i J t NEWS PARISlKENT SEPTEMBER 24 1901 I i t y 5 t 1 v THE BOURBON L J TUESDAY > > THE BOURBON NEWS at the Poitroffice at Paris jjy as secondclass mail matter TELEPHONE NO 124 SUBSCRIPTION PRICES v i Payable in ONE YEAR 200 Six MONTHS 100 Make all Checks Money Orders Etc payable to the order of SWIFT CHAMP IN Judge Smiths court last week Jim Cason for carrying concealed given a 25 fine and a ten days jail seutefloe Sarah Ewing for a breach of the ace drew a 1150 prize GET your Bulbs for fall planting anything you want from W M Goodloe It LOST Between J A Wilsons resi dence on Mt Airy and Dr Usserys office on Friday morning a diamond and pearl pendant Finder will please leave it at this office and receive reward COMMENCING this morning and con- tinuing throughout the week the post offices in Kentucky including Paris will sell thirteen of the oldstyle 2cent postage stamps for a cent and a quarter This is a good opportunity for to lay inAa supply of stamps r THE extension of rural free delivery- in Kentucky is to be pushed rapidly Mr H G Rising General Agent of the Postoffice Department has been assign- ed to the State and is investigating all proposed routes He says the roads of offer a grrat field for the new work AT the eighteenth annual reunion of t 10 Orphan Brigade held in Louisville Thursday Gen Joseph H Lewis was elected permanent Commander and T D Osborne permanent Secretary Franklin was selected as the next meet ing place REMEMBER the Mayo sale of the lu property today and be there if you wish a good lot MR SAX T NEELY a Paris boy and brother of Mr R J Neely who has been connected with the B O South western Railroad with headquarters at Mason Mo has been tendered and ac- cepted a position as civil engineer with the Government to go to the Phillipines- He gets a fancy salary THE advance sale of seats for New Buffalo company which hear next Thursday night will open Opera House this morning The prices are as follows Dress Circle 50 cents Parquette 85 cents Balcony 25 cents Gallery 15 cents The Opera House will be 10 to 1 and from 4 7 oclock three days in advance of each performance WILL DUDLEY has been given the con- tract for numbering the houses of Paris preparatory to the postoffice department instituting free delivery It is compul- sory that every house be numbered The great benefit that will be derived from free delivery will more than re compenseany one for the small outlay- of the price of the number on their house THE frame residence of Judy Jackson opposite the fair grounds was entirely destroyed by fire about 2 oclock Sun day morning On account of the long distance and slowness of turning in the to save anything It is thought the fire was incendiary origin as shortly be tjl fore it was discovered the occupants of the house heard some one on the porch fV H THE Lexington Morning Democrat yesterday entered upon its second year and is By far the sprightliest yearling in the newspaper field Its local columns are daily filled with the cream of the news Its editorials are brainy and up todate and the Lexington merchants- are appreciative of its large circulation as attested by their liberal patronage of itsadvertismg columns THE Paris Base Ball team defeated the Millersburg team on the M M I grounds at Millersburg Saturday by a score of 18 to 4 The Paris lineup was as follow G Talbott c E Swear ingen p W Taylor lb H Hill 2b R Olark ss T Allen 3b R Harris 1 f W Swearingen c f H Talbott- r f Millersburgs Brough c Cash Peed 2b Suther- land s s Peed 8b Jefferson 1 f Kemper o f Berry r f by Swearingen 18 by Cash 6 Base on 1 Cash 4 THE dyiithiana Elks Fair opens morrow and will continue until From indications there will be an enormous attendance The management has left nothing undone that will to the pleasure of their guests Editor Tim Allen has lost fifteen pounds in weight in the last ten days through his arduous efforts in be Elks will go down tomorrow morning and several of the Improved Order of Red Men will go down and take their uniform to give the pale face chase on the The L N are offering a rate of one fare for the round BE there today at the sale of the Old lots ever offered in Paris EIt red weapons was an everyone II u gee open from n alarm the fire department was unable a I p lb j Struck I ballsSwearingen S present ad f the fair Quite n crowd of Paris i t I fl 1 1 property if you want one of rbe lOC 7 i f T I y w a r w a Titfswortli out- S to- t Satur- day y A r half 1 nix < ¬ < > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ A New Buffalo After a hard days work in the shops- or a busy day in the office there is noth ing on earth quite so refreshing as a real good hearty laugh and it would be hard to find any one who are more capable of producing that refreshing augh than Phil W and Nettie Peters- in their sidesplitting comedy A New Buffalowho will appear at the Grand next Thursday night Not long ago Mr Peters offered a prize of twentyfive dollars in cash to any person who would sit through one of his performances without laughing Not as a matter of conceit but simply- as an advertising novelty Of course it created considerable comment and some parson hit upon the idea of taking a blind man to the performance and a deaf and dumb man after reading of the offer Mr Peters had made decided- to compete for the prize The audience knew of the presence of the two persons mentioned and of course they were objects of great interest During the progress of the play the witty sayings and funny dialogue was too much of a temptation for the blind man and the funny situations were more than the other fellow could stand so all bets were off Mr Peters carries his own band and orchestra and travels in his own private car TALK to T Porter Smith about fire insurance Assassins Trial Begun The trial of Czolgosz the assassin of President McKinley began in Buffalo yesterday At 2 oclock tight jurors had been accepted by both sides Tha assassin was asked to plead to the charge and entered a plea of guilty which the Court refused to accept and a plea of not guilty was ordered entered It is believed the trial will not last over a week at the utmost At oclock the entire jury had been accepted by both sides Holland Bulbs- I have a full line of Bulbs for fall planting Hyacinth Tulips Chinese Lilly Paper White Narcissus Crocus Easter Lillies Roman Hyacinths These Bulbs are fine Phone 128 It WM GOODLOE DR C H BOWEN the Optician will bo at A J Winters Cos next Thurs- day Sept 26th THE sale of the Ingels property by J C O Mayo today affords all wanting good town lots a chance No such lots have ever been offered for sale nrParis before t G GARDNER give abJgher cash price than any one else for geese ducks turkeys chickens butter and eggs 2t THE Insurance Press published in New York recently had the following paragraph about the Lexington Fire Department The fire department of Lexington Ky is unsatisfactory to the fire under writers The chief trouble seems to be general incompetency CHOICE seed wheat for sale E F SPEARS SONS MESSRS QUINOY WARD and Thod Clay Jr left yesterday for Cincinnati where they will take part in a cham pionship shoot and incidentally cap ture some of the priezs George Wil lams Clay and T Porter Smith will p rticipate in a shoot there on Thursday- for a purse of 800 THE Institute of white teachers will be held at the Odd Fellows Hall in this city from October 7th to 11th Prof Thos Throup will conduct the exercises All citizens of Paris are earnestly requested- to attend and take an active interest in the meetings W C DAVIS has moved his gun and repair shop into the building occupied by Jim Connelly next door to the bowling alley Saws lawn mowers and scissors sharpened keys fitted locks and trunks repaired All work guar- anteed 4t THE highest cash price paid for chick ens butter and eggs at the Cook Grocery Co The Big Cook It- T H HOBINES stableBburned in Lex ington about 6 oclock last night en tailing a loss of several thousand dol lars The Maysville train was delayed about an hour on accent of the across the track FOR anthracite stove but little used heap Apply at this office tf DONT forget the J C C Mayo sale of the old Ingles property today This is one of the most valuable pieces of property in Paris and will positively be sold The sale takes place at 2 oclock in the afternoon THE prisoners in the County Jail yesterday StruCk for higher wages The court sentence calls for a working day of eight hours but they have been working ten hours and receiving pay for the extra time Recently it was found advisable to cut down the time and with it the pay This caused a general kick and resulted in a strike The outcome will be watched with interest J 230 I W o I o SALELarge Wills ll I j i i will 4 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = THE MOWG THRONG Notes About Our Guests Arrivals and Departures Society1 Doings Mr J Myall went to Cincinnati yesterday- R C Talbott has returned from Michigan Mr Harry Stout of Richmond spent Sunday in Paris Mr of Bath County was in the city last week Mr and Mrs Jas McClure spent Sunday in Winchester Mrs EH Rutherford was a visitor in Lexington yesterday- Mr G Tucker is seriously ill at his residance on High street Mrs Gratz Hanley is the guest of her brother Charles L Hukill v Miss Margaret Lynne of Cynthiana is visiting Miss Eddie Spears Mr Thos Terry is seriously ill at his residence on upper Main street Mr W L Davis of Louisville has been int the city for several days Miss Katie Blanton of Richmond is the guest of Miss Lizette Dickson Mr Julian Frank left yesterday for Louisville to attend a private school Miss Phoebe Beckner of Winchester is the guest of Miss Milda McMillan Mrs Jos Williams is visiting her brother Mr Al Roberts at Shawhan Miss Lizzie Turner left Sunday to at tend Wellesley College in Massachusetts Mr T A Rice of Benson Ariz is a this week of his sister Mrs F B Carr Mrs SJ H Hardiman of Lexington- is visiting her daughter Mrs Edward Hite Mrs Ida Rogers is visiting friends in Cynthiana this week and attending the Fair Julian Howe has rented the residence- on Mt Airy now occupied by Samuel Shout Miss Maria Spears is here from New Jersey for a months visit to her father Mr Henry Spears of the Agricultural Bank Embry of Pleasant street left yesterday for Newark N J to attend school Miss Bettie Payne of Warsaw is the guest of Miss Emma Scott on Duncan avenueMr Max Minter of Kansas City ex Parisian is the guest of his brother Mr George Minter Miss WilU Bowden left yesterday for Huntington W Va she will take charge of a school i Mr Booth manager of the G G White Co has moved into the Purneli on Mt Airy ave Miss Nannie Roberts of Lexington formerly of this city has been spending several days with friends here Miss Maria Rogers the popular mil linery trimmer has arrived from Cincin nati to trim for L B Conway Co Mrs John M Woods and son of Winchester have returned home from a visit to her mother Mrs Mary Slivers Saml Shout will move to Mrs Nellie Robinsons home on Winchester street Mrs Robison will move to Cincinnati Miss Emma Bryan of North Middle town has returned home from a very with Miss Willis of Flem ingsburg Misses Margaret and Ollie Butler will entertain the As You Like It Club to night This is the first meeting of the Club this season Messrs Hanley and Frank Nippert and Oliver Rudell of Arlington Heights Ohio were the guests of Mr and Mrs P Nippert Sunday Editor J D Wyatt of was a visitor in the city Sunday Mr Wyatt is arranging for a special excursion to Mam- moth Cave in about two weeks Missas Frances Steele and Margue- rite Arnett of Woodford and Alma Fox of Danville are the guests of Misses Mar- guerite and Ollie Butler on Vine street A letter received in this city yester- day from Mr Sam B Rogers at Colorado Springs says he has improved so much that his physicians have agreed for him to spend a week during October in his old Kentucky home Mr and Mrs H Clay Stone and daughter Lizzie Clay have returned from several days visit with relatives in and Scott counties and report a very pleasant time and that they never saw a nicer crop of tobacco than was around Paris and from there to Georgetown but corn was very indifferent hardly half Ledger JOHN 0 C MAYO today will sell the Old Ingels property in town lots Never before was there snoh an opportunity for good lots in Paris ARTICLES of incorporation were filed at Frankfort yesterday by the Paris Lodge of Elks TALK to T Porter Smith about fire insurance WANTED A good white girl or neat and reliable colored girl for nurse White girl can sleep at house and will be given nice room For name of party apply at this office tf l E Clef swing c 1 residence pleasan visit Ewing cropMaysville C1o t i JJ i guest bliss where Bour- bon a es ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < This Space Reserved For IT X alj tf I UrfU Ut 434 MAIN STREET PARIS KY OF CLAIMS Notice is given that the Bour bon County Court of Claims will meet on Thursday October 8 1901 All per sons having claims against the county are notified to file same in my office on or before September 24 1901 DENIS DUNDON 20sp2t County Attorney THE LATEST THE PRETTIEST MUST UPTODATE STYLES IN MILLINERY L i Hi i Ladies of Paris Bourbon and adjoining counties are to call and our FOR SALET- wo pure bred Hereford bulls Kfady for service Also one pure bred Aber- deen Angus cow and calf Address 18sept4t JAS H THOMPSON Phone 256 Hutchison Ky FARM FOR SALE One hundred and fifty acres in state of cultivation extra well and everlasting watered good and all necessary outbuildings new tobacco barn and with comfortable dwelling an abundance of all kinds of fruit just beginning to bear farm im mediately on Gano Hill turnpike convenient to schools depot and post office and a good neighborhood Apply to A T lOsepttf Paris Ky PUBIC SALE- OF Will offer for sale publicly on MONDAY OCTOBER 7 1901 At the Oourt House door in Paris County Court day a farm of 200 acres of land in good state of cultivation well watered and fronting on the Gano Hill and the Newtown Leesburg turnpikes with two tenant to bacco barn stable and other outbuild- ings twenty acres of bluegrass sod Will be offered in two tracts 125 and 75 acres respectively Sale to take place at 12 oclock sharp Call on or address- S HARDIN LUCAS Newtown Ky AT FORSYTE Aucr PUBLIC SALE and Personal Property Owing to business engagements 1 will sell on THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 26th 1901- at i oclock m on the premises residence situated on corner of Houston and Mt Airy Avenues in the City of Paris It will be offered in parcels and then as a whole At the same time will sell house hold and kitchen furniture including a Steinway piano in good also one extra milk cow Parties desiring to examine the prop erty will at the premises at any before the sale easy and made known on day For further information call on Mrs Yerkes on the premises or Buckner Woodford at the Bourbon Bank W L YERKES A T FORSYTE Auctioneer I COURT oi 1 Y a fence B UNTY FARM OF terms I f J F AT- e in- spect stock- r OURON D RESIDENCE else- where tauw- yj z r ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + Now Ready For Fall Business During the past three months I have closed out all my summer OUJ JU made ine a trade second to none in the city This fall will be no exception I offer the very best goods at the lowest prices possible We are now showing all new weaves in Black and Colored Dre s TI Serges Boucles Zebelines Prunellas c New line of Furs just from the manufacturer Cloaks arriving on every train Remember there is a decided change in season See us before making your fall purchases If you wish to save money come to usG Tucker Phone 297 529 Main Street You Do or You Dont Need GlassesT- he eye being a rather delicate organ great care should be exercised in the election of proper glasses Many believe that glasses btfcould be restored to only when the becomes so defective as not to be able to This is a great mistake which must be combatted Whenever there i s unmistakable evidence- of the need of their should be used A neg lect of this rule sometimes produces mischief which results in serious trouble if the course be persisted in Our Dr C H having just returned from taking a special course in Oplics from one of the best specialists in New York is prepared to ao the best o work the latest improved methods of fitting Examinations free Next visit Thursday Sept 26 1901 A J WINTERS CO JEWELERS Hello 170 G TUCKER stock and also all the goods I carded over from last fall and winter at cost Now I commence this falls business with a new bright and up todate stock for FALL AND WINTER low prices the pest Goons Goods for Skirts Without Lining Heavy c1q do without aid they j OWEN w r i F have f a 1 i r ¬ < FRANK CO r Leaders of Style and Fashion FALL AND WINTER- You are cordially invited tojcall and inspect our stock which- is complete in every detail and comprises all goods both in Piece and Readyto Wear Garments usually found in a firstclass dry goods store Inspection Invited Phone175 gtf S J CQ 404 Street KY ff a JO Frank Maie PARiS new 5 CO <

Bourbon News. (Paris, KY) 1901-09-24 [p 5].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86069873/1901-09-24/ed-1/seq-5.pdfseutefloe Sarah Ewing for a breach of the ace drew a 1150 prize GET your

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y 5


1 v


> >

THE BOURBON NEWSat the Poitroffice at Paris

jjy as secondclass mail matter




Make all Checks Money Orders Etcpayable to the order of SWIFT CHAMP

IN Judge Smiths court last week JimCason for carrying concealed

given a 25 fine and a ten days jailseutefloe Sarah Ewing for a breachof the ace drew a 1150 prize

GET your Bulbs for fall plantinganything you want from W M

Goodloe It

LOST Between J A Wilsons residence on Mt Airy and Dr Usserysoffice on Friday morning a diamondand pearl pendant Finder will pleaseleave it at this office and receive reward

COMMENCING this morning and con-

tinuing throughout the week the postoffices in Kentucky including Pariswill sell thirteen of the oldstyle 2centpostage stamps for a cent and a quarterThis is a good opportunity forto lay inAa supply of stamps

rTHE extension of rural free delivery-

in Kentucky is to be pushed rapidlyMr H G Rising General Agent of thePostoffice Department has been assign-ed to the State and is investigating allproposed routes He says the roads of

offer a grrat field for the newwork

AT the eighteenth annual reunion of

t 10 Orphan Brigade held in LouisvilleThursday Gen Joseph H Lewis waselected permanent Commander and TD Osborne permanent SecretaryFranklin was selected as the next meeting place

REMEMBER the Mayo sale of the luproperty today and be there if you

wish a good lot

MR SAX T NEELY a Paris boy andbrother of Mr R J Neely who hasbeen connected with the B O Southwestern Railroad with headquarters atMason Mo has been tendered and ac-

cepted a position as civil engineer withthe Government to go to the Phillipines-He gets a fancy salary

THE advance sale of seats forNew Buffalo company whichhear next Thursday night will openOpera House this morning The pricesare as follows Dress Circle 50 centsParquette 85 cents Balcony 25 centsGallery 15 cents The Opera Housewill be 10 to 1 and from 4

7 oclock three days in advance of eachperformance

WILL DUDLEY has been given the con-

tract for numbering the houses of Parispreparatory to the postoffice departmentinstituting free delivery It is compul-sory that every house be numberedThe great benefit that will be derivedfrom free delivery will more than recompenseany one for the small outlay-of the price of the number on theirhouse

THE frame residence of Judy Jacksonopposite the fair grounds was entirelydestroyed by fire about 2 oclock Sunday morning On account of the longdistance and slowness of turning in the

to save anything It is thought the firewas incendiary origin as shortly be

tjl fore it was discovered the occupants ofthe house heard some one on the porch

fV H

THE Lexington Morning Democratyesterday entered upon its second yearand is By far the sprightliest yearling inthe newspaper field Its local columnsare daily filled with the cream of thenews Its editorials are brainy and uptodate and the Lexington merchants-are appreciative of its large circulationas attested by their liberal patronage ofitsadvertismg columns

THE Paris Base Ball team defeatedthe Millersburg team on the M M Igrounds at Millersburg Saturday by ascore of 18 to 4 The Paris lineup wasas follow G Talbott c E Swearingen p W Taylor lb H Hill 2bR Olark s s T Allen 3b R Harris1 f W Swearingen c f H Talbott-r f Millersburgs Brough c Cash

Peed 2b Suther-land s s Peed 8b Jefferson 1 fKemper o f Berry r fby Swearingen 18 by Cash 6 Base on

1 Cash 4

THE dyiithiana Elks Fair opensmorrow and will continue until

From indications therewill be an enormous attendance Themanagement has left nothing undonethat will to the pleasure of theirguests Editor Tim Allen has lostfifteen pounds in weight in the last tendays through his arduous efforts in be

Elks will go down tomorrow morningand several of the Improved Order ofRed Men will go down and take theiruniform to give the pale face chase onthe The L N areoffering a rate of one fare for the round

BE there today at the sale of the Old

lots ever offered in Paris

EIt red








open from


alarm the fire department was unable



p lbj


I ballsSwearingen




f the fair Quite n crowd of Parisit


1 1 property if you want one of rbelOC






y w








to-t Satur-



A r half





< >








A New Buffalo

After a hard days work in the shops-or a busy day in the office there is nothing on earth quite so refreshing as a realgood hearty laugh and it would behard to find any one who are morecapable of producing that refreshingaugh than Phil W and Nettie Peters-

in their sidesplitting comedy A NewBuffalowho will appear at the Grandnext Thursday night

Not long ago Mr Peters offered aprize of twentyfive dollars in cash toany person who would sit through oneof his performances without laughingNot as a matter of conceit but simply-as an advertising novelty Of course itcreated considerable comment and someparson hit upon the idea of taking ablind man to the performance and adeaf and dumb man after reading ofthe offer Mr Peters had made decided-to compete for the prize The audienceknew of the presence of the two personsmentioned and of course they wereobjects of great interest During theprogress of the play the witty sayingsand funny dialogue was too much of atemptation for the blind man and thefunny situations were more than theother fellow could stand so all bets wereoff Mr Peters carries his own bandand orchestra and travels in his ownprivate car

TALK to T Porter Smith about fireinsurance

Assassins Trial Begun

The trial of Czolgosz the assassin ofPresident McKinley began in Buffaloyesterday At 2 oclock tight jurorshad been accepted by both sides Thaassassin was asked to plead to thecharge and entered a plea of guiltywhich the Court refused to accept and aplea of not guilty was ordered enteredIt is believed the trial will not last overa week at the utmost At oclockthe entire jury had been accepted byboth sides

Holland Bulbs-

I have a full line of Bulbs for fallplanting Hyacinth Tulips ChineseLilly Paper White Narcissus CrocusEaster Lillies Roman Hyacinths TheseBulbs are fine Phone 128


DR C H BOWEN the Optician willbo at A J Winters Cos next Thurs-day Sept 26th

THE sale of the Ingels property by JC O Mayo today affords all wantinggood town lots a chance No such lotshave ever been offered for sale nrParisbefore

tG GARDNER give abJgher

cash price than any one else for geeseducks turkeys chickens butter andeggs 2t

THE Insurance Press published inNew York recently had the followingparagraph about the Lexington FireDepartment

The fire department of LexingtonKy is unsatisfactory to the fire under

writers The chief trouble seems to begeneral incompetency

CHOICE seed wheat for saleE F SPEARS SONS

MESSRS QUINOY WARD and ThodClay Jr left yesterday for Cincinnatiwhere they will take part in a championship shoot and incidentally capture some of the priezs George Willams Clay and T Porter Smith willp rticipate in a shoot there on Thursday-for a purse of 800

THE Institute of white teachers will beheld at the Odd Fellows Hall in this cityfrom October 7th to 11th Prof ThosThroup will conduct the exercises Allcitizens of Paris are earnestly requested-to attend and take an active interest inthe meetings

W C DAVIS has moved his gun andrepair shop into the building occupiedby Jim Connelly next door to thebowling alley Saws lawn mowers andscissors sharpened keys fitted locksand trunks repaired All work guar-anteed 4t

THE highest cash price paid for chickens butter and eggs at the Cook GroceryCo The Big Cook It-

T H HOBINES stableBburned in Lexington about 6 oclock last night entailing a loss of several thousand dollars The Maysville train was delayedabout an hour on accent of theacross the track

FOR anthracite stovebut little used heap Applyat this office tf

DONT forget the J C C Mayo saleof the old Ingles property today Thisis one of the most valuable pieces ofproperty in Paris and will positively besold The sale takes place at 2 oclockin the afternoon

THE prisoners in the County Jailyesterday StruCk for higher wages Thecourt sentence calls for a working dayof eight hours but they have beenworking ten hours and receiving payfor the extra time Recently it wasfound advisable to cut down the timeand with it the pay This caused ageneral kick and resulted in a strikeThe outcome will be watched withinterest








SALELargeWills ll


j i i













Notes About Our Guests Arrivals andDepartures Society1 Doings

Mr J Myall went to Cincinnatiyesterday-

R C Talbott has returned fromMichigan

Mr Harry Stout of Richmond spentSunday in Paris

Mr of Bath County wasin the city last week

Mr and Mrs Jas McClure spentSunday in Winchester

Mrs E H Rutherford was a visitorin Lexington yesterday-

Mr G Tucker is seriously ill at hisresidance on High street

Mrs Gratz Hanley is the guest of herbrother Charles L Hukill v

Miss Margaret Lynne of Cynthianais visiting Miss Eddie Spears

Mr Thos Terry is seriously ill at hisresidence on upper Main street

Mr W L Davis of Louisville hasbeen int the city for several days

Miss Katie Blanton of Richmond isthe guest of Miss Lizette Dickson

Mr Julian Frank left yesterday forLouisville to attend a private school

Miss Phoebe Beckner of Winchesteris the guest of Miss Milda McMillan

Mrs Jos Williams is visiting herbrother Mr Al Roberts at Shawhan

Miss Lizzie Turner left Sunday to attend Wellesley College in Massachusetts

Mr T A Rice of Benson Ariz is athis week of his sister Mrs F B


Mrs SJ H Hardiman of Lexington-is visiting her daughter Mrs EdwardHite

Mrs Ida Rogers is visiting friends inCynthiana this week and attending theFair

Julian Howe has rented the residence-

on Mt Airy now occupied by SamuelShout

Miss Maria Spears is here from NewJersey for a months visit to her fatherMr Henry Spears of the AgriculturalBank

Embry of Pleasant street leftyesterday for Newark N J to attendschool

Miss Bettie Payne of Warsaw is theguest of Miss Emma Scott on Duncan

avenueMrMax Minter of Kansas City ex

Parisian is the guest of his brother MrGeorge Minter

Miss WilU Bowden left yesterday forHuntington W Va she will takecharge of a school


Mr Booth manager of the G GWhite Co has moved into the Purneli

on Mt Airy ave

Miss Nannie Roberts of Lexingtonformerly of this city has been spendingseveral days with friends here

Miss Maria Rogers the popular millinery trimmer has arrived from Cincinnati to trim for L B Conway Co

Mrs John M Woods and son ofWinchester have returned home from avisit to her mother Mrs Mary Slivers

Saml Shout will move to Mrs NellieRobinsons home on Winchester streetMrs Robison will move to Cincinnati

Miss Emma Bryan of North Middletown has returned home from a very

with Miss Willis of Flemingsburg

Misses Margaret and Ollie Butler willentertain the As You Like It Club tonight This is the first meeting of theClub this season

Messrs Hanley and Frank Nippertand Oliver Rudell of Arlington HeightsOhio were the guests of Mr and Mrs PNippert Sunday

Editor J D Wyatt of was avisitor in the city Sunday Mr Wyatt isarranging for a special excursion to Mam-

moth Cave in about two weeks

Missas Frances Steele and Margue-

rite Arnett of Woodford and Alma Foxof Danville are the guests of Misses Mar-guerite and Ollie Butler on Vine street

A letter received in this city yester-day from Mr Sam B Rogers at ColoradoSprings says he has improved so muchthat his physicians have agreed for himto spend a week during October in hisold Kentucky home

Mr and Mrs H Clay Stone anddaughter Lizzie Clay have returned fromseveral days visit with relatives in

and Scott counties and report a verypleasant time and that they never saw anicer crop of tobacco than was aroundParis and from there to Georgetown butcorn was very indifferent hardly half


JOHN 0 C MAYO today will sell theOld Ingels property in town lots Neverbefore was there snoh an opportunity forgood lots in Paris

ARTICLES of incorporation were filedat Frankfort yesterday by the ParisLodge of Elks

TALK to T Porter Smith about fireinsurance

WANTED A good white girl or neatand reliable colored girl for nurseWhite girl can sleep at house and willbe given nice room For name of partyapply at this office tf



Clef swing

c 1


pleasan visit












a es








This SpaceReservedFor

ITX alj tf I UrfU Ut



Notice is given that the Bourbon County Court of Claims will meeton Thursday October 8 1901 All persons having claims against the countyare notified to file same in my office onor before September 24 1901

DENIS DUNDON20sp2t County Attorney



L i Hi iLadies of Paris Bourbon

and adjoining counties areto call and



wo pure bred Hereford bulls Kfadyfor service Also one pure bred Aber-deen Angus cow and calf Address18sept4t JAS H THOMPSON

Phone 256 Hutchison Ky


One hundred and fifty acres instate of cultivation extra welland everlasting watered good and allnecessary outbuildings new tobaccobarn and with comfortabledwelling an abundance of all kinds offruit just beginning to bear farm immediately on Gano Hill turnpikeconvenient to schools depot and postoffice and a good neighborhood Applyto A TlOsepttf Paris Ky


Will offer for sale publicly on

MONDAY OCTOBER 7 1901At the Oourt House door in ParisCounty Court day a farm of 200 acresof land in good state of cultivationwell watered and fronting on the Gano

Hill and the Newtown Leesburgturnpikes with two tenant tobacco barn stable and other outbuild-ings twenty acres of bluegrass sodWill be offered in two tracts 125 and 75acres respectively

Sale to take place at 12 oclock sharpCall on or address-




and Personal Property

Owing to business engagements1 will sell on


at i oclock m on the premisesresidence situated on corner of Houstonand Mt Airy Avenues in the City ofParis

It will be offered in parcels and thenas a whole

At the same time will sell household and kitchen furniture including aSteinway piano in good alsoone extra milk cow

Parties desiring to examine the property will at the premises at any

before the saleeasy and made known on day

For further information call on MrsYerkes on the premises or BucknerWoodford at the Bourbon Bank




oi 1










in-spect stock-







z r










Now Ready For Fall BusinessDuring the past three months I have closed out all my summer

OUJ JUmade ine a trade second to none in the city This fall will be noexception I offer the very best goods at the lowest prices possibleWe are now showing all new weaves in Black and Colored Dre s

TISerges Boucles Zebelines Prunellas c

New line of Furs just from the manufacturerCloaks arriving on every train Remember there is a decidedchange in seasonSee us before making your fall purchases If you wish to savemoney come to

usG TuckerPhone 297 529 Main Street

You Do or You DontNeed GlassesT-

he eye being a rather delicate organ great careshould be exercised in the election of proper glassesMany believe that glasses btfcould be restored to onlywhen the becomes so defective as not to be ableto This is a great mistake which must becombatted Whenever there i s unmistakable evidence-of the need of their should be used A neglect of this rule sometimes produces mischief whichresults in serious trouble if the course be persisted in

Our Dr C H having just returned fromtaking a special course in Oplics from one of the bestspecialists in New York is prepared to ao the best owork the latest improved methods of fittingExaminations free Next visit Thursday Sept 26 1901


G TUCKERstock and also all the goods I carded over from last fall and winter atcost Now I commence this falls business with a new bright and uptodate stock for FALL AND WINTER low prices the pest

Goons Goods for Skirts Without Lining Heavy c1q

do without

aid they















Leaders of Style and Fashion


You are cordially invited tojcalland inspect our stock which-is complete in every detail andcomprises all goods both in Pieceand Readyto Wear Garmentsusually found in a firstclass drygoods store

Inspection Invited Phone175

gtf S J C Q

404 StreetKY





