* i % ? i f*CN »/'•! H i t it*** y •W VOL. XXVIII, 4 i //n « » . .nUn* .,<•'•.,.«• T.fJSSalt.t— * SttftaCOPIES, FiyisojfiNTs. No. tft. Immmft %Avtx\im. * 4 •+~t- h " fkisv.^ftb- 1 •• 1 ' I' 'Published eveiy_ Thursday morning Hammond, N . T, v WILLIAM A. BURTON, Editor and 2*roprktoK^ at OHUBOBE& Carley, METHODIST.—Rev. S. 0. pastor. Services at 11:00 a. jn. iPRESHYTERIAK,--Rev,.B« r A. Fee guSon, D, D.,"pastor,ServiceS at 11 a, m. UN 1V LRBALISy.—SuppUed, Sery- i,es n J I 'On •<, in. / ' CATHOLIC.—Rev. 3. J. Crowley pas- tor. /" SOCIETIES, P. und A. M.-r-Hamraond Lodge No. 861. regular! communications second and fourth Friday of each m'onth.-| Chas M. Denner, W.M., T. A, Lewis S. W„ W. J. Ireton. J. "W., Wesley Backus, 8ec. I. O O. F.—Independent Order of Odd Fcl'owSjNo 9, meets every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. T. E. Ducolon, N G, Edward Datton, V. G , George Black, Rec. Sec, Wesley Back as, Fin. See, •4- M W. of A—Hammond Camp He. __ 11.150 meets the second Saturday^ eveningTn thtrmemth. F. G, Franklin 1 Consul, 0. S.Felt, Advisor; B C. Jones, Clerk. . ' - i > I. O, F.—Court HAWmondJNo. 545, IfideS pendent order of' Foresfers^tngets th$ second and fourth Tuesday eveningsof the month. Jasi Ferguson, C. R,, y Geo. Demick, Rec. Sec. ' . P. of H.—Hammond Grange,.iNo. 677 meets the first and third Wednesday evening of each month . at 8 o'clock.' E. P. Allen, Master; Mrs. W. H . Wright Secretary. >' 0 . E. S.—Hammond Chapter, Eastern ] Star meets Sad jjpd 4tb- Wednesday evenings of the month. Grace Evans W. M., Wesley B a k u s , W ^ „ Mrs. B. A. Forrester, Sec. A.delphia Rebeka Lodge meets the first and third Wednesday evenings of |he, montb. Mrs, Geneva Cokey* N. &, Xj-rs. Anna 'TSJ^i%- &., Tfpi^Liiltf • . ^or^tej^jjiep. '" ^Jj&i - •MrS^^rfr^rBfc'B.-j; ' ,:jfe$iJfs^y1fan^h^c*,'Si>c.^'.-',-- - BR. THOMAS A ; % i r a g v Office Hours:—IO to 12 • * m, _. 6 to 8 p. m. Hammond, / * N. Y. m What is going on in and About » the Town- Postmaster J T Rodger in Ogdensburg on business Friday. was last Mrs. J. S. Rodger and daugh- ter, Grace spent Saturday in Og- densburg. I T ,.\$endell Wilson arrived in town l^tiirday to .yisit his parents on ihe Say road. Mable Carley, Irene and Iona Rose are spending the holidays at their home here. -, • Plamia Krake visited her sis* ter, Mrs* C. C. Forrester in Qgr* densburg this week. Joseph Frazier and niece. Miss Ellen Frazier of Idaho visited at the homeof VVm. Jones this \Veek. . George McCadamJeft Sunday evening lor Auburn to spend a couple of days with his son r Ray, HAMMD M r > MUM JHammpnd Lodge F^ aftd' M., No; 86i, Tield a banquet their hall last Friday evenjng honor of the wives~of the m bers. About seventy-five Wi present. > The early pari of the; ^venjf was spent in plaving flinch pedro and a social .time. * \ The lodge has a reputation, its excellent suppers and the past that the company partofi fh the fining roorrrrstrengthe this reputation. After supper music was;farn*p»r ed by Mrs. Kerr, and r E#w*rd Hoover and" <a< mimbkft 1 of* 1 presenfcenjpjtedjsoJ^biH'' 4 time dance.s.ast welHts -tfi©^- and two-stePj/ .• \ ( The occasion^wasra grkia< cess in every way r ttie?itf< v . which will lingertin-thja>nitilffii those who attended; fori ma^ day. , i ^ I i r J- flDmNflR FBI 7 That the State responsible for. a n | nine personsf i . At'ty.' $0&%t$ hat been ^sufler^ in^ariiattaelcof ^cxppe *h£spasfe •i| bile accident at J^sT.|i. EL burton and dfugh^ Syracuse.Jn DR. G. M. A. EMPEY, DEfrTAIi aUBQEON Office Hours :— 8 to 12 a. m., 1 to 5 p. m. Open'Every Day. Opposite Office Post Office. HAMMOND, NEW YORK. INSURANCE EVANS & COttROY, Representing the Best Old Line insurance Co.s. Fire, Automobile, Motor Boat, Surity, Lite and Accident. LET US INSUKE YOU HAMMOND, NEW YORK. ter Florence spent Sunday ai'the! home of H. F. Burton in Ogdens- burg. Mr. and Mrs% R a n d a l l Brown and* son Ronald of Pope Mills sp'enX Sunday m town with rela- tives. Mrs. James Framm', who has been in the hospital at Brockville for some time, returned home Sunday. Miss Eula J. Wilson,who is at- tending Pratt Institute in Brook- lyn returned home Wednesday evening. - Mrs. Farr, who has been at the home of Reuben Evans for some time left Saturday for her home iri Pierponte Manor. That this Christmas may be the merriest that our readers have ever enjoyed is the sincere wish of the Advertiser. 'gillMEN ISTM CO . 370 Have Passed Away in the Jft&t Twelve Years Ralph H. Hulett, Formerly of Hulett & Church. WATCHMAKER, JEWELER. WATCHES, DIAMONDS AND SILVERWARE. S3 Ford St., Ogdensburg, N. Y. C 0.13 AIL^^V OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN, Oculists 1 Prescriptions Filled. Lens Grinding. *Next to Dow's Studio, O g r d e n f s t m w ^ , 3SF. Y . FIRE INSURANCE Farm and Village Property Automobile, Motor Boat and Tornado INSURANCE JOHN U. DONAJLD, Afift. JOB PRINTING As You Want It and When You Watnt It. Address The Advertiser Office. is the opinidri centlyrendeiredi ?l3 of Claims;: i f e ^ ^ r * - ' at confirmed! tbe^'fihaings of Irving Ql r jpann as-referee-iri. claims b|||ight as test cases.'-»*-; Thos^$|lled at the timelof the accidenp%ere: Wm. HI? ianghlin't forrheisdiiy: structo* fh chemistry at Pdnceioiik] university t FredeiSfek H, •' Arnold and son, Harold of . S^raictiSe^ Claude HamiU Hammond| ||ia*t| Bradley, Franklin; Nichblas.Coiril- Alexandria Bay; Cornelius; Wl Halpin, Lakeland; j;. Vv||Paine| Cortland; Charles Ballantyrie and Seth Smith, Syracuse. In the claim for $50,000, madi| in the McLaughlin case* a judge^j ment for $10,000 is granted witlj interest amounting to $1^340, t$| Marie McLaughlin, administrate or. Judgement, of $8,000 witb^ $1,080 interest is granted in thlt $25,000 claim of.Mrs^ Arnoldjr wife and rrlfetherof two victims^ President Taff was the guei County Inspector Frank John- son of Ogdensburg has gust com- pleted his inspection of Grand £rmy Post of St. Lawrence coun- ty for the year 1913 and has sub- mitted_his report__to_ Col. James A.,,A)ljs of Syracuse. Mr. John- son furnishes the following sum- mary showing the condition of the various posts. Number of posts in the county, |JJ2*, number of tnembers iq good standing, 416; amount of cash on jharid, $1,315.0^; value of post roperty, $1,900. . w Tne towns 0$ the county haye;? [tetll made liberal appropriatons |6 pay »the expenses of observing Memorial day in a fitting manner and have also appropriated mon- ieys necessary torilleve veterlSis F dr their families' Vtfho have b<b4j]$ jin straitened circumstances, s|^h; disbursements h^viri^ been ,njia;de' -tinder the direction of ibe JgMri^i Marnry* organizatiojul; :-l^afe:Jeibi^Qrii 1 *a^s that this is^af •grati^mjg showing and in<K^a*e^|Siitl; :; ffie "interests 61 t h ^ L g g v i ^ p ^ r -|Q% Lmitie^i^^e%el!S#d^e^ vVell looked after by^ihe Grand Army. He reports thft the dif- Jf^rent posts are all in good con- dition. "^He adds: "It seems strange, iffiO^ever^.even,with their interests "after so well, that there lai&lqhite'a number of old vet- erans scattered around the cotin- ^^hos&names do not appear [<|i the.foster of any post, if orily la^a matter of self protection to themselves and to strengthen' ian organization that has done so £••••••••1 ! A GO0D $ftl^STnA$ BIJV I. Miss Helen Rodger, who has' ... bfeen visiting friends in Gouver--j° f honor on the day.tha : apiideD| neur the past few weeks returned!happened and his carnage had. home last Friday evening. Stephen Jones, who is attend- ing Harvard UniAy-ersity^--arrived In town Sunday to spend the hol- idays with his parents,, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Jones: ©f. OCULJST. HISS L. LAMPHEAR'S RESIDENCE, JAN. 8th, 1914 .. . . . . - And second Wednesday of every other t o s e e h i m . h o m e a g a i n improved month, " ' in health, in the near future. Miss Florence Wyllie and Mur- lay,McGregor of the University of Michigan returned Saturday evening to spend the holidays with their parents in town. Harold L. Gokey of McGill University, Montreal, returned |o his home at Southy Hammond last Thursday afternoon to spend two weeks with his parents. , A masquerade ball will be held ;at the Hastings house, Pope Mills 6ti Friday evening, January 16th. Scott's full orchestra will furnish music. Tickets for supper and dance, $1.25. ; Reuben Evans, who has been in [poorJiealth for some time,- was taken to the United Helpers Home in .Ogdensburg Saturday, where" he will spend a few Weeks, J,j?eceiving medical treatment. ' He was'Accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. B. ;A- E v a n s and Mrs. J. H. j Doddsi His many friends hope just passed.the spot a few mol ments before. In the finding the State is de| dared to have beent.negligent hi conducting such a race onan ellipj tical track without the' exerclsj of reasonable care to provide against accidents well known be liable to happen*. to I Mrs. Theresa, Ducolon name mond ADDED THIS WEEK Webster Wagoner of formerly Miss Fannj of out town,; adds her o our list this week. Rayf odger sends UieAdvertisI Imuch for their common interest. [St. Lawrence county has always |borne a good reputation in Grand Army circles of the state. It has had two department commanders in Major Gen. N. M. Curtis and Maj. W. H. Daniel, both of Og- densburg, and numerous other [officers in the department of New York." As Showing the ravages of time on the ranks of the county organ- ization, Inspector Johnson states tbat-his inspection of the Vounty posts in 1901 showed 786 mem- Jhers as compared with 416 this year, a loss of 370 in the last doz- en years. WOODMEN ELECT IFFiGERS FOR THE CQtfllNG YEAR er to his, brother*.,Fred W., $ Potsdam ;* Mrs. Janet Taylor to her grarid-da\ighter,<, Mrsi-BerthSt Alcorn in Patterson, Cal.; Rober$ Miller to, B. S. Gray, in Wood? stock, Vj&.; Mil.- Martha* WrigbJ to her brother, David Moyer ih Los Angeles, Cal., • Miss Mary B| Glea^on to %iss Jsfnetfe^ Burns ih Chauncey, N. V.;' M^s. Robert Rutherford to her sister, Mr^i Frank W. Bandy in Alabama^ A. W. Murphy to Claud6 Murphy in Antwerp and W. H. Lundet-' man of North Hammond ajso adds his name.'' f : : I f The local camp M. W. *of A. Ijeld their election of officers in their hall in the M<*Gruer block last Thursday evening. The fol- lowing officers were elected: i Consul, C. S. Felt; Advisor. H-. fk N'icol; Banker, E. »P. Allen; Clerk, B. C. Jones; Escort, Chas E erden; Watchman, Bert Slate; entinel, Rolland Lunderman; Trustee, three years, George iiallagher. *• The installation of the new officers will be held Saturday Evening, January 10, followed b'y 4 banquet. t r \ The Citizens National Bank Of J-ZeurmimcHndL, 1ST, ^T. Capital, - - - • $25,O6a.O0 | Sttrplps md&t&Mf, - - $6,000,00 With Resources Over $190,000.00 PER CENT INTEREST Paid I *. ^BPP * / fin Time Certificates of Deposit 1 Whv not s,tai$ the Jfew Xear by opening a Checking | Account? "When^ouvififly,^bill^pr transfer money.in any f manner^write you^ cheefc^-thereby- eliminating- all possible^ danger from loss, ^ n endbrser#ent is a positive proof o4 payment. •" ^ Spie Deposit Boxes For Kent. I Patronize Your Home institution And Help Your Home Town. | ^ W. D. EVANS, President,. ROBERT SMITH, Vice-President, R. it. CONVOY. Cashier. H. Nl. DORWIN, I L. F7CTJTHB^RT,|: 1 t iWonld b^' a pair of shoes for a Christmas Gift, . v ^ . "We carry everything to be foUnA in'a firat class, ug-to-date shoe store, * W© are showing Jsome splendid lines ofChristhaas Novelties including Felt Nullitiers Kreep-A'^VVaslippers, and Wool lined shoes for Women A pair of any of .the apoye would make a splendid Christmas Gift for Mother. * r ' Wh6n in the citywe would be pleased to have you call and see .what""' £ vrehaye-jn these lines. - WML, &JFRASER, I Ogdensburg^ F . Y. J .«.t»-^ *ffi i t t Gret Your« N^tatBook And Jot Do^n t Theitems^yQiMhave yet to buy for Christmas J, The follpw#^ ( )iit^fi*%^-*y6ti'nlake a wise selection: Watches / ' _ll Clbe&s Watch Chains Cuff "Links Scarf Pins Bracelets Rings-Signet Rings-Diamond Rihgs-All Kinds Brooches Bar Pins Beauty Pins Gold Bemads Gold Lockets Neck Chains Eye Glass Holders Tie Clasps > Belt Ruckles Hat Pins Fountain Pens Thermometers Jewel Cases Silverware Toilet Sets ... MilitaryJSrushes '. Terfhmery . Box Paper Books Stationery, Supplies of all kinds. Hair Brushes Combs, Hand Mirrors Post Card Albums A big line of Dolls and Toys. EDISON PHONOGRAPHS Dont talk Phonograph purchase till you have heard an Edison. Thev are now made with the horn concealed within a beautiful Cabinet. The reproducing Point is a Genuine Diamond;* that is never changed likka-needle. It does not wear out. nor does it wear the Rocord. 0%.-. ! G. H. WYLLIE, Hammond, N. Y. ••»•••••••••»•••••••••••••••••••»•••< '^ Michael McGuire, owner for |he past few years of the Brasie <|orners hotel, has sold the hos- telry to Edward McGrath of (isouverneur, who will take pos- session Jan. 15. For a few years past the hotel has been conducted % Johtr Clohosey, who is plan- ning to give a farewell ball in t|ie near future. Mr. Clohosey j 1 if as not yet decided where he will locate. BiirkCS' Th ® Home of Good Shoes Can You Think Of a Christmas Gift - that will give more genuine pleas- ure than a pair of Dress Slippers ? Men's styles in Patents, Kids and Calfs. Women's styjes in Patents, Calfs and Kids. Satins, Beaded BurkeS ? Th_f .Sllppe* Store 38 Ford Street, Ogdensburg, N. Y. ^1 I ®&&&ets30W$^^ m •• >'. 1 1 \ \ I i w w -I' «•. V m* * t J^. r .'<«( > W«'j

^BPP - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84035822/1913-12-25/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · Fire, Automobile, Motor Boat, Surity, Lite and Accident. LET US INSUKE YOU HAMMOND,

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VOL. XXVIII, 4 i //n « » . . n U n * . , < • ' • . , . « • T . f J S S a l t . t — *

SttftaCOPIES, FiyisojfiNTs.

No. tft.

Immmft %Avtx\im. * 4


h "


1 ••

1 '


'Published eveiy_ Thursday morning Hammond, N. T,v

WILLIAM A . B U R T O N , Editor and 2*roprktoK^


OHUBOBE& Carley, METHODIST.—Rev. S. 0 .

pastor. Services at 11:00 a. jn. iPRESHYTERIAK,--Rev,.B«rA. Fee

guSon, D, D.,"pastor,ServiceS at 11 a, m. UN 1V LRBALISy.—SuppUed, Sery-

i,es n J I 'On •<, in. / ' CATHOLIC.—Rev. 3 . J. Crowley pas-


/ " SOCIETIES, P. und A. M.-r-Hamraond Lodge No.

861. regular! communications second and fourth Friday of each m'onth.-| Chas M. Denner, W.M., T. A, Lewis S. W„ W. J. Ireton. J. "W., Wesley

Backus, 8ec.

I. O O. F.—Independent Order of Odd Fcl'owSjNo 9, meets every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. T. E. Ducolon, N G, Edward Datton, V. G , George Black, Rec. Sec, Wesley Back as, Fin. See,

•4-M W. of A—Hammond Camp He.

__ 11.150 meets the second Saturday^ eveningTn thtrmemth. F. G, Franklin1

Consul, 0. S.Felt , Advisor; B C. Jones, Clerk. .

— ' - i > •

I. O, F.—Court HAWmondJNo. 545, IfideS pendent order of' Foresfers^tngets th$ second and fourth Tuesday eveningsof the month. Jasi Ferguson, C. R,,

y Geo. Demick, Rec. Sec. ' . P. of H.—Hammond Grange,.iNo. 677

meets the first and third Wednesday evening of each month . at 8 o'clock.' E. P. Allen, Master; Mrs. W. H. Wright Secretary. >'

0 . E. S.—Hammond Chapter, Eastern ] Star meets Sad jjpd 4tb- Wednesday evenings of the month. Grace Evans W. M., Wesley B a k u s , W ^ „ Mrs. B. A. Forrester, Sec.

A.delphia Rebeka Lodge meets the first and third Wednesday evenings of |he, montb. Mrs, Geneva Cokey* N. &, Xj-rs. Anna 'TSJ^i%- &., Tfpi^Liiltf

• . ^or^tej^jjiep.'"

^Jj&i - •MrS^^rfr^rBfc'B.-j; ' ,:jfe$iJfs^y1fan^h^c*,'Si>c.^'.-',-- -

BR. THOMAS A;%iragv Office Hours:—IO to 12 • * m, _.

6 to 8 p. m.

Hammond, / • * N. Y.


What is going on in and About » the Town-

Postmaster J T Rodger in Ogdensburg on business F r i d a y .

was last

Mrs. J. S. Rodger and d a u g h ­ter, Grace spent Saturday in O g ­densburg.

I T,.\$endell Wi l son arrived in town l ^ t i i r d a y t o .yisit his parents on i h e S a y road.

Mable Carley, Irene and I o n a R o s e are spending the ho l idays a t the ir h o m e here. - ,

• P l a m i a Krake vis i ted her s is* t er , Mrs* C. C. Forrester in Qgr* densburg th i s week .

J o s e p h Frazier and n iece . Miss E l l e n Fraz ier of Idaho v i s i ted at t h e h o m e o f VVm. J o n e s th is \Veek.

. G e o r g e M c C a d a m J e f t Sunday e v e n i n g l o r Auburn t o s p e n d a coup le of d a y s w i t h h i s s o n r R a y ,


JHammpnd L o d g e F^ aftd' M., N o ; 8 6 i , Tield a b a n q u e t their hall last F r i d a y evenjng h o n o r of t h e wives~of t h e m bers. About seventy-five Wi present. > „

T h e early par i of the; ^venjf was spent in p lav ing flinch pedro and a social . t ime . * \

T h e lodge has a reputation, i ts exce l lent suppers and t h e past tha t t h e c o m p a n y partofi fh the f i n i n g roorrrrstrengthe th i s reputat ion.

After supper mus ic was;farn*p»r ed by Mrs. Kerr, a n d r E # w * r d H o o v e r and" <a< mimbkft1 of*1

presenfcenjpjtedjsoJ^biH'' 4

t i m e dance.s.ast w e l H t s -tfi©^-and two-stePj / .• \ (

T h e occasion^wasra grkia< cess i n every wayrttie?itf< v . which wi l l lingertin-thja>nitilffii those w h o attended; fori m a ^ day. , i

^ I i r J-

flDmNflR FBI

7 That the State

responsible for. a n | nine personsf i

. At'ty.' $0&%t$ hat been ^sufler in^ariiattaelcof ^cxppe *h£spasfe

•i| bile accident at J^sT.|i. EL burton and dfugh^ Syracuse.Jn


Office Hours :— 8 to 12 a. m., 1 to 5 p. m. Open'Every Day.

Opposite Office Post Off ice.



EVANS & COttROY, Representing the Best Old Line insurance Co.s. Fire, Automobile, Motor Boat,

Surity, Lite and Accident. LET US INSUKE YOU


t er F lorence spent Sunday a i ' t h e ! h o m e of H . F . Burton in O g d e n s ­burg.

Mr. and Mrs% Randall Brown and* son Ronald of P o p e Mills sp'enX Sunday m town with rela­t ives .

Mrs . James Framm', w h o has b e e n in the hospital at Brockvi l le for some t ime, returned h o m e Sunday.

Miss Eu la J. Wi l son ,who is at­tending Pratt Inst i tute in Brook­lyn returned home Wednesday evening . -

Mrs. Farr, w h o has been at the h o m e of Reuben E v a n s for s o m e t i m e left Saturday for her h o m e iri P ierponte Manor.

T h a t th is Christmas may be t h e merriest that our readers h a v e ever enjoyed is the sincere w i s h of the Advertiser.

'g i l lMEN • I S T M CO.

370 Have Passed Away in the Jft&t Twelve Years

Ralph H. Hulett, Formerly of Hulett & Church.



S 3 Ford St., O g d e n s b u r g , N. Y.


Oculists1 Prescriptions Filled. Lens Grinding.

*Next to Dow's Studio,

O g r d e n f s t m w ^ , 3SF. Y .

FIRE INSURANCE Farm and Village Property Automobile, Motor Boat and Tornado


JOB PRINTING As You Want It and When You Watnt It.

Address The Advertiser Office.

i s t h e opinidri centlyrendeiredi ?l3 of Claims;: i f e ^ ^ r * - ' a t confirmed! tbe^'fihaings of Irving Ql rjpann as-referee-iri. c la ims b | | | i g h t a s t e s t cases.'-»*-;

T h o s ^ $ | l l e d at t h e t imelof the acc idenp%ere:

W m . HI? i a n g h l i n ' t forrheisdiiy: structo* f h chemistry at Pdnceioiik] university t FredeiSfek H , •' Arnold and son, Harold of . S^raictiSe^ Claude H a m i U H a m m o n d | | | i a * t | Bradley, Franklin; Nichblas.Coiril-Alexandria B a y ; Corne l ius ; W l Halpin , Lake land; j ; . V v | | P a i n e | Cortland; Charles Ballantyrie and Seth Smi th , Syracuse.

In t h e c la im for $50,000, madi | in the McLaughl in case* a judge^j ment for $10,000 is granted w i t l j interest amount ing t o $1^340, t$| Marie McLaughl in , administrate or. Judgement , of $8,000 witb^ $1,080 interest i s granted in thlt $25,000 c la im of .Mrs^ Arnoldjr wife and rrlfetherof two vict ims^

President Taf f w a s the guei

County Inspector Frank John­son of Ogdensburg has gust c o m ­pleted his inspect ion of Grand £rmy P o s t of S t . Lawrence coun­ty for the year 1913 and has sub-mitted_his report__to_ Col. J a m e s A.,,A)ljs of Syracuse . Mr. John­son furnishes the fol lowing sum­mary showing the condit ion of the various pos t s .

Number of posts in the county, |JJ2*, number of tnembers iq good s tanding, 416 ; amount of cash on jharid, $1,315.0^; value of post

roperty, $1,900. . wTne towns 0$ t h e county haye;?

[tetll m a d e liberal appropriatons | 6 p a y »the expenses of observing Memorial day in a fitting manner and h a v e a lso appropriated m o n -ieys necessary t o r i l l e v e veterlSis Fdr t h e i r families' Vtfho have b<b4j]$ jin s trai tened circumstances, s |^h; d i s b u r s e m e n t s h^viri^ b e e n ,njia;de' -tinder t h e direct ion o f i b e JgMri^i

Marnry* organizatiojul; :-l afe: Jeibi^Qrii1

* a ^ s that t h i s i s ^ a f •grat i^mjg s h o w i n g and in<K^a*e^|Siitl;:;ffie "interests 61 t h ^ L g g v i ^ p ^ r - | Q %

L m i t i e ^ i ^ ^ e % e l ! S # d ^ e ^ vVell looked after b y ^ i h e Grand Army. H e reports t h f t t h e dif-Jf^rent posts are all in good con­d i t i o n . " ^ H e adds: "It s e e m s strange, iffiO^ever^.even,with their interests

"after s o wel l , that there lai&lqhite'a number of old vet ­erans scattered around the cotin-^ ^ h o s & n a m e s d o not appear [<|i the . foster of any post, if orily la^a matter of self protect ion to themselves and to strengthen' ian organizat ion that has done so

£•• • • • • • •1

! A GO0D $ftl^STnA$ BIJV


Miss H e l e n Rodger, who has ' ... bfeen vis i t ing friends in Gouver--j° f honor on the d a y . t h a : a p i i d e D | neur the past few weeks re turned!happened and his carnage had. h o m e last Friday evening.

S tephen Jones, who is attend-i n g Harvard UniAy-ersity^--arrived In town Sunday to spend the hol-idays wi th his parents,, Mr. and Mrs. B . C. Jones:


HISS L. LAMPHEAR'S RESIDENCE, JAN. 8th, 1914 • .. . . . . -

And second Wednesday of every other to see h i m . h o m e again improved month, " ' in health, in the near future.

Miss F lorence Wyl l i e and Mur-lay ,McGregor of the Universi ty of Michigan returned Saturday evening t o spend the hol idays w i th their parents in town.

Harold L. Gokey of McGill Univers i ty , Montreal, returned | o his h o m e a t Southy H a m m o n d last Thursday afternoon to spend t w o weeks with his parents.

, A masquerade ball wil l be held ;at the Hast ings house, P o p e Mills 6ti Fr iday evening, January 16th. Scot t ' s full orchestra wil l furnish music . Tickets for supper and dance , $1.25. ;

Reuben Evans , who has been in [poorJieal th for some time,- was t a k e n to the Uni ted Helpers H o m e in .Ogdensburg Saturday, where" h e will spend a few Weeks,

J,j?eceiving medical treatment . ' H e was'Accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. B . ;A- E v a n s and Mrs. J. H .

j Doddsi H i s many friends hope

just passed . the spot a few mol ments before.

In the finding t h e S ta te is de | d a r e d t o have beent.negligent h i conduct ing such a race o n a n ellipj tical track wi thout t h e ' exerclsj of reasonable care t o provide against accidents wel l known be l iable to happen*.


I Mrs.

Theresa , Duco lon name mond

ADDED THIS WEEK Webster Wagoner of formerly Miss F a n n j of out town,; adds her

o our list th i s week. Rayf odger sends UieAdvert i sI

Imuch for the ir c o m m o n interest. [St. Lawrence county has a lways |borne a good reputation in Grand Army circles of the state. It has had t w o department commanders i n Major Gen . N. M. Curtis and Maj. W. H. Danie l , both of Og­densburg, and numerous o ther

[officers in the department of N e w York."

As Showing the ravages of t ime o n t h e ranks of the county organ­izat ion, Inspector Johnson states tbat -h i s inspect ion of the Vounty posts in 1901 showed 786 mem-

Jhers a s compared with 416 this year, a loss of 370 in the last doz­en years.


er to h i s , brother*.,Fred W. , $ Potsdam ;* Mrs. Janet Taylor t o her grarid-da\ighter,<, Mrsi-BerthSt Alcorn in Patterson, Cal . ; Rober$ Miller to , B . S. G r a y , in Wood? stock, Vj&.; Mil . - Martha* WrigbJ to her brother, Dav id Moyer ih Los Ange les , Cal., • Miss Mary B | Glea^on to %iss Jsfnetfe^ Burns ih Chauncey, N . V.;' M^s. Robert Rutherford to her sister, Mr^i Frank W. Bandy in Alabama^ A. W. Murphy to Claud6 Murphy in Antwerp and W. H. Lundet-' man of North H a m m o n d ajso adds h i s name.''

f • • : :

I f T h e local camp M. W. *of A. Ijeld their e lect ion of officers in their hall in the M<*Gruer block last Thursday evening. T h e fol­lowing officers were e lected: i Consul, C. S. F e l t ; Advisor. H-. f k N'icol; Banker, E . »P. Al len; Clerk, B. C. Jones; Escort, Chas

Eerden; Watchman, Bert S la te ; entinel, Rol land Lunderman;

Trustee, three years, George i ial lagher. *• T h e installation of the new officers will be held Saturday Evening, January 10, followed b'y 4 banquet.


\ The Citizens National Bank

O f J-ZeurmimcHndL, 1ST, ^T. Capital, - - - • $25,O6a.O0 | Sttrplps md&t&Mf, - - $6,000,00

With Resources Over $190,000.00


* .

^BPP *


fin Time Certificates of Deposit 1 Whv not s,tai$ the Jfew Xear by opening a Checking |

Account? "When ouvififly, bill pr transfer money.in any f manner^write you^ cheefc -thereby- eliminating- all possible^ danger from loss, n endbrser#ent is a positive proof o4 payment. •" ^

Spie Deposit Boxes For Kent. I Patronize Your Home institution And Help Your Home Town. |


W. D. EVANS, President,. ROBERT SMITH, Vice-President,

R. i t . CONVOY. Cashier.




iWonld b ' a pair of shoes for a Christmas Gift, . v ^ . "We carry everything to be foUnA in'a firat class, ug-to-date shoe store, *

W© are showing Jsome splendid lines ofChristhaas Novelties including • Felt Nullitiers Kreep-A'^VVaslippers, and Wool lined shoes for Women

A pair of any of .the apoye would make a splendid Christmas Gift for Mother. * r '

Wh6n in the citywe would be pleased to have you call and see .what""' £ vrehaye-jn these lines. -

WML, &JFRASER, I Ogdensburg^ F . Y. J •

. « . t » - ^ *ffi i

t t • •

Gret Your« N^tatBook And Jot Do^n t Theitems^yQiMhave ye t to buy for Christmas J ,

The follpw#^()iit^fi*%^-*y6ti'nlake a wise • selection:

Watches / ' _ll Clbe&s Watch Chains Cuff "Links Scarf Pins Bracelets Rings-Signet Rings-Diamond Rihgs-All Kinds Brooches Bar Pins Beauty Pins Gold Bemads Gold Lockets Neck Chains Eye Glass Holders Tie Clasps > Belt Ruckles Hat Pins Fountain Pens Thermometers Jewel Cases Silverware Toilet Sets

... MilitaryJSrushes '. Terfhmery . Box Paper

Books Stationery, Supplies of all kinds. Hair Brushes Combs, Hand Mirrors Post Card Albums A big line of Dolls and Toys. EDISON PHONOGRAPHS

Dont talk Phonograph purchase till you have heard an Edison.

Thev are now made with the horn concealed within a beautiful Cabinet.

The reproducing Point is a Genuine Diamond;* that is never changed likka-needle.

It does not wear out. nor does it wear the Rocord.


! G. H. WYLLIE, Hammond, N. Y. • • » • • • • • • • • • » • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • » • • • <

' Michael McGuire, owner for | h e past few years of the Bras ie <|orners hotel , has sold the hos­telry to Edward McGrath of (isouverneur, who will take pos ­sess ion Jan. 15. For a few years past the hotel has been conducted % Johtr Clohosey, who is plan­ning to g ive a farewell ball in t|ie near future. Mr. Clohosey

j1 if as not yet decided where he will locate.

B i i r k C S ' Th® Home of Good Shoes

Can You Think Of a Chr i s tmas Gift - that

wil l g i v e m o r e genuine pleas­

ure than a pair of Dress

Slippers ?

Men' s s t y l e s in Pa tent s , Kids

and Calfs .

W o m e n ' s s ty j e s in

P a t e n t s , C a l f s and

Kids .



B u r k e S ? Th_f .Sllppe* Store

38 Ford Street, Ogdensburg, N. Y.




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