AMaAN of gooii mortil cbaractor, and bufi_e»a ra.ic-ty aad 4ra*j>encnce. may find a Pa.-taer. with trom #u!tA« to 8J5,l%0, by o-dreaaing L. J , Tribi-e Office. BAliCiK tbr SALK.-Tho lJarg.. &fnWt nrwrnoointfratr, Pokeeiaieto _£_*^\'*. 5 offer.4 for aale. r_e i* 23J tuna borden. wth iigbt -ili"' ^ watrr, well fittrd for IW-ight. witn anitable ac--.irnoda-.«"a for BBBJf Dger* » fltab .f I HIIBBg may kair_mo,T'*i. *£* in good order. and mar b* aeen from Thanday *£*».'h ai the Pier lior-t of Murrav-at.. N Y aad o-i TfJ^dB'ajarifl Wrdne«*lBT at th* Ipprr fxr ln* P**"!** ^^v talar. irwrotTe of Capt YY | i,, - F or, todorefitha «b- aenbereat Pokeep.iil. DOL'.iiii, Y\ 1LMNSON k Co. apARLlSLE IRON WORKS fa SALE - V^ Thia propertv. locaud adahta li m.I«a of Caratae, or^tarr'axij Coai.tv. Pa wili be offerod at pul.1.0 aale, ao «taTtSSSa, aTb-Tl KDAY. tta UUday of Jaueary. IHA at li o'clock. M. 1 b. I'l'-party c-*.U ef aheut lO.fAOBcr*. of Land. af v,h,<_ -~ acrr. are ci-avrr,! .. .. a g^dataic of cioltavdion; tl.e rr«.duoi If tinober land f.i-i ln.pioVtu.int* ior_ut o! lta.nl v Dweb.ng Hou.ea. (aomo, dc.DC nd tome log.) thr. (. large fUnk Birti*, one largo Mrr- a-hent M.ll. 10C l> 75 Ir. L Satir M.ll, For.tr. rum*cr. Coal liuuat-a, CoatrpeiaU-r at.d Bl~aa .,.th Slkoipa. a.i in good ordoar. Tkia pioptrfy. in wder-poowo r, haa tl.r advatitage of the Boilmg Sprii'g a..d Ye.lov Bro-tc'in- Crea-k combiuovl, both nrvcrfaiJin* and never frrrjuig »Uearr_ of w.c»r. aad wbii b nevir fail to kei-p ti.e worka in'.peration day and iatgl.t. Tb»- B.T.IflfB nn, r atopptfl bv Irro./..'MJ w-a'n-r aj.ol'heyare located iu tbe l.eait of the great Cao.'prrland Vallev. Tbere ia an inexhauatible. mppiy flf tbe badOfB on tbe premia,¦», eonvenio nt to the woraa and of ea.y ac- RflflflBfl de»iring to parrbaae or to look at thr aojojfljlflfly, Will odl with tlie uu.irraianro. reaidiioir al: th-. Manoiion Honae, on aaid trai t.-D. l. 9. Bft PETER F BO- I 70R 8ALK-A ROLLLVJ MILL. ifl pfr- _t fert orol.r; flflNB, a YYIRF. MILL, with aViiidi-t wairr jBtaaflfoiaoVt.«three arilaarY.¦ Pe.lftaill Apply u> JOSEPB STRA.NO. Peek»kiil Pod-Omce, or to h. N. I.I III.>, King'* Bndge._ 17QB SALE.An iiitereKt in Uta b.**t Quartz Machme ir. the world. now in operdion ia tbi* city. The entire Englab Patent, or for A'-traiieonly. (au tte bad cr. reaotonaUe teim*. Addreaa B. W.. boxf~8. fflatO-HB. FOR SALE. or KXtTIANOE forREALor Pl RSONAL PKOPKR'I Y.A anug and Iticrat.ve rnsn- ufaetnrmg bu.ioeM. witb i. a- h ne.y ao-ctirrd by patrn', ail rea-'v o»ri for u*e. Wilh pmper attrntion the bu.inea* may br rt.Bd'- an exlenaive one, aud the capital rei'iired BBl BfladL It not eodd or exchangrd, a partuer who woold tAke tfie full and rntire charge of th' l.minesi wil) be treated with. Ad- drtaaJ.B W .thiacltice H ARDWARE.-For Sale, a valuable and a.jawo I! » ItcUd ato.ik of Hardware. a.uoaattafl toa!>Ooit OUI.1 tC, togelber witb tl.e pnviiege of l.-tiairig * liral-rate Btore. e.'iaibly locatid b.r mcha bueiiaea*. T..« aaOMb*. k tn conduo trd duiing Iha lael tweuly year*. aud laownrd aolelv by the advertaarr. Pa* prraon* deainiua.'f g<"n* IBtfl tho HardwHre buan.oaa. uo brtU-r opportuiuty may pfraeiit it-Il. Korfurlber parti- ular* aoldre** Box No. 2,1 >8 Po»l- Oflice. IRON WOraUfg fur SALE.The PHO~ I DENCE IHON COMPANY, to cbae a cotic r:i,offar for *ale their very exterhuve andcoinplete e»tabljihru-ut for D.aniifattiiimg Iron. .ituato u ou tido wdcr, atFox l'jiut, iu FrevidiK,. Theae worka have all been erccted withiatevcn year*. are in good order, and ready to be put into imtnediite oper- ation, and are ciiiicl to the j-rod'artion of 21 tuui ol itou liato rilatr* aid bar* per day Connected with the above a YY'ire Mill. capable of run- ning eight tuna ofrod* prr day, for which there i* a rt-gular and mcreating demand m Providanee, at thr- orcotnt iuo- o.ent, at leaat r-.|Ual to thI ci.tiro-produrt on BT the flflflL.¦ Alan.'Ueyi.oid*'*ratent YY rought Spika and Nail M ., I. ,...., which will tuin out fo I tunapfr day. Also, a Cul .'.'ail M.ll, caiable ot tunung out 150 to 175 cuak* per day, uud wh.cb «ould bt tasily atiangi d to ilouble that produci A* thk eitahlkhtncnt w»« built f,,r u»r. uo eipeoae wa* jaiMil in 1-vii.g eveivtl.iug about it of the mud p.-rfrct kind, aiodlho iiivri.to'rv eahibit. aa compb-te an eatabliab- tuent. porhapa, aa i. to be !oui,d iu Maw-EBfAaoTd It i. tboualit tbd no place iu tba I'liitad Btate. pr.-*. nt* a betu r opi ning for tbe a.icro aaful pro»e,ii:ion. bv ., Bf .ctic.al umii, ofthe manufactureofwirt rod*. iron, iia.l*. and apikein, thu, the City of Provido Do t, tbec.rnter o.f a birato- aai apidly bBBaaali g ¦aaafci laiiiifl itaild iBflahtag BBaflMaaiffltafl tbi-o-iitiri prodiict'iai oltho ae worka. Thoao Vki.iki bo.ngon ti.le wata-r, where tbr largrat oll_M <,f veMttl. which fr.-,|uei.t our bay rau Ioa.1 and reca-ive cartoo* without li*ht. r**.-, allowa or their re.iv.rig their aruj,|olii.of rual aa.dir<n d tha io.weet tafl. flf. friotghl: and la! ,,i can at all tiioif a bo- bad ou a* goool lerui* aa elaetvb-re iu No w-l'.nghai. A* it ih i.oppotaeo! ibe purrhaker wo-iid ilra.re to exa.n,ne tbi i,].t:,,».,.. dni la. i il. w..pi.on k deeeaed aaa. ..-.-> Tb. i.,|aiiy ivillloe aoid cbo Bf bi,(1 BBk teriiiaol payment w.ll he uiadr oany Foi *n eXBinii.iiiiun of Ibe projiertT apply to Mr. YY II. HENDKH.-ON, on Ihe preuii*e», nnd lor terin*Bfl tion may be ..,,.!.- lo> . ith. r .,f li» a-iballflkarfl la Prov.frnce. 1 HENBY L KKMDALL, DANINE PA1NB, KDYVAKD P-ARCE. Pr.-violoiice, R. I D-e. lfi, IMB 4_ I UHii -nit'.^TCI^ASS CROCERY .^ I aO\f'4fa BU'lNESSin the UPFER PART of tho ( I'I Y KOK SAI.b'.. .A tine chanco to engaje iu t'.ia trade i.i.vt otli i*. Th r.verago aalea d.nug tta laat four yi ara, baa hicn about $3U,("IB\ with good prolita.and moatly with ieip, ctablc fannlte*. YY'itb flaedaraie i.er^v tlie trade CO-dbo ii.i,:h :ii. i-.i.i ,'. The Lciuii-. Oood YV.lf. Kixtnrc*. Bi.Hk, Y\ rtgoii. Ac, to ta taltafl iu lurli tefflie as mav ta .giood oi. Ton. a eaab. Baafaatabla rt-fcrencoj. givon. Addro-O.l'., Tribiiiie Olbc... _ ito iTJIioin it miin (Concern. INTORA1ATION WANTED .-Tbe itoiri <.!' DAY ll) OIBB, emreteftrra wpaatadlvai**at*Baai t,.r, are deairou. uf oucrrtaifiing Ihe peiron* re! rrcd fo. ort'.a uioation et the piapeilj in ipie.t oti Any p.-raon who Will romiiiiiuicate auch iiitorinatiou, or tli t.tlt a an 1 ifltM ol t! e p*i ei. ((.utattung the idveltkemcnU to the aainocri- ber will be»uitably rewarded. P. awOBEOOB, BJaSBI BteeAarej, N. Y. IMOlkMA'IKiN' W A.M KI)-().'' MEoL- VILIal BMITR, a b ,v aceol !1 year*. who ara. ... b, an, th.eataaaflfld Joba fii'laia al tb* taot d li >i>..., ai na Salmdav in.riunl ,'rt Any in:or,iiat,o-i vv.il ke tl.Bi.kfooly m-.ito-.i iv k IBlBokJtBil iiiolliif. at No. .7 Ea.t Iftl.-at , lirar Avenue A. IV li aUoarlj unb U001119 Ari.'lVAIE 1AM1LY r.-sitlii.i; iu the vi- eini'y pf I taflflM ;iiAte will 1-t a lloo:ii in the Bfltoai eloiy. wttl Hioaid. to a Ociitirman and b.» YY .t,- or ,t,,., .- gle Oetill. ii 1 rbel u nrvr, with the in ,,',-r ':u- |ti-ov, 111.11* Apply at No.-aolihav Bd . , ured. j A(C0MM01)AllnNS ti.r FajabUofl aad I aingle Ol I.lUll.rti c:a, 1- obUinvd at Bfl d Tbrexiei.Bive «dolit>oiii la the bailiiaf b laaeorapletei I). bflflB .- ta- tt i. ady (oi li.e rt-reptiO'iof l«04krdert |>()AR1>..A Qentlaman and bbwifa.or one Ji I artwo *n g'r (lo ntlemet:. Citi tui.t hands.tmcW lainiah- ord H.HBiitt Ha. 171 Ea*t 17th-«t Tue bouae i* fuiuiahed a ib. baib., hot air. ga* Ac. BOAK1MN(i-(»iic ur two roBBg Ldktli n he»ic .n.iiioo'r.to.iv.itb Koa*d, at No M YY'nv.-r,v- BBa-ak, B few doora we*t oi Waahl.gBoa .|*B.. Trrm* to .uu Ball.a. ke., in louai Reterrt.ce if rt«iuired. OAROINi. T*4oTO orthreo aooty ilesirablo aingle rooinaaie vacont nl No 63 Batclvy-ff. HOARD1XO..AUrgfl Fiirni<hi..l tkajOTB .',-¦. iBflBhaaBjtaaaafl,wiah BarttaataNa o H:-..cker«. Ta, >r ihrre Ifentiertirn eau be aceoiiiinct.l.At.-.l » rtoard Wi' Bflfl lodgitg JOAR1V. A lt'cnii OBtohe third rlix.r, vvithor . itluail Bnmll R.'t.ni kvlitoinui*. w.th Hoa.l .nitable for a O.iill.iuan ai,oi',* YY iir, ,.r two tintle Ooaoatl.-uirn, mav bai,-.! *t Ba II UiBy flaaB, Blaaaiie*et OAKIUNi...A tiiil" of RiH»in» !<.»: nlao .mglc ioctr.0 with rr-.tra BBatry bath, hca'cr*, Ac. n :!¦ I ." t J* brown »:.uo hk.Bfl ho Tt. Weal -.3d-d. Befta BXtJ BBfB>. DOaflaKDlRG Wi;!. !'...l-rs:.::.lH.'!i iUiflat- J 9 tached n.av he »,btai--d at No al" Bb el artl.rr or Bejaia'tcly. 'Ukck.-o** routdu. all tlie niokdcra linprovrmenl. l>tV\Kl>lN<i.Tw.'vory ltin.Ni>!:ie faralfi-Bii Jl Bflflflflflk Wtoth or without brr. kf.l aai le*. *>.'.."' Bta ctMuloita of . bouie caai bo t.jtHrai. twalj *i No IB* 8.BflflflflflMfl , afcw .ioaotafooiiithe O.rant lluuav*. 1>()AR1> orrosiIE th.< BATTERY..A * ftotit rtM.ni ai d borol-n.ovii on the thnd tlo.ir jtajfl m*M atlic iotm»* oia noul ba.inenl I. a g*ut 'iuau anoi w.fo» .>r a frw a.ngk gentiruie. K. fereuce itHiuired. Apply at No. MaBBflB. 1JOAK1Y.Om« larfro -*n«l taro Binafl oRooaftt, I'tmUkh fo. tauulioaol *>ugle OriilkmeB. nuy br ob- Uuoral lut.r tir.l c'.aa* krukiu al.ni>- houae, No. H YY'.ool -"Al- *l no ai 5th av Houae laa-w, wilbdi iiuporoveinrut* B>l> .rtwoce. laquirod. thO-RDta No. <i STATE-a^T-AftaMit rar- _IB >or and Rotolrooin oa tbe fd floor; alaortvtni* for two oi th.c .inglc OostLuirn The houae c nurnaud* a tin. view d iha Bay, atod fMutrng tbeaouth. i* a wariii and ir- ligbtful ro.idener in wiata. 110ARD KKIU'CKl*. A hwflfljBUtMflMaataaB I lb»...-ct)iiiUuiJ*toHl wi'h good ka^-il ligloi a'l.litry roo-na, ao, all ibe cvnofofi »f a honae, at |. '%) and Ik) a wera, at NV ItflTaaIflhfll rr.r Br.Hmoa.. l>()ARl>l^'Y...~^'.^*T?'^',>.'lMn, rivattna t«> l.*t to 9 (ot-Bllruw. *nd iVw YY'ivra tnd ni.a.e Orntlniara, w.th fall or rootjt.Al Booud. at tbe elegaut uaaaa; a No. 4S Aln-ird Krfcreactr* f.jBired _ BOAKDINii.A privalf I'aniil.v. r.".iliii« at Ixo a«l llh-av will lel. with eaoArd, to a O.tlaroan and 11* kk i'e. or a.njlv OmtleniiB a large front ronn. wilh v-bartdttchi^d, oath* oketo.ud itaoor; al*.. oo* toa tha tlurd fkH.1 *.Y ill bo let t- gftb' r oi a-p*rde. Slage. ai.d Coal* paaBflBflflflflflflaaaf twenuude* . BOARD and KOOMS b»r FAMILIES-At No 1-M Ea»* ISHhd Tti* boiiae m new. with d1 tbe _ro.de. ia.po-r. BflBBflB B*ferroet* exebaaxged BOARD.With Kuniifbvktl ItUrOiuainaprirato fanoly: apfoak okervad ib ewa room* a hamkeru* I'ar- A- on U- tiret fl'-ri tar wauld reut tbe Boun-w.thofat txai'l Apply d No. HM 4th-ar BOARO in SOITM IlRiX)KLYN-Oii.'.ir two Oeotien., n witb th ii YViv.-a, Ot a few ao... ,, r... ir-. ..-..-. -' i, ¦' tb^Ro»>4_* tVatabed oraa- . d, v. ith fui, o.r paitUI Bi*fd. In a d-aimble la.«llaa. wheie lutfo ia Ihpt. ,!,..» ill bcl.toiv.d oiflflflVBl 1" ** 'i .|oaJ | j.-ace. BOABDHfG in CATHERINE -ST.-S_.er.-_ GenCemen may he BBBBMMMlaBal with B.iardiu* at Kc 1 HawaOaa. conaer of Caiheriue-et. Pay._enU re- quired promptly- BQABD in BOUTH EOOOKLTH.-Tw jle__at Reomi ea fin* ar J i*e.in.l flion. BBB .bl- ta a g»nt eii.tni and hu wife, ortai or three anjle jenticmsa can be had by appiyiug at No. 187 Atlantic- it. BOARD WANTED.-A OuaJioaBB. is do- airoua of obtaimng furuiabed ro<.m* witu fa.l '*>»"_ lor Lin-ailf ai.d w~.fr. iu a pn-.a* family. J*********, "__ cbanged. Riwiia* wariterialBV.it tbe IVbofJanuyy BBBBB* ttoa E_to» CaaaVet wntod be prelerred Addrew, wna BflMB D. S.. Tnbuae Office. l»OAI,'l)\VANTEI)-Ki.l.rr in Brr..klyn.'r _ff__s___s_?__*5S§_^S __4tB»t____gBB__. rr rmiered r-art payment Addreal Mr*. aiciafc -1. No. ITaatoBM N Y *PUKNT>HKD BOOMfl * ^fj__*g f bm al* ta Om tleaaaa ml., ai No 47 wtata-a , a r-w ctiramrrmet Bro-lw.y Fr _K B«M *__****** **d faa* try. aiao back R_otu ob tAe aecond floor. BtaBMBMBBM cl..h rra iu ibe boa*e. GI'VILEMEN*" FIKNISHED B001I8, with new bcd* snd warmeovcnng* m Hetd 'ornvo. WiUi__.ai.dFr_nkf_.-_*. Oa*. Crot__) **.- -»£'J^" on aaeh t'xor. _5cenUn.ghtly, |1 50 weekly. Office nev.r cleaed. f.__J__T_____E__ aml rhi>ir WIVEfl, nnrl a ffw singi. Gentlesr.en caa be aeeomnda-vl witb Board tn - hoose with all tbe modem hrfBaMMh, 7_,,,I'''7'.rwv No M W. bi *-ih- brtwrmi the Wh and ltth-av* oppo¬ aite tbe Tbeological Seminary. ONE ROOM, n. atlv furninh-_, will ba M to or-or twopersons wl,-. can BflMl1*"* ***** b<,.,'*, with h in.ai! rtoaaaat family. at No. 111 Gr**ne-*t._ OOM8 to RENT.Funii-hid or aafaniafc ed with or without haad. Apply Bt No. 74 Wrrren-.. R <.<. ns*« to ttl. /tHEAP-riNH front KOOMS to LET on V. Maid. n-lane. Aj-ply toJAMES BL'RK, Ja., No. 37 Maid. i. ...i.e. ROOMS with STEAM POWEB to LET . F.ne light Boomi, with good steady Power, to let. ta tlie new Dej.ot Building, corner of Center and Franklin-at* Apply to W, A. ALLEN, ot the premiae* *econd floor, from 9 to 10 daily. ____ CJTEAM POWEB to LET..Be-ran. wdl- k5 ligh. d Room*. with aaMMB snd *t-b.ly jiower, in bu.l.i.... con.tr Eliaatorth ai.d He.ter-.t*. Apj.ly to MORTON k BBEMNER, Bo. 213 rearlat- cor l-ietcher. C_TOBE aad CELLAB lo LET, alf.. a li__r.it- I-. Rot.m, with or without Steim Power, near the City Hall, N.w-*t ork. Al*o, Hou»es tbr iale aud to let in Brook¬ iyn ai.d Momioinia Apply to O. F. BL'TLER, No. 1 Sprnee-it. up itairi. 1^0 LEA8E.For a tena of tivoor taa reava, tbe P,ot tt Grotmd or.po.ite th* CrysMl I'alace, lu.ni.ded hv ¦. .th-af lith-Hv. ai.d .'Kth-B b'ing Shfl feet on 6th-ay 7'.'fe.-t on I' tbat and 3_-h-*t. For further particn- lars. apply to D T. MACEARLAN, No I NiM.u-.lJmm 18 A M M 2 P M or No. 57 3d av. from 7 to 9 A. M. and ,',to7P.M._ ET-'O LET.The five-att.ry l>ri<-k Houao, No. X t-'E7 4th-lt.. betv.-een Bowery and Broadway. It l* well ad-Ml il for gei.tet-l familiea. It will be rmted to one or two faimliei fiom now ull M.iy tery low. Injuirc of 8. E. LE.VJ, No. 4_i Broadway. fj*4() LET.OM of tfca moaC B-agoifleant Ifaa* Jl flflMBlB the city, occiipymg aix lot,. The houae is tin- tol.efl aud lurniahed in the moat experi.ive mauner. To a (lentlemnn of fortune, thi* ii a very rlenrBble eatvbliahtiient. AddnssT.J ,this office._ TO LET.Well-li«hti*d ROOMS, with or without Stewu Power. of ar.v titn. Inqmreof C. M. SIMON'SON. No. 181 L. w *-B. ITH)LET*.A larj. . Boaseand BUMroB, logetber Jl vei'liB large tm** on the snme lot, known ai No. ¦_."> Bioadway. E.-i tanae* iiarticulan laaydn of AARON HARHMAN, No ]U Mnll.-rry st., 4 doors below Grand it. N B.- None but a good nnd reaponnhl.- BBBBa. B8M apply- Pnm-ision giver. on the tirat of May next. Ucol (-State for Sole. A FINE COUNTRY RESIDENCE for l\ SALE-ConUtmng fron tliree to thirty acrei of good land, wbirh wtll be divided luto three, six, t»-n. titfcu ncre lota, to .uit purrhaaeis, or aold all tngefher, 2"! mil-* tr. ¦¦ N.w York. in W.-Btcheater County. < of a mile Irom tt. N. v. >i ...k iiiiri Naw-Hatl ii DBpM, I ol a mile Irom the Villlge Churches, Srhools. Poit-Ortice, BlMB, and Lnndin.. A two-sloiy double Honse with wing, coataiti'.iiK lli roema, Carriwte houae, Biirn. Ice-lui ia--, t'oftl-ho-iae, Coru-cnb, Xc . w.th an excelhtit water tirosp. ct. For par:iculari and pnc.i, ui'iuue i.t Broadway f'oat Office, ncur Canal-at, R.T. AFABM fur BALE CHEAP-In tfca townof CUik.tovtu, ILK-klami County. N-w-Ynrk. thirty i'.'.-b fniii ihe tiiv, roi.tniiiiiii 8i BOea, wit'i n good snd cotive- iiient iioiise, Barn snd o'ber BMaaaan BM baildiBB* all iiimlv i.ew ii g,.ori weilot « aternear the door; also a yonng ¦ -.rliinn orchard For partirulars initnre of S. G. ACTON, No.M3 B .....Iway, .-er. of Amity-«l : JACK-4GN Ci.liSA. 84th-«t, between 3.1 a-id Itb-at*. 1 CHRI-1'O- l'HElt WALTON, Fordham, or of JAMES COBr-A, ou t) e prem.aca. AVTLLAGE FABU Ibr BALE..For aale, ari;oiini>- the villaceplot ot Waut.un, a Furni roiittiu- tafMeacra* Baid tona m eaaahto af aiadmiBi ai j 1:v, tboiiBOiid bnabel* of grain. and of keepina. auuiiner aud w.i.i' r. 10 !.....! of horaea an.I caltle. The vill.-j.iol Wau- j un aaaaaha uU.ut:«; tobabiiaata, ia thilitaf, an.I aa baaV tliy as i.ny |i'.:..i. ot Nwr-Enalaad, There i* a Bafliaad uuvv beUoiaa within ooa nail.o4 aid bn* arhieh arilli niu.iii.te with Uosioii ai.d Ntw-V..r\ Fiflv tniles of il i* t_] .i-tid ti- la mu.lv lor thecars t'ua fall. Wh.-n thia lUil- roa! in ooaipli tni. which will l>e to ihaaaaafl areeareaara aersoak-avuif Waraaacaa aaaah Baatafl <-r N'ew-^orkin foiit idi.t Iu.uib. BaBtataPitoaatotoaatadher* mbi BberaL E..r aarttoalai* taaalra, l.y aaail ar allaaafla, af EAUNAM A Sl'MNKH, Wa.ii.un. Fond du Lac County \\ iaa u*in. ATLANTIC DOCK WAREHOUBE, Ko. 4<J Mi laaatila Btock, Babjeta ta I18.0M mort^tage, will be C. bi i |cd toi |.od* i-i ibei pwprrty, BRONSON. KNAl'I' J. I Re: 1 Eitate *nd Pn.p. rty Brok. r*. Nn 116 Broa Iwiy. riRTBTAL PALACE. Ml'UUAY HILL V> and F1ETH-AV. LOTS 'o- BALE oi ta LE | t i , ,,-ti.i. Bta ano ub.« AIb... » aaad -o parahaaa ¦ rJeaaa ai .. 1 0 "r ..:. By tawi I t.t-patt pavm-nl IB he uowle in bM.sr-jaiatii.1 aod other niecl in.c.1 work, Inqaire *r W M 1 LAWKENl E'8 Land Offic., No 8M8tlhM BMB BBha 1'AsT MdRRI8ANIA VILLAGE Bocob_- J uitUUt Itar.road.-Ahi.ut l*_UUyet tor ail.- l tn j.t i. i.i ito.aaad bahaaa a.o» fl f.'rc tha .'*th March. II rbeea toM waaiij a very h.-altht aud beautitul loc.i- t:..n, neai laidiu IW11 ta*. (¦' :lie E*»t River, aud to tne uu- m.'dikte vii.ni:v ot tbe naideiuea ef aataaaletjka***** w. altbyaBd n.-jtt.ut.:..citiaeaaad ,-\ .'. aaaCuaMj tnhn * » nh.ii a i]!i'irter nf a mile. The Morruama BiaM h Railti.hd. already hu.lt. j.nsn-a thiough thi* p_>|>erlv; B-_k._M Nevr-R.-c) ellc nnd .-".-.. "'. v Lue ILulnxld, wllich h.-ta le. .' ed Will MBI tbiain j.iiv." S. vi-r.il ura now l.'.-!.!ii*. ai.d lota* raj.itLy. Dataaoe ef tha pr r< rty Cromthe eitj aiaa une.. Tiil.- inf.ct. Eoi mapa-ad other tofonaatioa apoly to D. B. W1NTON, No.i Tryt.1. low, uear Harletn R*iln«d Otl.ce_ Ii^ACTORY PROPERTY i..r BALE ta BBOOKLTM Ato~a,*Bb*uat-lfraaaaB-i__a»,l 8 leet fll g I v l.i' lt. tt .lt oud tive Lot* Ot Orouud, BtBBtai on tht i i-iut r ef lla'.ti. at. audllogcrB-it, wiihio a few uun- ut> a' waik ot (he Be.ll. rd d*ix-t ,.' L >ug lalaud Railroad. ai d the trnii'iuiB ot Hedford Im* ot ataaea. 1.mt r E.ii. verv tiven nutea. A liberal aain.iul can reai du n b.:.-. r.ixin ortgtve tor a trrmof yeai* Apply No. Wil- l:aii.-Bt, up itairi. I*(>K BALE-Houaa aad Let, No 85 Rooae* tr',: Bl i.cbiI in'hai.' I..-' -'-I't tB! BM, llniiae o'j ilie iTont.now leia tt r $XV. and can ba nnjmived bta Il.L lia* nn lha rear Teim* eaay. Iuijuire of JAi. W. BAliKEF, KB.8 N_a*u.t. ""(.'K BALE.-laaaa aod Lol iu lt"t_-at. about |M fc. t caal nI'Mut teaaiit t*t k. lliree .l.-ry. attic, baae. mm nt aud tountirt.llal I'r-U-,. u .t> r, but ai.d iii'.il; taa. B1..1 a'l tht- n.i^'.eiu ,u.|irt.teui. uta i'eriiM. ea*. A ,;.|y tu t BB1TT, No. i-.v_:.t. E FORD. No _BWaaa__, fiK-iot Haaaaaead, ai Mr. HE>TER. t>.i tlie preuowa J.)K SALE or KKNT.Tli. MONTOIT. Hi'l *1. al Hav_ns, N. \ , B. lha CBB-BBBB Brauch 1 the N Y. aud Erie Rai'-rvad. Tbe t.u. Idtafl al bt ck, with Buiie baM-nieula. lt ia not oaiy ibe 1 ,el tiaill. but t.ie laotl aajaaMialj fainlabad aahhc baaaa to tha aoutbeia : Coui.U. *. 1". v. iii be tully rorapleted and readv bl .. tiot, l tb ot January To a good teuaat, ihe rent wUl be reasouable For furtber pan.ciilna. ln.juire ol OHARLE*. COokE. Itay.ia. N i FlM.' BALE POBBM on _h. east hii.l w,-*t tiaa* oi Ba cut i«i .»Vio. LVav. 8*,-ajju,i|7._». A fir»l B*a llouar hrit * eoiiijurted at v »-.> M '.near thedrj' t, niv 8mbO Ten Li ta on ibe iiaav . at a ->ar- cain il app.i.il lot BMM Cily L ta, andonr tboaaaad \'il- la.» Lol* Bt aJl ',-ticea Ata) a valnable Fann BBBI I'lai.-iaeld, N J. ot ob* rea, avitable a* a .rutlemeu'a eountrt reai r>«i re, !".'<*' Tbe purvhaae and aale of Reai Ealatr aud _iu:ii'4 i-l Money alleede- lo al N.) 18 Walla. FllANCIS J h.1 NNEDY. C.oyetancet and Reai E.tatr Bioker I**-AKM f«r SALE.A Earm of thirty..ata scre* wrll watriwd aad f*ace«l. wuh a new ILiaar a .'. aaitabto Oull'Uiiuiof* au Orchard, aod weli of ware* at tha do-r. ir«t a rl.urck, Bur. and r__4-o8_-e, pleaaantly *taatad ia ihe village ef Ameavtlle. 4^ ni lea ftora Boadoat, . Coaaty, N. V hrtoe |i..-4> Apply to B. W. BROWN. ) Mai.t attau HiBrl, No. 133 Faltoti-.t., Nsw-Vort Citv, or of WILLIAM BCLMF.B. on tbepreauwa JX)1 SALE-ln Marlein. on l__d-at , -8.80.88 5th and rUh-ava, twa b__.tiful baii.t'tig lura perf*lly liee ft. .a tork o* Maaa, each _> feet ky W teet | toche* Ata) oae on 7th av , aear liid al, _v ky 1V0. Al*. io th. -llUgeol Drannaa. «»miaat-.' nd* f>y *t_a Ha__>n River Railroad. a heaut.fui rottaae i.te, '* fm't by |U0. T.rnia of aale uiade kaown oa ipphcaloa to OEl) II. LOVETT, No 149 Faltua-a , nrar Brwadway. r\>B BALE.-laWoatafcaal ti CeOoaty^FARM tv actea. 2T m'to* ftom Ihe city A d-a.rah.r ait-i- BttoB and cwnyei.iriil ',, t . r da Kor partiralar* in- p ., i NE To.N k HEEH, No IB Park j¦:_,. I FARM for SALE.-That aaluaU.* Farnr kiowioaatb' P.terooo.n Kn."t.." r..:,U aitnalodinabra- Btb. KtrtmRavrr. ji, tl.e-1". trert aad mau t N -w- l-ra-r, iw > ¦il.fr. I.t tot*. >tha CiiBflt1 eaat, aad v miroaoi l.t,,', I'y of New-1 ,,rt. Tafl a, .,'.. ii. '¦*"* whn4i I4T ,,-adoi* ,*io. .nd nf hav. 1 - - l Mfflfl cariaiat of a large IIr.o.. two D'-w Barn», oni ( I Blalde*. kr . Tnn a bhereL roMwaatai .- . .. B "- ¦' F.Btflary ih Bt, or BaaaflB, if df-aired. For fariher infornnatoin, apply ia, iha aata. bt ra. ... , , BF.N( E A P.FID, N" I Speoar'a Wnarf, Bal'imore. IX)B 80ALE.KiBO Fo*_iai tt Plato* t d. .*.. J -BtaflOat.at; tarfataac..; 3of l~a4-.: t M i, *es 1 of I aata. and a Cn* Tmck Fa acre. .i:h larte Peat!. Or.liavd and onlv 7 _ti New¦Br.Mwxk; aa-ot. ..- a-.-.a aOktaaiatow. Alao. Ibree Houae* *7. Uit* .o the Y i:._. . f l t Cafl ol S. Y AIL, at ihr r_B.a HvoUl, Saturday*,fro_ 10 to 2.other day* d I'la.beM. I-hOB SALE in UL8TER Col'NTY - A Fai-mof ¦ arrr* w'i flflfltai to rai«iu* v* .fanl**, and r.**r rxrel'rr.t markr'a Tnrrn i* . orood orrnardaod p.nn.a ln psreeaornrr ofC-iior-tiiB BBd ataaata, Bmoiiyn, in the dmg atore. 170R SALE or EXCHANOE f._ CITY J. PROI'EKTi'-A fint-o ".a*. FAllM. Bughly t nprovd of \O0acTta. in \\'e.c!iearrrCo(r.tv, l! mile. from thr HaJarn River D. p*t at SiLg Su,g S-iid Kann proadaffc tl4-aaibBB- ¦rai d.ollar** worth of b*v aunuallv. hr-aidr* a *Te_ o.und- aace ol orraoia. .pple*. «... A lagflfl II .uae. Bara* ha, Btaask aaad Paxra-n. ft, taai.a. alao for aale. 1ne lowat pnee far U.e Fai. ia Eigbt*.n Tf-. ...¦ DoIkoTB laf-nira nf OEOROE McCORD. No 73 WiTBaai et, and SAMCEL EDDY. No.63 Wall-at, J/ViK SALE.A deairable AiwttoTf Hoaata 4 n+Ut, Na ilCetaathtad *9&JteZJ3B%OWS, ¦ ¦arriT-dera'baLJ, ortor.'iOMI'sON PRICE. Ead Br-lway. _ IOTS ucar nFTH-AV. for *>-."..i'uurlota J . 11611 -t i,. ai 5tb_r, f... aale at tho- ab.,v- ap.litalfiiri.nu.e.i.ata.v.^t' KKAL 1>'I A'l l:.Wrtnteoi to pnrcIoH<f. a rnirbrr if City Lot*, rlizib'y loeated. for bnildmg pnrt'cic*. Aha to leaae a few riwelht.i Bcaaajta fldtappli- r ... !.-¦.* fH died prrr. tro-S a'npwsrd. and Money toL-fl upon bond and mortr-:- et No. l< *$*,. Conveytncerand R>al E.irate Brok>*r. PTO REAL ESTATEOW.NT.RS-A 1:1:1:1 of X t-xpo-r ei.cr an.l ro *p.,i,*ibilitv. wbo*e time i. Bd i.y (ac.ii l-.l. weadd lakiicka.a d rri.t.ot profaerty,nefotid- ii,g ctiiivf vBi.r.a, '... np,.i. raaaaaabu Baraja. na aad Kilkfactorv r. forenee tiv. n *a to el. klflflB -ui a .mty. Ad- droaallAMlLToN. Uroaoitaay P.-.t-Offi. e \VA'I ER-ROWER for SALE orto LET. 11 Wrl! r-i.'eulxted for locomotive or car bmMir.g worka, or rflte.- BJAeuflkfl manultcturtng parpoaea. Oae larce ai.d BPTera! .maller dwellinga at.d orh.-r b'lilding* nn a tae*. A!no. a Flo-iring Mill. witb two run d fti ae* a dwcilmg ai.d outhon*.*. tog tLer with a quant.ty ot farming '.nnd. if nqmrcd. aB ingood etikV, tttBflti I BUh- lnljhciur* of Baa York Citv. ta ra.l.-oad, which pa_.-a tl.roii.h thfl pn i tity. li.qti.rc at No 2 C.-d.-*t., N. 1. Jnstrnction. nOOK-KEEPINO, \VRH'IN(;.Ar.Olass- 19 roomaN'o. «f:7 Bn.a.fway. Bflfll Walkcr d. Haara of iiiatmction 9 A.M. to'J 1'. M. Tne de«ign of " ko«ter'« t .n.merrtal Institute" u to farni»h young gentlcmen who have ron-.plo-ted thrir geniral cditi ..ti.-L. . we!l aa ad.iltav wbo are arekme incrcantile eKiploymo nt. an op; ortunity of r.ttniLirg. withont loa* of*tinie, a pract.cd knotrlckeof tl-.at- brancbet whtch are ea* i.tial to aaccea* in the ac;ive cci;e~n* ot h!c. "tVnting, li.ioa-ko-epii.g and Arithmetic. ar. fiiugbt by Mr. F,1»!er noa *-u:.d ai.d i.,di»pnUole pnu- ctplr*. to the (i.tun i\. lu»i.n ot tb" BllliflfB "»ix or twetvfl les»,n" clmrlat.iryi aud dadenUareqaa diacharg. the riutic* of th.: cuuutiiig-loouav. iu an exp. OflMflfl aad aurafior r_uiner. . . , ,, O.Lthmen who a;e fan.ilii.r with the deUila of b.i-in aa. n,ay atta.n t.n. . r Mr. F,»t.r'» matru. tion. a,, knowledge of Ibe prineiple* of doubk eatry iu tue *hort *j ixc of one wetk. 17'DUCATION..Tbe adrertioorarialua to ro- r.ive to.'T .'iiall bay. to eiincat* with hia own, at l.ort.r, in ti.econn'ry. To p«rerita, it-t.., 'r-r th. triala of . bcardiBgHCbflol, lh.eaata ahown by erfta*aflaaaabflffla excello-nt opportnrity I" Iflcaffl a plflaflBBl ho'ti- wi''t j-idi- cio'ta rrnr.-.I tu .' phv-'ra! trstning. Term*, iJltJO per au num. Ad.'re.'-a Box No. _)", Pad Orhc-. FAIR IIAVKN < LASSIi ALiii.l MATHE- MATiCAL BCBOOL .Tlie n.-il t'-nn wiilc i¦iiin.-n Ifl oathefijd lViiaijiflj iJ-aflan Tmt aamtaf ofpupik klimittd to twelve. aad tha a-i.oui Be4»ado.i i... nd..1 ... b,,i,d ili a i^ieo.i . au iaaire. atoloArteethe PriacipeJ d K...i Havaa. Ct, . , B. A. 8MITH. The piin.ipBl. Bt. ta bm n aa lh* three 1 iat flanarDa.aa- brr. Kt Nu.M oM.iirr.v-al baai ItO ><>'.!,ak A BL, or he will rall on aay ik ba may « iah BJ *ee bim, if BBBBBtfli hy no.tr. l.-ti bb .1 afla 17REE AM) RAPID WRXTING.('laaa BflOflBt- N. I 7 Brafliway, betwe.-n YVhito and YVaiker Bta, llour* of attciuiac.e, 'J A. M. to 1) P. M. Pro«pect_- 96Tbt> armem deviaed bv Mr. KlHTEIt Iha r.-nilt of 10 Jre.r.' expcnei.ee.i. .imple. pisctical and ettective. an.l enda wiibc rfaint,. to th-. ntt-i.ment ot a tian.i wnting in wl.it btlit- utii.i..t fjaaie-V l.*i!.ility and clcgancc are coin- "Tk* eif-rrr-fi.e and capaf-ity o! Br. Po-trraaa t-a-hrr of wTi l.rif arr»r,},r...-rBllTaiall.,i-,r,t, v ka wb. and hia t-t m-a ila *'* ,. , (,.-., (-, wl, n a-r H .hrted t .B«|.rr ..... h on .|rPM r ,n ,. |] H ..,.-. .. .,.[.... t. kev. i.r,. kagkhi ajavawatId k>r ro"t ,. .. fril ln lk,f 1 i|l,r.. ... Iiv'v Alvrl.aer. " Mr F.-'rp ha« rr.nr!....Tr'y drnK,r,.T.itr.l ip- B1 -- ... . pa. wMi t, .,,- mfmWm ,- ,-r.l. an.l wr ha.r ., . let* on .r» ia ¦an.alaka ka*. I.at*. B* i.iraila., Ikel !... mwthti *t a.-r.t ,i,,|. ui,i.*-i,i, l.i (,..:, dta.afl.da . .i IB.-ar-anJr adrt] .i--.. . '' -'-J.. MISS DWIGHI'" 8CHOOL of DE8IGN, No,.S6!l Broadwav.Where ihe beat jnatru. tion will U- K.ven u. ti - .rt. ...' Drawu.g a.,d Pamlina. Bt Bo for B term of taeniy hflflflBB. Payii.t-i,!* aolvanced. 1 AWRENCE scil'NTII'ie 8CH0OL, 1 i HARYAHU l Nl Y [ .P.M Pl Ib Bl Bl terni of this Inatitut'.cn will open on llu- hr-t dav flf Mar-.-i. IH'»3. atid coritinne tw.nty flffltafl Ittatrtictiou by r.-cttation*. lee- tur. a. or practica! exern*e». accord.ng to the nature of the .tudv. will hr gtvca in Aawattaararay, by Measa. Bond. Ibtpiiv. by i ('.»y- , ,. i, i, .- i ( 1.. i,u.-tn:...r.aM;c». and prnctiral. by Pro Hor.Mrd. Co.Barativc Al Pbyatoiogy, ky Prot YYymin. -::*. Mafhematica. bv Pn I Pl M.mu.:. av. bv Prot < oke. Pbv.ua. by Pro!. L'V.r:.. .,,- Prof A»_*ir. | rtbet inloruiutt..:, .cii'-ernng the Schoo ,appl:ca- Uou it.ay U u.atle lo Pfoi h. N. HOR.-.I-OR1 . Dean ol tho Facur.y. jAIYIIM; Bad Dl.'AWINii.-M'll.. HOT- TENTTNT, from Pana, l.at c etraari. er re tn Braehiaf, liBa ma. OCei *i ro.irw ot' inatruction in tb(*o- brar-ch. . tor v,,- Bfl Bkfltaa Bb* lllta.va. thrti. ..ri MOND kl.-. Vt b I'.N- BDAl 8 -i.'i PBIDAY8, from io to 13 o'r, o k. at ber reiidt-nce. No 5o0 Hoa-otou-it., coiner Ot Cro»bv-»t. ______.--------............»----... Donring Oclioolg. DANCIKG (LA**SK> for I'iEN TL EMEN" - Tb. BBB flflO Bt, «,'.OpU-,l ita* a. ot-.li for thfl Bd tl Ba, i laavefyafrraaflajaaaatal i ...ft r o i.UaiK r »t «'.v lin.e du.-iit. t,,r arotav,ii L'-**<iu. ou Mnn- oi.t. YY r,it . k.aj and T^, ,.«.iav 11. ui..... OflflBflfl] praotice of'all t).e .iBiice*. witb * baad of nuuic. o>n Idariay rvp-n- ,, ,-. ,1 co_V.en'e elaaHB aa YVrolnead.y. Tbuiv dav and Saluiday al't> riooi * A DuDWoRTH. No.i706Broa.lway. I afltactiincrTi, Grt. |>()lI.Kl.S'-'n.i.'i. M.-tritif Drnp Elm* Roil- RFei., r.earlv new, to he »<>ld etth. r r.iif.v nr :.)grther oa IflBBiiiablfl laiaa i ha- yv ioielaND. Cje.lting r. No. 66 Broadway. J"OK BALE..Ei_ht "cc'inii-hand Iaikcomotivc aad Plue Boiler* aud two new LoComutivaBoilera, at 1 :, h ln L. YY oik- .-,.',.f Cl.rrrv-at Pl YSE V MCRP1IY. rpilE AVERV SEWlNti MAlIUNE CO . A I'att.g coranmtnated their mannfacromig arrange- n rnt*. wt,l. tn a Irw day be prepared to Sli order* ilrevly ,-a baitd. tugetuer wuh a aupp.y i.-r jalflfl A:t-: D.-cember l ..ra! tra.iacr.oa of the bnatDM. of the Con pany wil! be at No ^*ol Braedway. eor. Mtirray *t aacend BB4*r, wrierr t'.- pnb.-.c *-e tavBai to cali ai'dae- aBaartBg Machit.e tor 0.Ythat wfil de dl kinda ol work. trom tl.e Bafllfld can.br.c 88 tke caara at btaai.i.a. ili be rut. it w..l u t np aaraaravt M: CHAB. XI PTLETON, No. 54 Wall- i » »¦¦.. ti. thr btiBinr.jf tbr C BL.i ti.- tbe manta and util.ty of thi* L-aly w ra.r of tbe agr. l'r.ce aflkH 0^3 tTntlfrn anb ^iirbiDarf. Al'si ka Ll A bbI CALIFORKIA lo(KJ|i> .Ylerchint* Con.peJ.c. k.d Ii.dv Ja_> .*it- tang outB»r ihia* n.rketa taa huda fi..tandco.nplot> ***.rt- >. H.tiwar* Culaeiy. Edgclifv Pireer.* Ac-Ac, d th. old ataavlol l HAKLKS S LITILK. Baa 3Jo_d»4 NflBwaMO CM 1 l.EKV, Ac .tSf-ta ,,f Iv.,n and l)...i*t>Tt hi, »r. aavi Foik* and Kn.ve* nniy Teoa/Tray*, PocatTed BbcTaj. and Toc.a kir*Sta«i.a. *-, w..c,l-aa e aad retail, by « ¦ I.l'l 1LK. Now . o_dJl Fu.too-d. C^lTlaERY.-Table and Pockt-t Kniaea. Scta- - *>ii aratl Bavror* au.uMe for Hardware, fflalinaaij aad Fancv alorr* A .icaaeortmrni f..r «alr rhrafa, to mh aad taort-ii-e buyri* by EDYYARD DAVIS, fniia.rter. No 4*1 Broadwav 1?LECTSi>] LATED WARE rraa chas J CHRI>TuH.k fc Co'a Mou:afactory.-Oole AaTeacr iu Nra-Yo.k m ' AT (iAlMK C.ITLI.FMOT t tVl Alwoxya on o*ootnoi Id eak a large aaaa rt tue at of Tea Seta, Traya Catadekhrn*, Ft-rka and Bpooaa, and ererytlung al.Kl. be'vo/a lo thr table arrrce Ailihrar jo.di ara warranted rnpeiior by thetr artare oaao. platina to o_y ojfJKf ana. ar Tkvy e*n bf'lhaappf.rt a v-ry kigh d>gr. of bad aad be r-1 « aayaa -:»»d ap Thr giuiratiif .-a , Irrrd to tae prabiie tor *ach r|o_htira are ,'acta-rt'. .i|g e*c*l* and tbe oatn* ot CliiU> TOILE, inlal.. wl.t.hdoaotallovr toenatea-i ibor- with otbrr p:»f...ga A OCl'RE. Jag^a: A IR WABMHTO »n.l VKNTII.tTINQ _ *4YAREH<*I Bm-.dw.y. N- Y.ir... UHI .-?-¦_, W..BI.D.B -AlB PRIZE ME. U. E.'R- NAll ar re.-el.llt ll!|.r» ,i arid p lt»- A. , .: __1 -£__» af 1 ¦ '.- ,;" '' ''*"" .'¦¦ 1*"*-*.?*"'" ....:. - ********* * *"*'" _,_ | ,,- lt fl a [..«¦.-ii k__-r, » ry a "'-'.". . ...- c«wtact with R-l-h-i Ir-n ( h. fue-rot beiaa lined wuh HraTy aoap BBB.) H BBM < ___ \m. y li"-... tor t coil <-r .* ..".-.¦>.. aaad Canarta, and nai ai-t witb ' y ., _ ..... ... -v'..- Faraaee VENTILATIMO »VBJ f,,r »..»lnrri«l. , tI J'ONJ. -...-.'. Rangea ibi H.'use . K-.-trr. t.r.-ry tarie-v Ar.atal.rthe Mirr.-r Mii.-i-and N.w-n.-. \(. i.xrWor4.. (im.M,vr.;."HAui.*»4 v No. 371 B___r-ray, N-w-i ork, aad Noa II aai >i - - a. KEWLI.I.- PATENT BAFETI LAMP and LAMP-FEEDEE-A urw g :.«d M P'M._eni-r. "¦.'- -- t-»~- *,,,, *, tt "-ta c«.poo:.d_ us-d for tbe pro- ' ight ,., nve__oni*.ppbed io Silter B-v* Bntarmia. Olaaa, an' oti.. r_.'.e, afLAMPaad hASaP-rEEDERS Ib* atvn'rir- o> the ru»liciB B-ftieatorly eallwlta tb* apr cancT .d thi* prowcfcon ia So-r. Campheae Lampa, ¦.'.; .^hohwe._-____ i~2_L!7_L-__2S_!_. n-ancfartn-en.. « Wir.ter*t. B._t~n. and >ew-Yora to O/w! Hc-BEADY. UO. U* Broa_w_y. AUo, B_r_:__ Flu-d. ( amrhtne, Ker-.r. fi:,-^c. ihef-_T_i_a c-rr-ira-e'. a bb»__m ta*rantmetAa encre aaftty and eBteiei *T L*-. »*"d Feeder: CEht 1>H- V i r Niw-T_BX.Oa_I_.in. W> bat» e-amined f .e p_<>r.t Saftty Laanjad _'-.- Ft-ed. ref Mr. John New:!. af Bo*ton. aid ar- fally con- m fhe exp. r.n:er.ti we hat- m_i* wlthl ,>,,. hehai obtatned the great der.denitn_ of preraanaa tfc. n*kofcxp!o«iveactioa inthe u*e ot _____*¦ fiaid* ia l__rp* aed Feedera . Ib thi* *.n-eel we entir ye r -;- :n tke o?in:oa ot rrof. S-.lrjBaa a_d Dn- Hayi ¦ ._,_,*-_-_. _.iij«u. J(-MN xorju-Y. Prct ot C-emi*try. UM H BLLET, fr- o: i::-n -ry Al crdera for Lairr-i or l nth*r Laaya can be altenri, and bave tbe ia.cty apparatui attar KATES..A aaporior ar*r*«»rtm.-nt of Gormaa, l A. a:.,4. A::;e.-c__ COBBM aud __M_ *'k*te_ t'.rap- ped et.d ___._T»pped.s_ .^^^ Nm_ 33 ___ 3, ^^ s 'LEIGH-BELL8..A full ¦aaartaaaBt ti © !oo*e Md farrv Btrapr-ed > B. l .____.__. I I. LITTLE, BO* -U snd M 8.18.1 BT S T EA tad COFFEE P0T8, 8P00NS, * FoRK** he. JaM aeoaited ttam J.VMES DIXONfc BO.Ni. Engrthh Britanaia Metal and t\ d C,e. Cofl. a_dTeaPota.Stoy_Bd8BBBrBowto,< r.-ainJui*. C*kr Bataet* Cafleaa, Tut.le l),a*eit Poaka, rrtto,J_P_*ct aud T. * 8poo_* Oil ,»i.d Eliii.l U-bbb, '. Atoo, R .4 . J »i.l U,-o ..!... i. '- Cui. v. iu Tabto De*. -il En.yaat.d F.rka Prn and To. kct Kuitea. R/uora, IciaMIB 8*. aa. AhaaB_Be__*B_>rtraentol H.u*efuni ahingand Meeaaaaor H^JMB I^-BMtfclM-t^M^^-^ P"0V,r No. Chatl.am-at.. ..j.po_le D.y.Bi..ii-«t Salttinnnbcr Giifcs. SALAMANHER SAKES.-WILDEK" PA- TENT with BICH'S IMPBOVEMEN r. 8TEABNS MARVIN, No. 181 Wilai *t. N-W-York, are the onlv uiak.-ra ef BalaaaaiaB S«te*, witli W i.l»r'. I'atei.l aud Ricli'i I'aU-nt ou.bm .1. B piano-fortes. S?OLIAlt PIANOflw.Tfca fcaot aaaartaaaat rf iii l-iEt.oa ib thu citv can be *een at fhe W'aroroim* of LINCOLN k THOMPaON, Na 441 Hr.ia.lway, iuc:u,hn* Hallet, Davn- Ci..'»ce:cbi_ted Eol.an Piauo* M uew aud mach approtid acalii. ackiiowltdatcdaupeieir to ar.y othet _.»hen.arltet. Al»n, a large varu ty fr)tn jthcrdiBfin-UiahcB -.. 'i. rk and Bo*tou maker* Gilbcrfi aud other iccoBd- hajid witb ai.d w.thout the -Eohan. at varioua pne.-a. ^^ L1M OLN k THOMI'-ON. Ny, 111 l'-._'.yay. RAL-Hl'RY ..¦* PIANCr-FORTE V.ABE* BOOM8 Ne 4... r.re.iHt-ftT. .i.r,-.-d N.r, t1' ve lin.i- rt Aai-BTBO P.an.'B af >.-vv-\ork aad Beataai -. ih.- loweat ir.cea. A'-o, .-.'-cond hnnd l'litnol. Pire'iv.e-, htartag ne wuh a call will aot ii'ged to b-it nnjei* .uiied. E. l*. BHADrft RY- CABBART" MEL0DE0N8, wbJefc are pro- ni.ui.. ed ly the l.i *t judjwaaupenorto all other*. can ba bad only uf tl.e lota _._. n_. J. 8 Cl.AllK. N,..2dl Ur.awlway, tl.e I'ark.) N. B.laatraaBBBla witli atop* for Cliuii'l.L-i. A- taatraaaata araaraatad Ba oue year. tyHUBCH OBOAMB for BAL_V--Obo t.>n- J atop G.-lliie caae, with pedalc BBB five.- j. do.: one .ecoi.d-haud Gothic case. lor snle low. Baaall i'.rlor Or- gani. II. DAVIS. No.b7 Macdougal-«. / i 4. II BARMORE of-. al tbeir intnu V « * tnitorysrd w.ir.rooin, No ^11 BleMhar *t. corner of lli.rlee, ai'aa*ortirent ofelegaut Pivno-Eortcs, w.th tbe in. t-'i .i tran.e aud revcrse bndge, aud all other niodcru im- provin.cLt*. I& C. FI8CHER, (lato N_aaa ft Fiaeber,) * nisn.ifa.lory aud .MBIBBM, Me 17n Oreenw n-t corner flf PflB B8, Piaiio-Eortea warranted, wilil rntera. bii.l.e aad pnieiit tnbe. well calciilalwd lor keeuiu*. iu tuue. Pi u ,1-ri.rtnt.irieJ. reyairrd aodmubanaad N. B .Alao. .Eoiiati Piaiio-Forte* for aale. ME88B& UGHTE & N'EWTON*, No 89 Canal-«t., jn conaciu. uce of tlie in re.taed deiuind and or.nvaleri popnliSBy of their I'lANO EURl'ES. have ex- te:.ded thr-.r bM-BBflB, and ure now prepai.d to orl.ir H their fnciidi. and tboM ...ifhiiig a aaperioi luatramaflt aa eitcua t. aaaortuient. in plaiu and ornamei.t.-d aaaa* af aaad* en; *t-,le, troin CJ to 7j octave. Sect-nd h^nd Piono* Ukea ln exchacge. Bruadw-y Ware-rooiiiB, N.. 1-i 1>UHC«atl___NUFACTUBE__i' PRICES Ene ii, vi 7a tave Beaatreed naad .orn-r*, tor *«le »t |he 1..W..I t"Mt>.fVt!irer'a pi B f". .*'' A'*., <'»e s-c- OBd-baad Tacttte Buaeweed Titno. hrto.$-88, _B*JUf- Api.lv al ibe manntacfory .>! McDONALD .I BBOTHEB3, So »1 Bowery. 1>i ano-FQRTEB..Th. BdmI BBBonaaaai af Plaao Yun- b to tl., citv umy he haad at lha W»n_ roomiofN P. B CUBTI8. No. in Bro*u»>. eaajtoBa| ited America Patoal v ttoa ar.d a vanelv of New-Vork and B.iatou uuve, wuh aml ytitlout tlie jEuhan. Aino. Buuduiraud .ecoul-itml i'vuo* for aah or to let. N P. B Cl'RTIS. No. 447 Br_-lway KEW an.I SKt'ONTl-MAM) PIANO- EORTES .We have n..» oa fia-id a large assortmeit of new aad aeoad haad Ptoaoi tea iale a-id to .'ure Pi*ioi fron. 8'B'to 8-Vb. ^or Inre from |i to |HI p r icnntb. No MBllMdBIJ, New 'Ta*. S._r"EORD V BROTHER. 0RGAN8..Two dogaal Baaawooi Parlor Orcacs. jn«t fin ihi d. nnd a B. ci mi liand E i..: ah l'arlar l Irz^n. Alao, 1.1. l hurcb Oikii .. Eor»..leby HENRV ER11EN. No 172 Center-B. I> I A H 0 S.At the lowi'st m:tuiilai*turin_ i ru.. t^Bjabaaaaa wi.ui.i .io w.U to aall aad BBMadaa. Alao fur aale <h>a|. a Vim ti.tr R,i«_woo.l I'ltt,,.. b.-u but littii u*»d li.qniu-at ihe fiiCtorv No. 11." W.io-ter-.t. near Ilou-Iuu. CHABLIfl CArtll. piAMOfl t..r SALE-AI Ka. - Bai-k-f-at, M. n. it door to tk* X.tit Ho.i«e, a variety of rj| and 7-oc- lave n*ewi«d P.ario-rorte*. warranted ta nve aa-iatactina li. eterv r.B|ect. or noiale, for ca*:i ..r .ppr.,»-d .»-.-r Pt- ano.onh.re JA.MES THoMMON. Piano-h Hiir.s,ii.-»' niul oi.i. for __!. ac ta let N B.Leaaon* giv. n in .-lng.n. ai.d f:.m vf'orte, *»u*ual F H. NArrll, No. .IV Brootne-at. m GILBERT 4\ r...'*J PIAHO-FORTB A a WABSBOOHa No 3U3 Broadway. c^rn*r of Au- thony lt.. aecond l!ou- .T. G. k Co are daiily oddiu* to thr rili t.. \l- a*, Ita Bl ut iL*tru:uenU :n their New-York MMBfl 1 hey have Ptano*. with ar without tbe telcbratrtd | .:.. to ,u t purctuaen fr.,iu all lection* of th. c.-.uit, y bo:h a. rrgar.U pnce aud .itial.ty. Tbe .'iperiority of tbe'ir iriatrt-n» ut* b*a loug be. a beyoud ijue»:.ou, aad a* to tinc.ea. 1 (i i. CawMMMBj .:.y.tea";o.op^r._>u tata . u h-'raand tb.ae of any otker uianufacturer in tUe I'uion. -imiideut.y battettol tbat Irom ibe peculiar facil.tiea uo«*e«-.| by theia they a ..-Ulnj. all cmiiprUt.ot, tv-.'.md.htnd Puui. Btaiei. .li < achauge. or bombt lor caah. A lar.e a* aaaBl nt of aecond haud Piai.oa alway* tu h.vnd. at praiea fn ro $M nn I'loj.o*. » ,th ur a ¦:...... :'., .t;.,;i»n, t. 1»>. (iibtrt'a Ii..-.;. r ar Coit-ar Blaaaa, I" r amvil nxiiu* Pnoce'* k Carlaif. .M.iod- oua, al low i. 1IORACE BFATIbB, .>./.-Ageat. ' F. HARRISON haa R. move.1 Lia Manu- a facti/iy *..t W arerootna from No 21 ( anaat M No -7Mrr.er-Bt i"t'::f. *t. »'_M* may be louna a .plendM M.-rtirr.:i vr p.ai.'.|." ..» ' \ ImL COAL .The aab-rriber haa in jrania. and it cooataat.y diacharartn*; all th. varioa. kind* of Auibra. Ciie aad Bituin.uoaa Cual* tia. Peacb Orciiard Black Hraih. leli.ab. L:,rrr«_ji Orrei'. (acoei, 8iduey. «c al' flf tbe »«ry beat ^aabty, deiivered in aand_i._e o _ad tor aa r ..w J AME- L Wl i.TH tk. Iv mat maaaV TluMMMn,. -.^J *. L._ ____? oede., athm.eat Tbompaou. and __.-«», cur Amrw. Dowa-iowu ot_ce No. VI Wall-ai PITTSTON CO.-L.-THE PBOOTLTA NIA COAL COM. ANY . prapared ta_a__* mpe* wu* White Aah P.ttaoa Coal. of all meea. clram aod in goud order. aasmhla for ateaaa ahippin* aod ie-a-at* porpoaea tr -.:-. Ha '-_:* or j_- ia Ua* __y, WiHiaiaabargb, aod Brooklya- Th* -BBBB-fB -cthna. are ___] aa to eoa".. u to rta r .- dupatch to teaaeU ..*..,,, . Ukjm Yark er al Port Ewrb Partca'ar atBnart.-a nvea to tha dahvery of Co*l _.r <_. ar-.' purr>oB__, Apply at the _Bc* oor. Broadwa, aad W.i;.*., _. y,^ Weat, near Mortoa-«.; Cur I _h-,_ aad »th.t. aad fi»i of faMflaBBBBM city Footof North IBth-at., Wi____M_nh. tool of (k :dat Biooklya t%d /_() TIN-__..t qualitv IV _oh <# *^ ** 1 » I ir, card R,_, A,b (-^, JJ g . a.,,1 1 ag aiaea al lowe_t «.ke4 pnce. Alao. b*«t qnaUty troaiwAV"7 C^»'' W R * Aath-ay. 0alt*a bn Incllon. hUCTlOlS NOTIl E.-RICH GOODfl Jf _\ PAMILY CRK-F .T-. -( laloagaa aale BJ* *J* m.MIK'i, rRil'AV, Dee. J4. at i .? o v. *»." .- , ' flfll -. ' cw* Po. .. : '. ...,., CoOma Bett, Ui-*, Wtttata,Ctune \».i Tra, DiM-r.-..I Ifl dSeta, Cut Ob*** ral vcwotthytieauenotinof ritai.rraai _._ A. M MfBWin, AoctionefM \ i,AN(.s, IIKOIIIER a* Co.TraJo tajjta P -om.. No ldParx row. M I!i Y 1 Ek ENI NO. Dec M. at 6 c i (,iiT B.f» and FoUflCI A nci " Y great ki tj Illu.tratcti u.d 91 A-ia.aa , r i^3 - ind Poetacj! YY ^ra*. Ja*raiaa*. * -. A:fc. an a»ao.-TiiteLt al Karcy Article* lucludiu. Pap.er >lacfce Uooflfl, >hcl! Uoxra, Deak* kc. J^XEinOItV SALE..The itOflMOOJaa) L *t '/*>.'. Sl Mad-Ofhd. w.i! be aiald at a-i-tioni.v 4 J 1 l.KF( KbK,- ¦__ !_*- ttSB?*-- - hj kl-_*_! VtOTICE- SH ERIEF*-SSALE..Will be sold J> at JenryClv. N.J.on FRIDAY BB*..*-*-. al: W o'.l.ek A. M-.cn Ce prenal..- ot CUARLES F. ilfelN- Eir__>8lVwtaa^_5 Or-tu-oa* bta I^^"? J_f fcitirr. lot J.kix!-.fx. Staap. Caauphaa* and gfWt^?- co__Uag ia partil tht- tallowing, vu ^ f.4*" J** . i e aid Bflili r w:th Pipr. .tuche.i «*fflUjta Irufl r*uifl tnd^anitoihrTAr'.ar^tna. C.p^r B: Ir*. C-P^fC ¦. d,i«t and Wotxi. lot d ftmfl.Jl.Bfl -.J i>> « laiff..: t*o large v'b-; ihr- larg. Wtaadkn Ciden-4 two t--., Betdcai laad Boa»rrtammaaiaaBiiiahadB>>m. tot d itaty Barr. k ai.d t-ddV. ad., Ioi af aarbaya of Y .t.iol one Plo_:or_ Seal.: .ctof An hracite Co*! n-d-the _i.li e>. rythiag on U- piaBita .- To be .old antbaal taaarro. Bi I R. A CflttTOB, A'.-rtor,. r 11 I.KMI IDRi EX1 Ul lORS' 8ALE ol i m; t. i.r REAL EBTATE and Le-rh-j. ,..,, -. >.- ... .1 at Anrtiuti v t*fd TOl tft/tl .*. -80IB0 PAI- HllKklLbY.-',c.a.fd.-COLE a t HILl'i»N wiiiaaiial tl i o'cl.tcx.at tbe * .*¦*.- New. M OhDA 1. the icih afJflBBfliy. Ub, tne toUow.n. f ¦;¦ rty, 1 it ^VfltkaBBflBl I racaat Lod »< .':¦':- ", , , 1! LBcbr* ir, ''"i*l: BBthf »o'a'.h flfllfl et US h »t. 1<> .cet ea*t ° Aveaae'I.No. !84. dn tb- en-t aide. n x: to thfl fflflfl** eastconer fA.aaa A BBd I'.th at,I on th- lotuafoar- ojrory bmk beear, ou the froniot Uu fet, » Bhrl .bacbafkv ~ to er, ann . tonr-aiory rcl honae ia rear, w teet » icclif» br .- reeti t -1 BBM I UJfllBfl by Ifl tect dcep. _ith street-South s-cie, cott.n:- nc ng Ita tcct' :nctic» etutof tbe;id-av taflta fri d thi IBll B tb brck b.cuove, 19 by U tert, acd J three sury bnek honae* on tba rear. i acb taha 16 t. ct. There :a an Bfleyway fraaa the front ot the lot o! i te.t 4 :nche* which cotuiuunic-.t.-* wita tbe rear l.oua. * I :i:» propcrtj j loouehold, vv.lh the pnvU- *%°A\ic\it "no. 378. Kcir *tery bnck honae in front aud a two .tory and b«.enicnt Mfll houae on the mg: frout honae . I feel 84 inchc hy pi teet rear hotuoi ii teet 8| luch- t.lv li ftati h.ibvl"0t.i'tdi..ep. A Aiauaa Na *Ti- Fou.--*tory bnck houae wuh bakrry oath* frotti.f the lot,'.'l teet I'I luche. by ta f-««-. aud* two-atory and bt*euieut brck liouae on the rear 21 teet d| incho.bylbfeet; lot.l fe-1 yfinchca by llWtcvt.leep. -t-No.fil. Pouratorv bnck bouaoioutha trout Ol Ihe li ' '-' bv ti t, et, an.i a four-atory bnck hjuao on tho lem. tafcet bv ^C te. t. lot o- bv 1HC t. et deep. YY k tt-p| .No oO ihrt-« -.torv bnck houae on tbo front of tb.- lot. B f ¦ I Bt, tnd a f.mi.tory h.ick baaaf oa t..' rear. 25 by M I -t. ioi M by 1 0 flTflafl, w.th au alk-y-way of " ;' '<','. p't.Ki.ur two-oTtary and aUia* bnck front hoti.va on :,!-i. bb itaiad) thafldeao.oard Aveuue A; .'..tulot MaBbf M dtep Thk arope.ty k laaa hold .... '.voiur A-Onetv..-»t..rv,u..lalt.c bnck fr .nt bflflBB on Avn ur A, oi. ti ¦ >...: roiofl* ,aad betwa. n .'.1 ai.uod-*u.. lot '.'I f.rt 5 b.flflfl by CO teet de.-p. Tlu* pfOperty i. lea.- llo'.i Fe* inii!-* and f'.ll particular* a* toi temi* kc , applv to .IA.MES W. YYlliri.. Eoh| , Ho 11 Naaaau-at., or of the Ai.ciiinrer No 9 YY'all-it. A 'JOHN McBARRON. 1 Execatora ... FRANCIB OlLMOREaJPAWCK ItlLEi, JOHN KKLI.EV, > (aBMflflfli. s Wtt.i.iAM IrviN!.. Aiictioneer. PaLENDID BALE of l AM'Y G00D8,. O YYIII.IAM IRVINO -Y: Cfl w.ll aeli at .luction on THL'RBDAY, I>er. Bk, and FRIDAY. Drc. 21. at K>i oc.ock, at Uie UallBBBB* Ho. Ifl Pme at., neir Broadway, a apUnoiid-aiitiiient ot Fancv Oooda, .unable for the HjIi- dav. Farku Marble Figure* Oronp*. Aniinxla, .«.<- | uied "ttrTit B...I ic'Vc BctJ, trn* 1 uettl.* YY .t rt. Cak.-Badet*C-tor*. P.pier MacUfl Oooda. YV ork t ihi.* Work Baa.. Fohn* ln:.*t.And*, >cr'..-.;a. ic. h-Aatit i iv inkid BB.ea Marbir Uoadfl, F- -nch C'.un... B-'^-'-y. "aaa War,. tfBfl' -h Crratal. C it Olaa* VVare. Bbflflt* 0....'a Chiii.M (Jo.,1-.. ac. Th-v cau be BMBniadl ou ,.I.y. 'Ibe,.!t. i.ti.,11 f the Ltvlie. uieiue.cd. SHI'.RHT'SSALE. Bj virtue oftin execution ". ..p,tt,i aai deHvarai, I arUl aaaflflijwflatafll ...!,., a..t,ot...... MONDAY, Iha nthiai flf Daefriiflar, Ib__ »t l.'o'clopca, JYL. d th« MBtlbalf ol t.ie ( .ty tlail. iu tbeCityd Hew-Yorit. all tli.- ng.-t. titlo aad «»t-r.«t of ISAACO COI RSEN «hich be bid an tba l2th.lAv..f Ortober, 1r.s2.or d aay tiaaa fltaae, ta naol to tta premiae. ¦j-waaanaraab.BM etB*t,talhe Cuyof Kaw-Tflrk, ta- ui). a I'ait ofthe eatate, oif Ahiahain Co.irarn, oJeCoflBBBfl, BTUfl .i. ui.i -.i.a.iUr tl..- Bi-p.iit.-ii.iu.»-. ihefaaata b k N-W V 'k' N."'Kr' " THOMAB I'AUNLEY. SheritE Wm. B, Woon. Io.-nuty Sii.-iilb _ -fnrniture, SZt. I^l'RM 11'hE.-Will bo solil at B barirain, ut No. .!' Boekinaii-at 0.Bfl and Oouiiting-Ho.iae Deak*, Tablaa, Cbdra, CaaUaaa, Btawda, Sol".-*, Caaah Be.k, Lflaiia.-a, Bflfa Brda, innbogaiiy C laira, Roacker*. B-ireana, \Y ai.ut.l*'*, Trf.-b-t.lr*, LooA.ng UlaflBBB, Oil Pntii'-iugA, Et niHtu na i.ffla yarda Oil Ctath, .'¦'*» Bedau-ada, I.OOO haif «i.d baak Mattr.-i,.-. { aryata, Feith-r Br.la, parlor and CaaohiBg Siovea, CflflflflpaflBfl Wiue by tiie buket. /iREAT BAROATJfS in FEATIIERS, U Bl DS, MATTRoBBBKB, Ac^at ColAWBUCfVB, So. >'»¦ (>iBiie-.t, Boc.nd d.M.r enat olEaaex-Jt., New-Yort.. CHEAP UaV-Ol_T-RY and FEAl'HER BTortE.-rha ¦rttBtkn ufla.iiiite.abo.it purchiuomg resp-cttuilr 'nv.ted to the large ai.d benutu'ul _*oniui-i.t of Brd* MaBtraflflafl, Faillaaaea, B, dBteada, Co'* Ac. all of whicii have boen purch.ed at low cash pnee*. *.I will be aoi.l at tuch pnee. aa to make ll an ir.duc. uni.t h.rall to call aud exatume tha abi-vt- atock BftaiflflB to ii.akmgthatrpuicluac* O io.kte.it to iny part(.l ihe ctj, Brooklyn aud YVilliamnbargh tre. if carttkge. OliiBcdaaiu! Mattrt .. ar'-nov.rj aid invdeorer. W. CRAWBL'CK, No 33S Oraad-»t., 2d door eaat of E**ex .. Copcmncrel'ip. DL. ROSS A- CO., CommiaflioB .Mi'rch.ints, . San F'Rk>. 180 o. (a. 11-i.k.ma; bvOBS. fALCON'ER i c.. Ka W4 ra.il d. Itaw-Yark..Ttoaaoj.d4*_*a ',*.» er.teted inlo Bco[«r.rti..-i>li.p. aool wiil co.itiruiH thflCaaa. luiaaiot. bnaii.taa ui C.li'orin* BBdtf tlo- alvle an.l tir-n of I) L ROSS A Co (a. .fflBl rlv,) San Frauckco, and ROSS, PAI ( <»NER ACo. iu Nftv-York. I). L ROSS, JOHN FALCOVER. CLANCY I DKYII'STER. Mr Roi.a baviiig juat arrive.l f/o.o San Fruicia,¦¦>. whrrr for .rvrrnl yr«.a tir le.a been "l.iiiig * Co'ii ii.w»ioii loiisio-aa, aad bdag eanvrraani with the iiiar.rta will loe happy ro .<-.) anol rulvtar with rtli.|.po-ra who may ferl diapo-wd t,o make cuaignirent* of ni.-rcl.at..iiae or veaael*. Ifl ratLClNflflfl wiil redi. k Nrw York andgive Iu* peraon.i artrnti ,n to tbe irrrreat of fonaignors, and'-oiifrr with f'ie-ii in r- itioti thereto. Ku>S. KALCONF.lt k Co, No. bo-l I'earl-«t, between Wall aud Pine-at* DlSSl.lLVEIi.Tliis ilav, bviiiiitiihlc.ari.'nt, thetirm.-f SFA.YIAN V WlLLETTB. A.'! peraon* havrng elaima azaiuat the firm will aend them ia witbiutde- ky. at No. 21*0 Weat ifld-d.-Dcc. il, 185- VOTK E-Tlio firui "I A.MASA L. CATE~_c 11 Co, Furniturn Dealera, No. KB Canal-d., k thia day ii.iituaily di-eolvrd. A. L. CATE A Co. NVw.tork Doe IY, 18A2. Profcssional iVotices. US. FASSI'UIMS for all parta of tbo . w-'i .1.indi»r>rriaribie to traveler.^.ta.ned by J. B. NONES. Notarv. No.6ri Broadway. aj!\ CENT DAGUERRE0TYPE8 - The ratr*-9 grrat. .t improvriiif nt of the age..RRES k Co., No .' Br.-adwaay. Lav.-. ta a iatr Oeruian procrae and ma- (biii.iy. weated * revnlntion in th« art.a nrw avatem in piriure-inakii.g.by which they take hundred. dokliv lorooiy tw,, abiliii a.- fnoneTj iDantcb anb to Coan. JK-'i'ifll (\(\(\ TO LOAN on BOKD, m? -*af\!.\f\J\P MORTOA'oE or REAL ES- l.t Ib n tbiaCitv m «am. toaait applicanf. aod 04-"**) u. tbta iBata at.rtaa c-.ty. Apply ui\\~. C. HOLLY, No. J Naoam *'. 3d abeve YY'alld. .ft 1 ( 17 (\(U\ T0 i-OAN-Ou Boml and >P M vf . .yjyjXf Mortgage. in auu. to *uit appli- Caiiil.. Ni.ne bot tboote ho.lolini firat r!a*«apH.- .ntv n^-ed appiy. PBANCia J KENNEDY, No. II YVail-oB. IU III ill TO Lo!\N-In partor whole, J V.aFVajr for bcui ^^ Mortgage on New-York or Brcoklyr. propeity. Oo.Cxi waiitad ou a farm worth four time. the amount, rsar New-H.ven. Ct., lor which aiiberal bonu* will h. paid. Apply to TLCK.B k CO- Red Ea:ate Broker* No. .0 Broadaay. np «t*ir*. Clotljing, &*% PAMIIONABLE HATS.-EIi'itant, Fr.*i.4.h J. Siik Hauat fl**-|l lea* than Broadway oneaa. Ned H.-atotttdu HRiMYN. No. _8 Canal-d.. one door froui Sullivin. IMXE FURS.-MO.N.VRQUE, of .\o. i^W Bowery .aoucita tiie pdronaga of 'he ladioae to hia nch ani eleorant atyle* ,.f Far* eoropnorng m part of Martin, Mink. F.teb, Linx aid bwrdtan Marrn Vtctorincoa, Mitfa aai Cuffa Savryonr titoe and money aad exatum* our onoc* bef,.r- purehaamg altwwber., ou tbe old e*t*bli*hinent, Na Ztt Bowery. TIIE BE.ST PLACE to ir,et MEN"« aod liCYS'CLOTHIN'O, i.aoiy nuvkormad.. to order. u d No 81 Fu'ton-d. At thu earabldi._-ut yoa wiil find a largr BBkortii.rut of taai.ionabk naiy-mvle Clolhlng, akoa ¦plridid aaaortotent of Oood* which will bn rn uie to ordrg la a dyla lloau cai.ot be flflflfljflaBBA No. Bl Fu.i- n at N. T. / M NNY C_iOTH.*-M balik, CalcuttaCloth, VA tbr .da by 8FOFFORD, Tlia-ftTON k CO . No d Bcutl: *t -joli-a« fjr.-.n... | x\; I'Ll'.AV' NIOUKRENOLEOi Or, 1 ' t i.in iTBB I *r. ot *.i>-.>ever w «a a pr*_ara»M 1 i-i- !'>... rRJtSEBVIN . aad BKAl n. YI*4.j .i.-HAll ad lo the pabli* wuh tnota tU-afa m ___l. t .aa DEBAY 8 Nl >_K.R_. v 1 I O Ol ihe th--o**r_U who b_te a*> ina, the Erwjt :.?<>" a:- in r < ton saiatiai .a d a; pr tatio-k I .>.- ¦ ,t*j"r<ia:din.trryi_*«a_-9 h*.e txaeSca* r.a '.u kaea ol taitied. Kiow.iK. ttem net _*__*.. tkat B to * dead.,. »r, tn ii* rairi-r ll ¦. OB .'c*-*"<- " _*. __.*¦ ?¦***» ai.d :he hbla -u ihe »__..Bt_r._* |*-_ry Lady and ,,.- _.r w; f.n U> tb. Fropn* .. uvari.bly a__i_-d them tlmt N...n._. but ,U intnaaw- - ald utui them, ov.r th ir ..wo »i_nature_. ta call io ;t a* nn artic'e worthy of ,i.iv.r.t. pattMMg* Ot tbe vr.maroua Leltei* r-o-irei the Propnetor. aalaet ut. aad Leara "_» Tirade* to Km a h , aanieea- r u-i. u aud iu.. -. i.: m t. n*t: r a Kv r, ,.. u-.o.-j: rer-OL. will. 'Ih. f.r*t Letter thal tha rmi.tietor. »tr_- ducr u Ihe from Mr*. Rver*on _ >.a-aaaBJ..Aa* 3.1*4 loaeoei ******* ,o ,"¦ r ««II8M».y*MM*ai.aflta a\^**m******M tim .k.a.,4 haa. ra _i I^-y ' «__,k~M_e- ,.li_y-i -. .t »->_,.__- - -' '.¦"--'. ".* '.-¦ "C». .__*._. -__-*. Ard herr ia oce from Eliaha Ilay-ra: -il__-8B, tm rv.B.r.-T.l >.'. Ib.v*__-n-_.y.»B* |,r_ re er Mra . .f f.'. 1:;¦*_«. «»d I: fraa me greal l_*»8f. f .rtr_.*wa. ...,.¦ r.-..t> t. k-a b-»h*d*» * ' <-¦ - . ,i__.r-lr..ll ..._.n.vltr_l.rk_rkrj Ibe I*'! _* <.*<.: '. k.w.aal rraJn.d.. a.Ue._ Jal _.-.*! .1* fh.*"- ^__*"**__ ****" __,' tj J *!»*_.d r, m th» reaat'k. ¦ _.' _BBw tke _* Jaa '.)*«. y ¦:*-,* .. It..*. ii*..*. N B-Or.l.r* will baprornptltai' v : o l-*.l t.t- . -.. he p_a'jai_, and ad".lrr**ed to E D.'.BAY, mii \o l_8N*aaaa-M-l nton Hvii Far aale bt ihmMAS J. CEOW*BB. BuBtaeOaf, No. VW Broadway, X FBENCH, _ooki-ll*r. Nj. 188 WlBMB_B, Hall, «-d BuiImBmb gemrally; al»o by Mr* HA"i r 8, N<* 175 Fnlton, nor Na_**a-*t-. Brook.'vn. a I .K'.K nti.l RKTI OOLLECTIOU oi A HOUDAY PBEBENT-, OOLD aai BlLVKl", Ai the old BataattaBad Store. of .QDIBI k BROTIIF.R. No «_" Fnlton it.. BBl No. IS-" B.wery. Gi-1.1 I.ever Watche* fall jeweled, GcM D.tacbed Levers, full jeweled, ._> Oa .' I.< I"i ."»- OBB ho'.e jewcied. ___ W att hea of mn*l cel.-l.rated maker». Go.'d .'t wrlry. of the ncheet kiud. CeM OhaBB, af an kmd*. Silt. iwaie i»bH'i'. ihe prideofour buai..e**and weared.. tenrtned to keep the reputation ot icllua th« beat 8ilt_r T.-» S.ts. I-B-BBB, Forks. Spoon* ki.; Cako Baaketa, Waiier* Ac. S. k B.'* facilitieBof receiting foreign too,U anJ fnn. our own manufactpne*, they at* enabled to aell the abjta g. edBM low a* can be bought. Our rule-warranted ea r. prvaentcd ; Caah only and cheap. ii OLIDA- presi:nts-.'oui)AN A ¦ MOTT. WATCHMAKERand JEWELER, EBab- luhrd raa, MOTT P.ROTHEHS, No. NaB»nn-_ Succeawta, ofl'er foi *ale an raCfUBive aud beaut:ful aa^irtiuent of rich liiod*. iv.-table for tbe approachmg holiday*, coiuutiagof ¦Ba Wiit.iie., oi the l».t itiiiker*; Jewelry of all kindianl of tbe ucw.Bt deaign* DIAMONDS, in Ritig* Tii-* _c in every r_r_.ty of *ettiug. and IflMi HLTKI WARE, in all atyl««. JTAYL0R fcoga 10B_BM__B-B tiiat he hsa a now r< ady at Ne :i:i7 UltOADWAY, flOI-aiM the Tabersnacle, Al uuusually large atock of all kind* of FREM'H EANl'Y HOXK., ¦ o N B 0 N N I I ¦ 11, Article* for Chri»tiiia« Tt" ¦". -ONEECTIONTRY. Ke.kc. riam Caudy iu baga, Cryaulmed Ei-nt, Puriague*. Al- BflflB-, Crcara Droj,* Vauilla, Lcmou, OraiiKi-, Violet aad Oath* Altnond", Pineupp!-, J Hy, Orange, Gu n, CorJial Ci tl.e aud Drai.dy Dioj-a. t'h.i. ol'vte Praluie*. kc ABEAUTIFUL HOLIDAY PUESEMT ,«,, lej.ict.ired at CHABLBB KKH HR k BrtO'8 Bird En poriuin* No 18 North Wi.ntm and oraerof Frnikforl and Williaui-'ta '1 liey ahnw at preaent th. .rertt.Bl and inoB' varied colleetion ever exhibited in thi* co'iiitry. I.miiea and utleiuen are rvapectfully invited t. call nnd leelh.Bi. AclinicK BELECTION of HOLIDAT PBE8ENT8 BWt te foand st the FAIR of tho LAD- lis1 i mo.n aid -OCIETY. to ta heldMMMiayeBfla Itf.il. from Dee. '.'l«t to .'Mb. Purcbaiei BBM be made oa tery renionnll. t"tn'i. I'erionsare solicitcd to makeibeir pnrchsie bere, bi the proce.d* tvill be aiiproatiated to- _a-d th' etrct »ti ot a building for the aged aud uitirm of tin M. E. Church of thi* city. AT llif NKW-YOKK L1NKN HALL may be had iimBt uaif.il und acceplable PUESENT. ta Damasklable L.nen and Napkins, in imm.nae variety af ijuniity aud patteru We haye tha cloth th.it gaioed th* aold n.tdil x the WorldV Fair in bMtae. laat Juu.i, and a f, w i eurly equal lo it in .juality, with ihe napkiui..) maUlv Webave Handk.ichiefaiu ull <|_kulie*. plain, eiiibroilered and pr;nt«d hoiileii. I.eautifully work 1 Sluil Frout*; aud, iu tact, an endl. m taii. ly of ino.t u*-ful Liuen tlooil* aa.t- ahle for pttatulat.on at th.aaea*on to which we .ih. ilal- 1.1 tioi.. JOIIN DAVJS Si Co., No. WJBr__lway CAEEfi for tha HOLIDAYS-Mra. VVOOD, No. '2tn Orand-at, would r. B|*ctliilly infonii hi-rfri-nd* aud the public that *he u prtpar.-d I.. Biijij.ly them with the choical Cak.a fi.r tbe Hohday* eomprtoiag Plu-n, 1'oLid. Citron. Almoiid.Ciiirauf. Bafafa, WachingtoB, Ltdj, ,*t|. i.e and a'l fancy article* iu tbe iine. ( »ke* c«r< fuilv I.-'eda. d Oniauie'ited. Ordera for Holiday, Wedditi* and nlhrr Par'iea. puncteal- ly atteudrd to, and aent to nny jiart 88 tne rify free. Holiday Gooda.India Rubber. DOLLS! DOLLS! DOLLS! BALL8I BALLS' BALLS made only by Noit-York Kiabai Coii-pany, rdiiB.Btiug of a great variety of INblARUBBEB DOLL HEADS ol all *ixe* and of FL'LL LENGTH DOLLBaad BALL-Sin i<reat tanaty, tu: Bnt Ball* all sises. AralBBijue I'arlor Billa, all life*: will not break 4laa. h .ii .y color Ball*, all a:/..*; will not break glass. Liiidscape Balia, all (izea (brigIit color*); wtu uot brsM glaaa. liolden Balla, all aizea; will not hr A t'.aaa Ttieee Balla lex.-eptmg the Bat Hall) ar* a n-w anl beaati* ful article. u.tei.d. d lor I'l.tlor and :ud.-or jday and no ptf lot ahould be wilhonl them if ex- reiae*an«l healt'i to wiaflr i.l.le. Soldat reUilbythei'oydealeia-eneraliy.ky tha d.,/.. n at all the Rubber atorea aml whoieaal. 'I'oy hoomt BBdb] the cure ot.ly *t the depot of the compauy, Ha. 4d Msiden-lane (up stairsi. JjTU)>W____- for the HOLIDAYS-AIho, for Bndal and other Partiea..Tbe mbsenber otferi foriala a large aud rare colleetion of choic- Flowet*, taaief.i'ly ar- raig. d m Bnqueti. tan.-y Baaket*, iti.auc Sunda, ('Inaaaad oil er Vaaaa, BUitable f.,r Holiday or Hndal I'reaeut* ta- H| aatbet witii ag. u.-ral a**ortineM of MttolM to bia BB. T. DI_MLa_r, _eedai._u _..i Eloiial. N__H llrotdway- OLIDAY I'KE.SKNTiS.-iJUEAT MAR- GAINS..Laces, emlrmdered and faiieydre** Caraat W ARNF.R , N... I_J Bro-.tway..Einhioideo-d Collat*. C*|»e<, Cbeuiiaette* and Sle.-vea; Er-nch einbrnldered ( loiat ttea, ti li.in.il w.th laee BBMfM M lualch, tery ch. sj>. luperl. r. h' Frencb Ciieiiunefte. and lieeveajen*. [ bro.cer.d Handkerchiefa, great l.ai.tain.. Now i. tn* titne; do i...t_W8it till the be.t are aelected. Pointed !ac*and rao»- .ii. Co!)a_> very low. No. 4u5 Ilrosdway. *bove Walkeret. HOLIDAY PRESENTS..A larjjfl aml vnli. able awortn.etit of Wat.he. of the moat eel'brawd BBBhai..eeaatoBa.efCaayar.Pytoa,M J Tobia*_Co., and R. k G. Beealey'a Levera, in heavy hnntmg aid open- face ra*ea, (iold aud filver I .fent and Detached Lever* BBB, *C A)*o. anpenor independent quart»-r *erood V .. The pi.hheu diamond pointed Oold Pen* in aa- !.*: or go!d and .t'ver ca*e«. *old only at JOHN Y. SAVAOF.S, No. W Fulton-B. Watchea and Gold Pen* repaired or exchang'.d. HOrsi'KEErERS- HOLIDAY (-00DS-- Pine Bntsnma and Plamshiti Urns, Corf-e __* tahla and Dimert hnive* F)*t» d .Sjo.ja* Tray*. Wai ler*. Fsncy Baiket* Mata. Eeatber Diia'er*. ai.d . *'-*'.!,"**"_' ety M 1 umwbing Uooda. Atoo Skate* Sleigh. aod bieftu Tiy* at tbe new atore of SIMPSO.N k Ca, No. 98 Caaal-at, between Ortene ai.d WorBer. M U8ICAL PRESENTS for tho HOLI* DAYS.-5AMUEL C JOLLIE, No. _¥1 Broad-tiJ. w< uld eall th* attention ofatiaageri and cilix«oi Iu bi* BA- TENSUE STOCE of PIANOFORTES, wbicb, for *up*rionty of tone and workinan*hip, eanaatai .uita***d. Tne*ub*ehb« havi. g pur.-haa.-d the entut* taL.iabtuentuf th. late weli-kuown tir.u ..f DUBOI8 k BTODABT, ^ who were enga|ad for more than roary yaaai i. "J*** Citt. aad whoie reputation i* lunre favr *ably kBOwalB*, auy otbrr tirm in Au erie* __ Tbe PIANO-FORTE6 offered for aale by th* *»_*«T_ .re hii e from the very beat aeaaoaed matenal* ******* a.i the laleat iDi|iov*inenf», Arched Bottoin* ke..- A»\ * warranied o. atauii tb. tarioa* changeaof thi*e ,rll*_*>f!'r are m*de with a particnlar referanee to the CALlFd*..*. OBEGGN.nd ALITRALIAN MARKE.8. EXTEN8IVK CATALOGCE OP M-8IC. S C. JOLLIE ba* purehaaed the antire ttoex ot u*r~l with the eiteuB-ve Catalofne of Doboi* k vV*rrio"r. aaa Daboi* k Stodart and alao that ofJotejk 9 *%**% _ff_B logether. the largeit aad mo*t beaiufol B8BBBBMB8IBI Cnitr. Sui'« and w now prepared to *opply all oiaa,,w tbe mo. LIICBaL TBBMS MI 8ICAL INBTRIMENTS m _. An .- riaut a*sor__-nt of the followiog 'n***_ln,_JJ_. bacd. of whicb an c-'iniiied guarantee m ,nru~* J^^fm* Harpa, Itonja* Tamboannea, Vio oaceilo.. ClanoajB* T' ra*. Tenor Hon * Sax lluni. Vio:ib», Tmnb*e*im»> ^^ cordron* F.ageoleta. Giurar* CornopCB* fc* .,_.«¦ JOLLIE't* PIANO-FORTE LOAN C'>M?_^!__o_. Tbi* b:gh.v iuceraat.illo3.r_ny a now ia fall *t**mm\\\ Tbe pabhe '«:t_*tioB ia calfed to the .~T*~w*____p- Tbui a.'.v pe.-ic* l.it becon.e the ownerof **r,myzv.xm. ano Forta, m vaiue froai lioeto QWO. payng *__*__;__, aallmerta ol onatweilth part of iu ralw. firy >^***"*1_..' Piaao-Fortea. aad yay the balanc. ia hke _iB__oi»*B**"'* oae-twelfth. monthly. ._,. tW Piaoo- Forte. for hir.. Every Inrtnimect tom *. *-" totabiudtnient ia warranted. w y BAMl'EL C. JOLLIE, No. 300 Broad*... " * MUSICAL IN8TRUMENTS for PB^ ENT-.-Th. lutaenber would i*ll attcaO.. ***** vert larg* Stock *o lutUhie for Holiday Pro^inl*^<^*._J|f. of MuaiC B*x> * in roeawood and plaui cuea, w tb Taiu na., Piaa. Fort* and cymbal atta. Iimeuu , Gui **»"" .'* a«yl.. of t.tnah elegant Arcordion* _nd Flutiua* Yamx v aaaa, Violin* FluU-*, Fla*eoiet*. Drnm., fcc , fcc- .. _, "^ EDWARL BAACK, No 87 fa'itttareU

BOARD Bi IX)B ff s s ? *5S§ ^S 4tB»t gBB . KEWLI.I.- J ... · Btore.e.'iaibly locatid b.r mcha bueiiaea*. T..« aaOMb*. ktnconduotrd duiing Iha lael tweulyyear*. aud laownrd aolelv

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Page 1: BOARD Bi IX)B ff s s ? *5S§ ^S 4tB»t gBB . KEWLI.I.- J ... · Btore.e.'iaibly locatid b.r mcha bueiiaea*. T..« aaOMb*. ktnconduotrd duiing Iha lael tweulyyear*. aud laownrd aolelv

AMaAN of gooii mortil cbaractor, and bufi_e»ara.ic-ty aad 4ra*j>encnce. may find a Pa.-taer. with

trom #u!tA« to 8J5,l%0, by o-dreaaing L. J , Tribi-e Office.

BAliCiK tbr SALK.-Tho lJarg.. &fnWtnrwrnoointfratr, Pokeeiaieto _£_*^\'*. 5

offer.4 for aale. r_e i* 23J tuna borden. wth iigbt -ili"' ^watrr, well fittrd for IW-ight. witn anitable ac--.irnoda-.«"afor BBBJf Dger* » fltab .f I HIIBBg may kair_mo,T'*i. *£*in good order. and mar b* aeen from Thanday *£*».'hai the Pier lior-t of Murrav-at.. N Y aad o-i TfJ^dB'ajariflWrdne«*lBT at th* Ipprr fxr ln* P**"!** ^^vtalar. irwrotTe of Capt YY | i,, - F or, todorefitha«b-aenbereat Pokeep.iil. DOL'.iiii, Y\ 1LMNSON k Co.

apARLlSLE IRON WORKS fa SALE -V^ Thia propertv. locaud adahta li m.I«a of Caratae,or^tarr'axij Coai.tv. Pa wili be offerod at pul.1.0 aale, ao

«taTtSSSa, aTb-Tl KDAY. tta UUday of Jaueary.IHA at li o'clock. M. 1 b. I'l'-party c-*.U ef aheutlO.fAOBcr*. of Land. af v,h,<_ -~ acrr. are ci-avrr,! .. ..

a g^dataic of cioltavdion; tl.e rr«.duoi If tinober land f.i-iln.pioVtu.int* ior_ut o! lta.nl v Dweb.ng Hou.ea. (aomo,dc.DC nd tome log.) thr. (. large fUnk Birti*, one largo Mrr-a-hent M.ll. 10C l> 75 Ir. L Satir M.ll, For.tr. rum*cr. Coalliuuat-a, CoatrpeiaU-r at.d Bl~aa .,.th Slkoipa. a.i in good ordoar.Tkia pioptrfy. in wder-poowo r, haa tl.r advatitage of theBoilmg Sprii'g a..d Ye.lov Bro-tc'in- Crea-k combiuovl, bothnrvcrfaiJin* and never frrrjuig »Uearr_ of w.c»r. aadwbii b nevir fail to kei-p ti.e worka in'.peration day andiatgl.t. Tb»- B.T.IflfB nn, r atopptfl bv Irro./..'MJ w-a'n-r

aj.ol'heyare located iu tbe l.eait of the great Cao.'prrlandVallev. Tbere ia an inexhauatible. mppiy flf tbe badOfBon tbe premia,¦», eonvenio nt to the woraa and of ea.y ac-

RflflflBfl de»iring to parrbaae or to look at thr aojojfljlflfly,Will odl with tlie uu.irraianro. reaidiioir al: th-. Manoiion

Honae, on aaid trai t.-D. l. 9. Bft PETER F BO-

I70R 8ALK-A ROLLLVJ MILL. ifl pfr-_t fert orol.r; flflNB, a YYIRF. MILL, with aViiidi-twairr jBtaaflfoiaoVt.«three arilaarY.¦ Pe.lftaill Apply u>

JOSEPB STRA.NO. Peek»kiil Pod-Omce, or to h. N.I.I III.>, King'* Bndge._

17QB SALE.An iiitereKt in Uta b.**t QuartzMachme ir. the world. now in operdion ia tbi* city.

The entire Englab Patent, or for A'-traiieonly. (au tte badcr. reaotonaUe teim*. Addreaa B. W.. boxf~8. fflatO-HB.

FOR SALE. or KXtTIANOE forREALorPl RSONAL PKOPKR'I Y.A anug and Iticrat.ve rnsn-

ufaetnrmg bu.ioeM. witb i. a- h ne.y ao-ctirrd by patrn', ailrea-'v o»ri for u*e. Wilh pmper attrntion the bu.inea* maybr rt.Bd'- an exlenaive one, aud the capital rei'iired BBl BfladLIt not eodd or exchangrd, a partuer who woold tAke tfie fulland rntire charge of th' l.minesi wil) be treated with. Ad-drtaaJ.B W .thiacltice

H ARDWARE.-For Sale, a valuable anda.jawo I! » ItcUd ato.ik of Hardware. a.uoaattafl toa!>OoitOUI.1 tC, togelber witb tl.e pnviiege of l.-tiairig * liral-rate

Btore. e.'iaibly locatid b.r mcha bueiiaea*. T..« aaOMb*.k tn conduo trd duiing Iha lael tweuly year*. aud laownrdaolelv by the advertaarr. Pa* prraon* deainiua.'f g<"n* IBtfltho HardwHre buan.oaa. uo brtU-r opportuiuty may pfraeiitit-Il. Korfurlber parti- ular* aoldre** Box No. 2,1 >8 Po»l-Oflice.

IRON WOraUfg fur SALE.The PHO~I DENCE IHON COMPANY, to cbae a cotic r:i,offarfor *ale their very exterhuve andcoinplete e»tabljihru-ut forD.aniifattiiimg Iron. .ituato u ou tido wdcr, atFox l'jiut, iu

FrevidiK,.Theae worka have all been erccted withiatevcn year*.

are in good order, and ready to be put into imtnediite oper-ation, and are ciiiicl to the j-rod'artion of 21 tuui ol itou liatorilatr* aid bar* per dayConnected with the above i» a YY'ire Mill. capable of run-

ning eight tuna of rod* prr day, for which there i* a rt-gularand mcreating demand m Providanee, at thr- orcotnt iuo-

o.ent, at leaat r-.|Ual to thI ci.tiro-produrt on BT the flflflL.¦Alan.'Ueyi.oid*'*ratent YY rought Spika and Nail M ., I. ,....,

which will tuin out fo I tunapfr day. Also, a Cul .'.'ail M.ll,caiable ot tunung out 150 to 175 cuak* per day, uud wh.cb«ould bt tasily atiangi d to ilouble that produciA* thk eitahlkhtncnt w»« built f,,r u»r. uo eipeoae wa*

jaiMil in 1-vii.g eveivtl.iug about it of the mud p.-rfrctkind, aiodlho iiivri.to'rv eahibit. aa compb-te an eatabliab-tuent. porhapa, aa i. to be !oui,d iu Maw-EBfAaoTd

It i. tboualit tbd no place iu tba I'liitad Btate. pr.-*. nt* a

betu r opi ning for tbe a.icro aaful pro»e,ii:ion. bv ., Bf .ctic.alumii, ofthe manufactureofwirt rod*. iron, iia.l*. and apikein,thu, the City of Provido Do t, tbec.rnter o.f a birato- aai apidlybBBaaali g ¦aaafci laiiiifl itaild iBflahtag BBaflMaaiffltafltbi-o-iitiri prodiict'iai oltho ae worka.

Thoao Vki.iki bo.ngon ti.le wata-r, where tbr largrat oll_M<,f veMttl. which fr.-,|uei.t our bay rau Ioa.1 and reca-ivecartoo* without li*ht. r**.-, allowa or their re.iv.rig their

aruj,|olii.of rual aa.dir<n d tha io.weet tafl. flf. friotghl: andla! ,,i can at all tiioif a bo- bad ou a* goool lerui* aa elaetvb-reiu No w-l'.nghai.A* it ih i.oppotaeo! ibe purrhaker wo-iid ilra.re to exa.n,ne

tbi i,].t:,,».,.. dni la. i il. w..pi.on k deeeaed aaa. ..-.->

Tb. i.,|aiiy ivillloe aoid cboBf bi,(1 BBk teriiiaol paymentw.ll he uiadr oany

Foi *n eXBinii.iiiiun of Ibe projiertT apply to Mr. YY II.HENDKH.-ON, on Ihe preuii*e», nnd lor terin*Bfltion may be ..,,.!.- lo> . ith. r .,f li» a-iballflkarfl la Prov.frnce.1 HENBY L KKMDALL,


Pr.-violoiice, R. I D-e. lfi, IMB

4_ I UHii -nit'.^TCI^ASS CROCERY.^ I aO\f'4fa BU'lNESSin the UPFER PART oftho ( I'I Y KOK SAI.b'...A tine chanco to engaje iu t'.iatrade i.i.vt otli i*. Th r.verago aalea d.nug tta laat fouryi ara, baa hicn about $3U,("IB\ with good prolita.and moatlywith ieip, ctablc fannlte*. YY'itb flaedaraie i.er^v tlie tradeCO-dbo ii.i,:h :ii. i-.i.i ,'. The Lciuii-. Oood YV.lf. Kixtnrc*.Bi.Hk, Y\ rtgoii. Ac, to ta taltafl iu lurli tefflie as mav ta.giood oi. Ton. a eaab. Baafaatabla rt-fcrencoj. givon.Addro-O.l'., Tribiiiie Olbc...


ito iTJIioin it miin (Concern.

INTORA1ATION WANTED.-Tbe itoiri <.!'DAY ll) OIBB, emreteftrra wpaatadlvai**at*Baai t,.r,

are deairou. uf oucrrtaifiing Ihe peiron* re! rrcd fo. ort'.auioation et the piapeilj in ipie.t oti Any p.-raon whoWill romiiiiiuicate auch iiitorinatiou, or tli t.tlt a an 1 ifltMol t! e p*i ei. ((.utattung the idveltkemcnU to the aainocri-ber will be»uitably rewarded.

P. awOBEOOB, BJaSBI BteeAarej, N. Y.

IMOlkMA'IKiN' W A.M KI)-().'' MEoL-VILIal BMITR, a b ,v aceol !1 year*. who ara. ...

b, an, th.eataaaflfld Joba fii'laia al tb* taot d li >i>...,ai na Salmdav in.riunl ,'rt Any in:or,iiat,o-i vv.il ketl.Bi.kfooly m-.ito-.i iv k IBlBokJtBil iiiolliif. at No. .7 Ea.tIftl.-at , lirar Avenue A.



aUoarlj unb U001119

Ari.'lVAIE 1AM1LY r.-sitlii.i; iu the vi-eini'y pf I taflflM ;iiAte will 1-t a lloo:ii in the Bfltoai

eloiy. wttl Hioaid. to a Ociitirman and b.» YY .t,- or ,t,,., .-

gle Oetill. ii 1 rbel u nrvr, with the in ,,',-r ':u-

|ti-ov, 111.11* Apply at No.-aolihav Bd . , ured. jA(C0MM01)AllnNS ti.r FajabUofl aad I

aingle Ol I.lUll.rti c:a, 1- obUinvd at Bfld Tbrexiei.Bive «dolit>oiii la the bailiiaf b laaeorapleteiI). bflflB .- ta- tt i. ady (oi li.e rt-reptiO'iof l«04krdert

|>()AR1>..A Qentlaman and bbwifa.or oneJi I artwo *n g'r (lo ntlemet:. Citi tui.t hands.tmcW lainiah-ord H.HBiitt Ha. 171 Ea*t 17th-«t Tue bouae i* fuiuiaheda ib. baib., hot air. ga* Ac.

BOAK1MN(i-(»iic ur two roBBg Ldktli nhe»ic .n.iiioo'r.to.iv.itb Koa*d, at No M YY'nv.-r,v-

BBa-ak, B few doora we*t oi Waahl.gBoa .|*B.. Trrm* to.uu Ball.a. ke., in louai Reterrt.ce if rt«iuired.

OAROINi. T*4oTO orthreo aooty ilesirabloaingle rooinaaie vacont nl No 63 Batclvy-ff.

HOARD1XO..AUrgfl Fiirni<hi..l tkajOTB .',-¦.iBflBhaaBjtaaaafl,wiah BarttaataNa o H:-..cker«.

Ta, >r ihrre Ifentiertirn eau be aceoiiiinct.l.At.-.l » rtoardWi' Bflfl lodgitg

JOAR1V.A lt'cnii OBtohe third rlix.r, vvithor. itluail Bnmll R.'t.ni kvlitoinui*. w.th Hoa.l .nitable

for a O.iill.iuan ai,oi',* YY iir, ,.r two tintle Ooaoatl.-uirn,mav bai,-.! *t Ba II UiBy flaaB, Blaaaiie*et

OAKIUNi...A tiiil" of RiH»in» t» !<.»: nlao.mglc ioctr.0 with rr-.tra BBatrybath, hca'cr*, Ac. n :!¦ I ." t J* brown »:.uo hk.Bfl

ho Tt. Weal -.3d-d. Befta BXtJ BBfB>.

DOaflaKDlRG Wi;!. !'...l-rs:.::.lH.'!i iUiflat-J 9 tached n.av he »,btai--d at No al" Bb elartl.rr or Bejaia'tcly. 'Ukck.-o** routdu. all tlie niokdcralinprovrmenl.l>tV\Kl>lN<i.Tw.'vory ltin.Ni>!:ie faralfi-BiiJl Bflflflflflk Wtoth or without brr. kf.l aai le*. *>.'.."' BtactMuloita of . bouie caai bo t.jtHrai. twalj *i No IB*8.BflflflflflMfl , afcw .ioaotafooiiithe O.rant lluuav*.

1>()AR1> orrosiIE th.< BATTERY..A* ftotit rtM.ni ai d borol-n.ovii on the thnd tlo.ir jtajfl m*M

atlic iotm»* oia noul ba.inenl I. a g*ut 'iuau anoi w.fo» .>r

a frw a.ngk gentiruie. K. fereuce itHiuired. Apply at No.MaBBflB.1JOAK1Y.Om« larfro -*n«l taro Binafl oRooaftt,I'tmUkh fo. tauulioaol *>ugle OriilkmeB. nuy br ob-Uuoral lut.r tir.l c'.aa* krukiu al.ni>- houae, No. H YY'.ool -"Al-*l no ai 5th av Houae laa-w, wilbdi iiuporoveinrut* B>l>.rtwoce. laquirod.thO-RDta No. <i STATE-a^T-AftaMit rar-_IB >or and Rotolrooin oa tbe fd floor; alaortvtni* for twooi th.c .inglc OostLuirn The houae c nurnaud* a tin.view d iha Bay, atod fMutrng tbeaouth. i* a wariii and ir-ligbtful ro.idener in wiata.

110ARD KKIU'CKl*. A hwflfljBUtMflMaataaBI lb»...-ct)iiiUuiJ*toHl wi'h good ka^-il ligloi a'l.litry roo-na,

ao, all ibe cvnofofi »f a honae, at |. '%) and Ik) a wera, atNV ItflTaaIflhfll rr.r Br.Hmoa..

l>()ARl>l^'Y...~^'.^*T?'^',>.'lMn, rivattna t«> l.*t to9 (ot-Bllruw. *nd iVw YY'ivra tnd ni.a.e Orntlniara,

w.th fall or rootjt.Al Booud. at tbe elegaut uaaaa; a No. 4SAln-ird Krfcreactr* f.jBired


BOAKDINii.A privalf I'aniil.v. r.".iliii« atIxo a«l llh-av will lel. with eaoArd, to a O.tlaroan

and 11* kk i'e. or a.njlv OmtleniiB a large front ronn. wilh

v-bartdttchi^d, oath* oketo.ud itaoor; al*.. oo* toa tha tlurdfkH.1 *.Y ill bo let t- gftb' r oi a-p*rde. Slage. ai.d Coal*

paaBflBflflflflflflaaaf twenuude* .

BOARD and KOOMS b»r FAMILIES-AtNo 1-M Ea»* ISHhd Tti* boiiae m new. with d1 tbe

_ro.de. ia.po-r.BflBBflB B*ferroet* exebaaxged

BOARD.With Kuniifbvktl ItUrOiuainapriratofanoly: apfoak okervad ib ewa room* a hamkeru* I'ar-

A- on U- tiret fl'-ri tar wauld reut tbe Boun-w.thofattxai'l Apply d No. HM 4th-ar

BOARO in SOITM IlRiX)KLYN-Oii.'.irtwo Oeotien., n witb th ii YViv.-a, Ot a few ao...

,, r... ir-. ..-..-. -' i, ¦' *» tb^Ro»>4_* tVatabed oraa-. d, v. ith fui, o.r paitUI Bi*fd. In a d-aimble la.«llaa.

wheie lutfo ia Ihpt. ,!,..» ill bcl.toiv.d oiflflflVBl 1" **

'i .|oaJ | j.-ace.

BOABDHfG in CATHERINE -ST.-S_.er.-_GenCemen may he BBBBMMMlaBal with B.iardiu* at

Kc 1 HawaOaa. conaer of Caiheriue-et. Pay._enU re-

quired promptly-

BQABD in BOUTH EOOOKLTH.-Twjle__at Reomi ea fin* ar J i*e.in.l flion. BBB .bl- ta

a g»nt eii.tni and hu wife, ortai or three anjle jenticmsacan be had by appiyiug at No. 187 Atlantic- it.

BOARD WANTED.-A OuaJioaBB. is do-airoua of obtaimng furuiabed ro<.m* witu fa.l '*>»"_ lor

Lin-ailf ai.d w~.fr. iu a pn-.a* family. J*********, "__cbanged. Riwiia* wariterialBV.it tbe IVbofJanuyy BBBBB*

ttoa E_to» CaaaVet wntod be prelerred Addrew, wna

BflMB D. S.. Tnbuae Office.

l»OAI,'l)\VANTEI)-Ki.l.rr in Brr..klyn.'r_ff__s___s_?__*5S§_^Ss» __4tB»t____gBB__.rr rmiered r-art payment Addreal Mr*. aiciafc -1.

No. ITaatoBM N Y

*PUKNT>HKD BOOMfl * ^fj__*gf bm al* ta Om tleaaaa ml., ai No 47 wtata-a , a r-w

ctiramrrmet Bro-lw.y Fr _K B«M *__****** **d faa*try. aiao back R_otu ob tAe aecond floor. BtaBMBMBBMcl..h rra iu ibe boa*e.

GI'VILEMEN*" FIKNISHED B001I8,with new bcd* snd warmeovcnng* m Hetd 'ornvo.

WiUi__.ai.dFr_nkf_.-_*. Oa*. Crot__) **.- -ȣ'J^"on aaeh t'xor. _5cenUn.ghtly, |1 50 weekly. Office nev.r


f.__J__T_____E__ aml rhi>ir WIVEfl, nnrl a ffwsingi. Gentlesr.en caa be aeeomnda-vl witb Board tn -

hoose with all tbe modem hrfBaMMh, 7_,,,I'''7'.rwvNo M W. bi *-ih- brtwrmi the Wh and ltth-av* oppo¬aite tbe Tbeological Seminary.

ONE ROOM, n. atlv furninh-_, will ba M toor-or twopersons wl,-. can BflMl1*"* ***** b<,.,'*,

with h in.ai! rtoaaaat family. at No. 111 Gr**ne-*t._OOM8 to RENT.Funii-hid or aafaniafced with or without haad. Apply Bt No. 74 Wrrren-..R

<.<. ns*« to ttl./tHEAP-riNH front KOOMS to LET onV. Maid. n-lane. Aj-ply toJAMES BL'RK, Ja., No. 37Maid. i. ...i.e.

ROOMS with STEAM POWEB to LET.F.ne light Boomi, with good steady Power, to let. ta

tlie new Dej.ot Building, corner of Center and Franklin-at*Apply to W, A. ALLEN, ot the premiae* *econd floor,from 9 to 10 daily.


CJTEAM POWEB to LET..Be-ran. wdl-k5 ligh. d Room*. with aaMMB snd *t-b.ly jiower, inbu.l.i.... con.tr Eliaatorth ai.d He.ter-.t*. Apj.ly to

MORTON k BBEMNER, Bo. 213 rearlat- cor l-ietcher.

C_TOBE aad CELLAB lo LET, alf.. a li__r.it-I-. Rot.m, with or without Steim Power, near the CityHall, N.w-*t ork. Al*o, Hou»es tbr iale aud to let in Brook¬iyn ai.d Momioinia Apply to

O. F. BL'TLER, No. 1 Sprnee-it. up itairi.

1^0 LEA8E.For a tena of tivoor taa reava,tbe P,ot tt Grotmd or.po.ite th* CrysMl I'alace,

lu.ni.ded hv ¦. .th-af lith-Hv. ai.d .'Kth-B b'ing Shfl feet on

6th-ay 7'.'fe.-t on I' tbat and 3_-h-*t. For further particn-lars. apply to D T. MACEARLAN, No I NiM.u-.lJmm18 A M M 2 P M or No. 57 3d av. from 7 to 9 A. M. and

,',to7P.M._ET-'O LET.The five-att.ry l>ri<-k Houao, No.X t-'E7 4th-lt.. betv.-een Bowery and Broadway. It l*

well ad-Ml il for gei.tet-l familiea. It will be rmted to oneor two faimliei fiom now ull M.iy tery low. Injuirc of8. E. LE.VJ, No. 4_i Broadway.

fj*4() LET.OM of tfca moaC B-agoifleant Ifaa*Jl flflMBlB the city, occiipymg aix lot,. The houae is tin-

tol.efl aud lurniahed in the moat experi.ive mauner. To a

(lentlemnn of fortune, thi* ii a very rlenrBble eatvbliahtiient.AddnssT.J ,this office._TO LET.Well-li«hti*d ROOMS, with or

without Stewu Power. of ar.v titn. InqmreofC. M. SIMON'SON. No. 181 L. w *-B.

ITH)LET*.A larj. . Boaseand BUMroB, logetberJl vei'liB large tm** on the snme lot, known ai No. ¦_.">

Bioadway. E.-i tanae* iiarticulan laaydn of AARONHARHMAN, No ]U Mnll.-rry st., 4 doors below Grand it.N B.- None but a good nnd reaponnhl.- BBBBa. B8M apply-Pnm-ision giver. on the tirat ofMay next.

Ucol (-State for Sole.A FINE COUNTRY RESIDENCE forl\ SALE-ConUtmng fron tliree to thirty acrei ofgood land, wbirh wtll be divided luto three, six, t»-n. titfcu

ncre lota, to .uit purrhaaeis, or aold all tngefher, 2"! mil-*tr. ¦¦ N.w York. in W.-Btcheater County. < of a mile Iromtt. N. v. >i ...k iiiiri Naw-Hatl ii DBpM, I ol a mile Irom theVilllge Churches, Srhools. Poit-Ortice, BlMB, and Lnndin..A two-sloiy double Honse with wing, coataiti'.iiK lli roema,Carriwte houae, Biirn. Ice-lui ia--, t'oftl-ho-iae, Coru-cnb, Xc .

w.th an excelhtit water tirosp. ct. For par:iculari andpnc.i, ui'iuue i.t Broadway f'oat Office, ncur Canal-at, R.T.

AFABM fur BALE CHEAP-In tfca townofCUik.tovtu, ILK-klami County. N-w-Ynrk. thirty i'.'.-b

fniii ihe tiiv, roi.tniiiiiii 8i BOea, wit'i n good snd cotive-

iiient iioiise, Barn snd o'ber BMaaaan BM baildiBB* alliiimlv i.ew ii g,.ori weilot « aternear the door; also a yonng¦ -.rliinn orchard For partirulars initnre of S. G.ACTON, No.M3 B .....Iway, .-er. of Amity-«l : JACK-4GNCi.liSA. 84th-«t, between 3.1 a-id Itb-at*. 1 CHRI-1'O-l'HElt WALTON, Fordham, or of JAMES COBr-A, out) e prem.aca.

AVTLLAGE FABU Ibr BALE..For aale,ari;oiini>- the villaceplot ot Waut.un, a Furni roiittiu-

tafMeacra* Baid tona m eaaahto af aiadmiBi ai j1:v, tboiiBOiid bnabel* of grain. and of keepina. auuiiner audw.i.i' r. 10 !.....! of horaea an.I caltle. The vill.-j.iol Wau-j un aaaaaha uU.ut:«; tobabiiaata, ia thilitaf, an.I aa baaVtliy as i.ny |i'.:..i. ot Nwr-Enalaad, There i* a Bafliaaduuvv beUoiaa within ooa nail.o4 aid bn* arhieh arilliniu.iii.te with Uosioii ai.d Ntw-V..r\ Fiflv tniles of il i*

t_] .i-tid ti- la mu.lv lor thecars t'ua fall. Wh.-n thia lUil-roa! in ooaipli tni. which will l>e to ihaaaaafl areeareaaraaersoak-avuif Waraaacaa aaaah Baatafl <-r N'ew-^orkinfoiit idi.t Iu.uib. BaBtataPitoaatotoaatadher* mbiBberaL E..r aarttoalai* taaalra, l.y aaail ar allaaafla, afEAUNAM A Sl'MNKH, Wa.ii.un. Fond du Lac County\\ iaa u*in.

ATLANTIC DOCK WAREHOUBE, Ko. 4<JMi laaatila Btock, Babjeta ta I18.0M mort^tage, will be

C. bi i |cd toi |.od* i-i ibei pwprrty,BRONSON. KNAl'I' J. I

Re: 1 Eitate *nd Pn.p. rty Brok. r*. Nn 116 Broa Iwiy.

riRTBTAL PALACE. Ml'UUAY HILLV> and F1ETH-AV. LOTS 'o- BALE oi ta LE |t i , ,,-ti.i. Bta ano ub.« AIb... » aaad -o parahaaa ¦ rJeaaaai .. 1 0 "r ..:. By tawi I t.t-patt pavm-nl IB he uowle in

bM.sr-jaiatii.1 aod other niecl in.c.1 work, Inqaire *r

W M 1 LAWKENl E'8 Land Offic., No 8M8tlhM BMBBBha

1'AsT MdRRI8ANIA VILLAGE Bocob_-J uitUUt Itar.road.-Ahi.ut l*_UUyet tor ail.- l

tn j.t i. i.i ito.aaad bahaaa a.o» fl f.'rc tha .'*th March.II rbeea toM waaiij a very h.-altht aud beautitul loc.i-t:..n, neai laidiu IW11 ta*. (¦' :lie E*»t River, aud to tne uu-

m.'dikte vii.ni:v ot tbe naideiuea ef aataaaletjka*****w. altbyaBd n.-jtt.ut.:..citiaeaaad ,-\ .'. aaaCuaMj

tnhn * » nh.ii a i]!i'irter nf a mile. The MorruamaBiaM h Railti.hd. already hu.lt. j.nsn-a thiough thi* p_>|>erlv;B-_k._M Nevr-R.-c) ellc nnd .-".-.. "'. v Lue ILulnxld, wllichh.-ta le. .' ed Will MBItbiain j.iiv." S. vi-r.il ura now l.'.-!.!ii*. ai.d lota*raj.itLy. Dataaoe ef tha pr r< rty Cromthe eitj aiaa une..

Tiil.- inf.ct. Eoi mapa-ad other tofonaatioa apoly to D.B. W1NTON, No.i Tryt.1. low, uear Harletn R*iln«dOtl.ce_Ii^ACTORY PROPERTY i..r BALE ta

BBOOKLTM Ato~a,*Bb*uat-lfraaaaB-i__a»,l 8leet fll g I v l.i' lt. tt .lt oud tive Lot* Ot Orouud, BtBBtaion tht i i-iut r ef lla'.ti. at. audllogcrB-it, wiihio a few uun-

ut> a' waik ot (he Be.ll. rd d*ix-t ,.' L >ug lalaud Railroad.ai d the trnii'iuiB ot Hedford Im* ot ataaea. 1.mt r

E.ii. verv tiven nutea. A liberal aain.iul can reai du n

b.:.-. r.ixin ortgtve tor a trrmof yeai* Apply No. _» Wil-l:aii.-Bt, up itairi.

I*(>K BALE-Houaa aad Let, No 85 Rooae*tr',: Bl i.cbiI in'hai.' .» I..-' -'-I't tB! BM, llniiae o'j

ilie iTont.now leia tt r $XV. and can ba nnjmived btaIl.L lia* nn lha rear Teim* eaay. Iuijuire of JAi. W.BAliKEF, KB.8 N_a*u.t.

""(.'K BALE.-laaaa aod Lol iu lt"t_-at. about|M fc. t caal nI'Mut teaaiit t*t k. lliree .l.-ry. attic, baae.

mm nt aud tountirt.llal I'r-U-,. u .t> r, but ai.d iii'.il; taa.B1..1 a'l tht- n.i^'.eiu ,u.|irt.teui. uta i'eriiM. ea*. A ,;.|y tu

t BB1TT, No. i-.v_:.t. E FORD. No _BWaaa__,fiK-iot Haaaaaead, ai Mr. HE>TER. t>.i tlie preuowa

J.)K SALE or KKNT.Tli. MONTOIT.Hi'l *1. al Hav_ns, N. \ , B. lha CBB-BBBB Brauch 1

the N Y. aud Erie Rai'-rvad. Tbe t.u. Idtafl .« al bt ck, withBuiie baM-nieula. lt ia not oaiy ibe 1 ,el tiaill. but t.ie laotlaajaaMialj fainlabad aahhc baaaa to tha aoutbeia :Coui.U. *. 1". v. iii be tully rorapleted and readv bl ..

tiot, l tb ot January To a good teuaat, iherent wUl be reasouable For furtber pan.ciilna. ln.juire ol

OHARLE*. COokE. Itay.ia. N i

FlM.' BALE POBBM on _h. east hii.l w,-*ttiaa* oi Ba cut i«i .»Vio. LVav. 8*,-ajju,i|7._».

A fir»l B*a llouar hrit * eoiiijurted at v »-.> M '.nearthedrj' t, niv 8mbO Ten Li ta on ibe iiaav . at a ->ar-cain il app.i.il lot BMM Cily L ta, andonr tboaaaad \'il-la.» Lol* Bt aJl ',-ticea Ata) a valnable Fann BBBI I'lai.-iaeld,N J. ot ob* a» rea, avitable a* a .rutlemeu'a eountrt reai

r>«i re, !".'<*' Tbe purvhaae and aale of Reai Ealatr aud_iu:ii'4 i-l Money alleede- lo al N.) 18 Walla.

FllANCIS J h.1 NNEDY. C.oyetancetand Reai E.tatr Bioker

I**-AKM f«r SALE.A Earm of thirty..atascre* wrll watriwd aad f*ace«l. wuh a new ILiaar a .'.

aaitabto Oull'Uiiuiof* au Orchard, aod weli of ware* at thado-r. ir«t a rl.urck, Bur. and r__4-o8_-e, pleaaantly *taatadia ihe village ef Ameavtlle. 4^ ni lea ftora Boadoat, .

Coaaty, N. V hrtoe |i..-4> Apply to B. W. BROWN.) Mai.t attau HiBrl, No. 133 Faltoti-.t., Nsw-Vort Citv, or ofWILLIAM BCLMF.B. on tbepreauwa

JX)1 SALE-ln Marlein. on l__d-at , -8.80.885th and rUh-ava, twa b__.tiful baii.t'tig lura perf*lly

liee ft. .a tork o* Maaa, each _> feet ky W teet | toche*Ata) oae on 7th av , aear liid al, _v ky 1V0. Al*. io th.

-llUgeol Drannaa. «»miaat-.' nd* f>y *t_a Ha__>n RiverRailroad. a heaut.fui rottaae i.te, '* fm't by |U0. T.rnia ofaale uiade kaown oa ipphcaloa to OEl) II. LOVETT,No 149 Faltua-a , nrar Brwadway.

r\>B BALE.-laWoatafcaal ti CeOoaty^FARMtv actea. 2T m'to* ftom Ihe city A d-a.rah.r ait-i-

BttoB and cwnyei.iriil ',, t . r da Kor partiralar* in-

p ., i NE To.N k HEEH, No IB Park j¦:_,.


FARM for SALE.-That aaluaU.* Farnrkiowioaatb' P.terooo.n Kn."t.." r..:,U

aitnalodinabra- Btb. KtrtmRavrr.ji, tl.e-1". trert aad mau t N -w- l-ra-r, iw >

¦il.fr. I.t tot*. >tha CiiBflt1 eaat, aadv miroaoi l.t,,', I'y of New-1 ,,rt. Tafl

a, .,'.. ii. '¦*"* whn4i I4T

,,-adoi* ,*io.

.nd nf hav. 1 - - l Mfflfl cariaiat of a largeIIr.o.. two D'-w Barn», oni ( I

Blalde*. kr .

Tnn a bhereL roMwaatai .- . .. B "- ¦' F.Btflaryih Bt, or BaaaflB, if df-aired. For fariher infornnatoin, applyia, iha aata. bt ra. ... , ,

BF.N( E A P.FID, N" I Speoar'a Wnarf, Bal'imore.

IX)B 80ALE.KiBO Fo*_iai tt Plato*t d. .*.. J -BtaflOat.at; tarfataac..; 3of l~a4-.:

t M i, *es 1 of I aata. and a Cn* Tmck Faacre. .i:h larte Peat!. Or.liavd and onlv 7 _tiNew¦Br.Mwxk; aa-ot. ..- a-.-.a aOktaaiatow.Alao. Ibree Houae* *7. Uit* .o the Y i:._. . f l t

Cafl ol S. Y AIL, at ihr r_B.a HvoUl, Saturday*,fro_ 10 to

2.other day* d I'la.beM.

I-hOB SALE in UL8TER Col'NTY - AFai-mof ¦ arrr* w'i flflfltai to rai«iu* v* .fanl**,

and r.**r rxrel'rr.t markr'a Tnrrn i* . orood orrnardaodp.nn.a ln psreeaornrr ofC-iior-tiiB

BBd ataaata, Bmoiiyn, in the dmg atore.

170R SALE or EXCHANOE f._ CITYJ. PROI'EKTi'-A fint-o ".a*. FAllM. Bughly t nprovd of\O0acTta. in \\'e.c!iearrrCo(r.tv, l! mile. from thr HaJarnRiver D. p*t at SiLg Su,g S-iid Kann proadaffc tl4-aaibBB-¦rai d.ollar** worth of b*v aunuallv. hr-aidr* a *Te_ o.und-aace ol orraoia. .pple*. «... A lagflfl II .uae. Bara* ha,Btaask aaad Paxra-n. ft, taai.a. alao for aale. 1ne lowat pneefar U.e Fai. ia Eigbt*.n Tf-. ...¦ DoIkoTB laf-nira nfOEOROE McCORD. No 73 WiTBaai et, and SAMCELEDDY. No.63 Wall-at,

J/ViK SALE.A deairable AiwttoTf Hoaata4n+Ut, Na ilCetaathtad *9&JteZJ3B%OWS,

¦¦arriT-dera'baLJ, ortor.'iOMI'sON PRICE.Ead Br-lway.


IOTS ucar nFTH-AV. for *>-."..i'uurlotaJ. 11611 -t i,. ai 5tb_r, f... aale at tho- ab.,v-

ap.litalfiiri.nu.e.i.ata.v.^t'KKAL 1>'I A'l l:.Wrtnteoi to pnrcIoH<f. a

rnirbrr if City Lot*, rlizib'y loeated. for bnildmgpnrt'cic*. Aha to leaae a few riwelht.i Bcaaajta fldtappli-r ... !.-¦.* fH died prrr. tro-S a'npwsrd. and MoneytoL-fl upon bond and mortr-:- et No. l< *$*,.

Conveytncerand R>al E.irate Brok>*r.

PTO REAL ESTATEOW.NT.RS-A 1:1:1:1 ofX t-xpo-r ei.cr an.l ro *p.,i,*ibilitv. wbo*e time i. Bd i.y

(ac.ii l-.l. weadd lakiicka.a d rri.t.ot profaerty,nefotid-ii,g ctiiivf vBi.r.a, '... np,.i. raaaaaabu Baraja. na aadKilkfactorv r. forenee tiv. n *a to el. klflflB -ui a .mty. Ad-

droaallAMlLToN. Uroaoitaay P.-.t-Offi. e

\VA'I ER-ROWER for SALE orto LET.11 Wrl! r-i.'eulxted for locomotive or car bmMir.g

worka, or rflte.- BJAeuflkfl manultcturtng parpoaea. Oaelarce ai.d BPTera! .maller dwellinga at.d orh.-r b'lilding* nn

a tae*. A!no. a Flo-iring Mill. witb two run dfti ae* a dwcilmg ai.d outhon*.*. tog tLer with a quant.tyot farming '.nnd. if nqmrcd. aB ingood etikV, tttBflti I BUh-lnljhciur* of Baa York Citv. ta ra.l.-oad, which pa_.-atl.roii.h thfl pn i tity. li.qti.rc at No 2 C.-d.-*t., N. 1.

Jnstrnction.nOOK-KEEPINO, \VRH'IN(;.Ar.Olass-19 roomaN'o. «f:7 Bn.a.fway. Bflfll Walkcr d. Haara ofiiiatmction 9 A.M. to'J 1'. M. Tne de«ign of " ko«ter'«t .n.merrtal Institute" u to farni»h young gentlcmen whohave ron-.plo-ted thrir geniral cditi ..ti.-L. . we!l aa ad.iltavwbo are arekme incrcantile eKiploymo nt. an op; ortunity ofr.ttniLirg. withont loa* of*tinie, a pract.cd knotrlckeoftl-.at- brancbet whtch are ea* i.tial to aaccea* in the ac;ive

cci;e~n* ot h!c. "tVnting, li.ioa-ko-epii.g and Arithmetic.ar. fiiugbt by Mr. F,1»!er noa *-u:.d ai.d i.,di»pnUole pnu-ctplr*. to the (i.tun i\. lu»i.n ot tb" BllliflfB "»ix or

twetvfl les»,n" clmrlat.iryi aud dadenUareqaadiacharg. the riutic* of th.: cuuutiiig-loouav. iu an exp. OflMflflaad aurafior r_uiner. . . , ,,

O.Lthmen who a;e fan.ilii.r with the deUila of b.i-in aa.

n,ay atta.n t.n. . r Mr. F,»t.r'» matru. tion. a,,

knowledge of Ibe prineiple* of doubk eatry iu tue *hort*j ixc of one wetk.

17'DUCATION..Tbe adrertioorarialua to ro-r.ive to.'T .'iiall bay. to eiincat* with hia own, at

l.ort.r, in ti.econn'ry. To p«rerita, it-t.., 'r-r th. triala of .

bcardiBgHCbflol, lh.eaata ahown by erfta*aflaaaabflfflaexcello-nt opportnrity I" Iflcaffl a plflaflBBl ho'ti- wi''t j-idi-cio'ta rrnr.-.I tu .' phv-'ra! trstning. Term*, iJltJO per au

num. Ad.'re.'-a Box No. _)", Pad Orhc-.

FAIR IIAVKN < LASSIi ALiii.l MATHE-MATiCAL BCBOOL .Tlie n.-il t'-nn wiilc i¦iiin.-n Ifl

oathefijd lViiaijiflj iJ-aflan Tmt aamtaf ofpupikklimittd to twelve. aad tha a-i.oui Be4»ado.ii... nd.. 1 ... b,,i,d ili a i^ieo.i . au iaaire. atoloArteethePriacipeJ d K...i Havaa. Ct,

. ,B. A. 8MITH.

The piin.ipBl. Bt. ta bm n aa lh* three 1 iat flanarDa.aa-brr. Kt Nu.M oM.iirr.v-al baai ItO ><>'.!,ak A BL, or hewill rall on aay ik ba may « iah BJ *ee bim, if BBBBBtfli hyno.tr. l.-ti bb .1 afla

17REE AM) RAPID WRXTING.('laaaBflOflBt- N. I 7 Brafliway, betwe.-n YVhito and YVaiker

Bta, llour* of attciuiac.e, 'J A. M. to 1) P. M. Pro«pect_-

96Tbt> armem deviaed bv Mr. KlHTEIt Iha r.-nilt of 10

Jre.r.' expcnei.ee.i. .imple. pisctical and ettective. an.lenda wiibc rfaint,. to th-. ntt-i.ment ot a tian.i wnting in

wl.it btlit- utii.i..t fjaaie-V l.*i!.ility and clcgancc are coin-

"Tk* eif-rrr-fi.e and capaf-ity o! Br. Po-trraaa t-a-hrr of wTi

l.rif arr»r,},r...-rBllTaiall.,i-,r,t, v ka wb. and hia t-t m-a ila *'*

,. , (,.-., (-, wl, n a-r H .hrted t .B«|.rr ..... h on .|rPM r ,n

,. |] H ..,.-. .. .,.[.... t. kev. i.r,. kagkhi ajavawatId k>r ro"t

,. .. fril a» ln lk,f1 i|l,r.. ... Iiv'v Alvrl.aer." Mr F.-'rp ha« rr.nr!....Tr'y drnK,r,.T.itr.l ip- B1

-- ... . pa. wMi t, .,,- mfmWm ,- ,-r.l. an.l wr ha.r ., . let* on .r» ia

¦an.alaka ka*. I.at*. B* i.iraila., Ikel !... mwthti .« *ta.-r.t ,i,,|. ui,i.*-i,i, l.i (,..:, dta.afl.da . .i

IB.-ar-anJr adrt] .i--.. . '' -'-J..

MISS DWIGHI'" 8CHOOL of DE8IGN,No,.S6!l Broadwav.Where ihe beat jnatru. tion will

U- K.ven u. ti - .rt. ...' Drawu.g a.,d Pamlina. Bt Bo for Bterm of taeniy hflflflBB. Payii.t-i,!* aolvanced.

1 AWRENCE scil'NTII'ie 8CH0OL,1 i HARYAHU l Nl Y [.P.M Pl Ib Bl Bl terni of thisInatitut'.cn will open on llu- hr-t dav flf Mar-.-i. IH'»3. atidcoritinne tw.nty flffltafl Ittatrtictiou by r.-cttation*. lee-tur. a. or practica! exern*e». accord.ng to the nature of the.tudv. will hr gtvca in

Aawattaararay, by Measa. Bond.Ibtpiiv. by .¦ i ('.»y- , ,. i, i, .- i( 1.. i,u.-tn:...r.aM;c». and prnctiral. by Pro Hor.Mrd.Co.Barativc Al Pbyatoiogy, ky Prot YYymin.

-::*.Mafhematica. bv Pn I PlM.mu.:. av. bv Prot < oke.Pbv.ua. by Pro!. L'V.r:..

.,,- Prof A»_*ir.| rtbet inloruiutt..:, .cii'-ernng the Schoo ,appl:ca-

Uou it.ay U u.atle lo Pfoi h. N. HOR.-.I-OR1 .

Dean ol tho Facur.y.

jAIYIIM; Bad Dl.'AWINii.-M'll.. HOT-TENTTNT, from Pana, l.at c etraari.

er re tn Braehiaf, liBa ma. OCei *i ro.irw ot' inatruction intb(*o- brar-ch. . tor v,,- Bfl Bkfltaa Bb* lllta.va. thrti. ..ri

MOND kl.-. Vt b I'.N- BDAl 8 -i.'i PBIDAY8, from io to

13 o'r, o k. at ber reiidt-nce. No 5o0 Hoa-otou-it., coiner

Ot Cro»bv-»t.______.--------............»----...

Donring Oclioolg.

DANCIKG (LA**SK> for I'iENTL EMEN" -Tb. BBB flflO Bt, «,'.OpU-,l ita* a. ot-.li for thfl Bd tl Ba,

i laavefyafrraaflajaaaatal i ...ft r

o i.UaiK r »t «'.v lin.e du.-iit. t,,r arotav,ii L'-**<iu. ou Mnn-oi.t. YY r,it . k.aj and T^, ,.«.iav 11. ui..... OflflBflfl] praoticeof'all t).e .iBiice*. witb * baad of nuuic. o>n Idariay rvp-n-

,, ,-. ,1 co_V.en'e elaaHB aa YVrolnead.y. Tbuivdav and Saluiday al't> riooi *

A DuDWoRTH. No.i706Broa.lway.


afltactiincrTi, Grt.|>()lI.Kl.S'-'n.i.'i. M.-tritif Drnp Elm* Roil-RFei., r.earlv new, to he »<>ld etth. r r.iif.v nr :.)grther oaIflBBiiiablfl laiaa i ha- yv ioielaND. Cje.lting

r. No. 66 Broadway.

J"OK BALE..Ei_ht "cc'inii-hand Iaikcomotivcaad Plue Boiler* aud two new LoComutivaBoilera, at

1 :, h ln L. YY oik- .-,.',.f Cl.rrrv-atPl YSE V MCRP1IY.

rpilE AVERV SEWlNti MAlIUNE CO .A I'att.g coranmtnated their mannfacromig arrange-n rnt*. wt,l. tn a Irw day be prepared to Sli order* ilrevly ,-abaitd. tugetuer wuh a aupp.y i.-r jalflfl A:t-: D.-cember l

..ra! tra.iacr.oa of thebnatDM. of the Con pany wil! be at No ^*ol Braedway. eor.

Mtirray *t aacend BB4*r, wrierr t'.- pnb.-.c *-e tavBai tocali ai'dae- aBaartBg Machit.e tor 0.Ythat wfil de dl kindaol work. trom tl.e Bafllfld can.br.c 88 tke caara at btaai.i.a.

ili be rut. it w..l u tnp aaraaravt M: CHAB. XI PTLETON, No. 54 Wall-i » »¦¦.. ti. thr btiBinr.jf tbr C BL.i ti.-

tbe manta and util.ty of thi* L-aly w ra.rof tbe agr. l'r.ce aflkH 0^3

tTntlfrn anb ^iirbiDarf.Al'si ka Ll A bbI CALIFORKIA

lo(KJ|i> .Ylerchint* Con.peJ.c. k.d Ii.dv Ja_> .*it-tang outB»r ihia* n.rketa taa huda fi..tandco.nplot> ***.rt-

>. H.tiwar* Culaeiy.Edgclifv Pireer.* Ac-Ac, d th. old ataavloll HAKLKS S LITILK. Baa 3Jo_d»4 NflBwaMO

CM 1 l.EKV, Ac .tSf-ta ,,f Iv.,n and l)...i*t>Tthi, »r. aavi Foik* and Kn.ve* nniy Teoa/Tray*, PocatTed

BbcTaj. and Toc.a kir*Sta«i.a. *-, w..c,l-aa e aad retail,by « ¦ I.l'l 1LK. Now . o_dJl Fu.too-d.

C^lTlaERY.-Table and Pockt-t Kniaea. Scta-- *>ii aratl Bavror* au.uMe for Hardware, fflalinaaij aad

Fancv alorr* A .icaaeortmrni f..r «alr rhrafa, to mh aadtaort-ii-e buyri* by EDYYARD DAVIS, fniia.rter.

No 4*1 Broadwav

1?LECTSi>] LATED WARE rraa chasJ CHRI>TuH.k fc Co'a Mou:afactory.-Oole AaTeacr

iu Nra-Yo.k m '

AT (iAlMK C.ITLI.FMOT t tVlAlwoxya on o*ootnoi Id eak a large aaaa rttue at of Tea Seta,

Traya Catadekhrn*, Ft-rka and Bpooaa, and ererytlungal.Kl. be'vo/a lo thr table arrrceAilihrar jo.di ara warranted rnpeiior by thetr artare

oaao. platina to o_y ojfJKf ana. ar

Tkvy e*n bf'lhaappf.rt a v-ry kigh d>gr. of bad aad ber-1 « aayaa -:»»d apThr giuiratiif .-a , Irrrd to tae prabiie tor *ach r|o_htira are

,'acta-rt'. .i|g e*c*l* and tbe oatn* ot CliiU>TOILE, inlal.. wl.t.hdoaotallovr toenatea-i ibor- withotbrr p:»f...ga A OCl'RE. Jag^a:

A IR WABMHTO »n.l VKNTII.tTINQ_ *4YAREH<*I Bm-.dw.y. N- Y.ir...

UHI .-?-¦_, W..BI.D.B -AlB PRIZE ME. U. E.'R-NAll ar re.-el.llt ll!|.r» ,i arid p lt»- A. I« , .:

__1 -£__» af 1 ¦ '.- ,;" '' ''*"" .'¦¦ 1*"*-*.?*"'"....:. - ********* * *"*'"

_,_ | ,,- lt fl a [..«¦.-ii k__-r, » rya "'-'."..

...- c«wtact with R-l-h-i Ir-n ( h.fue-rot beiaa lined wuh HraTy aoap BBB.) H BBM <

___ \m. y li"-... tor t

coil <-r .* ..".-.¦>..aaad Canarta, and nai ai-t witb

' y., _

..... ... -v'..- FaraaeeVENTILATIMO -¦ »VBJ

f,,r »..»lnrri«l. , tI

J'ONJ. -...-.'. Rangea ibi H.'use

.K-.-trr. t.r.-ry tarie-v

Ar.atal.rthe Mirr.-r Mii.-i-and N.w-n.-. \(.i.xrWor4.. (im.M,vr.;."HAui.*»4 v

No. 371 B___r-ray, N-w-i ork, aad Noa II aai >i- - a.


P'M._eni-r. "¦.'- -- t-»~-*,,,, *, tt "-ta c«.poo:.d_ us-d for tbe pro-

' ight ,.,

nve__oni*.ppbed io Silter B-v* Bntarmia. Olaaa,an' oti.. r_.'.e, afLAMPaad hASaP-rEEDERSIb* atvn'rir- o> the ru»liciB B-ftieatorly eallwlta tb*

apr cancT .d thi* prowcfcon ia So-r. Campheae Lampa,

¦.'.; .^hohwe._-____ i~2_L!7_L-__2S_!_.n-ancfartn-en.. N« « Wir.ter*t. B._t~n. and >ew-Yorato O/w! Hc-BEADY. UO. U* Broa_w_y. AUo, B_r_:__Flu-d. ( amrhtne, Ker-.r. fi:,-^c.ihef-_T_i_a c-rr-ira-e'. a bb»__m ta*rantmetAaencre aaftty and eBteiei *T L*-. »*"d Feeder:

CEht 1>H- V i r

Niw-T_BX.Oa_I_.in.W> bat» e-amined f .e p_<>r.t Saftty Laanjad _'-.-

Ft-ed. ref Mr. John New:!. af Bo*ton. aid ar- fally con-

m fhe exp. r.n:er.ti we hat- m_i* wlthl,>,,. hehai obtatned the great der.denitn_ of preraanaatfc. n*kofcxp!o«iveactioa inthe u*e ot _____*¦ fiaid* ia

l__rp* aed Feedera .

Ib thi* *.n-eel we entir ye r -;- :n tke o?in:oa ot rrof.

S-.lrjBaa a_d Dn- Hayi ¦._,_,*-_-_._.iij«u. J(-MN xorju-Y. Prct ot C-emi*try.

UM H BLLET, fr- o: i::-n -ryAl crdera for Lairr-i or l

nth*r Laaya can be altenri, and bave tbe ia.ctyapparatui attar

KATES..A aaporior ar*r*«»rtm.-nt of Gormaa,l A. a:.,4. A::;e.-c__ COBBM aud __M_ *'k*te_ t'.rap-

ped et.d ___._T»pped.s_ .^^^ Nm_ 33 ___ 3,^^s'LEIGH-BELL8..A full ¦aaartaaaBt ti© !oo*e Md farrv Btrapr-ed > B. l

.____.__.I I. LITTLE, BO* -U snd M 8.18.1 BT


T EA tad COFFEE P0T8, 8P00NS,* FoRK** he. JaM aeoaited ttam J.VMES DIXONfc

BO.Ni. Engrthh Britanaia Metal and t\ dC,e. Cofl. a_dTeaPota.Stoy_Bd8BBBrBowto,< r.-ainJui*.C*kr Bataet* Cafleaa, Tut.le l),a*eit Poaka, rrtto,J_P_*ctaud T. * 8poo_* Oil ,»i.d Eliii.l U-bbb, '. Atoo, R .4 . J»i.l U,-o ..!... i. '- Cui. v. iu Tabto De*. -il En.yaat.dF.rka Prn and To. kct Kuitea. R/uora, IciaMIB 8*. aa.

AhaaB_Be__*B_>rtraentol H.u*efuni ahingand Meeaaaaor

H^JMB I^-BMtfclM-t^M^^-^P"0V,r No. a« Chatl.am-at.. ..j.po_le D.y.Bi..ii-«t

Salttinnnbcr Giifcs.


8TEABNS MARVIN,No. 181 Wilai *t. N-W-York,

are the onlv uiak.-ra ef BalaaaaiaB S«te*, witli W i.l»r'.I'atei.l aud Ricli'i I'aU-nt ou.bm .1.


piano-fortes.S?OLIAlt PIANOflw.Tfca fcaotaaaartaaaatrfiii l-iEt.oa ib thu citv can be *een at fhe W'aroroim* ofLINCOLN k THOMPaON, Na 441 Hr.ia.lway, iuc:u,hn*Hallet, Davn- Ci..'»ce:cbi_ted Eol.an Piauo* M uew audmach approtid acalii. ackiiowltdatcdaupeieir to ar.y othet_.»hen.arltet. Al»n, a large varu ty fr)tn jthcrdiBfin-UiahcB

-.. 'i. rk and Bo*tou maker* Gilbcrfi aud other iccoBd-hajid witb ai.d w.thout the -Eohan. at varioua pne.-a.^^

L1M OLN k THOMI'-ON. Ny, 111 l'-._'.yay.RAL-Hl'RY ..¦* PIANCr-FORTE V.ABE*BOOM8 Ne 4... r.re.iHt-ftT. .i.r,-.-d N.r, t1' ve lin.i-

rt Aai-BTBO P.an.'B af >.-vv-\ork aad Beataai -.

ih.- loweat ir.cea. A'-o, .-.'-cond hnnd l'litnol. Pire'iv.e-,htartag ne wuh a call will aot h» ii'ged to b-it nnjei*

.uiied. E. l*. BHADrft RY-

CABBART" MEL0DE0N8, wbJefc are pro-ni.ui.. ed ly the l.i *t judjwaaupenorto all other*. can ba

bad only uf tl.e lota _._. n_. J. 8 Cl.AllK. N,..2dl Ur.awlway,tl.e I'ark.) N. B.laatraaBBBla witli atop* for

Cliuii'l.L-i. A- taatraaaata araaraatad Ba oue year.

tyHUBCH OBOAMB for BAL_V--Obo t.>n-J atop G.-lliie caae, with pedalc BBB five.- j. do.: one

.ecoi.d-haud Gothic case. lor snle low. Baaall i'.rlor Or-gani. _¦ II. DAVIS. No.b7 Macdougal-«./ i 4. II BARMORE of-. al tbeir intnuV « * tnitorysrd w.ir.rooin, No ^11 BleMhar *t. cornerof lli.rlee, ai'aa*ortirent ofelegaut Pivno-Eortcs, w.th tbein. t-'i .i tran.e aud revcrse bndge, aud all other niodcru im-


I& C. FI8CHER, (lato N_aaa ft Fiaeber,)* nisn.ifa.lory aud .MBIBBM, Me 17n Oreenw n-t

corner flf PflB B8, Piaiio-Eortea warranted, wilil rntera.

bii.l.e aad pnieiit tnbe. well calciilalwd lor keeuiu*. iu tuue.Pi u ,1-ri.rtnt.irieJ. reyairrd aodmubanaadN. B .Alao. .Eoiiati Piaiio-Forte* for aale.

ME88B& UGHTE & N'EWTON*, No 89Canal-«t., jn conaciu. uce of tlie in re.taed deiuind and

or.nvaleri popnliSBy of their I'lANO EURl'ES. have ex-

te:.ded thr-.r bM-BBflB, and ure now prepai.d to orl.ir Htheir fnciidi. and tboM ...ifhiiig a aaperioi luatramaflt aaeitcua t. aaaortuient. in plaiu and ornamei.t.-d aaaa* af aaad*en; *t-,le, troin CJ to 7j octave. Sect-nd h^nd Piono* Ukealn exchacge. Bruadw-y Ware-rooiiiB, N.. 1-i

1>UHC«atl___NUFACTUBE__i' PRICESEne ii, vi 7a tave Beaatreed naad .orn-r*, tor *«le

»t |he 1..W..I t"Mt>.fVt!irer'a pi B f". .*'' A'*., <'»e s-c-

OBd-baad Tacttte Buaeweed Titno. hrto.$-88, _B*JUf-Api.lv al ibe manntacfory .>!McDONALD .I BBOTHEB3, So »1 Bowery.

1>iano-FQRTEB..Th. BdmI BBBonaaaai afPlaao Yun- b to tl., citv umy he haad at lha W»n_

roomiofN P. B CUBTI8. No. in Bro*u»>. eaajtoBa|ited America Patoal v ttoaar.d a vanelv of New-Vork and B.iatou uuve, wuh amlytitlout tlie jEuhan. Aino. Buuduiraud .ecoul-itml i'vuo*for aah or to let. N P. B Cl'RTIS. No. 447 Br_-lway

KEW an.I SKt'ONTl-MAM) PIANO-EORTES .We have n..» oa fia-id a large assortmeit

of new aad aeoad haad Ptoaoi tea iale a-id to .'ure Pi*ioifron. 8'B'to 8-Vb. ^or Inre from |i to |HI p r icnntb. NoMBllMdBIJ, New 'Ta*. S._r"EORD V BROTHER.

0RGAN8..Two dogaal Baaawooi ParlorOrcacs. jn«t fin ihi d. nnd a

B. ci mi liand E i..: ah l'arlar l Irz^n. Alao,1.1. l hurcb Oikii .. Eor»..leby

HENRV ER11EN. No 172 Center-B.

I> I A H 0 S.At the lowi'st m:tuiilai*turin_i ru.. t^Bjabaaaaa wi.ui.i .io w.U to aall aad BBMadaa.

Alao fur aale <h>a|. a Vim ti.tr R,i«_woo.l I'ltt,,.. b.-u butlittii u*»d li.qniu-at ihe fiiCtorv No. 11." W.io-ter-.t. nearIlou-Iuu. CHABLIfl CArtll.

piAMOfl t..r SALE-AI Ka. - Bai-k-f-at,M. n. it door to tk* X.tit Ho.i«e, a variety of rj| and 7-oc-lave n*ewi«d P.ario-rorte*. warranted ta nve aa-iatactinali. eterv r.B|ect. or noiale, for ca*:i ..r .ppr.,»-d .»-.-r Pt-ano.onh.re JA.MES THoMMON.

Piano-h Hiir.s,ii.-»' niul oi.i. for __!. ac talet N B.Leaaon* giv. n in .-lng.n. ai.d f:.m vf'orte,*»u*ual F H. NArrll, No. .IV Brootne-at.

m GILBERT 4\ r...'*J PIAHO-FORTBA a WABSBOOHa No 3U3 Broadway. c^rn*r of Au-thony lt.. aecond l!ou- .T. G. k Co are daiily oddiu* tothr rili t.. \l- a*, Ita Bl ut iL*tru:uenU :n their New-YorkMMBfl 1 hey have Ptano*. with ar without tbe telcbratrtd

| .:.. to ,u t purctuaen fr.,iu all lection* of th. c.-.uit, ybo:h a. rrgar.U pnce aud .itial.ty. Tbe .'iperiority of tbe'iririatrt-n» ut* b*a loug be. a beyoud ijue»:.ou, aad a* to tinc.ea.1 (i i. CawMMMBj .:.y.tea";o.op^r._>u tata . u h-'raandtb.ae of any otker uianufacturer in tUe I'uion. -imiideut.ybattettol tbat Irom ibe peculiar facil.tiea uo«*e«-.| by theiathey a ..-Ulnj. all cmiiprUt.ot, tv-.'.md.htndPuui. Btaiei. .li < achauge. or bombt lor caah. A lar.e a*aaaBl nt of aecond haud Piai.oa alway* tu h.vnd. at praieafn ro $M nn I'loj.o*. » ,th ur a ¦:...... :'., .t;.,;i»n, t. 1»>.(iibtrt'a Ii..-.;. r ar Coit-ar Blaaaa, I" r amvil nxiiu*Pnoce'* k Carlaif. .M.iod- oua, al low i.

1IORACE BFATIbB, .>./.-Ageat.' F. HARRISON haa R. move.1 Lia Manu-a facti/iy *..t W arerootna from No 21 ( anaat M No-7Mrr.er-Bt i"t'::f. *t. »'_M* may be louna a .plendM

M.-rtirr.:i vr p.ai.'.|." ..»'


ImLCOAL .The aab-rriber haa in jrania. and it

cooataat.y diacharartn*; all th. varioa. kind* of Auibra.Ciie aad Bituin.uoaa Cual* tia. Peacb Orciiard BlackHraih. leli.ab. L:,rrr«_ji Orrei'. (acoei, 8iduey. «cal' flf tbe »«ry beat ^aabty, deiivered in aand_i._e o_ad tor aa r ..w J AME- L Wl i.TH

tk. Iv mat maaaV TluMMMn,. -.^J *. L._

____?oede.,athm.eat Tbompaou. and __.-«», cur Amrw.Dowa-iowu ot_ce No. VI Wall-ai

PITTSTON CO.-L.-THE PBOOTLTANIA COAL COM. ANY . prapared ta_a__* mpe*wu* White Aah P.ttaoa Coal. of all meea. clram aod in goudorder. aasmhla for ateaaa ahippin* aod ie-a-at* porpoaeatr -.:-. Ha '-_:* or j_- ia Ua* __y, WiHiaiaabargb, aodBrooklya-Th* -BBBB-fB -cthna. are ___] aa to eoa".. u to rta

r .- dupatch to teaaeU ..*..,,, . Ukjm Yark er al PortEwrbPartca'ar atBnart.-a nvea to tha dahvery of Co*l _.r <_.

ar-.' purr>oB__,Apply at the _Bc* oor. Broadwa, aad W.i;.*., _. y,^Weat, near Mortoa-«.; Cur I _h-,_ aad »th.t. aad fi»i of

faMflaBBBBM city Footof North IBth-at., Wi____M_nh.tool of (k :dat Biooklya

t%d /_() TIN-__..t qualitv IV_oh<# *^ **1 » I ir, card R,_, A,b (-^, JJ g .a.,,1 1 ag aiaea al lowe_t «.ke4 pnce. Alao. b*«t qnaUtyS£ troaiwAV"7 C^»'' *«WR * Aath-ay.

0alt*a bn Incllon.hUCTlOlS NOTIl E.-RICH GOODfl Jf_\ PAMILY CRK-F .T-. -( laloagaa aale BJ* *J*

m.MIK'i, rRil'AV, Dee. J4. at i .? o v. *».".- ,

' flfll -. '

cw* Po. .. : '....,., CoOma Bett, Ui-*, Wtttata,Ctune

\».i Tra, DiM-r.-..I Ifl dSeta, Cut Ob*** ralvcwotthytieauenotinof

ritai.rraai _._

A. M MfBWin, AoctionefM\ i,AN(.s, IIKOIIIER a* Co.TraJotajjta P -om.. No ldParx row.

M I!i Y 1 Ek ENI NO. Dec M. at 6 c i

(,iiT B.f» and FoUflCI A nci " Y great ki tjIllu.tratcti u.d 91 A-ia.aa

, r i^3 - ind Poetacj! YY ^ra*. Ja*raiaa*. * -.

A:fc. an a»ao.-TiiteLt al Karcy Article* lucludiu. Pap.er>lacfce Uooflfl, >hcl! Uoxra, Deak* kc.

J^XEinOItV SALE..The itOflMOOJaa) L *t'/*>.'. Sl Mad-Ofhd. w.i! be aiald at a-i-tioni.v 4 J

1 l.KF( KbK,- ¦__ !_*-ttSB?*-- - hj kl-_*_!VtOTICE- SH ERIEF*-SSALE..Will be soldJ> at JenryClv. N.J.on FRIDAY BB*..*-*-. al: W

o'.l.ek A. M-.cn Ce prenal..- ot CUARLES F. ilfelN-

Eir__>8lVwtaa^_5 Or-tu-oa* bta I^^"? J_ffcitirr. lot J.kix!-.fx. Staap. Caauphaa* and gfWt^?-co__Uag ia partil tht- tallowing, vu ^ f.4*"J**. i e aid Bflili r w:th Pipr. .tuche.i V» «*fflUjta Irufl r*uifltnd^anitoihrTAr'.ar^tna. C.p^r B: Ir*. C-P^fC ¦.

d,i«t and Wotxi. lot d ftmfl.Jl.Bfl -.J i>> «

laiff..: t*o large v'b-; ihr- larg. Wtaadkn Ciden-4 two

t--., Betdcai laad Boa»rrtammaaiaaBiiiahadB>>m. tot

d itaty Barr. k ai.d t-ddV. ad., Ioi af aarbaya of Y .t.iolone Plo_:or_ Seal.: .ctof An hracite Co*! n-d-the _i.lie>. rythiag on U- piaBita .- To be .old antbaal taaarro.


IR. A CflttTOB, A'.-rtor,. r

11 I.KMI IDRi EX1 Ul lORS' 8ALE oli m; t. i.r REAL EBTATE and Le-rh-j.,..,, -. >.- ... .1 at Anrtiuti v t*fd TOl tft/tl .*. -80IB0 PAI-HllKklLbY.-',c.a.fd.-COLE a t HILl'i»N wiiiaaiial

tl i o'cl.tcx.at tbe * .*¦*.- New.M OhDA 1. the icih afJflBBfliy. Ub, tne toUow.n.

f ¦;¦ rty, 1 it ^VfltkaBBflBlI racaat Lod »< .':¦':- *¦ ", , ,1! LBcbr* ir, ''"i*l: BBthf »o'a'.h flfllfl et US h »t. 1<> .cet ea*t

° Aveaae'I.No. !84. dn tb- en-t aide. n x: to thfl fflflfl**eastconer fA.aaa A BBd I'.th at,I on th- lotuafoar-

ojrory bmk beear, ou the froniot Uu fet, » Bhrl .bacbafkv~ to er, ann . tonr-aiory rcl honae ia rear, w teet »

icclif» br .- reeti t -1 BBM I UJfllBfl by Ifl tect dcep._ith street-South s-cie, cott.n:- nc ng Ita tcct' :nctic»

etutof tbe;id-av taflta fri d thi IBll B tbbrck b.cuove, 19 by U tert, acd J three sury bnek honae* on

tba rear. i acb taha 16 t. ct. There :a an Bfleyway fraaa thefront ot the lot o! i te.t 4 :nche* which cotuiuunic-.t.-* wita

tbe rear l.oua. * I :i:» propcrtj j loouehold, vv.lh the pnvU-

*%°A\ic\it "no. 378. Kcir *tery bnck honae in front auda two .tory and b«.enicnt Mfll houae on the mg: frouthonae . I feel 84 inchc hy pi teet rear hotuoi ii teet 8| luch-t.lv li ftati h.ibvl"0t.i'tdi..ep.A Aiauaa Na *Ti- Fou.--*tory bnck houae wuh bakrry

oath* frotti.f the lot,'.'l teet I'I luche. by ta f-««-. aud*two-atory and bt*euieut brck liouae on the rear 21 teet d|incho.bylbfeet; lot.l fe-1 yfinchca by llWtcvt.leep.

-t-No.fil. Pouratorv bnck bouaoioutha trout

Ol Ihe li ' '-' bv ti t, et, an.i a four-atory bnck hjuao on tholem. tafcet bv ^C te. t. lot o- bv 1HC t. et deep.

YY k tt-p| .No oO ihrt-« -.torv bnck houae on tbo frontof tb.- lot. B f ¦ I Bt, tnd a f.mi.tory h.ick baaaf oa t..'

rear. 25 by M I -t. ioi M by 1 0 flTflafl, w.th au alk-y-way of" ;' '<','. p't.Ki.ur two-oTtary and aUia* bnck front hoti.va on:,!-i. bb itaiad) thafldeao.oard Aveuue A; .'..tulot MaBbfM dtep Thk arope.ty k laaa hold ....

'.voiur A-Onetv..-»t..rv,u..lalt.c bnck fr .nt bflflBB onAvn ur A, oi. ti ¦ >...: roiofl* ,aad betwa. n .'.1 ai.uod-*u.. lot

'.'I f.rt 5 b.flflfl by CO teet de.-p. Tlu* pfOperty i. lea.-llo'.iFe* inii!-* and f'.ll particular* a* toi temi* kc , applv to

.IA.MES W. YYlliri.. Eoh| , Ho 11 Naaaau-at., or of theAi.ciiinrer No 9 YY'all-it.A 'JOHN McBARRON. 1 Execatora ...


sWtt.i.iAM IrviN!.. Aiictioneer.

PaLENDID BALE of l AM'Y G00D8,.O YYIII.IAM IRVINO -Y: Cfl w.ll aeli at .luction on

THL'RBDAY, I>er. Bk, and FRIDAY. Drc. 21. at K>ioc.ock, at Uie UallBBBB* Ho. Ifl Pme at., neir Broadway, a

apUnoiid-aiitiiient ot Fancv Oooda, .unable for the HjIi-dav. Farku Marble Figure* Oronp*. Aniinxla, .«.<- | uied"ttrTit B...I ic'Vc BctJ, trn* 1 uettl.* YY .t rt.

Cak.-Badet*C-tor*. P.pier MacUfl Oooda. YV ork t ihi.*Work Baa.. Fohn* ln:.*t.And*, >cr'..-.;a. ic. h-Aatit i iv

inkid BB.ea Marbir Uoadfl, F- -nch C'.un... B-'^-'-y."aaa War,. tfBfl' -h Crratal. C it Olaa* VVare. Bbflflt*0....'a Chiii.M (Jo.,1-.. ac. Th-v cau be BMBniadl ou

,.I.y. 'Ibe,.!t. i.ti.,11 f the Ltvlie. uieiue.cd.

SHI'.RHT'SSALE. Bj virtue oftin execution". ..p,tt,i aai deHvarai, I arUl aaaflflijwflatafll

...!,., a..t,ot...... MONDAY, Iha nthiai flf Daefriiflar,Ib__ »t l.'o'clopca, JYL. d th« MBtlbalf ol t.ie ( .ty tlail. iu

tbeCityd Hew-Yorit. all tli.- ng.-t. titlo aad «»t-r.«t ofISAACO COI RSEN «hich be bid an tba l2th.lAv..fOrtober, 1r.s2.or d aay tiaaa fltaae, ta naol to tta premiae.¦j-waaanaraab.BM etB*t,talhe Cuyof Kaw-Tflrk, ta-ui). a I'ait ofthe eatate, oif Ahiahain Co.irarn, oJeCoflBBBfl, BTUfl.i. ui.i -.i.a.iUr tl..- Bi-p.iit.-ii.iu.»-. ihefaaata b kN-W V 'k' N."'Kr' "

THOMAB I'AUNLEY. SheritEWm. B, Woon. Io.-nuty Sii.-iilb


-fnrniture, SZt.

I^l'RM 11'hE.-Will bo solil at B barirain, utNo. .!' Boekinaii-at 0.Bfl and Oouiiting-Ho.iae Deak*,

Tablaa, Cbdra, CaaUaaa, Btawda, Sol".-*, Caaah Be.k,Lflaiia.-a, Bflfa Brda, innbogaiiy C laira, Roacker*. B-ireana,\Y ai.ut.l*'*, Trf.-b-t.lr*, LooA.ng UlaflBBB, Oil Pntii'-iugA,Et niHtu na i.ffla yarda Oil Ctath, .'¦'*» Bedau-ada, I.OOO haif«i.d baak Mattr.-i,.-. { aryata, Feith-r Br.la, parlor andCaaohiBg Siovea, CflflflflpaflBfl Wiue by tiie buket.

/iREAT BAROATJfS in FEATIIERS,U Bl DS, MATTRoBBBKB, Ac^at ColAWBUCfVB, So.>'»¦ (>iBiie-.t, Boc.nd d.M.r enat olEaaex-Jt., New-Yort..CHEAP UaV-Ol_T-RY and FEAl'HER BTortE.-rha¦rttBtkn ufla.iiiite.abo.it purchiuomg i« resp-cttuilr 'nv.tedto the large ai.d benutu'ul _*oniui-i.t of Brd* MaBtraflflafl,Faillaaaea, B, dBteada, Co'* Ac. all of whicii have boenpurch.ed at low cash pnee*. *.I will be aoi.l at tuch pnee.aa to make ll an ir.duc. uni.t h.rall to call aud exatume thaabi-vt- atock BftaiflflB to ii.akmgthatrpuicluac* O io.kte.itto iny part(.l ihe ctj, Brooklyn aud YVilliamnbargh tre. ifcarttkge. OliiBcdaaiu! Mattrt .. ar'-nov.rj aid invdeorer.

W. CRAWBL'CK, No 33S Oraad-»t.,2d door eaat of E**ex ..

Copcmncrel'ip.DL. ROSS A- CO., CommiaflioB .Mi'rch.ints,

. San F'Rk>. 180 o. (a. 11-i.k.ma; bvOBS. fALCON'ERi c.. Ka W4 ra.il d. Itaw-Yark..Ttoaaoj.d4*_*a ',*.»er.teted inlo Bco[«r.rti..-i>li.p. aool wiil co.itiruiH thflCaaa.luiaaiot. bnaii.taa ui C.li'orin* BBdtf tlo- alvle an.l tir-n ofI) L ROSS A Co (a. .fflBl rlv,) San Frauckco, and ROSS,PAI ( <»NER ACo. iu Nftv-York.


Mr Roi.a baviiig juat arrive.l f/o.o San Fruicia,¦¦>. whrrrfor .rvrrnl yr«.a tir le.a been "l.iiiig * Co'ii ii.w»ioii loiisio-aa,aad bdag eanvrraani with the iiiar.rta will loe happy ro .<-.)

anol rulvtar with rtli.|.po-ra who may ferl diapo-wd t,o makecuaignirent* of ni.-rcl.at..iiae or veaael*. Ifl ratLClNflflflwiil redi. k Nrw York andgive Iu* peraon.i artrnti ,n totbe irrrreat of fonaignors, and'-oiifrr with f'ie-ii in r- itiotithereto. Ku>S. KALCONF.lt k Co,

No. bo-l I'earl-«t, between Wall aud Pine-at*

DlSSl.lLVEIi.Tliis ilav, bviiiiitiihlc.ari.'nt,thetirm.-f SFA.YIAN V WlLLETTB. A.'! peraon*

havrng elaima azaiuat the firm will aend them ia witbiutde-ky. at No. 21*0 Weat ifld-d.-Dcc. il, 185-

VOTK E-Tlio firui "I A.MASA L. CATE~_c11 Co, Furniturn Dealera, No. KB Canal-d., k thia dayii.iituaily di-eolvrd. A. L. CATE A Co.NVw.tork Doe IY, 18A2.

Profcssional iVotices.

US. FASSI'UIMS for all parta of tbo. w-'i .1.indi»r>rriaribie to traveler.^.ta.ned by

J. B. NONES. Notarv. No.6ri Broadway.

aj!\ CENT DAGUERRE0TYPE8 - Theratr*-9 grrat. .t improvriiif nt of the age..RRES k Co.,No .' Br.-adwaay. Lav.-. ta a iatr Oeruian procrae and ma-(biii.iy. weated * revnlntion in th« art.a nrw avatem inpiriure-inakii.g.by which they take hundred. dokliv lorooiytw,, abiliii a.-

fnoneTj iDantcb anb to Coan.JK-'i'ifll (\(\(\ TO LOAN on BOKD,m? -*af\!.\f\J\P MORTOA'oE or REAL ES-l.t Ib n tbiaCitv m «am. toaait applicanf. aod 04-"**)u. tbta iBata at.rtaa c-.ty. Apply ui\\~. C. HOLLY, No. JNaoam *'. 3d abeve YY'alld.

.ft 1 ( 17 (\(U\ T0 i-OAN-Ou Boml and>P M vf . .yjyjXf Mortgage. in auu. to *uit appli-Caiiil.. Ni.ne bot tboote ho.lolini firat r!a*«apH.- .ntv n^-ed appiy.


IU III ill TO Lo!\N-In partor whole,J V.aFVajr for bcui ^^ Mortgage on New-York orBrcoklyr. propeity.Oo.Cxi waiitad ou a farm worth four time. the amount,

rsar New-H.ven. Ct., lor which aiiberal bonu* will h. paid.Apply to TLCK.B k CO- Red Ea:ate Broker*

No. .0 Broadaay. np «t*ir*.

Clotljing, &*%PAMIIONABLE HATS.-EIi'itant, Fr.*i.4.hJ. Siik Hauat fl**-|l lea* than Broadway oneaa. NedH.-atotttdu HRiMYN.

No. _8 Canal-d.. one door froui Sullivin.

IMXE FURS.-MO.N.VRQUE, of .\o. i^WBowery .aoucita tiie pdronaga of 'he ladioae to hia nch ani

eleorant atyle* ,.f Far* eoropnorng m part of Martin, Mink.F.teb, Linx aid bwrdtan Marrn Vtctorincoa, Mitfa aaiCuffa Savryonr titoe and money aad exatum* our onoc*bef,.r- purehaamg altwwber., ou tbe old e*t*bli*hinent, NaZtt Bowery.

TIIE BE.ST PLACE to ir,et MEN"« aodliCYS'CLOTHIN'O, i.aoiy nuvkormad.. to order. u

d No 81 Fu'ton-d. At thu earabldi._-ut yoa wiil find alargr BBkortii.rut of taai.ionabk naiy-mvle Clolhlng, akoa¦plridid aaaortotent of Oood* which will bn rn uie to ordrgla a dyla lloau cai.ot be flflflfljflaBBA No. Bl Fu.i- n at N. T.

/ M NNY C_iOTH.*-M balik, CalcuttaCloth,VA tbr .da by 8FOFFORD, Tlia-ftTON k CO . No dBcutl: *t

-joli-a« fjr.-.n...| x\; I'Ll'.AV' NIOUKRENOLEOi Or,1 ' t i.in iTBB I *r. ot *.i>-.>ever w «a a pr*_ara»M

1 i-i- !'>... rRJtSEBVIN . aad BKAl n. YI*4.j.i.-HAll ad lo the pabli* wuh tnota tU-afa m

___l. t .aa DEBAY 8 Nl >_K.R_.v 1 I O Ol ihe th--o**r_U who b_te a*>

ina, the Erwjt :.?<>" a:- in r < ton saiatiai .ad a; pr tatio-k I .>.- ¦

,t*j"r<ia:din.trryi_*«a_-9 h*.e txaeSca* r.a '.u kaeaol taitied. Kiow.iK. ttem net _*__*.. tkat B to * dead.,.»r, tn ii* rairi-r ll ¦. OB .'c*-*"<- " _*. __.*¦ ?¦***»ai.d :he hbla -u ihe »__..Bt_r._* |*-_ry Lady and

,,.- _.r w; f.n U> tb. Fropn* ..

uvari.bly a__i_-d them tlmt N...n._. but ,U intnaaw-- ald utui them, ov.r th ir ..wo »i_nature_. ta call

io ;t a* nn artic'e worthy of ,i.iv.r.t. pattMMg*Ot tbe vr.maroua Leltei* r-o-irei the Propnetor. aalaet

ut. aad Leara "_» Tirade* to Km a h , aanieea-r u-i. u aud iu.. -. i.: m t. n*t: r a Kv r, ,.. u-.o.-j:rer-OL. will. 'Ih. f.r*t Letter thal tha rmi.tietor. »tr_-

ducr u Ihe from Mr*. Rver*on _

>.a-aaaBJ..Aa* 3.1*4 loaeoei *******,o ,"¦ r ««II8M».y*MM*ai.aflta a\^**m******M tim .k.a.,4

haa. ra _i I^-y ' «__,k~M_e- ,.li_y-i -. .t »->_,.__-

- -' '.¦"--'. ".* '.-¦"C». .__*._. -__-*.Ard herr ia oce from Eliaha Ilay-ra:-il__-8B, tm rv.B.r.-T.l >.'. Ib.v*__-n-_.y.»B*

|,r_ re er Mra . .f f.'. 1:;¦*_«. «»d I: fraa me greal l_*»8f. f.rtr_.*wa. ...,.¦ r.-..t> t. k-a b-»h*d*» * ' <-¦ - .

,i__.r-lr..ll ..._.n.vltr_l.rk_rkrj Ibe I*'! _* <.*<.: '. k.w.aalrraJn.d.. a.Ue._ Jal _.-.*! .1* fh.*"- "« ^__*"**__ ****" __,'tj J *!»*_.d r, m th» reaat'k. ¦ _.' _BBw tke _* Jaa '.)*«.

y ¦:*-,* ..It..*. ii*..*.

N B-Or.l.r* will baprornptltai' v : o l-*.l t.t-. -.. he p_a'jai_, and ad".lrr**ed to E D.'.BAY,

mii \o l_8N*aaaa-M-l nton HviiFar aale bt ihmMAS J. CEOW*BB. BuBtaeOaf, No. VW

Broadway, X FBENCH, _ooki-ll*r. Nj. 188 WlBMB_B,Hall, «-d BuiImBmb gemrally; al»o by Mr*

HA"i r 8, N<* 175 Fnlton, nor Na_**a-*t-. Brook.'vn.


Ai the old BataattaBad Store. of.QDIBI k BROTIIF.R.

No «_" Fnlton it.. BBl No. IS-" B.wery.Gi-1.1 I.ever Watche* fall jeweled, |«GcM D.tacbed Levers, full jeweled, ._>Oa .' I.< I"i ."»- OBB ho'.e jewcied. ___

W att hea of mn*l cel.-l.rated maker».Go.'d .'t wrlry. of the ncheet kiud.

CeM OhaBB, af an kmd*.Silt. iwaie i»bH'i'. ihe prideofour buai..e**and weared..

tenrtned to keep the reputation ot icllua th« beat 8ilt_r

T.-» S.ts. I-B-BBB, Forks. Spoon* ki.; Cako Baaketa,Waiier* Ac.

S. k B.'* facilitieBof receiting foreign too,U anJ fnn.our own manufactpne*, they at* enabled to aell the abjta

g. edBM low a* can be bought. Our rule-warranted ea

r. prvaentcd ; Caah only and cheap.

ii OLIDA- presi:nts-.'oui)ANA ¦ MOTT. WATCHMAKERand JEWELER, EBab-luhrd raa,

MOTT P.ROTHEHS, No. NaB»nn-_ Succeawta,ofl'er foi *ale an raCfUBive aud beaut:ful aa^irtiuent of richliiod*. iv.-table for tbe approachmg holiday*, coiuutiagof¦Ba Wiit.iie., oi the l».t itiiiker*; Jewelry of all kindianlof tbe ucw.Bt deaign*

DIAMONDS,in Ritig* Tii-* _c in every r_r_.ty of *ettiug. and

IflMi HLTKI WARE, in all atyl««.

JTAYL0R fcoga 10B_BM__B-B tiiat he hsaa now r< ady at

Ne :i:i7 UltOADWAY, flOI-aiM the Tabersnacle,Al uuusually large atock of all kind* of

FREM'H EANl'Y HOXK.,¦ o N B 0 N N I I ¦ 11,

Article* for Chri»tiiia« Tt" ¦".

-ONEECTIONTRY. Ke.kc.riam Caudy iu baga, Cryaulmed Ei-nt, Puriague*. Al-

BflflB-, Crcara Droj,* Vauilla, Lcmou, OraiiKi-, Violet aadOath* Altnond", Pineupp!-, J Hy, Orange, Gu n, CorJialCi tl.e aud Drai.dy Dioj-a. t'h.i. ol'vte Praluie*. kc


Bird En poriuin* No 18 North Wi.ntm and oraerofFrnikforl and Williaui-'ta '1 liey ahnw at preaent th..rertt.Bl and inoB' varied colleetion ever exhibited in thi*co'iiitry. I.miiea and g» utleiuen are rvapectfully invited t.call nnd leelh.Bi.

AclinicK BELECTION of HOLIDATPBE8ENT8 BWt te foand st the FAIR of tho LAD-

lis1 i mo.n aid -OCIETY. to ta heldMMMiayeBflaItf.il. from Dee. '.'l«t to .'Mb. Purcbaiei BBM be made oa

tery renionnll. t"tn'i. I'erionsare solicitcd to makeibeirpnrchsie bere, bi the proce.d* tvill be aiiproatiated to-_a-d th' etrct »ti ot a building for the aged aud uitirm oftin M. E. Church of thi* city.

AT llif NKW-YOKK L1NKN HALL maybe had iimBt uaif.il und acceplable PUESENT. ta

Damasklable L.nen and Napkins, in imm.nae variety afijuniity aud patteru We haye tha cloth th.it gaioed th*aold n.tdil x the WorldV Fair in bMtae. laat Juu.i, and a

f, w i eurly equal lo it in .juality, with ihe napkiui..) maUlvWebave Handk.ichiefaiu ull <|_kulie*. plain, eiiibroileredand pr;nt«d hoiileii. I.eautifully work 1 Sluil Frout*; aud,iu tact, an endl. m taii. ly of ino.t u*-ful Liuen tlooil* aa.t-ahle for pttatulat.on at th.aaea*on to which we .ih. ilal-1.1 tioi.. JOIIN DAVJS Si Co., No. WJBr__lway

CAEEfi for tha HOLIDAYS-Mra. VVOOD,No. '2tn Orand-at, would r. B|*ctliilly infonii hi-rfri-nd*

aud the public that *he u prtpar.-d I.. Biijij.ly them withthe choical Cak.a fi.r tbe Hohday* eomprtoiag Plu-n,1'oLid. Citron. Almoiid.Ciiirauf. Bafafa, WachingtoB, Ltdj,,*t|. i.e and a'l fancy article* iu tbe iine.

( »ke* c«r< fuilv I.-'eda. d Oniauie'ited.Ordera for Holiday, Wedditi* and nlhrr Par'iea. puncteal-

ly atteudrd to, and aent to nny jiart 88 tne rify free.

Holiday Gooda.India Rubber.

DOLLS! DOLLS! DOLLS! BALL8IBALLS' BALLS made only by Noit-York Kiabai

Coii-pany, rdiiB.Btiug of a great variety ofINblARUBBEB DOLL HEADS ol all *ixe* and ofFL'LL LENGTH DOLLBaad BALL-Sin i<reat tanaty,

tu:Bnt Ball* all sises.AralBBijue I'arlor Billa, all life*: will not break 4laa.h .ii .y color Ball*, all a:/..*; will not break glass.Liiidscape Balia, all (izea (brigIit color*); wtu uot brsM

glaaa.liolden Balla, all aizea; will not hr A t'.aaaTtieee Balla lex.-eptmg the Bat Hall) ar* a n-w anl beaati*

ful article. u.tei.d. d lor I'l.tlor and :ud.-or jday and no ptflot ahould be wilhonl them if ex- reiae*an«l healt'i to wiaflr

i.l.le. Soldat reUilbythei'oydealeia-eneraliy.kytha d.,/.. n at all the Rubber atorea aml whoieaal. 'I'oy hoomtBBdb] the cure ot.ly *t the depot of the compauy, Ha.4d Msiden-lane (up stairsi.

JjTU)>W____- for the HOLIDAYS-AIho, forBndal and other Partiea..Tbe mbsenber otferi foriala

a large aud rare colleetion of choic- Flowet*, taaief.i'ly ar-raig. d m Bnqueti. tan.-y Baaket*, iti.auc Sunda, ('Inaaaadoil er Vaaaa, BUitable f.,r Holiday or Hndal I'reaeut* ta-H|aatbet witii ag. u.-ral a**ortineM of MttolM to bia BB.

T. DI_MLa_r, _eedai._u _..i Eloiial. N__H llrotdway-

OLIDAY I'KE.SKNTiS.-iJUEAT MAR-GAINS..Laces, emlrmdered and faiieydre** Caraat

W ARNF.R , N... I_J Bro-.tway..Einhioideo-d Collat*.C*|»e<, Cbeuiiaette* and Sle.-vea; Er-nch einbrnldered( h« loiat ttea, ti li.in.il w.th laee BBMfM M lualch, terych. sj>. luperl. r. h' Frencb Ciieiiunefte. and lieeveajen*.

[ bro.cer.d Handkerchiefa, great l.ai.tain.. Now i. tn* titne;do i...t_W8it till the be.t are aelected. Pointed !ac*and rao»-.ii. Co!)a_> very low. No. 4u5 Ilrosdway. *bove Walkeret.

HOLIDAY PRESENTS..A larjjfl aml vnli.able awortn.etit of Wat.he. of the moat eel'brawd

BBBhai..eeaatoBa.efCaayar.Pytoa,M J Tobia*_Co.,and R. k G. Beealey'a Levera, in heavy hnntmg aid open-face ra*ea, (iold aud filver I .fent and Detached Lever*

BBB, *C A)*o. anpenor independent quart»-r *eroodV .. The pi.hheu diamond pointed Oold Pen* in aa-!.*: or go!d and .t'ver ca*e«. *old only at

JOHN Y. SAVAOF.S, No. W Fulton-B.Watchea and Gold Pen* repaired or exchang'.d.

HOrsi'KEErERS- HOLIDAY (-00DS--Pine Bntsnma and Plamshiti Urns, Corf-e __*

tahla and Dimert hnive* F)*t» d .Sjo.ja* Tray*. Wai ler*.

Fsncy Baiket* Mata. Eeatber Diia'er*. ai.d . *'-*'.!,"**"_'ety M 1 umwbing Uooda. Atoo Skate* Sleigh. aod bieftuTiy* at tbe new atore of SIMPSO.N k Ca,

No. 98 Caaal-at, between Ortene ai.d WorBer.


w< uld eall th* attention ofatiaageri and cilix«oi Iu bi* BA-TENSUE STOCE of

PIANOFORTES,wbicb, for *up*rionty of tone and workinan*hip, eanaatai.uita***d. Tne*ub*ehb« havi. g pur.-haa.-d the entut*taL.iabtuentuf th. late weli-kuown tir.u ..f

DUBOI8 k BTODABT, ^who were enga|ad for more than roary yaaai i. "J***Citt. aad whoie reputation i* lunre favr *ably kBOwalB*,auy otbrr tirm in Au erie* __

Tbe PIANO-FORTE6 offered for aale by th* *»_*«T_.re hii e from the very beat aeaaoaed matenal* *******a.i the laleat iDi|iov*inenf», Arched Bottoin* ke..- A»\ *warranied o. atauii tb. tarioa* changeaof thi*e ,rll*_*>f!'rare m*de with a particnlar referanee to the CALlFd*..*.OBEGGN.nd ALITRALIAN MARKE.8.

EXTEN8IVK CATALOGCE OP M-8IC.S C. JOLLIE ba* purehaaed the antire ttoex ot u*r~l

with the eiteuB-ve Catalofne of Doboi* k vV*rrio"r. aaaDaboi* k Stodart and alao that ofJotejk 9 *%**% _ff_Blogether. the largeit aad mo*t beaiufol B8BBBBMB8IBICnitr. Sui'« and w now prepared to *opply all oiaa,,wtbe mo. LIICBaL TBBMS


An .- riaut a*sor__-nt of the followiog 'n***_ln,_JJ_.bacd. of whicb an c-'iniiied guarantee m ,nru~* J^^fm*Harpa, Itonja* Tamboannea, Vio oaceilo.. ClanoajB*T' ra*. Tenor Hon * Sax lluni. Vio:ib», Tmnb*e*im»> ^^cordron* F.ageoleta. Giurar* CornopCB* fc* .,_.«¦JOLLIE't* PIANO-FORTE LOAN C'>M?_^!__o_.Tbi* b:gh.v iuceraat.illo3.r_ny a now ia fall *t**mm\\\Tbe pabhe '«:t_*tioB ia calfed to the .~T*~w*____p-Tbui a.'.v pe.-ic* l.it becon.e the ownerof **r,myzv.xm.

ano Forta, m vaiue froai lioeto QWO. payng *__*__;__,aallmerta ol onatweilth part of iu ralw. firy >^***"*1_..'Piaao-Fortea. aad yay the balanc. ia hke _iB__oi»*B**"'*oae-twelfth. monthly. ._,.

tW Piaoo- Forte. for hir.. Every Inrtnimect tom *. *-"

totabiudtnient ia warranted. w yBAMl'EL C. JOLLIE, No. 300 Broad*... " *

MUSICAL IN8TRUMENTS for PB^ENT-.-Th. lutaenber would i*ll attcaO.. *****

vert larg* Stock *o lutUhie for Holiday Pro^inl*^<^*._J|f.of MuaiC B*x> * in roeawood and plaui cuea, w tb Taiu

na., Piaa. Fort* and cymbal atta. Iimeuu , Gui **»"" .'*a«yl.. of t.tnah elegant Arcordion* _nd Flutiua* Yamx vaaaa, Violin* FluU-*, Fla*eoiet*. Drnm., fcc , fcc- .. _,"^EDWARL BAACK, No 87 fa'itttareU