Body Fluids م ي ح ر ل ا ن م ح ر ل ه ا ل ل م ا س بDr.Mohammed Sharique Ahmed Quadri Assistant prof. Physiology Al Maarefa College

Body Fluids Dr.Mohammed Sharique Ahmed Quadri Assistant prof. Physiology Al Maarefa College

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Page 1: Body Fluids Dr.Mohammed Sharique Ahmed Quadri Assistant prof. Physiology Al Maarefa College

Body Fluids

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Dr.Mohammed Sharique Ahmed QuadriAssistant prof. Physiology

Al Maarefa College

Page 2: Body Fluids Dr.Mohammed Sharique Ahmed Quadri Assistant prof. Physiology Al Maarefa College

OBJECTIVES By the end of this lecture you should be able to• Describe of body fluid compartments as intra-cellular fluid

(ICF) Extra-cellular fluid (ECF), interstitial fluid, trans-cellular fluid and total body water.

• Describe the composition of each fluid compartment, in terms of volume and ions and represent them in graphic forms.

• Describe daily intake and output of water and maintenance of water balance.

• Define osmolarity• Define Isotonic, Hypotonic, Hypertonic• Name the causes of ECF hyper tonicity and hypo tonicity and

its effects on body? • List factors influencing fluid compartments.• Physiology factor: age, sex, adipose tissue, etc. Pathological

factors: Dehydration, fluid infusion.

Page 3: Body Fluids Dr.Mohammed Sharique Ahmed Quadri Assistant prof. Physiology Al Maarefa College


Human Body Composition:

Water ---- 60%

Protein --- 18%

Fat -------- 15%

Mineral --- 07 %

Page 4: Body Fluids Dr.Mohammed Sharique Ahmed Quadri Assistant prof. Physiology Al Maarefa College


• Body water makes 60% of body weight.

• Therefore body water is about 42 liters in 70 kg person.

• Body water is distributed between TWO major compartments:1. INTRACELLULAR FLUID (ICF)2. EXTRACELLULAR FLUID (ECF)

Page 5: Body Fluids Dr.Mohammed Sharique Ahmed Quadri Assistant prof. Physiology Al Maarefa College

BODY WATER DISTRIBUTIONWe will see how this 42 liters of water is distributedbetween ICF and ECF • Total body water : approx. 42 lit in 70 Kg body wt

• Intracellular Fluid (Within body cells):2/3 of TBW (40%of body wt.) 28 L in 70kg body wt.

• Extracellular Fluid (Out side body cells) :1/3 of TBW(20% of body wt.) 14L in 70 kg body wt.


Page 6: Body Fluids Dr.Mohammed Sharique Ahmed Quadri Assistant prof. Physiology Al Maarefa College


• Extracellular fluid (ECF)- 14 lit is divided into: - Interstitial fluid --- 11 liters - Plasma -------------- 3 liters

Note-- Interstitial fluid is the fluid which is distributed between the cells or surrounding the cells.

Plasma – It is fluid portion of blood.

Page 7: Body Fluids Dr.Mohammed Sharique Ahmed Quadri Assistant prof. Physiology Al Maarefa College

Minor ECF compartment :

-Transcellular fluid -Lymph

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• There are other TWO Minor Extracellular fluid compartments also:

1. Lymph

2. Transcellular fluid

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Minor ECF Compartment (cont) 1. Lymph : fluid returned from the interstitial fluid to plasma by

Lymphatic System.

2. Transcellular Fluid• It is small fluid volume secreted by specific cells in the body.• Example :• Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)- it surrounds the Brain and Spinal

cord• Intra ocular fluid - in the eye • Synovial fluid – lubricating joints • Pericardial fluid, Intra pleural fluid

Page 10: Body Fluids Dr.Mohammed Sharique Ahmed Quadri Assistant prof. Physiology Al Maarefa College

Classification of Body Fluids

Page 11: Body Fluids Dr.Mohammed Sharique Ahmed Quadri Assistant prof. Physiology Al Maarefa College

Variation in water levels

• Lean tissue have higher fluid content than fat tissue

• Gender: males have more lean tissue hence more body fluids

• Age: Lean tissue lost with the age hence body fluid decreases with age

Lean tissue : Muscle tissue without fat

Page 12: Body Fluids Dr.Mohammed Sharique Ahmed Quadri Assistant prof. Physiology Al Maarefa College

Barriers Separating Body-Fluid Compartments

• Barrier between plasma and interstitial fluid– Blood vessel walls

• Barrier between ECF and ICF– Cellular plasma membranes

Page 13: Body Fluids Dr.Mohammed Sharique Ahmed Quadri Assistant prof. Physiology Al Maarefa College

Extracellular Fluid[Plasma & Interstitial Fluid]

• Water and electrolyte are freely exchanged between plasma and interstitial fluid passively through pores of thin capillary membrane.

• But Plasma protein can not pass from plasma to interstitial fluid.

• Therefore plasma and interstitial fluid are nearly same in composition except that plasma has protein and interstitial fluid doesn’t have protein.

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Extracellular Fluid [ECF] &

Intracellular Fluid [ICF]

Page 15: Body Fluids Dr.Mohammed Sharique Ahmed Quadri Assistant prof. Physiology Al Maarefa College

Extracellular Fluid [ECF] & Intracellular Fluid [ICF]

• ECF and ICF are separated by plasma membrane.

• Plasma membrane is selectively permeable.

• There is passive transport and active transport occurring through the plasma membrane.

• There is difference between ECF and ICF.

Page 16: Body Fluids Dr.Mohammed Sharique Ahmed Quadri Assistant prof. Physiology Al Maarefa College

Ionic Composition of the Major Body-Fluid Compartments

Page 17: Body Fluids Dr.Mohammed Sharique Ahmed Quadri Assistant prof. Physiology Al Maarefa College

Important Differences Between ECF & ICF



1. ICF has more protein 1. No protein in Interstitial Fluid.

Protein present in Plasma.2. More Potassium ion (145 mmol / l)

2. Less Potassium ion (4 mmol / l)

3. Less Sodium ion (10 mmol / l)

3. More Sodium ion (145 mmol / l)

4. More Phosphate ion

4. More Chloride ion

Page 18: Body Fluids Dr.Mohammed Sharique Ahmed Quadri Assistant prof. Physiology Al Maarefa College

Na+ and K+ Concentration In ECF & ICF

Q. Why Na+ is more in ECF and K+ more in ICF?

Ans: It is due to the Na+- K+ ATPase pump which pumps 3 Na+ outside the cell and 2 K+ inside the cell.

Page 19: Body Fluids Dr.Mohammed Sharique Ahmed Quadri Assistant prof. Physiology Al Maarefa College

‘Important Things To Remember’

• Both Interstitial Fluid and Plasma have same composition except that Plasma has more protein.

• ICF and ECF are different as plasma membrane is selectively permeable and Na+ - K+ ATPase pump is operating.

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‘Important Things To Remember’


Na+ 140 mmol / l (135-145 mmol / l) K+ 4 mmol / l (3.5 – 5 mmol / l) Cl- 105 mmol / l (100 – 110 mmol / l)

Page 21: Body Fluids Dr.Mohammed Sharique Ahmed Quadri Assistant prof. Physiology Al Maarefa College

Fluid Balance

• In order to maintain stable water balance, water INPUT must equal water OUTPUT.

Page 22: Body Fluids Dr.Mohammed Sharique Ahmed Quadri Assistant prof. Physiology Al Maarefa College

H2O Input and Output

• Input• Drinking liquids

• Eating solid foods

• Metabolically produced water

(oxidation of carbohydrate, lipid, proteins)

• Output – Insensible loss• Lungs• Evaporation from

skin– Sensible loss• Sweating• Feces• Urine excretion

Page 23: Body Fluids Dr.Mohammed Sharique Ahmed Quadri Assistant prof. Physiology Al Maarefa College

Daily Water Balance

Page 24: Body Fluids Dr.Mohammed Sharique Ahmed Quadri Assistant prof. Physiology Al Maarefa College

Fluid Balance

• Fluid Balance is regulated by: 1- ECF Volume

2- ECF Osmolarity

- ECF volume helps to maintain blood pressure and will be discussed later with blood pressure.

We will discuss ECF Osmolarity.

Page 25: Body Fluids Dr.Mohammed Sharique Ahmed Quadri Assistant prof. Physiology Al Maarefa College

ECF OSMOLARITY What is Osmolarity ? • Osmolarity is the concentration of solute

particles dissolved in the fluid.

• Increased Osmolarity means higher concentration of solute and less concentration of water.

Page 26: Body Fluids Dr.Mohammed Sharique Ahmed Quadri Assistant prof. Physiology Al Maarefa College

ECF Osmolarity (cont)

• As Na+ is the main solute in ECF, it is responsible for ECF Osmolarity.

• In ICF K+ is responsible for ICF Osmolarity.

• Normally ECF and ICF are ISOTONIC (having same Osmolarity).

Page 27: Body Fluids Dr.Mohammed Sharique Ahmed Quadri Assistant prof. Physiology Al Maarefa College

Extracellular Fluid Osmolarity• Normally Osmolarity of ECF and ICF are the same

(they are isotonic). Why ?• Because total concentration of Na+ and other solutes

in ECF is equal to total concentration of K+ and other solutes inside the cell.

Remember Osmolarity of ECF-285 mmol/l (275-295)

Page 28: Body Fluids Dr.Mohammed Sharique Ahmed Quadri Assistant prof. Physiology Al Maarefa College

Importance of regulating ECF Osmolarity


If there is water loss from the ECF , what will be its effect?

Answer – ECF will become Hypertonic.

Page 29: Body Fluids Dr.Mohammed Sharique Ahmed Quadri Assistant prof. Physiology Al Maarefa College

Hypertonic Extracellular Fluid• Conditions of water loss

– Diarrhea – Vomiting – Sweating – Less water intake.

• If ECF becomes hypertonic, water moves from inside to outside of cell by osmosis (i.e. from ICF to ECF).

• As water leaves the cell – cell shrinks.

Page 30: Body Fluids Dr.Mohammed Sharique Ahmed Quadri Assistant prof. Physiology Al Maarefa College

Clinical Application• In mild Dehydration (loss of water) and mild hyper

tonicity :– There is dry skin – Dry tongue thirst – Sunken eyes.

• In case of severe Hyper tonicity ( Hyper Osmolarity) of ECF, it may affect BRAIN CELLS and BRAIN FUNCTION --- person may become mentally confused.

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PROBLEM What will happen if ECF becomes Hypotonic (that is

having less Osmolarity) ? • Answer – When ECF becomes Hypotonic , water will

enter the cell, and cell will swell ( Get bigger).

NOTE – Usually Hypo tonicity does not occur because when we take more water, we loose water in urine, but it can happen in Abnormal conditions.

Page 32: Body Fluids Dr.Mohammed Sharique Ahmed Quadri Assistant prof. Physiology Al Maarefa College

Hypotonic Extracellular Fluid(cont) Clinical Application

• Renal failure: Patient can not pass urine , ECF will become hypotonic .

• When ECF becomes hypotonic, water enters into the cell by Osmosis and cells swells (increase in size).

• Swelling of BRAIN cells will cause Brain Dysfunction E.g. – headache, vomiting, confusion, drowsiness and coma. This is called WATER INTOXICATION.

Page 33: Body Fluids Dr.Mohammed Sharique Ahmed Quadri Assistant prof. Physiology Al Maarefa College


What will happen if we give Isotonic solution?

• Answer – If we give ISOTONIC SOLUTION like 0.9% saline (Isotonic saline) intravenously, ECF will remain ISOTONIC , there will be no net movement of water into or out of the cells. Only ECF volume will increase.

NOTE – In case of Diarrhea, vomiting , Isotonic saline is given intravenously .

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• Human physiology by Lauralee Sherwood, seventh edition

• Text book physiology by Guyton &Hall,11th edition

• Text book of physiology by Linda .s contanzo,third edition