Ever, BOOK J.M.L 12 K nowmads editio n


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knowmads edition of the 'book' series

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12K n o w m a d s e d i t i o n

“Not all those who wander are lost.” - J. R. R. Tolkien


BEGINNINGI started wanting to use a section

from a writing by Tolstoy to begin this book. But I couldn’t find it so no matter. Tolkien hit the same nail on the same head so I’ll be fine using this quote instead. It’s more a reassurance to me than a source of inspiration. The idea that at some point I’ll transfer over from bumbling around all lost and confused to bumbling around with a purpose.More than anything I hope that I can somehow show within these pages the passions that I hold dear even though I don’t know exactly where to direct them as yet.



DESCISION TIMEMore than anything else in the world I

want to write for my supper. Even if that supper is a meagre one. It is the one thing I find myself coming back to time and time again in various forms. I love to document but not necessarily the truth. I have found it difficult, however, to translate this into a working model for earning money. Novelists make their tidy sums but I cannot, at the moment, sustain an imaginary character for that length of time; Journalists scrape-by but they tend to have to be very good at telling the whole (boring) truth, something I am not. My hope is to fall somewhere in the middle but as there is no wage there I am decided learn more so that I am able to earn by other means.

Travel, or at least certain aspects of travel like adventure and constant change, is necessary for collecting stories, characters and enriching language. I want to be able to move around regularly, to meet new people, see new places. The pressure of change over time, acceleration, pushes me to be a better person. I thrill at the challenge of a new job to excel at, a new town to explore. It could be anywhere or anything all that needs to happen is change.Turning this into a product or a business is an entirely different matter and that’s why I’m applying to Knowmads, to learn how I can channel my skills and figure out a way to live the way I love and see how that can benefit others.

MIDDLEThat whole

question of what I want to contribute to the world is kinda big and more than a little scary. I mean I would be thrilled to be able to contribute anything. I have a number of skills, can seem to turn my hand to most things. I guess with that in mind some soft of area of education might be good for me to get involved in. I can see teaching as a part of what I

do, not the whole. I still want to be out there doing things. Coming up with ideas and experiences to share with others would be the kind of education I’d want to be involved in. I don’t think I’ll ever be satisfied that I’’d learnt enough and could just sit down and teach for the rest of my life. I still want to be involved in the art world in some capacity. I do love collaborating on

new ideas with people and also sweating out my own in solitude.As I see it though the institutional world of art is due for an overhaul. A lot of time is being wasted on continuing to tread the same old boards. The mentality of people who buy art is still stuck in an old mentality of private-views and thousands spent though as there are seemingly less and less people

who are a part of this group many talented people are scrabbling for recognition. Galleries are still white cubes. Funding is still a “who you know” type deal. I would like to be able, in the future, to propose an alternate path for those who are tired of the old ways and want to show their work without the pomp and circumstance that is seen today.


The road goes ever, ever on. Tolkein again.

I’d like to finish by explaining the images in this book and why they have been used.They are old photographs of the town where I grew up.

I do not know the date they were taken but it is of no consequence. I use them here to contrast my yearning for change. As much as I strive forward I cannot remove my upbringing. The places we come

from are the first mold of the people we are. I think to disregard that would be a shame. I talk of change. I think to have an effect on this world a person’s circumstances must change, the person themselves must grow.


Critical appreciation/depreciationfor BOOK12

“I’m in no fit state to write anything tonight but will do tomorrow. Howevz I thought your book was very good. Insightful. Much love xxxxx.” - TDD

“This is probably the loosest mission statement I’ve seen. I’m not sure what you’re trying to say but I like the way you’re saying it.” - LC

“Nice attempt at depth but does it come in different colours.” -SC