce NFBPWC-USA President Past International President

BPW International

BusinessNet Taskforce “Partnerships and Business”

Page 2: BPW International · Liz Benham Chair Business Net taskforce NFBPWC-USA President Past International President BPW International ... Chair president.liz.benham@gmail.com ... Business

IFBPW Mission Statement

BPW develops the Business, Professional and Leadership potential of women on all levels through

advocacy, education, mentoring, networking, skill building, and economic empowerment programs and projects

around the world.

Liz Benham Chair Business Net taskforce NFBPWC-USA President Past International President

Page 3: BPW International · Liz Benham Chair Business Net taskforce NFBPWC-USA President Past International President BPW International ... Chair president.liz.benham@gmail.com ... Business

Advocacy Business


Our A,B,Cs

Liz Benham Chair Business Net taskforce NFBPWC-USA President Past International President

Page 4: BPW International · Liz Benham Chair Business Net taskforce NFBPWC-USA President Past International President BPW International ... Chair president.liz.benham@gmail.com ... Business

The Taskforce Team USA Elizabeth Benham – Chair [email protected] Brazil Margarida Yassuda [email protected] Canada Carol Pelton [email protected] Cyprus Kikoula Cotsapas [email protected] Philippines Jenny Lind Elmaco [email protected] Uganda Winnie Lawoko-Olwe [email protected] USA Manjul Batra [email protected]

Liz Benham Chair Business Net taskforce NFBPWC-USA President Past International President

The IFBPW BusinessNet Taskforce The BusinessNet taskforce works to provide a platform for BPW international women owned businesses(WOBs)

to access procurement opportunities through the IFBPW business partnerships, Business to Business (B2B)networking,

shared knowledge and experiences, best practices, news, communications, mentorship,

support and online exposure to products and services.

Page 5: BPW International · Liz Benham Chair Business Net taskforce NFBPWC-USA President Past International President BPW International ... Chair president.liz.benham@gmail.com ... Business

The IFBPW Business Case

C Connects

A Accesses

S Supports

E Empowers

business opportunities

for our bpw members

Liz Benham Chair Business Net taskforce NFBPWC-USA President Past International President

Page 6: BPW International · Liz Benham Chair Business Net taskforce NFBPWC-USA President Past International President BPW International ... Chair president.liz.benham@gmail.com ... Business

Benefits Through our Business Network:

• Worldwide and local Business to Business platforms (B2B)

• IFBPW Business Partnerships

• Annual “SheTradesGlobal” Vendors Forum

• Shared knowledge, experiences and best practices

• News, Communications, Mentorship, Support

• Current updates on Corporate and Government Procurement Policies

• Opportunities to scale up MSME’s (micro, small, medium, enterprises)

Liz Benham Chair Business Net taskforce NFBPWC-USA President Past International President

Page 7: BPW International · Liz Benham Chair Business Net taskforce NFBPWC-USA President Past International President BPW International ... Chair president.liz.benham@gmail.com ... Business

Liz Benham Chair Business Net taskforce NFBPWC-USA President Past International President

IFBPW Business Partners

Page 8: BPW International · Liz Benham Chair Business Net taskforce NFBPWC-USA President Past International President BPW International ... Chair president.liz.benham@gmail.com ... Business

Unlock new markets…. Register to have full access to business tools and resources.

Liz Benham Chair Business Net taskforce NFBPWC-USA President Past International President

Benefits of the IFBPW Partnerships

Next SheTrades Vendors Forum Liverpool, UK 26-28 June 2018 Register now!

Page 9: BPW International · Liz Benham Chair Business Net taskforce NFBPWC-USA President Past International President BPW International ... Chair president.liz.benham@gmail.com ... Business

Register on https://ifbpwbusinessnet.wordpress.com/

to connect on the database and have full access to BPW business members Join the BusinessNet Google Group: https://groups.google.com/forum/m/#!forum/ifbpw-businessnet

Liz Benham Chair Business Net taskforce NFBPWC-USA President Past International President

BusinessNet Benefits

Page 10: BPW International · Liz Benham Chair Business Net taskforce NFBPWC-USA President Past International President BPW International ... Chair president.liz.benham@gmail.com ... Business

MOTION: Whereas Business is part of the official IFBPW name;

Whereas IFBPW developed partnerships to link BPW women owned businesses (WOBs) to multinational corporations,

government agencies and UN organizations and is committed to providing this connection platform to the members;

Whereas all the actors have changed and scaled up their procurement policies in trade to attract and benefit women owned

businesses (WOBs);

Whereas identifying our BPW women owned businesses (WOBs) is a valuable benefit to BPW members;

Whereas IFBPW has regional conferences in its global footprint providing a platform for workshops, mentoring and

B to B (Business to Business) opportunities for all our entrepreneurs and recruitment possibilities for new members;

Whereas the Business Platform and all its opportunities can scale-up women owned businesses (WOBs) to national and

international levels;

Whereas this proposition is aligned with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals numbers: 5(Gender Equality),

8(Decent Work and Economic Growth),12(Responsible Consumption and production) and 17(Partnerships for the goals);

Therefore be it resolved that IFBPW establish a permanent Business Network Committee with applicable tools to

encourage our BPW women owned businesses (WOBs) to register their businesses with IFBPW, implement the IFBPW

partnerships with all current actors and relevant new ones, and enable opportunities for encouraging and developing

entrepreneurial growth, networking and mentoring for the members at all triennial regional meetings and congresses.

To continue the business focus in BPW International to benefit our members,

the IFBPW BusinessNet Taskforce at

The International Congress and General Assembly ,Cairo 23-27 October 2017

proposes the following


Liz Benham Chair Business Net taskforce NFBPWC-USA President Past International President

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Liz Benham Chair Business Net taskforce NFBPWC-USA President Past International President


• Support the Economic Empowerment of Women

• Strengthen the power of our Business Network

• Together we are stronger!

Thank You! For further info contact:

[email protected]

Register:https://ifbpwbusinessnet.wordpress.com/ Join the Google group: https://groups.google.com/forum/m/#!forum/ifbpw-businessnet

The BusinessNet invites all IFBPW

WOBs (women owned ) Businesses and Professionals providing products and services such as -

Retail / Wholesale Trading, Manufacturers, Distributors, Marketers,

Consultants, Doctors, Lawyers, Accountants, Creative's