"I Forwarding Agent: Mr. John McDonald 2213 Down Street ••^r' "GronHe City, Illinois 62040 Field Address: Henki Boonoerts Pepperhofstroot 75 Genk, Belgium Henki, John Mark, Mory Esther Bclnimtt Cfc/riiit Vol. 1 No. 2 Aug. - Nov. 1970 COMING ATTRACTION! PREMIER APPEARANCE! The youth of the Genk, Belgium congregation have been practicing. Many hours have been spent around the organ with song books in hand. Parts have been sung over and over until perfection and harmony is reached. Coffee has been drunk to help relieve sore throats. Yes indeed! The youth group has begun a Song Choir (literally translated from the Flemish 'zangkoor'). Practices have been in Henki Boonaert's home, with Linda Messimer playing the organ. (She and her husband are here in Genk from Ozark Bible College for two years.) Songs have been prepared in English and Netherlands (Flemish) . - This preparation has been made so the youth group may visit the Chruch of Christ (non-instru mental) in Utrecht, Netherlands. Our youth has shared with these folks before in summer camp. The premier appearance on November 22 will surely be a big day for all involved. We are also glad to report that the group has increased in number. Three have become *joint heirs' with Christ recently.

Boonaerts Henki MaryEsther 1970 Belgium

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Page 1: Boonaerts Henki MaryEsther 1970 Belgium

"I Forwarding Agent:Mr. John McDonald2213 Down Street

••^r' "GronHe City, Illinois 62040

Field Address:

Henki Boonoerts

Pepperhofstroot 75Genk, Belgium

Henki, John Mark, Mory Esther

Bclnimtt Cfc/riiitVol. 1 No. 2 Aug. - Nov. 1970


The youth of the Genk, Belgium congregationhave been practicing. Many hours have been spentaround the organ with song books in hand. Partshave been sung over and over until perfection andharmony is reached. Coffee has been drunk to helprelieve sore throats.

Yes indeed! The youth group has begun a SongChoir (literally translated from the Flemish'zangkoor'). Practices have been in HenkiBoonaert's home, with Linda Messimer playing theorgan. (She and her husband are here in Genkfrom Ozark Bible College for two years.) Songshave been prepared in English and Netherlands(Flemish) . -

This preparation has been made so the youthgroup may visit the Chruch of Christ (non-instrumental) in Utrecht, Netherlands. Our youth hasshared with these folks before in summer camp.The premier appearance on November 22 will surelybe a big day for all involved.

We are also glad to report that the grouphas increased in number. Three have become

*joint heirs' with Christ recently.

Page 2: Boonaerts Henki MaryEsther 1970 Belgium



We have begun a project with the church to hand outportions of the gospel. We usually approach the peopleintroducing ourselves saying, "Hello, I'm HenkiBoonaerts from the Church of Christ. You have heard

about Jesus, haven't you?" Usually the answer is yes.Then ve say we'd like to give them a story of Jesus,handir-g them one of the gospel accounts.

We have been going from door to door and have had anumber of responses. Some want to know how much itcosts! They just aren't used to receiving free gifts.Others wonder if this is "another faith?" Possiblythey are tired of all the confusion in religion. Onereplied, "I've read so much this week, I may as wellread this too." Some are truthful and say they justaren't interested, for us to give it to someone who is.Most of those who do take say they will read thisstory of Jesus.

If anything is said about the Bible, the responseis cold. In a Catholic country, people are afraid itis some 'Protestant group'-and close their ears. Ithas been suprising that out of about 100 called on,90 were home and 70 accepted the gift. Please bepraying for this project. We hope people will readthe gospel and come to Christ because of our efforts.We are also in need of funds for purchasing moregospels.


Three young Italian girls of our youth groupwere baptized in October. While the Harold Fowlerswere here they held Bible Studies in Italian. (Theyhad been in Italy as missionaries, and have nowreturned.) Later Mrs. Castelein (wife of themissionary who helped begin the Chruch of Christ here)also held studies in their home in French. The

girls have attended the youth group and church forsome time. (Continued on Page 4)

Page 3: Boonaerts Henki MaryEsther 1970 Belgium


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Page 4: Boonaerts Henki MaryEsther 1970 Belgium

Baptized Into Christ (continued) -4-

Ve feel we have been able to see the result of

those >7ho planted and watered the seed of the gospel.What a joy that as Christians we can all share in theKingdom of God. ICor. 3:5,6,9 expresses this:"...W0 are simply God's servants,..Each one of us doesthe work the Lord gave him to do: I planted the seed,Apollos watered the plant,...For we are partnersworking together for God,..." (T.E.V.)

Please continue to support us withyour prayers, hopes, and funds se wecan be partners in the work that Go<| j g

has given us to do.

Belgium For Chrisi"Forwarding Agent

John McDoncild

2213 Dawn Street

Granite City, Illinois 62040

M/>'i Bill McGilveryBox 36BJoliet, 111. 60^3^