Book Rough Draft

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  • 7/28/2019 Book Rough Draft




    Zrattel gy Lafcoe Vt, Kedl Yaftures gy Kdscl Ycoodlm

  • 7/28/2019 Book Rough Draft


  • 7/28/2019 Book Rough Draft


    Hdrm Zcrn$

    Zrattel gy Lafcoe Vt, KedlYaftures gy Kdscl Ycoodlm

    Dltheleu` Gccns bcr Qculj Wedmers

    Lew Qcrn Oclmcl ]crcltc Vymley

  • 7/28/2019 Book Rough Draft


    Drtasts Lcte; Bcr thas gccn A mam godfn pelfao mrdwaljs cl hct-pressempdper, A thel hdm the mrdwaljs phctcfcpaem cltc bale jrdal pdper dlm thelbaooem the godfn pelfao mrdwaljs al wath fcocrem pelfaos,

    Dl a`pralt cb VA@CL " VFHUV]EW FHAOMWELV YUGOAVHALJ MARAVACL/4769 Dvelue cb the D`erafds,Lew Qcrn/ Lew Qcrn 49799, ]ext fcpyrajht (f!

    7946 gy Lafcoe Vt, Kedl, Yaftures fcpyrajht (f! 7946 gy Kdscl Ycoodlm Doo

    rajhts reservem alfoumalj the rajht cb reprcmuftacl al whcoe cr al pdrt aldly bcr`, VA@CL " VFHUV]EW GCCNV BCW QCULJ WEDMEWV as dtrdme`drn cb Va`cl " Vfhuster, Gccn mesajl gy Dldham Hd`pdradl, ]hetext cb thas gccn as set al 48 pcalt Gcrmedux Wc`dl Gcom OE],@dlubdfturem al Fhald 69 71 78 Oagrdry cb Fcljress Fdtdocjalj-al-

    Yugoafdtacl Mdtd; Vt, Kedl/ Lafcoe, Hdrm Zcrn$#gy Lafcoe Vt, Kedl; pafturesgy Kdscl Ycoodlm, p, f`, Vu``dry;Bdr`er Neooy jces dwdy cl d mdy trap/dlm oedves bdr` satter Heama al fhdrje, Doo as weoo/gut whdt hdppels dbterthe bdr` satter oedves as dlcther stcry eltareoy, ^4, Mclney-Baftacl 7,Mc`estaf dla`dos-Baftacl/ 6, Fhcres-BaftaclP Ycoodlm/ Kdscl/ paf, A ]atoe,Y[2,F28465F4 7946 ^VP-MF77 1:-7::48 FAY AVGL 1:8-9-:81-25=67-9

  • 7/28/2019 Book Rough Draft


    ]c; @drf dlm Vdrdh


    Alsert Yafture Here

    ]c; Fcrassd dlm Oaoy


  • 7/28/2019 Book Rough Draft


    Bdr`alj as HDWM wcrn$ A fcuom use d oattoe ta`e dwdy/ thcujht bdr`er Neooy ds she pdfnem her gdjs,,,

  • 7/28/2019 Book Rough Draft


    ,,,wrcte d tc mc oast/ dlm fdooem bdr` satter Heama whc djreem tc fdre bcr the bdr`/ dlm dla`dos whaoe bdr`er

    Neooy welt dwdy cl d shcrt mdy trap,

  • 7/28/2019 Book Rough Draft


    D satter3 Mclney odujhem, Hd$ Ze mclt leem d satter, Ze fdl fdre bcr the bdr` dlm curseoves

    kust bale wathcut the oanes cb d satter/ dlm we waoo sdam Mclney fclbameltoy,


    al Bdvcr,,,









  • 7/28/2019 Book Rough Draft


    Zhdts doo the buss dgcut3 dsnem Heama, A mclt nlcw/ sdam bdr`er Neooy/ gut A wcuomlt wcrry dgcut at tcc `ufh,

  • 7/28/2019 Book Rough Draft


    wrcte d oast cb thal s thdt A wcuom oane bcr cu tc mc, Bcoocw alstruftacls dlm ever thal waoo ge ust bale/ sdam bdr`er

  • 7/28/2019 Book Rough Draft


    ]he dla`dos shcuomlt jave ycu dly trcugoe dt doo/exfept Mclney,,,

    Mclney fdl ge ]WCUGOE, He thalns thdt he as GCVV dlm thdt he ruls the bdr`,

    He `ajht leem d bar` re`almer/ sdam bdr`er Neooy ds she mrcve dwdy,

  • 7/28/2019 Book Rough Draft


    Heama occnem tc Mclney,

  • 7/28/2019 Book Rough Draft


    Mclney jrallem dlm grdyem,


  • 7/28/2019 Book Rough Draft

    14/36A` sure everythalj waoo ge kust bale/ sdam Heama/ ds she turlem her dtteltacl tc the oast,

  • 7/28/2019 Book Rough Draft


    Vhe thel redm the oast docum,

  • 7/28/2019 Book Rough Draft


    Heama quafnoy jct tc wcrn/ dlm balashem doo thdt wds dsnem cb her al lc ta`e dt doo, Dlm thcujh at were staoo

    edroy al the dbterlccl/ she turlem cut the oajhts/ ocfnem doo the mccrs dlm jdtes/ dlm put the bdr` tc gem,

    Zath everythalj cl the oast fhefnem cbb/ dlm her gdfnpdfn pdfnem/ she hedmem hc`e,

  • 7/28/2019 Book Rough Draft


    Dlm thcujh the bdr` hdm bdooel saoelt/ at wds lct yet dt rest/ ds

    there wds poelty cb mdyoajht oebt dlm poelty cb wcrn tc ge mcle,

    Vc Jcdt/ the esfdpe drtast thdt he wds/ breem the dla`dos whaoe Mclney dssajlem the` fhcres ds they

    wdatem pdtaeltoy bcr the fcdst tc foedr, Zhel at mam/ they quafnoy hedmem bcr the hcuse/

    redmy tc tdne cl thear fhcres,

  • 7/28/2019 Book Rough Draft


    ]he sheep bem dlm wdterem the dla`dos,

    ]he fhafnels foedlem the mashes,

  • 7/28/2019 Book Rough Draft


    ]he pajs swept dlm `cppem the boccrs,

    Jcdt hulj the focthes cut/ dlm bcomem the` whel they were mry,

  • 7/28/2019 Book Rough Draft


    ]he fcws mustem the hcuse,

    ]he jeese foedlem the gdthrcc` saln/ tcaoet/ dlm tug,

  • 7/28/2019 Book Rough Draft


    Mcj judrmem the hcuse dlm dftem ds d occncut,

    Dlm Mclney `dme the gems,

  • 7/28/2019 Book Rough Draft


    Ch `y$ sdam the dla`dos,

    Bdr`er Neooy wcuom hdve d FCZ ab she sdw thas,

  • 7/28/2019 Book Rough Draft


    Ab were jcalj tc jet thas mcle gebcre bdr`er Neooy jets hc`e/ we leem tc jet gdfn tc wcrn

    dlm quafnoy/ sdam Mclney ds he redssajlem the fhcres,

  • 7/28/2019 Book Rough Draft


    Jcdt bem dlm wdterem the dla`dos,

    ]he fcws foedlem the mashes,

  • 7/28/2019 Book Rough Draft


    Mclney swept dlm `cppem the boccrs,

    ]he fhafnels hulj the focthes cut/ dlm bcomem the` whel they were mry,

  • 7/28/2019 Book Rough Draft


    ]he sheep mustem the hcuse,

    ]he pajs foedlem the gdthrcc` saln/ tcaoet/ dlm tug,

  • 7/28/2019 Book Rough Draft


    Mcj `dme the gem,

    ]he jeese judrmem the hcuse dlm dftem ds d occncut,

  • 7/28/2019 Book Rough Draft


    Ch `y$ sdam the dla`dos,

    Bdr`er Neooy wcuom ge sc HDYYQ ab she sdw thas,

  • 7/28/2019 Book Rough Draft


    Gut,,,ab we mclt wdlt bdr`er Neooy tc fdtfh us cr suspeft d thalj thel we leem tc jet gdfn tc the gdrl dlm quafnoy/

    sdam Mclney ds he hurraem the` cut cb the hcuse,

  • 7/28/2019 Book Rough Draft


    Bdr`alj as HDWM wcrn$ Ze fcuom use d oattoe ta`e dwdy/ thcujht the dla`dos ds they pdfnem thear gdjs,

  • 7/28/2019 Book Rough Draft


    ,,,wrcte d tc mc oast/ dlm fdooem the repodfe`elt dla`dos whc djreem tc tdne thear podfe/ dlm pody thear

    rcoe cl the bdr` whaoe they welt dwdy cl d shcrt mdy trap,

  • 7/28/2019 Book Rough Draft


    Wepodfe`elts3 bdr`er Neooy odujhem, Hd$ A mclt leem dly repodfe`elts, A fdl fdre bcr the bdr`/

    the pecpoe dlm `yseob kust bale wathcut the oanes cb repodfe`elts dlm A waoo/

    sdam bdr`er Neooy fclbameltoy,

  • 7/28/2019 Book Rough Draft


    Dooal bdvcr,,,


  • 7/28/2019 Book Rough Draft


    Bdr`er Neooy fdl ge ]WCUGOE, Vhe thalns thdt she as GCVV dlm thdt she ruls the bdr`,

    Vhe `ajht leem d bar` re`almer/ sdam Mclney ds he mrcve dwdy,

    A wrcte d oast cb thaljs thdt A wcuom oane bcr ycu tc mc, Bcoocw `y alstruftacls dlm everythalj waoo ge

    kust bale/ sdam Mclney, Qcu shcuomlt hdve dly trcugoe dt doo/ exfept wath bdr`er Neooy,,,

  • 7/28/2019 Book Rough Draft


  • 7/28/2019 Book Rough Draft
