Bmamin ■■■^yTfte Tlmes-News : andynlleaPressJnlertiaUw A ppoint —cA jB g ___ jurtgft tMuwt'fl reapportkm) _ _ b e r a ^ Jhft Irffllio Legtel > creating Beven large “Qoa tricts. ~ Tbe plan alflft redraws ^^3yBRPCEi0TCAT— ~ United t ^ Interaatkp ^ . BOISE - Legislators fi — paHia agrwa F naayg reapporUdu^fenr' declstai _ sevrajnultlHCOunty districts - nates against rural voters, : tbe federal CoosUtutkm an certainly will be appealed. But doe of.-.tbe ‘plalnl challenged tbe Legislature’, districting law baDedTIrs _^Juflge_Dar__Co^well'sinil "great vlcti:^" forldaboan! And C o g s ^ said his t i o i y ^ t plan aatlsflwl bqtb '"fng'pcKinty boundaries; w .. ensuHng roughly equal popu ^ ,e q^J^^y!to^^yoe. ==rLawmakera-weteeq>edal] ; of tbe creatloo' of seven ■-new senators aod 14 oei members would represei county regions. ... o "TwlnlFS^^^^cted voter ~ centers ” as Boise, Twli LewlstofrMoscow aod Coeu _ Women also protc»ti 4ieagai By SAN DIEGO, Calif.— P ___ pQlitieaLbrah_nre_0et_b enthusiastic, partisan audl - —ecoaomlc-raiewal-ts-more - — T— Reagairtoon inrat^ btfdte about 300 RqwbUc _ _jjQOSeQ£a)Uit&JUKl^EdBiiLJi Ao estimated 400 dam women, marched In |Wp|M spote. ^ R eiw ^si^ he bM pm , . isMa.coQoer^^ R^UeanpartyrRw . -V _____ ■, ... ^ 78th 5 reapi^om lUonhf— -yent tpuntk -------------- tweentwodl ijtgt District —Tbreo of t tfinm«^t pifln—:bera— ^ope i^slature {O' 'Xrom a Qoatlng" dis-. prised. of. i , . . • coiihtte. — iWB e3(»ki$>^ . Judge Dar . ~ ^ 'd domii 0/.. • elections. ---------- ■— Intbeelgh I from both southern IjU & 'judge's' ■St6m~^ on creating__ Buriey-Rupft cts dlscrlml- any election. 'Vust.uios andalinosl eleclteitaal . - , wtthjusttliei a l n t l X f s • 'IbetiwiWi ire’s those cbuhtle Trst-Dlstrlcl— socl^ cooce ruling.as ja cepts,be s; •ans. problem' wi lis realtor- around thjestj opulaponaln —— ^ ------------- 3liat’8-wbere daUyxrltlcal_intbeSun(«ai en so<^ed_ Sen. LalH ] oew House whldi I b ^ esent multi- appeal proce . .^'...er,waspotun •lers in Vln . Falls, - bunch of balo leu^^’Alene doUbts the. !»teci Reagan in W aehln iirbattl ER-' ---- ------------------ - '-President-Reagan, fighting t by a former aide, told t udleoce of women Frldao^ Uu ■ore-impatant-lo-womeft-tba U ir“'B S a B r » jm nniii«! bUcan .women, most of tbei SQonstratOTs, mgpt* of tbei «st outside Ibe hotel as Reaga aved’tBrroeW egm fi^]^ r oaeuein[i,'n]H)ortiBUU(» an on'ltf'B Is’jrtaod oo qieSfi a. :. ------ i wftfnwiJTihrt »> an told f Western Republlba _ h year. No. 239. Q ffltf onmoit boundaries to pre- i Qtles-froot .bplng split.'b^ .] idistrids.------------ • \ if tiie oew.legislaUve m em -. t weijtate .senatoLa^^tw ■ i i w .Ooating dlstHct, com- \ ihe eight Magic Valley i ....... ^ ■' h larC o^w ell-^ decided to d itn m stp jG nlnata the floaUng dIstHct Ight-county Magic-Vailcy of Idaho, be said, there are i in 'I'wio Fails and iHe I ipiyt amft to gwnv virtually \ >n. lose two could control the \ Iall of thoee eight counties, ) ienumber,” SUverssald. ; ibie for votera Is:thaf“all itles.are o ^ ampatlble In__ , ocqits 'd r economic . 'cod- }.sald._l!I_think_lhat's tbe .f with Qoterial districts I (State.” llv aasume it (the niltnyHa &e..appea]ed.JC(yJ^. .SUte .p S tly ^ said. “It would have llea by either side anyway. 3re its golng-to be decided, —^ eme Court-’-- — — ♦, id Nob, R-KImberly, called k ‘av^,-very,-poordeiclslon='n upe won’t withstand tbe g, •cess." Tbe ruling, howev- UDBiq)ected,besald._ ' __ aloiMy^..:KB added th a tta J te.. Judy’s.. ntUng . cqn.. fc ilngton, and had tobe'foi Ies polh - =■■■■ ' Women’s Leadershlpl *■ legislaUon to bdp \ aga b(3«8eh(rfds: l_an..... buthelmlst^bteec that poslUonoo’^ i ^ t^ i : (ban— wlU-provide-^biB-p« ---------- ment” and wUl-move 9sai9r“I-thtalrit^me-h h^ g^piyttotsun^tuodi bem i^'ffiiehasta'OTertui afic - mite-towooM end kM!) it R the - Tbtrmmarmoi feap- rs m tm roject a proposal io orde legislaUve elecUon„Uiis fj wfll-rregulre ffia fW o i ’ alignment serve as Uie bi ;i;J^i^^Uvenu^f^— —Idabo - reeidentsr-=wfaOf-< Benewah Counfj' officials happy with the reapporUoi developed by Uie is^ L d n ^ is ^ m .... -^T-^W ^^deral -Judge ruled In a virtuaUy ideoUc — tflflt " f i^ CTjaT wereUnconstltuUonal. Mouse Mmoniy LeadSf mond, D-Rexbur&'praise for rejecting speclaljelecU criUzed the jtidge for tuml ' !*ram very pleased, and —judge-wasrv^:wlse-not qiedal elertloh,” Kahunoi 'telqilnas Ihtervlewr"ir5 been very costly, and no~ have been prqiared for can . Kowovcf, Kammood-ej - R^MibUcans .who said - m tricts would lead to urban dl Blit Bill Kellar.'a COeu “ voterrwho-wasrplalnUffl “ toolrrdlfferenfvlew of thi Ke Mid the 1962 law violate ' CoostliuUon and once a g ^ backed iq^Uiatp ' “ It’s Ume tbe Legislatur -thtsflod goes oatojirtpare .-eleoUoo UDder-.»a-legaU*e Kellarsald^‘'Ii S ^ t .jjrictoiy .for U» c fo rc ib ly Tcriiow 'd'bv p'b itiral 111 JpJPoriTOlwh^^ [I woridng'women aod bei s economic jupgram, raUier U re o a rn n ^ c a ll^ women’s Is jrratestrmost-lnuiMdlatfr^ ivewomeotbetastest” ■ e-tfr-cut-tbrough-the-fog-of- mds U ^ whplelssue,” Reagai rturea to other poUUcal consi •rtddtis««BdiiB-l»-iedude I k eedb^aretbegpeatertsoi pwt nmrty tii <lm..aLj^ R aftijw oniSyiia • , ... . -I . III.T— □quoc ■- W V :4,Twlh falls, Idl ier a^special .The plalnUf faU^Butbe the’.state'* ow. 'aistHct 'j districts uia basis forthe Tbeldabo -along-wiUi-,Ttlon,-Trtilclrl US, were un- Idaho <>>«< ionmentplan none^toct Legislature. '. 'Carswell ________ .Leglalature’ jg g . clslbn Itppeal tn ' , ^ Carswell’s ai" mstrieta tiqoment, fo: 5r“Mei ham- sed Cogswell cUons,buthe ulng to float- DdltiiinkUic iot:to'caU'a~ wdd_8^dina rv ^ d havo I W i ' (O ' one would f ‘ -ji ^ andioacj nwerlal'dls-- v23 idominatlon. .-..n. ii - eur-D'Aleoe -------------- 'finibe-suit;— the dedsi(m; ited Uie state • i X . \ (iiurts-Tiave~ " T T I t * tposition.” ure realized reior.the’84-,: i 'lUUnklt'sa cltlzeDS of jfey-y® R ti ^ By United^ MOSCOW- ^ ____ almftd.at-fla — «y>i|M hft . m r Yuri~Andropi stray more tb BfiSMi Bist^lfoeu -NATOoaUoa Andropov, ------ M08<»W-,-WC ^ proceeds^ - made the pro Uie S a t u j ^ nlstPartyneN "'Chancellor K , (^iinlon polls _mlnatflftOflZt West G er^ 20s. At a oew four-wedc Ai said bejvUI b '' ' mediUm-r^ . Uiere Is' nt Sovlet-Ameri( Geneva. “ PoUUcal -'taken oo'the ' "re'fereooe to ' Uureat. to sta monstratloas, ofU.S.mUitai Kohl rejecb m tfsm — U f1 jih o » o ---------------------------- MANIT.A y studenUUmx Ess . | s;m BailgooAqul] lb e riot, In “Long-u5e’» sameUmMs tdvanoe . .mmwdtol^ 75 —- ------- Drlgadnrgm ^ - ^ i v a s -sald-B ?uwjpf,.. _^ortered-Jv « snrctis:--------^Thaflaod^Tb* Aqm»’«bo Santo Domini . ^w||DMiaortt B l Idaho " , lUffs claim the plan violates )!lcfinsUtuUoo by. tteaUng- bat ci^^cron comly lines, ibo Altdmey^eneral’s ofHce ilrtafcesprccedence'overthe" GsUtutlon.-Thus, tbere was ) change it. 11 inUally stnick down Uie re’s plan last fall. The de- aTappeaied by: the stat^ JchUai remand^ il'ba'^'^ s Friday decision reaf- j.ieariler decision; ffirmiitq uses-county 'BrScmps^Eu iss^of A^lntcmatlobal ff In a “good will” move easing fearw Uw mlftnlle3_ opovPriday-offered to"de;— s than 500 rcipkets pointed at ^JJ: s : hUsslles stay out of v, who also warned would—take—unqiecined- proporal In an Interview In lay edition of tbe Cdmmu- Mwgpwr ' Helmut Kohl said Ftiday. demonsuatnXB'aod puolte^ ils wUl not shake his deter- ir:oepioy.::u3:'jiiiB8iiM in~" nany to counter Soviet SS- ews cttiference after Austrian vacaUcKi,- Kr j I tiegin to d^loy new inge^ilsalfts Uiis autum alf^ no agreemedl^ In the' ulcan nuclear arms talks II decl8l(ms wUI not be lie s U ^ ”;1&)hI said In a to tbe peace movement’s start a “hot fall” of de- ns, marches aod Elockades ' taiylsstallaUonsS^ 1. icted a Gre^ Siveiruno]^ thflt__ idenis ric INDQDE^^MUNDO sflatematiooil— *- ------------ u^l^^ro^"tod°^itol^ I bomba dashed- with Ing p d k ^ ^ M ulla Friday .outbreak of vloleoce over ' g‘~‘uf ~mjpu^tkin leader piloo. In whkb'students chanted ^*^-Aquloo, M ^ - a t loen^aMlgnMI toprotect'*- re8tlgalfcML_2-: --i.L __ itce.mvtaugator noqieni__! idgun taed toshootAquloo I to a WMpooy shlpnient-- a gun^siiop Ini Ban^cok, baordar bad beeo lost u dT^ tnd, '-f- ---- body^waa takeo'from'the' lingo dturcb'io wburban. es ' 'boundaries to ci^ te 33 ag— Some df-tKose dJbtriets 1 . ' single county. The revls< ce forexample.%onsistsen lUr^—PflHsC ounty .wher e-as-tJ w» I been aplHbettt*wn dlttri He ------ Twnenatorff; aiid OS seotaUves wiU be elect oew district. But it Is uh* tie the candidates would te- specific seats_or__nuL te- nominees. teir^^^twherdismctysretar to “Bifiln^wo or more cour if- ; Camas,' Blaine, Gobdigg ------ coimUes. Due to the rela c> __ populaUons-oMhesfr^Mti ly voters wiU_ only_get_i '.umpeansv^a continue. He said, “I b e : shown no restraint. Ibi e .SS-2QS and Uie deploym it power In a secret if knowing his position on d — foreignlssues.'-iwasdec d ri^tUiingandlwlUdolt, d Tlio ugh itDfferediwbaz ; said Uie offer was Uie fir 3 . Uie Soviet Union has ag K .manUe or .destroy .1 AyrhflngA fnp_oniv««>wdftr! n :'W (iflL M.l ~ ~r'V f- ~ “Should a jnutually renunclatton by Uie uiu^ 1 - U»-deployment lO :u n - mlssUes.UieSovlet^Jiil^ Its medlum-range mbs: ' Buropean.p^ of Uie cm i level equal to Uie numbei ^riUiln and France, wo» f^ » « U ie : missiles to be 5 -AndropoVtolrf. > “A considerable numbei modern missiles', known i as SS-20S, would be lie I wdl,” headded. > In Santa Barbara, Reagan Friday said be hs i ' cK ai^ td see the Sbvi^ F hKUoallal-rAndrb^v app 'pot^iwing doser to Uie U.S. I reducUon . of ' Intenne »— mJasHes4frEuroper the'Slain oi^ltkio lea burial In Manila next week His famUy sakl the bod ^ ’retiini^ to-Uie-civltaUd } TarIac;.70iEllesnortbwes 1 Aquino formerly was g f Tariac province, r :Tbe latest plan was to be r— fnneratTJcrWeUoesday, fa berasaid. I In Loa Angdes, a W 1—spokesman traveling wlU I Reagan said despite calla I cancd a planned visit to t"’ plnes”durlng hls-Aslantoi r"tBe^dianfltfforUwtripT« -—same. -• Thete.werB:DQJ^3i!a n~the~Btip<iuur I'tot 'hi Mai > detained eight students b t---i6M^tbem: ------- -Tbe demonstrators ori| I t —gathered In front of Fi -- Univeralty, about a mlk I-: -presldoiUal palace,' to da I. tulUoofeea,poUcesald. - .■» . > .1. .■■■W - I— iButcnannor^ijoog'nTi Aquloo’8 nickname—rant jr I TIT ---- it . Satu 53 new districts, '^senator and s take in only a But Distri Ised District 23, a say lh ele enUr^ ofTwln reptesental i4be«oun^>4ias—(ricH— Bi: i four repre- Jerome, OT !cted.from Uiis' counUes. inciearwbeUier. CarsweU d dedare for ube riew'ra iniB3_at-larBe tfltna“theij and small c CHW6d“ljy w m - - ~~Ke~sai lunUes. DisUrlct .tricts ]g, and Uocohi over a sevei aatlvdy sparse ' deveh^ strc _to_dect ooe:^emmenL • In Mdl tricts..vot< _ I sentaUves. a total of IS In renum ...... senators.. - sentaUves. ........... have one si resentaUve ^ ^ ------- DIstrict-S . prebenslve ------- In.flU Ues-wolUd aentaUves 1 represent—I ■es - , nix m i e Soviets have ' Reagan ti [bey dOTloyed proposalswe ment has oot g^Uiemtod ------ :,— =!>-:— iiTrylng-to nan-voters-re; _ sS-zn’HT**™ ^>vemmehfc-to-T.i4ie^rtalnly Ulot March l ' Edw^ E 1donlesUc ahd *^'%^QS!or'at lectedlodaUie—duoUon^-Talk lt,”hesaid Intervlew-wi ■aslcxhangelz] jKeport IBa ifnm ritptiwwf “Vrortfpyhllfl' llret Ume that readymade! agreed to dls* • "it ddesn’ -^ cposiUoi y acceptable prdboaal Uiai wlr^odtJdinrtBSiSlhvffl In 1)2 reserved aay ES wuldllquldate wdcomedlti be t X S ,” nudeararms _ Tl» Camp ler of Uie most armament's n in Uie West Roger Spille liquidated as which he sal .. ................. argument” li i. President might rdoct had not had a roUier.Uiandi t propo^but ^irAndnqMyfa Tpean to be Uie b ^ c So S. ppsltioo 00 nudear arsen nedlate-range number of ml --------_JCreiKib-n^ eader before i» j et -------- ^ ---------- ody would be ' iiCl MoQday-fttHn— gDvemor of ,V-/vr^aK b^^Aq^o's 22^^^ White Hpuse IU1 Presklent ' u^LhlnUo— .iVSgw to Uie Phflip. tour'thlsrfall;— i.of Injuries l o lanlla. gNritea ■■ t--" - ^====^=^ riglnally bad Far-Eastern lUe from-the— lemaodlower ngoutdurinfl F E B DIfli aturday, August 27,-1963 '• A - and two rqiresenataiives. istrid ^ voters wlU also have -rr I electing one senator aiid two ntaUves from a floatjpg dls- ,'rr. Dlatrict 20, J cg'mprised of----- riji^ninc?MiJiJdoKa and uassla__- 5. ^^w rote In his de<;ision that ' “r^pportlonment plan main------ ht» tnf«>grity nf Infg ^ yntvtliim ' illcounUes.” JiLle4lM aW «:W _ll!»u»g'3It:ir “riiay- promote belter rtlotHbctwcca iwiltlcaliwrtloo....... everal-county area” and help....... strong and cohesive planning ' L . ........... - : idi of tbe .curm t dis- Yoters_clect_two.r^re-.^ one 8eaator,.for iflsT-------- "f aumbered court-ordered un^t. Districts 23 and uld iMiJi elect twu s . , and,—tour-' .repre--':'........... tea. District 22 would le senator-aod-two rep-- Uves. ct-sswould-be-a’com----------- ^ live district. Resldeste ___ ghfM^;rVnlW5y - ________ >lUd elect two repre- es and ooe' sen^t(ir to - . - i ot=U»=comprebensive-:---------- ; ■lbft-valiBy=^wtt!»rh«rvw^^ ^dUr' ............................. .............2: lissiles a told re p o rts that the I were “what we’re trying to todo." - . g to got Jhflm to rwlufft' LggMarBPort^ .-' ' lnly;”'Reagan shouted back.-:----- d_Rowney, Uie chief U.S. ir at Uie Strategic Arms Re- Falks-ln-Geoeva,-sald.ln-ah------1 ^^U l Uie MacNeil Lehrer Ihat Uie offer was a ----- ; T»f np_ p|- ide Soviet proposal. eiu't diange (Andreev’s) iUon,’ i.Rowoey sald.-J!Tbere — ;• tre— tf l ^ b e —flome— r eyPy----- 4 Uiat the Soytets have made ion, Uie MUsb government aay snap Judgement on the— ■^ Viet disarmament offer but ' ^ anU^udear p re s^ grotq) ' l l t a s a “realreducUon”’ln -' I rms. amp^gn for Nuclear Dis- ^. it's (OND) vlcft<iialrman, \ liller, v^coined Uie offer,— -t said removes “a powerful----- 2 In Uie West Uiat Moscow ' ilocate Its SS-20s in A sli mdesUroythem. . • \ QV’A pmpnmtt-ril^ nfft pttf»r\ I Soviet podUon l U iU h d r V rsenal be reduced ooly to Uie \' f missiles In tbe British and ^ ^ S i in a rtf ■! I ni««tjtiniga^i~

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Page 1: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF405/PDF/1… · Bmamin ^yTfte Tlmes-News : • andynlleaPressJnlertiaUw — A ppoint—

B m a m in

■■■^yTfte Tlmes-News :• andynlleaPressJnlertiaUw

— A p p o i n t — c A j B g___ jurtgft tMuwt'fl reapportkm)

_ _ b e r a ^ Jhft Irffllio Legtel > creating Beven large “ Qoa

tricts.~ Tbe plan alflft redraws

^ ^ 3 y B R P C E i 0 T C A T — ~ United t ^ I n te r a a tk p ^ .

BOISE - Legislators fi — p a H ia ag rw a F n a a y g

reapporUdu^fenr' declstai _ sevrajnultlHCOunty districts - nates against rural voters, : tbe federal CoosUtutkm an

certainly will be appealed.But doe of.-.tbe ‘plalnl

challenged tbe Legislature’, “ districting law baDedTIrs _^Juflge_D ar__Co^well'sinil

"g reat v lc ti:^" forldaboan!And C o g s ^ said his

t i o i y ^ t plan aatlsflwl bqtb

'"fng'pcKinty boundaries; w .. ensuHng roughly equal popu

^ , e q^J^^y!to^^yoe. ==rLawmakera-weteeq>edal]

; of tbe creatloo' of seven

■ -new senators aod 14 oei members would represei county regions. ... o

“ " T w ln lF S ^ ^ ^ ^ c te d voter ~ centers ” as Boise, Twli

LewlstofrMoscow aod Coeu

_ W o m e n a l s o p ro tc » ti

4 i e a g a iBy

SAN DIEGO, Calif.— P___ pQ litieaLbrah_nre_0et_b

enthusiastic, partisan audl- —ecoaomlc-raiewal-ts-more- —T—Reagairtooninrat

btfd te about 300 RqwbUc _ _jjQOSeQ£a)Uit&JUKl^EdBiiLJi

Ao estimated 400 dam women, marched In |Wp|M spote. ^ •

R e i w ^ s i ^ he bM p m

, . isM a.coQ oer^^

R ^ U e a n p a r t y r R w

. -V _____ ■, ...

^ • 78th 5

r e a p i^ o m lUonhf— — -y e n t tpuntk— -------------- tweentwodl

ijtgt District —Tbreo of t tfinm«^t pifln—:bera— ^ope

i^slature {O' 'Xrom a Qoatlng" dis-. p rised . of. i

, . . • coiihtte. — iWB e3(»ki$>^ . Judge Dar

. ~ ^ ' d domii 0/ . . • elections.----------■— IntbeelghI from both southern IjU‘ & 'judge's' ■ S t 6 m ~ ^on creating__ Buriey-Rupftcts dlscrlml- any election.

'V ust.uios andalinosl e le c lte i ta a l

. - , w tthjusttliei a l n t l X f s • 'IbetiwiW i ire’s those cbuhtleTrst-Dlstrlcl— socl^ cooce ruling.as ja c e p t s , b e s; •ans. p rob lem ' wilis re a lto r- around thjestj

opulaponaln—— ------------- 3 liat’8-wberedaU yxrltlcal_intbeSun(«ai en s o < ^ e d _ Sen. LalH ]

oew House whldi I b ^ esent multi- appeal proce

. .^ '...e r ,w asp o tu n

•lers inVln . Falls, - bunch of balo leu^^’Alene doUbts the.

!»teci R e a g a n in W a e h ln

i i r b a t t lE R - '---- -------------------

'-President-Reagan, fighting t by a former aide, told t udleoce of women Frldao^ Uu ■ore-impatant-lo-womeft-tba

U ir “ ' B S a B r » j m n n i i i « ! bUcan .women, most of tbei

SQonstratOTs, mgpt* of tbei «st outside Ibe hotel as Reaga

aved’t B r r o e W e g m f i^ ] ^ r oaeuein[i,'n]H)ortiBUU(» an o n 'l t f 'B Is ’jrtaod oo qieSfia. :. ------ i

wftfnwiJTihrt »> an told f Western Republlba


h yea r. N o. 239.

Q f f l t fonmoit boundaries to pre- i Qtles-froot .bplng sp lit.'b^ .]idistrids.------------ • \if tiie oew.legislaUve m em -. t w e ijta te .se n a to L a ^ ^ tw ■ i

i w .Ooating dlstHct, com- \■ ih e eight Magic Valley i....... ^ ■ ' h

l a rC o ^ w e ll - ^ decided to d

itn m s tp jGnlnata the floaUng dIstHct

Ight-county Magic-Vailcy of • Idaho, be said, there are i

in 'I'wio Fails and iHe I ipiyt amft to gwnv virtually \ >n. —lose two could control the \ I all of thoee eight counties, ) ienumber,” SUverssald. ; ibie for votera Is:thaf“ allitles.are o ^ am patlble In__ ,ocqits 'd r economic . 'cod- }.sald._l!I_think_lhat's tbe .f with Qoterial districts I

(State.” “llv aasume it (the niltnyHa &e..appea]ed.JC(yJ^. .SUte .p S t ly ^ said. “It would have llea by either side anyway.3re its golng-to be decided, —^ eme Court-’- - — ■ — ♦, id Nob, R-KImberly, called k ‘av^,-very,-poordeiclslon='n upe won’t withstand tbe g, •cess." Tbe ruling, howev- UDBiq)ected,besald._ ' __

aloiMy ..:KB added th a t ta J t e .. Judy’s . . ntUng . cqn.. fc

ilng to n , a n d h a d to b e 'f o i

I e s p o l h- =■■■■ ' Women’s Leadershlpl

*■ legislaUon to b d p \ a g a b(3«8eh(rfds: ■l_an..... b u th e lm lst^ b tee cthat poslUonoo’ i ^ t ^ i : (ban— wlU-provide-^biB-p«----------ment” and wUl-move9sai— 9 r “ I - t h t a l r i t ^ m e - h h ^ g ^ p iy tto tsu n ^ tu o d i

bem i^ 'ffiiehasta 'O T ertu i

afic - mite-towooMend kM!) it R

th e - T b t r m m a r m o ifeap-

r s

m t mroject a proposal io orde legislaUve elecUon„Uiis fjwfll-rregulre f f i a f W o i

’ alignment serve as Uie bi ; i ; J ^ i ^ ^ U v e n u ^ f ^ —

—Idabo - reeidentsr-=wfaOf-< Benewah Counfj' officials happy with the reapporUoi developed by Uie i s ^ L

d n ^ is^ m....- ^ T -^ W ^ ^ d e ra l -Judge

ruled In a virtuaUy ideoUc — tflflt " f i^ CTjaT

wereUnconstltuUonal.Mouse Mmoniy LeadSf

mond, D-Rexbur&'praise for rejecting speclaljelecU criUzed the jtidge for tuml

' !*ram very pleased, and —ju d g e-w asrv ^ :w lse-n o t

q ie d a l elertloh,” Kahunoi 'te lq iln a s Ihtervlew r"ir5 been very costly, and no~ have been prqiared for can . Kowovcf, Kammood-ej

- R^MibUcans .who said - m tricts would lead to urban dl

Blit Bill K ellar.'a COeu “ voterrwho-w asrplalnUffl “ toolrrd lfferenfv lew of thi

Ke M id the 1962 law violate ' CoostliuUon and

once a g ^ backed iq^Uiatp ' “ It’s Ume tbe Legislatur -th ts flo d goes o ato jirtpare .-eleoUoo UDder-.»a-legaU*e

Kellarsald^‘'Ii S ^ t .jjrictoiy .for U» c

f o r c i b l y T c riio w 'd 'b v p'b

itiral 111Jp JPoriT O lw h^^

[I woridng'women aod bei

s economic jupgram, raUier U re o a r n n ^ c a l l^ women’s Is jrratestrm ost-lnuiM dlatfr^ ivew om eotbetastest” ■ e-tfr-cut-tbrough-the-fog-of- mds U ^ whplelssue,” Reagai

rturea to other poUUcal consi •rtddtis««BdiiB-l»-iedude Ik e e d b ^ a r e tb e g p e a te r t s oi

pwt nm rty t i i <lm..aLj^ R a f t i jw o n iS y i i a • ,— . . . .-I . III.T —

□ q u o c■ - W V

:4,Twlh f a lls , Idl

ier a^special .The plalnUf faU^Butbe th e’.s ta te '*

ow . 'aistHct 'j districts uia basis forthe Tbeldabo

-along-wiUi-,Ttlon,-TrtilclrlUS, were un- Idaho <>>«< ionmentplan n o n e ^ to c t Legislature. '. 'Carswell

________ .Leglalature’j g g . clslbn

Itppeal tn' , ^ Carswell’s

ai" mstrieta tiqoment, fo:

5r“Mei ham- sed Cogswell cUons,buthe ulng to float-

DdltiiinkUicio t:to 'c a U 'a ~wdd_8^dinar v ^ d havo I W i ' (O' one would f ‘ -ji ^ andioacj

nwerlal'dls-- v 2 3idominatlon. .-..n. ii -eur-D'Aleoe --------------'finibe-suit;— the dedsi(m;ited Uie state • i X . \ (iiurts-Tiave~ " T T I t * t position.” ure realized reior.the’84-,: i

'lUUnklt'sa cltlzeDS of

j f e y - y ®■ R t i

^ By U n ite d ^

MOSCOW- ^ ____ almftd.at-fla

— «y>i|M hft . m rYuri~Andropi stray more tb

B fiS M i B is t^ l f o e u -NATOoaUoa

Andropov, ------ M08<»W-,-WC

^ p r o c e e d s ^ - made the pro

Uie S a t u j ^ nlstPartyneN

"'Chancellor K

, (^iinlon polls_mlnatflftOflZt

West G e r ^ 20s.

At a oew four-wedc Ai said bejvUI b

' ' ' m ed iU m -r^ . Uiere Is ' nt

Sovlet-Ameri( Geneva. “ PoUUcal

- 'ta k e n oo'the ' ■ "re'fereooe to ' Uureat. to sta

— monstratloas, ofU.S.mUitai

Kohl rejecb

m tf s m— U f 1 j i h o » o - ---------------------------

MANIT.A ystudenUUmx

Ess . | s;mBailgooAqul]

l b e riot, In “ Long-u5e’» sam eU m M s

tdvanoe . .m m w d to l^ 7 5 — - ------- D rlgadnrgm

^ - ^ iv a s -sald-B

?u w jp f,.. _^ortered-Jv « snrctis:--------^Thaflaod^Tb*

A q m » ’« b o Santo Domini

. ^w||DM iaortt

B l

Idaho ■ " ,

lUffs claim the plan violates )!lcfinsUtuUoo by. tteaUng- b at c i^^cron comly lines, ibo Altdmey^eneral’s ofHce

ilrtafcesprccedence'overthe" GsUtutlon.-Thus, tbere was ) change it.11 inUally stnick down Uie re’s plan last fall. The de- aT appeaied by: the s t a t ^

JchU ai rem and^ i l 'b a '^ '^

s Friday decision reaf- j.ieariler decision; —

ffirmiitq uses-county

'BrScmps^Eui s s ^ o fA ^ ln tc m a tlo b a l

ff In a “ good will” move easing fearw Uw mlftnlle3_

opovPriday-offered to"de;— s than 500 rcipkets pointed at ^ J J : s : hUsslles stay out of

v, who also warned would—take—unqiec ined-

proporal In an Interview In lay edition of tbe Cdmmu- M w gpw r

' Helmut Kohl said Ftiday. demonsuatnXB'aod puolte^ ils wUl not shake his deter- ir:oepioy.::u3:'jiiiB8iiM in~" nany to counter Soviet SS-

ews cttiference after Austrian vacaUcKi,- Kr j

I tiegin to d ^ lo y new inge^ilsalfts Uiis au tu m a lf^no agreemedl^ In the'

ulcan nuclear arms talks

II decl8l(ms wUI not be lie s U ^ ” ;1&)hI said In a to tbe peace movement’s start a “hot fall” of de­ns, marches aod Elockades ' ta iy lss ta lla U o n sS ^ 1. icted a G r e ^ S iv e iru n o ]^


id e n is ricIN D Q D E ^^M U N D O sflatematiooil— *-------------

u ^ l ^ ^ r o ^ " t o d ° ^ i t o l ^ I bomba dashed- with Ing p d k ^ M ulla Friday .outbreak of vloleoce over ' g ‘~‘uf ~mjpu^tkin leader piloo.In whkb'students chanted

^*^-Aquloo, M ^ - a t

loen^aM lgnM I toprotect'*-

re8tlgalfcM L_2-: --i.L__itce.mvtaugator n o q ie n i__!

idgun taed toshootAquloo I to a WMpooy shlpnien t- -

a gun^siiop Ini Ban^cok, b ao rd ar bad beeo lost u d T ^ tn d , '-f- ----body^waa takeo'from 'the' lingo d tu rcb 'io w burban.

es ' 'boundaries to c i ^ t e 33 ag— Some df-tKose dJbtriets 1 . ' single county. The revls< ce forexample.%onsistsen lUr —PflHsCounty .where-as-tJ w» I been aplHbettt*wn dlttriHe------T w n e n a to rf f ; aiidOS seotaUves wiU be elect

oew district. But it Is uh* tie the candidates would te- specific seats_or__nuL te- nominees. teir^^^t wherd ism c ty sre ta r to “Bifiln^wo or more cour

if- ; Camas,' Blaine, Gobdigg------ coimUes. Due to the relac>__ populaUons-oMhesfr^Mtily voters wiU_ only_get_i


continue. He said, “I b e : shown no restraint. Ibi

e .SS-2QS and Uie deploym

it power In a secret if knowing his position on d— foreignlssues.'-iwasdec d ri^ tU iingandlw lU dolt, d Tlio ugh itDfferediwbaz

; said Uie offer was Uie fir 3 . Uie Soviet Union has ag K .manUe or .destroy .1

A yrhflngA fnp_oniv««>wdftr!n :'W (iflL M.l ~ — ~ r'V f- ~ “Should a jnutually

renunclatton by Uie uiu^ 1 - U»-deployment l O :u n- mlssUes.UieSovlet^Jiil^

Its medlum-range mbs:' B u ro p ea n .p ^ of Uie cm i level equal to Uie numbei

^riUiln and France, wo» f ^ » « U i e : missiles to be 5 -AndropoVtolrf.> “A considerable numbei

modern missiles', knowni as SS-20S, would be lie I w dl,” headded.> In Santa Barbara,■ Reagan Friday said be hs i ' c K a i^ td see the Sbvi^ F

hKUoallal-rAndrb^v app 'pot^iwing doser to Uie U.S. I reducUon . of ' Intenne »— mJasHes4frEurop er

■ the'S lain o i^ l t k io lea — burial In Manila next week

His famUy sakl the bod ^ ’re ti in i^ to-Uie-civltaUd } TarIac;.70iEllesnortbwes 1 Aquino formerly was g f Tariac province, r :Tbe latest plan was to be r— fnneratTJcrWeUoesday, fa

berasaid.I In Loa Angdes, a W 1— spokesman traveling wlU I Reagan said despite calla I cancd a planned visit to t" ’ plnes”durlng hls-Aslantoi r"tB e^dianfltfforU w tripT« - —same. - •

Thete.werB:DQJ^3i!a n~the~Btip<iuur I'tot 'h i Mai> detained eight students b t---i6M ^tbem :-------

-Tbe demonstrators ori| It—gathered In front of Fi -- Univeralty, about a mlk

I -: - presldoiUal palace,' to d a I. tulUoofeea,poUcesald. -.■» . > .1. .■■■W -I— —iButcnannor^ijoog'nTi ’ Aquloo’8 nickname—rant

j r I TIT

---- i t

. S a tu

53 new districts, '^senator and s take in only a But Distri Ised District 23, a say lh ele e n U r^ ofTwln reptesental i4be«oun^>4ias—(ricH— Bi:

i four repre- Jerome, OT!cted.from Uiis' counUes. inciearwbeUier. CarsweUd dedare for ube riew 'rainiB3_at-larBe tfltna“ theij

■ and small c CHW6d“ljy w m - - ~~Ke~sailunUes. DisUrlct .tricts

]g, and Uocohi over a sevei aatlvdy sparse ' deveh^ strc

_ to_dect ooe:^emmenL

• In M dl tricts..vot<

_ I sentaUves.

■ a total of IS In renum

...... senators..- sentaUves.

........... have one siresentaUve

^ ------- DIstrict-S. prebenslve

-------In.flUUes-wolUd aentaUves 1 represent—I

■es - ,

n i x m ie Soviets have ' Reagan ti [bey dOTloyed proposalswe ment has oot g^U iem tod------: , — =!>-:— iiTrylng-tonan-voters- re; _ sS-zn’HT**™ ^>vemmehfc-to-T.i4ie^rtalnly Ulot March l ' E d w ^ E 1 donlesUc ahd *^'%^QS!or'at lectedlodaUie—duoUon^-Talk lt ,” hesaid • Intervlew-wi ■aslcxhangelz] jKeport IBa ifnm ritptiwwf “Vrortfpyhllfl' llret Ume that readym ade! agreed to dls* • " i t ddesn’

- cposiUoi

y acceptable prdboaal Uiai w lr^ o d tJd in rtB S iS lh v f f l

In 1)2 reserved aay

E Swuldllquldate w dcom edlti be t X S , ” nudeararm s

_ T l» Camp ler of Uie most armament's n in Uie West Roger Spille liquidated as which he sal

.. .................argument” lii. President might rdoct had not had a roUier.Uiandi t p ro p o ^ b u t ^irAndnqMyfa Tpean to be Uie b ^ c So S. ppsltioo 00 nu d ear arsen nedlate-range number of ml --------— _JC reiK ib-n^

eader before i» je t -------- ---------- —ody would be ' i i ClMoQday-fttHn—

gDvemor of ,V -/vr^aK

b ^ ^ A q ^ o 's 22^^^White Hpuse IU1 Presklent 'u ^ L h ln U o — . i V S g wto Uie Phflip. tour'thlsrfall;—

i.of Injuries l o „ lanlla. gNritea ■■‘t--" -


riglnally bad Far-E astern lUe from-the— lemaodlower

ngoutdurinfl F E B DIfli

atu rd a y , A u g u s t 27,-1963

'• A - ‘

and two rqiresenataiives. istrid voters wlU also have -rr I electing one senator aiid two ntaUves from a floatjpg dls- ,'rr. Dlatrict 20, J cg'mprised of-----

riji^ninc?MiJiJdoKa and uassla__-5.^^w ro te In his de<;ision that ' “r^pportlonment plan main------ht» tnf«>grity n f Infg ^ yntv tliim 'illcounUes.”J iL le 4 lM a W « : W _ l l ! » u » g '3 I t : i r

“riiay- promote belterrtlotHbctwcca iwiltlcaliwrtloo.......everal-county area” and help.......strong and cohesive planning '

L . ........... - :

id i of tbe .c u rm t dis- Y oters_clect_tw o.r^re-.^

one 8eaator,.foriflsT-------- “ " faumbered court-ordered u n ^ t. Districts 23 and uld iMiJi elect twus . , and,—tour-' .repre--':'...........tea. District 22 would le senator-aod-two rep-- Uves.ct-ssw ould-be-a’com----------- ^live district. Resldeste ___ ■g h fM ^ ;rV n lW 5 y - ________>lUd elect two repre-es and ooe' sen^t(ir to - . - iot=U»=comprebensive-:---------- ;■lbft-valiBy=^wtt!»rh«rvw^^^ d U r ' ............................. .............2:

l i s s i l e sa told r e p o r t s that the I were “what we’re trying to todo." - .g to got Jhflm to rwlufft' LggMarBPort^ . - ' 'lnly;”'Reagan shouted back.-:-----d_Rowney, Uie chief U.S. ir at Uie Strategic Arms Re-Falks-ln-Geoeva,-sald.ln-ah------1^ ^ U l Uie MacNeil LehrerIh a t Uie offer was a ----- ;

T»f np_ p|-ide Soviet proposal.eiu 't diange (Andreev’s)iUon,’i.Rowoey sald.-J!Tbere — ;•tre—tfl^ b e —flome— reyPy-----4

Uiat the Soytets have made

ion, Uie M Usb government aay snap Judgement on the— ■ Viet disarmament offer but ' anU ^udear p r e s ^ grotq) ' l l t a s a “realreducUon”’l n - ' I rms.amp^gn for Nuclear Dis- ^ . it's (OND) vlcft<iialrman, \ liller, v^coined Uie offer,— -tsaid removes “a powerful----- 2

In Uie West Uiat Moscow ' ilocate Its SS-20s in A sli mdesUroythem. . • \QV’A pmpnmtt-ril^ nfft pttf»r\ I

Soviet podUon l U i U h d r V rsenal be reduced ooly to Uie \ ' f missiles In tbe British and ^

^ S i

in a r t f ■ ! I n i « « t j t i n i g a ^ i ~

Page 2: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF405/PDF/1… · Bmamin ^yTfte Tlmes-News : • andynlleaPressJnlertiaUw — A ppoint—

' .—Ais*Thne8-News,.Tw<nMl

- j r n m sr - i t r f r e i a o f f i i H i

■ TWIN FA U S - ' RduibUltaUoi^PDrt c

___ __tunmlated_a. JflT99 .ftoeoua items whtcfa to infiiiitwwi.''* "''

I- ^^Tn'k^IngwlUj'tKe proyjdo gppd used-ri

boDdedout free Ir; ^ \ 'T h e enqwriunr.•«

^A RC^PortofK ope^

~ T ^ o « Q o r c i ^ e j• r i ^ BALLS

DlertCM.Lalm^wlll'be Falls Parks Qepartmei

, )».«sked to pay tbe $11 - - 'lioOTaaidep.m. ”

1 B a r r y ’ s w i n d

i "M iaM K ijIsiT^A ln , "T ---orJriddy flying I h ^

- - { b^rri-apytofarOPhaJgtol- < - “We bavfr« d q > r « >’ Mexico aiiid.lit ibe

D r,-N dI-Frank.-dI»( Center. " I wouldaH be

_______ sionn.____________— : -------"But we bava a rec— 7 --TmcttirtiaslBdlcatediltl

J ~ - « * w e ^ ’tIa»w for»

?Brec§8ter;Mile»La«n — w e alb er^ irte ra 'a iid 't

I .

P h o n e u n i o n t; • WASaNGTON.(UPi

. . ' <!Stuck-rw .local .dlspub a> ^ l? K < a d .te te t^ « tr

- _ to preBB on w lth theiia -Sl I_cioottai«to96iuod. ■

■ "5 ■ : <aenn:W|itte,- p t ^ i:—j .r^ o r te » io fA in e ric a ,d j ___: ■

‘*Tbe glve-baek Is m : national agreemeotwtt : Watts8ald;-‘*Ffomtbel

— : ^ iB u ia a ta a ld lia v e b e e c• h»i*giitnfitg.** _____

• " Watts' said tbe. "unli.... •; — System DO • successful' natloaal coo

— qMephooeitTV>leffl«ph<

' ■ _ _ ^ T E I I P im A T U M-----------®o 8


I j iS u im jr jd

•noDOOQ aod evttlog Uudi _ J OuMy winds pear U usidn^

■ ^v 'S O B and tow WB. Low

i Camaa Prairie, KaO^. TVaD«y:...........................

. Partly cloudy at Uroea - Suixlay wltb matnl;

aod evening Ujuodeirtiowi wlods aear.UiUQdenbovma. 1 lomaoa.Loiniwar«).

'rN octbenN eM daaodU tabr Mostly fair.In botb itat<

anc^DOoos wUl be parUy dc —: —chance of botated ahoweoUi

in t»th aUtec. Lows Id U»4Qi

: National■’ Mu Min Pep• Aibuqu«rt|u« »1 » ' ....• Aiunu ■ ST n ....• Bo(ton ' a U ^ . Chlc*00 ....

77 M; „ .^ s S r ^ .80 70 .oeS 'S S I S ? S-todUnipolI* 83 72 ....

1 j j i j d e i r" B u s i n e s s ........................

: - a a s s i f i e d ____

CIllCTlflttOO JwtyHaytelr ^ ^r^^ircutatlooptioiMaraauaw I recefveyourpaperby7aja..a

- ^==34toai£!BttMfOooSStfltit»

1 PUeMtoflenao-HoIUtter .*; -'TwiaF«ittaodallottierireas~

V 11 you tuiva a news tip <r « • department, call TPOtMntw

' repofftttBOBWiafld ipette rMiiA d v e it la ln g wiBtikii.«»i i r yni Wisb taplaee an.actmi

f —tatoii«l6eday#ridiHramSa' - iiflii trtn n n y intiwmrtlWLau

Ut8.M«hQ Saturday, Augu

r f i y =I n g ^ i v e i M i u t todi— liie M«glc_ Valley Alo t ot Kopa ^ p w rlu m In {..amount o(,cki^*"gI bave been donated_by.cpmi

tbe ot)}ed]\^'of W u^anlia i-mcrfliazkilso' to ' tb6‘" comn

WmlScdUbeoUf ;

•asslifii' i i ' ^ ^ “ s u p ^ ~ c pe A l o ^ drug prograia

t e m i i e i r d s a t l > t e r l

- " 'n» ^ y -for. Ufegoai be Sunday,' 'accord li^ te tbe ment. - .

{1 use fee only b e t M ^ t b ^

i d s w h i p u p a g a i ]iln in lc ita T iim ^ la n e jp e ii ougb tbe w M y aiia r t ^ r »

- ■ • ' i— ^ W i In-tbe mhUl^ of-the C > ^ o r tbe bmffisi^'aeaaoa,' Icector- of tbe Natkmal Kun be surprised if It became a tr

rfimnnBtwwnce airplane out Jlttjasa*tT»nffrBd;t!t'^TO!r»i v sure If it a stori

' i t ^ M g l i ^ t f i to d'tbat's wby we*re tracking u-lt-iiwve»^tbout-strengtb(

n s s t i l l o n w a l k mjpi) - A low k«y baisalnlng

b e ld jp je tu e n ie n t ol otrtke Friil«y,«iKl workera w I oattoDvdde.walla^ until tte

^ d ^ of tbe Communlca , diarged tbat c o n v a n y b ^

ib aa jroMwns e

Mmlocal units;:— ---------Bsues were Introduced aftei was reached to bk)ck settlami Im bargaining standpoint, any. een lotrpduced at tbe-begtnni

dlcontract talka wltb tbe Amei pbCo.— ------ •

l o p T s ^

7 ?fE ?

• ^ UonaLWeathax-aMJ


nbowers.Klgiia opmeotoriaoli

, wood Hiwr *xiUjwBrtrty_ , . „ . acroesIdaho.;

®” “ ** ®**“ U» rtate fror northwanlPa n.hl8hsintbe tempenitu»»

On Friday, t b: wasuDderparl

alUuugh llfibtsboweni ’ doudy wtUi a were moetly n• tflghnlWtott) n t JAmhfi MU 4Qs^S0a. . nogedfromQe

Kan«uOly W 75u«v*0M « J S s Pep UotAAB«iM .... U«mpW» .rfS*S*^ n.... MUOiStiSP^^ «7 S' a #7

i fS r MinnMpoiU M 71.... NowOriMU • n 71 TO-H-WTaW--——-•• a?. 87-.» OklthomaCliy . H 7].Oe-QnaM .______ 97 77_~.lil~Hho*nu 10* ~4l:::: » m.. J ^

l: ■■ ■..................- -

^ 3 4 3 0 p b t t a a r i e s.■i^raWVy ^ g o p le_ -------rTT. AlO S p o r ^ . . .

UdrtaMleadkecter. oosd behwc 7 Ml 10 a.n. eoty. L. can (he msntar far your area: [agifiaaa ^

------------------------- -- -abi(M«iUr JoRKknyldlyMlr hMi to talkjpjKcnaoet ki i sHiwB fc3p.ajaJid»Lgjj^cg wsuBa«aly,ca im > « M ^ - ^

imtisetMBi. c ^ 93»asi. daatf « a.0 .-mtfl 9 p.m.. aad ae^SalK


d a j ; - ^ / f o t r a f c ^UcoboUcs KENLY, N.C. has ac- passenger train t

jnlscella- c r o e ^ In North ■miTntnUv and 'aecood fatal

______ axDnaia'inle a rtSlia tk a to T"Tn»e^^Ialot acc junqnlty, -t«outb8Bst of Ra nswtDbe -^^^cconiing-to poll ' . - ^ r . , 3 4 |W ^ to I

6r£tt>e ■ CToasIatfSatfjto m. flashing croiulnat


aaK B -at-— Itw is tb e fourtt tbe Twin since'W ednesd^4

thenorCbwardna f r i .^ th fe r J - -_ jr te -flCTt-occuri

sboursof . railroad tte u ii. 1 s U u d ^ ^ p I c ^ .

lent s i ilf e i^ minor Iqj:

tB In to a - - A rn l^ -o m c M

sG uU ol CUnord Black, In \ » ,"« a ld 7:anretTTO00ua Imp :urtcanff' "'wanton kUler.?’. ••., itn^tcal

urt there F i r e d c s t r c m id? GALVE3TOW!^ om iibut complicated w"by M.»gflld hnn^«inP.rflvj>qed tropical tiiren ^ te ra a n d *

lag It-so— leal building.-------

wood a n d 'H ^ bu ^ . - H l ^ c d l s t ^ J f a

- w ere 100 feet In thei n n t TbeRBMDrugO

andtheK bn-T lk ia bla^l«--«e^>"vo*

avowed ___u » M _ A s t r o n a u t ticattoos' •• ANKARArTurke


' w ^ r t a s ^ d F « iiy ,------Irwin' teturrietf to

miles east of Ank

. ■•='bfrMountAarat;4hi00 Bell . have Inmlffd with b Iduring Flood.oericM ^ ...U ;S . E mbassy soi

^ 0 0

© - ! ; • '


Bl• and mild lemperaturea (or w bo.-- — Kl

b y (hiT'ehaDcea for devd- nUtedafleraooaaodevuilng \w

k Coast Is brlnglJig ' a al]cly flow btSM)lst.UDStabie a ir tt»o.AsUmoimooibo(e,sbow<- ev )ler teavienturca will cover;r.to(’rom Lbe oeotral moantatra .23Partly ckwdy sides and mild aneswUljvevaUlnUteaouth. ' locy. (be oorth half of Um state i »wtlyckM dy skies with aome In over (he'paz^iandle. Skies ;ho</ unn y In the aouthem (tilnl d^

75 'IM <1

s»«Likociiy n (a77 .,:r-8*nFf«nelseo • m m9 .24 8o«1l0 n u7 ,01 Spotano . 78 “ WT1 1,10 WMMngton _ jo os

^ " i p W o l i o — -----------7 ________ ___ Mil" Min ’11 Z Boli# TT 87 S2« „., Burtey , N " «iS •.„. H»o«fm*n W 49

s ......... ................A 6___S o____________ ________ A9— WC

___ . . . .B l - 2 Re

' ' SttoalpUflaBia ly.Kyoud.no.

— MMBi— g r a“ WM56I----- ■iK.aw ■*•««

---------O M nS S tA atM olh ii

--------- TJMni:----- S i^ w ly T iBlimMtbimsD.

n S 'o d l W l '(Jm tdW l. To

.pMtast peU it^^fwf Mb BMi ait^sD), otndil

t i ^ i r h f r s ~ 4 t i l n r c c.C. (UPI) - Amtrak’s SU\ ia b it and fataUyJAjured a m

Carolina Friday, tbe four a t^ ty invQlvHnffUtwt Mow Ithjiftaaiream rH ^pC T B d 'a i" i S i y R a ld ^ :* a t 12:25 a :m r M

pdke. r n o to r is c W a l ie c : ^ to beat tbe aoutbbw ^ t r ^ roveh& car around the lowerei

Land b e _ ^ t 'g ® l .a e v » re b e d d J j »)hour8iatec'Bt a b o f ^ lta L ^ atbwxIdentlhVolvlQg the SU; d^eVenlng. The other th iw ht najfrrimMlaml. \ -

9. Less than two bours later V J r u c k ^ ^ t -1 ;^ ' s t d i ^ ;

to^ t r ^ d e i ^ ^ a t J to ^ MaMcaTnrotortrailefr Twen injuries in tM derallnm t.'a i

in Washington . saM media Bq lmpres8kartBe.4raIn Was a


[ ^ 6 y s : h i s t b ^ i c ^ b u i ][,‘ 1i3UiB (UP i; - 'All feariy m5i by spotty -tdephone s a wd GalvMton. JW dav Inli 1 destr o y ^ an •'Irreplac ^ i

: buUdlt^ near l i ie S tr a i^ JT i r a M f l i a a W tn ip W ia r /ra a he air wben flreflgbtets arrive g Co.; the UD0cct4>1ed K ot^ W< I Bar were destroyed, The'cai vesUgatton. ' -

i t s t o p s s j e a r c l l ; ^ d

rk e y -(U P tr~ Porinerlu.S.-' j ra up his second try to flod tb( on Mount. Ararat becaiiM ,of

i^ 'fh e '(d w n 'o n } ftp b ^ ^ f~ \nkara, after- falling to con Itain, tbeoewiqtapier Kiirriyet: s dose to the Soviet border I

h his a r t 'o f ^ m a l s after t]

soured in .A q J ^ sald.Irwl

i~ S V 9 ra M S A AlRJF1.mV » o o .

[puidfLnl^Buriey and Idaho FaUa, wlUi tl wannest inark for the'day 90 d

_KAgermanjrbe;w*««tnwnil«r^^aatStantoyr.-. --------- --

In Twin Fails Friday, Uie poi _ w M « p w a g t e ^ t ^ ^ a ^ ^

aignincant predpilatloo in (be vi tbe oext five d a ^ Average d evaporatloo will be from .23 (o

' todiy.and SundBy.4hen dropplm .29 Indi (hmi8tt.Wednnday. Wli and Sunday will be light In (he i Increasing to 10 to 15 mpb in (1

E l s e w ^ In the nstloo Frl< .h o tt^ tempwature reported degrees at Gila Bend, Arli..

BS .,„ idmlwFall* 80<1 -.. Loarilloft S9ta .... McGill 78» .... Pocatcno 80U s«Imon 79

TwlnFallsrt*wni«r 80

-----------g -.« Toda|r’(»unM>. .........49 Tomorrow'* (un(i»«....... .

N ation ......... ..firori»hft»r d .........------- -W o x ld _ ________________ _R e lig io n ......... : ............

lililiartlw jy- (t.n]r,.n< per Mk; ftnlqr. Md SwUjr. SL« pv «wk. ftml net

- drily Md auBdsy,-! ncatt »lUa laTS. S mootte flSJ% IS nodiiirtm afa ll« s:'3 iaf(s .u ,~ sm ^ KSB. eptel^ rtodeol Md ■nrtcaiaM: JOpM-OMttlordtayMdSiRbQr.

d it TMb PMk by n s ■nmsBljlwi icW dOr ead edaely wnwer pan m .a t aa UMb mdi. naiaqr It ■tts'day af aii'si^ ea i tfc> iT ^»

_ _ 2 ' _ ' . > Ct

c id i e i i iS ^Uver Meteor . her JusUce motorist at a aex discriil urthacddent: ..tlonsafter

iiy,“ 30_ral]es. .-Speakes, a MDT M*en. - i»<M»ggerl r i R lartm w r- - ^ n n y a t ^ In-tbrougb' a House law redarm sofa : o lW e b i^

„ haveherhjlisadEmon'a^IJOJiirfc3.Ke_ _ i» f c K 0 M..........— ___ ,,..neartbe,bi>Uw Meteor : told r ^ ^ ha]^>imed.oo . body. 1 did

■V exhausted*Md l^ e d a She offer

w ia iid .N .C ,- - " " C : • Ooi Bnty persons the demons ■ s a p a » » . .» b m i b e s belrtrip.'. — — way inside

crew s- — -AtnlghU

a J'vJolent. Unlvereil V - . barded the

. nonsandY

■ M l n s n J i S i Sio ra l^ l l r e r ’ "SSoffl^n wrvico fn , said unldi nlured two speeding a ble"hlstor> InftontofU --- --------------------- M ~ tl» ^

, . a ^ t e d ^

Washlngtbix; —In v ^ g a te lauseof the •, protest was

•’ • Aquino w Ton-lilsretj]

o r A r k .l.-'astTMiaut-^ — assaUant.-\ heremalns... wasgunnec of blizzard ing Aquino.

______ Ollvai tol'D ither Cus)

t r« 0 mUes "S e c u r tty rQ onquer.IlK tect Aquino etsakL . ' confined.to. rh av e had enUre l4-m g b e r s k ^ . . — pending ib issaW tff- — fhealaying; ■ tbe Great . The con

M a r c o s '^ ’Win m ig h t. former sen

■ ^ ^ dara and

' 3 S a * t S l nL - •• * The pan- ^Jpurt -<au<

J_______ _______FemaiodbrMir ' hearings w

-. — after.Aquini

AimB yU dtedP r

-3 ^ 0 .0 0 Tddfiy is ; < ? 239thdayofl

— IhfiJafionJ

V — ^ moinii0 Maia. ___ _

' ' — ——T fie ev en li

, ________ __ .TOoee l»nis l ^ . o f

— ^G arm attphB .w . . . . 1770. hovells

? 1871, Germai 1874, Dovellal

folim d e n t^ th e UiaCtressTuesd

In 1859, U«1 J I K S in the United (0 JO Indi Titusville.S S H lS SJ' -----In -1928, 111

~ , S i M15 nations ii

YfcUy, Um beganscarcea was 113 II

CybdonJohton i^ 'A m e rk

! a poverty, aomI o .... andalltoonuI S9 ....I 48 .....

“ ....'• ■ J w40 ! IH K

. 3 71 p.m. _

r . .A 3— B 2 —___ A 4 _ _. ' . : a 7 ^ ^ 5

: __________ / S

.JwaattB •till I8i.ee;_^ • ' iaimWLJO, ------------------jMn ^ b y '


e^tgaH-Continued trom Page Al

P f f i e '-WfaJter^h6Uafrr:a«l i-Hooegger. .wbo^Ionday'qi^ ice Departineot job reviewing riOU^Uon in laws and.tegula* e r assalUbg tbe projkt^as “a

, altcf^nlstakenly saylnff Ms.-irlbsd_onoa_played--^a»‘e*’It-an egg roll oo tho white Qwn, app^ilM to extend ah UKh F r i ^ . “We’d be glad to rinput, as we have all along."ake az zr::z :£ z^ ;L .L Z —_» e g g e r . . a t a 5 w 8 ^ f e ® ^ i.botd.whenf-RcagOQ.spoke.. phers..“r m l» t ag a li^[lid ^ t ' l did because 1 had ideveryavedueavail^c.", . fered to t down with R e a ^

aetipued bom P a ie Al

e studeBts t r i ^ B - f o r c e tb ^delhecoiiipus. -htfplt. students.thrw rocks at

1 sevei^ homemade b o n ^ ^ rsity security men bom- the s tu d ^ ts with-water can- iYlot pollcrcharged into the rmwrf nufjpglng lKptr~ tnm-mdepding the demoMtration? ty guard E le ^ r o C. Ocampo ild&itlfied occtqmnts of a t car fired t h ^ sl»ts a t Wm

the unlveraity but missed.: suburbon'Uidveralty of'lhe ’ ya , 2 .000 stuJaits Ueiiiuih

t^ j ia m ln |j . jy ^ t^

ent Supreme Court Justice to Ite tbe A qufnorsI^g .- The- /asp^ceful.I was killed at M ^ a alrpori etum'Sunday;frdm-a-three- le ln the United States wlth.a bol"lo~tb^hedarK ls"lone- t,- vrtjo remains - unideitlfied,- ned down by soldiers escort* 30,-tftM Rrig-nori?_lustodlo. chief of the Aviation 'Command'assigned' to~pro> ino a t the airport, has been .to.quariers — along with bis -man airport security s q ^ d ug furtlKo'investlgation^o~

»mmisslon appointed by ilso came under Are from the lenator’s.family, opposiUon indJhflitiudepts^jJIgLwhQm^

lln<mlry.:-7 —_______ ____and. headed-by Supreme Wef -JusUce Enrique^- M .. t>r announced Its puyic_

wSira "Be^^pMtpwiia - u tiiL lino’s funeral.-T-— / , - -- -

rianacP r ^ International

Is Saturday.' Aug. 27. the If 1963 wltb 126 to follow.

Its .lat—

m lng jtars-are Vf»p»»«»-niwt—•

ulng stars are Mercury..

om on thi^date are under 'o f 'V lr ^ . 'U iey liidude'."; hUoeopl^p-Gen^Kcgel-ln— illst Hieodore Dreiser in nan cbemlst Kari Bosch in list. C S. Forester in 1899. Bln^^Tt*nB«n--yth~prMl-I United Statin. In 1906, andesd^W ddinlM S.lateinhirtorv;^ ’f im s u c ^ u l oil well " ted States was drilled near Pa.the Kdlogg-Briand-Pact. - war as a means to se ttle^

lal dlqmtes, was signed by I in Paris. Worid War 11^

h t for the day President..hiaair8ald.'“ U nfbrtim atar‘iricans live on the outsUrts-" --8oma-heoBU86 o f- th e lr- ime because of their colof-, many because of both."

A '^ * -^ f ik

r r.' ' — . ..

' and go over the list-(m t- «tw» t»»M

ya. of the Natkmal Org “a Women, was ambo

roonstrators outside tbe

ils— e a z ^ a s cents to ev^iy^ te r b y n ^ " 8be-8a k L * ^ ilte "m e ^ w e w ilT ils e o u r v ah . o u rd a lly llv ^ " - I to 7 The., demonstrators" J." • busload of NOW memb — Angeleara few UnKaw ^ ^ u u b ^ aqd a h a ^ u L o!ce7_::Ploiester8;_________ lh.- - Reagan was accomp tad q>eech by his wife. Nan ’ . t^ ,'M aureen,'and . FalU IM ! tleseyV director of the

• ^ ’I-thlnk aU.of the f t lo n ^ -are'•M arcos .

^ . Aqulno^s -jvldaw;ijCoraj ^ ^ f u n S to ^ PhUlpplx

5w i"ji' - h^ 'th flt-ca» , rm a 5 ' Impaitlal. investlgatloo

. of t h e ^ m m te to r i /^' Ker stand v f^ ecboet

... Alano, spokesman for j ~ U n l t e d NationallstDenM in=--flltathMfcwhlcb-he-sakl-

Q to takep^ ta tte invesU ]

- : --------------CONII»t" Hoiall

H r _________T O MW e o r e p le o s i

Iri .. c liaje - • ------------------------ -—t a _ _____ ____ F r e e s to

--------^ le - M o r c H - l

rt- No proe3fce co llec te

on ^T>.— --------^ e - l m m e d l i

>13 f l J e N e v e r oIdto—

:t i p p = =

A- ■l i M u i t t i i i M M I

1ST '

A' I Hwy.30 . 'C t W TwIn FolU

I— — — -----------------------I‘ Tho G overnm ent Is

l.Og-.oere's crop land [ . panyrA-gbodTocOT

proporty mby 1 ^ ^ .l s :% )^doWft=omMIj-------- lrm oitm eni»;A)lb ldif, cashier's check, po)

payable to th e Trea: . .. P.orcont_(5%) of the

at any time. Addltl i_ —obta ined from the',^f J L j l t g S b s S S S S f f i f n *s ^ y r T h o opening of seo

Bids w lll/b^pO T ed < Irotlo’n Gtoiodrng Of

^ ~G ovornm ent rosorvo I '" ~ property will be-soli


____ ____________________ J a m______________w a t c h i n g t o t

cow boys

' ‘F'


M R &.•, ......

. . / _________

t-ol IHffcderal oince ol p ih L d ly ^ ln p te months ag

ijanlzatloa for H i e ^ dog the de- waved' wt» b o W ^ ■ ®*Snlfy aPI

T M 'g ei^ 'g rq } ' enthuslasn to c h ^ S S t h a S

i Induded- “a ^ h f i planno nbers from Los dOTlte-tlMI nit nnft-RABgHn— thiS'awOtllLof nnt^nirlftaiL-i^Rtttigain

______ _ -l...iJflsesalDg 1npan i^ to the bld . e l«v| incy bisdaugti- problei ilth'Ryan W hit-. latest, GpUi e White H ouse--gap betwee- ..___________ approval


W ftho^l : persons.men* by

.m o i,’L..said q ) e ^ b e r »;an,-w ho-re^ laws ^ 1 p l ^ from t te tlateon'Uie:

^ S i i g - t e a n - - - t ^ r ^on-with ■ some__ ^vlew.of.Juilitionto-bepart -and “have 1

on my desk )ed by Antonio *retumsto>^ r the 12-party , R e a g a ^ mocrallc:Oisa=^— RQ>Ublcan_ d would-reluse— Barbarabel rtlgaUon. . . athlsmouni

i l D i l T W A R E H O D S E Si i i f n f f n s iM ttw a fB iW>llon , R a u l, M u rtn u g h . i

n a M H E R c n o E M

i s e d 4o n n n o u h c e th e fo la h g e s f o r T9B3 c ro p b e

t o r a g e o n n il c o m m e rc l-i:r19847^=r=S n : ^ —

> ces$ ing o r s t o r a g e c h a le d ,In 1 9 8 4 .

ilo t•-paym en^on-crop»

o u t o f t h e r n a rk e t .

^ Wo Aro. A Nb ■ a C flfh / A FulP I ------------ - C « 6 A i

n C U L V E R TT / f M — T - In Stoc


E E O OIs offering for sale o 120 nd, 120.65 share»-ln-Big-V

’ be. pur% o<oa for wsh’ 0

tostal m oney order or bdi losurer of th e United Stotei be to ta l bid. The property 1lltionar Ififormo^lf...........L £ ee s» 5 ^ fi^ te A d m in i8 f i daho, 83330. Telephone n saled bids for th e properi d a t 1:00 p.m . ot t h ; Formei Dfflco on F rl^y ,-S ep tem t vo» tho right to re |ect any old w ithout regard ,to race

‘ , i

l o D BkRTS'Wtin u s fo rJhe-fun an d exc gP.-.no.ic.h.Reelep.taleat- ys a n d cowgirlS’diSplay

for youre

•O U R D A



of public liaison, wfap several B ^ w M sbi^ped of prlmajty...

-uliite and "red napkins to

[asm.and saki of th6 bigns: “i ' ranttobecritlcaI-b(it84?rm ' t oldJlKe^M not hint,v,1iethd‘. Qoed to run for re tiec tk n , ~ r-the cany»Ignfltyle nature of— lo tb e rre ^ ^ e e e fa a ^ . . -

Dg nrDQ)ectsJor. a re e le c tk n ' bave aO now led^ t h ^ have iblehi’' among women.' The j ^ u p Poll showed a lO ^ ln t ;ween men andjvomeh ih their al of^tbe prerident, wltb mm igThBTptentlallrnrwliqc:: »mealtheig64electk)n.' - HiJ.r^errlDg-tq-MsrKoo^ger, nfl ’ Rongnn said during tbe - her pGoJectl^-Wentity f e d ^ nd re^atk>ns that dilferen- tbebaBlaofsexwouldfltMtt— :flid his Clbinet_CounseL-flp__policy will accderate ita re-.....Justice D^artiDent findings »ve qiedflc recoaunm datka^ :- desk for discussion” Viten be to Washington on Labor Day;- . m ieft San Diego to a tten d ;a _ . •an^fundraistf at__ Santa

tilaountalnloprandi. -

E S , I H C - ph ,& C urry ^ ........................

BROWERS: I> fo llo w in g p o lic y I b eans, .•

>rclgl b e o n s 'u h t i l ~

: h a rg e s w ill b e — :— -

Mew Jeoler & I __FolltlnyOf— : —i r a M E T A t r - ^ - -

S T R IP E - ^ n ~I t o c k - .. d e l l v e i i ^ t L ____ _ .

W U s For • —All Your

S A L E I120 acre dairy form. - Ig .Wo6d.CoinaLCom:_i _ i ' of Goddrff^-d6Hgr-=- — h’ or fifteen percent— -------1 _____ t__ -|G t*V 7riquai^annua^^

bonk money order, ates, for ot least five • rty may 11 nliT^ — l-d sS fF W rm sco n be ilstratlon, 43S Idaho e number 934^4468. Iperty will b e public, |mers Home Admlnla- »m ber-2 ,-1983.'T he ' any ond oil b ids..'h ie ' oce, color, •30X, age,

i "" ' “

— I

>Ebr ~ ~ ■excitem ent o f. ' f i t Eicst c la s s . — — ilay their skills j r en joym ent.

= :

< ^ N T ^ 3 o J _ _


Page 3: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF405/PDF/1… · Bmamin ^yTfte Tlmes-News : • andynlleaPressJnlertiaUw — A ppoint—

Natjpn I attains' c 2 : ^ y f A s ^ 0 m i \ i p i:— —- d u o U v l^ M ) U h w » U o n ;

- L-workers soared-6.1 p<April-Juoe quarter. i


• ,_ faOTlaUorerSrWere'^v I of prodiictlvify ineasan

. earlier for tbeisecond. oew .ntwrea ahnwed-l

i recovery _was^t)elin?_

PresJdffll Reagaa, sp Womai’s . Leadership F Angeles, said tbe new evidence “that we’ve

• • undercontrol.V'I - ■■ A factor thal often1---------- laiBost-lngredleiit-of-1]j - laboreosta, actually wef

- second quarter al a 1.6 pi j rate, the T lrs td ^ iM sin

. . quarterbf 1975, the dcpai I . U nit'labor costs a ^I pprtloir cf the price tej


- With weather problem ' -w ay,.tbe path-was-clear

the th lrd_ launch _of

that S f f e S k e t tlie fli . black Into spape.

• iaat-minute.. priqjatatlo-------- spaceplane a t Its

: pad for the start of ll

■ (J )—

- 3


^ QUEStiC:— 1 - __— :— Uiavo-mltpli

th U c a u » » a |:

ANSWEI; ^ J_________ E n tltiom en ti

- b a n e f i t s - f r o m■ “ b a s e d " u p o n "

' - • Tho a b s e n c e «- .................. wlH n o t conc'e,

■ fo r a n Indoflnl-----------------------c h a rg e rc c n iB "

so c u re o rap lac W hen you r

__ _ _ ___ b o i r o c o r d e d j----- ' If you h a v e “nc

vye, su g g o s i yo ----- •* — ----- p o rto n l-d o c o m

7 WHI1 - - ~ '" T f fe V fiSp S f h y

■ ----------- r r - -NA Tfi

n’s prodi s^ght-yJPI)J:;Jl»e.prth____ Tbe oV<lon’ n million the-ie la t

percem m tbe-~oaipirt to , an eight-year prbductk dency; the Labor— the— ;set a a y . - ^ - - - 7 r r — seasonan

upwlutiiievl3l6ns-:rthelarge nreroents'lssued i97S's 12.! nd.quarter. The-:, —a'U 2

speaking to the When I; ? Fomm in Lm deparbne BW figures were 4.3percer ye -Inflation. 6.2 percet

ai ra te (o en can be tbe - '-h igh^ si -f-Innallon.-unIt— thirdtpiai went-down in th e . 77)e're> 6peix»itannual -grower- cf since the second alone sho\ ipartmentsald. . When a ^b as ica lly the manufacti tag that covers—departwE ■— — ■- •------ lO.lpe^cei

countdowik L ,n a .(U P I)— c ^ td o w eiTis out ,o(. the . lp.m .M E eared Friday for Challen, of s ^ t tle ^ _nighttime ^ ttim e blastoff gram.~lfl~

first American ^'ilSSciayr Tbe fiv

piitM routine .d u d e s <ju illons- on tbe—tion’sfirst ! ^ d e lalmch was lo an f the. three-day C en tered

m o m m :--------^ J B I u e L a kl*»niSWp» - 7 7 T ? ^ ^ ’

Tw in

■ m m m

' ' W e a t

i i g ih e (

Limll '

H R O s ^

1 ^ ----- -= H anB e s t !

tp lo c » d -m y -A rm y ^ lfc h a rc a p ro b le m a t t h e t im * o f m

in ts to d e p th b e neflts~ ond o m - ih e V e te r a n s A dm fn n ' A rm e d - S e rv ice - d ischo :e of a d js c h o rg b o t th e t ic*e) th e s e b e n e f i ts b u t m o fin ite p e r io d , if you hoVtf flB -TO -dW offrce a n d w o > )Iacem en t.J r e c e lv e 'y o u r re p la c e m e d_ d t_ y o u r_ C o o n ty ..R ecQ r -n o t-a lro B d ^ 'r« o rd ed '^ " i you d o th is . A d isch u rg o

um en t-fn -H fe^os-w ell-as-o

IT E :■by'thB 'P Rrk^----------- ™ o i


(uetivity^eathighoverall producttvtty measure a laUbn^p-of Inflatio^djiBted to the lanor-tliQe'lnvotv^ in'

:tiod. l i ie 1 ^ factors during

iSya(Ui»tedannaal rales; —

since the s e i ^ quarter of 12.9 peromt gain.6.2 percent expansion In the o fthe average wofjc weeiL, Uie

n last refMrted ra July, 29 the ment.s^d.i)roductivity was tq> cent, a tw o-yeu^gh; The new

I "(or the seoood c^jart^ is the I sinc9 the &6 percent In theuarteroMOTS;----------------revised measure' for the mtf- category ..of manufacturing

bowed an 8.4 percent gain. 'I narrowed fui;tber. to-rocds on ]ctia1ng of durable £ 00ds the uSnbtfiBfTJrtttifctlvityupat a ■c^tannualjale.

;n to ^ ta rtown. wWch is to begin today aV MDT. • ■ ^ . Ienger?s blastoff, tbe.-flrst- n e iainjdvof-Uieshuttle pro*' to 8d>edtfled:for i2:i5~a;in.

fivfrmember flight erew-ta.-^ (iulon S. Bluford Jr., the na- rsl black space flier. The crew arrive a t ihe Kennedy'space aariySaturtay... _

'Y& M liikeis M all _^ 8 9 8 9 ; ------ ---- - -n F a lls

a v t r ^ :

J t h e r T o m e r

T c l f i c ~ T r a i l ~ ~ " “

S jz e r4 - 6 X ~ig h tv ^e ig h t & ...........le a v y w e ig h t. ~■oil & vv in te r 7

5 ' / ( > o f f ~ ^ ^Im ltod to s to c k -— o n = H a i W = = = =

O urL ayaw ay • . , Plan . _

irry-kt-For-r—v — f S e l e c t i o n ^

' h ^ c C u X X j Z l ^


a rg y pnpT i . WflP— " — Fmy death?.

ind~toTaut^ Iw rs ' _ _nlnlstrotlon ara :harge records.— — - a tlmo of dooth tioy doloy them -/tf lost your dls-__________oT^II help you ' “

ment. It should :ardor-’s - O f f l c o . - -• ^ouf discharge; ']o Is 0 very Im- ro t-the^lm e-o f---------- —

i 4th AVE. CASTTWIN FAltS---- ---------------IO N E 7 3 W £ 0 0 _ ___________

’ ‘V

i - l - J R t e p p f e

^ _____ 1 . W S S K D W E P N —'Ul Thousands of people

nation’s capital F i —idaiea.— buses— ai

trains" (dr a rally to - - annlversaiy-or-th(

■®* ;^^7narchonW ashii^

■■ - O rg a ^ lz ^ p r ^

— tban-the-^250,000- paril£Ipale3 (n the 1

^ - Washington for I “P T -Jo te” thatw as a'U ew the-'civU rights >

,.! ,.Rlgh«led thft f ln t t^

h e ■ I,.

ng • ■ ,1- - , - --

on • •he

" ? 7 R «rst-— -— —________ _ro-“


■— -< This 18.0 Cu.-fl. R«f______:..»00*/r_F.fO*l;E<LOOJ_eor

.of tho m o il anergy-«H todoy .. ■ . —• Aulomallc Ico M aker.

__ ; chofflo) • .• tloelrT-SbvofSWHeh"

------------rPvilyA d lu itob l* ConilJ Spoclal M oal Orawor , • Jox tured D oon Adji,

— -------, • (

- J - ' " - - • ' <

• <

, iHFHplilalre 1: . ^

. 11

. . M a

r . ^^ ^ e tea rT S until,sol

~ “ • Close 0 . applidm and stei

• Waterbe ~ “ : .r«:MohT3wt __L...J*Gxandfc-

• 20% Dis ----------------= : r m r r r o r s 7

= = ^ A A t i r | c e t = i !

- — -•-Re " ^ O p c

■ - -^^FREElFi7 - T r J — Eltl

■ -i... ' '

tv. ' ; . . - . . 'j .

K a \

?Lsetj!g>Ui3— (UPI)— ------ Lulber-Ilie beaded to tbo figure. F r id ^ in cars,. Boifow •fiDd'^*‘free<lorn““*phnBffTi to marirthe 20th- - i iv e r e d a ihe-clvll -rlgWs—rin the- jtoo.-jT^'*'----- • -P e f fc * ^

ou draw more "W eha iQ--j»>?le-wfao - iast2Q vft } 1963 March on we are <

Freedom aSid " possible 1 'turning point In Ipdeedpo ^ v e m e n t and_ . Andrew 1 ‘gpjicff.nf M artla'_andnowtl

» p l e------ Tiiis i& tlie— : • Sei^?cLfjw

lAfflgoraier-Frooioc offer* :oi\ye_nl«neoj e nd l» one Dillcien'i models avolloBle

>f. (A vallobleoioxiro

nlllev^iShely**^-^-.-,-.-------------»r \ • djuilobto Ooor Bln

^ — T b e ^ ^ e m a r i l

\ range, is

7 7 7 T : I ~ ^

►“SavierSrTPricei I Get A Larger / • Get all The Ne 'G et New Colo1 j

, f e i m i r n r a i

UF-21H ._

ike Augus %dvantagiSwe'ep items lesld. “ “ -------^ut of all 83nces,microwavi r e o s

)eds atCost /k's Aygust’Spe father Clocks'b; 3t $400 Savings iscoOnt on ajlp Jvlamps and ao

Shipimrif^Bvolvlng Charg len F r id ^ ^ l l^

Qhts rally• - K l n g - J r .— a s - a - n a l l o n a l -

■owing- th e m o s t fam o u s I f iv iH ~ lU ti ''^ te c n i u n g de-~ 1-20-v e a r s a g o n a r t l c i p a n t s - J c o m m e m o ra t iv e ^‘J o b s ,- ^ to d 'F W e d o m " 'm a r c h a r e ' g .u n d e r tb e t h e i n e , ' 'W e stiU - d ream ,s” _ . / _ h a v e le a r o f d e n o u g h in t h e _ j^ e a ra J f i lU o d io L k D Q w J ^ L . B d o in g a n d l h a t - t b e . i m - e d r e a m s o f th e ‘60s a r e p o s s ib le in o u r t im e .” s a id V -Y oung. 4a K in g a s s o c ia te '- ' v th o m a y o r o fA U a r i la . -f*

l e r t i m e t o u p d c i i

o m A r r i | ^ i c a ' s 2

" " • S o v e a t S p <

S i i z l e r P r i c__________ ' I

• G e t F u l l R e

________A l l o w a n c e .

F r o m $ 5 0 t l

- ’ We trade ' dealers, ej

' use q I

We give perTTZZZZZZand-deliv Magic Vallend^Grrus^edTEfiisThffgreotest-i

e flso n sjg n3 of New 'Oiie' •AAodiel lew. Features orOf Your Cho l e i c t F r o m M g g i

T We-have-jiisi- freezers’ Hli

ll gone;:xAn° We also need i

ist The Sai l e e f eurifleft onsale

TTodyls uf—r—— ives, TVs I

) ^ ia l - ” byJHpwgrd_3 ® . , '


^ArffviWg D■ g e - r l a n ; - 7 ~ - - - “ -

l e i s l i o p p l n f f —


* . • , .7

mm» S a lu r

A i- —

--------«•": Ul rel u - -- • -•

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i i i ir r t e nl a f e y o u r f a m i l y

2 f o p Q u a l i t y h

p e c i a l S u m m e r

i c e s .

E e f a i l ' T r a d e I n

e . I t w i l l v a r y

I t o $ 5 0 0 , . ^

de.ju^t like car excep£we dOn'l ] blue book.

r s o n a l i z e d s e r v i c e ,

l i v e r y 4 o . e v e r y ~ ~ -

I l e y C o r t i m u n i t y .

s f r i f f e T c r t o r s r i T T - s

h i n - o t J F - S T - y e c K : -

jjgHMHiig• Get mo

Much Le . •Extra 111

L o i c e _ __________ --------------

B i c - V o i l e y l s J l n r a

Ist-receiveil-a thelowestjrijig & “ t l e i i S ^ ^

iilels Be.4iu:e~t( B°flPP0rtunitH0- I used freezers of

ivings JjAoi A U ^ S T i

S e a l ^

-• ~ ...... - -

,-----Second- ^ S a v c

— 7- — '“ A l s i

D a i l y

nlay. A ugust 27, t9S3 Time

HpffiTTTSRiP r f ^ — ^ . O n l y ^ '_

W T f - - P ic k .~ H g ~ ^ ------------------ ^ * 1 1

S i s

jr refrigerator— Manufacturers

----- '■

~~i r*^! I

. . _______

__________ Whirlpool M odel EHTl*or .•. "17ro™cuT7fj~C<

- >-■ ____[>oor*„*_Rrbvlilon_Jc

~ ~ l1 _ _ _ S J « I v« • A d ju ilab le *

^very p r l c e = c-his-tory I

j ilew r ij;arieEfficjeocy.. .ess-Enerjpy iberal Trade In'

a a s t A x d y j o O :


ifftv-model^it to^eJh^e-iiel Fupdatfr-Your fa fall sizes.

inth b y Tai HIGHLIGH ly Pestu rpV m e r i c o 's F l n e s t Mattr

d-Century_and-Fd ^ 1 2 0 4 o

5b Liberaltradi


n m e e ^ e w a . Tw in Falls , k laho A-3

WeiHEHELZT: 3 ? B A R T l E r r . P E A R S - I = -

. l»t,MW*4«ht4*IW.^nsV eurO M nC ento lnert . . -lc k » d F r u i t A v a l lo b I# -------: ' -K e i l s y G a r d e n C e n t e r __

R C H A R D SW r kUUt N*nk *1 fiUf tM-MM |

l i e —


EHT171TK No-Fro it Refrloero. FTCopoeliy • T exturecT lfeel inJor-optionol-ICCM A G IC® ---------------

bio R o llart* Juice Can Rock •

\ - s i - ____^ =

.'.rU ses -I

I n ' A l l o v y a n r e

l - o f - f r i g i ! ^ ^ = = ^

S i m i i a i L - s a i f i i i g S L _

i e f o r e J l i e i N a r e = . - ^

f a m i l y ^ ^ z e r r —

a K i n g ^ ^ ^

HtSI T pedics -i t t r o i x — ------------ - — ; ---------



- - - - - 1 ^ . 0 : : " " ■ 7 7 _

_ ; 7 .

Page 4: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF405/PDF/1… · Bmamin ^yTfte Tlmes-News : • andynlleaPressJnlertiaUw — A ppoint—

TEL A \ a v , Israel (If• ■ ■- - ^mptfed-ita-troubledrAn: -—cam p - of-Pniestinlan-:

s n u t f w ^ ~ f i> h n f in n ' 1/-------- en larg e-^d -n m k e It e

.Jr i-OfHciols anti llraeli new— — -----------------..... — "Tho-doiairioos are ll

s ld e /| a rtillltary

Uje~camp,- so’ the“prtsbnc

__ But Israeli :now8paper' • .v'saia the dusty,- t» ro «;___'. .pound,-.located on a p:. . Nnb'6tiyo, was being rel

'• •. '-Jhwarl breakouts by the a

• li'uiTt Jn Jiily, durin '.771011111 nf.thaXebflDQown

originally housed about . t.ifnwjs M di more thaii’3

' 'n ie military said aulhorlt ____about haU after-cboddng

. So v ikts teC - ‘ nONN, West Germanj

■ T Tiie - Sovlet-Unton tested kMlcr" satellite "syBtem -

• -IJJcniuiny last year, hittii : ';.liirjju t In, apace over Ba

• ■ n'huy coiiririhcd’a repor (}io respected FranWui nmlne. Zeitung. newspape

; wussian test took place ir > .vndwassuccc^/ulbutnot


- Q

— I- — — vivvMoriJO .

— - / i E v ^ W ------..............

s g g E D o F: -iJJOtOR ^t - WOWrONTY


; M IC R O W A V

“ O N L Y . . . .

o r l d _

t L O O J C t f l h(UPI) — Israel the Pales

-Anzartietention— Hqir------^n -prisoners-in----- Last-m<—to reoovate, escape, fr It more secure, nlnna hrnl lewspapera said rim eter x

Lebanese^ e in areas out^ . jiarlier, ry command nee were I ure reiiUVUtlUg me spraw ibners wUrhave ' ' football fie

tringlhesecQpd • onepJofWl JjfflMjifcjanii?, guard o u f lOiOoFdi- jaoJcsloen m’30 countries. At presei o rltterrth jasejt- fbullcHngs.- Ing-foiHlnkS'to—-a n d -h an ^

tested^illea n y ' ( I ® ) , - ille test wiited -aS flH tr- Involving Um -over-W est nicketlianItting.a'torget an area atBavarla. gov- .-Munich.

port Friday inc/uiler A U gfi^~ 'w '• - i aper that the . W “ e In June '19fl2 |T not technfcally_ ___>>7

■cesrthe satd^

GE Qe ^r<^) TOTi>1 ^ r -■ «-*p■ ■ WAIm ________ §

^ ~ J m \

^ _____ p r o g b a M m

rei" V ^ B ' ^ S a B d r GONTf• * n i / ® 0 P l ^ 2 CHAl

t - -

J | H | . _ i S P s a z i 2 w' • 'm Une Block r

* Shorpneti Coi ~~T=-V..::- ^zNLmbora.«.Wol

Plaitlc.___________[ •lnelod*ng42 u



^ B a l c e w h a t y o vt jb lO

P-7* oven..... •nureovsn’lnuirlor

H • nvM m CALnoD' surfw* m uii!ti»wlU;lV6'0"UIUUl—

- NOWMO— -------- -----------------

I Faiia, Id a h o ; ~“ ^ t u r d a y , Augi

i p s e ^ r ^ilestine Liberation Organlza*

monthrln thc first su cc ^ fu l" from (he camp, 10 Palc^-_

■ and disappeared. into* '-S S -w>f«MintEWgidecr, seveft'lnmates who tried to re klllcdby Israeli (^lards^t aw im gjaciijiyruiT s Iz ^ r io Tfields. _________• -Maariv n ^ p a p e r- reported inth-the-lsradi-guards'have' Irbl.of Anzar pnd in some ways’ ■-ijecome'' thfe; ■ -prisoners’''

___________ • - - - - - •-noJflngeE.dear..who-ii!prl3?7: ■Whom,” Maariv reported.Ji., >rds use armored vehicles and ' enter tir&compound. | sen t, there are no permanent 9.-Th^detainees sit lp tents giaondtyonTOpe^iinea.-------- —

er^satelUte-was part of a huge exercise g the complete rangeof Soviet ardware and vTaSCCnlercd on abovo U)e Bavarian city of



ieluxe2-in-1 AL WASHERj^noE T U B -WASHES B T I . .EAMILY-6IZE ■ - ' l llOADS— ■----------- j

^ E*lrtdrop-ln I^ MINI-BASKEr-TUBN^‘ I

I i j ’

i M B f f l p J

I MABLE /I m“ SC»N“ tt t!“DEMOTE m m<TnoL— fH ^-iANNEL I If]BiLiTV* fr^Ttrr^ y III

:w„ck MolriK.Pklufo Tubo Control • Olgiial Oiannol V olnuLflnl»h.oaHlgh.lmpo«-----

2 unicrom blod ta b lo thonnols


o n l U c e . . . ms-ltsalf.

• InflnlM rou?y'oonirala “ I-------- for pTMtM hMi Mlaouon.

• Aut0m*ue own tunar,----------nna-snriSDssrcaHsr— —*°* •Ovan inuinnr luiit.

• UUck i(U«« own door.


u g u s t27,1383 - DeathBy United Press Intent

Nicaragua claimec ^ rightist-rebels and i P soldiers were.killed Ij

fiern&t f i t t in g of the Su5.p ^ e d sabotage b

rul— of El Salvador-----------i l - _____ iii.wasiiTfl2tcH7.we:to-__ ported lhe.anl\[aI_off thh e

W - I '

fs -

^ H ._______

i V m - >f ■ : ___ ^


A T O u k - fh T ls h - H C hairs

38" X 48" tal le n g th .- Cane — -with toxtuod b

■■ finish gi.vp oddoi

, ■ -

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- J'rogrninm tno ■ EtoclrDnic' • UHF Tunor ••1-Funciion Wi . RotnoloConlrcJI ■ 7.9l.bs.

w/Bnilory ■ Spocial EllocisNOTICE: Tl» nna^ll.unigd iitco'O.r


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I O W O N L Y . . .


toll on rnvJtional----- _ C en tra l,

ed Friday. 81 _ u S ^ * NiO,:govemment----- A fivfrIn. some of the VQ,200-toi

le twt>-year war. off the ei by Salvadoran In mId-A

l-oot near i r h a l l— partidpa 'neuvCTf

thejvesl.coast.ol _ sa ld _ _ R

X 3 ^


t ab l e - ex t ends to_ 60" . —bacic breuor chairs 2 bolgo sca t and bross

lod sty lo ' O rg .$79» . ■

COLOR.V H r- VIDEO CAM 1. ■ "" Nowvicon Pick-is ■6.1 Powof Zoom«1lumqoi Eloctronic Vicwlindo

1Q95 Modol . NOW $ _ |p .....iCiOC^oaOE ONLY -



d j ^ l s

VJDE MSSEnEm or > • 8-Functlon R ontrols-- •0 -H our Roco 'ofii • Eloclror^c f<

rise fi;pinal America of seven U.S; Na' lips led by the S8,00(Mon bip New Jersey. __v e ^ p battle group 1 ^ by U •ton carrier C^ral Sea arrivi i east coast of Central Ameri< ^Augittt. Both task forcea^w: t ig tr jn jf f ld , .sjMh:andTalr-m re sctk^uied In the region. itate .Qcpartment spokesms -Richard__Stone. Presldci

^ - f e l “yoi? ^ T C H I

^ 9 9 9 ^


-C r G

E L V I N S-BIG 21.2 Cu. I


5 Y R . E A R T S f i - L A B


“ N O W ^ O N L Y

3 S S E

il0S3—-tJ m UEP g i MOR ■ .XMERAek-'Up T ubo ' ■ Shnrpnoss Cc i«T *C R T •Soi-And-Foffltdof ■ F l.4 • A niqnnaConno

$ g ^ g 9 5


8-H R .V tJS :.. -VIDEO GAS^ETTE REC8-Hour Rocord/Playback ■ Ono- rogrammlr>g aElOcironicVIHF/ul ^ 'PoncftorrW irodR om ottfC ontrt ( |o c l9 ;-^ { in , Pflusfl/Sllll.ftndF/nKjom« «inltti*lim«)rin1tifio»in« eopjrtioti

Jol . •• ■ CR4002X - ---------->W ONlY. ; . . ; ; .-T - .~ .

rERECORDiER1 Remote Control > - (Cof3]n^£^PlayBock^_^___^ :T opoC ounter _ ^

ri CentraNavy Reagan’s q>eclal envi 1 bat- Central America iSun _ pr9ii»Qte.jjegDUatlon y the . govenunent of El Sal rived • guerrillas. , ericif A State D^>artmi.wjU__ sald.Stooe-wiU hpjn“ma"r^rweek:t{rnrday8-wlth.

jman j to p s were not dlsclosi Ident — Ijurt month; Stone i

i l U R ~ ^ $ l HOICETTI— ^5 dve e x a c t ly '/a o n ho i j r o u p s in t h r e e o f toe j p e c ta c u la r p r i c e d , _■

: O ak f in ish p o d e s ta l Ti B r«uer C h a irs ' -

:;42!j£ynded*quefeTroti5s -touf.caneiiack .firausraty l -textyred:#eat.Orlg.-$799.- G ta is to p P e d o i ta l Tol & Brass B re u e rC h a lrs Gloss top Pedestal Table v Brass Breuor Chairs 42" ro

7BdjBStfftilebi9^nd4o0r:fol Breiier style choirs. Orlg. S

S f O R W


i i n•SSS“ 25"D lagon£------- l . r . r j ^ COLOR

— CONSOLE»Conlrol ■Custom 'PIciuroControl •offlol Volumo Conlrol ■ Coo* CnbI

fl anfl SlfY>tflatoIIB---------- ---------------------

i ; e z » 5 y y

EC^ROER^------^ ^ 1 ^'no-Evonl/14-Oay ^ R l l 9¥ ^ VUHF Tunor

■•l«vKionp<oor«m< EXCHAf,.ish,.oto.n.,. 2 . KNOWLI' SALES!

" 2 2 3 J t L t e : E . ---------

ll Ami^cnvoy, will return to;_Zainoni,. unday lo efforts to Rcvoluti* onaThetween the sents Ui :alvador and leftist fighting

ernmentjnent spokesman . ..Thepo in f w> m g ln n -fo r J t— r in r in g IfUUxlaJIrst-stopln^-ing-trafflluras,. Kis oifwr__as they-oaed.____________ fiHircaste.met.wlth.Ruben_cleclricit

o n d s o r f ie X q l - S ty le ® 'c D doy's n i'o s t ‘\V arrted s

B: • ■ , :

T a b le w i th 4 C o n e Back

ftstal tab le ondtyla.chalrs-wrlth_______ S t ?9.------- •------------------------ 1a b le 'W ith 4 V e lv e t^ ^ ^

I with 4 Velvet & rounded square______ ^ ^

------- =— - '.- -- ^

.BIG 2

= — ------------ — N O



nal 40" D la f lo n a l^ ' ^ COMPACT ■ ^sfS!


nblo ■Solf-Contalnod. Ono-Pli I ... •eapablMlv* ■ A u d lo ^ d p f

alod___ Compoaltinn^Bnnrri - ‘— - - 'wn«nu<»<)»-mti<.aoVCn*nd/<

QIE_ModoL—_______40PVV3000K NOV



—7— Twia:Falls-T-T—

• »■

iGaxlashirn , n of the DemorrwHx -lutioriary Front, which repre- ; the niajor giierTflla‘^ iq )3 lng . the..U,S,. suppdtled gov><^ lentofEISalvador.J pow erj^tPM t.||iSan Salvador -"ig ftvimlng.nieh tfiutf. ffimrli^ffic-and darkening offlcesjust^— ^v. were openlng^J^identsJn— eastern provinces said they lost _ rlcityafdawn: ' •____________

^ . i : . ; ^ . . 6 r I g l n Q n y — -------

■ ■ - $ 7 9 9 ■

r ~

^ 'c o s u o l d in in g ' i s ty le s a t o n e

a c k ~

^SM CiET =

2 0 .8 C o ; F tT ~

O W O N L Y — --------

-ss-l ...^PIocoCablnoi^i|& ^^^

O W ONLY ^ , 1 9 5



H I N G ^ O U FE.— - ---------

Page 5: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF405/PDF/1… · Bmamin ^yTfte Tlmes-News : • andynlleaPressJnlertiaUw — A ppoint—

ByBOBEREDKb:-------------- Times-Nevi3 writer'---

. B O l S E ^ A ^ l n U

- codctallstobesoldfror like beer and wine.

____ -A noplnjonbylheldi“Tt:;.. office has .establisiK

■■ cockljills~cofiUdnlng' alcrtwl (28 proof) flt: deflniUonofwlae,___

counter, fn any store 11 wioe! said Brlon'Dones]

= jE—

T h e r a p i s t J o B a r i l

----------- ByPATMSRCSNTOlTimes-News writer •.

t w iKTI^a l l s-W dfareD epartm enlr

— -tim es crying, cant>eb< But a closer look n -- ^ T J^ ^ s^ a n a jh e ra p ljE

------- -— Galled Supportlve-Tir^-(o>*InaU.(uUonallBaUoiv

_______vldes day-care and tprofoundly bandlcappe

I t Is offered by tlM opment Center at 803 K

^ STAI, Js for chUdrei programs. They. arc. functlonli^at levels r the regu lvcen ter.das

. the'coordbiatorandapl The seven children w

----------the program began Julfeed themselves.

Because children wii


JACKPOT --E lko Counb will ^ t a chance to buy

' school system by purchasic 'Ihe $7.5 million worth of I;

~ wiU be used to expand t system.

____ Using a new marketingPnklential-Bache-SectiHUt Vegas -wlU seU the tax-free


- Times-News correspondent

------W EN DELL-=-AfterfIvdeliberate where to make-

' ;'bqdget..the Wendell City Cc-----fln rtftfip rq^ffjfllt —

At t t e counclFineeUng public hearing, the S558.adopted. ________' June Kolm, city clerk, aa

- very-cUfflc^t topu t to^ tb c

r AUtUiand.'COuntyiiquorTe^ j^ u c ^ s a .p e rc e n t.& ir .a .l9

------.......................... , ---------1^

Interpretation of state' law""-\

from groceiystore shelves |

I d ^ Attorney General’s ish ^ that' prepackaged t :g* les3 -th a n -t4 -^ ro c n t ^flt: the gate~»quoriaW s~~^

e licensed to'sell beer or £ lesley, chief.of the Alcohol- tj

iriho lD tnew e x e rc is e s B:

roNio~ ‘’'.“ "TTTIZ

- A new -^ te :K o alth -an t nt program looks and sounds i ceh ttf : Tovs nnd rilnpprs nn

and tiny laughter, and som<% eheardr--.< reveals wh ^ c h a i,g,a1hoh!: >v~^Iri^oh airionglfig=jiayIng

rTreatmeht as an A ltem ^i^ on (STAI),.thh 'pro^ m pro- d_ttgfltment_fflr-multlDlLot pped pre-school a ^ children.' the Adult and Child Devel-

3 K ^ s o n St. in Twin Fails. Iren who don’t fit Into other re. either too. young, or oot s required for other aid. like :las3es, says Eileen Weekley, a physical therapist! n have participated since July-18 rouidn't-walk, talk or

with severe handicaps need

TZ ■ i» OOP ^ [

............ David B ^mtyresidents _presldental iiy Into their Elko Coun isingsom eof bonds In a J t )f bonds that first crack al d the school Residents'

until Tuesda Ing strategy, said. The b ities-of-lias— througtK>ut~ :ree bondsTh" time. '

uneilapiIS--------------------- — --------|nf____ ' • • _____________

- f l v e " ^ ^ meeungs to ke-buts in the 1983-84 city ' Council finally completed

lg TTiursda^foIIo^iig^a' ' iK,786 was unanimoi^y

. ia id the new budget was »tl ^ becau^ the clly hna—

"reiramra tothe city w w i I loss or $16.000. Also. Ihe

T O I CTT7, . -:

— B e y B ra^ 'C o n tro rB u rw iT irjIi5rtiIi9nl.()LLawEnforcomoi__ It also means eating esti

.-J^Jne.Ucenste can serve dine —pre-mixed-coektaiI»-.on-Sun

prohiblls/llflwr IFcens^ to s tlie drink oaSunday.

The change In InterpretaU* by . a.-Pocatello wholesal

:gPon^ey!aJngRau_alio^in'.s<: —vodka drinks to wine retailers _ ,X )one5lcy.’3-lnterpretatio'h,

Copktalls are technically wim •'than2B-proofr:^- - • :

BBS?! ^Vii ‘‘i* ' ■' ,■

B r ia n O h le n s e h le n i n a

___ I _ , 1 - i ,J ,

_____.extertsive physical carerisk Instltution^ization

---------* th jyT j»s«ii:*saj^7nra5and —centerdlrector. i s a : sTAi' Is an iUtemativ

— lh«hlldnnrttnpciiiiilirm fne:. .. Thebig.benefitlsthet

■Jarimls gain freedom d PliR__ hpjp pny hHls rplnt«>H In

condition. Cranesays.

re t ^Micr pmple^ W e ^ ey say s.n. ■ Diaine Clark of Twi] rei. 4-year-old daughter Le

ier " I t’s been a relief to oot getting so much altentk ike Interaction wilh other ch sy. says.

Added to that Is Instruc ice which includes Weekleyor— and volunteers.------------

"Whon we first begni), ed bottles," she says. They

nominations rather than the ow minimum biocxs, said irkowltz. an associate vice at Prudential Bache. _ lunty residents approved the ' I June 14 election will get <althebonds.its can place advance orders . I Bday at I p.m.; Berkowltz 1 ! bonds will_t)^maricetcd It tfte countiy a f te r - th a t '

provesbi— usual cash carryoverfrom I

spent, s h e ^ ja ln e d ."Our.revenueJias Hl'bee

added. "OyrDIggest (budgedown the generahfond:*’-----

The fund for streets sufft - UIB blHia^l. It was' set at '-■$io;oob7 r

The gener^. fund,.8ervlng — police-and-fii!«-department

down about-$e;00(^fromlnsf'\

!3 ^ B g a t lo o 4 u r i t iA v ilH ia v e than last year.

CouncU President Bob Tlia

W VaI #iT iiTtne~stat^ ue- Stati mont.-—- - . ' " - - - — ^produ< establishments, with Howe.\ linersaome klnds of“ ' fenniei Sundaysr-Statg j aw— notetH to sell oiiy liquor by WIUI

-------- ... ^ .^ t ja h o^tien was triggered an d o t saler...v<ho asked 197211c

'• . ■ ■ VNnIlers:--------- : • - ------- Tale Fiio'h,. confir m ^ on CTme-

bVlneslfthfeyToless Basi' linebe

m l | | :

a ‘J u m p e r .’ T h e r o u t in e

are from Ihelr familfes, thCy tion because of the burden BdyCrjuie, Uie~geva^iiienf'

itive lo that route, allowing nmuiecommunityi he f t o( time to the parents.. rn during the day to^Wrk to

I R ar^tT and ’ vM ’’lhe k to ^ iQle .cnn. a a n T .f o f m a n ;^

rwin Falls agrees. Clark's Leslie, who suffers from

f to'know she Is here and ntlon. Here shejjas all the'- : children she needs,!’.CIark

jucllon from the STAI stoff, Jey, a therapist technician

ai). all Ihe children were on hey are eatlnc solids now.

T ^ l l

} Becaure jxjople of mo( 1 <!unbuyih6 b6rtds, Hrude • is calling them “citizen boi

' 'The bonds can be pure ; one to 10-year maturities)

isllding yields. Ajooe-yeai yield about 6 percenl,“whU bond will -yield aboutf- BefAdwitzsald.

3Tie-"y"'** tipirPfi-itiilLTuesday when the^bOTils

_ th e mart'et, he said.

mdgetajim the previous budget was*“

been <Wlwn fhlq yAnr,*» <ho dget)'problem was cutting

uffered Ihe in --.at_l.i43.89S., do.wn..about_

d n g jte city office and the lentSi-WM-set-at-TiST^®;—

fliis fundffto eam'WtereSt, ' ' Jvfronlr$22;000r?W 00less—

niackeraysald the council' '

t e t a ikate law consldorejvlge to be lucGof apes) andiplritsto" ’eyer.-¥odJcaTand olher'sjilr iented before Ihey^arordisUIUvl Iiilil;iaiMlj'dl&, ” ' • _llliam C. Roden, execullve^i lO Beer and Wine Wholesalers olher'State beverage groups,

lothliig.ha5.changcdJnihcJa Friday. "It’s Just that new pr B-intofthc market ,wWch fit-

sically, the U ^slaltire set I between liquors and wines-al



e h e lp s s t r a ig h te n f e e t

y w iu i u i e ^ a i a r n p m n a o t t l

^ care.’’7 ' Becatise the program i;

lor parents. 'I’tie state Is li a fee for the service. Cra

j ' be a charge^now for treat

J— ^Th'e, s e ^ for the-progra

___ Goodhig; T I ^ told of.a r1 forthosethdtdldn’tquallf

There will be vacimles when some of the chlldrei

, says- „, Volunteers are needed

ti>one attention for the cl ' will take 9 maximum-ol

were more volunteers, i ; expanded.;-----i.y/g have the pregrama

do them.”For more Informallpn al

HKiest means The bond; aenHaPBacfio rating anc londs.” Berkowitzsixchased with _L^.The_bond sa n d feature elementary, tar lss(ie will dover and I hlle a IQ^year Elko and a ^9-percent;— Elko-K Igh'

modeled. ill .be 8ol-on— •n w -< l—i Is^ re put on Jackpot Is sc

.tim eforthe.

fterSm tUled to apprppHate fuiid

—cmpl<q'ec9;*'but-lhe'8l>ort —impossible:—:— -— — _ The. water..works.ftiDd.

$179,717; sanitation fund $33,000. itiia me luifo ra total of $12.305______

The fiscal year for the ne'___ ln.other.busInes8. Kolm

high number p/,'^^^leU. j

UI-77U water cum m er ' rnqhthly turnoff list, tbe cle

J__ ^ u t M l a ^ t t i g i a ; ^

y ______________________

X a fenoented alcohol con rto'Se distilled. ,, .liquororpp [ilrlta.also, are - ■ The defi illed,-Donwley— drinks'rsud

'■ ’ pina ~col d{ dlr6ctor o( the- percent aio »rs AssbclJ^tlon. stronger* pr >s, drew up tFc- liquor store

Roden said.' law,” he sa id ___pfflQials-productshave werenotav) rit-that definl'^-.; The new.-------------- --------b g auiitu -reiit the dividing presldehtof i J i tMpercrat ‘T Ihlidri

rwnvsjrp;5S7lOTt)EwsH.s)UTr e t a n d s t r e n g th e n le g s

ogram^ e adults; Toilet training

si ’Aca5':!![fiei‘flft6UB .flay..n is so new, there is m crnir. s in the process of creating 7rane adds that there may . eatment sessions. Income,

r iu ^ ly luiich and diaperT*

yani was sovffl by the stoff

a need for a day program- illfy for theirs, Crane says, es in the program this fall Iren go to school, Weekley

kid to provide more one- 5 children, she says. STAI' of sbc children. If there

i, lhat number could be

ms.-we just need hands to -

1 about STAI. call 734-97T0. _

¥Lsidehtsnds cfuiy. the.Jilgbest, AAA.. ana are . tuiiy. .insuryi," ssald.nds..will_be..used_to_build. ty.schools In Carlin, Wen- d Elko, a middle sctx^ In .

a high school in Jackpot; Ji-Scl»ol-w lll-aIso-be-reJ-

fje January l9 8 S s d ^ year.

ieetinqs-tiids to'glve raises to city ortagr-of-money-made-ir”

id .wasJncreased $4,000 to id was incTMBwi fj fund got an. addition^ ^

new b u d ^ t begins Oct 1.Im reported that in July a il.j^ i c ^ t a .vyeye, unable to •

lers, 60 were put on the " clerksald. ' ' " 1 and l o p ^ . ” she s a id n -^

--------------- -------- — ..........S a tu r

content, Roden said. If It’s mor ■ppirita. If less. It’s wine or beei iefi^lion may fit sofg^ p r »ich«^ '^areerilasrB ioM v^ [FdiV^TlM^ typically are al alcohol. But It may not Includ premixed drinks now sold i

ores, such as monhattans or m3id. . . .Js-nf-lhe Irinhn r.lquor . available forcom m wton Frid aaJnterprctatiflh.3nay be wel retayrant owners, s^d'M att.

t of T ^ n Falls Beverage, Inc. iJrHfeort -areas-are*- reallv gc

p] Minor tei

I Prolpsfhioil " ByMARTYTRlLLKA I Times-Newwrit^


zonlngof its new shopp: But representatives <

City developer say thej - be filed with tha city ea

:— :— Tbe-8tumbllng*blod _____ opment—company-’s - j

control over thenew nu _ Wlthout_that._Comi— — opment DlrectorXaMa coulJ-DDfpi w a a tflfl i

■ -tialapplicattoo, filed T» Price lawyer Rob Pal

have the documentatloi of a purchase contract and General GrowtE' Corp. of Des Moines. ]

= =j^Tiextweek.------ '—Monday, Price, offlci.

'they had .reached'a'te ment to purchase th€

— rrpropooedirshopplngrraa]northeast of Blue La> North andPole Line Ro

_ ^ n e property._____"The second I get 1

But that p rob^Iy wil one-to-two weeks in obi approval. Assumlngtbe filed next week, the ea

— ^now -w m e-before-tbe-i ■ and ^ n ln g Commissioi

® , hearing would be Sept. queiit hearing before th<

r. rro rto n sa id ._______. . . Price.officials want

------ Growth-sitebecause-lti;i ...... o r a initial mall site lacli,-------Mnlng..TTie Iowa w m t

• commercial zoning for 1 _ The Price plans, to buU<

Boulevard North. nortH: ' Acres housing subdlvlsl

railed by a lengthy court

^ ^IlowedratCltyrCouncU- developer's requST"

' land in the original site clal use. Now on appeal Supreme Court, the casi decided for another year.

While Price’s mot pursuing the deal w Growth are obvtous, th pany’s reasons are not.« the president of Gene

-Z O t te - c~ ...B U f tE R l .- One i>i

... .:£w ay« t£rom the I^ lo ff atmly

' - - M a ^ l ^ : J u v ^

1 ..T be y o u tb r i id ^ ^ r - tyear-ttld ftom Coeur i ^ 'an ^ t^ T tfttrea ^ n U ti f . .tu tned .h ln iL -lD ..to .j

In _

• froni R»caldk>;; ret.v tm w it: : :r r 't^ .\T 7 Z : i tin kwMni

• r a i ^ ” •• s a a ~~M B aao

. - . O o u n « r t « n - r T - r ^

^ J :S Q 4 .^ b iin ifn 8 i tti6 L iJ w

u rd ay , A uguat 27,'1963 — Time

ore. it’s a —«o.me*ilive with t ser. -.years J^s<{.rve 1 premUed F riday.-----ia ry a -a n d • • f ^ " 't h r a nniji i

fwldersarenotlll ^ expensive wl1 in S to te Q je n r S ^ e k i i w ^ martinis, «>stly.thanjnlxli ^ ^ ^ — M tle s . Smithridhy .- '- 'v -------- n i e - 'I o c a l ^ ^ ^^ c o i ^ - . -cocktalU— ^ i i trs sn th , supermarket she r. • -tributershayeha' goInK to —xetailers.

......., -------------------


BlSiarPPfag[AASE deciioedl

* Issue Whe.. _______

L-mlnor technlcal---thi8-mon Qy. Price Devel- discusaloj aj appiicauon lor .uon,-,he« }ping mall site. At this so f the Salt Lake ownsthel le application will But tha early next week, until Prio K d r ir th f l-d e v e ir -p a ln e ,"

lurk nl ilanu___. . a S S Sra_o!nieralilBior=^JlKiu«»l« nallfllte. AlthougnmuoIty-Devel-— Boone~Bll lar.Ortonsaldhe opment, 1 B'UMt>aQy’8 inl- Jom roTa Thursday. Under a I *alnesaldhecan right to re Ion—lotheform opmentln r f b etw e^ P r i M — If a ic ilt Ih Development" such aa I .-Ioy^.-=-earbL-Bcope of th

750.000-aqi da is announced 430.d004qi tentative agreie- ■ a g ^ ihua he.Iow a firm’s city. .. _ talH ltfe.r lota ted— akes-Boulevard u out ofth loadontheO ren unUlnow*

[Mag that~wlth

r iU c o « T tb e f i r m '“ ^ ^ ™ ' 'a i ^

ion for a public “ 'Hie (B pt. 27. A subse- possibility, the a tL C ouDcll -o n ly :ihe^ei r ^ T n j r ^ o v . ' 7 . _ t tV fe r-c r5 a t-_______ _____ hadn’t , aiat the General -Woodbury,- t has vrtiat-theii— dent-o^de■ icl®—adequate~w o don’t npany obtalhfed changed." r ^ i t e i n l 9 8 0 ; >^^dbur il ld a m a llo n a oil m ix baices “ teal l a r ^ tfi^f the.Green called " a a M o k were de. „oek, Prio

te tor wminer- a l to the Idaho ise may not be^ ments.-Wewilvation for “ i® S o l^ Iwith General mltm entshthe Iowa com- WoodBur

Jon Baleaolo, « ).acre sitneral'Growth, a ttrac t the'

'unawap.S C f i y 2 K i 5 S = = : a « l i i t i ^

ifter'amajprl^ dcdddlttiifF

>a..iftwuw*“ Tnfinfere<fi

rifnefrWew8,TwlnF«ll9rWaho'A< •

- ...j-• . '

Ith this,TTje/vebeenngbtlngfor- ' ve liquor’on Sunday,’’ hesa ld^ ..

* ti|®^iCViXCTt^lI[pirUcra 3t likely to swap their permits fCK*. e wine licenses, be said. Serving iged mixes still will be more nixing their own coclctoils'from isaid.

b o u ld = s ta r t= q iH )ea rin g = :a f^ shelNlss by Sq>t. 15, after dls- ‘

shadachonoetogetordOTfpom ,

/ay /

ajhalLled to shed additkmal light oo the WbenheVvascootadedFYlday. [ ” »n'y thing fhat I ran wiy nt— • noment-ls-that-we-aporhavlng - t ] Mlrtna w^th the p rj^ ' * he said. '■ | h is point, General Growth stUl ' Ihe Boone proper^, be said, that’s the way t h ^ will stand »rice gets zoning approval, savg____

o"ae^,WKl"Uiiru»y-w^vee-lti— ^® p a j ^ c e j lb e s a id -T ........ough tbe dty approved tbe -Blto-for-«omn»rdal” devdi------

a PUD. tbe d ty exerdaea tbe0 review and approve a devel-itlndetall. - _ _____ :Sgflcapldi#nt{ei_wis Price’s plan to reduce tbe

^quare-foot figure _to ooe. of ^«quare-feet .=-, developen ^ . rhust secure approval from tbe' '

dea] would tnean ooiyooe Arm' ~ ~ If the itmnlng In wbat bas been,>w a three-way race lo build tbe oppIng nuU'that'all skles'tay- ' •alto can suroort’esentatlvet of Woodburv Cca-o: "1 Ldjce u ty secured n d o ^ - al In I960 to build a mall OQ tbe

Breckenridgs p r o p ^ , est of tbe Blue L d k c i - ^ Line ntersectkn. 11118 latest devel-b h n « » W rhawywt>ho<i»mtn<4« ’

(Boone) site' existed as' ai : lity. It’s always existed. I t was j e^entry of a.third party_thal_ sa«a^rT >ew "f»t(rT aB F»«= =^

antldpate^” i_ s ^ I<yiin ~ ‘ ny,-tbe company** vice preri^ ^-devdopmentr^'So-basicallyi------cm’t think aiiythliig bas 1 "

ibury also SI^tiM P r In of-oommltmealr t ruui Ug a lt:— ?■ *ge department stores, o r ao- ' 'andw r tenants.” Earlier thb M ce’s land aicqulslUoaezecu- ' 'i ialne RasquBsea of S o ltL a k e^ -^ iEii.cLibe-conipany-wlll-be^— “?tk>n l n l W 5.— -•- - • ■ •

re at the s ^ place that )dy else is;" Woocflxay says, negotiating with tbe depart-

t o ^ - t i y in g to get commit- .We (rankly are optimistic. We ng to b e ^ e to obtain com- italnverysbortorder.” - ' l6ury said be Is yg

site is so superior it will tbestores.

OQSondctytMys-aHe0Bdt^ sU e g u «


a<^(l^.iRLfbeUtd?enHar . m t o a t S i g i g D ^ ; : : _

batiM foQ ow ednindaa^ ^

Page 6: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF405/PDF/1… · Bmamin ^yTfte Tlmes-News : • andynlleaPressJnlertiaUw — A ppoint—

- ^ o a d lKAILEY - • TWrteen

o in ^ r s a ld ^ by Wu B dcpuUes launched itjn

--------Otote Iil^way-^7S-ne<------- Meadowp:— -------- -----

1... T l w r o a d .b lw lc - w ^ a c ■T- — i i;30 p.m. and continus-

a.m. •Earlier Uils .mooUi,

___ announced they would sl■ of a series of roadblocks

VaUey as a foUowup to li the state’s stlffer d n a

» r - - - -= Jaw?)W H to»B avgw pQ bt ■'rneflriKat they inlendet

thatroadblocklnBlalDeC • '■The press was giver advanced notice of the :

i p c i # i tPearl McCorfnit

B U ISU -p .-P corf Mc( 'B u h T 'd Je d F rid ay n ion

— — > ^ > iiin ingK & rneattw alQ o - .h v ? ! ■ . . . B om ln-PrankfoiM C y,— ~ " rsB o ^ U in a ^ 'B d iS o iB - ta

ih a rrJe d R obert J . . : .OklAhoma.'& nd they mo In 1933. Durinfi th e w ar

----------------C a l l f o r ^ a r f e r i f i -i-------------- a h lpyartaa tV aU ejo .- 'nx

B uh l Ih 1946. M r. McC __________ D oc,«rl960,— --------—

C hurcboIB uhl.

— :..y — C to rm lc to fB u h ian d J * ------- i l MMUUivUiA, .Orar*

' . -Wolfe o f Albany. O re .;U

• W a lto P u g g lo g ofOrand b ro th e rs p rw e o e a uffl ill

1110 funera l will be be p .m . lo th e KopUnt-Bui

w ith RaMor R ayn

■ FW ends m a y call a t fl: In Buhl to ilg n tb e gM

------------ froma tffP tm rng « ft— 'l lm e t^ f tb o s e r v f c t '

Roger C. Ltedtk------------------ HUFfclK'l' - ttoBBf c :

— R u p e r tr -d le d -P r id a y - r home.

B om O c t 3,1919, a t Ro a tte t tle d In N a

— m oved to - R tg>eit. wberi■ ■ • I n c e . " '

K a m a rr ie d Leooa Den . l9 7 i . l a R i4 « tL ------------

- M r. U ed tke w aa a i • • • • R u p e r t O raage . a life a

re t^ y ap o s C co m m ao d n-o f P o re Jg n W a n orguJh' q u a r ta m a s te r o f th e V F

- th e A ^ f t^ ca n 'A aa o d a l- “ Peop le : a p a rt

■ ■ ■ “ T 2 «I^«r”aDd a 'ro e in B ar - A m erican L egioa h o an— ' r b o a rd o f d lrec to r» 4 r tb

- CJom m unltyA ctlooA geaSurvlvliig a re : bla wil

. .aoo , T e rry U ed tke of 1 itepacQ *. DaUaa Dempa KlUa. C alif.. Robert Dem

--------- JM i y Dem p w ro frM oaea n d J a c k D enipaay of >

- - a n d e l ^ . ,itepgrtDd(

-------- ' ~ ‘- T l je - lu i » r « n r a r B e W— ^ p .m . a t th e Rupert_Pent--------------- ^ w l th .th e .R w '.lu jo jn io i

B uria l will b e t o R u p ^

V ete ran a o fF o r^ g n W irl LegkH), th e D is a b le A m a n d W orld W ar I V eteran

:— — FHsarisa^^Tainria

- S e r vr . T W IN FA LLS=TliefU D.

“ ■ '^ ^ ^ o rtu a ^ ln T v r ta l m a y caU a t tbo funeral boi a .m .

BU RLEY - The funeral ■» K ang. G3. o f Burley, wbo.

day . will bo held t o ^ a t Sccond W ard Mormoo O u j B uria l will be la P leasan t VI

, o t Burloy. Friends may— C u l l< ^ 's Funeral Komo io

“ to th e fu n ^ .

J E R O M E ^ ’a ' ^ v boula Johns. 65, of J e n n

' Mooday, will be held t o ^ .J.^^ihe-- Ccrtfme Cemetery-------FT14tkl».may ca ll at-’CHe Kff

F unera l Q u p d In. Jerom e a .m . Thoy m n y '^ th e r a t I

__^ shortly before tho Ume of th«

. _ TWIN F.\1X S - A gfayi

— H o s p------- . • --------- - w m


M rs. F re d McWUllama, Cor K lllegaa, M rs. E r ic Vooborgen

------- i»raU T )f-T w ln-P albrM r».H Pr-------^VakloQrayofOoodtng;M r»;Ki

E nn is o f R t^e rt^L u d U e-P a rii Coaey TliraU aod Robert S. And F e rre nbuire of-W eni5dl;-Heath

-------M lduwlM cG b«eofJa«d(peL—Dts

----------L acriaha Irw in and aoo and t------ T tiom as Chrlsteoaeo of-Bltsii-'l

M etake r and daughter aod Mrs. N orm anM uiphyo f P aul; andM

• • J o n s to M r^nnd M ti. Glen CJ o m ia T f fa ia d n ie y b u m fiod

------ J a c k p o tra n d a d a u g h te r to M r.j

- . ST .B E ■ Adi

_____ D ayW -S apper-of Jerom e,:M--S he rre ta o f Twin F a lls and Gene

------• . - - O taMllo M cE ntarffer and Edwin

===-ofOood>Bfl3tf>aWi# aianB8»>il<

A ^ B m e s ^ o w p .T w ln F a l

I b l o c k isen s ta te p o lic e sb c to e !g b B l a in e 'p o u n ty r e p o r te r s k - jo ad b lo b k de - ' B la in e a k a n t r l v e r s T n r : f l r e i i S P ' • n e a r -R e d - T o p -T - W g b e P B i— .-------TT— :-------- ^ b le f f l-d u i8 . a e ^ t o - b ^ n . a t - . - , J ^ r e j i i u e . l B n ^ . 2 : 3 0 _ 8 a l d - R J c h

o f f i c e r fo h . s ta te p o lic e ' E n f o r c e t i d s ta g e tb e f i r s t . /S ta t is t i i dcs In th e M a g lc :— p a r tm e n t

Im p le m e n tin g .-n lg h tU m e InMiken d r iv in g i i ^ u r y a a

id c d 't d 'c e n d u c t ' ' t b a ' s t a t e i ae C oun ty . s t a t i s t iciven o o e d a y ’s , s ta te w id e he lo c a tio n a n d d r in k ln g -f

b m r i e jf n f c * r - •McCormick, of , M n U n r a t - K a r ra l - f l - i ? 5 g « - j^iIOQgUIneB.— -------- is « S bu«JCy,rOo-Augr»rtS>i;— s-to 'K fflrtw ky, She-- J.. TrtcCormlck In G o r v i

<n>ey theomoYOd to — ^ i ^ - S tfcCormlck died on

trJ. piF*t rhrt^UHn a t t< f f l ^ um fnRirfiU lt

a held Monday a t a •Bubl Funeral O ifr a ^ n « d _ E w l n g j i ^ _ _ ^ ^ ^ ^

---------- .......... cuupciiaj------

itke p r to r to th c

tR ob lQ «s.N .D ..he . E l s i e ^ N orth Dakota. Ke

a mem ber of tbo Fu««™ lCl e memtwf c t ^ n n t i M

inha tloo . a d is tric t' — T W IN R i V FW .am em bo-of o f Twin F id a tk n of R eU rtd^^ T w in P a lii lw of theJ4asonlc___longlUneaiBar of the Albion B om A it » aiao Mrveo on dw ho h u d ltv r tba South C entral. T w in FallijM cy. • ■ .......T w in F a lliwife of R upert; a h la fa lh e rl

of Peodletoo; fo u r . . T w in F a l l mpaay of G ranada tlrem en tth )em piay of Rupert, K ebelon

u»dd illd ren ._T w o___ Survivtajn tndeath. - J^anlRayno r W d T \ « a ^ n Reynolds. I•entocoptalChurcb.------- B osary vn io im _ o rn c ia U n g ._ p .m . inRe>

wim FaUsTTTie f

V in . the American P e r ry Doc Ainertean Veterans ^ C hapm an irahsj________________SuosdM ei)r f l uHmr Mort uary — r a e i i a n

y r i c e s —f u D e r t i f o rV I ^ r6 r £Uen M

l a Falls. Friends F a lls . Fri« bome from 8 to 9 ■ M o r tu a ^ li

T h e /o m lly tributkm sbi

u » l for Eric Gust C hurch huUi lio. died Wednea- (y.’ a t a p.m. In the3 a p e l In Burley. m i R i p vitVtoCtmeleryuw call a l Me. r a o g a w l. i n B u d . , prior

b e ln R i^ e r t a ld ff s « ^ c o 7 o F 7 ® ‘ xome. wbo died .acrvJce. day a t i f a lh T a i ; •

KpV^RObcrtson ’ ' KiitismlUi, ' ime from 9 to 10 _ Thiirr-*-]'!"- ot the'cemetery- : ^ i f t B ? R i ^ f th e ie rv lce . W ard M ona

Cemray ^ d e~ aervlce K anspn Mor

p i t a l s =lO IC V A L L ^LMEOICAL CENTER

Cory' Rodriguez. Em ily S loaa I ■gen, Mr».;Qleo Otoon w d Mf»- O

arish-and-BIUy-Bhodesrbotb-of'E Anderson, both of Burley; Mra. G< t t t h e r M .-am ith ot-Jerom e; and-

Dtsmisaed____ __ ' .nd C aro ly irW ylinara i of Twin F a;-T aiaJacobaof.B uriey.;.M ta-M (rs . Eugene Woodruff, all of Buhl; I idM ft,R ar>dySuterttndaonctJen= i a n M — ..... .. -en Olson of Twin Falla. Mr. and ] iod Mr. andTMr*: M Ichad 'H cG S hlr. and Mrs. T erry Glb bocso tJero

BENEDICTSAdmitted '.-Marie^Johnson of R lc h n e ia r ti W jevieveGlbsonofKaliey.DicmlMed----------- :--------- -----------«in Baer,_both j)fJcron»; J iO y d J

iFW ls,klahO ' S a tu rd ay . Augi

u s e d a gBight o e w sp a p e r a n d te lev is io n e r s v ^ on tb e sc en e .M C o u n ty w a s s e le c te d f?r- th e i P r o a d b l t f c k u th e b a s is o f Its

d u r ln g “ tb e - la te -T i J g h t - h o a r e r

ic k -O w e n S rP U b llc in fo n n a tio n f o r th e D e p o r tm e n t o f L aw

e m e n t . . .^W -T «»>PJM i>ri-hy th n t - r i i vm t l n d l c a t e d th a t - th e a v e r a g e - m e (8 p . m : ' t a S 9 in ) < 'f a ta l 'iM a c c id e n t r a t e p e r 1,000 popu la - } :« ^ in 'B la lD frC « ra y re D m p e n d ' ite w fd e -av e ra g e o f 2.57 A n o th e r c r e le a s e sh o w ed th a t ide..v.Vt5- - percent^-^bf:^— th e ig -4 r lv ln g a c c id < ^ 6 re s u l te d In

S —^ -M O n U iy aftenidon and evenJng-

tho church on t hour prtg U o ^ •

^fam ily suggesta. j h a t memorial X ttlO ftTtW -m adrtinhe ComOlncd- inaA uocld tloa---------------------;-------

; Hewlett ‘L E Y ~ -S -G a ry H ewlett,- g . - Q f- r d ie d r a d a y -r n o r a E O T E W r a s '- su it of Injuries sustained in an > b lira ^ d e n Lu lm tt.a ^ l9 5 9 . lo Twin Falls, be Ml Buriey. ^eboo la ,-g raduating -

s r a t a mine near Elko. Ke w as a»rnffhi»M«Hhni<l«trhnnji. ...........—Ivlng a r u hla parents. Lowell and r H ew le tt' of Burley; : four •

W ly ,K ew le tt .o f . Boise, .T hom as.. t o f E n u n e tt and Kenneth Hewlett -

S 'M ther. Christine Brajishaw of

fonarfll will be-held a t 1 p.m .^ in the Buriey Methodist Church,, e Rev. Stanley Andrews official* i r la tw m ib o -ln-:«easani:.V tew .. ay . Friends m ay c a l l 'a t M c -_ :s J5 f f le ra U & m e J a Jw lc y .S u n - .^ m 4 tr< :3 0 p.nt. and oo Mooday thefuftera l.

iitions_be_made_. to_ a _ favo'rite

‘.May WynnMNS r e R R Y - Elsie May W ynoT"am p aran d a kng-tlm e resident of

ih q sp lti! :--------.----------------------------unera l atrangem ents are pending U be annouoced by tbe F l a h l f f - i Chapel In Nampa. .. . .

iF A L L S -D a v id L .R e y n o ld s,38. - 1 Falls , died Friday morning in 'a l i i CU nlcand K aqrital a fte r a - was.i>iig la w inTuf^n FBlIf, Mwrff— I tw d T ll-o f-ttr llfo rh eT rtte n d ed —

aod graduated from . alls High School. H e woriced w ith. . e r ia Reynolds Fuoeral Chapel In - •aiia.ualll lUoMS forced lU s re- .' itth reeyearsago :longed to a re a photogra^y-Olube .. i s ^ ^ iw m b e r -o t -S t . ‘ Edward*s

/lo g a re : his parents, Jam es and i^ f r - ^ a J > y b e r . - P a u l

y w iil'be r e d twi Monday a t 7:30 ~ fteynolds Fuoeral Chapel In Twin M funeraTwiU be b d d Tuesday a t - aLlbftfuIaraU M m e:.w H hFatbCIL_ Dodds aod the Rev. W arren in ofnclating. Burial will be in^ottwirinl Pnrt- ________a Tn a y c f li r a r t hafD nwaiTianiB—

i Mae B roae^^k of Twin Kalis,

rriends m ay call e t White </ In T w In 'Falls untU 11:30 *a.m.Ily auggesta' tb a t m enxxial coo< s be m ade to the F irs t Christian uUdlng fund o r a favorite chari-

?Y — T ho funeral for Lom a fj Doop. 78. of Buriey. who died t, will be held today a t 3 p.m. a t ■lortuary in R i$ < ^ Burial will ~ e r t C e m e te r y . 'F r i f^ m ay call le ra l homo ari bw ir i ^ r to the

r o ^ T f i Orfana ra l' f f i n iaym cur j, 73. of Jerom e, who dlwj

p e r tF l« R ^ S e c b n a 'n n a 'S e v « t th ~ rroom Chapel. Buria l wlU be In , « m e t ^ - F B 5 a * m ay call a t i lo ' r t u ^ ' l n R ifK rt on Sunday . :


-------------------- M r^,M ayno£u i!ffl^I. BellyI. Chuck' J a m e s K aheaster. Gi Wasli,: a l lo f QoQdimc and Mfa

ira. K lin____________

G«r«ld ‘

--------- :------ :R ax-W rigley. CarlaFonteUa Fillm ore, all ol

r>d M ri. .1 Ghee of ; " r r - r - r — erome.------ --- ,— •--------- MI

' ' ^ Thom as Jackaon ood ' L lodaC u tie ro fD edo .

* !3eR < V l-II‘‘" ' " ' ■■ ■ M aria Staric and Qui

------ ----------B uriey: andT ereaa Var

- • • rtr tsu flh lo rtoMr'**)^


j a i n s t llion falalllles..In Blalne.Co

ure Is 23 percent th e , . . As a resultof the dep. Its euforcennent’s legal ln\

>n> fleers in the fiel(& a ITS. . Then as irafflc”lncrea: e.’ ,-cboose'to.s^^-everv th lon.- sixth car,-CTe^.ninlh.i aw the traffic stop allege

traf'f ft flow ebbs, de--::—Althougb- Blalbe o i^ " "Dennls Kaynes sold he M 33 m ore 'pe iv le 'jn -h l llo- night, he dJdn’t^belie^ * d = '^ > e o p le i« )u W -b e ‘fo rc e t ler '•n lghtInJaIl.“ Wedon’t) u t . we’ll be bolding many lhe - r e le a ^ most.of them < 1 In personal recognizance..’

n g " M ooday.ju)duntU uie time bo — .onT u isday .

laJ’ '’ % ^ e £ R u A € r f o r ed— — T W n rF A LLS - EgthB--------87."of Twin Fa lls , died Fridi

in ii^ d d l'U a n o ra f to ra to o g Bom M ayl».1896.b)Tekc

of— moved to~ Buhl - In :i907.-_ as— ^ C lm i a r C a m i^ 'ln 1911 a m ch ed 4 iear Gooding, He pre

dealh . Sh& n lU T le& ib iU ^ « 1955. They lived In BAhl ua ig— CorvoUla, Ore.,-ln-lB6B. Sb »d----- T wlffF ^ b rae ^ -w ^ iit

a A ssem bly of God Church In--------nnrtnflrvania. ..............»Id Survlvlog a re : Ihree ir - Beulah Schwartzkopf oi

i» quellooRoblaoo of Twlo Fall t t - CampbeU of Tw in Falls; la a a r e n ^ n> Shtkhm Is ' M attie W i n t ^ o f '^ U l e )f c h i l ( t o ; 17 g r ttt-g ra ndchl

1. ceded In death by ft dau 1,. Conant. In 19SZ. four brothe I- - s is te r s .w . - n w * mem orial aervicb < ^ _ Monday a t a p .m . In Reyby__ -.Chanel.-w lth tho-R «v _ S by o fficia ting Inurnm ent'w ill

. te rw a rd a ^ tlb eBuhlCemet*

i Randal A . HuntR l l P E R T - ^ . Randal.

30. of Spanaay, Wash.. ^ _ R u p e A died Wedneaday i iT' home,)f------ r H e - w a a - th e - r a of DlM

H vi hitw ral ni-rnny»mi»nNIg . ond.w lU . be.,(umounced ff— M ortuary^nR operL . .

Elizgl^th Brailsfcs. - Brall8ford.-7r. of K agerm an a- m orn ing a t M agic V alley Rc a - c a lC e n te r .— . : - .— .

B om Nov. 29, 19^. In S t

d— parenla-ta-t9l5r*nd-thenH o n . -attendedschools inBoise^Sa h. ..U ta h , and a school of dc 0 - A ngeles.y ‘ .-She m arried W illiam S. E

, C h a lllao n Ju ly 5 ,l9 3 5 r ' a . , M rs. B ra lls fo ^ w as a me s 'Epl8c0p a r a ju r c h . '- '* ^ w .

surviving arof-'her~li i Kagyman; _ a ^aoo._WU

Brallsford of • Hagerman;

9 ~ d e a th -b y -o -d a 'u g h t< ^ -N a x1 __B rallsford. and a brother.I ' .N o se rv lces 'a re scbeduled C _t00leP l«C 9J(L JV hlle Cremate 1 F a lls .n T h e fam ily suggests thal — c o n trib u llo a sb em a d e to th e ! B* R jm choi'-afavorttyc iuu lly .

> afternoon ondevcnlng. a n d l

> RU PER T - The funcn D avid T e n y . th e 4Klay-old a n d Bonnie DIcou T erry of I

1 a n d form erly qf R q w rt, whi ' d a y , will be held today a t 11

RiQKrt F i r s t Secood and Se M ormon C hapd . Burial will I C em etery . Hanaen Mortuary In charge of arrangem enla. f

' c a ll a t the church an hour i .T se rv lc e .

R U P E R T - The* funeral fi M ackley. S6. o f R upert' T hu rsday , will be tield Monda In th e Ru p e rt F i r s t Secood i

~ w oui~M uiinu ii c n a p a rB u itt R u p e r t Cem etery, wllh

~ a i r n T t S K ™ n « f t ^ " i___ Sunday afternoon a ^ evening

churdi an hour'prlor to lhe . Mooday. • - '

W Dm GCOU N TY M EM O RlA L-Admltted

---------------r. G ayle W artlu ft Z ar» Goodie a nMf-K«rt-,>fi^W«(w«v#-tflwg KHI—

CASSIA MEMORIAL________A d m rn ed .i___________trla Lovato. D eborah Dick, Lyi lU of Buriey; a n d Ju lle M a r itto fll•‘~ ~ ‘“ r^iiillllff[t---------- -— T":s e a a Robinson and s o n . Shirie K o H eg a io d i S i r s i K D e ) ^ e - s Jl and Ocea Oollrin. a ll of Bor i: f w r a t aoo o t-W u i;-a n d K mn

-MINIDOKA MEMORIAL----------T.-ood Nancy Cham berialn. both of

- •• ' • - • Chris Uhl. both of R upert; Rlchai Vargas and doughterof P a u l ^

'a n r tM ra 'A rig r ty n rg aso fP a u l..

DUI ■C ounty , t t o t fig-

a p a r tm e n t o f l a w . H H Investiga tion . of« ___

h . ^ . ! 5 r , c i i t . o f f _ L _ 1 t g e th e r yntU th e ' _ I >

C ounty - S h e r i f f - ^ -b e b a d ro o m fo r S c •h ls - ja U -F r id o y --------- ir f —ieVe th a t m a n y I D

’t a i S ^ ? t h a t jny . W e’ll t r y lo <I) on -bo rtft-o r-on i j f

neofU w scrv icc i < ■

w r-R uthcrfordF^ ^ 5 ' ~ fday.ffloming'al 1 ^ 1ogUlness. " i —ikoa. Wash., she ■V She m arried r. _____I and Ihey ran- ^ ^preceded h e r In ■ *tiTRutherford In ^ 'until moving to ^Sho returned to_. ___ ___ ■ , 'affl- f Z ~ jIn b o l h G o o W ____ " | '

w 'daughters, ^ ' 2 of ;,ew1stoo, > I

S S ! a » a ^ ^ “ r r ‘ ■ t r iis; _a -b ro th e r. 3 rlone: » sisler. . i "y e ; " i r p a o d - --------- < ~ 1

nnrf h - ----- . J — IShe was pre- j *aughter._Alma_______ ■ _____Uiera apd three j ' |

s VHU be_held ^ynolds F u n ^ ' ■

dU'S'liw'af.” ~ ■ 5 - - Btery. ■

al «\rthurH un l7~ 1 " nd 'form eriy of ' ■ I f night a ; bis i . I^ ~ ^ A o tm -o f ----------- ■

ntnjimpw ^ln^ ~ 3 > ."m \iy the Hansen - i " i

f o r d , ■

n u b e th N a i " j— ^onrtM d T rid iy -------- --- ■ —Re^onal MeidI- | ^

Lou1b7m I ■SaltL akeC lly. > " y • design in -Los " I

. Bnillsford-in ' j

nem 'betlof th o ' ' • 3 ^ ^

VlUlam Neal ___ ] 2 Wn; and four i ^ \ 'r p re e e o a i r t i r -------- --- ^ \ -n c y E liia b e lh ------------j ^ V

6d”C r ^ t I 6 n T 4 - i“ ' a la ry In Twin - " ,

1 K 'la t memorial ^ eldaho-Youth------------ 1 ^ -------

d a l the church ~ ' k \

^ for Max 1 < .Id son ot Max v 'J Provo, Ulah. " ,vhodiedT uea- -11 a.m , In lh e ‘ i 'Seventh Word ^ iill be In Rupert I Sry ln R u p e rt ls ! _ 1___u Friends m ay Iir p rior lo the t i4c

1 for F rank 0 . , i < .t ' who died |iday a t 10 a .m . ! J jd aixi Seventh "

y ' l n R u p c r t o n '~ ■ .

Uld Valdb Gray. "


iyie~Jalow a i i r ' ’" " ^Rupert. ■

r t« jy W arfa n tTI'Bnd son; R e tta— ^ ■ ----------u riev : l ) e e ^ , ^ 'runa -H ansen 'of — ^ i - « iw

of R upert; and ’ . ; ^

tiard Caveriy of

I —I A u g u s t 27



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Page 7: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF405/PDF/1… · Bmamin ^yTfte Tlmes-News : • andynlleaPressJnlertiaUw — A ppoint—

Chnrc:-----------------— A S S fc M B tY o fo

, t w i n P A U 5 - S s fifn .- -— VtMx.Ammtfy a t OoiLwiu

" T b f r f f ia ^ io ic a-in. a ad U » ev _ ; 9 e rv ic o w in b eg )n a li6 p jn .._


.....T ^FA LS-SuD day'sci- - a t 9:45 a .tn . a t - U w J 3 i i L ^

=.==d»!»Tte3teJPtf5JMLWiW begin a t 10:90. a .m . IIm W alktq). (o n n er d te tr td Uw A ssem blies o( God In Noir

-■ '■ a l th e 8 p. m . seiVice. ^. : ■ ■• A - v o ^ ra lly m il ' be held

> w

• lO M B E R L Y -S u n d a y sc i a t 9:45 a .m . C astor G leno.

.. sp eak on ‘*Ttie Lord 's P ray- • a.m. service. Tticw vrtll b o ^ a t Z i u n -------

■ - TWIN F A L L S -S u n d iix p aa t Q-4fl a m a t thn rir«w> Rl

_ " P aslof Rober t Seam an Will w

servJco. I t ie T raia lng Hour \ . ■ p .m . .Scom ao wlU..apeak c

■ Ungodly -Are U n h ^ y " at serv ice . ,

________P ra y er .m e e lln g and-Blblch c ld a ts p .m . Wednesday.

" " T W I ^ A L L S , - Pastar"E wUl s p e a k , oo I'Developla Pem pecO vft^ nt<Th<(-BT30-1

______ se rv ice a t the T y to S tre r t BiwUi OQ " E llji:

I o f pespoodeocy " a t the 7 p.m "i you th groups m eet a t s :o

— ^fcTttrlnPnHrtnHim---------------. '" P r a y e r m eeting and womeo

study both wUI m eet a t 7 K U lcrostLane.

------______________ RREH H B^T W N F A U ^ - Sunday se t

• - ' t h e O i u t c b o r t b s B r s t b m . * ,9:45 p .m ._ J a m e s _ Bowir

m laslooary to Nigeria. *U1 q ■“ "'■ 'a.m .'*ervlcerA-poUucrdtmjB

A w om en 's fellowship will bi ___ a.ia. toa:aQp.j|a. ffwtawto..

" R E V , G L E N N MUl I __- B a d T a t F ir s t B a

C h u rc h ]•G L E a W S J E B R Y . -t L

' B arbara B dIi»U pp ofroeakat9;45a.m .'thlsSiu

------ g iann< Flrst Unltec

- Church.

■ 'W IN , TAU£ - Ban;■ \rtll perform at J \X ,

' “ T h u in k la y a tW C 6 1 le g e - < ~ Trinhn In (he auditorium <

------- Arta CftnlRr.jn>e>X<ipCW------ sponsored—b y —Heritage

Churdi and One Way Inn

I l l l l i

IZ Z r i^tLa.bundlpjk E n e rg y C ro d lt o n Del

- fc BUmls. T hese.ouo ton

S L ^ " @-------- -

ch scrv ir b o D '----------r — v ^ - r w m T Ai«y_9ctoooi a t the F W U n t te t will h rg tn nt 9:15— fl,m. Tbe Righip uXll-^M»ok-0oevenlngw orahJp • w lU beglnal '■_____ __— -------------^P tayor-an

y school'■ BfeLLEVl

Tm Rev. Komer a t 7 : ^ ^ i s iverinteodeftt-of T W W PA l <Jampa,wUlKieak broadcast al

.........................'K U X . TOe Iheld a t 7:30 p.m . SuDdaysefao... -------.............. — thfr=yFCA bs will beg in .a l 7 will be b d d i

----------- P a r t - > - - r :P lb lo _5tu:

-’—'tuaSSym s c h o o lw lU b ^

sjo-M unlu ts will •rayer*' a t tbe I t ,r-TWIN FAI £SVffljngJgaKg::jM5k&fa!ain

' • .. - Ma s s w im 5 3 » o l w D T b S n - ■ o :m T m H 7il» RaplW Q w rch,-------- liAass.4vlU.! U j 9 « to n - l lW i y _ l2 :10 i>.m J« tI n n m ’iimnthln n m lyignlmu r w U l b e ^ a t ? — , k oD ‘ y tbe CHRI?TC ’ a t th e 8 p.m . TWIN FAI

q>oak on “A Iblcatudy-wULbe— a.m . wonhlj

w U ibeglnotlirTJawcTPavabc------oirweafie9 p l u , a P r o ^ m eeting will W -T m . worship >tudvw<llbg^ t Bm U st CburdLIJiTTOj Problem -----------------------p.m. service. The KIMBERL' B:DO p.m; a t 1108 . ^

~ w orship servi neo ’shom e Bible youth groups : 7 p .m . a t 2141 Bible study

a t Vernon Bai O nTuesdaj

^ ________________ o i^ a j iK j in i's c h o o ld a s se sa t ' a .m .Tuc9day r « will begin a t T heC hristl iw m an,_ form er Ing w ill begin U speak a t the 11 W lndsor'shorB nerw lU ljrlield ------- TW INFAU

a t 9:40 a.tn. iUbeheldCromlO M tdu itJ Siet av. m lnlatrv. wil

I E —— Mimkresss ^ th eF lrs lB f

^ Munkres, ' returned It

■ I B - three yean LakeCltyd

P m tn lg;^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - . - 'p a s t o r . o f F i

because he _togotoSaIt

lU N K R E S ------- Munkres 1B a p t i s t ^ graduate Of

Ehoenix. Ki

I-r£_'Ibe_ROT]l^ An offering' of FUer wUlSunday at the TWIN FA

Jted Methodist son of Don

^ S alnta ln Bl

a iry McGuire a.m. this Su to p.m. -next Chapel, off SrorSouthem —;Twln Falls.-

TWIN Fi age—Alllanco—OouocffoTC [nn Ministries, membershli:

' t ............

= blinds

I ^ H ^ ^ e l w b o d / M o t ^ l

111> r,n TV.1 MftT MntAl Bllndn .. i Del M o r W oven Vfooda. SofU l^

to m w in d o w fa a h lono a re eag> lital n a t H um m er h e a t a n d w lnt

IgL M adQ w jroveQ D Q s.^

f e e s i ^ # ^F ALLS - SUdffly Scfaoolafffie -

ia t7 :30p .m . . ' "-and-Bibte study will be.tvsld ot- ^ * rtn e y la y ^ ^ ^ — ^

- c a l v a r y c A a ^ ^ — 1--!V U E .1~ .. l l i e TOuraday night [Wffrtlnwiititp-mppttng-wBraegtn—m.aLBl2N. Fourth St. . L J __PALLS— “ a r w R o o t a " will be • t a t 9:05 a .m , over rwUo station, to morning w orship service and* ■ ehool both vrill beg ln jit i r d n r m t A building, ’nie-eveiilne-aefv ice - J (^3 .7 p.m . In the Twto Falla Cily

rtudy- w ilu iM>giii-Bt 7 .3 0 - p n n r - ^'il>e~YPC«l)iiUdi^ ' - . ------- ^

. CATCOUC *‘A L te ^ T !a M wlU bcxdeijrv ted ’" 'quil!aat'6p,m rt«livy.__ :__________l U t e T ^ r a t K l a t 8.-10 a n ^ : 4 5l-aOp.ml.Sunrtnv. -< U U » .« ttb c a ta d u U -a u u iC p u B t= ■ Monday thxwBh Friday, and a l 8

r rc d \^ A N T F iq jD O W S K iP p-A U a - - P a s t o r ^ O ark will “A Cbanoel fo r G«i;’ a l the lo

riUp a e ry k r, Q illd ren 'az^urcfa .,. a t l h e u m e t l m e . ' .awsaayriheTQnMiniighnrtRiu^v U l b i ^ ^ a U ^ p ^ and lhe Bible

— c R R B rrn N -------------------------BLY - Sunda/acbool WiU bo0n jTii TTw ef »i>uu a t uw U 'il.lH .' ervice wiU be "A t the WeU.'! ip sw lllm eeta t& 30p .m . . udy w in begin a t 8 p .m . Monday BaU 'shortJe^ - “ iday. a deon-up day will begin a t jin c L B lb le j lu d y jv i l l .b e g in .a t j_ d a yatC urtJaJB ow ’abom e. . IsUaa Women’s FeUowahlp m e e t- ' • igln a t 8p ;m rT hursday at_Connle— homo. -ALLS’^-S nrK l^ »*oa-w lll begin— .tn. a t F irs t ClirtsUaa O iirch . Stcbler direc tor of tbo youlh •Will ffpoflK flt tfw -;o ;so_ q,m , - -

jtoFretnirnsBatLY - TBe~Hevr~Gleaul ’ ' rsay rhe 's glad to be back-aV- •: Baptist Church In Kimberly. ^ 43.'and "his" w ire rF ay er- 1 In July, to Kimberly. For ars, he had served In a Salt y church.0978-80, Munkrps .served .as__[ First t ls tT K e says he left he felt the Ix rtf wanted “melalt Lake for awfaPe.” _____<a Is a liative of Salmon anda 5 of-Grand Ganyon ColIegeln“ Ke-wa3-ordained in-1973 in •

ng vrtll be ta k ^ .’.........■ l

FALLS - Je r ty L. West, the on and Leann West of Twin iU T «grvB -a^m ls3 ion~for^the~v:c iCJemajClirlsl.oi.Lattei?c!ay= BristolrEngland. WesTwUl—

ring sacrament services at-9— Sunday at tbe Seventh Ward }ff EosUand Drive North in18.— r-------------- ---- ------------

^ ~ ihip tea and fashion show a t 2


L .aiid .iiv{ iiung rj) odd itll i ^ c Slm doa. Vood B llnda and'V ) a g y o n th o oyo. oa sy o n th o fu e lj n n te r o h t lL ' ' . '

Ut* cnolc« m a k a 'a ii 'ii^

A n 3 l h r e r l6 r s ~i! lfo m » i tf» s ln W «h~TOS5y

je worship service. TOO y o u tt iS In U>e aerv lce w hich w in be

M— bour^lOtntdaflei'Uieae:T A W f ALLS — Suoda>

at- VaUey GUsUan. O tsd p la u J

- - - D ew iy WiU sp e ak a t lh e lOHservice» . - ‘

m — •' ’ •

:____ _______MISSIONARY ALLl» • fW lN'FALLS-Swdayi n a t 9:45 a .m . T be tnessagtf' id*- worship se rv ice -w ill be »l U v ln g W llb o u f"n » e « p .m .K— B t9te8F a lb A v g:B :--------;y Bible aludy wlU begin___ - T i k ^ y nt a a f a y - S t : N ._r — '“ MiSwcck P r a y e r FeUowsti := ^ 1 3 D p T m 7 ({ K lM sd a y atM U

. I b o cong roga tkn will alt M cGuire Coocert a t 7 p .m . 1

d ’ -O o tie g e^ -o f-S o u th e ro -Jd a l .Auditorium— •„ . , .

---------------CHURCKOFCKIrt------- T W IN Jg A rj .S ^ niMft cla8 a t 9:S0 a .m . Je ss ie Minlcai : : : : s i j u ^ u o n ^ . ^ u ira u r ;

- a .m . worship aervlce. The e w lU b cg in atep .m .

11 Scrvlcca a re in terpre ted fc0 U ^ m ^ r ta t iM c a ll 70-7805.

! i " r y o h S o i ( i V q r o T. sh ' ’ "TWIN VALL5 '-T-1T>0Tess e be "C hris t Je su s ." Sunda

JT b e W c d g a s to iL g g d c g J p .m . '

iFTOffMK —:— B o tffb c S n a t t la im . e A service w in b e h d d a l noi

f ---------- CKURCROFGODPRC' T W N F A L tS — Sunday sc

1 a t 10 a .m . P a s to r Donal< 9— conducUhcJJLff.m^wtdei*

services.Tbo ynirth <»>rvlrf» wtll hCg

J------------ 1MUVES*IN<SIURTWIN F A L L S - Bruce T

I . K im berly C hristian Church . '.'At the Well';_ a t m is nofrd

s to Kim Bin ■ "Arizona.' ^I I -Along— with— pastor

Munkres works at- the >;— Sawrnlilrseveirmllewoul r Wilh his return to tli t church, be plans to Ir

evening Bible fellowship3—ganftrally.__try _ to __enl,t volvement in the church. 1 B Munkres wlU preside < - —setyjces at.lLa.nL_aiidj 1 c h u r^ , at Adams and Bl V—Al-9M5T;W=l«5NFWanJg 1 • forallages._

• p.m. this'Suhday_'ln the Antiques will' be d%la>

5 clothing will be modeled.: 1 their d a u ^ te rs are [nvltei

> ~ " 't « u r t a u g k 'Goodman, the;daughter c

I Verla Goodman 'of M uj ' returned from serving a — the—^ u r c h —of—Jesus- — L alte/^lay^lnts-ln-the-I . a n d P f ln a m n m laalnn . 5?hi

at—lO-a;m.— this-Sund ' Murtaugh Ward Chapel.

e v € 3E

li I II SoftU fll


H H e$ 1 C

je ljj i l lf l , too . . y


A -. ___. .Carp«i«.a-fciml

” y‘' "w m m m m m m

— : .

in w u ip a ru o p a te . worship s « M btoodcasl.over _ weekly duri

aety lce; — KartlanriT?! lay school a l the Falls. u i lC h r l a tO M c h ..................“

0 !45 a .m . wotahlp—— F 1 1 £ R ^

-___________will b e la id

A iA N (a E .; ....... .i h d j u i n n sbegin. TWIN FA

{rf’ a l U»e U a.in. will speak: B "L iv in g ^Vlth. D oor" a t U» m. service wlli be ' th e tm m atr ”----------- - • ’Bccvice wlUIn .a t 7:30 p.m . - KTLC.Surid

• ' y i i i t i r i n r m a

attend U » Barry You Cam e f I. ‘n iu rsday a t th e and com m u Jahp^.Elns ^Arta . L u t l * ^ C

„ " rcccpttonw i

KRICT-- - - -T -dB8SM.wilU)cgto____ F IL K R -^M will q>cak^ on Sl:4b a .n i. PI lFl.-JU H M Ilti:43= C T 6B g lflg=q a evening servico serv lcc . The

w iU be"K oIi1 for Uk deaf. Fo r I b e Uien 5. w orship se n

----------- . --W ednesday.‘.SCIENTIST . TWIN F ^

iday school-and on ■‘D are loEL_________________ 10:45 n.m . wL5rillJ2cein-aLfl_bcginMp.i

a f te r Uie s e rj>ool nnd-ehureh------- IflOlA Stucl

a lJ a y A k k e i noon W ednesday. ‘Tcjim Life

ROPHEJCy ; . Mld-weck sdiool will b e ^ n m oeting bol

a id Bowen'W ill W ednesday.

. a .m .T h i i i ^ egln a t 7:30 p.m . M en 's Blbl ^T T ----- --— : T /r F r td a y a f J B

JR C H -------^ ^ ^ -----------------I Thacker of lhe TWIN FAX :h will speak on ' 10 a .m . Wor vdenomlnaljona l a .m . -an d -5

F ta te co s taK

erly P ra y e r irt<

o r ia l— d u t l e s r = ---- --------- Ile P u l lln P<At-n ith o fH an sC T r----------------------Uk K lm bily TheInlUate some lo sul

ip c la s s e s a n d a ppc£n ip b a s iio _ _ ih ^ ___________3jO-<1. h e s a y s . -r:__________ T.Ti5 over Sunday • XL7 p jn ^ a t ___dlm liB irc h s t r e e ts . " T *t» H a ! W « t « d y = = d a y : a i

- ^ a n c-------------------

....... ' a .m . £

le p a r i s h h a ll, a y e d a h d fa l l ' "1. M o th e rs a n d .. t e d to a t t e n d . ' .

------------r — - ^ C 1

■ Jo ty A nnr o f Q y d a 'a n d ------- ----------lu r ta u g h , h a s a m is s io n fo r

j s r c h H s t - o f —»_Co8ta-Rlca--------------- --Sbe„wii]saeak, . . -4Q Jj n d ay -a t - the -

^ " - 1 “ “Ight / S ______ ____


W l _ ■

i 3 l - = -o n J I .f

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e M

i 5 i C s

serv ice a t 8 a.m ., w hk^ is helc luring the sum m er. It will t>e'holc

ID riv jM fiiq in^rlyJjoad^^

^ ^ b U T O E R A N ------- ■t H iB-mom ln g .w tih lp aorvicc ild a t 9 a .m . a t (ho Peace LutheraraTnw3:jp.usigjaji!piggt>cgi :l5 a .m .FALLS- - r P ^ r A:J. CroenKi o k 'o n "Koid O p en 'lh e .- {UTCU ; Ute 9:30 a .m . w o ra i^ scrvice al n u u e f - L u th e t ip 'C b i ik l i . The

I>e tu4ad6akt'ovclr rlMk) statkir Jriday school-and Bible c faasesa lli

FALLS - *«» Kev._D. LoOiai

>0 F ro m " a l the 9 :X ti,.m. worehip m unlon service a t Uie'Our Savhx I CburtlL A fler lh6 scrvice, a ijf f llh e h ^ f o r th e n e w ,members,

- ’ NAZARKNK------- --1 ~ SiitKiBy school will Bi T P lB to rM tk rT U larwlll-^xaikTm

I b e n>essage a t the 0 p.mi servlcc < o ln o ^ ."len m eeting 'a nd .the . mid-woelc •ervico bolh vrtll begin a t 7:30 p.m.ay.------------------ — ^ --!''A L I£—Sunday school wi 11 begl n tiT P ailo rX arofllC nap^^M r^cak ) to D ream God's Dream*' a t the I. aervlce. ‘The evening aervfce will t^p.mr^‘C a re^ tng"-Nor4-vritrmcct K rvicc . ,luay WIU begin a t 7 p.m. Monday ke rm a n 'sh o m e .'Ife Bible Study wiU be beld a t.7 dayatKent-Biooniqntst'& homin— ck service and teen ^ministries boUl will be held a l 7:30 p.m. ay. --------i'8Jible.sU idy-wU Lbegln-at-6;30rsday a t Uie 'Tommyknockwliin. Ublc study wlU begin a t 6:45 a.m . ■ JB 'sre stau riin tr; ■ _ ■ _

i'A L I^ - Sunday school begins ot yorship services wlU begin a t II I-5 p.m . a l Uie. Bethel ‘i W t e JUOMirch.,..ody will bcg lnat 8 p.-m:Tucsday.— irteetlng will begin a t ^ p.m.

Our church nrhe Times-News enrourag^ a submit information for our ?ears each Saturday. 5>-eDsureyDurinformatlonj8_i The deadline forchurch new T y^w rittM or plainly prij

ulnate errors, ______'Pixjvfde'full InformaHon — Muwl'UatoTlncladei) tei la 11 md a phone numbeY to call If n LyoH-6ajMueStonsjit«ut_^ 1. and 5 p.m., and ask for Glen

rw in F alUC H U R C H O F T l=:=rzlN V lTES:yO U iTO S----- ______ 9 i3 aa .m .-B ib l(

10:45 a . m. - Mo n P astor Knaj

;_____________ " D a r e t o b r e a___________ B'aStpSCEygD

f .

held , Thursday, held TWIN F A L L S -S u n d a j r - »r " l » - * m ,- a l Q>e,F tw < Ua M n — O turciL- *tbeTnomlng wor

^ " 'b c g ) n .a n j , a .m . The eve — —- ~ b c ^ n t i t f l^ p .m . J

PI>iL>_riu, y_u>ll| W ednesday. -

V ico------ InformaUon aboo»homearan be obta ined by c a W r t^ W

Uie 8c r v lc e a . ' '^ r more 1 n ier TTY 733^900: . . . \

« 0 ^ , PRESBYTERTbe ^BUKL - Adult Bible sti rtion iffa.m.'rboBov.Tbomasi jriUr ^ i ^ a y u ^ tc-wlllbe'"ra--------~ P a r t4 ^ t th o l l - a .m .s c r v lUiar, • EDEN-HAZELTON T7

* >lp • j '^ i S ' '* o t ^ ? n a ! m ^ ! w ^vJor . K O L U S T C R ir Sunday s. a , a n o n rm .'T b eK cV .W .U it «ra.- :.8pcar.o^rJe5ua:Chris^,-

• W orl(m atU >eIto.m .w or8l - J E R O M E -T h e R e v .W -ft f^U ^peakw ^-Jcsusqtrts

W w ld''~^theS>~a.mTworsa

vice - N est-v tfl -q>eak on "The l i e a r t " ^ the 10 a,m . wo

'00>‘ -co n g re^ tte rih l meeting w ).m. thescrv lce .— -------- W E N D E L L '- Sunday stgin n t 9:43 a.m.- Pasto r RIcha «aX conduct ’ U w 'T i a.m . "wor ^ cotfee-hour >vlU be held a:

w tfifUntruUv UUCUnls Ihrot

day s luden lsandU ielrparen ts.

• R ^ R M El

ries Twin F a lls will ^>ealc a l U i.m. p .m .w or8hlp se rv lce fjj;

5:30^-------- rSEVENTH-OAYAITn. ED EN - "JusU ncatiot .m . .Icsson^ tudy fa^lc-today.-

will begin a t 9 : ts a .m ..a i__w orship service wiU begin a

------------ F I I £ R = P a s t o r t e f f t a is o t ' a .m . w orshlp 'service toda; t II.. . w lU beginat9;4Sa.m .IDifi-:___T h rm m m nnlty sM vlrftf.

Idaho Mill be open -frony-— ^T hursday :-----------------------•m. The "five-day plan to

n e w s g i i i d e U r i i

& a n y c h u r d f J n th e M a g ic Val lu r lls t ln g - o f c h 'u rch se rv ice :

e w Is T h u rs d a y n oon . _____p r in te d In fo r in a llo n is b e s t;

■^cbThplcteVam(s,’ times'. 1< tw ^ f- th u 'c u iii iiiu i ilty — w u s u r If m o re In fo rm a tio n i s needed , it.ch u rch n e w s , c a li .733^»31.b« lend¥May or Jon KinneyT*^

m S N A Z A R E I3 S U N D A Y J W O R S H i P i i ^ibIe.Sludy-Classes________lorntng W/orshipHour naoD-soeakina — ream God’s D ream "ffiriin'gilralsg^ervicg——

I r ->

r r - V ' '■ 1

R r ’ ~______


R e l i j

program wl

renhip service will—^of9:» a;m, vening servlw will oTRRSTni --7-7-- -—-1 : --.--T-BtTthe-o-a: t fa j t^7;aQ j JIE-- aftrvlo r a dl

-----:-------- TbeSunsIneBlblesludymay 2p;m,alUt« M W . - _ -andaUiTOi

3 information. c a l K - Pmyer iii - . Wodoesday.

SRLW’^-^^ . r ~u]study will begin at ‘ . - fiiJgR - LsS c ^ tngSfi^Vo n Ibe Lora's Pra^r. at9:30a.m.wico.-------------------on—‘'Oirisl- Tbo Rev. .Betty .Power’* altJ '^ n lr nn ■■n«1ng vnuny nrfiiltaftlpKrvfcc.-,_ . Sooipahfor syachoojwjllbegin .A craft s 3aHTel KllrtH)cr.win,' Tuesday.'-'';,-The'Llfe o fih e ---- A New Trship senHce. ’ • held at 4:»j W. Daniel Kllngler':. Thewome rt5t?Tbe13feofUM:- -.- hagERM sblpservIM:-----^^-^iunphasw

be Onderstanding Tho Rev, 0 wrsHlp service.,A_ Sweet-^lri wlUbeTjeldancr trorshlpaen

KDiBERlrschoolTVili begin;—all-parteh-i tord W. Mein wiU._ picnic , will ’orehTp' Mrvica "A ’ Kimberly (5 after U>e service. ' wlUspbakoi

rough hlgh^chool -new Mdge 1 a. * Campneari

weaUier. Umm _______ altheKlmbtFrod Coggbum oi UjorU^.m.jndJ______________

mamstT:--------N o W \km" WtU be Uw . *r.-SabbaUi school ___and the morning A thoug ]atlla.m . pitcher Le auw rw iirartnffT ^’Don’nob: lay.„BJWe c l a ^ __galolngon

>conttron5U»aod------------------om 1 to p.m. r " '

0 stop smoking"

__________________— (N<

falley area- -— •7-™ - X3, which 501

. .. - iVMnisKr r if h ^ p s w<.........._ - - _ Directclocations." . Edi

L‘rv« iiiuny— ---------u in n md. » i ■between 9 . .. /.sundQ^

• ■ — - I - fi^ r s j i i

^Serip_______— - --Spgcii

________ _ _ _ _iYouth_l"Nc


t p ^ a s l ^ _ - "AC

PureJflft“ P ure — X P e f t d e l t


^ ^ in r o m e m

—Siress—— *r^??nftt^rqiiltPd-Rflr^aral

--------patterns-and-fabrtcew oven by Pendleton from virgin wool.

. . . . ' - C laaBic B ' W om ens S izes:

— "----------------A ^lnvW om ens S izes:


....... ............ .140M alH -_—A venue N orth

Twin Fall8733-6671

jrd a y . A ugusi 27.1963 Tlm_ ea

- sV ----------- V — — ■- ..

n Win begin on Sept ll .-F o r more ,

....n;m.7Vfeif<waW{r»nM-win be M id— r ^ T P a s td m g p a n K m id n a p o a i U : ^ - - O T nni3(OT*Tp servlCT.- A f te r - th a --------

tunshlne ECinds will hold services a t .It Uw Woodstoon fe tlrem en rC S itg t - ' liTOp.m. a t U» l i^ ta g B Hrtlrcmiaflt_______

}r moeUng wiU b 6 ^ a t 7 : ^ p.m . - ^ y .

iiN rrE D B ffiT iiQ D iif ^f l — f3u ^ ^cb09l wtU~Pe g l n a t .i — ^

s,m, Tbe Rev, David Upp speak - . L 'r t r i s l l M - K ^ l ^ —G od 's-K ea llng --------' a l^ h e jl 'a .m -w ra lilp service.'The

)(o rasw lm m lngpB rty 'andplcaic^ ' ift a c t io n will b e .b d d a t 2 p.m.—t* -yr------- • ------------------- . , T •w T c s la m ^ l Greek c la n wlU be,l :» p .m . Wednesday;____'om en will m eet a iap .m . T h u p d ^ . a m W - - ^ ‘Ibe-w eekenJtji^£h t^

^■achnota rtH ^^tw ti,) ■ fg rH g a m .-irrm— V, Dale M e tig ^ w iU speak-on "A^ Ir itu a l B l « ln g ‘’^ U i e l r B : m : --------laervice. '• ............. "lERLY -M U RTA UG K -‘The annual -- sh-outdoojTBcrvlce-andTpoUiJCJi:-----------i.^11 l » _ h e I d _ a u i _ { u n ^ L , U » a . - - ^ ly dTty Pa rk . Tbe Rev, John w jod 1 ak on "W hv We Believe.’'T b e vouthi l S ju s a a i s a U Q i i^ i ib i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ I IlM4U-beiiuiateUtullBiUDUI&r1I)0Ige a t SawtooUi United M ethodist---------e a r Fairfield . In case of ladem ent ■. Uw service a ad meal wiU be beld 'I m beriy church. _____ -------- --------

vyouknow- —ought-for- the'day *-Basebali----- r -• Leroy “Satchel" Paige salii. | Took backr Something may i'<: '; - I {'onyou ”----- ----------------------- j

Zrigs.'r 3ZZCHRISTIAN CHURCH— —. ( N o n .D o n o m l n o t lo n o l ) — --------

S O V S h o s h o n e S t . N ortF T - T w tn F o ils

l i s l o r : ^ 7 TW o r r o n R. C h a p m a n ..

o c l p r o f X h r l s t i a n . , , . - . ,— . .. E d u c a t io n : J im T u b b s

g e rg r g fT o u T H i— .. •• .. .M lc h o o l S ie b lo ir—

id o v ^ c h o o j . . . . . . . 9 :4 0i- lo s s o s ^ c r o i l o q e s ■' - .N u r s o r y p r o v id e d ________________

r s h ip H o u r 1 0 ;S 0

S e r m o n :R o c o iv in g -G rQ c lo o s ly _____________c r l p ^ r » t J o h n -1 3 :3 * 1 7 --------iQckor; Mrchaol-Sloblor-— — -■ •

Ith P r o g r o m ♦ . 7 t 0 0 I

" N o C r e e d b u t C h r is l " - r - ...... -N o B o o k b u t t h o B l ^ l o . " :

A C h u r c h M b o r o L o v e d — O W S -^jiV a YBU‘"

1 6 6 1 .

lton». J__

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rications;^------- — ---------ton*'

:c B l a i e r , : e s : 36-46 .i n r S k i r tr ^ ^ ^ " ^ -------- ^ ^e s : 30-40 _

ON- _


m es-N e iir t. Jw ln Falls, Idaho A ; /

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~ hpM p«»rann -t r. 19} IM i't Scekcxpertad taoce-slDce;: ' GEMINI (M

VFalld. Idaho S a tu rd a y ^ u QnnhH A V E - R i

iu ip p S s E P ^ ^ ^ \O U T T rtB lB T O lJS U l

d esc r ip to r !X Did you find I oMbeiHe R over? I t ; ^ ^ s y i o ^ s ^ ^ m ight'


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— ^ ^ -15 Arll»iB 16 D onkey’s

" io u n d ■■7 " ” ~ ._ i7_vauu_____ ::

18 Tttndrlls----------------------- 19 N o n e• • " .........................nstw orfc ■‘‘■ ■ ■ ■ H 2 0 Q o l th s u r d

22 Owslls-. .." So Jl 32 “2«‘Go« o r ' T

___ _ _ c a t

Veturdi '*

: o p e _ ' , ^)t get it but later can get 21 -frlend87Hurf-fialD;^^»Bw--flo----------------------------- --------------j „(Apr. 20 to May 20) You vli

sometroublewlUiabusI- ] 1, tMit It-«)WKM(>afefltM^s=a£l advice. vo(M ayarto JnDe-2t)-Home- .^ t

l u a u q t^ . 1063


~ u W

5 U ^ j _ _ - _ Z

id h e r p u r 5 e ; .^ H e _ h id j

r CSON'T.KNOV J H O W w e I ? 0 £ S

— - \ C W E J U 5 - PUEfc

--------- 1— .

. . . . , o ^

• U C X A ^ ^

aS 26 UnlntoIlP 61 Pai

g ib lo la lk 62 "Rc 33 H ack Ihe

3 7 H ig h n o s t 65 Aut m — 36 W Ingllko 66 Wo

• '• '40 € la d d e n 67 Khi42 H erb 66 Yar43 W rin k le s ------69 Alle

I 45 " T h e re w a s 7D Q oi— w om an. J '

---------4 7 S w ln d le — ----- DO48 At g rea t 1 LIgt

B p ^ 2 Bo<j.........51 T a x ih e l to r .............w at

ird le tte rs . 3 Sim...........52 P f o ts e d 4. Ran‘T ~ ^ ' H o rsem iih ’a------” 0 1

g e a r ■ 5 Des _ _ 6 0 - R u n 6 l l o ( v ~ — 6-Cai<

7 Nolliv's PuutoStfMd;----------------B-EJeiHlBlNlElRl iA lLlAls I— 9 J w

- a) M IE^B 0 EIEIS E 11 Prtx ; g j i f f 1 1 f r p p I ~ i2 ~ N a '

h S i I ^ a : S ~ 2 i ^ i i| i | S i | i - K S

i h i y i iL L Ii E. t H u N n i _____ naul; I A 5 ■ T I E A[S - 2 8 In d l -----------------------I/J7/.J “ Z g 'B arl

momiog, but later you ca -8ood4rleods^wi^lJ(er4{an-^ D d e n « ^ ---------------------

MOON CHILdREN'Wune 21) Your momiog plans arei

'SO g e t ' into civic ulfuirc

LEO (Jffly 22 to Aug. 21) A

you can get into fasdo^l . si tUBtloos: Follow your intuit

' • , • i '

. W i z

■' I j T^ ________________ [I

' jH U ^ aI PARN

• " '•-s- — ----------- f^A\-fBBFC

------ , I •• P i l ^

' . 'B S S t

. * X ■ ‘ V O U R... ? -VOU-V

___- - x e ^ s ib jj

< 7 J F j i _ S h o ( #gI'l

A n d !

j _ _ _ -

-■ -■ ' r ^

' B l o n i^ ^ T IT ---------[ ^ E E - E

________W O K E CAAlDOLE

. . . . \ O t? e A T .

" P e a n i


■Eg'a rch e d 30 PrJmaiy:R o d - I r i a b b r. he S u n s e t" 31 U nctuous

luthonllc s e a w e e d - ' ifoaraw ay 33 T elephone lhayyam 34 Et — (ond a m o thera )J leys . .- .-35 J u d g e ’s ..10 up b en ch

- 99 Light anewlOWN----------41-Ow als-------------Ight w ood 44 Llko th e - ody o f . S a h a ra-Bter:-----------4«D ra* d fu1 -Im lan ' 49 H anging a rso n In o rnam en t ulhorltyT i r S O -Extfe mB • e s irab le slugglstf- a l x u — ., . n e e a ---------------

a i, " r i a r -'enam ltj __ : i _ . Ia w ^ ~ .i: . : ; '—ja ln 5 4 L a b b u m e r ao n d e n sed 55 N am e In•od u c ed ________farm oqulp-oi o n m e n t ~

a teh iM ^7 WIHth tlm m f___3llege le n g th '»f»on; 58 Irani m 'oney >br;^________ u n i t__________

agum e • T oapda le ' is len . eO Y o — T ealuUcalty----------- S h o p p e -------—Clines - -63C haroed ' i r l e ^ l y p a rtic le

^ l L l n . t h 2can be with nnditdifflcul

ie23toJuly home, epostpooed - U B R A (S q ■a:thai ':y B — person a TBtt

is cleared UD,. A f l a w i c i i _ _ S O O ^ ^

«Ung ypu.get Into.tl iltioo; y are easy to hai

i z a r d o f I d

i'm 6 0 ^ 0 TO 9 1 ^ ' f^NlI m f <r 4 ■n VC ,T S r v f^ p \

a n d^ n / r n A T 's - W .

. rtA V E T lV o .l A f z v m ---------w .

i f l e B a i l e v ^ :

)(? W l p i ^ S A Y S - X X d U : J-WANT e o M e - J . - WMAT / f ^ i i& .L E S 5 0 M S ^ A ^ ' ~ - C

» 3 6

- • ' r p l P ‘iU)5eEW «E

!.' t j^ i i _ E

i d i e . /: - e /; i j u s t J I I o o mr U P IN T M g ^ rfl-E o c A J { ( OIS-A sT.D(?eAM/..r... I

i u t s ^ T 3 3 3 3 ^

0LPPAY5, ;■• '*•SU5EPT0 5IT s 1CHE5 waiting a

^ $ -L_

W t ti a

........Amateur writers,'her*cllnkl — who knew to e

,, , pgncils shoulcthavfteraa ■ - ^ .n ^ r t e ln v o i to d th e t

•profeasionals In newgwijnih|H^tng rwrnnwa aimn

— H w y penciled outrErasei

Q. You said two out of — are^^airanged.” Who a r r--------Ar'T iw bride's-pareB— maiTlagc broker,----------

• In Great Britain, the] — Hay*on-Wy»r*-Wale842aj ' 1,500 people. Fifteen bo

mrnSL™ ! I S ^ l — ^^offered fo^ sale there tb

world. ■_________ •

CAug. i»~td SepL 2 ) You cult to started, bOt later ' hlg p reg essan d -g e H B u e^ led. D0_ wili>rtjilnlng . p»

Sept-23 to O c t« « l« fr that— ffairBlceljriiaDdied::Takff:r

P. - ___ ________ ■ . . ' ^) (O ct 23 to Nov. ai) ^ •

} thiB'pracUeal affairs that hanjlln. ______;________^ (

jNiHe- T W 0 n r r I " p i» g ^ > ip e - I ' -

^■( ------

•>-rr ^

JUST VVANiT TOSEE ■ IAT Sh/B &ETS o u r . - n p . A L L T U LS— j -SK|

/ T y V. _> g^ ^ / = ? S - 1 7 l § K

^ ? ^ 5 0 R ro i: J .

^ S u R E -W D u U ^ ^ — - - frr= ' ■'icu

W i s ^ • . - PRO

' ^ u HAVE ANV 1 I-IPEA HQW, r->_____SAPPiilSlXiKIO ) _ ^ H A T - ■ ------

I .

■ X ,

M - F i o u d

V h a t * s

vhatlere's to Hyman Upman —0 err Is human. He. thought aflftra.Qnihem^SQ.Qn.Macch_ wflrst'sucfa. I say “amateurPJI hwfam word prpgeMflni,gHipers, radio stations and

isers are to r a m a t^ . ; : —

of five m arrlage^In J a j ^ siTsngBs tben? *'----------------ireits,—i»ia% rT throu^~£=:

le place to go for Books IsRnglwiK!bookstores — a store tor

iperatd'thererMU]k)Ds'BDd~ «-secoodJ>aDd.yphimesjus_ -than-aoyw bereelse-in-th^

J SA G rrt’ARIUS(N ov.a r E ariy consider your Stan 1— worid-amlTnake'pIans^to t~ very -quidUy-Gb-oitfrat

worriMonvnurmlnd.1 •• A Q u / ^ i q - ( . y ^ - F ^ w t t F t K r i f t a i i o i o o - b e f a

'into the ciwstructive act!' ^ oo your mlQd apd tbeo get i;


- -T-

p ^ . ' l


•■•■ • :• / A \f?s. HALFT ^ .^ .^ .-..'n k -WWAT A R e

WFAK? i f M l l Wr'lHO----- -- " ^ 1 I j S f

r z ^ L ^ L _ _ _ _' -------- -----

— :L i-a u R E .p o ___ _AA_/

T i J


^ w / t!!e'


NOAffSARK Scholars say Noah’s Arii

" Average out the thne in . ... .presidents and you get 4 ye

- Ar aong- l he 100,000.Inu artists per « ^ ita than In i world. But tbelr language !

If It-iiadn’t been for vo Dutch East-lDdles..oo..^ Jefferson wouldn’t have h

[ jwrryy "ww>y Vnlmhlp iAod 1810 became known

— summM^Aww-fUMUnJi ! fcTson needed jnod^ . It’s — though, dwelt overloQg-s — terdepeotenceofthe earth

' -A U SntA U A ’S DESERlZ±JJLH i® M <*ofA tistw lfi - ■ A.AbouH»lf.

Nobody knows wbo found

-------<Jf^tw a8tbeflrB tfuD :____ A.ilHpu8e_oO¥axlifltarrl

— birddidn’rte D w th a t.“Ai3__ blrdalmow. .

i o to D ^ ”2ijBodlnginthe < ) e p r ^ i ^ to:lnjprovB:tt—tim erS rtZ iif W the 'tow iT 'raooeT nT Sro

— - — _ ^ _ jre lU q u ^ p e d i

ft«»^w^a»t^-4eacb-to4ocusi Iflvltythatto .thesUet an d b Imuehdooe. -. affalri.^. . _

IL 1 £ ? pS 5 l o t )— — t t :- — FXRTHEii ./■ ■ •"* ” :

f V oJgM O LlLP |:-----z


.F T J ? A c i< M (C r^YOU ■

y o u J P S T ^ K E )

M ID O U e O P O N E y 7^

^ TUB.OLP PAYS ^ ■THE'i' MAP STRONGER }B^NCHE6,., j q , / ' — ' ■;

Ark was about tbe size of a

eh ) office of all tbe 40 U.S.4 years 10 months.

.Inult. Eskimos, are.m ore......t In any other sod<jty^ the igehasnow ordforart ,

r volcanic eruptkms in tbe o..April-5,.-lB15, -.‘n iom as_ ... •/e had to go to the bank to

wh as the year without a ' n June. Crops-faileri, J r f .— -r It’s unlikely that even he,

|g-at-tbe-Ume-{@-tbe-ia-----------u th ’s four comers. ~

SRT ■ : . . . . . is desert?

lundedtheHlodurellgloa. <

f u lW e n g tir s in n o ^ t" ’----------- -arringVlncentPrlce--------------:

rA n'enioc«togi«-<iiarBur------- '

. ^ i ^ - 3 0 to a i t r . - a o ) - X - r ~

-aRa^Iupch can taet much ----------» outside wnQQ aqwove

llwngperwdrirtioTrtlhbB----------« fO rW a m I ^ B if f f i l» tp '- ~ ^ ^ aydrwmhigetriattomo, woSj= ~ =n a ^ s tu d iM ju id l im -------)d bb mcire alert

Page 9: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF405/PDF/1… · Bmamin ^yTfte Tlmes-News : • andynlleaPressJnlertiaUw — A ppoint—


p i i g a p o t iSOUTHAMPTON, N.Y

l^and WM flcal(Jed'by"U> ■ w e a i ^ sbarts in court.

Ju d g e M ercator Keodr au tbor.of “ lo Cold Btood^ n e v e r Bgaio drive luNew"

— ^^B hortsw nicD caroetotbei “ i f i® i . - a -Viiklte ahlrt as

Jadcet, w as chastised by t aiq)eariQg io ^ le courtr casuaT altire . • ••

— . A _ 8 i^ ^ p o s t^ ip ;a co r

i J li ig h ^ ra^ ::::^ 5Q B iM d]^ E ^ va.(i

— -T etleed . a fte r moiy e a rs of active duty, j)ra

' th e se rv ice basin ad e in s t

I- - c muuiuudln s-g en et^ b r T ra in in g and Doctrine Cor

:*the-Army*fl tnspegtor omv

; T iny m oti. ANAHSIM, Calif. (UP]

— -^mouiar - a l - fooi.ta lldw birth-to .a.normal.-.7i)OUD— • b<v who doctor* say wUl

fals p a r t i t a tbe tim e be I _ _ _ i ia d _ D I c k s o n - w a » - b o

DidcMO. 30. aod K arry, 31 Perm anenteK oq^lta l in Al

r tv -------—L l* g -TV— ~ -H<

- l » T k , W ____ _

C a b o o s * R o o n T ^ ^

.F A M IL Y D In In G ---------2 4 - H O U RS D A t t Y -

^ SATUM — X — S M C

Includes: 0 \

- 7 3 ? \

S4S__ y ^

S t.S . ^


“ 7

SATUROz zziClioices_ _ • I n c l u d i n g b g r b o '

p p i o t o ; s a i a a b e — - — ^ a n d ^ e v e r o g o r -

"© litY T; . .

” lEomecn-Down-.

. - 1 J e c k p o ti N *vgdo • -,

•i.......... ...

I r e p l e a c(J.Y. (UP^) ^ - courthouse »Pl<a<W m lllY— wgnriniralin

lidrlck 'toid-lhe .o d ^ l h e c a n . iSSSlS■w Y oitState.r m f c t e M u f c = ! S L ! ™ —b e n jd d leo fh la Souttyim i 1 5 3 ' a ^ r t a Capote,- dri ay tbe Judge for tb e y n o tlc a ortroom in Uw t h e l e f t . I ^

Tho w ri t<corrlfior in tbo ^ d g d ia m i

a n k i n g b. (UPI) - The ’ M o n ro ^ a r. { -W a ^ o ffW e r^ -g Jv w . a - t m ore ttian 37- -haH edbyfe l praising gains . G en.- Wi is tam p in g o u t. tra in ing ao

....................p re se n te d ']on: 58: depytv gulahed Sei ■bnhe~A riny nlm as a Ipy; Command and “ AndwiUiSM mlutf-Sort— Doetoil - lfl-T

tb e r h e a r s lJ P I ) - A t in y '/ Sire; D .dwarf— gave C aeaariaM Mmd, l^ouD ce.. anavenigeT vUI tower over a child of i: b e lsU . - KennethBe]- b o m - t o - T « 1 -------"TW s w a i^ 33, a t K aiser ered tbousai l A n ^ m . Is special.” I

g z ' *

B % 9 isc e u in( •g u la r m a n u to oil S tn tb r C (EXCtPT FKIDAY « SATURDA YNI

■pTo^ty o f sp o c e fo flo rg© pt inqw efsrfrnrieollngerG om e-■ZVOUSRES1-HQ.uf«{ M o n H o y » S o tu rd o y 4 -----------^naxtJo-RupertflovM


WATNIOHY'O R C A S B CHAlcSi00=Te«>00O v e r 5 5 s a la d s a n d spocial H o m e-m ad e ro lls a n d d e s s

m m u i u c

»AY Y*”ssrPrimrRiinb e c u o d r i b s , v e g e t o b i ''S o f r d e s sG rt , r o lls--------

• • • • • • • • ^

l u - ^ S BlX u c l< y S L

T- . '. ■'

d s - g u i ^se fort)Kis >!t>arefeet - and s l w i j 3 J n o u r t v : _ ; ; : ^ 7 ; ^

w as charged Ju ly i-w iu j d r iv h ^ driving without a

od failure to k e ^ to tbe righ t,- •ttiny. a iqxtkesman for the iounty Distric t Attoroey’s of-

driv ing a -1972 Buick. w t ^ • • iped h is c a r wjis sw erving tQPennysald ." ■ ---------r ite r h a s 'a home, in n e a r ty impton. . < r •

^ a c f e b f f j ifar - t b e - ^ - t » o years, was -rbrasa^jandT 'send-bfl^and. fellow officers.W illiam R lchartlson .- tbe and -doctrihe. commander,

1 Becton w tth Uk DIsiiii- ~ Service Medal and praised l o y ^ , p % U s o l d ] ^ . rfUi^ tb o s e a tW b u tM B-moKl," Hiciiartison said. ;


gersize w om an giving b irth td^_' f 13 pounds, obstetrician Dr.. Bellsaid, > -#arm s:m y-beart; I’ve d d lx?— tsands of bab le^ but th is bhe

th e physician said. •

- , - ^ U T J i i l l T I C ^ S.If^OliG STYLI ^

h e « < L » e a i o o d . =

i r « f i ,>r C ltlzans ^lOHTS) .I p a r tie s .

iTAURAifTo» l l - 'H I P j l l . ._____________

t oLY

) 9 5 j ^______ i :

O R O - J - ^O P i M r ------------ ^:iality itom s ' I jssort. I

. f t t g O O f f V , ______

Rii]l l * :r > y ' . ^ ^

VCIAI.I Dinnerb l e , b o k e d

I -----> f v ll I I VW-fl VV* fl v # V ~*—

P e o p le ^

I P en o y said a breat] ^ s h o ^ - C a p i t e - h a t ^ ^ ^

! e rsa 'd r iv e r to b e in to x ic a ' l e v e l . .

i' C appote pleaded guUtyfl^^^pinlfpfi ..rfp

in isaem ^n o r- a n d . fail un

\ - r ^ C a p o le nan - previous J . .tg u ilty in-lW 6 to a d ru t — ^charge ./ Ke faces 'iv to a y®“ "'

S W finfe^wbm be Is s^ntfi:

i ' ^ e ia a leader' in tbe clas|— thffW OftT'---------:----- :—• — Becton, an Allentown, i

! d ^ r i b e d h im self.as “sor , grunt. ”rand said d u ^ rtg th . - th e 'A rm y h a sd ia n g e d s ia I up a s a D rivate 'in 1944- --a lW jlack fin iln fan lryD lv

- a y h w i ijo L it a.iiiR-Arn seg rega ted A rm y," he sal division,_w e h a d 'a l l bla

— so ld le rsrb Jack Junior ofn< few, v e iy few black fleli

— « c o t :--------------- --- —; C L - A S ^ I E D A D V E

Li-___ PHONE .733r0

■“ H u rry Io t :.-. T im e s R u n n in g

1 0 .S— F i n a n c i j

O n




Z l^ im B S S S S S S S S i---- s s ----tw*.N0.*7**.|4«0-

- H ” IUVLAYI6Hr s F IG H T IR I^R ' ~ All A dults

__ 5 G o t in for~ ~ ^ ^ m T 5 T ro n r~

5 _ _ _ _ 4 -»o 6P .M .£7 - an d a t a s - M.V. o nd C .V . V AH

_ s n ___ S undoy ,N igh t:

T h e y O re m e m •JS p o w e rfu l m e m b tS l o f o u r c o m m u n

__ aSS O n ly o n e m o n Is’“ « ’ ’'7 n g ’’r c rT ^ p T h e ’i

r | ^H r


- ^ -C a ro lin e s a I S S J a c k S g o in j

; j ^

. ■ » ________ ^

l i i il p I %- K 5 f 5 s K s 5 i S s s s

0 I S ^atboU zer t e s tL . M J e v e L J t l _____

la to d a t th s ' i io 'r .............'(

ty lo re d u c o T ' ' • -! d r iv in g -a s - a ^ ire lo s tay to "

lusly p lead ed " ‘ r— • - f unkcn d r iv in g ~

r i n ja il and a“ :£h«dO ct.27 . C o

lassie sense of . ^ ■

I, Pa., native,' o m ew h a to fatW cerem ony 1 2 ’Incebeslgned—A to Join th e ' 1 2 ’

jald. “ In t h a t ' lack eAlIstedfn c e r8 ,- in d -a ~ ------- 1 2 *-eld-grad e of-

'E R t l S I N G:^ 9 3 1 ___;_____i ^ . - . 1 2 ’-.

g O u t I r - p r r ? —

I T ^= = = e

^ “

C E ___________ 9

S : 1



. m i l l sm o sr in e y rrove «r■ibers A je c re t tho t

S m « |

r c S iSun, I2»4S.;

i J i J •■ Sot.-Sun. 12t4{

I rising executive. Ji lg to have to s t ^ t fr


- o i r i ^ i S j t o i K l o S i r : j : ^ ~ M o n r - F r t r 7 r t0 i» » c S a t..S un : 1 :4p-3:30.5:20<:

I ~ i

D f C o l ^ s

• -Seam Saviaa »~,Nb WixGonveniei »Extra-Thicl«:usnio

: b n g o I e u m ’ l d e r F t o o r

N6wA3»°,I CARPET2 ’ X 7 ’ 5” B eige/ Brown Pla

2 ’ x J 8 ’ 7” Sculptured Can;

2’ X12* Sculptured Shaded

S ^ ^ & i c K B S w a l l i n

2 ’ 2 0 ’ 9” Koch'Hoispbt lii

2*-x-14^A qya-Sheralon.J

2 ’ X 4’ 6” Sierra Shadowoo

2 ' x 19’ Candy Stripe Kitchi

2 ’-.x 19^7j’-R ust Rlush

2 ’ x 1 7 ’ 3” Forest Green Sc

5 ^

usive IhJerbnie'Onl

I^ ii iu c i |O N i) t . )< u iE i> 'S n

^[ □ □ bdLBY BTERBl*'L 0o!l»7i30-W H Sat.-Sun. I2isa-

____ L ^ 5 i50;7j30i

m a a a a m a i r ^ ’T T T T i^■ff*5haTrerin9-4ecfefi— ;— J Qt will offecr us oil. I

9i05-Set. 4iS5.7:00-9:05 . 1 >S.2;5Q.4;55-7i00.9!05 ' ’ t

>elly7:00-'9:05 ' 1U45-2iSO.4r5S-7tOO.yiOS |

J a ^ u s U o s ti i ls J d l from th e bottom up

,vKi.ki-:;vn>N . . -------------- 'rK iti'iiA K ir—

m o — - = ^0-7!ld-9:00 . • ------

~ i ', ~ 7 .

T i i s t r o n

[ ^ W i d t h S T T - --------

lierrce .•••'•• , i I o n i n ^ “ —

)o r A R M S T R O N G PM


TREMNAtP la y t u r f____

;anybn R idge B u riw ood , . .

^ S a n d . ......... ^

nrrariypiiTSTT., . ............i

it h icko ry s c u l p t u r e d I

3 n .B a rk J 2 Iu s h .„ :! r : r .- _ :- . l

/ood . . . . ; ; . . . . R e g

Ichen C a rp e t


I S c u lp t u r e d ..............................

W A N y j W p R E t p C i l <

POLYTURFMedium weight 6 ’or 12' H®fl. »5.89-kq. y d .. . .

—EtA^TURF____ Hoovy woigm 6‘ 10 12'= = R » 0 r» 7 .e» < q . y c L ^ . . ^



ssssassssssaa2 2 S 2 I S S S S S S R 5 S &

> n l y r ----------


i3o-9:to ' h s s B t i i r lSa-2l30.:4';t0' R f S r T U f l lj3o-j:io - - - - - - - h a l 4 ^ »

= $ 5 : ± s A t i i s s « i q r : ^_ _ E r i c e s

K sas • All D iscount

—r H S • But S o rry Nl

‘W R E T U ^

S e . , . 7 ^_ TWs

. 5S N A T IO ^ K K L A M P # !


~ ~ - s H

- K H '

s 5 S >W wonY6a

A 55

m B

H H R S t R n n R


i g f l o o

M -81.. _S U N D IA L S "C

- N

NT SPECI/!■-. ‘ i R®9- * 8 8 . s f ' 1 / N 6 l

. . . R o g . $ 2 7 2 . e s : N O W

- R « g r » 3 0 3 5 0 ^ ^ 4 N e i W

T B O T ri< 15 ;0B ------ N O W

. R e g .j3 5 9 .4 3 N b y u

-R o B .$24 i;ob_ - N o w

ig .»61 .2< I S p « j C l i

T H tl i r t lT T - .O S ^ -T N O W

, B » g .J 4 4 3 .6 1 N p w

. . R e g .S M 9 .8 5 ~ N o w

j Q O S E g R O M I "

F - $ Q <_______ N 0 w_ J U L * J l

E ^ = r $ S U.........N O W W b %

- , $ 7 i....................N O W ------ 1 — ■ —



U t '9-------- ----- I l wN o P a i s » i ^ K B B B


lL M I H Sot.-Sun. 2 tt(

a B H M i -■ opn> » i

Thei from th

! > i^ .^ e h i r v e h ^ u m 'm i tm lly oo • lllU* m p ->H y tw h» went >00 t f ■ .

iSft!® ATiflirO O N I _____ ^ D .U ,H H V M I S«.-Sun.

• . 7 ' . ' ~7t

iM !i-2 H 5 R ^' ' T l o v y - S f i o w l ' n s

leSeve what goes on: . .

day. A t^ust 27,1963___ Tln>es-I


^ r m g - r -

. ^ L A m A l s T 7

j s l o w 4 8 ? ? v i ^ ^

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,wii(M.06-tw»234.73 " — iw»228.85

iM IZi _

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733-1421 J

tiainivtsHOWMOi . . R S S ' D«i>rri«o.fi«« Kb 9_____

EDI m i ^

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Sot.SuitONW j Si»»15Stortai45 .,-- .> • ' ■

l e H u n t e r i S . t h e F u t u r e - S

:CEHUNTtH - ~ ^ . r - S i - VENTUftESrltHHE^ S ^

m) id d e n ^ ^ e - : - - -

i o a . j 4 i s .* u 5 _ _ — L s S -— -- un. li4S-Sl45-5i49 ^ - — '7 i4M i45 ........ —

nyH ^ M ^— O p j ^ l l ^ S

SS3AOp«nSslSStart ai4S , » > S

Twin Fulls. k l«tK(/M .

Page 10: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF405/PDF/1… · Bmamin ^yTfte Tlmes-News : • andynlleaPressJnlertiaUw — A ppoint—

. R IGOINS (U PD — diesel lue! q>ill I s the I

_______R lvpr dtd not Mil aa I1 "O riginally feared. Sta

Ke add- inajv o f t t gam cflsh - steelhead (rot -■■hidout” inchxmncl3l from Qi<j s tre am. -

D o n ' t m i s s th i

— — ^ p u r c h a s : a J h a

d r e a m 'e d : o t s l

, ~ 4 0 % a m O ^ a

_____ _______b y - p u r c h a s i n c

. t h e c o l d vSTeatl

■ g a t h e r e d a s u

__________■ e x q u i s i t e f u r s------------- — a n d - b r o u g b t 4 1

_ J v U n l v C o i E o t e ,

_____ U : " a n d . m o r . e l A l i .

_____ h e i g h t e n e d S6

d a s h f o r F a l l a

' ^ ' O p u l e n t ’, d a s h

Y o u ’ll n e v e r h

___________ i n d u l g e v o u r l(

f u r s . W h a t a b

Charg use Ti layawt___ _ ' Qf-CQUfS0..we‘|l a----------or.any m ajo rc red• - — term s tb su il you,-

p lace your new lu layaw ay plan for C

foryoi ~ fUFtnBring’in your old fL $30(7as a trade-in

_______ . on on e bf th ese go

- ' V ' • . '

^ ........ ......

ahofsW ilied lS ^— w eek 's K esa ld lie L ittle S a lm o n ...su ffe red ! a m any fish as

'th e 'th re a te n e d IrM tand-salm on Kansen is l a d in g to and m en t on t

___ . , - b e c om ph

X -......—:--------------—...........



t h i s o p p o r t u n i t y t o

i e I u L . y o u l v e . a l w a y s _

[ s i n f a o t r y o u ‘i j ; s a v e “

n a t h e b e s t s e l e c t i o n _

I n g - y o u r - f u r - n o w - r b e f o

l a t h e r s e t s j n . . W e 'v e

s u m p t u o u s G o i i e c t i o n

i r s f r o m M e s h e l< o v B rc

t 4 t - t o - t h e - P a r i s .

! te ^ = L y n X r £ o x n O p o s s u M l.d e s lQ n e d _ v i/i lh a

s e n s e o f s t y l e , d r a m a

II a n d w i n t e r . »

i s h i n g . A l l - o u t g l a m o r o

r h a v e a b e t t e r j j n i e t o

r i o v e f o r t h e s e b e a u t i f

3 b e a u t i f u l \ v a y to g o !

gent! or 'he Paris vay.|l a c c e p t yQ u L P aris c h a i g e edit cardrorarrange credi )u,-For-jusi a small deposit, ' lur on our. jr Christmas,

yurold I t r a d ^ ~j fur coal.. We’ll glveycu ui •in, (regardless of conditloi gorgeous new furs,_____

W im '^^E X n^a id w hitcflsh, o^noivga'me fish, id tb eh ig h cs tm o rta lity ra te . .

^ s tre tc h :bM he-rlver-ure-baye

;en said a final .'impact sta tic n th e e ffcc tsd r t^e splU should iplet^'Bon^etim e next w e e J c r^

....... -'-r-'cij


L _


i r o t h e r s

l a a n d •


------ :----^

sit.w e'll- ......


Roadi. ' BO ISE (U PI)

--------SCi3d£fi_annomcedL*---------- re rcv n lu a tg rroadle

Idaho f o r e ^ ^ iM ^' ------m easu re to keep th

Ing tow nrd i i ^ lu tk - . .wlliJeriieJiS uontrovc

ave— ~ S erv ice^T O tesm iv:.---------s a ld - th e - re-evalu£

n ecessary In light ol u id __Circult Court decis:

< -

l^ss re-s- T l ie U ,s. F o rest dow npo ed F r iday It wiU rdhdlesa I S i - a r e a s - l a 10“ — T hfit^ fl.BTBcautlonary lookcd-l (he p rocess m ov- (lal o f - ; itlon o f the s ta te ’s nation. E

fniurDale D ufo u r^C o lifo m i luatlon -w tB - fd t j r a m o r tg - ' of a recen t N ln th -^ s tu d y ml

flsion (ha( sfruek o th e rs ta

study setporttoos of a federal studfy of ess a rea s in C aiifom la .-:^ it^ atm ly ,. LJlled - RAHE- lf r a -taU rth e wUdenjess-poteo-- >f- federal lands across the ]. B utihejippellatc.court,said '

T R ia-caserprom ptlng-w ony- g -'iand m an agers-tha t'- the m ight also tw-invaltdated in ­sta tes,

W m

± \ l .

o f - . _ . . ,Annoi

^ --------- — 'Familyi i d r , ' 9.h ^ = -~l-l-3T5th-Avanoe

'* aitlcen=toiM ,- . . - “V -B y 'A p p o i^

- J ................ " . •> .-

f ^ T ^ e ? 9 0 - P T M ^

~ t"

S: \RW\ho u n c e s the 0 pen in a:o l__ For Ihe Practice iy - M e d i c i n e r i h c l u d I r , September 1, IE

lo u rs— - —tm ent: '" — ~

-------------- -----------------------«

! N , M . d : - ; '

i o t H is p U ic e ................

; e O / ' / ' . _

d i n g o b s t e t r i c s ^1983 _

n ’f i i^ h o n e ^ '^ ------- ~■ ■ ,(2 0 8 )'324 -1 -T 5f== -^ ~


, - , 11.. :

Page 11: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF405/PDF/1… · Bmamin ^yTfte Tlmes-News : • andynlleaPressJnlertiaUw — A ppoint—

\ w

CARACAS, V e o ^ Sparked b y .-tb e -ro e n

treasury.(^best ful] o f --------A m ericao Q am es-F rii“ lm a g » -o f • two- cou

U im lsb ed -b jrtte vestigalioa. - v ? * "

------ 7—A -C u b an -fen ce rrM a==:=W llfl(m raiJtf:TT36tnlnIt

sbo t p u tttf , Ju an de la C la te s t ' to be caught..u dnigjf,” bringing tne

---------a th le te s - n a m e d - ln • th-------- p ro b e to 14.—------- '

Both a ttile tes w ere f — M e^caL C o m m lsslo n

. j A in ^ c a n S p o ^ p g i ^


. A r c h e d 'b a c k Tlra<

■ _ / - T _ _

P r i c e h i

' A K R O N ,O h io (U P l)-S ' - eag le two on tbe 470-yard n

- - ^ fY iday .aod stre tch his 1500.000 W orldSeriesor Gol

' P rice , beld a l-sbot a a d Ja c k N lcklaus a f te r I GHmder p a r 134 a f te r 36 bo

------n im ie n ;9 )R ^ F l< ^ -w b o a l____ A nother stroke behind a t

a n even p a r 70 F riday Ml thl Club pouryg, and G raham Ii sbo t during the secood roue

-■l8ao A o k lo fJiq )aaM ar8ha] . bo l6ng liigg '5 jnai.~ "

a n d M ark McComber. C lam — a o d W a d ^ 7 lB r G r a b a m a

Price, w booow is a ftdl- , T o u r b u t stood only 117th «

^ but holed o ^ w e ig b t l j

“ I h ad h it ooe of m y b est d describ ing h is q>ectacular i

— th e baU ia tb e a lr .T sa ld . ‘wc i t w est Into the hole. I couldn

K i n g / C

tb e flra t fUght in tbe C actu-iflU roarow lF Y idsy .------------

T be M ouotalii Kome duo’ ev en t w hich combined th e bl fo r soorlog pupoae«.~-

___ :_ l l ja t w « : t b e m a tw o-rtr-----tfiwrf lm tf l rU - ra f l - a n r t^ f lj

O bM tdialn .s tM fl. - th i r d . MarUy M anlhe and K a

' a 296 fo r four, <aw ahead o f Dl ^^=^rwiiwFUls,7:JuDe-^»msteM — F aHsrweie« t3tttn it 3 > 2 ? =

S ei^ene :S o re n ^ :B u r ie y .

*■ i __________________ _

cuela ( tfP I)_ :-r . e p h e d r ia ^ ' s - b a s k e t ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ h a t

f gold a t t h e ^ n ~ ~ 3 s ^ m Fridav. but - the -noM nnt r countries w ere th e l9 7 2 0 lUoulng drug iih Wilson,

m edal-w l M ario -P u rru thy th ird ath] iln lo in^llepublic— Bhow-i^> la C n ir, w ere tbe testh ig . t ..u s ing banned w e l^ t l i f t De num ber of. /U bertoB

the w eek-lona i= S sH W h« - • • p la> * -L a

e found b y . t b e _ t h » Medl “ i9}-U» PSD- Jraces o t m uatlon to have r th e Com i

^ " - J

i A _ V / _ _

i n e 'R a i n e s , E x p o s , e v a i

\ ■ ------- ------------

' ■ ' ■

l i k e s l e a d i

- South A fricanf^ick P rice usi *d ninth bole to shoot a 2-uodei his. lead, a f te r two rounds o: G olf “ — . o - ' -' iMt m arg in over Bobby Clam i r tbe opening round, stand: I boles, th ree strokes be tte r I 9 also had a secood round 68.'; a t 138 w ere K ale Irw in, wbo 1 the 7,180-yard F irestone Cou m M arsh, who h ad one o f two ound. l i i e o tber w as tu rned ij halflo had a n eagle two on the

u y te tU b o t a 72 F riday.O ou] n a 6 9 a n d M ^ m b e r-a 6 8 .—

^ - f le d g e d m em ber of t W tl on th is y e a r’s m ooey list gc - e v B rp a r th n H ig r tb e T im e ] bt iron ftm n 157 yard s out.—

st drives of tb e day ,” P rice sal a r D iotb4»Ie ahot. "W hen 1 1

C l a r k p o s t

^ K ing and .Ju an ita Clark » b e s t « v ^ l O K h d a i i Om P e te ’s two-^mman: best i

uo:carded a 289 fo r t t e twoH e best net and groM on each 1:

«trofceuleai^ over.the.TV/in Fi iJoannerSandenooT w hll^M i id e ,. Twin F a lls , ca rded 233 K athyJlancbett,.Tw in F a lb ^ I r Dot McLinn and SueLangdoi e a d -a n d -R lla -P etw eilerrT<

ley, and Lucille M i '^ R U x

m■ine.lo;tbelr sy s te m rA stimp-_ Mt-^ icrease g - t B f e " ! ^ rateT

l l ^ A m ^ w sw im m er lUck

201ymp'l(i3.>n,' a 'm e m b e r of .Cuba’s gold w inning-sabre-|team , is Uie ithletia from hfa-rrwmtry^tn^tft. q> poeltive-ln-po6 t-evGnl-dl3lg' . Tlie p rev ious '4w o w ere lifters Daniel . N u n e and- )B lanco. ■ : ‘ h e r Cuban-athleter-voUeybslH L azan )R iio ;ah aw a t< p u n d by edical Commlsskxi t b . lu v e oLepbedripe tn hla gystem but m rtlta tnn f ^ |<fpy||he '


< I


; a d e s a t a g b y P a d r e L u is

i n W o r l d S <

usedan • ip rlcequick lygav( ide rp a r o n tbe 10th, b u t b ird ( of the t t e second s tra ig h t (

o v e r Floyd,' wbo fin am pett y®ar.« * s a t Floyd, who began

H E 1 _ s tn ig g l^ e a r ly _ a n d i !• b ^ u s e o fa S iM i t td o

B ut th e fo rm er M ro lled In b ird lep u tts i

b e ia i i • C lam teU . wtio In ib u m am en tsn een tM

twples— _________ ^N r c k l a u i n ^ T ^

B P G A ' s e < ^ bole, 6 u t that ; goiri^ bog ey 0C 18 dropped t t e ight Ptti'l4p.-—

-------------“ Tled-W ithN IddaiBsaid in go lfe rs .'in d u d in g Aol I MW .b a c k . s i ^ J n i e . o t b e r

•■hwi Z oeU «rt65).C ur<lsSt WataoQ < 70) an d Japa i

t l o w s c o r e i

ark ,of. com bioed to daimTtl aim ed— 2»hwlthTdan8DlHCB B t l ^ S lra u g h t,.T w In -F a l-------- - . M e n q im a n d M d b in>day w hile D elia WlUnc, ] h b o le and P e n a /J o o e s and

. ^ a t m s h i i t B y B F d s .1daboFU£i..werB sizl M a iy = rT n T Ii« H ieS » aT II0 rf 33 for —d a im e d top hobors a

d o ao f— a n te g - B tb e i -S ta n f ■Twin— A rnerfca-B rodeH nC ------------ M artin and J o y i t tW fiq x iir B n d f U N a e L ^ .g l i r j

mri!rtP- w i>«tn*LflftVftrBlwyiigtwl ite, p u n ish m ^ t.Iw t ■■ l-; »irven--vw>>ghtHftw»- ick previously w ere found I ^g=7^1ru^»^i i ^ t b e tr '-8y8ten

.p renous'IH stances ans old ..w asthedrugdetected . th e ' . - Wilson’s nani^ h as 'bi‘t o - ^ - t a e - i f t t e f i s i i o S a r r eW tlo n fb rp o sslb lesan c tlo ^ . . .^ f o r c e d tn r e t i^ n h is n : md , _ u ) o la Cruz, who d id h

•ev cn C rece iv ed a rep «ii“ - P A S 0 - iM -W 5r=Tqa by D om inican O ly n v ic Ci ive the* IntemalioQdl Tra<H it - pj-wi^lhla jigfi . ~ W hile It w as not a.goi

u i s S a l a z a r t o s t e a l s e c (

S e r i e s o f g c

;ave one of those,shotsJ)ackju ilrdled the 625-yard, por-5 "mi h t day w ith a 2S-foot pu tt (o p finished nmnerxq) to Craig S

{an the day three strokes bet nd m a d e th e tu m In l-over.par t double bogey on (he par*3 sev

’ M asters and two-time PGA t o Of 15, .18 antU 8 feet oa tbe b

had m issed the cu t- in the prio r to th lsw ^ was

j o t t o c k to

M ir.under.pafarte ra .^ ln iiijH i ia t W u h is only-ooe of the i od him to 3-over 73 fo r the dav

lus a t even p a r w ere a h alf di AoU, wbo h ad a S^inder par h e r # - a t - l4 0 T t f te r 3 n » la 'w s S trangs (66), Johnny M iller ipan’sTbm m yN akaJim a (73).

i i n b e s t b a

i n T t f i e a a m p k in s b l ^ f l i ^ t a t 3'® 6lBCT3iJ0orNtocy w oodi FaH *,-clalm lng-8ecood-at-^ Biba-AaMtj Twin F a n ^ S ^ i Q, BuU. and K athy B o n ^ u d G « n x S u ^ W eU 8 .-8 b a red y B laker’I ^ F a U s , and C arB izthw ithaabL .— ......0 i f ^ a n g y T S a c y .4 5 a 3 E S i^1^ t3tg with pM7«y t t w t y ato»^jJiaad>te seeend. Th ird- a n fd rd -a n d -M a ra u e t '^ Gilk

g i i r ^ t h e l w r o e 'U ^ y w i i ^

» fah to ^ a r ra n h u ijrT -C a b a n s ^

............... c e ttfiifliy i

i to have b a n ^ -Powere< emr-faut“ iiF all~: etilhg o f" natelic-. steroids U n ited . S t

: ' . . .. m edal-—- b e ^ forwarded i t m a rk JScTnTFedera- th e Cubar tionaaodhewUl. • diam pion: imedal. 'N ic a ra g u aIn o tp la c e fn h ^ T hursday eprim ond -from .tMiblic, &£

m edal wK Committee a n d . . se ttle fo r U -ack and Field On th e 'eaancOOM?------- -c<-mpetitio^ day for tbe - a ^ t i p n t o

m u o t^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H _ f i r s t inn l^

K evin'G ra r y since PhlladelpI

— s trin g 'ag £ 4^1triumi^

, . T h e det ^ y ~ ^ ^ ^ T M ^ ~ I6 s in * g ~ rti i p y ^ ~ ~ ■■■ a n eight-flj ! Z I ^ Z r 3 ! E I t h e _ D b d g■ ■ •/* -■; Phillies* fi

- In lQ gam e

vv two-run■ ■ Valenzuelj

■ _ „ lo a d e d the

i , i G ary M attf •• : - • — Schm ldL b

; 1 T e f t^ M W _ thews.

■■' ' s ' . ^ f ^ p p d e e r

in. failed t ' ' ” ~time.

' Secoiidb p : R ^ 's g r o .Jk '.. . th e season,

• ritng S am u ^

R ed s7 ,C aiA t Cincl

co llected i ■' hom e ru n , '

lead jfieC ii ■' C harlie 1

- ■— r uns on mva nd walkei

...........U R ^ theseason .ou t fo r his

c o n d b a s e en tering th

H —

- - KOilSTC

olf .

S B ~■ . T he Uni>a te . flank

tehlnd Price, Collins am ar.3e, m ainiy__ _general_iB eventhhole. announced

, . - fo r in e x c el A d ^ p l o o a t te r a d a y ibackfilde lo". -"K e i s t l

■ th is 'coun tr he la st five ta r b e y o ^

- _ - p j a y ^ in Q, — ------------------------ ,, P re s se d .jC M ^ p a « -w a ff le d oo B day and a I tw o u ld c o ayaod 'cven tifaA rw t^pi

;___ . B ut CoU

S f e ~ ' g - ' ^

_____________ regpwstttUI”'I want"!

« « ' — S am p so n 'u i l l j _______ J > 0 j g 8 ^ <

"292.~VttSa------m a n b e s r bue th ird af295 “ fo n n an ce .^ irtL Wendell. • ' T ^ t d a i sd fourth apd._. ‘ ^

IflBMSaeasid - w n a u e =n iM io alLxUty,4)e*

’ - 5 f t t e ttffl

w a t y 3 ; I ^

~ v ' •

= T jfH he-a th le tic-fidd .-th««

S tatM ,.8 -i, to win the gold

t r i g J h e fourth straigh t flme 3ans have w on,the baseball onship a t (be Pan 'A m G a r ^ . p u , - wlilch. beat U ^'^ U.S. ly and the, Dqniiaican Re- 6 ^ . Fridayr'SW in-the allver w hile-the-A Jnerteaiisiiacrjto rth eb ro n ze . • -x. e ,\rt» le , the day of a thl^lC tion'belonged to lh e 'U iS l in I to w i ^ n g the gold m ^ in

T i l m C 9 ~ L

rst^ni€P r e u I n t e r ^ U o ^ _

laz doubled In two runs in tbe ling F riday n i0 it and rookie 3ross notched his first vIcto- ce Ju n e 30. to help the ilphia PhUlles snap a futUlty igainst-L os-A ngeies-w ith-a- n ph over the D o d g e r s . „ . decision broke a six-game rtreaK_fQrLama(lelDhla_an(C it-gam e wlnnlngi^treak fo r * > d g e is ._ U _ w a3 ._ a lso _ th e_ * firs t win over Los Angeles m es th is season.------------ -----

f irs t off Fernando Kla. l3 -7 .^ jn ie .Phm ies._ tbe bases with ooe out oh a _ly Pi>t» BiW», a '.A M>Kl»-hy —a ttbew s and a walk to Mike U b efore Diaz h it (he.wall l o ^ t ^ , sco rin ^ R o w and Mat-

le lp h ia c a p l ta l iz e d e a a -p a ^ e r rn is ta te s t to p u sb -ac ro ss^ r iia 'liro 'h u i r i o the' flflh.!d off wi(h a walk, w ent4o e o -Ju a n -S a m u el's infieid— hen stole third when th ird .. n Ped ro GuerreroT-playing d to ge( ^ c k tp (heTbag m

d basem an Steve Sax1)oo(ed rounder for his 30(h e rro r of ion, scoring Gross and sen- n u d to thlni. Samuel cam e n M atthews’sacrifice fly.

2ardlnalii3 ■ - • ncinnati, Dann Bjlanlello 1 th ree hl(s. including a . ~ in.'an d d r o ^ jn tw o r u n s to

e P u lto . M .-a iow ed t h r e ^ K ven hits, s truck ou( (hree ked (v>«'In comjog wi(hin ffltoTtrsrCoRQjhrtfcHgftjWTirf-^’ m . B m s c h e r re rg o tth e la s t- lis ninth save. Trailing 2-1 * thesbc th inning, the Reds

? a m p s Q f l

rrON (U Pl) - ‘Die H ouston 'I signed No. 1 d ra ft pick >ampson F riday to a four*

center the highest i ^ d rook- NBA, S a m f ^ ’s agent and

fldalsannoim ced. n iverslty of Virginia gradu- inked by h is agent Tom and Rockets president and

m a iu ig p r R a y P iittpriinn^__!ed th e pact — reportedly ccess of | l mlllioa a y e a r — 1 ^ of talks.i tb e h ighest p aid rookie in n tiy and t t e cootract goes lod th a t," said w te --fn n n ' Tiiu Aiignlwi li} iv in i. ‘loegoUaUons:— ------- --------[» - tb e - (h lrd -h ig b e « tp a id =itteN B A .'.’BaldCoIlins.

tn r f tn m p w i__OQ t t e exact'sa lary , say ing— cover “ basic necessities of ^p|ftcftfftt?^w mft)rt8hlp-" loUlns added: “ He won’t -w o n y a b f lu t tte-lauD dry—

ou, Iwwe iMr lad ica ted -te— 80 m uch in creased by t t e - t t e - c o o t r a c t , - a r b y ..t tebUlUea it entailed. _________It to De p a rt of t t e team /* r s a n i f a i w i l l t a k e l O o r i r iv to ev en w in ag am e .” x iM -U k e ly ^ Io c iu d e e - ln -^ ^ u s e s based not ooly oo 11— laflivw im pef f M g ^ b u t-ab o OD tte -team -per—

la iM would t e sim ilar l o ttc h B U F inch 's contract, ild i t e wm co lled a bonus rw4n«*« w in '37 g«"<— >hl« = - irm M !rthan ~ lB rd lB m ^ ~

m i r ^ b « L ^ l o i ia to fa>crlbed.tliB,part a i l ! o t e : now comnreotnsive an a : w m i r T w r ^ v i i g B w ^

d a i. _ ’,.,*__NFJLexhil • "jyiarketjir

H L ^ ^ e i a s s i f f e d

5 § 0 ^

' on ov e r 'BrazU. th e U .S : '

p i r ^ m b r c ih -w m eiT fl Sof TKe an d p lcked iq jone incyc ■old U nfo rtuna tdy , the I

lucky i tu m e n ’s softb; m e . P itcher Dave Scott getti }oll six ru n s in th e first in ics.— losftfiegoTd m edal to Ct J.S. Bolste red by t t e su r Re- -of*pple v a u lte P M llw ^ «JL _w onl(M L goW JD ffl)itt^

to. ^ . T u l i y , .. o f -L os - Ange 'h eav ily ‘favo red -sle^

ftlC... B u ck in g h am s f -GaWn .In A m erican reco rd bolde 1 in ' ~ 'Ian T om H ln(naus with

I S e a B ^

ein lQ ile N ation i

tu t te d around and scon y to ch ase s ta r te r Danny C

* a*irates9,Bravesl \«___ -A tP ittsb u rg h .^ T o n y Pd-r-7 a r-f iv » ru n = th lrd = in n li ' * ■ t h r ^ r u n S om er lh a t la e — thUxl U er of T hree Rive =3 a nd Larry_McWUHams

f iy e ^ itte r to lead ( te

T te P ira (e s began thi a — ing off Sascua l Perez, ^ — consecutive._one-out‘ t

l ^ m p s o n atxi P av e P< ^ ,^ M .U e a d ._ A n e r _ _ D o t

grounded out. Pena sn 10th te m e r of tt e year.

'• A t M ontreal. M ^0 w ey JP g a M o n t ^ unlfi

...:.drove in four runs w ith a1 n hflBPa.landpd rk>uhte? M ontrealE xpos.

. TrUlo, acquired la s t i 1 th e C levdand Indians, t ‘ G u U lck so n ,l2 -n .to a l-0 ' f i r s t T im R aines walke B D ave Draviecky, 14-10, si

cand scored o n TriUo’s sii tr ied .to s tre tch t t e h it Ini

____ b u t.w asjh row n w \ a t _ A ndre p a \ ^ n follow

s ing le an d scored ulien >— doubled o ff.ttecen t& rf}

___makejtZrO.____ ------------- Thft R y p o a ^ d e - l t -

■ ' *TUW<nf>ri nn R Pf1 a n d Dawson. In th

t - , F lynn, w te doubled.-- t C a r te r 'm a d e i t 6-0 witi » loaded sacrifice fly.



—{— f .


~ — ~ R a ip h ‘$»iinnroirs

I involvedin .”’’Sam pson will s ta r t’ a

w i i h 't t e Hot^tbn Rocke . t« :«9n8aid.

--------Q o JU i’Taw yerTed Steia palr-of-real estate inei

. fAr.Onmpiiinti hftH tnym mAi

since l i f f Satur^v. •

. ^turdav . August 27.1963 Tim

Mbition results B2 ■ and business B3 ,dB4- ^

irw o h fo u r ' ^ ld ,.JiK h< s._B ui

^amixtwrcstUng 1-th lrdm m o;

" r t

geles, .;d6teale(tr. icave^flu^ eam m ote Je lf s ta r t o f tlv dner, Knn:; th e ••■(ion. sa id hder. and Brazil-, business n Ul a P an A m eri. sw er quesi

A stroal.C ub

ral--------a n d V e m R u l

------ • in reliefo fin jored five runs Ruble 7-3 i'Cox.l-2. wm lorced 1

groin injury, h i u m n e l d

' Pena.-capped=K e:w alke4.oc nlng= w iU i-a— U w iina lirn3 toaded In-lhe isU isa m S U vers Stadium four lilts an d i M -Pj|td»ed,a__ in n ln g s .d i^

S S o i ? ™ ’'>oug—i-E V obel^ -— sm ashed hissm asnea m s j n g ^ u j i ^ a rrriTxrrr-TT--------- tWO-StrfkeOUl— — :•________to taL_of_3,emny Trillo, Canton, Who!

1‘L S sft' tn im ihA - w fiv e -run

I >m-a ' Brelntog'pltel , s ta te d B ill— Youngblood

lead In Ihe hpm er.ln th e ked o il loser . s l a r t e r E d L j stole second

s in ^e . TriUo Venable. I t w into a double ^econd ^ another nuw e d i^ U i ”a -n m e lg h U i. en Al O liv tf Leonard h it fleId-»fliU%“-==TfiSTHIfarscoi

L ^ . . i a - l h e ___lead.ILwaaLes by Raines— theaeason.-Le toe fourth, InUje flfUi, wl

Wlceuff.-eHei '-a n d G ary -s in g le d hom e I iU] a bases- off Ooug Sisk, __________ Pitcher.


r s l g n e d w l t h 'H o u s t b n f o

8 b o r t4 e n n ' a te w e ra _ “Ralph’s court

ke ta ," P a t . his bargaining________ - Klnft.^ '"eln b erg an d Rodcets gua wa..w(nM ng. reached tn : i s raasiims;

• , "Hnpfffiillyr- -u— u^ y r M i ^

e s tB u c k in ^ m -Virori U ie 'silver

B t^ tT M ^ ^ o n d ^ liU n a i^ w as^

' g d d jn e d a l w inners for Uie re EilioK (juo-^ of NeiLYoiSJ.ri n’s 200-me(ers. R andy Givens ...tysiille^J«X.JnJtejTOmen ;8___e r s .a n d J e n l t a F ltz^ard~ C T Iti''. Va.. In Uie women’s ’ lOO-,.-- u p j le s . . - ------- •• . . . •

^euieb5lra(Tijie^^be(oreUie '[ tlie.track.and fleld <stp^U-r”Jd he hadjeft forpersonal a i ^ ' is reasons. Ke r U u s ^ (o .a^ iues(k>ns after his eveoT

CuteOu ston ,' Joise Cruz-' a l n ^ ^ run In Uie sevento l n ^ ~•Ruhle pitched flve innings----------ifinJuredNdan.Ryan.7-3. en te red w ten Ryan'^ -

^ J rp m _ ta _ g a m e _ w lU i.a ______try. FUihle allowed only onea d s lh g le b r L a n y Bowa._______

■ ■■

..S teve^O U tl^^^U m vedl; md stru ck out Ove in seven ip p p e d to 9 - t2 . :________________

[>ldde Tbon singled up Uw td moved to secood on PhU *0 «undout~C ruK 'tingle ' ” p Uie m ld d lO o^h ls -a e v — ne-w indng I f f iH b f Uie

i t c ^ 2 Innings, s t r i k ~0 and allow ing ooe hit. His eouts-gave-hiniTa-career- r r r r 3.62S. K e t i ^ Steve

niom drw !u r3 :653 :

Met a l --------—Y ork, J e f f Leonard d ro v e - rn n s , J o d ’Voungblood ■ ■ . ill. (our ‘m ore, and >reci " litcbedan lne-h ltte r, lood slugged a Uiree-run Uie firs t Inning off Mels’ . .1 Lynch, 9-8, a ftd : singles Je L eM aster and Max It w as Youngblood’s 12to o f t t e y e a r and t e drove • run in to e ’G iants’ four-

h it a twD>run te m e r in sco ^^~ V o tu iff l j^ ^KTT ____

aI.i»nriflrri»>itM hhnnv»rnf ' ___.-Leonard singled in a r u n ------------I, wtien (he G iants scoredd iev e r T om Gorm a a .a n d ------------me tw o m o re in t t e dghUi ilsk, Uie fourth New York


i - f o r f o u r t y e a r s - T — ---------—

.contract, letUng m rt perfdrroance dictate . . —

p ;^U oo .dow n Uie-

g u ^ C ^ n Murphy^ ’■

Times-News, Twin Falta, tdaho___

Page 12: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF405/PDF/1… · Bmamin ^yTfte Tlmes-News : • andynlleaPressJnlertiaUw — A ppoint—

G terg^ . -SAN. D IE G O '(U P I)

_______ DlegD Cbargezs-to-a-27'« R m T O lnapexhlb ltk ioga

; a a s . b u tA v a s h u r t^ f lw l ^ S o S T S Ie^ B ro k e a lO-l

•third qua rte r. iOoartertM-------S tovers fo r a i7 -y a n J la k

.............. -JacksoQ scored his seiplmwe to m ak e ItJ


S tev ftF u lIer engioeered t w ith a n IS-yard TD pass

; th a tjM d e lt2 7 -1 7 .->

^ = i = D o l p h i i i s - 2 ‘

•. EA ST'RU TK EH PD RS ! a n d Dan M ^ o a ia f lL r i l ; d r iv e s a n d Duriel H arris ^ F r id a y n J ^ t ' t o lead t

^ • p re -sea so n iy u t over the p ' I n e y e Q % O i^ re « o n i

f lr s t I m Ih io w exblbltk> — - l4 -3 ') ^ f t im e Q d ^ ^ ta g e

G ian ts’ quartertjacks w ltt

•— ffL 'standtng s ‘7-

iri:p f c - . . j s s a i l

• -iOilaoo - - -?0‘57J«I--

:—SSwWJtwij ~■ imSsr.-- ' • -_-Q« l«ni1 ? 1 - ____

i t Twwia (AttuMM H) •> o*n

j ?* ^ *'

" ^ ^ ^ p S S S s « ? 5 s ;

—"i. tU h r M t i r o i^ ' !"

___ amlMitSMtM - -

" ^ s ta n ^ d in g s _ -

“ M’ i S "s-:ls

■ Irtwlert a Jt ,«1J 11* ABtftti n u jaa V

J l l i f----------- ^ F w o m l I .^ T o r t 1

- .

ABjftfc u pmttwgii

Bt.lOUkiilCMinnM ^a*mmm aum --------< 1 .

iAL boxscores-

~ ''AlMopBl A tDO-0 OsmM N t t : . QMI«y 1& 4 0 0 0 lytin el 0 0 >

— » r i ! - i f s s ^ s i i!i :KS,*«.'fifSS.sI !i!Ctnn* C 4 (I I 0 VMOIM (41010

M«V«rk ___ ' ”'^nrLirr- - " 2 l « ft »T0)' _3 }

W^RV>*(tl. T-SWJ, AiW.»e-*— J.~~raZvBBB---- sorrn—U 4 1 1 1 AMMCt« <1- 0 0

- Ttomon on » 0: -----n S n e *oo«milionri o a

i*&Sin*^4. Ifr-S. 'HMtrUA. HA—

■' S t f U n ^ IHI ( 4 1 I. 4 I

NWcn, StilMW. t - M . A-

* h k «■l i f i i i l g : ■ 1_^feau“.".gyLLiiX-■ M- ■ ....ar’V.iii

B ^Tl'm es-N sw s. Twin Fall

gersbnI) — Rookie m nnlng backf<Mwhrfmim« i»vi Hn»hftf«lrAf.{M ssefrFriday-nlgbtrhdplng i .27.17-vJctory ovfer tbe.L os igam e.ftaaw-ttmuHaw y a n b -to Sairivetum overs. --------------------lO-lOhalhiine t ie w ith 7:14 lef

E d Luther h lt-tigb t-e toochdbwn,— -----------------seoood TD four-m inutes lat(

B j r a i i n w c o ig » te ld ;p a l} ^

Itb 4:37TemalnUigwaQrqtiarC ed a l ^ l a y , » -y a rd d rive lhal iss to w ide rece iver Ehike F e r

Z 4 ^ G i a » t s ^ -R S f ? 5 r i U P I ) - D avid W L dltsctw l Inng nrrt-half-iftnc Tis caught tour p asses fcff Ufl a 'U te W am T D blph lhs to le p u ^ e s s New York G iants M t M whUe handing N e « ^ ltk)Q gam es, th e D b l p ^ g r^ Ige aod baockniffed tw o em l v ltheqdaleffectlveness. .

r e j ^ c

» V, ’. Tofttwio ^ ^ teno r

j.L" sw;.v.;gr>

toll 11. _ -------V--------—

•-W^KW =»*!!“!iSg.‘

-• - Sffi".-VolSS!dii,i-------3?Sn H I 0 0 0 WM# ft

TtSS . • «ltl

if c "1?:J i S i

j) Ti?®jl-J4jr.ilrt •

nSiT"‘UlMf It I too PMortt lb'

------- &SfW-i»Ssr«aS3:"Z mIw ff^WO) IM It 1 I

BuMMi a IMO) 7 4 ] ]SBSw, ■ --'llj- s-f ---- “T-bta ;,so t UUIAUKEE^^^^CMKUW ^oto Molitof »-"4 040 H*Kt*rten H :!!i ssn.” II i.as-?- io t t Coopwio 41 1 LopM» 3 IIO SUMiieni e 4 0 t AMen tb C!H ISm -! ! .* » .“ !>00 Horn* dh 20 0 Hmoct A ]l i ! . s s r ^ j f ! S I W - » - i

. OPlOtfUdLOe-liUm«M 4. OOUIW4. »• IK po.wucoop«>flii,wwm ,sy-^

‘.“- -■ s sw s r! a~ N L b o itSOTIgS Jj i»

S u a - . — «ovo-£M>iM'n—4

i= is a s .is ’.sa?f*-ii I'

■i. un(i«ttt-pi>a.t«#-Hettn4 p -9 (

S i ’!!!!


0 LOSAflDilli1 vw*u»5rai>7) •? -• * i ■

! - K s 1 ? " - 'r ! ;n " iL.---- 5SKlSfflV5iSfKi.S.'t

c ssr.-' .■iJiffl.v-H

Palls, klaho Sahjrday, Augu

eak hald t E rneste r Unden— ----------- ^ IK ItTg<tv^Sfln^ ............ i.'¥ Xs i^ g e lM -■------------- ■ * -------

a r f » e » '8 -— Wwitlley-B com l

left In Uie d ra f t choice, led t -end E ric second caj . - . . - W O verstreet. Uwev.

la tei-on a - -and .Woody Benne■ .■' ■ • . quartei^-as-M lam l t h f f n l B t i t r - B u f ^ t ^ ^ 4 ^

ttfterM cIt " ^ ta J ^ n g W o ^ !2 ft hateodedergern BuCS 41,

■ TAMPA, .,Fla.-<\--------------- to u c b d o w n p a ss^

a s t h o T ^ p a B a y Woodley ► P4ttriot»4l-ai-Fr‘d

)ud>down— both tflanvi.----------Ufl yaijia _ ^=The .victory gav«0 a 244 New Elnglaod fell t(o ts .._ -------Golsteyn, maWitV ^PM ts — Thompson- to see (Tabbed a quarte rback , comp m battled ^ v ln g w a y to/Hjon

' .th^ B ucs abead 29*7

a F fi—0 % % - i— S j —

--------' V- i S ^ n ” r * T o i "

" a l ' i l o —

? iS S o >!*lb" 1 0 1 1 ' SB-VW

iL -= n .i,| ___? Co« IL 1-n SIO I

IBSMI, KB-IWWt WP-klM.T-ta.A-1U>giea» . ._________ •

, , , Bubo u *4n 0 W w <

i i i i S l i i i i S16 4 0 0 0 Putw I

1 iiii , - j

5w «.-■K*?E- “SUw -■ '■• • ' ! - ■ S i i i, , , , Btoon It 5 1 > fUlfltl I:

i v J

■ ;;in rT gv= m 4S

H - {RflSnp 0 0 0 ;; 1,..^

is5™ ^ftS M = 4-!=re>»«o

i 7 s ? T * ” .. I-.... ', J 2 t

■ abrkblS f J , " ! ! W

' -Ir" ” j\ « \ o ' « lb2 1 : Durmm ib o t Ug>n»rtf«i

' Hi & > ! £ {• jii bX’i o’

tfUmd 3. a H R

■ •— . . .T w J r tn i ia — J 4 1

T j l..........BAN mwcaco kw yw

S U t i l S iHA E m lb 1 1 1 1 SUnrMy.-■Ji*,'!— t s s v - - s i i i s s 8 : s . t .

I I O’Utfty'lO 4 t 0 0 OquMOd tl' j i ! ^ S X %

) t 2 AlMora4 0 0 HeMan p]« 0 , . - . | ^ ( A _

-jip .

« c r

J - : I s s r ^ ' - 2 « 40 J ,2 . . .WMJofflMft.T-ta.A-lW*r’

-W j - a a g M a S g i_ -


Iftimec'HEI^^^riMSonr e f c o n = a =3^ a f d r b o o tle g ~ ia ^ 7 r p l a y .d r iy e and-M arino, x l th e D olphins on a 90-yard c a p p ed b y a 1-y a rd sc o r in g i

« von Schflthann k ick ed a 39-y innett added a 1-nm T D run

> f.i!tiii'Lu<ugi fur~i6fryin\l8 tun 12 f o r 8 7 y a r ^ '_ .........

1, P a trio ts 211. - < U P I) ------ J e r r y - G olstey is e ia n d .J f l C l ^ o m im n tnfflft Say B u cca n eers b a t te r e d ih e 1

{ave T a m p a V 4 ^ ejjiibTU onl jUIoM; .. . ' .h is Qrst s t ^ In .h te

se e 'w tw w ill r e p la c e D oug' un p leted 8 -o f- ll .p a sse s fo r 120 hom p son m id w ay IM h e M c a h 28-7. -. -

.gwuif rf4i'ri~"


r>sF'i» k S .FymiyoSlJG„_r T T T T " ^ v w i o n

! ! ‘ ! 1 i S S ..

znr‘. —« ft 4 > I ctUQMtaw- -■

w‘i ii ®S“"SXfdS

W W -p t 9-9 t - 'i ^ A S p 5 ^ = ~ — -7

______ ^ ^“ .ig tf! g g s2i*T*piMUi«h '1'.’Tuf-Ptiu (10)! ' - -

PHfltneew LPGA V

fri-fi-..i ' l . ! .s . ' t s r ” '

. . . I . s s : « , . „ ; ,Sjwuoo!! - ■s!"c" iii! , a r s ' s i v i! i-aw ™ —i f ,Tf!====™-3S«*-™-.--

K fcE=i , B s i'.H RERB8M u l t t Htftl

1. T - ta . A- . s S i ^ l i r Rvth JtiMn

•bthu c* in r iii^!! a a ' t e «;•»_ i!^M . i f T P S

! ! - P « “

S-Otic*ge 4. Mat Smoi?ZS3UH HEBBS80 m r t ^ U _____

4 1 1 t ' 5 nSvdM ol n-74-1440 0 0 1 * . .o w ^

. r - n r f e r ^ f r t T r S S P ^ r . 1 L S a _ : z _


I. Shootout

1 I ~t I Y' r.fuSSSm SS%o-

j'aofo^t. K ieSflS i--------- : L-.ia-J'iSSM


draw iteI I ' ya rd o u t >

d m a r c b l n t h e TheCoIi S ^ o k y p ^ v l d w iu n ;3 6 i k y a n i n d d ^ eudS teve IM In U » Uilrd " S r i r e w s lu o a - o i s n e r j t ___yimiiM *ii■'- ' ' ■'-^ e o U y <h>nl

touchdow]- ----- =~gameaga

1*1 - Richanisc- ,• 13-yard-lli

syn threw--two retum ln ji Barforaabthet—e N w J S g la n d ......D —b i t l o n g i ^ f o r j D r O l l

. ^ ^ I c l e v e Qaeason, whUe touchdowi

hung on to lls battle wilh Browns'to ig-Will)am3il^r"Sh^20 yards b e fo re^ * i^ ?» e .B r6 M K l p ^ w l d i .- w etBcrcdl — ■ '■ T heB ro

Orin i i i i i i i i i

Ttes ■ u i ^ S t f e

— gjjSffi-iM t-iw ' Minnesota'

----- SSS5—. 7«*-ta - .Twins. S S l l S ' Bum bry2St"iS -

— • p-n- iM- reg istered: in d fo iB h

S S liS riSht-handi• » ^ i 5 _ _ t h c flret.thi

----------- mST iS— a n d 's tn i r t~ " S -nl'n nln tlitriu rr

n .n -to .........The Oriog-^rjg ' 12.5. for a I

Z ^ .u a a f 'o r d ;nSzIS Ripken’s d n^n-to 3-0 In theSS:1§

-----------g ^ i « — Cruz-and-<----------S fc t* ' Biim biy lii

__ _____ ? S ~ { S Wh<»n H ghcaught^the

SSzll! (lelder D ar ----------}Jfc{S ■ allowing D j

S S llS - Schrom (-- - SSrJir


R ick Lysdig, amb. a_______ but, a doub. ■ . singles by

-S*Sli2 ^SlaZiS fiflh to g iv e wT-i* M urray 's

" “ ■ n S ltS and Cruz’s .. S-n-io - M lkeW altc

n:n=to two* runs,.J S l iS ..O’ConiMr p

_______ • T w in s .__________?M-iw In o therSS:5S lo ro n io i- j2L*-!2 defeated-Te----- ^ s —ChTiMgo r7>n-t4(

A t DetroitI

j t l S 10th to lilt Ul ,„ . 46,467. J im (

Stu; sixwislxif*-~ n-7»-i«f

- | | i js - - G o n iJ f c iS NEW 1 M i l s . D aveyC c

„ g:?4:lS fined an------------ --— ----- President

an u m p in

. .. n o u rS d '^,L a n d a h e a------- umpire

g « : ’g on him inS n I a ConcepckJNt- O - • ' ..r8S«"' B j |t<

__ .. -JjS I m.- - JER EN-T jK it;u y >

' i S j j j F riday to

- S n l l l ! -- - i S 3 S .01127 ,17 —^ . ' "(sjiniRiUU

lin-te ’n x iran d J

_ uS m B* nn-m s tra lg lil I

— I feg—V - 191.

Klgh scboi3^;w i= .-t77--------- wheBTBT^ i s -----------^ — U o ydbro l^ ; ■■ - I0 fe e tb e ]< ■gfci^ , _ -■ A clty -i

^ p e o p lew S l i a ................ -E lizab e th -fe’*’ Lam pkeS t i a . - -=--dwenstut SWn .converged

- J m k a t h e J

_______ w tia tcau aSlStn------- ------ •'TT-^nieinls]aas - _ -gune,-^'9 5 ^ 1 4 1 ____• | t ~-

r“~ i / ^

ob^aflcons 10. ColtIVNTA f t r p » ~ G erald R lypty i t w ilh l:57Jeft.to play.for.A t w n to lS p r ^ ^

:oIls h ad taken th e lead for the 36 gone In ttie fourth q u arte r v ve P a rk e r from N orthwestern ra fumble a l Ibe B altim ore 11-] white Ihfl F alm n^ slflnrt an»; i l n k l n ^ ^ p . l f ^ d been

)wn In the opening q u a r t s of igaJnst Washington, got a brea dson In te m p le d a 'M lke Pagf k llM -w ith bare ly eight ml n g llio lh e S a .- . • ■ '

^ n s Z07Raic/ELA N D -(U PI) - - -B r ia n . Sip >wn pass an d -a h a rd ^cesse i to a I7i>0lnt firs t hjfif lead F r I'to* a 20-17 win o ver tbe Los A i9P(laoIabeforeS t;181ians.. iirowns.defensbTorced four R ed itedw lth fivosacks.. . Irowns, u n < ^ S Ipe's g ^ r a l s l

d o l e r o 'ed P re ss Inlem atkinal

e M ike B oddicker tossed' c ttier, AI Bum bry delivered a -T-.Sacriflc& ~ ^ y . a n d ~ th c r e ^ ^ n U e s pounded four (ta-pUcbers f o r lS h ils F riday ^ u t e i o a.M.victory.42V8rlhe

ry ohd Todd C ruz c ^ v e In B s.apiece as Boddicker. iM , ed his seventh com plete gam e ^ ffilH uloutortS T seaM nr’Tbe n der g ave up all th ree h its in .th ree inninga. H e w alked two jd n w rifo d r- ln ’recordlng-hls um ph In 10 hom e decisions. . d o le s reached K en Schrom, a n m in th e firs t Inning when ■d singled and scored M Cal rdou b lerB altim o re-m a 'd e-it h e second. With the b^ses n singles by R ich D auer and d-a-w alk-to-R ick-D gm pseyr lifted a fly to rig h t center?

ght-ftplA>P.. Tor* HpfnortcVytbe-baU .-he-brushed-cenler' )arrell Brown an d fell down, D auer and Chtz toscore. n gave up two m ore runs In' ii-oiiJCpji.SlnglPtnn’s Ipnrinff cm psey’s twoKiutRBIjlouble. n o ry s ' rurf-scitittg 8JnglC"0r

.ysander finished the fourth i ^ l e - by -Eddie -M urray-andj >y John Lowenstein. D atkr.E delivered two runs in the ve the Orioles a 7-0 lead./ ' s second double of the gam e z ’s bases-loaded single off' i te rs gave B aU Im or^ls-final- is.. Jn th e seventh. Jack • p ilched the e igh th for the

e r ~ g ^ e s . D etroit n l p ^ ~ Kl in lu innings,‘K ansas C ity Texas 8-3 and Boston shaded Pl: , - -

TtflvotoS•olt, A lan T ram m ell lined the h to him iTilo th e left-field

L th e T igers before a crowd of T] Gott, 7-11, h ad allowed Just >eforo T ram m ell drilled h i s '

p o a i s i

ticepcion sus|f YORK (U PI) — Clnclnna C b n c c ^ o n w as.suspended i

an undisclosed am ount by■mtJhiO^P»^fw.y PHrtny fnr fll ilre In a g a m e T u e ^ y . okesw om an for the 'N atioha d lh a t Concepcion h as appea e a r in g vviU be he ld In tbe n ea r J t« DavB Pallone charged th ih T uesday 's gam e in Chicag


t o n s leadshcBMY-I ^ C K . U t ^ - (U P t) ;- yW olstenhtrimecDinbined'for

to the lead foUowlng »JiShoo<o«taUtePemyRanch, srhouse and W olstenholme ha 17 under p a r a t .tbe halfway

B tion.tiuii ifeHtiifte 'o D e play x l a p a r tn e r from the senior cl te am of Tom m y B d t and T I B illy and Jlm -N dfot b l t tD ^ w ere both ooe { t, e acb with two-round scores o ber stroke back, a t iS-under ?fR odFuo8eth-D onB le3aodl

hurt in ra il c ci'N t;K K ,R y_LI ] p n . - -Nlpeta bool football g am e were-lnji SeTopTaning-of-H-Btadluran coke hxwe. seodlng a lle a s tiO telow.

* ^ S ^ ^ t a k o i —to —Booth—F tihSouth foT:tr»atro«UMllmli Ike sa id , tbe io d d en t o ccu n tuden ts got into a scufOe a|id ^ OD tb e scene, tbe sh in i n '

l ^ s Ani f g '? • “KSJilunged over from one U ■.Atlanta's f l l i t o f f ^ i v e C Lers F rid ay n ight, ^ v iiig 31

:------ -------— :,v -------- I tothe f irs t tlmie in the n ig h t' yi BT w ben rookie defaastye toem 'scooped H)5TViUlam____l l -y a r^ U o e £ m ra c ^ 8 9 ‘ - hi

r'o f th e opening preoson ireak w hen linebacker Al - . 'age! p a ss a t t&d A tlania ' toi m inutes l e f t . to play, ' I>

_ J P5I Q B rS .l / quSipe-tossed-a-flrst>half-_ la . ssed C leydqnd. dpfense '^1 (F r i id a y iy ^ t tb le a d lb e ^ IS A ngeles R aiders In an t tin. . .............■ - - - ir R a iders turnovers and -foi ' • Joialship scored 20 poin ts In tin

)oideblj ' a -Americd a '

S ! l lU iJ io ii i i irS e llo v e r (lav— w orked .tbe J a s ttw o -k mo p roved to 8-S; I t w as 1

■ s ^ ^ t e x tra - (n n l^ la

'llknocked-In-'th ree-runi single th a t capped a

■ inning, to lead the Royt 8-4r-Bcattered-sevcn-h

...Innings, allowing ooe - while - w alking one-aod

^ Jo h n B utcher, 4-5, took 1

S ' - - R e d S a x 3 , \ ^ S o x l Jg A t Chicago, J im Rice uvi ru n sw ith tw o h o m ersa i

^ F loyd B annister, 12-10__ teague-ieati m g—total—

vn m ark ing the 30th tim e b ’ " h a s h it two o r m ore be

ln». ^ m e . B annister had rtff h lne-gam ew lnnlngstrei

W e_„A !*4rB rew et»3------- —-tn------- A r0 a k la a J ,.C I i i j3 - t

Underwood and Dave bIned..on a n elght-bilte

" g ^ n K l n n i l . r A ’!i ihbB Ih BrewOT out of first

b e A m erican LeagueE ast ' Codlroll, 11-9. allowed

ne_ tw o n m s In 6 2-3 In Underood and B eard c

>al— gam e; B eard earned hlj ck th e y ea r, allowing one h e hits.

Moose Haas._12T3Jifl

Ityc ^ . ^ o w e d ^ v e n 4 U U . i n .e

' tan ce for the seventh tim .,„ ;;n n k ln n fi.aco i» L th rec

flflh. G arry H ancock an he singled to lead off. Tony] jldof Hancock. ’tsl HlU w ent to th ird on 'lls ■ continued hom e on a th

l i r i e ^--------- 1---y----------s p e n d e d — U

nnatl R eds d w r t ^ s /id for th ree days a n d ' t h e :by N ational League LeairallegedlvsD lttlngon Alai

Biai L eague .a lso -an - "

I th a t Concepcion sp it------- M:ago aga iost the Cubs, th e i

defe.....................................s ta d

l o o t o u t I kSP e te r O w le rliu ls - ' th e !

-forairtl«tm der-par61— ng two' rounds in the

1 b a d a best-ball score iray point in the team •• na> w 7ronrQ 5T »G 5$—f d r c t i i r ------------------------d Tom Welskopf apdd fo r^ -w h o b ad e l ^ t —......—e stro k e behind , the eso fl2 8 . I l lle r i> a r 129, w ere tb e * * * o d B r a C ^ le J a y D o n Cl:


• p l i a p s eleteco-spedators a t a - In ju re d -F r id a ^ n li^ l . - poUf m -B ta u d 'a rE ria n g a '— r - ^ tiO fan s to th e ground__

iu i L m n p k e .ja ld ’l9 - . ^ —H ogrital—a n d ^ S t; ' > -- Op m lnftrlnjitriea.” . ' expe w r e d -whM abouT a

B |» d a 8 :tb e .^ )e r ta U )re - .- fS JIn w eight apparen tly . w in

i g e i e s 2th e f irs t balf a n d jo e Haider

-com ebadrbut-feU -sbort.- Co. tak in g a final look I n .a .o u C lev d an d ’s i>l|^TfBginar^ T T JlinP lunS arag iansl Mari} Wl

to ptrt a n y ^ ^ i^ t im y a rd s a M .one loUChdQgnr t o u d ^ w r a j n the second hd f.

h i t D e itick Ram sey for a 6


toudidow n p a s s e s - t h e - d r a v e r quarterback John E pre-season romp over tbe'Bron -K ra m e r hlt-Stev9Jo rd an .o r

cjuarter. Backup quarterback £ loSacainy-W hite In the th ird pe _ K r a m y competed 14-of-jO ,j I r s tu a i f whSe’ D enver rookie Im e. , ■. ■ .

E lw ay . who w a»canred1he t 'or th e season ea rlie r th is wee) o r 111 y a rd sb u t w as sacked (I Im e s .a a d fum bled tvrtce^::,..

lanks Tby r igh t fl

ican—- .___ D avlssco i

T Aurelk) Lopez 'Innings and im - - .i;- . - :i !R>ronto’6 th ird Y ankees 3, y o ro D M S u u ro -------

— :--------- :i 'tb e n ln th lrun of the

0.. WlUle Aikens p J^ h ed a 1 m a tw j w lUt fl ^ s i x - r u n sixth ' T beA ng yntq Ruri Black, -home r by -hit»_over- 6 3-3 log^ilg t o e ,.earnedrnin._**?^d *0™ nd ^ k l n g one. fo ^ p o le lo k th e loss. '

J ... — -- - A n g ^ 2 * ? iM d ro v e in th re e a rg u ^ v e l i a a d Bob Stanley have beer

0 - boosted h b ' homer*,loB = m j .3 C x w i i i i e : i : |A : : ^ - : ^ }bi his c a ree r he “ lle v rfw itli hom e runs In a Ih ln lin tb e id h is personal save. realtstopped. > .^7 r 4~ji

•Ubdlroli, ’I'o'm. four-hitlefi /e B eard com- 15th hom er ;ter to help tbe C leveland I thft. MilwflukRft , Su td lffor t p lace In the. sU iick oul it com pletagi e d f ly e h its and.' H jom lon Innings, before .:^lhe sU th li d o sed out the dard , 6^l4r

his 10th save b f lead . T be l i le ru n on three ' in th e fourt

H argrove b ad a poi-wnoi__singie scoi

(6 Jin ie^O . Kb w hen ic» ^golng.th&.dl8— Beroazard-i Im eth isyear. ' ro r on lh a « e .r u n s - ln . lb e _ p la y ground and Donnie Hill B em azan y Phillips faked , y e a r m ade l a s ln ^ e over a e v e la n d s ioope r tq-aw ie ■ wne p - w w

shortst< 9 S] n 'th e p lay and -scored oo i throwing e rro r . GeneNeUor

JSFL heads hSAN ANTONIO, Texas (UPI) e f irs t showdown for the d ly 's iag u e franchise will be in cot lam oStadlum .

A fte r a healed d ^ t e , the d l ) ited'8-3 to deny the fledgling i-year-old faculty."........ ........ “

M ayor H en^ , C lsn e n s 'jd lh ^ I e c lty legi^ departm ent to go I fend a 133^deed prohibiting pr adlum. _ - H ow ever;-South"T w as”Spori aun sa id be planned to go abei e stad iu m d ^ i t e the d ^ coun

tr iroprovefnent We have a val Th& G u n s l tn g ^ signed a l o ^ itonlo scbool d l ^ c t , wtilch o is e-caUr for Bxpansiun, incliK t l f id a l - tu rf -and extra^sealli ilrem ents.

Ilini cagers shnxAMPAIGN. n i. (U PI) - T h akeUiallrleanHagainfngtm e ft dnganotber.Sea Norm an, a prep s ta r a t Cl lUlnois.foiLfalLdaaBes^Qr^ Mftn rfot TellglbllttyratTW abaa Uege la Mount Carm eLtoaU aa io w ev er. NCAA rules prohU>I playlng-w ttb tb e team thls-yg i s m o f e l i g l b U i t y t h e r e ^ . }n,U>ft ,mlnua ahki, forward pected to re tu m to sctiool thi E p i l iT r B e a a t^ F lS r W f O T InL star D e t^ 'H a ip e r , sa t.o i th a le g ln lu iy :UiiwU—q w rts—InfM malkxi- iktrfball <rfnce-has Dot^reoeive tool to re lease h im from h ^

V ''

2 7 ^ ^iders, l-3 ,V a g e d a'secbnd half •• Coacbes-for-bolb4eam s-w ere— ^ lo rtertw ck ba ttle th a t pitted

THpl-M cponald .and O aklaadV ' ijWUsoainfllfl. 4;toraiioRgB.yard3. JaUad— iard.wm Je_w uson,jw .oitujor_7B_ w nr-led th e -R a id e rs to two -WlfjiJ- -

a 6-yaid-toudidow n t a . i ^ a ~

— Tom m y K ram er Jired 't\yo tbei-'MteaesOtrf-'aelAse sUfljed' n E lw ay-lO M lhe-V lk lngs '-m •. Jroncos F rid ay n l ^ t w - n.on a iS -yan tib row .andJT M y o rtag s trlk e rly lh ^ ta^b e seeood - ick Sieve D ilsT If^ a 23:yan^TD-;-.d p e r i o d i _ _ _____ _____________•jp p a s s ^ o r ' l 6 I ‘yards in the - ikie £3way)had a m uch rougher -

ihe team ’s s tju iing iiuarterback— iveek, com pleted ll-of-31 passes ed five tim es, intercepted three

P w i n s ; ^

hi fielder C lv ^ ie Moore, wfaidi c [v a n S a T fin i!^T Z n E Ifa X a se r~

s c o r ^ Phillips with a-sacriflce

M ^ A n g ^ S - ^ jiabeim rD on-M altinglyled off— ith Inning w ith his fourth home the s e a » n and D ave Rlgbettl

l a five^iitter over 61-3 Inningsib aN ew V n rifY n n k w g .--------Angels lost a potential t w o ^ by Ron JackM n in tbe b ^ m

oroer. reached in f r tn t of the—le l o s n ^ his line drive. - - ............: base um pire BUI Kunkel n iled

-m an ag er Jobn McNamara I v e h ^ e n U y th a t the h it should been allowed. Jackson Iben ^ o u t . .rtll,—14^;-allow ed~ a - t w r u n : : :10 Briw'X>ownlng wiUTtwo out aeraft.-GopesreMM®;!®: with one out an d a runner on1 tbe ninth ^ ootcheid h is 14lh

i4riiariD ef»4l.— ---------------- —atU erR lckS irtcllffepIlcbed-a— » te r and A ndre'iT iornun hit hts m er of th e s e a r a . to lead the nd Indians. “iffr.-i4!q,^walkflcl, fmir anti - out six in p itch ing h is eighth te gam e of tbe year. — ' - lion connected with'tworDot In-11 inning off loser Bob Slod^ . -l4 r 'lo “g R f fT n e V d a n d -a -» f l- - le Indians haid taken a '2 ^ lead Durtb. to b y H arrah and Mikeire singled. JuUo F ranco 's scored K arr^_and_rooY fid___

-"second— basem im Toiny : u d 4 » m m U ted -a4 h ro w ln g ^p --^ Ih o m to n ’s potential double- 'H in d e r^ ^ _ _ : ------------------------ ----izard 's seventh hom er of the ade It 3-1 in th e seventh, but ad scored again to the eighth • raneo -reaeoea^oa-an-earof^lay^P SpUte Owen and eventually on a ^ l d pitch by reliever

f o r c o u r tIPI) —i t appeared F riday ily's U nited S ta tes Football 1 court, no t on tb e Oeld a t

d ly council l a te Thursday 'Ing G u n s U n g e n j^ ofJbfl-L _

go to c ou rt if necessary to' g p ro f^ to n a l q w r ts in t t e

p o r tF ln c T 'P i« ld e n t Bad abead w ith renovations oa n u n d lv o te . r:L-: - ____ i m : .

ivalld lease,” K aun8ald. ' 50-year lease.w lth the San _ “ ch owns th e J h e _

iatlng-tO T neet USFTrr®*

s h i f t-T h e Unlveralty Of Illinois neforw ardand-appareetly— ^ -

It C h iu g o C rane, enroUed /flflV** TP *'** ' __ihni^r-VBnyTvm^ — —n«mH nntiftU __ __

hU)It h im fron i practicingB-ygar. H e wm~have~threg~ “ “

» r d .J a y - J } jm le U .U .o o t i _ ^ Lthis_year Dflnleto,jH)m=:; ^ _'fOTStfpr tMmmateof ...........itK)ut m ost o r ^ 1 ( e « s o o _

on—pet3onnel"TaM ~IBB ------- —

>ls sdxdarsh lp i B ut ~

Page 13: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF405/PDF/1… · Bmamin ^yTfte Tlmes-News : • andynlleaPressJnlertiaUw — A ppoint—

B y FRANK W. SLDSSe R■ 7 United PressInterOaUom

~ N ^ YORK .(Ut>J) - -m aiB te t-s tum bled a t tin

• ^ 'T cga toed its 'b a lan ce wit r - - 'b a rg a ln -h u n te rs - to scoi

— gain Ftlday;-^^— -T rad ing w as extnim cly

■■ ' Aut03. a lr l ln y ajid h lg issues <attracted. some a

~ defense Issu tt recovcra recen t drubbings. -

*nte-Dow Jones.lndusti down m ore than 6 a t (he

-------- galning-Oi-Bl-'Dsursdayrcii^ — i;i92 .ff7rB ufJnost2 :T 4"l --------overall. —'n io ^ :D o w ^ i

• _ p o r ta tlon a v e n ^ g a in e d. fo f th e d a y tb pace the [ha

The New York Stocl — ^iD d ex f^ .6 2 4 & 8 3 .6 & aQ <

a n '^ v e ra g ^ ’B hare increa:---------Stanfeu^l- A " P u m V 3 Q&'---------^ jum ped-l;30-t«> -!62;l4

- t < 9 p ^ d e c l in e 682-6^- 1;926 issues tradetT.

B Ir B oard volume t • 6 1 ,^ ,0 0 0 s h ^ ; dowi

70,140,000 traded 'H iursda “ T his w as ju s t a ^ u n c

' o f th e stocks th a t got d o i '^ “ th ls " ' w eek—rdjouw

' K ildegarde Z agdrSd' of= ^ c h f i 5 « 3 u m e s . . . _____

Also . averages-=werg nervous^ professional tra Ing borrow ed sh a re s 'th i e a r lie r . But th e slow trai

GMre_____ ,,^ ,_ D E rR O IT (U E I)_— --------- ^ io tortfC orpram iounc

Is reca lling about 19,0 , ' and Buick pbllce-cai .. _ accele ra to rp roh lem s-

--- -------------lavo lved .In -tfw .rec

and 1981 througft'1983 \ M a llb u m o d e ls^ d e lf i _______ ... th e a u to to a k e r fo u r• 4 — c a rs a r e <q)^ated re


T :: j . PORTLAND, Ore.— © , T he B e ^ . F rank llo Fedf

^ “ ' u n d ^ to a jn ^ s so d a tio n " !! ' 'fltfK^k has.bec

-------- b y - lh e -F e d e ra l-K o m e -. V B oard. •

Rot)er$.B. Downie, p re bQflTd.gav:e-itOPBtg

— ' 2 j . TTWi firm nuis immui oix ' m u tua l a ssoda tion . ^

S av e r and borrow er mei association m ust app^o^ version by proxy o r al

--------m eeU ngon-O ctrSi-yow nlapproval w ill be given by r ^ r d o n A u g . 14.

-------- R ights tu- auljsci lbe fostock will fhrst bS grante Ito rs a a of Sept. 30, 19 d e b i t o r s a s of Ju n e 30 U finally to m em bers a s < Officers. dU-ectors and along w ith residents of the

= C l e s iHEW YORK (UPll

-----------P4 (Ml) Ull Cfti

- rl' 'i- 'ill?■m il- ” 1 'j a v2: £ ]s ss-,!

l!,SSS7l; {«_ a; H'sj “a ,viB\

-------i s s 5 .. jn ptfwVn

- - ^ s r■ . *w>«l .......M - - ff 8B a » - V. ' ' B l M ■■ »

« ;’.;a i f -

in w J ni^i

3 a i H 4 !

E R “Y ’ ' I "iloaal—:-

) - " t i r e stock” 'the ou tset'D ut' T tf?**

w ith T f f io iC f l i : - ^XOK a m odest _

ioiys.low. " - • - . , , , 0 ilWgh-technology r e a t ^ t i o n and_ . ttoc - irod a b it from

1U0- -Listrlal'Qverage; Mthe out s e t - a f t e f ________?aim bed7;01-ta "‘i n^ n T4"for lhe week _ a n » n g in s

SOO^tooTTnoBJC--------i n i e T S

own from i h e - ^. tion amoruiH» with some

■ a pSto-™- Straders J ^ l a ^ a f te r faUlr they had sold . i « ^ .

t r a d l.,g s l» m ia , ™"y»- " o r »e>lers.__jrafiffl~ l

•ecalls patr[ ) _ = _ G e n e ^ ^ u lL th io tU i unced-F ridayil— a g e '~ m ay ' 19,000 Chevrolet throtUe fro c a r s ,to repair L etters cn s . - . . ---------------d epaftm enrecaU a re 1980 . c a ra be_tal LmQdelfl.floldJn_modlflcaUo a s ; 9i l L eSabre- linkage, 'i 'l 983 lihpala'find eha rg e [elsewhere. g m sa idound-tfiat If the _Do r ts o tacc ^ ^ l e d l y o n the'-prewen

[in’s c0n\ ;s board’'ederal'Savtags— scrip u o m li i-to -T i-federp l' - ' " A n y sh a n been approved th e offerini i e -L o a n -B a n k ,- th ro u g lia n .

■ Downie a president, said a ffec t , ra te

uperatlng-ffirB— In su re^ -b y L o an ln su n

m em bers of the' irove the con* J ^ ? T 7 i TI

a t a specia] wnltf fi41fl."lRti by m em bera of

i n t ^ to depos* luiio.nlo (i.o 1980, then to

0 th is y e a r and - IS of Aug. 14. ad employees, eki«ne»

■ W P- 'eninii»cii- I ar'4? a

nition- Stfenui .(4 - . S 14- ,Sr-l!'S-S _q«»rsn . . >M a pr ji

iiCrig. Cdn^-----1.«-- M U^ a- 'isi

EFEnriilK- ^ cmi> Clin n a n

H ClllCSfp to tIM plr

is l i i U S 1 iU ;irHrr=?ll■•■I II.. 'if"I*7 H''cPcSr TM ‘l'w'“5 i - V y s* - W £M ■ 3.» . ^ 10 » i;

*♦ ** ,H9 « «_?»

. il '* t - V - ' , S " a«* H ’ MitiAii .« nil cn

~’7hS“ulin s m*- H noiUI Eq» ll<M .«

■* ^ Domnn i n t v u »»♦ H—OmrtSi-----IB -----aMtf-W-OowJnti------ 10 n .n i .w t

i s i m

l a r r t e !


iosUtuUons. r Investors s tayed on th e s ide-' I aw ait th e F edera l R eserve’s u ite t report I h a t showed .the s nw ney supply decreased a•4hairexpect«raxrm nn& ftTr

r j d ^ S o s S d ^ W n Market Ifervo ted • la -Ju iy io 'U gh ten - but left open the pOMlblllty the reli» If lhe money stipply

i has b ^ a growin^coilvlc*" [King observers. that Interest lave'peaked after-*a three- imup. But there Is no certainty- « s~ w lu -d ed lD e-lir th e” near"

:al-fund9-rate 8 - b a n k s ^ a r ^ th e r jo s e to 9=Hi to 9'A percent ■ 111^ to.9Vti p ercen t Thursday, d 'H i t u ^ y blunted specula*

had ' eased c r e a i wlieii It .--funds-from -the-> bank in g -

r c ^ c a r ^ ^ ^

ittle ,. the. accelerator, link;:____y 'b Ind~ and"T jrev ra t“ the— f- from return ing to Idle, s a re Being sen t lo police ien t8 ::requestlng-that^ the.-^ ... taken to local dea le rs_ fQ r_ _ iUon--of. the .-acce le rsto r-------

ild^lt has-fefcelved-M re-_accidents or Injuries due to __-teirr---------- 7 = -------

versionI’sO R^ y ^ - w i U - e l s b ^ V s u b ^m ^ tsrD ow nlerold .----------------la re s 'o f 's to ck rem a ln ln g ^fte r" ■ing a re expected to be soldanatlonwldepublic.offering;___e said the conversion will not ates or terms of loans or

urance Corp. up to $100,000.


UW,*00,000 •

(Wl _ ‘»r«ia™.q»_

r!!!L_____ L w a s f f l . .

S«:- 5!SS?»^-SS;,!i- 0 ...P . . . - - '? ®

S1W+« DuPont— ~ J . « - - HOM DuqfltIM* _ J ItBS*Emm » «Euiom Alf

-25--;^— r « « « - a —_____ jg—

^ S - i.{g - II S____ IS— 4 -g -

woH • i f i i i nJ-®47»+*4 Euen 3.TO rtiio

u t H FtMrg* - .«0' ’ t9 X)pw M j» ig_

l i l u fS o '” ' , ie’ a

5 : 5 . s . s

' £ J ,lliw * u ,40 MT

■ ^ ^ nitt ’i m

.. - o * m i.4t II H

21 4 H ' Htlbrin I.U 19401 -jn»4l^----- MimPi-T— 1.M----- ; » - 0 -yOH- * - HirMCo------ .» • n t t l J ,

» f s - a t £

. . 's y s t e m , t o . k e e p - th e . k£- ' fa lilngm ore.;

__ C o m p o slte iv o lu ro 'e .o f■‘ ' ' • ' i r s t e d o h iU l 'U .S .w c h a ■ ^ t h 6 c o u n te r to taled-73,( ~ _ . pnm p n tw t^ ta ihJ-m.Vi

^ T h u rsd a y .. T h e A m e ric a n S tock

d e x a d d e d 0.6810 227.17 o r a s h a r e r o s e fiv e c*

■ . . lo p p e c O a v !f f lK !^ 2 S Z a — 788; is s u e s t r a d e d ; Com '

" fa iU c d .,5 .7 6 0 .8 9 0 - - sh a r w ith 7 ,l3 7 ,3 0 0 * n iu rsd a y .

* T h e N a U o n a l . , Afl — jS e o t f f t l c r - D e a l e ^ ic

s l o d i s ^ l n e d 0.78 'to t d 2 ie - — r - O n - t h e t r a d ln g floor, e’s - t h e m o s t a c t iv e NYSE-1 J ie :2 '^ lo 26. C h r y s le r w a n

a to -as -y i. T h e a u to m a k e r Th— flle T V lt l i th e S E C t4 :tm l

t o 1 ^ s o ld o n b r iu J f o f ^

e n — p a n y :---------------------------rity Among Ihe other auU )Iy e r a l' Motors jumped I'l

F ord 2 <0 g4=V4 npMvo ti rc-' E l -Paso Co. was the s t active Issiie. iq) M to 23 >0- N o flh em sa ld lt^ teo d f ity- -percent of.Ea-Paso.-.?V ar~r:aircady own-for-cash-a

Burlington Northern ros ge ■ - •V p tw f wM -th<pd-ftn4h n f 45%,-'D ie-Federal Co: ly. Commission modified a la- order to allow Xerox t< lt_ad^ertise_and_prom ote

t ^ ^ m ach ln es.------------------

“- F M S S —

" iS _J 1Apr '

I ” e#»viSKilMsl- i--l_cHicAao.(upj)-QQUuuiuifii.

■a : ? - ®Jf! = a s = -

. S«til«mam pdcet on clotc■ S S S M S i ,

J on*H?«P(5>tMooM#fMm(i?El^

ocT ssoo&a.r

n * Jun 34.»54.5" j3a>JS!l„,KS;SSi.' S0___ Jly' 67!bS 0/!»------- Auq------ — M.TSeS.WW.IOM

Ett. M ist 4.6U conuteii: 1 a S.443. opon mietsti 12.n]up2».U___ ..SfllUgmsnt prices oncioaa tnd o

.. U t l k - H Kin* ' KV>k_ . I

=g ‘!'';s--rrs.- :S--1 S S S S ^ ^ i

S !* IsMfBtl ......CT t»H4 W IP ^ f ?.4» .7J4-3W-W----(flCO LW------ .»-----

tllOpJTH^H W .» a 14 }a nvt- H IXidSti M . ■


§21 S' ZTr l:S ’, g p , . . - H ..rotn. rr s u - u j«ipuoi i.n

^ a s a i ’i ’ 1i:^ J

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2 - S 5 f 8 - i S - ; l

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t - ' ..ik

^ = r mm ' CHICAGO (

■ o»1* niflhot t___________ • ClflSflF»ld»iro

' -.1 - Afle»^b«ing

key. r a te s '. f r o ih u je '# ! ^ ^ ^ '' • ■ • .o f $ovl#l gi

of NYSE issues “ -X S tu d o i w n g esan d over lo 3,047.-a0-shans-

* Exchange'in- • . l7 a n d t b o p r i c e '^ " s , '^ 7 cents. Declines- oee

i ^ lh am ong the u j y ------m poslle volume • ' - ares com pared™ T m iraaiy ,•y.- •A sso c la U Q n _ o t_ ^ ? ____ —index o f - O r e — ----------

o29o:3i:iT,-Chryaler-was... 5-llsted-issue, up ,-T«ur»dn^ arran ts gained 2 • le r s a id llw o u ld - •

the governm ent 51!’'am

uto stocks, Gen- nov 1% to 68% and .......

»tra d in g M«»he second m ost Juo23y4-BurlIngtbn ___ids lo buy t h e . 5 2 , . ^tqck-lt-doesn’ti-and-securiUes.— U f ----------•oseH<,to85'/4. cje

> i m m u 2 i S S ^ ; ’' T - ^I a 1975 consent ----------to m ore eaally *• “nwMiy

ten ew co D v in g ‘L~ Sopl . —

lUfM file»M-140-IO-----Auo..........

s - _ l z

II II “ “smIoo w : n ' - M." iVnV:

|5S1 /o'X'Sjy't;UBgotii,6«. .

’ <’?•;?!« j J 'S new YORKI ■ 4ja40 hl'i'-V-*'®” ') 442.J0 ' ■ «J».TO • Cl

Kt*. Opsn Inltrsal: m«> 71 UB May..........

. Jly

S'a,MM.17M.OO M M

42.U 42.87 43.40 Mipls'LeiM'^4,30.43.m41.»44,10-----AU9trlin-l-diK

47.M 47.U S, AlflCir. 1-UIsoJJloOsJilJMijr 90 ' rpi^ci . Thursdiy'a aal«a t*eo v& )■ U,S, eoinig«:

lllllll- k J ii w i . a ." " * * " '

,'; k g . 7 ' 8 ' ssss IS

-7I.U7tfUU*^H .IA]71«7 USIV4 «t UcKtlf . 2.40

j j « — . i -

l llp - itr fvs-ifth-K—a-.. OD S0)t4 MonKd 132-„ a .,!! .♦ ,« a a a

'»1H lu«H -S -----HibUeo - j3 !n>4Si39U«H N410U1 J.2»

' - i . s . - / K a 'S1iX21 401k . . Nllsmu .a! ! .- S .S 5 - .5 .^ - S ? ^ . - 4 :S -

ib t» ID -m NifoikS 2.S

i i i y i

a ______ ^

>0 (UPl) — Whaal wat mliod, com tm at tnd aoybatna li>aauUrli' hiohar ii ihi »yonihocnietooDo*'delTf»d#.»ta off 'C‘tt>'trp'3H'CWrtrC®rtt*up 2^*t( Ip H lo 2U. in<r»Of beam up2 lo 10 ting lowar moit ol in« OfTritrtt-fflailia lti«.Jintl mlnuies-and endad lha wasi

it2a-oo..jio<u-tou(c«». «ttd> -Tboio waMft't tn rr 'i iia ' a'tti'n*.' bii'i 'hili’e Tono"'#*"Jhfl wea mat wt> aipaclod.uanlly Ifteta wat congideraBIa Buyin(

1 gttin puicnisaa -jKovkJad ttoonloniMgod iria tatl ^ tn « gums Cul mtrugoi fiTpnai o«9Bi '01 natmy Sepismbs

lotfonMwuwiesni.W49 oipeciod 10 beJn ina maiket Frldi)

WiCAbo“ BOARD Of TRAOeOm a - Kiori Low CUM Pm

7 ' 3U ■joBw'^lorS

4.20 .4JflHr 4.20.. ,4 .a 4.22W

^ iJ lrS S- - -3.10SY 3.24W 3.1Bft .O --3 .» «

ir>-«ai«s 4&3.A70 busnois; tnu(»

2:i4it',2;iBv, :i4v» :iev» 2:isv

-S WM siii —Mg-ia t& jgg 'a9.00 9.23 9.00 9.itV> B,15!;S ! g !:S

_ l i J:27.S0 2S. 27.U 2a.U 20.11

ly Uiss 9 4 ^ conl;acts:' Thura > iniarati_M ^W 7^^ n4. ^ ^

'l l l l l l l l l^ ■ ns'.oo" ' m'.S_ g;s;S9-?«^w .j.?a jo».w -a9.oi

>RK (UPll - .WPfia sugs/ No, 11 future#

?To:1B-CM IOW low --------------------

sSiilsvssI ' ’112.K 12.M 12.sa 12.69

ORK (UPI) - Oomatilc sugar No. 1J ejed Frldiy 9 polnli ICHar lo 1 polnl

........... 21.90 21.91

lea...........22;i2 22.ia __________

bf. Ssiiiemani on pravMus tnd ciosa

K IUPI) - Soiaciad gold tnd snr«r coir ------- ----------------frtdty-Thwxiai

‘ ,C "ifWuS!fdSls'.z. ,11 il

W' _^4.op ^ 4 . a

11-4 ounca .2S Iroy o^. m .oo 1177J

'. «.000•o«: U.7W n , iu 'ream tihfOf M at n.ooo ua _ 1 ^ 1 5 __John F. K an n ^libartyl «;-toond ^ } 5 j ” i1o ua«a» tepiMsni lha mld.Bned twiwssn ra tro tXddino and saiieca «>e.tsking as

s M's.;s. fSj;2 sisrr's-.n 72907 OU«l OutiuOata

?.« 7 .^ 2H*-H... Riymn’ s& -

t a ____i4.n7-iosu4m n«tten . .].n (730 7DM4 K Raynout

i "Ifi['5 § u* ii ■

l4ijs^t£-j- lg .|is. .

! t " " s a g i i i i a s '.» —----»-»-3f» t-« |-;----- SOOMI----

r liffl ~ ^■ 6mp-w^

A . 11 17 ISH* H Tandy

■ -- - ' .A—■■■■. .

- T-_ .Satufdi

- ■ Mprgmarkets-'E

■ - i a n . m . [ . m .

ll*he,4. __ _ _ M o n th .C o io m o d l

• M a y - f t l f l l n f i a ^ i;Vk .• -O c tr i fe e c a t t re ”

N oy.ieedercatl] S ' ~ O ct.ilveH ogs’ " ■

— r — ....... S ep .co mnon." • D ep .flilw r,^g.d T :Aug::gord-. m’bsf > - Dec. c o p .- • --.way"- - - • r O c t r s u g a r ------:■

7.i=i-Nov.-soybeans— " ' S<^. T reasu ry B:

U7fi». • • - • -

iis ■[Hg Quolflik»na_-frDm_] 1 :? ^ - p r o x lm a te ly - 2 - p n n r [;;w =-tcnlealecbld3.-*Interde lio do not Include retail i nSSJ d o w i "o r ~ com m li

quotatk ins a re provldoi ' n u Jo n es and Co. -\m - — — Bt

• B ankofA m er.

— - ^ l i B t - I d a Corjh------------^| . M obreFin .G p. 26.7 IS2 , Intermn. Gas • 17.8 !it‘' .K elhrood_______ ------1:S" - - - -':»» IlffgBfaiMi\—SMrrfK'i»S!:istJ

. OMAMA(UP»—LhrtllociKr H'OO Callla and c*l<raa 400; nol w <9iM._ cUstloramaiMiiasi.-' '= S S 5S ; II-« • » S"wpi>ena..^> ^ - -

iu,.. lowar. towt undsr iOO iba

'. D£S MOINES, la, (UP carioi l>«»n cul nisal uat#M* ie” l'SS !!*«»■ *a*aa

....• §y,8|i‘'.PSv■ - • --ao ^ _ lP ..-^ » ’oo; geoa 20•v’J **Por1i'virtfllna t«»w 10 ti i»‘"' 10 Itlr; Iraah potk loins

or taediess Mliiss.

S .

I , •••No. 2

S S K S f c M ' K


SS ____II rg£BE3n i - r j - s —

1,000 F'‘«*y: ^ " ^ * ''‘•'*11 III,?•***•’

! i s K . . S : iE ifjy

2J0 *2711 la'ad• 2.49 19 UI vOU« U Tann

i im 'M— - .40----- toBB'pam- n- ■ T#m1. . •• J4 . - . m u --lajPi

au ' I 3R 49 ... TMi B— _ Tmu

^ '■S ' '!!,!!!■ i i i : u \ S

, ',1S ?.mS:S, . . -H ^

I * J |J4ta pHHru

—'S— ts

- B3 ' -

-• Prev Killy : i j : i 0 9 e _ High

_• ■ f t f l l _ , - fiM ■1—' 57.739 —“ 58.125—. ------- « ! ■ » g n w . ■itUe S9.1S 59.90

4.07^4 4.10^4 - « 3.55Vi 161 .

12.45 12.59- ^ 1 .4 f f 424.20 - _:'-74 ;5o— 7s:< jcrii

“.-. - - ' iiO .fie-:------ W.66> - ,

Bills . 90.89 ' 0).89 _

_'QuotaUons from Sinclair an

'N A S n -n t f lp . • L o n g J i b [ ir -A ll-b ld s - to .— Pac.-StrL dealerquo tatlons— Trus-Jo is 1 mailcup, m ark - Consd. Fo nisslon. T h e s e —W estern I lod by Edw ard D. B igPlney

■Utah Pow B t{r-> — ■ A a k - " ^ i« r i s 6 a

- 21.75 IdahoPov

'.som ' l;082S— D a r t ^ a l5.75 27.25^, F ir i t ln ts t J.m 18.125 'V ngrdT R _ _ 3 4 : 0 0 ___.S a fe w a y ^

U*'owt and Qiiia SO *'lplniet?2at 22»2» IBS. 8lh)..law.-->lj4.00-*nd2j

ofta«QH"»ny iliuBhl?'.__nJoollalRiq^.■t,oonionar;-«iiii»79

law unavan 10MOO la’ Id*h06#tntt> »ia5ro^.M .2ro-2#o ■ ■ ■ ■ I W

lo b A i U b

™! ! ^ - i s a r - .g a 5 - - - -

■a. J » = ; v ^ ' . “ s

Z4',lI.. iSvm'rti *fS. Mtgniilum,

X .t u M s J p

SiSt’s^ ^ u n iu m , aJ

4.«0-4.t5 ewi mlnimurnpuiasFriaiy ----- ----------------anc.prfm#'HM.^b^..oll.02-.03

■ — p iS S I g S


BIE- I I M i £ g s

i'tdr>a 1< WplS7U'«7H IS- 3-:IS-«rNSwi-------IJO------^4-^S—w li - S — !mny___ _4»____ i7 ja .c in u .» i___imtM IJO .. JM m --\% * BIMB IJO * '1 ^ ” _*.!? ! g f f ' ~ . 4» • *' n

M i!ii« i r I

roRK ,1,1, ;

Mrgf 3L20 - II . > to * Mf f i , ■■'1 i i :- ■;rfotB i l 'I m 30U4<H Wno Hn . 44 S2 4» ...n r - a : . . . . u-^

ga ' -’il- a ’5 ii*»,v

rday, August 27. ig g l __ Tlfn»^

aiaiU - \ ~n 12 14H . - »

' r'^

. -*■ Close •— Low-r ........ P .M .;- - . - * - •-' ■ f i f tB i i --------------

, - — 57.62?--.— 57.70' - ............____ 58.225--------------

59.075 • ' 59.15 -" '- g : a 2S:.---------CIBTST--------- rr-i - ...4.01 4.08^4 . -

. , 3.52 — 3:60.«A I 12.33 . .1 2 .5 8 ,

•— 420.00 -•■ 4 2 3 .5 0 ' - -; i L : 7 r i 0 ’ : ..... .74.90 ...' - .--10.34------------10.’ - '

— ^ ~ —

r a n d C o .. . r - - — . . 'v '

J ^ b e r . ____25.ixf - - as.so . ___JtrU fe 7.00 - - -7 J » 5 ~ ~ " -JoistT---------- 32.25---------32.75----------L F ood '- 44.12San Union-------------- -------- 36;50—IneyOfl • .6250 ..6875Pow er ____________________t^ n ■ ■ ;5 3 0 ''" ” "*'Pow erC b: -30.75— • -— ------------------------ ~ i i ' n r : —{r&ti~--------r r ^ . o o ■[ntste. 43.75 [Trustees 36.79 ay^— -----------— :_24.e25.:— ^

■ -


plnu"3% n '^ 1 0 sl ia.oo, e at iroblnd s ' ' 53ist:2tia-00indjstj0,00.- ' - •

tntBxaMiiorao*cht/0« t, ' '•

hlla'whatl S.I7.' BIHiy SJS.'mllU flflln--------

Jiapl»alfw>ttilon««»W»h>aO waaUy.-r—--------

LjtMt ms^ w a ^

(?^«l«^roiyilc. dalhrarw U .i 'n.^940.00

. . . . .

Am. Mil MM. SW .I -

. .,Y Am. MSI, Mkl. tlloyf.pfh:«^eM .00_____im, aJrcnn Quality. I tt inch round n u P Z

i fflOV a a ls^ US. 43.C041.7B >(t).

-------.J — , ti^” lra a -nirtst)! ' 4 l% " -o ir I * : , ' un 471,00 on 3,00,

. . . . !!'\anJ; t>ts« cjje* tof taimino aaiiiMo and

>rWwlttiir>#prt»to)Sf1ilnQS_ ----- - —

» \ » « , 5 i i W » S “~ ! S r a ’ "

I UldTsla 1,71 a w . . .:»»-■» - - -

; _ !SS___S _ 5 _ V m ___I^WMonn . '

I r -S fS J — a —


■ » ♦ «Xm i -3 I M H

- J a i a . - ! 3 ! — i i i 8 B : ! ! _____

"^S ul yj! £ s

; a £5 -.

' ?ym!La ” IJB nL u

.r... Unt----- A s o a : . ._ « J J 3 . . i l» * . t t_____

n>»N6W8. Twin F^(y . Maho & 3 _ /

Page 14: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF405/PDF/1… · Bmamin ^yTfte Tlmes-News : • andynlleaPressJnlertiaUw — A ppoint—

~^ t l n r f l al?iewa7TW lhFttHi

— --------------------------- -CHJCAOO (UPI) — Bolk-Mlimaby^SOAFria«^ ^

p« ' ' alaUy: pricsi >o (elillsi ----------n-W; l«fc«~7si

— ■ “ NEW'TORK IUP1)’—"CinOB—* , tnd m trtii in nai »■ iapai\»4

■ *na dftliT«f»if 10


'r~ ^ - --------fttWrioat-PtCKUM-v-W^___JpBff-weortn§7 Awo^Job:

------- tlaKitiri.latv>tifcir,oo»)^

ABB<— .; ' . . Corr


T - S h l R T . . .

- i S H O R T S - ; ^

sock s . 777~------------------ - R E G ^ M 3 7 9 5 -

SA L E ..M C

' S i— - — n e e i B i u c

*fttl9,KUino _ Saturday, AUQUI

Mhta prtcOT feportad • DEy ^R jU 1,»I..IIJ.»Loib m i , ~uni«l!»oUieri»iiI . . . , . is f ^ a a

75l^7#r"m*^i<ms ' 70i” 9a 'i 'S S # ---------------- •ioo«8,oo-tJ,oo;'

s ^ s z g g j jlOT^w-VuikjrorB: DENVER <U(

- S S . . S

Q Q c L M o t e r M e a v

SHQCt■*■-- 't 1 f « t I r n B t f u d r a n t i

--------.^ r u c k iu . . . . _ . I. . ' • IniloU'i

Ind ian Bl

Tor _■ ■ H r Pickupsrdfltm beblerw iil-noH m hrTT R r: *Jabl*,l0.pjl m ojor color*. Wofm

S t o :"i r s A T u m>rner Shoshone & 3i

j H " ! I ^ ^ ~ l ' ^ ^ I I ■

^ Q R T ^


------- •■~r^\ .------------ ' - I ••

. *4” T-SHIRT

. *2“ s o c i ^$ 2 2 8 - ^---------

'5 ---------------- — ------ REG

g k 8 B ~ ^ ~ ------^U SALE . .

iu o ld tt.o8 B lvd; N b i i h '7 3


; £ | | r a S S k ;

f f l ; N . S K . " " T . V i f f l r r s : r

ivyrDdty ~

KSZn t» i» ..........— • - 1 : : •

1 0 ” .- ■ ^laltatlon'AvaltabU ........ - • -

S l a n k e t . S t y l e .

a g f t w r n 'A — ^

i '^24Sr -wltlwrtpock»ty ' ■■ —

sfi — - '

AUTO SUPPLY 733.2049

a w Y S3rd I

X q Q M A v

^ (



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g .,;,_ .._ ■_ ^ ■ $ 2 2 5

■ G ^ - 1 - 1 t7 ( H ------ — ---------

7 3 3 -8 3 7 1 ' ~

b x l i i i i i i i iQ Announc«mflnli

|“ T ' CTWrtTi^^^_-----

li ■ wsp««0"»ii

-B v salMiMfoWftfV’ ' '

- •■ ei7C>)«u<»uoBaotiiimini

O»lflil/«l«on . ' - OnUtlUClolUfll •. - , ,

------ Q RMtMl*tB •

__ MeHomrrfomU------- ';OWOuM-filafJiOiwi---- .-fl—

-*>«Nfl«(l«l<t*«*>'IM]. ,05»r»™iii*ntn«j ■ • .‘ —

■ :;;ji:3w«iMs.»ioii*. -----_ , , OM DuiifiitniTOtit'tit.

DUVaejiUAP'OMrlr *,, MSU«iMi«lx>in*lfo>ulg ..- ,

DMOnluin MU 10iio'».>r"~---------- osmswmaYiwi --------

OMOll<*rtxi>i*«t«itnui Ml 0«fi0ti»nun------------

_ —

_; ~ - W MBfchindlaB ______

078W*nt»4Kll)gr . OMSMtlindCMirMe

«nAnil4M*i— ---- *nonie»»owwi -----------

onRM>io«.tvttti«>*<)t - onFu'KtluxtU'MI*

H A n n o u D c e m e n ls _

~0(H-F]ori3t8~~~" ~ i Mar]orlo‘o Flowofs lof- loss; ) dolivorfes.- All. occaslona. '

___545Soarka, 734-2021. ^

- -T ~ ~ - . «FOUND: SET OF KEYS. CnII i

__ to lOonllly 7334)711. --------—. LOST RLER AVE AREA 1

cHoko collor. .AnSwor* to 7 - -"Olomond” . 6 monlhB old,. .,

. LOST m a lO la c k cat 8/23 J •^ n o n rra l tirT 'E im . CairKIm *

734^160 or73<-0297. ,LOST on Monday Wiro

■ Torrlor. nouiorod malo. 9 c yoors old. ."Rowdy” . Calll <

. Llcenaoonhfa.734-S2?0. I Lb~sT:~Fomolo Doo.-A mos, 1

— Mulllicolorod. Lono aolt-curl / hair. 4-Slb9. Pari Lhasa -s Apso. aroa ol Shoup &'Har- a

■;:'.rlaon, flownrd. 733-0495 , . _ v — LOST: u Tn(LJ3l[lfli_Eflmfllfl_J

Gorman Snocmalc Poinior. V- woarino,l3roHiUcaUiQ£_fflU^

'LOST:' Rod nylon wallot 5 Salowayo. Joromo. 8-19. ®

- ~ R_owar(f.6^611j:::=:-------- -----*

OOJ-'Announcements' < MINI CASSIA BmuITTCoI- ii l9fl« tias oponlnos lor stu- vdoni onrollmonl. An oxcliino 11

” "^ogm ^oplom bB r*U ^& iroii^^ now (or spoclal sludont c ralourCatrnowTorxonsutHj- .-=

»“tlO nfatg78-73r»,................ ■

004-Speclal Notices \sfcHOOL CHILDREN who O o _ "

—poorty'HYPNOStS'canhWp,___|- Alno ~hn[nrf~ smokers g

wolofit loss. -Lall tooay, ^- ■a34« gl - _:A ' ~ ^



'’ PJacoSlJndohJiSTi^SMf^ P yourctioleol tr

r 73W931 Ii - — ■ 'b .

006-Per8onal9__________ oj



FLOATIDAHO-SSCENIC u- - - MIDDLEFORKRWEH . : fe Spoclal discounted lalo y, seaso n talo-SS60.Sopt.6-1I. . 0 Call now l-7eM995._______ 0


A Protjiom is.not B probtom “ -whon.»t>« o d ^ n M ^ ^ tfo a /m . _ . |

..'’' “" tTwSTO uU nconlostod divorcos, t75. Bahkra icy and corpOVallon.___^

ordor available! ”Cair'33&- ' 3|

= - M O H M O N I S M - - : - *•wnarao7oiTKrlowflbout iho 3iMormon Cnurch? 734-2613. Dl676-0103. 543-6242 lor 0 rth plcordod now mosssQ# wkly. 32

007r>k>b9Oflntere8t - 0

^ ^ M a g l c v S l l e y R e g C g n t e r l s - J i j s t CO

c o n s t r u c t i o n p r o g r a

--------------- I N T E N S I V I

R E G I S T E R E !-------------- O u H C U - 4; e n s t r

■ o u r s t a f f V

12 HOUR <• •■ ( 7 :0 0 A M t o 7 :

7 : 0 0 P M t o 7Comi; worn wiin our prog

_wo^kinq bovori (7) days; out


. ,. . . - B f O ^ Q}^ TWIN FALLS. ID<

— ^ ^ -----------------( e o e > « KV~ I - rrfM

nouncen, e d 4 n d e x = ^

■ Rtrfneft'maiKol ^— ^ ■ K S a % S ^ =

.IHOW*"” *''"®’ * -----\ ie8He«»»»4uipni.nl

• icns>»tIMSAmp

■ »8Pe«ltfyiribtxH '_______* " * il7tfft5trion __


^^r~^Sn0CfM1iaTOl —. •- IJtn«1iim*tln»iitm»

----- -inCtmMrioniiii - IWUaloitwtm


“ ■ • • IMAutotlOfMM

: ! 3 S ~ “=— ujl*s»»n»»fnetr»—

tUAniiausiuioi . _;_IUAu10i-Ov*ii ' '

lS"Auloi —IMAuKI —Cn*Y>DI*llUAuiei-Fotd •ice Auin - lUKtXt-Utreutr • iMAuioi-owinoon* . . i mAutM-POftUM ■ ’tnAuiM-Pirowiiin.. . -. ,

— i s ! r . : £ ; ” ' - ............MODuilAcudl'Ktur

OOfr-Pereonate'i nnrQNANCXIIQTlJlJC “ Pro'ona'nir'NOO'dTialprCalt— '. 734-7472. __________1 - - ____

RETIRED_MAN_.lam_5Q:a— wishos lo conlaCI lady lo sharo homo & companion­ship. Write Bo«-Y-6i. c /o - -TImos-Nowa. .___________

*ILLMAGE— FoyaSa— oiH-----. noods roommalo or board .

and room w1ih family In Twin Falls aroa. Is friendly, cour-

“ to o u sra n d l)ftnesi: Call or wrilo: Paula Gardnor, Ruby VallBV. htova la ffWn 702- 779-2^34. ________

_ t h e - b est- c h ic k en ::j n ^TOWN (and d&llniioly Iho.

jA Q atio(ico]^aK os;:a.ofoA U ;;:. family moal.. Bring itilS'AO wllh you and gol o . 25%

' ’dlMOwnUs^Anpt acquainted— Olfl. THE TAKMUT. cornor o l Kimborly Road ond'Bluo Lakes Blvd. 734-3774.TYPING by WP spMiaiisii^— Any sorls; Including 'slallsilcal, theses , manu- scripts, mailing lists, oct. Alt

—work ■ ■ Quaraniood.-- Call___Rhonda a1tor5:30, 733-1928.' W ldow -in-oad^O ’s would '....

J l k o to moot a rospeciablo —m an in 8af1jr'*T0'S.""Nun” " ”

alcoholic. No LDS. Likes dancing, lishlno, canyslng.

_Wili0-l0 BoiA:52LcZiLDmfla___NowsrTF.___________ ■• .GOO REWARD on Informa- i tion loading lo Iho srrost ol Iho driver In o while vohlclo ' wllh while or sllvor bumpor I lhal hit 1983 Cougar In tho___ i

anwood Norgo on 8/20/S3. < II734-54M._ • I

S e l e c t e d o f f e r s ]

r M 7 -J o l)» n n r e r8 3 t . _ |"y m ugamgiil Cenlat nw da— j

Poaal 18. ivoM aroomod, oloctronlc oxporlonco pro- ! lorriuL. Apply at Iho Gold i Mlno In Ihe Blue Lokoa Mall.

-N o phono calls ploas.__________ |

••Houso ol Lloyd^' now hlr- j

■parljf plan Work [through Nov. No invost- ' monL dollyery or colloclInQ.

nllls. Cali Sutanno 537-6920. BABYSITTER wllh rel wanted In my homo Immodi- oiolv. 7:30-5:30.734-7444. »EXPERIENCED Dinner \ Cook. 6am - 2pm shlll. Call J 825-4148: ask lor Connlo. {

___ .MANAOERSNEEOED— ----- «10 oporaio a private Cenlral r

-•tdaho Resorl. Room, board, r utllliips & wage, (possiblo I bonus & commission). O pon-...o yoar •round. Musi bo onerflolic & havo knowledoo—— of lood sorvlco, public rola- r

-tiona. 4 m alntonanco.oxpfc,. rionce helplul. Couple must boonorgoilc. cloan. minimal

l o t t s u mo-4-picluf«.|o:- Parii'diso inn,. PO Box 624.

- MountalnHomo.l(l,e3e47-- .DENTALASSISTANT

a ir» ' VaNoy^lyod full^ Ikno

31 & part llmo pormanont

?imVpermVnenV°E«ponly 0 Iton la l— aM lstanl— w h o o l-^oradualo. 726^711._______DRtVER— to haul - ra c in g —

0 0 7 - ^ o f l n t e r N t

r a m a n d w e p e e d : ~

i ECARE :.. 3

iDNURSESl u s l s - u j r a n d - — — - f w o r k s : .

rSHTFTS7 :0 0 P H o r. 7 :0 0 a m i ^ =

Ul oi touficgn (V4 Com- i^pwnoHI;; pi_mji;ii ii~ P ui '' ^

^ P A P f i m g N T “

IDAHO 83301 ' .

ments-Se— 007-^otlnte(tar^^^— EnpO/ift/ICW— hI to^ ^

operator, Novada Contract. Apprbx. 3 wka to montf»_

EXPERIENCED rolrlgoratlon

_punclual..re)lable, oxcollont ' health care boneflta. Wage

tt.o o hour._aopiy_to_BQi_^ S06JwlaFaU>rf&aM01i-------— EXPERIENCED CARPET

” Contaci“ ' ‘^ l ” ''Snone7o»Furnlluro Co.. Box 460,' Ely. Novada SSSOI. 70^28»-6818^____________________ -Fult-tlmo Tomporary Out*.

^ rB achzW orko rr-M uafspoak -

• HERDSMAN WANTED. Al- Oxp,. record kooplno on'600**

cows & 400 Hpllers.-S36-2020

'joURNEYMAN~Mochanl07^■ 8 xporlor>eod? .Utf.-'' dlesol,

hydraulic & olocirlcal. Exp»- •■ rienced yim eonaf/uciion—

*~ 6quinmont..Sftiary.ooni'mot>—- surato -with oxporlonco.

=rn«TJ0ty_nrirparsinrtcai5niaii. . , -Concrolo, Addison A ve.'— W ostrJwlitFallt, , • ___ _

• u-LOCAL com pany'ostablijhod 1966 has open-

- -Ihg I.or malo or fomalo book-• kooping. computer entry,

toloohono credit CQlloellna „ and floor sa les wllh oppor-

ary negotiable. Mall /osuma'

^ ^ 1M ? T w i S ' . ? D B ^ .MAJOR Boor and Wine

' wholosalor In Twin Falls Is 1.^ , looking for an o x p o r l^ o d _

fi^MfmiP^position/lond ro­sumo lo clo' Timos-Nows, P. oTBox 548,

• TF. ID 83301. .. . - -. BABYSITTER nodded in

...Jo rom oe lM eloW jOhlnjlton .

'' ' d l ) d & “■ ■ public & sorvlco qrlentod

S to rin g Manager, Food

ovon?nT& wookoncf work"ln

Sond r e s u m e d 1357 Bluo U k o s Blvd. Twin Falls, ID ..

__;X>PPOBTUNrTY aa aasls lan t- .

— Aor"*?iualn£^*J?rm_2 Bt^ —

markotlnp, and sa^osPa?^" __ ministration, . acco unllnfl,__

holpfuT ^ooS wo^rSfs’lory,

— ,y7 • Salary nogotioblo. Hoallh, proMi-sharlng-and— Ilfo insuranco 'availablo. E*coIlenl^ opporlun»^^ lor

yoars work exporionce in

‘ U°Cl^^J°'^T!mra°Uo..!i° P.O. Box'548, Twin Falls. IDf m . _________________

___BART_TlM E-_buaboy-Joi___ovonlng sh llr Must bo neat In appoaranco & ai,lesst 16 yoara old. Apply In porson oflor 5pm Georgo Pino Foods. 1719 Kimborly Rd. PERMANENT PART-TIME

= ^ aiiioH:^ - i 6 ;a KbBra pbT wook. Only vory cioan,

' mature, pioasanl. and roll-

older person. Cranos In- , c r 0 d -

Iblo Edibloo. 285 Bluo Utios■ Blvd N'orlh. \ ......... ■ I

PREFER'GrMarnothor typo '" i

^ U O L Z om jQ

Solos mlndod person lo ao lK < and aaslst In constructing > ••FARWEST HOMES-. O u r - t ^ n a ji^ e d system has ^36 i

su c ce ss Tn"'aTngli'(amilyl™! mulll-lamily and commorclal

lormalionwrlloorcali:Bill Dixon. Sales Managec - I

P.O. Box 480 - I-------- C hohalia.W A 98532--- i

_____ 'RECEPTIONIST lor local contractor. Duties includoanswering 11 lino Horlion ^phono systom. lyplng. liling, )arid dispatch. Musi ^ o roll- I

—able.-exporieneed. a b le . lo— thandle prossuro. Good (hoallh caro benefits: Haply j 10 Box 1747, Twin FaU v 'fi

,,.83301.__.......... ‘ ___________I


NOTI— --------- LICENSED M E N

_______:________ EB_QtE55l]

«^lnl>»alkin fMifltal C*n>*<.

__ Ull >h«<

CcHtfw«M, k)ahe and Onisilo; takar.i

_ M a q l e - V a t t o y - B M lo n i ____ l a - S T m i ^ i n g H a . . c


^ ^ P E D I A T— C o r f l ^ - v w f r t f v f f ^ a y s

■ ourlbrand new Pedial i.-titive.'saiary and Iringi

* tlons and others conta

1 ~ ■ MAGICVAbL-EV ________ M E D T Q j ! ^

= -----^ ^ [NTALLOi'tE_ ( 2 0 8 ) ^

elected ojd mtefwt - - •'

w flftenl^r’e a B o ^ l^ '^ M S '' ^'^■...tldohUaL Chrislihe 67»2277/= — SKyVre'w-Hcoldel r 'N O W -

lions availabiiT Lono wrm »*J caro. Call 73M645-ask for_

^ “ Supervisor, salary common- ^ V su ra te ^ with oxporlenco.

o‘; t h e ^ in” fall^ c h o o l " 2 ? : -DISTRICT 1411 will bo a c - .

Sc"er.'asr-'.°„'-- ' 'AugubI 30,1983. Appircanta

_"^ .*ScW oduled 40 hour worU ' Al wooK.. ,00-* • Medical InauranW.- - ------20 •Llloinsuraiwo. - -

• PaW Hollday«r 'Paid Vacallori*. s . -

Jp ^ ‘>RoliromentWan.Tomakoappiic«l)on.contactr-

_mft^idab0iJ0&-S«ifvlee. 2 8 0 -

laT-TIO N/eQ U At-OPPORTUNP-^ n .~'lY~EMPC0YER. . _ ^

• THE TWIN FALLS SCHOOL n ' DISTRICT 1411 will be ac-

coplino applications lor o V Purchasing Sonlco Clerk on h Auouat 30,1983. Applicants iV rn n m r& a a b lu'iu use a t>ue—

y OTui^^ent wMl bo‘ °he^^fuj!

alrengltt to handio p ac^g oa ° and malorlals dlMribulod

within Iho.School-Oiatrlct. .

proaoni a slablo work rocord r . and b« ablo to provide refer-.° oncos. Appiicinls-floed to. ^

apply at liio School Ad- r - mlnlalrallon Bulldlno bo- n twoon mo hours ol 8:00 o.m. n ..to Sni p.m. 201 Main. Avo iIZZ.Wo8tJwlnFatisriD8330ir^0 _ a n _ ..;affirmative. :II TION/EOUAL OPPOR^rUN|-_^

a tManled person w/Nuraos I. aid or Homo nursing oxpotl-d jg 'd dorly lady In tier home. No.

0 DIol to cook Pdtlkin food & P_^laho_la_m U tctl, lady, C a ll_

|^W A N T E P :-E «pandcd- D u t ^ ’ Conilied Dental Asslsiam.■— Muai-bo-seil-moHvalad..

1— &.IncentivO'P(O0ram.-Send—' -Resume:-B0X--W -51. c /o. Tlmos News. Twin Falls. ,

'yiu ufuu'iruuyu'i''?L'? u'fulV ' am. but busy newsroom |

'~opOfilHoftrExcoIionltypinol— !

WORD PROCESSING . ■ J___OPEJ^ATOR . ^ Fast ty^plno,_j

1 roqulrod: law ofllco^^^pe?* ' enco desirable. Respond to < Box P-51. c /o Times-News. J

* P.O. Box548.TF.IO63301. j

• ba"nd.°^ ^oiswoS’ ‘players

; ooe-sales People <

I - Kon Roy curronlly hovo facll— .

K auccoss, a professional \I ^-fljmosphero, a lop notch ( r —tofeati^ and an j)*collonl [J. ro p u ta B o fc ._ F o r jn j

' DIPaitinlHlB ' j. BABYSnrnNG^nylimo. Oay (

or n iohU wookonds too, Afi .

flriyiimu.'~T'veTy * TuysunaDio rrales, havo oxcollont refer- |j

I oncos. Call 734-0718. 'IBABYSiniNG In my home, r

, Any ago, hot meals, fenced , j I yard.ffeIlabIe.734-8148. , f ■ Babyalttlng, my homo, any S I— iimo-bul-Frl-nighls, any age.I Drop-ins weicoms. 733-4314.; BABYSiniNG My Homo.' - Cloao 10 Harrison Schl. hot I . . . moala.dtooHns.7344552._____

007-’NJobsoflnfar»st ^— v i.> .. ' - . . . . I -i<

sm C E ---------. - 8E N TAL H E A L T H .................. - 45S1Q N A I S J

lull toi*#* lyimtling p

- iHv»d wllhln l i dOYI Ii8»n dfl1« ol -

C«»M.ioU*.UahaU;0i.AC(30aU_ _S

------- ikar.O'tflon.

ona'iM edlcal Center- ^

Eiart-tlme positions ! I S T E R E D ..N U B S E S ______J

sT R ieS — -J.• ... dl

ly s T s e T p a y n s e r lo d - ln --------»Jiatffes Unit. Compa- S nge benefit program. b


€ Y H E Q I O N A L ------- ----------TCC C E N T E ^ ......... . ~

r 1 D A M a 8 « 3 0 1 = = r E 5a 7 . 9 l 7 i • ' «

ffers Qi- ” 01fr-^B % »ltt«a ‘

r ; —BABYSIH(NG-jftmy-»>oino= lots of experlonco. vory reli­able. 7:3^5:30 weekdays.

7— Bnvaoo.-Cail-536-g44a. i— BA BY SiniN £l.ln-m y-nom *^

-MornlnQSlde^.aioa j a n taka^_ 1 10 8> from schoorrA oer^vp.r __Exc relerenooa.-73*-3135.' - -

BABYSiniNG. my h»mo. L:_JHotS£lay-lhru-FrWay.iLct8-ot=- TLC. Lincoln School aroa. ,

734-3842.___________ ■ ,■

i^^aK cluH 5ZiOl«4a2 Kimboriv.- : . ,- BO PEEP- Klndorcanan, ■* ' small class. Complolo pro- ~parallqn for 1st grado. Em-

’ phaslsvri phonics and maih.' Daycaro avail. Class starts

HORIZONS."": I Kitidergarton & PrOschool.-

Full academic curriculum .. r - .A g 6a r 7V,.r— %orPS#r:—' fl:J5am--Y2-'----------mtffmohi......

- ■ CHICDRES..-WANTED ' i n . .

^ M Y HOME. Monday tlwu_^i

' 4 moniha & up. U ./day, .60( '> ' hr lor part time. 73*^}788 - I

' WILL-BABYSIT my homo by 'S k f f m p . ,> ,} a jm H . M - , ;

work. Roforoncea.- Call ■ . '

_ P17T-6uslna850pptya.— 1— t BEKINS MOVIN<r & 1

■ STORAGE Bualnesa, 48,000 \- aq. J l . .warehouao, trucks, (

oqultsment," *Botlonal Iran- ( chlao. Owner will linanco al . ,

- . 10% Inleroal with roason- !

haa been roducod. a w o n --- (

“ a woil oslablishM r^prot-” -! Itablo business with growih : polontlal. Call 734-487S. ‘MARKEyNQASSyaA T E S - t

. Flrat IntorsiatoBank B id g .....tMain & Shoahone , s

- - s i i r N ¥ s ' s ' - & - , - - - sC a ll..........................■678-9772 t


^ jg i-T t& S ^ a tw e o n 'lM ^ T S ^ ^ -i j2630atler6:30p,m..________ 3


~ and olhor mlsc equlpmont! [JHovo jobs to go with ?oq^jipmenl. Respond to Box r24l.^o-'n tno3-N ow p. P. O. C

-EXC -pa'tt-t'lmo-lamiiyriusI- — f" n o s sM n Wondoli.-^ Older •' coupio retirTno-looking for ’ ,

- som eone to step in-&-tako—r “ over tholr theatre. Torms. 9

- 3;<-lg<5orMM13;, {


Shop. A comploto Inventory J ol cralt auppNoa. silk flow- ^ ora. ribbon, etc.-ValuO over “ *12,000 wholosalo. Ownor must soil due lo health, ^

k------------------------ ’----------- E

WARNING!------ - r r SThe TImea-Nows ro- 7;

commonda lhat you In- J voatigato ovory poa?o' of - t Inyoatmonl opportunitloa, „ oapeelally lhZiro'Tr6iH'^ul*of— ”

-a ta to o ro lforedby aperaon— Fl -d o in f r* u » ln « ^ u W U — ----- -r«

Wo sugoosl yoii consult ni

Crown allornoy, 3< Bolter Business Bureau. 73 Idaho Consumer Affairs or e

ask for a Iroo pamphlet and 3 ;rtn f«m ttienfrom lho—/A ttornoy General's Con-

'^ ^ o c t i o n Oiylslon, Stato-— S -house , Boise. Idaho 83720. 'nJ

Phono 334-2400.__________ . j j

Rostauranl . In downtown- elBuhl. Including - liquor Wi license and all oqulpment.Aiso Includos a commercial tn loaao. Terms available,U25,000. Munroe Robtrta c!RmI Estate S4M80Q or **

^ 0 1 8 -In co m e Property mTRAILER PARK, 28 apacoa, ' ^ Buriey Idaho, good'Invost-

-mont,-*J92,000.-TBrm8rtoaa " i V

~ 67W728.'______________ lott.000.Down tako over FHA— -

- lo tn . . .Triplex, o x c .,.tax .. H sholtor. Also, triplex oxc lo c . b ' & cond. 1808) 636-3949. h<

-4^>tEX.-3 ono bodroom un-.....r ,Ils -f a 3 bedroom. Recently. S,

: :K e m o d a le d -a n |^ u la l< ^ :— |J}

nanclng. W . ^ . M a r i n o

4-PLEX with assumable va

-O aO -M ooeyT o L oin—


1-<20BVS4M229 ^._ , 8C

(>23-jfwe»tmefH :sa

“ S O ^ ^ i^ W A H O

ny«— B o y -R E — cofiir a c is ; - ; jg doftda/trust. mortoagea,

-wrapo------ &— payments:— “ ■Seasoned or BRAND NEW


^ l r o ^ J U ^ _ l ^ r t g a g a - ^ — M

-708 Sfiosnono s t ; e n r r - / •;“ «

Tom HundniOBcn;------ ‘ .S

rWUI eU y^ i^ & U ^feaU ata te - - ««coniracta, mortoiooa.

ID flM B T otT nnniW oour^i^^^g l


1 ° '- ■ 32 tt-4i67.C lonofarea .^-

Ingsldq school. Exp in-• airuelor.734-9298. . - _ . sU rF o r^^ tra r-.a u m m e r help.— — a. fun-an-ad-in-olasoified, il'a .----- .

• f a s l j ^ lno*P«''sl''®'

R e a l ^ s M e

i'i 02M )penH < n i8« i .

r.~ ~03(h-Homfl8For'6ate ~

li^'flARNE&flEALTV-TaXa?’. . >■

3'"'"NEW Iuxunous whilo brick - -~- J . ' ■homffy.4.bodrQ(j;n. 3 balh,

i; - M • A c ro s r^ a iT r - “ »— Ttahis.hiofnraylrorltalie:'^ . . v — .• . 240 ACRt Slock ranctf H"''* i£=ar»a;^T C fm iufW rnof,,w lll ------

carryo t11%. - • •

?r Warren B ri5 5 T n 5 W 4 .:— BEAUTIFUL----- homo----- in----------J . . Sawtooth school oroa. 4 r;— bodroom rm -ba lh ; eir-cot>-— — « 'diilonino. family room.. .

flroplaco.. rango & d lspoul, flnlahod baamnoril. la/go

fl- covorod pallo wllh bullion alorago aroa. S72.000. Haa

----- 55Sn’ oBToloan“STlWTOnHtl----------

•BYOWNER*. . Tudor. 5 Bdrm, den, 2V»- _ b 4m ._lam lly^oom ._ .liy lno_ .____

foom, lormardlning room.; llroplaco, intercom, traah ' compactor. Jenn-alr. bullNn > Ovens, garago with door ; oponer.'hoat pump- triple ' -Olass energy ofllclent. aulo I - aprlr^klera. ^s^.^ H. "

.BY-owNcn, J lary^, lot, storage bami, noar High

School. t49,500.324-4054. -- -BY^OWNER.-2018 Shorty In . ' -------

garage,’ bsmi. Mllo, .apkr ays. >54,000.733-7699.BY OWNER: 2 bdrm, 1 bath.

— A /C.-44-basem enl.-lenced----------backyard, Iruil treea, play

- P ^ ' ^ ^ od'bowi” c o V g | ;______Tamriiii.oalrfloorinnlnontry-'4 dining trn. 2 frplcoa. Well_______

system, , liealpump. Assumablo loan, 7 3 ^ 1 0 ;CANYON VIEW is 1 h lohlioH t=-------Ul IMIS now J u fm . -----------baths, wlih den, •family— ■—

■■'room','ainino7oom:rodwood-----------’ decks, on 2.75 acres.

__ Localod o n iy m milo# North_______:o f Buhi... Assumablo 11%


_ Q 3 l tE Q E . MEADOWS 2Bodroom ConilB:— New------------carpollng. gdod assumable Idaho Housing loan. Cait

COZY 3 BDRM. OuiaTCui- ’ ' do-sac. NE location, closo lo shopping, no basomoni.Groat' for small lamily or retired couple. W .500. Call

EXECUTIVE HOME on IK__ A c raa ^S fllU fla« o .e f.lfa d e ,^ .,.._ .— Immodiaio pos8oaalQn..Cail_______

734^»1.______________..FA O N a. FORCLOSURE 4

t>drm, 3 bath, many extras,-— N.E.aroa.M7.500.734-1360.________' F1LER8 BDRM.-2 bath home.------------— foducod.-from ITO.OOO .,IQ________—WOiOOO-Cyiaae J ia c^ jiw d .- -. ~-T ~-

noods to soil. Call Judy 326-5680 or Main Wost ROally -7 3 4 ^ . ____________ ____FIRST C0ME-F1RST SERVE

3 bdrm. family room, lava * -rock“ f i W p l « f e j m a ~ t o f , - r '~ ^

EvororoofLtieoa. hardwood • = lta f la . = t oWrt^QW»lnHKaH-u- t=. v

.assum ablo loan. Low down pymt. S35.900. Ask for Randy at.W oatem R aot^ 7 3 » ^

■ w nwM we*784 A77.----- ---------For Sale by ownor, buildor.Now 3 bdrm homo in Werv doll. WIII consider partial . trad e .« t.9 0 0 .536-2256:FOR SALE by owner- Tudor 4400 aquaw loot homo on 1 acre lol. N.E. location. 4 bedrooms, 9 balhs, library, family room, play room & much more. C a ll.to aee

• 733-7609. *175.000.________JEROME. 2 bdrm, complete^

— iy-fomodoied.-new carpaU .-----------...•ft, batPL-comci_lQL-E<e,________

location. *34,500.324-4859.

niAflG'E~ASSUMABLE"FHA~r........• LOAN makes mia nice older -■

homo on 11th Avo. East very allordablo and deslrabiel

'■:Boeuliluily-------- decorated------------throuQhoul-lhere^s 2 f re e ._______slandmg"" llrop'-^ffn ^

■“ boSrooiTisrtamlly room, full

- deck,_oaraQe 8. boaulilul y a rd r Owners havo been

■ fr.nMa/rArt A nT.i.r ihIII -, « 2 ^ . For lurtherJhlorma- .

--------------- 'TSWMOO------------------------H om e...................... 7 3 » ^

'REAL NICE OLDER HOME lor salo by owner. 220 Oth AveN.Call733-6511. ■

.SCHOOL STARTS —fiOOW-You-muat-act-now-to-------------

home- ' adlacenl to the ; Sawloolh SchooL U rge I. a Itl . . .

Beautilullv romodolod! —-.M 8,600f-Cali-lntermounlain-------»—: PropenlOB734-02W._______ .

-8HARP-3-bedroom r2*t>alh— ^ ^ :homo. AIR CONDltlONED.-.%:. larqe fenced yartf,, R.V. *

.:parkinQ. dog kennel yrllh 4

—popular—floor—plan,—flic* ----------iocallon. double garage, ,

_ ^ ^ ab lo _ - .iO % ^ j | a ^ . :


-o e n tr8f-aTt.~lBrnlly-room,-B!—

aer6aQe.2aTavlor.734-4124 • ; '

Page 15: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF405/PDF/1… · Bmamin ^yTfte Tlmes-News : • andynlleaPressJnlertiaUw — A ppoint—



. LOW IKTERESf. ioo loc, S..... --B ann7T lalh.-l& -rt«flM ifflr

•7 ^ % & low ptlc^^Ownef

.... ....... MAYBE iOWEOAYB NOW'__ You bave alwiya promlaod

mllo Irom Twin, mis 'lovoly , . doub iB w idelilson l^ac roa

iJL -i . - ro fp d f t-egunuy-i uiiM uliu ta r —;----- - ru l l wj flf uliaiuu. 5o-|iW=__1— ‘ iTtop .'—ilouBt8~- r ;-^" O trige._ in d heal pump

comfort mik* Ihls a buy~you ehouian 'm U H . Juat JM.OOO and flroai tormal '

•W 4S 21orJ3«B M ’


— — — N EU K A TW M - ' •' hA>arr S«wtoom and High - sc f to o y * bdfm. .^8om onl^

r r r '^ i ie i i f l^ th ln f lS n B C ia m ^ a , ^ • a ssu mablo FHA.—lo ih ^

— 7 - '5 7 4 .9 0 0 T '~ ’^ ' :

r bcCELLENTCKDER■bflck-homOp^oaaNpan

------------Iwlfi^altornoarstHscintHrer------------loUI-of-3-M fnn.-2 balhs. 2

.lireplacos. AC. -sprlnkiora,■:— — hol->ub.-lf*-voryflOOd oo(\OI-

tlon, $61,500.

“ V A f i f i R ^ ^ C A i r -^ .-R E A L E S T A T E

^ , 73W650DoogVoilmor.Bfokar

' Mac) SkKOfmin^!!! H « M 2-------:-_A iaaSlrong-.-nTT7r733^S0r

Donnls VolTmor. . . . 733^99

-N E OF TWIN FAUS. m T a il r oloclrlc ranch-alylo homo

has 4-bdrms, 2<A tMitht. with ' 1 unlinlshod basomont. Tho 1

------------acro - l o r nai-undororound------------opflnkl«r_aystom _l_|#[flo_

734-4822 aflorSpm.________ iN^ S E ^ ^ t - -

------------wnh"J5000 - Noods a' h o u ^- In-Twln-Falls. Will pay up 10

t40.000wlth Qood assumablo


_ , T p A w f ; p A r a 7 4 P U i K ^~ Your'down paymenl. Horo’s

an opportunity to Invest In a----- ^ ^ tio m o -b y -a p p ly in g -aU tllO r

o^bow ^Qfoiao .^ g^hornos^jn

and tho bulldor vflll considor your labo r as a down pay-

8ABALA«R0YREALTY ------------------ 7 3 » ^ o r 7 3 4 « H -------

-----------FANTASTtCTEHMSrOnlhTs"supec cloan 3 bdrm homo.

___ _— LatflO-AaaumaBlo loan. OnlyM 9 ^ 0 0 iC a ]lp S K B ^ R H y rr

Mayor Realty. 73 i7«» .

. - . 0»-OpenHouaw

O PE N I= Z - S A T ; r « W

' 1 - 4 1

1 M 2 R K H MProlorrod Twin Fall* locat oilraetlvo hornet on o qulo

ond tp a ce lor more bodro

" Y o o rh o b rb iik K q ^ n ii'.

' I uje/te^”Wl . u q m a in a v e . %.i

_ L Jt— “ ~AAcLd rgest IV T h .

“ 2 T u r n l— ^— ------------- ^ n i r d

T h a w i n d

~ T i A S l o H i

tdaT ib H o u s in g F un c 8 T 2 V % .T o q u d I l f y c a d d 1 5 0 0 ) . M axlm < c io l ly d e s i g n e d f o r i ABLE,. HURRY I

^ A skdbou tj ------------------ l e d n l S w i t h


at estate-I _ 0 3 ( f e H ( i ( n e a f a i a i l a --------- :



o lyros , •■ ____

^0^ . . . . . .

!!! J N EXCELLENT rCloio to SoWtopth-ScfK

■ r o ^ i . 3 boih». p lu i b« J • tion roQtrX-wlth w oi boi'» double y ro g e ^ n d .m u c

^ ••StqtoReclty, 734-0<00.

Igh M O -Hom eaFofSjlg.:-.

J3'q“ -:THI8 HOUTQUAUnES lor •-Low InlotoaUflalio-Houaina. , Loan! 3 bodroom, l% .baih,

_ -fanpo.idlsn.w ailuJM W ntty.. dining area, (irepura, lull

, l{ 733-90*3 ovo'a.____________

loll— ___WALLTO WALLVALUE,..Approx. 2100 8q. II. In this S

___ yoa; old homo located on.. .. &allup-Drlvo.-Hupo .(21x23>.

living room with ratao cock ' llroplaco. super Mtchan,' boautllul mastor .bodroom

*“ cio! . u ^ r a w i f i e r e r r moro bedrooms ond bath-&-

-------- rtlco ‘TarriUy <^rri. Heal„ pump, doublo caraco.

oorgoous yard with Irult gi_:_ffO fla_BtituD ajnd,llow era^ f“ Owners very mollvatofl.

*83,900. For Jurthor Informa- 03 tlon call: •• -_ • • JACK wCAflLEHA COX .*” GEM STATE REALTY.UJ 75M400J'» Ho » » .., . , ..............Towai n l - WOUL&UKE part Irado lor 2 .£,» bodroom houso & acroago.

sflil-is acres-wMi IrailocJ;^ -lw ator_rlgm s._w flll. _P fico .

'*'1 *20.900. Ph. 68«.528B. or. — wrilp Rt 1. Box . 13-E.

. Plnpreo. IDB3262.________

'^S'‘ j / a r iy po8sib1lilo's“ lor“ “ o ^ tiie cost Improvomont. Un­

finished b;m t with now gas____ {umanco,.covore(L carports.

Noar park. O-Leaiv & Bfckol School. *25.000.735-7409.

r _ . . 3 M rm . 1092 SQ.JI...2.ballis..r____w llhjono-car.ovaoo^n-one-i>. ocre lor t3S.OOOTLocalod b e - : n a twoen Buhl & Fllor towards m S _C anyoa.H lm ,J^tfecL Foim t-

property Is sold without re- ’ gard to.faco, coloi.xolloion.

' r y_ -o rn m o n tfo s o rv A .th Q rrio h U

lo rojoct any and all oflors.

modQiod.-Assumablo nolo

^ ix c o llon i.ro rita ror Invosi- mcntopodrtunlly.73<-3079.

Q 2M }p6nH ouM

HOUSEIO . Xf i 1OT3^ - \ P j M .

flW O N D D R I V IKotlon In o neighborhood ol (ulet eul-do-»oc, .3 choory Jjod-

»droomi. Doublo gorp'ort and _


TWtN.FALlS-----------S ~ a 733-2365 '' ■ BUHL

^ ■ 543-6494.

WriLLS, lil<l a g i c ^ V q l l e y

N e w - H o m e

h e re is a Reasoi nished Models ir d d y & S u n d n y H n d c l i d « o r , . . T O a C a r r l a .i n i l n d n . J l l J C l f p r

jn d s A vo llab lo a t In te re s t I ■y a hom ily o r 2 '^ 2 6 7 5 0 0 'f :lm um so le s price $ 6 5 ,OOC o r f ir s t tim o buyer. LiMiTEC

I t o u r 7 ' / i ' % c o n


i l ^ ' - ' , - TJ itn e K TDirtttipfa . . " ollClliobel

i-Rentals---------— — _________

r l t ^ o w i F - - ■- “T N O R T H E A S T A R ^Aichool. Thlt home h a i 4 bod- . boaulilul lamlly ond roeroo- bar. Underground tprlnVlerT; nuch moro. Corne to k o a look.! n .'C o ir& o lo Polterton. Gem 0.

: . „ ; " : '^ » - ^ f i i e 8 F 6 f S i l e

'lor ^ 3 ' bdrm.:. 2 balh homo.-

[Jh* Main, floor family Tooni- i,v' w /llroplaco. Lo oak kilchon lull wranack'baVrVorrmil dmn-

?J?i=rip^ih1ci«:4yatoni^C o riy -^ 'ro d u c o d -In lorosr-

-------- ffllO.*gfc900.'73<:5257.--------—:_____3_BEpROOM now h o m o jn _9 s oxcoilont Falla East aroa. 2 on lArgo balhs,-dining room, 23)....b roakfaat aroa. great room, ick wood cablnois. panlry. in firoplaco, ond dishwashor. ‘

i-ft-. - ^ o m p n t . sra.WO. ~ ''Call

ItJi ^ .

w.-----------= - A — i a — A ----------V V V . .,a -


to 869 A L T U ^ OR. N.- This - ologanl'brick homo has ov- f 2 orything'vou'nood lo rsty lo— 10. and comfort. Foimafdlni(ifl~ J:ii=reQin=>JomH^=foom;=:wonx';.-EO-----derIulJU lthcp,.3:bedtoom s -Of. and much m em rThe-baek— E. yard Is booutifui with Iroos ■ : - and r^atlo. Now sacrlllelno al

)w 42/ /if l~ A V t. w.* iial«H>i n- oldor homo on largo lot.IS ,.C ou ld .ha.o lflc6sw iih lb tso lrt___.earkfno...H uflO -living.room -ol - wilh firoplaco. Fantastic llx

up potoniial and only .-*34.500.

J*“ 2 4 4 : iT r a : A V E r x r 3 ! i i o i ~^ tractlvo homo. • has 3j« ' bodrooms and 2 baths. Or n. can bo duplex with n lurnl9hVd~aparfmQnl— for” [}' oxtra incomo. Toriilic Value Is a L ^ ,5 0 0 , . CALL RIGHT

^ ' h V m i F T T R M W -

Jcsyco CoVo' v.! !•!V!! 7334767 or— Davo ^ am lo ti'- :.......733-4M0'.

10 CJi-OulbfTomiC00NTH7------n v iw r — P 7 ~MurlauQh Lako; 2Vi Acros. 3

■**—BOBretDffl nomo; 3 laroo ou t— buildings, and 2 araln bins. *67.500. Call 432-5iM.

----- ForSale-by-ow frarrbuiidorr*-—- Now 3, bdrm homo in Won-—

»1- IH ACRES In MurUugh. 2 ■^■^odroom homo and 1

bodroom homo. City sowor,

C32-BuhWlerHom6s ........JUST USTEDI Romomber Grandma front porch sw-

. Ino? Thia 3 Bodroom. i bath.— ts-th» -2 ^ lo rf-d efllo n -y o u — “ rem om bor.'- Foncod ’ yard—

— OaroDU.* ■snoff; ®^KIr?sf"TI—onlenalnlng. Assumablo loan a t S ;i% . & Aaking a low *39.500 wilh good lorms; Call 'Jim a t Barltof Roaltora, 543-4371 or 543-5604. »

— 0 3 J - W m b e r i^ 4 1 « j M f w ^FMHA IHA Approved Buyers By Ownor. Extra nico-woll

nfo^piaoo, ^pgilo u /lulll^ 'li! !■'— ^ai'^'orm'. targo-.tot w/RV .

pad. Pricod for quick, salo^ a*42,600. 423-4<15._________3 bdrm hm. 1% balh. FaHM Iassum ablo loan. Wllllno lo >nogotlato. *44,000.423-<^, •

'O2a-Open Housoa ;

IC . . ' | i

ebuilder c_____ - I J i

r O f m r i ' ^

80.4100 -------- - -nl a g o i L o n o j

) t R o t e s 'A s L ow A s ■3 '( e a c h d e p e n d o r t - “) 0 0 . P r o g r o m s p e - jrED F U N D S A V A IL . |

I— <

" ■ .. .................

n y e n tio n q L ___^9/" H ow n ‘-LT -J- vr iT.HU- - - ^

............ ~ ----------:i

— i P — — t — — '

a S ^ l l G S ^ -----------{

ib e th lo C y p re tf Way k


, ' ‘

f •'MerchaT BY OWNER. 5 B d rn )? '!^

IH = B ^ 5 w N £ S b e 5 w 5 i i « [ ^

• Ilon ■ lo buy—3,20 0 .iJo :a t:

garago. liropl. & wood stovo., — nlco yardr corrals 4-paaiuM -J Alt on secluded 5 acios. ^_ of .Joromo. *78,500.

Assumable loan, 32^792l-,_

037-Fftfm's& Ranches .

TE___ _ Gravity ' prossuio' sprlnklors. *160.0(W.- Alaa

_ avallablo 20 acres gm ss with0. - concio to Jeed bunks for 400-

'^ ''C A m /r iA N C H T 'i6 o o 'h d .JQ__QyQr_16.D0Q_doodflfl_D!us_n- 8.L.M.. Forest -and Stalo ’'iV(and-,(or_a..ioUil_ol_J1.900_- ■ilL_Xu.U.*-foncod- and_cm aa_ H ^fo n co d ^ M a y lsp lil up..'C aiL _ Bill 326-4213, Main Wosi Ro- In ally 734-0555:' _________

DAIRIES'' n- .40 ACRES Dairy compioto V- \w ilh cows. Will handle 100 If. •hoad.*30,000down.•I' 80 ACRES. Buhl, Single-6

»**GraaoT«o^cT«rBt-W ondeiirr

40 ACRES Dairy, closo In Twin Fails. Doublo 6 HB, 168

3good120’s.200 ACRES North ol Jerom e.'-


;Pail Jim Paulson.S43-4930IsV- BARNES REALTY ’lo------- 1 0 4 T B IU etl)(e» H O fth =Ifl---------c a i i m j a / -

MS ACRES- 3 ^vots,.------B e ffy m e ft-^ w 'your.^own T[J— harr *700 por acro.

jr 100'ACRES, doublo 3 dB. 31,_.boaroomhofflo.

jj 56 ACRES. 31*610 8 HB. 3 bodroom homo, commodity

® 53 ACRE^dOubio 12 HB. 540 n__ cows, supor improvomonts.

0 40 ACRES. tJoubli 6 HB. 3 r bodroom homo, loss lhan 3

^oars o ( ^ ieo cows avalla-

W AUHba-IIJ I 8 . : UeUipw r r - > homo. • •________ __

7 20 ACRES, doublo 5 HB, 3 ' O'- bodroom homo, 325 cow s...

and lols ol oquipmoni.

S. _ . 20 ACRES- doublo 3 HB. 3 bodroom home.’

17 ACRES, doublo 3 HBT4 ' >. bodroom hom o.Cow s could

bo boughl. Sharp sei-up.

I'— 10-ACRES, alnQ lo-4-H Br70-J___froDstalls. 3 boaroom homo.

. ^ an add eo moto acros. .

j -10 A C R p ,’ d ^ b le 5*HB,'TO

o7 jayf^oos’t324-4332.

' marketing; ASSOCIATES;_________ 734-48^ office

J“ SH0RT 40 ACRES, hay and"I— grain,,, F j l l ^ 3 t»t—tnaMfe— ? yoar around llvo siroam.’ g o od 'to rm s..10% . Inlorost,] *75.000., . Markotlng

= = S M A L t= £ A f lM S :=. 40 ACRES- Cholco row crop, — lgy3'’.w air.'- iaioc : Batrunaitor^;1 corrals. B2.I 72 ACRES- ExcollonM trmrrr ■ ampio .

' if l A C R ^ 'fe n c e d ''M •- -liomo. on Rock Crook. TII.

40 ACRES, pasture, hay.I horso stalls, big Indoor ) rodoo.arena. 4 Bdrm homo.

38 ACRES- oxcoilont Iarm, beautiful homo. view. Buhl 57 ACRES- good Iarm wost01 Buhl. 4 Bdrm brick homo.30 ACRES-Mini farm, roping

.arona . lovoly 4 Bdrrn'home,torrlflcvlew. BR3.20 ACRES- bulldlno sllo NW

— ol Joromo. *10,000 down---------

1 _ robertjon1 ^' REALTY

. r - - ^ ^ J 3 m ) 4 o r 5 4 M 2 2 2'•iVTERY -NICE 3 Bodroom.

_ homo on 25 ‘ Acroa - 'S o .ulhwost of JoromorShopv

'corrala. many oxtiu^. Toims

~ J a ^ ^ n at Real Estalo U n ^

2 DARN GOOD FARMS. Hazoiton aroa. 480 acros for

__S22(L0OO, Price ond-torm s - ~noQotlabToZCali:BoD3roflnrr:

at Markotlng Associates. . - rJ4^8f6.0Uer.73»6tB8.

2520 doodod acre nreunloln ranchL 8 month orailng; i

. pionly of waier: handles 2W I pairs; full workino corrals A . cabin; Camas County Aroa. Cash or lorms. 326-4388 or

. ■- yury n lm fnrm ?0n flenl row

.crop, woll wator w/whool

Sale or l r a d o f ? 7 ^ « J 6 r o ? ~ — DUtranlrRti-3fluhli— — ■ ■■ " 40 ACRES, 2 bodroom home. -

— flat—8—dalry-barn.—needa— — oqutpmont;— Small' guost

houao. Beautllul iroos and viow of'the valley, jp aharos _

— ol-Twln-FallfrwalofrOdiwrele— ___ditch, hay and oasluro. Buhl— «T eT ^25;00(F-M arK etlinr—_ A 8 a oclatoa 734:4a7S. -

MOBILE HOME LOTS fo V ^ u l o "Magic Vaiioy Mobile

“ *E8«taB**r-Now-«dult-snb— ;

i'l'b ro ck '^a i'o n 'T ^ liea san t

"^M U S T .-S E L L Z 21V C /S feir“

mdise■ ,,,.^r03S-»Acr»<Q«Jm a ------1^ ________________ ■ , —d___ By Owner: VA AC. MJiurolO----gov—gubalw----Qltcd rnart

^ BEST ACREAGE IN BUHL' Excoilenl 2 'bdrm. 1 balh home-wilh low maintdnanco

D— moiol-flldlnp:-ahftp<gi»fi»n»»- Jt=iCOfralB A Toncoa for llw»- .3— Stock.- C io a o - io - W acro

B f ^ U t tO E R S .'is 'S lJ r f rd 'B * ^ o._ on 1.1 acre. N, Wash.-zoned

« " 'iS E iS S s a s ^ '•0. BY OWNER, piimo building _ . lot. im - x 2J7,a‘ Ono-miie

- oast oT Twin Falls. *?SOO.' 324-3t61. '

BY OWNER New Beautiful 3 i ; - ^ M rm -h om u.' 2y Patnaron^

0 ''scapod .-' - ■-w/undorground tt • 3p.rlnklors. *95.000.324-<(tt4.0 - ____ ^CITYLOTSFORSALE

various siros , ...... Call423-4441

’--------- ^ r.FAlRRELOjIDAHO'—n Princoss Mine Ranch. 1 or2

'-•BCTe- a reo tsrw a to r7-Bi6F~ ?■' Irle ily. 'Lounty ro ad .-*2500 — *eachrA ndorson;Panch f^es--

orvolr by Pino. Idaho."4(T

•' tricily ond "counly 'road.*32.000r-lorma or *22.000

3 cash. Cali Bud. ASPEN RE-0 ALTY, 377-2310 or 376-8810.a FOR SALE By Owner. 5aero r.— pw cotrSW ^W efonw rSeltor1 l3 mollvalod Id soli. Torms.


9 FOR SALE by owner oii 2 3/4 acroa-2 bdrm. 2 balh, 1981.

----- mobile—home.— Gorago-& -small room -attached. Air cond.*39.500.5384497.


— H omo/lclsuro------- •slios:— Boauldai'-vlow- just thlnk- —: what-you-can-do.-H oailno.-.

groonory and- grass. Fnjil iroos. greofihouso, privacy.

I-----anri l» CQUOIOhundred acros (canyon and rolling) upon which loMdo.

) hiko. llsh add enjoy. Llmllod• , .^oumbor available__ Roady_

soonl Only 17 country mllos I Irom Twin. Lol's visit. Call ' 734-8296 or 543-8082. '

: &-—SaHy‘ s SUN-T^AP ' RANCH in Melon Valloy.

Pionly o i warm.._wal8f_ ;— furnlshefJ —w /each—p ic tu r .-

o sque homoslto. .Secuce ' land, build lalor. Soo-ready■ -ftoont 734-8296.543-6082- ~

" ' l , 2 or 3 adjoining S-acro

lanS.®’f^lf “ fw“n‘1^ l“s“ can — walor^haroSi-covonanlSi-W - I . mllo south of Buhl, low

down, ownor will carry. Also -h a v e 9-ocres. 4 o r- 6 acro*--• road frontano. 543-4437.

: 10 ACRES, vory nice. 4 bodroom.Z balh prlck h~bmp.. Large lamlly room wilh~KJ^

—roueet—lirop iace ,- COVorcD patio, oloctrlc hoat. doublo garatjo, co^rrals for 75 hoad

— frull—zlfooa. -Twin— FallB Sctoo]srS139.50a. Marketing

~ A 5 »oct«tegr73Ma75:------------“*3”Btlnn home on 2 AC noxffo

crook w/cofrals, loodors, &. outbldgs. 3 mlloS'iSE of TF.'"

*49.fl«}:- *30.000 'assum al ' ■- 7Vt%. --W o«W -r^<aaai4p t_

mobllo homo * for down — paymenl^Wiil lako best ollor

Boloro S e p lls l. 734-6609:------3 - L O T S -I N HAZELTON. Subdivision.-Zoned singlo . lamlly & duplex. *6500 .to

— *g000.'829-5928.------------ —

— ^ t ihlr-SubdivMed w /6-6-ae re - ~ &.twU I ^ ul’iHotSr-BeautlluL.

selling. good ground. * 7 9 .^ . 324-1246. By ownor. •5 ACRE parcels. Buhl. *1000 down. 733-9114 wookdays.

iiiiiiii iiiiiim i i r »nn iii'i i p ii u. ond hoaiod shop. F M S

’■"troos.- Localod 1% m lio ^

M tiltetlno Asaoctatesi ~734-4875._________________B ACRES.south ol Wondoll. Potontiat for homeslle. small farm stead, mobllo homo silo . Ownor financing. 10% down, 25 years on balanco.837-6383 ove;a.___________8 ONLY- 1 Acro lots In Big Lltllo Ranchoo. *3500. Good torms.Cail324-5621.

— 0 3 ^ B u ^ f i 6 M P ^ f t y ~ ^

squaro rec rn J 'U 5~o lftco— spaco , iruck & rail loadingd o c k s . ----------Immedlalo .possession . Torms. *80,000. Markeilng . Assoclalos.


• h 0 9 P l ta l .~ f^ ^ Mt. RMtly*s ~

FIXER UPPER on 4 acros, zoned commercial or Indus- ,,

' ° ' ~ ~ . Aa3o e l a t ^ 734-4fl7S: ~

HISTORIC Downtown TF bldo-"9000 Sq'. Ft. Prmne

I locallon. Assumable 1st al ‘ S%. Good tax shelter,- *195,000 829-6926._________

IN BOISE. t60 AC of un-, dovolopod land located noar ihe -B o lse -A lrpo rL Zonod commercial.C/VLL 733:7537.- SHOP^ifor^loaso^^^ 8ale^2

Wcliy . ^largo lot, allor 8.

^ tite ^ V » q iB Q n P ro ^

roof on 2 lola, lola of trees -o n South Folk ot Bolae Riven

:r--naa^Fe«lhervlilOrlOrl4*j00(h-- wllh term s. 5W-8024aftjpm..«

- ALL 1 8 ^ 0 M E S MUST 001 The 64’s aro herol Cloae-oul

fa^o ry reE a loT W ffr-^

— oiar. form snodr Ownor .will— " flnariC T rto^fllU alldfB. -----

■ « 5 -M olill.H «n « ii

5_BH0ADM0BE_'°®- 1983- .14 w iae..2 bodfoom,.

IL. 'roW goraior, d e llvered -an^ alh ' selupFR EElnlO Om ilovek.'fj> ’ .vi.soo ” ^ ^ ^ t 8 R O C K M A I * 5 S - ^

Bridpg:~Tvrlrr*fatl3. , Phone.

lal-— Beautiful '1983 c 6 n'eord doublo wido. Priced lo 5011

ina Immodlalelyl 1984 modols llio avaltSbid soon at Magic 00 - Valloy .Mobile Homes, 2H

• mllos W est ol Hospital. Hwy■r, 30- 733-8141.________ ■'pn— F0R-SAL6.—1?x60'—moWle-

- homn.- 2 _6qdrQom: 1971- .nd B_uLi!mo_r.o_.*45a:ti>'^gr >4. FOR SALE 1 bdrm J0x48.

_ MUST SEE- Charming, con-• - - vonlont 12x55. carport, shod. . - I ^ J O - 8 4 0 e . 42 5 -5 9 1 2 ^^

4Cr 24V60 1979 SKYLINE In family

Id. ' 437,500.KXI 26x67 1961 GOVERNOR.IE. • Now. ----------

*28 000" ~ '14X70 1961 GOVERNOR.

toj ttu nM


I,-. 14x7<ri978KIT, Alloloclric.

12xB< 1972 l^ iv O O D .

CONTEMPORARYHOMES . ■ 2064 KImberty Road-.

14x64 jy O O Y . *8500. *1000 down.' { I5 0 ^ » r‘ mofil«''at

____ 12%_of_ttiiLjflnt-lor_*175iis: - 7 6 8 ,9 4 5 2 ^ .k--14x70'-K IT-Q olden*Staler2- 8,- ._ Bodroom..2 baih_lIu}olaco, iti'-rJutit-irvTtighwa^nofr.-stovo.' Ill rofrlg, moVaBIo-dDek.;.MuaL y. . soe. *10.500. Cali altor lo 5;30om. 423-4567.

iw ~ 1 2 x 6 4 FLEETV /000 .- Kitchen appllancos. air cond,. oxc cond. *6500.

ly— 32fr6110afl6orwknds.-------;i5 .1972 CONCORO 14x70, 2

bdrm mobllo home. Excr----- c ond ilion .-to b e moved.-

*7500. Call 934-8180. .„ 1972 SIERRA. 2 bdrm. 12x64

in Adull Court. *5995.* Call __

■jB 1978 NASHUA 14x70. Exc ly -cond. .3 Bdrms. V bath^

- Ilrepl| A/C.'oartia^go'oispos-


w 1979 NASHUA_lta60. alTap^’ ,0 p1iancos,>flrepiacs. a ssu m e . i. VAIoan,lowdown, •

"1980 SAWara : O vorl.200 sf- localod In Adult-Park..cov-

* erod . docks. 61 parking.- Lpadoa wllh extros^.prjcod

10 1 - Govenor-14x7Q_lsland_ ,H kllchen.......gardon tuth.

___ llroplaco.-2 l]dtm _SkylanoL11 Assume paymOhts. 423-5163. ig 1962 KAUFMAN & BROAD.----- -^COOaaJL-DbLWido. To boro' ■ ■ ■ movad. Call436-8344. • & 24x60 BROOKWOOD. 4 F.‘'‘“ t('drmr‘2*l5alh. wood.stove, g| • Nlco cond. *16,000.536-8503.- u— 7aMOB|LP.nnMP 2 bdrm. 1 'n balhTlTHa ACUUmuf. lefw;

o-vor p a y r^ n js . ___


Io B m R e n ta ls ____

'.^ O S O -F u fiilshedH ouM al^ tC E ^ fld rm -fflo W le -h o m o__

9 SMALL Clean nice mobile.■ ‘Ulll pd. private lot. ro-

f -'"8poiislBifir1 ‘ poragn.' r7 9 ,

l f e l - U f i f u m : H o u w s ^ ^ ^ ^

No pots. Call 733-fe92.: A N IC Ecountry3bdrm ,2ba."

Carpels, drapes & appi." W atorpd:*32^ 324-7554,)i AHR^CTIVE 3 bdrm homo

4 8op?‘7 S £ !^ ie ^ y T O ^ 9 i^ fo AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Id 3 bedroom. 2 bath home,

doublo garago, foncod yard, no pels, roloroncos ro-

, qulred. *375. plus * m . do- — poall. .1735 -M an ian lta_ (^L _ . Linda 734-7740 or 73* « 47.

i) BRICK 3 BDRM.- Drapds,0— carpet;— garoooi— (reshfy— g painted. Exceptionally nlco.0 .S00*ro f8d0p .733 -& 42 .■ eU H L Exira n ic e -2 bdrm

'■ homo with possible 3rd . ." -b d rm . Large foncod yard,L— D o a ~ ro ii"# td re 5 5 —ahod—

:— Ul Q«iyI, 5739.___________i_________ -1- u BUHL, 3 bdrm with attached->■ oaraoo on largo landscaped ' t rn innrtiii lllW-fmrt 1 rinn g - R M H o r s .S q ^ .

C o u n ts 2 Bdrm? oxifd tiles’" F 'fo r 'a 'c a r in g couple. *42S. s 733^034, No house pels

HANSEN. Nice 3 bdrm, 1 .' bath.-Available Sept 1. *050.

Call 788-8630._____________*. JEROME. Nowly lodoco- {— raled-3-bdrm -hom e.- Oulet - ^— nolghbo/tiood, _ close to '

schools & churches, -large - 2 yard & patio. Wator paid.------ fai.-M'M H«y. 1 4-?90fl, aller Som or w eekends.

water & saniution. *235 +r z d o p . 7334952,......................_; LARGE OLDER HOUSE,1 Coal stoker furnace, 851 2nd p .Ave, W est, 7334288. H -tO V e LY-.a b d rm r2W b a th ^

home. Formal dining room ,-

foom * . IwnirrTw m Tr^S— ;— flrBptaca»;- " t>ncw f '-yarar=^ ‘ -'-flood Heiohbortiood for . ' children. t ^ 7 3 W e « : ----------

~ » p r tn U e r ,- Qaxdan-apot.- N o--

i - s s ^ i t p g ' t j s a a -

•B51-Untum.Hou»i— —“ Baaullful 7 bdrm home * i

b ith s , 2-famlly rooms, near--------- S a w toolh ..A lllappl^ea i»d* .-..-yard.'abl-oy a g e ,^ r ln k iy a ,

8 referenceB,-Call 734-3699.- "* ' ' NICE Insulated 2 bdrm. re-

/ _____pets, deposit.

N l C E ^ y e a t ^ ^ '- b d m r ^

W B = aou'mw^ .Twin, Cani,

*376/monlh. Call Gordon, Sid S.lda. Realty. 734-5175: — soil REAL NICE 3 bdrm home In lols Kimberly, bole of space, ig igie- fenced back yard.'C loan, JV4 *335-^*150 dep. 423-4844. Iwy SMALL BU rxO ZY 2 ^ r m ,__ . Slove. lelrig, carpot. clean.iHie— waterA-aewa'ooiald.-JiBV?

i _ posit. 537-68n a tto rnM nsr (48. -2 BDRMS ,-f basement, up ^foncod-ln yaib, gardon spotf

^ & j e , *200 .► ftOO dep.TJo u»lllfo .pald .-W 73M .. ,

od. T BDRM BrIcK Home, haa ^ back-yard, oood-nelghbor-

hood. *330-» dep. 733-9433.-

E ’4 a h o p p ^ g . ^ + *150

— 0 5 2 r f u m ,A ( l l .4 D l l ( i .^A CLEAN 1 BDRM fumlshod apt. walor & sanllatlon paid, *12a>mo-Call 734-4070,

3R. AVAILABLE NOWI. 1 'bdrm,

' ' 3094lhAveN.73»8973.All - CLEAN STUD10.wlih washer

DOIS. 734-5377. 'JEROME. 1 Bdrm, available now. all utillilea-lurnlshed,

— Sw-aiM:r '- 'U iroe jrra rm rA lso -S tud io .

‘ H eatSTw ?^r.pd.203 4thSt. s n N.734-53ga{ter4pm. •- DOO LOOKtNQFORAHOUSEOR “at APARTMENT7 Call Qujllcl's.75-.- 733-2940.________ 1_ NICE BACHELOR APT noar r l — Lynwood ‘— Cenier.— 1125.-

s r - T S H t i e i i —■Jp. — .V. ."1°: air fum.»125 4 doo. 734-5516.

_ T W 0 ..1 .Bedroom -apart-— menia. downlown. *95 and

2 .*180. Call 734-1333.'■If 1 BDRM. *155; U rg e Sludio ‘“ ‘.•L..S150;. UtilltioB , p d . near — - . Safeway In TF. Brlan,-543. *84 - - 6 4 0 4 d a j a ^ 3 ^ « r a e v ^ a ^

OS- ATTRACTIVE LoTQAStudk]lor. All ulllllles except oloctiicl- ck^___ij', *145^+ ^ 7S^do^..Stovo 8

S^ZATOAcrivtiW™ Jih >11ap- appliances in-4-plox. Musl mo ■ 8001 *250-I-dep. 733-5182.. , _FO R RENT 1 bodroom. luiiy ' ® '' carpeted.-spacious'S-ctoanr „■ aomo utllltiOS. 733-8234.

iS ; ■ ■ 'OORQEOUS • 2- -bdriTr-apt., .W /D hookup, built In appll-

63*- -PARTIALLY— Furnished- 2 - bdrm basem ent Apt. Call

'O- • 733-8958.bo nr T hri..,.— • furnished o r ' u'niurnlshed.

NOPOH.C.II73M74D._____ 'U ; 1 bdrm brick duplex. *185 '-f

doposll. No pots, 734-8511.

PRiVATE-ROOM.for Eldeiiy Person. For more Informa­tion: Call Nila Thomaa a t The

____ Qoldon, ..A ge Roilremenl — Homo. 734-7783. . ■

057-MobilflHom9 \ ' 'n T Hrtrm Mobile H o ^ for rent

I R en ta ls- -OFFICE SPACE lo r rent. 400

:— - g n r ^ lue-L a k e ^ v a N o fl li ,

OFFICE SPACE for rent In 1. 'C am pus Commons area.i!— 1310 so. n . - o r s o o - w r i i . -

Available Immodiatoiy.733-4206-_________________

il! PRIVATE OFFICE wllh ro- cepllonlst 8. answorino

0 service. *350 month. Call to Bruce al Globe Roaity 733-.,

r 3500 . s o . ' FT. Older ] W arehouse with 3 olllcos. i\ *250/mo. Call 733-9668.

t o e i-Q u a o e Rentalsill U1.III.; 063-W «nl8<lT(jlto«.ry___2 or.a BORM HOUSE w/areae. for small livestock within 10

mlloa of TF. 733-7095.

Id Ote-Mi li'HoiiieSpc. '^L _ '_ CAMEO UOBILEESTATES-

— I B i Merchandiaa ~

" i . 0 e 7 -M l8ce llanw 8

SELL 2 wood bumino ^ stoves. Trade 1 for firewood. 2: :AtterBpm.73»W09. - - - lo ' SOLAR FOOD DRYERS for le -sale.B uiltby.O JL w ryjM lor d.- :Hlgti- atudonis. Beal d6^ M -atana. materiala &

-worKnnniiiilr~wuiR8 great ; : for drying peppers, onions 8.

— Jfu lls. 7B-2155 days or 734-,

rSSsU-shim acrap, (49:-Heavv duly -

— J10tiaie,% Ta7.«ttevO ’s. n : :TA8LEw/21««ra,&8chalra: iC cElectric Stove. Rolf Bar. Cali !)1l- : . 1ZM318../ ^ •j^ m F u S B iR lw iw i to iC T i : 3 r .. lunflnlshed.tumituro- dres*.------ u rn rn rlinfnr a lnftii , r h ilm_■ i tn d roll top desks, e Marv

_^Plcnlo.-tat>le.>W..7afeB2i-4— .


\ fl-7 - :— <M T -«l»e»ltoao ta -----------. 3 -B & 0 Macho III -loiary sar hammer.,Sell for *450. Idaho Ori- ColnGallerlBr.733-a5a3.‘ ~* ira .' SAflY Hcn lop 5 lth fur trim je s ra U e ' 16.h_ . . 324.4054. ------------------------ -re- BiniardSuppllea&pooltabio^

_ BOYS SCHWINN Sling Ray ,-2 blke.*50-Call733^11.---------

on. ‘ w eekdaya; -' CAPTAIN'S BED with mat-

' In . tress, *100. Motal twin size l9 - . bod frame. *10. VW cartop-

■n. cartie rrtio . 733-1434.-- .-CORSE WATER SOFTNER 'm. flock Sali for sale. 240-50lb

.>1. nanb, .All.or.pan.:- Cafi 324-4972 eveninos-

^ = ra ltsnia n ilUO RIOIilU IIWIT- ■ mowor. 5 s(^ irans. Eloc ■'t. start, wXbagg^or. Like’ now.

*800. Call 5454523. -'.F o r S a ie J -b lk o s .■ sioroo.

- awing aet; recliner. d » bed. We nood parts lor MF 12HP

or* 'garden tractor. 733-8827. - - ^ Q R E A T 8UYI • Brother

~ HARRIS ISO Deluxe Mob?e

r a ‘"--compJalo.- ’ AND 30” gas lid. .w l^ o ^ o v e . Call 4?3:43^or

^ HEAVY DUTY vertical wood' n r — sptillei,' uas'urnTRIMc'. TiaT

• hllch. *1000.834-8360 eves.- LAWN CHIEF rear bag ’

JTo «llBrnoons. ' • •Jd, Men'a 10-Speed, Good sit . xondllion^N ew tires. *50.— Call 733^095.--------- :------------lo. Micro-Wave. Amana Touch- St malic, good cond. *240;

Curtis Mathis 23^«olorod tv,- - 5- good cond. * 1 9 0 .7 3 4 ^ .•a MINOLTA-XG7-CAMERA

wllh zoom lens j& aulomalic.- -Hash with-carrylng c a a e r

p f churen hlstory-4 anfeleB df“ ^ ___fallh,*500.543«07..- NEW LADIES-'dresa'boots,- 1.?: * ■ _ & large t>alh rug, 733-7te2.— m .— N IC E -S H E O ;-lfrg o -m e ta r nd granary, hol waler heater &

hot water alorage tank- 100110 gal., refrigerator, good lar 'cond ..'shairand pony, new 13. . ..l ja lh ro o m _ a in k ,_ .ahow er-

— w /iuh~>atac:aidltenflfrandi- morel Boat olfer. 324-1219^^

- box w /compreasor. Call_• 423«85. ■........ .............?, • Pontoon boat 35HP Johnson'='* motor, w/trallor. Sell or

bIi ■~axlo**for'VdrJ wheels**Lg ISI aide mount gas tank for _ truck. Lg healing oil tank. Ily- 100-t- pallons. M4-5270 Or n;— a ee at 413 6 . Fir 81, Jerom e.—

PORTABLE-Sowmore Sew- H. Ing -M ach^n'e^Stret^^tich',

j<r±rreoniEEflKBtTBbior4l}ov«r=“ *■ age holders, slo lsT o rch tpar J folds awav. *30.734-1684_____

111 59 QAL & hATO 15 gal aquariums. C o i^ le le set up -

- & misc «qulp. S3M138 g— aayy^r938-j949»fTer8pmr—

073-^Sewli>g&Cf*ft* /

ly ■ S*tlIR0Ar.*USllST27,18U - 1-»* ' " r '1" . C u n / y C o a t d r e S s ^

' . PrihtBd Pattern

' ' ' 'ib '

,fiJ-.............. f / ^ -O .

jr I ^ -O I I s. ■ ’ / ........................../ ( J l

1 1 ' ; V SIZES____ - ^ —

t Y T n s ^ j ^ r f l i E n s r -

Thlt cMldieu has ertrjllilne IP toing lot it: curve leimint 0- 'buUoM on llie double, plherM -

elbM titcm . Sew it m >he<t ir wool, conon bl«iiiJ or knit >r Piinltd Pitinn 9441: Miun ftr-^5tns-B,-iO.-^12rWr46iaa^Sitt^ 4___;i? .(bull 34) titet 3^ >ircl»

4 S#«M2?5o'7oi Mch u tlira . 4-.. M i S0« Im iK b pallira fer

iJ lU2 K «itlltbS L ll^ye riL in . / _ -10011.^t.R A Cr^W OlU&* OP SIZE aad-STVlE RUU8U .

ViUluni •romin? S«w dothn Ifiil wwTi lor YOU. «»• mon«

. . iDO-Sena.foiNEWFALWVlfipJi------t'AmilK-CATAtOWVHiitl&in^► coupon 0230 « i« d .

18 !____

lit—■-6ooia^a-C*Ute*--'«l'(l--5(l(~'- _.:^_ejthJot.pQJli**-aa(l-hW(llin|--

rday, Auguat 27.1963 Tlfne»

— ---------- -i---- ..1-J___ . -:--- ^

larv - ■aho 8' Pram w/oara, *75. WelghI

bench w/leg lift. *30. Call— ------- --------

— 06»-Computora— ------ --ibio^ -IBM System 34 CPU. Model ^ 0i— D-^*r«lcCall7a4-e>H-.-- -— .

R ^ y : « » - C w w i Equip, - '

j j " * ' 070-W>fitedTo.Buy ~ “rtop- BUYING: EvorylHlngJn goid ^

4 allvor. Idaho Coin Galler- ' le s . 302N.Main. 733-6583.

501b' LARQE NIGHTCRAWLERS " ^>an.:— ANTCD.-— ^ -A ndarton 'a----- :

. W holesale Ball.-423-4838. iwn WAHTED'HtoHYteAWLERS Elec Highest Prtcea.~430 2nd Ave.IOW. East. 9am-11am 4,.5pm -

-6:30DnTwe_rv^ay:324-ll51. , - roo. •. • WantetfTffBDyr:)od. X N lg h lc r a w le r s " - 2H P\ ^ ^ 9 4 4 « ~

WORMS.'.'Open- 7 -days a Iher w eek. Filer. Calt3» ^ . o r

.250, ■ ' ".— — 072- A im g w s ............... .................iblle _____________________ __

074-Mu8lciJ _ . A oood,FWdle. case 4 bow. - • taod- * ^ . Calt 32^4223. • ' _ has- a l t o SAXOPHONE for s J o T L l uaed 1 year. S36-2648. .bao ’ B-FLAT^Ciarinet In le a lh e r .

r0 ? - by Pedler Co., Elkart, INO.^ ■ yeedBajeedJso^M Tg. ood CLARINET eUNOY Resonlie'*50. by Selmer, *125. Caii 733-

ich- . ' FULL SIZE VK3UN, 3 yeara 240; oid. new bow '4 new case.I tv,- - *200-734-8218 evenings.■— HOLTON; ' » COLLEGIATE .... :RA cornel In nice case , 175. Call .- »tic 733<817r

___OLD BALDWIN Roiierpjano

y « (j a s i S m i f m u T . -I 6)— O to e ft-F E N D eR ^ h e h afK -------_ -doahll^rl^^lttrwitfihQL

O ne’o l i Kind, K lm b a iru ^ - - [ct— rfflhfPienOr-Toially reatoretW_____

lnB ide4oul. Mark. 73^7812.- ^ 1— 8AXOPHONE.-Qood-C0 ndl.— — r X Hon. O ther used musical Irv

'JSlew Small Electric Thomaa Or* « r _ o a n In-oood cohdltlon. »2S0. _

J . “ u p r i g h t PIANO. Boautlfur ralt - L a c q u e r ,-n a w -k e y —topa,— ' ^11 excellent action 4 tone.-— - * 9 0 0 . - 8 2 ^ . — ................. - .ton - UPRIQHT piano for aale.

or Good cortdlllon. *800. Cali 3lle MS437B. • • . •.

T g c u e " bxceiiem con'dP^tor lion, Cali 734-4342. ;% Yamaha Trumpet, like newr O ' Only used 9 monihs, 1250.

2 :.— C a im tK 9 9 .--------------^ —sw.eh', •

g a r~ C h M p ,- File^'cabinel. *40;"-,—

,5 8 ‘ s n ; a - s s , . * s f « ! “ i ;:--------Dffer»r6»«148rHandy:------ ---------- . -TELEPHONE Answering

machine with remote for- ^ sale. Call734-770eafter 5pm.

0 7 7 ^ -^ ,T V & 8 te f W1 COLOR’ eiev lslona . Used;---------

— large selection. From *90.85.Q K en'a IV ai.Appliarte*. 420 '

MUnS^TWn. _ _ . - - -USTENTOTOEM USICt-— - —

n Elegant High End.Com po: ." nenls a t a v e ^ reaaonable , . price. Credit fentia availa- ;

bio.formoreinfo.S31-4307. I ' “ ~ rB E N T *N E W -T V I«w i»ajiain____

• ' « e c ^ e ^ m « -------- M.eAIN8^733-yi11:-----------------s s USED COLORED TVS.

miM n ie e d a ^ n d ilto n ^ -------'~Blacker*a*ppilance 733-1804

1982-------HITSIJB5HI WHS. —Video recorder wllh remote

-control. 734-7708aHerSpm.19B2 19” MITSUBISHI Color

/ TV with remote control, like new. 734-7706after5om.2 SUPER nice black 4 while

/ tv 'e, i2" Phllco 4 19” RCA ’I w/atand.*78each.73*<748. ,

i 078TFuih'.‘& C trpett r1 A SUPER DELUXE KlngsUe :

I S?i***$$85'':m %i»“*5 ALL WOOD bullet, *8S:

^ ___Banner Furnllure. 733.1421-----------CASH, lor .good used•tumlture and applianeea;--------Banner,-733-1421.COCKTAIL- table, *10.

. BannerFumllure,733-1421._____ 0ELUXE6 plec&Armadaoak______

\ bedroom aet. Uke new,

l - l - ^ N C T E - S g Tr-8 -Cfta i f e X - — 1 leaf, Nice condlllon, *49. A

• ^ Tvolng Ubie *8:733^883.V DRESSER...-.ffllrror.T;i=-4/6=:^

bookcase headboard. - *59. -Banner Furniture. 733.1421.............

7 ____m u r ra gE rA oK rand mat-,___ L— ' 1 . » . Bannflr.Euniltufe._____

■ King ^S ^ e ^ a l e r t ^ < ^ t

Iii KROELEFfeBota— excellent ' w conditlen ,' S19B: Banner .

Fumlture.733-1421. ’i n M0ViN044ust aelli R e d ; .

-------- OAtfTABLEw/4 Chalfa.m. llrm: Call 734-2479. £_Q l/feEN _W ATERBED with 8 _____

n SOFA 4 chair. Early Amer^i 4, •;can ,J199 ..B anf»rFum itur« ,T -i--r

« SOFA and chair, rust a n ^ '« loreen, -wo®. Banner

;ci2S^^My^fie~ifltjqu*pT~— .k eoftee Ubiea. 73^4358.

____ j-O T -pApCiinO<>r.-------

)T^-^feKt>4n.— —"l5 cm i5 ere iaF = n - -^ l r e e i e r . '7 3 4 « » r 7 S 3 w 4 : ^ “ ~ "


Tiea-Newa, Twin FallB, Idaho

Page 16: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF405/PDF/1… · Bmamin ^yTfte Tlmes-News : • andynlleaPressJnlertiaUw — A ppoint—

' QE euilMn—Ovsn. Also■ rrtim tof Trtp fannft.' Both

E«eBtlBnlcoml.733-3Sa5- -r —.• - - - -K anm ore-W »h«f a d ry« . - -

• -both In Good worldnacoftdK |lon.t27S«ol.733-110... • - U d y - CIDWft o o u p |« _ o y o n ^

'■ ririoo. floll-cloanlno. 1150; j SMo^y-sWo rofflg/froozBf

~~'Mnco— m aln fr ■ t - ~

~OLOER MODEL •■KoMnalor,.... fiflfrloflf»tor1o r« a lo ;’0« l a ' . conariloti.'$40.73«r1fl37.

, POHTABLE So«fB compact w n t t ^ ' . Ooiuvo (eaturos. Bn£CQna;537-g974Bvp'a.- -

— ' bBfa^. 'f iox - « 7 ." Oakland, " , .QfBQ0n8746?. • " • .....

T.— REFRIQERATOH-'m pdBl, .nleo ^cond. $195. '

■ - Wash'Br, lalo modol. nicocond.t150.32«.'?3M.______SEARS KENMORE Koavy

-.=r-Buty:6rioray-SavorW 83tier;-----

' ._WA 8^E(jJtf>d ORYEH for

- l^W H IR tP O O L ___W RTA bTe _-------Waaher- i-Ofyor,-Hli«-ft«w.— •

*325 rof pair.’ Coll 5 » 5 n O ' ' ■tterflofwBBkBnda.18 Cu tt. S ea rs rofrlooralor, -

------- Haxvflal_flold.--,tW . Call - '------- 324477aBv.nlnfla-•• ,30'-’-FflfQ10AIRE aolf clean-- .ln,0. y nge. <250. Call 734.7T68

• :30” USED W sa tln g lio ^ i .O oluxe._ .nnoe.— Ayocodo,.. <

AlrCondltionlftg i

■ oe^^ lknngli^^te^^al^

— p o a f r ^ i j a n oeQ, — • ■ .CEOAR.lnland rod 1kS-10-12.

------■RECrC g DAR 8H AKg»T)lrW.t — '• frotn -O fM o n . Mill- by

trucktoid. I » . Sq., Day* 343.120. Eve-B»8M5ta.___ ,

----- BUNKa-aMIWraiMMfcT— I------ W lLL'-8UtLO <cindar-blocli_-|— ^ bu ild lno fll ■ x54’J0f,ti( i» aa— |

— ft. tncludsa concrale Iloor, , .d o o f » a w lr ln o .7 3 4 ^ .—

S* 2x4‘a Economy t1.29 |I

M T 4 ^ i^ a B t i___

-------^Vl,” ciadwt>od»Jfllno*)La5„j

**^xV■8' Fir pdBta. M .49. i

_ ^ n [ t # d l l n . » a l l n 8 a J « . "•*

— i^N O RTH W EST-^ --------- •— PLYWOOD SALES 2

( B # h M U ^ O I D 2___________ 733^ - •

' ' ' I0 0 - Q a f ig q S « lw g

A SALE. » 4 King Clrcla- o il----- dElUatwth. too la .lilkaa .au lo S

-& motorcycle pans. oo<art. V Atarl.-Frflav Saturday, SA-1 OARAQE 8At.ErSAT- A

— U R O A Y ^W Mullt-Famlly:.. ^22CTCii»tlBDrT_F_._____________ j

— A uQ27.»-7Alil(lnd90ftoorj. f baby fum .. clothoa. TV. s em okor-Casti Only. No early 0 salBa.1135Twln Parka Dr. }BABY CLOTHW^ ^m lw . 6

dreaae r w/lg mirror, kida < — motofcylea— Ij

I~ e a f d a - ^ o vB. hannino lam ? ftham per, fireplace acreon, 2 ^typerwritor. Pollshor/rug ueham pooer. Lota ol mlac. ySAT. ONLYI.Aufl 27, W , No Iearly sa les . Cornor ol Birch ^St&tfucK lane. Buhl. SBlQ YARD SALEI 125 y*Bucanan, Twin. 9anv4pm. L F R I.S A T .& Sm M jB Jh.

. BlQ YARD SA1£. Saturday. srelrig, wasiior, »ofa. I!chlldrena toys. anilQues, |lota mlac. 747 [ocuat____ ^ g

— EL£CTRiC-RANGE.-plftball-----machlnB. twin • bed.- tablo; J ; tirea. clothoa, and mUc. - - ”ttam-Spm. Thurs.Sat.- 806 f ‘ Nflrthvlew Drivo, Twin. ENORMOUS GARAGE SALE. Friday & Saturday »-S.179 Monroe. ._______

Extrwrdlnary Yard Sale— Bz n 2 'Avo~w :r6 un irm ufi7T ~^ l

waaW t'. Oioeuicai appi., G<English Ironslono china S ■ hiturni Much, much moro. 11

— FRI & SAT. AuO' 26m.27m, i?"- 9im-flpm. 150 Joflerson S t . - 'Si

N am e bumd clothing, mens lOia lacka. ahins. tio j .’.lots o( ^

■ lo o . ' Sml appi. dishes* ml ~dr*pa9rboddinfls, roccrds. ' W

tapea . Iota o( books! Fire' io: alarma, snow skis, sowing ot

corder.H ^rm jchm preL \,tFR l-4 SAT W . Chain saw, bo love aeat. wood dinnot lable. clc wood b a r aloola, unlcyclo. SA eollecilblea, clothos & mlac. Tw

— 40aRldQewav. - 3“FRI & s a t ; 9am-lpm:— Sa Clolhoa, loya. Urea, aaddio, 28i

— etcr12ld Partorlew.-Twlnr—------f.FRt-SUN 9:j^7:00. L oh 1 of • -FH

'l y , 4 mile Soulh o( Kimberly'■ R dO ftEaaK andSouth.-------- a \i

GARAGE SALE. B«da. Orl w aahor. dryer & jnijc. Frl & srr Sat H i »y7Concordia Way. h&

_OARAGE___SA L E .^^U w n___

furniture,, mualc, roeordar---t*'* —CTifrft-coatuTTieftem^Avon— lo t

—W m lE ial.iF rt^Sal.iM ^ -

Polk StrM t W est; KImberty, - adi Aua2Slh^27ih.9am-9pm. fun

~T, '

B < T lm « > w e w a .T « ji^ ^

rchandis- 08?-QarKnrSalBr— --------

•GARAGE SALE- cornor ol

• - Q A RA G E_8A LEvSat.^7th._411 Altair Dr., o ff Harrison 1

- block aouth of Falla A»o. T - u a y y c lo th l r ia -e tze g tolO,-^-- ■3~ o iH B r’'^^mlscr"^THHXIa^ 4 -

fu rn itu re .'' - ' T--^ARAGE '■SALE,--„Sair-A ^ Q -

— Drlvei-Twlnr-Waaharr-dryar.—

~J3A R A Q B SA L E i.SatloW y^- .8am-4pro. Bar sloo ls,.co tloe , table, ahullBfa, chairs, bBdding. porch awing, lois . morB. 944 Blllerrool placB.

-734^gB2________ -•0ARAGE~SALE Sal; 8/27.

~ W f g 7 f f l a j ^ o v a r e i s y ^

......'SJlrta c fo thB « ixonO W v.... ^ ttA y furn,, 2 couchea, 19&2

Morcury station wagon, .>m any moro ltdms. 1805

Tarohdo olf ol Falla Eaat.--------.OARAQE SALE. Friday & ■ S a ^ rd a |^ M 3 a io ih A w .is t. •

GARAGE. SALE. Frl, & Sal. " — ■ « .—to tB rof-o lria-ek ithB e—

aoa'a 5-10.& mlse Itome. 17S5TarpheeOr..-_______ ■■ •

~ ^ 7 S a ^ U K l 3H tU w upe- = A V fiT V r6AT & 6 UN. 27 & & .. V-—Body ahop toola, wolder,

lacks, saws,' aandera. all > k lndaof electric hafrt tools.. .

: .'Yard loola, Honda oonora* tor, aome household ilema.

1198 Parkview Or.-Saiurday ■ Auguai 27; M .UAKAUfc SALfc. 4>af .9-4. s s . 21 /3 W o fJo ro m e .

' Curtalri .roda eurtalna.- chlld.'jcAll, dreaaera, clarl- na t & m Jcti more. 324.3435.

— Q A RA Q E_SA LE_Sat, W . _ Exer-blke. booka, adding machine & mlac. 2030 F lla r^

' GARAGE SALE, furniture, aporlinggooda. baby things.- ' n ice clplties, lota, of mlac.

~ n 5 3 NbMh-^pirkarAuB 27ur.-,

Q l« il Movlnfl 8ate> Camp ^ e w . J V , . piano, - cjpthea, —

Inp ael. Much Morel f RI & SA-T. 2fl 27. M . 1739

LARGE VARIETY Garage sa la l 1089. Sparka. Friday and Saturday. 6am4pm. - LOTS & LOTS of Kouae Planta. MISc. 784 Fllor Avs.

— B ttflM iy y su sM v w r - - - . ~-M ANy-QRE*T-mMSItS«ow-; — blower,-loya, dlahea.-Bohool—

clothea, bikes. Frl A Sat 94. J0a70akw ood0f. - - ' MOVING SALE- Sa<. 10<, 3 - mllea W., U s . ol Jerome. Farm eouio.. furniture, misc.

= m 0 VINaiirAlnka-SalBni.Tt--^

clothes, house pVanta. All Day both SAT 4 SUNI 743Alpha Circle. TF.__________ ,

„MULTi.FAMILY Garage Sale. i Som o new 'll8m s .~ rrr4 -S al-'i 9^.603 Adama. KlmbBflv. • |

' c ^ C rooho^io^ llcm rt^ ^ ! " Moal new. Also Men'a suit 4 1

pam 8,ahorfaU eo42444. I------- 8ATUR0AY0NLY.-M,---------

2 waterbeda, - -se» lno machlno..12alrlnggultar,afr • eond:(.m ore.2S97u>AveN. ,

------r-aA V E U Pto60% 00----------<NEWSEARSAPPtnNCES-*


—d o n 'i -w a n t- to -a h lp -b u k .- -c SALE AT 1410 Mountain r View Or. Gooding. SAT-4-'t-t SUN 94 . No early aalaal e

■ Alao a tore fixibres. Screw e drlverao ts« .50 . 7

...................YARDSAU — ~ — JFriday 4 Saturday 9^. 924 cS unrise Blvd. _________ 3YARD SALE: Friday Aug, 26. 4 to 8. 4 SAT. Aug 27. 9 to S. P WaAllurasOr, North, Twin. .• C

,_B choo l_c(o ttios..ip#uId lng_> ooll Irona, misc. housoholO. P 72.LT0 H 25.374 N. Madrpna Y'

— fsau tbalh lschoo ll.- — »

Washington Pk Townhouse P180 olf S. Waahington. f,YARD SALE. Sat 4 Sun 9^ . 0Housohold Itoms. boys wclolhoa 4 misc. I4ih 4 Min BVlewDr.Goodlfto. bjYARD SALE! FRI 4 SAT. 9-5 ^2652 9th Avo. E. Twin. (Indian S'Tralla Subdivision) CYARD -SALE. Saturday 4 9Sunday. 10am. 202 Fierce * Slroot. Wash, mach SIOO;Couch 4 chair S75; Relrig uJ

- <100:->--lpls of odda-n-enas. — 3:?. Yard Salol Lola of Misc. t

SAT. SUN 4 MON. 10am- ^eom. 341 Harrison, IF . "iYARD SALE. Saturday. ClAugusi 27.1222 Longdalo Dr SI9-5. Clothes 4 olc._______ ^

-T ay lo r A n tiq '^^ ^V ” '■ usotui Iloms, .~yOU~THINK~YOU'Ve SEEN Al “ CA RA G r^SrA tC S? v^u Pi• havo'nt soon nothing yotl ht

1178 Park Vlow Orlvo. Sal O ;Only,—9am-3pm— AmiQuos;— £\ furntiure, OKira nice clolhoa. 9 - 100 PIECES fabric; guns, ai ^oadMg dyjos. S

'm ftc. Salurday 4 Sunday" « • 9<.194Tylor.TV.'

1076 OESERT VIEW. 1.3 ms E ? of E/nsi, 2 bika N. Carpois,

3-FAMIUY. Chcup. > « S S ; ~ 5 ! books, children 4 - ladles 2 Cloihlng. towola. mlac. FRI 4 a t SAT. 9-5, 1742 Borah Eaat. “TwlnFalls.______________ • *-23 FAMILY. Mlac Items. Frl. c

-SBt“ S“ Sun7-Aug-attr-27tm— r.i■ 28lh.353Alturaa.^m-SDm. - p.

' S s s w S s i ' - lDrive; 8anv3pm. U rge small .bikes, roQulatlon air hockey game, loismlscT (Cl

. Jawn mowor;.s ewlng inach!,'

;^ero»8-T fc n ry a n a y ,-c ^ y : ~ D <

adult-, clolhos. some ac furniture, tovs. stOroo. olc. er

■iin, tftoto ^ iu rctay , Augua

s e ~ F a r m e \

— 06W 3arai)$8aIea-------- ^ '

>' 6 FAMILY Garage Salo. Sal.■ • Auo ?7ih. Babw clQthOB.- j

- m aternity- clothes, •smallerI.___w om ans . c lo tnea .. sk i's,__1 potlerY.719ApachoW ay(oft ' I. o f Eaal Elltabelh), 9am-jpm. 1=71 ? FAMILY OAHAQEiS^LeTrrz

■mllo North o t bank In Fllor. Saturday Auo 27.10-4.

g~7.FA M lL Y Qaraoe £ a le - Sal.

r> —j a i e c . j a Elaine Aye'. - '

i M f r ^ r e w o ^ . .A BIG BUCK SAVINGSI Plno-u^

:• and o ther wooda. fly-tho” ' ^ ^ f u ^ ^ o a d.. DISCQUN'T..Call

'j- AbundluK* A-1 QualltyOrV - 4 lodge pole; cuslom cut. or- , do r now 4 aava. 324-4740. ■. • j -AL'BRREWOOD '_ _ O r y plno.dollv4'atacKed. i 14-l6"-Bpht,'small,M0.? . 1S -18"8pllt.m edlum .«5 .= -r-^

‘i w n p m , largo,J50- •

BBAVER WOOD Cutting Co. Q ood cteatrdry.TplnerCut.— :

^ 8 ^ 11 4 py '

'•• '“■vBll'abia'post 4 poles:fromT— '■ Island Park. Also, aspon ' ' available. 7334266.

- Onr Pin* 4 Aapen, *45/cord: 2-10 cord loads,* SSO cul

:— iunolh. DeIlvnr_a2SU0fi9-----------„ FIREWOOD. Cut. to your

length and delivered. Call• TTtaATia -------------,' GOOD quality llrewood. $28 • on up. Ready for dellverv al '

your convenience. 733.42W. LUCKY PENNY CHIMNEY

I. SWEEP. Free Inspections j — q lad |yh-C alW 4.im . — ^

RAY’SW O O DSERV ICE. IB 'LangttiteScord.

B 'U n ^ tS O c o r d .

r----------------- t7Dcord. is-------------- - WE ALBO HAVE OOOD

, Aug * 7 ^ u _ w ftle !R o r— ’ cludea the tax (less Ihan .15< f lb) Peara are large,4 a big

crop'. Bring conlainera can*) nino peachea ready later. 2 . E .- .^ . IME of S.E. corner of , - T B im rs4yeo8ror5434044.......— ^

I— Applas.4-N M larlnern'ow i t> ^ ^ . from Symma Orchard. 423- j

• 44746-IODm. fy - CANNING^ PEACHES 4 t■ ra a ra . Kelley " Garden - a

-Tamafeeg. cueiTcaf. K1 rota. 423.50'I4. CI — ---------------------------------E

CUKES. CARROTS, zuc-■ chlnl, tomatoea. 733-2983, T I - 828 H eybum WBst. C

DINGMAN KANDY. .Corn Is ^ read^M Jm lle(» aupply. Call

- - F A flS lFR E SH B E R R iE S "J

. Bl*ckB«nlMt19.G0/naL n, HudU«b«m«*416.S0oal. /

Also frozen Boysens, Black ' ^

',Slrawborrle8 4*Cu^nl8.**'*' A O RD E B.4& «77.4»)m .

HERC'S GARDENS. corn 4 ^ -cantaloupe alarting rtow. - B Grown organically lor lhat b!

T.-rich full flavor. Early stan- G dard com now 4 little lalor* U, Super sw eets. Slaplos. m73^560 . .____________ H

.^U B IL E E -aw ee i-oo rn rnow — nl coming on. Call 324-1252 or O3244127. • •__________Now avallabib-. CANNING ‘ PEACHES 4 pearal Kolley Ll Canypn Orchard, 2 mllos

_W oflL JL J_N D nh_oL eieL ,___SlSlarling Wed. Aug 24 pear3''-> cr 4 peachea 15* per lb. Ypu an

“ pIcK-while'thoy l a s r Sdieci— S vour own for sallsfacllpn. ^

—643-&330. B»lno containers.—-----DCA/-MCC nli.mn * n.anAA Wi

, 54.V.&flinrMMM7 " !___ ^PEARS FOR SALEI Stariing wi Friday, Aug. 26th, Jenaon'a O rchard ln><agorman Valloywill have pears for Salo. I*' Bring own containers. *7 porbuB hoijlcked . 637^179, ^SOUTMWJCKVEGETABLES R -Sw oet corn 5<. Boana, Jucs. ^Carrots, cukes, boots. U-pk. IMNow rod spuda 10c. 5 4 3 ^ . 30( 2 ml S o t B uhlon Csllfrd Hwv— o2J SWEET CORN for sale..Rog-ular 4 Candy. Call 324-4324, ■<>

- 324-2487.324^ . Mj

OQ&^Pflta&SupplleaAKC Brillany Spaniels FLd. 03^Champion bfood. 8 females, ^tlM .fa .dv lT aK lC . ™AKC GOLDEN RETRIEVER . vT pups- 4 males. 4 2 fomalos;

^m5M M 2^A^to'r9pm* ^_AKC GOLDEN RETRIEVER

spanloi pupa tas. 423-4718, H AKC REG. English Springer nTi Spaniola. Excellent huniing cq.

- ♦125-734 ^ 148 or ,'3««9fl88, ------AKC Reg Samoyod oupples. t u 4 m onths old, dedaw ed -4 yr ahota. t200.73*-2073. J^is

“ AKC— roglatored“ Gorman— 72i Shonhalred pupa, fl woeka c o old . wllh shol8.-S100.,Call cal 934-4551 alier 5:30pm or Kai anvilm ew /ends. — 43a AKC HEQISTEREO . Cockor . CO

.P o p a « 5 0 .C a i8 S & 4 0 1 3 ^ ^ ^ ^ AKC S H ^ ^

~8a59or1-234-2798-- ^-5

-a li e a ; Priced^ lght. S e e 'm — Br< Jo lfe raon St. TF. 733-2450, ‘Ala KOCKER SPANIEL PUP- TM 'p ie s , ac k reg. $75 or »50. 'Ko;

-w llhout pat>ersT734.723a.-------—u rDOG TRAINING

. t» ^ n ,-D M e r t Sky Kennel. ST<


ers* mark"TBO^^pBta&Su ^ l M ............

; FOR 'S A LE- AKC Coc"kor ll . S tanlol pupa. 4 black tnales,

Iher in ahow' 4 'obodionco i} ~ bJuo -rlbbon8 r*1S 0-4 -Jl75 ,-

* 3 ^ 0 7 6 8 . . . ...........................: f = F R g e = p o P P ie s i - Gormati-

ShephTrxl^X; Call 324-7489aftorepm.'_______

i. LHASA'APSp AKCTpOpples,*-^

3— MiaslN G . "Wahy; la w rHo~~ -'-AXCdOQS. Enlorvou^iioo In •

::-r= n=com «y 'F airtfeo .H oifto . • For Info Holon 423-«3(t4 or'- FalrO fllce326-4396. . t '

I___ inirbpok 4 gills all for frop.


.* i'll- {ward your doo. Choil , MmoLXennelB. 423^104r-.

PURteREQ,Siamos»-kliiofts ‘ foe-sa lo . Box Iralnod 4

1 __W flanod,«5oach.42W 219. .

;___« 0. Females UO. Call 3 6 ^

-----REQ— ^ m a n < — S h e p h ^ -I ’’pupplos. Outstanding podi- -■ ■-■uioosr-. Big. — bravo— 4-^ T— Deaulllulrll76rCali32a^76a: ^

REGISTERED Chesapeake Bay rotriovora. Born July 20. 1953.4200.733-7458.Rodlsterod Buff cockor_

----- ^ ^n le l-pupp les r-C a ll-643 -::


plea. Molher Oth winning female in the US. 1981. Slarllnp 1200.7344176- ' STARTEO a TRAINED Hun- -ting U brado r Retriovora lor

----- salo,-L«feUavflfl_Kcnnflta_*.854-263e. •_______ I_______2YEAR-OLO AKC rogisiorod fomalo blond Cockor Spaniel. 185. Call 7344848.4 -PUREBRED vCOCKER

— SPANIEL pups.-2m ales.butf-- - c o lo r 4 2 fomalee-redr-MO.—•


I L ^ . ^ F f l r f n e r 8 l m a r k e t .

“ Oe2-Auctlori8 ~

O ^ r F a m S e e d ALFALFASEED

_ 3 .M W -pro tr1etaf9 -n rte tiea—dovolopod by LovolocR

— ophldtand-'baetertal-wiit-ra-— alatance. .S1:8S Ib: 720 wllh P h y to lh lo ra -ro o t-ro l-an d — baclorlai will and aphid ro-

- alstance. $2.15 Ib. Markolod by Stacoy Seed. Bob

Koeater. 634-5227. ~ ~ ~ Cortlllod 'Kangor. Apox & Bakor alfalfa soods availa- ble. $l.50/lb. Call 324-291V TOP QUALITY Allalld soed.

— Delivered;------ Call------ Bob—Hamlllon 734J587. •

' - • GRAIN STORAGE - - •- f 6 R RENT Iwo 22.000 bushe l- . b lns..2t per.bushol. 324.5183 >:

o r 3244301 or 324-7204. - . ALFALFA-OAT HAY. 60 ions. •

$S5alon.Call3244457.APPROX. 27 ton slacked oai hay by th o . balo or ton.73M l70or7334779............ .BARLEY WANTED. 50lbs or bollor.Call543-4871.GRAIN STORAGE for-roni.^ t^30 .000 b'uaholl. Call

HAY, good qualily, baled at - ^ g h ^ - B ^ th e - ton-or bale.- •

MA^U^SPREADING • CORN 4 HAY CHOPPING L ao'a Cuatom Fam ing, Flier

3264964 or 3284 703-S lL E A G E -C O R N -lor-aa le.------'■ Call 5434015 or 5434916 4 '. . ask fo rG lonn .___________ ...■

W A ^ O ^ to BUY BARLEY. ,

" w a n t e d :

F p e j _ Planl. 7334583 or <

WHEAT STRAW for sale. < Call S3fr8232or 733.2274. l e t cutting fiax- Dairy quality hoy 4 feeder nay. Rainbow Commodlly; Hay hauling, ioad lola. Rainbow Trucking, 543^23of5434Q90.100 Ton carry-ovor Hay-plus 300400 ion 1983 C rtp . Call -

- « 5 ^ 6 .....................> - - - .........100 TONS Pl 1st cutting hay for saio. $85. Tullio aroa.

- 437-6267. ' ____ ^

soli In tho Hold, between Wendoli 4 Gooding. Call9344031.___________•300 TON 2nd culling..Pul- uprlght. Call 625-5820.40 TON of 1st cutting Allalla

.hay._3L ien<9f.2od.-fio-rafn_____ia o ion. 82W480 ait 3:30om. ■.

NEED pasture for 25 hoad of calves. Call 7344841.

BULLS for rent or salo. Oalrv

~BUL'L g~-‘'tg~ iB n a ,~ so ir~ ^ — Trado. 3 yr Reo: Charlais. 4 yr Rog. bbbI Srown'Swlsa,Also, Chlanlna 4 flrahma.

COLOSTRUM FED day .old calvBB for saio. Contact Kara. Magic Valloy. Dairy,43^8292.______________ _COLOSTRUM started heller

-ForSilB M Mead of Motstaln— Cowa, S e e a t 2 N. 4 3 « W-oY

FOR SALE. Beelalo cattle. 3

'Also year old BeeTalo bull. 788-27p1 or write Box.442. • KolChum.lD83340, •

:MQNgY— AV A I L A t t J ^ t = J dairy ioaae cowa. Pleaaa qaii

STARTER CALVES for aaie. ^-tQ .i-w Bflka aid. Call 324. —

M lled bulla, aom v Angus. Cal|S434108. .

-I '" “ ’ "-I.__ket-Recn— 102^=CltBe— ------------- -r - 5 4 Wisconsin Holalein ir Holfors. Calf is l pan ol Sopt I. for winior milk productlen:

P...B WHITE, FACE .HEIFgRS. wlll- calvp In March. CalV ■

;; 90 DAY SEMEfi TANK for ® sole. Call 53^M77.anytlmer

" " ~ ABC-'a— a t ^ ^ o raawartaiUp^

5~ tao B n t“ l ' •pfiasuTfl-:ridtngr- n . Hartmans Stables,. - Alap-. I. • -Family Fun Farm, 733.1B39. - li^ A ra b Goldlng, green broko.

. 4 yr. old. Make pllor, Also Arab maro. 4 yr old- Mako

— ofTof:cair324.7^.I. ARAB REG 3/4 Gelding. 6 -— yeer3rbay7-OonilOr4Sfoai-lB_— moDniamsrTralned-WoelBfa— 7 4 EngllBh. n200/oller.\ 733-12iaor733.9227. '

ARABIANS— 4 — Standard - , B ro d l Call 733-2506. 8-5 or I 32a^54ipnfter6um.. BEAUTIFUL bay maro.

... acsblan, vory oonilo. oxc for } ilild !n g -$ 10(»J:yQ ar.oId .bay_ . llllv. f t arablan. Halior — brokc,-gonlle .-$500.-B oth— } reolatored. 733-9587.. Black AQHA ' Goldlng, i l-i—’S m o k e^ Io m b iaa o fcsa la ia - ^ y r a - o l d . . G rand-alros—D oll' 7 '“ Nrfc'’ ’S’ 'Dou^ia Fr Nbtlflng'.

Alhlollc. all around, usod in ' high shcool rodoo. Sound

and roady to go. Call 788- ’— 4708. koop Irylno. ~ ^ 1 3 ^ 0 K ;a iu ^ Roan^ 3; year

• tide, oontle. $335.543^71.

HORSESHOEING Experloncod larrier. Caii

, L .rrve .ii.ao l.73M 0;< .___— RORSESHOElNGT-graduate-

I r a y S S S n L 'PROFESSIONAL breaking 4 training. Provon - rosulls, roaaonable raiea; 3244832.

_^B E G miniature DonKoy. '5_ 4noa. ' Jack. Love kids.

'^ $600/lrado. Call 328-5988.

4yf Choslhut maro, Ono Ayr

- " s o r r e l I^ARE 7^^oars o^d '

.haYSoe'n driven and packed! ^0Qd j« » 4 m ^ ta jn ^ h 0 r3 0 .

• Horsoa. Lo varloly to chooa^ — fro-mrAraoTSIanion-Slffhd—

Ino ,678-5607 or854.2778,— 2-HORSES—14.hor5o.nMt0 .J I

welLlralned 4 packs. Alao W - Quarter 4 ^ Morgan, black, V

-Goldlng; woll'trainod.'-Good— SlockhotBBS. 7344848. ■- 3 yr old Bay maro lor sa lo. DfoVfl'. JHO noraiT ladBiu. Call3244103:32447S6.----------

Ing. Very gontio 4 woll , brokOr$lj00.438^01.. 5 YR OLD SORREL.'SK Mare-'

— Leo.-Sugar 8arB.-Olamond2— Bar bfoedlno. 3244027.

__ 8 YEAROt.0^ p a lp o s a maro__

733.15k ' .

105-H ored Equipment ~ '- ' HORSE TRAILER 4 slock

- ra ck lor sale. Exc condlllon.. 733-5093 alter 8pm.

— LA RG E~Supply-of-now-a— usod Horao 4 £jpck Trallors

- on_ djsplay,Exchango. Hagorman 837. 8294 days.837^282 ovos.LIKE NEW 2 horso Iralior. Tandom axlo, electric brakos. $1800. 7344S48.WE BUY 4 sell usod saddles .

. .4 .tacks. Vlckor's_Wo9l p ^ _ Stores 733-7096.__________

108-Sw ineWEAN0 R~PIGS lor salo. Call 3244265 or 324-2216


...ii ig i i iM p ____ _____ ______90 BEAUTIFUL Purebred

-Colum bia 4 P o lm y ewes, 3— 4 4 yeara ojd.- P y jo ct herd__

or boat ollor. Bred t h l s - “ monlh, 324430Tor'32C72M—





■ '■■'THIS''.............


— p a c ed undoriha hotdlnY°

Your ad will reach 22,00 families everyday and lh<

-!SSip"iroYo'ffli-Sl*. Ad-Vlsore will help yPu woh

your ad ao that h will b m ost allecllvo and bring yoi Ihe resu lts you aro looklni lor. -


BATHTUB RERNiSHlNaT^ Repair 4 relinlahlng. lo porcelain 4 llbergtaaa-bali

- P o irS aln Se rv lce*^^!^ '!* ft^POilAIWTEWAMCE


-IS i& M S lB mRempdellnp,- renov^lon 1

i'ex ^ rlen c e . » I l / e w ■' Freeeatlmafe74234528.'

reational'n , 'GOATS: 2 REG.. Nubian Jt Bllllos, 3 months old. $100 V -flneh,i2g=424rafn)r5:30om.

■ lll> -P o ii6 y iIS tiid r

1 __ . Q A T E D P 1 P E ____

: Pipe. AiL e l io s - im tp c n n : c luaod38"dla.SoeuB lora!l

-g 7334013 day ornloht

2 113-FannSoppH w -----------r. GRAVEL FOR SALE"

Dollvorod by tho load. CALL

ir*^TECO Jioavy d u trsq u e e rff .phulo; '$ srer ,P,owdor Rlvor

i call table, $350,-324-4388.'.____

y - - ^ 114^ainiltnp lefn .en te

— d poo d -tra n a ,-3 .p o ln t-h ltc h ,- 1 f. llvo PTO. 3S7.^.--ShBlloy. S t ^ A S E hiOdOl 77t) dluliOI”

-tractor.- W -H P r- t2-BM Cd-• trons. 3-point hH ehJ^tva_

H PTO,. lull cab. Exc cond.? 357.7356. Shelley': '■

CASE 660'BEAN Special ';r-rC om blner<3ood-condltlon :-

$4000 or Will consldor beat

bino; whoat combine 4 corn- head; i o x cpm - chopper:

boan drill; corn planter 4, , , bean cultivator lor salo. Call" 324.7897.________________:___ For Sale or. irade. J ohn0— De‘oro 'c ra 'W oT 5 ''buclio ri5^1- high. Call M24891. .• FORO 3. 12" AUGER. $210.- i Qood condlllon, Call 324-

. 3672. •— > ';-— fNNES--8-row 8J5 --bo fln ''

wIndrowor, end dump; IHC '• Bu'porCtractor,825-5l41.

° - 4 4 row c ^ headsr73343ar ' JOHN DEERE_.PLOW_ lor .

r- sale; Z row chopper wllh hay |[ head. Also Allls Chalntfraa

[ ~ 4 " HOOK t>nd LATCH hand lino, $950 por 'A mllo. 3010 JD gaa-trac lorrloader cab.

.....$9750. Model -730-JD traciorI dleaol, $3600. . Model 930 9 _ Caao'iractor.-$4500. JD Hay- '■ or boan rako. $950. JD 214■___ w lfO -tlo-balori-$1450_JD ._1— aoodor-$950^125-HP-hollow_ » ...sh a irm o to r , $1750. 5 HP

.'.:.hoIlQW. ahBlt.molar.-$97.50 J<ow PTO winch, lO.OOOIbs. $850.837-8383 eve'a.

;__MP tftSrtltxwHracInf WMP __— 12«poodirana.3.pQ lnthltch.„

llva-PTO. Huns very woll.• " Can----- 3oTlj57i----- 3iA /iW ,I Shelley. ■_______________

NEED parta for MF-12HP - ; pardon trrctor.-Ca)l733-8627.

NEW-HOttANO-TR-70rJD— . 4440cab4a lr;JD 4240cab4

> _ a l t : - - ^ F "285 C 2 b _ B iU _ LouQhmlllorr733-5761. - .

■ OLIVER 88 DIESEL-Traclor^— — loader; .2 row AC_corn

chopper; Will Irado for'Ilvo- stock; Call 934-5370.~:'_______

. Holland Hay Balor lor sale.

!Heath 6 row boan wlnd- row or^M ^ 179 1 twan^com-

• 8294257. sI j PE^ 1049 3 WIDE

230. - INTERNATIONAL ' Tractor. Good condlllon,

■>~«tis ao . 845-2993 Brunoau. IP. i 4820 JD. Now 18,448, now.

t48«^M ; 3300 liuUiS. lOP

*"78 Bean Combino w/motor _ I o r p a r t 8 .155 MF, 2.^bollom. 2

way plow, 3 point hitch. Cali

- 836 LOCKWOOD 8-row bean

ser ” an<

W i s K i p s z

° - e * m > E H T B Y ^ = New construction

V - - ” ~ ~ t um lture.'C hirtee,7 ; - GHMNEYeLEANlH ' ------ - Lucky Penny 1

Boectlons gladly. 73- !,000 ' CONCBETE

Ihe Qeorge'B-CementCali OiiallTv work. Lowh d l y ~ “ F r M j& a le s li^ W ;


For drivewaya.^ ^ -----------;to l*?«crY oun iu to— • deliver; Noithwasi

inffHioptntt:733-igb ith - - - L A W N i ^ ^

■ ^ •1 1 town, .worts'.’ Sh •. trimming, i r « loi

— Btump removal. 734h ”WB ■■ PAIWTINQ• m --------------DfCK'B.-

n T B P i r r H m e r ?= t= ^ a S I * T 7 3 & m :&

ii ^J — "

Ji m j r w o r s u n d p c k u p s lor71. sale. Good condlllon. $700

- ' — VERY GOOO 8 row pull type--------UltlBton-Bean-windrowerr-- — Ready to got *3280 or trade-=----- fbf9oM 0-"alum rgatedplp©.-

3264872.WOODS 14’ rotary cutter. 18*

::i^:^nB B ^ftnd^ ldo_ lruck_b fld r

t o r - M 2 E S g p p = r : = r . -fnl ' - l USED MF-Sio'combrtio. .M wllh cab . excellent cond. _“ • »1HC 3414, backho r-'and » lo a d e r .' . '■

•1 so t Alien powor rakos.'= HAVE A V A IL A ^ Iwo 1480

-IKC AxIsl-tlow-«omblnoB,~ —‘~T980andaT7Pficodto-88ii;—LE— *1-NM noa2-stacKrotnBvorr Ll. mounted on 1600 IHC truck.T-

1948~'9M--FOHD -TRACTOR.'*very good..Call 7334560.------

=-— 1988-CASE • boan special"lol__combine w/Sund.picJujp£ab.

8 w /sw arnp^coolor. Good

1969 CASE 660' Combine iUI“ ‘w7cnb, grain, - 4 ' . “ MSn“ IW , equlpmont. Exc cond; 4* - v e . 30W 30" concrete pIpo.'Call id. bo(oro.7:3t)am-or alter 9pm.

ist cab 4 a lr. 14*

rn $11.000.3244119.____________in 1974 LOCKWOOp potato4 digger, ready to go. Call

111 4 ^ 1 0 4 . ____________- 1980 BEHLEN Grain Dryer.

- ' 1982 LILUSTON boan cpm-0 .- bine. Usod on 85 AC 0 !

beans, Tako o v a r^ y m o n ts

f;)'''"2 INTERNATIONAL. 1460~ 'C combines, newly recondl*_ Honed w/ 20' headers, quail-

r - or43&^»4«r ;s r . .\i IIS^Farm W ofk

Id Custorn S U c k ^ ’.2 w i ^ r ^ 10 Fast quallly work. Jerry tJ. S talO V .n^T te.?I BAUNQ. SWATHING,» 8TACKINQ.-C0RN-A-HAY— ^ CHOPPING, (self propelled).' 'J Manure hauling, ground °~w prk.-W III-trB vel-5& «M 6.-—y — S 434O T T rrr---------SO COMBINING... T w ln - ro io r .- g Peas, grain swalhed or .

standing. Boan 4 corn, Ooug ; B oaneaW 5894.

CU aTO W TA D N O r’S-'WrdB^ 1; • ' 8taei(inff:-H8V0 7 marr-with—

' _______________Q .CUSTOM COMBINING Peas, r . grain, .radishes,, boans. In-•'__ ternatlbnal___ ^*xlal__ llow ,_^ • -Jo ro m o to-R lchliold and

CUSTOM HAY STACKING, -dopondabia— W0rX~M iK 0“

* Erickson, 423-5492. •' CUSTOM HAY stacking. Call

■ allP a u t8 0 rr9 4 3 -5 6 8 9 . _ .it CUSTOM Haying, swathing,) ..b a lin g -4 -au ck 1 n g —Relor-.. {I on co ^ 733-5839, 7334798,

734-8832.________________>. CUSTOM HAY STACKING,

2-wldo 1068 Slackor. CallE S38-2273.___________________>. -CUSTOM Manure Hauling— - - A lso-green '-chop hay and

CUSTOM mqnure hauling, hay baling 4 slacking. Clyoo

- Mossonoer. 324.2245.

1.- ^ A L IN G X ^ tlo iV ^ - ’ -

2 il no answer call 543-8069. ," EXPERT Cuatom Plowing

n 'A m onla. C o n y t°B ^ ^ } o ^

Inc. Twin Falla. 7334671.

Tvice gu iB dii'ectt

^ P A iW lW 'tlon, r fr Leroy Crii

f s !n 4 4 i4 4 „ z ; :T T S o ? , . f ^ tJ<1HQ _ • PLUMBINC

. PLUMBIMOI Slutzman'asnt Service. Hoating 4Low pr ic e s . . remodoi 4$ W 164 :-1 -- OualllvBBr)tSHWQ OUAUTYP

Flat worit, .Roaaonabliilloa. 8ld». ' ext. F ree eiT33-I658.z:i ■ - l otm-itomc5 9 t _________________POOfINQa, parking Repair ao tiu to r» w c K i= rz : — ov'TdoUnfl^urest- Crane ~ o n l v l f n a c e

Car»-we_do___ _ ___^^Ino.-FreeShrubbery, remodel, ad

----------• — Bulldlno at— :--------- L' .— ■ — iU iled . CallI J 4 ‘tBh C B ^ ^ .: r r w r c n ueirafa r Heasorv - ^

)r ' GARY'S custom Ihf'eahlng. -10 gralr|. r . boans. WIlL-haul.. a?fr4ifi7. . .« . GRAIN THRESHING & haul-_ r.— Ing:— Reasonable .:~ralos.— a - 7354406 pr.T33.783S after 8.— — HAVE-TWO-10 WHEELERS.—

will haul PEAS or WHEAT: - 5* - WIII go anywtiere. 734-W78"'

. • ' ^ NeWT=l0118hd'bBlBfr734«87.'^ ^ Cuslom HAY 4 STRAW b a t -

)■ Ing: G b'od'3.strlng' bales.NowS00baler.S38.a73. •


.L eo’aCualomEamiliw.FUer " 3284964 o r3 2 ^7 M - * i_ ..pE A ^-gr» ln— a n d -_ -b ea n ^I----- th ro sh lng-w lth-JD H 400-or-

Lllllslpn.comblno; Hay and. . ' JD 487

3,^PI«n.ynur.H arrvat NOWI Wo'- wllLOarvost 4 handle your

potalo crop with tondor lov-- Ing ,caro. Make your 's'pud


B R<w>ron«lnf>fll ’u -I .,,. 120-AvlatJon . .u_:PAHTNERSHIPS AVAIABLE • a— lM«e88na-172H5alW344657—11 ollor84w ookonds, .

L _ 12l ^ l 8 & A l ^ . . . .- - BOATS.- MOTORS 4 TRAIL. ;

I . 2W W.“ n ° 3 » ^ ) - S < w r " * ■Evlnrudo 4 Morcury Motors, boal8 4 llshing tackle.

- Modol 70 300 - Wealhorby ! mag.. Modot 50 Wlnchosior I 12ga., SIng lo-Shol-.12ga.

Goose Qun. Call 324.2834. •- r MUST 8 E a 'l9 8 2 Ifl' Ani^K - • can w /U Mercury,- wlndahlold, now llros, lop.

— E xcononrfunninoconditionr- Soo a t Iniormounlaln Molor

- hom es In Wondoli;,536-2301.._ ' Whoro all units are guaran.

I— 16‘-d l8aspaPrd6H ^en nso r> — ■ motor. 4HP trolling motor,

skis 4 lackets. factory.trall. - or. $2500.733-7727 alier noon

I 17' CANOE. Aluminum, - —motor mount 4 . paddles,■ $325-Caire374283.'___25'.S8iLb08t;‘Comp!elo wllh_:-j-all-opllQns.-.ExcBllenl.'&ondb_ij' t lon. Call 7334425-________,— 357 Mag; NIckle plated Co|t“ ", •.'Python, 8" barrel, like new,- ,

$400 llrm X all32^ ^

:„ 1Z2^portln fltlQ (x la -------------

Nomad. 2 wheel c'ompou'nc)! adjustable 45 to 6Clb pull,' rango finder, mounlod quiver, 24 arrows wllh tips.

— m lsraccossprlosr $195.-Calt'—

BROW^NQ 1 2 ^ g e B ala^. ■ 28" F/M. now. novor fired.— $800r32»80e7. ' ' ■ ---------:

•. UNeREO-MODEL-ZW2548~ . - wilh fix scope, fl boxes, Now

— brass-and new dies. $325. -- . Call3244874aller6Dm.


w/4xLoupoId Scopo; 22 Lever Acllon,- Model 9422.

- Wlnchosior, S-L-LR, 4xBushnoll rango mastor. .Call 5384577,_____________WINNCHESTER Modot 1906

.pum p 22 rille, $185. Call- ■ ? 3 3^17 .___________— WINTER-WtTH-US-In” lh6

Grand Kaymans; Mexico; '

wo will bo diving.lhom alt in the next low months. Rea* sonable pdcos. Next Scuba

— diving cm8sus-»tar f 9-i r 4 3:— : ~ inlormpurttaln Dlvo Shop, .

270 REMINGTON Medol 700,' 4 power scppor now‘condl-— :

$200.Ca1t73»4848. -- '

lide - — F b r y ^

m s i m s k a r '

a ■ uSairlat 4 Son'a. Int 4 . ^ERV, 4 comm., foncea 4 ------------ For—aeeatJ344649— --------------out-o:NO 4 SEWER C a «

a-4 -aew ef-need8 :— Tree-?77B-«44a3 —MQANOWELDIWG " , JJl!!!®Ve Plumbing, - 'O S !!4 Welding. New, Need

-4 repair. Free,eal._________W e_ervlcB.733.yi24 , lerm.|^PAIKTTNQble rales. Int 4■esllmafea. 733-7848nor73M194ALT.

ceaaarv _________ PUrca) your I>flrig-4--Remodel— „ •8 Q L build-newr— - 1®“ , add on. 4234419.*W D N O _ . a•palm ing' do n e ;. , Ad.V(

ulSleO ojyiicjlnfl— - ,yout=

— a ,atone veneer In^.- - -

V ,

0 7 9 -1 2 5~ :^ 2 !-S p o i« n jB o (x l« .

S-BROW NING 12 gauge purnp------------: flhotqun with. 2 b a rre .^ .______


e___chofcp.Jlk* .oew. $200. Al?o 'f r -^ '4 0 ^ l iiin iw rC B .-IH tttrn e w i:= r irr :r ^ - - t45.Call7344l03. ;_____SMITH-44WESSON-12 gauge----- -— i-u . s hotoun w/case- Usotr________

Zl. STtYR MANNUCHER — Mbdol S 264 m a^um lUJn.

-■t500.Coll324-79;ya(t8. -

- - 1 2 ^T m ^tW ler» _ ------- '

:iloragor A/C. 28' TrovorH7 T,»lly.r W W TU-MBO.

FIREBAU1974-24—in-mlnt-condltion. •R w b a ih td o u b to b e d d o w a — ----------

L. model. U rgo re(rlg.-. hoator4 dual LP tanka. Must sflOTo--------------

^ approclatoalTraVOITown, •

---------ROYALTRAVE^R■ 1983-35' Pftrk Modol wllh

-------doora-4-much jncro-C om o----------*■ soelhom lodsyat

TRAVELTOWN _ «32ndA w South ,T F

^ “ "WLER, roar bunk house.

■ ■ Ron in intflfmeuntaln Mqior- •homos In Wondoil, 538-2«(r: r. -Whore-all unite are guaran.■ ■ te e d : _________: MUST SACRIFICE 83 35'..,: ' U yton 5th Wheel, awning, tv

aioreo^lMd B d j * « h - - ^

-„ Olfor. Soo at Intorm ountahy^;y Motor homos in WBndoll'

538-2301. Whore ali units are*•. ouaranleed.'- ________T;- M U8T8Eai97219'-H ollday •

- Spon. 'soll-contalned Trail-

!: ■

3 Motor'^wmo^^ ^J p 5 3 6 -2 3 O T .W h o r ra ira p I^ — 3—


t . VERY NK»1B72 21' Country 1 Squire Trailer, rear balh,; sloops 5, tandem axlo. good ' rubber, - -good - condition.

'■ *3695.-Seo-at-lntermoontaln— ---------Molor homos In WendBlI,

h . - 538-2301. Whore all units are --fc-^guaran teed r- '---------------: : r -• - - 1 3 '- OOLITE ;w lth .Jum ace, — "It porta polty 4 brakea. Vary

.good condition. $1595. Seer a t 958 Wendoli St.. TF._____------ ilO M ^^A O H frC H IE I^enl-------1— ;------^Tfail0f,-$495.-8ee-al-lnler— :----------

mountain *<otor homes In ___r Wenddli,ij8-;^jin. wnafD'Bll--------- —1 •• units a re guaranleed.Ii 1968 ROAD RUNNER 8x12.I. Ice boxf-atovo 4 lumanca.It— t1'100r733..35?’ (*ller6pm.-77--------------== tflefT E N riH A IW :H . Clean,I, many Birtrsa. Call 7344151I. alterSom. — -------------- ' ________

1968 17' Alraiream. Gas ro- 8— frifl,“ 8tovft,-"ovon.- heater. ' “ "V Very good cond. $3000lirm.1. - 733-1^2: --------------

1971 IB* SECURITY Trailer,0 now gas/elec. refrig, sloops6___5—heatcr_gpod..condillon,________2 S1850. Make oiler. See at2. Iniormounlaln Motor homos I, in Wendell, 5 3 8 - ^ . Wharo '. . all unlta are ouaranloed,

1973 DELUXE Travol Trailer 9 Sprite 12'. Sleopa 4, AC,II shower, completely sell '

flontalned.$1405,4340746. -9 1974 CAVILLIER 24 'Camping .■: ' Trailer. S elf- contalnod.r:1 —tandodi___ a !( l9 ,._ e lec tr lc ..,.___ ...i brakes, spare tiro, propane >1 or electric, good tires. See• at204Qulncy.7344731.

tained. roar bath; axe cond.. t4150.6554328 Hotllstar.

* '1974 2 4 'Kit Companlott.jully,..,;_____aolf-contalnod, _ # o w a to .

'■__bdrm.be8toller,5364?85,. . .' 1978 PROWLER 2T aolf- l ^ c o n f a ln e d • travol Irailor ~


___‘ A d v r t l s *' l o r o s l i t t i* d s

____ p » r ,d o y ■

.. 733-0931

JSa AMO DEUVERY ~ 'gRV»CE • -or— y our-da llve fleB -and— -------------lUt-oWown runa-_Y allow — ----------:ab Company. 733.1838. ^

r e e -4 - S h r u b b e ry -trim- ;.U ,-M rnrT rern im iB urein----------- " r r r —im*B Tree Cara. 734.1484.y s m _____________ieed aome typing dona?V e_do_lBltere. rey m o a .___ . , 'J _____Brmpapora, e tc. 734.9537. •

ImthmtarrnsTtBtirnfirw— -----:------x>urchole»l

'our ad will reach 22,000.. . . ____4iVilllAa everyday and the eau itt wilt amaza you. Call' ~[>day«ndqn«otourlrieM ly Iid.V(»or« will help you word -OU f - ^ a d - B f t - t h a t . ... ' I

5 p )e a u 'S B * )S lj^ ? lM i![n g ~ ^ |T

Page 17: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF405/PDF/1… · Bmamin ^yTfte Tlmes-News : • andynlleaPressJnlertiaUw — A ppoint—

■ Z ^ f i e c

= z rr l2 5 ^ r« Y 6 V & ifle fa = = v

o « con<I. C*il

: ___ W/U j^/'-Hoouo. dual » loUBVOI-TTlllOn-fDlfr^uW.' CxcollOfit"COitil:“ 3C iSTK;

• ---- 63»M87ofa29-53?8.------1963*TflAVEt--TRAItefl-35*-

- w/«poul, door.'ac.

Soo- anyilmo at 122 AOK'

= i2 i::ju :P C O «P A »4tO N ,.^K contalnod.' lots ol oxtraa, Exe.condltlon-73a.2M;~ .• ?!• TRAVEL-EZe 1971. EW

_ cond. aell<onuinod, lacio-- - ry built operator, groat lor

camplnu-a-hpntma. 734-4920. . . . . 22‘.Ktl Soll-contalnod-Trail-

= = s k m ^ m ^2i- PnoWLERitraUor.'Soll-"

. J conlalnod. »4500 or maKa .. ollor,Ca1l32^603i.

now/^fsoVoM Chov°picKup! low mlloa. w/oxim &-t)lfcn. Call324.<096A.M:

-li-C a rap e ra & Shelia—

_____ oasZoIoc rolrlo.-Exe. condU.tion. U995. S oa^t Iplor- mouniain Motor homos In Wondoli. se-2301. Wtioro all units aro Quttfanlood.UKE MFW 1B77 a- ifrr gntr contalnod campor.“ tollol.' oaa/oloc relrlq. lacks.

_____ aloops 5. . MMO llrm.

' In WendotU63»-23m. Whera —all unlta «ro ouatanteod,

MUST s e a NOW i n : s- Alaskan Campor, wllh , ovorahot. You can'l-lolLli.

Inlormountaln Moior homoa In Wondoli, U6-2301. Whoro

• all unllaaro ouarantood. 8P0RTKINQ

■ - . • ISTWJi'v Immoculnlo cotv dllion, • hydraulic „|acks. Heaior. oas/oloc«lc roftlg..& tnuch moro. Won'l last

— tft«<p-iit-Tr»vnVTnuin --------

’ 107C «‘. Supor condllion-S-- __L:_now^onty *1300 at Travel

: : i r—i9M-Do{jQo:crta98i3-mountr 20'. A supor hunllng or Ilsh-

• Ino rIo.'.Pricod at only W250

TRAVELTOWNJ----------- ---------------------------------



I_ _ _ : T H A r S R l

*300"“ CA

------ 1 ' 5 ip««K»; !> bitkkTaaiflnni"woll conttruction.

OaUXE REGULAR ICarpollng, tln lo d g la i t. trli

- ■STflNDflHD.KIH6.Ci3 ipood. powor brokof

____ „*Mt».,tlnl*d gipii.______

DELUXE REG U LflR EAll »iandard {eoluro* & po<i

rOEUMtDIESEt—~-r— --Largar-3;S-lil*f-«n9{no-sl ____ . don I oxKv’eHn dd lo io l. •

- DELUXE K IK E CAR~TT' "Ooubla'woll conitructlonr

I buckolt. power brohe* and

~ SPORTS TRUCKStoi*#®, In tlrum enlt. lun w indow, pow or iteorlng,

“ ;0ELUXE4WHEEL DIAutomdllc. Hub*. Inttrumo gon lam pi. carpollng.

aulom olle. hubt, llll whool.

^ OPEN- ^ V E W I N Q S -


ixlo olQClrjQ.foliltforatof. fiol S ><pi.— co4d-w aior_elocitic waloi 7 » , - ‘pvrnp.’ ff-fratlk UM “ p!ay«T;

. -doublo sink & oven, quoon . 351—.jL ia Jn n o r-sp t ln o .n u tlu iu . AC. ■ Lola , o f . storaofl.. Toilet. 800. — SHOWOULjfialLJHUlllLjOal tOK* clean Inside & oul. Com-

ras, ' --------- :------- i--10V4’ spORT KING cawpor.

Cabovor campor. Sloojsa V Ico box. atovo, ovon. $600 or

-1 9 m 'V -C A M ^ W Iin -fu ll '.OVOf8nOC"uSed,'3-llnre5:

Proasuro wator systom, *“9 I ' gaayeloc toltlg, slovoHjvon;

motrno'SraF-*— conttollod wln-:r.-tumBeo:.-*flnclcsed..rtluat> JKo tollirtTCornorlacl^ sloops 4

1B83 NQftWanctiJ<l^liswJ3 rrtoiitfts." Insuialod

•=™ -t)anolad. J5 0 0 r7 9 « 8 4 » ^ — -------- 8- CAKlPER iiltT liT cks'W

iau_ V '^ HpR IM~J.»h li-ft h«. X.

s i m . - a i & s ? " ' ’ ” "-all 1975 Slide In % ovorshoi.

s leeps A. tablo, storaoo,

iol,‘ . box. jacKs. altachmonis. ks: J725.Call543-593<. ,•m. , i i r i i T i ”

UKE NEW.1B77 2 6 'Diplomat m , 42,000 mlloa. Dodge 440,

- Excolloni condition, loadod ,B wllh all tho goodies, $17,500.

Bolter Hurry. Soe at Inior- ■ mouniain Motor homes in

®* units aro’ouaranleed.MOTOR HOME FOR RENT. Call 734-2302. . ' •

' ITTEUNER , j -ie72-25'-Class A. Gonorator,- Iq air. sloops 8 on an Inlorna- ,5, llonal.C hassij. Exceptional ------- eandaLm<Uo>w-prlcoj>lonlv

^clasa‘”motor homo In la f . j,... claaaahapoalTravolTown. fol _______-MINNIWINMI-^______

If,; al^ops 8. daah air. CB S 150 much moro jPrlced tor a Iasi

salo, Only *7995 at TRAVaTOWN

^ ^ 2ndA w South,TF.

™ ^75=AUlOOfl«lOT-~-------

i f c m o


0 %

j y i ^R I G H T ! Y O U R (

l A S H B A C K O N

_____________- . - t

B l H t a RD «ir > e w a f B ^akardoub lo I" : W

R D E D $ 7. trim rlngi, w hitew alli. f 1

C A B - _______koi, carpollng. buckol ♦ f

R B E D $ 7pow or iloerlng. f ^

»-glvBS-you-poyrtr-yoo-— 1


on rearpoiing , roelln1n g ~ “ # l | * ond much moro._________

lun roof, tlldlng roor ^ 8 ,

DRIVE . j numant*. coniolo. Holo*

J U R R Y I ^ H

■: «OQ»iOqtMA>H<,yi,t; -


'iSi ~*1t01tEAtLr,VTD‘5)Vfe:: J_ • miS A W JlNS. .HESAVERVi«J3 -:' ~r ^ ------------

p i 127-MglorHomfl3~^ CLASS A MOTOR HOME tor. * --...rnn t ?1 tl ■ ftliwint fi. na.1ft?7.on-"- otaffir5pm.Z33^4<_ ' UK£' NEW 1081 23' Tioga, 101. ' Minl.homo. 12.000 rnrics-."

Its. ■ Boautltul rust decor. roQl_ a /c . storoo & motcTPrlcod

** to soli. Soo al Inlctmounlaln

mal . guaranleed...............................MUST SELL 1969 22' Swinger

^ -Molor .Homo: 31.000 mllos. Class A. Ford 429, Cab a/c, dual gas lanka, and much

moun'iafn - Motor homos Jn — Wondoli. 535-2301. Whoroail NT. • unlls a ro Quaranteod. '

MUST S E U 4-whool - car -lowing irailor. SOOOIb-capack

or,' ty, rod color.- Excolloni con- • ^a- diilon, *800. See at Intor- ial mountain Motor homos Inlly___ Wcndall. 5.'».2.'Ml-WtiqtBalts:1st—7- uniirarenuarantDofl,[®' ■ MUST SELL 1973 20' Vaca-''• • tloneor' Mlnl-homo. good _____ .cond. good rubbor.l roar '

. mountain Motor homos In * • Wondolf. 538-2301. Whoto all

unlls a re guaraniogirr**Y~—NEW Tow M lly cbsfisilooo

Bon*’v*6W 7l3*'’ ~ ° “

— ~ 175^A «tO 0M lef8“ — —

W ^ H I I S r


^ O R <J <




7,820“ n,ooir

7,8ir w

920”>1,000“ 1,930“ *900“

HILt lEiETi!


f 3 [ j •

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eD.iiYtUo-- 'RV£C0U/»J3'51 - • •

• i g -M otof Homes ^

tor VERY CLEAN ^ ? 7 7 . 22'S77. .fio»ffhman------

Chevy 3S0t roar dinollo. u 4S.0IM mllos. *12.900 or bost SJ'— ollor. Soo'flt'iniormountaln M Molor homos in Wendoll. Jn|_53fc23Dl_Whfl«»jUUr»itt.af«-

Quaraniood._____________od WILL SACniFWE 1977 21' aln Sportking Mini. 40.000 miles.-. all. Oodao 4*0, good condlllon.irb t i zOTO.' ^rd ii;w n > a a 'a r"

- IriiormsunuitrMotor-homos.' or In Wendell, 538-2301. Whoro,, all units aro quaranteod.............ci 1982 21' BROUGHAM. A-1;h condition, sett contalnod.■r. • 7.000 mllQg. 125-000 Qr eould_Jn . e ^ ^ ^ o tor proporty. Call

Jr 128-tjuniyTrairBra ---------i** NEW TANDEM axlo Irailor.

IS- long. 5' i r wldo,^2'' aldo. oiocltic brakes & !!!^loata.Call324-.51.41----------

B S A u t o m o t i v e " ' '

s. • _____ .

In 132-AirtoP»rt84 >11 Accessoriesu 1972 SMALL block 400. good ~ running cond. $3S0. Call ’ i g 4 ^ 7 5 3 : r : . . ■ . . . — r

~ 1 7 f r - A u t o O ^ ‘ ^ - : : ^ =

> A T S W M

18 % FINANCir^C SSAN-DATSUlifli ’s CA^H BACK JNT^from.DATSUN,..^

“ — * 3 0 0 ^

0 “ W

“ W

E 3 F ! :» * 3 0 r

ION IS BESIX A < O A T M R T ' w n i T i A c • M C _ r

1 ^ 5 - 1 3 5


Complolo . 302 ongino for

- i s i a v g a r i : ; ; , aI • *300 lakes all-.Call 643^?99- - - 'O fS T O M — tW oE —“ t ro m -b ra - to r Audi . 5000."- Loattionind-volourrm lg in ' — -Hollywood.-GA. • D4y- ll :wa9

purchased lolallod my Audi. Will take. .*200.' (Burloy)

.. .*?^?f7?flnYlllIin, , .ft- I — rt..i y . . . . .._CD*I yiirTTy vu i tv l uyiwo

Trans-*cJli4?^'j% l.'- •WE- - REBUILD \ Hydraulic Jacks at ABBOTT'S AUTO

- SUPPLY, 305 'S hoshono Slroot Soulh. Twin- ’1972 KS Blazor 4x4, has boon

------roModrcpmptoto'tu ss 'enolne

- 733-J40rallor4om ’ See classlllod's . business'

and service dlroclory lo(.tho. ..rrrho lp^ pu -nood -io -gouyou t.

■ hom oshlpshaoo:-----

.....................VWOWHSO^ ^ -JO y ea rs lC C O m D Ian o n o n :

^ody and mechanical oaria.

2' - '^33-7BS7a:00wTve:00Dtn ,

l\ 135-Cycles & SuppliesIfl BULTACO SSO'Alpina; oxc 'I; y nd. *375. Of mako ollot- ^ ~ ~ CaH 788^112 or 7fl8-2i«i.- Honda CB 750K. Fully > drossod. now Touring Elolo

1’"n an intofstaio so musi solN

-$1500.'See al IMCBIkoahow0 in TF Clly Park on Sunday.......B olsoow ner ---------- -

} REPO: 1976. ^OA Honda.

SHARP 1982- Honda V-45 Magna: oxc cond. Extras.

___ O nf^JSOO -m iies; -Msrootr-. color. 543-5869................... - .’. 1969 HARLEY DAVIDSON I' Chopper 1200, *2750 cash- S firm. Cbll 438-5369 Pj u I. ID.

i-_ 8add iobags___nlco___A & O ,- 1972 HONDA'CB-350; laitlng- — g^o o d ; H.W. Paul. B25-5283.. 1972 HONDA 125 SL. Uflhtsrr

toch. S.OOO mllos, oxcollont- ■6endltto^nr<aS0r4e3-4435r-' i A-

1973 MX 125 Yamaha DIrl Biko; good cond. *300; 1972

—* l25~Yamafia-Enduro. rur»8.- -1 $175. MS78 7S0CC Honda. [L_Joo^wnd.:S1.1M/bflat.ollor—.

iG ^ R -------------


- w

*6710“i^ K 5 =



t.; ' " ||NOBODY H

SELLS J = O R tE S S 1 - d

r - '

L' .. CHI

~ = : S i t o i i t V « ¥ i10. * cyl. s *pd..oir, fool,, .

_ rea l »horp;r. . T'.’.

' 1982'CHEVROIas -- 4.cyl. au lo . ale. leeded-- di. orily-.-tB.OOOmirnj*. . . . .'yl •

^ ____ - j j f f i a i4 cyl. 4 tod -ond J doort

- yellow. .,CQll,nlpCOM0,

n o - " m m- .V.-8;-6Ji.„„— _ \^ ty - xc iy-a>]Qtp~^-------

------------------------w m m- ^ .Q _ a ia o , nir. nlco wl.oo

>or.»lilno^rllow___ ,

y iW lO Y4 cyl. 4 »p'd. good runriin

P ' - — —oeonomieql-TroWponafrIO. ':'' ........' ' '


or ' _____ 1983J)HEi_ 4c v l,5»pd , slfolcKcobTilly bluo. wilh low, low inil< >10,ry .

ff---------------- ' m u.._Vja^Quto_CR.AM/FMc(

iy_ onoof iho lo hord lo fini

I?: . ISBOCHEVI- — — -ict-block-cwTtonnmoTlO45 and roll bar! low. low m*• -------

T Z ____ _ 1978 FOIIN V-8. 4 s;:d. locking hubt h- _ Ihit l> ono cloon iruck . .

d = z= ....... --------------

? = — ■.

^ - - ^ o n t f g r t i fFREE Con

72 John 8. ■ *<®'>'^‘"» '--W o o d y

________ Bill Go

[ P I

m1 9 7 9 C H R Y S



- : : V 198VJI_

. •

.. • ...


ibinnvA'.iFiiiY?. in ------- ■ o W > 7 2 0

IROttr C A V A l l E P w r ” . . . » 6 8 8 0


a o s G w s s

. . g S M O -

ttEVMLET-CAMARO--------- ------- . H o w ^ a w

ibyorfl.coRoiLA ■^'anbnTT.-

= r m

HEVHD1EUKMX4— - -■ -

UJuMtfviMMI'------- -----------M C Q tf llo -------- *•— — — — —find on o , H O W * 8 9 9 0

efiOLni,uv4X4" Z ^ : : i ^ w ^ s a a n r

FORD FIM 4X4 .' .0 .^ 4 5 8 0

~ O ffer S M d T

T j t r r ° - A « i r ^ i .o u f o i i r lon tlgn m on t Pplleyo h n C o llit. Tony NobloodyTurfoy ------ FredH u lchon i-IG ordojkl Kolth Roy

MNilflFl l i l l l l n L

\ ^ o m• 9 4 1

^ . H

> W ^ . ■!

k ' * ***#■ •» I

YSLER CORDOBANo. 376 • - •

1 9 8 8 —

1 1 9 PorM orHh* 1i6%Anu)*i.U77:-<& . lgilB.t1l1l«0-A.C—. -

H E E P G J - 5 ---------- ■No. 1_553

__________ _______ Saturd


laezcHEVROi^ —nlcu-toun(i ( y k l a m . r . .

- 1981'CHEVP, V-6, 3 tpd-.-AM. PM »iorao>< t Ifl.OOOmtlot, Nlco cor___

I"'' I 4cyl. aolo. Apcno while. y -on ly 70.000 m l l o t ..............r

~ r — ■ 'l?790lDTi- Aulo, oir. vinyf roof.

'__ iuii».aL«l;at-._^. ........ ........I

-------------- ^ 197700DSI• V-0,ou1o, olr, yoo ii,

I _ liko Ihit o n o , . - . , ,

| C I C S =

_ ----- - I Mi-CHEVR6<y1. 4 tpd , only J9 ,000m llo t........................

— - V-0.-OUIO, «ful»o‘only. , - -20,000 m ilot on Ihl* Iruck.

____ . .1973 F0fit)RJII• ,J1.600m ’ilo t '. .............. ..

. -------- -1967-CHEVR0LE1— “ ■V.B,-4‘ip'd.’Slih"67.000'- - 'o riglnolm iloi—. .


f f t b e l t i

m mE m

i n i1 9 8 1 DODGE A i

No. 360

■ n n i m i f t tNo. 311

rday, Auguat 27.1963 iea-Newa,J^Jn Fa«»,4c<|lw i-2-i—

t.B |G . ' .-J-

VROlnCAIMRO^ - ^ * 7 9 9 ^ H


iliiiniiBMICZL.:. — . h o w » 3 9 6 0

sscunAss : — — i i b . ? S 3 2 0 - ^

ODSE-ASP?N ■ ' ■ .


lEVRdlEI-CM------------^ = :h o . « 5 0 4 0

m e u m — ---------- r —

:.k. . : r i S i * 5 3 ^ 0 - ~

IRAKmolf!^ 'H o w » a 4 i 6 c r 7 ~

OLETV' -rOM--------------r . - . . . : . . o w » 6 6 6 =--

v o L c r r -------------TiM0POi.i;iiNtnoao' '' - ".|-

mI I T



^ g z z : r

rMonth* I I

p pnwun nniv • - J -___irutiHnuTKiA :311 ' ‘

i j B H a r - f e r m i z z , ^

: .

3 | E j ^ S ^ S j S j B B u ) r ^ ^ ^

Page 18: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF405/PDF/1… · Bmamin ^yTfte Tlmes-News : • andynlleaPressJnlertiaUw — A ppoint—


lL _135=^ ^& SuppliM ___

.. 1977 e » KAWASAKI: 7,000 ~ mlloa.-All oecOTS Includod., RAKI nllAr 4XUI2fiS.

------- 1^77 TSO ‘K HONUA. l-bll.-^< )f« M r-A M /F M -.c a8 9 e lt« .—

now (ad ia la .-7316837. > 5 .. wookdflUB,

‘^ 1 J 7 8 “ HAm.ET-0AV10S0N ■ ----- FLH -r-1200— Anntvorwry-------

1979 HONDA XR500. Low ''-m llo a o o . oxcoilont condf*.

Ilon. 9 3 * ^ 9 Of ftU-57S2— . 1979 HONDA CBX 1050 CC.Mini condlllon. Mako ollor. -

TWI WNDACBQOOCuaiom; ' T 7 5 ^ x c cb n a .“L-ow-mllOBqo.-calI - “

_ Pro- Llnfc<.• molorcvclo.. £*M H ofll-£on^..• dltlon. <1300,3^M377. . ' -

-----1981 YAMAHA 650 SpocUl 11.- - I- • Low mllea^ Cfulao conjrol.___I

' - 1 SUZUKI SP250 EnaiiroT I Qood condilion, mlgnt (redo' .1

1982 750 Virago; Oircoolof,— I ____aldo pipos &_o1hor aoodloa, I

r r : i8 a 3 T H O N D A - A a p a n c a d o ~ l • fully oqulppotJ. Call 7330013- I

'----- tjtofSeiTK________________ I80 KAW.440 6spd.

CASE eM Baehhoe lof aaloj— good condlllon. $5000. Call

JD 310 A BACKHOE. Qood condltlon.Call73^87B1. -

- " JOHN DEERE ----- ---------USED ^


-J-kLIOTO^ INC.,—’V" 67«W I' -B ob Houaton. Salaa flop • I

. H otn«Pfto n o .........,733;1 i l9 0 _ .l

= J atllJ3¥7Ba:g7DmV ~ _ I 9MALL H ^ to r forkllft. 6' ' I Jower. t1 0 n ; Shop crane. '■

. fiM vy duty, WSO. Call S37- ■ I .B363ove'a.' ■____________ . 1

'■ 'n o -lru d B • - ^ " - i

•H oalS '^allMo'fPB, P s T a T ,V I.tanka , aloroo, hoadara. _ ■ . n799.-Call73»8fel.- I

*WE-PAy-CA8H FOR U SE D - I «Plckupa&4x4'a . 74 & nowor. I 'F ro u n tls r Motora', 3M Ad- I

•-:<Jlaon--AVo. W. Twin'Falla.— I . C all73*«40, - / . . I;i955 FORO pickup, g o o < i ' '- | .e n a . & body. Neoda trana. ■

__LCoSl—IS ^ h a a v y -d o t j^ r i l l— I: pre«a. 843-8820..____:_____ I'■1907 tnlarnallonal dual axlo :d u m p truck. c<|- _

• S n o o V s ^ s V o r u * - ^ ^ '— MgTSCHEVY.PICKDP 3/4 ton.— -Run»-flood. ..<2000.. S w -< l—

.B lack w Ir Com er. 3 milea W^o tB uhl. avenlnoa.________■■l97< CHEVY PICKUP. Oood

r - i .(noior.4 0 odxoailU lfin.. Call__• l73*-40O9evanlnQa.


£ = ^ l o s e c

: ☆ CHEVI i. ☆ BUICI• " ' Large selec

■ C o t t

f e E E R t D l S

w a l f l n g i *

: Up ^f ~ ^ N e j v X

________ — - M. - ~

a n n o t i v p -

■ ~ « n Chov pickup V8 onQlno^ - good lirea, runa groal. 1500. Call324.29ll. ■ . .IB V rt 'tibH b iL i .lionv. aso cum m insriaspd,- 444-ooar#T'

_ ..178 jrh o o U jaM _ b o a tS ac h o ^ r a c k ^ h ^ n B j^ lr a p s , bind- '•

ITS-Auto DMiare........

- J4Volkswagen P“WeAimTc

------------- IW i-fltp yJB tctfi" — ......— Twin Foil*; Idl

== ^=mm


otifiFHc® VROLETPI CK iir OLDSNaction o f pickups anim e in to d a y foilOrSPiCElo T y m ro r ro a r l I W ith Uft A n H S l

r Cor TbucR ^ow

W-- ---------------— :________


' ,J972 FrelghtirnVr, aloopar,■ Twrn' acrow, 38.000 Iba. SO '• roar.onda. Jako brako, road, •

o7 alumlnumUllfjmn,- >. chrome at«cka & Oumpor.' b-7 - »«:»60: Cail637-8363-ovo»rrr-.r '■ _1973 QMC pickup for aalo.- - t o o o . c a j i m - ^ . - . :: • ;_____

" ~ ITS-Autobeatwa

; _ C M s . J o r < l a ^ ^ .......H o n d p i c k e d •

U s e d C a r s

. S | > o d a | L _ „ ^ T

P r I c e s O n ..... - s p s j r l o l : — ^ 'I

I- - D i c k - A ' h d e r s o n ' s . . r I Sp'eciaL-bf.tho '

W e e k . - - . J - - -

F 1978 P0NnAC IFirebird, 6 cyt.. ttfck thill. Moot. olr. 55.000

I cnlloO uporiharp.

I _r>«ly _


— R r c h a r d - R lc e ^ s — — S p e c i a l o f t h e

W e e i c . . :

1979 CHEVY -Vl Ion, compttr top.

. .^4 .'«p sed . cudom do-

= = ^ . * 9 9 9 5

" " _ ^ i^ 3 a ^ _ 2 0 6 l '

D e n n i s M a u g h a n ' s S p e c i a l o f t h e

i _ _ . L . - W e e l c 7 : t r * ^ ^ =

^197WHEW-r -

i olr. lock-out h u b i,' oulQ m alic , Irons.,

I - -V-B.' I ■

j = ; ^ i r T * 5 4 8 ' ^ =

I.------- Horn* 733-3«39I 8uiln«M 733-2»S4___ __

T ^ R o I V B u s t e r - s — rr S p e c i a l o f t h e

! W e e k . . .

197BH0HM— Accord.-5-ip**d,-Iron!

w haol drIv*. *llvor ___exl,.co»«elto ilor«o . '• •■

o n ly . - 4 3 6 8 0

\Hom» 733-5908____ _ ____.=:^-TrBW neii:7M ia»S4. - —

rOKDA Nr -• Porsche/AudiTo Please” tIctfgB M P N gW h----------= ■Id o h o 8 3 3 ( n ....... ............... - ■

P G f P E H Z I Z : !

ENAfORS ■-■ TH THESE . I HOT' I 1AI.S! IGreat 7 -■••• ilections — At —

iPEnfff^?s=BnE —

PONTIACMOBILEm d 4x4‘s > r ~ .

l A L S - ^

r l o t l i l — —S c o ^ s l A ______________ -

w i l l .

l / ' - T

^ — l ^ T h i d a ____ - _

: 196J. Ford V, ton w/rack. Noariy now TOOxtS' tKoa. <

' Rocont ovqrhaul on onfllno

1969 D O D G ri/rT on-M O O ' ^ ..C a lh e w n ln a s . 423.5812;— ; ;

!___ l75:::Aut6i)6a!M_ i;; ::___


4 »pbed.,4 cylindor

1980 PLYMOUIH— -A cyliridor.’c cp a flm aR L :^

: iLmTOYOTAlCD_ _R un»(i(XKl.................

1979 AMC CONI"* " U lo m o llc . Gircondltlonlnj

— 4v .a.o w lo m o llc_ _ _ * _ _ ,

_ — 1978 SUBARU4 c^lndor, low mil o t , , - . . .

1979 DODGE 04cy1tndprriront-whoel driv

1974jORD-GOU4»po«d. 3 « y lln d o r ..........:


^"V'fl-*Quton^otlc ...............

— I-1-.1976JEEP-VIIV-8, G oton»olic ;4x4 ............

_ J:_1^CiEVYli

^M C K

r y

m^ 3 6 3 S eco

' -----L_ '■ --------------- 1.


1974 DATSUN'pickup, new ■ t rubbor, real good condlllon.> 733-1074. ____

, 5 1 0 0 0 .5 4 ^ 1 5 .-

-^ 1 7 5 = A u tQ l> w te re_ _ .


SflHONA-2-OOOR - : . . : . » 3 7 5 ■ '

1 CHAMP 2H00R - - » M 8 0

BR011t2JlllDR=: M 1 9 5


?S9S _U DL-WAGON__:_ ;

* 2 3 8 5

OMNI4DOOR * . . . ; . . : . ^ a « r o \





1TOY'jiLj&!3SS-/l!!ll7ll-_ ^ ^ ^ 7 3 3;8721

B A K iijmW l Wo n c L A v i ^ . : S ^ ^

■I s


r a» 197M EEPW ACH ...4X«..<.deec.&^^t(Utoc...

““ ^ “ 1972 RANCHER^ r .

- - — 1981-JE E PX i= r


i b o b c a t V

1 -1 9 7 6 D ODGE C(n 2door.4c)r>l'>d«',«ipMd

^ J MAZDA PI— -—.4 tyllf>dtffc rip.**d,

^ xhMl(.camp«r >K*n; lew

d I975V W B U O<^nd*r.yp««d.ft7.00

't 1976 FORD Eirr' v-a.p<rw*rtlMrln«abrol

■L'1 1.97?, b a b b it

.1976 MONTE CA- Fully •cwlpp^.^ownd*!’ .


; sqt., Z - - 8 tin 5

m m m

1 P - ® 1 N E ) W E I

y- : i . , .;

•■ - 175-Auto D6^ere..__

W I M . S M O T

: : ■ : i U l

PW flp.ON A l l -lABELEI

i l i h v » M 9 SS si.„ ;.:..*M 951=7--------— —$ * V O O C ~n,000»au.^.t«il.. i, # y . y g

' - - ' '" '* d V 9 5 .U W AG O N $ a i ^ O s '


\ s ? " — :.: * 7 9 9 5VPICKUP ;■Cl-i.....*-2495-

' x i " c j - - z J M 9 S .

....*5495 .

. . , ....... ....J!>3T95;.

£;*!^i°.L..:;^995:..f .Idling, ai. ___ M W ^ 9 ^

- ____ ___________ ,— Qur.diQ'S H O S H O N E - S T R E E TTnAMUj.l


-T M ,

We'v* “"low er th e p rl i

I " ~

E N S I V E A N b B (



■■ - j


l-filifftUXT O R C O M P A M

• I D J B A R

f l ^ j li R A j S E D ^ v E H i d

197 6 TOYOTA C p R p l4cylln^>.l»«>mll<i..................

‘ 197 9 MOfJZA W AG O f> 4 CrlMdtr. 4ipMl. AM7nrtaii«ir«.' ’ ipMialtitltxi.lewmll.i ...... .p =T?Bin$OOGEMAXIV<— Ion. »DotM«>a«f V.k ', ^ w w ',r;^i»fl-at?ivv t ...........rr.Ij . 198 0 RENAULT LoCAR

1980 FORD FIESTA -, 4 cylinder. 4 tpMd, AM/TMcotieli*

• 1 9 7 6 GMC VANpow*fS«k«r5'i'jjii2!iiii‘in^«7*.*

_ y c i^ 518wsnlium. -< oTeIe<I7KT;Hge7i1 w . [Wlty.

■ r m t> A T su N '7 « s?DNawradioli. c.llnder. . : . wiomalK.low.lewmil,.........1 977 HONDA WAGOK- 4 doer. 4 tylwte.. 4 .p««d...........*1981 TdvOTATERCEr

IM ^^ ~ ~ -

. . i y / 6 CH EVY5PBDR^Ja4.4docr4ipeMl.V-«.lo<kou<i

Samd bay Rij Alvyays Availab

z = - l:Bonk:Rep:or ' . flflon.^So

-LS-GA'aaestPealls Y o ir __TSOtlTH------ -733.731

H o a H n n l i p •

A p j S L c s ^ i u U n a M i

r e c i r c l e d t h e w <

I c e s t o m d k e y o

d e a l p c ^ s j b l e


________ _____ 1 „ W A «Subqru 4

------ — = -------- D rive W_____ _ i _ W ih over-\

i W A O O N b J

t m....... - t N o. 3-J

e S[ Q I L T T P S T A T TH; . '.1 ____

135-14a~ - -.175-Auto POtew - -

f —

__Ii. 1." ..-M .'1'”

^ ' * 8 7 9 5- ' j ::^ .. ..* 3 9 9 s . ; ■“I V AN-,------------- r

^ :;..::.*4 9 9 5 - t _ :a r ^ -_ m

*4495 S - 't.....:.*6995 H n ‘' “ ”^ 2 4 9 5 a‘?'‘....:*299S W '"^ H I Z

..,„„;..*3y95 P !5®'G»399S 0

Floancinglabie (OAC) f i-on-Duty Q

A R S -

Hte^emu>utJL= = =

w agons a n d ~ ■ posrthe^besr" e d u r in g . . . ^

> 8 3 ^

KARUl-WDM O N _________________________

•u~4'Wheel ■rWago'ns—■' ==..-.ar-W eath er..............................D A Y S P R I C I ...........

w m =, 3 -^ 3 No. 3.1 a?. ; • ■

^ O U S A V I

r - w t i r - F n H s " '

Page 19: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF405/PDF/1… · Bmamin ^yTfte Tlmes-News : • andynlleaPressJnlertiaUw — A ppoint—

• |?THE A^fbepiirsiiito ttn

■ ,'make you free^vei• never, t^ c ii up iW,

Clarenco Da m w : -

-South sa^y .half tt ^ in - h ls p u rsu it of

• . • g am e;jU i% .8a W K U i him In c h a in s ..

South tb o Jf th ^ ^ ii - ■ on4 counted six top ■ ■ . T hree" m o re" mlghl • ■ from .d iam onds.if a

■■'ton queen dropped"! .spades, if W est a found wilfi th e 's p a i

r - .The finesse offered I chanceH D iaii. the d

. South lo st to E a s t’: " T — quecnTIBM rretiim ei , ^ 6 “ IurdcK-oul~SOTt_________a to p 'a n d n n w t t w n j.... — ~ fa c e -th e ~ w h o le ~ ln i

. diam ond _quecn .can

jacic preven ted Soui • rurthlni: th e suit~tw o

r -----------~ s s m r ' s m s m '■ chooses th e Indii

— ■:— :— m fgrig F - p a y a f t t y ._________ m onds firs t; When

queen drops, dum m - - itlond ' j a c ic is 'c a s h

South’s c lub queen ( — • •• - th e -e n try T C T a w m n

tricks.. W hat if th e d

.q u een had not fallei ^ u th 'w o a id • have • h

- g y y - . - .....................

— ^ ---------------


_ i z_ 1 Q 3^ - r -

j 4 i i ' H avlnga barbecue? olf that chcf;s hat! C( YOU ARE! B ecau se

A th is lsy o u r ch a n c e X . lo g e ta s u p e r b u y

o n a j o y o la !

-------1-------COASMO-COAST-/ r SALES3 y / . ' "bver 66,Ood"CARS

Wllh thai many.cars i stII .p arllc lp a tin gd e com ing in to th is m I« of d e a ls in m ind. S o ' YOU ARE and g e l a a

” K ~fof'y3CS«;If!

“ r a p ^ I s f i l o g ’ TurK-the-b-ci

___chance-C Q getan83<-a isticiter pr ices - a r

■ your d e a le r w ants to


' -Toyoia h a s g iven you — __ d e a le rs coast»to-coa!

’' ’ ^ 3 W P S |W r w v ^ ? ^

2 3 6 ^

:-V— ---------- ------------—

A : C E S - ^ bobb

'U v tb shall . NORTHiven U you ♦ K lO 8

... * 7 2

........... ........ Vf th e tru th ♦ Q s o f to d a y ’s

^ U r s n i ib ' ’— - * « „

......f a double-- Vulnerable: a -o r fr o m Soullr. Tlie bldd

could b e _ . ^ „ . _ „ _ , c - iSao queen. S""’- ™ ‘ ed o beuer ' - p ,„ - i drop, so ..JN Ti s t ’s sp ad e_______________^ e d ' a '^ i ib : U pcnlng lead S u ty jt - la g t— .

“ a - U s y ^ J o l f n c s s c his s ln ith .~ T h e — tr y fo r th r ee s] a im e turn-r-tlnm in ^ s - ' :------ BldTrttfa-Jouth from •tw o dow n . Soulh holds: i

jd iv id u a illy ♦ a 6 2m a g a m ------------------le n W est’s __ T ? , . -n th y 'i dia-^ h e d a iid . ■,in p r o v id es ' North Soiitb '*' n w r ^ t c i r - ; ; i t ---------

d ia m o n d - illen ? T h e r t~ * » < 8 W E R : Tv c h ad t i m e - m o st-d esc r ip tl

. is n o la w th a t 1________...J r o m ^ ’-holdlng

.................... c lu b su it . -

• Send brld|«‘que»l P.O. Box IIUS. D. with *eI(*«ddrcaKd

'-f -------- I*D M E E X A C T L Y #

le ? Don't tal(e ! COME AS se cy

sr----5ANDir sa n d tr u c l(s to , . _ r :[dea lers'are ,a iC -w iih -a lU ln ds___S o COME AS .a g r c a id c a t • foryo t

. •.......... .......... 1-— cars In, , • • Sa les I

~b~o'argr6 nn d r c o M E— areteL m a v b e v o u r la s i rusiln^ 83 car or tfuclc at - a r or I - a n d you KNOW „ -There' i t o se l l you o n e ! b o th c

m od elm r e c m od e l

coast, sp ec ia l - TIME”!------------ V^-- ---------------Mnutnp

s r - ^ - _ - 3 v —_____ doctor


B B Y W O L F F -_ i i

Z ■ t

m ...8-17-A u0 8 7 • * • 0

• •• - r2 • ....... ... ........ -4;

- - - - ! _ =___ Cl— EAST-^------------ '**'• '.r-:=r

....... ................. aV ▼ 1(L9 3 2_^1 ^

♦ 1008r7 ^ ^ ..K 6 J , --:•■■ ............ f,I I -------- • • • • ' ' • • - , • . O

X) ■ - J

c; Both. D ealer; _ r -Idding: - . . . il

—-North- • Eail-^— ^ ----- ----------2,l ¥ . , .P a w - — -ft

■"•2TJT'---;Pass.-, x Pass ■■ Pass

- __________ - E.*53: Club'jack «

Is spade-jack-in-a —— ;T< B spade t r ic k s .— ............... JD

— '-4B-27-B _____________ J5

“ “ 8 3 - J i' * ■' M

= 7 ^

MT w o-'clubs. The “JIptive bid. T here .............. ma t fo rb id s opener — ng a leg itim a te ----------------} '

je»Uoni‘ loThe'-^«*. “ |l«:. DalU*. TeXM 1l22i. .aed. il«mpe<l cnvtlope - ^

S S i X u ------------------------- ^12

^ ^ IT S ^ u toT W ere------------------ 11

s^ ^ ^ ^ ‘■".‘’ 5 / I ®

s n llv e s jc ^ e ll 19,000 trucks, and t can m ean very sp e c ia l savlhgs“ ^ou. And th ere arc over 47.000s in the-COME AS YOU ARE--------IS E verii.too!

iT B rinyih cw h ole-chcF — lln el You'll find a T oyola^^ M j or truck you'll lo v e .. .. ~ ^ a ^ B

h cars and trucks — 44 ( id s In a ll. All truck ■ d e ls are a t or b c ln w ;a 2 — ker pr lc es l’C h oose from 18 otas 5tlckcf-0rlcc d under

tFlSSHORTl - - -TIng'atchecfcupJiCOME-ASiYOUz ;|n_that funny sm ock i Bring t h ^ tor and th e nu'rset This S a le s

Evenl Ison fora lim ited '^ « L — LUmg.onlyl But^ou-------m 3 * , d o n ’t n e e d m uch tim e ^ ^ 9 .io -m a k e .a .d e a l! .Y o u J u sL

; ~eMcdon'nwMt«cturct«M4tewec


” ■ ' ' L


._19 ra EL CAMINO. «lr. SIWTp. ' 1- lownor.::— CMIpeC___Bnflll.l_

t24?S.-C«ll734>2e31j . i= m t o a s ® 8 P ^ r ^— F250.- "400 4 ■ speftfl.' 1 OU»l ■ 1

tanks, good'corullllon. Mtkv i ottor. aas^eM attar Som. j

4*4. • w/»tocF^f»ck,. Oood J-^ond .M ,Q 0Q fflL K i-7W ,T ■— IBTSTUlsun King C a b .S e p d ,-...T nnm rfiiiai m m g i l ___~~3g4-7491'.- • "■ .. .1978 TOYOTA PICKUP with C "sho ll. Whito spoko wneels, e

radial tiros, ' AM/FM E . casso tlo . Excellont cond. f —« w o re 2 3 -5 T 7 ^ 6 fep m . - r - \

wllh sh a lU ^ p o r condition & c lo a d o d .- Slop by_ Tfawl r

1979 C70 C hovyrN «w 3M ~ 3 onplno. 5 spd w/2 spd roar C ax ft. New 16' cofnWnatlon__i pralp S slock bod wAhoIal.,_ r

" N o w condition'throughout. 7 324-34M Of 3 2 4 .a a M .- .--^ , 1979 DOOQE . Mi-Red- g

- E xpress-' truck:— Excolloni g —condlllonr28.0(Xhnllw»rA/0;—t

newllfos.»4900.S3»«00- 7 1979 INT ■ S1900 iruCk. t

::frof»dom-<lfr5K4-tfan9r«)iOOO— ti -"’m a. 7aa.60<aar73MOOe; — - - I '


1082 FOflO » ioh“pIckup: 6 j

fe300.32fr4917att6pm. • \

cruiso. AM/FM . « # # . . . i tSflOQ/beatoHar. 734-6607. . 's

• e -ll fo s ,- 900x20.-«76 e a c h .- -1' B 37-6^eveninos.________ |

MEA^f* DEANS t966 GMC ri Van. Complololy cuslom In- Ir s id e -a n d -o u t. Now' m eui .X ilake palnl Job ,-new -gray -11

- sm o k o d -sa fe ty olass. alt~-« Goldwing doora. ^ 7 cubic o

= jflc h .-i£ iif lv y Jn 8 ta n iH rz Z 9 rn- 40,OOO orlg-m iles. Chrome ' k

m s is , doop dish, N-M tr a eries tiros. S .speod transr—r possi track rear end, AM/FM ■ c a s s dock and 6 speakers. ,

1233^Afler5pm.734.«l»4. r

= 1 7 5 = 5 n i S l ) « a e r i = 3 = i


h a v e to show u p no' onlC O M E A SY O L


O n to p o f th e sa le s ever “ o lh e r S^tw '* PCDb! u n i

th in g ->'83 tru ck s a t ‘8 2 : — I— p r I c o s 3 in d 3 c a lc r . I n ^ :

___c an s a v e Vou e v e n ijior*V alue" P a c k a g M o n 'd e li

''.?_ l^-and,.4x2S .save-you moj« |8S o n a s e le c t g ro u p o f ^ p t


JU iz z b ii iw h a c a la e l in K io T ic Th^^___^Toyotal-Buioh. whaLa.fe

a g re a t b u y o n a T oyota Iid ■

^ © Y 0nted retWI vakw l< pu tK M c?M pM i^


:— :— ^ — -'•---------

' I ■ - • '


1973 Ford Van, VS. aiilo. PS, 1 _PB . .campat— conitaraion.-----*

<3398.733 ^ 7 6 o v e n ln o s^ t ~«w u iMdge van M nverston. {•12,000 mllearCair73«9e2- J-dava.of73S^M94 avonlnoa, ‘ 71 CHEVY. Now converslonr (

- l42-lm[)0rtSp0ftaCOT— <^ R S C F E i ~ K B S r ^ M S : ^

CabrloletSrUitLeuro. s p e c : . . . certified compliance' wllh ! EPA & DOT,- Private cara. ~ Richard Powofa.3Cl-2«3-1547


cond, Mag whools. roll Oarr^— ; neods engine work. KM.

S]Corvallo Coupo. 324OB0. .

_19fl4 .VW-;neod» w o rX .-h » S -^

1S72 VOLVO sutlonwaoon. • onglne m akea-bad noise. '•■ Evorylhing e lso prelly good. P

- ^ r ^ M 4 3 0 . 'A l l e r 9pm.— «

Iflra VW B U s7 oood condl-

“ IB73’ TOYOTA'^LiCArNoW— H radials & mag wheels. G o o d ''. v

■COiMtmon. 734-2354- • ■ ^1974 OPEL MANTA- RALLY 7

, » M . Clean,: good car. 734- |;

1«S^ CHEW . I i w c

' l976 DATStJN B-210. $1200. aC a llT M -W ^ - «----------- ------;1978 Dalsun F-10 iroQt wheel]__ l

"drive, S-sprfuns’goodrJlIM ii 324-79M aik for J immy or 0

i m Mazda Wagon, Noods n rebuilt engine, oreal body A c Iniorior. Ffrst $480 takes. Call

- t97esU M R U ,2doo r.S spd .— .' -R C ; oxccond.' n400.er_b«8tt."

ol(er.73M171.____________1978-Toyola Cellca.6 T U»— - back, radial tiros. S s p ^ o w - miles. Excellent condition.-

~B7B-5aMof43M1D2.— - ‘69VWBUS, exc cond. S1900:■69 Dalsun, runs S2S0; +

t l 800.733-1408.

= J 7 5 : = A a 6 B S B i i : = 3

li-! - r f = - i 3 = Z I

IOW. w hile It's DU ARE!

ILE " - .--c>INTRUCKSI ; - i , .'e n t lS a v c a n * , y

"zsTcker '' '’'. 2 3 :' _tn tlves.tliaL ,rr:_ . ^ > re -" X traelu?e'4 jiil's ■■■■}jeth Jin -304 .. - ___p t l o n s r i ; : _____ -v '•'j

J j— - ^LCTually^pwna • _L fe e lin g to g e i- .- .a b e s id e ^

^ E t l N e i - T - 4 -

- J

1B7B TOYOTA COflOlLA •_41.000-n»lleBr-n«w-mleh«lln—

tires. "S epd. 30+ mpo,— Exeoltont n innlng oofyllllon!—

Looks like e.new car.-B498. or best offer. See at Intor-

a s a g i g p i s

— < W 8c-turW -L w B : - 43,800-'- mlle^iiJm m aeulato. S72SO.

low mileage. MTDoTcaU

• 1980 nx7 Anniversary Edl- llon .-A /c ; sunroof. am »lm .-.

1981 DATSUN 280ZX 2+2.. ,__ fully—Joaded.__ w/juntoof.-r~- ^ $11,600.Caup4-4926,___

1902 SUBARU 4x4 Stn Won.,— ’like. ^now. 19,000 mllfli,—

.-cruise 4 Ull. $7600; j M92fl,-.

1 « -4 W h e ie lD f f fe r '* , ,' For Sale 1977 Jeep . pickup. Low~mllesr S u p e r- 1

- c la a n .C a lia 6 2 0 fl9 t .--------------, - JEEP . • - . I

-H975-Od5-re<KJeepr-To(ally----- 1—feb u lll-ln —beautllftt-oono.— 1 ^ G reB l_ a to re o .8y9t,em,.-_&._.;• drives super. Haa mini top & - 'i• v4 doors + full solttop Stull -|

- iJo o ra .-C a ll-J rav e L J ro w n — ;734-2991. I JUKE NEW 1978 Jeep- CJ3. • cond. Call 734-5420 afler 6 p m ^

oood. *1500. Call 73W ra9'—atterSpm ;— ........................ .........

0261 ask forSteve. ------------ '“ IBenEEPSTER Cdnfinando:------

N eeds some repair. Good condlllon. $2000. ^ 3 4 ^ 1 .

.175-rAirtoDeilara— _____


H«..}9U. Ooor Udii • Twto.Air ContfilloAlM. CrvlM. AuMmaiK. looloHdAWhelotol ^ l ^ U ,.^ ^ ^

-•Sov* $ 1 5 0 0 .0 0 ■* NOW-. . ......................

-1983CeElNo. 2506. t ,6 Lllro, 4 Q

' Manual Trontmltilan.,, AM — ondMOREf----------------------


E I ^ N 'T i


~v<roouwr«^pi»a»iW>u<tTrenwiiiii_»t«o.lng. unorod,.Io<M relnlaMiMych.MwchMorol

r W Q W f — •

He. 7495. Pow«r Door t Inlerm lhleot W iper*.-Air..!

— Pockoa*; Aulon>ollc,-Tlll — C<»MH*r;ftoUy W hM i»,«nd

N O l t f • • • • • • • •

- THERE’S I• .......—

• ; ■

V— - S . : ....

! ~ L

— H m W w a tD r t l i----------—

• t a n Chavy p i .» ,r PR P R ^ — W buliraso. nil kii. am/fm

ste reo /

1972 TOYOTA U nd Cnilser 1 -w aoon .-oood-cond .-M ako— U . ol b i. M » i w a ll w n .— = 7

' ' ^ ^ r a ^ l ^ ^ « c o i i o m c ^ ^

S m p e r '”i a h e i i 7 ° ^ ^ ^w heo lsr Bridgestone-llree-, • bood-cond. $ 3 m . Call734-~;

■ • ?B60or 733-3965 ask for John.cnyOT»»- llg- •

~ ~ S ? w S l£ ^ 7 - M 1 3 . .

^ c o n i t o l , oxc cond. .» 4 4 « S ;' or 934.6756 ask lor Sue,____ 1: ' 1981 OATSUN King Cab'4x<^___5 speed . PS. aleroo-atrlpesr^-'

• radials.- Rep $6595. SELL $8199/Otrer.07a-3373: « 1963 CHEVY SILVERA06.~-

~ lon^^w ifl M ns?d«iradfrln — onoldet^nodolr73*4a4a.- - - - n c a a ,c je a n * s h a n ) , 17,000 ..

mllM rftke ne.w. 4'cyl..4spd. • ~ spoko whems, ex irs s .u M i. .- .T t CJ7-Hdlp.a.cyl.-#>S.-0lk—

'"co lor, brushguard, for the Hunlor,$3650,

— 7»-0j/-H dlpr-*-flylt-W uer— spoke wheels, only 33.000 miles, $5450. ............. ...

-s*-i»»Ci»,-no«.-sofiop, ‘ vmii*',' "spoko w ide.wheels.-6-oyi.— sharp. $4950. Call 733-1859.-------

__ ^Ha=AnliquaAiitoa_______— 1954~CH£V~BEtAiR; R*J

storable condlllon. $550 firm.— Csll 734-2354. - -v .— 1B0flTMUSTANG convertible.

$3500. See 2S65 Elliabeth, Twin. C^ll 734-1824.

— 175-Auto D ^ : -

s i i n iRKSONABIEflfm w m i

rwtodOI«M,l«wWMo^J^««e*r.-: -<aiK. lilt WtkMl. AM/fM SlvTM, vwirl

!T i O ,595

l e T l + i f l R ^ ^ -■I Cylinder Engine. 4 $peed AM Rodio. Reclining Seoti.

. . ^ 5 7 9 J S l

fes-Celebrity -

lI I W ‘ -7— -ir to eh«. Pcwa r Windows, l r . .S * r t Mirrors. Conqulsto III Wh*«l,-AAVFM iSter*Or - nnd MUCH MOREJ---------- ------ -


Saturday,y .A u g u s t2 7 ,T 8 6 3 \ tim w - N a

^ ^ C o l l o c t o f C a r a

- - W «ate.m ~ - ta ih o - -— fair— j G rounds, Boise. A Canadian ‘ & National Adverllsod Evenl.

H ..C lualoC arA uetlonC a. ' '50M 6«7aB.OfBQQlL:Z=:

1940 FORD 4 door. 50% re-’ • 11 'ratoTW r- local own*d“ car, b

drive home: 1971 MirtLlll u _ L ln c o ln ,2 d o o ^ 7 3 « 6 4 t: - - S

1949 CHEVROCET-plckup. C '" .very 'opod condlllon, all ori- .V

olnal.^W 274. -■ -------------p-'1991 CHEVY 4 Ooor S e d a n ^

SottJ2S65-eiliabelh,. Twin. •' Call 7 34-1^4^ _ _

' . * '.i

• a h i m a x i I

Z 3 H E f l t e 8 ! k ± 5 *400 CU. In. V-a. aulomotlc. f<

____• tM t ln 9 a ^ o lM « ..e ru i ie . ill

~ ro a - -------- ‘

i io H T K R734J340 356 Ac


IBBSCElEBRinNo. 291B. Automailc. a.S l i t

'.Wheeil.Morocm Cloth Inlerlof o

19B34pVErnNo. 3499. 1.6 l I l r^ Englne, 4 m litlon . White W all Tire* and I

: H O W ^ - ! T e . « 7 r 7 ^

g R m g

Citations - S-10

JjQ j2 9 5 a .A > ld ln o J? * o L S « if» .. Tronim lttlon . 20 Gallon Fuel T«

-A M Radio, G ogm r And MQREi-

--IMCIEVROinNo. T2563. Tinted G la tt . E Spring*, Keovy Duly Power Bra

- P o v j^ y e e r ln g. Rodlo. H

yHwm, Ty^Em ». -Bj.

1 4 0 - 1 5 4 -

- ■ 1» -A mOl .* Mfi— — - _

— - 1S2=^(rt»rB ul<*' — —— 1979 RIVIERA FW_D: lo fjl^ l •

— sE L d S S ^o ffS rreT ig a^, . 19 tlS kylark40:A /C .cru ise ..: . .

— P6<Br-00,000-mllee.-ahgp ; z - l - — «B»?9aHtT<pfn; 7a44_6_l»:;=:^r=:

1968 c a 6 e W k i o + l u r i Z T " . CadCoupe.*1SOOUk*l«ll. : _ . .

B m g h a i? '* - D - E l S '^ ^

.14x7 ;flis 9 lug m * boll ;

^ l w - 9 - W e s h i r m m ^ roM ■ , - from w a te r -fim k, brtc*r- house. No ctnffke.- *• ,

' ’.i75-Auta D«tllfi . ... ^ . . ,C

5 t e i e u i ^ ~ 3 ^

T — h C » « v r i lo M v i a r ........ic. lour w heel drive, pow er *. llll. AAA/FM.CB...td#ai-fer-

’■ . , , . . ■ . . . . . • 6 8 0 0 ' :

RMOTOfiS^ d ^ i o n A v « . W . . -

PU T I5ED!“ — -

llTV4DG0lt . : ~J l i t r e E.F.I. Engine. Till - *

= =e, 4 Speed Monuol Trens- • jndMOREI

7 7 7 * 5 3 9 8 - “

C T 0 ^ ! i


ei Tank, Pow er Steering,lEi.........

^OH PICKUP—t . Extra Copoclly- Rear ■ Broket. 4 Speed McMuai. ' lo.-Heovy Duty Rodlafor, -

^ I v ^ ' ^ 8 4 9 5 ~


..... . ............. ■ ^

Page 20: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF405/PDF/1… · Bmamin ^yTfte Tlmes-News : • andynlleaPressJnlertiaUw — A ppoint—

■i p -"-"Ti««<<iwia. IwliTha

" - : . -1 5 4 -A u t0 8 '-C a d llta c ^

' “ l9M'C«£llllac Coupo-Oovlllo..-----------Hunnlfi{|~eflnar-tui n o o ^ -

comOfflpai^»-^6-t2Se. ..

chocklnQ" ino t»ro#lns In , c lu s llled .can . pay oil

- T S s ^ l r t o a - e h t y a t e f - ' - ^

1974 NEWPORT? Qood eor]-■ fllilon, *500 o r.b flst oltJicr-, •. Ca»3;4-?fl00:- '

733-65l6ovogor678-?160.. .. •'

■ :i>l5B“ Au»oa‘ C h ^ e t— ------M U SrS E U I 1083Ct)6vy. J83 -

v-fl. A.aoot. PS, p a . . _ • , iniorior In oood ahapfl. Good

' . baok' 10 scfiool car. J400.......— r - r j r P -

i.-_--asssssys5K»---------- ^ 5 j? 9 a l lO f S ____

• 19M CHEVY SUBURBAN.— ______ ExcBllont shape.. fifl.OOO or-

, ,000 lo app rbc ia tb rvw . w u',- .asa^zosatorepm^— — rr;

1978 Chovotto KalclibaeK.' 13.000 fnll®8. Excollont-con-

------ :— gmon. Radlatg ; ? .J lu d doO -- aaow lifoa.Inelucfod. $3000.

^ ?3f^4«,6l06. ,IBM CAMARO. v-fl. 3 BPOed. .

- . g g a i s S ---------- Int,— Inttrum ont.- Loadad—

M ^ E vb-».73*-1851.

160-Auh)8-Dod09' MOTHER'S SPECIAL, I96f~

Alros Slatlon Wagon. Ftoni .Wfiofll dflvo. Powor door

___ .locks. A/Cl P/S, P/B. otc._________

1971-OodQO.part. Slonl 6 . . . Runs good. S300. Call 734- 0716-

------------if tg ^ A tih tt.f trd a —HARE‘ 1970 A door T-flUd.

' ' Now paint, runs groal. S1&00.• ■ ^ -•-tarraTdef carl trado 733-7781


finA ll o f o u r c a r s am

^ H ^ h o y a r e soTH*Toy a v a ila b lo . . . th o d e s c r ib in g t h e m o

~ H O H IE GAdaor..Via.GulQm{ aiAArlng, po w o r

-“ r D - - “’ w b V sM4 3W M A R Q U IS W;

V-e. dulomollc, DO' Ing, pow or braK«i

ito reo . air, low No. 3S97

■ W a s $55*Im-- - m - - 1 9 7 7 M ERC!

! - ■ - C 0 M n 4 D I_ ' '6 c Y lln d e r . au t(

1— tron R m ls s lo n r i ' s to o r l iS g S b r c

^ _ A M -c o d lo ^ « > ^F F M F r r r r r w o s S24«I n82

1 9 7 9 SUBi

---------------W AGON 4________ —A cylinder. S j

' ' . tron tm lision . Aj bucket se c tt , lo<

^ _______________ NO, 361* W b s '$ 3 9Te

r i i ^ a u p t i v j e

la. - _______ — -r .— —

In JL .all

i i r - . . -------


!S-. - -8 - > -x S s ^ - i

XJ73 . -

T---------- ------------ the te r

iH. .J.'.." , " ^

n. 182^Autiw--f0fd * ■JO--------------- ----^0, 1974 PINTOWAQON Squaro.

a: ~0 - 'I jS Ja -F O R E f'trT O r Loaded!

d--------- 1078MU8TANOUaHlA- .Sport odillon with 302 V-8. Pony m ags, now tune .up .'

91 . ollor. 78^34a7or7«S.2560.

leTTPoW LTD 2-doofrLlW now. Now llros, runs good.

J Call b24-2170. -________1 - -t«77 FORD THUNDER8IR0.

Now palnl. good tiros, llkos flow, black.4 rod in color.-

Qood condtlon, Call 324-3913 — or324^?t7D'i:Hlya. ""i d. _1978 GREEN LTD. 51795. Call. 0. Evorolt Lewis 733-2282 or

fs. AC. PS. AT. gooOUl«*C®r tinK L * 2 3 -W 0 fattT ^^

- li^AutoDealera

a n d t r u c k s a ro g iv e n c o m p o“y o u . I n 'S a a i t l o n . t h e y ore h o D Y N O M E T E R. A s k t h e s m o c h a n l c o ^ n ^ J o c t r l c ^

R CU R Y --------------- 1 9 7 6

EG O PIN TO Rnm ntlr pi-iwor /i-ylln^mv or broko* . iranimlf»1on,

W AGON E L G Apow or tio e r- V-fl. outom otk

ik««. AM/FM pow eralee io w m lle i, b rokei, /S97 m ag wheel:5 5 9 5 ^ 0 . 5

M l t i : 1 ^ 1 9 7 1 1

DOOR------------------- J /2 T Cl u to m a t i c v-Ber>git

b r a k e s . , n ,,.)

wmJBA RU '1 9 7 < I H T E I

M X 4 ™ = - J R A V I

• V.?*** J -V .a .-outom otK.. AM radio, 4 broko»,1:3’•h ic lo i

M U M i L ..... ’

S B i r a t immm

1 Falls. I d ^ o Saturday. Aug


jet hom e tonight can w e ( •ent out in oor back y a rd '

• ie 2 -A u t0 f l-F 0 r t^ ~ 7 -----------


1966 Ford GalailB~W T7r.~ — . ru ttsaood . U H .'A rsotBniH ' ~ Travel All, custom 1010. $700. r^- ’ -3oeat19M SnerrvOf. TF.

_ 1971 Mustang Mach 1. 351 Ike— Eng. Chromo wheats, am/fm sd. . cassotlo radio. Excollont

cond. $2500 or bost. 829-5280wkdays aftorSpm,______ ^

Iko 1972 FORD-4 doo rsta ilo n - or.' 'W agon with nitch rocolvor.— 913— A C r-P 8 -P S . Good Cloan

eondmonrCaii'n»554?.r= :— : :tll 1972 GRAND TORINO o r ''W a g o n . Excellent 351 V8

_ enoine. $299. Call 326-5880. - -

5» i_^ rebuilt^ngrT O ^ ^ B u n r o o l . tfSQO. 733-5175:


m p le to s e r v i c e o n d s o f e t y In ;

e s a l e s m a n t o shoW y o u ^ th o o l ^ o n d l H o r ^ b H h o v e h ^ ^

7 6 - F O R D ^

r R H N A B O l i n - ^ / ^rf«rQ »ton.otlg____________W ith 13n, pow er tteerlrtg colp o tk o g ^ N o rS W a - -------------- N oIS $ 1 5 9 5 ‘ W as

I M V Y , . - - — 1 9 6

CAMINO 1/otic iron tm fttlon , ^ Cylinleering, pow er 4-ipeodI, AM rodlo. AMfOieel*. No. 4649 _ ih l t e l, $ 1 6 9 5 ; W as

2 J 0 D G E E £ i 9 7 2 :

TON 4 X 4 -2-;a lr . . p o w . . . V .B 5 J 2 I

I0.N647r ^ 9 5 • ■ y j a , .5SFIR N A T IO N A L 1 9 7 9 0011

IV EIA LL , ; J L U B Iotter pow er "»iaor- 'V-B.—p o w er- e» ..,llU now. No. broke*, 4 ip-

loned point, is


---- ' ----- --- - _

^ r ■ ■ ” -T 3 a

BAYiiiniiii-tniinz ra'

iUflU8t27. t963

/ e o il s le e p .in -

------TMPfiiwtyi Lincoln v= HAVE I GOT ■ Car for Youi ■'1 47mpg. Exc. c'ondr tu-lono

: sc>iool.678-97S6.

" ■ R en ta l mari< iv. Boauii/ui •“• cor. 934-5726 or 934-4536, ------ 1977- MERCURY COMET. 6 '3 cylindor. 62,000 mUps. Good ^ ---eemd. $1800.324-2^.*’— i978"ONCaCN‘ r o w ~ C * r r r. ' loadod. oxeollent condition.^ $6000 or besl. 678-3489.M 1979 . UNCOLN MARK ' V: >0 20.000 original mllos. x c " cond. Call 324-4382. ^

1B79 Morcury Zoptiyr 4 cyl. 4 - , ___8pd.:Good,condlllon. G ood­in mpg.Call324-4048.

168-Autos - OWimoWle- .i g f l ^ p S Delta 6e-Ro^.Blo:'.

it S7200. - Asking $8700. Call 326H917arior6pm._______ __

175>Auto Dealers

SFiBBt’ I n s p e c te d b e f o r e io d e r n o q u ip m W f— : th o D y n o P rin tou t

e s j i e C I T I

rO N P IG K U P —i h lO ' / iF o o t c o m p e r . ”

’a r$ 1 7 9 5 ”ii =9 6 7 ^ H 0 ^ I

’/ 2 TONylinderor^^lno.»ed lron»ml»»lon.Arodio. mirrort Mtch. No. 4651ra s $ 1 0 9 5

5877 2 : 0 0 D G E : = =

2-TO HI 2 Irontm litlon, r tax lerlooktond--— ■— rum good. *

—n s r$ 3 6 9 5 .

lO O G E ^ iT O N

IB CA B 4 X 4 „ _• i^ tloo rtng .--pow er

ipeed .’ radio. Iwo- It. Np. 4637. '

P»*$59f‘5 r r - ^ -

i 8 i q ff fW g H - ' i l


- - IBS-Atitos» OklamobHfl :------'TRAOe or SELL. 19H Olds

Cullasa'.-Now paint, tiros.

-— ChDvello^Mfl^'or'^Cam^------- 73 ^ ^ ? - ■-■......

1980 OLDS CUTUSS. V e^ n(co-6aby comlno--Tiust selli

. »4B5 -o r boat ollor.- Coll . 702.755-9928.84__________ _

ylTZ-AlJtM-PontlK . ,

' ^trtthSr^Si*_--^)O w or. -G ood-cofitfr 85,000

mllos, Back lender mashod--for pansr'B osl of- ler. 7 3 3 - 9 3 2 4 : ^

'■ 1971 LE MANS; V-8, power • stooring,LA/C^ now paint,

AM/F^)fcaS3, tSOQ.,328-5988. -1975-PONTUC~ASTRE.. 4

••___ geaket. »596r734-M79i-------- r -

^17S -A uloboalflr8" ''-“ ;

■ ------- -Times Rutib.L l ; ^ . ^ ^ E i n a i

p| CJEEPrl—-REN vlALLUitei

■ - 236 S h o sh o n e S t. V

II ■ __________Si30

— I l a * y e w r — L r e b a l e J e c _ 3 5 d o w n p a y m * i t t .HiN O

U i

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A l l f f u l i y w

f h ^ ‘

---------- _____ o i L f I

c I G f c l

. e d b )

iSi____— . ' . F t

s . . 172-Auto»-Pontlicids 1B75 Pontiac Flroblrd 400 big 08, block, wire W**” ’

fnr. flgkTorJohn,

0 • vMork, $2000/maJ(O oiler. Call el[l_837.6520. .- __•• •• ■

~ ' j .^ A u tM = g y in o u q ^ ^" • • 1967 PLYMOtJTH GTX. 440.

Automairc- ■ transmission...

:All=]gQ2::}>t;yM0UItl:Bel«wl«i«i MO' 2D: AM/FM casse tte .'runs le r. Qood, S650 or, boot oiler. 01- -Allor6om.734-lS18..

ire-Aulo Dealersn,. ------------•' . ,WHPAYCASH

, i „ l l£ril8fi{Lp)CkUP8'A-4i4;*_:,------------ 1974ond newer;----------_____FRONTIERXOTORS

356 Addtaon Ave West-----______ 7^:8340

-7- ITSrrA^rto^iflrj;:;, .

t r r y .H i . . ^ __________Running Out!------;—

a a c j j a g = 4 ^

on '

lAULT—lANCEC - m o t o r -

j O S D M P ® Yt.W. . _7a3-289U


ballIse your reba


mow ith e v e ry n

H do-n. tsit bi't»' »J9e», inr.>».UII»* 6«

<fqrrqiiteedi(it's~rlght rV o iT

r h p a i l s a n d I m

j y : F 6 T - d M otor C

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175-AutoDMtet8 :HTg

? r . C A R Ime—11 .

an!^ ___ _ ' Squlfo.’Pnckogp. 4 |[

or. • Wo»

-WfOBDPI~ 7 door. 4 tp e ed . rodi

ju ti luned-up, groot ei

-r_ — . .. Slori't » ix .-4 -*peod . ‘ iru«k, ■ '• i ;

•' -W o f ' . • '

^ " ^ o i T I o w

^ o f j | E P i § ^

■- • M ota lllr^al'n t. rc_ ^ g lne .A ro o lth o rp

~ " 2 O H I . X - :L O O K L O O K J

CCM. . .

- — 4 0 9 S e to h d A v e ,



esftiSHii d t e a s y o u r d


Imln e w L y i H c - p u i

p e r m c

»<6t. IJ«%«prd«U>r«)pcr’MntlI4<7.7

i o r - € i f u l l 3 4 n

r w i l l r e c e i v e f i

L-pgd5,-nnd,J .iq mihgs, sp a rk pl Cp.

' TwiruFollt^^

I.. lust . 'tuned!op~ o i. WjTJ

: . M 1 5 0

I p m r a ___ . _ “ ■ ■ Ii)dIo. new clulcH. - - 4 .}pBod. ni< reo.r lo r ichool. tiro*.

IBBniPICKlIP,--B d.-good, work-^. , Powaef_bIu.

• • • « r o l r . erul*

. . ^ 1 5 5 0

f T e m c T o o k l i S o i

radisV tires, storeo, o ir po w o r’i 3rp car'wllK-39:000 mllos.

.................................« 9J L O J 9 IC _ iL O O K L O O l

r p e i Ha r r * ) o

m - V a i i e r s - im p o - r r c>enue South' Twin, Fcftls, IL


HiBiIWWdown paymew


fanwiwehesed JjjJ

U s o y o i i i a t y o a r d e w

months o r aq,f r e e o h ^ H o n g i

n i n g s . w i p e r b

H u g s , a s r e c d m i

j w j v a r k f l ^ a ^

.......... • . T

1 5 4 - 1 7 5■ ■■■I— - f- - rii«M—

175-AutoPe«ff» • ■ ~

7B T O ^ ' _ J ~

' r Z : : ; * 2 8 M - ‘ ~

\ m u m k n - rI. m etallic polnl, brond now

; E E

iD(rfMM MmiBftim lV yjgns ' '

x : -

r 0 K ~ L 0 0 K - L 0 9 IC ;

1 9 8 0 P E U G E 0 T - O -

- 5 0 K a A i l r — ^ —

*or sunroof..diosol «n- J ™

P 9 9 5 T “I O ^ L O O K _ L O O K ______

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3 R T 2 » ■; ^ a ^ ( Z 0 8 ^ 3 4 S 1 0 ^ ^

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BASIiO ^k W N i : IH i r r « b a t « ~B w n p a y a i « n t ,

a , 0 0 0 m i l e s

geSiarid;^ —b l a d e s . ___ ^ _


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