30UBBOK NEWS AKCS ZEN TU GZY AUG 21 1906 r j < J 0 I t U c isP i t < THE CHILEAN ffYAPPA It Xs Similar to tle Lngri e of New Orleans v fJnoSlawftirtf Vow nrl ern renders o Cables stories of the city familiar with the interesting and gracious custom of small trades men of giving lagniappe The word commonly pronounced lanyap refers to the small present wljieh the dealers inifkc customers as a sort of Inducement to call again The custom j is soiirnily established that the people are in the habit of waiting for them little present after they have madQ their purchases and children ask for it Mrs HOlt in her book The Garden of the Pacific describes a similar cus tom in Valparaiso The Chileans how ever call the gift a yapna which one readily sees is kindred to the word used in New Orleans I frequent the fruit market well stocked The fresh figs were the largest and sweetest that I had ever seen or tasted and I made a point bringing some home for breakfast The first time l selected which I wanted the girl placid them between leaves in my basket and then laid another half dozen on the top r supposed that she me to buy an extra quantity and shook my head in the negative She smilingly ex plained that it was for a yappa As 1 had nothing more to pay I was impressed by the custom The Chileans exact the yappa as their due We were in a confectionery shop one day when a small child came 2n and held up a centavo halfpenny for some sweets The man handed them to her She held up her other hand and lisped out Mi yappa rind got it New York Globe THE SAIS OF EGYPT Warning Runner wile Bellow Like n Dull as He Goes The saps is a runner who peeps in front of a carriage and warns common people out of the way anti who beats them with a stick if they do not hurry up about it It is obvious that to do this he must run quickly Most men when they run bend their bodies forward and keep their mouths closed in order to save their wind The sills runs with his shoulders thrown back and trumpet ing like an enraged elephant He holds his long wand at his side like a mus ket and not trailing in his hand like a walking stick and he wears a soft shirt of white stuff and a sleeveless coat buried in gold lace He is a perfect ideal of color and movement and as he runs he bellows like a bull or roars as you have heard a lion roar at feeding times in a menagerieThere sometimes two of them running abreast dressed exactly alike and with the upper part of their bodies as rigid as the wand pressed against their sides and with the ends of their scarf and the long tassel streaming out behind As they yell and bellow donkeys and carriages and people scramble out of their way until the carriage they pre cede lids rolled rapidly by Only princesses of the royal harem and con suls general and the heads of the army of occupation and the Egyptian army are permitted two sais other people may have one When Thackeray Struck A letter written by Thackeray to the proprietor of masers Magazine is under the head of When Thackeray Went on Strike As a matter of fact Trackeray so far from acting on the principle of unionism acted on precisely the opposite and asserted his right to individ ual preference Well he says I dare say you will be very indignant and swear I am the most mercenary of individuals Not so But I am a better workman than most of your crew and desire a better price He ends You must not I repeat be angry or because we differ as tradesmen break off our connection as friends London News A Barbarous Policy A tel the Dutch had taken the Mo luccas from the Portuguese they In the cultivation of the clove Into their own possessions cut down all the clove trees of the Moluccas and pronounced death on any one who would plant a single clove bush or or sell a pound of the product Expeditions were sent from their other eastern possessions every year to cut down any bushes that might have ac cidentally started in the Molucca is lands This barbarous policy made the islands a desert for deprived of their forests the volcanic soil was washed away and the population starved pr deported f The Ojily Way A person of little tact once remarked to the octogenarian Auber What a lad it old business Yes the old musician it m but he added with witty philosophy up to the present time no lurer way has been discovered to live i loiij time Neither evidence nor coiinion sensV has the slifflitpsttp1 I usl l t f scd wbi has ofdaily I wished Ai 0 quoted trod1 ell gather t sad nor j ns v j ply r and north 4 are r ri toy tbeir 1 r i to i I tlienunther- i agree- ably i i i a a I i i I t I j I i a prin- ciple ami- ably i z was is this agreed reason pu1 ii prejudices Goethe J r n C > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ° V WONDERFUL Story Mnretiis Young CorsIcau Marvel1 Maretus us that during leis els over Europe lie met the marvel of marvels at Padua The marvel ill question a young Corsican who was in the city fci the purpose of par suing his studies at the university Maretus having heard that the young man was with an extraordinary memory desired to put the student to the test The person who had informed the traveler concerning ihe wonderful tentivehess Qf the Corsicans declared that he was so in that faculty that he could repeat as many as 30000 if read him but once Maretus and tinguisliQd Venetians agreed to test the accuracy of the statement A commit tee visited the student Of extraordinary and found him willing to sub mit to the ordeal Accordingly there was read him an almost list of words strung together without any consecutive order and without any meaning whatever The young man stood the time with his attention deeply tied and his eyes half closed When the long string of words had been rend he looked up cheerfully and repeateU the whole of the uninteresting catalogue of words without a single fault Then to show liow carefully his wonderful memory had retained every word went through the list backward When that task was finished he took each word first third fifth etc and repeated until the company was thoroughly convinced that they were in the presence of the most wonderful prodigy of memory that the world had ever produced KNOW THY COUNTRY A Prccejit That Every Should Take to Heart Juvenal said This precept descends from heaven know thyself To this w6 add know thy country Know its area its population its products and exclusive agricultural and Know its present output and its possibilities Know its states its territories and large cities and what they are severally noted for Know its geography and typography its con stitution principles and history its literature its art and its sciences its philosophy discoveries and inventions Know its relation to other nations both political and financial Know its possessions Alaska Hawaii Porto Rico and the Philippines their history severally the customs and languages of their people and the sources of their wealth Many men know these things now and love their country and are serv iceable to their fellow citizens in pro portion to their knowledge It costs labor and tlft sacrifice of so called pleasure to acquire this knowledge but to the genuinely manly man whose lifes purpose is to make the utmost of his abilities and opportunities and who in one way and another is developing his countrys hidden treasures and im parting his practical enthusiasm to other lives there are a relish and a delight in the search for knowledge that compensate a thousandfold The Woman In BaslncftH A New York real estate agent has been telling of some of business with women Mrs A he says wanted to find a house that would fit her carpets and wasted several weeks on the job Mrs B had six children of her own but wanted a guarantee that no other children would be allowed in the building Mrs C signed a lease with a clause that no dogs should be brought in and then deliberately brought several into her family and told time agent such restric tions in a lease were of no account Do you that men do not like to Ie l with women Of course however Massachusetts wo men would never do anything like Globe An Ideal Bath An ideal combination is to soap the body all over using tepid water before I plunging into a cold bath But there a cold bath daily and who after taking one are apt to be cold and shivering all the day through For these the best 1 is after a warm bath to sponge the throat and chest with cold water which is most stimulating and espe cially so where the bather suffers from chronic colds To insist on a cold bath is just as unwise as to have a bath that is too warm and to remain in it too long That is the more general mistake v Word of Honor Dont you Jove me v Yes dear but Im already engaged Break your engagement Oh George that wouldnt be hon orable An engagement is a sacred thing not lightly to be entered into or broken off Yell Well Im engaged to men and makes it even worse Cleveland Leader The most insignificant people are the most apt to Haz J The rill ofn j tri I re memory gift tt tot I i memory I alter- nate CitIzen na- tive mineral own his won e he thatBoston t many good folks who I t two that sneer l i MEMORY fti Y tells was gifted young words over three over to inter- minable all off her them ex- periences asks I are cannot face f plan her Besides at others Iitt ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ° ¬ ¬ ¬ A CT Once aiigflity Brute Eoslngr Ground Before CivillzationY The lien like the other great Is a relic of a diminishing race and do million In the early the cave lion roifmed throughout the southern half of Europe and it is be lieveH along the Mediterranean at its extinction due to prehis toric man The battle has gone oh ever since Long ago lions were exterminated from Afghanistan Baluchistan and northern Persia A ago they were more or less prevalent north un India but now none remain in the Gheer a wooded hilly of Kattiawar they are yto some extent preserved by the nawabs of Joojmjrhoor1 Biusistan where time Nirig lake af ford shelter and the hosts of pigs feeding on the acorns of the oak forests furnish subsistence Similar conditions enable a lions to maintain themselves along the lower Euphrates and Tigris limit they were long ago exterminated from all Asia Minor Syria Arabia Egypt and Alge ria From Abyssinia and the southern Sahara southward to the Orange river lions still exist except tin the most districts and in some places very numerous There seems never to hav been more than one species nor in spite of the former belief in the inaiielcss lions of Guzerat and the black nianed ones of other places is any variety well LionS with full maues have been shot in India as well as those with hardly any and out of fifty male lion skins scarcely two will be found aliko in color and length of mane Ernest lugersolls of Mammals THE FLAG REVERSED Fishermans Emblem That Tells Distress and Hope One of the frequent sights in the ports along the eastern coast is that of a fishing schooner coming into the har bor with an American flag hoisted at the mainmast head in its reverse posi tion To the interested spectators that dag always brings a pang of distress for it means that one or more of the crew through some of the sea But to the members of the craft itself the signal is not always on emblem of woe The flag is hoisted from their viewpoint to notify those for a long time before they that the men who have disappear ed are really lost A stranger to seafaring ways asked the skipper of one of these fishing schooners the other day what the signal meant and he was set right by the captain who remarked in the most cheerful way in the world Theyre missing out of th crew of course but we havent given them up by a long sight Ye see they may have been picked up by some other boat an carried off to th other side Oh no we dont give them up just be cause weve missed them Its more than likely theyll turn up yet Xew York Press Elephant Power How many men would be needed to cent investigations made to determine the respective pulling power of horses men and elephants Two horses weighing 1100 pounds each together pulled 3750 pounds or 550 pounds more than their weight One elephant weighing 12000 pounds pull ed 8750 pounds or 3250 pounds less than Fifty men aggregat about 7500 pounds in weight pull pounds as much as the single elephant But like the horses they pulled more than their own tvoisht One hundred men pulled 12 300 pounds Proverbs of AHNHIU Here are some rather clever proverbs of Assam The best crops grow on others fields but the best sons are at home A bird is a little thing but It builds its nest on a lofty hulung tree Buy land which slopes to the middle and marry a girl who has a good mother The biggest jack fruit always hides under the leaves If a man slips down it is always his eldest wifes fault but if his youngest wife makes a mistake he says he will see about it hasty cook a broom and husband goes fasting a claw cook a slow broom and the husband eats three meals a day Mexican Cacti Mexico has a cactus which grows toothpicks another ribbed and thick ly set with toothpick spines which fur nishes time natives with combs There is another cactus the long curved spines of which resemble fish hooks There is another which is an almost perfect of the sea urchin Still another resembles a porcupine There is anoth er covered with long red hair which nicknamed the red headed cactus More Him Miss Mugley idea of his calling homely I may not be very pretty but Im certainly not as homely as he sis Miss Pert No but thats Eimaly because hes bigger than you I l I hits i age I j lltury j few tract ar TriCe A c aremissing calam- ity theI elephantI I his eight ling orjust I I I hasty the r of 1 PASSING OF THE LION stone flint least was ohm wes say t a where marshes out few pop- ulous lo- calized acknowl- edge dis- tress combined imi- tation the dear TT > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > = Cv v Spcilcil Tils Scheme 5 V Among time creditors o an insolvent firm was a New Yorker who had a bal ance of 235 coming to him r man wanted his money lie was a good talker and persuaded me firm to him o3 in case he cod get the other creditors to grant an extension of time So lIe called a meeting of creditors and talked to them eloquently about the prospects of the firm getting on its feet again if i only Had time He seemed to have won out when a little man in the back of the and in a squeaky voice declared that he for wanted his money and did tint to wait for it Dont you think it is rather selfish of you to inter fere this plan in which all 6f the other creditors have agreed asked the first man We are willing to wait for the amount of our claims Every one of us including mysQlf believes this firm have plenty of time How much is your claim any way In the voice the little old man answered They owe me 1S5000 How much is your claim Tile Tomb Spider The people of Italy believe in the ex istence of a wonderful creature which for the want of a better name is called the tomb spider The entomologists know nothing of this queer beast and that it only exists in the fancy persons and those whose curiosity or business makes it necessary for them to explore old ru ins tombs catacombs etc According to the popular account the tomb spi der is of apure white color has wings like those of a bat a dozen horrid crooked legs and a body three times the size of that of the largest tropical American tarantula The ac counts of this queer insect and his out of the way places of abode are by no means common and on that account the information concerning him which we will ba able to give is very meager Any Italian will tell you that such a creature exists however and that he is occasionally met with in old mines and caverns as well as in tombs and sub terranean ruins Goldsmiths Showy Clothes Goldsmith was ludicrously fond of showy clothes When he sought to take orders in Ireland he tried to daz zle his bishop by a pair of scarlet breeches While studying medicine Edinburgh he wore rich sky blue satin fine sky blue shalloon and silver hat lace Before Johnson Rey nolds and Garrick he strutted about bragging of his bloom colored coat and when hig reputation had been made by his two principal poems he blazed forth in purple silk small a scarlet greatcoat and a physicians wig lIe carried a headed cane and a sword hung side a weap on so disproportioned to his diminutive stature that a coxcomb who passed him in the strand called out to his companion to look at that fly with a long pin stuck through it Sartorial Art Journal A Woman In Morocco All the life of a woman in Morocco is really passed behind the walls of its prisonlike houses She sees nothing knows nothing is wholly sunk In igno rance She has no social life no at home A writer says Most of the ladies calls are roof to roof vis itations and very nimble they are at getting over the low partition walls even dragging a ladder up and down with them if there are high ones to be crossed The reason is that the roofs or rather terraces are especially for women folk and men are not even allowed to go up except to repairs when the neighboring houses are duly Strange Pledges London pawnbrokers are frequently asked to take strange things in pawn The other day a Holboru pawnbroker lent 100 on a fin horse which one of daughters rode until it was re Time same pawnbroker once in pledge a medical chest of pol sons that were strong enough to kill 10000 men It was however a valua ble deposit as some of the poisons were very rare A Kensington pawnbroker about three weeks sago lent a sum of money on a number of autographs of dead celebrities Before and After Mrs Mann Before we were married Charles used to bring me candy when ae came to see me Now I have to Buy my candy myself or go without Mrs Grimes Thats just the way with the men Mrs then I dont mind it I buy better candy than he used to buy and as it Is his money just the same as in the old days the new arrangement is more expensive to him I than the old one A Criterion of Age Birmingham Your daughter is to marry a young man named Hill I be lieve Manchester Yes He to one of the very oldest families in the country Birmingham didnt know that he came from a particularly old family Manchester JDh yes You of ten hear people the expression As old as the Hills Its a queer fact that the higher man rises the hevhas above suspicion Puck l pa the G- old that should samepiping 1 declare superstitious i I clothes- I I j i I do- warned- I I Ibis I I I I I I MannBut I I belongs use a less J x L This tom rose one want with t gold I after- noon re- served Eng- land I i chance of me- n 4 x ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > + All Varieties Seed Glover Seed Both Phones 14 t 411 0 WI 80 rer h U rn se do i Iii Millet I Alfa 1 l Chas S Brent Bro I I s PBASB SErITIIOSY THE A Engine Built by The Foos Gas Engine Co Springfield O V I 7 I FOOS JR t 2HorsePower > BROWN VARNEY SELLING AGENTS Main Street Cincinnati 0 The simplicity of this type is clearly shown by the above cut Every detail has been carefully worked out and the Engine partic ularly designed for small plants or ranch or farm work under con ditions where the attention received is often limited I I 311 e J W A I l II ¬ ¬ IIM1TED1EXCURSION 10 MAMMOTH CAVE f Young Mens Institute of Lexington Ky f August 2S M 1250 FOR THE ROUND TRIP H- MM Including Railroad Pare Cave Fees and Hotel Fare MJ For further information call on or address JOHN B SHANNON JK Trust Building R J WALLACE 590 or DAN J CROWE Rand avenue Lexington Ky j I t West Main 129 tif wassa f < > < MASTERS SALE OF REAL ESTATE BOURBON CIRCUIT COURT Thomas Hawkins c Plaintiffs of Sale Lizzie Johnson c Defendants By virtue of a judgment and order of sale made and entered in the above styled cause at the June term 1906 I Saturday 1906 the public square in Paris Bourbon County Kentucky at about the hour of 11 a m the following describ ed real estate A lot of land situated in Bourbon County Kentucky on the Paris and being a part of Sid Clay farm and about seven miles from the town of Paris and bounded as follows Beginning at a corner to Simon Ashursts line then N 75 W 2484 of Simon Frazier in the middle of pike then S 785 E 2816 poles to the be ginning containing about one acre Said sale will be made upon a credit of six and twelve months for equal parts of the purchase money for which the purchaser will be required to exe bonds with good surety payable to the undersigned Master Commis sioner and bearing interest at the rate of six per cent per annum from date of sale until paid said bonds to have the force and effect of judgments N The interests of the infant defen dants Lizzie Johnson and Claude Evans being one undivided onesix teenth each of said land and the of the infant defendants Hattie Moore Charles Moore Lucy Moore Ida Moore and Frank Moore being oneun divided one thirtysecond each of said land shall not be pai by the purchaser but shall remain a lien on said land bearing interest until said infants be come of age or until the guardians of of practice Witness my hand 9th day of August 1906 v RUSSELL MANN M CBK a C A McMillan Attorney 01724 I VsNotice highestbidder oclock it runningN turnpikethen cute in- terests requiredby this J Augusta r- on Clintonville turnpike Ir ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = Professional Cards WM KENXEY W DUDLEY Drs Kenney Dudley Office Opp Fordham Hotel 8 to m OFFICE HOURS x3o to 3 p m 7 to 8 PHONES 136 DR A H KELLER PRACTICING Offices in Agricultural Building Paris Kentucky J WILLIAMS O ATTORNEYATLAW Room 1 Elks Building J BARNESATTORNEYATLAW Room 8 Buildr Home 72 ttJVVJN Oberdorfers Dni Store Home Phone 258 E Tenri 521 THE MtDLAOT1 ROUTE LOCAL Lv Frankfort at 620 am and 200 pn pmAr Ar at Frankfort 1125 am and 720 pm Close connection made at Paris with trains to and from Cincinnati ville Cvnthiana Winchester ana Richmond Connections made at Georgetown with the Southern GEO B HARPER Pres and Gen Supt 0 W HAY G P A To Remove Freckles Pimples K 930 a p m C Phone Dlt tT T Office Frankfon Ginoinnati gI TIMETABLE pmAr In Ten Days Use Nadinola J t Pirvs1 GIAN over < < CREAM a new dfscor ery sold under a positive guarantee and refunded if It falls to remove suntan collar dis coloratlons and all eruptions of the skin no matter how long standing Cures ordinary cases In 10 days and the worst Jn 20 days mone freckles pimples lIverspots these defects removed the skin will be clear soft healthy and beautiful No possible harm can result from Its Tiso 50 cents and 100 by leading drug stores or mail NATIONAL TOILET COMPANY Paris Tenn After d G

Bourbon News. (Paris, KY) 1906-08-21 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7gf18scc3w/data/0120.pdf · 30UBBOK NEWS AKCS ZENTU GZY AUG 21 1906 r j < J 0 I t U c isP i t < THE CHILEAN ffYAPPA It

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Page 1: Bourbon News. (Paris, KY) 1906-08-21 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7gf18scc3w/data/0120.pdf · 30UBBOK NEWS AKCS ZENTU GZY AUG 21 1906 r j < J 0 I t U c isP i t < THE CHILEAN ffYAPPA It


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U c isPi

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It Xs Similar to tle Lngri e ofNew Orleans v

fJnoSlawftirtf Vow nrlern renders o Cables stories of thecity familiar with the interestingand gracious custom of small tradesmen of giving lagniappe The wordcommonly pronounced lanyap refersto the small present wljieh the dealersinifkc customers as a sort ofInducement to call again The custom j

is soiirnily established that the peopleare in the habit of waiting for themlittle present after they have madQtheir purchases and children ask forit Mrs HOlt in her book The Gardenof the Pacific describes a similar custom in Valparaiso The Chileans however call the gift a yapna which onereadily sees is kindred to the wordused in New Orleans

I frequent the fruit marketwell stocked The fresh

figs were the largest and sweetest thatI had ever seen or tasted and I madea point bringing some homefor breakfast

The first time l selectedwhich I wanted the girl placid thembetween leaves in my basket and thenlaid another half dozen on the top rsupposed that she me to buyan extra quantity and shook my headin the negative She smilingly explained that it was for a yappa As 1

had nothing more to pay I wasimpressed by the custom

The Chileans exact the yappa astheir due We were in a confectioneryshop one day when a small child came2n and held up a centavo halfpennyfor some sweets The man handedthem to her She held up her otherhand and lisped out Mi yappa rindgot it New York Globe


Warning Runner wile BellowLike n Dull as He Goes

The saps is a runner who peeps infront of a carriage and warns commonpeople out of the way anti who beatsthem with a stick if they do not hurryup about it

It is obvious that to do this he mustrun quickly Most men when they runbend their bodies forward and keeptheir mouths closed in order to savetheir wind The sills runs with hisshoulders thrown back and trumpeting like an enraged elephant He holdshis long wand at his side like a musket and not trailing in his hand like awalking stick and he wears a softshirt of white stuff and a sleevelesscoat buried in gold lace

He is a perfect ideal of color andmovement and as he runs he bellowslike a bull or roars as you have hearda lion roar at feeding times in amenagerieThere

sometimes two of themrunning abreast dressed exactly alikeand with the upper part of their bodiesas rigid as the wand pressed againsttheir sides and with the ends of theirscarf and the long tassel streamingout behind

As they yell and bellow donkeys andcarriages and people scramble out oftheir way until the carriage they precede lids rolled rapidly by Onlyprincesses of the royal harem and consuls general and the heads of the armyof occupation and the Egyptian armyare permitted two sais other peoplemay have one

When Thackeray StruckA letter written by Thackeray to the

proprietor of masers Magazine isunder the head of When

Thackeray Went on Strike As amatter of fact Trackeray so far fromacting on the principle of unionismacted on precisely the opposite

and asserted his right to individual preference Well he says Idare say you will be very indignantand swear I am the most mercenary ofindividuals Not so But I am a betterworkman than most of your crew anddesire a better price He ends

You must not I repeat be angryor because we differ as tradesmenbreak off our connection as friendsLondon News

A Barbarous PolicyA tel the Dutch had taken the Mo

luccas from the Portuguese they Inthe cultivation of the clove

Into their own possessions cut downall the clove trees of the Moluccas andpronounced death on any one whowould plant a single clove bush or

or sell a pound of the productExpeditions were sent from their othereastern possessions every year to cutdown any bushes that might have accidentally started in the Molucca islands This barbarous policy made theislands a desert for deprived of theirforests the volcanic soil was washedaway and the population starved pr


The Ojily WayA person of little tact once remarked

to the octogenarian Auber What alad it old business

Yes the old musician itm but he added with wittyphilosophy up to the present time nolurer way has been discovered to livei loiij time

Neither evidence nor coiinion sensVhas the slifflitpsttp1












trod1 ell





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is thisagreed

reason pu1 iiprejudices Goethe


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Story Mnretiis YoungCorsIcau Marvel1

Maretus us that during leis

els over Europe lie met the marvel ofmarvels at Padua The marvel illquestion a young Corsican whowas in the city fci the purpose of parsuing his studies at the universityMaretus having heard that the youngman was with an extraordinarymemory desired to put the student tothe test

The person who had informed thetraveler concerning ihe wonderfultentivehess Qf the Corsicans

declared that he was soin that faculty that he could repeat asmany as 30000 if readhim but once Maretus andtinguisliQd Venetians agreed to test theaccuracy of the statement A committee visited the student Of extraordinary

and found him willing to submit to the ordeal Accordingly therewas read him an almost

list of words strung togetherwithout any consecutive order andwithout any meaning whatever

The young man stood the timewith his attention deeply tied and hiseyes half closed When the long stringof words had been rend he lookedup cheerfully and repeateU the whole ofthe uninteresting catalogue of wordswithout a single fault Then to showliow carefully his wonderful memoryhad retained every word wentthrough the list backward When thattask was finished he took each

word first third fifth etc andrepeated until the company wasthoroughly convinced that they were inthe presence of the most wonderfulprodigy of memory that the world hadever produced


A Prccejit That Every ShouldTake to Heart

Juvenal said This precept descendsfrom heaven know thyself To thisw6 add know thy country Know itsarea its population its products

and exclusive agricultural andKnow its present output and

its possibilities Know its states itsterritories and large cities and whatthey are severally noted for Knowits geography and typography its constitution principles and history itsliterature its art and its sciences itsphilosophy discoveries and inventionsKnow its relation to other nationsboth political and financial Know itspossessions Alaska Hawaii PortoRico and the Philippines their historyseverally the customs and languagesof their people and the sources of theirwealth Many men know these thingsnow and love their country and are serviceable to their fellow citizens in proportion to their knowledge It costslabor and tlft sacrifice of so calledpleasure to acquire this knowledge butto the genuinely manly man whoselifes purpose is to make the utmost ofhis abilities and opportunities and whoin one way and another is developinghis countrys hidden treasures and imparting his practical enthusiasmto other lives there are a relish and adelight in the search for knowledgethat compensate a thousandfold

The Woman In BaslncftHA New York real estate agent has

been telling of some of businesswith women Mrs A he

says wanted to find a house that wouldfit her carpets and wasted severalweeks on the job Mrs B had sixchildren of her own but wanted aguarantee that no other children wouldbe allowed in the building Mrs Csigned a lease with a clause that nodogs should be brought in and thendeliberately brought several into herfamily and told time agent such restrictions in a lease were of no account

Do you that mendo not like to Ie l with women Ofcourse however Massachusetts women would never do anything like


An Ideal BathAn ideal combination is to soap the

body all over using tepid water beforeI plunging into a cold bath But there

a cold bath daily and who after takingone are apt to be cold and shiveringall the day through For these the best

1 is after a warm bath to spongethe throat and chest with cold waterwhich is most stimulating and especially so where the bather suffers fromchronic colds To insist on a cold bathis just as unwise as to have a baththat is too warm and to remain in ittoo long That is the more generalmistake

v Word of HonorDont you Jove me


Yes dear but Im already engagedBreak your engagementOh George that wouldnt be hon

orable An engagement is a sacredthing not lightly to be entered into orbroken off

YellWell Im engaged to men and

makes it even worse ClevelandLeader

The most insignificant people arethe most apt to Haz

JThe rill ofn




memory gift tt










won e he


t many good folks who











words overthree

over to inter-minable









are cannot face





at othersIitt

















Once aiigflity Brute Eoslngr GroundBefore CivillzationY

The lien like the other great Isa relic of a diminishing race and domillion In the early thecave lion roifmed throughout the

southern half of Europe and it is believeH along the Mediterranean at

its extinction due to prehistoric man

The battle has gone oh ever sinceLong ago lions were exterminatedfrom Afghanistan Baluchistan andnorthern Persia A ago theywere more or less prevalent north

un India but now none remainin the Gheer a wooded

hilly of Kattiawar theyare yto some extent preserved by thenawabs of Joojmjrhoor1 Biusistanwhere time Nirig lake afford shelter and the hosts of pigsfeeding on the acorns of the oak forestsfurnish subsistence

Similar conditions enable a lionsto maintain themselves along the lowerEuphrates and Tigris limit they werelong ago exterminated from all AsiaMinor Syria Arabia Egypt and Algeria From Abyssinia and the southernSahara southward to the Orange riverlions still exist except tin the most

districts and in some placesvery numerous

There seems never to hav been morethan one species nor in spite of theformer belief in the inaiielcss lions ofGuzerat and the black nianed onesof other places is any variety well

LionS with full maues havebeen shot in India as well as thosewith hardly any and out of fifty malelion skins scarcely two will be foundaliko in color and length of maneErnest lugersolls of Mammals


Fishermans Emblem That TellsDistress and Hope

One of the frequent sights in theports along the eastern coast is that ofa fishing schooner coming into the harbor with an American flag hoisted atthe mainmast head in its reverse position To the interested spectators thatdag always brings a pang of distressfor it means that one or more of thecrew through some

of the sea But to the members ofthe craft itself the signal is not alwayson emblem of woe The flag is hoistedfrom their viewpoint to notify those

for a long time before theythat the men who have disappear

ed are really lostA stranger to seafaring ways asked

the skipper of one of these fishingschooners the other day what the

signal meant and he was setright by the captain who remarked inthe most cheerful way in the world

Theyre missing out of th crew ofcourse but we havent given them upby a long sight Ye see they mayhave been picked up by some otherboat an carried off to th other sideOh no we dont give them up just because weve missed them Its morethan likely theyll turn up yet XewYork Press

Elephant PowerHow many men would be needed to

cent investigations made to determinethe respective pulling power of horsesmen and elephants Two horsesweighing 1100 pounds each togetherpulled 3750 pounds or 550 poundsmore than their weight Oneelephant weighing 12000 pounds pulled 8750 pounds or 3250 pounds lessthan Fifty men aggregat

about 7500 pounds in weight pullpounds as much as the

single elephant But like the horsesthey pulled more than their owntvoisht One hundred men pulled 12300 pounds

Proverbs of AHNHIU

Here are some rather clever proverbsof Assam The best crops grow onothers fields but the best sons are athome A bird is a little thing butIt builds its nest on a lofty hulungtree Buy land which slopes to themiddle and marry a girl who has agood mother The biggest jack fruitalways hides under the leaves If aman slips down it is always his eldestwifes fault but if his youngest wifemakes a mistake he says he will seeabout it hasty cook abroom and husband goes fastinga claw cook a slow broom and thehusband eats three meals a day

Mexican CactiMexico has a cactus which grows

toothpicks another ribbed and thickly set with toothpick spines which furnishes time natives with combs Thereis another cactus the long curved spinesof which resemble fish hooks There isanother which is an almost perfect

of the sea urchin Still anotherresembles a porcupine There is another covered with long red hair whichnicknamed the red headed cactus

More HimMiss Mugley idea of his callinghomely I may not be very pretty

but Im certainly not as homely as hesis Miss Pert No but thatsEimaly because hes bigger than you






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Cv v Spcilcil Tils Scheme 5 V

Among time creditors o an insolventfirm was a New Yorker who had a balance of 235 coming to him r manwanted his money lie was a goodtalker and persuaded me firm tohim o3 in case he cod get the othercreditors to grant an extension of timeSo lIe called a meeting of creditorsand talked to them eloquently aboutthe prospects of the firm getting on itsfeet again if i only Had time Heseemed to have won out when a little

man in the back of theand in a squeaky voice declared thathe for wanted his money and didtint to wait for it Dont youthink it is rather selfish of you to interfere this plan in which all 6f theother creditors have agreed askedthe first man We are willing to waitfor the amount of our claims Everyone of us including mysQlf believes

this firm have plenty oftime How much is your claim anyway In the voice thelittle old man answered They owe me

1S5000 How much is your claim

Tile Tomb SpiderThe people of Italy believe in the ex

istence of a wonderful creature whichfor the want of a better name is calledthe tomb spider The entomologistsknow nothing of this queer beast and

that it only exists in the fancypersons and those

whose curiosity or business makes itnecessary for them to explore old ruins tombs catacombs etc Accordingto the popular account the tomb spider is of apure white color has wingslike those of a bat a dozen horridcrooked legs and a body threetimes the size of that of the largesttropical American tarantula The accounts of this queer insect and his outof the way places of abode are by nomeans common and on that accountthe information concerning him whichwe will ba able to give is very meagerAny Italian will tell you that such acreature exists however and that he isoccasionally met with in old mines andcaverns as well as in tombs and subterranean ruins

Goldsmiths Showy ClothesGoldsmith was ludicrously fond of

showy clothes When he sought totake orders in Ireland he tried to dazzle his bishop by a pair of scarletbreeches While studying medicineEdinburgh he wore rich sky bluesatin fine sky blue shalloon andsilver hat lace Before Johnson Reynolds and Garrick he strutted aboutbragging of his bloom colored coatand when hig reputation had beenmade by his two principal poems heblazed forth in purple silk smalla scarlet greatcoat and a physicianswig lIe carried a headed caneand a sword hung side a weapon so disproportioned to his diminutivestature that a coxcomb who passedhim in the strand called out to hiscompanion to look at that fly with along pin stuck through it SartorialArt Journal

A Woman In MoroccoAll the life of a woman in Morocco is

really passed behind the walls of itsprisonlike houses She sees nothingknows nothing is wholly sunk In ignorance She has no social life no

at home A writer says Mostof the ladies calls are roof to roof visitations and very nimble they are atgetting over the low partition wallseven dragging a ladder up and downwith them if there are high ones to becrossed The reason is that the roofsor rather terraces are especially

for women folk and men arenot even allowed to go up except torepairs when the neighboring housesare duly

Strange PledgesLondon pawnbrokers are frequently

asked to take strange things in pawnThe other day a Holboru pawnbrokerlent 100 on a fin horse which one of

daughters rode until it was reTime same pawnbroker once

in pledge a medical chest of polsons that were strong enough to kill10000 men It was however a valuable deposit as some of the poisonswere very rare A Kensington

pawnbroker about three weekssago lent a sum of money on a numberof autographs of dead celebrities

Before and AfterMrs Mann Before we were married

Charles used to bring me candy whenae came to see me Now I have to Buymy candy myself or go without MrsGrimes Thats just the way with themen Mrs then I dontmind it I buy better candy than heused to buy and as it Is his money justthe same as in the old days the newarrangement is more expensive to him

I than the old one

A Criterion of AgeBirmingham Your daughter is to

marry a young man named Hill I believe Manchester Yes Heto one of the very oldest families in thecountry Birmingham didnt knowthat he came from a particularly oldfamily Manchester JDh yes You often hear people the expression Asold as the Hills

Its a queer fact that the higherman rises the hevhas

above suspicion Puck






that should





















I MannBut






J x



tom rose












chance ofme-n






















All Varieties

SeedGlover Seed

Both Phones 14



WI 80rerhUrn se do iIiiMillet I

Alfa 1

l Chas S Brent BroI





A EngineBuilt by

The Foos Gas Engine Co

Springfield O







Main Street Cincinnati 0

The simplicity of this type is clearly shown by the above cutEvery detail has been carefully worked out and the Engine particularly designed for small plants or ranch or farm work under conditions where the attention received is often limited



e JW A





IIM1TED1EXCURSION 10 MAMMOTH CAVE fYoung Mens Institute of Lexington Ky

f August 2S M1250 FOR THE ROUND TRIP H-

MM Including Railroad Pare Cave Fees and Hotel FareMJ For further information call on or address JOHN B SHANNON JK

Trust Building R J WALLACE 590 or DAN J CROWERand avenue Lexington Ky j



West Main129








BOURBON CIRCUIT COURTThomas Hawkins c Plaintiffs

of SaleLizzie Johnson c Defendants

By virtue of a judgment and order ofsale made and entered in the abovestyled cause at the June term 1906 I

Saturday 1906

the public square in Paris BourbonCounty Kentucky at about the hour of11 a m the following described real estate

A lot of land situated in BourbonCounty Kentucky on the Paris and

being a part ofSid Clay farm and about seven milesfrom the town of Paris and bounded asfollows

Beginning at a corner to Simon

Ashursts line then N 75 W 2484

of Simon Frazier in the middle of pikethen S 785 E 2816 poles to the beginning containing about one acre

Said sale will be made upon a creditof six and twelve months for equalparts of the purchase money for whichthe purchaser will be required to exe

bonds with good surety payableto the undersigned Master Commissioner and bearing interest at the rateof six per cent per annum from dateof sale until paid said bonds to havethe force and effect of judgments N

The interests of the infant defendants Lizzie Johnson and ClaudeEvans being one undivided onesixteenth each of said land and the

of the infant defendants HattieMoore Charles Moore Lucy Moore IdaMoore and Frank Moore being oneundivided one thirtysecond each of saidland shall not be pai by the purchaserbut shall remain a lien on said landbearing interest until said infants become of age or until the guardians of

of practiceWitness my hand 9th day of

August 1906 vRUSSELL MANN M CBK aC A McMillan Attorney 01724











Augusta r-


Clintonville turnpike











Professional CardsWM KENXEY W DUDLEY

Drs Kenney DudleyOffice Opp Fordham Hotel

8 to mOFFICE HOURS x3o to 3 p m

7 to 8PHONES 136


Offices in Agricultural BuildingParis Kentucky



Room 8 BuildrHome 72

ttJVVJNOberdorfers Dni

StoreHome Phone 258 E Tenri 521


Lv Frankfort at 620 am and 200 pn

pmArAr at Frankfort 1125 am and 720 pmClose connection made at Paris with

trains to and from Cincinnativille Cvnthiana Winchester anaRichmond

Connections made at Georgetownwith the Southern

GEO B HARPERPres and Gen Supt


To Remove Freckles Pimples


930 a

p m


Dlt tT TOffice

Frankfon Ginoinnati gI



In Ten Days Use Nadinola

J tPirvs1 GIAN




CREAM a new dfscorery sold under a positiveguarantee andrefunded if It falls toremove

suntancollar dis

coloratlonsand all eruptions of theskin no matter howlong standing Curesordinary cases In 10 daysand the worstJn 20 days


freckles pimpleslIverspots

these defectsremoved the skin will be clear soft healthyand beautiful No possible harm can resultfrom Its Tiso 50 cents and 100 by leadingdrug stores or mailNATIONAL TOILET COMPANY Paris Tenn

