Boost Brain

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  • 8/13/2019 Boost Brain


    WomensHealthFriday, September 17, 2010

    Here are 12 everyday tips to boost your brainpower

    by: JOEL WEBER

    Of all things we gain with agewealth, wisdom, childrena sharper mind isnt one of them. Instead of being a steel trap like it

    used to be, its probably starting to resemble a colander. Life keeps pouring in, but you retain less and less of it.

    But researchers are discoveringthat there are ways to forestall the decline. The secret? Stop taking your gray matter for

    granted, says P. Murali Doraiswamy, M.D., chief of biological psychiatry at Duke Universitys medical school. You can add 10

    or more years to your brains useful life just by paying some attention to it, he says. Here are 12 everyday tips to boost y our

    brainpowerand then get more health, fitness, and beauty secrets in our new book,Age Erasers for Women!

    1. Dance, Dance, Dance!

    "Few activities stimulate as wide a variety of brain systems as dancing does," says Daniel Amen, MD, author of Magnificent

    Mind at Any Age. "Dancing requires everything from coordination and organization to planning and judgment." Ditto for martial

    arts. "Both require you to position different parts of your body simultaneously and in synchronicityand with dance, you've got

    to move along to music," says John Ratey, M.D., author of Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain .

    "That's a lot of mental stimulation."

    2. Visit the Gym

    According to a 2007 Columbia University study, working out at the gym may help you sprout new cells in the dentate gyrus, an

    area of the brain vital to memory. Researchers measured blood volume in the brains of adults who worked out four times a

    week for four months and found that all that activity sparks the production of more neurons.

    3. Crack Some Eggs

    The ideal breakfast is an egg, according to Larry McCleary, M.D., author of The Brain Trust Program. The incredible edible

    contains B vitamins, which enable nerve cells to burn glucose, your brain's major energy source; antioxidants, which protect

    neurons against damage; and omega-3 fatty acids, which keep nerve cells firing at optimal speed. Similarly, McCleary says

    that the best brain foods are those that would rot if the power went out. Pick fresh fruits, veggies, and lean proteins and avoid

    the dreaded duo, trans fats ("they diminish brain cells' ability to communicate with each other") and high-fructose corn syrup("it can shrink the brain by damaging cells").

    4. Keep On Moving On

    Multitasking is like Kryptonite to gray matter. When you have a crammed to-do list, rather than layer projects, take on one task

    at a time and change them up every hour. Can't finish something in 60 minutes? Schedule another slot for it later in the day.

    "Switching from one project to the next will engage different areas of the brain, keeping you mentally alert," says Gary Small,

    M.D., director of the UCLA Center on Aging and the Semel Institute Memory Research Center and the author of The Longevity

  • 8/13/2019 Boost Brain
