Board Certification With the National Association of Catholic Chaplains Education for Interviewers 1

Board Certification

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Board Certification. With the National Association of Catholic Chaplains Education for Interviewers. Outline. Overview Certification Timeline Writing PRPI Conducting the Interview Writing PRPII Conclusion Interview Team Educators. I. Overview. Professional Integrity Interviewers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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National Association of Catholic Chaplains

Board CertificationWith the National Association of Catholic Chaplains

Education for Interviewers1

OutlineOverviewCertification Timeline Writing PRPIConducting the InterviewWriting PRPIIConclusionInterview Team Educators

2 I. OverviewProfessional IntegrityInterviewersCertification ProcessRoles & ResponsibilitiesCollaboration Certification Timeline

33I. Overview, cont. The professional integrity of NACC depends upon the quality of our certified chaplains; therefore; interviewers, hold a significant role within the association and field of chaplaincy.4I. Overview, cont.Interviewers collaborate withInterviewers on teamandInterview Team Educators

to assess competency and make recommendations.5I. Overview, cont. The Certification Commission relies on ONLY Presenters Report II to discern their conferring of certification They receive the PRPII written by the Interview Team and do not have any other material on which they base their decision.

6I. Overview, cont. The Certification Process is designed to allow each applicant the opportunity to demonstrate:

Their Competency as a chaplainReadiness for NACC Certification

as set out in the Standards for NACC, including those particular to Catholic Theology and Ethics

7Note re: Applicant ReadinessThe NACC National Office conducts an official Binder Review in conjunction with the NACC Certification Commission prior to the applicant being scheduled for an interviewMaterials are checked for completeness only (i.e. is everything included that is required?)Neither the National Office nor the Certification Commissioners read for the quality of the content during the initial binder reviewThe interview process itself is intended to be a thorough review of the applicants readiness for certification (neither the NACC office nor the Certification Commission pre-approve an applicants readiness for certification during the Binder Review process)

8Roles/Responsibilities Interviewers engage in the entire interview process which includes orientation materials & post test, PRPI, PRPII, recommendation, and completion of all forms and evaluations

Interview Team Educator (ITE) manages the entire interview process from beginning to end and is responsible for the quality of PRPI and PRPII, and completion of all forms and evaluations

Site Coordinator provides space and accommodations during the interview weekend. Coordinate and manage documents Locate chaplain to provide pastoral presence, if possible

Certification Commission confers certification based upon PRPII report written by the interview team9Never write in the Applicants materials10

II. Certification Timeline National OfficeInterviewsInterview Team Educators11II. Certification Timeline cont.1. National OfficePostmark deadlines for applicants to submit materialsFeb 15th for October Interviews (same year)Sept 15th for May Interviews (following year)Checks applicants materials for 1-completeness of documents NOT content2-Education (CPE & Academic), with attention to Catholic Theology3-EndorsementFor materials not received by interviewer. 45 days in advance of the interview, contact your ITE who will then confer with the National Office

12II Certification Timeline, cont.2-Interviewer focusInterviewers must update their training by reviewing the study slides (online) and taking the post test prior to the initial conference call Interviewers are encouraged to participate in this call with the ITE from their site and members of their three person team


II. Certification Timeline cont.2. Interviewer focusNew interviewers sign Confidentiality and Role & Responsibility Statements and submit to officeAll provide NACC with address where materials are to be sentUpon Receipt of materialsContact ITE to report completeness (next day)Participate in team conference phone call with ITEConfer with team members via phone conference set up by one of the team membersPRPI to ITE for approval (at least 2 weeks before weekend)PRPI to Site Coordinator (at least 90 minutes before interview)Attend interview weekend, hold to timelineComplete evaluation, peer review, & expense report14Do not write in the Applicants materials!!!

15II. Certification Timeline cont.3. Interview Team EducatorsContact Interviewers to set up team conference for review of post test and address any questions, concernsAssess all PRPI (at least 2 weeks prior to weekend) and return to PresentersOffer second team call to focus on writing of PRPIIVisit the site prior to the beginning of the weekendMaintain integrity of interview day timeline, process, and PRPII

16III. Writing PRPIAfter reading Applicants materials, PRPI helps focus the team and the Applicant for the interview processAll areas checked in Needs Clarification are to be addressed in the question sectionReports are designed to give the Applicant an opportunity to satisfy the interview team of competency not obvious in the written materials

17III. Writing PRPIStandards that Need Clarification are addressed in a question that seeks competency in this areaThree standards can be addressed in each question with a maximum of five questions. You have only fifty (50) minutes for the interviewApplicants who raise significant questions need prioritization as to the most significant. Working with your team will helpStandards must be citedPre and proscriptive language is inappropriate

18III. Writing PRPI, cont.Interviewers and ITEs should work together on behalf of excellenceCorrect grammar and spelling are vital as this is a professional documentITEs may recommend wording changes to coincide with Standards or for clarity

If the ITE does not understand questions or wording, perhaps Applicant and/or Commission may not either19IV. Conducting the Interview, cont.-WaiversWaivers are necessaryIf materials are late in getting to one or more InterviewersIf an Interviewer is absentIf an Interviewer is replaced at the last minuteIf an Applicant hears PRPI over the phone

These situations all require a waiver. Waivers are available at interview site through Site Coordinator or ITE and are to be signed prior to commencing the interview20IV. Conducting the Interview, cont. ITEs, Interviewers, and Site Coordinators working as a TEAM must:Know the strengths and limitations of one another in writing of PRPII in a 60 minute timeframeBring along a familiar laptop, if feasibleComing prayed up, rested and on time is vitalKeep the focus on the Applicant by:Following the timelineHolding to discussion area questions and citing StandardsWorking togetherAssure Professionalism! 21IV. Conducting the Interview, cont., ClosureApplicant escorted to interview space Materials are returned and receipt is signedPRPII is read and clarified only if necessaryNot the time to re-engage in interview dialogueRemind ApplicantTeam recommends, Cert. Commission decidesWhen the Cert. Commission meets nextThere is an appeal process-denied Applicant will be informedPastoral care offered by Site Coordinator to those denied

22V. Writing the PRPII

23V. Writing the PRPII, cont.Timeline

Written after face-to-face interviewTeam has ninety minutes to draft report and get ITE approval This time does go by quicklyKnow your team strengths in advance. Who writes well? who likes to word process?, etc.Poorly drafted reports may result in an appeal or an overturned recommendationDo not ask applicant to return until the 90 minutes is complete

24V. Sample Reports - PRPIIIn the Process section: Note the dynamics manifested by the Applicant in his/her interaction with the team

Good examples (which hint at final recommendation)

The Applicant made good eye contact and responded openly to the teams questions with humor, thoughtfulness and candor.

The Applicant seemed anxious and seldom made eye contact. Although the Applicant answered some of the questions openly, his/her responses seemed defensive. 25V. Sample Reports - PRPIIIn the Content section:All Standards checked in the Needs Clarification and cited in the Interview Discussion questions on PRPI must be addressed here in PRPII

This is where the team indicates how Applicant demonstrated competency (or not) for each of the above, with examples, and Standards cited and gives an indication as to what their recommendation is 26V. Sample Reports - PRPIIIn the Content Section:Team members need not agree but must indicate reason(s) for the split vote. The rationale for the endorsing AND dissenting opinion must be clearly articulated

Content issues must follow the order of the questions as they appear on the PRPI

27V. Sample Reports - PRPIIIn the Recommendations section:Recommendations should flow logically from what has already been said no surprisesMust not prescribe remediesBad Examples: Jane Doe should have another unit of CPE John Doe needs therapyGood Example: The team encourages this Applicant to continue actively seeking peer support and feedback in order to grow in the area of_____. (Standard cited)28V. Sample Reports - PRPII Whatever appears in the Recommendations section becomes an integral part of:

Renewal of Certification in five yearsRe-application process if Applicant is not certified29VI. ConclusionNACC Certification is a process that requires a team of professionals

Prepared ApplicantsEducated and Prepared InterviewersInterview Team EducatorsSite CoordinatorsCertification Commissioner for weekend questionsCertification Commission

30VII. Interview Team EducatorsMrs. Carolanne B. Hauck Lead [email protected]. Anne K. Breitag, [email protected]. Timothy F. [email protected]. Nancy [email protected]. Augustine O. [email protected]. Ginger E. [email protected]. Kenney Gorman, [email protected]

Mr. James P. [email protected]. Collette Hanlon, SC [email protected]. Matthias J. [email protected]. Anne [email protected]. Wilson O. [email protected]. Cheryl Wilson [email protected] Zeb Staff [email protected]

31Document Links All of the documents referenced in this presentation are available on the NACC website under the Certification tab at www.nacc.org

32We thank you for your continued interest and involvement in the



The Certification Process!