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Boot Camp Exercise

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Boot Camp Exercise

Military basic training has inspired a trend in group fitness classes. Boot camp workouts are

based on the rigorous exercise program used to prepare new recruits for active duty. If your

exercise regime is getting stale, incorporate boot camp workouts to shock your body and increase

results. Boot camp exercises give your entire body an intense workout with little to no

equipment involved.

Page 2: Boot Camp Exercise

Some of the boot camp exercises:

• Jumping Jacks –

Performing jumping jacks improves cardiovascular strength.

Stand with your feet together and arms at your sides. Jump while swinging your arms out and up above your head. Land with your feet shoulder-width apart. Quickly jump again and bring your arms and legs in to the starting position.

Repeat the motion for 25 repetitions.

Do a set of jumping jacks in between exercises to increase your heart rate during the workout.

• Push ups –

Push-ups work the chest, arms and core muscles.

Begin on the floor positioned on all fours. Press up onto your toes so your hands and feet are supporting your body weight. Avoid arching your back or elevating your butt. Your spine should be in a straight line. Bend your arms and lower your chest toward the ground. Pause for one count at the bottom of the movement. Press your chest up and return to the starting position. Repeat for four sets of 20 repetitions.

Page 3: Boot Camp Exercise

Some of the boot camp exercises:

• Burpees –

Burpees work the muscles in your legs, arms and core.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and arms at your sides. Squat down and place your hands on the floor. Whip your feet back so your body lands in a push-up position. Perform one push-up. Jump your feet in to meet your hands and stand up. Jump straight into the air with your arms overhead. Return to the starting position.

Repeat for four sets of 20 repetitions.

• Mountain Climbers –

Mountain climbers engage the legs, core and shoulders.

Start in a push-up position. Bring your right knee in toward your chest. Quickly switch legs and bring your left knee in toward your chest. Keep your arms stationary.

Continue alternating legs for four sets of 20 repetitions.