THE NEWS PAJIIS KENTUCKY TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 24 19O1 j H E- i OP BON c i B Women and Jewels Jewels candy flowers man that is the order of a womans preferences Jewels form a of mighty power to the average woman Even that greatest of all jewels health is often ruined in the strenuous efforts to or save the money to purchase them a woman will risk her health to get coveted gem then let her fortify against the insiduous consequences coughs colds and bronchial by the regular use of Dr Boschees Ger man Syrup It will promptly consumption in its early stages heal the affected lungs and tubes and drive the dread disease It ie not a cure all but is a certain cure for coughs colds all bronchial troubles You can get Dr G G Greens reliable remedies at W T Brooks Get Greens Almanac The Burlingtons California Ex cursions Personally Conducted Every Wednesday night from St Louis and Chicago the Burlington Personally Conducted Tourist Excursions leave for In ad dition to the protection of special con ductors the crowning feature is route through Scenic Colorado and Lake City These Excursions are a fix- ture in the Burlingtons service Very Cheap to California Return Much less than half are made September 19th to 27th in- clusive Final return limit 15th Homeseekeis Excursions to West and Northwest Kansas Colorado California Washington Oregon and the Dakotas September 3d and 17th are the selected dates for these great Autumn Excursions The Burl ington has the best trains to Kansas City St Joseph Omaha Denver St Paul and Minneapolis- Do us the favor to write for Burling- ton descriptive matter outline your trip and let us advise you the least cost Any ticket agent can sell via the Burl- ington it is the greatest railroad within the Louisiana Purchase it is the main traveled line to the West and Of its 8160 miles of railroad 5000 miles are main lines W M SHAW D P A 406 Cincinnati Ohio tl L W WAKELEY Agt St Louis Mo HOWARD ELLIOTT General Manager- St Louis Mo I had a running sore on my leg for seven years writes Mrs Jas Forest Chippewa Falls Wis and spent hun of dollars in trying to get it heal ed Two boxes of Banner Salve en- tirely cured it Beware of substitutes Kenney Kodtei B spepssa Digests what you sari Sick HeadacheF- ood doesnt well Appetite poor Bowels constipated Tongue coated liver Ayers Pills are liver cure dys- pepsia biliousness 25c All druggists your moustache or beard a beautiful or black Then use BUCKINGHAMS DYE 60 CTS OF DRUGGISTS OR R P HALL Co NASHUA The Oldest and C Best- S S S is a combination of roots rand herbs of great curative and when taken into the circulation searches out and removes all manner of poisons from the blood without least or harm to the system On the contrary the general health begins to improve from the first dose SS S is not only a blood purifier but an excellent tonic and strength- ens and builds up the constitution frhile purging the blood of impuri ties S S S cures all of a blood Cancer Scrofula Rheumatism Chronic Sores and Ulcers Eczema Psoriasis Salt Rheum Herpes and similar troubles and is an infallible cure and the only antidote for that most horrible disease Contagious Blood Poison A record of nearly fifty years of successful cures is a record to be proud of S S S is more popular today than ever It numbers by the thousands Our medical corres- pondence is larger than ever in the medicine Many write to thank us for the great good S S S has done them while others are seek ing advice about their cases All letters receive prompt and careful attention Our physicians have made alifelong Blood andSkin Dis- eases and better understand such cases than the ordinary practitioner makes a specialty of no one We are doing great good to suffering- humanity through our consulting de partment and invite you to write us you blood or skin trouble We make no charge Whatever for this service THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO ATLANTA GA magnet a an the system an California NovembeI IncludingNebraska UtahMontana Vine St Genl Passr Want brown A N H who disea- seS SS 1 mak r arres fro i t th tll North- west o I use 4 our r ills forthe Whiskers t the 1 w 4 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Blind Tom Still Alive Blind Tom the negro pianist wh had so dropped out of hearing that man have supposed dead has now in concert says the St Joseph Mo Herald Tom is now fiftytw years old and is still mentally the chili lie was when his extraordinary imitativ faculty was first manifested Since 188 he has been under the most puuotiliu care in asylums and sanitariums and hi custody has been a shuttlecock one and another attorney The presen guardian is Albert Lerche Of course Blind Tom is a musical freak that wa not made for his gift is something bori with lim and apparently it continue despite his long sickness He can pav three airs at once play with hi back to the piano and repeat any ne tune that is sung or whistled or playe to him His original composition- are of no value but his reproduction o notable works at a moments hearing i marvelous To see this lolling negrcj with closed eyes and heavy jaws himself by the music he produces- is to witness one of the puzzles o human life New Barber Firm L Ed Parker and Jim Ecton have pur chased the barber shop of Buck Free mans and are now open and ready few business Parker Ecton intend t run an uptodate shop They hav three sterilizing appartuses and for 1 cents they guarantee you a good easi and clean shave Hot and cold bathE always ready ITsplm him I L I stil- L de- light 9 I re- appeared < and D C Steamers- to 22 CH DRy R1otUwnc and Return TUESDAY Good 10 days Attractive Side Trips i OlllIst 27111 ROUTE- C H D to Toledo then on beautiful steamer Mackinac out of the mouth of the Maumee River along the pictur- esque shore o f Lake Erie and the Detroit River to Detroit one of the most beauti ful river on earth stopping at over V es tern ¬ ¬ Leave Detroit 930 am through Lake St U S Canal St Clair Flats to Port Hu ron then through the great sea Lake Huron at va of in terest to beautiful Mackinac Island touching ¬ ¬ ¬ The Most Delightful Trip in all the World Special train loaves Cincinnati 845 am For additional Information apply to any C H D or connecting agent leaf let or to D G EDWARDS Pass Traffic Mgr Cincinnati W Shackelford Contractor and Builder F PABIS KY PI Q o Boar The greatest ambition Amer- ican men and women is to have homes blessed with children The woman afflicted with female dis- ease is constantly menaced with becoming a childless wife No medicine can restore dead or- gans but Wine of Cardui does regulate derangements that pre vent conception j does prevent miscarriage does restore weak functions and shattered nerves and does bring babies to homos barren and desolate for years Wino of Cardui gives women the health and strength to bear heal- thy You can get a dollar bottle of Wine of Cardui from your dealer 143 Market Street Tenn April 14 1901 In February 1901 I took one of I tax mother of a fine The weighs fourteen pounds and I feel as ag feeL MOTHERHOOD o WNo CAW package of BlackDraught beeD had never birth child until I took Wine Cardui girl which Was born March Now my home is hippy and I never will be Wine in my house again W SMITH POl adf fDd symptoms 1he Advisory Depart Chattanooga 1 ds married toa ears given 311901 Mrs J p ChnttaT a < WANTED Several persons of char- acter and good reputation in each one in this county required to repre sent and advertise old established weal thy business house of solid financial standing Salary 18 weekly with penses additional all payable in cash each Wednesday direct from head offices Horse and carriage furnished when nec essary References Enclose selfad dressed stamped envelope Manager Caxton Building Chicago tf WANTED A good cook a housemaid Splendid chance for the right Apply at NEWS office for name of party i j Mr John Tippis Colton 0 says Foleys Honey and Tar cured my girl of H severe cough and inflamed ton- s ails Clarke Kenney To Cure a Cold In One Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets fails to cure EW Groves signature is on each box 25c 25lyr- L N Special Rates Summer excursion rates via L N R R to point snamed below and return Lexington and return October 7 to and morning trains of 18 at BO cents round trip Account races Louisville and return at one fare 285 for round trip Sept 23 to 26 Sept 80 to Oct 4 Limited for return to Oct 7 Account Interstate Fair and Horse Show Tickets on sale daily from Sept 23 to Oct 4 Cynthiana and return Sept 25 26 27 Return limit Sept 28 at 45 cents for round trip Account Elks Street Fair Buffalo N Y and return 1460 via Big Four and Pennnsylvania Lines via R and C H D Ry 1860 Final limit on all tickets 20 days from date of sale Every one should take ad vantage of these rates to visit the great PanAmerican Exposition San Francisco Cal and return at low rate of 56 50 for the round trip Ticket on sale Sept 18 to 26 Final limit returning Nov 15 Stop overs at West of Denver Col going or returning Account of Episco pal Church Convention Cincinnati 0 and rdturn at one fare 235 for round trip Sept 14 and 15 heturn limit Sept 28 Also 1 fare 315 for round trip Sept 16 to 28 in- clusive Return limit Sept 30 Cincinnati Fall Festival Natural Bridge excursion at 150 round trip on following dates July 14 and 28 August 11 and 25 September 8 and 22 October 6 and 20 For further particulars regarding any of above rates call on or CARR Agent- or HOUSTON RION TA Paris Ky Free New Cure For Eczema And Skin Eruptions Remicks Eczema Cure and Remicks Pepsin Blood Tonic have never yet failed to cure tf FREE TRIAL Write today the samples are free HAVANA MEDICAL Co 1124 Locust St St Louis iHo For sale by W T Brooks Brain Food Nonsense Another rediculous food fad has been brandeed by competent authori ties They have dispelled the silly notion that one kind of food is needed for brain another for muscles and still another for bones A correct diet will not only nourish a particular part of the body but it will sustain every other part Yet however good your food may be its nutriment is Destroyed by indigestion or dyspepsia You must prepare for their appearance or prevent their coming by taking regular of Greens August Flower the favorite medicine of the healthy millions A few doses aids digestion stimulates the to healthy action purifies the blood and makes you feel bouyant and vigor ous You can get Dr G G Greens reliable remedies at W T Brooks Get Greens Special Almanac date hair cut call at Tom Crawfords new barber shop located in the old post office stand No long waits tf I HAVE one of the best established trades in the city from the simple fact that I run the best barber in town Hot and cold baths always ready CARL CRAWFORD Sid Darling 1912 Howard street Port Mich writes I have tried many pills and laxatives but DeWitts Little Early Risers are far the best pills I have ever used They never gripe W T Brooks H C Watkins sexton of the Metho dist Church Springfield Pa says My wife has very bad with kidney trouble and tried several doctors without benefit After taking one bottle of Foleys Kidney Cure was much better and was completely cured after taking four Kenney Norris Silver North Stratford NH I purchased a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure when suffering with a cougb doctors told me was incurable One bottle relieved me the second and third almost cured Today I am a well T Brooks Chas of 0 was unable to work on account of kidney trouble After using Foleys Kidney Cure four days he was cured Clark Kenney Geo W Lane Pewamo Mich writes Your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the best remedy for indigestion and stomach trouble that I ever used For years I suffered from dyspepsia at times com- pelling me to stay in bed and untold agopy I am completely cured by Kodol In recora mending it tofriennswbo suffer from in digestion I always offer to pay for it if it fails Thus far I have never paid W T Brooks Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eats state ex- t l 3 1t parties- s 1 V i Day- S All druggists refund the if it- s L f 1 r tl e- very address- F B 1 1 themost liver A 0 FOR a good clean shave and an upto o bottlesClark manW Replogle Atwater U sing me Ie lit littl f fo i Erie R r Ac- count o ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > OSTEOPATHIST Dr J T Drake Graduate West Side Court A T Still School House Square Kirksville Mo Paris Ky Member A A A O TR E Jj STEVENS OENTIST in Agricultural Bank Building Take Elevator Phone 842 Office Hours j 8 to 12 am 1 to 5 pm june4lyr T DENTIST Office No 3 Broadway PARIS KENTUCKY WEBB J i ATTORNEYATLAW Special attention given to Collection office on Broadway PARIS KENTUCKY i PORTER NONUNION AGENTS RELIABLE FIRE INSURANCE- AT LOW RATES PARIS KY N FOLEY V DENTIST Office in Paton Building opposite Hotel Fordham Can be found at office at night ATTORNEYATLAW- Office in Simms Building PARIS KENTUCKY Many physicians are now prescribing Kodol Dyspepsia Cure regularly having found that it is the best prescription they can write because it is the one prescrip tion which contains the elements neces- sary to digest not only some kinds of food but all kinds and it therefore cures indigestion and dyspepsia no mat ter what its cause WT Brooks It is a little known fact that the ma- jority of serious diseases originate in disorder of the kidneys Foleys Kid ney Cure is guaranteed Be sure to get Kenney Henry Braydon Harris N C says- I took medicine 20 vears for asthma but one bottle of One Minute Cough Cure did me more good than anything else during that time Best Cough Cure W T Brooks PROFESSIONAL CARDS Office J Mc1iJ LAN 51 BROAD WAY pHILIP fJO J WILLIAMS FoleysClark S ARLES D SMITH ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ANNOUNCEMENT We are after your Fall and Winter Trade think we now have a stock that will merit your business We are now showing some new things in DRESS GOODSa- nd invite you to come and inspect them For a leader we have the new all wool double width Purnella Cloth at 49 CENTS PER YARD We have these goods in all the new Dark Red Royal Blue Light and Dark Castor Dark Brown and Black We also are showing a fine line of Serges Venetians and Cashmers We are sole agents for the American Shoes for ladies G L HEYMAN 3 DOORS FROM POSTOFFICE Paris Kentucky- AL GREEHBAUMj Manager HEYMANS FALL 7 and Fall ShadesMyrtle Girl 7 > ° When Twin Bros Advertise Slash Prices everybody rushes at the op- portunity Another chance for you to get goods almost for a song READ THE FOLLOWING 25oo yards of Challie worth 5 cents a yard now 2 J cents 1000 yards of Lawn worth 8 y cents a yard now eents 1000 yards of Dimity worth 12 3 cents a yard now 6 cts i 000 yards of Percale worth 10 cents a yard now 5 cents 2000 yards of Sea Island Cotton now 5 cents Big Bargains in Dress Goods Callico and Cotton also in Ladies Mens and Childrens Shoes and Oxfords 300 Mens 5ocent Dress Shiits now 25 cents 400 Mens i Dress Shirts now 50 cents All i 75 and 50 cts Mens and Boys Straw Hats 250 Mens Blue Pants now 38 cents Boys Linen Pants now 15 cents Mens 8 and 750 Suits now 450 Mens 6 and 5 Suits now 3 100 Bicycle Pants worth 2 now go at 90 cents Also Low Prices and Bargains in Pants Hats Etc Mens Tan and Douglas Shoes worth 3 and 350 now 2 Mens Tan Shoes worth 250 and 2 now 125 Mens Tan Shoes worth 175 and 150 now i Also Special Low Prices in Boys Shoes Also Special Prices in Underwear V Big Stock of Trunks Valises Telescopes Etc RUSH IN AND GET THESE REMEMBER THE PLACE 701703 MAIN STREET PARIS KENTUCKY BIG RUSIIEXrECTED 1 i f i r 1 our Cottonatle Mens and io Suits now 7So r lt f- f I f S c BI 1 WIN BBe8 ry t I 1 c ti1 t i H 4 i i1 4 14 b t m nfL i l t 1 I J 1 r4 a 44 I2 o BARGAIN R ¬ > > > =

Bourbon News. (Paris, KY) 1901-09-24 [p 8].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt71jw86jb72/data/0401.pdfTHE NEWS PAJIIS KENTUCKY TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 24 19O1 j H E- i OP BON c B i Women and Jewels Jewels

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Page 1: Bourbon News. (Paris, KY) 1901-09-24 [p 8].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt71jw86jb72/data/0401.pdfTHE NEWS PAJIIS KENTUCKY TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 24 19O1 j H E- i OP BON c B i Women and Jewels Jewels


jH E-




Women and Jewels

Jewels candy flowers man that is

the order of a womans preferencesJewels form a of mighty powerto the average woman Even thatgreatest of all jewels health is oftenruined in the strenuous efforts toor save the money to purchase thema woman will risk her health to getcoveted gem then let her fortifyagainst the insiduous consequencescoughs colds and bronchialby the regular use of Dr Boschees German Syrup It will promptlyconsumption in its early stagesheal the affected lungs andtubes and drive the dread disease

It ie not a cure all butis a certain cure for coughs coldsall bronchial troubles You can get DrG G Greens reliable remedies at WT Brooks Get GreensAlmanac

The Burlingtons California Excursions Personally Conducted

Every Wednesday night from StLouis and Chicago the BurlingtonPersonally Conducted TouristExcursions leave for In addition to the protection of special conductors the crowning feature isroute through Scenic Colorado andLake City These Excursions are a fix-

ture in the Burlingtonsservice

Very Cheap to CaliforniaReturn Much less than halfare made September 19th to 27th in-

clusive Final return limit15th

Homeseekeis Excursions toWest and Northwest

Kansas ColoradoCalifornia Washington

Oregon and the Dakotas September 3dand 17th are the selected dates for thesegreat Autumn Excursions The Burlington has the best trains to KansasCity St Joseph Omaha Denver StPaul and Minneapolis-

Do us the favor to write for Burling-ton descriptive matter outline your tripand let us advise you the least costAny ticket agent can sell via the Burl-ington it is the greatest railroad withinthe Louisiana Purchase it is the maintraveled line to the West and

Of its 8160 miles of railroad5000 miles are main lines


D P A 406

Cincinnati Ohiotl L W WAKELEY

AgtSt Louis Mo

HOWARD ELLIOTTGeneral Manager-

St Louis Mo

I had a running sore on my leg forseven years writes Mrs Jas ForestChippewa Falls Wis and spent hun

of dollars in trying to get it healed Two boxes of Banner Salve en-tirely cured it Beware of substitutes


Kodtei B spepssaDigests what you sari

Sick HeadacheF-ood doesnt wellAppetite poor Bowelsconstipated Tongue coated

liver Ayers Pillsare liver cure dys-pepsia biliousness

25c All druggists

your moustache or beard a beautifulor black Then use


The Oldest andC

Best-S S S is a combination of roots

rand herbs of great curativeand when taken into the circulationsearches out and removes all mannerof poisons from the blood without

least or harm to the systemOn the contrary the general healthbegins to improve from the first dose

S S S is not only a blood purifierbut an excellent tonic and strength-ens and builds up the constitutionfrhile purging the blood of impurities S S S cures all of ablood Cancer ScrofulaRheumatism Chronic Sores andUlcers Eczema Psoriasis SaltRheum Herpes and similar troublesand is an infallible cure and the onlyantidote for that most horrible diseaseContagious Blood Poison

A record of nearly fifty years ofsuccessful cures is a record to be proudof S S S is more popular todaythan ever It numbers bythe thousands Our medical corres-pondence is larger than ever in

the medicine Many writeto thank us for the great good S S Shas done them while others are seeking advice about their cases Allletters receive prompt and carefulattention Our physicians have madealifelong Blood andSkin Dis-eases and better understand such casesthan the ordinary practitionermakes a specialty of no one

We are doing greatgood to suffering-humanity throughour consulting department and invite

you to write us you bloodor skin trouble We make no chargeWhatever for this service





the systeman




Vine St

Genl Passr

































Blind Tom Still Alive

Blind Tom the negro pianist whhad so dropped out of hearing that manhave supposed dead has now

in concert says the St JosephMo Herald Tom is now fiftytwyears old and is still mentally the chililie was when his extraordinary imitativfaculty was first manifested Since 188

he has been under the most puuotiliucare in asylums and sanitariums and hicustody has been a shuttlecockone and another attorney The presenguardian is Albert Lerche Of courseBlind Tom is a musical freak that wanot made for his gift is something boriwith lim and apparently it continuedespite his long sickness He canpav three airs at once play with hiback to the piano and repeat any netune that is sung or whistled or playeto him His original composition-are of no value but his reproduction onotable works at a moments hearing imarvelous To see this lolling negrcjwith closed eyes and heavy jaws

himself by the music he produces-is to witness one of the puzzles o

human life

New Barber FirmL

Ed Parker and Jim Ecton have purchased the barber shop of Buck Freemans and are now open and ready few

business Parker Ecton intend trun an uptodate shop They havthree sterilizing appartuses and for 1

cents they guarantee you a good easiand clean shave Hot and cold bathEalways ready ITsplm















D C Steamers-




R1otUwncand Return


Good 10 days

Attractive Side Trips

i OlllIst 27111


C H D toToledo then onbeautiful steamerMackinac out ofthe mouth of theMaumee Riveralong the pictur-esqueshore o f LakeErie and theDetroit River toDetroit one ofthe most beautiful river onearth stopping at


V es tern¬


Leave Detroit 930am through LakeSt U SCanal St ClairFlats to Port Huron then throughthe greatsea Lake Huron

at vaof in

terest to beautifulMackinac Island





The Most Delightful Tripin all the World

Special train loaves Cincinnati 845 am

For additional Information apply to any CH D or connecting agent leaflet or to

D G EDWARDS Pass Traffic Mgr Cincinnati

W Shackelford

Contractor and Builder



The greatest ambition Amer-ican men and women is to havehomes blessed with children Thewoman afflicted with female dis-ease is constantly menaced withbecoming a childless wife Nomedicine can restore dead or-gans but Wine of Cardui doesregulate derangements that prevent conception j does preventmiscarriage does restore weakfunctions and shattered nervesand does bring babies to homosbarren and desolate for yearsWino of Cardui gives women thehealth and strength to bear heal-thy You can get adollar bottle of Wine of Carduifrom your dealer

143 Market StreetTenn April 14 1901In February 1901 I took one of

I tax mother of a fineThe weighs fourteen pounds and Ifeel as ag feeL


WNo CAWpackage of

BlackDraught beeDhad neverbirth child until I took WineCardui

girl which Was born March

Now my home is hippy and I never willbe Wine in my houseagain W SMITHPOl adf fDdsymptoms 1he Advisory Depart



dsmarriedtoa ears



Mrs Jp

ChnttaT a <

WANTED Several persons of char-acter and good reputation in eachone in this county required to repre

sent and advertise old established wealthy business house of solid financialstanding Salary 18 weekly withpenses additional all payable in casheach Wednesday direct from head officesHorse and carriage furnished when necessary References Enclose selfaddressed stamped envelope ManagerCaxton Building Chicago tf

WANTED A good cook a housemaidSplendid chance for the rightApply at NEWS office for name of party

ij Mr John Tippis Colton 0 says

Foleys Honey and Tar cured mygirl of H severe cough and inflamed ton-

s ails Clarke Kenney

To Cure a Cold In OneTake Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets

fails to cure EW Groves signatureis on each box 25c 25lyr-


N Special Rates

Summer excursion rates via L NR R to point snamed below and return

Lexington and return October 7 toand morning trains of 18 at BO centsround trip Account races

Louisville and return at one fare285 for round trip Sept 23 to 26

Sept 80 to Oct 4 Limited for returnto Oct 7 Account Interstate Fair andHorse Show Tickets on sale daily fromSept 23 to Oct 4

Cynthiana and return Sept 25 26 27Return limit Sept 28 at 45 cents forround trip Account Elks Street Fair

Buffalo N Y and return 1460 viaBig Four and Pennnsylvania Lines via

R and C H D Ry 1860Final limit on all tickets 20 days fromdate of sale Every one should take advantage of these rates to visit the greatPanAmerican Exposition

San Francisco Cal and return atlow rate of 56 50 for the round

trip Ticket on sale Sept 18 to 26Final limit returning Nov 15 Stopovers at West of Denver Colgoing or returning Account of Episcopal Church Convention

Cincinnati 0 and rdturn at one fare235 for round trip Sept 14 and 15

heturn limit Sept 28 Also 1 fare315 for round trip Sept 16 to 28 in-

clusive Return limit Sept 30Cincinnati Fall Festival

Natural Bridge excursion at 150round trip on following dates July 14and 28 August 11 and 25 September 8and 22 October 6 and 20

For further particulars regarding anyof above rates call on or


Paris Ky

Free New Cure For EczemaAnd Skin Eruptions Remicks EczemaCure and Remicks Pepsin Blood Tonichave never yet failed to cure tf

FREE TRIAL Write today thesamples are free

HAVANA MEDICAL Co1124 Locust St St Louis iHo

For sale by W T Brooks

Brain Food Nonsense

Another rediculous food fad has beenbrandeed by competent authorities They have dispelled the sillynotion that one kind of food is neededfor brain another for muscles andstill another for bones A correct dietwill not only nourish a particular partof the body but it will sustain everyother part Yet however good yourfood may be its nutriment is Destroyedby indigestion or dyspepsia You mustprepare for their appearance or preventtheir coming by taking regular ofGreens August Flower the favoritemedicine of the healthy millions Afew doses aids digestion stimulates the

to healthy action purifies the bloodand makes you feel bouyant and vigorous You can get Dr G G Greensreliable remedies at W T BrooksGet Greens Special Almanac

date hair cut call at Tom Crawfordsnew barber shop located in the old postoffice stand No long waits tf

I HAVE one of the best establishedtrades in the city from the simple factthat I run the best barber in townHot and cold baths always ready


Sid Darling 1912 Howard street PortMich writes I have tried

many pills and laxatives but DeWittsLittle Early Risers are far the best pillsI have ever used They never gripeW T Brooks

H C Watkins sexton of the Methodist Church Springfield Pa says Mywife has very bad with kidneytrouble and tried several doctors withoutbenefit After taking one bottle ofFoleys Kidney Cure was much betterand was completely cured after takingfour Kenney

Norris Silver North Stratford N HI purchased a bottle of One Minute

Cough Cure when suffering with acougb doctors told me was incurableOne bottle relieved me the second andthird almost cured Today I am a well

T Brooks

Chas of 0 wasunable to work on account of kidneytrouble After using Foleys KidneyCure four days he was cured ClarkKenney

Geo W Lane Pewamo Mich writesYour Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the best

remedy for indigestion and stomachtrouble that I ever used For years Isuffered from dyspepsia at times com-pelling me to stay in bed anduntold agopy I am completely curedby Kodol In recoramending it tofriennswbo suffer from indigestion I always offer to pay for it ifit fails Thus far I have never paidW T Brooks

Kodoi Dyspepsia CureDigests what you eats










i Day-S

All druggists refund the if it-





tl e-


address-F B


1 themost


A 0FOR a good clean shave and an upto



manWReplogle Atwater


sing me

Ie lit





Erie R

















> >


Dr J T DrakeGraduate West Side Court

A T Still School House SquareKirksville Mo Paris Ky

Member A A A O



in Agricultural Bank BuildingTake Elevator

Phone 842

Office Hours j8 to 12 a m1 to 5 p m



Office No 3 BroadwayPARIS KENTUCKY



Special attention given to Collection

office on Broadway








Office in Paton Building oppositeHotel Fordham

Can be found at office at night

ATTORNEYATLAW-Office in Simms Building


Many physicians are now prescribingKodol Dyspepsia Cure regularly havingfound that it is the best prescription theycan write because it is the one prescription which contains the elements neces-sary to digest not only some kinds offood but all kinds and it thereforecures indigestion and dyspepsia no matter what its cause W T Brooks

It is a little known fact that the ma-jority of serious diseases originate indisorder of the kidneys Foleys Kidney Cure is guaranteed Be sure to get


Henry Braydon Harris N C says-I took medicine 20 vears for asthma

but one bottle of One Minute CoughCure did me more good than anythingelse during that time Best Cough Cure

W T Brooks

















We are after your Fall and Winter Tradethink we now have a stock that will merit

your business We are now showing somenew things in

DRESS GOODSa-nd invite you to come and inspect them

For a leader we have the new all wooldouble width Purnella Cloth at


We have these goods in all the newDark Red Royal Blue Light

and Dark Castor Dark Brown and BlackWe also are showing a fine line of Serges

Venetians and CashmersWe are sole agents for the American

Shoes for ladies


Paris Kentucky-





Girl 7



When Twin Bros Advertise SlashPrices everybody rushes at the op-portunity Another chance for you toget goods almost for a song

READ THE FOLLOWING25oo yards of Challie worth 5 cents a yard now 2J cents1000 yards of Lawn worth 8 y cents a yard now eents1000 yards of Dimity worth 12 3 cents a yard now 6 ctsi 000 yards of Percale worth 10 cents a yard now 5 cents2000 yards of Sea Island Cotton now 5 centsBig Bargains in Dress Goods Callico and Cotton also in

Ladies Mens and Childrens Shoes and Oxfords300 Mens 5ocent Dress Shiits now 25 cents400 Mens i Dress Shirts now 50 centsAll i 75 and 50 cts Mens and Boys Straw Hats 250Mens Blue Pants now 38 centsBoys Linen Pants now 15 cents

Mens 8 and 750 Suits now 450Mens 6 and 5 Suits now 3100 Bicycle Pants worth 2 now go at 90 centsAlso Low Prices and Bargains in Pants Hats EtcMens Tan and Douglas Shoes worth 3 and 350 now

2Mens Tan Shoes worth 250 and 2 now 125Mens Tan Shoes worth 175 and 150 now iAlso Special Low Prices in Boys ShoesAlso Special Prices in Underwear VBig Stock of Trunks Valises Telescopes Etc







i r



Mens and io Suits now 7Sor





S c


WIN BBe8ry t I1 cti1 t i H

4 i i1414

bt m


l t1






I2 o






