Amt\ BROADWAY ^ « Wj CH ARl.t-b HI R> KT I l-» . SHAWLS, CLOAKS u>a " n rot the FALL and W" INTER. »t »ttaiu itti-arvgrra and »ieitor» In the city er« n <:iöei that onr uc ¦Jdaai^laWeot etore U devoted exeineivrl) to the aal« of th. afwe |un rrta, end that we are bow prepared to exhibit, la to^riiica of U- nana] Perie dellveriee, HlAV.b and CLOAKS, »/ the rrveet elegant and aovel da^riptloo. Ladle, and gentl* ttitat are ir vkaad to via it our elegant ware room a fooling aaaufd that they w13 meet with the moat poltti attention, and wlU bo freedy eho* r. our choKeat noveJtiea, wh-thi r they with to bot- ebeeeetaaot CHARLES STREET a. To, No. 475 Broadway, One Haal helow the St. Nicbolae HoteL Xtlillirurn, vt'r. H0M1B & KETCH 0M oFer to the trag», roa caaa Net* and eVrant FRENCH FLOWERS, FEATHERS, CHENILLE, ll>^Ii ORNAMENTS. BONNET MATERIALS, COL D STRAW GOODS TRIMMINGS. Ai., AT No. 318 Broadway, _Cono r Pearl at A DIES and STRANGERS viaiting the city wiB tWd a large and varied aaaortment at m h Pani'stylee > ALL BONSf*TS. aele, >ed bv Mra. CARTER, now to Paria avaao, a nrh aaaortment >>) HoedtOB Lace Seu Ac.aj ol oa« « a aaaoufa tore- CARTEdtS. Milliner, and La' Manufacturer, No. WO Broadway. ILLINERY goods. MARTIN k LAWSON, No. 3M Broadway, up aUkre, laalte Or attendee of b lyere to their Fall hrip.,rti'i at A RIBBONS. BONNET MATERIALS. LACKS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, and other MILLINER v OOODS. A » ENGLISH CRAPES of the beat manufacture. Mff .JJJOT-arT neaattieayti and WtBtjaTB DuT- rhanta are aollreted to call %iA examine eoj Parla pattern bONNKTTi; fr>r lowiveaa of price end chute deahrna they ex- Medal other nrooui nona. Ca.l and examine «t CARTER'S Millinery end We Manufactory, No 593 ilroada ay. MILLINERY GOODsTdRESS TRIMMINGS, and HEAD DRESS OOODS f.r the Miming Bieina The L'uderaigued, bavmx BaBaVaeatenaivr aitereti.ua in hiaStore, would i all the attention of buy ra to a choice at' ck of Ribbon*. Floerera. Feattiara Velveta, Dfe»« TriminiiKi. Head Draee and «eher OWa connected with tfie Trade. Millinera end Dreaa Makera ai pplied at a liberal dia. omit. L. P. Till HALS, No 154 Bowery, 3 doora above Broome. (Clothing. HAVE you at-e-n the > 50 SHOES and GAI- Tl RS. alao the BS 50 and e>4 BOOTS at JONES'S, fio. Ml Aim at-, near the Muaeum / ^mnacments. ACADEMY of MUSIC.-M Ilo FREZZOLINL t ir»l App- uraio e iu Atnerica o( Ml Lt. ERMINIE kkez/.olini. Prime Donna Aacduta Irom the Itallao Opera, Paria, Sirfüor LABOCETTA, Primo Teuoj di GraaJe frota the Lav Seil», Milan. Bkyaoe OaSSIER, Fliat Baritone from tlie Itallnu Opera, London; and Mr. ANSCHl'TZ, f:oudi' V>r of ibe Italian, Oeiman aud Enal aii Op.-ra«, Dr ry Lane, London. MONDAY, Sept. 7. la A SON N A M 11 U L A . The principal i liarai trra by M'Ue ERMINIE FREZZOLINL BtBBoti oaSSIER. tad LABOCETTA. toiiilnetor.Mr. ANSCHOTZ. Doora ope n at 7',; to i .uun.-u, a at ii. pku Rt or aOMiaeiosi. Perqoet. Panjuet Cirrie and Kirat Circle.gl. Bacnred Stata..Kif'.y cente extra. Family Circe.B>cent! | Amphitheater .25centa' Private Boxea.fron.*6 to $2". The Sale of Scuta will cumm..nc on ümturdav, Sept. A »t 9 O'ra.- I n an., at toe Academy of Muaic.atC BlW« dag a, No 701 Broadway, and at W ¦ Mall .v S..n'a, No. JN Broadway. Tick- «te end eeata to be had on the OTeedag, at the door. CA DEMY <ei Ml SIC..Mil.-. KREZZOLINI. MONDAY, Sept. 7. LA BONNAMBUIaA. Kirat appearauce in America ot Mile. ERMINIE FKE//.OLINI. NOTICE. The Sal- of Beat» will i n,u ., - 1 HIS MORNING at 9 r.'cuike in at th. ieadecayetTMaate,at C. Breailng'e, BJb 7ot Broad* ay. and et Win llall'.V S. n'a. N<« 2T> Broadway. Tick- eta and eeata tau b> had on the evening, at the door. Niblo «GARDEN..SATI RDAV EVENING, Sept 5. 1157. KIRST BENEFIT Or MME MONPLAISIR, On wbkh oc«ealon ahe will appear In a new Halletleatlth .1 THE ILLI SION OF A PAlMTBaV A Minted by tbe entire Ballet Troupe. THE WONDER KIT, RAVELS IN MAZtTLME. ANTOINE....ea... AIACLON lEHO.ME....a.....BARIAM Pre mei ad. C..in e»t at 7 Overtun i>t la MAI RES Ii I E and tbe ORIGINAL MAPOLI TAN. Miue. MoNPLAISlR gad f. EBFINOSA Dootaopati at 7: "nuneuce »t 8 Tn aeta 50 cenfa. gfratiy gigiaoeioa ROLLA. Tn.-aday.THhi RAVELS. XJT A L L A (. x ' ¦ T H E A T E K . ft lag.Mt BTUART. The ovartlowiiii: audience that Btteaded the apaalgl nicht of tbia Theater imiti.th. aaariagaaeaaAte repeal Iba eittattala« neent THIS (Batarday) EVENING. Sept k Iba. JOHN WOOD, bfiea aONEB EOBERTSON, (H«r laat affaateavee m New (Hn kaat apguareaoe in N.-w- York thia teaaaai ) York tula aeaaon.) Mr BLAKE. Mr. WALCOT, Sir. LESTER, Aliaa OANNON, Mr. JOHN WOOD, Mr. NORTON, Mr A H DAVENPORT, And Mr. DION BOtTECICAl LT, foranIna an aaaemhlai.- of aiiu-a aucb aa may never a/aiu he taea toeetber la one eut< itamiueiit. Tan OOore will o|ieii at 7 o'eeoch, tad the p. rf irmau e will oonuavace at 71, v. ith So ftdcaah?» ooaiedy, la Bra acta, LONDON ASSIRANCE. Sir Heroourt Courtly.Mr. Wal.-ot Maa Uarhaway.Mr. Norton Meddle.Mi. Blake Cherlea Courtly.Mr L.-at.-r Der/le (by the author. t thecomedyl.Mr Boim ifault Ado phua Spanker.Mr. Joba Wood Cool ifoi tu a orcawiou).Mr. Davenp .rt Solomon laaara.Mr R uaell Ledy Gay Spanker.Mra John Wowd Oraoe llaikaway.Miaa Agn-a Rabatteoa T> it.Miaa Oauuou Thu Ore beat ra. un.'.er the direction ol Mr BOBEET BTOPEL, aarlll perf rai durina the e\< nint.I Overture, I.» Sentinelle. Sta-peL 2 Polka. E. ho de M uit BUi.c-Juoieu. 3 lebtettaail from Trov»tv*<.Btopel 4. QaednUe. MaeatnlaBo Iiilttaiw S. 8- bott.ai he, Mat.iUe-.le.lieated to Mr. BUatt hy R 'hert BtlBll The- Boa «Maat will \h op, u from H uutil 4 under th. «up< un- V ndenee o( Mi. T Moaa, where at-eO in >y he h id. On MONDAY HEXT Miaa MATILDA HEEOM will appear. |> ARNUM ¦ MUSE U M.. Tbft .ie» of aaibiai people atul ooaAtaae to till do Mu¬ aeum t. aee "IHK, BOGUS MR I'ELL INKANT," and bare iaduced iu "real a».ih< r," Mra Aaaletaatv la "wall ¦ tittle longer ;*' ead hence it may vet be a.-eu nt all proper b 'Uia, d iy atij evie ing. W 1 MAN. ft. Wt/tRD. will rep-at, THIS AkTKRNOIlN at.Mock, aa well aa EVENING at 7| o'clock, >eu in Maeu , Haeeaaaaai v, v eutril. ',.»iaui, be. Tue U ipi<y taniiiy. Living SerpenU, at'o may he aeeu. AduittaiM «, ü wnt-, ihiloren under t. n. THE LAST NEW PI. HAS I RK Itaf aWaaegoeaeal wifl oaea the Idth laat th. braoae Ayl AKIV ok CRYSTAL PONDS, otripriaiiii a ax or*, or two of Aquann, or ti.a'.i aud aalt water m.nda, IncToaa-d with in walla ol p.ate «la-e coataliiim: thou- ai da of gellona. en.I > * > 11 i aaeeeal bnadeed leetad eatfaoo, lh«yare auppiied with evary variety oi hvm.1 Bahaadplant In n. ocean aud river, and evhihil t.. the viaitor ail the oiyateri- voa pAeaavaaaaa t nature eoeoaupaaybag HBi h. n. ot.'i tuo bil- towa In Ibeae Cry>ta: I' THE WATER IB NEVER CHANGED' tkf Satagal apaaaiaOl a ot the plaota and tadaaala kw-pint it al< waya gure. and mjderu t a chauje aupertiiioue The A ma baa baeu eevaial UiuLtha in preparation, and la titt- i up at great coat by Prcfvaaora if Natural lliatory trom the Royal Zookagtoal Oatdeua of Reeeata Park, Lond. u, Aa 11* at arc tbe only peedbat tbinc of the kind in th. try tba> htauaieuo nt ai, peepaivMl to aupply, na oouuterparta, PARLOR AUl A 111 A of every ai/e and quality, rlTTM DP TO aVbFItä et veiy reae. nable pneea. MISS K I. \ni.LlAM-; THE WELSH NI .HTINOALE, buaa» lame ib Laandaav, aa a eliara, ter eaealkat, iu WELSH, INGUSH. MOIX II aad IKt>il BALLADS,leaaaarpaaead, atbpaggai ai steal r>r»-n»> tat teaaaathaM oadj, She Bill make bet i ret aaaeaiBaet la Aaavriia aa tb- HM in«t., ia an EN TIRTAl.NMENT written expieaaly t,* her by SAM! El, LOVER. «»q autlioi .t Rory U M.-rr." .. L<o> Ha. » Car " Aug» a Whi'i" r " Baady bad] " ^e in which Mim W. aritl aa-taun TwatLVE DIFFERENT > HAEACfBEB, and aiug SEk KNTEEN DIKKEUE.NT MlNliS by Mr. Leaver. Tar Maaaerra have mad- arrani'-'r.nta in Europe |,>r a i on- Btaut aupply ol attrartiona of the h>ih< -t erdar, BBd BBBttah < aeaar NtfV CLTIKS rain before lotroducd in thia country. aJlalatbiob are unobo ti.-nah.e ua tlu ir nature.thu« aeoartat to the Muaeum ita eatab iahed charw ter ... a pia. e of iuU" ot r. «ort ta> faralli. a w ho would con.tune valuable tnatru -tion with raUociai aa.u»eu*nu_ l.KT0N,'. NEW THEATKR. BBOADWAT, J. Sivth appearani. of that eminent young trafedia MR HiWlN BOiVfll era- .< arapaar THIS E\EN1NO »a THE DI KE OK GLOSTER In Coadev a alteration of Sbakeapeei'ee p.ay. RICHARD III. U'.ke of Oleatei.Edwin Booth King Henry M...Mr M Teeawal.J. Harret I Hn kin<haiu....Mr J. Baruett Rehavwiad,.Mr. Charka Kiah r ?Aiejart..,.«..Mra A. Park- r Lady Ann.Miaa Suaan Deuiu To conclude with THE IRISH BROOMMAKKR IkriuaJi.Mr .-' rat .r LAIRA K E E NE'* NEW THEATER, No. awl Bro-dwav, Laar H.Kiitoa at Mim Laura Keen,-, »öle Leaaa-e end Duactreea .DreM Cu-vu- aud Parquet. 5«lc. Baun 11 y Cm ..'. 2»e. Orcheatra Stai.a, *l Private b .x.-a ».'> . ** JlJtc^Ta-Vt'arV. ,trf "¦*»¦'»¦ * t*g«T| u\ iuek THIS E\ I.MNG. BACBEla, Til K BE APE U faiBgei II»thorue. Jto-^-M^r*} -Mia. L. KewBC A CON G OAL ir»- 'v ROBERT MACAIItF. riliiAl.aJEKG * CONCEKTS-Ml.LO ^ SA- X LOON--Mt THAI HERo aria1 ^ n THREE GRAND CONCEBTS garly la e>pti e<ber. p UBDV,a NATIONAL TIIKATKM- Di»**Cirr.c«, IBs.] "it, ttr Orth«*ta-i C turt, f*c.; Prl rate Bon*. .Nicir-le A* »tfl«m»» or *l for »vti i«ti»l Do. t. arwci ». tV|, rmUd wrll n»**t .THIS EVENING NICK or THP WOODS Mel -f th<- \\ r</Ja. C J Eo*t*. I T'<i'Do»..Mr« H. F. Nirhoit THf MAOIC It AND.v Nir.Ao.Mr. O.I. Foa | Cho'-Rcani.MTU ZU» BLITZ JACKET* _THf IRISH TUTOR._ OLYMPIC THEATER, So! ft*. Broadway, op- p..tit* Nik!"'*. Doorx'p» at 7 Performance om»-*'»« »17. A :tni«» :. to «II part. tbe M r»uU Or**** .i» ,VtU, 50 ccuta . Firet night of the celebratei Corn*di**ue. Mlat KATE SAXON .SATURDAY, Sept. 1WT, tbe per_ I' m irj' e will f'.mni' rang with tt;e elegant comedy of FAfN ' HEART NEVER WON PAIR LADY*. Dutch***. Mw Kate - v Kr.» Char!-.. Mr* T. B .'r-btifn. To <on-i.de wtta U - me.o drama er.tite i Ü . W IZaRD SKIFP. io whicn Hi** Inlia Tumbu11 will «u*u-.n ber thro* original charaiter*. Dancing by Mal». Ert.eitir » The box-r.ffW of the Tneater if opto d»i y turn 10 till £ wher* ticket* may he bad aad *e»tt . .cored. '_ CHRISTY and WOOD" MLVSTRELS, N 44-1 Broadway. H WOOD. Baftfatea M*nare*. OEO. CHRISTY, Stare M-uiae-t. HOME AO A IN. Thi* Ctnpanr, «mre tbelr return from Phnadelpiua hare been referred by houae* CROWDEDTO THE CEILINO, with tb« tno.t Ext*»» «g»vt M*mo - tatrots or Dri ight. Every aeat in th)ir »paciou* and well ventilated hail it taken a.-ry la the eveninr and extra aeeta demanded by the TREMENDOUS CROWDS fore the curtain rite*. The programme Ii r tail WOf*. i< trm aual.'y Baa. embracing the principal act* fa the.r repertoire of ETHIOPIAN MINSTRELSY, and com luding eorb evenina wita a POPULAR FARCE, in lie-ir own Inimitable ftyie. Deora open at 71 Commerce at 8 o'clock. T keti, 23 ceau. FLE DÜSSELDORF GALLERY" is opeB orer th* Ha -f Dr. CHAPIN-8 Church, No. »48 Broadway- tta old location.from lu o'clock a. m. antli lOo'uiock p. m. Ad- t*lotion *' »ii tf printing. AT the OLD ESTABLISHMENT, l*ßf».. ISAAC J. OLIVER (S»ccr*o* to Oliver It Brother) STEAM PRINTER, Marble BuRdina, No. 32 R.-.-.KMAN-ST near WUliam. B AKER & GODWIN.TRIBITNE BIJTLD- INOS..Extensive Steam H >k and Job Printlm Estab.nh- nt.iineurp*a*ed by any in the Union for the neat and prompt .xeeution of EVERY VARIETY of PRINTING, from to* Bmalleat Card or Label to tbe I.»-.- Bill or Boak.ail at tbe Lowest Caah Price*. Ai*o Lithogr»pby, Engraving, >..; e typing. Binding, anrj Blank SULionery y * BAK.I-.R A OODW1N. Tribune Building». ENORAVING and PRINTING..WEDDING, VISITING, ADDRESS and BUSINESS CARDS, and every description of ENGRAVING and PRINTING. In the beat and cheapest manner. Ordera by mail aolicite-d. Inform*- tiou and apceiuiena goat if aupiled for with Foal-Office *temp*. WM. N IefNNEI.L. No. 195 Broadway. JOHN A. GRAY, No. 375 BROADWAY, and No*. 16 and It JACOB St .ran COMPOSE, STEREO¬ TYPE, PRINT, Rt I.F and BIND any .u.g required, at that SHORTEST NOTICE, and In tb* very BEST STYLE. HI. facilitlea are the MOST EXTENSIVE In th* city. PRINTING by STEAM-Copper-fated TYPE. i STATIONERS* HALL, Noa. 174 and I7G Pearl -at. New York. J A. H HASBROUCK. PRINTER. LITHOGRAPHER and STATIONER. All kind* t PRINTING ex. -uied in the be.t ityle, with COPl'ER- PACED TYPE, at the lowest ratea. ötatitwcrTj anö Saner) ©00Ö0. ACCOUNT BOOKS and STATIONERY..The . ub.eriber» beg h ave to call the attention "f ail Itllmil manufacturer* ai d bualne** men generally o their large an I uteoelve **t*rrtfneot of ACCOUNT BOOKS, »II of their own manufacture, for the city trade.Ledger*, Jouruala, Day Rook., Invoice B. oki. Raeeipt Booka, Ca»h. Time, Note, Bill and Ml n oraiidiim K... ka Blank Rooka ruled and bound to any pattern. All warranted and *old at lowest pricea. HAYNOR. HOW e 1 i- EPRY. at the ..Id at and. 70 Bowery. LANK-BOOKS, STATIONERY, JOB PRINT- ING. at No. 45 Maid.* lane. City aud Coantry Trade sup- plied. We offer the largest a**actual ef Fancy aud Step.* SUtiouery, Paper and A. count Books. Our PRINTINO OF- FICE and BINDERY, complete with New Type Steam Power, be enable us to execute work in the beat atyle at low pricea. Ordera aoUclted. FRANCIS V LOUTREL. Stall B ID a lito Al'KOTESTANT French Lndy|in itogir.Hii ..f making an engagerm nt with an educational institution or private family a- TEACHEB '*f the FRENCH LANOUAOE, DRAWING, and PAINTING la WATER COLORS. ..r only tor Erco. h. She Wiehe* t>. meet with th.- situ*ti.>n in tbe City of New-York or in the neigbborlo>od. Very good reference* will be prodn. »<t. Addre«*TEACHER,TribnneOrbce,New-York. ALADY di'ftiren a eituation in a Widotver'g fam¬ ily, Other to INSTRUCT CHILDREN er to SUPERIN¬ TEND the DOMESTIC AEEAIRS of ni* household. The beat reference* given and required. AJJr. .a Mis* AN.N\ SEARS. Uroadwa> Post tlrlico. LADY (|.m]ified to tt-ach Ml'SIC, DRAW- INOandOIL PAINTING daaira* to..lie a situation in a fauiilv «.r .< hool either at the South or West. References ex¬ changed. Address L Mm AlbaLj. NeW-Toih. AYoi'NG LADY who is i-utlifiryd to TetW3h Music, French and the Engli-.li loan, hea, wi-lie. a pin. wheat she n.ay tea. h ii fan.:Iy of children Compen*at»iu u.. an object Reterencei encbanpad. Adalieu Mi«« B., Box N- UaTrihnaTsi office. nPO ORGANISTS. CHORISTERS, und VliO- JL EESSORS OK MUSIC.Ayang Kemale, native, an!, nntil recertly, resident of Dlttwit, possessing a good c .utr.iit voice, it very desirous of musical training, would be glad to flag in .i choir, and willing 14 rtorm light, hou*eliold duties in the larnBy oi an able teacher, ta letarn for atnaWal tuition an 1 boaxa. C..u give tin us *t *»t'»factory raffrence. Address irirn i«," box No. 171 Tribune Ottii.. \\TANTED. I'»t h JOUOg Lftdy, m situition hs ft OOVERNEBS. Speak* the EapJiab, Fraoeh aad i .an laugi.ngea. Adiire*. J. A., Box No. V-C." N. Y. Poi OB e. 07ANTED..A retired MUl'lOer of tin' (iriit order TT wi.he. a .it-wtioii a. SALESWOMAN, SUPERIN- TENDENTof mdependent WORKWOMAN Ad Ires, Box MS, .- w*. i.se, Poet office. Bafaman arfll b«- iin.ju» »ti.iu»hle. AGENTLEMAN recently in the> MtnHfactunrnj Ba*ina*a in Ohio, atad of eitenaive aoquamtauoe In tbe West, wishes ta abtain a SITUATION with some Baajtera ImiiI iii,i house, or a* Traveling Agent. Ha. no objectliMi to a aitua tiua "u ahlphoard, a good *al*ry being the main object. Toe beat Of referer.ca-a given. Address Box No. H02 Zaneavill* Ohio MEBK AN SCHOOL INSTITITE, No. 346 l,ltOAl)WAY.-.>. hool* and Acadeimca auppiie l with tenl taachera, Tall Information laaiiaiialin >ha b**i School* forniahed to parents gt»t\,itouaiy. Taaehar*anppllfd with ritaitiw* Wanted, a l.a.iy to taaeh Oaratana, French and Murini aal«.r\ p-StO and board A Lady of aaaaraanca ta ». t a* Ol lern- ta u 1*4 t. a. h Eagllab, 1- lern i aud M isic Also a (iratieman to t> ach flaaiin. B. L-ttri» »od Matitaantatii a, SMITH a; BOYD. 1¦KEN«. II (iE.Nil. F. MAN tv.>U qiiaÜlie^rätid baling ('.ready a ..Motion m ».ine m biMii desire, another iu New-York oi Bianklya The highe,*, testimonial* giveu. Addreu T. C. Post lltlice, Chatham .quart- AFRENCH GENTLEMAN, of lotifj s*ut?rif»e« in Teat hing. *< atskaaaed lo tbe dirrdptla* and anaatapc aarai of b.y*. wlthei fog » situation In »u Atuericau School, either in the cite or in tbe coiintrv Can give aattsfac- trv refer*area. Addier* FRENCH TEACHER, Tribune Ofl a, .\. a -York. AGBADUATE of Hourtl HotjtikB Sciniimn. having bad *ev. :al y. *r>' experience as a Tev ber. de..r.-a ardtnatbai In an Academy oi private School aa te ACHER of ENGLISH BRANCHES and MATHEMATICS Has p j-le t- rttnaonaaU, Addr. ssTEACHER. SS4 Broadway, N Y. AYOUNG Mnn, without expcrienci' in bBBifhtaM, but v. ell educated and intelHgent. ofartiie temperameut. ready rMaaaraitirm and firm principles desire* ¦ situation aa i LERE. Wou.d prefer the Ship Chandlery or C"mmia*i*n Biithnaao Kemui eratu u les. an oioe. t thau tbe opportunity of blurb eaa adaeaAl K. tan to Snow A Herte.a. New-York, and KeUit Po.ter. Brcokija. Addre** ENTERPRISE, Box No. 16», Brooklyn. N. Y. TV I U8ICAL..BOPRANO SINGER WANTED 1T1 f..r hi. Entai ,.p»; Cb dl In the city. Addre** SOPRANO, B- No. j.616 Pest Office. NATIONAL SCHOOL AGENCY. No. g89 Brandwraj .RICE A ANDREWS uegotra'- 1-tTn hi rs and Srhaali ä-r rvreey mtloa of country No comnii**ion cbr.rged antfll rd*.-. are fii ed \\ anted »Classic»: Teaiher ira ¦ta ately alto, a Lau* Tea. ber ot Mut e *n>d Ergii-h branches. Caul from I to II. and 8 to ft Ni RSE WANTED..A mpeSu Eu«!Lah NURSE is requited tmmediaUlv in a geutler-iar. » faini.y. to take cLartr ,4 i ne i hi d Appiy at 14? Grand it PRINCIPALS of SCHOOLS .A Prefea*.r A <d th* FRENCH LANGUAGE, of gr»*t experience end JaPOr-aa ta Teaching, being engaged aom* five year* with twv Seii.au* in Btaiialia,ha*nan afan hour* at hni disposal, and i..;-- tbilly aaVfl h.s ¦ m ii es to tb> Principals of Icttitutiona. ar to per*ori» who deaire to le*n: that language Toe be*t tef- .rence. »* t.> c«p«Siiitv aud ebaiwler can be given Appiy t«. B AN ESTERMAN.N A Co No. 2W tin ade »y. PRINTERS..A Printer, who ig a more, than avi rag, tompo-ito;. understand* Jobbirg. bat a at Caae and Pres.. and is tempera:.. bun st Indnrgrini ard laRh ful, wiahea a permanent SITUATION in atone W ettern St.' Addn-as PK1NT> R i.i .:. and Co. rier OfEi e Oreeufir.J. Maat 1^ÖTl.lNTERS.-A PROOF-READER it MBB W to an rng*rement: c»» fj up hit tune at t »*. it r--u bad Addre** X Y Tnnune Othea. IX) SILVER-SMITHS..WANTED, \ tir»t-r»t.> SILVER CHASESi aar« . PLATE F1NISHEB *ud POlalSHER Btaady en.ployment f. r n-st rat. w.,rknei Appiy at N< tn sp i t . _Wat PORRES \\rANl ED .AGENTS wan».,l. in prary town. It fSBaaa and city lhfoagh»at tan United Btataa, far afapapa in a pax*table bn*tneag for rnii' at tbe largest C poratiin. ir atry For rnl aaiticalafi hralaa* tare St»mp. aad ad are.* H I I BAWIE m On, Pfawafrtawa. Hui W ANTED. To go . ahort diatsoce id the eivuri- T* try, a W'OM AN U. d# Oeaerai Ilcuaeaori Matt (a a g. o.'p-a e-iA, w*»h*r *nl irvn-i Ana», *t lv East tid ft T* WANTED.A CWt for h Rwlrrrad TrrWjet Of IV«, . Clerk for . HI ipp ¦. h«. i H-.-.«. 2 Ceo .',.¦¦<-'? '- Brimmer, and I p.,--. r mt * _QILLBN II C-i . Nr> « Kut Broadway. \\r ANTED IMMEDIATELY.In a am.Ii pri TT ate fan mi 1 ?£..*( ¦¦ f' rmu ProUetant (»(HU M C< i* ii.(i I,*' r.drva*; rau.t understand p**<r|. «weeUa-at* a .4 .cup*. UneiorptiiaaJ refrreacrt reauired Call at No. (I I. i.coo Terra. -, fld *t.. be'.w-e. r. and 4 o'clock. Co tTJbom ii man Conxcrn. APIC-MO wvd EXCURSION, for the Benefit of .V. Ar.t. ,r\'* Ch-jr h. Ot>-enpatat, took place on TUESDAi Sept '. IBA, |,y the Rcr. Fath-r Bfen-m. n. arhich wosdd no dnub' h*\ e proved a very ph a»ant MO, VM It a«t for the d.aordeny condui t of a lot of a. amp* whi< ft kept up light i a day. A atop u as .'.on pot to tbeir gam by tbe pou. « on board. Cr«dit ii .. r,m,..r Dilbr of Br - klyn al*o to the ' ¦ i'.t»e.M/. Ja Brennan, David Cera**, Alexaol. r M- Calm. Jchn Bremen. Ji.hr. Cary. Jolui Herea. Terre-acM. Hargra» .. N. Y. Cr. dit ia due to all tha above f.r their kin 1 eaertiana on that Cay. \f ERCHANTS. ManufaeBir-r* and Other* can i.vJ Advert!**, us tbe beat Papern of City and Country rat V B PALMER'S Adv~rt;«iMg Aa*noy. Tribune Building* MERCHANTS and TRADERS .Your atten¬ tion it invited to GOULDS PATENT HI'SKINO THIMBLES. IlIiiatratAd on page *tj. Vol. XI., S- lentin. Amer loan. We «iah to estthlith immediately Wholesale Afenfa in . erv &>atd In tbe Cni .n. Circolara a»nt gratia Sample* .,fth» Implement* tent for ?t centi in stamps Aaaratted .-i/«* aent by mat; for Bl per dor. Ordert aaewfif *5 rilled with di.pvteb at Onrrlee*IatWlardeanla pttt*. Warranted t" give satisfaction on trial or no aale. Addre.« J. H. OÜI'LD k Ca., Alliance, Ohio MOR E II E AO'9 MAGNETIC PLASTER- THE OREATEST 9TRENOTHENF.R and PAIN DE¬ STROYER, ar.d tbe CHEAPEST and BEST PlaAHTER IN THE WORLD. A Oreat Tonic Plaster.It rivet «trenrtb to the week. A Great Absorbent Plaater.It extracta all pain. A Oreat Nervine Plaater.It imparts vitality lo the *vst«m. A Great Alterative Flatter.It renewi tone aad energy to the Organa By Itt Magnetic Virtoei itexpe't Diteaaeand reatorea Hs-oJth. PAIN CANNOT EXIST WHERE THIS PLASTER IS AP¬ PLIED. Put up in air tight tin boxes; ea*h box will make 6 to I Pla.Urs, aad any tUd ian tprrad Ihana. Price JA c< nt« a box, with full and plain dir»< tiona. D. C. MOREhlEAl), M. D.. Iuvent..r and Proprietor, No 19 Walker at N*wYork. For tale by moat reire-ctable Druggi*t* and Dealer*in Gennine Medicinea throughout the United State* TVJOTICE to NEWS AGENTS.-On and alter Xa SUNDAY, Sept 6, our Wa.deaale Neiea Agency arilI be CLOSED on SUNnAtS Onr Stole vriil be kept open till 8 o'clock on Satordai eveningr, to enable Neu t \ enden to tup- ply tbentelvet with U ... k » Papert for Sur.dty «1*. CAi L.nwr.LL*, f.ONo. n. m a ..n at. New-York. Orricr of Rrirnra or Taxr.s. J Neve Court Hoiii*.S2Ch»uiben tt.. Ne» York, fb-pt 1. 1*57. 1 NOTICE l* hiTeby given UuX the Tax BorjdU will be delivered Into my banda ready for payrm-nt on the 7th of September. I tie* leave at the eametimeto imprena upon the mkrsd* of 'ax payer* my firm determination to adftere to ton eatahlithed ru.c. uf rn\ otbc, m n>-t rec-.vir.g envelope* contain in* check* ijt money* for the payment of taxe*. Ottice hour* from 8 a. m till 2 n m. No money I rt« uif*d *fter 2 o*rl"ck. WILSfjN SMALL, Ree, iver of Tare*. POLICEMEN PLEASE TAKE NOTICE.. Ttmae $4 -**» WATER BO JTS are now ready for yourln- .rei tion at JONES'S, No. in Ann tt. (ftiaiucs for linsincss illcn. AFIRST-RATE GROCERY STAND for SALE or to LET f.r any tmaine-i .Tm St.k k and Fig- ture* ol the (tore No. 77J lireenwich *t. cor. of Bang, will be told rhe.ip if app'ied lor in.mediately. The owner of the build¬ ing w ithet to retire from the butiue*.. N. R..Thar* it a larg* Baaement with in Oven attached under tbe tidewalk AN INDIA RUBBER SAFETY FLUID LAMP lathe ordy certainly aafe and moat ec-uion. *! uu* Id uia. Energetic men can make from tM to B1" per day lu telling to consumer* in auy part of the I nited s-atea terri¬ tory. For aale on liberal term* Inline* atarnp* for informa¬ tion HAW XIH It.>T. MOTT Co., excluaive maniifactur- eia. No. b'H P«Bf tt, New-York. AGENCY WANTED.Fur SALE of NEW UM USEFUL ARTICLES la PHILADELPHIA, by i apoi.aible, tnetpetic and IhcieLt Sale.ni iu; Would undertake the .ale ol Pat< nt Ri/fata on tavorable t- rina. Addr> it PHIL¬ ADELPHIA. Tribune Orti-e. I^OR SÄLE..The entire MACHINERY «od REAL ESTATE of the DIAMOND MILLS MANUFAC¬ TURING Co. wJi *old nt PUBLIC AUCTION. omm.-i. .- iug at o'i liiek * in on the 2uth d»y of Qotohrf uext. on tbe p-i n.ia. . at J-eaaingburgh, Ren**elaer Co., N. Y unleit told previously. Parpartienlari ad«lre»* A. E. POWERS, Pretident. Lanaingburgb, N. Y. FOlTs^E-MACHIN^i^^ SHOP, BBA brick; FORGE and BOILER SHOP, 2Stx5C, bri<k; CAR SHOP, 213x«fi, worej; FOUNDERY. 86x80, wckhI bt'geth. r with the most perfect lot of Tool* and Machinery t" be found in any *bop la the country ; altuata-d at WHITE RIVER JUNCTION, Vt., at tbe junction of th* «ermoat Central, Pa**omp«ic and t4ortheru (N. H.) Railroad* tU>, ta-n DWELL!NO-HOL'bES may be had with the Sb .pa. "deairea. Tbe above will be told very cheap, and long time br p*yments given. Addre**, at White River J.m. tiou. Vt., _N. B rJAEKORD. SCHOOL for SALE..To TEACHERS.ThB present Principal of the ALLENTOWN SEMINARY hav¬ ing hern I Ii eted lo the Pre*idenry of tbe Illinois State Univer¬ sity. MoanOM to dispose of bit inter- *t in the Si haoj Tnis in¬ stitution baa boon in operation about tan Mart, denial most of v. htoh that th* number of ita pupils ha* baa very «t. adily In- crea-ing. The bnildings hart bei n recently enlarged, and will BOW accommodate over one buii.lred b.»ar,n-r-.. The grouu4* are ample and very attractive, ami the biaaty and healthfuli.es. of th.- situation >re uiisi.rpatted by any tebool iu Peiin.ylvania. Allel.town is ai oes.lble (several tiui.a *day) bff railroad froin Pbilhdeiphi.i and New-York, with which r als., has direct tel.- grspliic egammuaicatiOB, and la in one of the wealthiest CoWTati a uf Pennsylvania ThaOeod-wfll and Fixtures of the Baboo) will told, tpot reasoraahtc ternra, la a eoarpekent teach.-r, acceptable la the proprietor* and patron* .>! tha a. Ho..1 general¬ ly. The pr> sent ."»uir.ri.i r *-"»ioii -. tli S.-pt»-inb-r, and tiie \r\ mt- r s. trioa OWentoa the 1st .,t November. Poa*.-*. . .. arill hi glren on Iba fat of October. For Borascalart and t.rnaappli taW.M. RETNOLDB,AJlentowi IaahighConnty! Pennsylr ania. STEAM 'PRINTING OFFICE FOR SALE. The Ofnec i on.. r of Centre and White street., form, rlr occupied by MILLER A HOLMAN. and r< o ntly by MILLER A CURTIS. .. ntainiiig Six Adams Pltllll i. e4 tw.. roller, N by I'; 1 two P.ller. 2 by ttJLaad 1 tour roller, 2E| bv iS. One gtngdt sn all jliider llw'i newspaper. SI by IB One Hoe's medium, 1 Ho**! |..lio po»t. Oi super tojal ban Ml M One card Bgnat, I Rnggles preat. F'. nr Hoe's piuuf M«**l s T».. l.' ini h ylind. r bydrottatic pre-s, 14 by .12. sritii pump*. About *u groat boanl* for *»m.. CutH] I Bail bint, bra»- colter, lead cutter. An *Xlewaf*e a.surtin. ut .if plain nud fancy Book and Job 'i'lja Also ' fonts Music Type.Nonpareil. Ar*'e, Diemoni, Prarl IrtaWffld. and Exetiai r. w ith a Mere .») p.- D-pertm- Fi ruiing alt. fither one ol the Bktat 'mpiete and exteaaiv Bo. k and Job I'.inting Orlii . a in the City. FRAN! IS i.Eo. SHAW. Baaatrat, N... J21 Broadway. All kind* of Printing, from the larg-.t booh la th* *l!U st card, iiini kl) and faithfully executed at low prii a t r *-.-.. Apply to JÖHN W. MILLER, tavaagof Centre »nd White ttre. tt, Agent. rya BI'SINESS MEN..An opportunity for a A prnMahhr InTritmmt 1* rffrrrd by a party wl* ah-mis t<> re'.iri Iron a bo*inott la Mal he bua been engaged f,r near year*, in the bs-*t atnri la the eixy, He will *eii hi* iut>n-tt aid bit ttock II n-Ind. tor a Mod»rati' rnotideratioa and on teascualie term.. Adir. t. MERCHANT. N. E L.. Trihana OfBub W ATER-ci'RE HOUSE hi NEW-LEBANON BPRINGI t. LET LEASE, or for SALE -Apply to WM WEST. No IT Fadi ¦ it. New-lark, YFACHT "GERTRUDE" for SALE. Abamt !»0 tuns burden built by Fish; al.^p-n.-ged, WaB-feand in every re*p*ct. *i.d in good icuditi.sn; dr»w, ab ..it 7 f.-.-t wat r, and baa si.pcti.-r *r-c..n.tM-d*'iona Applr to N BI.OOD- (.001). S..r. tar) ol th. New York Ya bt'Cluh. No 4 Pine tt *^ I WM ¦ ,s WANTED f ir an INTEREsI' V'-'lUUv ta Uta at the .-feat and nuajt pr- fit»ble msiu fact-.ting concerns in this rtty None but principal, a ill be d. alt with, and th. se not it.teri tte.' in am other methani.. *1 or m»c factnni g buain<-m For part'. ul»r.. apply to A SIU.NI I I'OANE. N. '.*i Pnltoo *t.. up sU.rs fJIQIU I .WANTED, n PARTNER, in a plea*- .IvarvPA'* ai t h d. * raahha*ineoi in tbit city, mat ra- q..ir» * tbe attaath R at tv» t p»r*. » but a few |...jr* daily It is a ell ettab.i'i i \* ith- ot coii'p. titi .a. »tti-uded w ilhnonsk, and *i re 11 neldii an irnmen*- p-..fit Addrett (.EO WHEELf R k Ct No .^st Broadway,Office No 13. (Lb 7 i kl \i I WÄNTEI r.On H. um* and Lot tJJ> 4 ,1 Fl FAF it. the IC.tr ..f N-» \ ra S. uf. un.iu. t taiie Ap; y to F c Bowman.:*; Broadway-. Mainr] C. 1 CdUb -WANTED, a PARTNER with ty* \ 9oJr\J\Jw thla am. ui t. U. join the adtertieer M . per- ri^na-Lt and p>ite«tly »ab Man ut a tuting baaiaatt i. ti.:. s'.v hat »i.. l et r per annum tt will b»*atna aoaa aalaiil rien. Audre*. W. N Box 117 Tribune PIS, e. »im narn. *. K ClUUi - FOB SALE. .'s, iendie! WltklBhhBi »47 41/1"* Retail CONEECTIO.S AllY', Cant - 0 insl i.,»t:i»aand < *'b trade.rarer ban.. A.an, tine.i l..«at«-4 S*» and Turning MILL, with II a re. LAND. Sullivan Co New- Yrrk. BLSrl Alan, PARTNER war'e l sitk * l 20U («>b. in .pleadrd Tea th W m aa _ do /anttcrs anb (Otlicrs. CIDER MILLS and PRESSES.Miiwh improre*! ,.»,: last vsai'* make For eel. by JOHN ALEXANDER. Nc 54 CliffV... New York, up atauri. 1 PACIFIC OCEAN GUANO.ioö Ton*, contjur.- tng * per cat of Amn.otua and M per cent, f Pnsxpba'e* i ,a.l». *..i: purcl.tasera A. LOMtErT N. alClitt. rjjrica. tJiTÜgtrvt. Vi HOR.^E, BUOOY and HARNESS fur SALE.. Akwinhtbtl] HORsE. I year* old. lu. heads Uutk. fa*, t.-xi gaa tal kind nadir tht .»*.> and ie at. haraesa, wBhtaBod tthad aMXX-BVOOT and MAJlMRfS mast* to or- da r aad hut Bttle need, casting BTr* Sold for want of *«*. only Pin .- u< ti r Btlnhhannntng ?a*' Mar be areu .: C.-arr'. hi , ha lathat between Bn adway and Ota-at ia ,iorv fjg Mr CUMlt\ oi i HAKLIE POLIN-_ VTliMilONT MORGAf- HOR8FaJ3..Pot .aj- c. c pa bay ROIatM BaaPOart Old cne *ore~, ariee gear* oiJ. ata l one gray MARE 6»e *""*r* cif -**L rsw> lopen-v h- rs.. a id wttraube-l laq dra BJ N t?3 S.'a«-ooar). .Lara th**; BaJ tar IceCs. of Ok Nc. IT Sprtvat ft. Bcaxb cmb Hoonma CHATSWORTH IrOTKL, FAtmtm, iv-rbf- .mir». Kn.»..d WILLIAM JF.PSON. the m fr****. ee »0 reform A^errieen r>.» u JOeugaad um: the CH ATS WORTH HOTEL u eBviete* Is C»fjUvarU Park. and :. uw Itninedjate vteuaMy ef the prior -1 j lawtdearat ihe leite oaf De», jj.t.ii- 4 pa »-<¦ «,'¦ aeiefwilh ,-( J* .. ree tt ert aad lib- brail) rair-^J;«rva by aalaire. TW Uotoi g.rtev. j roraaart end arv«. meanaal)oc to tounrta, aawi ra atttn: <aey dietei.aae of Una p.a.areev-ry of the IVak of D«'1 ;w re. erhieh haa act haag prtapnatrtly hee« eem- parrd te Sw-itr.r». <! The MUje* J Railway >.-re. " < g Vr..«J between Itnoipa and York, haa a braurh to RowaLy Statt.« taiaere an .1 -tit 1 *.. m the Hi '- rr.ega rwy Uwn. Thai »".«-!. « :-i».oU .. drive tbmvk the part far» m^w. N. B .A . 4- p parior for tb« acrroiat siatioa of Led « and i.t.-n.. r BROOKLVN HOARD.A privat- Fartrilf. anting Ii a ; part uf H. * ». who worJd hoard a 0-rtl.-tr.au ard Lady who WLold rnettly firn.ib their own roami and r>e little trouble, caa eddree. O Box No. M. Brook¬ lyn, for cne week. Board paid week!}, and refereu-ea ex- 1 aaoatee* BOARD WANTED.In a private family, for a ttldaaj Lady and two Deughtrra.one Hand Lb- other 12 veert old.between l-tth arwt »"<¦.; tte Coitanaa or Knecde preferred. AddraaeBriNo 2,ft«5 Nea York Poet Office. BOARD WANTED..A young man. a rtiniVntat one ot toe city (.otirgra, deeirei board in a private tarre-'y where be 1 in enjoy the r .uif rta of a home. He wiahee a ro'vm w.th irate and gaa The karat. >n muat be^etwe»n 10th and Joch- and 2d and 7th eva The l eft reference will be given and required Addren STL DENT, Boa No. Hi Port Office. t)0OGC6 tO tel. HOUSE to RENT.In Wt*. iMd-rt.. oPBrHth- av ISxSS feet kick hawmeat, and lirat «... in everv re¬ aper*, r URNITURE far SALE.ia gent, el. but r. < 1 atrave- rant. Aidrea,., wuli full i.eine. B. B Box No 2.04:1, Port- Otf.ee. ROOMS to LET.A Pari.T, on*, or two 1W- rooma and Bath room or >in/le Romia with ad. inv-eoj- enrea. newly Bated op, and will be kept in beat order. JOHN WOODWARD, No. pq Franklin -t. n-ar Taytor a TO LEASE.A nrnst »'ligil>|.- »itiHtum fora Flour end Eee.l or Proviaiou St«ire. Arm ilturel Warehouae, A.-., lein* a lataa KIVE-STORY BITLDINO la Weat at keeeei Courtlandt. with a apaeioua Cellar. It will be let entire, at eaih flry r end tb.liar aeparate. Apply at No. 2i.) Br.eilway. r.ircerol Ben lay -t., third floor, ro.un No.fS'. P|N> LET..ROOMS Fl RNISIÖ:I) l.y the- Any A irwiek, price a>2 to $7 p.r week, in home Ho. SM Broadway. Apply at the office or above. TX) LET in RROOKEYN-A PÖliSd :!-*tory X not'rar to Heary..t between State and Jonlea at «ta. for one year from lat of October. To a awaalt fautilv term* will be made low. Addre.a Boa No. tit) Poat-Ottj. li .ar.tiiia bouae keepera need no; apply. TX) LET.Tht> ROOMS naw occiipifsl by the A New-York Cleerinr Hooae, beiag the entire aaaaai .' «ry of No. 82 Broadway, extendint from Br.iedway lag feet deeap to New ... 24 1. ; wide; liehted frout and rear and by a large aky- llght. Eor terma, Inquire af the Cleau-iiif'Houee, on any la.ai oeaa day after 11 o'elork a. m. of OEOROE D. LY tat A It LET.Two gentvel COTTAGES at Raveoa- wood.with OROI'NDS and STAB LKS. oppoekte to the Steeinlioat Lending of LOWER RAVENiWiJOD. Stager paaa every hour to Greenpoint, Wiliiamabnrgh and llr -e v, Apply to J. S. HARRIS, near the premieee, or to HARRIS. NEDA V a. Co.. No. 28 Pe< k eiip. tjonoco atib /arms toanttb. WANTED to HIRE-A ginnll HOUSE {fat- T v niahed or not), within IS milea ol the itv, and ea.y infer- ear. ReLt mtiat b«- moderate. Addrrta E. II B a N>>. 1,C«2 Poat OBL e, .tatii | l.e-ality, r-nf. Ar. Ural Collate for dale. AT MILTON, on tho Hu«i*on. fmir tnilt»t l^-iow Pourhkeepaie, la a flue BUMMER RESIDKNCK for StU romoianding an ex', naive view ol tn<- nver. north and eoutli. Ilouae large ard rommo.lio a, croouia wed ilauvd wiUi fruit, baafcfl of the owner, JOHN C. WOLLET, or of A. A. Benael, Milte« L'Leter County, N. Y., for termi or other partu nlara. F^R SALE . REAL ESTATE and PER- SONAL PROPERTY of the NOVELTY IRON WOEKB It the noiet 1 omplete and beet arraai.-d au I ....nve.niotatly lorated Iron Worka in Pel uaylvania. All tb> pHu. mal builihnra am ot hrii k, with .late roola. Weter and tea ere u.tro<i«x-e/J throu(h the building. There if en ex velh-nt aaaortuieut 'I'....;, and Ma. bm. iy. The aaa .rtuient of Patterni are utvaur- paaaed heinf aell made and near!) new cn-i.tmr prmcipoUy for ¦ ill work af.-am eu^inea and general now hinery, Iroa h.eaee fruita, atovre, Ar The lot ia a valuable on..fronting o the Penney iv u.ia Railr.wad I5o feet, running t.h. k to tne P.-uneyl yania Canai 3> aMt, with aoompl. te wharf the wh I.- width of the |.,t. Poaeeaaiug auch auperior edvautagea. work ran be manufartureil very low, and iau be abipped t>. any part of the Union. TUe Woika ere capable of manufacturing fr u BCiO(aa) to B2|0,ia». worth of work per annum Kor pa'tindora. tuM.ly to the aubM riber, at llarriakairg, Pennaylvania. J. R JONES. FIB SALE^r EXCHANGE.A~b^tif.it ( OT- TAOK and r ABM of 31 BeTave, in a pleaaant vil age. 70 BatVef from New-Y'ork. Ch.u. e fr lit. pern water, and. Aue era nery. Full pertirulara eud diagram at No 15 John-at _ C. W. OLIVER I^ÖR SALE.A vory ii»>eirnÜ"lvESIDEN(:E in Enat Cheate r, -itnated about I) milea from the llronxville Station on the Harlem Railroad, iboat 2 milea fr. 111 Mt. VeaOjOB on the New HavVfl Railroad, and about y milea fr.Hm New- RochelL'. The Heaae la nearly new and conraignda a view uf Long laiaad SoitLd. OikkI Bam. Carriage-Houae, Ac, together with ata.nt to arn . ol land, wbirh la in B high atataOf CBitiva tion. For further pert 1. ulara apply to O B. TWEED) Niav >i Bar lay-at, or to \S M. E. COLLIS, at No |er^ S mth at. FARM for SALE LOW, niid on ficromiiiodtatiiig tern.a..It rontama MB acree, 15 of gcod wood, a thrifty pearh orchard of Cggg trr.-a and upward, an apple ..rohar.l, anil a variety of other Iruit, a good farm hoii.e. hero and ettkef oat- l.uildii.ga. It ia well watered aoii a clay loam, u eli adupteii to market gardening, fra-a, or other cropa. Couveuirut to New Y'otk by atearaboat or railroad For parti ular.. apply to _JOSEPH W. ALLEN No IM ßroadaray. I^ARM for SALE..Ninety-one Acnw of I^md, Hou.e and tva o Barui aud Out Houae, new. Two tjatBBf of the moneyran lie on bond eod mortgage for lit. year*. Twenty tw.. u.i^.. trom New Yotk. Inquire of H. II. Bl'TLER, No. 9 Catharine at. FARMS for SALE..One- in Lumlwrlniid Viih»i>.-, Suilivan County, N. Y. 3i*9 arrea; dam. wa'er pa,wer ato?a, Ac *-3,W«>. The wo,,d on it will e.-ll for *K«r«Xl. Mat aaa m the beat plaaaa iat tn.t, batB,_ar aaar bbUL One by it. H a< rea. g.u. 0 On,, at W eahingt .a Valley, N. J near Plain- t. Id 111'arrea; Baa b' ild.uge. *.» '»»' Fine boteee, cow., all the ato. k, cropa, and farming implemeuta inc!i..le.i Tu.-1« one of tee N at haraaine in the State will make a food OBaBtef aeat for a peraon d"iig buaine*a in Neva York.Niue huodred h arma.."o, iia., or na'.iaaj arrea r.f Ian.I.in .'ill rent dir. ¦ ttor.a; Mil'a. Water rower. Country 81 ate Vfllaga aadCtta Plopetty. Apply to J. V A.NDERBII.T, No H4 k l tonal Olfiae op-n from 8 to 8 falTBBaga eellfHad In the Real K.atate baetaveee One Farm at le«a than one half tte retake i I 01 re*. Ooud aaw and lath mnl. Ac. gll.'OO In haQieaa Coaaty, N \ three milea and a half from railroad at at .11 rnual anal river. Term, in v tVJB tviH l< a>.| 1 in amail laffaaa, BS to fgEi pal a t> I hm« Ihr heat barg.iii that ran ever be ottered. VALUABLE FARM for SALE..Thr? .iibgorv be: (Sera (or aale that valuable FARM kn. wn aa the FORT FARM, 44 ruh a eolith of the City of Porighkeeaxil^, Duteaheaa County, N Y., being eu the poat road tvtweeu Pougb- keepeie and Net. -York City. Said farm containe aboat «Ö7J wrea, about 9" acree of whirl, are woodland. It la in a good Itataltd i.iitivat.on a ell watered and adapted to rraia or fraaa On the premiaea are e giKKi Dwelling Houae. Teuanl Houee. Bam. Sheai*. Ore nary, Carriage Houae. Hog Harare, Woo-lhouee., ha., all ia go. d repair, with a tne tprmg uf water near toe touae. The Farm can ea«*e be dMd'd luty. two parte aa the pet sadraaeaeartj tbraaah «o.. center. On the wee* abioat tba r>ad la a line building aite, havMtg a vi-w of the U 1* a Riref in4 the furroundii.g country. For further parti, u'.are inqe.lni of the r.Sarrtte>l, corn* 2anaoa euj Liberty ate.. Pt ugbkeepaie, or .f YOL'NO M:HULT7bCo., No 37 F rry at. corner .f Cliff N-w-Yorh JOHN PETER NELSON A C R E S of 10 W A LAND S AT PIBL1C Al'CTION Tbe DEMOINK NAv 1 OAT I ON a. RAILROAD COM¬ PANY aid tier at pi. a i n. at the CITf OF DE- MOINE, the Cepito. of Die State of Iowa, on in 21atdayof lirta.her next end on each aec.-eeding day, uat.t the am« aro rullv dlapoae-d ..I. FIFTY THOUSAND ACRES OF LAND, lying imn.ediateiy above Eurt D*a M'inea. Three latila area part cl a giant B.edr tu 1Mb by Congreaa to the State of Uwe. It wl.otu tbe? have |e.-i. coii.eye.it, th.< Company. vb..«« nghta have mat hero affirmed by the Supreme Curt at I .we. ita htgeieat judicial tnbunal They tie la alternate aectiooe in e atrip f five one a m width on aargl aide of the Dea Moinea River Tke Vallev of the D. a M<> ive. ia c. nfeaaeoly THE RICHEST AORICULTCRAL REOIOM OF THE UNITEL> STATES ar.d th« let de n w fh rid wi! '«urrpna. aome I t' n ¦IN taiaalBt if lit PRAIRIE Ml AIM IW end TIMBER LANDS af the rataie are WfM * %'ered by apriuga and et.ajeme, aad having reel, withheld Ir in aale f r ateirc yeera part are to- teraperawl «ith rultivat'-d larn.a aud thririug v.Lagei Th- tint bered lar.da ere ru h ir. black walnut ead oak cf tne fineet « lal By. An abendaace of reel und. "le. to. gteatae port., n. and ia eaaiiy mined. Multita.dee ot hroav ras he eei>. ted wita ample oa. and timber pol them for all tb. pery a. a 11 the colli vataw Fleeter la aiao found in at undau-e TWENTY-Fl Vi' THOCSAND ACRES will he atvaah taiy a ,d a Je.-t to the t< bütieti« fe'ltewirg. to tlie Lifh.-et kidd. r. El the C. mpany rewr»-a taa- n*ht of reeire »:r,g furtuer eelee 11 »aliaetlafai tl rj Ttaatt Sal 1 .Trie hand la earn eave». n wn. be eoii aep- erately and la eocrecieot parraie, and ia ail raeea be pt.t up et the mtn'.mun pr B3 per atra. Pev m nt. aha.] be made aa Crtiowa, to wit There auai. be paid J » c Id eaan at tbe cue ad eeie, re ail timbafed laadj, from one-hail" to two Uurtle of toe porcoaae money oa otDer ..ai.da brugtag le«> than e - ger a. re, tbe auia of ga-r acre OL ah other I anda 36 per reat of the pur^aae oveaey and the rr jiamder aba.I be pevebie ia live equa. anaual initaiimer.'a, \i. Be aecured tepo*. law latbata, ante tatereet at . per rent p.r ya-ai. Ir eaee a_y paart haa« r ahaU dVeire te pay In laB, e duteouat ef IB par cent on tbe amount of deterred pajeneate wiH be made. The N ude of the ( pea . >. . b* r-. -.' aa caeb at tiaeur gar val te. fVeda of war-auty trill be |ivee. Tue dar..:- ef rou.eyaare oftheee lacde 'tic Cotaaaey aili be found duly rerordeäi in tbe oBre < f the Secretary 01 Suta of Iowa Mapa. deecriptioog ard appreiaale at the lead, ar.d er.y to. 1 Int. n allot, ra. be taJ ot. appRcatior at tne 1 Sice of te Cojigent. Ne 14 Wlllian at New Y'ort, erutfi- BBeeeaegaYad, at »h» C-ea.,4- I a Lani OBacai in IVmouae (Fort Dee Mj iee| A PKlRll? Iae J C .mmieeara.'r D N. URO t-etr i ark a s *: HBf 5(MI00 *X I U in ECB1 Sof LAND ia Pikr C-tin:y. Pa , e P»" ft )\9 ., 4, ta» N Y A Erw BaalroaJ. te f XCll anoe 11 ra gerty in Ii r I .. .. ... » KIS A RICHAT.DS<JN, Baal E.telr an Lain Ageota. No. i C-eJar at. j E5 V lvS a MI H-M., IV SALE..A lfaae> BjtBVaakaB i**>n BRÜV.N BTOH1 flOUbh Ne»r«7 ga Bteda «¦' (rr*c<**4 -llr a»«, t«i»i t BIB Kf.- , t 1 ;.V -.¦ <. bet* the Song* *rd ir Oh* M ¦ MM re r~*~b V.*~. . SITI Alf OH M . PMÖOt er to so- 4r pups.* *4 thear r»*l.l*:,ea Ar*'*t f*a m Broadway, to Prcl \»«gn.«. wbere reference* wwe bo gleao._ PBOFESBOI of tB* Fretvh Lon^'urt' arid Literature wbc halben turret-rudy ecgegad IV *. r-rei v,irt ia .^ox of tar l«-*t ernoeit of New York, ran 01 em ortwo hrcrt erar; day. AJdret' b. v No J fw. ", »>¦ ALL Student* prepare*! Er huti'ieeo at DOla- BF.AB'S Commercial Academy o<w Broadway may . b'a-r. mm d »iiiiats»ee, 11 the] b.come quirk in t.gur»-t, raged BaaaBOag penmen lad pea, t.ral >.ikcept ra. Tbcte »V ae. re aeete tri. dap f r Monday n ay I »*e prirte ItWtoat witnoct extracherge. o print- *ewt* v*.»r.t. Term* fr-m pi tj *¦'¦&_( /^OITF.RT LYCEUM, ur«W th.« drrrvtion of V/ Prof. F B. MAURICE, t.raduete of the Uaiveraitv ot > raa- e. No. ;«i St. Mark'l rdaoe. New York-fr-neb. English fr«.n:.h fon trerna' and Chvssical BOARDIN»» and DAY SCHOOL PllRBOVS The Chatte* will re open M MONDAY. 70. Seeu aiber Cirruiar«. with aV-ferrncet ma r~ obulaei at lb* LvVeum, and at the omec of H«ara COUDERT. BROTH ERA. Not j| gad «I Abu at_ COTTAGE HILL SEMINARY f..r YOUNG LADIHS, Pourhke-p«le, N. Y% Prof MILOP. JF.WPnT. A. M., Principal and Proprietor..Twe next eesai.iu c.oiineo.ee on tbe Sth of September. Pupiit lunifee to "»»-one half bord¬ er*; prefe**or*. l«*-furer* and tea.here, » r'« eataiof ue w-tb full partirtiiara. eddr. «e the PrinripaL _ CLASSICAL FRENCH and ENGLISH BCHOOL .AVH.LIAM H LEtioETTS SCHOOL cor n. r of Broadway and 13th «t . wiU be re-opewed oo MONDAY. Sept. T Cirruiart raay be obtained at fe>»k« .-»d'a IS.. «IP Roadway Roe's. No S»7 Broadway, Segre*. N«>. «26 Broai- wiy oa and alter the let of Sept., at the reeideoce of th- I na- rfpeJ. N«. ITS Kart nth et- The number of pupi.t it limit -d, end th« eorpa of aatittanU well-known and thorough. CLASSICAL and COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. No. Willow at.. Hr-klvn. D POMKROY, Principal, ball Term commeucea on MONDAY', Sept. 7._ COMMERCIAL~and CLASSICAL SCHOOL, No. 75 H.ury at., New Y>rh. will open on MONDAY, Sept. 7. SOLOMON JENNF.R. A M.. Pnuoipal. FEMALE DEPARTMENT. No 1*2 Baal Broadway. JINN1TTE L DOUGLAS», Prmcipv. DAILY NORMAL SCHOOL for FEMALES of the BOARH of EDUCATION - The regila- HIWII ol tbia Bahoo) wi.l be re.umed on the tir«t MONDAY ia Sep¬ tember, at th» Hall of the Board of Edu. atlon corner of Ofaod and Elm ita The School it FRP.K to ALL who deai.cn "in lo.nl faith to puraxe the profeaal-n of a Teen her in tie C^mn S. L.x.'.a of tb.- tat» of New V..rk " Ail au.-h are ther. tVe in lit. d to mbri m the aupen.it adrantarea which it iftordl for as edi CatioB adapted totbit end. SUSAN WRHJHT, Princpal JONN DAVEN PORT, j )oHN^KLYDrXKER, J Exec .tire t^-en. AARON B. ROLLINS | .°^ . JONATHAN S S( OLFIELD, | :" r"'*J ' ho° * WALTER ROCHE,_I_ EDUCATION..l'r.ite-eKi.r FRED. 8CHUETZ, a piodltotl of tbe I niveraity ..f (iieaten. and t ri y reara Pr.,t. ».or of Oeraian Literatur.- lu the boll d- t'-mmerce. Bruaeel.. horiaf a few Inure in tbe day aodarewtsg diaen<a<"4. would hafiadto plri inatru-M..n in "French, 0*1miB, Lat.w, Ac, and can reler aa to capability and rbara. tor t the I flow r.ei .Cliav L. Brace c.q M aar» 0 Vom Haur Sa Co and S B. Ile.l^rt Jooab, Addrct Prof SCHI ET.'. an ot B. Wi->t>unarm A Co., B.» k.ell. ra, Broadway. FLENCH " J'R( Fl ES TAN'r^ HOARDING and DAY SCHOOL *>r YOUNO LADIES, No SI W.rt l^h at., Mr.. LEVERETT will re opeu her S<-hool for the eii mini \e.nr. DB YA EDNRBDAT Sept. lri. A Cleat m Bngliah a; lla Fienoh Lit.ratore, Blairr the Inatructi. n of the Btoet Ooaxipetewl PioBmeri, wiii h- eaaaaaaojoad O. t-.ber 1, and will continue tu o quart, r*. Young Ladiea who may detire to pur- toe tbe BtoOaMwin Ke admitteil to the C. urte at p-r quarter Apelicatn tit may b> mid" to Mra L. pertocally or by letter, at tbe atx-re iddreit. FAMILY SCHOOL tor BOYS at Sb«rliriif. Mtoo. Pur fall particuUra. refer t.. J. W BARTLEtT, No. bo Nuaan tt tg iddTIII the Phu. .pal, WBt A. P. WII.LARD. FRENCH INSTITtri E for YOFN'G GENTLE MEN, B'-ardlng and Itay Screed, Claaaical and Commercial, No. 48 Ea.t Twenty-fourth at., near Madiaon Park, will re pea ou September 11. Proapectnt to be had. _Prof ELLIE CUARLiER of Parlt. IFIENDS' INSTITUTE, Not. 7U and 79 Elixtt- beihat.The Schttlt of both Male and Female Depart meott i. mn.i ii»- the 1-all T. im on the 7th i.f For terra! apple to the Prim ipal». J.XHAH I) CHASE and PATIENCE SMITH «t tie ln.tit.it-: or of ROBERT R. WILLETB, Mo. 17 Retgera pi*.-.-. HiHN u> ORIr FIN, Mh av. and SUth-at., and JOHN D. HICKS, Ho. ffjajtl .t._ FRENCH INSTITiriE.Mailame HERGIER» Er. ic h. Prpflrh and Spanish BOARDING and BAY SCHOOL for YOUNO LADIES. No. UJ Madiaou »v . between 3lat and JJd *tt will be REOPENED on TUESDAY, S-pt. |R Madame BEROIER will be at home to receive Pareii't and Guardian! w ha may with to muter with her, on and after Aug. 20 GEO. S. l'ARKER and JOHN Mt MELLEN » CLASSICAL. BRIBMCH, ENGLISH and PRIMARY SCHOOL, No, »a Hr ... entrance in 2lat-at. The uew terai hegiua September 7. Pntala are prepared for college ot tbe counting room. Th.-ae between tbe aget i.f tlx and ten are under the care .if a female tea.*her. The Oymnaaium ia open to all department!. Circulr.a* mar be obtained at the a, honl r,.imt, aud at the bo..katoret of K. Loakwocd It Son, T. Crowen, » J C. 8. Fran.-ia. CIEO! C. ANTHON"51 CLASSICAL FRENCH M »ud BNGLIBH SCHOOL N.. m Broadway,eawnerol IRth.t tOOOtl . Sept 7. Six A-wiitant TearBan u.a a Teal l.er of (iymnaefio. Lc-«. na aa far at pooaihlo taught in SehOoL There It a f'r.mary D.partmeul for Bov. of frmn t! f.. t yeara Ctrl ulnra mai be I.ad it the School, at No. UU M av., aud at Rando pb'. B. rjtttote No bei Iti.4d»-av. HUDSON RIVER INSTITUTE at Clareritck, New York, Male and Female..Board and Tuition #1« year. Term om-na September 18. ÖtatirmOB Inttnicton Pian.. Mutic, P»l itiiig and Modem Lauguaget. Stovet tg ttudent.1 n.iaii. The B-v A. FLACK, A. M., Principal. HUDSON SELECT BOARDING SCHOOL for BOYS, will reopen SEPTEMBER 3. Afe ..f admit- ?ioi under it yean fanahin tt thliafSiTB or ofthe PffaMpaL he R. v. I Ill'.ADIU RV. Huaitoa, N. Y. HENRY STREET CRAMMAH S&BOOL, Re Henry ?' .The PALL tetsion it thia luatitution will lomnituie on MCHDAl, >eptember 7. _J. L. MARSHALL, Re. t..r. 1 F. WORTH'3 CLASSICAL and ENOLISH t" . SCHOOL, Mo 237 4<bav. (oue door above l^thtt.l. wi U- lOoyoaod tO Mondaay, Sept. It. jTrrREENTlUTilT'' CLASSICAL and EN a OLISH SCHOOL. No 31 Weit Mlt-tt with a Primary Dep.rtiu.nt taught bp a I^i.y. The 21th year begun on MOcr- llAi. S< pt II Inttruetiou in Eremh and Driwiug by ap Blwvad Traehera, Carealart may le- had at the School, at No IS Beat kSe-et., or at Meatra, ArPLETOBPB, LOCK WOOD'S or RANI'OI.I'H'S._ or NT WASHINGTON COLLEGIATE IN- STITUTE oa Waaiiinttoo Square. No. 218 Booith-tt., . irnerof Ma. doticil-at, ' pena on MONDAY, Sept. 14.. Fifteenth Aeadi mn year. Ol-O. \A CLARKE / . . - JAMES PANNING. S ' rl" ,pa-' N B .Pare-jta iü.d Guardian, may apply at the Inttit'ition durini tht day or rei.i-g, w hi re Cirri, ari ran be obtained aa &lao at tbe Bookatore» of Meatrt. App.eton, Lo. kwo<.d, lvi-cn A PManoy, Broadway, and Mettrt. Burnton. Ni. 49Ctb ar. Pupiit are received at tbe beginning aa well aa at alvanced peiiaoi optheir Coaäyar, aad in Btarawahly prepareil for bual- BOatorColleie, amid aatoclatloat and under lurlmni.. ..( a high!) deaf rubie n bar act. r. MESSRS [aESPliVASSEoV DE LAS8ALLE B PBl M II liAY AND lt<»A KOI NO SCHOOL Ma. haafaj. aarart "t tr-.t. near Staat. M'deru laogiiag. . Icglit v.ith. ut eat:, i.h irgrt Claatical aad cunmer gjal atudiea. Eaglith brai.noet ta.igbt by two Englishmen Ovmridwuuu attached Riopmed. EC 11 AR! (V SOCIET'i SCIHIOL.-Thitold ami aapailai rattHatfira wfU roopaa .-r. tin KIRST MON¬ DAY nSlI'lEMBER fir the tdaaitsaaa . I pupils apply a th> Ferna., ilrpar'ment bio 172 Broadway, and *'. *h« Male Depaitu.nt, No aiCrithy-sii. TflOS JEREMIAH, ( uairmao of the Schooi Committee. RS 0KILLs BOARDING and DAY SC HOOL. Nov. I ant 10 C luton Place, will be r*-openest on TT'ESifAY, hept !;>. Appii ationa can mad by letter addr-^s.ed |a her bu-ise uatil 8e»>'.. ltt, after wbicnUiue ab« wf! be la lias MR. and Mme. CRUCY » French and Entrliah Board.a.- and Day S. <-.<». b.r yo «a< Ladiet No. g-r? a--.J sV il-uiy tt., Brocki)n. w ,h Reopen o- MoN DAY. Sept. 7. MYSTIC HALL SEMINARY for Ynuri* Ladlea. .In additi ML, Salt ea'w Bathing ani I! < P.idjaa] A Cat** I I BO) he haw of tL« F ;.*' aV-t. B .'. ht*a*. Ät ADAME CHEclARAY and Mad. PREVOSI'* 1"! BoarJinr ai.i laay S. aoa i for Yo-, , Lean a. No.11 Ease. BRsVsjL, betwee-i Mad'acta a.id $>har*. The ahoaa la*tBa^aoa -ooducted by Mad. CbegatB7, taaitta-d By her nie..-, Malten« Prevott, a1.!. teoprne^ 03 MONDAY. Septeoiber it R - N E V I U 8" " 8 C HOOL, IS Weal ; *b-»t OPENS ¦ ¦ MOHDAT, September T. M M M M RS. M L A R S ' ¦ FBIIOH EMiLiSH BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL for YOUNG LA DIPS. ho. 3? ao* dl' W eet IJth below 6th av.. risop. us g THl RSHai. Sept. 1* Mrs bt Will heat home to receive permit*tod gnard'.ac* arhc may wi.- It M iS / wi'h be', on and etVr Sept 1. XDAME NAPOLEON'OreoVh and Er^riuh BO ARISING and DAY-SCHOOL for YOUNO LAD IKS w#g r»..peu er MONDAY, Sefrteraber 7. Cir.¦ ..ars BOB bo ..I- a a* lb* lastit .wna. No, 56 Weal Ra.Hr at.. Brv^lya. MRS. DIET/ tLdNt.-n tg L -1 :ij< >[. - -. ... MONDAV Settetiise-r M No. ¦ Part ättb tt- ^ MADIhaTlN ACADEMY..Kf». S R DAVIS" CLASSICAL rSMaf ISH aad FRENCH BCHOOI Mad ianai.ro- ^lat.wtllr.-.pa.Sept.? Hoc a. Molten *-. \1ISS SPALDING rp.w*Ht«ul!y iiifi^mT^hpr If I We- d* a-, i th.- pubar that her Board'..-| *. d Day 8, « for Yoci. L.die 1 rTlsjahatal w-.. ti J w^i « TUb f-DA Y s-i ; iwtwaaaaaaajaa aa MRS CO! JAN- FRENCH aid ENOLlTri BOa ITS'NO aad DA', SCHOOI. f ' \ O* No LA .'alb is 52,3t ^ W3Ak..Sept. 14, ac Nc SB) M iv., ccraei SVIIs> >N0W- FRENCH and EN0L18H iwI R'-'ABIINOandDAl SCHOOL wv; he REOFr Nr D > p. 7 a; V -2 Vt -at I Stb et. \I MF F RKICHAED* 1*0 ARD IN 0 a.J ÜAV ifl SC'C Ol.f YOUNOLAD.ES No atW«|WLm. a. , wU n era.p.-,i ,- MjiI»/. jap» < t MB. MiELU(>>rr- SCHOOL, m lam Krönt**«; fVewea-a At at aaa fid <m ? . 5 l- o. IrOrOlel fVpC 1 ^_ \\ »8 llAIWli infunn« her fr^~~4^r,> *Ji .ve.wr tew-. Wr BY LnXH No. I* Or»»^ - rTT »**-et New-lore, ait) .uenmru.- <.» V* EDNEtftTf Hi teeeO-c l»- A P- u»-t*ea «tu «Lance of Oer nv.j» **> n <f lad "^taBbf^, MKS. * HEAT OS mod the IVaHr that b<« B . JS4 .., . "7 i*?B MKS. MLLLIOAN and j&M BfVimS BOARDIMi.od DAY SCHOOL fc, TOi h,» r Sf V a We.-t .-.tat.. r>tr^. or. ^ J-,^1» eaj MATHEMATICAL taCHouLerffl ^^^^M «>. if.,o< ijonoav the rto of rI** -a Department, r «rate«-teal wit* toe aTatuti, ur.Aw EL * '¦¦t Mr WILLIAM DEHLER age of t wrlve year*. f»i <' lj aboil aw if after U* Wt lofS.pVn.be,. ^m^mh MÖBBAY HALE BOARDKVO ^Ti.» I SCHOolt r TO, l»« UtPIKAt, mWrnmE* - Leer Br. edwey. N 7 , » -W r. Oj- Rev. J J I hMr*»« The rltht.*** t » d ram me-vc i fryt IV itB^"* VI KS. I R. DAT IS " FRENCH v4 r^jfc a?l BOARDING ..jP\i SCHOOL for VMr-N()LAj2J .s. r- Mmai tv »» REOPl N. u MONDAY B"f R. TVNl.'" SCHOOL M NV wl r.vt ori'J .ooimeiire Ite tenth year on TUESDAY. Bt_ S Mi T. wild, vote hi< . .tire time and attention to tee am*-? men! hie pcpt.a ,-i their F.r.gli.h ot CuwurwJ atuefca, ^ tta-r branefaee will empeoy the b«-t aaaia'enta._ ISS HALLOW will it-ow-n h-r SCHOÖTj Y OCNG LADIES, at No. it Eeat iii at., on tt hifla, S'f*. 16._7* MISSES SEDC.WICK5 FKEM'H OLISil BOARDING end DAY r-v liOOL » Oeeaa, Sept. lo at Na. II iHh-et._ 1188E8 HOPPER A WATSOV*4 Un^tZ a:.4 Day S Baal for yai.ag levlree. No. t Haaurvoaaa, Crymer «t. WUliatrnlnirab. rw-otwtM Sept 8. AJdr.e. maW RS. J. T. REN EDICT .* 1.<MIUilVu~ib DAY SCHOOL tor YOtNti LA DIM, w^i . Sept. 17. it No * WVet N't! .... tw ,:»¦¦'- .-¦ :.i V .. ... FR RAY HILL COLLEGIATE IXStT TI'Tf. I.etintion av.. between JSth and 31th aB «JW, L-.ini-i... St pt U_B A »MIT8 MR. 1UN(;IIAM'S SCHOOL (Bible Ht«X .i«n t"Iaa«hal i.Tiriuaaiuin) will br revaaaal , VV EDHK8DAY, Sept 9 The number wi.l he atrtrUfbaaal t.. twenty V. net Men. Proviaion it eleu rnv.e for taaaaa number öf »maller Boy» In a Junior Claaa Special e'taaaat. mveti to the littina of riT .ltdatet t >r blarv vd an.l Yale (eSbam Ml B tte.ina th it hia .. n.H i ie the be.t in the rite aaluwaii eiaminetu n Mr B may be found at the eeh.vt, aBJaBtS i l.e 7th of Bt prember. or a.tdre.x'd ther- at any nan. POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE ol the. STATErf PK.NNS i LV AN1 A, W eat Pcun 8<luaee. PbUadataMleB ..rporated IHM, on the plan of toe ludtittrial Co i.«.-aof tm\ and Berlin. Tl..uraee ate tborotiab and pra>'t.eai C »«»e. U K.NOV- NK.I'RINO, OMMOOI an.l MINI .NO are . »et. aad ta rat tield Kortho.. in Ml N UK A I.HOY e. IN DI STRIAL AN* LTTtCAL an.: AORM I LTI IUL CHI MIS I'Rt, aai . MKTALLI'ROY, a well appointtd Cheroioal LaUiratcr|Bfn> , The' Kitth C d e»lafe Year will oimnet^e on MOMVIt S..pt 21 lVJ. For l atalogaet and further infornteMoai. aearta '_ Dr. A I..KI NNF.DY. Pre.i lent of Fereaj. R 0 I '. K. M. BROWN « CLASSIÖaC i Rl Nt H ai i COMMERCIAL SCHOOL, No. SMlbatt' way, willteopaaou MONDAY. Sept. H_ PARISIAN FRENCH b* j. Dk LAUNATaf . trial VII Br. adwaY >, SPANISH and ITALIAN alMUeaa. Claae. . for ladiea. Frenint elae-e« tor <. nl lernen. Re.'ereaMa: Fn.f.». -.- H. Dritler^teret A Xai uinj, Fittteet k U-^*tytubta, Ava., In waoetHtu 3 .«uat tauabt._ I>ATTÖN ^NSTTTLTION for tlii* El)liCi- TION ot BOYS arttl min MONDAY, »ept it a No. 3-1 Wut BN et., between Hb and tith av«. Clr. iilara. eafc obtained at Baa B<>ekatam of M. ttrt. App>t.-u. Caiter Crawra, or at the Bcboal Boaaaa, 11 a ¦ - 13 M. W. R E D F I I L D * * I a iPorwierly Bernard A Redtield'al. FRENCH, SPANISH, ENOLISI1 au I CLASSICAL BOARUlNOand DAY BCHOOL forVOUNO OBBTLaUafll No. ->. 2d-ar., 1 oroar St Mark'a r Tie eleventh Arat emi. year of thia Inatituttoa arf.l aa> mei ee tie- 7rh ot s.-pt A I'riu arr Deptrtment Uia a*»aa» tul oaeratiou. Cuiulaie maybe obtained at the School, at aj Meura. H. T. Kl ERST ED k SON. N». vt8 Broad traf. EY. D. C. VAN NORMAN, A. M. Sb Pits- eipal of RutaerV Female Inatitute, will (D VJ eata . BOABDINO aud DAY SCHOOL for YOUNO-LADlES.etBe 1>t Eaet 14th at near; I'uion aquare, on the Ith Sept neat rot fill, information at to AIMS, SYSTEM OF IWeOC TIOII, Ac attention ia Invited to hta PROSPECTUS, I* m bad at the SCHOOL or by ad lreaaing the PRINCIPAL CCSOOL and HOME E 1)1 CATION.-P» b3 VATE I RENCH and ENOLISil CLASSICAL and cos MEB'JIAL BOARD1NO aud DAY-SCHOOL, aith et» PLA'.XiROl.ND and OYMNASIL'M attached. Noe 47 aaal Weal 2Mb at., between Broadway aud 6th-av. Mr. LOBB UtS.T takea t herge of a limited number of aelnot Boy a taja. For |*rti.-ulara call or eddreae aa above. SO ITH BROOKLYN CLASSICAL and COM- MaKCiAL A( ADr Mk No. 2*8 Court-at., twoul aw north from PrrotdoBt, *J. REOPFN on MONDAY. Baal 7. A. B. RICMARliSON, A. II Prusipat SCHOOL tor BOYS.-vV. M. FERRGrS II« 71 aV.-et 17th at. Utely Claaai, al aud Mathematical T^atctar in th. *l.,ol of Pn f Dri/er, of Columbia CoUece. will rwawa a f>w Miyaaail llattllllil tin at hi all thi btam hea of a liberale*- u. etii a. The number will be very limited, to that each payd will r< '«elve theconataut p.-raonal attention of the teaehef. IUSBTTOWM INS'I ITLTE..Cin-ulars, bs» taiuinr termt, refereuce« view of the Initftute, Ac, att be obtalued by add re taint A. NEWMAN, A. M.. PruvipaL rfmM COLLEGIATE school, No. :i IB X l <tteat.. t..ne-ri.f ..: < 'uow in ita o¥tb .«.! oaeatm MONDAY, ^. p*. 7^ wi'h every peiaibbj alvantaee for IheeaV e«ri«n i f youth. Mr. W m. Korieat, lete A »».er-iate PriacieaV liaa rtt'real from tea. hing, and lett the Inatitiilion uader Iba aolediaeetioii of Die niideraigued. for the Uat three yeerehia partner and formerly Rector of the Henry at. OrammerItaool An aide carpet f teu eiperienied and efficient Teecbera bat been e-aa/e.l. Pi.plla are rereived at all tfl a, and thuPMfMf prepared for tv. Mege or merreiitile life Reteren. e it ma,;, to tl.. Parattjof Colombia CoHere;»» (h»nr. lor aud Pi-.teaaora of the New York I'mvrraity; tka Rev. irre. Alevar..'. r E.g.-nbrodt, Fori..-.. Haigbt. Ilatkea. Knov and Maraelua, and pertnmarly to the following leeeW uiea vvy,.,.. attend tin- ? hod the Rev. Dr. J. A area r. th- ,Dv Chart, a K. Imhtie. Jerae, ( ,ty ,h(1 ,Ut g M l.ae.a Dr i H \ an Winkl., Dr. Ahrain C dea. Nearer*; Park Laujonm. e.q , Wm. M Evert,. e..i Win. A. BootA earn. Jotathaa R_ Berrb a. .-.o., B-.t-rt «'arter, e»o , Thoaaet N Stafford, eaq., Be. I.ef. .. n ay l>e ae. u at the S.-l -,l. iron, prominent cerfyinaa andoU aa wboee aoai ire bee* eeWetad bv tb« Rector. n..r. it rooaa ban foroolyoneoe two pztraoae. Dt- Feen», <la;.. |. r ol tie- New \ ol| | ..veraitv, aay.. " I take plea* ure in renewing my lOOtiaaeny it, behalf of Mr O P Qnarkaa- baeaaaa baatewcaaref yawth. Bfpaaa »nb him eeeaw yeara, un l toade no at gr»;.fj in« Blllgiaae " The Rev 8. B Iteertmaeindeebig u-n. t ihua "rataati auy fcatmel abtf .til rea(i pax « .re tl.. , ettaiat] thai, aa far a. it ran be ittt by unremittint and BollfJiteaed eSort, tfeey Ul lie mad i Urn infelltr. nf, wei edn afed n en." Ctrrttlata, eOBtaiatai tbt narr.ee of numeroua reference.b> aide the al».ve, and full partieitiara ae to discipline, tereat. aa, nay be had at tl.t fee j.., u n h a 1 v. lo have th. eunad »4V ation of ttieir i hildren a*, heart are lavited ta vtatt _(.. P. <dl A( KEN BOS licet«*. I*h E COLLEO LV'IE and COMMERClil INBTITUTK No J-14 Weat l<»rh at wil> r..u meo^e Bt twe.fth year Sept. 7. Cireiiitra to »ve ohulned at the Inattaaw, _JOHN H. BP.OWN, A M Principal 1to french, english, (.LÄÄSICALatvl MATHEMATICAL SCHOOL ol Di F BERTHEf. No. 4.' H ..:..!-. .' ail. |e..nen sept T. EreL. h ta tiae leaf'1*** of the Sel.ooL There i* a Oymnaa.uru The SPINGLER INSTITl'TE, [Tails IBBag Brifl taopaa VN EDHEBDAT, Sept. In Young Ladh-a . »pe.» u> te- rego'arly advan <d with their i leaeet maatt» paat lual.y pre--ntat the opening, aud eeaatiaae regulirtf teda ai ot the y.ar_OORI1AM It ABBOTT. PnnrlaeL I^he CHELSEA FEMALE INSTITl'TE, Kb m W. .. .1Kb «t., i. L,,w .p... (Sept I. iBaTdk C E. 4B B ROOEKS, Prinripaie. \ f arv mar j. Main -d el tbt*> aUtuU- 1^11. REV. 11. DAN A WARD ' INSTITUTEtw YOl'NO LADIES No. Sg \\ r<t 2üdet.. oommew.et SepV Ik, anew, ayvtemaUi aad. lugiily approved , ouraeof luatnKtatk rrm RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC W- 1 STITt'TI .For toe genera: eduratuia of Civil Erigiaeet» Topoc/aplii a. and Cen^rurtive. Taa Brtt eeaai c ol tkt thbjt] foirth year openioQ the loth gept>mhe>r. for coahJ» « tue Aanuat Regiett i, and any epeciai information, appiy to B. FRANKLIN GREENE, _Erector. Ar . R. P. I., Troy. H- Y-_ I^iie MISSES L. M and M. R- GREEK tn'J rt- r^Kii U,etr Schoo, at ei<v 1 ,'<h *v., brat d"a,r from W aebjer k n-ee,uare. <n TLE SDa\ Sep». 1. 1^1 S UNIVERSITY GRAMMAR SCHOOfc ecrhrrn. tag Primary, Ccmraerria. ani Claaairtl Da-par'o-.ee» reopertSetrt 7. ISAAC FERRIS, Coaocealet 1VE REV. O. S. ST. JOHN'* SCHOOL IM YOL'NO LADIES will comm. n e on MONDAY, *?* II. at Nu. 211 Um dial at near **r r. »v Rcfeeencee-The Bel Dra Aatama aud Hetl eld the Ree. F. G Clarke. 0< r-t R I>-e. e.q. Cirttiara u be had cf Smith A bWyi, No. aa Broadway THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL of COLOM.-5 COLLEilE, No. v.- 4'h «. . be-e reo .t- and trUhttl. epeaa. alter tAw Baaaaaef \ ecat.u.. ot, TC tADAY, bVe*. ( . af ev aa_ 1M1F. M.aaee HILL -S, h.H.; fee tm%mJ I'**1"- wilireoaautaMONDAi. s-p:. a: I* Pa.in--at. Biaoblya IMiE IU8SE8 WALKER ' DAY SCHOOL b* YOINO LADIES a. top.-. TltiOA*. *ipt. U lit I ail 33..' trot ho- ee t> ra *»h er. r Mn. N ROHK Uatlltltatfji"-^" lt**'r ,r,«"f ttidepUi t:*' ft. B¦lAI'I'.'N I DkV .T ilfWa N- O W e.-. A-.l » 1». r- r- M la), *p». WANTED.ltj atre>ct>mar perltvrtl) With 'he Freu.h end Ita^an Ur.;.*get, eom. PPH*" »b<m Ke ranild rtail el th ll r-. i.-^*. *t aay bejgta *er«-eavee Te, rue moderate. Aptny to M A (.F.>»BO» ?4t/ Brt*tn«a caera- rof Sroe.t».y aavmitted JJtS tatteienvit.t *i«l catpeblft, t. Itei M .rraa Du. M a«un Oftoe. PU^TTS VV ley Nc 9 fttbat Po.( Ora. I . »-,..,- * New York Mr Wm Cairtu Hapaa, No »»wa»- ra p.*o- fc>. 8 I mW t, Na Ul Ureadwv

BOARD MOR MISSES COMMERCIAL~andchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030213/1857-09-05/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · Ca.l and examine«t CARTER'S Millinery endWeManufactory, No 593 ilroadaay. MILLINERYGOODsTdRESSTRIMMINGS,

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Page 1: BOARD MOR MISSES COMMERCIAL~andchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030213/1857-09-05/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · Ca.l and examine«t CARTER'S Millinery endWeManufactory, No 593 ilroadaay. MILLINERYGOODsTdRESSTRIMMINGS,

Amt\ BROADWAY^ « Wj CH ARl.t-b HI R> KT I l-» .


rot theFALL and W"INTER.

»t »ttaiuitti-arvgrra and »ieitor» In the city er« n <:iöei that onr uc

¦Jdaai^laWeot etore U devoted exeineivrl) to the aal« of th.afwe |un rrta, end that we are bow prepared to exhibit, lato^riiica of U- nana] Perie dellveriee,

HlAV.b and CLOAKS,»/ the rrveet elegant and aovel da^riptloo. Ladle, and gentl*ttitat are ir vkaad to via it our elegant wareroom a fooling aaaufdthat they w13 meet with the moat poltti attention, and wlU bofreedy eho* r. our choKeat noveJtiea, wh-thi r they with to bot-ebeeeetaaot CHARLES STREET a. To,

No. 475 Broadway,One Haal helow the St. Nicbolae HoteL

Xtlillirurn, vt'r.

H0M1B & KETCH 0MoFer to the trag»,

roa caaaNet* and eVrant FRENCH FLOWERS,


ATNo. 318 Broadway,

_Cono r Pearl at

A DIES and STRANGERS viaiting the city wiBtWd a large and varied aaaortment at m h Pani'stylee

> ALL BONSf*TS. aele, >ed bv Mra. CARTER, now to Pariaavaao, a nrh aaaortment >>) HoedtOB Lace Seu Ac.aj ol oa«« a aaaoufa tore- CARTEdtS.

Milliner, and La' Manufacturer, No. WO Broadway.ILLINERY goods.

MARTIN k LAWSON,No. 3M Broadway, up aUkre,

laalte Or attendee of b lyere to their Fall hrip.,rti'i at ARIBBONS.




of the beat manufacture.

Mff.JJJOT-arT neaattieayti and WtBtjaTB DuT-rhanta are aollreted to call %iA examine eoj Parla pattern

bONNKTTi; fr>r lowiveaa of price end chute deahrna they ex-

Medal other nrooui nona. Ca.l and examine «t CARTER'SMillinery endWe Manufactory, No 593 ilroada ay.


The L'uderaigued, bavmx BaBaVaeatenaivr aitereti.ua in hiaStore,would i all the attention of buy ra to a choice at' ck of Ribbon*.Floerera. Feattiara Velveta, Dfe»« TriminiiKi. Head Draee and«eher OWa connected with tfie Trade. Millinera end DreaaMakera ai pplied at a liberal dia. omit.

L. P. Till HALS, No 154 Bowery, 3 doora above Broome.

(Clothing.HAVE you at-e-n the > 50 SHOES and GAI-

Tl RS. alao the BS 50 and e>4 BOOTS at JONES'S,fio. Ml Aim at-, near the Muaeum /


ACADEMY of MUSIC.-M Ilo FREZZOLINLt ir»l App- uraio e iu Atnerica o(

Ml Lt. ERMINIE kkez/.olini.Prime Donna Aacduta Irom the Itallao Opera, Paria,

Sirfüor LABOCETTA,Primo Teuoj di GraaJe frota the Lav Seil», Milan.

Bkyaoe OaSSIER,Fliat Baritone from tlie Itallnu Opera, London; and

Mr. ANSCHl'TZ,f:oudi' V>r of ibe Italian, Oeiman aud Enal aii Op.-ra«, Dr ry

Lane, London.MONDAY, Sept. 7.

la A SON N A M 11 U L A .

The principal i liarai trra byM'Ue ERMINIE FREZZOLINL

BtBBoti oaSSIER. tad LABOCETTA.toiiilnetor.Mr. ANSCHOTZ.

Doora ope n at 7',; to i .uun.-u, a at ii.pku Rt or aOMiaeiosi.

Perqoet. Panjuet Cirrie and Kirat Circle.gl.BacnredStata..Kif'.y cente extra.

Family Circe.B>cent! | Amphitheater .25centa'Private Boxea.fron.*6 to $2".

The Sale of Scuta will cumm..nc on ümturdav, Sept. A »t 9O'ra.- I n an., at toe Academy of Muaic.atC BlW« dag a, No 701Broadway, and at W ¦ Mall .v S..n'a, No. JN Broadway. Tick-«te end eeata to be had on the OTeedag, at the door.


LA BONNAMBUIaA.Kirat appearauce in America ot


The Sal- of Beat» will i n,u ., - 1 HIS MORNING at 9r.'cuike in at th. ieadecayetTMaate,at C. Breailng'e, BJb 7otBroad* ay. and et Win llall'.V S. n'a. N<« 2T> Broadway. Tick-eta and eeata tau b> had on the evening, at the door.


On wbkh oc«ealon ahe will appear In a new Halletleatlth .1THE ILLI SION OF A PAlMTBaV

AMinted by tbe entire Ballet Troupe.THE WONDER KIT, RAVELS IN MAZtTLME.

ANTOINE....ea... AIACLON lEHO.ME....a.....BARIAMPre mei ad. C..in e»t at 7 Overtun i>t


Dootaopati at 7: "nuneuce »t 8 Tn aeta 50 cenfa.

gfratiy gigiaoeioa ROLLA. Tn.-aday.THhi RAVELS.

XJT A L L A (. x' ¦ T H E A T E K .

ft lag.Mt BTUART.The ovartlowiiii: audience that Btteaded the apaalgl nicht of

tbia Theater imiti.th. aaariagaaeaaAte repeal Iba eittattala«neent THIS (Batarday) EVENING. Sept k

Iba. JOHN WOOD, bfiea aONEB EOBERTSON,(H«r laat affaateavee m New (Hn kaat apguareaoe in N.-w-

York thia teaaaai ) York tula aeaaon.)Mr BLAKE. Mr. WALCOT,


And Mr. DION BOtTECICAl LT,foranIna an aaaemhlai.- of aiiu-a aucb aa may never a/aiu he taeatoeetber la one eut< itamiueiit.Tan OOore will o|ieii at 7 o'eeoch, tad the p. rf irmau e will

oonuavace at 71, v. ith So ftdcaah?» ooaiedy, la Bra acta,LONDON ASSIRANCE.

Sir Heroourt Courtly.Mr. Wal.-otMaa Uarhaway.Mr. Norton

Meddle.Mi. BlakeCherlea Courtly.Mr L.-at.-rDer/le (by the author. t thecomedyl.Mr Boim ifaultAdo phuaSpanker.Mr. Joba WoodCool ifoi tu a orcawiou).Mr. Davenp .rtSolomon laaara.Mr R uaellLedy GaySpanker.Mra John WowdOraoe llaikaway.Miaa Agn-a Rabatteoa

T> it.Miaa OauuouThu Orebeat ra. un.'.er the direction ol

Mr BOBEET BTOPEL,aarlll perf rai durina the e\< nint.I Overture, I.» Sentinelle.Sta-peL 2 Polka. E. ho de M uit BUi.c-Juoieu. 3 lebtettaailfrom Trov»tv*<.Btopel 4. QaednUe. MaeatnlaBo IiilttaiwS. 8- bott.ai he, Mat.iUe-.le.lieated to Mr. BUatt hy R 'hertBtlBll

The- Boa «Maat will \h op, u from H uutil 4 under th. «up< un-

V ndenee o( Mi. T Moaa, where at-eO in >y he h id.On MONDAY HEXT

Miaa MATILDA HEEOMwill appear.

|> ARNUM ¦ MUSE U M..Aß Tbft .ie» of aaibiai people atul ooaAtaae to till do Mu¬aeum t. aee "IHK, BOGUS MR I'ELL INKANT," and bareiaduced iu "real a».ih< r," Mra Aaaletaatv la "wall ¦ tittlelonger ;*' ead hence it may vet be a.-eu nt all proper b 'Uia, d iyatij evie ing. W 1 MAN. ft. Wt/tRD. will rep-at, THISAkTKRNOIlN at.Mock, aa well aa EVENING at 7| o'clock,>eu in Maeu , Haeeaaaaai v, v eutril. ',.»iaui, be. Tue U ipi<ytaniiiy. Living SerpenU, at'o may he aeeu. AduittaiM «, üwnt-, ihiloren under t. n.

THE LAST NEW PI. HAS I RKItaf aWaaegoeaeal wifl oaea e« the Idth laat th. braoae

Ayl AKIV ok CRYSTAL PONDS,otripriaiiii a ax or*, or two of Aquann, or ti.a'.i aud aalt water

m.nda, IncToaa-d with in walla ol p.ate «la-e coataliiim: thou-ai da of gellona. en.I > * > 11 i aaeeeal bnadeed leetad eatfaoo,

lh«yare auppiied with evary variety oi hvm.1 BahaadplantIn n. ocean aud river, and evhihil t.. the viaitor ail the oiyateri-voa pAeaavaaaaa t nature eoeoaupaaybag HBi h. n. ot.'i tuo bil-towa In Ibeae Cry>ta: I'

THE WATER IB NEVER CHANGED'tkf Satagal apaaaiaOl a ot the plaota and tadaaala kw-pint it al<waya gure. and mjderu t a chauje aupertiiioue The A ma

baa baeu eevaial UiuLtha in preparation, and la titt- i up at greatcoat by Prcfvaaora if Natural lliatory trom the Royal ZookagtoalOatdeua of Reeeata Park, Lond. u,

Aa 11* at arc tbe only peedbat tbinc of the kind in th.try tba> htauaieuo nt ai, peepaivMl to aupply, na oouuterparta,PARLOR AUl A 111 A of every ai/e and quality, rlTTM DPTO aVbFItä et veiy reae. nable pneea.

MISS K I. \ni.LlAM-; THE WELSH NI .HTINOALE,a» buaa» lame ib Laandaav, aa a eliara, ter eaealkat, iu WELSH,INGUSH. MOIX II aad IKt>il BALLADS,leaaaarpaaead,atbpaggai ai steal r>r»-n»> tat teaaaathaM oadj, She Bill makebet i ret aaaeaiBaet la Aaavriia aa tb- HM in«t., ia an ENTIRTAl.NMENT written expieaaly t,* her by SAM! El,LOVER. «»q autlioi .t Rory U M.-rr." .. L<o> Ha. » Car" Aug» a Whi'i" r

" Baady bad] " ^e in which Mim W.aritl aa-taun TwatLVE DIFFERENT > HAEACfBEB, andaiug SEk KNTEEN DIKKEUE.NT MlNliS by Mr. Leaver.Tar Maaaerra have mad- arrani'-'r.nta in Europe |,>r a i on-

Btaut aupply ol attrartiona of the h>ih< -t erdar, BBd BBBttah <

aeaar NtfV CLTIKS rain before lotroducd in thia country.aJlalatbiob are unobo ti.-nah.e ua tlu ir nature.thu« aeoartatto the Muaeum ita eatab iahed charw ter ... a pia. e of iuU" ot

r. «ort ta> faralli. a w ho would con.tune valuable tnatru -tion withraUociai aa.u»eu*nu_

l.KT0N,'. NEW THEATKR. BBOADWAT,J. Sivth appearani. of that eminent young trafediaMR HiWlN BOiVfll

era- .< arapaar THIS E\EN1NO »a

THE DI KE OK GLOSTERIn Coadev a alteration of Sbakeapeei'ee p.ay.

RICHARD III.U'.ke of Oleatei.Edwin BoothKing Henry M...Mr MTeeawal.J. Harret I Hn kin<haiu....Mr J. BaruettRehavwiad,.Mr. Charka Kiah r

?Aiejart..,.«..MraA. Park- r

Lady Ann.Miaa Suaan DeuiuTo conclude with

THE IRISH BROOMMAKKRIkriuaJi.Mr .-' rat .r

LAIRA K E E NE'* NEW THEATER,No. awl Bro-dwav, Laar H.Kiitoa at Mim Laura Keen,-,

»öle Leaaa-e end Duactreea .DreM Cu-vu- aud Parquet. 5«lc.Baun 11 y Cm ..'. 2»e. Orcheatra Stai.a, *l Private b .x.-a ».'>. ** JlJtc^Ta-Vt'arV. ,trf "¦*»¦'»¦ * t*g«T|u\ iuek THIS E\ I.MNG.

BACBEla, Til K BE APE UfaiBgei II»thorue.Jto-^-M^r*} -Mia. L. r» KewBC


riliiAl.aJEKG * CONCEKTS-Ml.LO ^ SA-X LOON--Mt THAI HERo aria1 ^ n

THREE GRAND CONCEBTSgarly la e>pti e<ber.

pUBDV,a NATIONAL TIIKATKM-Di»**Cirr.c«, IBs.] "it, ttr Orth«*ta-i C turt, f*c.; Prl

rate Bon*. .Nicir-le A* »tfl«m»» or *l for »vti i«ti»l

Do. t. arwci ». tV|, rmUd wrll n»**t .THIS EVENINGNICK or THP WOODS

Mel -f th<- \\ r</Ja. C J Eo*t*. I T'<i'Do»..Mr« H. F. NirhoitTHf MAOIC It AND.v

Nir.Ao.Mr. O.I. Foa | Cho'-Rcani.MTU ZU»BLITZ JACKET*

_THf IRISH TUTOR._OLYMPIC THEATER, So! ft*. Broadway, op-

p..tit* Nik!"'*. Doorx'p» at 7 Performance om»-*'»«»17. A :tni«» :. to «II part. tbe M r»uU Or****.i» ,VtU, 50 ccuta . Firet night of the celebratei Corn*di**ue.Mlat KATE SAXON .SATURDAY, Sept. 1WT, tbe per_I' m irj' e will f'.mni' rang with tt;e elegant comedy of FAfN '

HEART NEVER WON PAIR LADY*. Dutch***. Mw Kate- v Kr.» Char!-.. Mr* T. B .'r-btifn. To <on-i.de wtta

U - me.o drama er.tite i Ü . W IZaRD SKIFP. io whicn Hi**Inlia Tumbu11 will «u*u-.n ber thro* original charaiter*.Dancing by Mal». Ert.eitir » The box-r.ffW of the Tneater if

opto d»i y turn 10 till £ wher* ticket* may he bad aad *e»tt..cored. '_

CHRISTY and WOOD" MLVSTRELS,N 44-1 Broadway.

H WOOD. Baftfatea M*nare*.OEO. CHRISTY, Stare M-uiae-t.

HOME AO A IN.Thi* Ctnpanr, «mre tbelr return from Phnadelpiua hare

been referred by houae*CROWDEDTO THE CEILINO,

with tb« tno.tExt*»» «g»vt M*mo - tatrots or Dri ight.

Every aeat in th)ir »paciou* and well ventilated hail it taken

a.-ry la the eveninr and extra aeeta demanded by theTREMENDOUS CROWDS

I» fore the curtain rite*. The programme Ii r tail WOf*. i< trm

aual.'y Baa. embracing the principal act* fa the.r repertoire ofETHIOPIAN MINSTRELSY,

and com luding eorb evenina wita aPOPULAR FARCE,

in lie-ir own Inimitable ftyie.Deora open at 71 Commerce at 8 o'clock. T keti, 23 ceau.

FLE DÜSSELDORF GALLERY" is opeB orerth* Ha -f Dr. CHAPIN-8 Church, No. »48 Broadway-

tta old location.from lu o'clock a. m. antli lOo'uiock p. m. Ad-t*lotion *' »ii tf

printing.AT the OLD ESTABLISHMENT, l*ßf»..

ISAAC J. OLIVER (S»ccr*o* to Oliver It Brother)STEAM PRINTER, Marble BuRdina, No. 32 R.-.-.KMAN-STnear WUliam.

BAKER & GODWIN.TRIBITNE BIJTLD-INOS..Extensive Steam H >k and Job Printlm Estab.nh-

m« nt.iineurp*a*ed by any in the Union for the neat and prompt.xeeution of EVERY VARIETY of PRINTING, from to*Bmalleat Card or Label to tbe I.»-.- Bill or Boak.ail at tbeLowest Caah Price*. Ai*o Lithogr»pby, Engraving, >..; e

typing. Binding, anrj Blank SULioneryy * BAK.I-.R A OODW1N. Tribune Building».


every description of ENGRAVING and PRINTING. In thebeat and cheapest manner. Ordera by mail aolicite-d. Inform*-tiou and apceiuiena goat if aupiled for with Foal-Office *temp*.

WM. N IefNNEI.L. No. 195 Broadway.

JOHN A. GRAY, No. 375 BROADWAY, andNo*. 16 and It JACOB St .ran COMPOSE, STEREO¬

TYPE, PRINT, Rt I.F and BIND any .u.g required, at thatSHORTEST NOTICE, and In tb* very BEST STYLE. HI.facilitlea are the MOST EXTENSIVE In th* city.


Noa. 174 and I7G Pearl -at. New York.J A. H HASBROUCK.

PRINTER. LITHOGRAPHER and STATIONER. All kind*t PRINTING ex. -uied in the be.t ityle, with COPl'ER-PACED TYPE, at the lowest ratea.

ötatitwcrTj anö Saner) ©00Ö0.

ACCOUNT BOOKS and STATIONERY..The. ub.eriber» beg h ave to call the attention "f ail Itllmil

manufacturer* ai d bualne** men generally o their large an Iuteoelve **t*rrtfneot of ACCOUNT BOOKS, »II of their own

manufacture, for the city trade.Ledger*, Jouruala, Day Rook.,Invoice B. oki. Raeeipt Booka, Ca»h. Time, Note, Bill andMl n oraiidiim K... ka Blank Rooka ruled and bound to anypattern. All warranted and *old at lowest pricea.

HAYNOR. HOW e 1 i- EPRY. at the ..Id at and. 70 Bowery.LANK-BOOKS, STATIONERY, JOB PRINT-ING. at No. 45 Maid.* lane. City aud Coantry Trade sup-

plied. We offer the largest a**actual ef Fancy aud Step.*SUtiouery, Paper and A. count Books. Our PRINTINO OF-FICE and BINDERY, complete with New Type Steam Power,be enable us to execute work in the beat atyle at low pricea.Ordera aoUclted. FRANCIS V LOUTREL.



ID a lito

Al'KOTESTANT French Lndy|in itogir.Hii ..fmaking an engagerm nt with an educational institution or

private family a- TEACHEB '*f the FRENCH LANOUAOE,DRAWING, and PAINTING la WATER COLORS. ..r onlytor Erco. h. She Wiehe* t>. meet with th.- situ*ti.>n in tbe Cityof New-York or in the neigbborlo>od. Very good reference* willbe prodn. »<t. Addre«*TEACHER,TribnneOrbce,New-York.

ALADY di'ftiren a eituation in a Widotver'g fam¬ily, Other to INSTRUCT CHILDREN er to SUPERIN¬

TEND the DOMESTIC AEEAIRS of ni* household. Thebeat reference* given and required. AJJr. .a Mis* AN.N\SEARS. Uroadwa> Post tlrlico.

LADY (|.m]ified to tt-ach Ml'SIC, DRAW-INOandOIL PAINTING daaira* to..lie a situation in

a fauiilv «.r .< hool either at the South or West. References ex¬

changed. Address L Mm AlbaLj. NeW-Toih.

AYoi'NG LADY who is i-utlifiryd to TetW3hMusic, French and the Engli-.li loan, hea, wi-lie. a pin.

wheat she n.ay tea. h ii fan.:Iy of children Compen*at»iu u..

an object Reterencei encbanpad. Adalieu Mi«« B., Box N-UaTrihnaTsi office.

nPO ORGANISTS. CHORISTERS, und VliO-JL EESSORS OK MUSIC.Ayang Kemale, native, an!,nntil recertly, resident of Dlttwit, possessing a good c .utr.iitvoice, it very desirous of musical training, would be glad to flagin .i choir, and willing 14 }» rtorm light, hou*eliold duties in thelarnBy oi an able teacher, ta letarn for atnaWal tuition an 1boaxa. C..u give tin us *t *»t'»factory raffrence. Address

irirn i«," box No. 171 Tribune Ottii..

\\TANTED. I'»t h JOUOg Lftdy, m situition hs

ft OOVERNEBS. Speak* the EapJiab, Fraoeh aad 0«i .an laugi.ngea. Adiire*. J. A., Box No. V-C." N. Y. PoiOB e.

07ANTED..A retired MUl'lOer of tin' (iriit orderTT wi.he. a .it-wtioii a. SALESWOMAN, SUPERIN-TENDENTof mdependent WORKWOMAN Ad Ires, BoxMS, .- w*. i.se, Poet office. Bafaman arfll b«- iin.ju» »ti.iu»hle.

AGENTLEMAN recently in the> MtnHfactunrnjBa*ina*a in Ohio, atad of eitenaive aoquamtauoe In tbe

West, wishes ta abtain a SITUATION with some Baajtera ImiiIiii,i house, or a* Traveling Agent. Ha. no objectliMi to a aitua

tiua "u ahlphoard, a good *al*ry being the main object. Toebeat Of referer.ca-a given. Address Box No. H02 Zaneavill* Ohio

MEBK AN SCHOOL INSTITITE, No. 346l,ltOAl)WAY.-.>. hool* and Acadeimca auppiie l withtenl taachera, Tall Information laaiiaiialin >ha b**i

School* forniahed to parents gt»t\,itouaiy. Taaehar*anppllfdwith ritaitiw* Wanted, a l.a.iy to taaeh Oaratana, Frenchand Murini aal«.r\ p-StO and board A Lady of aaaaraanca ta». t a* Ol lern- ta u 1*4 t. a. h Eagllab, 1- lern i aud M isic Alsoa (iratieman to t> ach flaaiin. B. L-ttri» »od Matitaantatii a,


1¦KEN«. II (iE.Nil. F.MAN tv.>U qiiaÜlie^rätidbaling ('.ready a ..Motion m ».ine m biMii desire, another

iu New-York oi Bianklya The highe,*, testimonial* giveu.Addreu T. C. Post lltlice, Chatham .quart-

AFRENCH GENTLEMAN, of lotifj s*ut?rif»e«in Teat hing. *< atskaaaed lo tbe dirrdptla* and anaatapc

aarai of b.y*. wlthei fog » situation In »u AtuericauSchool, either in the cite or in tbe coiintrv Can give aattsfac-trv refer*area. Addier* FRENCH TEACHER, TribuneOfl a, .\. a -York.

AGBADUATE of Hourtl HotjtikB Sciniimn.having bad *ev. :al y. *r>' experience as a Tev ber. de..r.-a

ardtnatbai In an Academy oi private School aa te ACHER ofENGLISH BRANCHES and MATHEMATICS Has

p j-le t- rttnaonaaU, Addr. ssTEACHER. SS4 Broadway, N Y.

AYOUNG Mnn, without expcrienci' in bBBifhtaM,but v. ell educated and intelHgent. ofartiie temperameut.

ready rMaaaraitirm and firm principles desire* ¦ situation aa

i LERE. Wou.d prefer the Ship Chandlery or C"mmia*i*nBiithnaao Kemui eratu u les. an oioe. t thau tbe opportunityof blurb eaa adaeaAl K. tan to Snow A Herte.a. New-York,and KeUit Po.ter. Brcokija. Addre** ENTERPRISE, BoxNo. 16», Brooklyn. N. Y.

TV I U8ICAL..BOPRANO SINGER WANTED1T1 f..r hi. Entai ,.p»; Cb dl In the city. Addre** SOPRANO,B- r» No. j.616 Pest Office.

NATIONAL SCHOOL AGENCY. No. g89Brandwraj .RICE A ANDREWS uegotra'- 1-tTn hi rs

and Srhaali ä-r rvreey mtloa of country No comnii**ioncbr.rged antfll rd*.-. are fii ed \\ anted »Classic»: Teaiher ira¦ta ately alto, a Lau* Tea. ber ot Mut e *n>d Ergii-h branches.Caul from I to II. and 8 to ft

Ni RSE WANTED..A mpeSu Eu«!LahNURSE is requited tmmediaUlv in a geutler-iar. » faini.y.

to take cLartr ,4 i ne i hi d Appiy at 14? Grand it

PRINCIPALS of SCHOOLS .A Prefea*.rA <d th* FRENCH LANGUAGE, of gr»*t experience endJaPOr-aa ta Teaching, being engaged aom* five year* with twvSeii.au* in Btaiialia,ha*nan afan hour* at hni disposal, andi..;-- tbilly aaVfl h.s ¦ m ii es to tb> Principals of Icttitutiona.ar to per*ori» who deaire to le*n: that language Toe be*t tef-.rence. »* t.> c«p«Siiitv aud ebaiwler can be given Appiy t«.

B AN ESTERMAN.N A Co No. 2W tin ade »y.

PRINTERS..A Printer, who ig a more,than avi rag, tompo-ito;. understand* Jobbirg. bat a at

Caae and Pres.. and is tempera:.. bun st Indnrgrini ard laRhful, wiahea a permanent SITUATION in atone W ettern St.'Addn-as PK1NT> R i.i .:. and Co. rier OfEi e Oreeufir.J.Maat1^ÖTl.lNTERS.-A PROOF-READER it MBBW to an rng*rement: c»» fj up hit tune at t »*. it r--u badAddre** X Y Tnnune Othea.


POlalSHER Btaady en.ployment f. r n-st rat. w.,rkneiAppiy at N< tn sp i t . _Wat PORRES

\\rANl ED .AGENTS wan».,l. in prary town.It fSBaaa and city lhfoagh»at tan United Btataa, far afapapa

in a pax*table bn*tneag for rnii' at tbe largest C poratiin. ir

atry For rnl aaiticalafi hralaa* tare St»mp. aad adare.* H I I BAWIE m On, Pfawafrtawa. Hui

WANTED.To go . ahort diatsoce id the eivuri-T* try, a W'OM AN U. d# Oeaerai Ilcuaeaori Matt (a a

g. o.'p-a e-iA, w*»h*r *nl irvn-i Ana», *t lv East tid ft


WANTED.A CWt for h Rwlrrrad TrrWjet OfIV«, . Clerk for . HI ipp ¦. h«. i H-.-.«. 2 Ceo

.',.¦¦<-'? '- Brimmer, and I p.,--. r mt *

_QILLBN II C-i . Nr> « Kut Broadway.

\\rANTED IMMEDIATELY.In a am.Ii priTT ate fan mi 1 ?£..*( ¦¦ f' rmu ProUetant (»(HU MC< i* ii.(i I,*' r.drva*; rau.t understand p**<r|. «weeUa-at* a .4.cup*. UneiorptiiaaJ refrreacrt reauired Call at No. (II. i.coo Terra. -, fld *t.. be'.w-e. r. 1« and 4 o'clock.

Co tTJbom ii man Conxcrn.

APIC-MO wvd EXCURSION, for the Benefitof .V. Ar.t. ,r\'* Ch-jr h. Ot>-enpatat, took place on

TUESDAi Sept '. IBA, |,y the Rcr. Fath-r Bfen-m. n. arhichwosdd no dnub' h*\ e proved a very ph a»ant MO, VM It a«t forthe d.aordeny condui t of a lot of a. amp* whi< ft kept up light

i a day. A atop u as .'.on pot to tbeir gam by tbe pou. « on

board. Cr«dit ii .. r,m,..r Dilbr of Br - klyn al*o to the' ¦ i'.t»e.M/. Ja Brennan, David Cera**, Alexaol. r M-

Calm. Jchn Bremen. Ji.hr. Cary. Jolui Herea. Terre-acM.Hargra» .. N. Y. Cr. dit ia due to all tha above f.r their kin 1eaertiana on that Cay.

\f ERCHANTS. ManufaeBir-r* and Other* cani.vJ Advert!**, us tbe beat Papern of City and Country ratV B PALMER'S Adv~rt;«iMg Aa*noy. Tribune Building*

MERCHANTS and TRADERS .Your atten¬tion it invited to GOULDS PATENT HI'SKINO

THIMBLES. IlIiiatratAd on page *tj. Vol. XI., S- lentin. Amerloan. We «iah to estthlith immediately Wholesale Afenfa in. erv &>atd In tbe Cni .n. Circolara a»nt gratia Sample* .,fth»Implement* tent for ?t centi in stamps Aaaratted .-i/«* aentby mat; for Bl per dor. Ordert aaewfif *5 rilled with di.pvtebat Onrrlee*IatWlardeanla pttt*. Warranted t" give satisfactionon trial or no aale. Addre.« J. H. OÜI'LD k Ca., Alliance, Ohio


STROYER, ar.d tbe CHEAPEST and BEST PlaAHTER INTHE WORLD.A Oreat Tonic Plaster.It rivet «trenrtb to the week.A Great Absorbent Plaater.It extracta all pain.A Oreat Nervine Plaater.It imparts vitality lo the *vst«m.

A Great Alterative Flatter.It renewi tone aad energy to theOrganaBy Itt Magnetic Virtoei itexpe't Diteaaeand reatorea Hs-oJth.PAIN CANNOT EXIST WHERE THIS PLASTER IS AP¬

PLIED.Put up in air tight tin boxes; ea*h box will make 6 to I

Pla.Urs, aad any tUd ian tprrad Ihana. Price JA c< nt« a box,with full and plain dir»< tiona.

D. C. MOREhlEAl), M. D.. Iuvent..r and Proprietor,No 19 Walker at N*wYork.

For tale by moat reire-ctable Druggi*t* and Dealer*in GennineMedicinea throughout the United State*

TVJOTICE to NEWS AGENTS.-On and alterXa SUNDAY, Sept 6, our Wa.deaale Neiea Agency aril I beCLOSED on SUNnAtS Onr Stole vriil be kept open till 8

o'clock on Satordai eveningr, to enable Neu t \ enden to tup-ply tbentelvet with U ... k » Papert for Sur.dty «1*.

CAi L.nwr.LL*, f.ONo. n. m a ..n at. New-York.Orricr of Rrirnra or Taxr.s. J

Neve Court Hoiii*.S2Ch»uiben tt.. Ne» York, fb-pt 1. 1*57. 1

NOTICE l* hiTeby given UuX the Tax BorjdU willbe delivered Into my banda ready for payrm-nt on the 7th

of September. I tie* leave at the eametimeto imprena upon themkrsd* of 'ax payer* my firm determination to adftere to toneatahlithed ru.c. uf rn\ otbc, m n>-t rec-.vir.g envelope* containin* check* ijt money* for the payment of taxe*.

Ottice hour* from 8 a. m till 2 n m.

No money I rt« uif*d *fter 2 o*rl"ck.WILSfjN SMALL, Ree, iver of Tare*.

POLICEMEN PLEASE TAKE NOTICE..Ttmae $4 -**» WATER BO JTS are now ready for yourln-

.reition at JONES'S, No. in Ann tt.

(ftiaiucs for linsincss illcn.

AFIRST-RATE GROCERY STAND forSALE or to LET f.r any tmaine-i .Tm St.k k and Fig-

ture* ol the (tore No. 77J lireenwich *t. cor. of Bang, will betold rhe.ip if app'ied lor in.mediately. The owner of the build¬ing w ithet to retire from the butiue*.. N. R..Thar* it a larg*Baaement with in Oven attached under tbe tidewalk

AN INDIA RUBBER SAFETY FLUIDLAMP lathe ordy certainly aafe and moat ec-uion. *!

uu* Id uia. Energetic men can make from tM to B1" per daylu telling to consumer* in auy part of the I nited s-atea terri¬

tory. For aale on liberal term* Inline* atarnp* for informa¬tion HAW XIH It.>T. MOTT Co., excluaive maniifactur-eia. No. b'H P«Bf tt, New-York.


apoi.aible, tnetpetic and IhcieLt Sale.ni iu; Would undertakethe .ale ol Pat< nt Ri/fata on tavorable t- rina. Addr> it PHIL¬ADELPHIA. Tribune Orti-e.


TURING Co. wJi I« *old nt PUBLIC AUCTION. omm.-i. .-

iug at lü o'i liiek * in on the 2uth d»y of Qotohrf uext. on tbep-i n.ia. . at J-eaaingburgh, Ren**elaer Co., N. Y unleit toldpreviously. Parpartienlari ad«lre»*

A. E. POWERS, Pretident. Lanaingburgb, N. Y.

FOlTs^E-MACHIN^i^^SHOP, BBA brick; FORGE and BOILER SHOP,2Stx5C, bri<k; CAR SHOP, 213x«fi, worej; FOUNDERY.86x80, wckhI bt'geth. r with the most perfect lot of Tool* andMachinery t" be found in any *bop la the country ; altuata-d atWHITE RIVER JUNCTION, Vt., at tbe junction of th*«ermoat Central, Pa**omp«ic and t4ortheru (N. H.) Railroad*tU>, ta-n DWELL!NO-HOL'bES may be had with the Sb .pa."deairea. Tbe above will be told very cheap, and long timebr p*yments given. Addre**, at White River J.m. tiou. Vt.,


SCHOOL for SALE..To TEACHERS.ThBpresent Principal of the ALLENTOWN SEMINARY hav¬

ing hern I Ii eted lo the Pre*idenry of tbe Illinois State Univer¬sity. MoanOM to dispose of bit inter- *t in the Si haoj Tnis in¬stitution baa boon in operation about tan Mart, denial most ofv. htoh that th* number of ita pupils ha* baa very «t. adily In-crea-ing. The bnildings hart bei n recently enlarged, and willBOW accommodate over one buii.lred b.»ar,n-r-.. The grouu4*are ample and very attractive, ami the biaaty and healthfuli.es.of th.- situation >re uiisi.rpatted by any tebool iu Peiin.ylvania.Allel.town is ai oes.lble (several tiui.a *day) bff railroad froinPbilhdeiphi.i and New-York, with which r als., has direct tel.-grspliic egammuaicatiOB, and la in one of the wealthiest CoWTati a

uf Pennsylvania ThaOeod-wfll and Fixtures of the Baboo)will b« told, tpot reasoraahtc ternra, la a eoarpekent teach.-r,acceptable la the proprietor* and patron* .>! tha a. Ho..1 general¬ly. The pr> sent ."»uir.ri.i r *-"»ioii -. tli S.-pt»-inb-r,and tiie \r\ mt- r s. trioa OWentoa the 1st .,t November. Poa*.-*.. .. arill hi glren on Iba fat of October. For Borascalart andt.rnaappli taW.M. RETNOLDB,AJlentowi IaahighConnty!Pennsylr ania.

STEAM 'PRINTING OFFICE FOR SALE.The Ofnec i on.. r of Centre and White street., form, rlr

occupied by MILLER A HOLMAN. and r< o ntly by MILLERA CURTIS. .. ntainiiigSix Adams Pltllll i. e 4 tw.. roller, N by I'; 1 two P.ller.

2 by ttJLaad 1 tour roller, 2E| bv iS.One gtngdt sn all jliider llw'i newspaper. SI by IBOne Hoe's medium, 1 Ho**! |..lio po»t.Oi super tojal ban Ml MOne card Bgnat, I Rnggles preat.F'. nr Hoe's piuuf M«**l s

T».. l.' ini h ylind. r bydrottatic pre-s, 14 by .12. sritii pump*.About *u groat boanl* for *»m..

CutH] I Bail bint, bra»- colter, lead cutter.An *Xlewaf*e a.surtin. ut .if plain nud fancy Book and Job

'i'lja Also ' fonts Music Type.Nonpareil. Ar*'e, Diemoni,Prarl IrtaWffld. and Exetiai r. w ith a Mere .») p.- D-pertm-Fi ruiing alt. fither one ol the Bktat 'mpiete and exteaaiv

Bo. k and Job I'.inting Orlii . a in the City.FRAN! IS i.Eo. SHAW. Baaatrat, N... J21 Broadway.

All kind* of Printing, from the larg-.t booh la th* *l!U stcard, iiini kl) and faithfully executed at low prii a t r *-.-..

Apply to JÖHN W. MILLER, tavaagof Centre »nd Whitettre. tt, Agent.

rya BI'SINESS MEN..An opportunity for a

A prnMahhr InTritmmt 1* rffrrrd by a party wl* ah-mis t<>re'.iri Iron a bo*inott la v» Mal he bua been engaged f,r near 2«

year*, in the bs-*t atnri la the eixy, He will *eii hi* iut>n-ttaid bit ttock II n-Ind. tor a Mod»rati' rnotideratioa and on

teascualie term.. Adir. t. MERCHANT. N. E L.. TrihanaOfBub


WM WEST. No IT Fadi ¦ it. New-lark,

YFACHT "GERTRUDE" for SALE.Abamt !»0tuns burden built by Fish; al.^p-n.-ged, WaB-feand in

every re*p*ct. *i.d in good icuditi.sn; dr»w, ab ..it 7 f.-.-t wat r,and baa si.pcti.-r *r-c..n.tM-d*'iona Applr to N BI.OOD-(.001). S..r. tar) ol th. New York Ya bt'Cluh. No 4 Pine tt

*^ I WM ¦ ,s WANTED f ir an INTEREsI'V'-'lUUv ta Uta at the .-feat and nuajt pr- fit»ble msiufact-.ting concerns in this rtty None but principal, a ill bed. alt with, and th. se not it.teri tte.' in am other methani.. *1 or

m»c factnni g buain<-m For part'. ul»r.. apply to A SIU.NI II'OANE. N. '.*i Pnltoo *t.. up sU.rs

fJIQIU I .WANTED, n PARTNER, in a plea*-.IvarvPA'* ai t h d. * raahha*ineoi in tbit city, mat ra-q..ir» * tbe attaath R at tv» t p»r*. » but a few |...jr* daily It is

a ell ettab.i'i i \* ith- ot coii'p. titi .a. »tti-uded w ilhnonsk,and *i re 11 neldii an irnmen*- p-..fit Addrett(.EO WHEELf R k Ct No .^st Broadway,Office No 13.

(Lb 7 i kl \i I WÄNTEI r.On H. um* and LottJJ> 4 ,1 Fl FAF it. the IC.tr ..f N-» \ ra S. uf. un.iu. t

taiie Ap; y to F c Bowman.:*; Broadway-. Mainr]C. 1 CdUb -WANTED, a PARTNER withty* \ 9oJr\J\Jw thla am. ui t. U. join the adtertieer M . per-ri^na-Lt and p>ite«tly »ab Man ut a tuting baaiaatt i. ti.:. s'.v

hat »i.. l et r per annum tt will b»*atna aoaa aalaiilrien. Audre*. W. N Box 117 Tribune PIS, e. »im narn. *. K

ClUUi - FOB SALE..'s, iendie! WltklBhhBi»47 41/1"* Retail CONEECTIO.S AllY', Cant - 0 insli.,»t:i»aand < *'b trade.rarer ban.. A.an, tine.i l..«at«-4 S*»and Turning MILL, with II a re. LAND. Sullivan Co New-Yrrk. BLSrl Alan, PARTNER war'e l sitk * l 20U («>b. in

.pleadrd Tea th W m aa_

do /anttcrs anb (Otlicrs.

CIDER MILLS and PRESSES.Miiwh improre*!,.»,: last vsai'* make For eel. by JOHN ALEXANDER.

Nc 54 CliffV... New York, up atauri.

1 PACIFIC OCEAN GUANO.ioö Ton*, contjur.-tng * per cat of Amn.otua and M per cent, f Pnsxpba'e*

i ,a.l». *..i: purcl.tasera A. LOMtErT N. alClitt.

rjjrica. tJiTÜgtrvt. Vi

HOR.^E, BUOOY and HARNESS fur SALE..Akwinhtbtl] HORsE. I year* old. lu. heads Uutk. fa*,

t.-xi gaa tal kind nadir tht .»*.> and ie at. haraesa,wBhtaBod tthad aMXX-BVOOT and MAJlMRfS mast* to or-da r aad hut Bttle need, casting BTr* Sold for want of *«*. onlyPin .- u< ti r Btlnhhannntng ?a*' Mar be areu .: C.-arr'.hi , halathat between Bn adway and Ota-at ia ,iorv fjg MrCUMlt\ oi i HAKLIE POLIN-_VTliMilONT MORGAf- HOR8FaJ3..Pot .aj-

c. c pa bay ROIatM BaaPOart Old cne *ore~,

ariee gear* oiJ. ata l one gray MARE 6»e *""*r* cif -**L rsw>lopen-v h- rs.. a id wttraube-l laq dra BJ N t?3 S.'a«-ooar)..Lara th**; BaJ tar IceCs. of Ok Nc. IT Sprtvat ft.

Bcaxb cmb Hoonma

CHATSWORTH IrOTKL, FAtmtm, iv-rbf-.mir». Kn.»..d WILLIAM JF.PSON. the m fr****.

k» ee »0 reform A^errieen r>.» u JOeugaad um: the CH ATSWORTH HOTEL u eBviete* Is C»fjUvarU Park. and :. uw

Itninedjate vteuaMy ef the prior -1 j lawtdearat o» ihe leite oafDe», jj.t.ii- 4 pa »-<¦ «,'¦ aeiefwilh ,-( J* .. ree tt ert aad lib-brail) rair-^J;«rva by aalaire.TW Uotoi g.rtev. j roraaart end arv«. meanaal)oc to tounrta,

aawi ra atttn: <aey dietei.aae of Una p.a.areev-ry of theIVak of D«'1 ;w re. erhieh haa act haag prtapnatrtly hee« eem-

parrd te Sw-itr.r». <!The MUje* J Railway i» >.-re. " < g Vr..«J between Itnoipa

and York, haa a braurh to RowaLy Statt.« taiaere an .1 -tit 1

*.. m the Hi '- rr.ega rwy Uwn. Thai »".«-!. « :-i».oU ..

drive tbmvk the part far» m^w.N. B .A . 4- p parior for tb« acrroiat siatioa of Led «

and i.t.-n.. r

BROOKLVN HOARD.A privat- Fartrilf. 1»

anting Ii a ; part uf H. * ». who worJd hoard a

0-rtl.-tr.au ard Lady who WLold rnettly firn.ib their own

roami and r>e little trouble, caa eddree. O Box No. M. Brook¬lyn, for cne week. Board paid week!}, and refereu-ea ex-

1 aaoatee*

BOARD WANTED.In a private family, for a

ttldaaj Lady and two Deughtrra.one Hand Lb- other 12veert old.between l-tth arwt »"<¦.; tte Coitanaa or Knecdepreferred. AddraaeBriNo 2,ft«5 Nea York Poet Office.

BOARD WANTED..A young man. a rtiniVntatone ot toe city (.otirgra, deeirei board in a private tarre-'y

where be 1 in enjoy the r .uif rta of a home. He wiahee a ro'vm

w.th irate and gaa The karat. >n muat be^etwe»n 10th and Joch-and 2d and 7th eva The l eft reference will be given and

required Addren STL DENT, Boa No. Hi Port Office.

t)0OGC6 tO tel.

HOUSE to RENT.In Wt*. iMd-rt.. oPBrHth-av ISxSS feet kick hawmeat, and lirat «... in everv re¬

aper*, r URNITURE far SALE.ia gent, el. but r. < 1 atrave-rant. Aidrea,., wuli full i.eine. B. B Box No 2.04:1, Port-Otf.ee.

ROOMS to LET.A Pari.T, on*, or two 1W-rooma and Bath room or >in/le Romia with ad. inv-eoj-

enrea. newly Bated op, and will be kept in beat order. JOHNWOODWARD, No. pq Franklin -t. n-ar Taytor a

TO LEASE.A nrnst »'ligil>|.- »itiHtum fora Flourend Eee.l or Proviaiou St«ire. Arm ilturel Warehouae, A.-.,

lein* a lataa KIVE-STORY BITLDINO la Weat at keeeeiCourtlandt. with a apaeioua Cellar. It will be let entire, ateaih flry r end tb.liar aeparate. Apply at No. 2i.) Br.eilway.r.ircerol Ben lay -t., third floor, ro.un No.fS'.

P|N> LET..ROOMS Fl RNISIÖ:I) l.y the- AnyA irwiek, price a>2 to $7 p.r week, in home Ho. SMBroadway. Apply at the office or above.

TX) LET in RROOKEYN-A PÖliSd :!-*toryX not'rar to Heary..t between State and Jonlea at «ta.for one year from lat of October. To a awaalt fautilv term* willbe made low. Addre.a Boa No. tit) Poat-Ottj. li .ar.tiiiabouae keepera need no; apply.TX) LET.Tht> ROOMS naw occiipifsl by theA New-York Cleerinr Hooae, beiag the entire aaaaai .' «ryof No. 82 Broadway, extendint from Br.iedway lag feet deeap toNew ... 24 1. ; wide; liehted frout and rear and by a large aky-llght. Eor terma, Inquire af the Cleau-iiif'Houee, on any la.aioeaa day after 11 o'elork a. m. of OEOROE D. LY tatA It

LET.Two gentvel COTTAGES at Raveoa-wood.with OROI'NDS and STAB LKS. oppoekte to the

Steeinlioat Lending of LOWER RAVENiWiJOD. Stagerpaaa every hour to Greenpoint, Wiliiamabnrgh and llr -e v,

Apply to J. S. HARRIS, near the premieee, or to HARRIS.NEDA V a. Co.. No. 28 Pe< k eiip.

tjonoco atib /arms toanttb.WANTED to HIRE-A ginnll HOUSE {fat-T v niahed or not), within IS milea ol the itv, and ea.y infer-ear. ReLt mtiat b«- moderate. Addrrta E. II B a N>>. 1,C«2Poat OBL e, .tatii | l.e-ality, r-nf. Ar.

Ural Collate for dale.

AT MILTON, on tho Hu«i*on. fmir tnilt»t l^-iowPourhkeepaie, la a flue BUMMER RESIDKNCK for

StU romoianding an ex', naive view ol tn<- nver. north andeoutli. Ilouae large ard rommo.lio a, croouia wed ilauvdwiUi fruit, baafcfl of the owner, JOHN C. WOLLET, or ofA. A. Benael, Milte« L'Leter County, N. Y., for termi or otherpartu nlara.


It i« the noiet 1 omplete and beet arraai.-d au I ....nve.niotatlylorated Iron Worka in Pel uaylvania. All tb> pHu. mal builihnraam ot hrii k, with .late roola. Weter and tea ere u.tro<i«x-e/Jthrou(h the building. There if en ex velh-nt aaaortuieut'I'....;, and Ma. bm. iy. The aaa .rtuient of Patterni are utvaur-

paaaed heinf aell made and near!) new cn-i.tmr prmcipoUyfor ¦ ill work af.-am eu^inea and general now hinery, Iroa h.eaeefruita, atovre, Ar The lot ia a valuable on..fronting o thePenney iv u.ia Railr.wad I5o feet, running t.h. k to tne P.-uneylyania Canai 3> aMt, with aoompl. te wharf the wh I.- width ofthe |.,t. Poaeeaaiug auch auperior edvautagea. work ran bemanufartureil very low, and iau be abipped t>. any part of theUnion. TUe Woika ere capable of manufacturing fr u BCiO(aa)to B2|0,ia». worth of work per annum Kor pa'tindora. tuM.lyto the aubM riber, at llarriakairg, Pennaylvania. J. R JONES.

FIB SALE^r EXCHANGE.A~b^tif.it ( OT-TAOK and r ABM of 31 BeTave, in a pleaaant vil age. 70

BatVef from New-Y'ork. Ch.u. e fr lit. pern water, and. Aueera nery. Full pertirulara eud diagram at No 15 John-at


I^ÖR SALE.A vory ii»>eirnÜ"lvESIDEN(:E inEnat Cheate r, -itnated about I) milea from the llronxville

Station on the Harlem Railroad, iboat 2 milea fr. 111 Mt. VeaOjOBon the New HavVfl Railroad, and about y milea fr.Hm New-RochelL'. The Heaae la nearly new and conraignda a view ufLong laiaad SoitLd. OikkI Bam. Carriage-Houae, Ac, togetherwith ata.nt to arn . ol land, wbirh la in B high atataOf CBitivation. For further pert 1. ulara apply to O B. TWEED) Niav >iBar lay-at, or to \S M. E. COLLIS, at No |er^ S mth at.

FARM for SALE LOW, niid on ficromiiiodtatiiigtern.a..It rontama MB acree, 15 of gcod wood, a thrifty

pearh orchard of Cggg trr.-a and upward, an apple ..rohar.l, anila variety of other Iruit, a good farm hoii.e. hero and ettkef oat-l.uildii.ga. It ia well watered aoii a clay loam, u eli adupteiito market gardening, fra-a, or other cropa. Couveuirut to NewY'otk by atearaboat or railroad For parti ular.. apply to

_JOSEPH W. ALLEN No IM ßroadaray.

I^ARM for SALE..Ninety-one Acnw of I^md,Hou.e and tva o Barui aud Out Houae, new. Two tjatBBf of

the moneyran lie on bond eod mortgage for lit. year*. Twentytw.. u.i^.. trom New Yotk. Inquire of H. II. Bl'TLER, No. 9Catharine at.

FARMS for SALE..One- in Lumlwrlniid Viih»i>.-,Suilivan County, N. Y. 3i*9 arrea; dam. wa'er pa,wer

ato?a, Ac *-3,W«>. The wo,,d on it will e.-ll for *K«r«Xl. Mataaa m the beat plaaaa iat tn.t, batB,_ar aaar bbUL One by it.H a< rea. g.u. 0 On,, at W eahingt .a Valley, N. J near Plain-t. Id 111'arrea; Baa b' ild.uge. *.» '»»' Fine boteee, cow.,all the ato. k, cropa, and farming implemeuta inc!i..le.i Tu.-1«one of tee N at haraaine in the State will make a food OBaBtefaeat for a peraon d"iig buaine*a in Neva York.Niue huodredh arma.."o, iia., or na'.iaaj arrea r.f Ian.I.in .'ill rent dir. ¦ ttor.a;Mil'a. Water rower. Country 81 ate Vfllaga aadCtta Plopetty.Apply to J. V A.NDERBII.T, No H4 k l tonal Olfiae op-nfrom 8 to 8 falTBBaga eellfHad In the Real K.atate baetaveeeOne Farm at le«a than one half tte retake i I 01 re*. Ooudaaw and lath mnl. Ac. gll.'OO In haQieaa Coaaty, N \three milea and a half from railroad at at .11 rnual anal river.Term, in v tVJB tviH l< a>.| 1 in amail laffaaa, BS to fgEi pala t> I hm« Ihr heat barg.iii that ran ever be ottered.

VALUABLE FARM for SALE..Thr? .iibgorvbe: (Sera (or aale that valuable FARM kn. wn aa the

FORT FARM, 44 ruh a eolith of the City of Porighkeeaxil^,Duteaheaa County, N Y., being eu the poat road tvtweeu Pougb-keepeie and Net. -York City. Said farm containe aboat «Ö7Jwrea, about 9" acree of whirl, are woodland. It la in a goodItataltd i.iitivat.on a ell watered and adapted to rraia or fraaa

On the premiaea are e giKKi Dwelling Houae. Teuanl Houee.Bam. Sheai*. Orenary, Carriage Houae. Hog Harare, Woo-lhouee.,ha., all ia go.d repair, with a tne tprmg uf water near toe

touae.The Farm can ea«*e be dMd'd luty. two parte aa the pet

sadraaeaeartj tbraaah «o.. center. On the wee* abioat tbar>ad la a line building aite, havMtg a vi-w of the U 1* a Rirefin4 the furroundii.g country.For further parti, u'.are inqe.lni of the r.Sarrtte>l, corn*

2anaoa euj Liberty ate.. Pt ugbkeepaie, or .f YOL'NOM:HULT7bCo., No 37 F rry at. corner .f Cliff N-w-Yorh



Tbe DEMOINK NAv 1 OAT I ON a. RAILROAD COM¬PANY aid tier at pi. a i n. at the CITf OF DE-MOINE, the Cepito. of Die State of Iowa, on in 21atdayoflirta.her next end on each aec.-eeding day, uat.t the am« aro


lying imn.ediateiy above Eurt D*a M'inea. Three latila area

part cl a giant B.edr tu 1Mb by Congreaa to the State of Uwe.It wl.otu tbe? have |e.-i. coii.eye.it, th.< Company. vb..««

nghta have mat hero affirmed by the Supreme Curt at I .we.

ita htgeieat judicial tnbunal They tie la alternate aectiooe in e

atrip f five one a m width on aargl aide of the Dea MoineaRiver Tke Vallev of the D. a M<> ive. ia c. nfeaaeoly THERICHEST AORICULTCRAL REOIOM OF THE UNITEL>STATES ar.d th« let de n w fh rid wi! '«urrpna. aome I t' n

¦IN taiaalBt if lit PRAIRIE Ml AIM IW end TIMBERLANDS af the rataie are WfM * %'ered by apriuga and et.ajeme,aad having reel, withheld Ir in aale f r ateirc yeera part are to-

teraperawl «ith rultivat'-d larn.a aud thririug v.Lagei Th- tint

bered lar.da ere ru h ir. black walnut ead oak cf tne fineet « lal

By. An abendaace of reel und. "le. to. gteatae port., n. and ia

eaaiiy mined. Multita.dee ot hroav ras he eei>. ted wita ampleoa. and timber pol them for all tb. pery a. a 11 the colli vatawFleeter la aiao found in at undau-eTWENTY-Fl Vi' THOCSAND ACRES will he atvaah taiy

a ,d a Je.-t to the t< bütieti« fe'ltewirg. to tlie Lifh.-et kidd. r.

El the C. mpany rewr»-a taa- n*ht of reeire »:r,g furtuer eelee11 »aliaetlafai tl rjTtaatt 0» Sal 1 .Trie hand la earn eave». n wn. be eoii aep-

erately and la eocrecieot parraie, and ia ail raeea be pt.t up et

the mtn'.mun pr B3 per atra.Pevm nt. aha.] be made aa Crtiowa, to wit There auai. be

paid J » c Id eaan at tbe cue ad eeie, re ail timbafed laadj,from one-hail" to two Uurtle of toe porcoaae money oa otDer

..ai.da brugtag le«> than e - ger a. re, tbe auia of ga-r acre

OL ah other I anda 36 per reat of the pur^aae oveaey and therr jiamder aba.I be pevebie ia live equa. anaual initaiimer.'a, \i.

Be aecured tepo*. law latbata, ante tatereet at . per rent p.r ya-ai.Ir eaee a_y paart haa« r ahaU dVeire te pay In laB, e duteouat ef

IB par cent on tbe amount of deterred pajeneate wiH be made.The N ude of the ( pea . >. . b* r-. -.' aa caeb at tiaeur garval te. fVeda of war-auty trill be |ivee.Tue dar..:- ef rou.eyaare oftheee lacde 'tic Cotaaaey aili

be found duly rerordeäi in tbe oBre < f the Secretary 01 Suta ofIowa Mapa. deecriptioog ard appreiaale at the lead, ar.d er.yto. 1 Int. n allot, ra. be taJ ot. appRcatior at tne 1 Sice of te

Cojigent. Ne 14 Wlllian at New Y'ort, erutfi- BBeeeaegaYad,at »h» C-ea.,4- I a Lani OBacai in IVmouae (Fort Dee Mj iee|

A PKlRll?Iae J C .mmieeara.'r D N.URO

t-etr i ark a s *: HBf


*X I U in ECB1 Sof LAND ia Pikr C-tin:y. Pa ,

e P»" ft )\9 ., 4, ta» N Y A Erw BaalroaJ. te f XCll anoe

11ra gerty in Ii i» r I .. .. ... »

KIS A RICHAT.DS<JN, Baal E.telr an Lain Ageota.No. i C-eJar at.

j E5 V lvS a MI H-M., IV SALE..Alfaae> BjtBVaakaB i**>n BRÜV.N BTOH1flOUbh Ne»r«7 ga Bteda «¦' (rr*c<**4 -llr a»«, t«i»i t

BIB Kf.- , t 1 ;.V -.¦

<. bet* I« the Song* *rd ir Oh*M ¦MMre r~*~b V.*~. . SITI AlfOH M . PMÖOt er to so-

4r pups.* *4 thear r»*l.l*:,ea Ar*'*t f*a m Broadway,to Prcl \»«gn.«. wbere reference* wwe bo gleao._

PBOFESBOI of tB* Fretvh Lon^'urt' aridLiterature wbc halben turret-rudy ecgegad IV *. r-rei

v,irt ia .^ox of tar l«-*t ernoeit of New York, ran 01

em ortwo hrcrt erar; day. AJdret' b. v No J fw. ", »>¦

ALL Student* prepare*! Er huti'ieeo at DOla-BF.AB'S Commercial Academy N« o<w Broadway may

. b'a-r. mm d »iiiiats»ee, 11 the] b.come quirk in t.gur»-t, ragedBaaaBOag penmen lad pea, t.ral >.ikcept ra. Tbcte »V ae. re

aeete tri. dap f r Monday n ay I »*e prirte ItWtoat witnoct

extracherge. T» o print- *ewt* v*.»r.t. Term* fr-m pi tj

*¦'¦&_(/^OITF.RT LYCEUM, ur«W th.« drrrvtion ofV/ Prof. F B. MAURICE, t.raduete of the Uaiveraitv ot> raa- e. No. ;«i St. Mark'l rdaoe. New York-fr-neb. Englishfr«.n:.h fon trerna' and Chvssical BOARDIN»» and DAYSCHOOL PllRBOVS The Chatte* will re open M MONDAY.70. Seeu aiber Cirruiar«. with aV-ferrncet ma r~ obulaei at

lb* LvVeum, and at the omec of H«ara COUDERT. BROTHERA. Not j| gad «I Abu at_


A. M., Principal and Proprietor..Twe next eesai.iu c.oiineo.ee

on tbe Sth of September. Pupiit lunifee to "»»-one half bord¬er*; prefe**or*. l«*-furer* and tea.here, » r'« eataiof ue w-tbfull partirtiiara. eddr. «e the PrinripaL



n. r of Broadway and 13th «t . wiU be re-opewed oo MONDAY.Sept. T Cirruiart raay be obtained at fe>»k« .-»d'a IS.. «IP

Roadway Roe's. No S»7 Broadway, Segre*. N«>. «26 Broai-

wiy oa and alter the let of Sept., at the reeideoce of th- I na-

rfpeJ. N«. ITS Kart nth et- The number of pupi.t it limit -d,end th« eorpa of aatittanU well-known and thorough.

CLASSICAL and COMMERCIAL SCHOOL.No. 1» Willow at.. Hr-klvn. D POMKROY, Principal,

ball Term commeucea on MONDAY', Sept. 7._

COMMERCIAL~and CLASSICAL SCHOOL,No. 75 H.ury at., New Y>rh. will open on MONDAY, Sept.

7. SOLOMON JENNF.R. A M.. Pnuoipal.FEMALE DEPARTMENT. No 1*2 Baal Broadway.



ol tbia Bahoo) wi.l be re.umed on the tir«t MONDAY ia Sep¬tember, at th» Hall of the Board of Edu. atlon corner of Ofaodand Elm ita The School it FRP.K to ALL who deai.cn "in

lo.nl faith to puraxe the profeaal-n of a Teen her in tie C^mn

S. L.x.'.a of tb.- tat» of New V..rk " Ail au.-h are ther. tVe in

lit. d to mbri m the aupen.it adrantarea which it iftordl for as

edi CatioB adapted totbit end.SUSAN WRHJHT, Princpal

JONN DAVEN PORT, j)oHN^KLYDrXKER, J Exec .tire t^-en.AARON B. ROLLINS | .°^ .

JONATHAN S S( OLFIELD, | :" r"'*J ' ho° *


a piodltotl of tbe I niveraity ..f (iieaten. and t ri yreara Pr.,t. ».or of Oeraian Literatur.- lu the boll d- t'-mmerce.Bruaeel.. horiaf a few Inure in tbe day aodarewtsg diaen<a<"4.would hafiadto plri inatru-M..n in "French, 0*1miB, Lat.w,Ac, and can reler aa to capability and rbara. tor t the I flow

r.ei .Cliav L. Brace c.q M aar» 0 Vom Haur SaCo and S B. Ile.l^rt Jooab, Addrct Prof SCHI ET.'.an ot B. Wi->t>unarm A Co., B.» k.ell. ra, Broadway.



l^h at., Mr.. LEVERETT will re opeu her S<-hool for the eii

mini \e.nr. DB YA EDNRBDAT Sept. lri. A Cleat m Bngliaha; lla Fienoh Lit.ratore, Blairr the Inatructi. n of the BtoetOoaxipetewl PioBmeri, wiii h- eaaaaaaojoad O. t-.ber 1, and willcontinue tu o quart, r*. Young Ladiea who may detire to pur-toe tbe BtoOaMwin Ke admitteil to the C. urte at p-rquarter Apelicatn tit may b> mid" to Mra L. pertocally or

by letter, at tbe atx-re iddreit.

FAMILY SCHOOL tor BOYS at Sb«rliriif. Mtoo.Pur fall particuUra. refer t.. J. W BARTLEtT, No. bo

Nuaan tt tg iddTIII the Phu. .pal, WBt A. P. WII.LARD.

FRENCH INSTITtri E for YOFN'G GENTLEMEN, B'-ardlng and Itay Screed, Claaaical and Commercial,

No. 48 Ea.t Twenty-fourth at., near Madiaon Park, will re peaou September 11. Proapectnt to be had.

_Prof ELLIE CUARLiER of Parlt.

IFIENDS' INSTITUTE, Not. 7U and 79 Elixtt-beihat.The Schttlt of both Male and Female Depart

meott i. mn.i ii»- the 1-all T. im on the 7th i.f For terra!apple to the Prim ipal». J.XHAH I) CHASE and PATIENCESMITH «t tie ln.tit.it-: or of ROBERT R. WILLETB, Mo.17 Retgera pi*.-.-. HiHN u> ORIr FIN, Mh av. and SUth-at., andJOHN D. HICKS, Ho. ffjajtl .t._FRENCH INSTITiriE.Mailame HERGIER»

Er. ic h. Prpflrh and Spanish BOARDING and BAYSCHOOL for YOUNO LADIES. No. UJ Madiaou »v . between3lat and JJd *tt will be REOPENED on TUESDAY, S-pt. |RMadame BEROIER will be at home to receive Pareii't andGuardian! w ha may with to muter with her, on and after Aug. 20


CLASSICAL. BRIBMCH, ENGLISH and PRIMARYSCHOOL, No, »a Hr ... entrance in 2lat-at. The uew

terai hegiua September 7. Pntala are prepared for college ottbe counting room. Th.-ae between tbe aget i.f tlx and ten areunder the care .if a female tea.*her. The Oymnaaium ia open toall department!. Circulr.a* mar be obtained at the a, honl r,.imt,aud at the bo..katoret of K. Loakwocd It Son, T. Crowen, » JC. 8. Fran.-ia.


IRth.t tOOOtl . Sept 7. Six A-wiitant TearBan u.a a Teal l.erof (iymnaefio. Lc-«. na aa far at pooaihlo taught in SehOoLThere It a f'r.mary D.partmeul for Bov. of frmn t! f.. t yearaCtrl ulnra mai be I.ad it the School, at No. UU M av., aud atRando pb'. B. rjtttote No bei Iti.4d»-av.

HUDSON RIVER INSTITUTE at Clareritck,New York, Male and Female..Board and Tuition #1«

year. Term om-na September 18. ÖtatirmOB InttnictonPian.. Mutic, P»l itiiig and Modem Lauguaget. Stovet tg

ttudent.1 n.iaii. The B-v A. FLACK, A. M., Principal.


?ioi under it yean fanahin tt thliafSiTB or ofthe PffaMpaLhe R. v. I Ill'.ADIU RV. Huaitoa, N. Y.

HENRY STREET CRAMMAH S&BOOL,Re Henry ?' .The PALL tetsion it thia luatitution

will lomnituie on MCHDAl, >eptember 7.

_J. L. MARSHALL, Re. t..r.

1 F. WORTH'3 CLASSICAL and ENOLISHt" . SCHOOL, Mo 237 4<bav. (oue door above l^thtt.l. wi

U- lOoyoaod tO Mondaay, Sept. It.

jTrrREENTlUTilT'' CLASSICAL and ENa OLISH SCHOOL. No 31 Weit Mlt-tt with a Primary

Dep.rtiu.nt taught bp a I^i.y. The 21th year begun on MOcr-llAi. S< pt II Inttruetiou in Eremh and Driwiug by apBlwvad Traehera, Carealart may le- had at the School, at NoIS Beat kSe-et., or at Meatra, ArPLETOBPB, LOCK WOOD'Sor RANI'OI.I'H'S._

orNT WASHINGTON COLLEGIATE IN-STITUTE oa Waaiiinttoo Square. No. 218 Booith-tt.,

. irnerof Ma. doticil-at, ' pena on MONDAY, Sept. 14..Fifteenth Aeadi mn year.

Ol-O. \A CLARKE / . . -

JAMES PANNING. S ' rl" ,pa-'

N B .Pare-jta iü.d Guardian, may apply at the Inttit'itiondurini tht day or rei.i-g, w hi re Cirri, ari ran be obtained aa

&lao at tbe Bookatore» of Meatrt. App.eton, Lo. kwo<.d, lvi-cnA PManoy, Broadway, and Mettrt. Burnton. Ni. 49Ctb ar.

Pupiit are received at tbe beginning aa well aa at alvancedpeiiaoi optheir Coaäyar, aad in Btarawahly prepareil for bual-BOatorColleie, amid aatoclatloat and under lurlmni.. ..( a

high!) deafrubie n bar act. r.


aarart "t tr-.t. near Staat. M'deru laogiiag. . Icglitv.ith. ut eat:, i.h irgrt Claatical aad cunmer gjal atudiea.Eaglith brai.noet ta.igbt by two Englishmen Ovmridwuuuattached Riopmed.

EC 11 AR!(V SOCIET'i SCIHIOL.-Thitoldami aapailai rattHatfira wfU roopaa .-r. tin KIRST MON¬

DAY nSlI'lEMBER fir the tdaaitsaaa . I pupils apply ath> Ferna., ilrpar'ment bio 172 Broadway, and *'. *h« MaleDepaitu.nt, No aiCrithy-sii. TflOS JEREMIAH,

( uairmao of the Schooi Committee.

RS 0KILLs BOARDING and DAYSC HOOL. Nov. I ant 10 C luton Place, will be r*-openest

on TT'ESifAY, hept !;>. Appii ationa can b« mad by letteraddr-^s.ed |a her bu-ise uatil 8e»>'.. ltt, after wbicnUiue ab« wf!be la lias

MR. and Mme. CRUCY » French and EntrliahBoard.a.- and Day S. <-.<». b.r yo «a< Ladiet No. g-r? a--.J

sV il-uiy tt., Brocki)n. w ,h Reopen o- MoN DAY. Sept. 7.

MYSTIC HALL SEMINARY for Ynuri* Ladlea..In additi ML, Salt ea'w Bathing ani I! < P.idjaa]

A Cat** I I BO) he haw of tL« F ;.*' aV-t. B .'. ht*a*.

Ät ADAME CHEclARAY and Mad. PREVOSI'*1"! BoarJinr ai.i laay S. aoa i for Yo-, , Lean a. No.11 Ease.BRsVsjL, betwee-i Mad'acta a.id $>har*. The ahoaa la*tBa^aoa-ooducted by Mad. CbegatB7, taaitta-d By her nie..-, Malten«Prevott, a1.!. b» teoprne^ 03 MONDAY. Septeoiber it

R - N E V I U 8" " 8 C HOOL,IS Weal ; *b-»t OPENS ¦ ¦ MOHDAT,

September T.




RS. M L A R S ' ¦ FBIIOHEMiLiSH BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIPS. ho. 3? ao* dl' W eet IJth below 6th av.. risop. us gTHl RSHai. Sept. 1*Mrs bt Will heat home to receive permit*tod gnard'.ac* arhc

may wi.- It M iS / wi'h be', on and etVr Sept 1.


w#g r»..peu er MONDAY, Sefrteraber 7. Cir.¦ ..ars BOB bo..I- a a* lb* lastit .wna. No, 56 Weal Ra.Hr at.. Brv^lya.

MRS. DIET/tLdNt.-n tg L -1 :ij< >[. - -. ... MONDAV

Settetiise-r M No. ¦ Part ättb tt-^


ianai.ro- ^lat.wtllr.-.pa.Sept.? Hoc a. g» Molten *-.

\1ISS SPALDING rp.w*Ht«ul!y iiifi^mT^hprIf I We- d* a-, i th.- pubar that her Board'..-| *. d Day 8, «for Yoci. L.die 1 rTlsjahatal w-.. ti J w^i «TUb f-DA Y s-i ;

iwtwaaaaaaajaa aa

MRS CO! JAN- FRENCH aid ENOLlTriBOa ITS'NO aad DA', SCHOOI. f ' \ O* No LA .'alb is

52,3t ^ W3Ak..Sept. 14, ac Nc SB) M iv., ccraei

SVIIs> >N0W- FRENCH and EN0L18HiwI R'-'ABIINOandDAl SCHOOL wv; he REOFr Nr D> p. 7 a; V -2 Vt -at I Stb et.

\I MF F RKICHAED* 1*0ARDIN0 a.J ÜAVifl SC'C Ol.f YOUNOLAD.ES No atW«|WLm.a. , wU n era.p.-,i ,- MjiI»/. jap» < t

MB. MiELU(>>rr- SCHOOL, m lamKrönt**«; fVewea-a At at aaa fid <m ? . 5 l-

o. IrOrOlel fVpC 1^_

\\ »8 llAIWli infunn« her fr^~~4^r,>*Ji .ve.wr tew-. Wr BY LnXH No. I* Or»»^ - rTT»**-et New-lore, ait) .uenmru.- <.» V* EDNEtftTf HiteeeO-c l»- A P- u»-t*ea «tu «Lance of Oer nv.j» **>n <f .»lad "^taBbf^,

MKS. * HEATOSmod the IVaHr that b<« B . JS4 .., . "7 i*?B


V a We.-t .-.tat.. r>tr^. or.^ J-,^1»eaj MATHEMATICAL taCHouLerffl ^^^^M

I« «>. if.,o< ijonoav the rto of rI** -a

Department, r «rate«-teal wit* toe aTatuti, ur.Aw EL * '¦¦tMr WILLIAM DEHLERage of t wrlve year*. f»i <'

lj aboil aw if after U* WtlofS.pVn.be,. ^m^mh

MÖBBAY HALE BOARDKVO ^Ti.» ISCHOolt f« r TO, l»« UtPIKAt, t« mWrnmE* -

Leer Br. edwey. N 7 ,» -W r. Oj- Rev. J J I hMr*»«

The rltht.*** t » d ramme-vc i fryt IV itB^"*VI KS. I R. DAT IS " FRENCH v4 r^jfca?l BOARDING ..jP\i SCHOOL for VMr-N()LAj2J

.s. r- Mmai tv »» REOPl N. u MONDAY B"fR. TVNl.'" SCHOOL M NV wl r.vt

ori'J .ooimeiire Ite tenth year on TUESDAY. Bt_ SMi T. wild, vote hi< . .tire time and attention to tee am*-?men! o» hie pcpt.a ,-i their F.r.gli.h ot CuwurwJ atuefca,^tta-r branefaee will empeoy the b«-t aaaia'enta._

ISS HALLOW will it-ow-n h-r SCHOÖTjY OCNG LADIES, at No. it Eeat iii at., on tt hifla,


OLISil BOARDING end DAY r-v liOOL » Oeeaa,Sept. lo at Na. II iHh-et._

1188E8 HOPPER A WATSOV*4 Un^tZa:.4 Day S Baal for yai.ag levlree. No. t Haaurvoaaa,

Crymer «t. WUliatrnlnirab. rw-otwtM Sept 8. AJdr.e. maW

RS. J. T. REN EDICT .* 1.<MIUilVu~ibDAY SCHOOL tor YOtNti LADIM, w^i .

Sept. 17. it No * WVet N't! .... tw ,:»¦¦'- .-¦ :.i V .. ...

FRRAY HILL COLLEGIATE IXStTTI'Tf. I.etintion av.. between JSth and 31th aB «JW,

L-.ini-i... St pt U_B A »MIT8

MR. 1UN(;IIAM'S SCHOOL (Bible Ht«X.i«n t"Iaa«hal i.Tiriuaaiuin) will br revaaaal ,

VV EDHK8DAY, Sept 9 The number wi.l he atrtrUfbaaalt.. twenty V. net Men. Proviaion it eleu rnv.e for taaaaanumber öf »maller Boy» In a Junior Claaa Special e'taaaat.mveti to the littina of riT .ltdatet t >r blarv vd an.l Yale (eSbamMl B tte.ina th it hia .. n.H i ie the be.t in the rite aaluwaiieiaminetu n Mr B may be found at the eeh.vt, aBJaBtS il.e 7th of Bt prember. or a.tdre.x'd ther- at any nan.

POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE ol the. STATErfPK.NNS i LV AN1 A, W eat Pcun 8<luaee. PbUadataMleB

..rporated IHM, on the plan of toe ludtittrial Co i.«.-aof tm\and Berlin.Tl..uraee ate tborotiab and pra>'t.eai C »«»e. U K.NOV-

NK.I'RINO, OMMOOI an.l MINI .NO are . »et. aad ta rattield Kortho.. in Ml N UK A I.HOY e. IN DI STRIAL AN*LTTtCAL an.: AORM I LTI IUL CHI MIS I'Rt, aai .

MKTALLI'ROY, a well appointtd Cheroioal LaUiratcr|Bfn> ,

The' Kitth C d e»lafe Year will oimnet^e on MOMVItS..pt 21 lVJ. For l atalogaet and further infornteMoai. aearta

'_Dr. A I..KI NNF.DY. Pre.i lent of Fereaj.R 0 I '. K. M. BROWN « CLASSIÖaCi Rl Nt H ai i COMMERCIAL SCHOOL, No. SMlbatt'

way, willteopaaou MONDAY. Sept. H_PARISIAN FRENCH b* j. Dk LAUNATaf

. trial VII Br. adwaY >, SPANISH and ITALIAN alMUeaa.Claae. . for ladiea. Frenint elae-e« tor <. nl lernen. Re.'ereaMa:Fn.f.». -.- H. Dritler^teret A Xai uinj, Fittteet k U-^*tytubta,Ava., In waoetHtu 3 .«uat tauabt._I>ATTÖN ^NSTTTLTION for tlii* El)liCi-

TION ot BOYS arttlmin MONDAY, »ept it aNo. 3-1 Wut BN et., between Hb and tith av«. Clr. iilara. eafcobtained at Baa B<>ekatam of M. ttrt. App>t.-u. CaiterCrawra, or at the Bcboal Boaaaa,

11 a¦


13 M. W. R E D F I I L D * *

I a iPorwierly Bernard A Redtield'al.FRENCH, SPANISH, ENOLISI1 au I CLASSICAL

BOARUlNOand DAY BCHOOL forVOUNO OBBTLaUafllNo. ->. 2d-ar., 1 oroar St Mark'a r -¦

Tie eleventh Arat emi. year of thia Inatituttoa arf.l aa>mei ee 0» tie- 7rh ot s.-pt A I'riu arr Deptrtment Uia a*»aa»tul oaeratiou. Cuiulaie maybe obtained at the School, at aj

Meura. H. T. KlERSTED k SON.N». vt8 Broadtraf.

EY. D. C. VAN NORMAN, A. M. Sb Pits-eipal of RutaerV Female Inatitute, will (D VJ eata .

BOABDINO aud DAY SCHOOL for YOUNO-LADlES.etBe1>t Eaet 14th at near; I'uion aquare, on the Ith Sept neat

rot fill, information at to AIMS, SYSTEM OF IWeOCTIOII, Ac attention ia Invited to hta PROSPECTUS, I* mbad at the SCHOOL or by ad lreaaing the PRINCIPAL

CCSOOL and HOME E 1)1 CATION.-P»b3 VATE I RENCH and ENOLISil CLASSICAL and cosMEB'JIAL BOARD1NO aud DAY-SCHOOL, aith et»PLA'.XiROl.ND and OYMNASIL'M attached. Noe 47 aaalWeal 2Mb at., between Broadway aud 6th-av. Mr. LOBBUtS.T takea t herge of a limited number of aelnot Boy a taja.For |*rti.-ulara call or eddreae aa above.

SO ITH BROOKLYN CLASSICAL and COM-MaKCiAL A( ADr Mk No. 2*8 Court-at., twoul aw

north from PrrotdoBt, *J. REOPFN on MONDAY. Baal 7.A. B. RICMARliSON, A. II Prusipat

SCHOOL tor BOYS.-vV. M. FERRGrS II«71 aV.-et 17th at. Utely Claaai, al aud Mathematical T^atctar

in th. *l.,ol of Pn f Dri/er, of Columbia CoUece. will rwawaa f>w Miyaaail llattllllil tin at hi all thi btam hea of a liberale*-u. etii a. The number will be very limited, to that each paydwill r< '«elve theconataut p.-raonal attention of the teaehef.

IUSBTTOWM INS'I ITLTE..Cin-ulars, bs»taiuinr termt, refereuce« view of the Initftute, Ac, att

be obtalued by add re taint A. NEWMAN, A. M.. PruvipaL

rfmM COLLEGIATE school, No. :i IBX l <tteat.. t..ne-ri.f ..: < 'uow in ita o¥tb .«.! oaeatmMONDAY, ^. p*. 7^ wi'h every peiaibbj alvantaee for IheeaVe«ri«n i f youth. Mr. W m. Korieat, lete A »».er-iate PriacieaVliaa rtt'real from tea. hing, and lett the Inatitiilion uader Ibaaolediaeetioii of Die niideraigued. for the Uat three yeerehiapartner and formerly Rector of the Henry at. OrammerItaoolAn aide carpet f teu eiperienied and efficient Teecbera batbeen e-aa/e.l. Pi.plla are rereived at all tfl a, and thuPMfMfprepared for tv. Mege or merreiitile lifeReteren. e it ma,;, to tl.. Parattjof Colombia CoHere;»»

(h»nr. lor aud Pi-.teaaora of the New York I'mvrraity; tkaRev. irre. Alevar..'. r E.g.-nbrodt, Fori..-.. Haigbt. Ilatkea.Knov and Maraelua, and pertnmarly to the following leeeWuiea vvy,.,.. attend tin- ? hod the Rev. Dr. J. A area

r. th- ,Dv Chart, a K. Imhtie. Jerae, ( ,ty ,h(1 ,Ut g Ml.ae.a Dr i H \ an Winkl., Dr. Ahrain C dea. Nearer*;Park Laujonm. e.q , Wm. M Evert,. e..i Win. A. BootAearn. Jotathaa R_ Berrb a. .-.o., B-.t-rt «'arter, e»o , ThoaaetN Stafford, eaq., Be.

I.ef. .. n ay l>e ae. u at the S.-l -,l. iron, prominent cerfyinaaandoU aa wboee aoai ire bee* eeWetad bv tb« Rector.n..r. it rooaa ban foroolyoneoe two pztraoae. Dt- Feen»,<la;.. |. r ol tie- New \ ol| | ..veraitv, aay.. " I take plea*ure in renewing my lOOtiaaeny it, behalf of Mr O P Qnarkaa-baeaaaa baatewcaaref yawth. Bfpaaa »nb him eeeawyeara, un l toade no at gr»;.fj in« Blllgiaae

" The Rev 8. BIteertmaeindeebig u-n. t ihua "rataati auy fcatmel abtf.til rea(i pax « .re tl.. , ettaiat] thai, aa far a. it ran be itttby unremittint and BollfJiteaed eSort, tfeey v« Ul lie mad i Urninfelltr. nf, wei edn afed n en."

Ctrrttlata, eOBtaiatai tbt narr.ee of numeroua reference.b>aide the al».ve, and full partieitiara ae to discipline, tereat. aa,nay be had at tl.t fee j.., u n h a 1 v. lo have th. eunad »4Vation of ttieir i hildren a*, heart are lavited ta vtatt

_(.. P. <dl A( KEN BOS licet«*.

I*hE COLLEO LV'IE and COMMERClilINBTITUTK No J-14 Weat l<»rh at wil> r..u meo^e Bt

twe.fth year Sept. 7. Cireiiitra to »ve ohulned at the Inattaaw,_JOHN H. BP.OWN, A M Principal

1to french, english, (.LÄÄSICALatvlMATHEMATICAL SCHOOL ol Di F BERTHEf.

No. 4.' H ..:..!-. .' ail. |e..nen sept T. EreL. h ta tiae leaf'1***of the Sel.ooL There i* a Oymnaa.uru

The SPINGLER INSTITl'TE, [Tails IBBagBrifl taopaa VN EDHEBDAT, Sept. In Young Ladh-a. »pe.» u> te- rego'arly advan <d with their i leaeet maatt»paat lual.y pre--ntat the opening, aud eeaatiaae regulirtf tedaai ot the y.ar_OORI1AM It ABBOTT. PnnrlaeL

I^he CHELSEA FEMALE INSTITl'TE, Kbm W. .. .1Kb «t., i. L,,w .p... (Sept I. iBaTdk C E. 4B

B ROOEKS, Prinripaie. \ f arv mar j. Main -d el tbt*>aUtuU-

1^11. REV. 11. DAN A WARD ' INSTITUTEtwYOl'NO LADIES No. Sg \\ r<t 2üdet.. oommew.et SepV

Ik, anew, ayvtemaUi aad. lugiily approved , ouraeof luatnKtatk

rrm RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC W-1 STITt'TI .For toe genera: eduratuia of Civil Erigiaeet»Topoc/aplii a. and Cen^rurtive. Taa Brtt eeaai c ol tktthbjt] foirth year openioQ the loth gept>mhe>r. for coahJ» «tue Aanuat Regiett i, and any epeciai information, appiy to

B. FRANKLIN GREENE,_Erector. Ar . R. P. I., Troy. H- Y-_

I^iie MISSES L. M and M. R- GREEK tn'J rt-r^Kii U,etr Schoo, at ei<v 1 ,'<h *v., brat d"a,r from W aebjer

k n-ee,uare. <n TLE SDa\ Sep». 1.

1^1S UNIVERSITY GRAMMAR SCHOOfcecrhrrn. tag Primary, Ccmraerria. ani Claaairtl Da-par'o-.ee»

reopertSetrt 7. ISAAC FERRIS, Coaocealet

1VE REV. O. S. ST. JOHN'* SCHOOL IMYOL'NO LADIES will comm. n e on MONDAY, *?*

II. at Nu. 211 Um dial at near **r r. »v Rcfeeencee-The BelDra Aatama aud Hetl eld the Ree. F. G Clarke. 0< r-t RI>-e. e.q. Cirttiara u be had cf Smith A bWyi, No. aaBroadway

THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL of COLOM.-5COLLEilE, No. v.- 4'h «. . be-e reo .t- and trUhttl.

epeaa. alter tAw Baaaaaef \ ecat.u.. ot, TC tADAY, bVe*. ( .af ev aa_

1M1F. M.aaee HILL -S, h.H.; fee tm%mJ I'**1"-wilireoaautaMONDAi. s-p:. a: N« I* Pa.in--at.


IMiE IU8SE8 WALKER ' DAY SCHOOL b*YOINO LADIES a. top.-. TltiOA*. *ipt. U lit

I ail 33..' trot ho- ee t> ra *»h er. r

Mn.N ROHK Uatlltltatfji"-^" lt**'r ,r,«"fttidepUi t:*' ft. B¦lAI'I'.'N >¦ I DkV .T ilfWa

N- O W e.-. A-.l .¦ » 1». r- r- M la), *p».

WANTED.ltj atre>ct>mar perltvrtl)With 'he Freu.h end Ita^an Ur.;.*get, eom. PPH*"

»b<m Ke ranild rtail el th ll r-. i.-^*. *t aay bejgtai«*er«-eavee Te, rue moderate. Aptny to M A (.F.>»BO»?4t/ Brt*tn«a caera- rof Sroe.t».y I» aavmitted t« JJtStatteienvit.t *i«l catpeblft, t. Itei M .rraa Du. Ma«un Oftoe. PU^TTS VV ley Nc 9 fttbat Po.( Ora.I . »-,..,- * New York Mr Wm Cairtu Hapaa, No »»wa»-

ra p.*o- fc>. 8 I mW t, Na Ul Ureadwv