digital profile

BobnBab Ltd. Digital Profile

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BobnBab Digital company profile

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digital profile

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Company Introduction





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The Inception

BobnBab, established in 2007, was originally based in Beirut, Lebanon and then rapidly expanded to the UAE in June of the same year.

BobnBab, is comprised of three life-long friends, with over 25 years experience combined working in creative houses, dealing specifically with extensive graphic design, web design and development, as well as detailed and comprehensive advertising and marketing campaigns. We joined forces and gave life to our unique name, quite literally, making a giant leap for the evolutionary process of what is known to most people as advertising and marketing. Our aim to expand internationally in the coming years, intending to fully service the entire Middle East and Northern and Southern Africa. Our growth is only limited by our imaginations.

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The Inception

Business branding, advertising, marketing, digital media, collateral & sales design, media planning and buying are what BobnBab excels in for our domestic and international clients. We offer professional, pioneering solutions to corporations in order to expand their markets with measurable results and gain marked visibility.

Our multi-faceted team, consisting of talented professionals in design, writing, media planning and search engine optimization, are the driving force that allows us to develop state of the art brands with cooperate identities, brochures, catalogues, web sites and various intellectual property- from conception to completion and maintenance.

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The Inception (birth)

Here is what you can expect from your experience at BobnBab.

Our dedicated, results-driven team of designers, writers and marketers will:

‣ Create a new -or build upon your existing- web identity to accentuate your professionalism and competitive edge.‣ Keep you abreast of trends and innovations, making a BobnBab job

value added.‣ Plan your digital media campaign to fit your online presence using the

appropriate strategy in promoting your name and book your media with the most convenient prices in the market.‣Work on the best search key phrases, for a better search engine

marketing and optimization (SEO/SEM)‣ Listen, make expert suggestions and implement your vision as our

unconditional commitment to your continued success.

Our unconditional commitment to your success. We listen, suggest and implement your vision.

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Digital Media Services





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Online Marketing Overview

> We will get more potential customers to your website, and we will get more of your site’s visitors contacting you.

> We can determine what your potential customers are searching for, and work with you to incorporate this terminology into your website appropriately.

> We can identify and contact websites that are worthwhile having linked to you.

> We can set up and manage pay per click advertising campaigns.

> We can review your website on an ongoing basis to ensure that your primary lead generation goals are incorporated into your web design and development process.

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Online Marketing Budget Overview

> You can spend as little or as much as you want on internet marketing, depending on your business needs. We recommend a minimum ongoing monthly budget.

> We will provide evaluations of the budget and further recommendations on an ongoing basis, after conducting extensive research of your market and your competitors.

> Your budget can be revised at any point.

> We typically recommend a mix of around X% search engine optimization, Y% pay per click advertising and Z% email marketing.

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Typical Timeline

> The actual tasks involved in online marketing can vary quite a bit depending on several factors, including: search engine friendliness of the existing website, your industry, and your preferred balance of return on investment and speed of results.

For example, if your website code is already search engine friendly, less time will be spent on improving it.

If your industry is particularly competitive, then email marketing to your existing customers may offer a better initial return.

If speed of results is more important to you than return on investment, then pay-per-click may be a larger percentage of the work, and search engine optimization may be a smaller percentage.

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ADDENDUMCompetitive Advantage to Online Marketing

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Competitive Advantage to Online Marketing

Ongoing online marketing of your business will provide you with many competitive advantages, including the following:

> Gain visibility for your brand. Not all of your customers will be searching for your services online, however for those that are, you want to appear prominently in search results.

> Better understand your customers. See what terminology your prospective customers are using to find your services, see what information they spend the most time reading, see which websites are most likely to refer paying customers, and much more.

> Better understand your competitors. See when your competitors are spending money on online marketing, see what they rank well for, see when they update their websites and what information they deem important enough to add, etc.

> Increase & better understand marketing ROI. Effective online marketing has an exceptionally high return on investment, well above many types of traditional marketing and advertising. In addition, it is much easier to directly measure the return on investment. e.g. exactly how many certificates...

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ADDENDUMTasks Involved in Online Marketing

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SEO, Search Engine Optimization

SEO: This refers to the practice of creating navigation, links and texts that cause search engines to rank the website higher and draw more results from the searches relevant to your products or services, ensuring these searches see your site first rather than your competitors’.

National and International brands are turning to the web more and more each day for high converting prospects and spectacular ROI.

BoBnBab assist businesses in the Middle East in expanding their market reach, developing online profit centers and generating more visibility and awareness.

This leads to more brand awareness, more mindshare and more customers as well as a stronger impact for your offline advertising ventures.

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SEO, Search Engine Optimization

BoBnBab specializes in finding the solution to help your brand reap important financial rewards from a highly optimized web property.

This is achieved in two main areas: creating a web property that converts visitors into paying customers, and placing that property front and center in the search engines so that your sales funnels receives more traffic and visitors than your competitors. We use the below technic to ensure that we are doing it the right way.

With different available packages, you can take your business into the exact digital level.

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Search Phrase Research

We ensure you are using and referencing the phraseology your clients are using to search for your products and services. In collaboration with you, we will determine the search phrases for which you will want to be well ranked on Google, Yahoo and MSN.

The list will be based on analysis of the phrases seen in your web statistics, research into your industry, and a review of terminology used on your website and on your competitor’s websites. We will review the list together and add and remove anything obvious as dictated by your industry expertise.

This list will then be validated on a quarterly basis by reviewing estimated traffic and comparative traffic as shown by WordTracker, Overture, Google Adwords Keyword Tool & Google Trends Phrases will be matched up to your site architecture.

Over time this list will be revised and expanded upon.

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Code Recommendation & Optimization

We ensure that your website is search engine friendly and can be easily spidered and indexed.

Behind the scenes there are many ways of implementing the code of a website that will result in an identical look and feel for the visitor. Not all methods are equally friendly to the search engines and we will provide specific recommendations that will ensure your website is coded in a standards compliant search engine friendly manner.

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Code Recommendation & Optimization

Some specific examples include:‣usage of <h1> and <h2> tags to indicate primary and secondary headers (may be styled any way)‣usage of CSS for text styling instead of <font> tags‣usage of externally referenced CSS and Javascript files rather than inline scripts and styles‣usage of text links instead of image links where possible‣navigation links accessible outside of javascript‣provision of an HTML site map page‣provision of an XML site map

These changes can have a negligible impact on the look and feel of your site, and a noticeable and measurable impact on your site traffic. Barring a comprehensive site redesign, this task is typically finite in nature.

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Editorial Recommendation & Optimization

We ensure that your pages have a good balance of search engine rich text and visitor readability.

We review the phraseology research with your copywriters and provide guidance on incorporation of phrases as appropriate in page titles, headers, and page content.

By matching site content to commonly used phrases, we greatly increase the chance of ranking well for those phrases.

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Editorial Recommendation & Optimization

The content areas that are reviewed and revised in order of most important to least important are generally:

‣ Page Title (appears in the browser bar)‣ H1 Primary Header (may be styled in any way)‣ H2 Secondary Headers (2-3, may be styled in any way)‣ In-bound on-site links‣ Body Content‣ META Description‣ ALT tags (image descriptions)‣ META Keywords (largely disregarded by Google)

Any given page can be optimized for 2-5 closely related phrases.New editorial content is reviewed as provided and key pages are monitored for search engine friendliness on a weekly or monthly basis.

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Link Building

We ensure that your website has a consistently increasing number of quality inbound links. We manually review and follow up with quality linking opportunities. These opportunities are located from multiple sources, including all other websites that are highly ranked for the phrases you would like to be highly ranked for and any website that is linking to one of your main competitors.

These websites are reviewed to determine whether they offer links or reciprocal links, whether their link page has value to impart, etc, and then they are contacted to determine whether a link is available.

Where reciprocal links are required we determine how best to to implement that on your existing web properties, or whether it is an option at all. Linking is an ongoing process and will be done continuously.

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Media Planing & Buying

> We ensure that your paid advertising is compelling, timely, and appropriate.

> We plan and set up your advertising campaigns, choose appropriate phrases to target, target appropriate geographic areas, write compelling ad copy, review click through and conversion rates, and use a variety of bidding strategies.

> We monitor your competitors and adapt campaigns, bidding and ad text accordingly.

> We continually adjust your paid advertising campaigns to match your current marketing goals.

> We track and report on relative return on investment across campaigns and versus search engine optimization.

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We keep you informed of the impact of our work.

We provide ongoing reports that include any observations related to the work being done, as well as an overview of key metrics compared on a month to month basis.

These key metrics include but are not limited to the following:

‣ changes in overall site traffic‣ changes in traffic attributable to search engine rankings‣ changes in conversions (clients taking an action once they visit the site, such as filling out a contact form) ‣ changes in search phrase rankings (versus competitor changes in rankings)‣ top referring phrases and sites‣ comparative rankings of competitors

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Additional Marketing Options

We provide a wide variety of supporting marketing options including email marketing, social media marketing, viral marketing and more. Over time as we work more closely together we will provide further recommendations regarding your possible marketing needs.

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JEAN GHALO+961 3 111 343+971 50 253 [email protected]

ANTHONY RAHAYEL+961 3 111 353+961 4 716 615 [email protected]