Parish Priest Fr Joji Thomas MCBS [email protected] Pastoral Ministry Co-ordinator & Safeguarding Officer Mrs Donna Conway [email protected] Parish Secretary Mrs Cathy Peacock Chairperson - Pastoral Council Mr Mike Wilkinson Chairperson - Finance Board Mr Ben Sotiriadis Liturgy Co-Ordinator Mrs Margaret Kane School Principals Sacred Heart School - Mr Brendan Creevey St Peter Claver College – Mr Terry Finan Outside School Hours Care Co-Ordinator Mrs Linda Caplin Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 8.30am-4.30pm Ph: 3282 1888 Fax: 3282 5702 Email: [email protected] Web: http://www.boovalcatholicparish.org.au Weekly Diary Monday 19th November 9.00am Mass Tuesday 20th November No Mass Wednesday 21st November 5.30pm Rosary 6.00pm Mass Thursday 22nd November 9.00am Mass Friday 23rd November 8.45am Mass - including Prayers for the Dead Saturday 24th November 4.00pm-4.30pm - Reconciliation 5.00pm Vigil Mass - Booval Sunday 25th November Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe 6.30am Rosary - Riverview 7.00am Mass - Riverview 9.00am Mass - Booval 5.00pm Mass - Booval Marriages by appointment - at least six months notice is required. Baptisms by appointment. Dear Parishioners and Visitors, In today's gospel, Jesus speaks about the displacement of celesal bodies at the end of the world, followed by the appearance of the Son of Man in glory to es- tablish the Reign of God. The coming of the Son of Man, "in clouds with great power and glory," echoes a passage in Daniel. Cosmic disturbances of the sun, moon and stars are images tradionally associated with the manifestaons of God's judgment of Israel. There are numerous predicons about the end of the world. The French "prophet" and astrologer Nostradamus (1503-1566), foretold that the world would end when Easter fell on April 25. This happened in 1666, 1734, 1886 and 1943. In 1379, St. Vincent Ferrer (1350-1419), a Spanish Dominican monk pre- dicted the demise of the world in AD 3936. Many more such predicons we had seen. They were trying to base their predicons on the invitaon of Jesus to be watchful. Death is the unquesonable reality in our life. But no one can predict his death. Alexander Pope put this poecally: "Heav'n from all creatureshides the book of Fate, All but the page prescribed." Death comes somemes in a much unexpected manner. Jesus said: "But as for that day or hour, nobody knows it." Hence he asks us to be prepared. None of us are guaranteed our next breath. We should always ap- preciate and acknowledge our blessings. An atude of gratude is a stepping- stone towards success. Our thoughts, our words, and our acons must be build- ing blocks to creang the life that you want. But in reality, we do not dare to act. We wait for something. We have heard many mes the line, "Live everyday as if it were your last" It is high me that we started doing something meaningful in life. So let us find our passion. Passion isn't just a hobby or a pasme. It's a kind of love that burns so deep it sets you alive. Passion allows you to feel that every- thing is right in the world. There are many people out there who follow their heart, no maer what. And it's brought them to great heights. So find your pas- sion, and make your life meaningful. When you want to pass some form of posi- vity and happiness to others, the results can be amazing. Even though we are all aware of the imminence of death, we sll have the pow- er to dream. We can look to the future for a day when we will achieve unrivalled greatness. Every day should bring us closer and closer to our goal, every day must bring us closer and closer to greatness. With this mindset and decree, live life to the fullest. Enjoy every minute of the day. Do things that can make us happy. And always DO good things to others for we never know how long we will stay. Life is just borrowed, so we must live accordingly. Blessings. Fr. Joji All those who have been involved in any way in the parish throughout the year are invited to a Mass of Thanksgiving on Wednesday 28th November at 6.00pm. This is an occasion to gather and give thanks to God for the many ways God has inspired us to put our me and tal- ents at the service of others. Mass will be followed by a shared supper. BOOVAL CATHOLIC PARISH † Sacred Heart Church, Cothill Rd, Booval † Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, 10 Old Ipswich Rd, Riverview Sacred Heart Primary School, 25 Cothill Rd, Booval St Peter Claver Secondary College, 10 Old Ipswich Rd, Riverview THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - YEAR B 18th November, 2018 C

BOOVAL CATHOLIC PARISH€¦ · "prophet" and astrologer Nostradamus (1503-1566), foretold that the world would end when Easter fell on April 25. This happened in 1666, 1734, 1886

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Page 1: BOOVAL CATHOLIC PARISH€¦ · "prophet" and astrologer Nostradamus (1503-1566), foretold that the world would end when Easter fell on April 25. This happened in 1666, 1734, 1886

Parish Priest Fr Joji Thomas MCBS

[email protected]

Pastoral Ministry Co-ordinator & Safeguarding Officer

Mrs Donna Conway [email protected]

Parish Secretary Mrs Cathy Peacock

Chairperson - Pastoral Council Mr Mike Wilkinson

Chairperson - Finance Board Mr Ben Sotiriadis

Liturgy Co-Ordinator Mrs Margaret Kane

School Principals Sacred Heart School - Mr Brendan Creevey

St Peter Claver College – Mr Terry Finan

Outside School Hours Care Co-Ordinator Mrs Linda Caplin

Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 8.30am-4.30pm

Ph: 3282 1888 Fax: 3282 5702 Email: [email protected] Web: http://www.boovalcatholicparish.org.au

Weekly Diary

Monday 19th November

9.00am Mass

Tuesday 20th November

No Mass

Wednesday 21st November

5.30pm Rosary 6.00pm Mass

Thursday 22nd November

9.00am Mass

Friday 23rd November

8.45am Mass - including Prayers for the Dead

Saturday 24th November

4.00pm-4.30pm - Reconciliation 5.00pm Vigil Mass - Booval

Sunday 25th November

Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

6.30am Rosary - Riverview 7.00am Mass - Riverview 9.00am Mass - Booval 5.00pm Mass - Booval

Marriages by appointment - at least six months notice is required.

Baptisms by appointment.

Dear Parishioners and Visitors,

In today's gospel, Jesus speaks about the displacement of celestial bodies at the end of the world, followed by the appearance of the Son of Man in glory to es-tablish the Reign of God. The coming of the Son of Man, "in clouds with great power and glory," echoes a passage in Daniel. Cosmic disturbances of the sun, moon and stars are images traditionally associated with the manifestations of God's judgment of Israel. There are numerous predictions about the end of the world. The French "prophet" and astrologer Nostradamus (1503-1566), foretold that the world would end when Easter fell on April 25. This happened in 1666, 1734, 1886 and 1943. In 1379, St. Vincent Ferrer (1350-1419), a Spanish Dominican monk pre-dicted the demise of the world in AD 3936. Many more such predictions we had seen. They were trying to base their predictions on the invitation of Jesus to be watchful. Death is the unquestionable reality in our life. But no one can predict his death. Alexander Pope put this poetically: "Heav'n from all creatures’ hides the book of Fate, All but the page prescribed." Death comes sometimes in a much unexpected manner. Jesus said: "But as for that day or hour, nobody knows it." Hence he asks us to be prepared. None of us are guaranteed our next breath. We should always ap-preciate and acknowledge our blessings. An attitude of gratitude is a stepping-stone towards success. Our thoughts, our words, and our actions must be build-ing blocks to creating the life that you want. But in reality, we do not dare to act. We wait for something. We have heard many times the line, "Live everyday as if it were your last" It is high time that we started doing something meaningful in life. So let us find our passion. Passion isn't just a hobby or a pastime. It's a kind of love that burns so deep it sets you alive. Passion allows you to feel that every-thing is right in the world. There are many people out there who follow their heart, no matter what. And it's brought them to great heights. So find your pas-sion, and make your life meaningful. When you want to pass some form of posi-tivity and happiness to others, the results can be amazing. Even though we are all aware of the imminence of death, we still have the pow-er to dream. We can look to the future for a day when we will achieve unrivalled greatness. Every day should bring us closer and closer to our goal, every day must bring us closer and closer to greatness. With this mindset and decree, live life to the fullest. Enjoy every minute of the day. Do things that can make us happy. And always DO good things to others for we never know how long we will stay. Life is just borrowed, so we must live accordingly. Blessings. Fr. Joji

All those who have been involved in

any way in the parish throughout

the year are invited to a Mass of

Thanksgiving on Wednesday 28th

November at 6.00pm. This is an

occasion to gather and give thanks

to God for the many ways God has

inspired us to put our time and tal-

ents at the service of others. Mass

will be followed by a shared supper.

BOOVAL CATHOLIC PARISH † Sacred Heart Church, Cothill Rd, Booval † Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, 10 Old Ipswich Rd, Riverview

Sacred Heart Primary School, 25 Cothill Rd, Booval St Peter Claver Secondary College, 10 Old Ipswich Rd, Riverview


Coffee & Chat

Page 2: BOOVAL CATHOLIC PARISH€¦ · "prophet" and astrologer Nostradamus (1503-1566), foretold that the world would end when Easter fell on April 25. This happened in 1666, 1734, 1886

Tuesday 20th Nov. - Craft Group Friday 23rd Nov. - 6.15pm: CFC Group Sunday 24/25th Nov. - WELCOME SUNDAY

SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION FOR THE FIRST RITE OF PEN-ANCE: The formation for children wishing to celebrate their First Rite of Penance (known in the past as First Confession) will be held in the Parish Centre on Saturday 1st December 2018 at 2.30pm. This preparation is offered to children who have reached the age of 10 years or older (Grade 5 or older) and have received the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Eucharist. Please call Donna at the Parish Centre for further information 3282 1888 BAPTISM - This weekend we welcome into the Catholic Church through the Sacrament of Baptism Olivia Cotterill.

WELCOME SUNDAY - Next weekend is Welcome Sunday and this will give us an opportunity to catch up with our fellow parishioners old and new for a cuppa and chat after each mass. A sausage sizzle will be held after the 9am mass.

NOVEMBER DEVOTIONS - During November we remember and pray especially for all the faithful departed. Mass on Fri-days at 8.45am including Prayers for the Dead will give us an extra opportunity to do this. Nov. 23 - for brothers and sis-ters; Nov. 30 - for all relatives and friends who have died.

GOD’S WORD 2019 with Daily Reflections - Copies of this book are now available in the foyer of the Church for the discounted price of $10.00 each. Please place payment in the envelopes provided not in the Poor Box.

SAVIOUR - ADVENT & CHRISTMAS DAILY REFLECTIONS This year’s reflection book, Saviour, provides an opportunity for us to be still each day, listen to God and hear him declare to us as the angel declared to the shepherds: “Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is Christ The Lord” (Luke 2:11). Saviour is a 76 page pocket-size book contain-ing short-spiritually rich-daily reflections. Copies are now availa-ble in the Church at a cost of $4.00 each. Please place money in envelopes provided.

WALTZING MATILDAS - Last trip for the year “Break-up” Tuesday 4th December leaving Parish Centre at 8.00am. Going to the Gold Coast and buffet lunch at Tweed Coolan-gatta Golf Club - Cost: $45.00. Bookings and cancellations - Anne Hall asap please on 0408 773 734

“And then they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory.” MARK 13:26 We will all have that day when we are standing before God and our life is played out like a movie. When this happens and God asks each of us, “What have you done with the gifts that I have given you?” How will you respond?

A VOCATION VIEW - ‘As I keep the Lord ever in my sight … my heart rejoices, my soul is glad … You will show me the path of life, the fullness of joy in Your presence.’ Let our Vocation be, to be one with God - forever.

CHOIR PRACTICE FOR ADVENT AND CHRISTMAS this Tuesday 20th November at 7.00pm

BLAZE BOOVAL - Following our youth led Mass this Sunday 18th November we will have a member of the Real Talk team come to talk with our Blaze group about Getting Real in the Digital World. This is a wonderful opportunity for our secondary school students to hear from an organisation that usually presents to schools and larger organisations but are able to visit us through the generosity of the Archdiocesan Grants Program that we hear about in the Archdiocesan Catholic Campaign. We would like to invite all secondary students in our parish to join us for pizza after Mass then the presentation.

ST VINCENT DE PAUL CHRISTMAS APPEAL NEXT WEEKEND 24/25 NOVEMBER - ”Cash” Appeal. Envelopes will be placed on church seats for cash con-tribution and then taken up after communion. Dona-tions of $2.00 and over are tax deductible. 1/2 DECEMBER - Christmas goods and cash. Christmas without joy is no Christmas at all. Your donation could change a child’s life and provide food for needy families.

“Kind Deeds Change Lives” “Life is Good - Live to Give”

Training for Readers and Extraordinary Ministers of Com-munion. It is some time since we have had training for these ministries and with the implementation of the Safeguarding Policy for the Archdiocese some issues need to be ad-dressed. It is vital therefore that all readers and extraordinary ministers of communion attend training. We will run training following Mass. If for some reason you are not able to attend your usual Mass that day please join the training at another Mass. The training times are: Saturday 17th November following 5pm Mass at Sacred Heart Sunday 18th November following 9am Mass at Sacred Heart Sunday 2nd December following 7am Mass at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Sunday 2nd December following 5pm Mass at Sacred Heart This is a good time for anyone thinking about joining a new ministry to come and learn the process in readiness for the new year. We look forward to refreshing our ministries to-gether. If you have any questions please call the parish cen-tre on 3282 1888.

Reflected Love - a Weekend Silent Women's Retreat Encounter with God is an encounter with Love. It is enveloping “If I can but touch his cloak”. It is transforming. We have been sealed with God’s love. This weekend retreat is an opportunity to sink into the enveloping love of God, and to explore how that same love is reflected in each one of us. A weekend of shared silence in community with others who seek encounter with God. Draw away from the rest of life for a short time and walk gently, slowly and with purpose, knowing that you are held within a supported and compassionate community of women. Facilitated by Grace Harwood of Dragon-fly Ministries Friday 7 December 2018 to Sunday 9 December 2018 at Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre, Ormiston Enquiries to: [email protected] or 0409 524 283. Registrations close 23 November.

Time for a Smile - The last time we changed from daylight saving time, a preacher friend posted, “For those who habitu-

ally show up 15 minutes late to church, allow me to remind you that tonight is the night you set your clock back 45 minutes.”