Boyd Street Magazine // Issue 14

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  • 7/27/2019 Boyd Street Magazine // Issue 14


  • 7/27/2019 Boyd Street Magazine // Issue 14









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  • 7/27/2019 Boyd Street Magazine // Issue 14



    July 26, 2013 Issue 14 Volume 12

    TECH ATTACKMature ratings typicallyeature blood and guts, butwhat about the games withactua...maturity? Chaselists thought-provokinggames with the M ratingand their uniqueness.


    ROMANCEIn our current era, whereshows like Big Bang Theoryreign supreme, one mayponder: are nerds reallyall that? Our romanceexpert weighs in on whyhot guys may not be so hot.Dont orget to test yournerd IQ!


    MUSICColin Nance is a man withmany talents, ormidablein both the producing andsongwriting scene. Checkout Mel Guapos interviewwith him!


    ON THE CORNEROur writers did it again. Im always entertained by the content in Boyd Street. Check outJordans review on Victorias Pasta Shop, or you could go to page 12 and let me knowwhat you think o Alexis thoughts on nerds these days. I youre interested in technology,check out Chases thoughts on video games theme choices. Last but denitely not least,Mel always has something good up his sleeve, and this time its about Colin Nance.

    Until next time, xoxo,

    EDITOR-IN-CHIEf Kelli Smith

    ART DIRECTORKelli Smith


    Ashley Roy

    pHOTOgRApHYMark Doescher

    Carey Flack

    CONTRIBUTORSJordan AtteburyAlexis Auckland

    Chase CookMel Guapo


    pUBlISHERJoe Wilhite

    Boyd Street MaazineP.O. Box 721494

    Norman, Oklahoma 73070

    Copyright Boyd Street Magazine

    Phone: (405) 321-2400E-mail: [email protected]

    Any articles, artwork or graphicscreated by Boyd Street Maazineor its contributors are sole property oBoyd Street Maazine and cannotbe reproduced or any reason withoutpermission. Any opinions expressed in

    Boyd Street are not necessarily that oBoyd Street management.



    ON THE CORNERVictorias Pasta Shop is anage-old gem on CampusCorner. In this issue, nd outwhich items you will and wontnd on the menu, the perks obuild-your-own pasta and theunique setup and atmosphere.


    Kelli SmithEditor-in-Chie


  • 7/27/2019 Boyd Street Magazine // Issue 14



    Weve all seen that video game trailer.

    You know, the one where the white, brown-haired hero blasts all o the baddies with his gunsas he saves the world. There is blood, busty women and plenty o bad words that precedethe nal rating o the game, which gets an M or having all o that mature stu.

    The ESRB rating system labels this childish content as mature because it typically involvesvisuals that are reserved or adults, and I tend to agree. I dont think Id let my younger kidsplay Call o Dutyor even The Last o Us until I thought they were old enough. (The ESRB

    rating system is a guideline. Parents make the ultimate decision.)

    However, in the midst o all these adult-themed games, there seems to be a lack o, well,adult themes. The mainstream games worry more about explosions and violent confictbecause they have to sell games, so controversial games or complicated plots are expensiveand risky.

    The prevalence o this violence pigeonholes gaming as a hobby thats more sound and urythan anything else.

    But there has been a recent movement by developers to put the mature back into maturegames. Games like The Walking Deadand even big-budget titles like Bioshock InniteandThe Last o Us eature storylines that revolve around ather/daughter relationships as well ascomplicated subjects such as racism and love.

    The results are games that ask questions such as: Is racism the result o ear? How ar wouldyou go to protect the ones you love?

    These are topics that really make gamers think about the decisions they make during thegame. In The Last o Us, the game is ramed around an end-o-the-world event, and thepeople you ght arent typical bad guys or terrorists they are other survivors searching or

    ood or shelter. There is a reason or the violence that extends beyond the typical you mustdo this to advance habit.

    In The Walking Dead, the characters you have be riended will turn against you out o ear,anger or hunger. The well-developed personalities and writing make it dicult to makedecisions such as letting someone kill himsel/hersel or killing someone beore they turn toa zombie. And there are consequences or your actions: characters will leave you, attackyou and even undermine you i you slight them too many times.

    A long time ago I would have tried to make the argument that sophisticated stories wouldmake games legitimate, but trying to convince people that games are worthy isnt worththe time.

    Some people think games are wastes o time and or kids, and thats OK. Hell, some othem are.

    But there are somegames out there doingeverything to makeus video game loversexcited or the uture.Better technology,

    older developers (whogrew up with videogames) and publisherswilling to take a riskare pulling videogames into a newera o storytelling thatmakes everyone wholoves video games awinner.

    When I reviewed Bioshock InniteI didntthink there would be another game thattopped Ken Levines brilliant rst-personshooter.

    I was totally wrong.

    Naughty Dogs The Last o Us is athird-person action/survival/horror/adventure game that takes everything thecompany learned with Uncharted andjams it into one o the best told and mostrealized stories in video games.

    The world has been ravaged by the

    Cordyceps ungus (a real ungus thataficts insects) and it has turned peopleinto crazed monsters. Players take controlo Joel, a character who must smugglea young girl to a resistance group. Noteverything goes according to plan, soJoel and Ellie must ght against monsters,bandits and the harsh environment tosurvive.

    The combat in this game is brutal,almost grotesque at times, but thedevelopers made it so because theywanted everything to have an emotionalweight. Enemies beg or their lives and2x4s make sickening cracks when theyconnect with an enemys head.

    The cinematic scenes have incrediblevoice acting and the game is beautiulwith brilliant animations. There are some

    issues such as the act only Joel can alertenemies when you are sneaking around,so when Ellie runs right into an enemyand he/she doesnt do anything, it canbe immersion-breaking.

    But everything else about this game isincredible, and there isnt enough spaceto describe it all.

    So buy it, rent it or borrow it. Just nd away to play it.

    Chase Cook

    Finding Adult Themes in Mature Games Review:The Last of Us

    Tech Attack


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  • 7/27/2019 Boyd Street Magazine // Issue 14



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    Colin Nance is oneo those giants o thelocal music scene.He juggles severalpersonal projects at atime and continuously

    contributes to dozenso others. Hes aproducer, songwriter,multi-instrumentalistand a visual artist inmyriad interpretationso the word. You cancatch his band, TheGentle Art o Floating(soon to release theirrst ull-length record)o and on OKCand Norman andregionally every month or two. He plays solo (as Colin Nance) justas regularly, i not more so. He has scored several short lms and iscurrently working on the score or The Posthuman Project, a ull-lengthmovie rom OKCs lm wizard Kyle Roberts, a high-dollar but low-budget superhero drama which is presently in post-production. Heproduces and perorms music rom da nce to rock to ambient in genre,and hes still just getting started. As a da y job, Nance is involved inlive audio and stage engineering. Ive known him or years, and Imconvinced that he is one o the states hardest working musician/producers.Hailing rom Yukon, Colin Nance recently moved to the OklahomaCity metro. His music is heavily synth-based and leans toward chillunderground electronic; however, he is not a man to be bound byone genre or one direction. Other related projects in one capacity oranother include Late Night Jazz, Gross Beast, Prix Teen, Bed People,Fright Night Club and many others that Im sure I cant remember, asis oten the nature o Oklahoma musicians. Learn more ab out ColinNance at the ollowing links:


    How did music bein or you?

    This one time when I was in th grade, my mom bought me a guitar.It all went downhill rom there.

    What is the best art about makin music in Okahoma?

    Well, or the genre o music I play, there isnt an excess o it g oingon. I it is, it denitely isnt at the oreront o the scene right now, soits a little rereshing to be in that position. The eeling o treadingsomewhat new territory or the act o leaning a little urther romthe olk roots o this area is liberating. Also, the Oklahoma musicscene is so tight-knit. I have a deep inatuation with that or the acto everyone eeding o o each others creative energies. It inspiresme to be a better artist and comorts me to know I am connected to anetwork o good riends that share a wonderul passion.

    Is music oremost a ubic exerience or a riateexerience or you?

    Foremost: private. There is nothing quite like that uniquely rewardingeeling that washes over you ater you have written your newestsong. Just having that moment to yoursel to be proud and eel

    accomplished is phenomenal. Music is a process o acceptance. Yougo through all these phases in hope to gain some sort o respect oryour art at the end o it all. First and oremost, it must be acceptedby me beore it even has a chance o being accepted by someoneelse. Thats a crucial moment o refection. When you have a newsong that nobody else has heard a nd you listen to it over andover. Then it grows and catches. It is an entirely dierent, erce,ruthless, unorgiving and rewarding beast once it be comes a publicexperience.

    What do you think is the reationshi between art andoitics?They both share the letterT. Its a rocky relationship.

    What are you tryinto achiee with yourmusic as an artorm?

    That ideal is constantlymetamorphosing or me.I have come to realizeit is very important tonever stunt my ambitionswhen it comes to mymusic and how I wantto come across withit. Its ascinating tothink about how manyoptions and paths I havein both the studio andlive environments. Imconstantly absorbing thelie around me and musicis my way o ulllingmy sense o purposeadequately at thismoment o my lie. Anything I need to express or handle personallycan usually be done through my art. One thing is or certain when itcomes to what I want to achieve, and thats this: To create art, makeit public and hopeully inspire others to create and express themselvesas well. Continuing the chain o inspiration and creation. It is crucialto our psyche to achieve such things.

    What hiosohy or hiosohies are behind yourmusic?

    When they hear it, I want people to think o my music as asoundtrack to their lie. I want it to be relatable to this crazy andsurrealistic world we all live in. Hopeully it is a s ource o solaceand inspiration. Let me be the backdrop or your confict, climax andresolution.

    Mel Guapo

    Behind the Music: Colin NanceProles in Oklahoma Musicians

    Music On the ScenfuzzysOConnes

    Joes Taerna New York pizza louies

    louies Too

  • 7/27/2019 Boyd Street Magazine // Issue 14



    Comortably tucked in Normans bustling Campus Corner, Victorias PastaShop has been drawing hungry diners in or over 20 years. With homemadepasta, a riendly sta and mountains o glorious parmesan cheese servedon each plate, its no wonder that this tasty Ital ian restaurant is packed romopen until close.

    The signature dish at Victorias is the lasagna rolls. A savory combination

    o shrimp, spinach and cheese is mixed together and rolled in resh stripso pasta beore being baked to a golden brown perection and served withboth marinara and alredo sauces. One other thing that stands out on themenu is what isnt there. Visitors will nd a handul o chicken, shrimp andcrab entrees, but dont look or meatballs or sausage. Pork and bee aredecidedly let o the menu.

    Even so, diners dont seem to mind the par ed down menu because eachdish has been perected over the years, sure to please. Take, or example,the black pepper linguine. Just the name sounds appealing, though the tasteis even better. The linguini is served piping hot and drizzled with lemon-garlic butter beore being tossed with hearty chunks o snow crab. I yourenot a seaood eater, have no ear. Victorias Pasta Shop has many othertasty choices including a cheese-lled spinach tortellini and an oven bakedchicken lasagna.

    My mother-in-law swears by the primavera, which mixes a heaping plate o lemon-garlic butter-drenched spaghetti noodleswith bits o carrots, broccoli and mushrooms, while my husband preers the build-your-own pasta option or his a voritehal-marinara, hal-alredo sauce concoction. Even health nuts will have options at Victorias, as they can pick whole wheatlinguine pasta and mix it with veggies and a light olive oil sauce. You could even ask them to hold the handuls o thick,shaved parmesan cheese, but who would do that? Each meal also comes with a huge slice o buttered garlic bread to sopup any remaining delicious sauce on your plate.

    Though the ood hasnt altered much over the years, the restaurant is sure tobe dierent nearly every time you visit, as local artisans use the wall spaceto display pieces or sale. There is indoor dining on two levels at Victorias:the main foor has been split into two rooms, while a smaller dining area islocated above the kitchen area. The eclectic mix-matched tables and chairsare arranged to t as many people as possible in the cozy space, whichmeans that youll have a shorter wait time or seating and you may havethe chance to make some new riends while you dine. Many o Victoriasregulars started eating there in college and still make the trip back even atergraduation.

    Be sure to check the daily specials on Victorias Pasta Shops Facebook pageor make a point to glance at the large board located on the let side o themain counter when you walk in. There youll see lunch and dinner specials,the stued mushroom caps o the day and dessert options.

    Jordan Attebury

    Victorias Pasta Shop

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  • 7/27/2019 Boyd Street Magazine // Issue 14



    When I was in junior high and high school,the jocks ruled. On the clique totem pole,they dominated top position ollowed bybad boys, unny dudes and, snorting theirway onto the bottom rung, nerds. No chickwanted to get down with a mathlete. Pictureretainers, high-waisted jeans paired withtucked-in collared shirts, glasses, disheveled

    hair, big words and straight As.I youre getting a little hot in your businessarea due to that last sentence, its becausetimes have changed. Nerds are the newjock, just like pink is the new black. Ladies love a well-spoken, Smarty McKnowledge,uture-so-bright type. I you can fex a mean algorithm and have an invite to attendPrinceton, some vixen is ready to shed a ew clothing layers or you. Stupid and too coolell by the wayside way back. Hopeully theyre crumpled up in the same, deep grave asstirrup pants.

    Nerds rock. Dont let their odd demeanor ool you because they usually bloom into sexy,ambitious, successul men. For now, though, theyre deliciously trendy on an awkwardlevel. Females crave treating nerds the way that Hugo the Abominable Snowman treatedhis new bunny wabbit George (a.k.a. Day Duck). They want to rub them and pet themand squeeze them and hug them and stroke their bills and rub their pretty eathers ... orwhatever you do with nerds.

    I you havent watched Guy Codeor Girl Code, please tune in. Girls, you should watchGuy Code, and vice versa. Its excellent insight into the psyche o the opposite sex, andits laugh-out-loud good. Guy Codeagrees nerds are so popular now that cool dudes aredisguising themselves in nerd uniorm to bag babes.

    Fat Boy Barnett says, I bet real,old-school nerds are mad aboutwhats going down today. They hadnerd civil rights movements back inthe 80s. Steve Urkle paid dues orthese new guys. He put in bloodor Kevin Durant to walk aroundlooking like a geek. (Although,Westbrook totally = Urkle.)

    But the man spits truth. You tell a spicy mamacita youre working on a cure or cancer, andshell ask, Oh, really? without breaking eye contact and while detly unbuttoning herblouse.Thank God it has come to this because let me tell you something, ladies: those hot anddumb dudes are played out. I your boyriends IQ is so low you have to dig or it, itsgoing to be a problem in the uture. I know his body is so hot you can bake cookies on it,but looks are feeting. Plus, hot guys are notoriously egotistical, disrespectul and lousy to

    be with.Wouldnt you preer intelligence, kindness, cleverness and capability to achieve a abulouslivelihood? My riends neighbor, Mr. Barely-out-o-his-20s-and-buying-a-$500K-home techdweeb will tell you how his website got him the smokin hot wie, the car, the house andthe clout right here in Nompton. Football what? Hot guy, who?

    So in 2013, Trekkie boy with the nice words, odd ashion sense and killer brain iswinning. Girls have nally learned that one day soon, hell be the seven-gure gangster.Hell ll out, and youll be smiling next to his kind soul, drooling all over his PhD. Nerds?NERDS! NERDS! NERDS! NERDS! NERDS!

    Alexis Auckland

    Talk Nerdy to Me


    1. In the movie Revenge ofthe Nerds, what food was

    recommended by Takashi toimpress UN Jefferson during the

    Lambda Lambda Lambda party?

    2. What did Booger call the treatshe brought out during the Lambda

    Lambda Lambda party to getthings going?

    3. Which Thunder basketballplayer had No. 19 retired by the

    Seattle SuperSonics?

    Gus WilliamsNate McMillanLenny Wilkens

    Fred Brown

    4. Which Thunder player wasselected fourth overall in the

    2008 NBA draft by the SeattleSuperSonics?

    Serge IbakaJames Harden

    Russell WestbrookKevin Durant



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  • 7/27/2019 Boyd Street Magazine // Issue 14







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