Book of Life

Book of Life

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Dahlia BernsteinRabbi

Joshua DiamondCantor

Elliott Joseph YavnehCantor Emeritus

Joseph WeisbordPresident

Michael Rabinowitz & Nadine KaufmanExecutive Vice Presidents

Ellen AgulnickDirector of Learning & Programming

Sheree Jarmol & Jacqueline BrecherCo-Education Vice Presidents

Jared BelferderMembership Vice President

Ira LevyRitual Vice President

Jeff SmollerFundraising Vice President

Bruce NelsonFacilities Vice President

Steve TepperTreasurer

Lorraine NachbarFinancial Secretary

Sherry SkolnikRecording Secretary

Yom Kippur ………. Thursday, September 16, 2021 Shemini Atzeret …... Tuesday, September 28, 2021Passover ………….. Saturday, April 23, 2022Shavuot …………… Monday, June 6, 2022


We shield our children from pain as much as possible. It’s in our DNA to want them to be happy. And yet we know that loss is a part of life and we want to prepare them with resilience as well. We know that strength does not come without experiencing challenges and so we sit in the confusing space between shielding our loved ones on one hand and approaching loss with them with careful and constructive guidance.

Passing traditions on to the next generation is as much about resilience as it is about continuity. Yes, we love the idea of generation to generation, continuing the legacy of our ancient family, but the traditions are also very practical on their own. Judaism gives us buoys to latch onto when life becomes unrecognizable. The traditions and stories accompanied countless Jews all over the world and provided them with a guidepost and we want them to do the same for the next generation.

We teach our children prayers, like the Shema, so that however far away they are they will know what to say before they go to sleep. We teach them the words of Kaddish, so that one day, when we are no longer here, we have already taught them what to say, where to go, and who to depend on. We expose them to burial traditions so that it is not so foreign when it is their turn to honor the dead.

It is not only rituals that we pass down. Storytelling can be powerful conveyances for second hand resilience. Take this story from Rabbi Hugo Gryn, a survivor of the Shoa:

“One midwinter evening one of the inmates reminded us that tonight was the first night of Chanukah, the festival of lights. My father constructed a little Chanukah menorah out of scrap metal. For a wick, he took some threads from his prison uniform. For oil, he used some butter that he somehow obtained from a guard. Such observances were strictly “verboten,” but we were used to taking risks. Rather, I protested at the “waste”of precious calories. Would it not be better to share the butter on a crust of bread than burn it? “Hugo,” said my father, “both you and I know that a person can live a very long time without food. But Hugo, I tell you, a person cannot live a single day without hope.”

This story carries so many aspects of resilience, from a reprioritization of values, seeing what is truly important, as well as showing an appreciation of life even in the face of trauma. We tell stories like this so our children can see how to hold on to what matters even when the world is unjust.

When you ask yourself why you make Judaism a part of your life and if you have children, why you are bringing them up in community, think about resilience. We know only too well that the world can be stormy and it is the bond between generations in the form of words, stories, and prayers that can keep us afloat.

B’shalom,Rabbi Bernstein


When we think about the concepts of death and dying we often link them with fear. Fear of the unknown, what will happen to me after I die? Fear of leaving behind our loved ones, who will take care of them when I am gone? Finally, fear of not fulfilling one’s dreams or life goals, did I achieve what I set out to do in my life? This fear dominates us and controls our minds when we deal with issues related to our own Mortality. How can we deal with this fear and possibly overcome it to face the idea of death? Well, in Judaism the best way to respond to a tough question is to ask another question; what do we want to be remembered for?

Many of us want to live forever, or think we will as a way of not dealing with the concept of death. With the idea of asking ourselves what do we want to be remembered for, shows us that we can live forever in certain ways. This allows us to have a sense of purpose in our lives and helps us manage our fears that can be crippling and overwhelming. Leaving something behind that can represent who we are to the world and to our families, lets us live on even after our physical body is no more. Musicians do this by songs and albums, artists do this by sculptures and paintings, scientists by medical discoveries and vaccines.

However, what if we aren’t an artist, musician, or scientist, how can we leave behind our legacy? It may not be one that is as easily visible but it is there if you look for it. You can see your legacy in the character and fiber of your children and grandchildren by the values they possess that you taught them. They are your legacy, you live on through them. Bringing anyone you meet joy can be your legacy. Giving of yourself to the poor by philanthropy or giving your time and efforts can be your legacy. Giving comfort to those who are sick and unwell and visiting and spending time with them to make them feel valued can be your legacy. All of these ways can show that the person you were while living on this earth made an impact and changed lives for the better. As we navigate our way out of this pandemic, let the idea of bringing awareness to your legacy assuage your fears, give you comfort and a sense of peace.

L’Shanah TovahCantor Diamond


Rosh Hashanah is a time of hopefulness, a time for new beginnings. At Rosh Hashanah, Congregation Beth Ohr writes a Book of Life. It helps us express our wishes and anticipation for the future. The Yizkor service we recite on Yom Kippur presents us with the opportunity to remember the lives of our family members and loved ones who are no longer with us. I would like to dedicate my message this year to my parents, Ann and Teddy Weisbord. My parents were holocaust survivors and two of the many holocaust survivors who died during this pandemic. Unfortunately, we are getting closer to the time when no holocaust survivors will be alive. The Holocaust, or Shoah, will cease to be a living memory. It will become history. Future generations will not be able to hear directly from those who lived and witnessed it. It is our obligation to make sure that the holocaust victims are not forgotten.

Shoah survivors are among the most inspiring people that I have ever met. Despite having come face to face with death, despite the unimaginable losses so many of them suffered, many of them fulfilled the words of Moses’ great commandment “Uvacharta Bachayim”, “chose life”. In doing so, they chose life not just for themselves, but for their children, grandchildren and all future generations.

Our synagogue has not just survived the past tumultuous 18 months, but has thrived, and it is now time to look to the future together. We will be praying in our new sanctuary and as our building comes back to life, this can be seen as a new beginning and an ideal time to grow together. We are presented with the perfect space and time to talk about new gatherings, new ways of doing things, and new approaches. I believe it is now time to move forward together as a community. I am excited to be in our new beautiful sanctuary as we pray together, learn together, and just be together.

As we embark upon this New Year and start living again after the pandemic, I hope we are inspired by the example of the holocaust survivors. Let’s choose life and live each day to its fullest.

On behalf of myself and Lee, Cara, Dave, Benji, Levi, and Gabby and David, Michelle and Ella, we wish everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year. May you and your family be inscribed in the Book of Life.

L’Shana Tova Tikateivu,Joseph Weisbord


Every year as I daven during the Days of Awe I am most struck by the Unetaneh Tokef and the particular words that mean: on Rosh Hashanah it is written, and on Yom Kippur it is sealed: Who shall live and who shall die.... This particular prayer stays with me all year as I reflect on my blessings. Each year I hold my breath with the hope that we all make it through another year unscathed. Last year hearing this prayer was especially poignant for me.

In May of 2020, I experienced the profound loss of my beloved mother. While she was not a victim of COVID, my family and I were limited in our ability to be with her and each other during her last days and in our grief. Her funeral was limited to ten people which meant my children, her grandchildren, were not able to come. Add to that, travel restrictions and we could not be together as a family. We were then forced to essentially sit shiva by ourselves, mourning in isolation, preventing us from experiencing full closure. My family has spent the past year trying to acclimate to a new life without my mother who was the central figure in all of our lives. As the world has gained a better understanding of this pandemic and restrictions were lifted, we were able to have some closure at her unveiling in August. All of the immediate family (including all of the children and grandchildren) were there as well as her dear family and friends who have survived her. This has given me the closure I need to proceed with our new life in New York.

I often think of the isolation that this pandemic has brought to so many people. It is difficult to fathom the enormity of the impact on our entire world: loss of contact with others outside your pod, loss of loved ones, and loss of normalcy. As the world re-opens, I imagine the image of a blooming flower and the promise it holds.

The cycle of the Jewish year allows us to start fresh with a blank slate at the beginning of each year. So much so, that we begin reading the Torah from Bereshit and have the opportunity to revisit what we have learned and to glean new knowledge. We, as a Jewish people, are fortunate that our traditions prepare us to move through the cycle of a year with the promise of being and doing better. We recognize that while we might aspire to be perfect, perfection is difficult, if not impossible, to reach. Nevertheless, we try and continue to fail forward, learning from our mistakes. This year, more than ever, we have an opportunity to reimagine so many aspects of our lives having lived through an unimaginable pandemic.

This year as I contemplate the Unetaneh Tokef, I will do so with anticipation that this year will be a good one, full of new beginnings. For those of you who have experienced losses, I wish you the closure you need to move on. As we enter a New Year with hope and gratitude that we are able to start anew, may we all go from strength to strength.

L’Shanah Tovah,Ellen Agulnick


L’Shana Tovah to all! - Jill, Steven, Carly and Benjamin Acker

Wishing you and your families all the good fortunes of life, health,happiness and peace - Roberta & Murray Ackerman and family

Warm wishes for a happy and healthy New Year! - Ellen & Mark Agulnick

L’Shana Tovah—Iris & Sam Astrof, Jackie, Joshua, Jared, Zach,Jessica, Shyah, Binah and Shira

L’Shanah Tovah and wishes for a wonderful year from Tina, Steve, Matt &Josh Baron

Sheila Bashkoff, Tracey Bashkoff, Darren, Simon & Elias Kessler,Jenn Bashkoff, Chris & Abigail Ptacek

Elaine, Richard, Denise, Lexi, Harrison Bassin, Laurie Bassin, Abeel, Jeremyand Hannah

L’Shana Tova to all - Michael Bauer

The Belferder Family wishes you all a Happy and HEALTHY New Year!L’Shana Tova!

Elayne & Bill Berkowitz; Gregg, Pam, Alyssa, Andrew & Chase Berkowitz;Suzanne, Rob, Melinda & Julia Fruithandler

My family wishes you all a healthy, happy & peaceful New YearGloria Bernstein & family

L’Shana Tovah from the Bigman family

A Sweet & Healthy New Year - The Blitzer & Plotsker Famiies

L’Shana Tovah to everyone - Best Wishes - Bloch family - Francine, Peter,Isaac, Ethan & Ariella

Best wishes for Happy and Healthy New Year - Marion & Avrum Bloomstone

A Happy & healthy New Year for all - Bruce & Francine Brecher

Love - The Chu Crew

L’Shanah Tovah - from Barbara & Jesse Cohen and family

L’Shana Tovah - Phyllis & Fred Cohen

May all Congregation Beth Ohr families and clergy be inscribed andsealed for blessing, for the Year 5782 - Love, Wendy Pincus Connelly &Brian Connelly

Wishing all of our family, friends and neighbors a safe and healthyNew Year - Lawrence, Kathy, Nora & Megan Eisenstein

Shanah Tovah Umetukah - Bruce Feingold

A Happy & Healthy New Year - Dolly Fink; Sharon & Adam Hartman;Karen, Steven, Brandon & Harris Fink

L’Shana Tovah - Vikki & Mark Finkelman and family

Have a Sweet and Healthy Year - from Rhoda Finkelstein and family

L’Shana Tovah - Fran, Shireen & Steve Firouzan and Aimee Buono

Wishing everyone a year of peace and prosperity - Norma andDavid Fishbein

Wishing a L’Shana Tovah to you and yours—The Gardners - Sue, Matt,Jessica & Arielle

L’Shanah Tovah - Jody & Norman Gertner and family

Sarina & Neil Geschwind and family

The Gilman family - Janice, Max, Danielle, Lindsay & Michael

Ellen & Gary Goldberg; Jennifer, David, Noah & Adam Goldberg

May the joyful sound of the Shofar welcome in a New Year of health,happiness, laughter and love! - Sheryl, Craig, Natalie & Eleanor Gordon

L’Shana Tovah! Have a Sweet Year—Arline & Sheldon Gottlieb and family

L’Shana Tovah—Joan & Fran Gusoff

May the coming year find you healthy, happy & safe - Arnie & Resa Hauptman

L’Shana Tovah to all—Allan & Adrienne Hausman

L’Shana Tovah - The Hesekiel family

Bonnie & Lee Hiller, Lauren, Phil, Molly, Sarah Schoenfeld; Ruth, David, Simon and Naomi Peck; Cara, Michael, Joshua, and Eli Hiller

Best Wishes for a happy & healthy New Year—The Hirst family

Judy & Paul Hochhauser and family

Wishing all a Happy New Year filled with good health and the love of familyand friends—Rivanna Hyman &Joel Friedland together with our childrenand grandchildren

We wish you all the best, health, peace and prosperity in the upcoming year -Lisa, Jonathan & Sophia Israel

Lori, Curtis, Joshua & Maxwell Izen

Cynthia J. Jacobson; Joel, Wendy, Jeremy & Stephanie; Jared, Justin &Hayley, Lori, Michael, Hunter Ross & Cooper Reed Moran; Stuart, Julie,Evan Michael and Raven Rachel Horowitz; Philipp and Russell Horowitz

Best Wishes for a happy & healthy New Year - Louis & Bunny Jaffe

Sheree & Les, Mitchell and Seth Jarmol

L’Shana Tovah to all our friends and family - The Kanner family

The Kaplain Family

Best wishes to all for a Happy & Healthy New Year—Lynn & Robert Katz& family

L’Shana Tovah—Suzanne, Alon, Shon, Liv and Aidan Kehati

L’Shana Tova - Jackie & Abe Kirschman

Happy & Healthy New Year - from Barbra, Ty, Lara & Erika Klein

Happy New Year - from the Kolinsky family

Beth, Larry, Renee & Elliott Korgood

L’Shana Tovah - Ellen & Harold Lefkowitz and family

The Levys - Ira, Rebecca, Jason & Seth wish everyone a L’Shana Tovah, ayear ahead filled with good health, happiness and ALL good things!

L’Shana Tovah, happy and healthy New Year - Rose, Rebecca, Jason& Seth Levy

L’Shana Tovah - Have a happy, healthy and peaceful New YearJoyce Mandel & family

Best Wishes for a Happy & Healthy New Year—The Mass family

Best of Wishes from Joel & Randy Meshnick and family

Wishing a happy and healthy New Year—Ann and Ed Miller

Marc & Rebekah Miller and family

May we all have a safe, healthy, peaceful and calm New YearAmy, David & Max Mogel

L’Shana Tova U’Metukah to our synagogue family! - Lorraine, Steve andBreena Nachbar

May the sound of the Shofar herald in a happy, healthy, prosperous andsweet New Year for you and your family - The Nachbar family

L’Shana Tova Tikatevu! Pamela, Bruce, Samara & Jayna Nelson

Happy New Year - from Harold Orbuch

Mary & Ed Pecker and family wishes the New Year brings happiness andgood health to all

L’Shana Tovah—Evelyn Polay

Susan & Paul Precker

Happy and Healthy New Year from Terry & Allan Putterman

Wishing our CBO Family a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Yearfrom Robin, Michael, Dan, Rachel & Ben Rabinowitz

L’Shana Tovah—Stuart & Stacey Rabinowitz and family

Wishing everyone a very happy, healthy, prosperous and sweet New Year -The Reiner, Gennattasio and Lewis families

Wishing everyone a happy & healthy New Year - The Reizner Family

Shauna, Fred, Cooper & Lyle Richman

L’Shanah Tovah! Best wishes for a sweet year! Barbara, Leonard &Craig Ringel; Stephanie, Joshua, Samuel and Zachary Ginsberg

L’Shanah Tovah – Fran, Mark, Adam & Taryn Rosen

The Safir family wishes everyone a happy & healthy New Year

L’Shana Tovah – David, Cheryl, Rachel & Alyssa Sandomir

Rebe Schindelheim & Family - Jean, Lawrence, Peri, Natalie; Michelle,Martin, Erica, Gavi & Elias Kanner

Adrienne Schwartz and family

Arnold & Harriet Schwartz & family wish all a Healthy & Happy New Year

Best Wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year - Robyn, Ben, Allie andGreg Schwartz

May the sound of the Shofar bring with it a year of good health &happiness to you and your family - Victoria, Ralph, Elana & Jack Schwartz

To all our friends & members of CBO: Shana Tovah Umetukah - Artie &Pam Seltzer, Audrey Seltzer, Ali, Keith, Skylar & Zack Amato

L’Shana Tovah - Glen & Elyse Sher and family

Best wishes for a happy & healthy New Year - Harriet & Warren Siegel,Teri & Matthew Soriento, Denise, Scott, Emily, Allison & Abigail Siegel

Best Wishes for a Happy & Healthy New Year—Shirley Siegel & family

Roberta & Fred Simanoff and family

L’Shana Tovah - Joshua Singer; Wendi & Andrew Offsey

L’Shana Tovah—Sherry & Richard Skolnik, Frann, Jeffrey, Tara & Jonah

Wishing all a happy and healthy New Year from the Smollers;Jeff, Elizabeth & Alexa

Best Wishes for a Safe & Peaceful New Year - The Spinner family

L’Shanah Tovah - Wishing our Friends and Family at CongregationBeth Ohr, a Happy and Healthy Safe New Year. Always grateful,Susan D. Spitz, Sharyn Spitz & Bradley Spitz

Happy & healthy New Year to all! - Jeff, Wendy, Ben & Hanna Stein

L’Shanah Tova - Happy and Healthy New Year - Marcia Stolberg& Lenny Knigin and families

Marc, Marge & Sara Suntup

To all our friends & members of CBO: Shana Tovah UmetukahThe Tabin family

Carol Turoff and family

Renee & Steve; Deb, Jason, Drew & Max; Dana, Robbie, Jace & Paige;Brandis, Stu & Liv Wachtler

Rona, Dave, Philip, Kemely, Leyla, Scott, Shira, Jamie, Mollie &Brent Weiss

Happy, Healthy & Peaceful New Year to all - Barbara & Harvey Wienerand Family

L’Shana Tovah - From our family to yours - The Wilenkin family

Be Well - Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Zweibach

Evelyn AaronsonEdward AbelHarry AbelMay AbelSheila AbishBenjamin AbrahamSylvia AbrahamJerome AbramowitzAbraham AbramsFay AbramsLouis AbramsMax AbramsNettie AbramsRachel AbramsRose AbramsAlexander AbramsonDotty AbramsonLillian AbzugMorris AbzugDavid AckermanFay AckermanHarry AckermanIsidor AckermanEva Cane AdaAnnette AdelmanMichael Nathan AdelmanPhillip AdelmanRose Baruch AdelmanSam AdelmanAnna AdlerIrving AdlerLowell Robert AdlerPeter AdlerRose AdlerSidney AdlerStuart Lewis AdlerDavid AledortHarry AledortMae AledortMarvin AledortLouis AlpersteinCecila AlpertFred AlpertHerbert AlpertMorris AlpertHerman C. AmsterAlt Beatrice AndachtAndacht Deborah AngerHarry AngerIda Anger

Julius AngerMax AngerAbel ArdmanRebecca Schmukler ArkowitzJean ArlowShawn Howard AsmanEthel AstrofHarry AstrofIsrael AuerbachMargery AuerbachMiriam AuerbachSidney AuerbachHelen AugustHarry AxelrodBarney AxelsonHyman AxelsonJacob AxmanRose AxmanAnita BabbittHerb BaderAnne BaerAl BahrBrucha BahrSam BahrSophie BahrAbraham BailinSanford BalckMolly BallensweigIsidore BambergerSophie BambergerGeorge BaraschHilda BaraschLouis BaraschBetty BaratzElaine BarbaraMyrna BargNathan BargBarbera Celia BarkusSamuel BarkusMinna BarnettBenjamin BaronIsidore BaronJerome BaronRay BaronMollie Lichtman BarosinFae BarrowHarry BarrowJerome BarrowMarvin BartFrederick Bartholdi

Celia BashkoffIrving BashkoffStewart BashkoffBetty BassDonald BassWilliam BassBenjamin BassnerBetty BassnerCarol BauerCharlene BauerFred W. BauerWillie Wolf BauerMary BaumanAbraham BaumannBelle BaumannHarriet BealHerbert BealEdna H. BeckMurray BeckDolores BeckerIda Vera BeckerLarry BeckerCarl BegelmanHelen Elka BegelmanEric BeharCarl BeilinsonDora BeilinsonIsrael BeinSarah BeinstockAllan BelgrodBarbara BelgrodDavid BelkinKeith BellIrving BellMartin BelzerBarbara L. BennettIrving BenowitzMinnie BenowitzPauline BenowitzBension Ishua BensionArmand BergerIrving BergerMax BergerPearl BergerRegina BergerStuart BergerAnna BergsmanSamuel BergsmanRalph M. BerkBelle BerkeMortimer Berke

Abraham BerkowitzSally R. BerkowitzSarah BerkowitzPhilip BerleyLillie BerlinLouis BerlinPearl BerlinSylvia BerlowitzAbraham BermanAdolf BermanArthur BermanBertha BermanEdith BermanGussie BermanGussie BermanHarry BermanHerman BermanHerman BermanLilly BermanMichael BermanMorris BermanRose BermanBob BernBella BernsteinDavid BernsteinEthel BernsteinHelen BernsteinHirschel BernsteinJoseph BernsteinJulius BernsteinMax BernsteinSam BernsteinSimon BernsteinSybil BernsteinSylvia BernsteinHirshel BernsteinSam BerzofskyMax Citrin BessieShirley BieberBernard BienBenjamin BienstockSima BienstockCarl BierSadie Dianne BierBella BigmanMorris BigmanSharyn BigmanStephen BigmanFrank BilskyRose BinstockHarold Birnbaum

Jacob BirnbaumNettie BirnbaumRegina BirnbaumRose BirnbaumGeorge BlackIsidore BlackMolly BlackSusan BlackJulius BlassMary BlassPaul BlatterMorris BlaufeldMaxfield BlaufeuxMorris BlaufoxIda BlitzerIrving BlitzerAnna BlochGeorge BlochDavid BlockMeyer BlockAlfred BloomBessie BloomCantor Joel H. BloomJacob BloomSusan Lynn BloomBenjamin BloomstoneIda BloomstoneMax BluesteinRebecca BluesteinAbraham BlumArthur BlumJoseph M. BlumNathan BlumbergLillian Abrams BlutterFay BlymanHarry BlymanAaron David BobrowIrwin BobrowMary BobrowEsther BoffertAlbert BolotinCarl BolotinPhilip H. BolotinSonia BolotinYvonne BolotinJennie BonnerHerman BorenMax BorsukTillie BorsukElaine Bortnick

Marvin BortnickEtta BortsAnna BossBenjamin BossGoldie BossHyman BossBernhard BrandesEdna BrandesBorris BrandtEdith BrandweinMary BrandweinSteven BrandweinKatie BraunClara BraunsteinBetty BrazinHyman BrazinDr. Allen S. BreakstoneMax BrecherRose BrecherSamuel BreenEvelyn S. BreitmanCharles BreslowHilda BreslowAbraham BresslerRose BrickerSamuel BrickerBenjamin BriemanJacob BrierSamuel BrismanAnna BroderHyman BrodskyRhoda BrodskyNorman BrodskyHyman BrodwinAbraham BrodyIssac BrodyGeorge J. BroidoTheresa B. BroidoBen BroitmanJennie BroitmanHarry BronsteinBarry BronzBessie BronzJoseph BronzYvette Pearl BronzIda BrosgolJoseph BrosgolHarry BrowerIke BrowerRose BrowerSarah Brower

Bernard BrownClara BrownEugene BrownIrving BrownJoseph BrownMacy BrownRae BrownLillie BrownsteinBella BrudnerMasha BruskinaHarry BrynienNettie BrynienEugene BuchSylvia BuchBenny BuchalterNatalie S. BuchananClara BuchwaldHyman BuchwaldMollie BuchwaldMorris BuchwaldNathan BuchwaldLizzie BuchwalterMax BuchwalterBerthold BuffEmma BuffIssac BuninJenny BuninMorris BuninMax BuranGila BurnsteinMartin K. BurnsteinEvalyn BurrJohannan BurrJoseph BursteinEsther ButenskyEmanuel CamhiAllen CaneEva CaneCantor LeonCantor MayerCantor SarahCantor Harry CaplanJulius CaplanRose Caplan CarlinElsie CarterJack CarusRose CarusArthur CashmanFannie CashmanFrances Rose ChaietSamuel Chaiet

Morton CharneyMatthew ChasanoffSabine ChasanoffRose ChasnoffAaron H. CherwinLillian CherwinAlex ChodroffAnn Naparstek ChomskerIrving ChosetMalcolm ChosetPauline ChosetGary CitrinLillian CitrinClark Hannah ClarkJack ClarkNorman ClarkAnna ClaymanJoseph ClaymanHerman CofskyAaron CohenAbraham CohenAllen CohenAna CohenAnna CohenAnna CohenAugusta CohenBea CohenBenjamin F. CohenBenjamin CohenBetsy CohenCecile CohenDavid CohenDiane CohenEsther CohenEva CohenGeorge CohenHarry CohenHarry A. CohenHelen CohenHoward CohenIrving Leo CohenIrving CohenJack M. CohenJoseph CohenLena CohenLena S. CohenLeo CohenLeon CohenLeonard Lee CohenMae CohenMartin Cohen

Max CohenMax CohenMeyer CohenMeyer CohenMorris CohenMorris L. CohenMuzli CohenMyron CohenNetta CohenPaul CohenRay CohenRobert Edwin CohenRobert Hy CohenRose CohenSally CohenSamual CohenSamuel CohenShari Lois CohenSonia CohenSylvia CohenTillie CohenYetta CohenYetta CohenBeatrice CohnBessie CohnDavid CohnFannia M. CohnFannie CohnFrances CohnHarriet CohnHarry CohnLouis CohnMarvin CohnMilton CohnMinnie CohnBenjamin ColemanAnnette CollinsLouis CollinsLeon ColmanMildred ColmanBernard ComensFrances CooperHarry CooperHelen CooperJoseph CooperPaul CooperRuth Lilly CooperSamuel CooperDavid Louis CoopermanMolly CoopermanRose Cooperman

Barney CorenSarah CorenDorothy CovenGeorge CovenStanley CovenYetta CramerIsaac CrespiRoberta CudykerJoseph CummingsFrieda Molly DanielakAbraham J. DavidsonHarold DavidsonIrene DavidsonJoan C. DavidsonLouis E. DavidsonPearl DavidsonRhoda DavidsonHarry DavisHarry DavisWarren, DebbiDeaner Esther DeckerSelma DeckerSol DeckerEsther B. DeitchMilton DeitchAlfred L. DemantHannah DemantSam DemofskyMax DenbinZelda DenbinHoward DenenBetty DennerBernard DerewitzkyMolly DerewitzkyJack DerringerMary DeutschPennie DeutschSimon DeutschCarl DiamondCelia DiamondGertrude DiamondGussie DiamondHarry B. DiamondHyman B. DiamondIda R. DiamondJerome DiamondJoseph DiamondMartin DiamondMollie DiamondRobert Diamond

Sam DiamondSarah DiamondIda DiamondsteinLeo DiamondsteinDana Beth Cohen DiasEsther DickHerbert DickIsidore DickGladys DillonIsodore DinowitzRose DinowitzSamuel DinowitzIsrael DolinskyRay DolinskyCecil DonenfeldEdythe DonenfeldSylvia DonenfeldMarc L. DonowPhilip DonowCelia DorbMorris DorfmanSadie DorfmanSylvia DorfmanAbraham DornfeldHannah DornfeldJohn DouglasBeila DrexlerDavid DrexlerMuriel DrexlerRobert DrexlerJerome DrotfieldEli DruckerShirley DruckerSidney DruxsermanGerald DruyanHarry DruyanBernice DublerNathan DublerHelen DubowyMartin DubowyEsther DunaierSeymour DunaierSam DunkelLewis DurmanRoselyn DurmanSamuel DushawFrances DworkJoseph EcksteinLisa Robin EcksteinMarilyn Rose Eckstein

Pearl EcksteinSaul EcksteinSeymour Walter EcksteinTillie EcksteinBetty P. EdelmanEthel EdelmanEyelyn EdelmanGeorge EdelmanHarry EdelmanIsrael EdelmanLena EdelmanLouis D. EdelmanLouis EdelmanMarion EdelmanReuben EdelmanRose EdelmanSamuel EdelsteinIsaac EfronAaron Harry EgilinskyEsther EgilinskyIrving EhrenreichSamuel EhrlichNathan EichnerFrances EidelbergJoseph EidelbergHarry EidusSonia EidusHarry EinsteinBertha EisenbergNettie EisenbergHarry EisensteinLaura Frances EitelbergLeo EitelbergMorris ElfenbeinJoel Ira ElfmanAlegra EliasHyman EliasMurray EliasAnita ElmanDavid ElmowitzMolly ElmowitzPhilip EmersBeckie EngelBerthold EngelMalvina EngelRobert EngelSamuel S. EngelFlorence EngelmanCharles EpsteinClara Epstein

George A. EpsteinHenry EpsteinRose EpsteinSally EpsteinSamuel EpsteinRicky S. Feldman, Esq.Bessie EvenitskyCharles EvenitskyFanny ExtractSol ExtractAlbert FaberMimi FaberBeatrice FalberHarry Aaron FalkensteinKessler FamilyMintz FamilyMeyer FeigelmanNathan FeigelmanShirley FeigelmanEsther FeigenbaumMadeline FeigenbaumMollie FeigenbaumPhilip FeigenbaumBee FeigenbergDavid FeinEdith FeinLouis FeinbergMelvin FeinbergNathan FeinbergRose FeinbergSol FeinbergIrene FeinbloomMichael FeinbloomArnold FeingoldMark Howard FeingoldSandra E. FeingoldBen FeinmanJulia FeinmanSamuel H. FeinsAbraham FeinzigBertha FeinzigBessie FeinzigEdythe FeinzigHarold FeinzigJoy FeinzigMichael Paul FeinzigNina Beth FeinzigRobert FeinzigPhilip FeitEthel FeithIrving Feith

Wally FeithAnn FelderAda FeldmanClara FeldmanDaniel H. FeldmanEugene David FeldmanFrances FeldmanIrving FeldmanJacob FeldmanJoseph FeldmanLilly FeldmanMorris FeldmanRose FeldmanSamuel Bernard FeldmanBertha FeldsottDavid FeldsottRebecca FeldsottAbraham FeldsteinHattie FeldsteinElias FelixLena FelixMax FelsenMiriam FelsenEthel FesslerBetty FetnerMac FetnerArthur Howard FeuerRuth FeuerSamuel FeuerEdward FeuersteinIrene FeuersteinDavid FichandlerJay FichandlerRose FichandlerRoslyn FichandlerFannie FiebertMax FiegenbaumHarold FigmanEsther FildermanPauline FildermanRose FildermanSolomon FildermanSam FilhaberJack FineLowell FineSally FineAaron Walter FingermanAlan FingermanAbraham FingerothEsther FingerothBarry FinkSol Fink

Stella FinkFlorence FinkelmanJulius FinkelmanBenjamin FinkelsteinCarey FinkelsteinHarold R. FinkelsteinHelen FinkelsteinIrving FinkelsteinRalph FinkelsteinLillian FischbeinLillian Mildred FischbeinLouis E. FischbeinBetty FischerMeyer FischerHerbert FischlerLilly FishSandra FishSidney FishDavid FishbachSally FishbachShirley FishbachWilliam FishbachCharles FishbeinHilda FishbeinShirley FishbeinLena Bernstein FisherMolly Esther FisherAbraham FishmanFay FishmanGladys FleckJason Marc FleckRobert Melvin FleckGeorge FleischmanMollie FleischmanAugust FleissigElsa FleissigAbraham FlugArthur FogelFlorence E. FogelsonAnna FormanBenjamin FormanFaith FormanFreda FormanHarvey FormanHyman FormanIrving FormanMax FormanPauline FormanDr. Elliot B. ForrestAbraham Fox

Abraham FoxEmanuel FoxHannah FoxHoward FoxJack FoxMartin FoxMarci Ilene FoxMatilda FoxMax FoxRuth FoxRuth FoxWilliam FoxGeorge FoxsonJerome Mark FoxsonCharlotte FrankEsther Leah FrankJulius FrankMichael FrankAbraham FrankelSidney FranklinLila FreedmanSamuel FreedmanSimon FreilichDorothy FreiwirthPaul FreiwirthAlexander FriedDavid FriedElaine FriedSol FriedSophie FriedJacob FriedbergGertrude FriedlandAbraham FriedmanAlan Mark FriedmanBetty FriedmanDavid FriedmanEugene FriedmanFannie FriedmanHarry FriedmanHelen FriedmanHilliard FriedmanIsadore FriedmanIsrael FriedmanJonas FriedmanJoseph FriedmanMary FriedmanMax Benjamin FriedmanSylvia FriedmanNathan FrostMinnie Fruman

Nathan FrumanSherry FrumanSteven Bruce FrumanBenjamin FrydenzohnFreda FrydenzohnSamuel FuchsSadie FurgangWilliam FurgangBess FurmanNathan FurmanLouis S. FutterMinnie FutterArnold GabaArthur GabaJack Stephen GabaJune GabaMarilyn GabaFlorence GainesNorman GainesScott GainesWendy David-GainesLawrence Isaac GalersteinCarole GalleyShirley GallonRose GalsbandBeatrice GamsoJoseph J. GamsoHarryette GanyLillian GanzJoseph GarberJames Sanford GardnerBunia R. GarelickDora GarelickLiebe GarelickTheodore GarelickHenry GarfinkelLouis GarfinkelAbraham GartEsther GartLt. Col. Joseph GarterKate GazesSamuel GazesElizabeth GazessSamuel GazessAbraham GeffinFreida GeffinSam GeffnerMinnie GelberAlbert GelfandDora GelfandSimon Gelfand

Eleanor GelfarsCharles GellerEva GellerIrving GellerSophie GellerIda GellermanIrving GellermanIrwin Howard GellinCharles GellmanBertha GenslerErnest GenslerCarol GerardCelia Ella GerberJacob I. GerberMarcella Diana GerberRose E. GerberEva GerlackJoseph Harry GerlackRachel Beatrice GershowitzSamuel Philip GershowitzBarney GerstmanTillie GerstmanIrving GibsonRose GibsonSamuel GibsonEstelle GilbertFrederick GilbertHerbert GilbertTrudi GillerDoris GilmanSidney GilmanLillian GimpelMax GimpelMyron GimpelBenjamin Leon GinigerAnne GitlinJack GitlinIsadore GitlitzJacqueline GitlitzFanny GitllitzAdele GittellBen GittellMartha GladstoneDora GlasserMorris GlasserLaurence Marc GlassheimIrving GlassmanRose GlassmanHal GlassoffAnna Glazer

Fae GlazerNathan GlazerSamuel GlickmanSylvia GlickmanEsther GlobermanFay GlobermanIrving GlobermanJack GlobermanMax GlobermanMurray GlobermanNora GlobermanSamuel GlobermanHarry Abraham GlovinskyRuth GlovinskyJennie GluckDr. Walter D. GoberSylvia E. GoberDorothy GoffinHerman GoffinHoover GoffinIda GoffinAnna GoldBenjamin GoldHattie GoldHelen GoldMorris H. GoldNat GoldPearl GoldBenjamin GoldbergBessie GoldbergDorothy GoldbergEthel GoldbergFlorence GoldbergGarson GoldbergGeorge GoldbergGussie GoldbergHarvey GoldbergIrving GoldbergIrving GoldbergMorris GoldbergPauline GoldbergRae GoldbergStuart Michael GoldbergSamuel GoldbergerSarah GoldbergerLouis GoldenFanny GoldenbergFred Lawrence GoldenbergSamuel GoldenbergAnn Goldhirsh

Mollie GoldinAnna GoldlustHarry GoldlustHelen GoldmacherAlbie GoldmanIrene GoldmanSamuel GoldmanStephen B. GoldmanGertrude GoldmarkRubin GoldmarkBetty GoldringHarvey GoldringAbraham GoldsteinAnn GoldsteinAnna GoldsteinAnnie M. GoldsteinBenjamin D GoldsteinBenjamin GoldsteinCelia GoldsteinDavid GoldsteinErica GoldsteinFay GoldsteinFrances M. GoldsteinHarriet GoldsteinHenry GoldsteinHerbert M. GoldsteinIda GoldsteinJoseph GoldsteinJulius GoldsteinJulius GoldsteinLillian GoldsteinMollie GoldsteinMorris GoldsteinMorris GoldsteinRose GoldsteinRubin GoldsteinSally GoldsteinSam GoldsteinShirley GoldsteinWalter GoldsteinMarilyn L. GoldstoneArlene GoldwasserMollie GoldwaterCellie GoldzielerWilliam GoldzielerAnna GollinsGeorge GollinsHenry GollinsFlorence GolombRon Golub

Bernard GoodmanHannah GoodmanPhilip GoodmanDavid GoodwinAlexander E. GordonAnna GordonBeckie GordonBernard GordonCarol GordonCharles GordonEmanuel GordonEtta GordonFrances GordonFred S. GordonHarold GordonHelen GordonIris GordonIsidore GordonJennie GordonLeonard GordonMax GordonMichael GordonMiriam GordonSamuel GordonSidney GordonSol GordonZachary GordonSadie GottesmanJoyce GottfriedCarol GottliebElsie GottliebEmma GottliebLouis GottliebMarcia GottliebMorris GottliebRobert I. GottliebRoslyn S. Grabeririam GraffSol GraffAnna Feinzig GreenAbraham GreenbergAnna GreenbergBenjamin GreenbergGlitaTovah GreenbergHarry GreenbergHelen GreenbergJennie GreenbergLena GreenbergMathias Greenberg

Max GreenbergNathan GreenbergNathan Louis GreenbergNorman Jules GreenbergPhilip GreenbergSadie GreenbergSophia C. GreenbergAdele GreeneBen GreenePearl GreenfaderBetty GreenfieldDora GreenfieldGeorge GreenfieldHelen GreenfieldJoseph GreenfieldPaul GreenfieldRandi GreenfieldSamuel GreenfieldSol GreenfieldMalcom Alan GreenspanNathan GreenspanLeslie GreenwaldRobert GreenfieldArchie GrillJack GrillRay GrillLillian GrinkerMatthew GrinkerEdith GrobShirely GroberBernard L. GropperLillian GropperDr. Harold GrosnassJacob GrosserRose GrosserIrving GrossmanIrwin GrossmanNathan GrossmanPhilip P. GrossmanRose GrossmanRuth GrossmanSamuel GrossmanSeymour GrossmanDavid GrovemanRose GrovemanMildred Helen GrubinRose GrunbergIda GurskyJoseph Gursky

Rose GurskySamuel GurskyShepherd GurskyLadislav GuttmanBertha HaberNathan HaberSylvia HackellRose HafflerDr. Murray HaimsJoseph HalitLena Nachbar HalperSteven Barry HalpernRose HalsteterSamuel M. HalsteterElaine HamlinLouis HandelMinnie HandelAnn HanoverNathan HanoverGertrude HarrisJoan Barbara HarrisJoseph HarrisSimon HarrisStanley HarrisVera HarrisDorothy HauptmanLenore HauptmanWilliam I. HauptmanArthur HausmanFrancine HausmanNettie HausmanSamuel HausmanHarry HaydenMae HaydenRuth HaydenBella HechtBenjamin HechtEdna HechtFrancis HechtRita HechtTobias HechtWalter HechtSigalit HechterMax HeckelfingJean HeckerFannie HeflingMorris HeflingAnna M. HeismanBetty HelfandFlorence Helfand

Gussie HelfandHyman HelfandMax HelfandSimon HelfandDr. Jackiel HelfantFrieda HelfantAaron HellerAlbert HellerBenjamin HellerIrwin HellerLena HellerMichael N. HellerPaul HellerSarah HellerYvette HellerIris Michele HellmanAlex HelpgodRebecca HelpgodLinda Lee HenigArlene HerlihyEva Levy HermanJoseph HermanMaurice L. HermanSadie HermanThelma HermanIsadore HershkowitzMollie HershkowitzStanley HershkowitzDavid HertzSylvia HesekielKurt HesekielHerman HeymanBeatrice HillerSol HillerHerman T. HillowitzHarry HimelsteinLillian HimelsteinBenjamin HindenCelia HindenMilton HindenRuth Adler HindenBeatrice HirschBenjamin HirschCharles Aaron HirschFrank HirschGabriel HirschGertrude P. HirschMax HirschMolli Goldman HirschRose Hirsch

Dora HirschfeldHarry HirshMollie HirshIrving HirshbergFlorence HirstRobert HirstLeon HirthAlfred HismanMilton HochRamona HochDavid HochhauserDorothy HochhauserIra David HochhauserJacob HochhauserGoldie HochmanVictor HochmanRay HodesCharles HoenigAron HofferFannie HofferAlex HoffmanIrving HoffmanMeyer HoffmanRose HoffmanSarah HoffmanAbraham HonigShirley HonigAlice HorowitzAnna HorowitzBenjamin HorowitzClara HorowitzMartin HorowitzRebecca HorowitzRichard HorowitzRochelle HorowitzRose Stein HorowitzSydney HorowitzHarry HorwitzRose HorwitzMorris HotchkissYetta HotchkissHarry HubelbankBenjamin HymanRebecca HymanMax HymansSarah HymansBrian David IngberHerbert IsaacGeorge IsaacsonMorris IsaacsonRose Isaacson

Ada Mae IsraelAlbert IsraelEthel IsraelRichard IsraelSamuel IsraelSamuel JacksonVictoria JacksonCantor JacobEdwin JacobEtta JacobJack JacobowitzPauline E. JacobsAlbert JacobsonDr. Isidore JacobsonElla JacobsonFannie JacobsonFrances JacobsonHerbert L. JacobsonJack JacobsonJacob JacobsonJoseph JacobsonMadeline JacobsonNathan JacowitzRose JacowitzHenry Irwin JaffeIzzie JaffeLeon JaffeMarion JaffeMary JaffeSam JaffeKate JaffieRhoda JaffieTheodore JaffieMurray JanusLouis JasseyRachael JasseyDavid JayElaine JayAnoum JennieSophie JonasAaron JortnerAbraham JortnerAnn JortnerLeonard JosephsJack JossemBetty JurowMyron JurowIsrael KahalasLillian KahalasEli Kahn

Sherry KalishmanAbraham KalksteinEsther KalksteinIrving KalleyFannie KalmanowitzBertha KalmansMurray KalmansPaul KalmansCarl KalmowitzBarney KaminskyMurray KamletSylvia KamletAbram KanreyHattie KanreyHerman KanreyJean KanreyLana KanreyLouis KanreyRose KanreySamuel KanreySarah KanreyBenjamin KanskyTillie KanskyAbraham KantorMurray KantorNettie KantorAnnette KantrowitzIrving KantrowitzBlanche KapitowitzIrwin KapitowitzWillie KapitowitzHerbert KaplainAbraham KaplanDora KaplanFannie KaplanGerard L. KaplanHarry KaplanIda KaplanIsrael KaplanKalman KaplanMary KaplanMurray KaplanRose KaplanSamuel KaplanSol KaplanSol KaplanMolly KaporHoward KarenFred KarpGloria Karp

Harry KarpJennie KarpMelvin KarpfYvette KarpfAlbert W. KasindorfIrving KasmirCharles KassDr. Elaine Mesnick KassIsidore KassMordechai KassSally KassShana KassAnna KasselEtta KasselMortra KasselSamuel KasselSarah KasselEly KastenbaumAnna KattlemanMorris KattlemanDeborah KatzEdna KatzHal KatzIrving KatzMax M. KatzNaomi KatzChaia KatzmanDorothy KatzmanIsrael KatzmanMorris KatzmanShaul KatzmanBenjamin KaufmanBlanche KaufmanEsther KaufmanHoward KaufmanMax KaufmanHarriet KayeMel KayleSarah KeiserShirley KeitelEdna Ruth KellerTobias KellerBarry KeltonJoan KeltonDezso KendeOlga KendeGoldie KermanPhilip KermanAlfred S. KernerHerbert Kerner

Mary B. KertAnne KesslerAnne KesslerFannie KesslerFannie KesslerIrving KesslerMax KesslerPhilip KesslerAlexander KestenbaumIrving L. KestenbaumMax KestenbaumSarah KestenbaumBertha KettlerSamuel H. KeyserDr. Aleksandr KharitonGoldie KimmelNathan KimmelGeorge KirschbaumEsther KirschenbaumJacob Harris KirschenbaumMartin KirschenbaumAbraham KirschenblattAnna KirschmanJack KirschmanDavid KirschnerHannah KirshnerHyman KirshnerKiwa KirszenzweigHyman KischelIda KischelSteven KitzenJoseph KlarfeldEsther KlausnerLouis KlausnerIrvin KleimanDavid KleinHarriet KleinHerman A. KleinHerman KleinJulia KleinJulius KleinMina KleinSol KleinStanley KleinWilliam V. KleinAnna KleinmanDavid KleinmanPhilip KleinmanRebecca Kleinman

Ruth KleinmanJean KletzkinJulius KletzkinErwin KlingerRoberta KlingerAlbert KlinghofferAnn KlinghofferJack KlotzPaul KlotzPhilip Arthur KlotzSadie KlugermanGusssie KnoblerJack KnoblerEva KnopfJakob KnopfArlene KnudsonMorris KobritzDorothy C. KochenthalIzidor KocivarJean KocivarRebecca KocivarDorothy KoenigFred KoenigFay KoeppelHarry KoeppelIsidore KoeppelMartin F. KoeppelRachel KoeppelBernard KohnGeorge KohnJean KohnLouis J. KohnMindy KohnJennie KolchinskyMorris KolchinskyGloria KolinsCarl KolinskyRuth KolkoDr. Harry KolsonDr. Jack KolsonAda KomitoBernard KomitoRose KoppSimon KoppEsther KorengeAvner KormanMax KormanRose KormanHarry E. KornblattFrank Kornblum

Pauline KornblumArlene KornfeldRose KornfeldEthel KornhauserLouis KosinerBenjamin KosofskyBlanche KosterHarry KosterFritzi KostrinskySol KotinAbraham KovenskyRuth KovesHilda KovinsIda KowalskyLester KowalskyRuchel KowalskySolomon Hirsh KowalskyBenjamin KrambergSadie KrambergHelen KramerHyman KramerRosalind KramerSolomon KramerSamuel KrasnowClaire KravitzEvan Stuart KravitzLouis KravitzPearl KravitzStanley I. KravitzWilliam KravitzMorris KreimanRose KreimanEdith KreitzerLeo KreitzerEstelle KrellRose KrellSidney KrellEvelyn KreloffEileen KrepsLeon KrepsAlan Martin KriegerIrving KriftcherMatthew KriftcherRose KriftcherSally KriftcherSamuel KriftcherAlice KrinovitzIsaac KrinskyHerbert Mortimer KrollMortimer J. Kroll

Rosalie KrollElsie KrublitSam KrublitEsther KrugmanEugene KrugmanLouis KulbergHerny KupchickBetty KuperschmidLeon KurzweilEsther KushnerPaul KushnerBenjamin KutcherAbraham KutnerLeonard LampertHelen S. LandauSidney H. LandauHerman A. LandisJoseph LandmanMartha LandmanArthur LandsbergAdolph LandsmanSamuel LandsmanSarah LandsmanJulius LangbortNettie LangbortLeah LantonLouis LantonVictor LaPayoverClaire LapidusLillian LapidusDavid V. LapoffHerbert LapoffMax LapoffSadie LapoffFlorence LaskyJulius LaskyBenjamin LasserEsther LasserLouis B. LasserFrances LateinerDavid LatzLouis LaupotIrving LazanskyTillie LazanskyJacob LazarowitzMinnie LazarowitzAbraham LazarusStanley B. LazarusSylvia LazarusLillie Leavitt

Louis LeavittArchie LebengerDaisy Rose LebengerSeymour LebengerSylvia LebengerAbraham LedermanAdele LedermanBernard LedermanBertha LedermanDonald LedermanGladys LedermanCharles LeessDiane LeessFannie LeessArnold LeffDorothy LeffJoseph LeffFannie LefkowitzLouis LefkowitzRobert LefkowitzSheldon L. LefkowitzSam LeibSylvia LeibBetty LeibowitzEsther LeibowitzFrank LeibowitzIsidore LeibowitzJack LeibowitzJoseph LeibowitzMatilda LeibowitzPaulette LeibowitzHarry LeibsonIda LeibsonJack LeibsonAlex LeitnerJacob LennoxSarah LennoxEdythe LentzHarry LentzHelen LeonescuIrving LeonescuEva LepzelterFrieda LermanSamuel LermanDavid LernerJulius LernerSylvia LernerJacob LesserNathan LessmanSylvia Lessman

Adele LessnerMax LessnerDora LevensbaumArthur LevienSamuel LevinAlexander LevineAnn LevineBlanche LevineJoseph LevineLaura LevineLeo LevineMax LevineMurray LevinePearl LevinePhilip LevinePhillip LevineRose LevineIsidore LevingerMiriam LevingerNathan LevittSadie LevittAgusta LevyAnnette LevyArlene E. LevyHarry M. LevyJane LevyJeannette LevyJoel Herbert LevyJules LevyLevy Hilda LevyLouis A. LevyMichael LevyMorton T. LevyRuth LevyRuth W. LevySeymour LevySharon LevySusan LevyWilliam LevyAnna LewisSarah LewisSolomon LewisTobias LewisMiriam LewittHarold LiasEvan R. LiblitCharles LichtensteinDr. Irwin LichtensteinGussie LichtensteinEvelyn Lichtman

Harry LichtmanJerry L. LichtmanMorris LichtmanRay LichtmanEdwin LieberfarbDora LiebermanGeorge H. LiebermanGregory LiebermanMax LiebermanMichael LiebermanSabine LiebermanSamuel LiebermanRose LieblingBarbara Kim LiebmanMary LiebmanHarry LiefLloyd LiefMeyer LiefSyd LiefDorothy LiffMeyer LifshitzYetta LifshitzFaye LindenbaumSaul LindenbaumRoslyn LinickDoris LinkerNathan LinkerEileen LinnMorris LinnFlora LipkaLouis LipkaMike LipmanSylvia LipmanAnn LipschitzLouis LipsitzHoward W. LipskySolomon LipskyJoseph LipsonLillian LipsonHelen Doris LiptonMilton LiteSyliva LiteVictor S. LitmanEdward LoebJoseph LoecherMurray LoeschJennie LoewSolomon LoewSam LoffJoseph Dov London

William LouisPaula LovemanSigmund LovemanMarion LowenbraunEsther LowensteinLudwig LowensteinLeo LubellReuben LubetzkiFreda LubinGussie LublinSam LublinEva LukoffSamuel LukoffAda LukowNathan LukowRose Roter LunevskyAdam Jeffrey LupuAbraham LustigmanBenjamin LustigmanMinnie LustigmanRose LustigmanEdna LutrinJoseph LutrinLarry LutrinSamuel MagitLouise Hecht MaguireJoseph Zelik MalawskiLouis MalawskiRose MalawskiJack MalinaMary MalinaJean MalmedArvey MalnickGilbert S. MalnickPerry MalterLila MaltzmanLouis ManasBertha MandelJerry S. MandelPhilip MandelSidney MankoEileen Terry MannKitty MannPearl Isaacs MannVera ManolovaAnna MaranesJacob MaranesSylvia Horowitz MarcellaEsther MarcusOscar Marcus

Robert MarcusSolomon MarcusSylvia MarcusAaron MargolinRay O. MargolinJack MargolisMamie MargolisPauline MargolisSandra Rae MargolisSidney MargolisJoel MarguliesMitchell Melvin MarguliesZachary Brandon MarguliesDavis MarianDavid MarkLouis MarkowitzMark George MarkowitzMania MarkowtizBeatrice MarksMurray MarlowHarry MartinReba Caplan MartinRonald S. MartinRose MartinSadie MartinSimon MartinAbraham MaslerAnna MaslerBurton MassLillian MatlickMax MatlickEdythe MatzaIda MaurerSol MazelStella MazelBenny MazerJacob MazerCarolyn MedressSylvia MedressMorris MeilmanSarah MeilmanBenjamin MeinsterCharles MeiselesIda MeislerLeo MeislerSylvia MeislerJulius MeisslerRichard MeisslerSaul Larry MeisslerThelma MelendezAnna MelmanArnold Melman

Irving MelmanDorothy MeltzerSamuel MeltzerTerry MeltzerJoseph MendelsonJoseph MentleLena MentleAbraham MeresmanDavid MeresmanIda MeresmanJacob MeresmanJoseph MeresmanFrances S. MeshNathan S. MeshSheldon MesnickFay Murov MeyerHarry MeyerIda MeyerLillian Lapoff MeyerMarvin Edward MeyerMichael Fredrick MeyerArthur S. MeyerowitzEsther MeyerowitzEsther MeyerowitzFanny MeyerowitzMurray L. MeyerowitzRuth MeyerowitzGrace MeyersHarry MeyersSheila M. MeyersLeonard MeyersonSam MeyersonAnna MichaelJennie MichelmanNathan MichelmanLouis I. MichelsonSylvia MichelsonArthur Aaron MilderHelen MilderBeckie MillerCelia MillerDinah MillerDr. Sherwood P. MillerEmanuel MillerHarry MillerLouis MillerLouis A. MillerMurray MillerPauline MillerWilliam MillerLeo Millian

Sylvia MillianArlene MillsAlfred A. MindlinMorton MindlinSally Ruth MindlinSamuel Edward MindlinShirley MindlinAnna MintzSamuel MintzStanley MintzDavis MiriamFrances MirskyJulius MirskyAnn MishkinMorris MishkinArnold MitchellHerman P. MitchellJeffrey Lee MittelmanLillian MittelmanAnna MogelefskyMorris MogelefskyEmil MohlDorothy MollieElsie MonasMiriam R. MondzakSam MoonglattJack MorandMurray MorowitzEva MosesSamuel MosesAaron MoskowitzAnna MoskowitzBarbara MoskowitzBertha MoskowitzMax MoskowitzPepi MoskowitzBenjamin M. MossDavid MossFrancine Hiah MossLenore MossRose MostJacob S. MukamalSalima MukamalAbraham Abba MuraskinAnna MuravchicMurov Louis MushnickAbram MusmanEva MusmanJay NachbarJerry Nachbar

Simon NachbarAlan NadelJack NadelNorman NadelRena NadelElias NadlerGoldie NadlerAlfred NagelbergEsther T. NagelbergBernard NaidenIda NaidenAlan NaparstekBernard NaparstekHarry NaparstekJeanne NaparstekOlga NaparstekBlanche NarbyMax NarbyArthur NathanMax NathanBertha NatowitzSadie NatowitzEmma NeislossLouis NeislossAbraham NeufeldBetty NeufeldRenee NewbriefBenjamin NewmanRuth NewmanSydney NewmanHerman NewmarkMorris NewmarkStuart NewmarkCaroline NichternSigmund NichternSigmund NirenbergFrances NotingerHerbert I. NotingerIrene NotingerJacob NotingerHarry NovickMax NudelmanYetta NudelmanLouis OfcharoffAlex OfficinaCarl OfficinaMary OfficinaRebecca OfficinaAaron OlinerReba OlinerGeorge Oppenberg

Joe OrbuchSarah OrbuchNettie OringerMurov OscarAbraham OstrovEdith OstrowskyMax OstrowskyRalph OstrowskyStanley T. Gober, P.F.C.Arnold PackerBradford PackerCharles PaleyMorris PaleyJacob PanishLeon PapernoSam PapirnoBecky ParisJeffrey ParisBella PaskowtizFannie S. PassmanHarry PassmanBertha PasternakAbraham PatroxMax Baratz PaulineBetty A. PaymerEdwin PaymerMaurice L. PaymerNatalie PaymerRabbi Joseph PaymerFreda PearlsteinNathan PearlsteinMoe PeckAnita PeckerIsadore PeckerLena PeckerLouis PeckerElias D. PekaleBenjamin PennHelen PennRobert H. PennEva PenskyBeth Susan PenzellGertrude PenzellRuth H. PenzellBarbara E. PerePhilip PereBernard PerlmanHyman PerlmanRoslyn PerlmanSamuel Perlman

Sybil PerlmanIda PerlmutterJacob PerlmutterMorris PerlmutterAbraham PerlowitzBeckie PerlowitzMurray PerlowitzEunice PerlowtizCelia PerlsteinPhilip PerlsteinArthur Lawrence PfefferDavid PfefferWilliam PhillipsAbe PickmanMarilyn PickmanMax PicotaSarah PicotaAlex PicusRhona PillersdorfShelly PiltchLouis PimslerMary PincusPaul PincusRaymond Joseph PincusJoseph PinkusRebecca PinkusMax PinskyYetta PinskyAranka PiskJulius PiskPaula PlattEtherl PlattnerCharlotte PlotchIrving PlotchBernice B. PlotskerJack PodolskyLouis PodolskyJenny PodorowskySamuel PodorowskyPearl PokalAnne PolayBenjamin PolayMelvin PolayFrances Dolores PolikoffHarry PollackJoan Z. PollackLillian PollackSidney PollackPearl PolshanskyWilliam Polshansky

Stuart PomerantzAbraham Edward PopickYvonne Chodroff PopikRuby PopkinIda PopkinWilliam PopkinGus PortnoyGussie PortnoyIrene PortnoyIrving PortnoyHarry PosemanSydelle PosemanNettie PosnerPhilip Harry PosnerSol PosnerMax PostVirginia PostMark Robert PostmanMax PotzkIda PragerLouis PragerSamuel J. PragerAbraham PrattRose PrattAlice PreckerLawrence PreckerJosef PreslerHelen PressmanHermann PressmanTheodore R. PriceLillian ProskySol ProskyNat ProspectBessie PrusackMorris PrusackLillian PrushikMorris PrushikJennie PurisJoe PurisGussie PutterLouis PutterHarry PuttermanTillie PuttermanGary RabinoffRose RabinoffBertha RabinowitzBessie RabinowitzGerald RabinowitzGussie RabinowitzGwen A. RabinowitzHarry Rabinowitz

Irene RabinowitzIrving RabinowitzPhilip RabinowitzSamuel RabinowitzVite M. RabinowitzIsadore RachlinLena RachlinLouis RachlinAlfred RadlauerMinnie RadlauerAnna RafaloffNathan RafaloffDavid RandHenrietta RandClara RandallEdward RandallMorris RandallDaniel RandellRachel RandellJoseph RaskinMiriam RaskinRobert RaskinAbe RatnerHarry RattnerHoward RattnerLillian RattnerPaul RattnerStuart RattnerCarol RauchSarah RayIrving RazlerRose RazlerMarilyn RebackDorothy ReibelLouis ReibelNathan Reibel NeilJeffrey ReibelRose ReibelSaul Louis ReibelWilliam ReinerGussie ReissAbraham ReissbergMarkus ReissbergReisie ReissbergPaula ReiznerWolf ReiznerSally RendarBenjamin ResnickIrving ResnickMyron ResnickFannie Reznick

Isidore ReznickEvellyn RibakoveJoseph RibakoveRachel RiceEsther RichmanHarry RichmanMurray RichmanJeanette RichterStanley A. RichterArthur RiefeElsie RiefeJoseph RifkinHyman RingelShirely RingelWilliam RingelFlorence RinglerJoseph RinglerMitchell RinglerIrving RinzlerJoseph RitholtzEdna RitholtzBella RitholzMorris RitholzHerman RobinsonJudith RobinsonMuriel RobinsonRose Alice RobinsonIssac RofeMary RoggSamuel RoggHarry RogoffPauline RogoffNorman RoismanVictoria RoismanRose RoseSol RoseStanley Jerry RoseWilliam RoseArnold RosenBeckie RosenBella RosenCelia RosenCelia RosenCharles RosenEva RosenFrank RosenIrene RosenIrving RosenJack RosenJeffrey L. Rosen

Jerome RosenLouis RosenMarvin RosenMorris RosenNathan RosenRoberta D. RosenSarah RosenSylvia Rose RosenYetta RosenAbraham RosenbergEllen RosenbergFreda RosenbergHarriette RosenbergLillian RosenbergLouis RosenbergMax RosenbergPhilipp RosenbergPhyllis RosenbergSolomon RosenbergBenjamin Howard RosenblattMax RosenblattMax RosenhouchRose RosenhouchArthur RosenstreichLena RosenstreichAbner RosenthalBarry RosenthalIsaac RosenthalLena RosenthalMuriel RosenthalRose RosenthalLawrence H. RosmarinMac RosmarinArmin RosnerBernice RosnerEli RossHerbert C. RossMarcia C. RossPauline RossTillie RostowskyLouis RoterAvrum RothRiza RothMax RothbaumLilly RothenbergJack RothesteinPauline T. RothmanMildred RothschildWilliam RothschildHarry RowanGeorge Rozner

Leslie RubelAnna RubensteinLawrence RubensteinMax RubensteinAbraham RubinBarnett RubinBetty RubinFlorence RubinJacob RubinJean RubinRhoda RubinSheldon Aron RubinRuth RubinsteinLouis RudinskyRuth RudinskyAlvin RussOlga RussEmma RussoLouis RussoAbraham RutenbergFanny RutenbergGertrude SabelSarah SabelskyArthur SachsTobie SachsWilliam SachsYehuda SachsBernard SackSally Greenberg SackmanHarold SacksRoslyn SacksHarry SakinSadie SakinSarah M. SakinWerner SalomonCharlotte SaltzmanHelen Black SaltzmanIrving SaltzmanAnna SalzmanBeatrice SalzmanHarry SalzmanMorris SalzmanSamuel SalzmanCharlotte SandlerHarry SandlerHelena SapersteinLouis SauerhoffRuth SauerhoffGoldie SaundersMyer Saunders

Celia SavetzSaul SavetzMax Aaron SchachnerBarney SchackmanBernard Stanley SchaeferRose SchaffnerTheodore SchaffnerEthel SchantzManny SchantzSol ScharfAnna SchatzbergJean SchatzbergLouis SchechtmanAnna ScheerLouis ScheerAda ScheffLouis ScheffJeanne ScheinerLouis ScheinerMillicent ScheininLouis ScheinkerTillie ScheinkerEsther ScheppnerSteve ScheppnerEdith ScherbergGeorge ScherbergDorothy SchererHoward SchererMichelle Ivy SchererWilliam ScherrAbraham SchertzmanGertrude SchertzmanFannie SchiffHarry SchiffHerman SchiffHerman SchiffJacob SchiffAlex SchiffmanIda SchiffmanJay SchillerJosephy SchimmelMinnie SchimmelArthur SchindelheimFannie SchindlerPhilip SchindlerRose SchindlerSol SchindlerWinnie SchisslerMorris SchlagerClara Schlofsky

Louis SchlofskySamuel SchlofskyJack SchlossmanBarbara SchmidtBarbara SchmidtIda SchmidtIsrael Aaron SchmidtNathan SchmidtNathan SchmidtEli SchmuklerJermone SchmuklerEva SchneiderFannie SchneiderIrving SchneiderJack SchneiderJoseph SchneiderKaren SchneiderRose SchneiderClifford SchnitzlerFreda SchonfeldLouis SchonfeldLouis SchreierJoseph SchultzLena SchultzJulian Yankel SchumerBernard SchussDiane SchussheimAnnie SchwartzBeatrice SchwartzBernard SchwartzClaire SchwartzDiana SchwartzDr. Myron M. SchwartzEdith SchwartzEdward David SchwartzEllis SchwartzEmma SchwartzH. Ron SchwartzHarry SchwartzHoward Allen SchwartzJack SchwartzJulius SchwartzLewis SchwartzLibbie SchwartzLouis SchwartzMarcia SchwartzMarie SchwartzMax SchwartzMax SchwartzMichael Schwartz

Murray SchwartzRose SchwartzSamuel J. SchwartzSamuel SchwartzSamuel SchwartzWilliam SchwartzAnn SchwartzbergBella SchwartzbergBenjamin SchwartzbergEthel SchwartzbergSana SchwartzbergSaul SchwartzbergDr. Leonard SchwarzElla SchwarzwaldAdolph SchwebelMax SchwitkaMax SckolnickYetta SckolnickFrida SecundaMeyer SecundaAugusta SeegullDavid SeegullEsther SeibelMax SeibelAllen SeidenRoslyn SeidenErnest SeidlerDalla SeidmanLouis SeidmanRobert SeidmanShirley Seife (Shenkie)Phyllis SeldenSolomon SeldenLouis SeltzerRussel SenzDavid SeplowitzHannah SeplowitzRuth SerwitzSam SerwitzLillian Mark SeymourBeatrice ShalovBernard ShalovBarry NormanShames Celia ShangoldJacob ShangoldAaron ShapiroEsther SharnakEmanuel ShapiroIsadore ShapiroDr. Eric Joel SheflinAlvin I. Shenker

Dora ShenkerHerman ShenkerRuth SheptinskyKolman ShiechelYetta ShiechelLeslie Rubel ShinrodMollie ShortenSidney ShortenMarc Allan ShulmanPaul ShustekSadie ShustekDr. Samuel A. ShusterLila SiegallEsther SiegelHarry SiegelHarry SiegelIsidore SiegelLillian N. SiegelMurray E. SiegelNathan SiegelSadie SiegelSam SiegelSarah SiegelYetta SiegelBessie SiegelmanSamuel SiegelmanRose SigelmanEdith SilbergerNeil SilbergleitAlwina SilbermanMichael SilbermanSamuel M. SilbermanLouis SilkSyd SilkNat SilverSally G. SilverAlvin SilvermanArthur SilvermanHarold SilvermanHy SilvermanJacob SilvermanMary SilvermanMichael SilvermanSheila SilvermanVivian SilvermanIda SilversteinAdele SimanoffRubin SimanoffLillian SimckesRabbi Mordecai J. SimckesTheodore Simms

Gertrude SimonHarriet SimonLeo SimonLindsey Pam SimonSamuel SimonFrances SimpsonHarry SimpsonDorothy SingerLouis SingerMarvin SingerMelanie SingerPhil SingerSidney SingerSol SingerSondra SingerCharles SinitskyLena SinitskyJoseph SionAbraham J. SkalkaHelen SkolnickLeo SkolnickEsther SkolnikJoseph SkolnikBernard SkoppCarl L. SlatkinAbraham SloaneDavid SlomowitzBenjamin SlotnickShari Jill SlotnickIsidore SmerlingIda SmilenDora SmithHarriett SmithHenry SmithMilton SmithPauline SmithSamuel SmithVivian SmithClifford SmollerElaine SmollerFannie SmollerJoel SmollerMartin SmollerPhilip SmollerSamuel SmollerSusanne Debra SmollerMax SmookeSarah SmookeSally SoblickBella SogofskyTheodore SogofskyJulius Sokol

Jack SokoloffRae SokoloffRoger Alan SokoloffSarah SokoloffAllen A. SolatBella SolatAlan SolitarAbraham SolomonBetty SolomonElaine SolomonJeanette SolomonJoseph SolomonLillian G. SolomonMartin SolomonSteven SolomonPaul SomersteinHerbert SommerIsidor SommerYetta R. SommerDavid SommersDina SommersIsadore SommersMorris SommersJerome SosnikTheodora SosnikRebecca SosnowSam SpackSolomon SpanlangAlisa SparksAaron SpectorAnna SpectorHarry SpectorLillian SpectorMax SpectorJacob SpeiserLena SpeiserSusan SpeiserLeatrice SperberDavid Ben SpiegelLouis Joseph SpielmanMollie SpielmanDavid Joseph SpitzOlivia SpitzSolomon SpitzSheldon P. SpitzHenry SpringerLeonard E. SpringerPearl SpringerPhilip SquareSylvia Square

Michael StahlMike StainlagerTillie StainlagerCantor Isidore StarEvelyn StarMilton StarAlbertina StarkieHarry StarrJacob StarrNathan Ben StarrRita StarrSophie StarrHyman StaubHelen StechlerMorris StechlerClara SteckelSamuel SteckelBenjamin SteinBertha SteinBetty SteinHelen SteinLeo SteinRabbi Bernard M. SteinSam SteinSidney SteinEleanor SteinbergTheresa SteinbergPhilip SteinerVera SteinerSimon SteinhardtRaymond SteinsmithAbraham StemberLynn StemberShirley StemberFred SternIrving SternPaula SternPhilip SternRuth SternDavid SternbergHudel SternbergLouis SternbergAnna SternliebLouis David SternliebSidney StichelMildred StilerTed StilerMarlene StirmerIrving StolbergJoseph Stolberg

Diana StrausIda StrickmanIsrael “Tim” StrickmanMorris StrickmanAbraham StrumElliott StrumAda StutlandJack StutlandMartin SuchoffIrving SukoffMindy Jill SukoffStanley SukoffCurtis SuslakBeth Segal SussmanSarah SussmanAnna SuttonSamuel SuttonDonald A. SwerdlowAbraham SzalaveczAlexander SzalaveczFannie TabachnickIda TabachnickJacob TabachnickMollie TabachnickNathan TabachnickSol TabachnickStanley TabachnickHarry TaberHarvey TaberRose TaberHarvey TabinGeorege TajarRuth TandSondra TankellEva TanklefskyHarry TanklefskyGertrude TanzmanShaia TanzmanLillian TarnofskyMax TarnofskyLillian TarrMurray TarrBertha TartaskyManny TartaskyHarry TaubmanSarah TaubmanBarbara Sheila TeigmanHarry J. TeitelbaumM. Leo TeitelbaumEmma TeitlerHerman Teitler

Bessie TeitzmanFannie TeitzmanSamuel TeitzmanElsie TenenbaumWilliam TenenbaumAbe TepperFrancine TepperIna Susan TepperRuth TepperMeyer TerrGeorge TerryMiriam TerryCharles TesserMargaret TesslarMihai TesslerOscar ThalerSadie ThalerClara ThallJacob ThallLina ThelenPeter Joseph ThelenAbe ThirerIsidor ThirerMorris ThirerArthur ThornerElsie ThuneRandolph ThuneDavid ThurmRose ThurmShawn TierneyShawn TierneySadie TiloveBetty TischelmanNathan TischelmanLouis TivoliPerle TivoliGary G. TovskyRoslyn TovskyAbraham TratenbergJoan TratenbergLouis TratenbergChana Barbara TraunerIrving TrelinMartin TrentLester TrotskyBeatrice TrugmanJoseph TuchmanCarolyn TunickDoris R. TunickGeorge Tunick

Theodore TunickEsther TurimEthel TurkMorris TurkowitzSarah TurkowitzLillian TurnerSidney TurnerNat TutnauerSelma TutnauerAlt Max TylerAbraham UlanowskiBernie UretskyGertrude UretskyIrving UrishSally F. UtetskyHenrietta VallonHerman VallonRuth VapnekVera VieserHenrietta VinokurHoward VinokurMorris VinokurSimon VinokurIda ViscofskyHarry Vos Donald WachtlerMarilyn WachtlerSarah WaksSol WaksBernard WaldGeraldine WaldMarshall WaldNathan WaldSelma WaldMarshall WaldEdward WaldmanKaila WaldmanTillie WaldmanAnna WallachJoseph WallachSarah Breakstone WallachRaoul WallenbergSadie WallencheckMiriam Miller WandRoslyn WandRuth WashtonSamuel WashtonBertha WassermanBessie WassermanHarry WassermanLenore WassermanMayer Wasserman

Sam WassermanSarah WassermanShmuel Baer WassermanBenita WaterworthMortye WatskyTrudy WatskyCarl WattenmakerBenita WatterworthEsther WaxmanRabbi Mordecai WaxmanTheodore WaxmanBarney WeberBessie WeberJack WeberLenore WeberAdele K. WechtFannie WechtMilton WechtYetta WeinDavid WeinbergDorothy WeinbergJennie R. WeinbergerMax WeinbergerDr. Abraham WeinerJoseph WeinerSophie WeinerHerman WeingartenMinnie WeingartenMax WeinrichSadye WeinrichAbraham WeinsteinBetty WeinsteinFanny WeinsteinFlorence WeinsteinHarry WeinsteinJulius WeinsteinLeon WeinsteinLillian C. WeinsteinLillian WeinsteinNathan H. WeinsteinWilliam WeinstockAnna WeintraubMeyer WeintraubCharles WeisbergAnn WeisbordLea WeisbordPhilip WeisbordTobias WeisbordMartin J. WeisbrotSaul (Solly) WeisbrotHelen WeiserJoseph Weiser

Mary WeiserJerome WeismanShirley WeismanBetty WeisnerIrving WeisnerRose WeisnerAlvin WeissAnna WeissBetty WeissDavid WeissEugene WeissGloria WeissIda WeissJack WeissJacob WeissJoseph WeissLilian WeissMaxine Lee WeissMillie WeissMorris WeissPaula WeissRonald WeissSigmund WeissMae WeissbergLillian WeissenbergPhilip WeissenbergMilton P. WeisslerBenjamin WeissmanLena WeissmanGeorge Bernard WeitmanRuth WeitmanFrank WeitzRose WeitzMorris WelikeyAlex WelikyAnna WelikyMollie WelshFannie WertheinerJacob WiederBernard David WienerFreida WienerJack WienerMinnie WienerPearl WienerSamuel H. WienerMilton WiensteinSam WilensLuba WilenskyMaurice WillickHarry WindJoseph Wind

Leon WindRegina WindRose WindWendy Tepper WinigRose WinkoffDavid WinnickMurry WinnickCelia WinogradJulius WinogradIrving WinstenJane WinterMichael I. WinterMordecai WinterLillian WintnerDavid WisotskyReba WisotskyRivka WitkinLouis WitriolRosetta WitriolBertha WittSam WittMollie Helen WittesPaul WittesLinda G. WitzAbraham WizinaMorris WolfErnst WolffJoseph WolitskySol WolitskyGarson WolitzkyAnna WolkoffEdward WolkoffEvelyn WolkoffMorris WolkowitzCarl Martin WoltinJennie WoocherSophie WoolAbraham WorkGussie WunderlichWilliam WunderlichBenjamin George WurtzelDavid L. YarmeischIrving YarmeischTillie YarmeischSamuel YarmuschWilliam YatwinBeatrice YellenDavid YolinskyJacob YoskowitzJannie Yoskowitz

Morris YuchtDavid YudkinFannie YudkinLillian ZabronskyMax ZabronskySylvia ZacherLouis ZaglinSylvia ZaglinDavid ZakheimHarry ZealanderSally ZealanderBenjamin ZelnikerIsabelle ZepnickJacob ZeveloffLeo ZeveloffSabina ZeveloffVictoria Chervony-ZharovAbe ZieglerIrene E. ZieglerAnna ZierlerMorris Meyer ZierlerPauline ZierlingAbraham ZimbergBessie ZimbergDr. Adrienne E. ZimbergSheldon ZimbergIrving ZimetIrving ZimkindJacob ZimkindSadie ZimkindHenrietta R. ZimmermanHoward ZimmermanJacob B. Zimmerman

Marvin ZimmermanMorris ZimmermanReuben ZimmermanHerbert ZimmermanEdith ZiperMax ZipesFannie ZipkinHoward ZipkinMurray I. ZipkinSol ZipkinSophie ZipkinLouis ZiskindSonia ZiskindEvelyn ZlotnickSamuel ZlotnickEvelyn ZoneHarry ZoneJacob ZovluckMinnie ZovluckLouis ZuckerSarah ZuckerDavid ZuckmanFrances ZuckmanKaren ZuckmanHarry ZupkoffIda ZupkoffAbraham ZussmanEtta ZussmanHelen ZweibachIrving ZweibachBen ZweibanFay Zweiban


Jill, Steven, Carly & Benjamin Acker Celia Kershner Jack Kershner Leslie Kershner Morrie Acker Celia Dorb Harold Dorb Ethel Jeross Helen Schwartz Sam Kalkstein Emanuel Dorb Lena Acker Phillip AckerRoberta & Murray Ackerman Stanley Hershkowitz Abraham Skalka Bernard Derewitzky Molly Derewitzky Lilly Brownstein Fay Ackerman Isidor Ackerman Elaine Ackerman Irwin Ackerman Sylvia Marcus Oscar MarcusEllen & Mark Agulnick Toby Canton Arnold AgulnickPaul J. Aledort David Aledort Bunny Aledort Alan Nichtern Gail NichternIris & Sam Astrof Harry Astrof Ethel Astrof Alfred Mindlin Shirley MindlinTina, Steve, Josh & Matthew Baron Ann RizziSheila Bashkoff, Jenn Bashkoff, Stewart BashkoffChris & Abigail Ptacek; Tracey Gertrude GoldmarkBashkoff, Darren, Simon & Rubin GoldmarkElias Kessler Irving Bashkoff Celia Bashkoff Dolores Ray



Elaine Bassin Arthur Bassin Robert Bassin Philip Bassin Rose Bassin Charlotte Moldovan Brown Nathan Wiesel Gussie Wiesel Alfred Wiesel Philip Wiesel Irene WieselMichael Bauer Hazzan Tyrone & Ellen BauerBarry & Barbara Becker Jonathan Adam Kane Gloria & Arnold Rosenblum Edith & Ben Becker Irving Friedman Molly Friedman Shirley & Leon Friedman Irving & Rose RosenblumThe Belferder Family Leon Kalish Ruby Kalish Benjamin Belferder Laura Belferder Gene Belferder Frank Leonti Angelina Leonti Joseph LeontiThe Berger Family Stuart Berger Fay Berger Irving Berger Joseph Gursky Ida Gursky Stanley Gursky Irwin Cooper



Elayne & Bill Berkowitz David Seplowitzand Family Hannah Seplowitz Barry Seplowitz Abraham Berkowitz Sarah Berkowitz Milton Berkowitz Clara Berkowitz Esther BerkowitzGloria Bernstein & Family Hirshel Bernstein Fanny Rutenberg Abe Rutenberg Anna Cohen Murray Cohen Audrey Friedman Stanley Friedman Azril Margulis Lyn Birenbaum Salka Birenbaum Donald SilversteinLaurie & Michael Bigman Shelly Piltch Sharyn Bigman Stephen Bigman Bella Bigman Morris Bigman Leah Coby Harry Coby Sandra Margolis Sidney MargolisJudi & Mitchell Blane Jerome Blane Inge Blane Betty Meyer Gustav MeyerBruce & Eve Blaustein Florence Lieberman Julius Lieberman Louis Blaustein Shirley Blaustein Jason Surks



The Blitzer & Plotsker Families Miriam Orenstein Bernard Gorenstein Irving Blitzer Marvin Freifeld Phillip Kushman Florence Kushman Marvin Rosen Cantor David Rosen Rebecca Rosen Natalie Goldstein Joseph George Goldstein Isaac Morris Plotsker Bernice Plotsker Edith Wells Warren WellsPeter & Francine Bloch George Bloch Anna Bloch Sheldon Lefkowitz Murray WeinbergAvrum & Marion Bloomstone Joseph Moses Blanche Moses Rabbi Bernard BloomstoneBruce & Francine Brecher Max Brecher Rose Brecher Malcolm Brecher Mildred Gutman Estelle Ehrman Jack Ehrman Sol Osipow Dorothy OsipowKaren Chiel and Family Beverly Chiel Sam Chiel Sadie Diane Bier Dr. Carl Bier Dr. Sanford Bier Frieda Danielak Michael Danielak Minnie Press Martin Chiel Abraham Chiel



The Chu Crew Frances Gordon Bernard Gordon Anna Gordon Samuel Gordon Nellon ChuBarbara & Jesse Cohen and Family Myron Cohen Martha Gladstone Lillian Tarr Murray TarrPhyllis & Fred Cohen Rose Kriftcher Irving Kriftcher Annabelle Cohen Max CohenWendy D. Pincus Connelly & Raymond PincusBrian Connelly Mary & Samuel Pincus Celia & Irving Kornberg Harriet & Herbert Pincus Martin Kornberg Murray Pincus Lillian (Pincus) Dworskin Lawrence J. Newman, Ed.D. Roy SiegelJohn Coughlin Elaine Meyer CoughlinIrving Davies Paul Davies Claire DaviesCara & Debra Dobosh Joseph Binder Jack Dobosh Rosalie DoboshHarry & Roberta Donner Wiliam Donner Edith Donner Gerald William Green Sally Fay Green



Bobbie, Jerry & Lisa Edelson Sam Edelson Rose Edelson Bernard EdelsonLawrence & Kathy Eisenstein Kenneth Eisenstein Sharon Eisenstein Vincentia ReardonBruce Feingold Louis Feingold Ray Feingold Irving S. Lefkowitz Rose LefkowitzDina and Brian Fine Edith Fine Arnold Fine Irving Greenberg Helen Greenberg Elsie Rubin Idalee Stern Stewart SternBeth & Howard Fingeroth and Family Abraham Fingeroth Esther FingerothDolly Fink, Sharon & Adam Hartman, Barry FinkNat Fields, Karen, Steven, Stella FinkBrandon & Harris Sol Fink Hyman Kirshner Ann Kirshner Norman Kirshner Dora Levensbaum Brian Halpern Herb Halpern Millie Halpern Frances Fields Zachary MarguliesVikki & Mark Finkelman Florence Finkelman Julius Finkelman Edward SchwartzFran Firouzan & Family Rubin Goldmark Gertrude Goldmark



Norma & David Fischbein Louis Fischbein Lillian Fischbein Isadore Montalvo Candida R. MontalvoYetta Fishman Emanuel Fishman Flora Fishman Robert Fishman Sidney & Sylvia Fishman Sylvia & Simon Dickman Warren Domfort Phyllis DomfortEva, Anne & Liz Foltin Dr. Eugene Foltin Aladar Miklos Frieda Miklos Fred Miklos Kate Miklos Dennis MiklosMitchell Gaines Wendy David Gaines Norman Gaines Florence Gaines Scott GainesSusan & Matthew Gardner James Sanford Gardner Esther Pasternak Evelyn Fuchs Seymour Fuchs Joseph Bernstein Florence Bernstein Samuel Bernstein Sadie BernsteinJody and Norman Gertner Cecile & Teddy Gertner Bertha & Harold ManisSarina and Neil Geshwind Sidney Geschwind Marilyn Geschwind Clement Harary Ruth Harary Isadore Herman Rose Herman Irene Geschwind Gus Geschwind



Janice & Max Gilman Lee Colman Mildred Colman Doris Gilman Sidney GilmanThe Goklevant Family Ruth & Allan Archer Yetta & Nathan KleinmanRoberta & Ed Goldfarb Bernard Comens Victor Goldfarb Bertha PasternakCara and Steven Goldstein Frances M. Goldstein Herbert M. Goldstein Bruce KadinThe Gordon Family Alexander E. Gordon Etta Gordon Fred S. Gordon David Groveman Rose Groveman Harriet Beal Herbert Beal Barbara Schmidt Nathan SchmidtJeffrey & Mindy Gordon Estelle Gordon Leonard GordonMatthew & Gayle Gordon Philip C. Zarrin Abraham Abramowitz Fanny S. Abramowitz George Zarrin Minnie Zarrin Grace Kash Solomon Kash Mollie Gordon Arthur GordonArline & Sheldon Gottleib Freda Friedman Harold Friedman Eva Gottlieb Charles Gottlieb Lillian Adlowitz Fay Klubeck



Helen Greenfield Randi Greenfield George Greenfield Dora Scherer Isidor Isaac Scherer Helen Greenfield Joseph Greenfield Dr. Jonas David Scherer Esther Sharnak Jack Sharnak Gladys Dillon Harold DillonThe Grossman Family Irwin Grossman Seymour Grossman Mary Grossman Harry Meyer Ida MeyerJoan & Fran Gusoff Milton Gusoff Arthur Gusoff Lillian Gusoff Norman Gusoff Sam Goldfried Ann Goldfried Fannie Diamond Marion WeisbergResa & Arnold Hauptman William Hauptman Dorothy Hauptman Lenore Hauptman Harry Aledort Mae Aledort Marvin Aledort David AledortAdrienne & Allan Hausman Nettie Hausman Samuel Hausman Sylvia Zaglin Louis Zaglin



Florence & Marvin Heitner Max Heitner Sarah Heitner Morris Schindell Rebecca Schindell Herman Schindell Eleanor Schindell Stella Eison Harold EisonNorman & Joan Hershkowitz Sol Hershkowitz Ruth Hershkowitz Louis Lipson Bertha LipsonMarie & Jeff Hesekiel Helga Itzkowitz Hilda Itzkowitz Henry Itzkowitz Sigmund Hesekiel Betty Hesekiel Kurt Hesekiel Sylvia Hesekiel Pauline Barbera Rosario LeonardiBonnie & Lee Hiller Lillian Greenfield Sol Greenfield Catherine Hiller Fred Hiller Norma Hirsch Dora Ignatow Greenfield Rose Cooper Sidney Cooper Hannah SeidnerThe Hirst Family Robert Hirst Florence Hirst Jack Nadel Alan Nadel Norman Nadel Rena Nadel Ann Hanover Nathan Hanover Robert Cudyker



Gary & Karen Horn and Family Thelma (Terry) Horn Ronald Telesnick Samuel Telesnick Miriam Telesnick Phillip Horn Adele Horn Erich Kohn Edith Kohn Harry Gavron Ethel GavronLori Horowitz & Michael Moran; Richard HorowitzHunter Ross & Cooper Reed Moran Rochelle HorowitzStuart & Julie; Evan Michael Sydney & Anna Horowitz& Raven Rachel Horowitz; Philipp RosenbergPhilipp & Russell Horowitz Mike & Tillie Satinlager Susan Redler Herbert Ross Frieda Goldhaber Hannah Patricia MoranRivanna Hyman & Joel Friedland Matilda Friedland Lawrence Friedland Jerry Friedland Anne Stein Sam Stein Gitla Tova Greenberg Mathias Greenberg Maurice Herman Thelma Herman Riva Kawa Benjamin Hyman Rebecca HymanLisa & Jonathan Israel Sheldon Relis Stanley Israel Barbara Paley-IsraelThe Izen Family Lila Izen Matthew Izen Harold SweetGary & Marla Jacobs George Cohen Cecile Cohen



Cynthia J. Jacobson, Joel & Herbert L. JacobsonWendy Jacobson, Jeremy & Richard HorowitzStephanie Jacobson, Jared, Charles A. & Gertrude P. HirschJustin & Hayley Jacobson Max & Rose Hirsch Abraham & Rose Pratt Henry & Sylvia Pratt Jeffrey Salzman Harry & Marie Salzman Ida Viscofsky Jack & Frances Jacobson Morris, Abraham & Irving ThirerLouis and Bunny Jaffee Leon Jaffee Marion Jaffee Danielle OliverSheree and Les Jarmol, Shirley & Chester ForrestMitchell and Seth Bessie & Max Friedman Phil & Mildred Jarmolowsky John & Ruth RubinEileen Kamhi Rochelle Kamhi Joseph Kamhi Julius Kamhi Esther Yousha Sam Yousha Sol Yousha Jack Morhaim Jay SpitzDr. & Mrs. David Kanner and Jacob Seymour KannerFamily Helen Kanner Alvin Rosenbloom Minnie Matlin Sandra KriegerJill, Lenny, Robby Janice Orbuch& Mitchell Kaplain Beulah Kaplain Herbert Kaplain



Fred Kaplan & Family Arnold Kaplan Nettie Mathias Rose Lerhman Irving LerhmanPamela & Arnold Kaplan Fay Zweiban Ben Zweiban Marcia Kaplan Rebecca Cohen William Kaplan Sandra Fish Walter Fish Henry J. CohenEllice Kassorla-Schneider & Yosef Hayyim KassorlaHoward Schneider Shirley Gordon Kassorla Madelyn Kassorla-Honig Eliyahu Kassorla Maxwell Alexander Schneider Rose Schneider Carole SchneiderJulie & Bruce Katz and Ruthe BermanFelix Berman Laurence & Joan Katz Rose & Morris Saltzman Harold Saltzman Libby & Harry BermanLynn & Robert Katz Edna Katz Irving Katz Irving ZimetMarty & Nadine Kaufman Daniel Lewis Leona Kaufman Charles Kaufman Max Kaufman Israel Zelikow Anna Zelikow Carrie Simon Hannah Kaufman Hyman Cohen Ethel Cohen Joseph Goldman Sondra Goldman



Suzanne, Alon, Shon, Liv & Marilyn EcksteinAiden Kehati, Allen, Nancy, Seymour W. EcksteinZachary & Jacklyn Eckstein, Lisa EcksteinAlexandra & Shaun Sullivan Tillie Eckstein Saul Eckstein Eva Schneider Irving Schneider Yona Kehati Ezra Kehati Samantha GumasJackie & Abe Kirschman Norman Chaiman Ruth Chaiman Madeline Goldberg Rita Morgan Yette ZweibachThe Klein Family Edward G. Solomon Louis Klein Frances & Karl Gideon Stanley Gideon Rose & Hans Meyer Leonard Meyer Edith & Willie MeyerIra & Sarah Knigin and family Bertha Knigin Irving Knigin William Anchel Erna Anchel Marian Knigin Rose Hannono Nehmad Murray Miller Dr. Freddick ZatzLeonard Knigin Marian Knigin Irving Knigin Bertha Knigin Beckie Mankin Jacob Mankin Erna Anchel William Anchel



The Kolinsky Family Janice Schwartz Gary SchwartzThe Korgood Family Jerome Rosen Roberta Rosen Blanche Levine Philip Levine Charles Rosen Celia Rosen Bessie Siegelman Samuel Sieglman Ann & Morris Goldstein Jean & Irving Arlow Marilyn & Martin Goldstone Carol & Irving CohenRena & Leonard Kramer Paulette & Jack Leibowitz Rosalind & Curly Kramer Myron Gimpel Esther & Sam Grushow Mr. & Mrs. S. LebowitzRoslyn Kroll Herbert M. Kroll Jean Klotzkin Julius KlotzkinThe Levien & Hoehn Families Arthur Levien Harriet Levy Leo Levy George Levien Elsie Levien Florence Grossman Murray Grossman Lillian Greenman Sydney Greenman Tillie Stern Nathan Stern Sidney SternThe Levy Family Joel LevyIra, Rebecca, Jason & Seth Charles Herman Edith Herman



Rose Levy David SiegelRoslyn Litt & Family Marvin H. Litt Lillian Paul Dinah Litt Abraham Goodheim Helen Goodheim John A. Litt Rose LittJoyce Mandel & Family Shawn Tierney Burt Mandel Faye Mandel Samuel Mandel Faye Schechter Joseph A. Schechter Louis Richman Zelle Ostrove Ken Ostrove Gert & Jack ZaretskyCarol & Steven Mark Rosette BilligThe Mass Family Pauline Ann Gordon Max Gordon Bertha Mass Louis Mass Loretta Mass Rubin Blum Esther Blum Meyer Feder Ethel Feder Barbara Teigman Shenkie Siefe Burton MassSari & Patrick Meehan Irving Trelin Lee TrelinRowena Melman Arnold Melman Bernice Rosner Armin Rosner



Joel & Randy Meshnick Murray Meshnick Ida Meshnick Irving Meshnick Seymour Bassuk Abraham Bassuk Ilene Friedman Betty Rosenberg Jacob RosenbergAnn & Ed Miller Leon Weinstein Ruth Weinstein Barnett Miller Irene Miller Abraham Weinstein Esther Weinstein Harry Schierman Sadie Schierman Ralph Schierman Roslyn SchiermanMarc & Rebekah Miller Mildred Miller Marcia Miller Springer Walter Nangel Elsie Nangel Rabbi Leonard Aronson Dr. David Wachstock Dr. Kalman Flomenhaft Steven Mehler Joanne FeeneyThe Mogel Family Stanley Levine Mae Berney Abraham Berney Fannie MogelThe Mosca Family Mike Kriegsman Rose Kriegsman



Joseph, Minna Diane Jacob & Salima Mukamal& Beth Mukamal Max & Sadie Lapoff Herbert Lapoff David Lapoff Lillian Lapoff-Meyer Ida V. Becker Marvin E. Meyer Michael F. MeyerAndrew Nachamie Bonnie S. Nachamie Stuart W. Nachamie Madeline S. Nachamie Paul Nachamie Ruth Nachamie Abraham Seitman Monroe Greenfield Rheta GreenfieldLorraine & Steve Nachbar Jerry Nachbar Jay Nachbar Kitty Mann George MannToby Nachbar Pauline & Irving Forman Jerry Nachbar Jay Nachbar Sam Nachbar Lena Nachbar Samuel Weitzner Harry WeitznerPamela, Bruce, Samara Sol Golub& Bruce Nelson Elaine Golub Dorothy Nelson Rebecca Nelson Francine DonathPhyllis, Harold & Cheryl Newman Beryl Newman David Newman Charles Newman Pauline Newman Sam J. Newman Doris Kaufman Jacob Lichten Anna M. Lichten David Lichten Sara G. Shankler Florence Fishman



Harold Orbuch Janice Orbuch Sol Orbuch Sarah & Joe Orbuch Rae & Morris Goldberg Elaine Mesnick Sheldon MesnickFran & Steve Oosterom; Shirley & Herman BrownJay & Terry Brown, Rachel & Brian

Cynthia Ostrovsky Rabbi Dr. Raphael OstrovskyMary & Edward Pecker Abram Musman Eva Musman Louis Pecker Anita Pecker Isadore Pecker Lena Pecker Iris Pecker Hellman Sol Rosenberg Ellen Rosenberg George Terry Miriam Terry Eileen Terry Nat Maltzman Lila Maltzman Beth Maltzman Zomack Michael MaltzmanSusan & Paul Precker Alice S. Precker Lawrence B. Precker Evan R. Liblit Barbara Moskowitz Herbert MoskowitzTerry & Allan Putterman Harry & Tillie Putterman Frank & Rose WeitzRobin & Michael Rabinowitz Julia Rabinowitz David Rabinowitz Pearl Becker Carl Becker Bea Katz Rhoda Reasenberg Judith Martin Julia Tureck



Stuart & Stacey Rabinowitz and Family Elaine H. Rabinowitz Gerald Rabinowitz Bradford Packer Arnold PackerThe Rappaport Family Naomi Adelman Annette Rappaport Leonard Rappaport Hinda Steinberg Robert Steinberg Carol OsaReiner, Summers & Meyers Families William Reiner Evelyn ReinerTravis Reiner, Nikki Reiner Allison ReinerShauna, Fred, Cooper Bernard & Frances Cohen& Lyle Richman Albert & Miriam RichmanBarbara & Leonard Ringel Ruth Washton Samuel Washton Shirley Ringel Hyman Ringel William Ringel Ruth SheptinskyClaudette & Albert Rofe Elie Rofe Adele Rofe Ginsberg Simeon Salam Victoria SalamaSeth & Raquel Romanick Norman RomanickFran & Mark Rosen and Family Irving Rosen Jeffrey Rosen Sylvia Rosen Jeanette Richter Stanley RichterLorna & Richard Ross and Family Irving & Sue Ross Shirley & Martin Rich



Lucille Safir Martha C. Ross Sybil & Henry Kleiman Helen & Jules Safir Sylvia & Martin Schreiber Anna & Jacob Markowitz Fred Safir Howard R. Safir Joel Safir Helen Markowitz Sadie Markowitz Mack Markowitz George MarksDale & Gary Samilow Robert D. Samilow Renee Samilow William L. Cherlin Eileen R. CherlinDavid, Cheryl, Rachel & Loretta GilmanAlyssa Sandomir Sylvia Lichtenstein Milton Lichtenstein Sadie Pastina Edna Sandomir Leon Sandomir Julie Rossberg Doris RossbergJesse & Elaine Scharf Sol Scharf Molly Feibish Abe Seidenberg Ruth SeidenbergThe Schindelheim Family: Arthur SchindelheimRebe, Lawrence, Jean, Peri & Pauline & Martin E. KannerNatalie; Martin, Michelle, Linda KannerErica, Gavi and Elias Kanner Louis & Rose Schindelheim Rita Silverstein Milton Silverstein Lillian Feldman Michael Feldman Alan Freed Margaret Freed



Glen & Ellen Schneer Joan Aronowitz Joseph Aronowitz Benjamin Schneer Felice SchneerArnold & Harriet Schwartz Sylvia & Max D. Karp Sophie & Joseph SchwartzAdrienne Schwartz & Family H. Ronald Schwartz Rose Schwartz Max Schwartz Eileen Linn Morris LinnRobyn, Ben, Allie & Gilbert KamenirGreg SchwartzVictoria & Ralph Schwartz Lester Schwartz Mara SchwartzArthur & Pamela Seltzer Rose Seltzer William Seltzer Cathie Gottlieb Gabrielle C. Gottlieb Lester Gottlieb Ruth Gottlieb Suzanne Seltzer-HollidayAllison & Barry Shapiro Beatrice Shapiro Herman ShapiroGlen & Elysa Sher and Family Morris Crespi Anna Crespi Rachel Sher Morris Sher Barbara Hernstat Leonard Altman Aaron Altman Lillian Altman Dallas Knudson Harriet Selig



Harriet & Warren Siegel Freida Newman Morris Newman Gertrude Siegel Abraham SiegelShirley Siegel & Family David Siegel Rose Siegel Isadore Siegel Esther Connell William Connell Frances Sussman, Kenneth Sussman Larry SussmanSteven & Phyllis Siegelwax Julia & Joseph Green Bella Siegelwax Walter Siegelwax Shirley SiegelwaxRobbi & Michael Silverman Sylvia Lipman Mike Lipman Al Silverman Shelley Silverman Tammi Zuckerman Mark Zuckerman Larry Snyder Bill SnyderJoshua Singer; Stephen SingerWendy & Andrew Offsey Melanie Singer Jack Singer Ruth Singer Dina Singer Esther Daub Walter Daub Anna Rubinstein Herman RubinsteinSherry & Richard Skolnik, Frann, Frances ZuckmanJeffrey, Tara & Jonah David Zuckman Karen Zuckman Tessler Esther Skolnik Joseph Skolnik



Sam and Ilene Slutsky Arthur Slutsky Ruth Slutsky Abraham Davison Helen DavidsonThe Smoller Family; Susanne Debra SmollerJeff, Elizabeth & Alexa Elaine C. Smoller Martin Smoller Joel Smoller Herbert H. Zimmerman Ira Zimmerman Martin GoldenThe Solat Family Marilyn Solat Allen & Bella Solat Trude & Mortye WatskyHerb & Cecille Spinner David & Clara Spinner Thomas & Anna Lesser George Lesser Leo Lesser Miriam Marshal Seymour LedermanSusan D. Spitz Sheldon P. Spitz Olivia E. Spitz Fanny Spitz Solomon SpitzJeffrey, Wendy, Benjamin Sidney Stein& Hanna Stein Helen Stein Milton KleinmanMarcia Stolberg Irving Stolberg Minnie Papier Goodfriend Harry Papier Gussie Abramowitz Tillie Papier Mildred Stolberg Solomon Stolberg Marcia FlukeMarc & Marge Suntup Ida & Joseph Cantor Selma & Seymour Suntup



Carole Tabin & Family Harvey Tabin Edna & Joseph Ritholtz Ida & Stanley Tabachnick Jacob Tabachnick Sally Rendar Renee NewbriefHoward & Lisa Talsky Louis Talsky Adeline Talsky Samuel Alberts Dora Alberts Bernard Becker Rhoda Becker Abe Freidman Gussie FreidmanEdith & Amnon Tishler Henry Smith Harriett Smith Sonia Talshir Zvi Talshir Frank Bennett Bessie Bennett Benjamin Smith Sarah SmithCarol Turoff Ramona & Milton Hoch Pearl & Bernard Shavell Marvin RosenMarci & Jeff Vasconi Leonard Feinberg Alexander VasconiRenee & Steve Wachtler Sidney Stein Helen Stein Donald Wachtler Marilyn WachtlerIan and Rose Wald Marshall & Geraldine Wald Irving & Charlotte Plotch Benita Watterworth



Judy Wald Sanford Wald Meyer Wald Rose Wald Lawrence Wald Sheldon Wald Albert Shapiro Bernice ShapiroLee & Joseph Weisbord Ann & Tobias Weisbord Lea & Philip Weisbord Freda & Benjamin Frydenzohn Beth Segal Sussman Dr. David Sussman Frederick SegalDavid & Rona Weiss Leonard Ditchek Ruth Ditchek Betty Weiss Sigmund WeissMichael Wexler Hella Wexler Sol Wexler Joseph Wenig Miriam WenigBarbara & Harvey Wiener Sonia Singer Morris Singer Leib Kashansky Miriam Kashansky Goldie Wiener Isidore Wiener Zena Grossman Samuel GrossmanThe Wilenkin Family Ida Wilenkin Gussie Leibreich Sylvia & William Burkhoff Estelle & Harold Wilenkin



Steven & Janice Windwer Morris Sheinblum Mitchell Sheinblum Anna Gebeloff Nathan Gebeloff Stella Sheinblum Max Sheinblum Benjamin Windwer Shirley WindwerThe Yegidis Family Howard Martin Yegidis Stephen B. GoldmanEllen Zipkin Bert ZipkinDr. Arthur & Arlene Zweibach Helen Zweibach Irving Zweibach Helen Garf Leon Richter Marilyn Richter Harvey Stark


By: Sylvan Kamens & Rabbi Jack RiemerAt the rising sun and at its going down; We remember them.At the blowing of the wind and in the chill of winter; We remember them.At the opening of the buds and in the rebirth of spring; We remember them.At the blueness of the skies and in the warmth of summer; We remember them.At the rustling of the leaves and in the beauty of the autumn; We rememberthem.At the beginning of the year and when it ends; We remember them.As long as we live, they too will live, for they are now a part of us as Weremember them.When we are weary and in need of strength; We remember them.When we are lost and sick at heart; We remember them.When we have decisions that are difficult to make; We remember them.When we have joy we crave to share; We remember them.When we have achievements that are based on theirs; We remember them.For as long as we live, they too will live, for they are now a part of us as, Weremember them.

By: Rabbi Allen S. MallerGod gives opportunities for us to love but not forever.God takes opportunities away after a while.So don't hesitate or delay or curse the darkness while remaining mired insadness and hopelessness, because God gives; and God takes away.Blessed be the name of the LORD.But why bless the LORD when God takes away?Because if the opportunities were always there, we would wait until the timewas just right and never make the leap, and more of life would slip away.So God gives and God takes; Blessed be God's name.

The ‘gift’ of grief is that it presents us with the opportunity to heal and grow.- Jewish Proverb

Our traditions works with us to attend to this moment of our lives through stages of mourning. These steps apply to different categories of loss. If you lose a parent, the mourning process is slightly different than if you lose a sibling. The descriptions below could be so much more elaborate. For more information, feel free to speak with me privately. If you are grieving I wish you the following traditional offering to a mourner:

HaMakom yenachem et'chem b'toch shar avay'lay Tzion vee'Yerushalayim. May the Omnipresent comfort you among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

Aninut, From Death Until BurialA mourner’s only focus is attending to the burial of a close relative. Family and friends can help arrange for a meal after the funeral. During this time the rabbi sits with the family to listen and learn about the person we are burying. This is an important moment of healing and sharing.

The FuneralA service of reading, chanting, story telling, and honoring the dead through burial and loving recollections. Friends and family can help a mourner physically bury their dead and be present for eulogies.

Returning from the CemeteryThe family shares a private meal, arranged by friends/the community. Place a pitcher of water and bowl outside of the front door to ritually wash hands after the burial before entering the house. Others should give the family space to share this private meal.

Shiva, 7 daysThose who lost a parent, sibling, spouse or child sit for 7 days. Family, friends and community members pay visits of consolation. Guests traditionally do not speak first and wait for the mourner to guide the conversation. This is not a party. Mourners do not need to put out a spread or offer drinks. It is appropriate for a visitor to be present for 20 minutes, but not to overwhelm the mourner beyond that. It is a communal obligation to be present with mourners. A candle is lit and remains for 7 days.


Sheloshim, 30 daysThis period lasts for 30 days and encompasses shiva. It is customary to avoid cutting one’s hair, shaving, wearing new clothing, or attending festive gatherings. Some end with a minyan during which the mourner shares thoughts about their loved one and may offer a l’chaim. Mourning rituals for partners, children, and siblings conclude. Although grief is still present, the rituals taper off.

Year of KaddishThose who lose a parent recite Kaddish for 11 months to a year. The laws of Sheloshim persist and children recite Kaddish every day in the presence of a minyan.

UnveilingWithin a year, family members dedicate a matseivah, a grave stone, to mark the burial site. The stone not only serves as a place to connect with memory and honor the dead, but it also allows future generations to return to this place to see the names of loved ones and understand where they come from.

YahrtzeitOn the anniversary of death we light a candle, invite our family to gather close, and share thoughts about the people we have lost. We go to synagogue in the presence of a minyan and give tzedakah in honor of our loved one’s ideals.

YizkorOn Yom Kippur, Pesach, Shavuot, and Sukkot we light a yahrtzeit candle and gather together with others who have lost, to honor the dead and give space to our memory. We do this together because loss is an inevitable part of life and one needs an outlet in the presence of a loving community who may know what you’re experiencing.


'Yizkor' for a father:

'Yizkor' for a mother:

Meditation for a parent/guardian: Though we are separated in this solemn hour, I call to mind the love and solicitude with which you tended and watched over my childhood, ever mindful of my welfare, and ever anxious for my happiness. Many were the sacrifices you made to ennoble my heart and instruct my mind. What I achieved is because of your influence, and what I am, I have become through you. Though you are no longer physically present, the lessons that you imparted unto me shall ever remain with me. If at times, I have failed in showing you the love and appreciation which you so worthily deserved, if I have been thoughtless and ungrateful, I ask to be forgiven. I pray that your pirit inspire me to a noble and intelligent living.

Yizkor for a loving partner:

Meditation for a partner:

Yizkor for a son or daughter:

Remember, God, the soul of my partner in life (Name:______________, child of mother/father), who went to her/his world, because I will - without making a vow give charity for her/him. Through such deeds, let her/his soul be bound with the Bond of life, with the soul of Avraham, Yitzchak and Ya'akov, Sarah, Rivkah, Rachel and Leah, and with the other righteous women and men in the Garden of Eden. And let us say, Amen.

Sorrowing heart, O beloved..., I fondly recall your love and companion ship, your tenderness and devotion, and the many comforts and joys you brought into my life. Though death has taken you from me, the bond which unites us cannot be O God, I pray that my grief at the departure of my beloved, engender within me sympathy and kindness, understanding and helpfulness toward all mankind. Grant that the memories of my dear one impel me to seek goodness and truth, to serve Israel.

Remember, God, the soul of my child (Name:______________, child of mother/father), who went to her/his world, because I will - without making a vow give charity for her/him. Through such deeds, let her/his soul be bound with the Bond of life, with the soul of Avraham, Yitzchak and Ya'akov, Sarah, Rivkah, Rachel and Leah, and with the other righteous women and men in the Garden of Eden. And let us say, Amen.

Yizkor for other relatives and friends:

Psalm 23

El Maleh

Mourners Kaddish

El Maleh for the Shoah