16-01-10 Boomwhackers? What do you do with them? Sun, Jan 10, 2016 at 1:15 PM Subscribe Themes & Variations 16-01-10 Boomwhacker??? What do you do with them? LINK TO New Online Resources! Musicplayonline will be free for the rest of this year and very affordable when we go to a subscription model. Try it now! If you have any trouble registering, be sure to let me know so we can get signed up. [email protected] Link to site: www.MusicplayOnline.com Artie and Denise - Shakin' it Up in Chicago July 6-8, 2016 Join Artie Almeida, Denise Gagne, Thom Borden and Dan Fee for a 2 day elementary music conference that will give you a wealth of ideas and inspiration for teaching elementary music classes. Close to Chicago airport - affordable hotel-GREAT workshop! LINK TO REGISTER USA SITE LINK TO REGISTER - CANADIAN SITE Teach Music Reading with Boomwhackers I remember the first time I saw Boomwhackers - Contact Canadian Office #2-4664 Riverside Drive Red Deer, Alberta T4N 6Y5 US Office PO Box 309 Danville, WA, 99121 Phone/Fax 1-888-562-4647 (real people answer our phones!) Email: [email protected] Website: www.musicplay.ca Workshops AB Kodaly Singposium Feb. 6th, 2016 Calgary 8:45-3:45 PM 16-01-10 Boomwhackers? What do you do with them? 1 of 7 2016-01-11, 1:25 PM

Boomwhackers - What Do You Do With Them?

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16-01-10 Boomwhackers? What do you do with them?

Sun, Jan 10, 2016 at 1:15 PM


Themes & Variations

16-01-10 Boomwhacker??? What do you do with them?

LINK TO NNeeww OOnnlliinnee RReessoouurrcceess!!MMuussiiccppllaayyoonnlliinnee wwiillll bbee ffrreeee ffoorr tthhee rreesstt oofftthhiiss yyeeaarr aanndd vveerryy aaffffoorrddaabbllee wwhheenn wwee ggoo ttoo aassuubbssccrriippttiioonn mmooddeell.. TTrryy iitt nnooww!! IIff yyoouu hhaavveeaannyy ttrroouubbllee rreeggiisstteerriinngg,, bbee ssuurree ttoo lleett mmee kknnoowwssoo wwee ccaann ggeett ssiiggnneedd uupp.. [email protected] LLiinnkkttoo ssiittee:: www.MusicplayOnline.com

Artie and Denise - Shakin' it Up in ChicagoJuly 6-8, 2016

Join Artie Almeida, Denise Gagne, Thom Bordenand Dan Fee for a 2 day elementary musicconference that will give you a wealth of ideasand inspiration for teaching elementary musicclasses. Close to Chicago airport - affordablehotel-GREAT workshop! LINK TO REGISTER USA SITELINK TO REGISTER - CANADIAN SITE

Teach Music Reading with Boomwhackers

I remember the first time I saw Boomwhackers -


Canadian Office#2-4664 Riverside DriveRed Deer, Alberta T4N 6Y5

US OfficePO Box 309Danville, WA, 99121


(real people answer ourphones!)

Email: [email protected]



AB Kodaly SingposiumFeb. 6th, 2016 Calgary8:45-3:45 PM

16-01-10 Boomwhackers? What do you do with them?

1 of 7 2016-01-11, 1:25 PM

Page 2: Boomwhackers - What Do You Do With Them?

it was at an MENC conference in Phoenix almost20 years ago. They looked like fun - and theyare! But what do you do with them?

Teach Music Reading withBoomwhackers is a new resource,that includes Rhythm Challenges toreview rhythms, an introduction tostaff and alpha-notes (note namesright on the note head, coloredBoomwhacker notation, and notation

with no hints to have your students readingmusic quickly and competently! Best of all,projectable PDF files are included. We'veformatted the projectables to fit the screen -like all of our Digital Resources, the music islarge and easy to read. The PDF isinteractive:the audio is embedded in the file soyou just click on the play button.

Begin withthe RhythmChallengeto revieworreinforcerhythmreading. Firstrhythmsareechoed,

then the students read them. Fun tracksaccompany this!

Introducethe staff tothestudentsand how tonamenotes.

St. Stephen's AnglicanChurch Presenters includeArdelle Ries, Jody Stark,Sylvia Zavzavadjian,Kim Eyre, Marni Strome andAnita Perlau.

Denise Gagne does manyworkshop sessions eachyear! Some of her sessionsinclude

Sensational SingingGames for K-6ClassroomsChildren everywhere lovesinging games. Teachrhythm and melody readingusing your student’s favoritegames! Teach social skills,multicultural material, andmore through games! Inthis session, you’llparticipate, play games andhave fun learning aboutmusic.

Dances and SingingGames your students willlove! Children everywherelove singing games. Teachrhythm and melody readingsequentially using yourstudent’s favorite games!Teach social skills,multicultural material, andmore through games! Inthis session, you’llparticipate, play and see howteaching the game canenhance your curriculum.

Get Creative withRecordersRecorders are aninexpensive melodicinstrument. Composing forrecorder and creatingaccompaniments forcompositions can be a keypart of your recorderinstruction. In this session,Denise will give youtemplates to use forcomposing, share student

16-01-10 Boomwhackers? What do you do with them?

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Page 3: Boomwhackers - What Do You Do With Them?

The songis giventhe firsttime withalpha-notes: thelettername isprinted onthe note.

The secondtime thesong isgiven withcolorednotes. Allstudentscan besuccesful!

What a great way to introduce note reading beforeyou begin teaching recorders!

Try it out! We've posted free samplesCanadian site USA siteYou can download the collection or order theprint copy. With each shipped order, we'regiven a set of note squares - this helps coverthe shipping cost!

compositions, and facilitatemusic composition usingrecorders and Orffinstruments.

Dollar Store Diva - Handson learning engages, inspiresand motivates children aswell as providing assessmentopportunities for teachers. Inthis session, Denise willshare her favorite “toys” forteaching music, andmini-lessons using the toys.Come and be playful withpuppets, rhythm bags, flashcards, hand staff, floor staff,melody bags, pointingpages, cookie sheets,skipping ropes, chopsticks,paper plates, bugs, andmore. Digital resources andAPPs as teacher visuals inconjunction with studentmanipulatives will also beshared. Music literacy is fun!

Favorite Storybooks in theMusic Classroom:Music can be used toenhance and accompanychildren’sstories. You’ll have a lot offun dramatizing the storiesand creatingaccompaniments forchildren’s classics.


Easy Music TheoryEasy MusicTheory is amusic theorybook forbeginningband, choral,general

music classes or for teacherswho teach private lessons. Aclass set of 25 is only $100 -$4 each. You can't photocopy

16-01-10 Boomwhackers? What do you do with them?

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Page 4: Boomwhackers - What Do You Do With Them?

COMPOSING WITH BOOMWHACKERSYou can teach melodies, chords, or rhythms withBoomwhackers. When you use the pentatonic set(CDE GA C') you can use the Boomwhackers as arhythm instrument, and improvise and composerhythms with them. There are many ways that you can have studentsimprovise. Play a steady beat on a hand drum andask all the students to improvise rhythms.Change meters. Play the beat in 2/4, 3/4, 4/4,and 6/8 meters. Try some improvisation in 5/4and 7/4. Encourage the students to play theBoomwhackers® in a variety of ways - on hands,feet, shoes, desks, the floor, or elbows. Theyshould use common sense when playingBoomwhackers on their body. I draw the line atplaying the Boomwhackers on another student.(They are only allowed to play on their ownbody.) In the beginning, have everyone play atthe same time. Then have students sit down andask only those whose color is shown, to play.This is detailed in the collection, Composingwith Boomwhackers. In that collection severalsongs are given with places in the song to havestudents improvise. This is one of them:

Composing with Boomwhackersincludes note squares to helpstudents begin composing rhythms. I've used these for many years -they are easy rhythm manipulativesto make (unlike lego rhythms which

a set of theory worksheets for$4! The teacher's guideincludes multiple choice teststhat correlate to the sectionsof the student books - yourassessment is done for you!

Easy Guitar Songs -Teacher's Guide and StudentBooks

The Easy Guitar Teacher'sGuide and Student Bookis a great song collection toteach young beginners tosing and strum on the guitar. The teacher's Guide includesintroduction to guitar, music,lyrics, chords and chordcharts. It includes 25 folksongs with perf/acc CD,Digital Resources. Kids wantto play pop songs - so we'veincluded links to 25 veryeasy pop songs on YouTubethat your students can playwith. Order a classroom kitfor $100 that includes ateacher's guide and 25student books. The studentbooks/CD are only $5 ~ youcouldn't copy the book/CDfor that!

16-01-10 Boomwhackers? What do you do with them?

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take hours and hours!) The bookincludes the note squares to copy and cut out. Make up sets of notes for various grade levels. I use ta, ti-ti and rest for K-2, and add morenote values as students improve reading andwriting abilities.

If I hadhalfnotes,they aretwosquares inlength. Awhole note

is 4 squares long. Once students have createdthe rhythm using squares, they transfer to abeat chart, then to a staff. The templates forbeat charts in 4/4 and 3/4 are included in theresource.

Two, three and four part ensembles are includedfor students to play, then students write theirown. Some melody reading and playing isincluded in the resource - three note melodies,then pentatonic melodies to play and to create.The final activity in the resource is to havestudents create their own song.

Recorder Tips:II lliikkee ttoo ssttaarrtt bbeeggiinnnniinngg rreeccoorrddeerr iinn JJaannuuaarryy ooff44tthh ggrraaddee.. TThhee ssttuuddeennttss hhaavvee bbeetttteerr ffiinnee mmuusscclleeccoo--oorrddiinnaattiioonn bbyy 44tthh ggrraaddee,, aanndd tthheeyy pprrooggrreessss aassqquuiicckkllyy iinn 22--33 ccllaasssseess aass tthheeyy wwoouulldd hhaavvee iinn55--66 lleessssoonnss ((oorr mmoorree)) iinn 33rrdd ggrraaddee.. MMyy 55tthhggrraaddee ssttuuddeennttss ppllaayyeedd rreeccoorrddeerr iinn 44tthh,, aanndd iinn55tthh II lliikkee ttoo ssttaarrtt tthheemm oonn eennsseemmbblleess.. II uusseetthhee RReeccoorrddeerr RReessoouurrccee KKiitt 11 ffoorr 44tthh,, aanndd tthheeRReeccoorrddeerr RReessoouurrccee KKiitt 22 ffoorr 55tthh.. TThhee RReeccoorrddeerrKKiitt 22 hhaass 2244 ssoonnggss ffoorr 22 ppaarrtt ssoopprraannoo wwiitthhooppttiioonnaall aallttoo.. TThhee RReeccoorrddeerr RReessoouurrccee KKiittss aarreeaavvaaiillaabbllee aass aappppss::Recorder Links Canada Recorder Links USA


Easy Ukulele SongsTeacher’s Guide (C) is anexcellent song collection toteach young beginners tosing and strum on theukulele. The collectionincludes 32 folk songs with aperformance/accompanimentCD, projectables, chordcharts, reproducible studentlyrics pages, and links toeasy pop songs to play alongwith. The first 15 songs usejust one chord. The next 15songs are very easy twochord songs, and there aretwo songs that use threechords. #EUKETG $25/$30

Student books areinexpensive and will helpyour students to practicemore and practice moreeffectively

Coming Soon - EasyUkulele Songs in D

We've created SIX greatapps for iPad or Googledevices. If you have aclass set of iPads,volume purchasing isavailable for these apps.LINK INFO

Vocal Warm-ups

for Singers or


This app is based on

16-01-10 Boomwhackers? What do you do with them?

5 of 7 2016-01-11, 1:25 PM

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Recorder App ITunesRecorder App Google

Learn and Play Recorder 2 App (iTunes)Google Play- Learn Recorder 2

SINGLE SONG KITS - piano/vocal score, vocal reproducible,

perf/acc MP3s, projectables Any of our songs are available as a

single song kit - request by email if you don't see the song you

want! Link to Song Kits USA Link to Single Song Kits Canada

The Musicplay K-6Curriculum issequential, affordableand aligns with stateand provincialcurriculum fromTexas to Ontario! The Complete DigitalPackage includes- teacher'sguides/CDs- Digital Resource- Listening ResourceKits 1-5- Smart Rhythms 1-2- Recorder 1-2 Digital- Movement Songs,

Shake it Up, Composing with Boomwhackers.

To learn more about this curriculum view our webcast:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqjsGcwAXwM

Grants are available to help fund a purchase:http://shop.musicplaytext.ihoststores.com/category.aspx?categoryID=32#grants

Sample lessons and teacher guides can be found at:http://shop.musicplaytext1.ihoststores.com/custom.aspx?id=23

the warmups book,"Strictly Warmups" byKerry Heisler. Thewarm-ups in thiscollection are organizedinto five sets. Each setincludes a physicalwarm-up, breathawareness, then fiveminutes of a variety ofmid-range warm-ups. NEW!! Lower Price! $2.99 USVocal Warmups - ITunes

Rain RainStory - is a

sound story book thatuses the Rain Rain GoAway song, and a poemfor students toaccompany. This appincludes ear trainingactivities andinstrument exploration.Rain Rain Story app

(iTunes) Rain Rain -Google

Note NameMatch Game - 10 levels of

Memory to match noteswith their letter names. Great for recorderstudents, pianolessons, beginningband.Note Name MatchGame (iTunes) Note Name Memory

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Themes & Variations • #2-4664 Riverside Drive • Red Deer, AB T4N6Y5


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16-01-10 Boomwhackers? What do you do with them?

7 of 7 2016-01-11, 1:25 PM