Application Integration Shyju, Sathi Raghavan

BPM & iBPM Software SuitesApplication Integration Definition Application integration, in a general context, is the process of bringing resources from one application to another. Application

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Application Integration

Shyju, Sathi Raghavan

Application Integration

Definition Application integration, in a general context, is the process of bringing resources from one application to another. Application integration is the process of bringing data from one application program to another application program. Enterprise application integration (EAI) is the use of software and computer systems architectural principles to integrate a set of enterprise computer applications. Enterprise application integration (EAI) is the use of technologies and services across an enterprise to enable the integration of software applications and hardware systems. EAI is related to middleware technologies

Shyju, Sathi Raghavan

Application Integration Classifications

1. Synchronous & Asynchronous Synchronous

• Real-time request and response

• Sender will wait for the response before moving to the next task

• Both system/device should be up and running

E.g.: Telephone, Synchronous web services


• Sender will not wait for the response and can move to another task

• May not be a response

E.g..: E-Mail , Police wireless system,

Asynchronous MQ & JMS communication etc.

Shyju, Sathi Raghavan

2. Data Centric and Process Centric Integration Data centric Integration

Transfer data between the system

Non persistent in nature

Should not have business logic

Process centric Integration

Transfer Process information between systems

End to End process automation

Persistent in nature

Can have Human Task in between the process

Can have a Rule Engine associated with the process

Shyju, Sathi Raghavan

Application Integration Classifications (Contd..)

3. Point to Point and Middleware Based Integration

Point to Point (Tight Coupled)

Shyju, Sathi Raghavan

Application Integration Classifications (Contd..)

Application A Application B

Middleware Based (Loosely Coupled)

Programs communicate directly to each other E.g.: Direct FTP/SFTP connectivity between systems

Application A Application B Middleware

Programs communicates to each other through a middleware software

E.g. : ESBs, Process Servers etc.

Integration using File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

Shyju, Sathi Raghavan

Manuel FTP

Application Integration Various Methods

FTP is a standard network protocol used to transfer computer files from one host to another host

C:\> ftp <host-name> Or C:\> ftp ftp> open <host-name> User : <user-name> Password : <password> ftp> cd <directory-name> ftp> put <source-file-name> Or ftp> get <destination-file-name> ftp> bye

Shyju, Sathi Raghavan

PuTTY - Tool for Connecting with Unix based remote system

Application Integration Various Methods (Contd..)

Host Names can be saved

User Names can be saved

SSH keys can be pre configured

Can establish connection through proxy

Shyju, Sathi Raghavan

Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)

SSH File Transfer Protocol Key based authentication Uses SSH protocol to authenticate and establish a secure connection

• Install public key in destination server /home/<userid>/.ssh • Install private key in the client machine

$> sftp <destination_userid>@<destination_servername > sftp> cd <directory-name> sftp> put <source-file-name> Or sftp> get <destination-file-name> sftp> bye

ssh -l <destination userid> <destination_server_name> SSH Command for opening the destination console from the client

Application Integration Various Methods (Contd..)

• SFTP configuration in Windows - VShell

Shyju, Sathi Raghavan

Automated SFTP using scheduled script

Application Integration Various Methods (Contd..)

Schedule the script to run at a time that is most convenient for you E.g.: Application A generate file and keeps the files in a specified folder in source

server The scheduler checks the availability of the file in source folder in a scheduled

interval (Say every 30 minutes or Every day on a specific time) If the file is available, then the scheduler SFTP’s the file to the destination server

Shyju, Sathi Raghavan

Automated SFTP using script

Application A

SFTP Shell Script

File File

Application B


Server-1 Server-2



Application Integration Various Methods (Contd..)

Shared Database

Shyju, Sathi Raghavan

Application Integration Various Methods (Contd..)


Application A Application B Application C

Make multiple applications access a common database

Cons • Integration of data, not business functions • Difficult to find common


SOAP Based Web Service

JAX-RPC is a Java specification API – This API is now Obsolete

JAX-WS is the successor of JAX-RPC

SAAJ is another specification

Shyju, Sathi Raghavan

Application Integration Various Methods (Contd..) Web Services

A software function provided at a network address over the web with a service with a well defined interface

SOAP based Web Service and ReSTful Web Service Each language has their own way of implementing/specifications

Java Specifications

ReSTful Web Services

Rest is an Architectural Style

Rest uses HTTP standard methods POST, GET, PUT and DELETE

JAX-RS is a Java specification API for RESTful web services.

Shyju, Sathi Raghavan

Application Integration Various Methods (Contd..) Web Services (Contd..)

• Apache Axis is an open source implementation of the Java WS APIs for sending and receiving SOAP messages. Axis 1 supports JAX-RPC and SAAJ, while Axis 2 supports SAAJ and JAX-WS.

• GlassFish is the open source reference implementation of J2EE 5. As such, it contains an implementation of JAX-WS.

SOAP based JAX-RPC and JAX-WS API Implementation


Creation of JAX-WS Web Service • Add @WebService annotation for the class. All the public methods will expose

after deployment. • Add @WebMethod at function in case of expose only few functions

XML-based interface definition language that is used for describing the functionality offered by a web service

Shyju, Sathi Raghavan

Application Integration Various Methods (Contd..) Web Services (Contd..) Types– a container for data type

definitions using some type system (such as XSD). Message– an abstract, typed definition of the data being communicated. Operation– an abstract description of an action supported by the service. Port Type–an abstract set of operations supported by one or more endpoints. Binding– a concrete protocol and data format specification for a particular port type. Port– a single endpoint defined as a combination of a binding and a network address. Service– a collection of related endpoints

WSDL Elements

Shyju, Sathi Raghavan

Application Integration Various Methods (Contd..)

Web Services (Contd..)

• In rest, everything is resource and every resource should be identified by a unique identifier

• JAX-RS is a specification that makes it easy to create a RESTful service that can be deployed to any Java application server

• JAX-RS is a JSR (Java Specification Requests) specification and it is a part of Java EE

• JAX-RS uses annotations, introduced in Java SE 5, to simplify the development and deployment of web service clients and endpoints

JAX-RS - ReSTful Service Specification

Jersey & ReST easy are the reference implementation of the JAX-RS API, as defined in the JSR-311 standard for RESTful web services.

Jersey is member of GlassFish project

JAX-RS reference Implementations

Interface Specifications

Interface Implementations

Path.java package javax.ws.rs; public @interface Path{ public abstract String value(); }

Custom Implementation

Shyju, Sathi Raghavan

Application Integration Various Methods (Contd..)

Web Services (Contd..)

• @Path specifies the relative path for a resource class or method. • @GET, @PUT, @POST, @DELETE and @HEAD specify the HTTP request type of a resource. • @Produces specifies the response Internet media types (used for content negotiation). • @Consumes specifies the accepted request Internet media types. • In addition, it provides further annotations to method parameters to pull information out

of the request. All the @*Param annotations take a key of some form which is used to look up the value required.

• @PathParam binds the method parameter to a path segment. • @QueryParam binds the method parameter to the value of an HTTP query parameter. • @MatrixParam binds the method parameter to the value of an HTTP matrix parameter. • @HeaderParam binds the method parameter to an HTTP header value. • @CookieParam binds the method parameter to a cookie value. • @FormParam binds the method parameter to a form value. • @DefaultValue specifies a default value for the above bindings when the key is not found. • @Context returns the entire context of the object.(for example @Context

HttpServletRequest request)

JAX-RS API Annotations

Shyju, Sathi Raghavan

Application Integration Various Methods (Contd..)

Database Stored Procedure & Web Service

CREATE PROCEDURE TEST_PROC (ws_address VARCHAR2, ws_function VARCHAR2) AS req soap_api.request; resp soap_api.response; BEGIN // BUSINESS LOGIC ........ ........ req := Create an Request XML resp : = soap_api.invoke(req, ws_address, ws_function); // CONTINUE BUSINESS LOGIC BASED ON THE VALUE FROM WS ........ ........ END;

Invocation of Web Service from a database Stored Procedure

Shyju, Sathi Raghavan

Application Integration Various Methods (Contd..) Java Stored Procedure & Web Service

CREATE PROCEDURE TEST_PROC (ws_address VARCHAR2, ws_function VARCHAR2) AS LANGUAGE JAVA NAME 'WebService.invoke(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String )';

Create a Java class with static method Implement a general purpose web service invocation code in the static method

( Argument as service URL, input XML and function to invoke - or Implement the static method that can invoke web URL with query string as parameter)

Load the Class to Oracle JVM using Load Java comman

C:\loadjava> loadjava -thin -user scott/tiger@localhost:5521:orcl \ -grant NILES,FORD WebService.class

Write a Java Stored Procedure which can invoke the static function

Middleware Middle ware is a Layer between OS and distributed applications

Middleware reduces the number, size and complexity of integration

Open Standard Middleware

Oracle SOA Suite ( BPEL), Oracle BPM Suite,

Web Sphere Process Server

Proprietary Middleware

IBM WebSphere MQ, WMB etc.

Process-Oriented Middleware (POM)

Oracle SOA Suite ( BPEL), Oracle BPM Suite, WPS Message-Oriented Middleware (MOM)

E.g.:. IBM MQ, MS-MQ, Tortoise MQ, WMB, Oracle Service Bus etc.

Shyju, Sathi Raghavan

Application Integration Various Methods (Contd..)

Middleware Products

Shyju, Sathi Raghavan

Application Integration Various Methods (Contd..)

Commercial Open Source


IBM WebSphre ESB

IBM Integration Bus

Oracle Enterprise Service Bus ( OSB)

web methods ESB(SoftwareAG)

(TIBCO) ActiveMatrix™ Service Bus

Microsoft BizTalk Server

Neudesic Neuron-ESB

Progress Sonic ESB


Open ESB

Mule ESB

Spring Integration

Apache ServiceMix

Apache Synapse



Petals ESB

Note : In the above table IBM MQ is specifically built for asynchronous data transfer or data transport. That is MQ is a middleware which can hold huge volume of data in between applications but cannot use for transformation, roaring etc. IBM WebSphere ESB, IBM Integration Bus, Oracle Service Bus etc are middleware ESB’s which can be use as a middleware between multiple services across the enterprise applications. These middleware can also be used for transformation, routing, protocol conversion etc but it cannot hold huge volume of data without the help of an internal or external queue.

Java Message Services

Shyju, Sathi Raghavan

Application Integration Various Methods (Contd..)

JMS API Supports Point to Point and Publish and Subscribe



Online Broker Servers

Shyju, Sathi Raghavan

Prompt$> curl ftp://brokerweburl.com -F “pictures=dog.gif, cat.gif” -u username:password -x proxy.com:888

Prompt$> curl -u username: --key ~/.ssh/id_dsa

Brokers for Sharing data feeds between organizations

Can have data processing and transformation capabilities

Curl utility can be used for automating upload to the Broker web server

Application Integration Various Methods (Contd..)

API or Library based Integration

Shyju, Sathi Raghavan

Spring Integration enables lightweight messaging within Spring-based applications and supports integration with external systems via declarative adapters

Supports Enterprise Integration Patterns

Spring Integration

A Lightweight Integration Approach specifically aimed for integrating Java or spring based applications

Channel Patterns for transport message Point to Point and Pub/Sub

Message Pattern for design message Return address and co-relation id

Routing pattern for route the message to the proper destination Router, Splitter and Aggregator

Transformation pattern for transform the message to required format Data enricher and content filter

End point pattern for produce and consume messages Pooling consumer, event driven consumer

Management pattern for manage and test the system Message store and test message

Application Integration Various Methods (Contd..)

Application Integration SOA & Integration SOA is a business-centric IT architectural approach that supports integrating

your business as linked A service is a self-contained unit of software that performs a specific task A service has three components: an interface, a contract, and

implementation Integrate applications which are running in various locations and various

platforms to make these applications as a single unit Re-using the existing functionalities. In a service oriented architecture, services can be combined with other

available services in a network through service orchestration to create higher-level composite services and applications

Shyju, Sathi Raghavan

Data Processing

Shyju, Sathi Raghavan

XML Parsers (DOM & SAX)

Shyju, Sathi Raghavan

Data Processing Various Methods


XML Binding


XSLT Processor Saxon Xalan-Java

Batch Processing Spring Batch Mainframe Jobs

Various Products

ESB, Process Server, ETL Tools for Database level processing


Shyju, Sathi Raghavan

An ESB is a middleware solution that enables interoperability among heterogeneous environments using a service-oriented model

For interaction and communication between mutually interacting software applications in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

Reducing the number, size and complexity of interfaces

Transformation, Routing & Protocol Conversion

Definition of "ESB" differs between the various vendors

Data enrichment from multiple services

Event Handling

Routing – Header based and Content based

Loosely coupling

Seamless/smooth connectivity

Non persistence in nature

Process Server / Process Manager For Business Process Automation

BPEL Engine / Service Engine

Server for executing BPEL

Process orchestration engine / Service Orchestration

Process the actions ( Human Tasks)

Persistence in nature

Follows standards such as BPEL, XML, XSLT, XPath, JMS, JCA

Runs on top of Application server

Layers on top of SOA, SCA

Shyju, Sathi Raghavan

ESB Vs. Process Server - Which should you use?

Shyju, Sathi Raghavan

If the requirement is data-centric, an ESB is the clear choice

If the requirement is process-centric, BPEL is the clear choice

• ESB is designed to be able to handle large volumes of messages

• When the requirements clearly call for message processing, an ESB is going to have several advantages

• If the requirements call for one of the basic ESB functions, such as message routing, transformation or protocol mediation, an ESB would be the clear choice.

• Should not use an ESB when state is required

• Should not include business logic in ESB

• The main strength of a BPEL engine is the ability to orchestrate business process

• Ability to handle Human Task and Business Rules

• Ability to have a long-running business process where state is maintained

• WS-BPEL can handle more complex logic including business logic.

• Should not use BPEL for handling large volume of messages