Boiler Fuel Conversion By Milind Chittawar [email protected] www.letsconserve.org See-Tech Solutions

Boiler Fuel Conversion

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Page 1: Boiler Fuel Conversion

Boiler Fuel ConversionBy

Milind Chittawar

[email protected]

See-Tech Solutions

Page 2: Boiler Fuel Conversion


See-Tech Solutions

• PCIPL manufactures Formaldehyde & Pentaerythritol.

• In the production process, steam is required as sourcefor heating at various stages.

• The plant has three Residual Fuel Oil fired Boilers (8TPH x 1 and 12 TPH x 2) contributing to GHG emissions.

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• This CDM project activity primarily aims at reducingGHG emissions by fuel conversion in the boilers forsteam generation (i.e. firing briquettes in place ofResidual Fuel Oil)

• Oil Fired Boilers fully comply the existing pollution normsand also operate efficiently

• PCIPL has opted for more environmentally sustainablesolution for steam generation, i.e. through briquette firing


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• In first phase, one of the RFO fired boiler (8 TPH) has beenconverted to briquette fired by retrofitting extended furnaceto facilitate manual briquette firing

• In second phase, the project activity involves installing anew 14 TPH briquette fired boiler

• After commissioning of the new briquette fired boiler (14TPH), the total steam requirement is met by this boiler andthe other boilers are kept as stand-bye.

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Project activity

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• The technology involves a retrofit operation on existing 8TPH boiler wherein burner and RFO firing system isremoved.

• A well-insulated extended furnace (to facilitate manualfiring of briquettes that burn over grate and hot flue gas1400 to 1600oC is supplied to the boiler through duct) isconstructed near the boiler.

• Briquettes are fired on the grate by charging manually andthe hot flue gases are allowed to pass over the boilertubes through connecting duct of 6 m.

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Technology employed:

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Conceptual Drawing Indicating Arrangement ofFurnace for Briquette Burning & ID Fan

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1. Social well being:

Generating employment for the deprived segment of thesociety at the rural level (which is major concern in India)for collection, processing and supply of the biomass

Employment generation in urban area also as due tomanual firing of briquettes more charge-men are requiredas compared to operators required for RFO fired boilers

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Contribution of the project activity to sustainable development:

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2. Economic well being:

• Better use of agricultural residues, the project offersmonetary benefits to the farmers by selling theseresidues, thus making villages more self sustainable

• Reduction in petroleum oil import requirement for thecountry, saving in foreign exchange and diversion offlow of money towards rural area

• Installation of briquette manufacturing plant near tovillages resulting in industrial investments in rural areaand also employment generation

Contribution of the project activity to sustainable development:

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3. Environmental well being:

• Reduction in the amount of GHG emissions

• Significant reduction in SOx & NOx emissions

• Reduction in petroleum oil requirement by use ofsustainable source of energy

Contribution of the project activity to sustainable development:

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4. Technological well being:

• Transfer of technology for boiler conversion as wellas briquette manufacturing is within India

• Design of extended furnace (I phase) & newbriquette fired boiler (II phase) are proven &environmentally safe

• Briquette manufacturing plants are simple & safe inoperation

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Contribution of the project activity to sustainable development:

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Baseline Scenario

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Majority of the boilers in the region are RFO fired whereas some are coal fired resulting in GHG emissions (CH4,N2O & CO2 emissions)

In addition to GHG emissions, SOx & NOx emissionsare also occurring

Field burning of biomass in the region resulting in CH4 &N2O emissions

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Project Scenario

Boiler operation on Briquette

GHG emissions are reduced from 21661 to 2404 tCO2-eper year

Project significantly reduces SOx & NOx emissions

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Emission Reduction

The boilers consume average 7062.61 KL of fuel oil/yeargenerating 21661 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year.

Briquette consumption equivalent to RFO quantity is 15KT generating 2404 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year.

CER generated are about 19257 tonnes of CO2equivalent per year.

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Storage of briquettes

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Industrial Oil Fired where in Red Colored Burners canbe taken out and Hot Duct can be placed and nearby

furnace can be installed for burning briquettes

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Briquette Manufacturing Machine,Suitable for Distributed Installationsnear the source of biomass(Agriculture & forestry)

Working Drawing of BriquetteManufacturing Machine: Simple &Reliable

Briquettes (Compactedbiomass)

Pictorial View & Details Of Briquetting Machine

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Internal rate of return without CER Revenue







Annual Internal rate of return without CER revenue 151%

RFO Consumption, KLRFO Price, Rs./litTotal RFO Price, Rs.Briquette consumption, KT

Project Cost (Both phase I & phase II), Rs.Miscellaneous (including maintenance cost) , Rs.Total , Rs.

Cost of Briquette, Rs./kgFraction of RFO consumedRFO Consumption (if any), KLTotal Briquette +fuel bill, Rs.Savings in fuel cost, Rs.

186%Annual Internal rate of return with CER revenue

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(1) Cetane Enhancer Resulting in Improved Engine Performance

(2) Supply of Briquette as a source of thermal energy

(3) Electricity Generation from Municipal Solid Waste

(4) Afforestation Project

(5) Methane Avoidance from Poultry Waste

(6) Energy Efficiency & Fuel Change in Grinding Wheels Factory

(7) Co-generation from biomass in Engineering unit

Other Projects

CERs Ranging from 25000 to 3,00,000