St. Michael Parish — 14327 Highland Ave., Orland Park — 708-349-0903 www.saintmike.com Like us on Facebook for updates on happenings in our parish: St. Michael Parish-Orland Park First Sunday of Advent November 29, 2015 “ May the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all . . . be blameless in holiness . . . ” 1 Thessalonians 3: 12—4:2 We Await God’s Gift of Mercy Copyright © J.S.Paluch, Inc. Photos: harmonia_green/ EssentialsCollection/iStock,Im-kseniabond/EssentialsCollection/iStock

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St. Michael Parish — 14327 Highland Ave., Orland Park — 708-349-0903 www.saintmike.com

Like us on Facebook for updates on happenings in our parish: St. Michael Parish-Orland Park

First Sunday

of Advent November 29, 2015

“ May the Lord make you increase and abound in love

for one another and for all . . . be blameless in holiness . . . ”

1 Thessalonians 3: 12—4:2



God’s Gift

of Mercy

Copyright © J.S.Paluch, Inc. Photos: harmonia_green/EssentialsCollection/iStock,Im-kseniabond/EssentialsCollection/iStock

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Voice of Saint Michael November 29, 2015

YÜÉÅ lÉâÜ ctáàÉÜ Rev. Paul C. Burak

I never cease to be amazed at how the Holy Spirit works in our lives. Last weekend was our first in our newly renovated church building. We had been in the Multi-Purpose Room since mid-June, and hoped to be back in the church building by the First Sunday of Advent. Well the Lord had other plans and – as you know – our first weekend in the newly renovated church building was the Feast of Christ the King.

The Feast of Christ the King ends our Liturgical Year. After all is said and done, after gathering together for worship all year long, after trying our best to live Christian lives, the bottom line is this: we claim Jesus Christ as the Lord and King of all that is. We choose to live under His authority, follow His inspiration, and serve others in His name.

My prayer is that just as we renovated our church building, so also the Lord will renovate our hearts. We are the Church, and the building is the “house of the Church.” May Jesus, the King, know that He is always welcome here and that we try our best to serve in His name. We choose Jesus as the King of our hearts.

Now we begin a new year with the First Sunday of Advent. Our altar and ambo is in place, along with all the most of the church sanctuary furniture. Please keep Saturday night, December 19th, 6:00PM open. At that Mass Bishop Wypych, our Vicar, will consecrate our new altar – all are invited. More about this next week.

-Fr. Paul

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Voice of Saint Michael November 29, 2015


November 29, 2015

Sunday: Jer 33: 14-16; 1 Thes 3:12—4:2 Monday: Rom 10: 9-18; Mt 4: 18-22 Tuesday: Is 11: 1-10; Lk 10: 21-24 Wednesday: Is 25:6-10a; Mt 15: 29-37 Thursday: Is 26: 1-6; Mt 7: 21,24-27 Friday: Is 29: 17-24; Mt 9: 27-31 Saturday: Is 30: 19-21, 23-26; Mt 9:35-10:1,5a,6-8 Sunday: Bar 5: 1-9. Phil 1: 4-6,8-11; Lk 3: 1-6

God’s Word Made Flesh Brings Mercy!

Taking the Scripture Home Jubilee Year of Mercy

November 29, 2015 First Sunday of Advent

Besides a new liturgical year, this Advent features an additional “beginning”—next week’s opening of the Jubilee Y ear of Mercy. It will be a graced opportunity to contemplate more profoundly, and live more concretely, the mystery of God’s unconditional love. Pope Francis says that mercy is the bridge connecting God and the human family. Mercy opens our hearts to welcome God’s love for us sinners. Mercy opens our eyes to recognize others, especially society’s least loved and most vulnerable, as brothers and sisters entrusted to our care. Today’s scriptures provide a perfect Jubilee preparation. Jeremiah comforts us with the promise of God’s justice; Paul challenges us to abound in love for all; Luke bids us to anticipate Jesus’ future coming as the joyful advent of our redemption. But in a unique way, this Jubilee Year’s Advent reminds us that Jesus, whose coming we await, is already present among us, in those who seek God’s mercy and work to spread God’s merciful compassion.

—Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

Preparing for our Communal Reconciliation Services

which will be celebrated this week As the Jubilee Year of Mercy approaches, let us consider how merciful we have been in our thoughts and actions by calling to mind the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy.

Corporal Works of Mercy Feed the Hungry Give Drink to the Thirsty Clothe the Naked Shelter the Homeless Comfort the Imprisoned Visit the Sick Bury the Dead

How well do I feed my own family? What do I do to reach out to the hungry and thirsty in my community? In the world? Is there anyone I have turned away or neglected who is homeless or imprisoned in some way? What have I done to provide shelter and comfort to the refugee and those who poor? Have I visited those who are suffering? Do I reach out to those who are grieving?

Spiritual Works of Mercy Admonish Sinners Instruct the Uninformed Counsel the Doubtful Comfort the Sorrowful Bear Wrongs Patiently Forgive Offenses Pray for the Living and the Dead How patient am I with those who struggle to understand? Do I seek wisdom before speaking? How well do I listen to people’s stories and avoid judging them according to my own standards? Do I try to get even for wrongs committed against me? Do I seek preferential treatment? How forgiving am I? Am I merciful as the Father is merciful? Do I pray for those in need of prayer? For those who ask my prayer?

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Voice of Saint Michael November 29, 2015

12-8-15 —Jubilee Year of Mercy—11-20-16

On April 11, 2015, the Vigil of the Feast of Divine Mercy, Pope Francis stood before the Holy Door in St. Peter’s Basilica and announced an historic event. For only the 4th time in Church history, there will be an extraordinary Jubilee Year—in this case, an extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy. Pope Francis said, “Jesus Christ is the face of the Father’s mercy.” In light of this truth, “Merciful like the Father” is the motto chosen by the Pope for the Jubilee Year. It comes from Luke 6:36, “Be merciful just as your Father is merciful.”

This Jubilee Year of mercy runs from December 8, 2015, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, to November 20, 2016, the Solemnity of Christ the King.

Mercy is the Holy Father’s answer to evil, following the teaching of St. John Paul II who wrote “The limit imposed on evil, of which man is both perpetrator and victim, is ultimately Divine Mercy.” The jubilee will be a time of special graces from God. The Pope has attached indulgences to making a pilgrimage to the Major Basilicas of Rome and other churches

through the world in order to walk through the designated Jubilee Year Holy Doors. St. Michael Church has been designated as one of these Churches in the Archdiocese of Chicago. More information will be given in the next few weeks.

Things We Can Do in the Jubilee Year

Forgive those who have hurt you or have done you wrong.

If possible, consider forgiving debts owed you and/or returning collateral.

Go to Confession regularly—monthly or even weekly.

Read and meditate on the Sacred Scriptures, especially the Gospel of St. Luke.

Perform one or more works of mercy every day. Go on a pilgrimage. Share the Good News of God’s mercy through

your words and good deeds. Make the Stations of the Cross regularly,

especially at 3 PM, the Hour of Great Mercy. Pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy daily,

imploring mercy “on us and on the whole world.”

Opportunities to Seek God’s

Mercy and Healing this

Advent in the Sacrament of Reconciliation

Monday, November 30th 7:00 PM Service for Religious Education Jr. High Tuesday, December 1st Noon Service & Confessions for School-grades 6-8 Tuesday, December 1st 7:30 PM Service & Confessions for the adults of the parish Saturday, December 5th 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM Service & Confessions for Religious Education Grades 3-5 Friday, December 11th Noon Service & Confessions for School-grades 3-5 Individual Confessions Each Saturday afternoon from 3:00—4:00 PM

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Voice of Saint Michael November 29, 2015

“There will be strange things happening to the sun, the moon, and the stars…people will faint from fear as they wait for what is coming over the whole earth, for the powers in space will be driven from their courses. Then the Son of Man will appear, coming in a cloud with great power and glory.” —Luke 21:25-28, 34-36

Are you ready for Christmas? Are you one of those annoying people who have it all together for the holidays? You know the ones…gifts all bought and wrapped two weeks before Christmas; houses trimmed and decorated the day after Thanksgiving (or sooner it seems, nowadays);

parties planned, Christmas outfits chosen, cookie recipes and ingredients bought and ready to bake? But are you REALLY ready for Christmas? Do we quiet ourselves and really listen to what Jesus wants us to do to prepare for His coming, or is He just another item to be added to our Christmas to-do list - “Visit the crèche; prepare Advent wreath; purchase Advent calendar for kids; buy gifts for Giving Tree?” Today’s readings are meant to make us uncomfortable. Jesus has come and will come again, whether or not our Christmas lists are completed, whether our lives are ready or not. The image of Jesus as a sweet, little baby, safely protected and loved by his Mother and Father, welcomed by the lullabies of angels, is far more “Christmas-like” than Jesus coming within the catastrophic images portrayed in today’s gospel. How can we possibly prepare for a tidal wave, or earthquake, or for the earth to be shaken to its core? For that matter, who will be ready to see “the Son of Man appear, coming in a cloud with great power and glory?” Are you prepared for THAT coming of Christ? The coming of our God of great power and mercy? Throughout all the gospels, Jesus repeatedly reminds us “Do not be afraid.” He is our Savior after all, coming to us as a humble baby, and still coming to us amid the tidal waves, earthquakes, upheavals and sin of life. He is always with us, “even to the end of the world” (Matthew 28:20) ready to forgive and care for us. So to prepare we just need to be aware… aware of that still, small voice in our heads assuring us that He is with us, whether in the Christmas manger or coming at the end of the world. So let’s not let our Advent become clogged with anxiety and stress. Let’s get ready for Jesus’ presence in our world differently this year. As we settle down to a quieter, more “normal” atmosphere for our worship, we continue to “dance amid the chaos” (thanks, Fr. Paul!) of Christmas commercialism in our world. Let’s proceed slowly, thoughtfully, and purposefully through Advent. And as we approach the manger at Christmas, we will be ready to savor the joy of Jesus, who has already been born into our hearts. —Nina McGowan

1st Sunday of Advent

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Voice of Saint Michael November 29, 2015



This year St. Michael Parish will participate in a Sponsor-a-Family program through our own St. Vincent de Paul Society and our sister parish, St. Basil/Visitation. There are many families who would benefit from the generosity of those of us who are able to share of our abundance. If your

family or a group of people wish to participate in this program by buying Christmas gifts, please call the Service Ministry Office (873-4634) as soon as possible. Gifts must be returned early so that they can be distributed before Christmas. Thank you for your continued generosity.

S V P S S . M C


A s we approach this beautiful season of Christmas, we delight, once again, in our ability to bring joy to others through gift giving. Every year at this time, a wonderful spirit fills the air in our church. There are exclamations of surprise and joy when people experience the array of gifts

that have been delivered here; there is a sense of awe that such generosity exists among our parishioners. We are a blessed people, and we bless others with our goodness.

Once again the Christmas Sharing Tree will be located in the Narthex beginning November 28. On the tr ee are numerous Christmas ornament tags with specific gift information for a person in need. We invite you to: Select an ornament from the Sharing Tree. Buy the gift requested on the tag. Some tags have several choices. You may choose

what to give. Do not wrap the gift unless specified on the tag. TAPE THE TAG securely to the outside of the gift. Return it to the sanctuary of the Church when you come in for Mass. There will be

people assisting you.

All gifts must be returned on the weekend of December 12 and 13.. They will be delivered on Monday, December 14.

How glorious will be our celebration of the Mass on this weekend as we present to God both our spiritual and material gifts!

May God fill your hearts and home with joy this Christmas Season. Thank you for your generosity and goodness.

St. Michael Social Concerns Ministry

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Voice of Saint Michael November 29, 2015

Sick List Names for the bulletin sick list need to be called into the Parish Office by Monday, at Noon in order to be included in the following Sunday’s Bulletin.

Please Pray For The Sick

We continue to remember the sick, the infirm, and all those recommended to our prayers; and especially, the following, that they may experience the healing and power of Christ:

Genevieve Ashum, Josephine Bujan, Mary Ellen Burns, Bob Craig, Zibby Diver, Ken Eick, Shanna Eppenstein, Rona Farley, Fr. Jim Radloff, Gerard Garcia, Marie Garcia, Joseph Green, Ashley Gustafik, Karl Hoffman, Maureen Hoffman, Cecilia Hoske, Helen Jurasek, Thomas Kostel, Shirley Krenkle, Mary Kuhl, Walter Lestarczyk, Lynda Marek, Dan McCarthy, Patrick McDonald, John Minster, Bill O’Donnell, Linda O’Rourke, Beverly Pronobis, Dorly Roman-McCraw, Sylvia Russell, Fran Sikorski, Molly Stepanski, Pat Tyrakowski, Tom Walsh, Jill Wrobel, Lucille Wrobel, and all those injured in service to their country. Please Pray For . . . Those who have died and their families

Advanced Bulletin Deadlines

Because of our printer’s schedule, we have earlier Bulletin deadlines during December, as follows:

Dec 4 is the deadline for the 12/13/15 Bulletin

Dec 11 is the deadline for the 12/20/15 and 12/27/15 Bulletins

Dec 17 is the deadline for the 1/3/16 Bulletin

Dec 30 is the deadline for the 1/19/16 Bulletin

Oplatki Christmas wafers are available in the parish office

beginning this weekend

Information is unavailable at the time of this printing

1st Sunday of Advent “But when these signs begin to happen, stand erect and raise your heads because your redemption is at hand.” (L 21:28) We celebrate Advent each year in preparation of the birth of Jesus, His first coming, as we await his second coming. In this Advent season, use the sacrament of Reconciliation to strengthen your relationship with Jesus. It’s never too late.

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Voice of Saint Michael November 29, 2015

Inclusion Awareness becomes a reality in our newly renovated Worship Space and highlights the Guidelines the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops put forth years ago in Built of Living Stones: Art, Architecture and Worship #31:

Parishes making decisions about the design of a Church must consider how the various aspects and choices they make will affect the ability of all the members to participate fully in the liturgical celebrations.

In addition, in his Inclusion Awareness Day Letter in 2009, Francis Cardinal George reminded us:

“By treating others with respect and by showing sensitivity to the needs of others we uphold the dignity and value of every human life.”

Earlier, Joseph Cardinal Bernardin explained: “When we open our hearts and our community to the individual gifts each person brings, we all benefit and we are all strengthened.”

It is our hope that these renovation improvements--several pew cutouts to accommodate wheelchairs, more room to maneuver in approaching for Communion, improved lighting and sound, a hearing loop to transmit to those with hearing aids--better enable us to open our hearts and minds on a deeper level of understanding and appreciation as we try to help those who are challenged with hearing, sight and/or movement. May the Holy Spirit continue to guide us. To read more about Inclusion Ministry, go to: www.InclusionInWorship.org Theresa Zigmond

How thankful are we for our great God? The Catechism of the Catholic Church states, "Many scientific studies ... have enriched our knowledge of the age and dimensions of the cosmos, the development of life forms, and the appearance of man. These studies invite us to even greater admiration for the greatness of the Creator." CCC 283 "In 1927, the Big Bang theory was formulated that the universe was created from nothing at a singular point. Now that theory is the most accepted belief by

scientists. The theory was originated by Abbe' George Lemaitre, a Belgium Jesuit priest. God must have given him the talents to be both a successful Jesuit priest and a great astrophysicist...Amen" (this was submitted by a parishioner with a Ph.D. in Math-Physics). Let us be thankful to God for being so great to create the universe, and yet also making Himself so small that He lives in each of our hearts! Please find the bright yellow box in the Narthex on the table in front of the Church office, marked "From The Pew". Put in your own experience of God and each week one entry will be published in the Bulletin to help grow each other's faith for God's glory! Thank you.

Please find the bright yellow box in the Narthex on the table in front of the Church office, marked "From The Pew". Put in your own experience of God and each week one entry will be published in the Bulletin to help grow each others' faith for God's glory! Thank you.

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Voice of Saint Michael November 29, 2015







Men’s and Women’s Retreats


Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) Men’s retreat is Saturday and Sunday, February 20-21, 2016

Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) Women’s retreat is Saturday and Sunday, March 5-6, 2016


Bring your faith to life in October of 2016...

As Father Paul leads the 150th anniversary parish pilgrimage

Bring your faith to life in October 2016... Join Fr. Paul Burak as he leads a parish pilgrimage in celebration of the 150th Anniversary of our parish! A 13-day fully-escorted tour from Rome to Paris awaits. Highlights in Rome include the Vatican and its Musuems, St. Paul Outside the Walls and Catacombs, St. John Lateran Basilica, and St. Mary Major Basilica. Highlights in Madrid include the Plaza De España, Cibeles Fountain, Paseo De Castellana , Prado Museum, Ávila home of St. Theresa. We then continue on to visit Our Lady of Fatima Shrine, Santiago de Compostela, Bom Jesus do Monte (Good Jesus of the Mount) Sanctuary, Camino Pilgrim’s Way, San Ignacio de Loyola Sanctuary, Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine and Grotto, and much more. Watch for the exciting details on this one-of-a-kind pilgrimage in early January 2016. Offered by Globus Journeys through Good Buy Travel in Orland Park. Watch for the exciting details on this one of a kind pilgrimage early 2016.

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Voice of Saint Michael November 29, 2015

Catholic Charities


On the first Saturday of every month a group of 8th graders & High School students prepare and

serve lunch at the Shepherd’s Table - Soup Kitchen in Joliet. We will be going on

Saturday, December 5th at 8:00am until 1:00pm. If you are a teen and would like to lend a hand, please email MaryLou Norwell at [email protected] to register.

You need to only email your name and phone number and MaryLou will contact you. We leave

from St. Michael’s parking lot at 8:00am. Deadline for sign up is December 2nd

Transportation will be provided. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

SHEPHERD’S TABLE NEEDS YOUR HELP!! CAN YOU HELP? Our teens will be preparing barbeque chicken for lunch at the Soup Kitchen this coming Saturday. Please donate barbeque sauce, frozen French fries, green beans, French bread, lettuce, tomatoes, croutons, ranch dressing, soft margarine, minced garlic in jars, fresh fruit, homemade desserts, and 2 liter bottles of pop. Youth Ministry is hoping to donate an item each month to the residents of the shelter. This month we are asking for white socks for adults.

Place your donations in the Narthex kitchen on Thursday & Friday from 9:00am to 9:00pm.

THANKING YOU IN ADVANCE for your generosity! St. Michael Youth Ministry

Christ of the Breadlines by Fritz Eichenberg


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Voice of Saint Michael November 29, 2015

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Voice of Saint Michael November 29, 2015

Cosas que podemos hacer durante el Año del Jubileo Perdona a quién te ha lastimado o te ha hecho un mal. Si es posible, considera perdonar deudas que se te

deben y/o regresar lo que tienes en garantía. Confiésate regularmente —mensualmente o hasta

semanalmente. Lee y medita en las Sagradas Escrituras, especialmente

en el Evangelio de Lucas. Lleva a cabo uno o dos actos de misericordia al día. Participa en una peregrinación. Comparte la Buena Nueva de la misericordia de Dios

con tus palabras o buenas obras. Practica el Vía Crucis regularmente, en especial a las 3

pm, la Hora de la Gran Misericordia. Reza la Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia

diariamente, implorando misericordia "para nosotros y para el mundo entero".

12-8-15 —Año del Jubileo de La Misericordia—11-20-16

El 11 de abril del 2015, la Vigilia de la Fiesta de la Divina Misericordia, el Papa Francisco se detuvo frente a la Puerta Santa en la Basílica de San Pedro y anunció un evento histórico. Por sólo una cuarta vez en la historia de la Iglesia, habrá un Año de Jubileo extraordinario —en este caso, un extraordinario Año del Jubileo de La Misericordia. El Papa Francisco dijo, "Jesucristo es el rostro de la misericordia del Padre". A la luz de esta verdad, "Misericordioso como el Padre" es el lema elegido por el Papa para el Año de Jubileo. Tomado de Lucas 6:36, "Sean compasivos como es compasivo el Padre de ustedes". Este Año del Jubileo de La Misericordia da inicio el 8 de diciembre del 2015, la Solemnidad de la Inmaculada Concepción, hasta el 20 de noviembre del 2016, la Solemnidad de Cristo Rey. Misericordia es la respuesta del Santo Padre al mal, guiándose por las enseñanzas de San Juan Pablo II, quien escribió, "El límite impuesto al mal, del cual el hombre es ambos, perpetrador y víctima, y en última instancia es Misericordia Divina". El jubileo será un tiempo de gracias especiales de parte de Dios. El Papa ha otorgado indulgencias al hacer un peregrinaje a las Principales Basílicas de Roma u otras iglesias por el mundo con el fin de caminar por medio de las Puertas Santas delegadas para el Año del Jubileo. La Iglesia de St. Michael ha sido delegada como una de estas Iglesias en la Arquidiócesis de Chicago. Daremos más información en las próximas semanas.

Oportunidades Para Buscar La misericordia y Sanación de Dios este Adviento en el Sacramento de la Reconciliación

Lunes, 30 de noviembre, 7:00 PM Servicio de Educación Religiosa Jr. High

Martes, 1o de diciembre, al mediodía Servicio y confesiones para la escuela, grados 6 al 8

Martes 1o de diciembre, 7:30 PM Servicio y confesiones para los adultos de la parroquia

Sábado, 5 de diciembre 9:00 AM y 11:00 AM Servicio y confesiones para Educación Religiosa Grados 3 al 5

Viernes, 11 de diciembre al mediodía Servicio y confesiones para la escuela, grados 3 al 5

Confesiones individuales en ingles cada sábado por la tarde de 3:00 a 4:00 PM y en español los primeros y terceros Domingos de cada mes 12:30—1:15 PM

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Voice of Saint Michael November 29, 2015

“Habrá señales en el sol, la luna y las estrellas… La gente se morirá de espanto con sólo pensar en lo que va a caer sobre la humanidad, porque las fuerzas del universo serán sacudidas. Y en ese preciso momento verán al Hijo del Hombre venir en la nube, con gran poder e infinita gloria". - Lucas 21:25-28, 34-36

1er Domingo de Adviento

¿Estás preparado para la Navidad? ¿Eres una de esas personas modestas que tienen todo preparado para los días festivos? Tú sabes cuáles…regalos listos y envueltos dos semanas antes de la Navidad; las casas adornadas y decoradas el día después de dar gracias (o aún mucho antes, últimamente); fiestas planeadas, los atuendos de navidad ya seleccionados, recetas para las galletas y los ingredientes listos para hornear. Pero en REALIDAD, ¿estás listo para la Navidad? ¿Guardamos silencio y escuchamos cómo quiere Jesús prepararnos para su venida, o es Él otra cosa más que agregamos a nuestra lista navideña - "Visitar el nacimiento; preparar la corona de Adviento; comprar un calendario de Adviento para los niños; comprar regalos para el Árbol de Donación?" Las lecturas de hoy se hicieron para sentirnos incómodos. Jesús ha venido y vendrá nuevamente, esté o no completa nuestra lista navideña; si nuestra vida está lista o no. La imagen de Jesús como un pequeño y dulce bebé, protegido y amado por su Madre y Padre, bienvenido con cantos de ángeles, es mucho más "La

Navidad Real" que la venida de Jesús en las catastróficas imágenes descritas en el evangelio de hoy. ¿Cómo es posible que nos preparemos para un maremoto o terremoto, o cuando la tierra se sacude a su máximo? Por este motivo, ¿Quién estará listo para ver "El Hijo del Hombre aparecer, bajando de una nube con gran poder y gloria?" ¿Estás preparado para ESA venida de Cristo? ¿La venida de nuestro Dios de gran poder y misericordia? Durante todos los evangelios, Jesús repetidamente nos recuerda "No tengan miedo". El es nuestro salvador después de todo, que viene a nosotros como un humilde bebé, y aun viene a nosotros a pesar de los maremotos, terremotos, sacudidas y el pecado en nuestra vida. Él siempre está con nosotros, "aun hasta el fin del mundo" (Mateo 28:20) listo para perdonar y cuidarnos. Así que

para prepararnos sólo tenemos que estar conscientes…conscientes de esa quietud, la pequeña voz en nuestra mente que nos asegura que Él está con nosotros, ya sea en el pesebre o en su llegada al final del mundo. Así que no congestionemos nuestro Adviento con ansiedad y estrés. Preparémonos de una manera diferente este año para la presencia de Jesús en el mundo. Mientras nos calmamos para una atmosfera de más silencio, más normal para nuestra alabanza, continuamos "danzando a pesar del caos" (gracias Padre Paul) del comercialismo de la Navidad en el mundo. Procedamos despacio, atentos, y decididos durante el Adviento. Al acercarnos al pesebre en Navidad, estaremos listos para saborear el gozo de Jesús, que ya ha nacido en nuestros corazones.

- Nina McGowan

Esperamos El Don de La Miseri-cordia de


Año Jubilar de la Misericordia

29 de noviembre de 2015 Primer Domingo de Adviento

Además de un Año Nuevo Litúrgi-co, este Adviento se caracteriza por incluir otro “comienzo”; la próxima semana es la inauguración del Año Jubilar de la Misericordia, un tiempo de gracia para contemplar más pro-fundamente y vivir más concretamen-te los misterios incondicionales del amor de Dios. El Papa Francisco dice que la misericordia, así como el puen-te que conecta a Dios con la familia humana, abre nuestros corazones para dar la bienvenida al amor de Dios por nosotros pecadores y abre nuestros ojos para reconocer al prójimo, espe-cialmente en los menos amados por la sociedad y los más vulnerables, como hermanos y hermanas confiados a nuestro cuidado.

Las Escrituras de este día facilitan una perfecta preparación para el Jubi-leo. Jeremías nos consuela con la pro-mesa de la justicia de Dios; Pablo nos desafía para prosperar en el amor por todos, mientras que Lucas se esfuerza por anticiparnos el futuro de la venida de Jesús como el alegre adviento de nuestra redención. Pero de una única manera, el Adviento de este Año Jubi-lar nos recuerda que Jesús, de quien esperamos su venida, está ya presente en medio de nosotros, en aquellas per-sonas para las que necesitamos con-vertirnos en instrumentos de la mise-ricordia de Dios. —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

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Voice of Saint Michael November 29, 2015

Saturday December 12, 2015

4:30a.m. - Serenade 5:00a.m. - Mass

Followed by Celebration in the Multi-Purpose Room with Tamales & Coffee

7:15p.m. - Apparitions of the Virgin Mary 7:30p.m. - Rose Mass

Followed by Celebration in the

Multi-Purpose Room with Mexican Pastries and Coffee

Everyone is Welcome!

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Voice of Saint Michael November 29, 2015

Sábado 12 de diciembre 2015

4:30a - Mañanitas 5:00a - Misa Acompáñenos después de

Misa en el gimnasio grande tendremos Tamales y Café

7:15p - Apariciones de la Virgen 7:30p - Misa de las Rosas Continuamos la celebración en el gimnasio grande con:

Pan Dulce y Café

Todos son Bienvenidos!

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Voice of Saint Michael November 29, 2015

Masses for the Week — November 28th through December 5

Saturday 4:30 PM John Walczak, Jr. Kathleen Varnagis Anthony Nicolais 6:00 PM Fr. Gerald Schubert Kevin O’Finn John Dillon


(Spanish) -->

7:30 AM Richard Podlasek Celso Efondo John Dillon 9:00 AM Kenneth Gohrke Sam Gurgone James Rzonca 10:30 AM George & Vickie Alex Dan Fitzmaurice Greg Milkovich 12:00 PM Richard Wolfe, Jr. Celso Efondo Ken Cocco 1:30 PM Roman Sanchez Maria Sanchez Andres Sanchez 5:30 PM Joseph Friesenhahn Gerard Greene John Dillon

Monday 6:30 AM Marsha Mulbarger 8:00 AM Michael & Catherine Griffin Kathleen Varnagis Donna Meegan

Tuesday 6:30 AM Melvin Mazgay Special Intention of Caitlyn O’Lena 8:00 AM Richard Goodrich Becky Bartholomew Jim O’Connor

Wednesday 6:30 AM Tomasina DiFilippo 8:00 AM Cliff Carpenter Bernice Morin Becky Bartholomew

Thursday 6:30 AM The People of St. Michael Church 8:00 AM Emil George George M. Eck Becky Bartholomew

Friday 6:30 AM Floro-Dimaano Family Jim Middendorf McGill & Levato Family 8:00 AM Kathleen Varnagis Eugene Danalewich George Watson

Saturday 8:30 AM Thomas Wisniowicz John Dillon Bernice Morin

Special Intention of Leonel Bautista Special Intention of Karen Delisa

December 6, 2015 — Second Sunday in Advent

Mass Intentions Lectors Altar Servers Eucharistic Ministers

4:30 PM Frank & Elizabeth Varnagis Kathleen Varnagis Kubicki Family

Sandy Schuber Richard Vail

Lexi Para Sarah Wardlow Michael Wardlow Tessa O’Halloran

Lynn Backofen Deacon Tony Cocco Juliana Gorski Rosemary Lambert

Tess Magsombol Kathryn McGrath Linda Nicolais Pat O'Donnell

Kathy Quinn Rose Walsh Barbara Wesolowski

6:00 PM Elizabeth Pieczyrak The Tunney and Gallagher

Families Bernice Chwierut

Sue Mahns Eileen Cocco

Hannah O’Connor Christopher Brugess Harry Brugess Morgan Laundrie

Gerry Baker Ed Broniarczyk Rose Broniarczyk Deacon Tony Cocco

Sharon Gadzala Therese Hansen Mark Hansen Kathy A. McGrath

Peggy Mraz Bob Nolan Lisa Veith

7:30 AM William Labedz Fr. Gerald Schubert Marjorie Price

Ray Hurley Denise Wilkin

Drew Hnilo Jake Hnilo Matthew Parker Maggie Niedziela

Lorraine Arena-Simmons Mary Ann Draudt Leo Frainier Bert Grasso

Sharon Grasso Jenna Hnilo Greg Kozik Dale Mize

P. J. Paetow Michael Ryan Wayne Young

9:00 AM Rose & Henry Berardino Special Intention of Vince

Munyon, Sr. Olga Basta

Jake McClain Vince Krydynski

Abigail Beeson Francis Beeson Jack Beeson Ryan McGee

Sue Auld Kathleen Calandriello David Lynn Joe Madden

Barbara Madden Noreen McGee Bernadette Serio Lynn Sutter

Young People’s Liturgy Presider — Jillian Marino

10:30 AM Julius Dain Paul Krynski & Deceased

members of Krynski Family

Henryk Matelski & Deceased Members of Matelski Family

Patrick Parlich Liam O’Connell

Mark Martino Mitchell Martino Itxel Guerrero Seamus Hennessy

Deacon Tom Bartholomew Berta Garza Maeve Hennessy Mike Martino

Monica Martino April Martino Mary Lou Norwell Elaine Panfil

Tom Pendziszewski Julie Pericht Bill Ward

Young People’s Liturgy Presider — Pam Domico

12:00 PM Eleanore Harris Victoria Gonska Mary Ingratta

Lou DePasquale Laura Hodge

Xander Stoub Joshua Hecht Grace Hecht Sarah Hecht

Deacon Tom Bartholomew Eileen Donovitch Carly Donovitch Thomas Hudon

Chang Sun Kim Ike Okla John Paukstis Marilyn Stanczak

Val Stoub Carly Turcich Shirley Wolfe

1:30 PM Spanish Mass

Sharon Castillja Leodegario Cortina Bulmaro Viveros

Esmeralda Calderon Vicente Guerrero

Nadia Ghouleh Sarah Santana Christian Espino Eduardo Flores

Diacono Rosy Maya Yolanda Medrano Martha Perez

Hilda Pulido Diana Reyes Lydia Reyes Leticia Sanchez

Sonia Torres Patricia Tracy Natalia Trujillo

5:30 PM James C. Muting, Sr. John Hart John Dillon

Andrea Quinn Nanc Junker

Seamus Quinn James Siegler Maggie McHugh Elizabeth Allison

Kevin Cunningham Brett Katalinic Jim Makina Andrew Mallet

Deacon Mike McDonough James McHugh Eve Moyar Leslie Moyar

Laura Rees Kathy Shaheen Lisa Shaker

Bob Tenuta Joseph Vazzana Ruth Wojcik

Page 17: BOTW St Michael Orland.pdf

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708.966.446413500 Circle Dr., Orland Park(SE Corner of 135th & LaGrange Rd.)

Page 20: BOTW St Michael Orland.pdf

PARISH OFFICE 14327 Highland Avenue 708-349-0903

Orland Park, IL 60462 www.saintmike.com

Rev. Paul C. Burak, Pastor 873-4611 Dee Pietrzak, Business Manager/ 873-4664 Administrative Assistant [email protected] Rev. Jack Jura, Associate Pastor 873-4612 Rev. Thomas Byrne, Associate Pastor 873-4613 Rev. William Finnegan, Resident Priest

-4635 Compassionate Ministry, RCIA [email protected] Pat Chuchla, Pastoral Associate- 873-4652 Worship Ministry [email protected] Roberta Anderson, Pastoral Associate 873-4633 Director of Religious Education [email protected] Paul Smith, Principal 349-0068 St. Michael School [email protected] Nancy Makowski, Assistant Principal 349-0068 St. Michael School [email protected] Gary Patin, Director of Music Ministry 873-4627 [email protected] Rose Koch, Youth Minister 873-4650 [email protected] Julie Pericht, Athletic Director 873-4641 [email protected] DEACON COUPLES Tom Bartholomew Tony and Eileen Cocco Jim and Sharon Janicek Michael and Donna McDonough Abel and Yolanda Trujillo Saul and Elia Vazquez

Bulletin deadline: Fr iday at 12 Noon. Please e-mail articles, in Word or Publisher format, to [email protected].

SUNDAY MASSES: Saturday Evening: 4:30 p.m. & 6:00 p.m. Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30, 12:00, 5:30 p.m. Domingo: Misa en Español, 1:30 p.m. en

iglesia MASSES ON WEEKDAYS: 6:30 & 8:00 a.m. MASS ON SATURDAY: 8:30 a.m. ADDRESS CHANGES: Please stop by the

Parish Office to complete an updated registration form or to advise you are leaving the parish.

PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Monday thru Friday 8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. - Noon Sunday 9:00 a.m. - Noon


Baptisms are celebrated several Sundays each month at 3:00 p.m. Please call the Parish Office to make arrangements.


Saturday 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. CONFESION EN ESPANOL los primeros y terceros Domingos de cada mes 12:30p—1:15p RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE HOURS:

Monday thru Friday 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Additional hours during Class Sessions Summer hours may vary.

Session Times: Elementary RE (Grades 1-5) Saturday: A Session 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. B Session 10:30 a.m. - Noon Junior High Program Nights (Grades 6-8) Monday from 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. EDUCACION RELIGIOSA EN ESPANOL Si usted desea que sus hijos reciban los sacramentos de la confesión , Primera Comunión, y Confirmación en español, debe registrar a sus hijos en las clases de catecismo llamando a la Oficina Parroquial al 708-873-4619. Estas clases se ofrecen en español. Si prefiere las clases en inglés, favor de llamar directamente al 708-349-0769.

Para comunicarse con la oficina parroquial en español, favor de llamar al (708) 873-4619.