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BOLD - April 2011

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E-Zine for blogging enthusiats. Interviews, resources, links, etc.

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BOLD: April 2011 http://www.boldezine.com [email protected]

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BOLD: April 2011 http://www.boldezine.com [email protected]

Jumping at several small opportunities may get us there more quickly than waiting for one big one to come along. ~Hugh Allen

Art – Courtesy of The Graphics Fairy

Welcome to BOLD: When Opportunity Knocks

You may feel like so many others who, by the miracle of hindsight, recognized opportunity much too late to open the door. Opportunity is a chance, a possibility—not a guarantee of success. However, opportunity ignored is one of life’s most wasted natural assets. Why do we squander this resource?

Could it be fear of change, fear of failure, or fear of the unknown?

Blogging requires that we be willing to embrace change, risk failure, and tread in unknown paths. To blog well, you must be BOLD. Not only do you need to embrace opportunity when it knocks, you must be willing to seek it out, and sometimes, create it yourself. Remember: Failure is the mark of hard work and endurance. After all, if you are playing it safe and doing nothing, you will never experience a failed attempt.

If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door. ~Milton Berle

If you would like to share your thoughts on this subject, send them to [email protected] . We’ll post your response on Bold’s Blog Page.

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BOLD: April 2011 http://www.boldezine.com [email protected]

What is this fun-filled fiesta?

A Blog-hopping party you will not want to miss!

To help you prepare, BOLD is spotlighting the event and many of the individual blogs that will be hosting you as you take this adventurous plunge.

Bree’s blog is Home to Blogmania and is all about What

Matters Most to you? In BLOGMANIA’S April 9th -11th event, the amazing collection of

GIVEAWAYS will be exactly that! While I write about some mommy topics, I also preview products,

discuss ways to monetize your blog, and generally try to provide great support to the blogging community as requests come in!

What will Bree be giving away during the Blogmaia event? My WONDERFUL

collection is over $450, a true treat for the winner! It will feature Modern Bird Studios and a $250 gift

to a personalized piece of art to show off your treasured picture!

How did you come to Host Blogmania? Season 1, I hopped

from blog to blog, Season 2, I was one of the hopped too blogs (and it

was exhilarating). Season 3, I came to manage not just Blogmania but an amazing group of dedicated bloggers!

We have great things in store in the Fall as we change up the requirements and do a 'mini-mania', meaning a no limit giveaway. If you

have a $10 gift card or a $400 package of greatness...each person is welcome! This season we still have most bloggers achieving $100 or MORE with little mandatory entries!

Where can we learn more about your blog and the Blogmania Event?

My blog http://breebee.com/,

My Package of giveaways http://breebee.com/blogmania-2011/my-apr-giveaway

Event details: http://breebee.com/2011/03/blogmania-news.html

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BOLD: April 2011 http://www.boldezine.com [email protected]

Caring for Our Blessings

began as a way to express

my own concern and deep

feelings for those things

that truly mattered in my

life, namely faith, family, and the environment.

We have all been provided with many

blessings, and how we care for them is up to

us. That choice--how we care for our blessings,

whether it is our marriage, our money, or God's

creation--is the focus of this blog. While I will

use my own personal experience as a

background, I try to provide useful and

practical information so that readers can

implement that knowledge in their own lives.

Whether it is a frugal meal or hunting for

dandelions, you will find it on Caring for Our


Blogmania Theme: ‘The Natural Dog’

What do you feel is your greatest concern? A tough question! One major concern at this moment is the safety and security of Israel; as a believer, I support Israel in all that she does. Personally, I am concerned about peak oil and the environment, along with the accompanying economic fallout.

What piece of advice would you give to someone wanting to become frugal? Reevaluate your priorities. I have seen so many people who complain about money and yet they have the latest cell phone and other gadgets, along with cable television and other "wants." What do you really need? Even when our lives are pared down to the necessities, they can still be full of joy, and perhaps even more so than before because we're now focusing on what truly matters.

What one thing would you advise for any homemaker? Food storage. While there may never be a natural disaster in your area, you never know when you might lose your job or become ill. Learn to use the food storage early and rotate your goods often.

What advice would you give to someone learning to cook? Start slow. I learned to cook using Mr. Food's recipes as they are easy and low in ingredients. I gradually expanded my skills to include various types of foods. I now cook most things from scratch and wouldn't go back to mixes and convenience foods.

What do you do in your free time? I like to read, watch movies, learn new skills, etc. I love to spend time with my family.

Blogmania - Giveaway Items

You can also find me at Pitching Pencils

Doors of Opportunity

Opportunities are never lost; someone will take the one you miss. ~Author Unknown

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BOLD: April 2011 http://www.boldezine.com [email protected]

Maxwell’s Mommy:

Is a blog about deals on the net, recipes, and family. I post about baby wearing, cloth diapering, and co-sleeping. I get involved with reviews & giveaways and have recently involved myself in several blog hop giveaways. My goals are to build my blog so that I have a ton of followers and to be able to do reviews for some of the larger companies that don’t consider us little blogs important PR sources. I enter a ton of giveaways in an attempt to win and have won several things since my start in Dec 2010. I am a cloth diapering, baby wearing, co-sleeping type of mom. Most of my posts are written with one hand, as my other one is usually busy holding little man. Many of my days are filled with searching the net for great deals on the items I need and posting about those I come across. I have also posted discount codes for my readers and shared insider tips on some great deals. I blog daily about deals on the net, recipes, giveaways, reviews, and my family life in general. Some days I find it harder to get things done with my LO. He is only 4 months old and can be a handful at times. I am SAHM thinking about re-entering the work world. I also have a crazy cat, named Miss Kitty and a wild dog, named Captain.

Q1. What is your name:

My name is Jamie Bartley

Q2. What is your goal with blogging:

I hope that I can reach an audience that is interested in learning about cloth diapers, family life with three kids, four wheeler riding and I also aim to be a valuable addition to the online PR of companies.

Q3. How many kids do you have:

I have three children, which I love very much. I have a 11 year old daughter named Summer, a 10 year old step-son named Cody and a lovely 4 month old named Max.

Q4. Are you married:

I have a wonderful husband that is happy as long as I am happy.

Q5. When did you start blogging:

I started blogging recently actually. I just got started in December a few weeks before Christmas. It has become very addicting. I did not think it would be this addicting when I started.

Q6. Who got you started into this blogging world:

Well many don’t know this but I have an identical twin sister. She is the one who suggested it several months before I actually did. Finally I took her advice and I am glad I did.

Q7. What are your plans for the future of your blog:

Well I am currently in the process of developing a new background and layout. This should be completed by the end of the month. I am also considering buying my site so that I can just be Maxwell’s Mommy instead of .blogspot.com, LOL. I am also thinking of new things to post, and what I could add to my weekly posts to make things more versatile and interesting.

Q8. What are you hoping to gain from Blog Mania:

I am hoping to gain a ton of new followers and higher rankings for page rank, lower rankings for alexia and a lot more twitter and facebook followers.

You can also connect with me on facebook and twitter.

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BOLD: April 2011 http://www.boldezine.com [email protected]

Makobi Scribe is a product review and giveaway blog operated by Jennifer. Its focus is

product reviews and giveaways for Moms, their families, and their homes. Makobi Scribe hosts a midweek blog hop, "The Middle Matters" and also offers SEO and blogging tips for

other review bloggers. Blogmania Theme : Pamper Mom in Style


How did you start blogging? I used to help my sister at Jamie's Precious Peas, by guest hosting reviews and giveaways when she went on vacations and needed a blogging break. This hobby, I am finding, can be quite consuming! Pretty soon, I caught the blogging bug, and here I am!

What makes your blog special? I honestly think all blogs are special because they are unique to the owner. I try to let my personality shine through and let my readers get to know my family as well as learn about the different products on the market. I also try to add tutorials as I learn things my self to let other bloggers have an easier time of it than me.

Who are you? I am Jennifer, avid reader, now avid blogger, Mamapalooza (moms playdate group) Assistant Organizer, very close with my extended family (mom, grandma, sister, brother, even my step-sister!) I have 3 boys (18, 3, 1) Yes, I am covering the spectrum! I hate exercise. I don't like being fluffy, so it is a battle AGGGH! I have a Boston terrier, Fenway, and a tomcat, Drexil. My husband is an over the road trucker who is gone 2-3 weeks at a time and only home for a few days. That is rough and we are working to make that span shorter.

Product Reviewer Tips The Middle Matters Blog Hop My Giveaway

I was seldom able to see an opportunity until it had ceased to be one. ~Mark Twain

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BOLD: April 2011 http://www.boldezine.com [email protected]

Welcome to Books R Us,

a place for reviews,

contests and other

interesting tidbits. Here

you can find posts on a

variety of topics

including books,

software, food, and

everyday living. My blog

is about life and all of the crazy things that can happen

each day. So stop by for a visit and relax for a while.

Blogmania Theme: From Our Kitchen to Yours!

Please tell us about yourself. Hello everyone my

name is Melissa. I am a junior in high school and I

love to write. My mom, Eileen, is the co author of

the blog and she likes to write about issues about

parenting, careers and other topics. My life can be

very hectic due to my school schedule but I always

find time to read and write. When I graduate, I

want to pursue a career in speech pathology and

become a certified American Sign Language


How did you get started? I self-published a YA

book called "Ginger High" in 2009 and that was

when I decided to write a blog. I started out

reviewing books and now I have branched out

reviewing other products. Although the book did

not become a best seller, I still love to write and


What are the positives and negatives about


Positives - What I love about blogging is that I can

express myself in a fun and less structured way. In

school, I always have to follow the rules but on my

blog, I have more freedom to express my feelings. I

have met some nice people while blogging who has

helped me along the way. My mom says that

blogging takes her away from the "stresses" of

everyday life. Negatives - Sometimes I feel that

some bloggers are competing against each other to

reach # 1. Blogging should be fun, enjoyable and

not a chore. I know that some people make a living

blogging and I wish them well in their endeavors.

What attracts you to another Blog? When I go to a

blog site, I am attracted to the layout and the

appearance of a blog. I like bright colors and

organization. I try to post 2-3 times a week on my

blog and when other blogs do not post for long

periods, I lose interest and may not visit them

again. I have to admit that when I have finals in

school, I may not post for a week or two. That's

when my mom steps in and assists on the blog.

What turns you off about a blog? I do not like foul

language and the use of Captcha when posting

comments. That has always been a pet peeve of

mine since I started blogging.

Do you have any advice for the readers entering

your giveaway or newbie review bloggers? I

usually ask you to follow via GFC, twitter or

facebook because, I announce giveaways through

those networks. For Newbie review bloggers, it is a

lot of work. Sometimes I can get many books a

week and need to rely on my mom to help with the

reviews. If I have any questions, I surf the web and I

find out most of my answers.






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BOLD: April 2011 http://www.boldezine.com [email protected]

Totally Temberton, published by Cara Riggles, is a family-friendly blog about

frugal living and homeschooling. Cara shares information about bargains, coupons, deals, freebies, sales, and much more. Many of the posts are related to homeschooling. Cara posts reviews as a member of The Old Schoolhouse Crew and participates in giveaway events, including some that she self-sponsors. Cara hosts Frugalista Fridays, a weekly blog hop. She also co-hosts additional blog & social network hops.

Blogmania theme: Blooming Blessings.

Interview: Why did you start blogging? I started blogging because I wanted to help others in their quest to pursue a more frugal lifestyle. How long have you been blogging? I started my first blog about frugal living in November '09. The next month, I started a homeschooling blog. I later combined the two blogs into one under the name Totally Temberton.

Why do you use the name Temberton? About 10 years ago, I was very actively participating in forums designed for Christian homeschoolers. In an effort to have a unique forum name, I created Temberton using letters from the names of my two children. I later had a third child, but did not update the name because it was already well-known.

What is unusual about your blogging experience? Before I started my own blog, I knew very little about the world of blogging. I wasn't even following any blogs! What is your biggest blogging challenge? My biggest challenge is keeping up with all the technical stuff. I try to do as much of it as I can, but there is so much to know. I never thought I'd know the meaning of FTP, SQL, and cPanel. What is your biggest blogging regret? I regret that I didn't start blogging years ago, especially since we moved frequently and had many great experiences in places like Alaska, Japan, and Hawaii! A personal blog would have been a fantastic diary of our adventures!

http://www.totallytemberton.net http://www.facebook.com/totally.temberton http://www.twitter.com/totallytember

It is often hard to distinguish between the hard knocks in life

and those of opportunity.

~Frederick Phillips

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BOLD: April 2011 http://www.boldezine.com [email protected]

Photographic Help for Bloggers: How To Make a Fold-Up Photo Studio

How To Edit Product Photographs

How to Take Great Photos

Paint Glass to Use as Photo Background

I have two blogs, one that is primarily a review and giveaway site and one where I do more content writing. I

have been blogging for five years and I love being able to share my thoughts about products, family and just

about anything that crosses my mind!

Tips: I think the most important thing to do on your blog is to keep your voice. Whether you're writing a review

or writing other content, it's important to do it in an authentic way. Also, be generous. Writing is pretty self-

centered, but you can never go wrong being kind and generous to both your readers and other bloggers.


How long have you been blogging? Five years.

Why did you start blogging? I wanted to keep in touch with my

family who lived out of state. It turned into something much more


What is your favorite part about blogging? I love the blogging

community. I've met some of the most interesting people through

blogging and I'm so grateful for their friendship.

Links: Big Mama's Blog: http://www.bigmama247.com

Alise...Write!: http://www.alise-write.com

Its Own Sweet Will.neebeep.com is written, edited, and the total responsibly & obsession of Lisa Taylor, overwhelmed & understaffed mom of 5, living life on the edge & teetering. It's a blog filled with humor, a fair amount of wit & sarcasm, family life, observations & opinions, interesting lists, decorating ideas, & reviews, lots of photographs, as well as a bit of longing for the

simplicity & quiet each of us so often desires.


1- How would you describe your blog?

Eclectic is the one word which sums up Its Own Sweet Will. I write about anything which strikes my

fancy at the moment. I enjoy composing lists of offbeat “favorites”, talking about the personality of my furniture, posting pictures of my kids, nature, or a favorite dish we’ve prepared and which (hopefully) is photogenic!

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BOLD: April 2011 http://www.boldezine.com [email protected]

2- Why on earth, with all the other things you have to do {5 children, home schooling, a special needs child, fixing up a new house}, did you begin a blog?

I like having a lot of “irons in the fire”. I like writing. I like talking. Since they keep me trapped in this house for much of the time, and my kids and husband don’t seem quite as enraptured by my ramblings as one would expect, I sought out a new, easily accessible audience. A Blog seemed a natural choice. Plus I love to read blogs and have meaning to begin my own for years. It’s fun, a creative outlet and stimulus, and addictive!

3- How long have you been blogging

I’ve been blogging for just a little over two months - though it seems as though I’ve blogged my entire life, and perhaps I really have. I’ve always been a writer, a “self documenting” person. I just finally decided to come out of the closet and share my ramblings with the world!

4-Where do you see your blog heading & what do you hope to gain from blogging?

Oh - no doubt to international blog superstardom, thus earning me millions! Really, I see myself as a born blogger who will probably blog till they carry me and my poor numbs hands away. I’d like Its Own Sweet Will to grow. I’d like more readers, and much feedback. I’m interesting in developing friendships with other bloggers around the world (the internet is such an awesome tool in that regard), and I would also like to begin dabbling in product reviews and contests - they look interesting and are something I really haven’t experienced before.

5-Where do you blog?

Several places! I’ve carried a notebook around for years, and am always jotting down ideas and notes - many of which turn into blog posts. You can usually find me at my little white desk in the family room, though right now I’m at the big roll top desk in the library.

Sometimes I’ll sneak away to hide in my bedroom. I use a laptop that I love because it’s portable.

6- What are you favorite things to blog about and what‘s your favorite post so far?

My favorite posts are those about my family, or the crazy lists of things I create which are so reflective of my inner self. Favorite post… hmmm.... I have written over 200 {yes, in just over 2 months. Though in my defense I have always been quite prolific, & some of the posts have been picture essays, a favorite quote here & there, plus a recipe or two.} My favorite to date is actually a series called A Perfect Year, in which, naturally, I imagine the happenings of my perfect year! It was great fun to write. {Now if I can just do it all!} I also quite enjoy blogging Gratitudes every Monday, and have recently begun A Subversive Saturday Society, which I think could be great fun. Oh - and my Closet Superhero Homeschooling Mom is fun to write as well. {Obviously I have lots of favorites}.

7- What does your family think of your blogging activities?

Oh they just love it! No actually they’re very supportive - my husband especially. My daughter loves seeing herself on the computer, and my boys do as well - though they are always a bit apprehensive about what I may write and especially what pictures I may add! But everything I write about is true and from the heart - and if there is a picture of someone acting silly scattered

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BOLD: April 2011 http://www.boldezine.com [email protected]

here or there, it only adds to the fun. We’re all human, and all have our odd or funny moments - blogging is yet another outlet for the sharing the wealth of creativity we all possess.

Check out my Crazed, Eclectic Blog!


Ten Ways to Improve Your Blog

Write an eye-catching TO DO list Stay focused Be consistent when branding Declutter your blog Include at least 1 photo in each post Clean up broken links Respond to reader comments Learn a new blogging skill Connect with other bloggers

# 10 - Don’t be a quitter

How to Find Sponsors

Tutorials on Blogging:



7 Ways to Help Yourself Recognize Opportunity

Can You Train Yourself to Recognize Opportunity?

Would You Recognize Opportunity?

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.

~ Winston Churchill

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BOLD: April 2011 http://www.boldezine.com [email protected]


The E-Zine


Blogging Enthusiasts
