BOOK COVER Magazine December 2014 Meet Youth Author & Motivational Speaker Nkiyasi Helm www.bookcovermagazine.com We Bring Authors and Readers Together Holiday Family Traditions Top 10 Things Writers Want For The Holidays Foodie Corner Holiday Party Tips: Planning Checklist

BOOK COVER Magazine | December 2014

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December 2014

Meet Youth Author & Motivational Speaker

Nkiyasi Helm


We Bring Authors and Readers Together

Holiday Family Traditions

New Spotlight Author Top 10 Things Writers Want For The Holidays

New Spotlight Author Foodie Corner

Holiday Party Tips: Planning Checklist

Page 4: BOOK COVER Magazine | December 2014

Holiday Greetings!

As we enter the time when everything starts

to be all about family, friends, shopping and

food, it’s important that we don’t forget

about those who are not as blessed. Every

year, I adopt a family who is in need. One

thing I look for when chosing a family to

adopt for Christmas, is the age of the children. I like to give the gift of the

written word, so I share great works of literature with them. I also aim to

plant the seeds of reading and writing into their minds.

This year, the family is a single gay father raising three children ages, 6, 9

and 11. He just lost his job and is in need of a lot of things, but he also told

me that he wants his children to read. He had the cable disconnected and

reading is a way his children can fill their time instead of in front of a TV.

I’m also excited that this issue is dedicated to youth with a very special

focus on the amazing Helm family. The Helms are my ideal family because

of one little girl that you have to get to know. At 13 years of age, she has

already written and published 11 books!

You will be inspired as we learn more about them in the next few pages!


Please sign your child up for the National Youth Eassy competition at

www.writtenbykids.com. BOOKCOVER Magazine is an official sponsor of

this contest that has a prize package worth $15,000.

In the name of good reading,

JL King, Publisher

BOOK COVER www.bookcovermagazine.com


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BOOK COVER Magazine is published by James L. King Publishing, LLC. Views expressed in articles, photographs or advertisments are strictly those of the author and do not reflect any position of BOOK COVER Magazine or OnyxQueen Media. No part of this publication shall be reproduced without written permission from James L. King Publishing.

Publisher’s Note

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6 Cover Feature Story My name is Nkiyasi Helm.

I’m 13 years old and author of 11 motivational and inspirational children stories. Lansing, Michigan is my home town; I live there with my mom, dad, brother and my two sisters. I have been writing seriously for more than 3 years now and I really enjoy sharing my stories with others. I began making books at the age of 7 years old by folding and stapling paper together, then drawing all over it with crayons and pencils. Since then I have matured and now pretty much use the computer to do all my drawing and writing. I am an advocate for literacy, restoring justice, living a healthy, positive and productive life. One of my goals includes providing a conduit for other young people to share their story and insight on important issues

from a kid’s perspective.

13 Holiday Traditions By Felicia Younginer

15 Top 10 List: Things Writers Want For The Holidays

18 Foodie Corner: A Guide To Champagne Cocktails 21 Holiday Tips: Party Planning Checklist


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Youth Author and Motivational Speaker

Nkiyasi Helm

My name is Nkiyasi Helm. I’m 13 years old and author of 11 motivational and inspirational children stories. Lansing, Michigan is my home town; I live there with my mom, dad, brother and my two sisters. I have been writing seriously for more than 3 years now and I really enjoy sharing my stories with others. I began making books at the age of 7 years old by folding and stapling paper together, then drawing all over it with crayons and pencils. Since then I have matured and now pretty much use the computer to do all my drawing and writing. Currently all 11 of my books have been published and I aspire to write many more. I am an advocate for literacy, restoring justice, living a healthy, positive and productive life. One of my goals includes providing a conduit for other young people to share their story

and insight on important issues from a kid’s perspective. Writing is my passion and I plan to continue focusing on fundamental issues that affect young people around our nation. I believe that by sharing socially relevant stories directly with my peers, I can become a useful tool for opening a dialogue on issues that can be difficult to discuss. I have done several public speaking engagements, radio interviews, TV and newspaper interviews, etc. Through these channels, I have focused on anti-bullying, making healthy choices and improving literacy among youth.

Many kids at my previous school thought I was intimidating because I’m

tall, very physical and I look strong, but instead of accepting that identity I

chose to stand up for kids that are bullied and teased. Rather than joining in

on the teasing and bullying I would focus on restoring justice by nurturing

the situation and maybe become the friend that they never had, this is one

of the reasons why I wrote “The Day Before Yesterday and Bully A Bully

With Love.”I enjoy expressing how I feel about situations on paper!

BCM: When did you know you wanted to become an author?

NH: It started when I won first place in a contest at school for my book

called The Best Camping Trip Ever. I then decided that I wanted to be an author. My father later went to a meeting

and he there met a publisher who loved my work. I then published about five books at her company. I decided I

wanted to go even further and I started my own publishing company called Written By Kids.com. The main goal of my

publishing company is to be able to give kids a voice. Also to give kid’s perspective on issues taking place today.

BCM: Who is your favorite author and why?

I do not have a favorite author. It is impossible to choose considering everyone has a different writing style. The last

book I read was The Benedict Society and the Perilous Journey.

Cover Feature Story

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BCM: Did anyone inspire you or encourage you to start writing?

NH: My mom took our cable away at the age of eight. I have always loved to write but because we did not have

cable, writing was my main source of entertainment. My mom at the time was working on getting her doctorate and

always encouraged education to be the first thing we thought about. When she saw I took a liking to writing she

always encouraged me to further my skills. She is the main reason I am where I am today.

BCM: What advice would you give to young authors just starting out?

NH: I definitely advise young people that want to write books to do it! I say that because I have heard so many adults

talking about how they wished that they finished the books they have started. I think you should always finish what

you start so you do not have to wish you did.


Nkiyasi has the full support her family. We felt since this was our holiday edition, that we would spotlight her family

as well. Supporting the youth so they reach and exceed their potential is something the Helms family knows very

well! We spoke with Nkiyasi’s father, Robert Helm, to find out more about them. Read on and be Inspired!

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BCM: Can you tell us about your children?

RH: Sure, I have four wonderful, beautiful and intelligent children that are unique in their own ways. First my little

princess Nxalati my youngest, she is a real entertainer that loves to dance and sing in front of as many people as she

can get to sit and watch. Then I have my superstar Little Lindiwe, she has a big imagination and enjoys playing dolls

and roll playing with them. She also loves to dance and play spy games. My son Jonasi is growing into the man of the

house. He has always shown a special leadership quality and he is a fierce salesman at the ripe old age of 12. He has

the sweetest, most compassionate soul that I have ever seen in a young man with a desire to lead the masses on to a

positive path. Nkiyasi, is the matriarch of our family, she is the first born and has always been a leader to her siblings

and we encourage to her set good examples for them to follow. She is a 4.0 GPA student, been voted Example of

Excellence multiple times by her school. She is a motivational speaker, mentor, author illustrator, publisher,

entrepreneur and a wonderful big sister.

BCM: How long have you been married?

RH: 14 years

BCM: Please tell us a little about your wife.

RH: My best friend, teacher, business partner and the

love of my life, Dr. Lindiwe Mhlongo Helm is the best

person I know. She’s a vibrant, compassionate and

encouraging woman that has overcome many hurdles.

She was born and raised in Tzaneen, South Africa

during apartheid and she has a real value for life and


BCM: As a father of a young author, how did she get

started writing?

RH: Nkiyasi has been writing and drawing since she was able to hold a pencil and hasn’t stop since she begun. Her

love for reading, writing and drawing grew even more when we decided to

get rid of cable TV over 7 years ago.

BCM: Are any of your other children writers?

RH: Yes, my daughter Little Lindiwe is a beautiful writer, I mean literally

she has eye-pleasing hand writing. She has a few books that she is

currently working on converting them into an electronic format so that we

can publish them. We are planning to release them next year.

BCM: What is a typical day like in the Helm home?

RH: We definitely love to discuss different issues ranging from the

importance of education, self-love, confidence, how to handle situations

we come across daily effectively. We love to put on each one’s favorite

music, dance and clown together, we also love watching certain

documentaries as well. Our daily life pretty much consists of talking about

what we are doing, what we have to do, or what we plan to do. Definitely

a lot of talking and asking questions. However, in the course of doing all

that we are an ordinary family, we play video games, talk mess, jack each

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other up and so on.

BCM: What are the holidays like at the Helm home?

RH: We celebrate one another as often as possible, I

guess it’s just a habit now so we tend to do things very

different. For example, during the Christmas and Kwanza

time of year we just hide gifts randomly throughout the

house and tell them that there is something somewhere

for them and they just have to find it. It is so great to

watch them running around the house, having so much

fun looking for presents. They are guaranteed to have

any present they want as long as it is educational or

enhances their imagination and creativity. Of course, at

the end of it all, we put on various types of music,

especially South African music and dance our hearts out!

BCM: Does each of your children have a computer, tablet or cell phone?

RH: All of my kids have desktop computers which are usually not hooked up. They all have their own laptops

including my 6-year-old which they use more often than not, especially since my three youngest children are home

schooled. They also have a tablet and cellphone. We choose to invest gradually in these devices so that it provides

them an opportunity to become tech savvy as well as stay on top of school and research things that can help improve

their intellectual capacity and the ability to practically apply the knowledge they acquire to their lives.

BCM: What are your dreams for your children?

RH: I dream that they will have an opportunity and the wherewithal to become everything they desire to be. We are

raising them up as leaders and therefore I expect nothing less from whatever they choose to do. We raise them to

become the utmost effective contributing members of any community in which they live; we encourage them at

every opportunity to seek true happiness and success in their own definition, in all their endeavors.

BCM: Is your family a traditional one?

RH: I am not sure what a traditional family is, but we are a family that loves, supports and cares for one another and

those around us. We are a family that understands Systems Thinking thus, the importance of appreciating and

understanding how everything is connected and interconnected, related/interrelated and how every component

directly and indirectly affects one another and the system as a whole. This forces us to be conscious of our

interaction and the impact we may have on others and our planet.

BCM: What is the number one rule in your home?

RH: Respect self, respect others, respect the environment and most importantly be the best at something!

BCM: What advice do you give parents who want to develop their child’s talents?

RH: The most important thing you can give your children is your time. Encourage them, listen to them and facilitate

their growth. Pay attention to what your children really enjoy, help them and encourage them be the best at it and

lastly, validate them at every opportunity.

BCM: Do you have an in-home library?

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RH: Yes, we have a complete collection of Nkiyasi’s books and our children love reading them especially our 6-year

old. Nkiyasi’s books are a focal point of fundamental understanding in our household. We also have many different

types of literature including but not limited to: world history, politics, sciences, biographies, poetry, geography,

finance, accounting, business, cartoon and coloring books. My wife is definitely a hoarder when it comes to books, I

mean, she still has some text books she had as a kid in South Africa.

BCM: What are the core ethics of your home?

RH: - Ubuntu. A South African concept that directly translates to human

interconnectedness, interrelatedness and

therefore calls for human kindness, altruism, humanity towards others,

the innate belief of consideration,

justice, sharing and the universal bonds that connect all of us.

- Anything more than fundamental is abundance and needs to be treated

as such.

- Good things happen to good people, bad things may happen to everyone

so, always choose wisely.

- Follow your passion. In doing so, you have already been paid.

BCM: How has the internet influenced the way you raise your children?

RH: It certainly strengthened their ability to research, find information about anything they’d like to know, educate

themselves particularly in regards to a subject they may be struggling with in school. Thus, GOOGLE has indeed

become their best friend and my wife and I enjoy challenging them in regards to how credible their sources are. No

topic is beyond discussion in our household. However, there are certain subjects I have notice my 13-year old may

not be very comfortable asking about, so in recognition of this, my wife provided her with a credible medical website

to learn about the reproductive system. This allowed her to approach the changes she’s facing with a scientific

understanding that facilitates a fruitful and educational discussion between her and us. Predictably, she is very

interested in becoming the best obstetrician when she completes the required university studies. Lastly, children are

usually more tech savvy than adults and that pretty much holds true in our household. So we do our best to educate

them as to what types of things they may encounter online.

BCM: What do you wish every child would receive this Christmas?

RH: Well one thing for sure, I wish that we were in a position to give every family a full set of Nkiyasi’s motivational

and inspirational books. My wish would be that parents would sit down and read these short stories with their

children and discuss the important issues within them on a regular basis. Not only is this likely to facilitate a fruitful

discussion, but it will also provide many parents the opportunity to bond as they spend time reading with their

children as well as encouraging their children to bring the issues that are of concern to them to the surface so they

can be tackled effectively.

BCM: When you think about your daughter, what do you want her future to be?

RH: My wish is that Nkiyasi continue to have a great disposition in all that she’s faced with and not to waver to any

external influences, particularly if they do not bring about positivity in all her endeavors. I want her to build an

enduring foundation that provides a voice that echoes for years to come and inspires change in the hearts of

humanity to create a better tomorrow.

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BCM: This has been inspiring! Is there anything else you would like to add about your family?

RH: My family is the most important asset I have. They give me strength when I am weak and make me feel better

when I am questioning my wellness. Therefore, everything that I do is for the growth and development of family and

the understanding of what it represents. Unconditional love, support, and understanding are the focal point of many

of our family discussions and is an important factor of how we relate to one another. We teach our children to make

inclusive decisions that benefit all those involved. But first, we teach them how to think and how to apply knowledge

they continue to acquire in real life. I would also like to add that in our household the standing rule is to do the right

thing at all times and we make sure that they know what the right thing is to the best of our ability, therefore if they

“choose” something other then what they know to be correct, consequences will follow.

BCM: What holiday greeting do you have for our readers from the Helm family?

RH: During this Holiday Season remember, define your own success and happiness uncharacterized by material

possessions and pseudo fame that cannot be sustained. Remain confident, articulate about your intentions and be

utterly committed to your own true and sustainable success. Enjoy your journey at every opportunity, be happy and

reward yourself often. Lastly, remember to treat anything more than a fundamental necessity or need as an

abundance. You’ll be surprised at the wealth of intelligence, strength, endurance, tenacity and grace you possess that

you haven’t had an opportunity to tap into. Have a blessed Holiday Season!

Connect with The Helms: Nkiyasi’s Website: www.nkiyasihelm.com | Company Website: www.writtenbykids.com Twitter: @WBKPC

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When I was a child, the holiday season meant traveling out of

town to go visit my grandparents and eating the best food

that could be found. It was a time when I got to see all of my

cousins and we had the most fun. I was fortunate because

both my maternal and paternal grandparents lived in the

same town, so I saw more of my family then, than at any

other time of the year.

Growing older and losing both sets of grandparents meant

changes would occur. Now, my parents are the grandparents and we now gather at their house to celebrate the

holidays. While many things have changed over the years, the one tradition that we have still maintained is choosing

a needy family in the community to help during Christmas. It was always a way to focus on how fortunate we have

been as a family.

Though the location of our holiday meals has changed over the

years, it still feels the same. There are always those food items

that are served during the holidays that are not eaten any other

time of the year, such as my mother's sausage stuffing and her

chocolate delight dessert. It is still a time when we gather as a

family and enjoy the love we share for one another. Eventually,

the children will grow up and become parents of their own and

things will change again. However, the one thing that will

never change is the love we feel for each other and our desire

to help those less fortunate than us for the holidays. This year, I

challenge you to find a way to give to those less fortunate as

you spend this holiday with the ones you love. From my family

to yours, have a Merry Christmas!

Felicia Younginer Bio:

Felicia Younginer is an educator, published author, and public speaker. She is the author of 180 Days: How Ineffective Leadership Can Ruin an Excellent School and Fractured. She writes three blogs: The Spirit Within, Gift of Teaching, and Just My Thoughts. She is currently working on a new book, Being Celibate in a Sex Crazed World. Felicia Younginer resides in Douglasville, GA.

Connect with Felicia: Web: www.180dayseei.com | Email: [email protected]

Holiday Traditions

By Felicia Younginer

Page 15: BOOK COVER Magazine | December 2014

Things Writers Want For The Holidays!

1. Time to read or write

2. Support from family and friends

3. A good laptop with updated software

4. A professional editor

5. A workable and affordable budget

6. Someone to market their book

7. A bestselling book

8. A call from Oprah, to invite them on a show

9. A book distributor

10. Inspiration to become the best

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~Public Relations and Branding~ (Branding Events and Individuals)

-Social Media (Management and Campaigns)

-Media Pitching and Editorial Placement

-Bespoke Stationery and Custom Gifts

-Media Kits (Electronic and Printed)

~Writing Services~ -Blogs



-Press Releases

-Sponsorship Decks


-Fundraising (Non-Profits)

-Gifting Suites

-Reputation Management

-Crisis Management

-Media Training

-Image Consulting

Contact: [email protected] | Web: www.onyxqueenmedia.com

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Director’s Cut:

Meet Dee Dee M. Scott

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