Charter of Ban Kulin (written on August 29, 1189., the oldest written document among southern Slavic countries. Original is in Russia today. Ban Kulin wrote it to prince of Dubrovnik (then city-state, today city in Croatia) named Krvaš, and ensured trade rights for all citizens of Dubrovnik. The charter represents that Banate of Bosnia in that age was independent) Original, on oldbosnian language: Ja, ban bosanski Kulin prisezaju Tebi, kneže Krvašu i všim građam Dubrovčam, pravi prijatelj biti Vam, od sele i do vijeka, i prav goj držati s vami i pravu vjeru do kole sam živ. Vsi Dubrovčane kire hode po moemu vladaniju, trgujuće, gdje si kto hoće kretati, gdje si kto mine, pravov vjerov i pravim srcem držati je, bez vsake zledi, razvje što mi kto da po svojov voljov poklon, i da im ne bude od mojih častnikov sile, i do kole u mene budu, dati im svijet i pomoć kakore i sebi, kolikore može, bez vsega zloga primisla. Tako mi Bog pomagaj i sije sveto evanđelje. English translation: I, the bosnian ban Kulin swear to you, prince Krvaš and to all citizens of Dubrovnik, that I will be your true friend, from now and forever, and keep peace with you and true faith as long as I am alive. All citizens of Dubrovnik that walk over my teritory, while trading, can go everywhere, I will keep them with true faith and true heart, with no damage for them, except if someone, by his own will, give me a gift, and from my men not to be violence, and as long as they are at me, I will give them every advice and

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Charter of Ban Kulin (written on August 29, 1189., the oldest written document among southern Slavic countries. Original is in Russia today. Ban Kulin wrote it to prince of Dubrovnik (then city-state, today city in Croatia) named Krvaš, and ensured trade rights for all citizens of Dubrovnik. The charter represents that Banate of Bosnia in that age was independent)

Original, on oldbosnian language:

Ja, ban bosanski Kulin prisezaju Tebi, kneže Krvašu i všim građam Dubrovčam, pravi prijatelj biti Vam, od sele i do vijeka, i prav goj držati s vami i pravu vjeru do kole sam živ.

Vsi Dubrovčane kire hode po moemu vladaniju, trgujuće, gdje si kto hoće kretati, gdje si kto mine, pravov vjerov i pravim srcem držati je, bez vsake zledi, razvje što mi kto da po svojov voljov poklon, i da im ne bude od mojih častnikov sile, i do kole u mene budu, dati im svijet i pomoć kakore i sebi, kolikore može, bez vsega zloga primisla. Tako mi Bog pomagaj i sije sveto evanđelje.

English translation:

I, the bosnian ban Kulin swear to you, prince Krvaš and to all citizens of Dubrovnik, that I will be your true friend, from now and forever, and keep peace with you and true faith as long as I am alive.

All citizens of Dubrovnik that walk over my teritory, while trading, can go everywhere, I will keep them with true faith and true heart, with no damage for them, except if someone, by his own will, give me a gift, and from my men not to be violence, and as long as they are at me, I will give them every advice and help as much as I could, with no bad intentions. May God help me, and this holly gospel.

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Friar Antun Knežević (1834-1889; catholic Friar, catholic, but Bosniak, fighter for Bosniakdom, against croatization of bosnian catholics, and serbization of bosnian orthodox)


„May our neighbours are anger on us for we are honourable and proud of our old name, language and customs, and for we don't want to hug their name for identifying of nationality and language. But, as the thins look, we will ask our friends who use a pen and press: why are you arguing about us, when you know very well that Bosniak from an old ages habituated to be proud of his language, and to call himself by his own name, and to faithfully keeps the tradition and memories of his grandfathers. Glorious history of our dear motherland remember us on those ages when our domestic vlastela (something like aristocrats, i think) in every chance, clearly and openly, said about their nationality, calling themselves by proud and heroic name : Bosniak. We watch at many documents of domestic saviors from past centuries, where one always mention our real folk's name : Bosniak, and that are the reasons for we ourselves, as their thankful descendents call ourselves by glorious name : Bosniak. We can not and we must not depart of it, we will keep our name faithfully and always. We are proud that our language, and from our fatherland, is taken as the base of literary language of our neighbours Serbs and Croats. Famous linguists Vuk Karadžić, Dančić, Ljudevit Gaj moved our beautiful language to literacy of both mentioned people,so they called him as they wanted: first as Serbian, and other as Croatian, and no mention about us. We,for sure, have right to be proud of they are using our language in literacy, and at least everyone will admit it to us. But, we don't understand, why the name, that they gave it by their own will, and without our knowledge, and that name they want to infiltrate into our people, and even they don't allow us to call our own language in our own house by the name of our people. It is similar to, when someone else by his own will give name to our own child. Such an act and demand we do not agree. But respect and honor to both our friends, Serb and Croat. We don't hate their nationality, we don't look on them with „evil“ eye, we will never say that we are not of Slavic tribe, but opposite, to prove everyone, that we Bosniaks are on the first level of glorious race. But always, we remain Bosniaks, as our forefathers were

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and nothing else. So, may our brothers look into themselves, those who so much centuries live in Bosnia, and now want to be Serbs or Croats.“

Miroslav Krleža (Croatian writer)

„May Mrs. Europa forgive, she has no monuments of culture. Tribe Inka in America has monuments, Egypt has true monuments of culture. May mrs. Europa forgive, only Bosnia has monuments. Stećke (unique thombstones). What is „thombstone“? Personification of cragsman (highlander in google translate) Bosnian. What Bosnian do on thombstone. Stand uprigt, raised head, raised hand! But nowhere, nowhere, never, nobody has founded thombstone where Bosnian kneel and plee.“ He writes about Bosnians..

Kinam, 1150 AD

„When he arrived at Sava (river at the north of Bosnia, border between Bosnia and Croatia), from there he turned towards another river named Drina (river on the east, border with Serbia) who raises somwhere and splits Bosnia of Serbia. Bosnia is not subordinated to arhižupan (some kind of ruler, I guess) of Serbia, but people there (in Bosnia) have specific way of life and ruling“

Ivan Martinčić (Croat, or Serb...don't know)

„Demand that, for example,Bulgarina,Bosniak,Arbanas etc call himself as Turk just becase their countries are connected with Turkish empire, is impossible, because those lands have some kind of relation, dont know to translate, it is old language used word, and that is why Bulgarian as Bosniak also will never consider Turkey as their fatherland“

Universal Geography, Conrad Malte-Burn, 1828.

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„Muslims of Constantinople consider Bosniaks as nonbelievers; they have roots in warriors of Northern race“

Darko Tanasković (Serbian historian, well known)

„... fact is in attitude that in old historical country Bosnia, older than Serbia and Croatia, as her indigenous population, with continious ethinc, cultural, psyhicaly, and statehood continuity, since early Middle Ages until now, live Bosniaks and that is their only acceptable people's and national name“

Conversation between Husein-Kapetan Gradaščević (Leader of Bosniaks' fight for autonomy in Ottoman empire, One of the greatest heroes to ever borned in Bosnia) and turkish „beglerbeg“ (some kind of turkish tittle)

Turkish b'beg:“You raised against Sultan's castle, Husein-kapetan!“

Husein-kapetan:“I did, beglerbeg, because you made „zulum“ (mess) over Bosnia“

TB: „And fez (tarboosh) is problem to you, what is your problem with fez on the head of glorious turkish soldier, Husein-kapetan?“

HK:“No problem if it is on turkish head,but when you force us to put it on our Bosniak head, i have problem, beglerbeg“

TB:“What Bosniaks'?, What Bosnia? There is no more Bosnia, and there will not be Bosniaks, Husein, you dies for country that has never existed, and will not exist!“ /Today, Serbs and Croats claim the same :D /

HK: „There is Bosnia,beglerbeg,and Bosniaks inside her,they were there before you, and with God's help, they will be there after you“ /One of the greatest sentences ever said by Bosniaks, it makes me more proud than I really am.

Also, I have to mention another Husein-kapetan's quote, when he was, before battle, asked for was he afraid of Vezir (turkish tittle)

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„I am afarid of God a little, of Sultan not at all, and of Vezir...as of my horse“

Matica Srpska, 1825 AD (Mother Serbian, some kind of magazine or something)

„Bosniaks live between Drina,Vrbas,Sava (all rivers), Dalmatia (today in Croatia, region) and Hem (region in Bosnia,today called Herzegovina) with number of 450 000, they confess either islam, or rome-catholic or orthodox“

The same is written in Danica (croatian version of those Serbian above) 10 years later, just changed „they confess.....“ with : „...number 450 000 dividing on islamic, that means turkish, and on roman and greek religion law“

Nada Klaić (Croatian historian, from book „The history of medieval Bosnia,written in 1994. I think)

„Those projections about Serbism of Bosnia value same as Sisić's evidences of Croatism of Bosnia.However, uncritically report of Constantin Porfirogenet about Sklavinia (I dont know what is that,maybe translation is not good) can be used as background for conclusions only for those historians who already don't care about historical truth. It has same value as Duklan's news about ruling by Croatian od Serbian rulers over Bosnia. That are just casual outings of neighbor's rulers that have not, and could not change houndred-year poition of bosnian lands, because they were going,without Croats and Serbs, by their own, from them (Croats and Serbs) so separated path.Emperor's infos for that job can not be relevant, and less valuable is constructio of someone's (dont know whose) archbishop who writes in middle of 12th century“

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Ante Starčević, „The father of Croatian nation“

„In Bosnia,there is the haughtiest nobility that Europe has ever had it. (..)

Muslims of Bosnia, except some individual immigrants, are not of turkish origins; they are true noblemen, they are the oldest and clearest nobility of Europe, among them rare are those that many European dinasties are not to young to, celebrated on sword, just if they got chance, they will celebrate at any part of knowledge and skill“

Hans Fritz (German, or Austrian, wrote the book „Bosniak“,1931. He was the commandant or something of one Bosniak regiment in Austrian army)

„Our Bosniaks-I admit it openly, and it chokes me today, I swallow hardly, and throufh my heart goes unspeakable, painful feeling when I somewhere hear our old parade march „Die Bosniaken kommen“...

Then, I am for nothing.. (Mean on bad mood)

I see them in front of me, that magnificent squad, as high as poplar tree, with eyes of falcon (Eagle's eyes, perhaps) and faithful hearts, I hear their sturdy machine's step that belonged to special characteristics of Bosnian-Herzegovinian regiments of Old monarchy. Under darkred fez,of open face, merrily on his neck jumping black silk tassel. And these two famous brass buttons, the unusual trousers, glittering gold in the sun.

And when our song „Marched, marched, The First regiment“... the man would not change himself with any king. How doughtly and proud troups that were!

So far, far ago I dressed down soldier's suit and I shall never, never again lead one bosnian squad. I shall never again, with pride glowing eyes, watch „my“ boys and with radiant sword salute them. Never again cute girls shall stand in the street and wave (with hands) to me and my Bosniaks.“

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Fra Jako Baltić (Franciscan monk, when heard for plain for „turkization“ of Bosniaks)

„Why do you trample God's law? God wanted us Bosniaks to be Slavs, not Ottomans“

Don't know author..

„The identity Bosniak goes back for many centuries, but sorting anyone of Bosnian christians as Serbs or Croats goes back for barely one century“

Letter of the last Bosnian king Stjepan Tomašević, sent to Pope Pio II, 1462. AD, one year before Kingdom fell under Turks due to Herzegovinian betrayal. In fact, Papacy wanted to call a crusade on Bosnia due to well-spread Bogomils (Patharens, the dualist church that did not accept the Roman catholicism), or as the Pope say heretics.

„If Bosniaks find out that I shall not be alone in war, they will act braver, and also Turks shall not encourage themselves to attack on my lands, because entrances are very tight, and cities at many places are almost unconquerable. Your predecessor Eugenius offered crown to my father and wanted to build up Episcopal (or Bishop, catholic) Churches in Bosnia. Father hesitated feared of attracting the hatred of Turks; he was the new christian and still has not driven out patharens from Kingdom.“

Just few infos... First Bosnian vocabulary was „Potur-Šahidija“, the bosnian-turkish vocabulary from 1631. written ba Muhamed Hevaji-Uskufi. For example, first Serbian vocabulary was from 1818.,written by Vuk Stefanović Karadžić.

The oldest known, documentated, written proof..of mention of word „Bosniak“ is from 1440. AD, when our king Tvrtko II Kotromanić sent the

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delegation at Budim to congratulate the Polish king Vladislav Varnančik for becoming the king of Hungaria and Croatia. Then, the leader of bosnian delegation said: „Bosniak have the same great-grandfathers as well as Poles“