Boston, Massachusetts The Shining City on the Hill Rachel Mayle


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Page 1: Boston

Boston, Massachusetts

The Shining City on the Hill

Rachel Mayle

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Founded in 1650, Boston was believed to be physically closer to God. The city served as a religious refugee for Puritans.

As Boston grew in size, so did the resistance against England. Boston is home of many famous American events.

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Other historical facts include…

Boston instated the first public subway system The first public school in the United states was

opened in Boston in 1635. Boston Commons and Boston Public Garden are

a couple of the oldest public gardens in the U.S.Many high profile movies have been filmed in

historic downtown Boston. Films take advantage of Boston's unique blend of preserved historical architecture and modern buildings.

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Boston Commons in

the fall

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Christmas spirit overtakes the city. Breathtaking Christmas lights and extremely tall pine trees decorate downtown Boston.

Boston holds a Yule Ball every year. The gala is based on the series “Harry Potter”. Guests wear robes, dance to magical bands and sip on spooky, festive drinks.

There is a city-wide celebration

for new years. Fireworks,

dancing, drinking and ice sculptures are all part of the


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Once the snow melts and the city warms up, the famous Swan Boats return to the lake in Boston Commons. The boats attract tourists from all areas.

The biggest holiday celebration in Boston takes place in the summer, July 4th. Every year the city holds an annual “Boston Pops Firework” show. The even includes headline music artists, face painting and fireworks

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The Boston accent is something that is recognized through out the country. There are books and videos explaining how to talk in a Boston accent.

One of the most popular tourist items in the city is a bumper sticker with the words “I pahked my cah in Hahvahd yahd” on it. These words are famous for showing off the accent.

Other location specific words are:

Wicked- Very

Pissa- Great

Townie- Someone originally from Boston

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Residents do not only take pride in the accent, they are also very proud of hometown sports. No matter how great or horrible the record is Bostonians will stand up for the teams. The Celtics and Red Sox have a long, rich history.

During all times of the year Boston residents take over sports bars to cheer on their teams.

Boston has a strong sense of unity and tolerance. Although residents stand side by side cheering for sports, the ethnicity is diverse.

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Different areas are comprised of mini cultures, South Boston is traditionally made of mostly Irish decent, East Boston is a popular neighborhood for Italian-Americans, Cambridge houses the majority of Harvard and MIT students, and Boston’s Chinatown is the third largest Chinese community in the United States.

The tolerance of all things different strengthens the backbone that holds the city together. Walking throughout the city, the many cultures are reflected and respected through shops, stores, and style.

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There are many great cities in the United States and Boston holds its place among them. The

city was founded on the principle of tolerance for all and still holds true to that today. There is a little something for everyone in this city, residents and tourists a like. The history is

preserved and respected while the city continues to move forward. MIT and Harvard add to the character and pride of Boston, while

the students continue to add to the rich culture. The beauty in the landscaping and

skyline, and the events from American history make Boston one of the most interesting,

beautiful places to visit.

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Works CitedAllison, Robert. The America Revolution: A Concise History. Oxford, New York: The Oxford Press, 2011. 128. Print.

Boston Accent, Celtics Player. 2012. youtube.com. Web 8 Dec 2012. <http://www.youtube.com>

Boston Commons. N.d. n.p. Web 8 Dec 2012. <http://cityofboston.gov>

Boston, City of. City of Boston.gov. City of Boston, 2012. Web. 3 Oct 2012. <www.cityofboston.gov>.

Boston Pops Fireworks. N.d. n.p. Web. 8 Dec 2012. <http://bostonpops.com>

Boston Neighborhood Map. N.d. n.p. Web. 8 Dec 2012. <http://intercityre.com/images/boston_neighborhood_map.gif>.“Christmastime in Boson” Image

Harvard. N.d. n.p. Web. 8 Dec 2012. <http://scallywagandvagabond.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/harvard_university_2005201084846SA.jpg>.

Marchione, William. Boston Miscellany. Charleston, South Carolina: The History Press, 2008. 128. Print.